2D Materials For Biomedical Applications

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Special Issue Reprint

2D Materials
for Biomedical Applications

Edited by
Minas M. Stylianakis and Athanasios Skouras

2D Materials for Biomedical
2D Materials for Biomedical

Minas M. Stylianakis
Athanasios Skouras

Basel • Beijing • Wuhan • Barcelona • Belgrade • Novi Sad • Cluj • Manchester

Minas M. Stylianakis Athanasios Skouras
Department of Nursing Department of Nursing
Hellenic Mediterranean Hellenic Mediterranean
University University
Heraklion Heraklion
Greece Greece

Editorial Office
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel, Switzerland

This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal
Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049) (available at: www.mdpi.com/journal/molecules/special issues/2D
materials biomedical).

For citation purposes, cite each article independently as indicated on the article page online and as
indicated below:

Lastname, A.A.; Lastname, B.B. Article Title. Journal Name Year, Volume Number, Page Range.

ISBN 978-3-0365-8739-4 (Hbk)

ISBN 978-3-0365-8738-7 (PDF)

© 2023 by the authors. Articles in this book are Open Access and distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. The book as a whole is distributed by MDPI under the terms
and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)

About the Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

Vladislav V. Shunaev and Olga E. Glukhova

Nanoindentation of Graphene/Phospholipid Nanocomposite: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Reprinted from: Molecules 2021, 26, 346, doi:10.3390/molecules26020346 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Pengyu Gong, Yi Zhou, Hui Li, Jie Zhang, Yuying Wu and Peiru Zheng et al.
Theoretical Study on the Aggregation and Adsorption Behaviors of Anticancer Drug Molecules
on Graphene/Graphene Oxide Surface
Reprinted from: Molecules 2022, 27, 6742, doi:10.3390/molecules27196742 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Mohammad Oves, Mohammad Omaish Ansari, Mohammad Shahnawaze Ansari and Adnan
Graphene@Curcumin-Copper Paintable Coatings for the Prevention of Nosocomial Microbial
Reprinted from: Molecules 2023, 28, 2814, doi:10.3390/molecules28062814 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Nayara Balaba, Silvia Jaerger, Dienifer F. L. Horsth, Julia de O. Primo, Jamille de S. Correa
and Carla Bittencourt et al.
Polysaccharides as Green Fuels for the Synthesis of MgO: Characterization and Evaluation of
Antimicrobial Activities
Reprinted from: Molecules 2022, 28, 142, doi:10.3390/molecules28010142 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Kanae Suzuki, Misato Iwatsu, Takayuki Mokudai, Maiko Furuya, Kotone Yokota and
Hiroyasu Kanetaka et al.
Visible-Light-Enhanced Antibacterial Activity of Silver and Copper Co-Doped Titania Formed
on Titanium via Chemical and Thermal Treatments
Reprinted from: Molecules 2023, 28, 650, doi:10.3390/molecules28020650 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Muhammad Dilshad, Afzal Shah and Shamsa Munir

Electroanalysis of Ibuprofen and Its Interaction with Bovine Serum Albumin
Reprinted from: Molecules 2022, 28, 49, doi:10.3390/molecules28010049 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Michele Massa, Mirko Rivara, Thelma A. Pertinhez, Carlotta Compari, Gaetano Donofrio
and Luigi Cristofolini et al.
Chemico-Physical Properties of Some 1,1′ -Bis-alkyl-2,2′ -hexane-1,6-diyl-bispyridinium
Chlorides Hydrogenated and Partially Fluorinated for Gene Delivery
Reprinted from: Molecules 2023, 28, 3585, doi:10.3390/molecules28083585 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Sergey Lazarev, Sofya Uzhviyuk, Mikhail Rayev, Valeria Timganova, Maria Bochkova and
Olga Khaziakhmatova et al.
Interaction of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles with Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Visualized
in the Cell-IQ System
Reprinted from: Molecules 2023, 28, 4148, doi:10.3390/molecules28104148 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Qi Zhang, Fengjiao Xu, Pei Lu, Di Zhu, Lihui Yuwen and Lianhui Wang
Efficient Preparation of Small-Sized Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheets by
Polymer-Assisted Ball Milling
Reprinted from: Molecules 2022, 27, 7810, doi:10.3390/molecules27227810 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Faten Bashar Kamal Eddin and Yap Wing Fen
The Principle of Nanomaterials Based Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors and Its
Potential for Dopamine Detection
Reprinted from: Molecules 2020, 25, 2769, doi:10.3390/molecules25122769 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

About the Editors
Minas M. Stylianakis
Minas M. Stylianakis is an assistant professor at the Department of Nursing of the Hellenic
Mediterranean University and a member of the Hybrid Nanostructures group of the Institute of
Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) of FORTH. He received his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from
the University of Crete in 2015. His expertise lies in the synthesis, solution processing, and
characterization of universal carbon- and graphene-based materials, 2D materials, small molecules,
and polymers. His research interests include the development of biomedical and environmental
applications, focusing on drug delivery systems and implants design/development, self-healing, and
antimicrobial coatings, water treatment technologies, and energy production.

Athanasios Skouras
Athanasios Skouras is an external collaborator of the Department of Nursing of the Hellenic
Mediterranean University. He received his Ph.D. in Pharmacy from the University of Patras in 2017.
His expertise lies in Pharmaceutical Technology and more specifically in drug delivery systems. His
research interests mainly include the formulation of novel theranostic systems utilizing lipids and the
synthesis and applications of biodegradable nanoparticles.

Two-dimensional structured materials and metallic NPs exhibit extraordinarily distinctive
optical, thermal, electronic, and mechanical properties. In addition, thanks to their biocompatibility,
low-toxicity, and antimicrobial property, they have been extensively applied in several biomedical
applications such as biosensing, cell labeling, tissue engineering, drug and gene delivery systems,
and mesenchymal stem cells differentiation. Motivated by these achievements, we demonstrate the
present Special Issue, which focuses on the use of 2D materials and other nanoparticles in several
biomedical applications. It contains ten original research contributions (two theoretical studies, seven
research articles and one review article) providing a broad coverage of recent research progress and
insights in the field of nanotechnology induced biomedicine, including studies on the development of
bionanocomposites, biosensing, drug and gene delivery systems, as well as on the evaluation of the
antimicrobial property of graphene derivatives and metallic nanoparticles. This themed collection is
addressed to a broad research audience of chemists, biologists, pharmacologists, materials scientists,
and researchers in the field of nanomedicine. We really appreciate the great efforts of all involved
authors to prepare and submit their excellent manuscripts.

Minas M. Stylianakis and Athanasios Skouras


Nanoindentation of Graphene/Phospholipid Nanocomposite:
A Molecular Dynamics Study
Vladislav V. Shunaev 1 and Olga E. Glukhova 1,2, *

1 Department of Physics, Saratov State University, 410012 Saratov, Russia; [email protected]

2 Institute for Bionic Technologies and Engineering, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical
University (Sechenov University), 119991 Moscow, Russia
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +7-8452-514562

Abstract: Graphene and phospholipids are widely used in biosensing and drug delivery. This paper
studies the mechanical and electronic properties of a composite based on two graphene flakes
and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) phospholipid molecules located between them via
combination of various mathematical modeling methods. Molecular dynamics simulation showed
that an adhesion between bilayer graphene and DPCC increases during nanoindentation of the
composite by a carbon nanotube (CNT). Herewith, the DPPC molecule located under a nanotip
takes the form of graphene and is not destroyed. By the Mulliken procedure, it was shown that
the phospholipid molecules act as a “buffer” of charge between two graphene sheets and CNT.
The highest values of electron transfer in the graphene/DPPC system were observed at the lower
indentation point, when the deflection reached its maximum value.

Keywords: graphene; phospholipids; molecular dynamics; nanoindentation; local stress;

electron transfer
Citation: Shunaev, V.V.; Glukhova,
O.E. Nanoindentation of
Nanocomposite: A Molecular 1. Introduction
Dynamics Study. Molecules 2021, 26,
Graphene is a two-dimensional allotropic modification of carbon with a thickness of
346. https://doi.org/10.3390/
one atom [1]. High biocompatibility [2], unique adsorption properties [3,4], and large
surface area of graphene allow it to form a compatible interface with phospholipid
Academic Editors: Minas
molecules [5–8]. Both graphene and phospholipids separately are widely used in biosens-
M. Stylianakis and ing [9–13] and drug delivery [14–16]. It is predicted that the synergistic effect of graphene
Athanasios Skouras and phospholipids could be used in various biomedical devices [17–21].
Received: 14 December 2020 Simulation of graphene-based composites’ nanoindentation by molecular dynamic
Accepted: 8 January 2021 methods allows to study local characteristics of the considered objects, as it makes it pos-
Published: 11 January 2021 sible to place a nanotip strictly above the surface of interest. Huang et al. MD research
showed that the strength and hardness of bio-inspired nanocomposites decreased with
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu- the increasing length of graphene layers, while increasing the length of the graphene layer
tral with regard to jurisdictional clai- avoids the generation of dislocations at the edge of the graphene sheet [22]. Nanoinden-
ms in published maps and institutio- tation of Cu/Gr layered nanopillars allowed to find the dependence of the composite
nal affiliations. mechanical properties on the specified boundary conditions and anomalous extrinsic size
effect—the weakening influence caused by the dislocations at the edges of graphene was
compensated by hardening of graphene in the middle of the sheet [23]. Peng et al. demon-
strated that the strength of a copper substrate during indentation dramatically depended
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li-
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
on the number of graphene layers on its surface [24]. Simulation of lipid bilayer and
This article is an open access article
graphene under indentation loads has shown that a graphene coating could effectively
distributed under the terms and con- maintain the structural and physiological stability of a bio-nanohybrid [25]. Modeling
ditions of the Creative Commons At- of nanoindentation showed the strengthening effect of graphene coverage on a nickel
tribution (CC BY) license (https:// substrate [26].
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ The object of this study is a composite based on two graphene flakes and dipalmi-
4.0/). toylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) phospholipid molecules located between them. Pre-

Molecules 2021, 26, 346

viously, the authors found the configurations of such composites that provide optimal
current–voltage characteristics and electron transfer values [27]. The aim of this work is
to simulate nanoindentation of the bilayer graphene/DPPC composite with subsequent
evaluation of the mechanical and electronic properties during deflection.

2. Results
2.1. Atomistic Model
At the initial stage, two DPPC molecules containing 1 phosphorus atom, 1 nitrogen
atom, 8 oxygen atoms, 40 carbon atoms, and 80 hydrogen atoms were placed between two
graphene monolayer flakes with dimensions Lx × Ly = 25.5 Å × 35.51 Å. This composite
structure acted as the supercell with translation vectors Lx , Ly (Figure 1a). This supercell
contained 878 atoms, 618 of which belonged to graphene, and 260 to the DPPC molecules.
The geometric center of each DPPC molecule was located at a distance of 6.23 Å from
each graphene sheet. The atomic structure of the designed
− supercell
− and the values of
the translation vectors were optimized by the self-consistent charge density functional
tight-binding (SCC DFTB) 2 method.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1. Atomic structure of the graphene/dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) composite: (a) before the optimization;
(b) type I after the optimization; and (c) type II after the optimization. The supercell obtained by the self-consistent
charge density functional tight-binding (SCC DFTB) 2 method is highlighted by the red box. Graphene atoms are grey,
phosphorous—yellow, nitrogen—blue, oxygen—red, carbon in phospholipid—black, and hydrogen—blue.

The fragment of a graphene/DPPC composite film containing 7902 atoms was built
from nine optimized supercells. The fragment sizes were 90.46 Å × 80.56 Å, and the initial
structure is shown in Figure 1a. As the search for the ground state of such a polyatomic
fragment by the SCC DFTB 2 quantum mechanical method is practically impossible,
the AMBER empirical method was applied. It should be noted that the fragment is not
a supercell, but a finite structure. From the result of 20 numerical experiments of the
graphene/DPPC composite optimization, two types of object’s topology were identified.
In the type I topology, 12 DPPC molecules formed a disordered bundle (Figure 1b). If an
additional number of DPPC molecules are added to the composite, double and triple layers
of lipids can be formed in this structure [5]. In the type II topology, the phospholipids were
arranged in a shape vaguely resembling a spiral; part of one DPPC even left the pores
between the graphene sheets (Figure 1c). During optimization, the total energy of the
system decreased from 17.54, to 3.967 Mcal/mol and the adhesion energy between graphene
flakes and DPPC molecules dropped from −896.115 to −4124.72 kcal/mol. Because, in this
structure, two isolated DPPC molecules located in the center of the composite were clearly
distinguished, it was chosen as the object of nanotip indentation.

2.2. Nanoindentation
At the next stage, the carbon nanotube (CNT) (16,0) with a closed edge was placed at
a distance of 4.1 Å from the surface of the upper graphene sheet (Figure 2a). The length of

Molecules 2021, 26, 346

the CNT was 50.62 Å. To perform the process of the composite material indentation, the
nanotip approached the composite surface with a step of 0.5 Å. At each step, the process of
relaxation scanning was started, the values of local stresses on the atoms were determined,
and the adhesion energy between bilayer graphene and phospholipids was calculated.
Based on the analysis of the above-mentioned characteristics, the so-called “key points” of
indentation were identified (Table 1).


(b) (c)

Figure 2. Nanoindentation of the composite graphene/DPPC by the carbon nanotube (CNT) with a closed edge: (a) initial
(left) and last (right) point of indentation F; (b) the atomic structure of the central DPPC molecule at point F; and (c) the
dependence of the system’s total energy on the CNT shift. The solid line corresponds to the forward stroke (FS) and the
dotted line corresponds to the reverse. At the initial point, the edge of the CNT had the coordinate Y = 0, and the atoms of

the upper graphene layer had the coordinate Y = −4.1 Å.

