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Intelligent Transportation Systems

100% Identification Technology
2 I Kathrein Solutions I Company Portrait Intelligent Transportation Systems I Scenarios I 3

Enabling Technologies for Digital Transformation Scenarios

From the first proof of concept (PoC) to go-live implementation, Kathrein systems and management solutions. Our partners and we provide RF simu- Each country, government, community and city has its domestic and urban requirements in regards to Intelligent Transportation on the roads. Based on the
Solutions supports its partners to implement turnkey projects in the areas lation, application support, software integration and implementation as well customer needs, Kathrein offers a broad portfolio of ITS scenarios:
of intelligent transportation systems. By seamlessly integrating any iden- as operation and maintenance. First-class service and customer-oriented
tification technology such as RAIN RFID and ANPR solutions, we combine support complete our portfolio. ▪ ITS: Intelligent Transportation Systems ▪ AVI: Automated Vehicle Identification
the most suitable features and generate interfaces to all types of backend ▪ ETC: Electronic Toll Collection ▪ IPI: Intelligent Parking Interface
▪ EVR: Electronic Vehicle Registration ▪ SCA: Smart City Applications
▪ EVI: Electronic Vehicle Identification ▪ PTS: Public Transportation Systems

Hardware Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF)

The Kathrein Gen3 RAIN RFID readers are the leading IoT devices Multi-Lane Free-Flow tolling system (MLFF) which can be integrated
for all professional AutoID solutions. It is the first choice for into any existing infrastructure. Using the most advanced technolo-
vehicle identification in ruggedised environments. Kathrein's Portfolio gies to perfectly fit into the given requirements. MLFF automatically
provides modularity for high speed identification and end-to-end determines read events to allow automatic toll charging, guaranteeing
security at the same time. the free flow traveling vehicles on the toll road.

Transponder Plaza / Stop and Go

RAIN RFID, UHF licenes plates, windshield labels and headlamp Hands free passing a toll both with lane selective identification. The
tags serve for the automatic, contactless identification of toll fee corresponding to each vehicle is collected automatically by
vehicles (Automatic Vehicle Identi-fication, AVI). One tags fits identifying the RAIN RFID Transponder. No more use of cash (coins or
for various applications such as Electronic Vehicle Identification notes), bank cards, coupons, and so forth.
(EVI), Electronic Toll Collection (ETC), Parking, Smart Fueiling,
Smart City, etc. The state of the Art IC for such applications
is NXP's UCODE DNA with an AES co-processor and a 128-bit
AES group key.

Software Parking
CrossTalk, Kathrein’s integration software layer, is a modular IoT suite Quick and easy Entry and Exit for authorised vehicles to parking lots
for different identification applica-tions. RAIN RFID, ANPR Cameras, and garages. Lane based identification based on a modular portfolio
peripheral sensors and various other technologies can be handled to be perfectly integratable into an existing infrastructure. Handsfree
with CrossTalk. We provide centrally controlled integration – from and seemless identification.
device management to a customised handshake to back ends and
further Traffic Management Solutions.
4 I Intelligent Transportation Systems I RAIN RFID Hardware Overview Intelligent Transportation
Intelligent Transportation
Systems Systems
I Transponder Overview
I Transponder Overview II 55

RAIN RFID Hardware Overview RAIN RFID Transponder Overview

According to the latest ISO 18000-63 RAIN RFID standard, Kathrein provides all neccessary key components like, The RAIN RFID UHF windshield labels and headlamp tags serve for the automatic, contactless identification of vehicles (Automatic Vehicle Identification, AVI).
compact design for ruggedized enviromental applications and highest IP rate degree of protection, perfectly suitable for outdoor use. The UCODE DNA authentification uses an AES co-processor and a 128-bit AES group crypto key. The privacy protection is realised via an untreaceable command
and a 128-bit AES group crypto key.

