MD I 2-2sols

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1st year

Discrete Mathematics I

Exercises sheet 2: Inclusion-Exclusion principle

Exercice 1. 51 numbers are chosen from the integers between 1 and 100 inclusively. Prove that 2 of the chosen
integers are consecutive.

Exercice 2. There are 5 points in a square of side length 2 units. Prove that there exists 2 of them having a

distance at most 2.

Exercice 3. Show that for any set of 10 points chosen within a square whose sides are of length 3 units, there

are two points in the set whose distance a part at most 2.

Exercice 4. Sixty five points are giving inside a square of side length one unit. Prove that there are three of
them that span a triangle of area at most 1/32.

Exercice 5. Let S = {1, . . . , 20}, if we pick eleven numbers, we are guaranteed that the sum of two picked
numbers is 21.

Exercice 6. Show that among any group of n people, where n ≥ 2, there are at least two people who know
exactly the same number of people in the group.

Exercice 7. Show that any set of 7 distinct integers includes 2 integers x and y such that either x + y or x − y
is divisible by 10 .

Solution: Let X = {x1 , x2 , . . . , x7 } be a set of 7 distinct integers and let ri be the remainder when
xi is divided by 10 . Consider the following partition of X :

H1 = {xi : ri = 0} H2 = {xi : ri = 5}
H3 = {xi : ri = 1 or 9} H4 = {xi : ri = 2 or 8}
H5 = {xi : ri = 3 or 7 } H6 = {xi : ri = 4 or 6}

There are 6 pigeonholes for 7 pigeons. If x and y are in H1 or in H2 , then both x + y and x − y are
divisible by 10 . If x and y are in one of the other 4 subsets, then either x − y or x + y is divisible
by 10 , but not both.

Exercice 8. The total number of games played by a team in a 15-day season was 20 . The rules required the
team to play at least 1 game daily. Show that there was a period of consecutive days during which exactly 9
games were played.

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Solution: Let xi be the number of games played by the team up to and including the i th day.
The 15 numbers x1 , x2 , . . . , x15 (set A ) are all distinct and increasing; hence the 15 numbers x1 +
9, x2 + 9, . . . , x15 + 9 (set B ) are also distinct and increasing. Thus we have a set (A ∪ B) of 30
positive integers (pigeons) with at most x15 + 9 = 29 distinct values (pigeonholes). No 2 elements
of A, nor of B, can be equal. Therefore, for some i and j, xj = xi + 9, or

9 = xj − xi = number of games played in days i + 1, i + 2, . . . , j

Exercice 9. Let us arbitrarily select n + 1 distinct integers from the set [2n] = {1, 2, . . . , 2n}. Then there is at
least one pair of selected integers whose sum is 2n + 1, and there is at least one pair of selected integers whose
difference is n.

Solution: Let us split our set into n subsets, namely, the subset {1, 2n}, the subset {2, 2n − 1}, and
so on, the generic subset being {i, 2n + 1 − i}, where 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
As we have selected n + 1 integers and have split [2n] into only n two-element subsets, the pi-
geonhole principle implies that there has to be a two-element subset X so that both elements of
X have been selected. The sum of the elements of X is 2n + 1; therefore, our first claim is proved.
Now let us split [2n] into the n subsets {1, n + 1}, {2, n + 2}, and so on, the generic subset being
{i, n + i}, where 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Again, by the pigeonhole principle, one of these n subsets, say Y ,
must consist of two selected integers. However, the difference of the two elements of Y is n, and
our second claim is proved.

Exercice 10. Show that any set of n integers has a subset such that the sum of integers in the subset is divisible
by n.

Let X = {x1 , . . . , xn } , consider the n subsets {x1 }, {x1 , x2 }, . . . , {x1 , . . . , xn } and for each of these
subsets, compute its sum Si = x1 + · · · + xi . If none of these sums are divisible by n, then there are
n sums and n − 1 residue classes mod n (excluding 0). Therefore two of these sums are the same
mod n, say x1 + · · · + xq ≡ x1 + · · · + xp (mod n) (with p < q). Then xp+1 + · · · + xq ≡ 0(mod n), and
the subset {xp+1 , . . . , xq } suffices.

