Voice of The Ancestors 2 - Tales of The Man Eaters

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Adventure Booklet for WÜRM Number 2

Tales of the Man Eaters

Olivier Castan, Jean-Pierre Hufen,
Emmanuel Roudier, Paul-Henri “Pitche” Verheve,

Kathy Calmejane

Project Manager
Emmanuel Roudier, Jean-François Morlaës

Technical Coordinator
Franck « Booga » Florentin

Vincent Basset, Kathy Calmejane, François-Xavier Cuende,
Jean-Pierre Hufen, Arnaud Prié, Emmanuel Roudier,
Paul-Henri “Pitche” Verheve, Yodram,

Artist & Graphic Designer

Emmanuel Roudier

My dear readers,

You are now holding the second edition of Voice of the Ancestors, and I thank you for that. In theory,
you would have had to wait a little longer for this second adventure booklet for Würm, but thanks to
the successful crowdfunding campaign by Editions Icare, you can now discover it at the same time as
the first edition! Hooray for that! It means that you will be able to get an immediate feeling for just how
different they are from one another. As we continue in our plan to explore the many aspects of the
prehistoric universe of Würm, as well as the many game playing possibilities, in this edition we propose
to take you into the world of the “Man Eaters”.
Who are these “Man Eaters”? There are no big cats or wolves in sight this time; instead we will be
taking a closer look at the cannibalistic humans who so pique our curiosity. Just what is cannibalism?
The term refers to humans eating the flesh of other humans. As you will soon discover, there are a
number of different types of cannibalism that we will address here.

Over the next few pages you will find a game aid presenting the details of the various types: whether the
cannibalism is for ritual purposes or for food, exo- or endocannibalism, you will soon know everything
there is to know about it. You will then be able to add this exotic element to your games of Würm. As
repulsive as it may seem to begin with, it can bring us all to think further about our own beliefs and
convictions, and about the relationships that our ancestors had with their families, their enemies, and
their dead.
The game aid is followed by three scenarios.
In the first one, our players are a group of young humans who happen to discover during their
coming of age ceremony that the traditions of their tribe have included cannibalism since the dawn of
time. How will they react to this discovery? Will they overcome this ancestral taboo to play out their
characters, attempting to see a different side to sharing and transmission, two essential parts of societies
based on tradition?
The second scenario involves actual monsters. Legendary boogey-men, goblins and ghouls assemble
for this descent into the darkness, in search of the darkest part of humanity, the part that lurks in the
dark, far from the surface. Let’s wager that our players will never enter a cave in the same way after that
The third and last scenario explores a different and interesting take on cannibalism: what if the
monstrous humans who practice this cannibalism are not the strange Neanderthals for a change, but our
own ancestors, the Homo Sapiens? Our own species, in all its glory and its horror, with its unquenchable
thirst for knowledge and discovery, and its terrible lack of consideration for others’ lives...

One thing is for sure: this booklet is not for everyone! If you are used to playing with your six- and
eight-year-old kids, it would probably be a good idea to wait for a while before you play out these
scenarios or give them this edition of Voice of the Ancestors to read....

Enjoy your reading and your games!

Emmanuel Roudier

Table of Contents

Preface 2

A Guide to Cannibalism 4
A game Aid for WÜRM By Yodram

What We Did To Our Forefathers 10

By Yodram

Horror in the Deep 21

By Paul-Henri “Pitche” Verheve

Legends of the Torn Mountains clan 33

By Olivier Castan

The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters 34

By Jean-Pierre Hufen

Old Lynx Beard’s Wise Advice 54

The Rule of the Liver - The Dark Strength of the Hyena
By Emmanuel Roudier

A Guide to Cannibalism
A game aid for WÜRM

What is This For?

Würm allows you to play characters living 35,000 years before our time. Research has uncovered evidence of
cannibalism in a number of places occupied by mankind at this time. Although it has clearly been proven for
the Neanderthals (Bear-men), the consumption of human flesh for dietary purposes alone has not yet been
confirmed when it comes to the anatomically modern man of the recent Paleolithic. Yet given its later presence
in historic civilizations until the modern day, there is nothing to prove to us that this type of cannibalism
was not practiced by our own species in these ancient times. To simplify things, the following comments can be
applied just as much to the Bear-men as they can to the Long Men. For a start, ritual cannibalism is just as
plausible within both species. Allowing players to explore this aspect of human culture in prehistoric times
merely adds an extra dimension to the possibilities of the game.
Today, cannibalism is a near-universal taboo. It is solidly anchored in our modern human consciousness, this
activity generates a very strong revulsion and when it is featured in a story, it can sometimes lead to some
pretty bad taste. The aim of this game aid is to give you a basis on which to build a “peaceful” way to play
the cannibalism theme, by working to move past our modern (and perfectly legitimate) revulsion for it, while
avoiding the pitfalls of simplistic horror stories for which other role-playing games might be better suited.
While we’re busy overturning stereotypes, it can be stimulating for a GM to invite the players to play members
of a cannibal tribe; eating another human doesn’t necessarily mean that they belong to the kind of evil,
sub-human creatures who have so often been opposed to the good guys in works of fiction or to adventurers/
explorers in role-playing games. Seeing this activity only as a sign of the savagery of animal-like beings is
akin to taking a neo-colonial position boasting the superiority of our own civilization.
We recommend that including cannibalism in a campaign should only be done with players who are mature
enough to be able to distance themselves sufficiently from the character they are playing.

What is it All About?

Cannibalism can come in several forms. who partake in it will have to make multiple
We have listed three main types below, but offerings to wash away the stain and calm the
we will only take a closer look at one of anger of the clan’s Guardian Spirits. On the
them here, and its two sub-categories. other hand, unless there is any specific rule
against it, it would be far more natural for
o Eating human flesh can be a last resort a cannibal tribe to eat human flesh if they
when it comes to ones own survival. are in need of food, for example by eating
Exceptional circumstances of famine can the members of another clan or the weaker
cause humans to turn to cannibalism to members of their own clan (although this
survive, whatever the period. There is may still be a taboo, even for cannibals).
evidence of this situation for Neanderthals
but not for modern man during the era when o Even though it is a powerful taboo, some
Würm is set. Regardless, this occurrence characters may resort to cannibalism when
does not require specific rules to be used affected by major psychological problems.
when necessary during a Würm adventure. This situation doesn’t require any particular
The GM should simply bear in mind that attention; it can be treated on a case-by-case
in a tribe for whom this is taboo, resorting basis when it appears in a scenario. When
to this extreme measure for survival can it does, it’s up to the GM to describe the
have serious consequences. The characters events as they are intended.

4 A Guide to Cannibalism
o Cannibalism can also be the result of
specific beliefs within a human society; in
this case, it is a way for those consuming
the human flesh to obtain part or all of the
strengths or talents of the victim. In this
context, Ritualistic cannibalism is just a part of
the cosmic game that the Spirits play with
mankind. Through its practice, humans can
dominate and flatter the Spirits, offering
sacrifices to them, and trying to increase
their influence on their environment. In this
context, sacrificing a human and eating parts
of the body becomes a shamanic activity,
similar to the others detailed in the Würm
rulebook, through which men can invoke
supernatural powers.

We will take a closer look at this aspect of

cannibalism in two different situations: first
exocannibalism, which involves sacrificing a
human from outside the clan and eating
his or her flesh. Secondly, endocannibalism However, a clan can have a generally
or necrophagia, which involves eating aggressive stance to people from outside
certain parts of the dead members of the their clan. This aggressiveness often bases its
community. legitimacy on a legend specific to that group.
Ritualistic cannibalism therefore becomes
a weapon of warfare, weakening the
enemy and reinforcing the clan. The main
Exocannibalism weakening factors for the enemy clan are the
terrifying reputation of the Man Eaters, the
killing of their warriors and the fact that the
Cultural Environment will not be able to give their dead the ritual
The extremely low population levels of the burial they deserve. The cannibal clan is
Würm era exclude any possibility of human reinforced by absorbing the strengths of the
conflict on a large scale. There are therefore enemy victims and by ensuring their Spirits
no wars during which opposing sides fight don’t return to haunt them.
each other with armies that are hundreds
strong. A warrior expedition of even a dozen Step One: The Ritual
individuals is an exceptional event, and it is Not every opponent is a worthy candidate
probable that such an occurrence would be for a ritual ceremony. Some that are
the subject of endless epic tales of combat considered to be weak or cursed could
for the Elders who pass on the Voice of the even turn out to be dangerous to eat. In
Ancestors. practice, it’s always best to Contact the Spirits

A Guide to Cannibalism 5
(see Würm page 79) to check which evil or shaman’s probing. Therefore if the victim
benevolent Spirits might inhabit the person drinks the potion, the shaman gets a bonus
who is designated to be eaten. Remember of +2 for the detection of his Strengths and
that the DT depends on the strength of the Weaknesses.
Spirits in question, and that a -2 penalty is If the clan does not have a shaman among
applied if the person is already dead. It is its members, it can simply carry out a
therefore better – albeit more difficult – to thorough examination of the intended victim
capture an adversary alive in order to get to to try and detect the presence of a possible
know him better. evil Spirit and get an idea of one Strength at
most. This is done with a simple Perception
For each of the victim’s Strengths or Test with a DT 12. For this Test Wisdom of
Weaknesses that the shaman is trying to the Mammoth or Magic of the Rhinoceros can be
detect, a new Contact the Spirits Test must be applied. The option of using the Sleep Potion
carried out, with a cumulative penalty of -1 is also available in this case.
for each extra Test. Therefore to detect a
possible curse, and then the victim’s three Step Two: Ritual Butchery
(or more) Strengths and any Weaknesses, the (new Secret Skill)
ceremony will require 4 to 6 steps, each one Knowing how to prepare a body for a
more difficult than the previous one. cannibalistic ritual is a new Secret Skill. The
Ritual Butchery Skill can be acquired in the
Options same conditions as others, in other words
There is a variation on the Sleep Potion (Secret over one season. The preparation of the
Skill Sorcery, Teachings of the Marshes) body can follow several “recipes”. It’s up to
that is not considered a new Secret Skill for the GM to let his imagination loose in this
someone who already knows the original, respect.
and it can be used to lower the victim’s There are a few known elements that can
willpower and make him more open to the help illustrate the ceremony. In some cases,
the execution itself is a key part of the ritual
and therefore follows a specific protocol.
Terrifying Appearance Then the body can be gutted and cleaned,
(New Secret Combat Technique) or on the contrary every orifice can be
The members of a cannibal clan can learn the Terrifying closed up to ensure that no Spirit leaves
Appearance Secret Combat Technique. This consists the body. It can then be eaten raw – at least
of using human remains as body decorations – other some of the noble parts of it – or cooked
than the breastplate of bones – and taking on a before it is consumed. Different body
fearsome appearance by using body painting and cries parts can be prepared in different ways.
and gestures that terrify human opponents. When this The character carrying out the ceremony
technique is used by a group of six opponents or more, carries out a Ritual Butchery Test with a DT 7
any human adversary must pass a DT 7 Resistance Test before moving on to the Ritual Feast. If he
for the fear they inspire, or suffer a -2 penalty for all knows what Strengths the victim had, he
actions for the whole duration of the scene. If 5 people can carry out a Ritual Butchery Test with DT
or fewer use the technique, the DT is only 5. 9 to attempt a Spirit Transfer. During the
ceremony, he can be assisted by chanting,
dancing and music, each successful action

6 A Guide to Cannibalism
Table of Anatomical Analogies
Eaten body part Ritual Feast (+1) Spirit Transfer

Brain Memory, wisdom, insight Wisdom of the Mammoth, Secret of the Bear

Eye Perception, tracking, orientation Sight of the Owl, Eye of the Panther

Nose, ears Perception, tracking, orientation Cunning of the Weasel, Nose of the Wolf

Tongue, throat Eloquence, lying, singing, cursing Song of the Blackbird, Magic of the Rhinoceros

Rise of the Eagle, Breath of the Stag,

Lungs Stamina, breath, swimming
Fins of the Salmon

Heart of Ice, Fury of the Lion,

Heart Courage, power, resistance to cold
Flame of the Salamander

Strength, power, resistance to Majesty of the Aurochs, Strength of the Bear,

sickness Venom of the Viper

Genitals Fertility, sexual power, seduction Might of the Bison, Protection of the Vixen

Legs, buttocks Running, dodge, reflexes Speed of the Horse, Quickness of the Lynx

Feet Agility, dancing, jumping, balance Agility of the Ibex, Grace of the Swan

Precision of aim, dexterity for

Arms Knowledge of the Beaver, Flight of the Crow
Hand of the Ancestors, Softness of the Otter,
Hands Manual skills, medicine, crafts
Inspiration of the Rocks

gives a bonus of +1 for the Ritual Butchery character will have to roll against a DT 5.
Test. A failed roll will prevent the ceremony A Success grants a bonus for 2d6 days; a
from being completed. A Critical Success Critical Success lasts a whole moon. If the
will give the participants a 1d6 bonus for the character fails, he will suffer a penalty caused
Spirit Transfer or Ritual Feast Tests. by a possible Weakness or an evil Spirit in
the victim, for 1d6 days.
o Ritual Feast
Each clan member who takes part in the o Spirit Transfer
Ritual Feast can benefit from a +1 bonus With a roll against a DT 7, a character can
from eating one of the various body benefit from the victim’s Strengths for a
parts detailed in the table of anatomical whole moon – as long as the celebrant has
analogies on the next page. Be warned, successfully carried out the Spirit Transfer
however, that each bonus for a part of the Test. If the Test fails, the character will
human body can be awarded to one and only suffer a penalty for a moon caused by a
one clan member, even if several of them Weakness or an evil Spirit in the victim. A
eat the same part. To benefit from the critical success makes the bonus last for a
bonus associated with their chosen part, the whole season.

A Guide to Cannibalism 7
It may simply be to lay the deceased to rest
in peace and transmit his memory to the rest
of the participants. If this is the case, the
same rules apply as for the Exocannibalism
Ritual Feast detailed above: DT 7 for the
celebrant, and DT 5 for the participants.
However, the effect lasts for longer: one
moon for a success, a whole season for a
critical success.
The ceremony can also be used for a Spirit
Transfer. One of two cases can apply:

o The person eating the flesh is being

Endocannibalism initiated into adulthood. Through this
& Necrophagia ceremony, the memory of the deceased is
passed down to the young clan member
with one of their Strengths (the third
Apart from the case of famine-related
Strength gained on reaching adulthood). The
cannibalism mentioned above, there is
celebrant of the ceremony must successfully
a very strong ritualization of cannibal
carry out a Ritual Butchery Test with a DT 7
activities within the clan. The aim is indeed
(assisted by the other participants). In this
to honor the memory of the deceased and
case, the new Strength is automatically
ensure they are at peace, while making sure
awarded to the initiate, and it is of course
their Strengths and Skills are passed on
permanently acquired.
to the surviving clan members during the
Ritual Feast.
o The character eating the flesh is already
Once again, it is up to the GM to describe
an adult and he already has at least the three
the appropriate ceremony to address both
Strengths that come with that status. With
of those objectives. To do so he can refer to
a Spirit Transfer Test with a DT 7, he can
the table of anatomical analogies above.
benefit from one of the deceased’s Strengths
As the family of the deceased already knows
for a moon, added to his own. Optionally,
them well, the celebrant of the funeral
the GM can decide that a Critical Success
ceremony – not necessarily a shaman – does
can grant the extra Strength for a whole
not need to carry out a Contact the Spirits Test.
season, or even permanently.
They already know all the Strengths and
Weaknesses of the deceased, as well as any
To create a special atmosphere, the GM will
curses that may have affected them.
ensure the description of the transmission is
The celebrant can be assisted by chants,
surrounded by magic. Whenever a character
dancing or music (cumulative bonuses of +1
calls upon a Strength obtained by Spirit
for each), as he rolls for a Ritual Butchery Test
Transfer or simply a bonus awarded after a
with a difficulty depending on the aim of
Ritual Feast, he is overcome with memories
the ceremony.
of the deceased and emotions that are
difficult to handle at first, through visions
that vary in intensity.

8 A Guide to Cannibalism
Summary Table of Ritual Cannibalism

Type of Result Exocannibalism Endocannibalism


DT 7 (for feast) or DT 7 (for feast) or

Ritual Butchery Conditions for
DT 9 (for transfer). DT 9 (for transfer).
Celebrant Success
Contact the Spirits beforehand. Contact the Spirits not applicable.

Failure of the ceremony. Failure of the ceremony.

