New Holiday Homework Class Xii

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1(a)Name the charge carriers in each of these:copper,silicon, ionized gas and Hg at very low
temperature. (b)Electrons are continuously in motion through a conductor even then there is no
current through a conductor until a cell is connected across the conductor, explain why?

2. If electrons drift in a metallic conductor is from lower to higher potential, does it mean all the
electrons in conductor are moving in same direction. Electrons drift speed is very small even then
current is established in a long circuit immediately the circuit is closed, explain why?

3. What are the nature of path of free electrons in a metal conductor in the presence and in the
absence of electric field across the conductor. Force due to electric field should accelerate electrons
in a conductor then why do all the electrons have an average drift speed only. Electrons are always in
motion in a conductor. Why there is no current through it,explain.

4. Is the relation V=I R always ohm’s law, if not explain in what cases it does not follow Ohm’s law. Is
this law applicable for all conductors of electricity.State three limitations of ohm’s law and explain why
the V-I curve deviates from straight line at higher value of current?

5. Draw two I –V graphs for(i) a conductor at two different temp.Which graph shows higher temp. (ii)If
drawn for two identical conductors,one made of copper and other of nichrome. Which graph is for
copper wire.(iii) for series and parallel combination of two resistances, which one shows parallel

6. Draw I-V graph for some specific semiconductor Ga-As, identify the region in which graph follows
ohm’s law, shows positive resistance, negative resistance. Why and which type of materials should
be used for making standard resistance wire used in meter bridge and potentiometer.

7. A copper and a nichrome wire of same thickness also have same resistance, verify which wire is
longer. state the two factors due to which we prefer nichrome as a standard resistance wire.

8. Define emf of a cell,state it’s S.I unit. Can we find emf of a cell accurately using voltmeter, if not
state the reason. Name the factors on which emf of a cell depends. Name the instrument which you
will prefer to measure it and why. State the reason why the voltmeters have high resistance and
ammeters have low resistance.

9. State the condition when terminal voltage across a cell is less than it’s emf. Plot the variation of this
potential difference across the cell with the increasing current drawn from the cell,increasing load
resistance.Mark the intersecting points of these graphs on X and Y axes?

10. A wire connected to a cell of constant emf. If the wire is stretched to increase it’s length by 200%.
Calculate change in it’s resistivity and resistance,drift speed and current density.

11. State the principle of working of meter bridge. Why do we use thick metal copper strips for
connection between two resistance in meter bridge experiment. How you will use this instrument to
find specific resistance of a wire.
12. Is the measurement of unknown resistance using meter bridge more accurate than ohm’s law,
explain why? What is zero error in meter bridge experiment, how do we minimize this error.Why we
can not find very high or very low value of resistance using meter bridge.

13. Describe Kirchhoff’s current and voltage law, and state the principle of their working. Use the
voltage law to find terminal voltage across a cell of emf E and internal resistance r connected to a
variable load resistance R. Also plot the graph between these two.

14. Mention the two important precaution and one limitation while performing meter bridge
experiment. State the condition when meter bridge is most sensitive. Why we prefer balance point at
the middle of meter bridge wire? What is the effect on the balancing length if the diameter of meter
bridge wire is doubled.

15. State the principle of working of potentiometer.Why emf of driver cell should always be greater
than experimental cell. Why the potentiometer wire should have uniform thickness and resistivity.
Why the current through this wire should not be passed for long time?

16. Drawing the circuit diagram compare the emfs of two cells using potentiometer. Plot a graph
between l1 and l2 . What does the slope of this graph indicate.

17. Define the term drift velocity, mobility and relaxation time of electrons, how these are changed
with rise in temp and potential difference applied across the conductor. 17. Why does a heater wire
becomes hot when current is passed through it and no heat in the wires used in electrical fittings.
When does a cell of emf E and internal resistance r supplies maximum output power across a load
resistance R. Find the value of this maximum power.

18. Establish a relation between current and drift speed hence show that current density is directly
proportional to drift speed. Explain why the average speed of free electrons remain constant, even if
these are accelerated by applied electric field.

19. Derive an expression for drift speed in terms of relaxation time. State how does drift speed of free
electrons is changed if potential difference applied across a given conductor is doubled?

20. Deduce ohm’s law in vector form.Obtain an expression for resistivity and resistance of a
conductor .State the factors on which resistance and resistivity of a conductor depend.

21. A conductor of length L is connected across a supply of V volt, if supply voltage remains
unchanged, then discuss the effect on Free electron density, resistance, resistivity,current, current
density, drift speed of electrons and electric field across the conductor length of conductor is doubled
by stretching it (ii) another conductor of double the original length is connected?

22 . Explain the term resistivity of a conductor.Give its S.I unit. How and why the resistivity of
conductors and semiconductors vary with temperature. Show graphically the variation of resistivity of
these with rise in temperature.Write an expression for variation of their resistivity with temperature.

23. State how does the product of resistivity and conductivity does not change with temperature.
Define the term temperature coefficient of resistance on the basis of resistance –temperature graph
and give the sign for temp coefficient of resistance of copper carbon and constantan?
24. Three conductors of conductanceG1 , G2 and G3 are connected in series and parallel
respectively, find their equivalent conductance in each combination.

25. Two cylindrical conductors of same length, one solid of radius r and other hollow of inner radius r
and outer radius 2r are made of same material, compare their resistances.

26. Two wires made of same material with their length in the ratio of 1:2 and diameters in the ratio of
2:3 are connected in series and in parallel respectively across a D.C source, find the ratio of drift
speed of electrons, current in these wires and the ratio of heat produced in them.