Table 1. Key points of the nanoindentation with corresponding Y coordinates; the values of the
adhesion energy between bilayer graphene and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) molecules
and maximum local stresses (MLSs) in these points. The abbreviation FS corresponds to forward
stroke and RS corresponds to reverse stroke.

Y Coordinate of the Energy of Adhesion between Bilayer

Key Point −Indenter’s Edge, Å − MLS, GPa
Graphene and Phospholipid, kcal/mol
− −
A −2.6 (FS) −4125.1 0.2
B −0.6 (FS) −
−4124.03 0.47
C 1.9 (FS) −
−4125.85 1.53
D 2.4 (FS) −
−4127.13 1.71
E 4.4 (FS) −
−4114.53 2.25
F 17.4(FS) −
−4116.33 2.53
G 15.4 (RS) −4166.4
− 0.89
H 13.4 (RS) −4172.05
− 0.97
I 12.4 (RS) −4172.45 0.97

Molecules 2021, 26, 346

The dependence of the system’s total energy on the CNT shift is shown in Figure 2c.
A local minimum was observed at point A, indicating the most energetically favorable
location between the CNT and the composite owing to the van der Waals (vdW) interac-
tion. Further, the energy grew steadily until it reached point C. Between points C and
D, there was a slight drop in the total energy of the system. In this region, the atomic
structure of the DPPC molecule was rearranged and it started to take the form of graphene
(Figure 2b). Note that, during the forward stroke, the adhesion energy between graphene
and DPPC molecules reached its maximum value precisely at point D (Table 1). The posi-
tion of CNTs at the lower indentation point F is shown in Figure 2a on the right. As the
CNT left the trough of the composite (reverse stroke), the energy decreased greatly (from
F to H). At this interval, the CNT tip stopped to pressurize the composite and began
to relax. The point H corresponds to the moment of the strongest vdW interaction be-
tween objects during reverse stroke, so the local minimum of the total energy at this
point is observed. Then, the vdW interaction became weaker and, from a certain moment
(point I), the total energy practically did not change. Note that the trough created by
the nanotip in the composite remained even after the CNT returned to its initial posi-
tion. Herewith, the remaining 16 DPPC molecules did not leave the space between the
graphene sheets (Figure 2a). The value of the adhesion energy between graphene and
DPPC molecules at point I and further remained at the maximum for the entire time. Thus,
despite the fact that no chemical bonds between graphene and DPPC molecules were
formed during indentation, the bonds between graphene sheets and DPPC molecules were
significantly strengthened.

2.3. Analysis of Graphene Sheets Strength during Nanoindentation

To assess the strength of graphene sheets during deflection, we calculated the map of
the local stresses’ distribution by atoms at each step (Figure 3a–h). As the maximum values
of local stresses (MLSs) were found in the central atoms of the sheets (under nanotip),
we presented maps only for these regions. Figure 3i shows the graph of the MLS on
graphene atoms dependence on the indentation step. From the beginning of indentation
to point B, the MLSs were observed in the upper sheet of graphene and varied from 0 to
0.47 GPa. Such minor changes were caused by the fact that the CNT has not yet reached
the surface of the upper graphene sheet. The dependence on the BE section was almost
linear, which indicated the elastic nature of the deformation. In this segment, the central
phospholipid molecule under the CNT has taken the form of the curved graphene sheet.
At the same time, there was significant increase in the MLS from 0.46 to 2.25 GPa. Therefore,
at the BE segment, the graphene sheets started to provide a strengthening effect on the
DPPC molecule, not allowing it to destruct under the influence of the nanotip. After this
point, the adhesion between graphene and DPPC increased (see Section 2.2) and the MLS
did not change much; on the EF segment, the MLS increased from 2.25 to 2.53 GPA. During
the reverse stroke, a sharp drop in the MLS from 2.53 to 0.86 GPA was observed between F
and G. At this interval, the composite started to relax because pressure from the tip became
weaker (see Section 2.2). Starting from point G, the MLSs were observed in the lower
graphene sheet and, starting from point H, the MLS values stopped changing because the
energy of the vdW interaction between objects reached a minimum.

Molecules 2021, 26, 346

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

Figure 3. The map of the local stress (LS) in the central area of the graphene sheets at the key points of indentation: (a) point
A; (b) point B (upper layer); (c) point C (upper layer); (d) point D (upper layer); (e) point E (upper layer); (f) point F (upper
layer); (g) point G (lower layer); (h) point H (lower layer); and (i) the dependence of the maximum local stress (MLS)
in graphene sheet atoms on the indentation step (the solid line corresponds to the forward stroke and the dotted line
corresponds to the reverse).

2.4. Analysis of Electron Transfer in the CNT/Graphene/DPPC System during Nanoindentation

As the calculation of atoms’ Mulliken charges by the SCC DFTB 2 method is re-
source consuming, the central part was cut out from the graphene/DPPC composite.
This fragment containing two isolated DPPC molecules directly contacted the CNT and
was responsible for charge transfer in the system (Figure 4a).

Molecules 2021, 26, 346

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4. The analysis of the electron transfer in the CNT/graphene/DPPC system during nanoindentation (a) The fragment
of the atomic structure graphene/DPPC with CNT at point F; (b) the distribution of Mulliken charges on atoms in the point
for the upper (left) and the lower (right) graphene sheets; (c) for CNT; and (d) for DPPC.

The charge distributions between the atoms at the initial moment of time, at the lower
point of the forward stroke F, and at the end of the reverse stroke I are shown in Table 2 At
the initial moment of time, the CNT was electrically neutral. In the composite, the DPPC
molecules acted as a donor and transferred the charge of 6.09 e to graphene sheets; the
largest part of the charge was lost by two P-atoms (1.61 and 1.65 e), which is consistent with
the results obtained earlier [26]. The charge between the graphene sheets was distributed
unevenly because of the orientation of the DPPC molecules after optimization—the phos-
phorus molecules that tend to give charge and act as donors were located closer to the
upper graphene sheet. During the indentation, the CNT gradually transferred the charge
to the composite; at the lower point, its value was 0.16 e (Figure 4c). It can be seen that
the phospholipid transferred even more charge to graphene sheets than in the initial state
(7.28 e) (Figure 4d). The charge transferred from DPPC was evenly distributed between the
graphene sheets (Figure 4b). This was caused by the fact that the DPPC molecules have
taken the form of graphene sheets, as shown in Section 2.2, and the P atoms were located
at the same distance from the graphene sheets. As the CNT is removed from the composite,
it recovered the transferred charge and eventually became almost electroneutral again.
Note that, during the reverse stroke, the main part of the charge came from the upper
sheet of graphene that was directly in contact with the CNT. Thus, the DPPC molecules
stopped to act as a “buffer” of charge between the two graphene sheets. The highest values
of electron transfer in the graphene/DPPC system were observed at the lower indentation
point, when the deflection reached its maximum value. Based on the conclusions of [26],
it can be concluded that the deflection strain would significantly affect the current–voltage
characteristics of the considered composite.

Molecules 2021, 26, 346

Table 2. Distribution of Mulliken charge in the system CNT/graphene/DPCC at different moments

of nanoindentation. CNT, carbon nanotube.

Upper Layer of Lower Layer of

Graphene Sheet Graphene Sheet
Initial moment of time 0.00 e −3.45 e 6.09 e −2.63 e
Point F 0.16 e −3.72 e 7.28 e −3.72 e
Point I −0.01 e −3.28 e 6.87 e −3.58 e

3. Methods
The search for the ground state of the graphene/DPPC composite film, as well as the
study of its atomic structure changes during deflection by a nanotip, was performed by
the AMBER empirical method [28] implemented in the Hyperchem software package [29].
Optimization was performed by the conjugate gradient Fletcher–Reeves method, and the
root mean square (RMS) gradient was 0.1 kcal/(A·mol).
The adhesion energy between the phospholipids and graphene sheets at various steps
was calculated by the following formula (Equation (1)):


where ETOT is the energy of the graphene/DPPC system at this point, and EDPPC , EUP ,
and ELOW are the energies of isolated DPPC, upper, and lower graphene sheets, respectively.
To estimate the strength of graphene sheets during deflection, the previously devel-
oped original method for calculating local stresses of the atomic grid was used [30]. Accord-
ing to this method, the stress σi on each atom is calculated by the formula σi = |wi − w0 |,
where w0 is the energy volume density of the graphene atom before indentation, and wi
is the energy volume density of the graphene atom under external influence. The energy
volume density of the atom was calculated by the formula wi = V , where Ei is the energy
of the atom calculated within the AMBER force field, and Vi = 4πr
3 is the volume of the
carbon atom (r = 1.7 Å).
The study of changes in the electronic structure during indentation and electronic
transfer between phospholipid molecules and graphene was performed by Mulliken
population analysis [31]. According to this method, the charge on an atom is calculated
as the difference between the atomic number Z A and GAPA —the sum of the gross orbital
product over all orbitals belonging to atom A: Z = Z A − GAPA . The charges were
calculated by the quantum mechanical self-consistent charge density functional tight-
binding (SCC DFTB) method [32] in the dftb+ software package [33] in the 3ob-3-1 basis.

4. Conclusions
The nanoindentation of the composite on the base of bilayer graphene and 16 DPPC
phospholipid molecules was simulated by the molecular dynamics method. It was noted
that, during indentation, the adhesion between graphene flakes and DPPC molecules
increased and reached a maximum at the end of the reverse stroke. The maximum values
of local stresses (in the region of 2.53 GPA) were observed on the upper graphene layer
at the lower indentation point. At this moment, the DPPC molecule located under the
nanotip took the form of curved graphene, while chemical bonds of the phospholipid
molecules were not destroyed. The pressure of the CNT tip led to the growth of adhesion
energy between graphene sheets and DPPC molecules. It is known that, getting into
blood vessels, drug carriers sense abnormally high shear stresses [34,35], so the discovered
effect of “phospholipid strengthening” by the graphene sheets’ coating can be used in
the field of drug delivery. It was found that the electron transfer between CNT and
graphene/DPPC composites increased during indentation and reached 0.16 e. At this
moment, the phospholipid molecule stopped to act as a “buffer” of charge between the

Molecules 2021, 26, 346

two graphene sheets. The observed phenomenon of electronic transfer between graphene
and phospholipid can be applied in biosensorics.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, O.E.G.; methodology, O.E.G.; software, V.V.S.; validation,

O.E.G. and V.V.S.; formal analysis, O.E.G.; investigation, V.V.S. and O.E.G.; resources, O.E.G.; data cu-
ration, V.V.S.; writing—original draft preparation, V.V.S. and O.E.G.; writing—review and editing,
V.V.S.; visualization, V.V.S.; supervision, O.E.G.; project administration, O.E.G.; funding acquisition,
O.E.G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian
Federation (project no. FSRR-2020-0004).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study is available in this article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Theoretical Study on the Aggregation and Adsorption
Behaviors of Anticancer Drug Molecules on
Graphene/Graphene Oxide Surface
Pengyu Gong, Yi Zhou, Hui Li, Jie Zhang, Yuying Wu * , Peiru Zheng * and Yanyan Jiang *

Key Laboratory for Liquid-Solid Structural Evolution and Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education,
Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
* Correspondence: [email protected] (Y.W.); [email protected] (P.Z.); [email protected] (Y.J.)

Abstract: Graphene and its derivatives are frequently used in cancer therapy, and there has been
widespread interest in improving the therapeutic efficiency of targeted drugs. In this paper, the
geometrical structure and electronic effects of anastrozole(Anas), camptothecin(CPT), gefitinib (Gefi),
and resveratrol (Res) on graphene and graphene oxide(GO) were investigated by density functional
theory (DFT) calculations and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Meanwhile, we explored
and compared the adsorption process between graphene/GO and four drug molecules, as well
as the adsorption sites between carriers and payloads. In addition, we calculated the interaction
forces between four drug molecules and graphene. We believe that this work will contribute to
deepening the understanding of the loading behaviors of anticancer drugs onto nanomaterials and
their interaction.