Exercice 11. Let A be n × n matrix with 0 and 1 entries only. Let us assume that n ⩾ 2, and that at least
2n entries are equal to 1. Prove that A contains two entries equal to 1 so that one of them is strictly above and
strictly at the right of the other.

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Solution: Let us call a set of entries of A a diagonal if they form the intersection of A with a line
of slope 1. There are 2n − 1 such diagonals in A, and each entry belongs to exactly one of them.
As there are 2n − 1 diagonals and at least 2n entries equal to 1 , at least one diagonal contains at
least two entries 1 , and the statement is proved.

Exercice 12. Let A = {a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 } be a set of 5 integers. Show that for any permutation ai1 ai2 ai3 ai4 ai5
of A, the product (ai1 − a1 )(ai2 − a2 ) · · · (ai5 − a5 ) is always even.

Solution: To show that the product is even, it suffices to show the “existence” of an even factor,
say (aik − ak ). We note that the number aik − ak is even if and only if aik and ak are both even or
both odd (in this case, we say that aik and ak have the same parity). Thus we see that it may have
something to do with the parity o f the 5 numbers in A. In view of this, we create 2 "boxes", one
for "even numbers" and one for "odd numbers".
We have |A| = 5. By (PP), there exist at least 3 elements of A (say, a1 , a2 , a3 ) which are of the same
Observe that {ai1 , ai2 , ai3 } ∩ {a1 , a2 , a3 } =
̸ ∅. Thus we may assume, say a1 = ai3 . This implies
that ai3 − a3 = a1 − a3 , the latter being even as a1 and a3 are of the same parity. Thus the factor
(ai3 − a3 ) is even, which completes the proof.

Exercice 13. There are 15 subjects in a school, every student takes 4 subjects out of them. Given that the
school have 18 students, prove that 2 of the students have two common subjects.

Solution: Let pairs of subjects (A, B) be pigeonholes and if a student studies both subjects, then
he puts a pigeon into the pigeonhole. Each student has 42 = 6 pigeons and there are 15
= 105
pigeonholes. There are totally 18 × 6 = 108 pigeons, so by (PP) there are 2 of them are in the same

Exercice 14. Let S ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 2n} such that |S| = n + 1, where n ∈ N. Show that there exist a, b ∈ S, with
a ̸= b such that a|b.

Solution: Any element r of S can be written as r = 2t s, where t is a nonnegative integer and s is

an odd number from the set X = {1, 3, . . . , 2n − 1}. There are at most n choices for s. So there are
at least 2 numbers x and y in S such that x = 2p s and y = 2q s, with p ̸= q. Hence, either x divides
y or vice versa.

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Exercice 15. 41 rooks are placed on a 10 × 10-chessboard. Prove that there are five rooks among these 41 that
do not attack each other (i.e., no two of them are in the same horizontal or vertical line).


(a) Since 41 rooks (pigeons) are placed on ten rows of the board (pigeonholes) and 41 = 4 ×
10 + 1, there exists a row A with at least 5 rooks on it.
Let us remove row A; we now have nine rows (pigeonholes) left with at least 41 − 10 = 31
rooks (pigeons) on them. Since 31 > 3 × 9 + 1, there is a row B among the nine rows with at
least 4 rooks on it.
Now we remove row B . We are left with eight rows (pigeonholes) and at least 41−2×10 = 21
rooks (pigeons) on them. Since 21 > 2 × 8 + 1, there is a row C among the eight rows with
at least 3 rooks on it.
Continuing this reasoning, we get row D with at least 2 rooks on it and row E with at least
1 rook on it.

(b) Now we are ready to select the required five rooks. First we pick any rook R1 from row E .
At least one exists there, remember!
Next, we pick a rook R2 from row D, which is not in the same column as R1 . This can be
done, too, because at least two rooks exist in row D.
Next, of course, we pick a rook R3 from row C , which is not in the same column as R1 and
R2 . Conveniently, this can be done, since row C contains at least three rooks. Continuing
this construction, we end up with five rooks R1 , R2 , . . . , R5 that are from different rows (one
rook per row out of the selected rows A, B, C, D, E ) and different columns; therefore, they
do not attack each other.

