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Special Report

B o r n to
Ideas for
Winning the
Game of Life

By Boris Vene and Nikola Grubisa

Do You Believe This Special Report
Can Help People Achieve Better
Results in Life?
Has it already helped you in any way?

Is your answer to any of the questions above a resounding “Yes”?

Then don’t hesitate and forward this Report to all of your

friends that you believe could benefit from it!

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with

regard to the subject matter covered. It is given with the understanding that the
author and the publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other
professional advice. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required,
the services of a competent professional should be sought.

The authors, and the publisher, individually or corporately, do not accept any
responsibility for any liabilities resulting from the actions of any parties involved.

The Millionaire Mindset 2

Born to Win: Ideas for
Winning the Game of Life
Notice: “Born to Win: Ideas for Winning the Game of Life” is a special excerpt from
the best-selling “The Millionaire Mindset: How to Tap Real Wealth from Within”,
which can be found at

The Foundation of Success

Like everything solid, you must build success on a strong and lasting foundation. Life
is but a chain of moments and your success depends on the choices you make in
your daily actions. Reading books, attending seminars, discussing your life with your
friends, even listening to success coaches is just not enough to ensure your success
in life.

Open your heart and your mind! Free them both of all the beliefs that don’t serve
you on your journey to success, wealth and happiness. Prepare yourself to consider
and adopt new ways of thinking, feeling, living and apply them everyday to every part
of your life.

You will find happiness, but only in your own, unique and special way.

You now hold in your hands the tool that will provide you with practical examples and
give you insight into some of the greatest questions controlling your success. Why
are some poor and others rich? Why are some happy with little money and others
miserable with millions of dollars? What makes one person popular and their
company sought after, another despicable and avoided at all cost? What is the truth
behind “positive thinking” and how can it help you? (Fact: The conventional
understanding of “Positive Thinking and its techniques,” misunderstood and misused
by the masses, often produces the opposite of what you seek to bring about!) What

The Millionaire Mindset 3

other traps await you under the names of spirituality, wealth and success? What
makes most people hide from their problems and how you can overcome your fears.

There is no universal law that decides your happiness. However, there are Universal
Laws you must heed on the path to your wealth and success, which is a path
uniquely yours. We must each find our own way to success and happiness …

Just because your neighbor becomes wealthy selling cosmetics, does not mean that
you will succeed in this business as well … even if you are a more accomplished
salesperson than he or she!

Mainly, your success and happiness depend on first discovering what you want from
your life and then enjoying what you do along the path to fulfilling that desire. Did
you know that 99% of the world’s workforce hates their job? That means that people
everywhere are spending an average of 50 hours every week doing something they
hate and trying to become wealthy doing it.

This does not work! You can only be successful in life if you are doing what
you enjoy. Why is that so? Because when you are performing the work of your heart
and soul (what you enjoy), you create a special vibration with your thoughts and
emotions; in fact, you create a vibration all the time! What you attract and draw to
you (people, events) is a result of what you create.

Therefore, if you create a vibration of hate, resentment, jealousy, people around you
feel it. Moreover, people will – like it or not – treat you that way!

This is not the way to success. Your job or life’s work should not be something you
hate, especially when it takes up most of your energy, your creativity and your life!

It is our deepest desire that, with the help of this book, you will discover for the first
time in your life what you want. That, coupled with the practical application of the
information contained within these pages is a combination that will enable you to
transform your life into a shining success! Of course, you will never know what riches
await you unless you begin the journey to developing your Millionaire mindset and
discover the true wealth that is already within you!

Never forget – we are not talking (only) about money – we are talking about
true happiness. Money is only a part of it.

The Millionaire Mindset 4

So, where do you begin? Right here. Traveling around the world begins with the first
step of deciding where you want to go and then organizing your plans around that
desire to arrive at the destination you seek, that of true wealth and happiness.

Look around the room you are in. Everything you see began as a thought in
someone’s mind.

Your path to wealth and happiness is no different; it must begin in your own
mind with discovering what you want, then organizing your thoughts and
actions to fulfill your desires and eventually your dreams.

There is a right time for everything. An ancient Buddhist proverb, repeated over
centuries, is: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Today, you have
the chance to recognize and proclaim your status: “I am ready, let’s go!”

Entering the Millionaire Realm

Every day more and more people enter the elite society of millionaires.
Unfortunately, only a few maintain their top position of wealth and go on to increase
their fortunes.

Your education, color of skin, age, gender or even your profession or

measured intelligence does not determine whether you become “A

The question you need to ask is, “What do all successful people have in common?”

! Successful people listen to their “inner voice,” to their “feelings and


In short, winners rely on their own inherent wisdom. Why? Because they
already know what you are about to discover, that you already have the path
to your unique success within you!

! Successful people see opportunity where others see only defeat.

If you read biographies of successful people, you will discover that they saw

The Millionaire Mindset 5

opportunity in the challenges before them, where others saw only
insurmountable obstacles.

! Successful people listen to their own inner voice and become involved
in the process of success instead of focusing on the destination of

It’s surprising how little it takes, how far a few “key” characteristics go. Of
course, it all begins with taking the first step – reading this book can be your
first step to finding your true wealth within.

! Successful people do what they love and the money follows.

Those who achieve true financial freedom, those who really make it big, do so
by doing what they love rather than focusing on the money it will bring them.
Successful people concentrate on bringing their ideas to fruition; making
money is merely the logical consequence of realizing their dreams. In other
words, money is not the dream! Money follows from living your dream, from
doing what you love!

! Successful people take responsibility for their lives.

They do not make excuses. Circumstantial excuses have no connection with

the actions that result in your success. People become wealthy and fail in
exactly the same circumstances!

Growing up in the ghettos of the world produces just as many winners as

losers; the difference is all in what you do with what you already have inside!

! Successful people KNOW the best way to ensure their success is by

helping other people become successful.

What does this last statement mean? Exactly what it says …it is, in fact …

Advice Worth its Weight in Gold

All successful people know one important fact and live by it:

The Millionaire Mindset 6

You earn money only through satisfying the needs and wants of others.

Think carefully about that last sentence before you shake your head. Nothing is
bought, sold or traded that does not satisfy some need or fulfill someone’s desire.
Make the welfare of others a chief priority in your life and you hold an important key
to lasting success. Find ways to better serve your customers, business partners,
colleagues, friends, family and others to the best of your ability. This must be
foremost in your mind and reflected in your daily decisions and actions.

Only those who consistently apply the principle – It is only by helping others to
their success that you guarantee your own – will ever aspire to the financial
independence and true wealth that many can only dream of achieving. Trouble only
arises when you change your focus from cooperation with others to focusing strictly
on yourself; when your thoughts turn towards problems or your own profit then
trouble begins.

Just learning to dedicate yourself to the person you are talking to or dealing
with, will increase your success in business immediately and substantially!

If you enjoy doing this, you will be not only successful, but happy as well. This is the
only way to true happiness: find a need (that unfulfilled, bothers many people) and
enjoy filling it. If people do not want or need what you offer (we are not talking only
about products and services, but your ideas as well!), you can waste much energy
without any (or very little) success.

This idea is easy to understand. When you act in the best interest of others, people
recognize and appreciate your commitment to them and reward that commitment by
giving you their energy (business, time, attention, loyalty, money) back. It’s as easy
as that.

Always remember: Your problems are of no interest to the vast majority of

people in your life, however, you can solve the vast majority of your own
problems by simply helping others solve theirs. People are people,
“egotistical” by nature (we’ll explain this later, but it is true!), but our problems
are not so different as we might imagine.

Even if you are not strictly a businessperson, satisfying the needs of others should
be your primary objective in life. Most of your daily activities (conversations,
shopping, work, play, family life) bring you in contact with others. You will be more

The Millionaire Mindset 7

successful in every area that involves people if you focus on their needs instead of
your own … in the process, you satisfy your needs automatically.

What is “True” Wealth?

