Pestle Analysis On Recreational Facilities.

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Bachelor of Science in International Tourism Management

Travel and Tour Operation

Quezon City


Delta Discovery Park

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About the Company

The Marikina Sports Center, also known as Marikina Sports Park and formerly known as Rodriguez
Sports Center, is a sports complex located in Marikina, at the corner of Shoe Avenue and Sumulong
Highway in Metro Manila, Philippines.

It is the current home venue of the Marikina Shoemasters of the Maharlika Pilipinas Basketball League
(MPBL) and its volleyball counterpart, the Marikina Lady Shoemasters of the Maharlika Pilipinas
Volleyball Association (MPVA). Previously, it also served as the home venue of JPV Marikina F.C. from
2017 until 2018.

It also has hosted other sporting events, such as the Palarong Pambansa in 2023.

Prior to its current sports facilities, the area is a site of PNR Mariquina Station back in the early 1900s.
The Rodriguez Sports Center was built in 1969 under the Rizal Governor Isidro Rodriguez Sr. on a 3
hectares (7.4 acres) land owned by Marikina, then a municipality of Rizal. It is turned over to the
Marikina municipal government under Mayor Bayani Fernando in 1995 and was renovated in 2001
under Mayor Maria Lourdes Carlos-Fernando and was renamed the Marikina Sports Park.


Political or politically motivated factors that could affect the business.

Examples include: Government policy, political stability or instability, bureaucracy, corruption,

foreign trade policy, tax policy, trade restrictions, labor/environmental/copyright/consumer
protection laws, competition regulation, funding grants & initiatives, etc.

Questions to ask:

1. What government policies or political groups could be beneficial or detrimental to our success?
 Government policies and political groups play a crucial role in shaping the success of a
nation. While some policies and groups can be beneficial, others can be detrimental to
our progress. For instance, policies promoting investment in education and healthcare
can enhance human capital and improve overall productivity. Similarly, political groups
advocating for social justice and equality can foster inclusivity and harmony within
society. On the other hand, policies favoring monopolies or discriminatory practices can
hinder economic growth and exacerbate social disparities. Therefore, it is imperative to
support government policies and political groups that prioritize the welfare of all citizens
for long-term success.

2. Is the political environment stable or likely to change?

 The stability of the political environment is a matter of constant debate. Some argue
that it is stable, while others believe it is likely to change. Those who claim stability point
to the established systems and institutions that have been in place for years. However,
recent events such as social unrest and political polarization suggest otherwise. The rise
of populist movements and the erosion of trust in traditional political parties indicate an
impending change. Therefore, it is evident that the political environment is not stable
but rather on the brink of significant transformation.


Overall economic forces that could affect what you’re trying to do.
Examples include: Economic trends, growth rates, industry growth, seasonal factors, taxation,
inflation, interest rates, international exchange rates, International trade, labor costs, consumer
disposable income, unemployment rates, availability of credit, monetary policies, raw material
costs, etc.

Questions to ask:

1. What economic factors will impact on us moving forward?

 In the wake of the global pandemic, it is crucial to analyze the economic factors that will
shape our future. Firstly, unemployment rates have skyrocketed, leading to a decrease
in consumer spending and a sluggish recovery. Additionally, government debt has
surged due to stimulus packages and reduced tax revenues. This will inevitably result in
higher taxes and reduced public spending on essential services. Moreover, globalization
may face setbacks as countries prioritize domestic production and protectionism grows
stronger. In conclusion, these economic factors will undoubtedly impact us moving
forward, requiring careful planning and adaptation for a prosperous future.

2. Does the current economic performance affect us?

 The current economic performance undeniably affects us Filipinos. As a developing
nation, our economy heavily relies on various factors such as foreign investments,
exports, and domestic consumption. When the economy is thriving, job opportunities
increase, poverty rates decline, and the standard of living improves. Conversely, during
an economic downturn, unemployment rises, businesses struggle to survive, and the
cost of living becomes unbearable for many. Therefore, it is crucial for us to closely
monitor and address any issues that may hinder our economic growth in order to secure
a better future for all Filipinos.