Impossible to attempt it again Impossible to attempt it again

Critical +1d6 for participants for the +1d6 for participants for the
Success Spirit Transfer or the Ritual Feast Spirit Transfer or the Ritual Feast

Ritual Feast
Success Bonus +1, 2d6 days Bonus +1, 2d6 days
Participant - DT 5

Failure Weakness or Curse for 1d6 days Weakness or Curse for 1d6 days

Bonus +1, one moon Bonus +1, one moon

ditto OR if during a coming

Spirit Transfer
Success Extra Strength for one moon of age initiation: automatic and
Participant - DT 7
permanent transfer

ditto OR if during a coming

Weakness or Curse for one
Failure of age initiation: no failure

Critical ditto, or even permanent transfer

Extra Strength for one season
Success (at GM’s discretion)

A Guide to Cannibalism 9
What We Did To
After the long, warm season of Ao, the first This year, during a bison hunt, one moon to
chills that announce the coming of winter the north of the winter camp, a young “flat-
have swept over the hunting lands. It is time face” (the Lion clan’s nickname for the Long
for the members of the Lion clan to travel Men) hunter was captured. As every year, the
to the safe haven that they have occupied clan’s captive was washed, fed, treated well,
during the cold season since time began. and only recently did the clan begin to drug
Nestled in the heart of a deep gorge, it him. For a few days now, he has been in a
provides a few small game animals for the constant state of semi-consciousness. Soon,
winter, a hot spring that bubbles at the back he will be devoured by Scilax as an offering
of a cave chamber, and most importantly a to the powerful Spirit for the protection of
plentiful plant life which, combined with the the clan... That is all the clan’s children know
hot springs, remains relatively luxurious and about the strange ritual that they have always
maintains a warmer temperature in the whole been excluded from for as long as they can
of the gorge. At the top of the valley, just remember.
downstream from where the river turns from
a series of rapids into a thundering waterfall, The Clan’s Legend
is the gaping Maw of Scilax (entrance to the The Lion clan was once a peaceful Bear-man
sacred cave where the annual rituals take clan. When the flat-faces arrived in the area,
place, for the adults of the clan only). the river Spirit that protected the clan was no

The clan of Scilax, the Lion-men

Bear-men– 5 men, 6 women and 4 children + PCs; Mousterian Culture
Guardian Spirit: Scilax Ember eyes, Vengeful and Clairvoyant
Totem animal: cave lion.
The clan doesn’t practice patrilocality or matrilocality. For survival, the small group
encourages all its members (men or women) to find a partner elsewhere and bring them
back to the clan, by force if necessary.
The clan’s Manna Pool contains 1 point per player +1. The PCs can use it, as long as they
respect the requirements of the cult of Scilax... and they only know part of them!
Secret techniques: common skills + Ritual Butchery.
Secret skills: Sorcery (Teachings of the Marshes: Sleep Potion, Love Potion, Ointment of the
Rhinoceros, Potion of the Frog, Würm p. 85) + Terrifying Appearance.
Note: for this scenario, the players will be beginning the adventure as child characters about
to become adults – see pages 35-36 of the Würm core rulebook. You can consider that the
PCs are missing one Strength that they will acquire during their coming of age initiation.
On top of that, they have a penalty of -3 for their physical Tests, -2 for Knowledge, a
total Stamina score of 20 and 1d3 Experience Points. During character creation, you
can ask them which Strength they would like to acquire when they come of age. The
future deceased, who will be ritually eaten at the end of the story, will therefore have the
Strengths that the players wish to acquire. Another option is to have the GM decide at the
end of the scenario which new Strength the characters will get.

10 What We Did To Our Forefathers

Our Forefathers*
*An obvious homage to “What we did to father”, also known as “The Evolution Man” by Roy Lewis. A recommended read!

longer enough to prevent the attack of an occurs within the clan, a Ritual Feast is held,
evil Spirit. Many perished. allowing 1 to 4 youngsters (depending on
Scilax the clairvoyant appeared to Arvar the the Strengths of the deceased, maximum
ancestor. He gave him the Fury of the Lion. 4) to acquire the third Strength required to
He taught him the ways to defend his clan. become adults.
Since then, the flat-faces have not returned
to the area, and Scilax watches over his Scilax is Hungry!
people in all his generous fury. At least, until The challenge is to manage, in a short game
recently... play period, to give the players the equivalent
of the childhood memories of the PCs they A scenario for
are playing. Here are a few essential bits of Bear-men characters
What the PCs Don’t Know at and an experienced GM
information that they must know, and some
the Beginning of the Scenario
suggested scenes to help you transmit them.
The adults have all been initiated to
cannibalism, always heavily ritualized, as 1 Scilax’s Maw (the sacred cave in the
much inside the community as occasionally gorge) is just one of many caves in the
outside it. area. As children they often played in
these cavities. Some of them are shallow
Exocannibalism can also occur cul-de-sacs, others contain the sulfurous
without any special occasion, but it mainly hot springs that trickle down to the main
happens when the clan returns to the winter river and play their part in the strangely
camp each year. To mark the occasion, temperate microclimate in the gorge.
the clan’s alliance with Scilax is reinforced: 2 Argun, the last young man to have
a outsider to the clan must be sacrificed come of age two seasons ago, returned
(sometimes after months of captivity within from his initiation after having disappeared
the clan). The Ritual Feast is held, shared for several days. When he returned, he
between the able-bodied adults (the elders came over the mountain, down from
look after the children), and the trackers have the highest point, over the waterfall that
to offer certain parts of the body to a cave marks the entrance to the valley. The PCs
lion that they must track down beforehand. remember it because they saw him walking
all alone, his body painted black and white,
Endocannibalism is rather special: his eyes wide and unfocussed and a skull
the Elders spend the night reciting a long list hanging from his belt. But what they
of the names of the ancestors (the children remember best is that he seemed to be
have taken part in this ceremony without having an intense conversation with a cave
truly understanding the meaning). This lion!
demonstration of their memory helps them
to learn the names of around a hundred 3 When the clan’s legend is told, there is
ancestors, all the way back to the legendary a litany that is recited during the chants,
Arvar. When they reach adulthood, each after every four names of their ancestors:
clan member is given the name of one ”Scilax chewed up Arvar; Scilax spat out Arvar;
of his ancestors – this symbolizes the Scilax fed Arvar ».
transmission of the ancestor’s memory, but 4 From a number of amused looks and
it is also a practical concern. When a death persistent questioning from the Elders, the

What We Did To Our Forefathers 11

MANOK, typical Bear-man,
Strengths to be defined by GM, Weak.
Experience: 10, Stamina: 18
ARGUN, typical Bear-man, Strength
of the Bear, Agility of the Ibex, Fury of
the Lion. Experience: 3, Stamina: 24.
Bone spear.
PCs have figured out that Note: depending on how much time you
ANTA, typical Bear-woman, Heart of the time for their coming have for the game, you can of course leave
Ice, Softness of the Otter, Wisdom of the of age initiation is coming out the enactment of any or all of these
Mammoth, Eye of the Panther, Weak. soon. But all of this is establishing events and move on to the
Experience: 10, Stamina: 24 surrounded by mystery. action.
Even more mysteriously,
CHILDREN, typical young Bear- old Manok, whose What if...
children, Heart of Ice, Weakness Child. rheumatism often keeps The PCs can show their eagerness during
Experience: 0, Stamina: 16 him constrained to his this first part of the scenario to go rushing
bed, has often asked the into the adventure? For example, they may
PCs to come to his side decide to follow Argun towards the plateaus
lately. He is one of the few who accepts to spy on the “flat-faces”. Of course, Argun
to answer their questions (except for the will refuse to have the children follow him.
elements that are reserved for the initiates) If they do however decide to tag along
and he also seems to have a great deal of without him knowing, this phase will allow
affection for them. Explanation for the them to work out just how weak their
GM: he knows that he is soon approaching characters are. They are too clumsy to hide
the end of his long life, and to ensure the efficiently from a trained hunter, they lack
transmission of the clan’s memory, he is stamina and are not experienced enough to
offering his body for the Ritual Feast for handle the climbing in the mountain or be
the PCs’ coming of age. able to follow his tracks. Make it as hard as
you can for them, it should push them to
5 As they do every year at the same
return sheepishly to the adults who stayed in
period, the trackers mentioned around the
the camp.
campfire that they have spotted a large
cave lion in the area. This year, rather
unusually, the large male entered the gorge.
Scilax Awakens!
Unsurprisingly, as they do each year, the
The children have even heard him roar.
“grown-ups” have left the elders to watch
They have been forbidden from leaving
the camp. However, old Manok, despite his
the camp.
condition, has followed the other adults to
6 Trackers have also spotted “flat-faces” Scilax’s Maw. Nine of them (4 men and 5
on the high plateaus above Scilax’s Maw to women) went to the cave, taking Teka, the
the south. This was debated at great length young flat-face who is to be sacrificed to
around the evening’s campfire. For most Scilax, with them. Reminder: Argun has not
of them, it is of course seen as a bad sign. yet returned from his scouting mission to the
Other more daring clan members want other “flat-faces” spotted on the southern
to watch them to learn more about them plateaus. Old Anta has therefore been left
before they decide what to do about them. behind alone to look after the four little ones
In the end, young Argun, who is protected and the PCs.
by the Spirits of the wolf and the lion, was
sent on this mission. He will have been She immediately gave the PCs a number of
gone for three days when the events at chores to do, hoping to keep them occupied
Scilax’s Maw occur. and take their mind of the fact that they are

12 What We Did To Our Forefathers

The best laid plans...
The adults were supposed to travel to Scilax’s Maw to prepare for the
PCs’ coming of age initiation. They were then supposed to welcome
them and have them “devoured” by Scilax – in fact get them lost in a
labyrinth of caves – leave them to be “digested” (by confronting their
fears and hardships), before being reborn as adults. They would then
have taken part in the Ritual Feast around Manok to receive their new
Strength. Then they would have been sent (accompanied by a hunter)
still not considered adults. They constantly to offer the remains of young Teka to the cave lion that has been
have to feed the main campfire, reinforce the prowling around near the gorge. Last of all, they would each have gone
wall of brambles that marks the outer limit in search of their totem animal: the theory being that this animal must be
of the camp, and keep an eye on the little approached, and observed until the character is familiar enough with it to
ones to make sure they don’t get into trouble be accepted and in return understand their animal alter ego.
or wander away from the camp. But Scilax, or fate, has decided otherwise!
When night comes, Anta calls the PCs to her
side. She finally tells them – although they was playing with the PCs. This can partially
had already kind of figured it out – that it is reassure them; as for the moment he does
time for their coming of age initiation. They not seem to be tracking them.
must prepare to leave, alone, in the middle
of the night, and go to the cave known as Scilax Has Eaten!
“Scilax’s Maw”. If the PCs mention the When they are getting close to the entrance
presence of the big lion, she will tell them of Scilax’s Maw, the valley is suddenly filled
with a mysterious and vaguely amused look with a commotion as if every animal around
on her face, that they will just have to learn was shrieking at the same time. They all
to protect themselves without depending on seem to be panicking simultaneously, even
the adults. the daytime animals that have been brutally
dragged from their slumber. A few seconds
You can let the players plan their nighttime later, the ground begins to shake. It goes
expedition. Anta leaves them alone to make on for so long that it seems like it will never
their own decisions; their initiation has end. They are surrounded by the deafening
already begun! Even if the players are old cries of wounded animals, hundred-year-old
hands themselves, it is time to make them trees being upturned, snapped in two like
painfully aware of how vulnerable their twigs, and blocks of rock coming loose from
characters are. The night is a foggy one the cliff sides and rolling... right towards the
(as is often the case down in the gorge). end of the gorge where the PCs are. Now
It is filled with a multitude of increasingly is not the time to weaken them, given what
worrying animal sounds. However, there is they are about to go through. However a few
little chance that the children will get lost, dice rolls (readjusted if necessary behind the
as the winding path to “Scilax’s Maw” is GM’s screen) can give them the impression
very easy to follow along the bottom of the that they narrowly escaped being buried
gorge. It takes about two hours of quick alive.
walking to get there. On several occasions,
the blood-chilling roars of a lion echo Once the earthquake and the initial shock
through the gorge, and always seem close by. have passed, the PCs can notice that the
A DT 9 Perception Test can allow them to landscape all around them has drastically
work out the direction and distance of the changed. Most importantly, they can see
animal. The difficulty comes from the way that the entrance to “Scilax’s Maw” is
the sounds echo off the rock walls and are permanently blocked by several tons of
muffled by the fog. If they do see the lion, huge rocks. They can no longer reach
then he bounds away into the fog as if he the adults who were waiting for them

What We Did To Our Forefathers 13

inside. Besides, what who knows what has When they reach the foot of the waterfall
happened to them inside the cave? that marks the end of the gorge, the only
The characters can come up with a number way to move forward is a perilous climb up
of theories. They can try to understand what the rock face. The path to climb it crosses
happened: Could Scilax himself be angry the waterfall in places. There are therefore
with his children? Was he the one that walled three main difficulties in reaching the top:
the clan’s adults inside his maw? Could it be managing to climb without letting go (DT
that a more powerful Spirit, maybe working 6, a Failure leads to a harmless fall into the
for the “flat-faces”, has brought his anger water below, a Critical Failure causes an
upon them? From a more practical point of injury due to the fall), resisting the biting
view, they may simply be wondering what cold of the freezing water drenching them
has happened to their parents. Have they since the beginning of the climb (DT 6,
been crushed? Were they spared? If they including a possible bonus from
survived, are they stuck inside Scilax’s belly the Heart of Ice Strength),
or will they be able to find their way out and finally manage to
of the other way out that Anta spoke about? resist the fatigue that
Should they head back to the camp and ask will soon affect them
the old woman for advice or should they during this trial
make up their own minds from now on? (DT 7 for fatigue,
a Failure leads

Do Not Wake A Sleeping

No matter how sidetracked the characters
get, or what actions they undertake, they
will have to go alone to look for survivors.
The only way for them to do so (if they
don’t remember, Anta will suggest it), is to
walk up to the high plateaus, first of all to
find Argun, the only one who can actually
help them, but also to find the secondary
entrance to the cave that will allow them
to enter Scilax’s belly.
Climbing up above Scilax’s Maw
is hard, especially so since
the rockslides caused by the
earthquake have wiped out
any obvious pathways.

14 What We Did To Our Forefathers

to a loss of 1d6 Stamina Points). It takes 2 seems to drop down into the ground. When
successful Climbing Test to reach the top. they get closer, the PCs can see that the
A failed Test for Cold Resistance or Fatigue stream drops over a ledge down into a gorge
will mean they need to stop for a moment... that looks similar in some ways to the one
and therefore suffer the effects of the cold that they know so well. There too, the wrath
and the fatigue for longer. If the players of the Spirits (the earthquake) has left gaping
manage to help each other in any way, they wounds that are still visible.
get a +1 to +3 bonus at the GM’s discretion.
They can hear a wailing human voice coming
Once they reach the top of the waterfall, up from the bottom of the gorge. After
the PCs discover a relatively flat plain, swept a dangerous approach through the rocky
by the winds and where the biting cold of chaos along the banks of the newborn
winter has a far stronger hold than it does waterfall, they discover a scene that leaves
down in their own familiar gorge with its them filled with anticipation. Argun is sitting,
running warm water. In the distance, they cross-legged, beside a fire. He seems to be
can see the impressive peaks with their watching a young female “flat-face” whose
eternally snowy tips. These must be the leg is crushed by a recent rockslide. He is
homes of the most powerful Spirits, where rocking back and forth, as if in a trance,
mankind has never dared to tread. The river while the young woman wails and stares
that they know so well winds its way lazily at him with terror-filled eyes. In fact, as a ELEA,
between misty peat marshes and a scattering ruthless hunter trained in the secrets of typical Long Woman,
of grassy knolls already whitened by winter’s his clan, Argun is about to kill the young Hand of the Ancestors,
touch. There is no sign of Argun, the clan’s woman, who is wounded and blocked by the Secret of the Bear,
tracker. Let the PCs wander in this wasteland block of stone. He wants to take one of her Inspiration of the Rocks.
for a while. Hunger, cold and despair should Strengths before he heads back to the camp. Experience: 2, Stamina:
be their only companions for the moment. If the PCs tell Argun that the Elders may 10 (wounded)
It is up to them to come up with ways to have been blocked or wounded inside Scilax’s
resist the elements. Then they come across belly during the earthquake, he decides to
a crevice in the plateau: a gigantic lake feeds follow them to the secondary entrance, but
the river that they know, but it also runs away before that, he will show them the ritual
towards the rising sun in a small stream that he is about to carry out.