Exercice 16. Five lattice points are chosen on an n × n square lattice. Line segments are drawn between every
pair of these points. Prove that one of the midpoints of these line segments is also a lattice point.

Solution: We may consider the lattice as a coordinate system with the lattice points having inte-
gral values for their x and y coordinates.
The 5 coordinates of the lattice points are the objects.
The 4 possible parity values of the coordinates of the lattice points are (O, O), (O, E), (E, O) and
(E, E), where O is odd and E is even. These are the boxes.
By (PP), there is at least one box with at least ⌈ 45 ⌉ = 2 objects, i.e. there are at least two lattice

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 say (x1 , y1 ) and
 (x2 , y2 ), with the same parity values for their coordinates. The midpoint
x1 + x2 y1 + y2
is , . Since x1 and x2 have the same parity, x1 +x
is an integer. Similarly, since y1
2 2
and y2 have the same parity, y1 +y 2
is an integer. Thus, this midpoint is a lattice point.

Exercice 17. Every point in a plane is either red, green, or blue. Prove that there exists a rectangle in the plane
such that all of its vertices are the same color.

Solution: Consider a 19 × 4 grid of points in this plane. For each row of 4 points, by the Pigeon-
hole Principle, two must be the same color, for instance green. Denote such a row "green" (a row
can be two colors simultaneously) and consider the colors of all 19 rows. Again by the Pigeonhole
Principle, 7 must be the same color. Without loss of generality, assume this color is green. Now
consider the placement of the two green points out of four in each row. There are 42 = 6 ways to

place two green points in four spots, so again by the Pigeonhole Principle, two of the seven rows
must have the same placement. By choosing the four green points in those two rows, we form a
monochromatic rectangle, as desired.

Exercice 18. What is the number of integral solutions of the equation

x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 18,

that satisfy
1 ≤ x1 ≤ 5, −2 ≤ x2 ≤ 4, 0 ≤ x3 ≤ 5, 3 ≤ x4 ≤ 9.

Solution: We introduce new variables

y1 = x1 − 1, y2 = x2 + 2, y3 = x3 , and y4 = x4 − 3,

and our equation becomes

y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 = 16. (1)

The inequalities on the xi ’s are satisfied if and only if

0 ≤ y1 ≤ 4, 0 ≤ y2 ≤ 6, 0 ≤ y3 ≤ 5, 0 ≤ y4 ≤ 6

Let S be the set of all nonnegative integral solutions of equation (1). The size of S is
16 + 4 − 1 19
|S| = = = 969
16 16

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Let P1 be the property that y1 ≥ 5, P2 the property that y2 ≥ 7, P3 the property that y3 ≥ 6,
and P4 the property that y4 ≥ 7. Let Ai denote the subset of S consisting of the solutions satisfying
property Pi , (i = 1, 2, 3, 4). We wish to evaluate the size of the set Ā1 ∩ Ā2 ∩ Ā3 ∩ Ā4 , and we do so
by applying the inclusion-exclusion principle. The set A1 consists of all those solutions in S for
which y1 ≥ 5. Performing a change in variable (z1 = y1 − 5, z2 = y2 , z3 = y3 , z4 = y4 ), we see that
the number of solutions in A1 is the same as the number of nonnegative integral solutions of

z1 + z2 + z3 + z4 = 11.

|A1 | = = 364
In a similar way, we obtain
12 13 12
|A2 | = = 220, |A3 | = = 286, |A4 | = = 220.
9 10 9

The set A1 ∩ A2 consists of all those solutions in S for which y1 ≥ 5 and y2 ≥ 7. Performing a
change in variable (u1 = y1 − 5, u2 = y2 − 7, u3 = y3 , u4 = y4 ), we see that the number of solutions
in A1 ∩ A2 is the same as the number of nonnegative integral solutions of

u1 + u2 + u3 + u4 = 4.

|A1 ∩ A2 | = = 35.
Similarly, we get
8 7
|A1 ∩ A3 | = 5
= 56, |A1 ∩ A4 | = 4
= 35,
6 5
|A2 ∩ A3 | = = 20, |A2 ∩ A4 | =
3 2
= 10,
and |A3 ∩ A4 | = 63 = 20.

