Axis AX Brochure Asia

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The Worldwide Fire System

ANSI/UL 864 9th Edition

The Standard in Fire Systems

Advanced is renowned for the quality, We invest in design and engineering to bring best-
performance and ease-of-use of its in-class innovations to market every year, and our
products. Our Axis AX fire system is approach to customers, service and technical support
the professional choice in countries is equally dedicated. All products in the Axis AX range
working to the UL standard worldwide. are manufactured either in the USA or in the UK.

Building a safer future

Advanced – made in the UK. Trusted around the world.

Discover more: | [email protected] | +44 (0)345 894 7000
Advanced – The Standard in Fire Systems 4
Axis AX – The Worldwide Fire System 6
Axis AX – Sample System Diagram 8
High-Performance Panels 10
Integrated Audio and Firefighter Telephones 12
Command Centers 13
Intelligent Detectors and Loop Powered Intelligent Devices 14
Gold Standard Fire System Redundancy 16
Advanced Networking 20
DynamixSmoke 21
PerfectSync 22
Fire and Emergency Telephone System 23

Advanced – Made in the UK.
Trusted around the world
Advanced designs and manufactures specialist fire equipment that
protects lives and property in more than 80 countries across the globe.

Jebel Ali M-Station,

Dubai, UAE

The Shard, London

Royal Albert Hall, London Cairo Tower, Egypt

Our market-leading fire

protection solutions are installed
in many of the world’s tallest
– and smallest – buildings,
as well as in a wide variety of
complex and high-risk sites.
Decades of research and development
have gone into our products, which are
known and trusted by customers for their
quality, performance and ease of use.

We offer an extensive range of panels

and devices approved to exacting
international quality standards; with
every product we make rigorously
tested before it leaves us.

We ‘mass-customise’ our panels, so you Knowing that some sites pose unique Advanced is part of the safety sector of
can be sure your Advanced equipment challenges, we also design and Halma plc, a global group of life-saving
meets your exact requirements and manufacture fully-customised solutions technology companies with a clear purpose
provides years of reliable performance and through our AdSpecials service. This flexible to grow a safer, cleaner, healthier future
protection – for ultimate peace of mind. approach gives you complete control over for everyone, every day.
the functions, format and finish of products
to suit your site’s unique specification.

We have an international network of offices

and agents so you can easily access sales
support wherever you are in the world.

Training and technical support are

provided by our in-house team, free
of charge to all direct customers, and
Hagia Sophia, Turkey consistently rated as excellent.

to the
world of

The Worldwide Fire System

The Professional Choice

Axis AX is our solution for customers demanding a high performance
UL 864 based fire protection system.

Axis AX is built on years of leadership in the intelligent fire systems market.

It is widely installed across the globe in some of the most
challenging and prestigious locations.

Axis AX is a complete system of high performance
fire panels, audio systems, command centers
and high performance devices. At its core are
intelligent single and multi-loop networkable
fire alarm control panels with a complete
range of intelligent SLC loop devices, extensive
peripherals, NAC and conventional devices.
Panels are available in both red and grey.

Axis AX is designed to go anywhere

you need high quality, reliable and easy
to use fire detection and control, from
mass transportation and industrial
complexes to landmark developments,
historic buildings and public services.

Sample System Diagram
Up to 250 Master
SLC Loop (500 mA) Telephones per Riser

Dual Relay Outputs

Mini Monitor (DIN Mount)

Switch I/O
Firefighter Telephone

NAC Module

Isolator Base

Mini Monitor
Pull Stations

Switch I/O
Firefighter Telephone

Duct Detector

Sounder & Beacon Base

Multi Sensor
CO Detector
Base 3 Khz

CO Low
Detector Base
Heat Detector 520 Hz

Firefighter Telephone

Switch I/O

Photoelectric Smoke

Loop Isolator
6” EZ Fit Base Telephone Riser

SLC Loop (500 mA)

SLC Loop (500 mA)

Loop Powered Beacon

Advanced Up to 200 nodes/
Peer-to-peer panels, Class A or B

Local Operating
AD-VIEW Consoles (LOC)

RS232 PC interface to
AX-BMS Building Management IP Gateway
System and/or network printer Diagnostic Tools

Audio Node



Custom Graphic

Programming PENN

ANN Series

Advanced Peer-to-Peer

Peripheral Bus

Microphone Bus

NAC (2A)

High-Performance Panels

Axis AX control panels

provide a unique scalable
platform that can expand
upwards or downwards to
suit virtually any application.