While it is true that financial success is a consequence of true wealth, having money
does not in itself distinguish true wealth. The “truly” wealthy person is one who lives
their life according to their intuition, their dreams and their desires. They do not allow
their finances, employment status, time constraints or even family pressures that
may be trying to force them into compromises, control their life or path to success.

Some people feel they do not need material wealth, but this is “their way” only. A
“spiritually aware” person would not impose his or her personal preferences in life on
you. You will never meet a greater or wiser teacher than your heart – those who are
“awakened” know this, so they understand that your journey is your own, unique
path. Therefore, statements like, “you don’t need money,” are often just excuses
made by those “claiming” to be spiritually aware. Beware of advice based solely on
someone’s “personal preferences,” it is often bad advice and one should always
question it rather than adopt and follow it out of hand.

Only people who have money (or had it and gave it away) can tell you if money is
important or not … even then, they can only tell you a truth that is valid for them.
Would you believe a homeless person, telling you “”having a home is not important?”
Maybe they live that truth (???) – If not, their opinion has no validity at all – but this
doesn’t mean this is the right path for everyone!

People are planets in and of themselves! Unless you feel “exactly” like someone
else, which is impossible – your path cannot be the same. So, don’t try to achieve
someone else’s dreams – achieve your own instead!

You will find your purpose in life, not in giving up but in fulfilling your dreams. Do you
feel better when you are letting your dreams go or when you are succeeding in what
you desire? Just ask yourself; the truth is already within you!

Some religions teach, “You mustn’t have desires!” At least, that is how we may
understand their message. Thomas Keller, a world-famous counselor, offers a better
philosophy: “It is better not to have desires unfulfilled!”

The Millionaire Mindset 8

What the Future Holds for You
If you continue your present path, you will not need a fortune-teller to reveal your
future – it will continue to be exactly as it is now, as we said previously in the
Introduction. If you want a different future, you must change your current path
and that begins with thinking and acting different. Playing out the same losing
pattern, repeatedly, while each time expecting a different result is just one illustration
of madness.

Everything begins in your mind. Change begins with a different way of thinking.
This book will show you how to program your mind to new ways of thinking.

We are most certain you will succeed. The most important step you must take now is
to decide to believe in yourself. And yes, it is a decision that requires no judgment on
your part of whether you are worthy of that belief. You must first accept with all your
heart that you are a unique person - a being who deserves only the best in life - then
miracles will happen.

From this point forward, people will see you in a whole, new light, a brighter one!
Others will want to spend more time with you. Your newly discovered self-awareness
will get you started on the most amazing adventure of your life! You will discover the
secrets humankind has been searching thousands of years for.

You will discover a new, deep well of fortune – yourself!

And if you need some help with this, don’t hesitate to subscribe to The
Millionaire Weekly Memo, written by the authors of this report, which is going
to bring you new articles and advice on creating material and spiritual wealth
each week! Claim your subscription here:

The Millionaire Mindset 9

Everything that Happens to You Depends on You
Who or what is responsible for your current circumstances in life? You? Someone
else? Pure chance? Is your current situation the result of circumstances beyond your
control? Can you influence the events that touch your life?

Many prefer to blame God, their employer, their family or spouse, even the political
system they live in for their current circumstances and failures in life. Unfortunately,
most never realize the role their past decisions and actions have played in bringing
them to their current position in life.

Whether actively or passively, you make your own choices and thus everything
that happens to you depends on you alone.

You buy the car you want to drive and work at the job you have accepted. You have
developed precisely the personality you produced in your mind and brought into
being through your beliefs and actions. You associate with certain people, distance
yourself from others, read books of your choice and watch the television programs
you want to see. Even the newspaper you read is a choice you’ve made.

Every choice you have made has had an impact on your view of the world, other
people and especially yourself.

Every choice you make today will have a profound impact on your tomorrow!

External entities are not the extent of the realm of circumstances that influence you -
how and what you think shapes you as well. The way you look at, or perceive, the
circumstances and events that surround you is purely up to you. When looking at a
person, you can choose to see whatever good you can find or you can focus solely
on whatever you see that is bad. When you see half a glass of water, you have a
choice to view the glass as, optimistically, half-full, or, pessimistically, half empty.
The optimist will be glad he or she still has half a glass of water to drink, while the
pessimist will whine about having only half a glass of liquid left. The latter’s sorrow
prevents him or her from even enjoying the remaining half.

When considering your career or job, you can choose to see only obstacles or you
can choose to view each challenge as a new experience and unique adventure. The

The Millionaire Mindset 10

way you think raises positive or negative emotions within you that reflect in
your general beliefs, the words you speak and the actions you perform.

For instance, a new coworker joins your office team. He is young and energetic,
having just completed his university degree, and is eager to impress you with his
newfound knowledge. One person may think, “I don’t need another green-horn, wise
guy trying to teach me all the theory he just learned in college.” As a result, this
unfortunate person sticks to this viewpoint and disapproves of any suggestion the
newcomer makes, trying to make him look incapable and his performance worse
than it is. This person sees the newcomer as a competitor that could steal his or her
promotion or even their job!

What is the result of all this negative and pessimistic thinking? This person’s
performance begins to slip; too much of their energy is tied up considering their
miserable position and the threat of the newcomer. Instead, they should be taking
positive action, like adding the newcomer’s knowledge to their own learning and self-
improvement. In the end, after so much energy has been wasted putting down the
newcomer, this person is surprised, even astonished, when they don’t receive the
long-awaited promotion. The outcome could have been so much different had the
coworker taken an optimistic stance and chosen to view the newcomer in a different

You must understand that everything “bad” has something good in it. Good and bad
exist diametrically and thus one does not exist without the other tied to it. In some
circumstances, there is but a thin line that separates the two. Therefore, always seek
the positive side and prevent, as much as possible, from wasting your thoughts and
energy on the negative. By doing so, you have a far better chance of settling in the
“good zone.” However, be careful how you interpret this.

We don’t mean you can’t have negative emotions, anger, disappointment and such.
If you think that way, you will hide and suppress your true emotions. It is better to
recognize, accept and love them for what they are. These undesirable emotions are
part of you in the moment you experience them. They even serve a purpose, like
trying to protect you, warning you, showing you something you need to change and
are not there to make you crazy or a “bad” person.

Can you just be grateful for that? Can you love your emotions for how they try to help
you? On the other hand – can you also recognize that these emotions are not who
you really are; that your true self is pure love that everyone holds in their heart?

The Millionaire Mindset 11

Focus on this last part and embrace your fears with love. If you can inject a vibration
of love into your “negative” (or maybe we should say “protective”) emotions, you will
discover there is nothing to be afraid of – because love is much stronger than any
fear or “negative” emotion.

Love can influence fear, while fear cannot influence true, unconditional love. Why?
Because unconditional love accepts everything without judgment. Therefore, when
fear appears, love just embraces it … like it embraces everything else.

When this happens, fear loses its power – because there is nothing to struggle with
and no source to give it energy. Your fear feeds on the energy you give to it. When
you can accept, love and honor it, rather than consumed by it, only then can you
strip away the power it has over you.

A different view of this is – when dealing with any emotion, staying in your high,
pure vibration of love gives you the ability to influence that emotion (or
anything you direct your pure vibration towards) and it will change. This Law is
Universal and holds for people, animals, everything! However, if you decrease your
energy, lower your vibration and allow this emotion to affect you (by giving it your
energy), then you succeed only in making this vibration (in this case fear) stronger.

The next time around, it will be more difficult to influence this (lower) vibration with a
higher one because you’ve just added another tiny part of critical mass to the
vibration itself – and now it’s stronger. The more often you do this, the harder it
becomes to change (or affect) it. Nevertheless, it’s not impossible! Sometimes you
just have to be patient and persistent.

In addition, keep in mind that you are making progress. Nobody knows when they
will hit that critical mass and the pendulum will swing in another, better, direction.