Citation: Gong, P.; Zhou, Y.; Li, H.; Keywords: DFT calculations; MD simulations; adsorption and aggregation; graphene; graphene
Zhang, J.; Wu, Y.; Zheng, P.; Jiang, Y. oxide; anticancer drugs
Theoretical Study on the Aggregation
and Adsorption Behaviors of
Anticancer Drug Molecules on
Graphene/Graphene Oxide Surface. 1. Introduction
Molecules 2022, 27, 6742. https://
Nanomaterials have broad application prospects in the biomedical field because of
their unique characteristics. Drug delivery based on nanoparticles has been extensively
Academic Editors: Minas studied to maximize the therapeutic efficacy of drugs [1]. Among the diverse nanomaterials
M. Stylianakis and that have been found, graphene and its derivatives have been demonstrated to provide
Athanasios Skouras efficient drug delivery and are considered as promising and ideal nanocarriers for drug
Received: 29 August 2022
delivery systems, and have been widely studied in the field of cancer treatment [2] due
Accepted: 6 October 2022
to their remarkable physical and chemical properties [2]. Graphene is a two-dimensional
Published: 10 October 2022
(2D) sheet of sp2 hybrid carbon atoms; the carbon atoms are tightly packed in a (2D)
honeycomb lattice, which exhibits excellent properties such as large surface area and good
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
biocompatibility, as well as providing a defect-free plane [3]. These pivotal characteristics
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
allow it to interact with drugs through non-covalent interactions such as π-π interaction.
published maps and institutional affil-
As a derivative of graphene, GO is also a promising drug delivery vehicle [4]. Apart from
features similar to pristine graphene, abundant hydroxyl, epoxy, and carboxyl functional
groups in GO enable it to have a higher adsorption capacity for drug molecules than
pristine graphene [5].
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
There are many drugs that could be delivered by graphene and its oxide, such as
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. camptothecin, a widely used anticancer drug [6,7]. Its main target in cells is the type I
This article is an open access article DNA topoisomerase, which can inhibit DNA synthesis through chain break, causing cell
distributed under the terms and death during the S phase of the cell cycle, making it an effective inhibitor of leukemia cell
conditions of the Creative Commons growth [8–10]. Based on this mechanism, Liu et al. studied the inhibitory effect of CPT on
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// the growth of prostate cancer cells, as it can selectively inhibit the androgen-responsive
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ growth of prostate cancer cells [11]. Therefore, CPT is also a potential candidate drug
4.0/). for the treatment of prostate cancer. Furthermore, resveratrol is a phytoalexin extracted

Molecules 2022, 27, 6742

in many edible plants that may play a role in preventing inflammation, atherosclerosis,
cancer, and so forth [12,13]. For example, Kueck et al. found that Res inhibits glucose
metabolism in human ovarian cancer cells. Zhou et al. [14] proposed that Res can induce
apoptosis of pancreatic cancer cells. These studies suggest that Res is an effective cancer
drug. In addition, gefitinib, an oral epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine
kinase inhibitor, is the first approved targeting drug for the treatment of non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC) [15]. It has also been widely studied as a prospective drug for other cancers
besides NSCLC, Li et al. [16] studied the potential role of Gefi in the treatment of pancreatic
cancer and found that it can inhibit the growth, invasion, and colony formation of pancreatic
cancer cells/Kalykaki et al. evaluated the effects of Gefi on circulating tumor cells (CTCs)
in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) [17,18]. Last but not least, anastrozole is a
third generation aromatase inhibitor. As a potent inhibitor of intratumoral estrogen [19],
clinical trials showed that Anas reduced the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women
by 53% [20]. In the treatment of advanced breast cancer, it has significant survival benefits
and tolerability advantages compared to other treatment drugs [21]. Therefore, it plays an
important role in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer [22].
In this paper, the adsorption behavior of these drugs on graphene and GO carriers
was investigated in depth using density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics
(MD) simulation, aiming to find the most stable adsorption conformations of different drug
molecules on graphene and GO, and to compare the adsorption performance of the same
carrier for different drugs. We hope that the results of this study can provide significant
value for further design and development of new nanomaterial drug delivery systems,
which we believe will ultimately improve the efficacy of targeted drugs in cancer therapy.

2. Computational Methods
2.1. Quantum Chemistry Calculations
We used quantum chemistry calculations methods to investigate the energetics of
graphene and GO, and the effect of adsorption on drugs. DFT calculation is a quantum
mechanical approach to study electronic systems and is commonly used to calculate the
bind band structure of solids in physics. This method has been used for graphene-related
research [23] All the quantum chemistry calculations were carried out with the Atomistix
ToolKit (ATK) package. Generalized gradient approximation (GGA) [24] with Perdew–
Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) parametrization [25,26] was used as the exchange-correlation func-
tional. The basis set consists of the double numerical atomic orbitals augmented by polariza-
tion functions, which are comparable to Gaussian 6–31G**. Compared with other methods,
this calculation method is more effective and can meet the accuracy requirements [27,28]. To
avoid neighboring interaction, the distance between the neighboring molecules was larger
than 15 Å. The real-space global cutoff radii were set as 3.7 Å. The convergence criterion
on the energy and electron density was set to be 10−5 hartree. Geometry optimizations
were performed with convergence criteria of 2 × 10−3 hartree/Å on the gradient, and
5 × 10−3 Å on the displacement.
The adsorption energy of CPT on to the studied nanosheets and GO is calculated using
the relation:
Ea = Ecomplex − Enanosheet − Edrug (1)
where Ecomplex , Ecarrier , and Edrug are the total energy of the complex, energy of the carrier
(GRA or GO), and energy of the drug molecule (Res, Ana, Gefi, or CPT).

2.2. Molecular Dynamics Simulation

MD simulation is a method of simulating molecules in chemistry using classical
Newtonian mechanics with computer simulations [29] to obtaining material properties.
MD has been widely used in the calculation of the materials such as graphene. Due to
problems such as speed and difficulty in calculating large systems, we chose classical
molecular dynamics as our research method. The force-field parameters were taken from
the CHARMM force-field. We used the SwissParam web server to obtain the force-field

Molecules 2022, 27, 6742

parameters of the drug molecules. All the simulations were carried out by using the
GROMACS 2018 software package. The initial structure of graphene containing 480 carbon
atoms was constructed with the Nanotube Modeler package. To create GO, we randomly
decorate the graphene surface with hydroxyl and epoxy groups. The final oxygen to carbon
(O/C) ratio of GO nanosheets is 1:8. As for the relaxation of drug molecules, a box with
a size of 4 nm × 4 nm × 4 nm was firstly established, small molecules were randomly
inserted into the box, and the steepest descent method was used to optimize the system
to remove close contact and overlapping. Since both sides of the graphene can be used
for drug binding, it was placed in the middle of the box and the drug molecules were
allowed to be randomly distributed on both sides. In all systems, the center of the graphene
sheet was set as the zero point. Each system performed 10 ns NVT relaxation at 298 K and
1 atm, followed by 10 ns NPT-relaxation. After that, 50 ns MD simulation was conducted at
298 K and 1 atm equilibrium, and the integration step was 2.0 fs. The Berendsen thermal
bath method was employed to control the temperatures. The cutoff radius of non-bonding
interaction was set as 1.4 nm. Trajectories were collected every 5000 steps for further
analysis. Visual molecular dynamics (VMD) was used to observe the movement trajectory
of the system.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Electrostatic Potential (ESP) of Drug Molecules
The reactivity and the interaction (especially for non-covalent interaction) of molecules
can be determined by molecular surface electron density and electron activity, which is
usually described by molecular electrostatic potential (ESP). In order to unveil the possible
active sites in different drug molecules during drug adsorption, we have drawn electrostatic
potential diagrams of different molecules, as shown in Figure 1. The red region represents
positive electrostatic potential and shows electrophilicity, while the blue region represents
negative electrostatic potential, which is more nucleophilic.

Figure 1. The electrostatic potential (ESP) distribution of (a) RGO; (b) GO; (c) Gefi; (d) CPT; (e) Anas;
(f) Res.

Molecules 2022, 27, 6742

As shown in Figure 1a, graphene has uniform electron density and abundant π elec-
trons on its surface. According to previous studies, graphene is prone to π-π electron donor
acceptor interactions and van der Waals (vdW) interactions due to its large ring plane
structure [30]. The graphene oxide shown in Figure 1b is plotted in blue at the oxygen
atom. GO has reduced π electron activity to some extent due to the presence of oxygen-
containing functional groups, but it may form hydrogen bonds with other molecules. The
oxygen-containing functional groups of GO possess higher chemical reactivity compared
to graphene. The ESP of Gefi is shown in Figure 1c, with lower ESP at the oxygen atom
position. The ESP distribution of CPT is the same as that of Gefi, as shown in Figure 1d,
with lower ESP near the functional group, which is more nucleophilic compared to the
position of the hydrogen atom. The nitrogen atom position is shown in Figure 1e. The
nitrogen atom position is plotted in blue with lower ESP, as shown in Figure 1f, and the
oxygen atom position is plotted using red, indicating that the point has higher ESP [31].

3.2. Simulation of Graphene Adsorption of Drug Molecules on Graphene

As for the adsorption energy between graphene and drug molecules, we mainly focus
on the parallel configuration of drug molecules due to the abundant π electrons on the
graphene, which would easily result in the adsorption of drug molecules through vdW
interactions. The optimized structures of graphene after adsorbing four drug molecules
and their adsorption energy are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Optimized geometries of RGO and drug systems; bonds are in Å (the vertical distance
refers to the distance between the centroid of benzene of different drugs to the carbon plane of RGO).
(a) Graphene-Gefi; (b) Graphene-Camptothecin; (c) Graphene-Anas; (d) Graphene-Res.

The vertical distance is the distance from the center of mass of the aromatic ring of
the drug molecule to the plane of the graphene. The vertical distances are between the
graphene and the aromatic rings of Gefi, CPT, Anas, Res are 3.358 Å, 3.462 Å, 4.991 Å, and
2.928 Å. The distance between graphene and different drug molecules follows the order:
Anas > CPT > Gefi > Res; and their adsorption energy is Anas < CPT < Gefi < Res from
small to large, indicating that the greater distance, the weaker the adsorption capacity of
the drug is [32–35].
We used MD simulations to study the effect of drugs adsorption on the graphene and
GO. We employed the root mean square deviation (RMSD), density distribution, radial
distribution function (RDT), hydrogen bond number (H- bond) and mean square displace-

Molecules 2022, 27, 6742

ment (MSD) to investigate the dynamics process of the adsorption of drug molecules
on graphene.
Figure 3a shows the RMSD curves for different systems to investigate the equilibrium
state of the simulated system. It can be seen that there are no large fluctuations in the RMSD
curves of the system at the later stages of the simulation, indicating that it is sufficient to
bring the system to equilibrium within the simulation time. As stated above, the main
driving force for the adsorption of different drug molecules by graphene stems from the
π-π interactions. The distribution of drug molecules on both sides of graphene was first
investigated and the results are shown in Figure 3b. Their mass density shows that different
drug molecules are effectively adsorbed on both side of the graphene sheet after the
adsorption has reached equilibrium and that their distribution on both sides is symmetrical.
Their two symmetry peaks are both at a distance of 0.38 nm, which is close to the vdW
radius of the carbon atoms on the graphene sheet. In the range of distance less than 0.5 nm,
all four kinds of drug molecules could appear on both sides of the graphene sheet. No
drug molecule was observed beyond the range of 1 nm after the equilibrium of the system,
because the mass densities of the drug molecules were all close to zero when the distances
greater than 1 nm, which also indicates that their adsorption is relatively tight. Radial
distribution functions (RDF) can be used to study the intermolecular interaction. Figure 3c
shows the interaction between drug molecules and graphene in the simulated system.
There are significant interactions between different drug molecules and graphene. Their
peaks are 0.482 nm for Gefi, 0.461 nm for CPT, 0.644 nm for Anas, and 0.436 nm for Res.
There are only vdW interactions between the four drug molecules and graphene, and the
strength of the interaction between drug molecules and graphene decreases as the distance
increases. Res has the strongest interaction with graphene, while Anas has the weakest
interaction. The adsorption capacities of graphene to the four drug molecules follow
the order Res > CPT > Gefi > Anas. To further investigate the interaction between drug
molecules and graphene, we calculated the probabilistic profiles of the distribution of the
angle between the aromatic ring for drug molecules and the graphene plane in molecular
dynamics. The ability of drug molecules to absorb on the graphene is mainly determined
by the superposition of π-π interactions. Effective interactions between aromatic rings
are considered to occur when the angle α < 30◦ . Figure 3d shows that all angles between
the aromatic rings of four drug molecules and the graphene plane are small during the
simulations. The most observed angles between Gefi, CPT, Anas, Res and the graphene
were approximately 7◦ , 7◦ , 13◦ , and 8◦ , which indicates that their aromatic rings are almost
parallel to the graphene surface. This also demonstrates that the adsorptions between drug
molecules and graphene are stable and that π-π interactions are the main driving force
for this adsorption. The environment will have a strong influence on the motion of the
molecules in the system. Figure 3e shows the MSD results for different drug molecules
adsorbing on graphene. Table 1 show the self-diffusion coefficients of the drug molecules
in different systems. It can be seen that the diffusion coefficient of Anas is the largest,
and the diffusion coefficients of CPT, Gefi, and Res are relatively similar, indicating that
the diffusive motion of Anas is the most active among the four drugs. This result can
be attributed to the weak binding ability of Anas and its low molecule weight (293.73),
which facilitates its diffusion, whereas the other three drugs were strongly absorbed on the
graphene surface and thus diffused more slowly [36,37].

Molecules 2022, 27, 6742

Figure 3. (a) The RMSD plots of the system with different drugs adsorbed on graphene as function
of time. (b) Mass density profiles of different drugs. The center of graphene is set as distance = 0.
(c) Radial distribution functions (RDF) of the different drug molecules with graphene. (d) The
probability of the angle between the aromatic rings of the drug molecules and the graphene plane,
(e) The MSD plots of the different drug molecules with graphene.

Molecules 2022, 27, 6742

Table 1. Self-diffusion coefficients of different drugs adsorbed on graphene surface.

Drug Molecules Gefi CPT Anas Res

Diffusion coefficient
0.004027 0.003376 0.0123 0.002793
(×10−5 cm2 ·s−1 )

3.3. Simulation of the Adsorption of Drug Molecules on GO

As for the adsorption behavior of drugs on GO, apart from the π-π interaction, drug
molecules also generate hydrogen bonds with GO due to the functional groups, which
promotes the adsorption of drug molecules on GO. According to Figure 1, we investigate
the adsorption of different binding sites and named those structures as [GO—different
drug names—X] (X = 1,2 . . . ). Several configurations were optimized and only two stable
configurations for each kind of drug were selected to be further analyzed, which are
illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Optimized geometries of GO and drug systems; bonds are in Å (the vertical distance
refers to the distance between the centroid of benzene of different drugs to the carbon plane of
GO). (a) GO-Gefi-2; (b) GO-Gefi-4; (c) GO-Camptothecin-1; (d) GO-Camptothecin-4; (e) GO-Anas-1;
(f) GO-Anas-2; (g) GO-Res-1; (h) GO-Res-2.