Axis AX is the result of decades of Features

fire alarm and detection experience
• 1, 2 or 4 SLC loop formats • Two Amp current limit per
gained from installations across the
• Each 500mA digital signaling NAC with alerts on panel or
globe, involving architects, engineers, via email if limit exceeded
line circuit supports up to
consultants, end users and fire authorities. 126 intelligent devices • Panel includes large 240x60
• 1,000 Fire Zones when backlit LED with Advanced’s
Axis AX panels have been designed to offer more
networked or 200 per panel simple navigation and programing
power and performance in a user friendly format.
Axis AX packs in more configuration, control and • Easy, high performance • Unique, built-in voltage and current
interface options than any comparable Advanced networking (up to 200 nodes) meters for easy diagnostics can
panel. Multiple advanced features mean it will be viewed on panel or remotely
• Status monitoring from any
maintain its performance advantages for years panel or annunciator • Unique auto-test of
to come. battery cell integrity
• True peer to peer networking
Style 4 or 7, wire or fiber • USB or RS232 interface for
All of the intelligent fire alarm control panels in the programming/panel monitoring
AX series consist of identical electronic modules and • Individual node configurable
can be programed from a laptop PC configuration event reporting and control • Remote access and control via
tool. Axis AX’s features have been proven to sharply ipGateway or Virtual Panel tools
• Comprehensive network diagnostics
reduce installation time, help identify wiring and • 100% digital communications on
• Compatible with all of the AX series
programing errors, provide local and remote system the SLC to all intelligent smoke
peripherals including annunciators,
diagnostics as well as providing exceptional fire detectors and I/O modules
relay modules, I/O modules, power
detection without nuisance alarms. supplies, internal and portable • Fast response and superior
printers, network modules, LED/ rejection of unwanted RF noise
Every Axis AX panel features Advanced’s unbeatable
switch modules, conventional • Multi-sensor programming
networking capabilities and Dynamix Tools fire
zone module, modem, RS232, options allow for supervisory
panel software making it easy to use, configure and
amplifiers, DACTs and more pre-alarm upon programmable
maintain, from the smallest to the largest of sites
• SLC wiring can be shielded smoke obscuration, and fire
and with complicated cause and effect. They are
or non shielded alarm upon programmable
available in either red or grey.
temperature fixed or rate of rise
• Smoke detectors, CO detectors,
Our Axis AX panels are all manufactured at our state sounder bases, open area • Fully integrated 40/80 Watt
of the art facilities in the UK and meet demanding sounders and beacons can be digital audio options
quality standards. All panels comply with ISO powered from SLC without need • Advanced’s simple select and click
9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, and our systems for a separate 24V supply programming and configuration
and procedures are continuously audited against the • Superb noise immunity and emissions • Autolearn and SLC loop detection
factory production control requirements demanded
• Regulated loop voltage sustained • Quick start and protect -
by our product approvals.
during AC loss a working system after an
• 2 or 4 voltage regulated Autolearn is performed
NACs compatible with most
listed NAC devices

Axis AX – 1 Loop Axis AX – 2 to 4 Loop
• 1 SLC loop - Class A (Style 2 Loop Panel
6,7) or Class B (Style 4) • 2 SLC loops - Class A (Style 6,7)
• 126 addressable intelligent points or Class B (Style 4)
• Available in compact and • 252 intelligent addressable points
standard size enclosures 4 Loop Panel
• 2 x 2 Amp Class A (Style • 4 SLC loops - Class A (Style 6,7)
Z) or Class B (Style Y) or Class B (Style 4)
programmable NAC circuits • 504 intelligent addressable points
• 3 x on board relays. 1 • 2 x 2 Amp Class A (Style Z) or
Trouble, 2 programmable Class B (Style Y) programmable
• System keys for Reset, ACK, NAC circuits as standard,
Silence, Resound & Drill expandable to a total of 4 NAC
circuits, 2 Amps each
• 3 freely programmable
• 3 x on board relays. 1 Trouble,
system keys
2 programmable
• 19 on board LED indicators, • System keys for Reset, ACK,
5 of which are freely Silence, Resound & Drill
programmable • 3 freely programmable system keys
• 19 on board LED indicators, 5 of
which are freely programmable
• 5 to 10 Amp system power