RAIN RFID Reader Series Windshield Labels Headlamp Tags

The windshield label is adhered to the inside of the windshield. The headlamp tag is adhered to the outside of the headlamp.
The development of the RAIN RFID windshield label has been The development of the RAIN RFID headlamp tag has been fo-
RRU 4000 Series ARU 3000 Series
focused on a very high read range due to the special anten- cused on a very high read range due to the special antenna on
▪ Dual-core 800 MHz Processor ▪ Integrated 65° antenna na behind the glass and a passive funtion without a battery. the headlamp and a passive function without a battery. There
▪ 4 antenna ports ▪ Dual core 800 MHz Processor There are two types of windshield labels, monolabel and are two types of windshield labels, monolabel and Z-folded, the
▪ Empeddes high secure memory (HSM) module ▪ 3 antenna ports Z-folded, the latter consisting of two layers for on- latter consisting of two layer for onsite peronalisation. Special
▪ Key handling on edge level ▪ Empeddes high secure memory (HSM) module site peronalisation. Special cuts and other features cuts and other features can improve security against removal
▪ Key diversification ▪ Key handling on edge level can improve security against removal and re-use. and re-use. The protection class of the headlamp tag is IP65.
▪ High speed air transmition protocoll ▪ Key diversification The protection class of the windshield label is IP65.
▪ PoE+ ▪ High speed air transmition protocoll
▪ Wi-Fi / BLE, 2G/3G/4G optional

RAIN RFID Wide Range Antenna Series Modular Physical Security Features

VOID Pre-cuts

▪ Customizable VOID scripture ▪ Detachment of chip from Aluminium Antenna

▪ Parts of the layer remain on windscreen/headlamp ▪ Reinforcement of fragile Antenna
▪ Protection of re-use ▪ Protection of re-use
WRA 3070 Series WRA 7070 Series
▪ Invisible on undamaged tag ▪ Invisible on undamaged tag

▪ Lane selective read zone ▪ Read range up to 12 m

▪ Read range up to 20 m ▪ ©KRAI Interface
▪ Ruggedised industrial design ▪ Dynamic polarisation switch Fragile Antenna Hologram
▪ IP67 outdoor protection class ▪ LED visualisation
▪ Symmetric beamwidth in azimuth and elevation plane ▪ Compact industrial design ▪ Destructible Aluminium Antenna ▪ Customizable hologram
▪ horizontal/verticale pole mounting ▪ IP67 outdoor protection class ▪ Protection of re-use ▪ Partial-released
▪ Invisible on undamaged tag ▪ Validation feature
▪ Protection of duplication
6 I Intelligent Transportation Systems I How to Partner Intelligent Transportation Systems I AutoID Software CrossTalk I 7

How to Partner AutoID Software CrossTalk

Partnering enjoys the highest priority at Kathrein. That is why we offer our integration partners on site various options for integrating our devices into their There is already a road infrastructure but it is no longer state-of-the-art, or there is just a need for more precise identification. Due to its technology-indepen-
overall systems and solutions. Kathrein acts as the technical backbone and supports the partners in all matters. dent, modular and customisable architecture, Kathrein’s CrossTalk is the perfect solution for the customers’ changing requirements.

Taking care of all Sensors and Device Managament Key Features

11000101111 ▪ Process Design based on Templates

LP String, speed, ...
▪ Integration of AutoID Data into existing 3rd Parfy Software/Backend
▪ Centralised Device Management
M KS 100 ▪ Centralised health monitoring of all devices
11000101111 CrossTalk
End Customer
▪ Centralised Configuration (stored, protocolled, versioned)
Application Software
EPC, TID, UCodeDNA, ... ▪ Automated distribution of Software and configuration changes
Device Management
Event Creation
Health Monitoring


Fill Access to Kathrein Linux OS Why CrossTalk?

▪ Technology-independent  Saves YOUR investment now and for the future

▪ AutoID Device Management  Monitors all of YOUR used IoT devices
▪ Template Designer  Customises YOUR applications by klicking, not developing
▪ Smart Filtering and Event Creation  YOU choose the event format and its content
11000101111 ▪ Customisation and Modularity  Perfectly matches YOUR changing requirements
EPC, TID, UCodeDNA, ...
End Customer ▪ Plug-and-play  Maintains YOUR system in an easy and user-friendly way
Application Software
▪ Backend Integration  Integrates customised Events into YOUR Backend

8 I Intelligent Transportation Systems I Multi-Lane Free Flow Solution Intelligent Transportation Systems I Multi-Lane Free Flow Solution I 9

Multi-Lane Free Flow Solution

Multi-Lane Free Flow Solution ITS Architecture

CrossTalk AppCenter

RTLS Infrastructure

Device Management

Toll Collection Backend

Message Message
Encoder Sender


Antenna Pattern and Parameters for Free Flow Installation CrossTalk Agent

Side view Top view

▪ Running on edge level (Linux)
▪ Automated distribution of Software and CrossTalk AppCenter
70° configuration changes RTLS Infrastructure
30° ▪ Encrypted Data Handling based on
UCodeDNA AES 128 bit Device Management
4.5 m