However, if you know what you are doing and can trust the process – you will
find the time and energy to deal with it.

The Millionaire Mindset 12

Nothing Comes by Itself: You Can’t Win a Lottery if
You Don’t Buy a Ticket
If fate intended you to be rich, then all you have to do is just wait for the “business
of the century,” money, spouse, health and wealth to fall into your lap! Right?

Most people understand “fate” as something static – as if there were a message

written in the stars that said, “This is the way it’s going to be and it’s not up to me.”
No wonder a passive life develops from this attitude - lives where people wait for
their fate to find them and just “happen.”

Years go by before they realize that in all this time they have not experienced
anything and have virtually slept through most of their days in a monotonous routine
of work, lunch, dinner, occasional entertainment, television and rest. Each day is the
same, boring routine until the days become months and finally they stretch into
years. Not to mention, they have probably been struggling for money and possibly
survival, experiencing health and relationship problems and such. It is not surprising
that in the end, all this leads to the final confirmation that “I am not intended to live
the good life.”

Jacob Needleman, a philosophy professor at the University of San Francisco and

author of many philosophical, religious and medical books, sometimes compares life
with a jail cell, where institutionalized prisoners no longer remember their previous
life of freedom. Instead, their only goal becomes meager attempts to improve their
living conditions (if they can) within the prison walls. They may paint walls with the
vivid colors of nature, hang posters or magazine pictures to cover the ugly walls that
surround them. All the while, they’re dreaming about a better life and envying other
prisoners for meager privileges above their own. Even worse – maybe their cells are
wide open and nobody is forcing them to stay in the prison! They are free to go and
experience a new, exciting life.

Instead, they refuse to believe that somewhere a better life awaits them. No, they
would rather put another poster on the wall – and dream on about a better life than
take the chance of moving towards it only to wind up disappointed.

For a prisoner to survive inside and behind bars, within the prison system, he or she
must engage in a wide range of mind-games. The most important one is to forget
your life outside the walls. Unfortunately, this is also the most dangerous game of all;

The Millionaire Mindset 13

because its successful execution means you must become satisfied with the limited
life you now have.

If a new prisoner comes in with grand tales of life outside, the rules of the game force
the prisoner to reject them, not because they don’t believe them, but because they
don’t want to believe them. Believing the stories makes living the restricted and
limited life inside unbearable. Believing would change their attitude about the limited
life they are living and they simply “can’t afford” for that to happen. Believing the
messenger might elicit talking, thinking and dreaming of escape – but the road from
here to freedom is long.

Many people live in a mental prison as strong and confining as those who are
behind bars. They have all the freedom in the world, but they exercise none of it
because they are afraid to believe, like the prisoner, that a better life can be theirs.
Why? Because it takes courage to change your life … to break the old patterns,
change old habits and rebuild your mental infrastructure. It is easier to stay where
you are, blame others and tell yourself, “No, this is too hard. Who am I to think that I
can make it happen? What if I fail? Right now, I have something; maybe it isn’t what I
wanted or even what I like – but it’s something! If I lose this …”

Are you reading this book and thinking you cannot make it happen? Are you living in
a prison without walls?

You can find more information and advice on this subject and all others from this
report in the book “The Millionaire Mindset: How to Tap Real Wealth from Within”
that be found at

Paths to Success
Is anyone destined for success? Those who inherit their fortunes? No. In fact,
statistics show that more millionaires who preserve their wealth do so by “working”
for it and not by having it given to them. Do you think their wealth was luck?

A well-known millionaire once gave this answer: “I have been working hard for
fifteen years to become lucky and succeed overnight.” Gary Player, one of the
best golfers of his time, gave a different answer: “The harder I work, the luckier I
am.” Do you have this winning attitude about your life?

The Millionaire Mindset 14

Look at the successful people around you. Do you know anyone who relies on fate to
throw heaps of money at them? Think about your future! If you are waiting for
someone to come knocking on your door and offer you the deal of a lifetime, you
should prepare for a long wait indeed. Even if such a person did come knocking on
your door, you can be sure their primary interest would be personal gain and
personal profit. They don’t care about you, that’s your job! Do you really believe
that such an excellent deal would be so graciously offered and so widely promoted?

Perhaps you are one of the passive ones we spoke of above playing the “waiting for
your fate to kick in” game – or are you? Even a woman who dreams of a Prince on a
white horse sweeping her away on a journey filled with adventure and gifts does
exactly that – she waits! She waits for someone else to change her life, for the
Prince to arrive and deliver her into happiness. If she does find this Prince she will
then take him for granted – because his rescue will confirm her belief that she
deserves to be taken care of by someone else.

Do you know of any “fairy-tale relationships” (rich Prince and gorgeous Princess) that
ever worked out in the end? Even if the union survives, you can be certain that both
people will not experience happiness in life – because they both are trying to find
their happiness in another person. Even more – their happiness is dependent on
another person: If this person does what I want or need him or her to do, then I am
happy. If not – well, life is a struggle, full of pain …

Sooner, or later the day will come when your partner won’t want to focus solely on
your needs and you will feel like he or she is “forgetting to love you.” Now what do
you do? Should you get a divorce? Beg for attention? Maybe you should punish him
or her – just to “let them know how much you are suffering?” I’m sure you’ve heard
many stories like this one.

This happens when we try to reach happiness through other people.

Success requires action, not passivity!

Lack of Time and Opportunity

The most common excuse among passive people is lack of time and opportunity.
Research, however, shows that more opportunities are available every day for
people to develop their abilities, succeed and achieve success in than ever before.

The Millionaire Mindset 15

On the other hand, research also shows that people with excuses far exceed the
ones that choose to take action on their own behalf. Look at these real-life examples:

An acquaintance of mine, a waitress who lives with her mother, suddenly decided to
move to Australia, her dreamland. While she had been “failing” at home, once in
Australia she landed an excellent job and a nice apartment. Some time ago, she
returned home to finish some business and I asked her if she now felt that she had
fulfilled her dreams. She told me it surprised her to discover how easy it was to live
her dream and succeed. Together, we discovered her turning point was her
decision to board the plane and go for her dream.

You don’t need much money to begin living your dream. My friend only needed the
plane fare to get to Australia. Being on her own in a new country forced her to get a
good job just to survive and surprisingly, it wasn’t all that hard once she abandoned
her old viewpoints and left her excuses behind her. She simply acted. And
something else too – she didn’t care, anymore, what other people thought, which is
the second most common reason for delaying or refusing to take action to change
our lives.

You see, when faced with a situation that isn’t urgent, it’s easy to make excuses and
never change. However, when faced with a potentially life-threatening set of
circumstances, where we simply have to do something to survive, all excuses
disappear and we become creative and successful in our problem-solving efforts.

Further querying my friend, I asked her about her situation in her hometown. She
admitted she could have found the same opportunities there as she had found in
Australia – if she had both looked for them and then acted to obtain them. In fact,
she was now thinking about returning home and looked forward to achieving
everything there that she had been able to achieve thousands of miles away. What
was different? She now knew she really could be a success!

Over the years, I have worked with many door-to-door salespeople. Most sales reps
blame outside circumstances for all their failures to sell their products. It’s always
something, the location wasn’t right, their prospect isn’t interested in their product,
some even cite their own lack of intelligence or money, and on and on and on. Those
of you who are familiar with sales and marketing know exactly what I’m talking about.

Years ago, I had the pleasure and opportunity to show a group of people how they
alone build barriers in their mind. One of the groups I was lecturing to was selling

The Millionaire Mindset 16

household products door-to-door. First, I listened to the sales reps complain and rant
and then I decided to run an interesting test.

I selected a new sales representative, John, chosen because he was new to the
business and wasn’t yet burdened with the self-inflicted problems of his colleagues. I
also made sure to sequester him from the other reps to prevent him from hearing any
gossip about how difficult some specific region was to sell in.