Axis AX – Remote Annunciators Axis AX – with voice evacuation

• Style 4 or Style 7 network interface • Axis AX network node
• C version has annunciation and • Local annunciation, system
programmable control and audio controls
• D version annunciation only • Add a local amplifier (optional)
• On board USB programming port
• Ideal for MNS applications
• Peer to peer, cross node operation
• Remote microphone only option
• Monitored external Trouble input
• Info displayed fully configurable to • User Friendly Annunciation and
any combination of Fires, Troubles, Control, Identical to FACP
Supervisory or other alarms • Installation Configurable
• Both models include Operations and Controls
programmable status LEDs • Ad-NeT-PluS Class A or B Network
• Model ANN-C provides 3 freely Compatible
programmable function keys • Supports up to 32 Peripheral Bus
• Optional tamper proof and weather Modules
proof enclosures • Multi-Channel Audio
• Surface or flush mount Configurations

PENN Telephone Node

Axis AX panels can be customized with a • When operating as
large range of peripheral cards wired directly independent network node:
to the panel, or via the PENN network device, –S eparate AC power and
anywhere on the network: battery backup
• Integrated and/or networked audio options –D oes not require Axis AX
(see following pages) Fire Panel to operate
• Conventional Zone Module (8 Class A or • When dependent network node:
4 Class A) - up to 16 modules per panel –P hones may be wired to any
Axis AX panel or Telephone Node
• 4 or 8 Way high current relay modules
• Can function as standalone
• Dual NAC Expander emergency telephone system
• Style 4 & Style 7 network modules • LCD annunciation of
• Fiber optic network converter module telephone events
• 48 Way I/O Switch/LED Driver • Ack, Hold, Scroll ‘paging
patch’ control buttons
• Panel mounted printer
• 16 Way switch/48 LED module

Integrated Audio and Firefighter Telephones
Axis AX comes ready for complete audio configuration. With the addition of an Advanced audio module (AV-AMP-80),
any Axis AX control panel or Command Center becomes fully audio capable.
A variety of fire fighter telephones and telephone accessories are compatible with all Axis AX Command Center panels. Addressable
telephones make control, supervision and identification superior to older technological solutions. Command Centers come with easy
to operate LED or LCD “telephone switchboard” monitoring and control displays.

Audio Node Audio Panel Command Center Addressable

• Easy and fast configuration • Fully featured Axis AX Audio panel Firefighter Phone Telephone Jack
with Dynamix Tools audio • Built-in live voice paging microphone
configuration wizard • Manual message activate switches • Compatible with Axis AX • Individually addressable
• Designed to operate as a node • Two (2) Class “A” or “B” speaker Command Centers telephone jacks
on the Axis AX network circuits • Standard or push-to-talk handset • Phone active LED indicator
• Provides increased digital • AC power on, amplifier and • Class A or B Riser • Telephone riser supervision
audio signaling during an PSU and Trouble LEDs • Background noise cancellation • Supervises against opens,
emergency situation • Internal service diagnostic module (optional) shorts and grounds
• Each amplifier has two independent and status indicators • Easy installation • Class A or B configuration
40W, 25Vrms outputs • USB interface for message/ • Supports up to 500 field phones • Mounts to single gang
• Each amplifier contains an tone programming electrical box
independent 16 channel digital • Optional one-to-one amplifier • Field programmable buzzer
and LED indicators
message/tone generator
• Unique amplifier booster/
backup capability Telephone Riser • Five phone ‘party line’
• Three prioritized relay trigger inputs
cascading option Module communications
• Superb sound quality • Slide in label
• Simple programming via USB • Each riser supports up to 250
• Two (2) Class “A” or “B” master phones, (two risers max)
speaker circuits • Live analog audio, no digitization
• External AC Power and • Up to 5 telephones per riser may
Trouble LEDs be active simultanteously
• Internal service diagnostic
and status indicators Fire Fighter/Warden • Easy to configure with Dynamix
Tools telephone wizard
• Each amplifier may be programed Page Telephone • May be located remotely in
Portable Fire Fighter
for 1 to 1 backup separate enclosure or integrated
• Powerful CBE logic programming
• All amplifier audio output
• Each master supports up to four into Command Center enclosure Phone Handset
secondary telephones and/or jacks • Supports Fire Warden remote
signals are synchronized • Standard or push-to-talk handset paging feature • Used with any Axis AX
across the AX network • Magnetic, keylock or glass break • Class A or B Addressable Telephone Jack
door options • Tip and sleeve connection
• Standard or coil cord phone cable
Telephone Node • Background noise cancellation
• Built-in noise filter