The intersection of any three of the sets A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 is empty. We now apply the inclusion-
exclusion principle to obtain

Ā1 ∩ Ā2 ∩ Ā3 ∩ Ā4 =969 − (364 + 220 + 286 + 220)

+ (35 + 56 + 35 + 20 + 10 + 20)

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Exercice 19. Let S(n, k), n, k ∈ N, denote the number of surjective mappings from Nn to Nk . Show that
X k i
S(n, k) = (−1) (k − i)n .

Solution: It is clear that the number of all functions from [n] to [k] is k n as any element of the do-
main can be mapped into one of k elements. However, not all these functions will be surjections;
many will miss one, two, or more elements of [k] in their image. We have to enumerate those that
do not miss any element of k.

Let i ∈ [k] and let Ai denote the set of all functions from [n] to [k] whose image does not contain
i. It is then clear that |Ai | = (k 
− 1) as such functions can map any element of [n] into any one of
X n
k − 1 elements and |Ai | = (k − 1)n . Similarly,
X n
Ai1 ∩ Ai2 ∩ · · · ∩ Aij = (k − j) , Ai1 ∩ Ai2 ∩ · · · ∩ Aij = (k − j)n ,
i1 ,i2 ,...,ik

for all j ≤ k. Therefore, by IEP we have

|A1 ∪ A2 · · · ∪ An | = (−1)j−1 Ai1 ∩ Ai2 ∩ · · · ∩ Aij
j=1 i1 ,i2 ,··· ,ij
i−1 k
= (−1) (k − i)n .

This is the number of functions from [n] to [k] whose range is not the entire set [k]. So the number
of those with range [k], in other words, the number of surjections, can be obtained by subtracting
this number from that of all functions from [n] to [k],

A1 A2 · · · An = |Ω| − |A1 ∪ A2 · · · ∪ An |
X n X
=k − (−1)j−1 Ai1 ∩ Ai2 ∩ · · · ∩ Aij
j=1 i1 ,i2 ,··· ,ij
i−1 k
=k − (−1) (k − i)n
i k
= (−1) (k − i)n .

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Exercice 20. How many permutations of the 26 letters do not contain any of the following sequences: MATH,

Let A1 be the property that MATH occurs.
Let A2 be the property that EXA occurs.
Let A3 be the property that DISCR occurs.
Let A4 be the property that NHSM occurs.
Let |Ω| = N = 26!.
|A1 | = 22!, |A2 | = 23!, |A3 | = 21!, |A4 | = 22!.
|A1 A2 | = 0, since both words contain A and cannot overlap. |A1 A3 | = 17!, |A1 A4 | = 0, since the H
cannot overlap, |A2 A3 | = 18!, |A2 A4 | = 19!, |A3 A4 | = 0.
|A1 A2 A3 | = 0, |A1 A2 A4 | = 0, |A2 A3 A4 | = 0, |A1 A2 A3 A4 | = 0.
N = 26! − [22! + 23! + 21! + 22!] + [17! + 18! + 19!].

Exercice 21. Let D(n) be the number of derangements for n different objects, using the inclusion-exclusion
principle, show that
X (−1)k
D(n) = n! .

Solution: Let there be n distinct objects with their n distinct respective positions. Let Ω be the set
of all permutations of n objects, then |Ω| = n!. The number of derangements is n! − N , where N
is the number of ways of arranging the n objects in such a way that at least one object goes to its
right position. Let Ai be the set of permutations in which the ith object goes into its right position.
The goal is to find |A1 ∪ · · · An |.
Observe that |Ai | = (n − 1)!, |Ai Aj | = (n − 2)!, . . . ,|Ai1 · · · Aik | = (n − k)!.
X n X n X n
Then |Ai | = (n − 1)!, |Ai Aj | = (n − 2)!,..., |Ai1 · · · Aik | = (n − k)!.
1 i<j
2 i <···<i
1 k

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now using IEP, we have

|A1 ∪ · · · An | = |Ω| − |A1 ∪ · · · ∪ An |

Xn X
= n! − |Ai | + |Ai Aj | + · · · + (−1)n−1 |A1 · · · An |
i=1 i<j
Xn X
= n! − (−1)k−1 |Ai1 · · · Aik |
k=1 i1 <···<ik
k−1 n
= n! − (−1) (n − k)!
X n!
= (−1)k !
X (−1)k
D(n) = n! .