What We Did To Our Forefathers 15

Argun will be confident and inflexible when
it comes to what he is about to do. He is
aware of the truly exceptional circumstances
the Lion clan is now in, and therefore he
decides to forget the plans for the PCs’
initiation and directly include them in this
Ritual Feast. Whatever the PCs decide to
do about this, he is determined to make the
most, at least for himself, of the benefits he
can reap from the Spirits that accompany
his prisoner. This scene is designed to be
a moral dilemma for the PCs (and in theory
for the players who will have a greater
cultural revulsion for cannibalism). This
is the occasion for the GM to present the
dilemma: either they obey the clan’s rules,
represented here by Argun, or they rebel
against them. The PCs have grown up with
a fear of these “flat-faces”, but the humanity
of the unfortunate young woman should
still move them. At the same time, the
necessity to save their people could prove
to be a counter argument. Let them go with
whatever they choose. Will they go as far faces in the area, they discover that the only
as to confront Argun (or try to at least!)? way to enter the caves is through the flat-
What will happen to them at the end of the faces’ winter camp. There are about twenty
scenario if they commit the unthinkable? people living in huts set up in fairly similar
This scene will allow the GM to get a first conditions to those of the Lion clan, under
peek at the resistances that the characters a rock shelter at the back of which is the
may present during their future initiation. If access to the cave. After the earthquake,
they decide to share the Ritual Feast with him, several people seem to have been wounded
then the sacrifice, the ritual butchery and the and are lying near the great fire. A huge flat-
cooking of the body parts will be carried out face who seems to be a shaman is dancing
with cold and precise gestures, without any and singing around them, asking the Spirits
needless cruelty and as discreetly as possible to favor them. From their lookout spot,
(see the game aid on pages 6-7). the PCs then see a rather unsettling scene:
the man seems to sit down in a strange
Whatever the PCs choose, they will now way. Then a Bear-man pokes his head out
have to make their way to the secondary from under the great animal skin worn by
entrance of the caves that lead to Scilax’s the shaman. The shaman seems confused,
Maw, with or without Argun. After having hesitates, then with a tap on the head,
followed some rather obvious tracks (DT orders the Bear-man to take him back to the
5) left by the regular passage of the flat- entrance of the cave.

16 What We Did To Our Forefathers

The Story of the Shaman and
the Bear-man
The history of the strange “pet” Bear-man who
Inside Scilax’s Belly carries the shaman goes back a few years, when the
Let the PCs take a careful look at the shaman Yarec met the Bear-child that they would
location, work out a plan to reach the later all call Oum. Yarec had suffered a bad fall and
entrance to the cave and anticipate what broken his spine. Since then he had become so
they will find inside – beginning with the moody that his brothers came to fear his frequent
darkness! How can they discreetly enter the tantrums. When he first saw Oum, who had been
cave while carrying lit torches? When they captured by hunters, he came up with a cruel plan
finally go for it, make sure they get caught for him: he would raise him to be his legs, and
at the very last moment by a member of the legs don’t need to talk. He tore out the bear-child’s
Long Men clan. tongue and secured an exclusive authority over him,
waiting patiently for the boy to be strong enough
If Argun is with them, it is time to split them to carry him. The other members of the clan,
up! Seeing that they have been caught just as although they all secretly disapproved of this cruelty,
they were about to enter the cave, he tries a accepted it, assuming that some powerful Spirits
last desperate measure: he uses his Terrifying must have approved this strange association. Oum
Appearance to cause a diversion and allow is now considered to be a beast of burden. In fact,
them to run inside. From there onwards, having been beaten since childhood and deprived of
they won’t see him again and will be on their speech, he looks, at first, like a wild animal. However
own. Much later on, they will find out that he is far from stupid, and has developed a form
after a few skirmishes and a run for his life, of intelligence mainly focused on allowing him to
Argun managed to escape the flat-faces, who survive in the best possible conditions. As he has no
were enraged by the violation of their taboo. memory of his own kind and doesn’t know what he
Indeed, for the flat-faces, the inside of the looks like, he will not spontaneously identify with
cave is a sacred place and completely taboo. the PCs if he sees them. They will have to be very
Only the shaman can enter it, outside of the subtle (DT 9 plus maybe the Song of the Blackbird or
special ceremonies where the whole clan can the Grace of the Swan) to prevent him from turning
venture inside. This will in fact help the PCs, against them, driven by the reflex of protecting his
as even if they are spotted entering the cave, master.
no one will dare to come after them. They
will get away with a bit of a fright, realizing YAREC: typical Long Man, Hand of the Ancestors,
that only the shaman and his Bear-man Magic of the Rhinoceros, Rise of the Eagle, Inspiration of
porter are left to bar their way. the Rocks, Lame, Quick-tempered, Fragile. He also wears
a charm at all times that gives him the Majesty of the
The narrow gallery descending into the Aurochs. Experience: 6, Stamina 16.
ground leads at first into a wide circular Attack [1] Stick 2d6 (1d6 Damage Points).
chamber, which can’t be seen from the
outside. This is where the shaman, still on OUM: typical Bear-man, Heart of Ice, Secret of the
the shoulders of his porter, has gone to try Bear, Might of the Bison, Mute.
and plead to the clan’s Guardian Spirits. He Experience: 3, Stamina 30.
has heard the cries of his brothers outside, Attack [1] Kick 2d6 (2d3 Damage Points) or Stick
and is awaiting the PCs. In the end, the 2d6 (2d6 Damage Points, if Yarec has fallen and
arthritic old man has very little in terms of Oum tries to defend him).
personal resources to fight against a group

What We Did To Our Forefathers 17

of children, especially Bear-man children. How to get them into that frame of mind?
His best bet is his porter, and the fear he An aftershock of the earthquake will take
might inspire by gesticulating around: to away all hope of turning back – Scilax is
resist this, the initial DT is 7 (with no penalty awake, Scilax is swallowing them! As they
for the “Child” Weakness) ; if the Test fails, move further in, they reach a small chamber
then the character cannot move. For each filled with rocky concretions and the stench
Combat Round the Test is taken again. As of sulfur. Indeed, an underground river runs
soon as the character gets a success, he through the chamber, which reminds them
overcomes his fears and sees that the old of the beneficial springs around their base
man is impressive, but not really dangerous. camp. A series of terraced pools reaches
downwards, and is the only way out. It is
It is however much harder to get past Oum. impossible to go down there while carrying
Attacking him directly is especially dangerous torches, but if they stay where they are,
for the children. They can try to escape by they will soon be asphyxiated by the sulfuric
running around him; because he is carrying gasses. Each of them has to carry out a
Yarec, he moves with a penalty of -3. They Resistance Test (DT 7) to avoid drowning.
can also try to turn him against Yarec, or at Little by little, fear and exhaustion will
least get him to hesitate long enough to run become their only companions. After several
away from him. Bear in mind that, of course, perilous crossings of the underground river,
Oum doesn’t understand the PCs’ language. the only bearings they have left are the
Even if he does betray Yarec, you can show positions of their companions around them
that the relationship they have is a complex when they emerge half-drowned from their
one. Oum will shed a few tears, a sign that crossing.
he cared for his tormentor in a way, and
also a sign that the relationship between the When you feel that the characters are getting
flat-faces and the Bear-men goes beyond the equally disheartened, you can trigger the
simplistic opposition of good guys and bad climax of their anxiety. As they arrive on a
guys. thin strip of beach, in total darkness, one
After their confrontation with Yarec and of them reaches out and touches a hunk of
possibly also Oum, the PCs venture deeper flesh... cold and stiff. There is no way this
into the labyrinth of Scilax’s belly*. It is is a living companion. There is a dead body
important, from then on, to make sure they there, in the darkness. In fact, they can smell
lose their bearings little by little. The aim of its stench in the air around them. Once
this part of the scenario is to have the PCs the panic has subsided and they are silent
face a unique sensory experience that suits again, the PCs can at last hear the muffled,
their initiatory rebirth. In the end, they must far-away sound of voices. They crawl along
all end up isolated and in terrifying pitch a narrow ledge along the bank of the river,
darkness to bring them to understand that and at last see a flicker of light. Through a
only a blind trust in Scilax can allow them to small opening left open by the fall of a huge
survive this challenge. block of rock, they can see their people. All
the adults are there, including old Manok.
* GM beware: some players with sharp minds and a tendency to Some of them are wounded, most of them
pun easily will soon be digressing into the scatological from this exhausted, they are slowly dying. The body
point onwards, given that they are travelling towards Scilax’s
Maw through his belly and that they have to enter it somehow...

18 What We Did To Our Forefathers

they found earlier was Ergata, a brave
woman who, being skinnier than the others,
managed to crawl out of their prison; but
she was too badly wounded to make it and
died before she could save them. Given the
situation, the children can only make their
way in through the gap to join the adults, but
the adults can’t get out. They tried in vain for
many a long hour to tug and scratch at the
blocks of granite that are blocking the exit.
Let the PCs organize some first aid (getting
water for them for a start!) and then indulge
in the comfort of being reunited with them,
before they start trying to find a way out
of this predicament. Hand of the Ancestors,
Knowledge of the Beaver or Secret of the Bear can In Scilax’s Heart
help them to analyze the situation. From Manok is exhausted, and Scilax will soon
where they stand, the problem doesn’t summon him to his side. He calls those
seem too hard to solve. In fact, the block who are still considered children to his side
of granite that is blocking the exit for the for a moment. He explains to them that
adults is resting on an earthy, crumbly soil. the challenges they have now overcome
It can be dug out, or even washed away successfully make them exceptionally
by a light flooding by the river that is easy qualified for initiation into the secrets of
enough to set up. If they don’t come up the Lion clan. Scilax is a predator, and
with this solution on their own, then talking anything that is not a predator is a prey. That
to Manok, who is hounding them with is Scilax’s greatest lesson. Therefore, many
questions, will help them come up with it. years ago, he taught Arvar how to fight to
ensure that his own people survived: eat your
Finally, the small opening widens by a few enemy if you don’t want him to eat you, and
centimeters after hours of hard work, and take his life strength from him. You should
allows them all to leave quickly. Taking the also honor your ancestors and retain their
only path available – in other words the memory and the strengths of their totem
underground river – the group arrives more animals by eating their bodies. Manok is
dead than alive in a gallery of caves that runs impressed by the PCs’ courage, and at the
parallel to that of Scilax’s Maw. Those who same time he knows his end is near. He
are in better shape lead the rest of them to considers it an honor to be able to continue
an exit that emerges half way between their to live through them, and offers himself for
base camp and the old opening of Scilax’s their initiation.
Maw. But just as they were about to finally
see the light of day again, the Elders stop the Urhor, the hunt leader, is presiding the
PCs in their tracks. ceremony. Everyone gathers around the
PCs and Manok. Some of the adults go
outside to gather and bring back wood

What We Did To Our Forefathers 19

What Can Happen Next?
to build a big fire and prepare the potion 1 The GM can save the encounter with the
that Manok will take to ease his passing. totem animal for a future scenario, where
The PCs are also invited to drink this potion it will be played out individually for each
(+2 to enter a trance state and take part in an PC. As mentioned above, they should all
uninhibited dance), therefore they will be in become “familiar” with this animal, which
a better condition to have the vision of the can of course cause various difficulties
totem animal that chooses to come to them. depending on whether it’s a beaver or a
Then, in what seems like a mirage where wooly rhinoceros!
reality and dreams come together, Manok
is strangled, cut up according to the ritual 2 Teka, the young “flat-face” who was
butchery with many marks of respect, and supposed to be offered in sacrifice to Scilax
placed in the fire to cook. During the hours to renew the clan’s alliance with the powerful
that follow, the PCs begin to have visions Spirit, was crushed during the rockslide
of the animal that will give them their new caused by the first earthquake. Some say
Strength. Better still, they become that that this was just a sign that Scilax wanted
animal for a moment while they eat the flesh to consume him in a rather unusual way.
of their ancestor. Through this ceremony, However, just to be sure, the Elders, led by
Manok’s wisdom rushes through them, they Urhor, consider that it is important to follow
have received an additional Strength, and tradition: they should quickly find a new
they can feel that they are becoming adults. offering for Scilax to carry out the Ritual
Urhor gives them new names, chosen from Feast.
those of their long-passed ancestors.
3 The Lion clan has a threat over its head
Once everything is calm again, they are now that Scilax’s hunters have discovered a
surrounded with loving attention. Urhor large number of flat-faces living in a valley
gives them each a cave lion paw, a precious near their own, just three days’ walk away.
mark of their belonging to the exclusive What should they do about them? This is
group of Scilax’s hunters. They can go out the open question that Argun was supposed
into the daylight once again, back to see to answer, but the situation prevented him
Anta, the young children, and tend to those from doing so. The PCs now know that the
who need healing. flat-faces consider Scilax’s belly to be taboo.
Then again, for the Elders of the Lion clan,
their presence is a blasphemy against what
URHOR, they too consider to be their sacred place.
typical Bear-man, However, nothing is decided yet, and the
Heart of Ice, PCs will have an important part to play in
Majesty of the Aurochs, the future of their clan and the nature of the
Might of the Bison, relationship they will build with their strange
Wisdom of the Mammoth, neighbors.
Experience 9, Stamina 24. 4 Last but not least, if he survived, Oum
Terrifying Appearance the Bear-man should be an intriguing
element that will undoubtedly attract the
freshly initiated and intrepid young hunters...


20 What We Did To Our Forefathers

Horror In The Deep
Horror in the Deep is a horror scenario designed for a group of characters who have recently come of age
or with some basic experience. We recommend that the Game master (GM) choose a group of Long Men to
make the contemplation of the cave drawings more plausible. However a group of Bear-men or a mixed group
can also be a good fit with a few adaptations.
This scenario deliberately takes some liberties with historical correctness, and flirts with the realms of fantasy
and horror. Horror in the Deep is loosely based on the film The Descent (Neil Marshall, 2005).
Watching it will probably inspire you for your depiction of the nightmare that the characters will have to go
through. This scenario will confront the characters with repulsive cannibal humanoids in an oppressive closed
environment. During this adventure, one of the characters can be introduced to shamanism, which he will first A scenario best suited
experience in terrifying circumstances. to Long Men

Introduction Winter is Coming,

The tribe is facing a rough winter. Their and it’s Not Looking Good
stocks of food are at their lowest and their The cold is already biting and a blizzard has
allies are not around to barter for food. So begun to blow in the valley where the camp
the characters have been sent on a hunting has been set up. They should have finished
expedition. Following a great gray lion into the preparation of their food stocks by now
a dark cave, they find themselves in a maze - a vital activity if they are to resist the harsh
of galleries. At the heart of it, they find climate conditions to come. Unfortunately,
strange cave paintings, and can choose to go the reindeer didn’t show up this year.
into a shamanic trance to help them find the Could the great herd have changed its age-
exit… But more importantly they will have old migration path? Was the hunt leader
to face the terrifying creatures of the deep that negligent or maybe even cursed?
haunt this place and see the characters as One way or the other, the hunters had to
fresh meat for their next meal. You will find settle for bison, and they are far harder to
a map and a cross-section of the cave on the kill. As it stands, the stocks of food seem
following pages. It is based on the Grotte far too low to survive a regular winter.
du Tasson, at Fromelennes in the Ardennes
region of France. A few days ago, the tribe’s shaman went
into a trance to ask the Spirits for a sign
During this adventure, the characters will of what was to come over the coming
be wearing their winter clothing (2 Protection season. Since then, he has noticed several
Points, -1 for Agility and Dodge). Deep obvious signs: the winter will be very harsh.
inside the cave where the temperature Is his prediction the fruit of “simple”
is a stable 11°C all year round, they can meteorological observation and common
remove the outer layer of their clothing. sense? Or could it come from deciphering
They will therefore not suffer any penalty real signs sent to him after he asked for
for their Agility Tests (which can be handy a Clairvoyance Favor (see Würm, page 91)?
for climbing!), but they will only have one Either way, the future is looking bleak for
Protection Point left. our characters’ tribe.