module (option)
All-Call Remote • Standard or push-to-talk
• Background noise cancellation
• When operating as
independent network node: • Integrated ‘dial’, ‘ring’, ‘busy’ and Microphone module (optional)
–S eparate AC power and ‘hold’ tones with ‘connected’ LED
battery backup indication • Lockable enclosure with
–D oes not require Axis AX microphone 70 Volt Converter
• Completely supervised with
Fire Panel to operate
• When dependent network node: Zone Splitter interfaced audio amplifier Module
–P hones may be wired to any Axis • Microphone supervised for opens
• Compatible with Axis AX Audio
AX panel or Telephone Node • Fits Axis AX Command Center and disconnection
Booster, Audio Panel, Integrated
• Can function as standalone or Audio Panel • Advanced CAT30 key access
Audio panels and Command Centers
emergency telephone system • Used with Audio Module • Removable inner and outer doors
• Converts single or dual 25 Vrms
• LCD annunciation of • 2 input/output options for servicing
audio output to 70 Vrms audio signal
telephone events • 1 input split into 4 outputs • Visible power and trouble LEDs
• All wiring is fully supervised
• Ack, Hold, Scroll ‘paging (total 40W) • PCB service/diagnostic status LEDs
• Ideal for retrofit applications
patch’ control buttons • 2 inputs split in 2x2 outputs • Plexiglas window
• Image on page 9 (total 80W) • Surface or semi flush mountable

Command Centers
Axis AX Command Centers are built on the backbone of our Axis intelligent fire panels to support a wide
variety of configurations and applications.
All command centers are supplied in modular format for easy expansion and customization. Our smaller command centers can be
ordered as fully configured. All of our Command Centers are fully compatible with Axis AX audio and telephone options. The Advanced
Telephone Riser Module can be mounted inside the Command Center or remotely within a separate Telephone Node for added security.

Axis AX Command Centers

• PerfectSync synchronization of
audio and strobes across entire
200 node network
• Dynamix Smoke dedicated/
non-dedicated smoke control
• Order fully factory configured
or in modular format for • 520Hz audio support
configuration on installation • Failsafe operation if loss of
• 1, 2 or 4 Loops master Command Center
• 126, 252 or 504 addressable • Supports multiple “true peer to
peer” Command Center operations
• Intuitive and easy for fire fighters
to operate
2 Cabinet Sizes • Supports “request/control/deny”
command center operation
• 2 cabinet sizes (3x3 and 3x5) • Audio confirmation LEDs indicate
when speaker zones are active
• All Call, Page Evacuate, Page
Network Nodes Alert & Page Inactive and
Selective Paging features
and Accessories: • Manual activation of any message
to any zone or group of zones
• Digital Communicator • No performance degradation as the
– Cellular, Ethernet number of network nodes expands
and POTs DACTs
• Dynamix Smoke smoke control
• IP Gateway – only one
• Mass Notification and non
fire “Warning” Options
for 200 node network
• Integrated telephone annunciation
• AX-BMS Module – provides
(LED or LCD) and controls
interface to Building
Automation System • Dynamix Tools wizard
provides default telephone
• Ad-View Graphics
and audio options making
• AX-DGP – data set-up easy and fast
gathering panel
• Powerful control-by-event
• AX-LOCs – Local programing with intelligent
Operating Consoles system test facilities provides
• Smoke Control Panel superior system diagnostic
• Graphic Annunciator(s) and test functions
• AX-VB Distributed • Built-in network, AC power,
Audio Panels aux power, battery and
• Telephone Node field wiring diagnostics
• Fiber Converters • Color coded slide in labels
with large text to identify
system functions
• Fire warden page
• PAS, 2-Stage, Alarm
Verification and Event Mode
• Zone and Point Disable/Enable
• 1,000 system zones