As shown in Figure 4a,b, the adsorption energies of stable configurations after Gefi
adsorption on GO with active sites 2 and 4 of Gefi as binding sites are 1.823 eV and

Molecules 2022, 27, 6742

1.553 eV, respectively, and the vertical distances are 3.387 Å and 3.451 Å between the
aromatic ring of Gefi and GO, respectively. Thus, the adsorption of GO with Gefi is more
stable when atom number 2 is used as the adsorption site, which is also consistent with
the result of the electrostatic potential of molecule. Active sites 1 and 4 of the CPT were
investigated as binding sites for adsorption onto GO, and their optimized result is shown as
Figure 4c,d. The perpendicular distances between the aromatic ring of the CPT and the GO
are 3.542 Å and 3.781 Å, respectively, and the adsorption energies are 1.326 eV and 1.037 eV,
respectively; therefore, the configuration of the CPT molecules adsorbed on GO in Figure 4c
can be considered as relatively stable. Figure 4e,f show the stable configurations obtained
after adsorption on GO using active sites 1 and 2 of Anas as binding sites. The distances of
the aromatic ring and GO are 6.416 Å and 3.431 Å, respectively. In Figure 4e, although the
Anas molecule can form hydrogen bonds with GO, the vertical distance becomes larger,
thus weakening the π-π interactions and leading to a reduction in the overall adsorption
energy. Therefore, for Anas, the adsorption is more stable when binding at active site 2.
As shown in Figure 1, all three active sites of Res have relatively large in electrostatic
potential values and small differences; therefore, their adsorption with graphene is similar.
Figure 4g,h show the result of the adsorption of active sites 1 and 2 of Res with GO. The
configuration of the adsorption at active site 3 is not shown in the figure because it is
consistent with that of active site 2. It can be seen that the vertical distance and adsorption
energies of Res on GO are relatively close in both cases and, therefore, they are stable as
binding sites for adsorption with GO in both cases. Overall, in the adsorption of four drug
molecules onto GO, the final conformation is more stable when the binding site has higher
electrostatic potential. According to the binding configuration and adsorption energy, the
adsorption capacity of GO for the four drug molecules follows the order: Res > Gefi > CPT
> Anas [38–42]. Comparing Figures 2 and 4, the adsorption capacity of GO for four drug
molecules is generally better than that of graphene. The vertical distance between different
drug molecules and GO increased slightly, which weakened the π-π interaction between
them to some extent, but the formation of hydrogen bonds promoted the binding of the two
and the superposition of the two effects finally promoted the adsorption of drug molecules
on GO.
Figure 5a shows the RMSD result for the adsorption of four drug molecules on GO,
from which it can be seen that all the systems reach the equilibrium state in a short time.
Previous studies have shown that not only π-π interactions, but also some hydrogen
bonds occur during the adsorption of drug molecules on GO. To deeply understand the
strength of the two kinds of interactions during the simulation, we investigated the average
interaction energy between the four drug molecules and the GO sheet. As shown in
Figure 5b. It can be seen that the vdW interaction accounts for the major part of the
potential energy and is much greater than the Coulomb interaction, indicating that vdW
interaction is the dominant force between GO and the drug molecules. This conclusion is
also supported by the results of the radial distribution function of the simulated system [43].
Figure 5c shows the RDFs between different drug molecules and GO sheets. Four drug
molecules had RDFs with GO in the range of less than 0.35 nm, indicating that the hydrogen
bonding between them is relatively weak. Furthermore, the peaks at 0.486 nm, 0.612 nm,
0.662 nm, and 0.455 nm indicate vdW interactions between the four drug molecules and
GO. This result is consistent with the analysis in Figure 5b, which indicates that vdW
interactions between the four drug molecules and GO still play a dominant role, while the
hydrogen bonding is relatively weak.
The distribution of the angle between the aromatic ring of the drug molecule and the
GO plane during kinetic adsorption was also analyzed; the results are shown in Figure 5d.
The probability of the angular distribution between the aromatic rings of four drugs and the
GO planes varied considerably compared to graphene during the simulation. Although the
most probable angle between Gefi, CPT, Anas, and Res and GO remained relatively small,
approximately 7◦ , 10◦ , 14◦ , and 9◦ respectively, the probability of occurrence decreased
and, except for Res, there was a significant increase in the probability of the angle between

Molecules 2022, 27, 6742

the other three drug molecules and GO being greater than 30◦ . This also indicates that the
π-π interactions between GO and drug molecules were weakened to some extent. This
result mainly originates from the presence of oxygen-containing functional groups on GO.

Figure 5. (a) The RMSD plots of the system with different drugs adsorbed on graphene as function of
time (b) The average electrostatic, vdW, and total interaction energies of the systems with different
drug molecules and GO. (c) Radial distribution functions (RDF) of the different drug molecules with
GO. (d) The probability of the angle between the aromatic rings of the drug molecules and the GO
plane. (e) Changes of the number of hydrogen bonds between the four kinds of drug molecules and
GO over the time. (f) The MSD plots of the different drug molecules with GO.

Molecules 2022, 27, 6742

The hydrogen bonding in the system also plays an important role in the overall adsorp-
tion process; therefore, the variation in the number of hydrogen bonds between different
drug molecules and GO during the simulation was investigated, as shown in Figure 5e.
Throughout the adsorption process, it can be seen that the number of hydrogen bonds
formed between all four drug molecules and GO is relatively small, which is also consistent
with the results obtained in Figure 5b. This further confirms that the hydrogen bonding
between the four drug molecules and GO is relatively weak during the adsorption process.
To further understand the movement of molecules in the system, the diffusion coeffi-
cients of the four drug molecules were studied separately, Figure 5f shows the MSD plots of
drug molecules adsorbed on GO. Table 2 shows the diffusion coefficients of drug molecules
in different systems in descending order. Comparing with Table 1, it is found that the
diffusion coefficients of all four drug molecules show different degrees of reduction, which
also indicates that the adsorption of these four drugs on GO is slightly stronger than that
on graphene [39,44,45].

Table 2. Self-diffusion coefficients of different drugs adsorbed on graphene oxide surface.

Drug Molecules Gefi CPT Anas Res

Diffusion coefficient
0.001416 0.001032 0.007013 0.002307
(×10−5 cm2 ·s−1 )

4. Conclusions
In summary, we used DFT methods and MD simulations to investigate the adsorption
processes and interaction mechanisms of graphene and GO with Gefi, CPT, Anas, and
Res. From the result of DFT calculations, it is clear that GO has stronger adsorption
properties than graphene for the four drug molecules, and the adsorption energy follows
the order of Anas < CPT < Gefi < Res for both the graphene and GO systems. Regarding
the adsorption systems of drug molecules with graphene oxide, static calculations further
confirmed the preferential adsorption sites. By utilizing MD simulations, we found the
adsorption mechanisms of different drugs with graphene as well as GO; it was found that
π-π interactions and hydrogen bonding played an important role in the whole adsorption
process. Among the four drug molecules, Res molecules showed the strongest adsorption
capacity on graphene and GO, while Anas showed the weakest adsorption capacity on both
graphene and GO. Furthermore, vdW interactions played a dominant role in the dynamic
adsorption of drug molecules on both graphene and GO. Hydrogen-bonding had only a
small contribution to the adsorption of drug molecules on GO. Taken together, GO has
a stronger ability to adsorb these four drug molecules than graphene. Due to the good
adsorption properties of graphene and GO for the four drug molecules, this study helps
gain insight into the loading behavior of anti-cancer drugs on graphene, and also helps to
provide assistance in the development of carriers of loaded drugs for anti-cancer drugs.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.G. and Y.Z.; methodology, J.Z.; validation, Y.W. and Y.Z.;
formal analysis, P.G.; investigation, H.L.; resources, Y.J.; data curation, P.G.; writing—original draft
preparation, P.G.; writing—review and editing, P.G.; visualization, Y.Z.; supervision, P.Z.; project
administration, Y.W.; funding acquisition, Y.J. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by [the National Natural Science Foundation of China] grant
number [Grant No. 52101287 and U1806219], [the Project of Taishan Scholar Construction Engineering
and the program of the Jinan Science and Technology Bureau] grant number [2020GXRC019] and
[the new material demonstration platform construction project from the Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology] grant number [2020-370104-34-03-043952-01-11].
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.

Molecules 2022, 27, 6742

Data Availability Statement: Data is contained within article.

Acknowledgments: Special funding also supports this work from the Project of the Qilu Young
Scholar Program of Shandong University.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Sample Availability: Not available.

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Graphene@Curcumin-Copper Paintable Coatings for the
Prevention of Nosocomial Microbial Infection
Mohammad Oves 1 , Mohammad Omaish Ansari 2 , Mohammad Shahnawaze Ansari 2 and Adnan Memić 2, *

1 Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
2 Center of Nanotechnology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +966-564975404

Abstract: The rise of antimicrobial resistance has brought into focus the urgent need for the next
generation of antimicrobial coating. Specifically, the coating of suitable antimicrobial nanomaterials
on contact surfaces seems to be an effective method for the disinfection/contact killing of microor-
ganisms. In this study, the antimicrobial coatings of graphene@curcumin-copper (GN@CR-Cu) were
prepared using a chemical synthesis methodology. Thus, the prepared GN@CR-Cu slurry was suc-
cessfully coated on different contact surfaces, and subsequently, the GO in the composite was reduced
to graphene (GN) by low-temperature heating/sunlight exposure. Scanning electron microscopy
was used to characterize the coated GN@CR-Cu for the coating properties, X-ray photon scatter-
ing were used for structural characterization and material confirmation. From the morphological
analysis, it was seen that CR and Cu were uniformly distributed throughout the GN network. The
nanocomposite coating showed antimicrobial properties by contact-killing mechanisms, which was
confirmed by zone inhibition and scanning electron microscopy. The materials showed maximum
antibacterial activity against E. coli (24 ± 0.50 mm) followed by P. aeruginosa (18 ± 0.25 mm) at
25 µg/mL spot inoculation on the solid media plate, and a similar trend was observed in the min-
imum inhibition concentration (80 µg/mL) and bactericidal concentration (160 µg/mL) in liquid
media. The synthesized materials showed excellent activity against E. coli and P. aeruginosa. These
materials, when coated on different contact surfaces such medical devices, might significantly reduce
the risk of nosocomial infection.
Citation: Oves, M.; Ansari, M.O.;
Ansari, M.S.; Memić, A.
Keywords: antimicrobial; coating; graphene; curcumin; copper; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; E. coli
Paintable Coatings for the Prevention
of Nosocomial Microbial Infection.
Molecules 2023, 28, 2814. https://
doi.org/10.3390/molecules28062814 1. Introduction
Infectious diseases that are caused by microorganisms can lead to serious health
Academic Editors: Minas
complications, including death, for both humans and animals. The attachment of microbes
M. Stylianakis and
Athanasios Skouras
to surfaces leading to the formation of biofilms poses a particularly serious threat. Many
industries, ranging from healthcare systems, the food and water industry, as well as the oil
Received: 7 February 2023 and gas industry, suffer huge losses due to complications as a result of biofilm formation [1].
Revised: 2 March 2023 Further challenges arise when considering that microbes adhering to the surfaces can be
Accepted: 7 March 2023 transferred when touched, thereby spreading microbial colonization. During the global
Published: 20 March 2023
COVID-19 outbreak, the development of antimicrobial surfaces attracted the attention
of scientists worldwide. The development of antimicrobial coating could be an effective
strategy to prevent microbial spread in general and specifically biofilm formation. [2]. To
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
achieve these goals, several approaches have been proposed [3]. For example, recently, a
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. combination of different nanomaterials, such as graphene (GN), metals and metal oxides,
This article is an open access article or natural antibacterial materials, have been proposed as antimicrobial coatings. Such
distributed under the terms and a combination of materials could have exciting synergistic or additional effects when
conditions of the Creative Commons compared to the individual components developed for anti-infective surface deployment.
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// Some recently designed GN-based nanomaterials are known to exhibit antimicrobial
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ activity towards bacteria [4], fungi [5], and viruses [6]. The direct physicochemical in-
4.0/). teraction between the GN-based materials and microbes can lead to the damage of the

Molecules 2023, 28, 2814

cellular components, principally the proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids [7]. The high affinity
of GN-based materials towards membrane proteoglycans leads to membrane damage.
Another mechanism of action is the further internal leakage of GN-based materials into
cells which can lead to the inhibition of DNA/RNA replication [8]. Therefore, it is proposed
that the mode of action of GN towards bacteria is by physical means as well as by chemical
means [9]. The physical means operate by the direct contact of microorganisms with the
sharp edges of GN. For example, Akhavan et al. [10] showed that the GN-based materials
could potentially encapsulate microorganisms for their isolation but also act as an effec-
tive photothermal agent for the inactivation of the GN-wrapped microorganisms. Pham
et al. [11] similarly showed that the density of GN edges significantly affects its antibacterial
activity. The researchers proposed that GN sheets act as blades cutting through the cell
membrane and induce pores, leading to their rupture leading to bacterial death. On the
other hand, chemical mechanisms involve oxidative stress and the generation of reactive
oxygen species (ROS) responsible for the inactivation of microorganisms [12].
Among metallic particles, many research groups have shown that copper (Cu) and its
oxides have antimicrobial properties [13–20]. The mechanism of killing involves bacterial
cell wall damage leading to the loss of cytoplasmic content [21]. Apart from this, the
reactive oxygen species can induce even greater damage to organelles and even lead to
nucleic acid degradation [22]. Cu has also been found to possess high antiviral properties
as well [23]. Bleichert et al. [24] showed that attenuated vaccine strain vaccinia virus and
virulent MPXV Copenhagen were inhibited within 3 min of exposure to Cu. Similarly,
Noyce et al. [25] showed that the Cu alloys (61–95% Cu) effectively killed E. coli at room
temperature. They also found that samples with a high percentage of Cu possessed the
highest antibacterial properties. Similar results were also reported by Wilks et al. [26], who
showed that a Cu content of 85% or more showed good antibacterial activities. Similar
effects of Cu were found against the vegetative and spore forms of Clostridium difficile and a
significant reduction in survival of the C. difficile vegetative cells and spores was observed
after 24–48 h [27]. From the above discussion, it appears that the amount of Cu can have a
direct effect on the contact killing of microorganisms, including both bacteria and viruses.
Among naturally occurring antimicrobial materials, curcumin (CR) has been widely
used since its antibacterial properties were demonstrated by Schraufstatter and Bernt
in 1949 [28]. CR promotes recombinant protein overexpression, thereby leading to an
apoptosis-like response in bacteria [29]. Several investigations revealed that CR had an-
tibacterial effects on both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria [30]. CR antibacterial
activity includes bacterial membrane rupture, the suppression of virulence factor synthesis
and suppression of biofilm formation, and the activation of oxidative stress [31,32]. Re-
cently, Oves et al. [33] has investigated CR- and ZnO-glazed GN for the successful growth
inhibition of a Methicillin-resistant bacterial strain of Staphylococcus aureus.
Due to the antibacterial properties of both GN and Cu paired with CR, it can be
interpreted that their combination will be highly effective in combating different types of
bacteria via contact killing. Thus, in this work, solutions of Cu particles and CR dispersed
in graphene oxide (GO) gel was prepared. The prepared dispersion was applied on contact
surfaces and its subsequent heat treatment resulted in the reduction of GO into reduced-
graphene oxide (rGO) (Figure 1). The Cu, CR, and reduced-graphene oxide coatings
were thereafter tested for the contact killing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and
Escherichia coli (E. coli).

