Structure of Atom
Structure of Atom
Structure of Atom
(iii) The volume of nucleus is very small as (iii) The energy of quantum is directly
compared to total volume of atom. The proportional to the frequency (v) of the
radius of nucleus (10–13 cm) is about radiation.
1 Eµ v
of that atom (10–8 cm). If cricket
100, 000 E = hv
ball is nucleus then radius of atom will be
hc æ cö
about 5 km. E= ç v = ÷ , where `c’ is
l è l ø
Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of Atom:
(i) An atom consists of tiny positively charged verlocity of light and `l ' is wavelength
centre called nucleus. h’ is Planck’s constant, its value is 6.626 ×
(ii) The nucleus consists of protons and 10–34 Js.
neutrons called nucleons. According to Planck’s theory, energy is
(iii) Nucleons (proton and neutron) are much always emitted in integral multiple of hv,
heavier than an electron indicating that mass e.g., hv, 2hv, 3hv, etc.
of atom lies in its nucleus. The total number Quantization. The restriction of a property to
of nucleons is termed as mass number. discrete values and not continuous values is
(iv) The electrons are outside the nucleus called quantization.
revolving around nucleus at high speed in Hydrogen Spectrum. If a discharge is passed
certain fixed circular path called orbits in through hydrogen gas at a low pressure, some
the same manner as planets move around hydrogen, atoms are formed, which emit light
sun. in the visible region. This can be studied by
Electromagnetic Spectrum. An arrangement using Spectroscope or Spectrometer, and is
of radiations of all kinds, electric and magnetic, found to comprise of series of lines of different
in order of decreasing frequency or increasing wavelength. The four lines can be seen by eyes,
wavelength is called electromagnetic spectrum but many more observed photographically in
which is shown in figure. ultraviolet region.
Electromagnetic radiations differ from one Balmer Formula. In 1885, Balmar showed
another in wavelength or frequency. that the wave number n of any line in the visible
spectrum of atomic hydrogen could be given
by simple empirical formula
æ1 1 ö
n = R ç 2 - 2 ÷, R = 1.097373 ´ 107 m - 1
è2 n ø
where `R’ is Rydberg constant and `n’ has
values 3, 4, 5,........
Lyman Series. When excited electrons in
hydrogen atoms fall from higher energy levels
Planck’s Quantum Theory: to first energy level, the series of lines observed
(i) The energy is radiated or absorbed by a are called Lyman series. They are observed in
body not continuously but discontinuously ultraviolet region.
in form of small packets. æ1 1 ö
(ii) Each packet is called quantum. In case of Lyman n = R çè 2 - 2 ÷, n = 2,3, 4,5....
1 n ø
light, the quantum is called `photon’.
Chemistry Formulas
Balmer Series. When excited electrons in (ii) When an electron moved form one orbit to
hydrogen atoms fall from higher energy levels another, it either radiates or absorbs energy.
to second energy level, teh series of lines If it moved towards nucleus, energy is
observed is called Balmer series. They are radiated.
observed in visible region.
DE = E 2 - E1 = hv = .
æ1 1 ö l
Balmer n = R çè 2 - 2 ÷, n = 3, 4,5....
2 n ø
- 1312
Paschen Series. When excited electrons in En = kJ mol- 1for H - atom
hydrogen atoms fall from higher energy levels
to third energy level, we observe Paschen - 2 p 2 mZ2e 4
En = for other atom
series. They are observed in infra-red region. n2h 2
æ1 1 ö - 1312 ´ 103 J mol - 1
Paschen n = R çè 2 - 2 ÷, n = 4,5, 6, 7.... En = for H - atom
3 n ø n2
Brackett Series. When excited electrons in
hydrogen atoms fall from higher energy levels - 2.173 ´ 10- 18 J / atom
En =
of fifth energy level, we observe Brackett series. n2
The are also observed in infra-red region of For Hydrogen like species
- 1312
Brackett En = ´ Z2 kJ mol - 1 ,
æ1 1 ö where `Z ' is atomic number.
n = R ç 2 - 2 ÷, n = 5, 6, 7,8....