3. How does each economic factor impact our pricing, revenues, and costs?
 Each economic component is important in deciding a company's price, revenues, and
costs. For instance, supply and demand have a direct impact on pricing. When demand
exceeds supply, prices rise, resulting in increased revenue. In contrast, when supply
exceeds demand, prices fall, resulting in decreased revenues. Second, inflation has an
effect on costs since it boosts the prices of raw materials and labor. As a result,
production costs increase, and consumer prices increase as well. Lastly, pricing methods
are influenced by competition, as organizations attempt to offer competitive prices to
attract customers while retaining profitability. In short, companies must comprehend
and analyze these economic elements in order to make informed judgments on pricing
strategies and financial viability.


Social aspects, attitudes, and trends that influence your business and target market.

Examples include: Attitudes and shared beliefs about a range of factors including health, work,
leisure, money, customer service, imports, religion, cultural taboos, the environment;
population growth and demographics, family size/structure, immigration/emigration, lifestyle
trends, etc.

Questions to ask

1. How do our consumer’s values and beliefs impact on their buying habits?
 Consumer values and beliefs play a crucial role in shaping their buying habits. People's
purchasing decisions are often influenced by their personal values and beliefs, which can
range from environmental sustainability to social responsibility. For instance, individuals
who prioritize eco-friendliness may opt for products that are ethically sourced or have
minimal carbon footprints. Similarly, those who value supporting local businesses may
choose to buy from small-scale enterprises instead of multinational corporations.
Ultimately, consumer behavior is driven by the alignment of their values with the
products or brands they choose, making it evident that values and beliefs significantly
impact buying habits.

2. How does human behavior or cultural trends play a role in our business?
 Human behavior and cultural trends have a large influence on our business.
Understanding how people act and the cultural shifts that occur enables us to adapt and
succeed in a market that is continuously evolving. Consumer behavior, for example, has
an impact on our marketing strategy and product development. We can identify growing
wants and preferences by monitoring cultural trends, allowing us to customize our
offers accordingly. Furthermore, knowing human behavior assists us in creating a
healthy work atmosphere by recognizing individual uniqueness and encouraging
collaboration. Finally, organizations must recognize the impact of human behavior and
cultural trends in order to remain competitive in today's dynamic landscape.


Technology that can affect the way you make, distribute, and communicate your products and services.

Examples include: Technology and communications infrastructure, consumer access to

technology, emerging technologies, automation, legislation around technology, research and
innovation, intellectual property regulation, competitor technology and development,
technology incentives, etc.

Questions to ask:

1. What innovations and technological advancements are available or on the horizon?

• In today's fast changing world, innovations and technology developments emerge on a
daily basis, influencing how we live, work, and interact. The possibilities range from
artificial intelligence to virtual reality. On the horizon are significant developments in
renewable energy, space exploration, and healthcare. Our lives are getting more
convenient and efficient as developments such as self-driving cars and smart houses
become more popular. However, it is critical to guarantee that these inventions are
produced responsibly and are available to everybody. While we celebrate these
achievements, let us not lose sight of the need of striking a balance between progress
and humanity.
2. How might they affect our operations?
• In the fast-paced world of today, inventions and technological advancements have
become indispensable to our daily lives. But we cannot ignore the influence they have
on our behavior. The way we operate, interact, and transact business has changed as a
result of these advancements. They have streamlined operations to increase production
and efficiency. Thanks to automation and artificial intelligence, time-consuming tasks
may now be completed in a much shorter amount of time. It's important to keep in
mind that while some people argue that these developments will lead to a loss of jobs
and a decline in interpersonal interactions, they will also create new chances and
expand our capabilities. Ultimately, businesses need to adopt these technologies to be
competitive in this rapidly growing digital landscape.


Current and future legal and regulatory requirements impacting on the business.

Examples include: Laws regarding consumer protection, labor, health & safety, antitrust,
intellectual property, data protection, tax and discrimination; international and domestic trade
regulations/restrictions, advertising standards, product labeling and safety standards, etc.

Questions to ask:

1. What regulations and laws apply to our business?

• Regulations and legislation are critical in ensuring a fair and ethical corporate
environment. To maintain compliance and prevent legal consequences, we must follow
a variety of regulations in our firm. To begin, employment laws protect our employees'
rights by assuring fair compensation, safe working environments, and nondiscrimination
procedures. Furthermore, consumer protection laws protect our clients from fraudulent
actions or deceptive advertising. Furthermore, environmental regulations seek to
reduce our ecological impact by encouraging sustainable practices. We not only protect
ourselves by adhering to these regulations and laws, but we also contribute to a just
society where businesses can thrive responsibly.