Molecules 2023, 28, 2814


Killed bacteria

Cotton sheet

GO dispersion GN@CR-Cu Hand spray

0.2 M ascorbic CTAB

Copper sulfate

Antibacterial confirmation

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the synthesis and antibacterial application of GN@CR-Cu.

2. Results and Discussion

2.1. Morphological Analysis
FESEM images of GN, GN@Cu, GN@CR, and GN@CR-Cu at low and high magni-
fications (insets) are shown in Figure 2a–d. ·5HThe folded sheet-type structure can be very
clearly observed in Figure 2a, which is a known feature of GN. When it comes to GN@Cu
(Figure 2b), solid polyhedral-shaped Cu particles are visible below and above the GN
sheets. It is evident from the inset of Figure 2a that the Cu particles are a bit blurry because
of their presence underneath a very thin and nearly transparent layer of GN. On the other
hand, the well-dispersed fluffy circular geometries of the CR particles with GN sheets can
be observed in Figure 2c. The CR particles are easily detectable in a small void between
the single and multi-layered GN sheets in the inset of Figure 2c. As far as the GN@CR-Cu
composite is concerned (Figure 2d), the sample is homogeneous with Cu, and CR particles
are uniformly distributed. The inset of Figure 2d also reveals that the polyhedral solid
geometries of the Cu particles and slightly circular-shaped CR particles are sandwiched
between the ultrafine layers of GN. The FESEM image of CR and Cu nanoparticles can be
seen in Figure S1.
Figure 3a–e shows the elemental mapping and quantitative analysis of the
as-synthesized GN@CR-Cu sample recorded by using EDS. The mixed electron image
of the GN@CR-Cu (Figure 3a), C in red (Figure 3b), O ° in green (Figure 3c), and Cu in blue
shows that the prepared sample, in the form of a composite, has all three (GN, Cu, and CR)
components with uniform distribution. Figure 3e illustrates the EDS spectrum consisting of
C, O, and Cu peaks, indicating that the GN@CR-Cu composite was successfully fabricated.
modified Tour’s method. In a typical process, to a 9:1

Molecules 2023, 28, 2814

Figure 2. Low and high magnification (insets) FESEM images of (a) GN; (b) GN@Cu; (c) GN@CR;
and (d) GN@CR-Cu.

Figure 3. Elemental mapping images of (a) GN@CR-Cu; (b) C; (c) O; (d) Cu; and (e) EDS
spectrum of GN@CR-Cu.

Molecules 2023, 28, 2814

Figure 4a,b shows low and high magnification HRTEM images of GN@CR-Cu.
Figure 4a reveals that the sample is well-formed and homogeneous with a uniform amal-
gamation of GN, Cu, and CR. All three components, the sheet-like layered structure of
GN, the almost hexagonal/polyhedral-shaped solid surface of Cu, and the fluffy/circular
geometry of CR particles can be easily identified in the image Figure 4b.

Figure 4. (a) Low magnification; (b) High magnification HRTEM images of GN@CR-Cu.

2.2. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

The XPS analysis was done to study the elements present, including possible impurities
in the Cu, GN, and GN@CR-Cu coatings. In the case of pure Cu, peaks corresponding
to C1s, O1s, and Cu2p3 are observed (Figure S2). The presence of a small percentage of
O1s is due to the slight oxidation of Cu upon photothermal treatment. In the case of GN,
peaks corresponding to C1s and O1s are present. The O1s depict small functionalization
or a slightly unreduced part of GO. The survey scan of GN@CR-Cu showed the peaks
corresponding to C1s, O1s, and Cu2p3, but here, in contrast to the spectra of pure Cu, a high
percentage of C1s and Cu2p3 was observed (Figure 5). The C1s peak can be deconvoluted
into three peaks at 284.8, 286.1, and 288.3 eV, corresponding to the sp2 and sp3 (C=C/C–C)
bonding, C-O chemical bonds, and carbonyl groups (C=O/COO) in rGO [34–36]. The Cu2p
peak that can be deconvoluted into the two peaks at 935.1 and 934.8 eV were attributed
to the Cu2+ and Cu+ chemical states [37]. The peak at 942.5 eV is due to the shakeup
satellite peak [38].

2.3. Antibacterial Performance of GN@CR-Cu Composite

In this study, the antimicrobial testing of GN, GN@CR, GN@Cu, and GN@CR-Cu was
conducted against E. coli and P. aeruginosa bacterial strains. Among these, the GN@CR-Cu
composite material showed highly efficient antimicrobial activities against both nosocomial
bacterial strains. The E. coli bacterial strain was more significantly affected as compared to
the P. aeruginosa bacterial strain in both assays. The nanocomposite can act by bypassing
drug resistance mechanisms in bacteria and inhibiting biofilm formation or other important
processes related to their virulence potential [39]. Nanoparticles can penetrate the cell
wall and membrane of the bacteria and disrupt important molecular mechanisms [40]. In
general, E. coli is a facultative anaerobic bacterial species, while P. aeruginosa is an aerobic
bacterial species. P. aeruginosa promoting E. coli biofilm formation in a nutrient-limited
medium has been reported earlier [41]. P. aeruginosa can produce more exopolysaccharides
than E. coli. These P. aeruginosa exopolysaccharides play an important role in biofilm for-
mation, and due to it, P. aeruginosa rapidly forms biofilm compared to E. coli. Therefore,
this exopolysaccharide inhibits the binding of nanomaterial of the P. aeruginosa bacterial
cell membrane and is hypothesized to contribute to being less affected when compared
to E. coli. The bacterial strain of E. coli and P. aeruginosa growth was significantly in-
fluenced and developed a bacterial growth inhibition zone around the nanocomposite
material, where the compound diffused into the surrounding media. The GN@CR-Cu
showed a significant zone of inhibition of 24 ± 0.50 and 18 ± 0.25 mm against E. coli and
P. aeruginosa at 25 µg/mL, while GN@Cu showed 18 ± 0.25 and 14 ± 0.5 mm against

Molecules 2023, 28, 2814

– –

E. coli and P. aeruginosa at a 25 µg/mL concentration, and GN@CR showed 17 ± 0.75 and
12 ± 0.5 mm zone inhibition against E. coli and P. aeruginosa at the 25 µg/mL concentrations,
respectively (Figure 6).

± ±
µg ± ±
µg ± ±
Figure 5. XPS spectra of GN@CR-Cu composite: (a) survey scan, (b) C1s,
µg and (c) Cu2p3.

– P. aeruginosa (e–h):
Figure 6. Test bacteria E. coli (a–d), – The zone inhibition by the nanocomposite
material on the bacteria cultivated on nutrient agar media plates.

27 and 160 µg
Molecules 2023, 28, 2814

In addition, antibacterial activity was examined by testing it in a broth and determin-

ing its minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentrations
(MBC). It was reported that the inhibitory concentration against both microorganisms indi-
vidually may reach up to 80, 160, and 160 µg/mL for GN@CR-Cu, GN@CR, and GN@Cu,
respectively. The antibacterial activity of the composites was evaluated by putting it into
a liquid culture nutrient broth along with the inoculated test bacteria and subsequently
inoculating it as described in Section 3.2.1. After overnight incubation, a clear pattern of
bacterial growth was found on the nutrient agar plate, which is shown in Figure 7. Further
antimicrobial work was performed in terms of bacterial survivability in the presence of
composite materials (Figure 8). GN alone did not significantly inhibit bacterial growth in
the cases of both E. coli and P. aeruginosa. The GN composites with either CR or Cu were
effective antibacterial agents; however, their activity was less potent when compared to the
GN@CR-Cu composite (Figure 8a,b).

– –
– The minimum inhibition
Figure 7. Test bacteria E. coli (a–d), P. aeruginosa (e–h): – by the nanocomposite
material on the bacteria cultivated Petri plates.

(a) (b)

Figure 8. The survivability of E. coli (a) and P. aeruginosa (b) in the presence of nanocomposite
material. Image showing excellent dose-response, increasing concentration significantly retards
bacterial growth.

We hypothesize that the GN@CR-Cu antibacterial mechanism combines both chemical

and physical modes of action. GN enriched with the chemical agent Cu and biological or

° °
Molecules 2023, 28, 2814

natural antimicrobial agent CR showed superior antibacterial activity when compared to

other formulations (i.e., GN, GN@CR, or GN@Cu). We hypothesize that when the nanocom-
posite material encounters bacterial cells, the sharp edge of the GN pierce the bacterial
membranes causing the leakage of cell organelles. Similarly, when the nanocomposite is
coated on solid surfaces, the water contact angle measured ~70◦ (Figure S3). We hypothe-
size that the hydrophilic surface might contribute to the decreased bacterial attachment
ability of the strains tested [42,43]. It might also be possible that the creation of various ac-
tive oxygen species occurs, which prevents the growth of bacterial cells due to the presence
of Cu in the formulation [44]. In the previously published studies, it was demonstrated
that Cu NPs have outstanding antibacterial activity. In a recent study, the Cu nanoparti-
cle size and concentration have a direct effect on the antimicrobial activity of E. coli via
numerous mechanisms [45].
In this study, GN deposited with Cu nanomaterial significantly enhances its antimi-
crobial activity clearly shown in the zone inhibition (Figures 6–8) and electron microscopy
image (Figure 9) studies. This material was further enriched with the addition of natural
CR, which reveals excellent antimicrobial activity. Recently, the antibacterial potential
of bulk CR and nano CR against the Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli was successfully
investigated by Sandhuli et al. [46]. The inhibition zones of the nano-formulated CR cream
were greater than those of bulk CR cream for both S. aureus and E. coli, demonstrating its
superior antibacterial action [46]. In our case, the GN@CR-Cu showed better antimicrobial
potential than GN@Cu and GN@CR alone, most likely due to the synergistic effect of the
two antimicrobial agents [47].

Figure 9. Scanning electron microscopy image of E. coli without any treatment as a control without an
effect on cell morphology (a), and E. coli culture treated with GN (b), GN@CR (c), partial cell damage by
the treatment of GN@Cu (d), and complete bacterial cell damage by the treatment of GN@CR-Cu (e).

The antibacterial mechanisms involved in the bactericidal activity of GN-containing

nanomaterials, in general, could be summarized using the following mechanisms:
(i) physical direct interaction of the extremely sharp edges of nanomaterials against the
cell wall membrane [48], which can show further stress under sonication, (ii) ROS genera-
tion [49] even in the dark [50], (iii) trapping cells within the aggregated nanomaterials [7],
(iv) oxidative stress [51], (v) interruption in the glycolysis process of the bacteria [52],
(vi) DNA damage [53], (vii) metal ion release [54], and recently, (viii) contribution in gener-
ation/explosion of nanobubbles [55]. In the case of our nanocomposite, we hypothesize
that the multiple modes of actions are at play, including bacterial cell damage that occurs

Molecules 2023, 28, 2814

due to the nanoparticle interaction. GN@Cu-CR materials are multifunctional due to the
metal presence and natural CR. In order to prevent microbes from attaching, colonizing,
spreading, and creating biofilms in medical devices, composite materials have the potential
for external uses as antibacterial agents in the surface coatings on a variety of substrates.
Here, the nanocomposite material has been synthesized with a highly stable mate-
rial, i.e., GN which stabilizes both CR and Cu. Due to the high stability of GN-based
materials, the CR and Cu molecules fixed in the GN groves retain their antimicrobial
activity. In our previous reports, the GN-based nanocomposite material with Zinc ox-
ide and CR showed similarly excellent stability and antimicrobial activity against the
multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aurous bacterial strain [33].