Horror In The Deep 21

The Wolves Attack He decides to send off a small group of
One night, the PCs are woken up by the hunters (the characters!) to meet an allied
alert call of a watcher at the other end of tribe that has settled nearby. Maybe these
the camp. He has just come across a pack of allies were lucky enough to have killed plenty
hungry wolves while patrolling near the cairn of reindeer on their own hunting lands. The
that covers the hole where their food stocks PCs are laden with fine furs, pieces of hand-
are stored, down in the frozen ground, less made clothing and various raw materials (see
than a foot below the surface. Hunger has Würm page 100), to trade for some meat
given a pack of a dozen wolves the courage supplies. The GM is free to make up the
to push over the mound of stones. In the characteristics of this friendly tribe based on
dead of night, they had already helped the typical tribes detailed in the Würm book
themselves to the stocks of meat when he on page 96.
found them, their mouths dripping with
defrosted blood. When they were caught, the The neighboring tribe is about a day’s walk
wolves were still gobbling down the pieces away. As the weather is already quite cold,
of frozen meat, barely even taking time to the characters will find walking difficult (see
chew. Würm page 66). The biting wind makes
the journey even more unpleasant. When
The tribe has to chase off these opponents they get there, they are stunned! For some
as quickly as possible, and the wolves won’t unknown reason, the tribe seems to have
hesitate to fight back, when surrounded by left their base camp. The rock shelter is
all those pointy sticks. The PCs are backed empty and the huts disassembled and taken
up by half a dozen other hunters (see Würm away. When they saw the cold weather
page 121). But the wolves shouldn’t suffer coming, their allies probably had a little
too many fatalities. Make it so that only two more common sense than the PCs’ clan
or three wolves are killed, and the others and must have left for a warmer climate
manage to flee into the dark night. Indeed, before the mountain passes and vast frozen
the wolf meat should not provide enough to steppes became impassable. Unfortunately,
replace the stolen meat. this option is no longer available to the PCs’
Once they have been chased off, the tribe tribe, as they are already too weak to travel.
realizes that the wolves have gobbled up The characters must head back to their camp
a huge amount of food. They also notice quickly to tell the others the bad news.
that the animals they have just killed are not
worth as much as a hunted prey, and that As if to confirm the fact that the PCs are
there is not much meat on their bones. cursed, they are attacked on the way back
by an evil arctic fox. It is an Ice animal (see
Reduced to Famine information at the end of this scenario). It
Faced with this event, added to the perils is lying in wait, on the lookout (see Würm,
of the winter to come, the members of page 43). The group will have to carry out
the community feel defeated and they start an opposed Test between its Camouflage (4d6)
trying to place the blame for their lack of ability and their Alertness. If the Ice arctic
supplies. Things get a little heated, but the fox succeeds, then it can attack them with a
old shaman manages to calm them down. bonus of +3 for the element of surprise.

22 Horror In The Deep

necessary to get everything they need. It has
been decided that their group would head
towards the mountains. Therefore, the older
hunters advise them – if they haven’t already
thought of it themselves – to take a good
length of braided plant fiber rope with them.

Replenishing the Manna Pool

Assigning them this survival “mission” can
be done by carrying out a ritual of devotion
Note for the GM: invite the supernatural to the for the whole tribe, especially the characters.
table! The tribe’s shaman should see this disturbing If applicable, this ritual can replenish the
and dangerous adventure as a very bad sign when the clan’s Manna Pool before they leave for their
group tells him about this part of their adventure. hunt.
He could wrongly suppose that the tribe is the victim
of a Vengeful Animal, as a result of some All Hopes Rest on This Hunt
unknown curse. Is the tribe being persecuted by dark Next morning at sunrise, the characters are
forces hiding behind these harsh weather conditions? ready to leave. The cold is already biting,
Later on, the appearance of the big gray lion will be but the wind hasn’t begun to blow yet. The
even easier to interpret as a sign from the Spirits. tribe’s shaman and the Elders come to see
them on their way and call the favors of
the Spirits onto each group as they leave in
Immediate Measures different directions. Everyone is there to say
for Survival goodbye, including the women and children.
During the nights following the old shaman’s The air is thick with anxiety.
trance, he dreamt several times of the rough The characters set off across the steppe.
conditions awaiting them during the winter. The biting cold is a constant reminder that
On the night after the PCs return to the the unforgiving winter is close and that the
camp, the tribe’s Guardian Spirit appeared to objective of their hunt is crucial. The GM
the shaman in his dreams and ordered that should refer to the first level of the Table of
an extraordinary hunt take place to ensure effects of the cold (see Würm, page 66).
the community’s survival. The decision is
therefore made to undertake an expedition He can set up a first hunting encounter in
on the very brink of winter. All hunters the steppe environment. The GM should
who are able to walk are sent off to all the insist on the depressing absence of the larger
corners of the territory and beyond to bring game animals, the chilling wind steadily rising
back as much game as possible. The Elders over the plain that offers no shelter at all,
make sure they form groups of people who and only let the PCs find the tracks of small
get along well and have plenty of common game animals (hare, grouse, lynx...). The PCs
experience. Together, the characters form can always attempt to hunt these animals,
one of the three hunting groups. in order to have enough to keep themselves
Give the PCs time to gather their equipment, going, but there is no way they will take such
trading and bartering some objects if meager supplies back to the camp.

Horror In The Deep 23

If the PCs hesitate about the path to follow, Note for the GM: the lion is in fact a Legendary
the GM should remind them that the Elders Animal (see information at the end of the scenario).
sent them off to look for larger game in the One of the characters might notice that the lion
mountains, beyond the clan’s usual hunting spotted the group of humans when they started to
lands. It will take them two days to reach the run off after it.
Note for the GM: if the characters kill a lynx, don’t Just as the ibex are running down a tree-
forget to get them to play out the rule of the liver! covered slope, the group can suddenly hear
Eating the liver of the animal they have hunted will a thundering noise. As the ibex ran to escape
give them that animal’s Strength for a while. the lion, they fell down into a crevasse that
was partially hidden by the snow-covered
vegetation. From the ridge above, the
Following the Gray Lion characters can see the lion prowl around the
The characters have begun to climb the hills edge of the hole. But he clearly can’t seem
to reach the mountains so they can hunt the to find a way down into it. If the characters
larger game animals that shelter there from hide to avoid the lion choosing them as a
the winds that blow across the plain. The consolation prize, they will realize that the
snow, gusts of wind or rockslides can make feline, who has clearly seen them, doesn’t
it difficult to walk uphill. At this altitude in seem interested in them in the slightest, and
the mid-mountain area, the temperature has it moves on to seek better luck elsewhere.
decreased and the GM should follow the If they decide, on the contrary, to attack
second level of the Table of effects of the cold. the lion like the precious target it is, it will
run away, even if the characters manage to
The PCs have been walking in the mountains wound it. One way or another, the characters
for two days. Suddenly as they come over a end up all on their own looking down at the
pass, they witness an exciting scene: a lone crevasse, at the bottom of which is a prize
gray lion is running after five ibex. Even of five dead ibex and several hundred kilos
from this distance, the lion seems to be of easily gained meat.
an impressive size. The ibex are quick and
not about to run out of breath. The chase
is taking place at a stunning pace. But the Descending Into the Belly
characters have plenty of time to realize of the Earth
that the lion probably won’t eat all five of The hunters therefore arrive at the mouth
the ibex and will end up selecting just one of the chasm, half hidden by the thick layer
of them, leaving the rest of them, probably of snow. They must therefore be careful, as
exhausted and possibly already wounded, the snow hides part of the area around the
to the human hunters. Maybe the lion will opening into which they could fall. If they
even get gored by their horns. Its body, with did fall they would land about twenty meters
or without the additional ibex, would be a below in a shallow pool of freezing water.
perfectly honorable hunting trophy... They Alertness or Agility DT 5, 3d6 Damage Points
therefore set off to follow this ibex hunt (see Würm, page 66).
from a distance. The chasm below is about a hundred meters
long and up to twenty meters wide in parts.

24 Horror In The Deep

From up above, the characters
can’t yet see that the ibex are
no longer there. Once they are
down inside it, tracks in the
frozen mud will show them
that the ibex seem to have
been dragged further into
the cave, through a passage
at the back of the chasm.
The characters will therefore
have to enter the heart of the
darkness to get their precious
prey back.
Note for the GM: the animals were
dragged away by the creatures of the
deep who have taken them back to
their lair.

If the characters have not

fallen into the chasm, the
descent requires a difficult
Climbing Test (DT 9).
Climbing out again this way
is impossible (SD 15), as the
rock walls are frozen and On the ground, they can see the long, bloody
almost vertical all the way up. The water trail where the creatures have dragged
below is freezing. The characters are in a the ibex. The tracks made by the dragged
shallow pool where the risks of drowning animals have not completely erased the
are low. A Resistance to cold Test (DT 7) is many tracks of human feet with unusually
necessary to overcome the thermal shock if long toenails still visible on the clay floor at
the have fallen into the water. the entrance to the cave. All of this should
push the characters to go further, but warily,
On the map provided, the characters arrive into the belly of the earth, looking for their
by falling or climbing down, at the entrance. bounty of meat.
They will soon need some light. To do so Note for the GM: if the characters set up camp
they will need to light a fire (see Würm, page near the chasm, they will probably be attacked
39). It is reasonable to think that they would with a frightening efficiency by the creatures of the
keep their fire-lighting equipment safe from deep during the night: diversion, ambush, dividing,
water, as they are travelling in the snow and diminishing and isolating the forces present to attack
the rain. Whether they are using torches or them individually, etc. The predators treat the
grease lamps, they will be perfectly visible in characters like game animals. The GM can there-
the darkness, even though they won’t be able fore use the rules of hunting against the PCs;
to see all that well themselves. they have turned from hunters to hunted!

Horror In The Deep 25

An Underground Adventure
The characters have now reached the entrance, a porch about forty meters at its
highest and six meters wide. As they enter the short passage, the PCs gradually
adapt to the darkness, a harsh contrast to the blindingly bright snow-covered
landscape they have just left. If they have managed to arrange a source of light,
the characters will move forward inside a sort of halo of light that will give them
some protection against the darkness. In the torchlight, their shadows dance on
the cave walls, some dry, some wet, but all of them sparkling, as the light bounces
off the embedded calcite crystals. The echoes of their steps resound along the
galleries. Sometimes they will be walking on slippery paths or over rocky remains

26 Horror In The Deep

from previous rockslides. At times, they wouldn’t think of as “passable”: hanging from the
will have to climb down wells or narrow ceilings, crawling through incredibly tight passages...
passageways (DT 5 to 9 if assisted or lit,
bonus of 1d6 for Agility of the Ibex or Secret From the chamber of wells, they will have
of the Bear). They will always be able to stand, to decide which way they are going to go
as the cave is high enough. to continue their exploration. The small
well (4) is quite narrow, but its size actually
Barely a few meters from the entrance, the makes it easier to climb down. It is possible
characters will have to climb down a narrow to descend one behind the other by hanging
passage that goes downwards for about ten from the edge, or by pushing against the
meters. This is the narrow well(1) (see map other side to make it easier to climb down.
on previous page). The descent is difficult, The great well (5) is much wider, but it is
as it is very steep. Three Climbing Tests are far harder to climb down and using ropes is
required (DT 9, or 5 with ropes), and the almost mandatory (DT 12 without ropes, 7
well is very narrow. If a character was to with them).
fall, he would be badly injured by hitting the
sides on his way down, suffering scrapes and The Drawings on the Rock
bruises, before hitting the ground at a speed In the chamber of the Mast (6) and the
reduced by the bouncing off the walls of the chamber of chimneys (7), the PCs can
narrow well (from 1d6 to 3d6 depending on discover some stunningly beautiful cave art.
how far he fell). Engraved and then darkened with charcoal,
the one in the chamber of the Mast
The characters reach the majestic chamber represents a great lion, three rhinoceroses
of wells (2). It is a huge chamber decorated and a small mammoth, and the one in the
with many shiny and elaborate calcifications. chamber of chimneys shows a lion and
On the ground, they can see some tracks a horse. The drawings are undoubtedly
from the dragged ibex leading down into the work of very ancient Long Men: the
the small well (4). Up above, they can also calcite crystals that have begun to cover up
spot a niche (3) up in the shadows above, the drawings gives them a bluish hue that
looking out over the chamber. It is easy looks mysterious and enchanting. Lost in
enough to climb up there if given a leg up to the middle of the lair of these creatures,
reach the edge. Up there, the PCs can find constantly surrounded by darkness, the
plenty of animal and human bones, all with characters’ torch seems to give the animals
traces of scraping and bite marks. a new lease of life.

At that point, the GM can have the players At least one character (at the GM’s
carry out some Perception Tests (DT 7) and discretion, and preferably in chamber 6) will
let those who succeed know that they have be entranced by these drawings. Indeed,
the vague feeling that there is something they do seem to give off a strange feeling
nearby watching them, without being able to of calm in this stressful environment. The
actually see anything or anyone. GM should feel free to have this character
Note for the GM: in fact, the creatures are moving (or characters) enter a real trance, triggered
around near them in places that the characters by the contemplation of the drawings, but

Horror In The Deep 27

If the character has fainted, the creatures
could choose to attack, making the most
of this moment of weakness for the group.
The chamber of the Mast is breathtaking,
with a huge calcium stalagnate forming an
impressive central column. Its circumference
is huge and if the characters have the
(bad) idea of backing up against it to face
the creatures, their attackers will use their
amazing climbing skills to scramble down
from the top of it to take them by surprise.
Note for the GM: some players may think that
the creatures themselves are the artists who drew
the animals on the walls, or even that the ancient
humans who drew them have degenerated over the
millennia into these cave-dwelling monsters. Do not
correct them on this. This whole story must remain
shrouded in the darkest mystery.

The Creatures Attack

The characters can sense the creatures’
also fuelled by the stress, anxiety, hunger and presence as they progress through the caves.
the strong concentration of carbon dioxide They may be able to get a fleeting glimpse
that makes the air heavy. All the characters of them, but they won’t be able to really
feel a certain weight on their chest, maybe work out what they are. They move silently,
even a slight light-headedness. But the one perfectly comfortable in the darkness, and
having the trance is about to faint, his mind they have developed their own hunting
spinning wildly. His heart is pounding and signals based on nail clicks and whistles.
his blood thumping in his ears. His sight is
blurred and he risks losing consciousness if A first attack can occur during their descent
he doesn’t succeed a Resistance Test (DT 7, into the small well: the last character to
bonus for Heart of Ice or Secret of the Bear). enter it is attacked by one or two creatures
Whether he faints or remains conscious, the who try to grab him and drag him back
character experiences a form of contact with to the previous chamber to eat him! This
the Spirits. During his trance, he sees one of promises a moment of terror and loneliness
the drawings of lions, reminding him of the (special ability Terror, see end of scenario).
lion that lured them to the chasm, moving The victim can make out the claw-like nails
along the darkened cave walls. He is able to and the pointy canine teeth. The character’s
see in the dark through the lion’s eyes, and is ability to fight (and dodge) is greatly
guided in spirit towards a passage back to the diminished while he’s in the small well: -3
surface, further away but far easier to reach penalty for Attack Tests and Dodge score.
than the one outside the entrance... For the other characters, freeing up the way

28 Horror In The Deep

down can help the victim wriggle his way In the Lair of the Creatures
out of this predicament faster by leaving him of the Deep
room to move. These creatures from the dawn of time and
the depths of the earth, living like bats, blind
The next attack can take place in the in the darkness, remind the characters that
chamber of chimneys (7) that the the deep darkness is no place for humans
characters can reach through the small to live.
well, and where they can discover the The lair is hidden deep down in the depths
first drawings. It can also take place in of the cave, at the end of the gallery of
the chamber of the Mast (6) where the Horror(8), hidden under the fallen rocks
characters are at risk of (unfortunately) being of the slanting gallery (9). It is difficult
backed to the mast to face it. Depending to reach. The characters can discover the
on the group’s strength, the GM can decide way there by accident or after a long search.
to make the attack more or less violent and This place is plunged into an almost total
brutal, as the assailants try to overcome the darkness, except for a very weak glow
characters with their numbers. The attackers coming from some phosphorescent stones
are coming from all directions and can and algae. The creatures are capable of
literally drop from the ceiling into the middle moving around easily in total darkness.
of the PCs’ group to take them by surprise They are completely blind and are guided by
and slash at them. smell and sound, like bats. The light of the
The GM can find more information on these torches does therefore not dazzle them in
creatures below. Based on this information, any way. Despite their humanoid appearance,
it is up to him to work out the number of they are not human, and there is no way to
opponents facing the characters, and what communicate with them. These creatures
the full size of the dark tribe will be. These behave like predatory animals: they feed on
humanoids are to be treated like fantastical small fish and insects that live in the depths,
creatures. but they also sneak out in the dead of night
to hunt for game in the area around the cave.
They have no problem at all with eating
human flesh...