What I had in mind was to send him to a region that every other salesperson was
avoiding, because of course, “it was impossible to sell anything at all” there.
However, I told him something much different. What I told him was, “John, the area I
am sending you to today is a great area, especially for new salespeople. It is the best
area to sell your specific products in and we regularly send our new sales reps here
so they can have the experience of achieving above-average results their first day on
the job.”

After specifically training John to respond to rejections and combat his fear of the
unknown, I sent him on his way to the area other reps feared to tread in and would
swear, “You won’t sell anything here.” For three days, I repeatedly sent him to areas
his colleagues described as “impossible to sell in.”

The results he achieved weren’t above average, but they were far better than the
results of the best sales rep from the group in each of the three areas. John was
ecstatic – in those three days, he made more money than he did at his previous
company in three weeks! After that, I met with the whole group of sales reps and
introduced John to the others. When I told them what he had achieved, much to
John’s amazement, they applauded and congratulated him enthusiastically. Only
then did I tell the group “where” John had made his sales. However, this wasn’t the
real (or only) “miracle.” It happened a week later.

As I eagerly anticipated how the group would react to John’s amazing success, I
immediately organized a motivational seminar. John’s example was perfect to
demonstrate the “truth” I wanted the other reps to discover – the essence of their
success is in their mind. Two-thirds of the sales representatives voluntarily returned
to the “Devil’s Area” where John had experienced such incredible success. 34%
achieved average results, 8% were below average, but 58% of them were more
successful than they had ever been, anywhere!

The Millionaire Mindset 17

What changed? The prospects didn’t. Neither did their buying habits, nor the
products the reps sold. The change took place in the mind of the sales rep … a
change that ultimately determined his failure or success.

Opportunities exist and will always exist. The question is whether you are able
to see them and accept their challenge in time, before they fade away. Luck
isn’t a beat that falls only on the ears of those destined to hear it; it exists everywhere
and always in the music going by. Luck doesn’t hit the ground three feet from you,
like lightning. It’s the bird – flying overhead, that you reach out and catch with both

There is a joke about a poor farmer, who, during the last moments of his life,
complained to God: “I have always trusted You. I have given prayers my whole life to
You to win the lottery. I respected all of your commandments and yet never received
a cent in my life.” God answered: “Yes, it’s true what you say, but you never bought a
lottery ticket.”

If you do not take advantage of the opportunity when it’s offered to you, it
passes you by like it never existed at all. Mark Twain said: “Those who buy
books but don’t read them have no advantage over those who don’t know how
to read.” One of life’s truths says: “People are so burdened with unimportant stuff
that they don’t have time to earn money.”

One of my friends, an architect, was building a new office building a few years back.
He dug gutters, carried mortar, plastered walls, etc. Although he usually makes
$100/hr, he wasted his precious time doing work that paid him ten times less “just
because it was ‘his’ building and he thought he was saving a few dollars.” He never
lacked architectural work, so he could have been more financially productive by
hiring bricklayers and similar professionals to do the physical work. He would then
have the time to do the work his experience and training qualified him to do that paid
him ten times more.

Had my friend been doing the work he enjoys most, instead of trying to save a buck
by doing the labor himself, everyone would have benefited. The bricklayers would
have had work, he would have more jobs contracted and the building would have
finished sooner and possibly crafted better. Additionally, my friend’s burdens, the
added worries he encountered by doing the work himself, would have been far less.
When I presented him with this view, he thought about what I said and then did as I
proposed. “Strange I didn’t think of that myself,” he commented.

The Millionaire Mindset 18

An even greater truth tells us not to rely on luck. At any moment, a situation can
change and what we once thought was lucky can backfire and turn out to hurt us
even more than the lack of luck did to begin with! There is an old Chinese tale that
speaks to this truth. Dr. Walter Doyle Staples, in his amazing book “Think Like a
Winner!” tells the following tale:

In a small village, somewhere in China, there was an old man who had everything –
a loving son, all the material wealth he needed as well as a horse worth a fortune
that was the envy of all his neighbors. One day, his horse jumped over the fence and
got lost in the woods. Gone in an instant was his most valuable possession. Hearing
about the accident and feeling sorry for the old man, the people in his village said,
“You lost your horse, what a terrible tragedy for you. Oh, what bad luck …” As they
each offered their condolences, his reply was always the same: “Bad luck, good luck
…how do you know it is a tragedy?”

A few days later, the hungry horse returned to the old man, knowing there was food
and water at the old man’s barn. The horse brought twelve other wild and beautiful
horses with him. When the old man’s neighbors heard about his great fortune, they
all thought he was extremely lucky and told him so. The wise, old man simply replied:
“Bad luck, good luck … how do you know it is good luck?”

The next day, his son saddled and tried to ride one of the new horses. The horse
threw him from the saddle and the fall injured him badly. Doctors said the boy was
incurably lame. Farmers from the village came to offer their condolences to the old
man, saying: “Oh, your only son, disabled forever, what a tragedy, what bad luck …”
The old man replied, “How do you know it’s bad luck or a tragedy?”

Months passed into years and war broke out. They collected men and boys from
every city to join the army and took soldiers from every village, but the crippled boy,
unable to fight, remained with the old man. The following week, the news came that
a great battle killed all the soldiers from their village.

An important lesson: You never know what is bad luck or good luck. Never rely
on luck to get you closer to your goals.

Do not rely on circumstances outside yourself, the goodwill of others, sympathy or

gratitude. Rely on yourself. Don’t take this wrong – most people are kind and many
are grateful, but the responsibility for your happiness lay only within you. If you
expect others to take care of you, then you place your life and happiness in their

The Millionaire Mindset 19

hands, as we said earlier. When that happens, negative energy takes over your mind
and you will feel like “a miserable victim of fate,” living your life “as others dictate.”

Make your own luck and learn how to use it. Why does someone succeed in a
business you refused to try? Does he succeed because he is more capable than
you? I bet you wouldn’t agree and would probably say just the opposite.

He succeeded because he acted! He succeeded because he made his own luck

and took his life and fate into his own hands. “Help yourself and God will help you,”
says the Holy Bible.

Luck is all around you. The seeds of your happiness are right in front of you; maybe
those that cannot see them think that only what they pay for can make them happy.
Unfortunately, many people only become aware of what they had when they lose it.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Life is a Discovery
Are we born with a certain innate knowledge or do we acquire everything we know
through experience? Do we have to experience many failures and mistakes before
we can finally come out on top?

None of us received a map of the hidden treasures of life at birth. At least I

didn’t, did you? Born salespeople or born winners, or even born losers do not exist.
While it’s true that everyone has certain hidden abilities, they must discover and
develop them or they will remain forever dormant and useless inside.

Some people gifted, more than others, in certain areas. I bet you even have a talent
for something that you have yet to uncover or fully realize. However, it might surprise
you to know that research has proven, in the vast majority of cases studied, that only
10% of success is talent and the remaining 90% is plain old hard work and a
positive attitude.

What does a “born salesperson” look like? Jason, as a young man, was always
hanging around the corner store. In his free time, while his friends played football
(which he wasn’t interested in because he was short for his age), Jason enjoyed
watching the salespeople work their magic. Fascinated by their interesting dialogue

The Millionaire Mindset 20

and the skill they displayed in the various techniques they used to try to sell as much
as possible to their customers; he watched them for hours.

Still a young boy, Jason liked to watch movies, especially ones about merchants and
people succeeding against all odds. All these events influenced the way Jason
thought, spoke and acted. When Jason is a bit older, he gets a job at the local
grocery. He jumps at every opportunity to mimic the techniques he witnessed in his
youth, but he isn’t selling anything yet. He dreams, however, about one day
becoming a great salesperson.

Always in the action, he enjoys practicing and portraying himself as the successful
negotiator, salesperson and business entrepreneur in front of his friends. Of course,
his friends complain because they are still playing football and having fun.