2. Do they help or hinder our business?

• Regulations and legislation have a significant impact on the corporate landscape.
While some say that laws and regulations limit corporate growth, I believe they are
essential to protect customers, preserve fair competition, and assure ethical behavior.
These restrictions ensure that enterprises have a level playing field, prohibiting
monopolies and unfair activities. Furthermore, they protect customers from potential
harm caused by unethical businesses. Businesses can establish long-term relationships
with their customers by complying to regulations. As a result, regulations and laws not
only help society as a whole, but also contribute to the long-term prosperity of
3. Do we understand the laws across all our markets?
 In today's globalized world, businesses operate across multiple markets, each with its
own set of laws and regulations. However, the question arises: do we truly understand
the laws across all our markets? The answer is a resounding no. With numerous legal
systems and constant changes in legislation, it is nearly impossible for companies to
keep up with every law in every market they operate in. This lack of understanding can
lead to legal complications, hefty fines, and reputational damage. Therefore, it is crucial
for businesses to invest in legal expertise or consult local professionals to ensure
compliance and avoid costly mistakes.


Environmental forces impacting your businesses and/or customer’s geographical location, the
surrounding environment, and natural resources used by your organization.

Examples include: Weather, climate change, your carbon footprint, environmental regulations,
pollution laws and targets, recycling and waste management policies, endangered species,
support for renewable energy, etc.

Questions to ask:

1. How does our physical environment affect us and vice versa?

 Our physical environment has a profound impact on our well-being and vice versa. The
air we breathe, the water we drink, and the spaces we inhabit directly influence our
health and quality of life. For instance, living in polluted areas can lead to respiratory
problems and other illnesses. On the other hand, our actions also shape the
environment. Deforestation, pollution, and overconsumption contribute to climate
change and ecological degradation. It is crucial to recognize this reciprocal relationship
between humans and their surroundings in order to create sustainable solutions that
benefit both parties. By prioritizing environmental conservation and adopting eco-
friendly practices, we can ensure a healthier future for ourselves and the planet.

2. What are the effects of climate, weather or geographical location?

 The effects of climate, weather, and geographical location are undeniable. These factors
have a profound impact on various aspects of our lives. Firstly, climate determines the
type of vegetation that can thrive in a particular area. For instance, tropical regions
support lush rainforests while arid regions are home to deserts. Secondly, weather
patterns influence our daily activities and even our moods. Extreme heat or cold can
limit outdoor activities or cause discomfort. Lastly, geographical location affects
economic opportunities and cultural practices. Coastal areas often rely on fishing and
tourism industries while landlocked regions focus on agriculture. In conclusion,
understanding the effects of climate, weather, and geographical location is crucial for
adapting to our environment and making informed decisions about where we live and
how we live there

3. Are we prepared for future environmental targets?

 In today's rapidly changing world, the need for environmental targets has become more
crucial than ever. However, the question remains: are we truly prepared to meet these
future targets? While some argue that we have made significant progress in reducing
carbon emissions and adopting sustainable practices, others contend that our efforts
are not enough. The reality is that despite our advancements, we still face numerous
challenges such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. To truly prepare for
future environmental targets, we must prioritize education and awareness, invest in
renewable energy sources, and implement stricter regulations on industries contributing
to environmental degradation. Only then can we ensure a sustainable future for
generations to come.


How the Recreational Facility can improve?

 The Marikina Sports Center is a recreational facility that offers various activities such as
swimming, basketball, and jogging. These activities can significantly improve people's
health in several ways. Firstly, swimming is a low-impact exercise that helps strengthen
muscles and improves cardiovascular health. Secondly, basketball is an intense sport
that promotes agility, coordination, and endurance. Lastly, jogging is a great way to burn
calories and maintain a healthy weight. By providing these facilities, the Marikina Sports
Center encourages individuals to engage in physical activities regularly, leading to
improved overall health and well-being. Therefore, it is evident that the recreational
facility of Marikina Sports Center plays a crucial role in enhancing people's health

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