Overheated Plastic (POM)

Glowing Cotton Wicks

Smouldering Wood
ve Detector Sensitivity


Natural Rubber

PU Foam

Intelligent Detectors and Loop Powered Intelligent Devices

All Advanced Intelligent Detectors and Loop Powered Devices come with a 10 year warranty.
Glowing Cotton Wicks

• Built in automatic drift • Patented XPerT address setting in the

Relative Detector Sensitivity
Natural Rubber

compensation that will maintain the base protects against common errors
detector’s sensitivity at a constant that occur during servicing. Insures
PU Foam

level even with severe chamber match between the base and type of
contamination. detector as well as correct sensitivity

Overheated Plastic (POM)


Glowing Cotton Wicks


• Drift compensation values are stored

Smouldering Wood

Natural Rubber
in the head, not the fire panel, • Superior false alarm immunity


PU Foam
and remain there even if power is • Dual red LEDs, with 360 degree
removed from the head. view, indicate polling and alarm

• 5 programmable sensitivity settings. activation.
• Built in periodic test facility that • High speed digital communications

meets NFPA requirements. provide rejection of common

• Programmable maintenance alert ambient RF noise
and dirty detector warning • Low profile
• All PCBs conformal coated to • Resilient plastic (94 V0) that will
protect against corrosion not discolor over time Overheating Smouldering Glowing Flaming - early Flaming - late

ering Glowing Flaming - early Flaming - late

Sensors & Bases

Photoelectric MultiSensor Heat Detector EZ Fit Detector Base

Smoke Detector (Smoke & Heat) • Incorporates a single open • Compatible with 4” square or
air thermistor bead octagonal electrical boxes
• Incorporates an IR (infrared) LED • Incorporates both an IR
• 135° to 200°F static/ • Fast and Easy to install
and photo diode sensor and thermal sensor
rate of rise sensor • Supports Patented
• Ideal for slow burning or smoldering • Ideal as a general purpose
fires (particles >.3 microns) sensor that responds well to a • Ten 7-day response XPerT addressing
wide range of smoke/fire types sensitivity mode timers • Device address setting readily
• Ten 7-day response sensitivity
mode timers • Independent signals from each sensor • Sub-addressing of visible once installed
• Sub-addressing of ancillary functions ancillary functions • In-Out and LED output terminals
• Signals processed according to the
response/sensitivity mode selected support 14 gauge solid wire
• Ideal for giving supervisory • Dedicated terminal for shielded cable
warning for low levels of smoke
detectors and full fire alarm due
to rate of rise in temperature
• Ten 7-day response sensitivity
CO Detectors mode timers
• Combination CO detector and • Sub-addressing of ancillary functions Sounder Beacon Base
sounder base
• Supports Photo, Multi and Heat • 15 tone and 7 volume settings
detectors • Available with red or amber beacon Loop Isolator &
• Temporal 3 for smoke alarm, • Built-in synchronisation Isolating Detector Base
temporal 4 for CO alarm (85dB) (audible and flash)
• Integral test button • Integral self-test features • Short-circuit isolation
• Easily replaceable CO sensor module • Individual or group addressing • Meets NFPA Style 7 requirements
• Sync module available or sync off • Beacon flash rate of once per second • In-out terminals for ease of wiring
panel NAC circuit • “One-way-only” detector insertion • Dedicated terminal for
• Detects 3 levels of carbon monoxide: • Base to detector locking mechanism shielded cable
70, 150 and 400 parts per million
• Drastically reduces installation costs • Built-in short circuit
• CO sensor module has 6-year life yellow LED Indicator
• Programmable volume settings
• Sounder base is available as either
• Highly visible alarm • 3” or 4” square or octagonal
3 Khz output or as low frequency
status indicator electrical box mount
520 Hz output
• Enhanced option has 15 tone • “One-way-only” detector insertion
• Optional blank covers available for
standalone CO detection and 7 volume settings • Base to detector locking