Exercice 22. How many permutations of the word "discretemaths" does not contain consecutive pairs?

Let A1 be the property that tt occurs.
Let A2 be the property that ss occurs.
Let A3 be the property that ee occurs.
Let |Ω| = N = 3 .
12! 12! 12!
|A1 | = 2 , |A2 | = 2 , |A3 | = 2 .
2! 2! 2!  
10! 10! 10! X 3 10!
|A1 A2 | = . |A1 A3 | = , |A2 A3 | = . |Ai Aj | = .
2! 2! 2! i,j 2 2!
8! X 3 8!
|A1 A2 A3 | = . |Ai Aj Ak | = .
2! i,j,k 3 2!
13! 3 12! 3 10! 3 8!
|A1 A2 A3 | = 3 − 2
+ − .
2! 1 2! 2 2! 3 2!

Exercice 23. Let k, n, r ∈ N. Find the number of integer solutions to the equation

x1 + x2 + · · · + xn = r,

such that 0 ≤ xi ≤ k, for each i = 1, 2, . . . , n.

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Solution: Hint: Use the theorem proved in the lecture.

Exercice 24.

(1) Let B be a subset of A with |A| = n and |B| = m. Find the number of r-element subsets of A which
contain B as a subset, where m ≤ r ≤ n.

(2) Show that for m, r, n ∈ N with m ≤ r ≤ n,

  X m   
n−m i m n−i
= (−1)
n−r i=0
i r


(1) The number of r-element subsets of A which contain B is

n−m n−m
r−m n−r

where we take the m elements of B (they must be included) then we complete by choos-
ing the remaining r − m from n − m elements. or by using IEP, we define Ω the set of all
r-element subsets, |Ω| = nr .

Let Ai be the set of subsets in which the ith elements of B does not belong to the subset. The
goal is to find |A1 ∪ ·· · Am |.    
n−1 n−2 n−k
Observe that |Ai | = , |Ai Aj | = , . . . , |Ai1 · · · Aik | = . Then
r r k
X m n−1 X m n−2 X n n−k
|Ai | = , |Ai Aj | = ,..., |Ai1 · · · Aik | = .
1 r i<j
2 r i <···<i
k r
1 k
now using IEP, we have

|A1 ∪ · · · Am | = |Ω| − |A1 ∪ · · · ∪ Am |

  X m
n X
= − |Ai | + |Ai Aj | + · · · + (−1)m−1 |A1 · · · Am |
r i=1 i<j
  X m
n X
= − (−1)k−1 |Ai1 · · · Aik |
r k=1 i <···<i
1 k
  X m   
n k−1 m n−k
= − (−1)
r k=1
k r
k m n−k
= (−1)
k r

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Exercice 25. Show that
n X
m n n + k − 2m − 1
= (−1)
k m=0
m n−1
by a suitable combinatorial interpretation of the binomial coefficients and application of the inclusion-exclusion


Solution: we define Ω the set of all k-element subsets with repetition, |Ω| = n−1
Let Ai be the set of subsets with repetition in which the ith element is repeated more then one
time. The  goal is to find  |A1 ∪ · · · An |. Observe that  
n+k−2−1 n+k−4−1 n + k − 2m − 1
|Ai | = , |Ai Aj | = , . . . , |Ai1 · · · Aim | = . Then
n−1 n−1 n−1
X n n+k−2−1 X n n+k−4−1
|Ai | = , |Ai Aj | = , . . .,
1 n−1 i<j
2 n−1
X n n + k − 2m − 1
|Ai1 · · · Aim | = .
i1 <···<im
m n−1
now using IEP, we have

|A1 ∪ · · · An | = |Ω| − |A1 ∪ · · · ∪ An |

  X n
n+k−1 X
= − |Ai | + |Ai Aj | + · · · + (−1)n−1 |A1 · · · Am |
n−1 m=1 i<j
  X n
n+k−1 X
= − (−1)m−1 |Ai1 · · · Aim |
n−1 m=1 i1 <···<im
  X n   
n+k−1 m−1 n n + k − 2m − 1
= − (−1)
n−1 m=1
m n−1
X n n + k − 2m − 1
= (−1)m
m n−1