27. A wire is of resistance 6 ohm is given to you, how much length of another wire of resistance
36ohm/m must be connected across 6 ohm wire so that net resistance of combination is 4 ohm?

28. Three wires made of same material and thickness have their length in the ratio of 1:2:3.If these
wires are connected in parallel across a D.C supply, find the ratio of current passing through these.

29. Write the colour code of these carbon resistances :2.5±10% ohm, 230±5% KW Two electric
lamps rated at 100W, 220V and other200W 220V. Find the ratio of their resistance, also calculate the
ratio of heat produced when these are connected in series and in parallel across 220V supply.

30. Is the internal resistance of a cell a defect of this cell Verify that to draw large current from a low
voltage supply it’s internal resistance should be small. Mention the factors with which internal
resistance of a cell varies.

31. A cell of emf E and internal resistance r is connected to a load resistance R, obtain an expression
for terminal voltage of this cell in terms of these and show graphically the variation of terminal voltage
and emf of cell with increasing load resistance R. At what value of R in terms of r terminal voltage is
equal to half of it’s emf and equal to it’s emf.

32. A cell of emf E ,internal resistance r is connected across a load resistance R. Obtain an
expression for current drawn from the cell with varying load resistance R.Plot the graph between
these two.

33. A combination of n identical resistors each of resistance r,are connected in series to a cell of emf
E and internal resistance r, current supplied by the cell is I. If these resistors are connected in parallel
to the same cell then current through the cell is increased to 10 times, find the value of n.

34. Two cells of emf E1 and E2 different internal resistances r1 and r2 are connected in series and in
parallel respectively across an external resistance R.Obtain an expression for equivalent emf and
internal resistance of the combination.

35. A series and parallel combination of two resistors is connected across a cell one by one, verify
mathematically that in which case potential difference across the cell will be a high value.

36. Four identical cells each of emf 2V and unknown internal resistance are connected in parallel and
this combination is connected across a parallel combination two 5 ohm resistances. An ideal
voltmeter connected across the cells reads 1.5 volt. Drawing the circuit diagram calculate the value of
internal resistance and the current passing through each cell and each 5 ohm resistance.
37. Four identical cells each of emf 2V and internal resistance 1 ohm are connected in series inside a
battery. Draw the variation of potential difference across the battery versus current drawn from the
battery and mark the intercepts on X and Y axes.

38. Using Kirchhoff’s laws to obtain balance condition of wheat stone bridge in terms of four
resistances, explain why no current flows through galvanometer when bridge is balanced. What is the
effect on the reading of galvanometer if cell and galvanometer are interchanged at balance position in
meter bridge experiment.

39. Drawing the circuit diagram explain how will you use balance condition to find unknown resistance
and specific resistance of a wire in laboratory. Why do we say that unknown resistance using meter
bridge is more accurate when it is calculated mean of values found by connecting it across both left
and right gap? Can we have one more balance point on a meter bridge wire if the left and right gap
resistances are interchanged.

40. In a meter bridge experiment with left and right gap resistances R and S ohm with R>S,balancing
is found at a distance l from left end of meter bridge wire, what is the effect on the reading of
galvanometer if(i) left and right gap resistances are interchanged (ii) Position of cell and galvanometer
are interchanged (iii) Another similar wire of resistance R is connected in series with resistance R (iv)
Another similar wire of resistance S is connected across resistance S.

41. In a meter bridge experiment with unknown resistance in left gap and 3ohm resistance in right
gap balancing is obtained at a distance 40 cm from left end of meter bridge 2 wire of resistance 0.1
oh m/cm, a battery of emf 6V and internal resistance 2 oh m is connected across meter bridge wire.
Drawing the circuit diagram find the value of unknown resistance and the current drawn from battery
at balancing condition.

42. In a slide wire bridge experi ment with left and right gap resistances R and S, balancing is
obtained at a distance at a distance 30cm from left end. If left and right gap resistances are
interchanged balancing is obtained at a distance 120cm from left end, find the value of R/S and
length of whole wire of this device.

43 Two cells of e mf E1 , E 2 and internal resistances r 1 , r 2 are connected in series and in parallel
respectively, obtain an expression for equivalent e mf and internal resistance of the combination


1. To study various factors on which the internal resistance/EMF of a cell depends.

2. To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a variation in (a)
the power of the incandescent lamp, used to 'illuminate' the LDR (keeping all the lamps at a fixed
distance). (b) the distance of a incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to 'illuminate' the LDR.
3. To find the refractive indices of (a) water (b) oil (transparent) using a plane mirror, an equiconvex lens
(made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable object needle.
4. To investigate the relation between the ratio of (i) output and input voltage and (ii) number of turns in
the secondary coil and primary coil of a self-designed transformer.
5. To investigate the dependence of the angle of deviation on the angle of incidence using a hollow
prism filled one by one, with different transparent fluids.
6. To estimate the charge induced on each one of the two identical Styrofoam (or pith) balls suspended
in a vertical plane by making use of Coulomb's law.
7. To study the factor on which the self-inductance of a coil depends by observing the effect of this coil,
when put in series with a resistor/(bulb) in a circuit fed up by an A.C. source of adjustable frequency.
8. To study the earth's magnetic field using a compass needle -bar magnet by plotting magnetic field
lines and tangent galvanometer.
9-Full wave rectifier



Note Prepare the project file under the headings


2-certificate by teacher

3-apparatus used




7-result and conclusion

8-vibliography(reference books and websites)

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