The creatures’ “tribe” is made up of 6 to 10

males young or old (depending on the GM’s
needs), a dozen females, no elders and
four small children. Half of the females
can fight, depending on the requirements
of the scenario. See the information on
the Creatures of the Deep at the end of
the scenario. If the number of creatures is
down to 2 males (and 6 females if they are
fighting), they stop fighting and try to flee
to parts of the cave that the characters
can’t reach. They will not try to

Horror In The Deep 29

harm them any further. The characters can carry the ibex can make it difficult. If they
therefore drag the ibex out of the cave stumble, a fall can always have a dramatic
through the passage seen in the trance. outcome (2d6 Damage Points).
When they reach the top, the PCs feel a cool,
In the deep chamber where the creatures refreshing breeze that indicates they are
have their camp, the characters can indeed indeed on their way to the surface. Whether
find the five ibex, which have not yet been cautiously or in a panic, they make their way
touched. They also find the half-eaten along a gallery that climbs slowly for over a
remains of a horse. A quick glance allows hundred meters before finally reaching the
the characters to estimate that there is about exit. The light that is beginning to shine
enough meat on the dead animals (the five down through the opening at the end of the
ibex and the horse) to provide about 300 gallery makes it easier to move forward. This
rations. If they are careful, they could feed should give them an extra boost to cover the
their whole tribe for almost a moon with last few meters.
that meat... Unlike the entrance, high and wide, this
opening is quite narrow (about 15 hands
Shamanism and the Path wide) and looks from the outside like a wide
to Safety crack, hard to spot (especially when covered
When they discovered the cave drawings, by snow) in the side of a sheer cliff. There is
the character who slipped into a trance was snow piled up across the opening, and they
guided by the lion Spirit to find the way out will need to dig it away before they can get
of this labyrinth of caves. If this “Shamanic out.
flight” was not perceived as such, then the
GM can make it so that the character finds Outside Again, at Last
the exit at the top of the great chimney Once the characters finally make it to the
(10) through some sort of intuition guided exit, they find themselves knee deep in snow.
by the memories of his trance. It is daylight. The light will probably be
Note for the GM: this vision of the path to follow quite dazzling for a while. Once they have
to leave the cave is not necessarily the only revelation recovered their sight and their wits, they
that the character can have experienced. It is up realize that they have emerged on the side
to the GM to improvise whatever he wishes to add of a mountain. It is not hard to walk up the
depending on the atmosphere of the game, and the slope. An Agility Test of DT 5 is required
seven animals in the drawings. With the presence to avoid tripping in the snow. Dragging or
of so many lions, the GM can very well improvise a carrying the ibex can make it harder, and
whole narrative or story arc based on the lion Spirit. Strength Tests can be required (as the GM
sees fit). Once they reach the top, the PCs
Whether they’re fleeing for their lives or easily find the chasm through which they
leaving with the ibex, the characters arrive, entered the cave.
probably wounded, at the bottom of the
great chimney (10). It is a gallery that But what grabs their attention right away is
climbs steeply, along a rocky vein with a few the gray lion standing on the ridge where
slopes of clay. The climb is easy, but it’s a they were standing when they saw the ibex
long one (five Tests at DT 5), and having to fall. Its size is most impressive. Of course,

30 Horror In The Deep

the PCs recognize it as the lion that was chasing earlier? There is no one to give the
chasing the ibex through the snow a few PCs the answer to that question.
hours before (what seems like an eternity
ago to the characters). The animal is standing If the PCs attack the lion, it will fight to
there, almost mocking and provoking them the best of its abilities, with cunning and
in such an open place, while still out of experience, and will try to run away if it is
range of any throwing weapons. reduced to less than a third of its life points.
If the characters do manage to kill it, the
The lion does not look like it’s about to lion weighs a hefty 400 kilos, in other words,
attack, but who knows what it’s up to? The a significant amount of meat.
PCs have to make a decision and work out
what they are going to do about the lion: If the PCs go on their way without
o They may think that the great predator, leaving anything for the lion, it will prowl
attracted by the smell of the ibex blood, is around near them for a part of the journey
about to pounce on them. back to the camp. It is up to the GM to
decide if the lion will attack the PCs or leave
o They may think that the lion is a Spirit them alone, either with its blessing or its
animal appearing to salute them after disdain.
offering them its prey.
o They may also realize that without this If the PCs leave the lion a share of the
lion, Spirit or not, they would never have meat that they have managed to drag out of
found these ibex, and that it would only be the cave, it will come and grab it once the
fair to offer him a share to repay it. humans have moved away, and then bound
away gracefully, taking its share with it. A
Is this lion a Spirit guide or a ravenous bellowing roar will send the characters on
animal ready to take back the prey it was their way over the ridge.

Horror In The Deep 31

Returning to the Camp The characters will undoubtedly be intrigued
If the characters managed to drag all the by the mysterious behavior of the great
ibex out of the cave (and maybe even the gray lion that led them to this cave with
remains of the horse), the return journey walls covered in enchanted drawings and
will be exhausting. But the tribe’s survival filled with nightmarish creatures... If the
depends on them! A character with the characters see the lion as a good Spirit, then
Strength of the Bear or the Might of the Bison maybe it will become the auxiliary Spirit
can carry a dead ibex on his shoulders all of one of the characters as he begins his
day, even the heaviest of them. But the other shamanic journey?
characters will probably want to build travois
to drag along the dead animals for the four
days’ walk ahead of them. The creatures
When they reach the camp, the game they’re
bringing back will bring joy to the whole The Wolves (pack of 12)
tribe. The story of their adventure, however, Dodge 8; Thick Skin 1
will send shudders down spines all round. LP 21
The two other hunting parties will return a Initiative 2d6
few days later: one of them only managed Attack(s) [1]: Bite 3d6 (1d6+2 Damage
to find some small game, but the other Points)
managed to kill a bison. The tribe will be Running 9; Steady Nerves 5; Alertness 12
able to survive the coming winter. Special Abilities:
Tracking: wolves can track a scent better
than anyone (4d6). They can run for long
distances without running out of breath.
Awarding Experience
and Prestige The Ice Arctic Fox
All the PCs receive 1 Experience Dodge 8; Thick Skin 2
Point for this adventure. LP 18
As well as the Bravery Points Initiative 3d6
acquired during the combats and Attack(s) [1]: Bite 2d6 (2d6 Damage Points)
hunts, and the Generosity Points Running 7; Alertness 9
received for any gifts given, the Special Abilities:
characters can gain Prestige based An Ice animal is immune to the effects of
on what they have accomplished: the cold, but it is very vulnerable to fire: any
Chasing away the wolves: 5 Bravery damage due to fire is doubled.
Points; Camouflage: the arctic fox rolls 4d6 to hide.
Arctic breath: this breath has a conical
Leaving and returning with food for the
range of up to ten meters with a maximum
tribe : 20 Generosity Points;
width of half a dozen meters. Any creature
Exploring the inside of the cave: 20 within its range suffers 3d6 Damage Points
Bravery Points. unless it is immune to the effects of the
cold. A character can avoid this breath with
a successful Dodge Test (DT 12), or reduce the

32 Horror In The Deep

damage by half with a successful Resistance Vulnerability to daylight: the creatures of
to Cold Test (DT 9). When an Ice animal has the deep suffer 1 Damage Point per minute
used its Arctic breath, it must wait for 1d6 they spend exposed to sunlight.
Combat Rounds before it can use it again. Note: if the players’ characters are already
quite experienced, then feel free to give
The Creatures of the Deep the creatures of the deep 3d6 for hitting in
Dodge 7; Protection 0 hand-to-hand combat. Also, remember to
Stamina Points 24 penalize the PCs for the bad visibility in the
Initiative 2d6 caves, especially during the combats where
Attack(s) [2]: Claws 2d6 (1d6 Damage they are taken by surprise.
Points) and Bite 2d6 (1d6 Damage Points)
or [1]: Bone club 2d6 (2d6 Damage Points) The Legendary Lion
or large, sharp throwing stone (2d6 Damage Dodge 10; Thick Skin 2
Points). LP 48
Running 10; Alertness 7 Initiative 3d6+2
Special Abilities: Attack(s) [2]: Claws 3d6+2 (3d6 Damage
Climbing: the creatures roll 3d6 for their Points); Bite 3d6+2 (3d6+1 Damage Points).
Agility Tests, as if they had the Agility of the Running 10; Alertness 12
Ibex. Special Abilities:
Terror: seeing a creature of the deep is so Roar: anyone who hears it must take a Steady
terrifying that a Steady Nerves Test with a DT Nerves Test or panic (DT 9, see Hunting Roar).
7 is required to avoid panicking.
Paul-Henri “Pitche” Verheve

oLegends of the Torn Mountains clan

Sometimes the worst conflicts lead to the most wonderful experiences.

So it was that, during the annual debate between the Skull Chewers and the Eye Gobblers, two young hunters were
watching their elders ponder the meaning of life by pounding each other with war clubs.

Hidden out of the way in a ditch, they were waiting for the sun to rise again over the sinister plain echoing with groans
of agony. The younger of the two decided to pop out and hunt for heads. His elder brother tried to convince him not
to, but he wouldn’t listen.

The other hunter cried quietly for the rest of the night. Then all of a sudden, he heard the sound of galloping feet and
with an awesome jump, his brother landed back in the ditch.

“Well, I didn’t find any heads, but I lost my virginity!”

“Wooooooah, what happened?”
“I met an amazing woman. We were at it all night. We did it all: the hungry beaver, the reverse hyena...
“By Ao! And did she, you know... blow your whistle?”
“Well, no. I told you: I never found her head.”
The Curious Quest
The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters is an adventure that takes place about 35,000 years before our
time, in a place that could be the very southwestern corner of modern day France. The Player Characters (PCs)
are members of a clan of Bear-men who have to face the arrival of grim Long Men from the East, and who
bring with them their fearsome traditions. This scenario is recommended for a fairly experimented Game Master
who will be able to carry out many debates with multiple opposing NPCs, bring to life the dissentions and the
weight of traditions, to give this adventure the dramatic tone that it requires.
Of course, it is perfectly possible, and even recommended if you are playing this as part of a campaign, to
integrate this adventure into the usual settings of your player-characters’ group, with just a few changes to the
story below.

Introduction The River Children

A clan of Bear-men was living peacefully The PCs are playing members of the River
in a clearing that seemed to have been Children clan. Three generations ago, this
blessed and protected by the Spirits. Then clan was called the Gray Tree clan, named
a disturbing tribe of Long Men settled in after a beech tree. At the time, they were a
the forest on the edge of their territory. nomadic clan of Bear-men. Their chief was
Since they arrived, the Spirits seem to have a man named Wu Loi. He was a very good
abandoned the Bear-men: the game animals hunter. But he was most renowned for his
are getting rarer, the winter is getting colder wisdom.
A scenario for Bear- than before, people are getting sick, people During their exodus to the South, the
men characters and an have disappeared from their allied clans members of the clan were forced to flee
experimented GM. in mysterious circumstances... Is this a from a pack of wolves by jumping into
coincidence or a curse? The Long Men who a river. That’s when a miracle occurred:
are now roaming the forest are far worse that all fifteen of the clan members survived
any of the ones they heard about in legends. the jump into the river. What made the
They practice a ritual form of cannibalism incident even more surprising was that the
that has progressively evolved into dietary group included two very young children,
cannibalism (an exceptional occurrence a pregnant woman and some wounded
among Long Men). They are also perfecting hunters. Furthermore, the Gray Tree clan
the art of poisoning. More importantly, their had been very wary of rivers until then, and
shaman is convinced that by studying the none of them knew how to swim. Last but
internal organs of the Bear-men, he will be not least, they managed to shake the wolves
able to find the secret to eternal life. During off their track. The Bear-men then decided
this scenario, the players’ characters will to set up a makeshift camp where the river
have to make a number of choices that will had dropped them off. From that day on,
prove to be crucial for their clan: should they the clan considered the river Spirit to be
chase away the Long Men, spy on them to their protector. They took the name of River
discover their terrifying secrets, try to reach Children as they believed the river had given
an agreement with them, defend or abandon them a new life.
their own territory, or should they resist
their hate and desire for revenge to avoid The area was very pleasant. They were
exposing their clan to danger in vain? surrounded to the South and West by the
river, to the East and the North by a forest.

34 The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters

of the Spark Hunters
This location offered them a protection As the warm season approached, the River
against predators, the other clans and the Children were surprised by the amount game
cold North wind. Some bison were also and fruits that they found in the forest.
sheltering in this spot, which allowed the During the years after their arrival, their
clan to replace the food supplies they had hunting and gathering expeditions were more
lost in the river. There was no way this was bountiful than ever before. They therefore
just a question of good luck. They decided believed that the Spirits of the plants and
to remain there for as long as they could. the forest had created this perfect shelter
The members of the clan made regular just for them. They no longer worship just
offerings to the Spirit of the “Sparkling the river, but this sheltered haven as a whole,
River” to ask it to accept their arrival. The and they named it the “Haven of Plenty”. To
main offerings were food and weapons, in grow closer to the river, they developed their
memory of what the ancestors lost to the fishing skills. The children were allowed to
river in their flight. play in the water. None of them drowned,

The River Children clan

Population: Bear-men from the Mousterian culture.
11 men including 4 hunters: Mehja 24, Haram 32, Mu Boas 21, Mahtra 29; Motwe, 51, a wise and
respected Elder (especially when it comes to managing the group, the resources, and migrations); Vors,
48, an Elder and a shaman in charge of the rituals and the communication with the Spirits; Taman, 56,
an Elder who knows practical skills (plants, art, combat, hunting); Gruhn, 20, Taman’s apprentice; Loff,
16, Vors’s apprentice.
6 women: Haki, 35, leads the clan’s spiritual life with Vors; Myrh, 25, Mehja’s wife, 8 months pregnant.
3 children: two boys, Habrod (5) and Nirhne (12, son of Haki and Mahtra); and a girl, Luhn (10).
The 3 to 5 PCs are free to choose their gender and abilities (one of them will be Nirhne’s older brother).
Guardian Spirit: Lataiglin, the Sparkling River, the Haven of Plenty, the legendary chief Wu Loi.
The clan has an even gender distribution. No leader (decisions are made by the whole community, and
the opinion of the four Elders is greatly respected). Patrilineal descent.
Incest taboo, taboo of disrespecting the river and the Haven, cannibalism taboo. The tribe has no totem
animal: it lives in communion with its forest and river environment.
Secret combat techniques: Fight like a Bear, Fight like a Bull.

About the players’ characters

They players are free to choose their status within the clan (with the GM’s authorization), their gender
and most of the details about their character. Because they were born in the Haven, their two basic
Strengths are the Strength of the Bear and the Fins of the Salmon (the latter replacing the Heart of Ice
Strength). If the players want to use one of their old character sheets, it can just be considered that their
PCs were taken in by the River Children clan a few years before and explain that in the introduction.

