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Final Question Bank.

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1. Describe the working of half wave rectifier with a neat circuit diagram and waveform. Derive
the expression for ripple factor.
2. Define the following with respect to semiconductor diode.
a. PIV
b. Reverse saturation current
c. Knee voltage
d. Breakdown voltage
e. Forward voltage drops.
3. Explain line regulation of Zener diode.
4. Explain load regulation of Zener diode
5. Write the expression for αdc and βdc of a transistor. Derive the relationship between 𝛼 and β.
6. Derive the ripple factor of half wave and full wave rectifiers.

7. Define biasing. Explain forward and reverse biasing.

8. Explain V-I characteristics of a PN junction diode.
9. Define rectifier. With a neat circuit diagram and relevant waveforms, explain the working of
Full wave rectifier. Show that the ripple factor of a full wave rectifier is 0.48
10. Explain input and output characteristics of npn transistor in common emitter configuration.


1. A transistor has α=0.99. If IE =8mA, find the values of β, IB and IC.

2. A transistor has IB=100μA and IC=2mA.Find 𝛼, 𝛽 and Emitter current. If IB changes by +25 μA
and IC changes by +0.6 mA. Find the new value of 𝛼.
3. A transistor has α 0.98, IB = 100 μA. Find the collector current, Emitter current and β.

4. A transistor connected in CE mode has hfe=100 and I B =50μA. Compute the of IC, IE and 𝛼.

5. A transistor has IB=25μA and IC=1mA.Find 𝛼, 𝛽 and Emitter current. Find the new value of I B
which gives IC=5mA

1. Define Q point and discuss its significance.

2. Discuss the need for biasing in an amplifier circuit.
3 Explain the Barkhausen criteria for sustained oscillations.
4 Differentiate between BJT and MOSFET
5 Explain the DC load line of a CE configuration and discuss the significance of the Q point.
6 Explain the working of a single stage Common Emitter amplifier.
7 Explain the operation of an n-channel enhancement MOSFET with neat circuit diagram.
8 Explain the working of Crystal Controlled Oscillator

1. Convert:
a. (ABCD.12) H = () 2 = ()8 = ()10
b. (132.25)10 = () 2 = ()8 = () H
2. solve the following using 1’s complement and 2’s complement
i. 11011-1110
ii. 1110-11011
3. solve the following using 1’s & 2’s complement.
(33)10 – (42)10
(42)10 - (33)10

4. Prove that

5. Prove that
i. A+(B+C) = (A+B) +C
ii. A. (B.C) = (A.B).C

6. Prove that
i. A+B.C = (A+B). (A+C)
ii.A.(B+C) = (A.B) +(A.C)

7. Simplify the following Boolean expression

b. Y=(A+B’+C)( A+B’+C’)

8. Construct basic gates using NAND gates.

9. Construct basic gates using NOR gates.
10. Verify demorgans theorem for 2\3 variables.

Study all the number system problems and simplifications.


1. Explain full adder with truth table, relevant expressions and logic diagram.
2. Explain half adder with truth table, Draw the logic diagram using basic gates
3. Explain the operation of SR Latch
4. Explain the operation SR-flip flop with logic diagram and truth table
5. Explain the operation of T and D flip flop with logic diagram and truth table
6. Explain the operation of JK-flip flop with logic diagram and truth table
7. Define embedded systems? Distinguish between general purpose computer and embedded system.
8. Write few applications of embedded systems(explain applications)
9. Describe the purpose of embedded systems
10. Explain the characteristics of embedded systems.

1) Explain the elements of a communication system with the help of a neat block diagram.
2) Define modulation. Explain amplitude, frequency and phase modulation with necessary waveforms.
3) Compare
FM and PM
4) Explain the elements of digital communication/radio system with a neat block diagram.
5) Explain ASK, FSK, PSK method with neat waveforms
6) Differentiate between
1G and 2G
3G and 4G

7) Examine the features of 4G

8) Examine the features of GSM technology.
9) Discuss the GSM technology in brief

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