70° ▪ Digital Signature based on ISO/IEC20248

▪ Easy Hardware replacement and
maintenance (Plug&Play) Toll Collection Backend
▪ Event processing of different sensors Message Message
EncoderMessage Sender
(RAIN RFID, ANPR, …) Encoder
0m WIRA 30° 8m 0m 8m Capturing (ANPR, RAIN RFID) CSV TCP
Filtering XML HTTP
10I| Intelligent Transportation Systems I Plaza
10 Intelligent Transportation Systems I Plaza I 11

ITS Architecture
Barrier/gate Solution

CrossTalk AppCenter

RTLS Infrastructure

Device Management

Toll Collection Backend

Message Message
Encoder Sender


Antenna Pattern and Parameters for Plaza Installation CrossTalk Agent

Side view Top view

45° ▪ Running on edge level (Linux)
▪ Automated distribution of Software and CrossTalk AppCenter
configuration changes RTLS Infrastructure
▪ Encrypted Data Handling based on
20° 70°
UCodeDNA AES 128 bit Device Management
4.5 m


▪ Digital Signature based on ISO/IEC20248

▪ Easy Hardware replacement and
2.5 m

30° maintenance (Plug&Play) Toll Collection Backend

▪ Event processing of different sensors Message Message
EncoderMessage Sender
(RAIN RFID, ANPR, …) Encoder
0m WIRA 30°/70° 8m 0m WIRA 30°/70° 8m Capturing (ANPR, RAIN RFID) CSV TCP
Filtering XML HTTP

0m 6m 0m 6m Aggregation/Matching
WIRA 70°/70° WIRA 70°/70°
12 | Intelligent Transportation Systems I Parking Intelligent Transportation Systems I Parking I 13

Parking Solution ITS Architecture

CrossTalk AppCenter

RTLS Infrastructure

Device Management

Toll Collection Backend

Message Message
Encoder Sender


Antenna Pattern and Parameters for Parking Installation CrossTalk Agent

Side view Top view

20° ▪ Running on edge level (Linux)
▪ Automated distribution of Software and CrossTalk AppCenter
configuration changes RTLS Infrastructure
▪ Encrypted Data Handling based on
UCodeDNA AES 128 bit Device Management
3.5 m

▪ Digital Signature based on ISO/IEC20248
2.5 m

▪ Easy Hardware replacement and

maintenance (Plug&Play) Toll Collection Backend
▪ Event processing of different sensors Message Message
EncoderMessage Sender
(RAIN RFID, ANPR, …) Encoder
0m WIRA 70°/70° 6m 0m 6m
Filtering XML HTTP
14 | Intelligent Transportation Systems I Use Cases Intelligent Transportation Systems I Use Cases I 15

Use Cases Can You See Us? RAIN RFID Can, @220 km/h with
Full 128 bit AES Encryption
We offer our customers comprehensive end-to-end solutions – from RAIN RFID hardware, CrossTalk IoT suite and Services&Support – for identification, real-time localisa-
tion, tracking and management processes. Find out how our customers are successfully using our IoT technology. The world is getting smarter and IoT is on the advance.
The automatic detection of vehicles with RAIN RFID is
no exception. Contactless GS1 RAIN RFID Gen2 v2.0 provides lon-
grange identification and cutting-edge cryptographic security imple-
Automatic Access Control at Kathrein Solutions mentation for tag authentication which also work at highest speed of
more than 200 km/h. This allows our customers and partners all over
Being a company that offers complete solutions, Kathrein, with its in- the world to use an established, smart, secure and efficient solution.
novative solutions and technological perfection, was able to put this
application into practice. This installation makes it possible for the
employees to easily and quickly enter and leave the company premis-
es without any waiting period or need to take the hands off the steer-
ing wheel. The reliable and secure RAIN RFID system made it possible
for authorised vehicles to enter the company premises considerably
faster and with much greater ease.
Nationwide Vehicle Identification at the Foot of the Pyramids

The contactless GS1 RAIN RFID Gen2V2 technology offers end-to-end

identification including 128-bit AES encryption for tag authentication,
which provides best performance even at high speed. Egypt is setting
a big exclamation mark with this project, as it is globally unique in this
Cloud-Supported Access Control and Fleet Management composition.

Kathrein Solutions was able to implement an innovative,

Cloud-based solution for the automated entry and exit of
employees and fleet vehicles in company‘s headquaters
and locations around the world. RAIN RFID and CrossTalk device man-
agement enable a precise cost distribution in fleet management.
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KATHREIN Solutions GmbH

Kronstaudener Weg 1
83071 Stephanskirchen, Germany
Phone: +49 8036 90831 0
Fax: +49 8036 90831 69 I [email protected]

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