The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters 35

The White Lynx clan
The White Lynx clan is a large Bear-man clan,
with almost 30 members and a reputation for
being excellent hunters. in fact some of them even learned to swim.
Before the arrival of the Long Men, the The protection of the Haven seemed to be
clan used to hunt in what would now be infallible: the clan members no longer fell ill,
eastern France. The members of the clan had there were no more still-born babies, and the
always been very careful to avoid the Long Elders passed away without any suffering.
Men, even when it meant abandoning their
hunting territories. They are however open Note to the GM: this explains why the Elders will
and diplomatic when it comes to sharing their refuse to leave the Haven during this scenario. The
hunting lands with their fellow Bear-men. They PCs will have to be very persuasive if they want to
have therefore built up friendly and trusting get them to change their minds. Furthermore, the
connections with other clans that they have met Haven contains the history of three generations of
in their ongoing flight from the Long Men. the clan, as well as the graves of the ancestors (only
During one of their hunting expeditions, they the first generation are buried there, as the funeral
met a group of hunters from the River Children ritual changed after that: the body of the deceased is
clan (who were hoping to increase their food sent down the river in a hollowed-out tree trunk).
supplies by hunting outside the Haven). Once
their initial and mutual wariness was lifted The First Hunt
through an exchange of gifts, the two groups To begin the scenario, the GM can tell the
organized several joint hunts. The River Children story of the River Children to the players
taught the White Lynx clan some of the secrets through the old shaman, Vors. It is up to
of the art of fishing that they have perfected the GM to give them all the details, add
over the last two generations. There have been some, or on the contrary give them just a
marriages between the two clans. The White quick summary. Vors tells his tale with big
Lynx clan now considers the River Children to gestures to mark the key moments. During
be faithful allies. this prologue, the GM should make sure the
players get a feeling of just how peaceful
Population: Bear-men of Châtelperronian
this clan and its land are, despite the recent
12 men, including 11 hunters.
11 women. The PCs are standing next to a Bear-man
with an impressive build and a very friendly
3 children. face. They know him as Haram. He is their
2 shamans. clan’s hunt leader. They are assisting him in
the ceremony of preparation for the first
Guardian Spirit: Fingle, the White Lynx. hunt of young Nirhne. Although everyone
Equal gender distribution. No chief (decisions already knows the clan’s story, telling it is
are made by the whole community). Patrilineal part of the ceremony and it provides a
descent. good excuse to introduce the PCs to the
clan’s past. Vors the shaman and Nirhne
Incest taboo, totem taboo, cannibalism taboo, are standing in the river with water up to
spending the night in a forest is also taboo. their knees. Once the speech is over, Vors
Secret combat techniques: Fight like a Bear, Fight sprinkles Nirhne with water. He then takes
like a bull. some mud and paints symbols on the young

36 The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters

man’s face and body that represent the waves prepared everything (food, equipment, etc.),
of the Sparkling River. Then they come out hand out the weapons that the PCs chose
of the river. Vors adds some Blood of Ao to when they created their characters. Nirhne
the future hunter’s body paintings, when two grins gleefully at the hunters as he prepares
women hand it to him. Haram and the PCs to go on his very first hunt. They will be
also have some Blood of Ao, Stone of Night hunting outside the Haven, on the plain to
and yellow pigments to hand. They can the West.
follow Haram’s lead and prepare their body Mahtra will not be joining the hunting
paintings themselves, as they were already party as he is going to travel with Vors to
initiated to the art of hunting a few years the White Lynx camp. They have to help
before. You can let your players describe the to prepare the rituals for protection against
paintings that their characters are doing, or the Spirits of the night who attack their allies
have them sketch them on paper. more and more often.

The beginning of the cold season has As they get under way, Nirhne asks if it
arrived, and it looks like it’s going to be a is true that it is becoming harder to find
harsh one. game animals when they were so plentiful
All the members of the PCs’ clan before. The hunters reply that it is indeed
are wearing half-season clothing true. Over the past few moons, the game
(1 Protection Point). animals have become rarer, as if they were
Once the group is ready, Nirhne is presented avoiding the Haven. They have to go further
with a beautiful fire-hardened spear (page and further afield to hunt. Mu Boas adds
54 of the core rulebook) and his slingshot. that it is for this reason that they often hunt
The other hunters of the clan, who have with the men from the White Lynx clan.

The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters 37

approach and try to finish him off (give
the megaloceros a penalty to Dodge and
Running during the combat). Unless they get
a critical success, you should only allow the
hunters one catch.

The hunters are all happy that the youngest

has bagged his first beast, and what a beast!
They will constantly congratulate him and
tease him in a friendly way. One of the PCs
is Nirhne’s brother (unless that contradicts
the group’s history), and it is up to him
Unfortunately they couldn’t come this time: to show him how to skin and butcher the
they are increasingly busy with their rituals to animal. Have them roll a few Dexterity Tests
ward off the Spirits of the night. to see how they do. Then the group will say
What the PCs learn on their way there will a prayer of thanks to their ancestor Wu Loi.
depend on what questions they ask. Here Nirhne will have the honor of carrying back
you can share the other elements necessary the best parts to the camp himself as a sign
to the development of the storyline: all the of his success.
information on the White Lynx clan from
the inset box on page 36, the difficulty to A Macabre Discovery
find food by hunting or gathering, the way On their way back to the camp, the group
some of the plant life to the North of the spots a figure on a hill. As they come closer,
Haven seems to have wilted for no apparent Mu Boas and the older PCs recognize one
reason, the delivery of the first two still- of their hunter friends from the White
born babies since the clan first arrived in Lynx clan standing with his back to them.
the Haven (during the last 2 moons), Mu However, he is not responding to their calls.
Boas’ concern that the Spirits might have He does not turn around when the group
abandoned them... approaches. The PCs see that his skin is blue
from the cold, and that his face is frozen in
After a few hours’ walk, and after following an expression of terror. He is not breathing,
tracks that didn’t lead to anything, the group he is dead, and yet he stands. This is a
spots four megaloceroses, including one human scarecrow, a fearsome message left
male with an impressive pair of antlers. by the Long Men to the White Lynx clan, to
As they lie in wait, the hunters discuss their dissuade them from defending themselves.
tactics. Encourage the PCs to suggest Slim, fire-harden wooden javelins have been
their own plan and actions, with the advice inserted through the man’s body to keep him
of the other hunters. Then the hunt begins. standing. However the PCs probably won’t
You can find the information for the notice this because of the terrible shock of
Megaloceros on page 122 of the Würm the scene (DT 15). They barely dare to touch
core rulebook. At the very beginning him, but the older hunters remind them that
of the hunt, Nirhne stuns the male with abandoning the body like this would be an
his slingshot, allowing the others to offense to the Spirits. They must take him

38 The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters

back to the Haven. Haram says that they Let the PCs think about this dream and offer
will return the body to the White Lynx clan some theories on what it could mean. Will
when they visit in a couple of days. Mu Boas they make a connection with the discussions
is completely shaken. Mehja advises them that they had during the hunt, especially
to hurry back to the camp so that they can when it comes to the wilting plants? Haki
carry out a ritual to purify Nirhne so that he thinks that the Spirits of the Long Men
is not cursed after such an event during his may be prisoners of the forest. Their anger
first hunt. and their attempts to escape are damaging
the plants and causing them to wilt. And
Haki’s Nightmares maybe the spider is an evil Spirit, and the
The PCs arrive at the camp at the end of the light it is swallowing is in fact the souls of
day. Straight away, Haki asks the PCs to help the Long Men that it captures? Haki and
carry out the protection rituals against any the other members of the clan can provide
cursing of Nirhne and the deceased. Once it information for the PCs when it comes
is done, she joins the characters around the to the strange events that all seem to have
campfire. She asks them questions to find occurred within the last two moons. Here are
out more about what happened during the a few examples of stories told by the other
hunt. members of the clan that you can use:

She they tells the PCs that she has been Taman and Gruhn: “It was very difficult
having nightmares for a few weeks. In these to find the plants we needed to prepare
dreams, she sees a spider holding a shining Nirhne’s initiation ritual. In several places to
speck of dust between its legs. The spider the North of the Haven and near the forest,
seems to be wondering at the spark, then where we usually gather our ingredients, the
it plays with it for a while and swallows it. plants have wilted, dried, or rotted away.
Then the whole spider begins to shine with Some trees even seem to be in far worse
a blinding light. This light becomes that of condition than they should be even with this
the moon, shining on a disturbing scene: harsh start to the cold season.”
tall, fragile beings dancing through a forest
with expressionless faces. They are floating Motwe who is responsible for the food
above the ground and the plants wilt at their stocks, or other hunters, can tell them:
touch. The wilting spreads little by little until “Game animals are getting rarer, and
it reaches the river. The river grows dark gathering food was more like a trek than a
and dries up to reveal the body of a man harvest this year. It is true that over the last
and a feline, both rotting in the mud. Haki two years we haven’t seen quite as much
tells them that she couldn’t identify the body abundance as we did when I was younger,
of the man, or that of the feline, as she but this year it really is a disaster. We are
always awakes in fright before she can see going to have to ration the food very strictly.
the details. She adds that the strange dancing Furthermore, this cold season is looking like
beings seem to match the way Motwe and it will be rougher than any of the ones we
Taman always describe Long Men. The two have seen since our ancestors arrived in the
Elders are also the only ones in the clan who Haven...”
have actually seen the Long Men. Some NPCs will tell them that this is all

The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters 39

caused by the early arrival of the cold The Clan Council
season; others will think it is all because of The next day, Vors and Mahtra return from
a curse. Let the PCs discuss this between their visit to the White Lynx camp. Their
themselves, weigh up the importance of each faces are solemn. Vors announces that the
of the statements, consider their meanings clan must assemble to make an important
and decide what to do. decision.
Once all the clan members are present,
If any of the PCs can enter a trance state Vors reminds them that he travelled to the
(page 78 of the core rulebook), Haki can White Lynx clan to prepare the protection
offer to help them interpret the meaning rituals against the Spirits of the night that are
of their vision. Let them do a Test with a attacking their allies more and more often.
DT 9. If they fail they have the same vision He has returned with disturbing news. There
as Haki’s nightmare. If they succeed, they seem to be strange Long Men in the forest
discover some extra details: to the North of the Haven. These men may
A wounded lynx is being swarmed by thousands of be part Spirits. According to the Elders of
spiders. They cover it completely, and the lynx slowly the White Lynx clan, they were sent by the
dies. The spiders crawl into its ears, eyes, nostrils and Spirits of the forest to punish them for the
mouth. Then each of them comes out again carrying faults of their ancestors. Four members of
a sparkling speck of dust... the White Lynx clan have been taken so far.
If the Test is a success, the PCs also If the PCs ask questions about the White
recognize the exact spot in the forest where Lynx clan and its situation, the members of
the Spirits are dancing. Then they identify the Council or the members of the White
the body of the man and the animal in the Lynx clan whom they will meet later will give
riverbed: them the information in the inset box on
Half buried in the mud lies a tall Bear-man. He page 42 (the GM is welcome to add to it).
has long hair and a gray beard. There are many
scars on his right arm and shoulder. The animal Motwe speaks up to say that they should still
next to him is a large lynx... help the White Lynx clan. Maybe the Long
Men will accept to speak with the River
Let the PCs discuss the meaning of these Children?
visions. They symbolically reveal a large part Taman reminds them that the presence of
of the plot. The Long Men are trying to steal the Long Men in the forest would explain a
the spark of life from the members of the lot, especially the rarity of the game and the
White Lynx clan. The dance represents their reduced amounts of food they can gather.
many rituals. They have been researching Haram cries out that the Long Men have
poisons and sometimes testing them on the offended his clan by setting up their camp
plants and trees (hence the wilting and the so close to their territory without asking for
rot), and the river will be poisoned in a few permission. A rumble of approval can be
days. The drying up of the river represents heard from the youngsters.
the powerlessness of the Spirits or their Vors considers the presence of the Long
disappearance... If the PCs describe the man Men to be a danger for the Spirits of the
on the riverbed to one of the clan’s Elders, Haven that had protected them so far. For
they will recognize their ancestor Wu Loi. the first time, he names these Long Men “the
If the PCs ask him, he will tell them how he Grim Ones”.
reached that conclusion (see next page).

40 The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters

Let the PCs take part in the debate about
what they should do next. Take their
suggestions into account and orient the
debate depending on their ideas. During
the talks you can point out the differences
in opinion between the young hunters and
the Elders. The former are easily getting
worked up and want to go and threaten the
Long Men, while the Elders want to respect
tradition and bring gifts as a sign of respect
when they meet with them. The youngsters
can be talked into a more diplomatic
solution. But the Elders will never accept
to threaten the Long Men, even if they are
“Grim” Long Men.

Wu Loi’s scars
Wu Loi was better at evaluating danger than anyone else in the clan. He preferred retreat to
senseless conflict, and could avoid loss of life by convincing the most hotheaded members of
the clan not to attack the Bear-men who had just arrived on their lands, given that the newcomers
were fleeing from the Long Men from the East. However, one year, Wu Loi’s clan was forced to
leave its territory at the beginning of the cold season. Wu Loi, who had spoken to the chief of
the invading clan, realized that its members had already suffered a lot from confrontations with
the Long Men. They were therefore desperate and aggressive. Wu Loi feared that a conflict with
this clan could lead to many deaths.
So the Grey Tree clan prepared to leave for the South. Unfortunately, on the day before they
were due to leave, a group of young hunters went to attack the invaders. The other clan fought
back and Wu Loi’s clan suffered serious losses: five people were killed and the hunters who
returned had suffered various degrees of wounds. Their departure was a hurried one and they
couldn’t take much food with them. Their situation got worse when a pack of starving wolves
began to harass the survivors. The first snow of the season rapidly became a blizzard and made it
difficult to see. The clan’s leaders were paying more attention to the wolves than they were to the
landscape around them. That’s how the wolves managed to corner them on a cliff above a river.
There was no way out: the wolves outnumbered them, the hunters were in no condition to defend
their families and, even if the river wasn’t blocking their path, Wu Loi’s sister was heavily pregnant
and wouldn’t be able to keep walking for long at a fast pace. Who knows if it was despair or the
Spirit of the river that moved Wu Loi to order his companions to jump into the icy water. The
fear, hunger, cold and fatigue accumulated during the last week of their exodus led the Bear-men
to follow his instructions without question. The quick current swept the clan away...
The Elders know that Wu Loi was the last one on the cliff as the others jumped into the river. He
managed to hold back the wolves, but it earned him some impressive scars on his right arm.

The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters 41

The White Lynx clan’s situation
For just over two moons, the members of the White Lynx clan have had the feeling that the Long Men
have followed them as they travel south. They had decided to set up their camp on the southern side
of a hill, to the northeast of the Haven, but despite what seemed to be a good shelter, their bad luck
continued. They hadn’t seen a single lynx for ages, the last few babies had been stillborn and the game
animals were scarce. The clan would have to live off its food stocks to survive the cold season.
Not long ago, the watchers had reported seeing shadows lurking around the camp at night. A hunter
and his wife mysteriously disappeared from the camp one night. Two weeks later, the same happened
to a young girl. The young hunter Zaram noticed that the silhouettes, the ones they saw on the hilltops
at night, were coming from the forest. At first, he thought that the Spirits of the forest had not yet
forgiven the clan’s offenses. He hid in a bush nearby to see the Spirits up close. That was when he
recognized the features of the Long Men... terrifying Long Men, wearing ornaments sculpted out of
bones – and some of those bones were clearly human. Zaram returned to the clan with his news. The
Elders concluded that the Long Men had been sent by the Spirits to punish the Bear-men for their lack
of respect. The Grim Ones, as the clan soon began to call the Spark Hunters, were seen as a group of
Long Men specifically sent to punish them for their ancestors’ lack of respect for the Spirits of the
*The clan did not seek refuge in the forest for fear of the Spirits. A few generations ago, the Spirits of the trees were
among the clan’s Guardian Spirits. But some less-than-perfect rituals and an increasing lack of devotion had angered the
woodland Spirits. The clan was hit by two epidemics at the time. Since then, they have avoided the forests. Of course, this
fear has decreased as time goes by: at first, nobody would dare approach even a small grove of trees. Nowadays, the clan’s
men will hunt in the woods if necessary, but they wouldn’t spend a night there, let alone set up camp.

If the PCs do choose the more violent route, revenge endangering the whole clan. If any
they will have to do so without informing of the PCs are not part of the expedition,
the Elders, and they risk the consequences if they will be assigned to watch Mu Boas (who
they are discovered. will suggest they sneak out of the camp
during the night to go and strike revenge on
Towards the end of the discussion, the four the Grim Ones).
Elders remind them all that it is their duty
to act, both to protect their allies from the The group prepares the gifts to be brought
White Lynx clan and to defend the Spirits to the Long Men. These include the antlers
of the Haven and the Sparkling River. They of the megaloceros that the PCs hunted
will insist on the fact that the Spirits of the at the beginning of this scenario and three
Haven have always protected the members well-prepared wolf skins.
of their clan, against drowning, hunger, cold,
illnesses and still births. At sundown, as the drums beat, the Elders
wade into the river. They perform a ritual
Preparing to leave chant to ask the Spirits for their support in
The next day, the Elders choose who will be this attempt for reconciliation. The other
part of the group that will go to meet with clan members go back to their activities
the Long Men. The PCs who volunteer will before they go to sleep. This leaves time for
all be picked, unless they were opposed to the PCs to interact with some of the NPCs
the diplomatic solution. Mu Boas, who has (if they haven’t already done so), exchange
become very grumpy since the death of their points of view on the situation and
his friend, will not be allowed to go. Two discuss what they should do next. They can
hunters are designated to watch him: the also convince some of the younger hunters
Elders don’t want a hotheaded attempt at to come with them to spy on the Grim Ones.