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Materials
Copper sulphate pentahydrate CuSO4 ·5H2 O was sourced from Fluka (Buchs,
Switzerland), and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) from Otto chemicals (Mumbai,
India). Sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, potassium permanganate, and ascorbic acid (C6 H8 O6 )
were obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). CR was purchased from a local
supermarket of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and was dried under the Sun and subsequently crushed
into fine powder. The water used in the experiments was deionized water.

3.1.1. Synthesis of Cu and GO@CR-Cu Suspension

The Cu nanoparticles were synthesized by the reduction of copper (II) sulfate in
the presence of CTAB surfactant. In a typical process, 0.1 M copper (II) sulfate solution
was dissolved in 100 mL of water, and to it, 0.25 g of CTAB was added and the whole
system was put under stirring conditions. In another beaker, 50 mL of 0.2 M ascorbic
acid solution was prepared. In the second step, the solution of ascorbic acid was slowly
added to the copper (II) sulfate solution, and subsequently, 30 mL of 1 M sodium hydroxide
solution was also added. The whole system was heated to 80 ◦ C for 2 h and a dark reddish-
brown color confirmed the formation of Cu. Thus, the prepared Cu was separated by
centrifugation, washed with an excess of water and ethanol, and subsequently dried at
room temperature [56].
GO was prepared using the modified Tour’s method. In a typical process, to a 9:1
stirring mixture of concentrated H2 SO4 /H3 PO4 (360:40 mL), 18 gms of KMnO4 followed
by 3 g of graphite flakes was added slowly. The whole system was left stirring at room
temperature for 72 h for the exfoliation of graphite flakes. Thereafter, the mixture was
cooled by putting it in an ice bath and was then subsequently poured into another beaker
containing 400 mL of deionized water ice. To this cooled solution, 1–3 mL 30% H2 O2
was added until the appearance of a yellow color confirmed the formation of GO. Thus,
the synthesized GO was separated by centrifugation/filtration, washed to 100 mL of
5% HCl, excess of water, ethanol, and subsequently stored as a gel [57]. The GO solution
was optimized and a stock solution of 10 mg/mL was prepared for future use.

3.1.2. Preparation of GO@CR-Cu Slurry

To 50 mL of the GO (10 mg/mL) solution, 0.125 g of both Cu and CR was added.
The whole system was put on ultrasonic bath and later kept on stirring for the uniform
distribution of Cu and CR in the GO. Just before coating, the mixture was repeatedly
stirred/shaken for the uniform distribution of Cu and CR. For the reduction of GO inside
GO@CR-Cu, the coated GO@CR-Cu was kept in sunlight on a bright sunny day for 8 h
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Jeddah. For the evaluation of antimicrobial activity, the above
GO@CR-Cu composite was taken in a Petri plate, reduced into GN@CR-Cu by the process
described earlier, and finally used in its powdered form.

Molecules 2023, 28, 2814

3.1.3. Characterization
The morphological and compositional analysis of GN@CR-Cu were conducted by field
emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) (JSM-7600F from JEOL, Tokyo, Japan).
The elemental mapping was recorded using the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope
(EDS) from Oxford Instruments, Oxfordshire, UK equipped with FESEM. For the ele-
mental detection, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) (ESCALAB 250 from Thermo
Fisher Scientific, Warrington, UK) was used at a monochromatized Al Kα X-ray source
λ 1/4 1486.6 eV. The antibacterial studies were performed by studying the surface growth in-
hibition assay, and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal
concentration (MBC) were determined against the Escherichia coli and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa microorganisms.

3.2. Assessment of Antibacterial Activity of GN@CR-Cu Composite

3.2.1. Zone Inhibition Assay
The two bacterial strains, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are frequently
linked to nosocomial infections. This experiment investigated the antibacterial capability
of materials that were synthesized. To obtain the best growth acquisition, these bacterial
cultures were first grown in a Luria Bertani broth, and then a loopful culture was injected
into the 100 mL liquid broth and incubated in a rotatory incubator. A fresh culture of each
strain was created by re-culturing with the same medium under the ideal circumstances.
The nutrition agar plate was created by utilizing the pour plate technique after the medium
was autoclaved for 20 min in a sterilizer machine at the proper temperature of 121 ◦ C and
pressure of 15 pounds per square inch (JSR Autoclave, JSAC-80, Gongju-Cit, Republic of
Korea). The media was poured into the Petri plates and solidified after 10 min of sitting.
Each bacterial strain was moved from the fresh culture tubes to the media plates and then
left there for 10 min to maintain the conditions the medium on the plate afforded. A total
of 25 micrograms of the synthesized composite materials were added to the surface of
each media plate, which previously contained bacteria. The nanocomposite material came
into contact with the bacteria and spread into the surrounding media after an overnight
incubation at the ideal temperature of 37 ◦ C, revealing the antibacterial activity around the
composite materials and developing a clear zone of bacterial growth inhibition.

3.2.2. MIC and MBC of GN@CR-Cu Composite

The effect of GN@CR-Cu nanocomposite on the growth of bacteria in broth was inves-
tigated, and the lowest concentrations required to impede growth (MIC) and kill bacteria
(MBC) were determined. The GN@CR-Cu nanocomposite was used as an antibacterial
agent against specific test microorganisms after being suspended in Milli-Q water. The
broth dilution process is the approach that is the industry standard for assessing bacterial
survival in the presence of the tested test agent or nanocomposite material. The concen-
tration was adjusted by adding nanomaterials from 0 to 100 µg/mL. In the beginning, the
same techniques were followed to set up twelve 500 mL flasks, each of which contained
100 mL of broth media. These flasks were then sterilized in an autoclave at standard
conditions. The McFarland 0.5 methodology was used to standardize the bacterial culture
and examine the compounds’ antibacterial susceptibility. In addition, the medium was
supplemented with composite materials from 25 to 100 µg/mL before being grown in a
rotatory incubator at 37 ◦ C for an incubation period of 16 h. Using a broth medium, the
nanocomposite materials were serially diluted before being injected with a bacterial culture
containing 5 × 106 CFU for a 16 h incubation period. Bacterial culture turbidity and plate
count were assessed following the incubation period.

3.2.3. Bacterial Survivability with Nanomaterials

In this study, the spot-plating method was used to quantify bacterial growth. The
assay utilizes the principle that a bacterial culture would have a decreasing percentage
of viable cells with increasing concentrations of anti-microbial compounds. At a constant

Molecules 2023, 28, 2814

sub-MIC level of an agent, the sensitivity of a bacterial strain could be correlated with the
percentage of cells that survive and form a colony. This ratio of surviving cells to the total
number of plated cells is the plating efficiency. The key to a successful spot-plating assay is
to spot-plate the same number of cells onto each spot. By comparing the surviving cells on
the material containing plates to the control, the sensitivity of the cells to the nanocomposite
concentration by plating efficiency percentage can be determined.
Determination of the optimal sub-MIC level of nanomaterials: The chosen sub-MIC level
nanomaterials should be chosen with care. The concentration should be high enough
to inhibit growth, but not to inhibit all growth. This optimal sub-MIC concentration is
usually just below the MIC of the nanomaterials. For example, the MIC of nanomaterials
and E. coli is 50 µg/mL. The optimal sub-MIC of nanomaterials for the spot plate assay
was found to be 40 µg/mL. Media preparation for bacterial growth with and without
nanomaterials should be made. The bacterial stocks should be grown overnight at their
optimal growth conditions and maintained according to the McFarland standard, culture
optimum incubation at 37 ◦ C, and shaking at 250 rpm. After overnight growth, the culture
should be diluted to a concentration that would allow countable isolated colonies on the
final spots of the LB plates. We recommend dilutions of 1 × 104 CFU/mL. A small volume
(10 µL) of the working stock of bacterial culture should be plated up to six times on each
plate. The number of colonies in each spot should be counted and tallied. The number of
colonies on the antibiotic plates and the control plates are used to calculate.
Nanomaterials stock preparation: The amount of the required nanomaterial concentration
was weighed by analytical balance and then transferred and dissolved with the required
amount of sterile dH2O, before being filtered through a 0.20 µm filter into a sterile 10 mL
falcon tube.
Dilution of bacterial culture to a working concentration: The bacterial culture turbidity
and availability of bacteria count was determined by spectrophotometer at OD600. The
obtained value was multiplying the OD600 of the bacterial culture by the appropriate
conversion ratio of OD600 to CFU/mL (if OD600 = 8 × 108 CFU/mL). Further specific
required dilution of the working concentration was also determined.
Spot plating: First of all, the media plates were prepared and supplemented with and
without nanomaterials of interest at the desired concentrations of 0 to 100 µg. The culture
tubes were inoculated and incubated overnight at 37 ◦ C. The next day, the optical density
of the diluted cultures was determined and converted into CFU/mL using the conversion
factor of the strain, if known (1 OD at 600 equals to 8 × 108 cells/mL). Further, the cultures
(100 µL of culture into 900 µL of fresh growth media) were serially diluted to obtain a 1
× 104 CFU/mL culture. An aseptic pipette was used to separate the spots onto a plate
using 10 µL of 1 × 104 CFU/mL culture. After incubation, the isolated colonies per spot
were counted. The number of colonies on each spot of the nanomaterial’s plates were
also counted.

3.3. Imaging of Bacterial Growth Inhibition by SEM

In this study, both test bacterial strain fresh cultures were taken according to the Mc-
Farland standard and centrifuged and treated with the nanocomposite material, according
to the MIC concentration, for 16 h incubation at 37 ◦ C before being centrifuged at 8000 rpm
for 10 min. The bacterial pellets were selected and washed multiple times with phosphate
saline buffer and treated with 2% glutaraldehyde solution and the bacterial sample was
placed at 4 ◦ C for proper fixing. After fixing, the bacterial sample was washed with double
distilled water, then further washed with 10 to 100 % ethanol in increasing order, and the
obtained bacterial culture was then mounted on the stab of SEM and analyzed.

4. Conclusions
In this study, the nanocomposite material GN@CR-Cu was successfully synthesized
and coated on contact surfaces for studying its antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial
coatings of GN@CR-Cu were prepared using the chemical synthesis methodology and were

Molecules 2023, 28, 2814

further characterized using electron microscopy and X-ray photon spectroscopy. GN@CR-
Cu showed excellent antimicrobial effects against E. coli and P aeruginosa bacterial isolates.
The nanocomposite showed antimicrobial activity, most likely by contact-killing mecha-
nisms, which was suggested by zone inhibition and scanning electron microscopy. The
materials showed maximum antibacterial activity against E. coli (24 ± 0.50 mm) followed by
P. aeruginosa (18 ± 0.25 mm) at 25 µg/mL spot inoculation on the solid media plate, and a
similar trend was observed in the minimum inhibition concentration (80 µg/mL) and bacte-
ricidal concentration (160 µg/mL) in liquid media. According to this proof-of-concept study,
GN@CR-Cu can function as a potent future anti-microbial nanomaterial for the prevention
of nosocomial infection, if coated on medical devices or food preparation instruments.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/molecules28062814/s1, Figure S1: FESEM image of (a) CR and
(b) Cu nanoparticles, Figure S2: XPS survey scan of GN and Cu, Figure S3: Water contact angle
measurement of GN@CR-Cu composite.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.O., M.O.A. and A.M.; data curation, M.S.A. and A.M.;
formal analysis, M.O.A. and M.S.A.; investigation M.S.A. and A.M.; methodology, M.O. and M.O.A.;
supervision, A.M.; validation, M.O. and M.O.A.; writing—original draft, M.O., M.O.A. and M.S.A.;
writing—review and editing, M.S.A. and A.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Polysaccharides as Green Fuels for the Synthesis of MgO:
Characterization and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activities
Nayara Balaba 1 , Silvia Jaerger 1 , Dienifer F. L. Horsth 1,2 , Julia de O. Primo 1 , Jamille de S. Correa 1 ,
Carla Bittencourt 2, * , Cristina M. Zanette 3 and Fauze J. Anaissi 1

1 Departamento de Química, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Guarapuava 85040-080, Brazil

2 Chimie des Interactions Plasma-Surface (ChIPS), Research Institute for Materials Science and Engineering,
University of Mons, 7000 Mons, Belgium
3 Departamento de Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste,
Guarapuava 85040-080, Brazil
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: The synthesis of structured MgO is reported using feedstock starch (route I), citrus pectin
(route II), and Aloe vera (route III) leaf, which are suitable for use as green fuels due to their abun-
dance, low cost, and non-toxicity. The oxides formed showed high porosity and were evaluated
as antimicrobial agents. The samples were characterized by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence
(EDXRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and scanning
electron microscopy (SEM). The crystalline periclase monophase of the MgO was identified for all
samples. The SEM analyses show that the sample morphology depends on the organic fuel used
during the synthesis. The antibacterial activity of the MgO-St (starch), MgO-CP (citrus pectin), and
MgO-Av (Aloe vera) oxides was evaluated against pathogens Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538P) and
Escherichia coli (ATCC 8739). Antifungal activity was also studied against Candida albicans (ATCC
64548). The studies were carried out using the qualitative agar disk diffusion method and quantitative
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) tests. The MIC of each sample showed the same inhibitory
concentration of 400 µg.mL−1 for the studied microorganisms. The formation of inhibition zones
Citation: Balaba, N.; Jaerger, S.;
and the MIC values in the antimicrobial analysis indicate the effective antimicrobial activity of the
Horsth, D.F.L.; Primo, J.d.O.; Correa,
samples against the test microorganisms.
J.d.S.; Bittencourt, C.; Zanette, C.M.;
Anaissi, F.J. Polysaccharides as Green
Keywords: eco-friendly synthesis; Aloe vera; starch; MIC; bacteria; antifungal
Fuels for the Synthesis of MgO:
Characterization and Evaluation of
Antimicrobial Activities. Molecules
2023, 28, 142. https://doi.org/
10.3390/molecules28010142 1. Introduction

Academic Editors: Minas M.