Exercice 26. For k = 1, 2, . . . , 1992, let Ak be a set such that |Ak | = 44. Assume that |Ai ∩ Aj | = 1 for all
i, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 1992} with i ̸= j. Evaluate 1992
k=1 Ak

Exercice 27. Let Hn be the number of ways of seating n married couples around a circular table so that no
man is next to his wife. Show that
k n
Hn = (−1) 2k (2n − k − 1)!

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Solution: For each i = 1, 2, . . . . , n, let Ai be the set of arrangements of the n couples such that Hi
and Wi are adjacent (next to each other). Thus, the set of all possible arrangements is ∪ni=1 Ai .
Suppose Hi and Wi are adjacent. As usual, we tie Hi and Wi together and arrange 2n − 1 entities
in a circle. Number of ways = (2n − 2)!. Next, we untie Hi and Wi and arrange them in 2! ways.
Thus, |Ai | = 2(2n − 2)! for each i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n. Hence,
X n
|Ai | = 2(2n − 1)!

Let r be an integer such that 2 ≤ r ≤ n. Suppose Hij and Wij are adjacent for 1 ≤ j ≤ k.
We tie Hij and Wij , for 1 ≤ j ≤ k, together and arrange 2n − k entities in a circle. Number
of ways = (2n − k − 1)!. Next, we untie the k couples and arrange them in 2k ways. Thus,
|Ai1 Ai2 · · · Aik | = 2k (2n − k − 1)!. There are r ways to choose k couples from n couples. Hence,
X n k
|Ai1 ∩ Ai2 ∩ · · · ∩ Aik | = 2 (2n − k − 1)!,
i <i <...<i
1 2 k


A1 A2 · · · An = |Ω| − |A1 ∪ A2 · · · ∪ An |
Xn X
= (2n − 1)! − (−1)k−1 |Ai1 ∩ Ai2 ∩ · · · ∩ Aik |
k=1 i1 <i2 <···<ij
k−1 n
= (2n − 1)! − (−1) 2k (2n − k − 1)!
X n k
= (−1)k 2 (2n − k − 1)!.

Exercice 28. Let Wn be the number of ways of seating n married couples at a straight table so that no woman
is next to her husband. Show that
X n k
Wn = (−1) 2 (2n − k)!.

Solution: Same as Exercise 28. (permutations in a row)

Exercice 29. Let Tr,s (n, k) be the number of k-combinations of n with repetition and the restriction that each

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element appears at least r and at most s times. Show that
j n n + k − rn − j(s − r + 1) − 1
Tr,s (n, k) = (−1) .
j n − 1

Solution: Hints: We are looking to find the number of solution of the follow equation

x1 + · · · + xn = k, r ≤ xi ≤ s, i = 1, . . . , n

We define Ω as the number of solution of the equation

x1 + · · · + xn = k − rn, 0 ≤ xi ≤ s − r, i = 1, . . . , n (2)
n + k − rn − 1
|Ω| = and we define Ai as the number of solution of the equation (2) with the
condition xi ≥ s − r + 1, and
X n n + k − rn − j(s − r + 1) − 1
Ai1 Ai2 · · · Aij =
i <i <...<i
j n−1
1 2 j

By applying IEP you get the result.

Exercice 30. Consider 2n elements that belong to n different kinds, with two like elements of each kind, and
let Vn be the number of permutations of these elements in which no two like elements are consecutive. Show
that n  
k n
Vn = 2 (−1) 2k (2n − k)!

Solution: Hint: We have |Ω| = 2n
and consider Ai the set of all permutations where two ele-
ments of the i kind are consecutive. Then apply the IEP you get the desired result.

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