In college, his passion becomes stronger and he discovers there are classes he can
take to learn more about business and sales. He likes what he’s studying so much,
he spends his free time reading books about all the great businesspeople and how
they made and kept their fortunes. He goes deeper and deeper into his art, attending
seminars, reading articles and comparing the experiences and wisdom of all who
have gone before him. Finally, Jason lands a job and it’s time to prove he is a “born

Everyone is astonished at his “overnight” success. His friends envy him and comfort
themselves by saying, “That Jason, he is just a born salesman.”

IS Jason a “born salesman?”

No. He developed his skills based on his interests and what he loved. He read
everything he could get his hands on and practiced his technique for years. His
interests led him to discover a hidden ability and he developed and cultivated his
“talent” into an art and successful business. A tremendous amount of effort (though it
never felt like effort to Jason because he loved what he was doing), willpower, self-
confidence, time and other “investments” were necessary for Jason to reach his
present status of a “born salesman.”

If the power of your interests and desires are strong enough, nothing you have
to do to achieve your goal will “feel” hard. Everyone can endeavor to be an
expert in his or her field. Fortunately, not everyone has the same dreams, interests
and goals. It is essential to do what you really want to in life. Desire is the catalyst
that transforms work into pleasure.

The Millionaire Mindset 21

Generally speaking, having an above-average talent in any given area is only an
advantage in the beginning, where growth comes faster with less effort. Once you
reach a certain level, practice and the resulting experience become valuable. You
can substitute practice and endurance for talent, but talent along can never replace
hard work.

This next example is remarkable because “art,” “music” and the “artists” that perform
each are almost exclusively thought of as possessing a unique talent that by itself
carries them to greatness. However, famous artists do not create high quality
work simply on talent alone.

A pianist, 90-years old, was asked how much time he spent practicing his craft daily.
“Six hours,” he replied. Reporters were amazed. “What? You already have a long
career and played some of these compositions for decades, yet you still practice so
many hours?” The old man laughed, “Sure, that is the only way I can still progress.”

Another well-known story is the one in which a high-society woman approached

Pablo Picasso, who was already a famous and reputable painter at the time, and
asked him to draw something on her napkin. “I will pay whatever you say,” said the
woman. Picasso took a pen and made some lines. The woman was quite
enthusiastic, until she heard the price. “What? Ten thousand dollars for just a couple
of minutes of work?” Now she was quite angry. Calmly, the painter replied, “Not for a
couple of minutes of work, my dear madam, but for ten years of schooling and
experience, which allowed me to draw this in just a couple of minutes.”

All successful businesspeople, scientists, even artists have many years in their field
behind them, which allow them to arrive at the important decisions, discoveries and
techniques, which are the foundation on which they have built their success.

Never forget, they too have had their failures and setbacks, many more than
most. Failures do not have to be negative, but are instead the stepping-stones to
greatness. It is only on the heels of such failures that they achieve such depth of

Reporters once asked Mr. Kashogi, one of the wealthiest people in the world at the
time, to lay bear the secret of his extraordinary success. “No problem,” smiled the
millionaire, “I can tell you in two words – good decisions.” Reporters, who were
expecting some “magic formula,” looked at one another. They weren’t satisfied with
that answer. A second reporter mustered his courage and asked, “I understand, but

The Millionaire Mindset 22

can you tell us how you were able to make such good decisions?” The businessman
smiled again and answered, “Of course, I can tell you how in one word –
experience.” Still frustrated, a third young reporter piped up, “Fine, Mr. Kashogi, good
decisions, experience – we can understand all that, but what interests us is your
background. What is behind the experience? How and where did you get it?” Still in a
good mood, Kashogi answered, “This, even my grandmother could tell you; learning
is the basis for good decisions and we gain experience by making many mistakes.”

Good decisions are based on good judgment.

Good judgment is based on experience.

Experience comes from “exercising” bad judgment as well as good.

Do not discount your unsuccessful attempts, for they will eventually bring you to your
success. Part of the magic formula of success is – we learn by our mistakes. “He
who works, makes mistakes,” says an old proverb, which we have all heard. It’s a
good proverb to remember.

A successful person who will always do what’s right doesn’t exist in all of

The successful person differs from his unsuccessful counterpart; the former looks at
their failures with the awareness of a learning experience, allowing each one to hone
their judgment and decision-making skills, bringing them one step closer to the top.
The unsuccessful person doesn’t learn anything and never moves beyond their

Step, for a moment, into the shoes of a young student just coming home from a
dance, refused, once again, by a young woman he is fond of and has been asking to
dance for nearly a year. After coming home, he thought, “The first time she refused
to dance with me because of the way I dressed, so I learned how to dress better.
Then she refused me because I didn’t know how to dance well, so I learned how to
dance better. Tonight she refused me because she wasn’t sure I was her “type” of
man. I asked her what that meant and during our conversation she told me all the
things she liked, even said I was an interesting person. Tomorrow, I will invite her to
the theater. I will dress well and bring her flowers, because now I know everything
she likes and doesn’t like! And all that makes me happy and is great fun … isn’t life

The Millionaire Mindset 23

How would you react after three refusals – in business, by a friend or someone
you are attracted to? Would you accept your failure and give up or would you
persevere and move beyond them?

Successful people do not consider bad decisions to be a waste of time, money or

energy, but rather as an important sign. Rejection doesn’t bother them much. They
are even happy to receive a refusal, identify a misunderstanding or catch a mistake
early in the game because it is easier to correct and they will spend less energy
heading in the wrong direction. They redirect their energy into a positive force and
head out towards new possibilities.

If you adopt this thinking, nobody will be able to stop you from becoming
wealthy, experiencing happiness or being “lucky.”

Another way to look at it is: If you don’t know the hard times, how can you ever fully
appreciate the best times? We appreciate pleasure because our day is not filled with
it. Success is always sweeter when contrasted by our failures. A person that rises to
riches from rags appreciates his new lifestyle in a way nobody who has grown up
with wealth ever can.

Eastern religions know there is no “good” without “evil,” no beauty without ugliness,
no success without failure. It is the two extremes, opposite each other yet part of
each other, that perfectly balance any system and make it work. This is YIN and
YANG. Without beginning, there is no end and there can be no beginning without an
ending first. Day and night follow each other in an endless cycle of dawn and dusk,
each known only by the other – white is known only through black as one absorbs all
color and the other repels all light. Silence is broken by sound and sound can only be
heard distinct from silence.

Successful people embrace both extremes and know them as equal parts of the
same whole, learning their characteristics, raising their awareness and accepting
them as part of themselves. We should be more aware of our “shadow,” what the
American shaman, Foster Perry, calls our “darkness” or “negative emotions.” Our
shadow is not “bad,” just shows us the way: this is the part of us that needs our
attention and love the most. Thomas Keller reminds us to “do the things you are
not inclined to do,” if you want to change a habit or break away from your daily
routine and walk the path to freedom. Jesus simply said, “Love thy enemies.” In
fact, they all speak the same.

The Millionaire Mindset 24

Part of your journey will be complete when you return from the life of duality. A
duality that represents opposites, where you fight for everything, which you do
because the only way back is to decide “for or against.” This is, by the way, where all
wars begin. If you are not for me, then you are against me – to the everlasting whole
of unity, where there is no “right or wrong, good or bad, black or white” – everything
simply is. Where everyone is free to express him or herself the way he or she wants
– and this doesn’t bother anyone. Further, not only does this not bother anyone, but
everyone is happy to help someone else achieve his or her goal – because doing so
fulfills the helper too!

Can you accept such a perception of life? Can you accept a view that means the end
of pain, envy and sorrow? The perception that everything is one and everyone
supports everyone else.

Once again, we return to the question of, “What do successful people have that
unsuccessful people don’t?” Do they know more theory? We can find theory in a
book. Do they know more people? Most started without knowing anyone. Did they
have a lot of money to start with? Once again, most had nothing in the beginning.

