MQP1 18ME44 ATD OBE Format JUNE2021
MQP1 18ME44 ATD OBE Format JUNE2021
MQP1 18ME44 ATD OBE Format JUNE2021
FOURTH Semester B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Semester End Examination, SEE, MAY/JUNE 2021
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Time: 3 Hours (Model Question Paper – 1) Maximum Marks: 100
Instructions to students:
1. Answer ANY ONE FULL question from EACH UNIT.
2. Use of Thermodynamics Data Hand Book and Steam Tables are permitted.
3. Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed.
Q. No. Question Marks CO
1. (a) Define detonation and list the factors affecting it. 04 CO1 L1
(b) Explain how the indicated power of a multi cylinder engine can be 06 CO1 L2
measured using Morse test.
(c) A two cylinder CI engine with a CR of 14:1 and the cylinder 08 CO1 L3
dimensions 200 x 250 mm2 works on two stroke engine cycle and
consumes 14 kg/hr of fuel while running at 300 rpm. The relative and
mechanical efficiencies are 65% and 76% respectively. The fuel
injection is affected up to 5% of stroke. If CV of fuel is 41800 kJ/kg,
calculate the mep developed.
2. (a) With a neat p-θ diagram, list the stages of combustion in SI engines. 04 CO1 L1
(b) With usual notations, obtain an expression for air standard efficiency of 06 CO1 L2
diesel cycle in terms of specific heat ratio, compression ratio and cut-
off ratio.
(c) From the p-V diagram of an engine working on Otto cycle, it is found 10 CO1 L3
that the pressure in the cylinder after 12.5% of the compression stroke
is completed is 1.4 bar, and after 62.5% of the compression stroke is
completed, the pressure is found to be 3.5 bar. The maximum cycle
temperature is limited to 10000C. If the compression process is
according to the law pV1.35 = constant, and the expansion process is
isentropic, find the compression ratio, the work output per unit mass of
air and the thermal efficiency. Assume the minimum temperature in the
cycle to be 270C.
3. (a) Draw a schematic diagram of a gas turbine plant and explain its 06 CO2 L1
working. Represent the cycle on p-v and T-s diagrams.
(b) Derive an expression for the optimum pressure ratio for the maximum 06 CO2 L2
work output of an ideal Brayton cycle.
(c) In an open cycle constant pressure gas turbine, air enters the 08 CO2 L3
compressor at 1 bar and 300 K. “The pressure of air after compression
is 4 bar. The isentropic efficiencies of the compressor and turbine are
78% and 85% respectively. The air fuel ratio is 80:1. Calculate the
power developed and thermal efficiency of the cycle if the flow rate of
air is 2.5 kg/s. Take Cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK and γ = 1.4 for air and Cp =
1.147 kJ/kg K and γ = 1.33 for gases, Calorific value of fuel = 42000
4. (a) With a neat schematic diagram, explain the turboprop engine and list 06 CO2 L1
the advantages of a turboprop engine.
(b) With usual notations, derive an expression for the thermal efficiency of 06 CO2 L2
an ideal Brayton cycle taking into account isentropic efficiencies of
compressor and turbine.
(c) In a gas turbine power plant, working on the Brayton cycle with a 08 CO2 L3
regenerator of 75% effectiveness, the air at the inlet to the compressor
is at 0.1 MPa, 300C, the pressure ratio is 6, and the maximum cycle
temperature is 9000C. If the turbine and compressor have each an
efficiency of 80%, find the percentage increase in the cycle efficiency
due to regeneration.
5. (a) List the methods of improving the performance of a Rankine cycle. 06 CO3 L1
Show the cycles on T-s diagram.
(b) Explain the supersaturated flow in steam nozzle with h-s diagram. 06 CO3 L2
(c) A Rankine cycle operates between pressure of 80 bar and 0.1 bar. The 08 CO3 L3
maximum temperature is limited to 5000C. If the steam turbine and
condenser pump efficiencies are 0.9 and 0.8 respectively, determine
specific work, thermal efficiency and work ratio.
6. (a) With neat schematic sketches explain different types of steam nozzles. 06 CO3 L1
(b) With usual notations, derive the expression for thermal efficiency of an 06 CO3 L2
ideal reheat Rankine cycle. Draw the schematic diagram and show the
cycle on T-s diagram.
(c) In a Rankine cycle, the steam at inlet to turbine is saturated at a 08 CO3 L3
pressure of 35 bar and the exhaust pressure is 0.2 bar. Determine: (i)
The pump work, (ii) The turbine work and (iii) The condenser heat
7. (a) List out the assumptions made to derive the expression for work input 04 CO4 L1
to a multi-stage compressor without clearance volume.
(b) Derive an expression for minimum work input of ‘z’-stage compressor 06 CO4 L2
and show that it is equal to
n −1
zn p zn
Wmin = p1V1 z +1
− 1
n −1
(c) A single stage double acting air compressor is required to deliver 14 m3 10 CO4 L3
of air per minute at 1.013 bar and 150C. The delivery pressure is 7 bar
and speed 300 rpm. Take the clearance volume as 5% of swept volume
with the compression and expansion index n=1.3. Calculate (i) Swept
volume of the cylinder and (ii) Delivery temperature.
8. (a) For a 2-stage compressor without clearance volume, explain perfect 04 CO4 L1
and imperfect intercooling with p-V diagrams.
(b) For a compressor derive the following (i) Volumetric efficiency in 06 CO4 L2
terms of clearance ratio and (ii) Condition for minimum work.
(c) A 2-stage air compressor with a perfect intercooling takes in air at 1 bar 10 CO4 L3
and 270C. The law of compression in both the stages is pv1.3 = constant.
The compressed air is delivered at 9 bar. Calculate the heat rejected to
the inter cooler. Compare the values if compression carried out in
single stage compressor.
9. (a) Define the following terms: (i) Dry bulb temperature (ii) Wet bulb 08 CO5 L1
temperature (iii) Relative humidity (iv) Degree of saturation.
(b) Determine the theoretical COP for a CO2 machine working between 12 CO5 L3
pressure limits of 65bar and 30.2bar. The CO2 during the suction
stroke has a dryness fraction of 0.6. How many tons of ice would a
machine working between the same limits and having a relative COP of
40% make in 24hrs? The water for the ice is supplied at 150C and the
compressor takes 6.8kg of CO2 per minute. Latent heat of ice is
335kJ/kg. The properties of CO2 are as follows:
10. (a) Draw a neat diagram of the vapour absorption system of refrigeration 08 CO5 L1
including all the auxiliaries to improve its performance. Briefly explain
its principle or working.
(b) An air condition system is designed under the following condition: 12 CO5 L3
Outdoor condition – 30 C DBT, 75% RH, Required indoor conditions –
220C DBT, 70% RH, Amount of free air circulated – 3.33 m3/s, Coil
Dew point temperature – 140C.The required condition is achieved first
by cooling and dehumidification and then by heating. Estimate (i)
capacity of cooling coil in TR (ii) capacity of the heating coil in kW.
*Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: L1-Remembering, L2-Understanding, L3-Applying, L4-Analyzing,
L5-Evaluating, and L6-Creating.