MT4080 Handheld Digital LCR Meter

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Motech Handheld LCR Meters

MT 4080A (100KHz)/MT 4080D (10KHz)

The First One on the Market

100KHz maximum test frequency

(4-5 test frequency options)
Three test voltage selections: 1V/250mV/50mV
0.2% best accuracy
Auto-range or range-hold selection
Relative mode
Open and short calibration

Primary Parameters Display: Secondary Parameters Display:
Z : AC Impedance ș : Phase Angle
DCR : DC Resistance ESR : Equivalence Serial Resistance
D : Dissipation Factor Temperature : 0°C to 40°C (Operating)
Ls : Serial Inductance
Q : Quality Factor -20°C to 70°C (Storage)
Lp : Parallel Inductance
Display Combinations: Relative Humidity : Up to 85%
Cs : Serial Capacitance Serial Mode =±ș&V±'&V±4&V±(65/V±' Battery Type : 2 AA-size Ni-Mh
Cp : Parallel Capacitance /V±4/V±(65
Battery Charge : Approximately constant current 150mA
Parallel Mode &S±'&S±4/S±'/S±4
Battery Operating Time : 2.5 hours typical
Frequency: 100Hz / 120Hz / 1KHz / 10KHz / 100KHz (MT 4080A only) AC Operation 9DF+]9GFZLWKSURSHUDGDSWHU
Low Power Warning : Under 2.2Vdc
Frequency Accuracy: 0.1% Dimensions : 174mm x 86mm x 48mm (L x W x H)
Weight : 470g
Level: 1Vrms / 250mVrms / 50mVrms / 1VDC (DCR only)

Level Accuracy: 5%

Output Impedance: ȍ“

0HDVXULQJ6SHHG Fast : 4.5 meas. / sec.
|Zx| 20M ~10M 10M ~ 1M 1M ~ 100K 100K ~ 10 10 ~ 1 1 ~ 0.1
Slow : 2.5 meas. / sec.
Freq. (ȍ) (ȍ) (ȍ) (ȍ) (ȍ) (ȍ)
DCR 2% ± 1 1% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 0.2% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 1% ± 1
100Hz 薧 薧
Note 120Hz
1. The accuracy applies when the test level is set to 1Vrms. 1KHz
2. Multiply Ae by 1.25 when the test level is set to 250mVrms. 5% ± 1 2% ± 1
3. Multiply Ae by 1.50 when the test level is set to 50mVrms. 10KHz

1+ D x 2 100KHz N/A 5% ± 1 2% ± 1 0.4% ± 1 2% ± 1 5% ± 1
1+ Qx 2 (MT 4080A) 薧 薧
6. 薧: Ae is not specified if the test level is set to 50mV.
7. Please check the tables for the actual LCR measurement range.

Capacitor Accuracy (Ae) and Measurement Range Inductance Accuracy (Ae) and Measurement Range
100Hz 79.57pF 159.1pF 1.591nF 15.91nF 159.1uF 1591uF 100Hz 31.83KH 15.91KH 1591H 159.1H 15.91mH 1.591mH
| | | | | | | | | | | |
159.1pF 1.591nF 15.91nF 159.1uF 1591uF 15.91mF 15.91KH 1591H 159.1H 15.91mH 1.591mH 159.1uH
2% ± 1 1% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 0.2% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 1% ± 1 2% ± 1 1% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 0.2% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 1% ± 1
薧 薧 薧 薧
120Hz 66.31pF 132.6pF 1.326nF 13.26nF 132.6uF 1326uF 120Hz 26.52KH 13.26KH 1326H 132.6H 13.26mH 1.326mH
| | | | | | | | | | | |
132.6pF 1.326nF 13.26nF 132.6uF 1326uF 13.26mF 13.26KH 1326H 132.6H 13.26mH 1.326mH 132.6uH
2% ± 1 1% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 0.2% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 1% ± 1 2% ± 1 1% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 0.2% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 1% ± 1
薧 薧 薧 薧
1KHz 7.957pF 15.91pF 159.1pF 1.591nF 15.91uF 159.1uF 1KHz 31.83KH 1.591KH 159.1H 15.91H 1.591mH 159.1uH
| | | | | | | | | | | |
15.91pF 159.1pF 1.591nF 15.91uF 159.1uF 1.591mF 1.591KH 159.1H 15.91H 1.591mH 159.1uH 15.91uH
2% ± 1 1% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 0.2% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 1% ± 1 2% ± 1 1% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 0.2% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 1% ± 1
薧 薧 薧 薧
10KHz 0.795pF 1.591pF 15.91pF 159.1pF 1.591uF 15.91uF 10KHz 318.3H 159.1H 15.91H 1.591H 159.1uH 15.91uH
| | | | | | | | | | | |
1.591pF 15.91pF 159.1pF 1.591uF 15.91uF 159.1uF 159.1H 15.91H 1.591H 159.1uH 15.91uH 1.591uH
5% ± 1 2% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 0.2% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 1% ± 1 5% ± 1 2% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 0.2% ± 1 0.5% ± 1 1% ± 1
薧 薧 薧 薧
100KHz N/A 0.159pF 1.591pF 15.91pF 159.1nF 1.591uF 100KHz 31.83H 15.91H 1.591H 159.1mH 15.91uH 1.591uH
(MT 4080A) | | | | | (MT 4080A) | | | | | |
1.591pF 15.91pF 159.1nF 1.591uF 15.91uF 15.91H 1.591H 159.1mH 15.91uH 1.591uH 0.159uH
N/A 5% ± 1 2% ± 1 0.4% ± 1 2% ± 1 5% ± 1 N/A 5% ± 1 2% ± 1 0.4% ± 1 2% ± 1 5% ± 1
薧 薧 薧 薧

Ordering Information 6WDQGDUG$FFHVVRULHV Optional Test Fixtures/Accessories

MT 4080A 1. Shorting Bar 1. TL08A SMD Test Probe
100KHz Handheld LCR Meter 2. DC 6V Power Adapter 2. TL08B 4-Wire Test Clips
MT 4080D 3. 2 AA-Size Ni-Mh Rechargeable Batteries 3. TL08C Kelvin Clips
10KHz Handheld LCR Meter 4. User Manual 4. Carrying Case

Motech Industries, Inc., Instruments Division TEL : +886 2 2662 5093

6F, No. 248, Sec. 3, Pei-Shen Road, FAX: +886 2 2662 5097
Shen-Keng Hsiang, Taipei 22204, Taiwan E-mail: [email protected]

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