Magnesium oxide (MgO) is an ionic material with a refractory capacity to withstand
Stylianakis and Athanasios Skouras
high temperatures [1]. It presents a well-defined crystalline structure of face-centered cubic,
and, when hydrated, it converts to its hydroxide form (Mg(OH)2 ) [2]. MgO is a functional,
Received: 4 November 2022 low-cost, environmentally safe metal oxide applied in various industrial fields, e.g., the
Revised: 17 December 2022 plastics, rubber, paper, and adhesive industries; in agriculture, MgO is incorporated into
Accepted: 20 December 2022 animal feed and fertilizer, and it is used in refractory applications in steel production and
Published: 24 December 2022
equipment coatings [3]. MgO has also been studied for the adsorption of textile dyes,
metal ions, and phosphates in the catalysis applied in ceramic materials and paints [1–7].
Several methodologies for the synthesis of MgO can be found: precipitation [2], microwave-
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. assisted [4,8], sol–gel [9], and hydrothermal [5]. The main production method is by calcining
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. dolomite (CaMg(CO3 )2 ) and brucite (Mg(OH)2 ); through this process, decomposition
This article is an open access article occurs at a high temperature [3]. However, the MgO obtained with this process is divergent
distributed under the terms and due to the low specific surface area, irregular morphology, and grain size [3]. Reports on
conditions of the Creative Commons other methodologies for the synthesis of structured magnesium oxide are available [2,4,5]
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// but the search for organic fuels to be used in synthesis has been considered of importance
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ due to their ecological origin, easy access to natural polysaccharides, low cost, high chemical

Molecules 2023, 28, 142

reactivity, high combustion power, reduction in the calcination temperature, and action as
a complexing gelling agent [10].
In the present work, starch, citrus pectin, and Aloe vera leaf were used as fuels to obtain
structured MgO by the combustion method. In synthesis route I, starch extracted from
cassava (Manihot esculenta), a high-energy tuber and a low-cost, biodegradable polysac-
charide from renewable raw material sources, consisting of amylose and amylopectin
molecules that are composed of D-glucose units, was used [11]. In route II, citrus pectin, a
polysaccharide derived from the peels of citrus fruits (lemon, orange, etc.) used in the food
and pharmaceutical industries, due to its high gelling capacity, was used [12]. It consists
of α-D-galacturonic acid units joined by glycosidic bonds (α-1,4) and esterified methyl
carboxyl groups [12]. Finally, Aloe vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) was used in route III, a
succulent perennial of the family Liliaceae, used for its pharmacological properties [13]. Ac-
cording to Hamman (2008), the Aloe vera leaves have three structural components: the cell
walls, the degenerated organelles, and the viscous liquid contained within the cells. These
components present many compounds, such as proteins, lipids, amino acids, vitamins,
enzymes, inorganic compounds, small organic compounds, and polysaccharides. Among
the polysaccharides, one can find mainly mannose, cellulose, and pectic polysaccharides,
whereas the skin of the leaf contains, in addition, significant quantities of xylose-containing
polysaccharides [13,14]. Describing a reaction mechanism for the synthesis of materials
with Aloe vera is complex due to the different compounds present in the plant extract [15].
However, a sustainable reaction mechanism for the formation of material with organic fuel
is the interaction of metal ions that bind with biomolecules through functional groups and
π electrons by ionic bonds or van der Waals forces; this depends on the concentration of
plant extracts [15]. The synthesized MgO samples were characterized, and their biological
activities were studied.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global threat to human health, causing thousands
of deaths annually [16]. One of the leading causes of drug-resistant pathogens is the
excessive exposure of microorganisms to antibiotics as a treatment against infection [17,18].
Another problem caused by microorganisms is biofilms, which are aggregates of cells
embedded in a self-producing matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which
adhere to each other and/or to a surface and have greater potential to survive in adverse
conditions and end up generating resistance to antibiotic treatment and the host’s immune
system [19]. Bacteria and diverse fungi show greater susceptibility to antibiotic resistance
due to some strains’ evolutionary and adaptive conditions [17,20]. For example, the
bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, responsible for infections such as postoperative wounds
and prosthetic infections related to endotracheal tubes and other biomaterials, has been
reported to cause nosocomial infections and AMR to several drugs, such as penicillin,
methicillin, quinolone, and vancomycin [17,21]. A fungus that has become resistant to
antibiotics is Candida albicans, an opportunistic pathogen, generally harmless to human
beings, which can be found on the surface of humid mucous, such as in the intestine, vagina,
and oral cavity [17]. The fungus C. albicans shows drug resistance to amphotericin B and
azoles [22], two known antifungal agents. However, colonization, infectious aggravation,
and damage to the structure of cells may occur with the weakening of the host’s immune
system [17]. Therefore, it is necessary to develop alternative strategies to minimize the
problem of AMR, such as materials that inhibit the growth of microorganisms, preventing
contagion with infectious diseases [23]. In this context, some papers present antimicrobial
studies, as Al-Shammar et al. (2021), which uses zein nanoparticles loaded with transition
metal ions to control three Candida species [24], and metal oxide particles have presented
a wide range of biological applications, such as drug and gene delivery and cell, tissue,
and diagnostics engineering, as well as limiting the growth of microorganisms [4]. Reports
on structured magnesium oxide (MgO) describe its efficiency in inhibiting the growth
of food and aquatic pathogen colonies and controlling the proliferation of bacteria and
fungi, attracting significant interest due to its non-toxic nature [4,5,25]. The common
mechanism of the antibacterial activity of MgO is due to the oxygen vacancies, leading

Molecules 2023, 28, 142

to the higher production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (OH− , O2− , and H2 O2 ) on the
surfaces of the particles when oxidative stress occurs on the bacterial cell wall, leading to
cell death [4]. Another possible mechanism is when Mg2+ ions are released from MgO with
irregular morphology and rough edges, coming into contact with the cell membrane of the
microbe [4,8]. The negatively charged cell membrane and Mg2+ attract each other and the
Mg penetrates the cell membrane and damages it, leading to cell death [8]. Therefore, in this
study, three natural polysaccharides were used as precursors to the combustion reaction to
obtain structured MgO, aiming at its application as an antibacterial and antifungal agent.

2. Results
2.1. Characterization of Synthesized MgO Particles
According to the semiquantitative analysis (EDXRF) (Table 1), the sample with the
highest elemental magnesium percentage was MgO-St, with 86.6% atomic, while MgO-Av
presented 64.1%, and MgO-CP 76.2% (Figure S1). This difference can be associated with
the composition of the organic additives: starch contained ~6.6% atomic Mg ions, citrus
pectin presented ~1.7% of magnesium, and Aloe vera gel contained ~0.1% (Figure S2). The
composition of the organic additives varied according to the region from which they were
harvested [26]. The samples’ composition variation indicates that the organic fuel used in
the synthesis influences the amount of metal ions in the material obtained, interfering with
the physicochemical properties and affecting the performance against bacteria and fungi.

Table 1. Elemental chemical compositions of the synthesized MgO samples and precursors used in
the synthesis in element percent (% element) by EDXRF.

Elements (%)
Mg Ca Zn Cu K Al S P Others
Mg(NO3 )2 .6H2 O 98.0 0.8 - 0.1 - - 1.0 - 0.1
Starch 6.6 26.0 4.0 4.4 22.5 15.2 11.6 4.9 4.8
MgO-St 86.6 2.7 0.7 0.4 1.0 6.3 - 1.7 0.6
Aloe vera 0.1 20.9 1.0 3.4 0.5 - 1.2 - 72.9
MgO-Av 64.1 8.8 0.4 0.7 0.4 - 1.1 0.4 24.1
Citric pectin 1.7 21.8 2.2 2.1 52.6 7.7 4.9 1.4 5.6
MgO-CP 76.2 8.1 1.6 0.5 1.3 7.3 2.6 0.5 1.9

Figure 1 shows the X-ray diffractograms of magnesium oxide samples obtained from
starch (Figure 1a), citrus pectin (Figure 1b), and Aloe Vera (Figure 1c). In all samples, peaks
(111), (200), (220) (113), and (222) of the periclase crystalline phase, the typical phase of the
face-centered cubic MgO (COD: 9000505), were observed [27,28].
A few differences between the diffractograms were observed when using different
fuels. The samples showed different peak intensities, mainly peak (200) at 42.6◦ and
peak (220) at 61.8◦ , and MgO-St was found to have a greater width at the average height
compared to the peaks of the MgO-CP and MgO-Av diffractograms, which would suggest
a smaller crystallite size [28].
The FT-IR spectra of the MgO samples are shown in Figure 2. The IR spectra exhibit a
narrow and intense band at 3700 and 3445 cm−1 , attributed to the vibrational stretching
of the free -OH ions of Mg(OH)2 , generated by the hydration of MgO [29]. The γ(OH)
region shows two bands at 1488 cm−1 for the MgO-St sample (Figure 2a) and 1638 cm−1 ,
which correspond to the O–H bending mode, which is characterized by the bending
vibration of the -OH group of the physiosorbed water molecules [29,30]. The broad bands
at 1427 and 1383 cm−1 for MgO-St, MgO-CP, and MgO-Av (Figure 2b,c) are assigned to
the asymmetrical and symmetrical stretching vibrations of CO2 species chemisorbed onto
the surface of MgO [31,32]. The low-intensity bands at 1110 and 1061 cm−1 observed
for MgO-CP and Mg-Av can be associated with the presence of H ion species as defects

Molecules 2023, 28, 142

of octahedral symmetry, characteristic of magnesium oxides calcined between 700 and

800 ◦ C [33,34].

Figure 1. XRD patterns of samples MgO-St (a), MgO-CP (b), and MgO-Av (c).

− −

Figure 2. FTIR spectra for the samples (a) MgO-St, (b) MgO-CP, and (c) MgO-Av.

Molecules 2023, 28, 142

Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of the synthesized
samples (Figure 3). The morphology of the MgO-St sample (Figure 3a) displayed a structure
composed of non-uniform pores and hole voids, with spongy characteristics in the material,
with an average particle size of approximately 0.99 µm (Figure 3b). The holes may be due
to the large number of gases released during the combustion of the reagents and the starch
used in the synthesis. These voids and pores provide a large surface area, supporting
antimicrobial activity [35]. Figure 3c shows SEM images of the MgO-CP sample, which
had an irregular morphology, forming small pseudo-spheres and hole voids [20], showing
larger particles than the MgO-St sample, with an average size of 1.14 µm (Figure 3d).
Finally, the morphology of the MgO-Av sample (Figure 3e) was irregular and composed of
periodic sheets, and the sample consisted of small particles with an average size of 0.85 µm
(Figure 3f). The different morphologies observed in the samples are attributed to the
different polysaccharides used in each type of synthesis, which will affect the antimicrobial
properties of each material [35–37].

Figure 3. SEM images of synthesized MgO using different natural additives as fuel sources and
average particle sizes of the samples: (a,b) MgO-St, (c,d) MgO-CP, and (e,f) MgO-Av.

Molecules 2023, 28, 142

2.2. Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity

The MgO samples were tested against C. albicans (ATCC 64548) using the disk diffusion
test; see Figure 4. The clear zones around the specimens indicate the inhibition of the
fungal growth. This halo of inhibition (in millimeters) was used to quantify the antifungal
activity obtained, and their averages are presented in Table 2. The sample with the highest
antifungal activity is the one with the largest halo around the disk; the diffusion of the
antimicrobial agent leads to the formation of a zone of inhibition of bacterial growth,
whose diameter is proportional to the inhibition [38]. The MgO-Av sample shows weak
antifungal activity. In contrast, the MgO-St sample exhibits an inhibition zone with a
diameter of 3.0 mm on average. The MgO-St samples have the largest surface area. Several
studies have correlated a large surface area with good antibacterial and antifungal activity
performance [20], suggesting that the superior inhibition observed for the MgO-St sample
is associated with its surface characteristics and morphology.

Figure 4. Photographs of halos of inhibition formed in tests against C. Albicans using the oxide
samples MgO-St, MgO-CP, and MgO-Av. The oxide MgO-St showed the largest halo of inhibition.

Table 2. Average mean zones of inhibition (in mm) produced by synthesized MgO samples on the
test organisms.

Disk Diffusion Method

MgO-St MgO-CP MgO-Av
a b
Staphylococcus aureus 2.86 ± 0.23 2.43 ± 0.51 2.20 ± 0.34 b
Escherichia coli 0 0 0
Candida albicans 3.0 ± 0 a 1.36 ± 0.11 b 0.16 ± 0.28 c
Results are represented as the mean ± standard deviation. Different lowercase letters in the same row indicate
significant differences at p ≤ 0.05 by Tukey’s test.

MgO is reported to have antibacterial properties, including excellent antibacterial

activity against K. pneumonia bacteria [35,39]. In this context, we investigated its antibacte-
rial activity against S. aureus and E. coli; the MgO-synthesized samples exhibited higher
inhibition than the control (Figure 5).
The MgO samples were tested against pathogenic Gram-positive S. aureus and Gram-
positive E. coli bacteria using the disk diffusion methodology. Table 2 shows the means and
standard deviations of the inhibition zone; the halo or zone of inhibition can be observed
in Figure 5 by the darker zones around the disks. It was found that all the MgO samples
had antibacterial properties against S. aureus. The MgO-St sample had statistically higher
activity against S. aureus and C. albicans, with a larger inhibition diameter, which might
explain its larger surface area compared to the other samples (MgO-Av and MgO-CP).