42 The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters

The Emissaries From the Meeting the Spark Hunters
White Lynx Clan After a half-hour’s walk in the forest, the
The next morning at sunrise, the group, group reaches the camp of the Grim Ones.
probably made up of the PCs, Mehja and Two Long Men come to meet them and
Motwe, get underway. But they have barely grunt a few words in their own language
left the camp when they see five hunters at the visitors. They are not armed, but
from the White Lynx clan appear at the their decorations (bracelets, necklaces, and
northeast entrance to the Haven! belts made of bone and ivory) give them
The frightened hunters tell the PCs that a threatening look. They repeat the same
the ritual performed by Vors didn’t work: word that the PCs don’t understand. Motwe
the Long Men have taken another three bows to show his respect. He holds out their
members of the clan, this time a woman and gifts. The shorter of the two Grim Ones
two children. One of the PCs will probably comes closer and sneers at the offerings. He
tell them how they found their dead hunter takes them reluctantly and the other signals
in the mountains. The five White Lynx clan them to follow him. Motwe and Mehja are
hunters will ask to be taken to the River wise enough to not pick up on the offensive
Children’s camp. behavior of the Long Men who didn’t bow
in return.
Once they are back in the camp, the five
hunters renew their warnings and tell the The two Grim Ones go inside one of
Elders about a suggestion with serious the tents with the gifts, leaving the group
consequences. The White Lynx clan has standing bewildered in the middle of the
decided to flee, so they will no longer have village. Motwe orders the PCs not to move.
to face this danger. They suggest that the While they wait, they have the time to
River Children should follow them South to observe the camp’s strange architecture. The
escape the Long Men. The White Lynx clan tents seem to be held up by bone and ivory.
is offering to form a larger tribe by merging They also see great totem poles made of
with the River Children. After a short animal and human bones. But some elements
deliberation, the clan’s Elders turn down are scarier and more impressive: skeletons
the offer and explain that they can’t leave of huge creatures that look like dragons, or
the Haven without having returned a big even giants with great horns.
enough favor to repay the Spirits for all the Note for the GM: The Grim Ones use strong and
protection that they have received over the sticky spider thread to fix the bones together and
years. It could bring a curse down on both make the skeletons look like they are standing
clans. The emissaries of the White Lynx clan on their own. They are made of ordinary bones,
are sad to hear it, but they understand the assembled to look like fantastical creatures. They
Elders’ reasons. The body of their brother, therefore look like the erroneous reconstitutions
wrapped in animal skins, is returned to the of skeletons from the beginning of the history of
visitors, who leave with two pieces of bad paleontology. With a DT 9 Perception Test, they
news and a dead body to take back to their can recognize bones of saber tooth tigers, bison
clan. The Elders decide that the diplomatic and mammoths.
mission should be maintained.

The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters 43

limbs being cooked on another fire a
few meters away. Also, some of the clan
members seem to be in bad health, and the
bags under their eyes show a lack of sleep.
“New chief much busy. Not come. What you
A Long Woman brings them human skulls
filled with a red liquid... Blood. Their host
doesn’t hesitate and drinks. This is done to
intimidate the PCs: outside of rituals, the
Grim Ones don’t usually drink blood. But
they have learned that fear is an important
advantage over their enemies.

The PCs’ clan has a powerful cannibalism

taboo, and they have a feeling that the
blood is not that of an animal... will they
dare to ask where it comes from? If so, a
heavy silence will fall, then the Long Men
Next to one of the tents, the PCs can see will glance at each other and one of them
gray-whitish, egg-shaped blobs that don’t will ask to be brought something. The
have any visible openings. The PCs have no Grim Ones seem even more closed and
way of knowing that these are cocoons that uncomfortable with their presence. The
hold some of their friends from the White same Long Woman brings a bowl full of
Lynx clan, placed in a comatose state with deer meat to the group. The host helps
poison from giant spiders. If they want to himself first. This meat, just like the blood,
know more and manage to discreetly get is poisoned, but the Long Man NPC has
closer to the sacks, a DT 7 Perception Test taken the antidote and won’t be affected.
will allow them to see that they seem to be Motwe, who knows that they have already
crafted from a fabric made of hair, or maybe offended their host by refusing to drink the
long mammoth hairs. If a PC rolls a 12 blood, will signal to the PCs with a nod that
or more for his Test, then he immediately it would be better if they accept the deer
makes the connection with the spider meat to ease the rest of the negotiations.
The PCs are free to ask their questions about
At last, a Long Man (Tenz) emerges from the the curse of the White Lynx clan, the game
tent. He speaks to the PCs in their language, animals, their cooperation, etc. They don’t
but with difficulty. “Greeting, excuse guards. learn much, as the chief hasn’t come to meet
Deep sorrow. Chief shaman dead. So sadness and them. Their host denies the abduction of the
anger. Follow me.” (Shach’lin died six moons Bear-men and promises to do what he can
before this scenario begins). about hunting as little game as possible on
Tenz leads the group to the campfire and their territory. The GM can choose which
invites them to sit down. With a DT 5 questions the host will answer and which
Perception Test, the PCs can notice human ones he will hold back on.

44 The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters

The Clan of the Spark
Once this fruitless conversation comes to an Population: Long Men of the
end, one of the Long Men falls down, and Aurignacian culture (with advanced ivory
starts to shake all over. This seizure is a side sculpting skills).
effect of one of the drugs that the Grim
15 men including 5 hunters/trappers,
Ones use to enter into a trance. Their host
4 specialists in potions and poisons,
seems upset and gets up to help the other
3 shamans, 2 apprentice shamans and
members of his clan look after the shaking
Nah’grin (chief and shaman).
Grim One. Without looking back, he wishes
the PCs a “safe journey home”. Motwe and 11 women: 1 shaman, 2 hunters/trappers,
Mehja are visibly relieved to be leaving, and 3 specialists in healing potions and drugs,
they jump at the chance to lead the group 5 in charge of searching for the “spark
out of there. gland”.
3 children: 2 girls and 1 boy.
“At least we know they are not Spirits”, says
Mehja. Motwe adds: “I still get the feeling they Guardian Spirit: the spider Spirit Ur-
are suffering from some strange curse. Did you see Morn and Shach’lin.
the dark shadows under their eyes? And that man The clan has an even gender distribution.
who fell down, screaming and trembling all over? He Chief: Nah’grin (but he pays great
looked like he was possessed.” Give the PCs time attention to the ideas of others, especially
to discuss their feelings: sympathy for the when it comes to carrying out rituals and
Grim Ones, disgust, fear, a feeling they were “research”: he does his utmost to avoid
misled, disappointment that they didn’t learn any internal conflict). Patrilineal descent.
anything more, etc.
On their way back, they will experience the Incest taboo, totem taboo. Totem animal:
effects of the poison: tiredness and blurred spiders. This totem gives the Strengths
vision. They will have to carry out a DT 8 Venom of the Spider (similar to Venom of the
Resistance Test to reach the camp. If they Viper); and Cunning of the Spinner (similar
fail, they will faint and be found by the to Knowledge of the Beaver).
members of their clan who were worried Secret Combat Techniques: Melee, Flight
and came looking for them. of the Snowy Owl, Terrifying Appearance.
The shamans and their animal form:
The members of the expedition who drank
the blood or ate the deer meat suffer a Nah’grin and one of the 5 other
violent fever for two days. Their sleep is shamans, Tenz, have mastered the animal
disturbed by nightmares and hallucinations. form of the spider (both of them will
The PCs are vaguely conscious of the be present if the PCs have backup. If
presence of their fellow clan members who they are alone, then only Nah’grin will
come to care for them and try to feed them. be there) They can take on the shape of
Vors and Haki will carry out healing rituals a “swarm” of giant spiders, each one the
with the clear water from the Sparkling size of a fist. Their venom paralyzes, and
River that give back 1d6 Life Points to the only the three female potions specialists
PCs. Test Mehja’s Resistance every day. The know the antidote. In this form, they can
poison has a Severity of 8. According to the spin spider webs to trap game animals
rules, a failed Test means that the character and enemies.

The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters 45

loses 16 Stamina Points; a successful Test sought to locate the organ that contains the
means he only loses 4. The effects will spark and find a way to take it for himself.
disappear suddenly on the morning of
the third day. Motwe will not survive this The members of his clan were also
poisoning. ingenious people. Their hunting techniques
mainly consisted of using poisoned weapons
The Spark Hunters or elaborate traps. Shach’lin told them his
(the Grim Ones) plans. From then on, he no longer had
This Long Man clan counts about thirty to hide from his fellow clan members
people. The culture of these Long Men to conduct his dark rituals; he had their
from the East is strongly influenced by the support. At the same time, the witch taught
delusions of grandeur of their shaman, him the rituals needed to contact the Spirit
Shach’lin. He had accumulated a wealth of of the great spider Ur-Morn. Testing on
knowledge about various poisons, venoms humans allowed the clan to make progress
and antidotes. He dreamed of inventing the in the art of poisoning and drugging.
potion of eternal life. He soon realized that Unfortunately, they didn’t manage to
such a goal was impossible to reach by using discover the “spark-gland”. At first, Shach’lin
plants alone. He therefore sought to discover looked for it on dead bodies. But he soon
the secret of life through shamanism and realized that he couldn’t tell it apart from
ritual experimenting on human beings. the rest, since the spark disappeared as soon
as the test subject was dead. The problem
One night, as Shach’lin was studying the was that the victims died too quickly once
internal organs of one of his victims in their bodies were opened up, leaving very
the moonlight, a dark shadow walked up little time for the shamans to find the spark.
to stand beside him. It was a witch named Therefore they developed drugs aiming to
Norn. She explained that she had been keep the victims alive for as long as possible,
watching him for a while. She too was even when they had lost a lot of blood.
looking for a way to obtain eternal life, The clan that had once been made up of
so the experimenting process the Long daring and ruthless nomadic hunters slowly
Man was using intrigued her. They began changed. The mental health of the clan
to discuss their ideas, hopes and results members began to waver. They forgot their
on a regular basis. Through this, Shach’lin ancient Guardian Spirits and they all began
gradually began to believe that every living to worship Ur-Morn. The spider Spirit
thing must have a spark within it. A spark helped them to deepen their knowledge
that gives the body energy, allows it to think of venoms and some of the shamans have
and to move. It is because of this spark that mastered the spider animal form. This last
the human body is warm. When this spark ability became very useful to the clan: in their
disappears, that is when the body dies and spider form, the shamans could wrap up
grows cold. It is to feed the fire of this spark their guinea pigs in cocoons and keep them
that humans have to eat, and when the spark alive for months. Their ritual cannibalism
is not fed, it burns up the human’s body and became a dietary cannibalism. They gradually
causes a pain in the belly that then spreads severed their connections with the other
to the rest of the body. Shach’lin therefore clans. They lived in a world of their own and

46 The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters

lived only for their obsession. There was,
however, no rivalry between them. They One evening, Shach’lin returned to the camp,
liked to help each other out, answer their mortally wounded. One of his arms had
companions’ questions on the effects of this been ripped off and he was losing a lot of
or that plant, the uses for various organs and blood. The shamans did what they could to
so on. keep him alive, but in vain. Nobody knew
exactly what had happened to Shach’lin, for
One day, Shach’lin declared that he had he never said a word about it. He died of
discovered the ritual that would allow him his injuries after two days of agony. Nobody
to extract the spark, known as the Long Life ever saw the witch again, the one who
Ritual. However, the ritual was still very whispered in the shaman’s ear.
rough and not very efficient. If the spark Before he died, the shaman gave his last
was too weak, he wouldn’t be able to target instructions to his successors. The ritual to
it correctly, and its energy would be lost allow them to steal a life spark had to be
during the transfer. There were therefore refined and developed. He told them that the
two solutions to this problem: either refine spark of the Bear-men burned brighter than
the ritual to make it more efficient, or use it that of the Long Men and that’s why they
on a creature with a life spark that burned were sturdier and stronger. “The witch said
brighter than that of ordinary beings. the same thing... it’s possible that... we could perfect
Shach’lin felt his old body weakening, and our ritual on the Bear-men... I should have waited...
chose the fastest option. But it was also don’t make the same mistake...”.
the more dangerous one. He had heard of
legendary creatures with a long lifespan, such The death of the shaman deeply saddened
as chimeras, dragons or mountain giants. the Spark Hunters. His passing was a shock
Thanks to his clan’s significant knowledge of that reminded them to concentrate on their
poisons and drugs, the plan didn’t seem all quest for eternal life: their days too were
that impossible. The main difficulty was to numbered.
find a creature to sacrifice...

The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters 47

They therefore started to follow a clan of At the PCs’ request (or Mu Boas’), the
Bear-men as they travelled South: the White hunters from the White Lynx clan mention
Lynx clan. The Spark Hunters regularly that they destroyed three tents and killed
abduct people from the clan to perfect about ten Long Men. The hunters also
their ritual with. The “research” was now describe what they managed to see during
managed by Nah’grin, Shach’lin’s brother. their attack*. They found their women and
Shach’lin joined Ur-Mon as one of the children dead in the snow, standing still and
clan’s Guardian Spirits. Now he sometimes straight with javelins propping up the bodies.
whispers brilliant ideas to the shamans They saw the skeletons of strange creatures,
as they sleep. In this way he continues to the faces of evil Spirits and totems made of
contribute to the Long Life Ritual. Although children’s limbs. The PCs will realize that at
most Long Men don’t speak the Bear-men’s first the men of the White Lynx clan wanted
language, the Spark Hunters have some basic to keep these details to themselves. In the
knowledge of it. end, they decided to tell the River Children
to try to convince them to follow them in
The River Children’s their flight to the South. Despite this, the
Dilemma Elders still refuse to leave the Haven. The
Once the PCs are well enough to get up, White Lynx clan gives them some good
a new clan Council is held to discuss what quality stone-tipped spears and wishes them
to do next. That is when the White Lynx no need to use them against their fellow
clan arrives at the eastern border of the men.
Haven. They can see that the whole clan *Note for the GM: when the Bear-men attacked,
is heading South: the men and women are Nah’grin and Tenz were in a trance to try to contact
carrying all their belongings with them. Ur-Morn. Therefore the White Lynx clan doesn’t
The once great White Lynx clan seems to mention any giant spiders. However, if the PCs
only have about fifteen members left... The decide to attack the Grim Ones, they will have to
PCs notice a number of wounded among face Nah’grin and Tenz in their spider forms.
the men. If someone goes to meet them,
they explain to the PCs that they tried to Once the White Lynx clan has left, the Council
sneak into the Grim Ones’ camp and release assembles. The youngsters are in favor of a radical
the four latest hostages. They had to fight action: either running away to join the White Lynx
their way out and lost a lot of people. The clan, or attacking to protect the Haven and put
Grim Ones didn’t seem to have hunters to an end to the threat once and for all. They think
defend them, but the place where they live that the time is right to attack as the enemy clan
is cursed. According to the White Lynx clan, is weakened. The Elders are opposed to both these
every man wounded in that forest, even very proposals. As their allies’ report confirmed, it is too
lightly, is condemned to die in terrible agony. risky to flee with them without having returned a
It was as if sickness and death were entering favor to the Spirits. Furthermore, travelling South
the body through every tiny scratch! would mean having to set up camp outside of the
Note to the GM: in fact this has nothing to do with Haven for the first time in generations, and at the
the place. The hunters are suffering from the effects beginning of the worst cold season in a long time!
of the poison (very difficult to detect) with which the The Elders say that they should pray and make
Long Men coat their weapons. offerings to the river. Is this some kind of test?

48 The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters

They must prove to the Spirits that they are strong But it is too late. Some are already sick:
and capable of surviving without their help, to Mu Boas, Haram, Taman, Gruhne, Nirhne,
receive their reward and gain their protection once Loff, Haki and Myhr. This is very upsetting,
again! If they show that they have lost faith by as there haven’t been any diseases in the
leaving the Haven, the Spirits will abandon them for Haven for the last two generations. Note to
good. Besides, the Spirits need them at the moment. the GM: Of course, this is not so much a disease as
They are facing the presence of the Long Men and a poisoning.
the spider Spirit!
Taman and Nirhne are those who are
The PCs can choose to pick the side they want, suffering the most. Taman will die during
or even to come up with their own opinion on the the following night. This is a terrible loss
matter. To persuade the Elders to flee, they will for the clan. He had a vast knowledge of
have to manage a DT 12 Persuasion Test, and to plants, combat and hunting. Roll the dice to
convince them to authorize an attack, a DT 15. To test Nirhne’s Resistance (page 68 of the core
persuade the young ones to delay their plans for a rulebook). He has the Breath of the Giant Stag
while, DT 9. If the PCs are persuasive, and take and therefore rolls 3d6 for his Resistance
care not to offend any of the factions, the GM can Test. The poison (diluted in the river water)
decide to reduce the DTs. has a Severity of 6. You can decide that Vors
attempts an exorcism (pages 80-81 of the
If the Council decides to pray and wait core rulebook) to free a person from the
for help, see the following scene named The sickness (probably one of the children). The
Powerless Spirits. effects of the poison are paleness, shaking,
If the Council decides to flee, skip to the headaches, and fever. According to the rules,
scene named Paradise Lost. a failed Test means that a character loses 12
If the Council decides to attack, skip to Stamina Points. A successful Test means he
the scene named Bloody Vengeance. only loses 3.