Beacons & Sounders Intelligent Modules

Beacon Open Area Sounder/ Switch Monitor Dual Priority

• Available in red, amber or clear Beacon Modules Switch Monitor
• Lens uses high intensity LED
• Available in outdoor configuration • Steady or temporal signaling • Class A (Style D) or Class • 2x Supervised initiating
• 1 Hz flash rate • Available in red or white B (Style B) wiring circuits (IDC)
• Built-in synchronization • Available in outdoor configuration • Flexible device type programing • Dedicated IDC activation
• Integral self-check feature • Drastically reduces installation • Optional priority interrupt status LEDs
• Wide angle of visibility costs • 8 position addressable DIP switch • Class A (Style D) or Class
• Beacon flash rate of • Programmable volume settings • Integral status LED B (Style B) wiring
once per second • Built-in device isolation wiring • 4” or 2-gang electrical • 4” or 2” electrical box mounting
• “One-way-only” detector insertion • Separate sounder base with box mounting
• Base to detector locking drillable knockouts • Following options available:
mechanism • Two programmable tones and – Isolator Module
volume settings – Mini Switch Monitor Module
• Continuous 2900 Hz tone – Mini Priority Switch
Vols: Low 70.6 dB, High 79.1 dB Monitor Module
• ANSI temporal 2900 Hz tone – Priority Switch Monitor Module
Vols: Low 67.8 dB, High 75.3 dB – Dual Priority Switch
• Synchronization of Alert and – Monitor Module

Evacuation tones
Individual and group addressing
• Unique integral self-test Control Module
• Security locking tab
• Class A (Style Z) or Class B
Pull Stations (Style Y) wiring
• Horn/strobe or speaker control
• Flexible programmability
• 4” Square or 2-gang electrical
outlet box mounting
Input/Output Module • Power limited
• Dedicated NAC status LED
• Supervised initiating
• Voltage Regulated NACs
device circuit (IDC)
(compatible with all listed NAC
• Class A (Style D) or Class
devices) - Use with regulated
B (Style B) wiring
24 VDC power supply
Manual Single/Dual Dual Action • Independently controlled
• 25/70 VRMS speaker capability
Form-C relay contact
Action Pull Station Polycarbonate • Dynamix I/O relationship
• Single or dual action Pull Station programming
• IDC activation status LED
• Low profile, high visibility design
• Low profile, high visibility design • Optically isolated voltage input
• Visual indication of activation
• Visual indication of activation • SLC powered and sub-addressable
including red status LED
including red status LED • 4” or 2” electrical box mounting
• Integrated Form C relay contact
• Surface or semi-flush mountable • Internal access without
• Available in special alarm activation
• Lock reset
application colors
• Surface or semi-flush mountable Relay Output Module
• key-lock for reset
• Die-cast metal construction • Captive screw terminals
• Two isolated Form “C”
relay contacts
• Single poll volt-free changeover
• Flexible device type programing
• Loop Powered Directly
120V Output Module from SLC Loop
• 7 position addressable DIP switch
• Supervised initiating device • Integral status LED
• Class A (Style D) or Class • 4” or 2-gang electrical box mounting
B (Style B) wiring • Durable construction
• Independently controlled
120VAC/30VDC relay contact
• Dynamic I/O relationship programing
• IDC activation status LED

Gold Standard Fire System
Redundancy – Global Applications
Ideal for installations where continuous fire Advanced redundant systems are
installed in a range of critical sites
protection is critical, Advanced’s redundant control around the world including Dubai’s
largest power and desalination
provides total peace of mind by safeguarding people plant, Abu Dhabi airport’s aviation
and property and assuring business continuity. fuel depot and telecommunications
data centres in South Africa.

Tall Buildings Refineries/Petrochemical Plants

Power and Utilities Sites Nuclear Sites

100% Redundancy
Total Peace of Mind Advanced Fire System
The Advanced redundant Redundancy Means:
fire alarm panel • Full panel redundancy – not just
operates in ‘hot standby’ a redundant microprocessor
mode and is ready to • Simple configuration
automatically take over • Easy installation and wiring
full control whenever
• Many redundancy options to suit
the main panel detects Multiple knockouts for your needs
a system trouble/fault. easy loop installation
• No downtime in building safety
This means no system downtime
and total peace of mind that
your fire system will continue to
work even when faults occur.