è4 n ø
Pfund Series. When excited electrons hc æ1 1ö
DE = E 2 - E1 = - 1312 ç 2 - 2 ÷ kJ mol - 1
inhydrogen atoms fall from higher energy levels l è n 2 n1 ø
of fifth energy level, Pfund series is observed.
They are also found in infra-red region of n2h 2 1
rn = 2 2 Þ rn µ n 2 or rn µ
spectrum. 4 p me Z Z
æ1 1 ö rn = 0.0529 n 2 nm for H-atom, where `n’ is
Pfund n = R ç 2 - 2 ÷, n = 6, 7,8,9....
è5 n ø
energy level, rn is radius of nth orbit.
Rydberg Formula.
1 æ1 1 ö 0.0529n 2
n= = R H ç 2 - 2 ÷, rn = , where `Z ' is atomic number.
l è n1 n 2 ø Z
Where n is wave number, `l ' is wavelength, (For H-like atom)
RH is Rydberg constant, n1 is lower energy level, Radius of various nuclei = 1.4 × 10–13 cm ×
n2 is higher energy level. RH = 109679 cm–1. A1/3
Bohr’s Theory: 2 p e 2 Z 2.188 ´ 106 ´ Z - 1
(i) An electron did not radiate energy if it Vn = = ms
nh n
stayed in one orbit and therefore did not
(iii) The angular momentum of orbits in which
slow down
electron revolves must be integral multiple
Chemistry Formulas
orbitals are of 9 types and `u’ orbitals are of 11 energies, i.e., orbital having lowest energy will
types. be filled first and the orbital having highest energy
Spin Quantum Number. It indicates the will be filled last.
direction in which electron revolves. Spin is Stability of Half Filled and Completely
magnetic property and is also quantised. It has Filled Orbitals. (i) Symmetrical distribution
two permitted values +1/2 and –1/2. It is of electrons. It is well known that symmetry
denoted by `s’. leads to stability. Half filled and completely filled
orbitals are symmetrical, therefore, more stable.
Spin moment = s(s + 1) . (ii) Exchange Energy. When two or more
2p electrons with same spin in the degenerate
Pauli Exclusion Principle. No two electrons orbitals, they can exchang their positions and
in an atom can have the same four quantum energy released is called exchange energy.
numbers. It can also be stated as—An orbital Greater the number of exchanges, greater will
can bave maximum two electrons and they must be exchange energy and more will be stability.
be of opposite spin quantum numbers. In case of half filled and completely filled
Aufbau principle. Electrons are filled in the orbitals, maximum number of exchanges are
various orbitals in the increasing order of their possible, therefore, it leads to maximum stability.
The atomic theory of matter was first proposed A body that emits and absorbs all frequencies
by John Dalton is called as black body
e Photo electric effect : Ejection of electron
= 1.758820 ´ 1011 c/kg from a metal surface takes place when a pho-
ton of energy greater than the threshold en-
FORMULAE AND CONCEPTS ergy strikes an electron in the atom
The atomic theory of matter was first pro- According to photo electric effect
posed by John Dalton
h W K.E
e Where; h energy of photon
1.758820 1011 c / kg
me K.E. = kinetic energy of emitted electron
Mass of electron W = Work function
e Work function (W) : The energy required to
me 9.1094 1031 kg over come the attractive forces on the elec-
e / me
tron in the metal
J.J. Thomsons atomic model is also called is h W K.E (or) h
'water melon' or 'plum pudding' or Raisin Pud-
ding model 1
h0 K.E (or) h h0 m e v 2
Atomic number (Z) = Number of protons in 2
the nucleus of an atom = Number of electrons
here 0 Threshold frequency
in a neutral atom
Mass number (A) = Number of (Z) + number Energy of one mole of photon = energy
of neutrons (n) Avagadro number
Nucleons = The protons and neutrons present Rydberg equation
in the nucleus are collectively known as nucle-
1 1 1
ons RH 2 2
n1 n 2
Isobars = Atoms with same mass number but
different atomic number
Examples of Isobars 14 14 RH where R = 109677 cm-1
6 C and 7 N Ch 3
Isotopes are Atoms with same atomic num- E E 2 E1 h
ber but different mass number
E 2 energy of outer orbit
Example of isotopes is 1 H1 , 1D 2 , 1T 3
E = energy of inner orbit
Wave number
h = planck's constant
= frequency
C Angular momentum of an electron
mvr where n = 1, 2, 3 (n = principal
Energy associated with a photon; is given by 2
E nh quantum number)
h = planck's constant According to coulomb's law, electro static
force of attraction between nucleus and the
6.6256 1034 J.S 6.6256 10 27 erg.sec
electron (in hydrogen atom) e 2 / r 2
Chemistry Formulas
Centrifugal forces acting away from the nucleus Heisenberg's uncertainty principle states that
it is impossible to determine simultaneously the
mv 2
is equal to exact position and momentum of an electron.