Vors will then send the PCs to fetch water

The Powerless Spirits in a lake to the East of the Haven, to fill
During the night, the PCs hear screams their stocks and give to the sick. The PCs are
coming from the forest. The Long Men given wooden containers. They are able to
must have taken prisoners during the attack. carry out this task without any problems.
The Elders will once again call upon the However, on their way back, they see a
river Spirit and carry out rituals all night Long Man running towards the forest in
long. Almost as if it were a direct response, the North. He is carrying an unconscious
the next day the river is poisoned. Around Luhn on his back! He must have managed to
midday, dead fish are seen floating on the kidnap her without the other clan members
surface of the water. Habrod and Luhn, who noticing. To catch up with him, they will
were playing in the water, suffer a strong have to take a Running Test, opposed to the
fever and vomiting. The Elders forbid them speed of the Long Man, which is reduced to
from touching the fishes and order them to 9 instead of 10 as he is carrying the child.
throw out all the water taken from the river
over the last few days.

The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters 49

attempt at their language, he explains that his
clan is looking for the life of the Bear-men
that burns stronger than that of the Long
Men. They are looking for “fire that is easy
to put out but hard to find”. But he flatly
refuses to be any more specific about what
that means.
When they search him, the PCs find herbs
that Vors doesn’t know, and powdered
poisons and antidotes. If they show the
powders to Vors, who has the Venom of the
Viper Strength, he can notice (DT 12) that
the antidote might be able to help the sick
clan members. The Difficulty Threshold is
o If the PCs don’t manage to prevent high because the Spark Hunters’ poisons
Luhn’s kidnapping, they will hear her and antidotes are very elaborate and contain
screams through the forest during the next many ingredients. This also explains why the
night. If the PCs discreetly approach the White Lynx clan was not able to detect the
camp, they will be able to watch one of the unknown poisons that were affecting their
bloodcurdling rituals of the Long Men. The hunters.
Spark Hunters are very carefully removing
the young girl’s organs and placing them The PCs find out that while they were
around her in what seems to be a well- away getting water and dealing with Luhn’s
prepared organization. Nah’grin, a tall, old abduction, Myhr has given birth to her baby,
Long Man, directs the three men who are but it was stillborn. Mehja, the baby’s father,
carrying out this operation. They take their is enraged. He has gathered his best weapons
time examining each of the organs. They and is about to attack the Long Men. Mu
seem to be deep in thought. They talk, Boas, who is rather impulsive and wants
sometimes with raised voices as if they were to avenge the death of his friend from the
disagreeing on something, then they fall back White Lynx clan, is speaking hateful words
into silent thought. There are always two to the clan’s hunters, to encourage them to
Long Men on the lookout, regularly doing join him in a vengeful assault.
rounds around the camp limits. The PCs can
therefore tell all of this to the Elders, and If the PCs decide to join the hunters, see the
this time they will agree to leave. scene named Bloody Vengeance. If the PCs try
to calm them down, they must carry out a
o If the PCs manage to capture the Long DT 12 Persuasion Test.
Man before he reaches his camp, he will
scream and struggle, but he can easily be The PCs can also decide to forcefully
overcome. An opposed Wrestling Test (see contain Mehja and Mu Boas. The hunters
Würm, pages 58-59) is necessary, but the will not dare to use their weapons against
Grim One is Weak (-3 for his Strength Test) their own clan members. You will need to
and has no combat skills. In his garbled carry out opposed Wrestling Tests. Mahja

50 The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters

and Mu Boas are proud hunters: they both o If you have three crosses or more (two if
have the Strength of the Bear and the Fury of you only have two players), the clan suffers
the Lion. If the PCs succeed their Tests, the an attack from the Grim Ones during the
two hunters will calm down and abandon ritual. They attack with poisoned weapons
their destructive plans. Mehja cries in anger. (javelins from a distance and bone-tipped
Once the two hunters have been convinced spears in hand-to-hand combat), and they are
or restrained, the others will also change accompanied by a swarm of giant spiders,
their minds. unless the PCs have already killed them of
If the clan is to survive, we strongly suggest course. If the Long Men are not in condition
that the PCs shouldn’t let them run off to to fight when the ritual is being carried out,
their deaths. then a month-long blizzard will hit the PCs’
Paradise Lost
After these events, the Elders Haki and o If there are fewer than three crosses, the
Vors announce that they accept to leave the ritual goes without a hitch. Haki and Vors go
Haven, which may have been soiled by the into a trance. When they awake from it, they
non-natural deaths of several members of tell the clan that the Spirits have accepted
their clan. The rest of the clan is relieved to their offerings and that the Spirit of Wu Loi
hear it. The Elders explain that they will have is ready to follow them. From now on they
to carry out a collective ritual to implore will be known as the clan of Wu Loi’s Children.
the forgiveness of the Haven and Sparkling The Elders then encourage the clan
River Spirits for leaving them alone with the members to gather their belongings and
Long Men. During this ritual, they must also catch up with the White Lynx clan members
ask Urzohunkan to protect them during their who left that morning, or about four days
exodus, and ask the Spirit of Wu Loi to not ago if you have played the Powerless Spirits
abandon them. To do so, they will have to scene. Together, they may have a better
sacrifice part of their meager food stocks chance of surviving the cold season.
to the river, along with the most treasured
object of each clan member. On the morning of the second day of
walking, they spot the White Lynx’s camp on
The rituals begin. This time, nobody the side of a hill. If the clans are four days
approaches the water for fear of being apart, the PCs and all the others will wonder
poisoned. One at a time, they each throw how they caught up with them so quickly.
their most treasured possession into the As they approach, they don’t hear a sound.
river. For some it is a piece of jewelry, for There is a fire and five tents. None of the
others weapons, and for Vors and Haki, it clan members can be seen, except for a child
is some very rare medicinal herbs. Then it is of about ten, sitting staring at the fire.
time for the PCs to do the same. Ask them
all to give you a slip of paper with their He tells them that a sickness made a
name and a cross or a circle. A circle means large number of his fellow clan members
that they did indeed sacrifice their most incapable of walking. They wanted to stop
treasured possession; a cross means that they to rest and gather their strength. It was a
didn’t. bad idea though, as instead of getting better,

The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters 51

their sickness worsened at the speed of Bloody Vengeance
lightning... He is the last survivor of his clan. This scene can be added at any point in
He is very calm and seems to have lost touch the plot, depending on the PCs’ decisions.
with reality. He is pale, coughs a lot and has Indeed, they have many opportunities to
trouble walking. He asks the PCs’ clan to attack, but they will not always have any
take him in, as he has not yet finished his backup: even the young ones who want to
training as a hunter. fight respect the decisions of the Elders, at
The Elders gather another Council. least to begin with.
Everyone is in shock. Although most of the
clan members are willing to take him in, Haki The Grim Ones are rather disorganized
and Vors warn them that it could be risky to during combat, as it was Shach’lin who used
take in a child who may carry a sickness that to protect them from attackers. If the attack
killed a whole clan. Of course, you should occurs after the fight with the members of
let the PCs take part in the debate and give the White Lynx clan, the Grim Ones will be
their opinion. Depending on the Council’s in the middle of rebuilding their huts. On
decision, see one of the two epilogues. their stone altars, there are bodies of Bear-
men and Long Men who died during the
Epilogues last battle, being used for experiments or for
food. Some bodies have been opened and
o If they leave the child behind, he their organs laid out in the snow.
begins to cry and curses the River Children,
screaming that they are no better than the The Grim Ones have coated their weapons
Long Men. The curse scares the Elders. The with a paralyzing poison made from the
members of Wu Loi’s clan leave, some of venom of the giant spiders, and they are
them sick, all of them tired, with very little covered in decorations made of human
food to face what is looking to be a very bones (Terrifying Appearance , see game aid on
rough cold season. They can feel a burning page 6). In spite of all this, the PCs do have
gaze of hatred and despair on their backs. a fair chance of beating them, but they will
None of them dare to turn around. probably not be able to take any prisoners:
the younger members of the clan will be in
o If they take him in, the clan will have a a murderous mood and will stop at nothing
new member who will soon recover from to kill the Grim Ones. The GM can decide
his sickness after a bout of fever. He will to define the frontier between natural and
become a good hunter, but he will always supernatural. If they have to fight the giant
bear a fierce hatred towards the Long Men, spiders, the GM can decide whether they are
and he will often try to pass it on to the indeed the shamans on their animal form
other Bear-men. or if the PCs are simply under the influence
of the drugs with which the Long Men’s
weapons are coated. The PCs can try to work
out what is real, or simply accept it all.

O If the PCs do manage to capture one of

the enemy Elders and protect him from
the young hunters, they can learn whatever

52 The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters

the GM wishes to reveal about the Spark
Hunters’ past and their motivations.
If they search the camp, the PCs will find
the cocoons with the living Bear-men, but
they will never wake them up without the
antidote. A Test for Perception or Insight
(DT 12, with Sight of the Owl, Wisdom of the
Mammoth or Venom of the Viper as possible
bonuses) will allow them to discover the
antidotes that are required to wake the
prisoners and end the paralysis of those who
have been bitten by the spiders or wounded
by the Grim Ones.

The Non-Player Characters (each Damage Point inflicted kills one

Use the basic characteristics for the NPCs spider).
(see Würm page 121). Depending on the * Poison: the spiders’ poison is very potent,
situation, apply any differences as specified although it is rarely lethal for a human in
in the scenario, or as they seem necessary. good physical condition. Its Severity is 8. It
acts in 1d6 minutes and causes 4 Damage
Swarm of Giant Spiders Points for a successful Resistance Test, or 16
Each swarm is mage up of 26 spiders. Their Points if the Test fails. It causes a muscular
slick body, as big as a fist, shows how solid paralysis (therefore the heart too can be
their protective shell is. They are black, have affected to a lesser extent) that can cause
four pairs of deep red eyes and impressive unconsciousness during 30 minutes, if the
mandibles. In combat, treat each swarm as Test result is a Failure.
if it were a single creature. If a swarm is * Binding: during a combat round, the swarm
split into two, count each “half-swarm” as a can choose to use its attack to Bind its
creature by dividing the LP in two. For each opponent. This attack doesn’t cause any
LP lost by the swarm, remove one spider. damage; the spiders secrete very strong
Dodge 10, Thick skin 1 fibers and bind their victim with them,
LP 26, divide the damage received by 2*. covering him in their web. The victim is 80%
Initiative 3d6 covered. A successful Wrestling Test (DT 9)
Attacks [1]: Bite 2d6, +1 per group of 6 can allow him to wriggle free from it. During
spiders (Damage: 1d6 Points, +1 Point per the next round, the swarm can abandon their
group of 6 spiders), Poison*, Binding*. victim or, on the contrary finish covering
Running 9, Alertness 12. him, taking away the victim’s last chance to
Special Abilities: free himself from it on his own. Another
* Reduced Damage: because of their numbers, option for the swarm is to use their attack
their small size and their speed, the Damage to inflict a poisoned bite that automatically
inflicted on the spiders is reduced by half, succeeds. The spiders will not harm a victim
rounded down to the nearest whole number in a cocoon for no reason.

The Curious Quest of the Spark Hunters 53

The Grim Ones
The Grim Ones are regular Long Men, Dodge 6, Protection 2
except that they are all Weak: they all suffer Stamina Points 24
a penalty of -3 for all their Strength and Initiative 2d6
Wrestling Tests and for Damage. As they Attacks [1]: bone-tipped spear 2d6 (2d6
are less resistant to the cold than the Bear- -2 Damage Points + Poison*) or bone-
men, the Grim Ones are already wearing tipped javelin 2d6 (1d6 -2 Damage Points
their winter clothing and therefore have 2 +Poison*)
Protection Points. Running 10, Alertness 7
The Grim Ones fight with weapons coated Special Abilities: Secret Combat
with the venom of the giant spiders. Any Techniques: Terrifying Appearance. For some
wound inflicted by one of their cutting (at GM’s discretion): Melee, Flight of the Snowy
or piercing weapons that causes more than 1 Owl.
Damage Point can poison the victim in the
same way a venomous spider bite would Jean-Pierre Hufen
(Severity 8, for Damage and paralysis, see previous page).

Old Lynx Beard’s Wise Advice

Old Lynx Beard is an Elder and the Voice of the Ancestors for his clan. He is an old hunter, a
good painter, a shaman and a musician, and he likes nothing better than to give his advice on the
customs and rules of Würm. As his advice is often wise, we must forgive his tendency to ramble on
a little.
“Yesterday, we discussed the Strengths came to seek me out as I was preparing
that a hunter can gain from eating the black paint under the porch of the old
liver of an animal he has killed. I told Hollybush Shelter.
you about many important animals, such ‘So, old Lynx Beard, will you tell me
as reindeer, wild boar or wolverines. But now what Strength my javelin throwers
I was troubled, as was my friend Steady could gain from eating the liver of a
Buck. One of the hunt leaders who hyena?’
came to see me, Rock Shadow, was very I put down my pestle, spread out the
curious to find out what would happen ground black powder in the birch gall
is one of his hunters (and a formidable mortar and spat into it.
group they are indeed) was to eat the ‘Listen to me, Rock Shadow. Eating
liver of a hyena killed in combat. the liver of a hyena is a very bad idea.
That very evening, Rock Shadow Nothing good can come to anyone who

eats that cursed flesh. You are wise, and ‘That has never been witnessed, it
you probably know this already: only one only occurs in tales so old that the end
fearsome Bear-man tribe, ever tried to of those stories is lost in the mists’, I
make an alliance with the Great Hyena, interrupted. ‘And believe me, it could not
long ago: the Morvoi. They soon realized end well. One thing is for sure, however:
that the Spirit could only lead anyone any hunter who eats a hyena liver, even
who sought for such an alliance to their though he may gain some bonuses until
own destruction. So they turned to the the next dawn, he will also be cursed
Spirit of the Great Lion, the one they with the Sickly Weakness for a whole
called Scilax.’ moon. It will give his gaze a creepy look,
‘So nobody knows exactly what would make his breath stink, and give him a
happen is one of my hunters was to eat -3 penalty for all his Tests for social
the liver of a hyena? Not even you, Lynx interactions.
Rock Shadow did not say a word. He
I spat into my mortar once more and nodded and thanked us, then took his
added some grease from yesterday’s roast leave and wished us peace and a good
goose to the mixture. digestion.
‘Nobody really knows, that is true. But
what I do know, I can tell you: Later, I learned that one of his
hunters, a man named Flapping Tongue,
A man who eats the liver of the had fought a hyena in mysterious
hyena will gain the Cackle of the Hyena circumstances. He had managed to
Strength. This Strength grants a 1d6 kill a large female, but hadn’t eaten its
bonus for the Evil Eye and any other liver. The beast had cursed him all the
form of curse, but it does not protect same, giving him the Cackle of the Hyena
from the counter effects that affect those Strength and the Sickly Weakness. Then
who are foolish enough to toy with the she had taken over his mind... Luckily, an
dark Spirits.’ apprentice shaman Bear-woman was able
to exorcize him before he tried to drink
At that point, Steady Buck spoke up: the blood of his hunting companions.
‘To be perfectly honest, Rock Shadow, Before he tried to eat them alive.
you should know that eating a hyena’s
liver does also have a few advantages: a So it always is with those creatures.
hunter can for example get a 1d6 bonus Even the terrifying Morvoi and the most
on all of his Butchery Tests, in order to evil of shamans know better than to
scrape even the tiniest scrap of meat, meddle in the affairs of hyenas.
guts and marrow from a slain animal.
Some also say that if three men share a Emmanuel Roudier
hyena liver and then attack a single target,
they get a 1d6 bonus for hits, and attack
while cackling hysterically in a macabre

Afterwords of Acknowledgement
The Author wishes to express his warmest thanks to Kathy Calmejane, who has done a
outstanding job translating and proofreading the entire contents of the Voice of the Ancestors
booklets (and an important part of the Rulebook). Sing praises for her !


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