Main Panel in Fault

Mains Supply Redundant
Backup Mains Supply
AC Feeder
Selector Card

DRCM (Dual Redundant Control Module)

If the main panel experiences a system fault caused by the network card/ Redundant Panel
motherboard/display/PSU/loop card, the DRCM automatically switches Takes Control
all field wiring to the redundant panel. If the mains incoming supply fails,
an internal AC feeder selector card switches to a backup mains supply.

Customised Redundant Control

Fault-Tolerant Networking
Advanced’s fault-tolerant networks are wired using two
diverse routes. This configuration provides the first line
of defense against system failure due to faults.
If a break occurs in the network, data transfer continues in the
opposite direction so there is no loss in fire protection.

Break in

Redundant Voice Alarm*

Where amplifiers are installed within the fire system,
they can be configured as 40W amplifiers with backup.
Should an internal trouble/fault on the amplifier
occur, the backup amplifier will take control and
so maintain the integrity of the system.

*Available on AX panels only.


Amplifier with Amplifier with

in-built in-built
redundant redundant
backup within backup within
command command
center/panel Area 1 center/panel

Control Options
You choose the level of control you want
to have over your redundant system.
We design fully automatic redundancy as well
as providing options for manual control.

• Main, automatic or redundant control options

• LED or customised indication
• Key switch control for maintenance purposes

Main Automatic Redundant

Break in

Critical area of the system requiring redundant control

Depending on the nature of your site, you may

not require full redundant control across your
entire system.
We give you the option to install and configure redundancy
exactly where you need it, saving you time as well as
material and installation costs.

Our AdSpecials custom build department
creates redundant panels to meet your
needs, following a clear and simple process.
Configuration is easy, with only one file required for
the whole network.

Data from up to 200

x200 panels stored in one
configuration file

Advanced Networking
Advanced delivers fast, reliable, peer to peer communications from
the smallest two panel network up to a large 200 node network.
Advanced network systems are fully scalable to suit virtually any application including “campus” style and
“high rise” style configurations. Built-in diagnostics and test facilities make installation and ongoing maintenance
simple. Performance in excess of multiple international standards.

• Peer to Peer performance for optimum • Offline test option isolates panels from • One configuration tool is required to program
distributed intelligence network during testing without fear of false Axis AX panels. Diagnostic features prevent
• Consistent system performance independent alarms erroneous actions that may be detected prior
of the number of nodes • Class B cable wiring - 32 Nodes, 5,000ft to on site installation and test
• Synchronization of audio and strobes maximum • Each intelligent audio node contains up to
across entire 200 node network • Class A cable wiring - 200 Nodes, 5,000ft 16 digital messages which are synchronized
between nodes, 66,000ft maximum across the entire 200 node network
• Fail Safe operation if loss of master Command
Center • Fiber cable - 16,404ft max between nodes • Loop power technology built into each panel
provides tremendous application options
• Supports multiple true peer-to-peer Command • ipGateway transmits emails and text messages
Center operations via a secure internet connection while also • Nodes may be customized to suit any
allowing viewing of system status and controls application, reducing installation costs
• Request/control/deny and maximizing performance. Nodes may
capability remotely
• Sectoring feature allows customized (or may not) include SLC loops, displays,
operations per node • AdView Graphics provides graphical user microphones, telephones, amplifiers, power
interface in single or multiple stations supplies, switch modules, and any AX
• Integrated or Isolated high rise telephone
network option • AX-BMS interfaces to 3rd party Building peripheral device
Automation and Controls solutions via
• Single or multiple DACT, radio and/or standard BACnet or Modbus communications
City Tie options


Command Center Telephone Node Smoke/Graphical

ANN Series BACnet / Modbus
PENN networked
Axis AX Fire Panel


32x on board
peripheral cards

Approved to:
UL864 standards – complies
with UUKL requirements.