If we neglect our psychological orientation to success (which anyone can

develop in a short period of time) then the experiences we have only serve to
separate us from our success. Successful people use the same experiences,
viewed through their psychological orientation to succeed, as signs that guide them
on their path to success, rather than proof of their failure to achieve.

Successful people are not distinguished from the unsuccessful by experiencing fewer
disappointments or fewer failures in life. Winners simply view their disappointments
and failures through a success-oriented lens and allow them to carry them to greater
heights instead of lead them to despair.

Here is an outline of the events of one “successful” person’s life:

He was 2 years old when his infant brother died

When he was 7, he almost drowned

His mother died of milk sickness when he was 9

When he was 10, a horse kicked him and he nearly died

The Millionaire Mindset 25

He was 16 years old when he took a job to support his impoverished family

He was 19 when his older sister died in childbirth

Lost his job at 23

Defeated for state legislature at 23

Failed in business (a grocery store) at 24

Elected to state legislature at 25

Overcame the death of his sweetheart at 26

Reelected to state legislature at 27

Had a nervous breakdown at 27

Turned down in marriage proposal at 28

Defeated for Speaker at 29

Reelected to state legislature at 29

Reelected to state legislature at 31

Filed bankruptcy at 31

Filed bankruptcy again at 33 (but spent the next 17 years paying back a debt he had
borrowed to lend money to a friend with the purpose of starting a new business)

Lost a congressional race at 34

Elected to congress at 37

Lost re-nomination at 39

Rejected for land officer at 40

When he was 41, his son died

When he was 42, his father died

The Millionaire Mindset 26

Lost a senatorial race at 45

Defeated for nomination for Vice President at 47 (received only 110 votes)

Lost a senatorial race at 49

Elected President of the United States at age 52 and reelected for a 2nd term at

His name was Abraham Lincoln – known as one of the greatest Presidents of the
United States of America

Your Thoughts Create Your Destiny

How important is what and how we think? Is it true that everything that happens to us
in our life is a product of our thoughts?

Your choices and actions brought you to your current circumstances. Your decisions,
controlled by your inner and general outlook about the object of your actions, dictate
your actions. Your outlook is the product of your experiences and orientation. Your
past actions guide and affect your experiences. Both your internal and external
perceptions have shaped your orientation.

Furthermore, the friends you choose, the books you read, discussions you hear and
take part in, television shows you watch and everything else you absorb from the
world around you affects your external perceptions. The thoughts that arise from
those external perceptions, as well as your reactions to those thoughts and the
conclusions you draw from them, all affect your internal view.

Even scientists say that “events that influence our condition are only a small
percentage of what accounts for where we are in life,” rather, it is our reaction to
certain events that have a significant impact on our present condition!

Following is a hypothetical example of how this chain reaction occurs within you:

You have your heart set on a promotion you have been working towards for a
longtime. Someone else receives the promotion. Disappointed and even a little bit

The Millionaire Mindset 27

angry, you try to find out why they were chosen over you. This is your internal
perception at work, reacting to the external stressor of losing the promotion.

During this process, you “discover” new information. One, your colleague has
business connections that are far superior to yours. Two, you have more experience
and a better education than your colleague. You assess the information and begin to
think; “This “confirms,” the system I work in prefers young, fresh employees for the
top positions.” It even makes you think that your company appreciates the work of
others over yours.

Now you are more than a little angry. Your self-talk, the thoughts that arise inside
your mind, now say things like, “They don’t respect me. My work isn’t worth anything.
Nobody sees what an important team player I am. I will never be able to achieve my
goals in a company that prefers younger employees for top positions.” You begin to
think there is no point in trying again. In fact, it doesn’t matter how hard you try
because you won’t be successful anyway. You now see yourself in a hopeless

You now become depressed, offended, short-tempered and come to work in a bad
mood every day. Where you used to see coworkers, you now see only competitors
and backstabbers. Angry all the time, you no longer see any reason to be in your
present line of work or working at the company where you are currently employed.

What is the result of your thinking?

You are no longer enthusiastic about your job. You have a lack of interest in your line
of work. Your energy level has decreased dramatically and you display an attitude of
indifference in everything you do … all these things, without a doubt, stomp your
productivity into the ground and destroy your effectiveness on the job.

SUMMARY: How do you know, for sure, why they chose your colleague over you …
and what gifts are waiting for you in this situation? Based on your presumption, you
are now in a really hopeless situation that will never allow a promotion. In addition, if
you continue to work like mediocre people do, you will probably never again find that
“edge” and creativity that put you so close to the top to begin with.

Why not try a positive approach to the event that has just occurred in your life?

First, you should try to find out why they chose the other candidate. You may never
find out the “real” answer, however. Thus, barring that, you should ask your

The Millionaire Mindset 28

supervisor what you could have done differently that might have swayed them to
choose you instead. Always remember, however, the positive approach needs no
further information from the outside.

Rather, you need to sit down and be frank, admit to yourself any “mistakes” you
made. Sometimes others cannot see what we’re doing ... On the other hand, there
are times when they see something is going on with us – but we do not register that
at all. In other words, there is a gap between how they see you and your work and
how you see yourself.

Perhaps you have been late or often absent. Perhaps they feel you lack initiative or
don’t take enough calculated risks to put their company out in front. Maybe they feel
your work isn’t your top priority, you are not loyal enough or enthusiastic enough
about their company or your job … you name it! All or any of these or other reasons
may have kept you from getting the promotion you wanted. Find out, if you can, and
improve your performance in those areas!

Even if you never find out the “real” reason, your self-assessment will lead you to
areas you can improve in. This gives you the opportunity to take a huge leap forward
and higher. In fact, you can view losing the promotion as providing the catalyst you
needed to realize the difference between your view of your performance and your
company’s view and expectations.

Now, you can learn more, educate yourself further, take better care in fulfilling
expectations from business partners and coworkers – with that you can improve your
image, reputation, professionalism and your capacity to lead and do business with

Had you gotten the promotion, your motivation to further educate and improve
yourself would be gone. Your competitor did you a great favor – a favor that will
eventually allow you to achieve much more than you were previously able to, given
the limits of your past knowledge. Maybe you won’t stay at your present company,
but this goes for any company you work at, because true professionals and
successful people always find an available workplace!

Look at this same set of circumstances from another perspective. Imagine you are
the supervisor that must decide who will get this job. You have to choose between
you (as you are right now) and someone younger, with the same knowledge and

The Millionaire Mindset 29

experience that has applied for the same job in your office (this is your younger

If you had to decide - would you take you (as you are right now) … or that younger
candidate? Be as neutral, honest and open as you can be. If you find these
questions hard to answer, then ask yourself (as though you are the supervisor who is
responsible for this tough decision), “How would I feel if this person (you) got a job in
my competitor’s office?” Maybe the decision is easier to analyze from this
perspective. Because this is a thought experiment, it’s easier to distance yourself
from the “emotions” that attend “being the candidate” – from the supervisor’s chair,
you can remain neutral and thus open to explore new levels of honesty.

Sometimes a company employs someone simply to gain a competitive edge.

Sometimes the difference between the skills and experience of employees is so
small that promoting one over the other becomes simply a matter of which one the
supervisor feels more comfortable with, rather than who is better qualified.

It so happens that I once took part in a financial project for which I expected a far
different outcome than happened in the end. My colleagues and I tried hard to affect
the outcome positively, but our efforts just didn’t do the trick.

My sign to leave the project came when I saw an amount 5 times smaller than I
expected in my paycheck. I left the project the same day.

Once alone, I found myself in a crisis, circumstances so unexpected that even my

own survival was in question. Even so, I also knew that, up to that point, I hadn’t
found a business that I could see myself working in for long and be joyful doing it. I
had yet to discover a business, in fact, that I enjoyed as much as, say, my favorite
hobbies. I asked myself, “What do I want to do today and what would I like to be
doing twenty years from now?” In writing out the answers that came to me, I began
to discover my areas of interest and skill and even ways that I could put them to work
to profit from them, or at least make a living. Soon, the path began to appear all by

Accidentally, I stumbled across the address for an organization that did Business
Consulting. I called them and offered my knowledge and experience, because that is
something I’ve been doing for years – advising people on how to profit from their
current circumstance – but until now, I had provided this counseling free. After the

The Millionaire Mindset 30

second interview, they hired me to run their seminars – it’s funny how well we
clicked, right from the beginning.