th h
Radius of n orbit x.p n 1, 2,3, 4
rn here x uncertainty in position.
42 me 2
p uncertainty in momentum
rn 0.529 10 8 n 2 cm or rn 0.529n 2 A0 for electron line particle
Potential energy e 2 / r h
x.p here n 4
2 n
1 2 e
Kinetic energy = mv Schrodinger wave equation
2 2r
2 2 2 82 m
e2 2 E V 0
Total energy (E) = x 2 y 2 z 2 h
Wave function should satisfy the following
k conditions.
Energy of an electron En 2
n (i) must be continous
22 me 4 (ii) must be finite
Where K (iii) must be single valued at any point
(iv) The probability of finding the election over
21.72 1012 the space from to must be equal
En ergs / atom
n2 to one
The three dimensional space around the
21.72 10 19 nucleus in an atom where the probabitlity of
Joules / atom
n2 finding an electron is maximum is called an
13.6 atomic orbital.
eV / atom Principal quantum number (n) determines size
and energy of the orbit.
Splitting of spectral lines under the influence
of electric field is called as stark effect. The values possible for principal quantum num-
ber (n) are 1, 2, 3, 4 ...........
Splitting of spectral lines under the influence
of magnetic field is called as zeeman effect. Azimuthal quantum number defines three di-
mensional shape of the orbital.
According to de Broglie
The values possible for Azimuthal quantum
h h number are 0, 1, 2,............ (n -1)
mv p The number of orbitals in a given sublevel
In a constructive interference n 2r 2l 1
(or) Magnetic quantum number (m) gives informa-
tion about spatial orientation of the orbital.
nh The values possible for magnetic quantum
2 number are
Chemistry Formulas
m1 l , l 1 , l 2 ......... 1, 0,1......... l 2 , l 1 , l
Values of 'l' 0 1 2 3 4 5
Subshell notation s p d f g h
Number of orbitals 1 3 5 7 9 11
Spin quantum number (s) given an idea about Number of radial nodes n l 1
the spin of the electron
Total number of nodes = Number of radical
Spin quantum number (s) can take the values nodes + number of angular nodes
1 1
of and (l ) n l 1 n 1
2 2
Aufbau principle : In the ground state of the
Electron radial probabitlity distribution func-
atoms orbital are filled in the order of their
tion (D) is equal to 4r 2 dr 2 increase in energies.
The distance at which the maximum probabil- Order of energy of orbital
ity of finding an electron increases with increase
1s 2s 2 p 3s 3 p 4s 3d 4 p 5s.........
in the value of principal quantum number.
Paulis exclusion principle :
For 1s orbital the maximum probability is at
0.530A No two electrons have same set of four quan-
tum numbers.
For 2s orbital the maximum probability is at
about 2.60A Hund's rule :
Size of the orbital increases in the order Pairing of electrons in the orbitals belonging
to the same subshell (p, d or f) does not take
1s 2s 3s 4s............
place until all the orbitals are singly occupied.
The total number of peaks appearing in the
Anamalous electronic configuration
radial distribution curves for 's' orbital is equal
to principal quantum number (n) Chromium (24) : - 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 6 3s 2 3 p 6 4 s1 3d 5
The surface at which the probabitlity of find-
Copper (29) : - 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 6 3s 2 3 p 6 4s1 3d 10 .
ing an electron is zero is called as radial node.