Job Done. Smoke Control

Integrated Fan
and Damper Control

Advanced’s Axis AX Features

fire system features
DynamixSmoke, dedicated • Regulatory Compliance Assured • Auto stairwell pressurization option
• Automatic and manual smoke control • Key switch enable/disable option
and non-dedicated fan and
options in accordance with NFPA and • Manual controls can be configured
damper control, for fire National Building Code Standards for one-to-one operation, or grouped
and life safety. As you’d • Dedicated smoke control auto/manual one-to-multiple fans or dampers
expect from Advanced controls and LED status indicators • Duct probe option – will override
it’s a high performance • Customized FSCS firefighter smoke auto settings if smoke detected
solution that is easy to control (graphic) stations can be • The system can respond only to the
configure and maintain, located locally or remotely first smoke compartment in alarm or
even on the most • Groundbreaking ease-of-use priorities can be set so that devices
• Simple ‘spreadsheet-style’ respond dynamically to a spreading fire
complicated sites.
programming matrix is a step change • Dedicated smoke control reset function
that makes even the most complex • All Manual controls take priority
smoke control programing easy over Automatic mode
• System divided into virtual smoke • Adjustable feedback delay ensures
control compartments in software for fans are given time to run or a damper
automatic fan and damper control (cbe) is allowed time to travel before any
• Uses standard I/O modules for fan trouble conditions reported
and damper interfacing. Software • Fully programable sequential fan
auto-configures outputs for Run/Stop restart to avoid power spikes
and Open/Close, with feedback • Automatic testing of fans and dampers
inputs if required including scheduled ‘holiday’ dates
• All options configurable from one • Engineering Test Menu allows HVAC to be
dedicated menu with the Config Tool controlled using panel menu and provides
• Interlocking feature to prevent current operation and status feedback
over pressurization of ducts • Customizable intelligent graphic
• Post fire purge options with annunciators with simple connection and
configurable priorities configuration via panel P-BUS/PENN
Simple Smoke Control
Programming Matrix

Fire Audio Perfected

PerfectSync delivers best- Features

in-class synchronization
of audio and strobes for • Synchronization of audio and strobes of the building being briefly out of sync.
across entire Axis AX network With PerfectSync these areas will quickly
fire, life safety and mass re-synchronize again even on a large network
notification applications. • Dynamically adjusts as conditions change
system. Similarly Paging operation may
PerfectSync achieves • Prevents confusion during an emergency result in some areas of the building being
a level of integrity • Aids in meeting intelligibility requirements temporarily out of sync as any automatic
and performance • No need for special programming or wiring message must recommence from the
not seen before. beginning. With PerfectSync these areas will
• Axis AX network capacity
quickly re-synchronize.
- 200 panels
- 3200 distributed amplifiers • More audio flexibility
- Each amplifier contains its own Up to 16 digital pre-recorded messages per
digital message generator amplifier. Simple 3-channel audio (Evac,
Alert, Page) to complex multi-channel Mass
- Each message generator can support
Notification including individual message
16 messages prioritization.
- 800 built-in NAC circuits
Unique audio engineering test feature
• Total synchronization confirms which amps are active, what
All speakers turn on and are fully message is playing, and can select and play
synchronized even if the same message is a message in a specific area.
played from different amplifiers connected Command center audio control lockout with
to different panels on a large network. The indication of who’s ‘in control’.
maximum time to re-activate any speaker
output following the first message played
does not exceed 5 seconds.
When a fire spreads, any new affected
areas or higher priority messages will begin
immediately. This may result in some areas

Fire and Emergency Telephone System
Exceptional Clarity for Superior Performance

Providing robust telephone communication channels

ensures maximum safety.
The Advanced Fire and Emergency We’ve even made it quicker and easier
Telephone System provides: to install and configure.
• A
 ddressability – for precise Ideal for installations where local fire
identification of the location of field departments and emergency/facility
telephone users. personnel need access to fire/emergency
• Flexibility – so it can be configured telephone communications, e.g. in high
as a standalone, independent system and low-rise apartment buildings,
or completely integrated into the fire hotels, universities, government and
system. military sites.
 rystal clear live voice channels with As an entire telephone system can be
no delays or echoing and a background installed and configured to operate
noise cancellation option. standalone without panels, Advanced
 eassurance of communication channel fire and emergency phones are also
status via dial, ring, busy and hold perfectly suited to any retrofit or non-fire
tones, as well as local LED indication application.
at each addressable handset.

Visit to download our

Fire and Emergency Telephone System brochure

Email: [email protected]



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SSD4177 [Edition 11]

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