I knew this was my chance and I prepared, as thoroughly as possible, for my first
session. The results were more than excellent! I gave my first, independent seminar
to a packed house, so full, in fact, the company decided I should give a repeat
session as soon as possible.

In the beginning, I only conducted a few seminars each month. However, it wasn’t
long before I was able to choose when, with and for whom I would work. I felt this
was it and I still feel that way today!

I will never forget the people that helped me make this happen, including the
financial project that got me started on my correct path by what seemed liked a
disaster at the time. What I have realized since then is how much knowledge I
gained from that failed project. In fact, I could never be where I am today without it.
My decision to leave was right, for that moment, and among the best business
choices, I have ever made.

Always look at the positive side, even if your company fires you!

Given that circumstance, there is something that you now have the opportunity to do,
that you could not take advantage of while working for the same company or doing
the same job. Collaborate with organizations that will help you “to get up on your
feet” or even take you further in your current line of work. Many places offer such
support free.

Therefore, you see, everything that happens in your life is ultimately the product of
what and how you think and especially your reactions to your thoughts and the
events they arise from. You can control what and how you think about anything and
because of this, you can control your destiny and even predict what events and
experiences the universe will bring you.

The Millionaire Mindset 31

The Plan for Achieving Wealth, Success and

1. Consciously, follow your thoughts for one day. Discover and write down the
questions you pose to you – those that give you power and those that take it

2. Begin writing daily in a Diary of Experiences. It should contain the following.

List the good events that happened today.

List at least 5 things that happened today that you are grateful for and why.

Write about at least one event that happened today that you wished you had
reacted differently to and how you would like to react to that situation in the
future (be specific because it WILL occur again in some form). Ask yourself,
“What message does this experience bring me?” Write down the answer that
comes to you.

ATTENTION! Do not ask yourself why something happened. Sometimes, the

answer to that question is not obvious or ready to reveal itself to you. Still caught
up in moving through it, you are not looking at the event from the soul (yet), but
rather still viewing it from the personality. Just believe – everything that is
happening is for your own good. Thomas Keller, who played an instrumental
part in helping me with my personal growth, says there is always only one answer
to the question “Why?”

“Because God understands ... and because God is love.” Therefore, if you
simply believe, you don’t need an explanation of why!

3. For everything that happens, specifically ask, “Why is this good? Where does
it lead me? What must I learn from this?

The Millionaire Mindset 32

4. There is only one solution for the occurring events and circumstances that
drain your power, life energy and motivation – ask yourself the question, “What is
the fastest way to get beyond this?” and move forward.

5. When you feel the urge to help someone, ask yourself, “Did he or she ask me
for help?” If the answer is no, then you will help them best by trusting they can
solve the problem on their own. However, when someone specifically asks for
your help, respond immediately. Sometimes, helping someone or accepting help
from someone is a learning experience for both.

Maybe this experience is just what you both need to set you free of certain
patterns and mindsets that have slowed your personal growth and prevented you
from moving forward. Trust! By the way – this also goes for helping older people
and children – of course, you take care of children until they can stand on their
own feet, but then they must find their own way and live “their” own life. Thomas
Keller asks, “Are you worried about your children (parents or spouse) or are
you caring for them and trust in their success?” There is a difference
between “worry” and “care.” The difference is in the energy you give and it is

6. Here is a technique for raising your self-confidence. Do the following exercise

and answer all questions honestly:

a) Call to mind all the successful events you have experienced in your life.
Surely there are many things (personal, educational, business) from your birth
until now that you are proud of. Take a moment to relive them now. (Can you see
the power of “posing” the right questions?)

b) Think about the people you have met in your life, since you were a child –
school, vacations, business trips, social events, hobbies, intimate life, etc.

c) Now, answer this: Of all the people you remembered in the previous question,
who among them could realize what you have realized in life as successfully or
more successfully as you have? Be honest! This is not about self-praising (which
is another pattern given to us: you should not think arrogantly of yourself), it is
about recognition!

The Millionaire Mindset 33

Did your answers surprise you? Write them all down so you can go back and
read them, whenever necessary, for encouragement.

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The Millionaire Mindset 34

What is the greatest obstacle to your
by Joe Vitale

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wondered why some people are wealthy while others --- maybe
even you --- are not?

Have you ever noticed that wealthy people aren't always the most educated, the
hardest working, or even the smartest?

Have you ever wondered what wealthy people have in their minds that maybe
others, even you, may not have right now?

I've been in marketing for more than twenty years now. I've seen some people go on
to great success. Many have become millionaires.

Yet still others --- using the same principles they learned from the same sources ---
aren't doing very well. Some even went bankrupt.

What's the difference?

Is it really luck?

Take two people. They can even be a set of twins born of the same parents, with
similar backgrounds, experience, and education.

Give them both the same set of tools. Let's say you give them both a shiny new
hammer, a box of nails, and a few planks of wood.

What will you discover?

One will do well. The other may not.

One may build a dog house.

The other may not build anything at all, saying "I'm not a carpenter."

One may build a lemonade stand and go into business.

The Millionaire Mindset 35

The other may build a stool and sit on it.

Again, what's the difference?

The key is in the person, not in the tools!

In short, the person who does well has an inner set of beliefs --- a mindset, if you will
--- that will help them achieve anything they want no matter what tools they are

And that's what the wealthiest people today have: A millionaire's mindset. An inner
wiring that directs them, almost automatically, to make money and achieve their

In short, wealthy people are programmed for success.

And that's why wealthy people tend to become wealthier. Their wealth helps them
have an inner magnet turned on for even more wealth.

For example, I once interviewed a man who created a website from scratch that now
makes several million dollars each and every year. When I asked him how he did it,
he simply said, "I saw the opportunity."

How did he "see" it?

When I researched P.T. Barnum, the great showman and marketing genius, I saw
again and again that he had a mindset that helped him see money-making
opportunities. Others looked at the same situations but only saw the superficial.

How did Barnum get a brain "turned on" for opportunities?

Again and again I've worked with clients who would take my ideas and make money
with them. But others took the same ideas but didn't make a dime. Why?

I finally realized that success is more internal than external.

I finally learned that it's not the tools, it's the person, who determines their own level
of success.

Wealthy people somehow have an inner software in their brain that helps them
naturally attract the success they desire.

Believe it or not, wealth first comes from within.

The Millionaire Mindset 36

Now here's the best news of all:
Until now, that inner mindset remained aloof. You could read about people who had
it, but learning how to program someone to have it --- including yourself --- was
virtually impossible.

Until now, that is.

Thanks to two Slovenian businessmen, you, I, and anyone with a few dollars to
invest in this once secret knowledge, can now begin to acquire "The Millionaire's

I'm so excited about their book that I'm not sure where to start telling you about it.

Let me pull a few paragraphs from my own

foreword to the book:
You never know what your email will bring you. In August of 2001, I received the
following message. It changed my life:

"I am an owner of a web services company in Slovenia, Europe.

"One of my Slovenian business partners (my off-line business is located in Europe,

Slovenia, my county of origin) that has not only become an European MLM legend,
but is also a member of many international negotiating groups on a B2B and national
levels, a speaker at many international conventions, is also a Slovenian bestselling
author of the most successful Slovenian book "The Millionaire's Mindset."

"Mr. Boris Vene co-authored this book with Nikola Grubisa, another internationally
acknowledged marketer. It is difficult to explain how well this book did in Slovenia
just by sheer numbers. It has sold 10,000 hard-copies on a 2,000,000 market (the
population of Slovenia) without any direct marketing, only word-of-mouth and articles
of praise that were printed in Slovenian newspapers (not promotional articles).

"2,000 of these 10,000 copies sold were purchased by Slovenian business-men that
chose to give it away to their business partners as a gift (the book sells for $30 USD
here in Slovenia), it's also at the top of the Amway recommended reading list (but the
book itself is not on multi-level marketing). We are also just preparing an e-book
version of the book for the Slovenian market, and the hard-copy is just entering its
third release with 1,000 pre-orders before the book even entered print.

The Millionaire Mindset 37

"This book undoubtedly has great potential for the US market. Based on Slovenian
sales we could even expect sales from 1,000,000 to 1,600,000 hard-copies sold in
the US.

"But, we need a publisher for the print and e-versions..."

And that's why they were writing me. They were hoping I would want to publish this
successful book.

Was I interested? Was I? Of course! With the numbers he gave in that email, I
wanted to see the book. So I asked for a copy.

I read it. And I was stunned. Here was a book with how-to techniques, positive
philosophy, an up-lifting message, and a practical bent to it. It talked about human
nature, as well as business and even spirituality. It was like the best of every
business and self-help book I had every seen while still being entirely fresh, new,
inspiring and practical.

And this book sold where? In Slovenia? I had never heard of it before. I'm told it's a
small country right above Italy. Well, if it's near Italy, it's got to be good.

I quickly decided that I wanted to be the one to bring this book to Americans. After
nearly a year of translating the book, refining some of the book's messages to be
clear for the Western audience, and settling on our deal, I'm proud to say the e-book
version is done.

But there's also something else wonderful about this book.

It's been blessed. A famous spiritual teacher, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, signed the front of
it. You'll see his digitized signature in the book. In a sense, he infused the book with
his own magical power. That alone, for a book touted to be pure business, is rare.

Any way you look at it, you're about to read a treasure. Let it touch your mind, stir
your soul, and awaken "The Millionaire's Mindset" within you.

The Millionaire Mindset 38

I'm not the only one to love this book. Consider
these endorsements from people from around the
"Vene and Grubisa have put it ALL together. This is a brilliant book that will put
anyone on the path to wealth and happiness. It's worth 100 times the price and you
will read it again and again!"

-- Kevin Hogan, Author of "The Psychology of Persuasion" and "Irresistible


"I've read many books on success but this one is one of the best. It combines what
I'd call practical principles with action steps to truly bring a very positive direction to
your life. It draws on many spiritual concepts in a very grounded way to make you
think and act like a successful achiever. And once you have these principles as part
of your belief system, you'll be amazed at the miracles that will take place in your

-- Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation and JS&A Group, Inc.

"I have just completed reading the Millionaire Mindset. This is absolutely the best
book I have ever read, I mean absolutely. Boris Vene and Nikola Grubisa have done
it. It is crystal clear, inspiring, easy joyful reading, highly practical and hands-on,
written in a surprisingly fresh and concise style, and - they skillfully managed -to put
it ALL together in one priceless and precious Masterpiece. Well, this is a 400 + page
book! Read it slowly, savour it, enjoy and you will love it- then put it to work the very
next day ... Simply, this book is a must for everyone! A Million $$ seller."

-- Dr. Reinhard M. Stern, President/Swiss Overseas (USA) Inc./New York, NY USA

"Many books have been written about achieving prosperity, but very few can match
the special contents of 'The Millionaire's Mindset'. The authors take you on a
fascinating journey about the principles of prosperity. They not only tell you why but
they also show you how. This book is a real treasure and you'll find yourself referring
to it over and over again."

-- John Harricharan, award-winning author of "When You can Walk on Water, Take
the Boat."

The Millionaire Mindset 39

"Unforgettable! This is one of those rare books that everyone will still be talking about
100's of years from now. When it's out-of-print and hard-to-find you'll see copies of it
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wouldn't sell it for any price. This book will change you life, mind and finances for the
better. What are you waiting for? You better buy your copy before it becomes a
valuable collector's item."

-- Larry Dotson, Co-author of the e-book "Hypnotic Selling Tools"

"The Millionaire Mind-Set will be an invaluable resource for anyone who is ready to
seize control of their financial future. The writing couldn't be more clear, the
information more important or the message more inspiring. It is without a doubt one
of the most powerful books of its kind that I have ever read."

-- Blair Warren, author of "The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion"

"A valuable and sage review of what it really takes to become a millionaire and break
free of the bonds of limited thinking. If you're tired of waiting for good things to
happen to you and ready to start MAKING things happen, this book will give you the
inspiration and guidance you need to move up to the next level!"

-- David Garfinkel, co-author,

"Big books usually contain a lot of filler. Not this one. Every single thing here is
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you could swear the authors must live right down the street. User-friendly, savvy and
powerful. Get this book. Read it. Then unleash your forgotten power."

-- Charles Burke,

Now let me give you a small taste of what you'll

find in this amazing new e-book:
• How can you CREATE wealth when buying a car?

• How to turn $16,000 into $1,000,000 (Anyone can do it!)

The Millionaire Mindset 40

• What really creates your reality? (You may be surprised!)

• How the law of exponential returns helps, or hurts, you

• What is the doorway to your subconscious mind?

• What is a direct link to your inner mind?

• Can your mind prevent you from realizing your dreams?

• A magic solution for anyone plagued by failure

• What really creates your self-image?

Besides all of the above, you will also discover such

breakthrough insights as these:
• Your own plan for achieving wealth, success and happiness

• The Secret to setting goals that Really Works

• Why bankruptcy can sometimes be good

• How the Law of Income Can Make You Wealthy

• Why selling and communicating are so important

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I can continue with an overwhelming amount of evidence that this book will help you
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This bonus alone is easily worth $99.

The Millionaire Mindset 41

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And remember ---

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Get this book right now. Read it. Soak it up. Use it.

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The Millionaire Mindset 42

You'll begin to see small changes, at first.

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But you will see something!

So here's your guarantee:

Order "The Millionaire's Mindset" right now. You'll get access to the PDF file of it ---
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Will you order right now?

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the road to wealth.

If not, let me ask you a question:

Are you not going to order because of skepticism? You don't believe the book will
work --- or at least work for you?

I once felt the same way. Before I saw the book, I figured everything I read about it
was hype just designed to sell me on it.

But then I read the book.

I now so love it that I decided to be the sole US publisher of it!

And consider this:

The authors of "The Millionaire's Mindset" say this in their book:

"Your rational mind is the greatest obstacle to your success."

Think about that.

The Millionaire Mindset 43

Right now your rational mind is talking to you...

It's saying, "I don't believe this."

Or maybe, "I bought books on wealth before and they didn't work."

Or even, "I WANT to believe you but what if you're wrong?"

Again, remember what the authors say:

"Your rational mind is the greatest obstacle to your success."

If you allow your rational mind to stop you, then you're defeated.

You'll keep on doing what you've always done and keep on getting the results you've
always gotten. You will have allowed your rational mind to talk you out of your own
possible success.

So maybe the question to ask yourself is this:

If your rational mind is trying to protect you, what is your higher mind trying to
tell you to do right now?

If it's saying, "Get this book and all those free bonuses," then click here:

And if it's saying, "Skip this. It's not for you," then do what it says. Always follow the
high ground.

The choice, as always, is yours.

I trust you'll decide what's right for you.

Either way, I wish you an exhilarating and prosperous life.


Joe Vitale

#1 Best-selling author, "Spiritual Marketing"

CEO, Hypnotic Marketing, Inc.

PS -- Remember, you can have all the free bonuses only if you order the book right
now. And yes, your satisfaction is fully guaranteed. Click here and change your life

The Millionaire Mindset 44

PPS -- Is your rational mind preventing you from achieving your own success? Most
of the wealthiest people alive listened to their intuition. What is your gut urging you to
do right now? Click here to order!

The Millionaire Mindset 45

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The Millionaire Mindset 46

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