Molecules 2023, 28, 142

Figure 5. Photographs of halos of inhibition formed in tests against Staphylococcus aureus. *MgO-CP
(labeled as 1,2,3); MgO-Av (labelled as 4,5,6); MgO-St (labeled as 7,8,9).

It has been reported that the antibacterial activity increases with the decreasing size of
nanoparticles due to the bacteria MgO surface interaction, which depends on the surface
area available [20]. Against S. aureus, the oxides synthesized with citric pectin and Aloe
vera fuels were statistically equal; however, against the C. albicans fungi, the oxide MgO-CP
showed significantly higher activity than the MgO-Av sample. The MgO samples were inef-
fective against E. coli, which can be associated with the Gram-negative bacterial composition
of a thin peptidoglycan cell wall and an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharide,
leading to higher resistance than for Gram-positive bacteria such as S. aureus [20]. Some
studies, such as Umaralikhan and Jaffar, also used Aloe vera leaves as a fuel source for
MgO synthesis and tested them against ≤ S. aureus and E. coli as an antibacterial material
in the disk diffusion method; they obtained considerable inhibition success against both
bacteria [25]. The diffusion of agar disks is a qualitative assay used to test bioactivity in
a sample. However, in this method, the effect of antimicrobial activity is not accurately
estimated [40].Therefore, the synthesized oxides were tested by the minimum inhibitory
concentration (MIC) method to quantify the inhibitory concentration for each strain. The
values for the MIC provide a quantitative evaluation of the antimicrobial action of the sam-
ples against E. coli and S. aureus pathogens. The MIC is defined as the lowest concentration
(µg.mL−1 ) of an antimicrobial agent, which, under strictly in vitro conditions, completely
prevents the growth of the test strain of an organism (EUCAST, 1998) [41]. The MIC of
each sample showed the same inhibitory concentration of 400 µg.mL−1 for both bacteria S.
aureus and E. coli, and also showed a minimum inhibitory concentration for C. albicans of
400 µg.mL−1 . The broth microdilution method allowed the quantification of the minimum
inhibitory concentration; however, the same did not occur in the agar diffusion disk tests.
It can also be observed that, unlike the broth microdilution method, the three samples did
not present inhibitory activity in the disc diffusion tests against E. coli bacteria. The absence
of the inhibition zone does not necessarily indicate that the sample is inactive against the
tested strain but that the diffusion may be incomplete; this occurs especially in compounds
that diffuse more slowly in a solid culture medium or due to the lipophilic characteristics
or/and the chemical nature of the isolated substances [42,43].
The antibacterial efficacy of MgO samples has been explained by a set of factors that
inhibit bacterial growth, such as the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to the
presence of Mg2+ , the interaction between MgO particles and the membrane cell wall, and
the penetration of individual particles into cells [39]. The antibacterial properties may also
be associated with the correlation between the surface area and volume of oxide particles,
which form more active oxygen species outside the bacterial cell, destroying the bacteria’s
cell membranes [8,20].

Molecules 2023, 28, 142

3. Discussion
The samples synthesized in this work showed differences in their structural, morpho-
logical, and antimicrobial properties, associated with the different polysaccharide sources
used in each type of synthesis. The three MgO samples presented the same crystalline
structure of the face-centered cubic type, characteristic of magnesium oxides; however,
the MgO-St had a smaller crystallite size compared to MgO-CP and MgO-Av. The same
structure was reported by Umaralikhan and Jaffar [25] and El-Shaer et al. [44]. El-Shaer
et al. synthesized MgO using the conventional sol–gel method and annealed it at different
temperatures for 5 h; the samples calcined above 500 ◦ C showed similar antimicrobial activ-
ity results as in this work. According to these authors, the calcination temperature affects
the number of surface defects and therefore the antimicrobial properties [44], justifying
the antimicrobial results presented for the MgO-St, MgO-Av, and MgO-CP samples in the
MIC test.
Some additional FTIR bands were found in the three synthesized oxides that resembled
the FTIR bands found by Karthik et al. (2017) [4] at 3445, 1383, and 1638 nm. According
to the authors, MgO was obtained with the same crystallographic phase by microwave-
assisted green synthesis and calcining at 400 ◦ C for 2 h. The results of the disk diffusion test
for MgO obtained by Karthik et al. [4] were superior to the results reported in this work.
As previously mentioned, the disk diffusion test is a qualitative method as it is limited
by the mobility of the oxide in the disks and does not present the inhibition results as a
concentration value. However, the disk diffusion test is a qualitative method as it is limited
by the mobility of the oxide in the disk, and the inhibition results are not directly connected
to the oxide concentration. Nevertheless, the MgO-St, MgO-CP, and MgO-Av samples in
the MIC test showed higher inhibition against E. coli, S. aureus, and C. albicans than the
samples reported in [45].
The sample morphology varied with the fuel used. MgO-St presented a sponge-
like morphology, while MgO-CP and MgO-Av presented pseudo-spheres and lamellar
morphologies, respectively. According to the literature [2,7], magnesium oxide presents
several possible morphologies, depending on the synthesis method employed or the fuel
used in the synthesis. In the work of Bindhu et al. [20], MgO nanoparticles were obtained
via a chemical precipitation reaction using magnesium nitrate and sodium hydroxide
calcinated at 400 ◦ C for 5 h. The particles were almost spherical in shape, with smooth
surfaces, and this morphology is very similar to that of MgO-CP. The antimicrobial activity
studied by Bindhu et al. [20] was tested against S. aureus using the disk diffusion method,
and the zones of inhibition were similar to those found in this work. However, the MgO
nanoparticles synthesized by Bindhu et al. [20] were not tested against E. coli, but rather
against the Gram-negative pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
The average particle diameter sizes for the synthesized samples ranged from 0.85 to
1.14 µm. For the MgO-St oxide, the average particle diameter size was 0.99 µm; this
sample was the most porous, justifying its higher antimicrobial activity [36]. According to
Ananda et al. [35], the presence of pores provides a large surface area, which supports high
antimicrobial activity. In addition, this high activity can also be associated with the higher
percentage of Mg ions in this sample, as a possible mechanism of antimicrobial action is
the release of Mg2+ ions, as cited earlier.
Both the antimicrobial activity and the crystalline structures of our samples were
very similar to those found in the literature; however, in this work, we used the low-
est calcination time, only one hour, while other studies have reported calcination times
greater than 5 h using traditional synthesis methods [20,44,45]. However, differences in the
samples’ morphology can be observed, which may explain the differences in the antimi-
crobial activity, associated with the small particle size and high porosity, favoring a larger
contact area.

Molecules 2023, 28, 142

4. Materials and Methods

4.1. Materials
Three different fuels were used to synthesize magnesium oxide: cassava starch (route
I), citrus pectin (route II), and Aloe vera (route III). The cassava roots used for the extraction
of starch were harvested in Palmital, Paraná, Brazil, and the Aloe vera leaves were harvested
in São José, Paraná, Brazil. The other materials used were magnesium nitrate hexahydrate
(Mg(NO3 )2 .6H2 O, 98%, Dynamics) and commercial citrus pectin (Dynamics). The analytical
reagents were of high purity, and all the solutions were prepared with deionized water.
The same calcination parameters were used in the three synthesis routes. First, the
suspensions were calcined in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 750 ◦ C with a heating
ramp of 10 ◦ C min−1 for 60 min. The products obtained were pulverized, sieved on
a 250 mm (60 mesh) sieve, and stored in a suitable container for characterization and
application. The MgO samples obtained by the three different synthetic routes were labeled
MgO-St (Route I), MgO-CP (Route II), and MgO-Av (Route III).

4.2. Synthesis Using Cassava Starch (Route I)

To obtain MgO with the starch additive, the methodology used was adapted from
Primo et al. [46]. Initially, 500 g of natural starch from manioc was extracted in 2500 mL
of deionized water under mechanical agitation for 3 h. Then, the colloidal suspension
was sieved and used as the base solution. The oxide MgO-St was synthesized from starch
(300 g) and magnesium nitrate (64 g) and agitated for 20 min.

4.3. Synthesis Using Citrus Pectin (Route II)

Using citrus pectin as an organic and energetic precursor, MgO was synthesized using
the gelation method, adapted from Dalpasquale et al. [12]. In the first step, 1500 mL of
deionized water was heated to 80 ◦ C, and 15 g of citrus pectin was added under constant
agitation (800 rpm) until it was solubilized and a colloidal suspension formed. Magnesium
nitrate salt (32 g) was added to the citrus pectin colloidal suspension, remaining under
agitation and temperature control for 3 h.

4.4. Synthesis Using Aloe vera Barbadensis Miller (Route III)

To obtain the magnesium oxide prepared using the gel extracted from Aloe vera leaves,
the synthetic route was adapted from Primo et al. [10]. First, the gel of the leaves was
removed and processed in a Britania B1000 blender (power: 1200 W). The gel was sieved
and then kept under refrigeration (2 ◦ C). Thus, an Aloe vera gel broth extract with a
concentration of 90% was prepared with deionized water, and the volume was 100 mL.
Subsequently, magnesium nitrate (24 g) was dissolved in the aloe extract solution under
constant magnetic stirring (60 min).
Figure 6 represents the general scheme of synthesis using organic fuels for the synthesis
of MgO. Metal ion complexation occurs by coordinating with the functional groups of the
organic molecule, and, after calcination, there is not only the formation of the magnesium
oxide but also the release of H2 O vapor and N2 and CO2 gas [47].

Molecules 2023, 28, 142

Figure 6. General schematic diagram of synthesis using polysaccharides as gelling complexing fuels.

4.5. Characterization Techniques

The elemental composition of the structured MgO was evaluated using an energy-
dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX) (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan), model EDX-7000, contain-
ing an Rh tube, operating at 50 and 15 W. The crystalline structure and phase purity were
characterized by X-ray diffractometry (XRD-D2 Phaser; Bruker, Billerica, MA, USA), with a
copper cathode (λ = 1.5418 Å), 30 kV potential, 10 mA current, ranging between 10◦ and
80◦ (2θ) and with 0.2◦ /s increments. We used Phase Identification from Powder Diffraction,
Version 3.4.2, with access to the Crystallography Open Database (COD). Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy was performed in a Perkin Elmer Frontier device (Waltham, MA,
USA). The samples were prepared in such a way as to obtain a pellet, which consisted of
a mixture of a transparent matrix to which the sample was added; we used potassium
bromide (KBr) that was previously dried and kept in an oven at 100 ◦ C for 72 h until the
time of maceration with the samples. We macerated 250 mg of each oxide to 25 mg of
KBr until homogenization. The ground and homogenized mixture was deposited in a
steel mold (Sigma-Aldrich Z506699-1EA, St. Louis, MI, USA) and subjected to pressure
of approximately 3.0 kg.cm−2 in a hydraulic press. With the procedure, 13-mm-diameter
pellets were obtained for the formation of absorbance or transmittance spectra with a wider
wavenumber. Samples were scanned from 450 to 4000 cm−1 at a spectral resolution of
4 cm−1 . The morphology of the MgO particulate samples was examined with a scanning
electron microscope (SEM-VEGA 3; TESCAN, Brun, Czech Republic); for the analysis, each
sample was dispersed in water, and a drop of dispersion was deposited on an Al sample
holder. The samples were gold-coated to render their surfaces conductive.

4.6. Antifungal and Antibacterial Tests

4.6.1. Disk Agar Diffusion Method
The MgO samples were tested against Candida Albicans (ATCC 64548), Escherichia coli
(ATCC 8739), and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538P) by disk diffusion using a method-
ology adapted from the Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute [48]. The MgO sam-
ple disks were prepared with 250 mg of each solid oxide and deposited in a steel mold
(Sigma-Aldrich Z506699-1EA) and subjected to pressure of approximately 3.0 kg.cm−2
in a hydraulic press, forming disks of 13 mm diameter. The pathogens were cultured
overnight and then diluted with saline solution (0.85%) to a concentration of 108 CFU.mL-1
(McFarland 0.5). The pathogen suspension was inoculated on the surface of Muller–Hinton

Molecules 2023, 28, 142

Agar using a sterile swab. The sample disks of MgO-St, MgO-CP, and MgO-Av were placed
on the agar surface and then incubated at 36 ◦ C (±1) for 24 h. The tests were performed
in triplicate, and the antibacterial and antifungal activity was evaluated by measuring the
diameters of halos of growth inhibition strains assayed (in mm). The obtained data were
analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-test analysis. A value of p < 0.05
was considered to be statistically significant.

4.6.2. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Assay

The antibacterial properties of the obtained oxides were also investigated by the
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC. 25923),
Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), and Candida Albicans (ATCC 64548). E. coli, S. aureus, and
C. albicans inoculates were grown at 35 ◦ C for 18 h and diluted to obtain a final well density
of 105 CFU.mL−1 . Solutions of different concentrations of each oxide were prepared
individually and diluted in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to reach final concentrations
ranging from 400 µg.mL−1 to 850 µg.mL−1 , with a range of 50 µg.mL−1 . In each well,
150 µL of Mueller–Hinton broth containing the inoculum and 50 µL of each dilution of
MgO-St, MgO-CP, and MgO-Av oxides were added. The broth microdilution method was
used according to the methodology adapted from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards
Institute Manual [21] in 96-well microplates. The microplates were incubated at 35 ◦ C
for 24 h. Bacterial growth was confirmed by adding 10 µL of sterile aqueous solution
(20 mg.mL−1 ) of triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC, Inlab, Brazil) after incubation at
35 ◦ C for 30 min. The bacteria reduced the TTC dye from yellow to red, indicating bacterial
growth [49].

5. Conclusions
MgO samples were successfully obtained using three synthetic routes. The routes are
efficient, reproducible, and low-cost methods that use suitable fuels from renewable sources.
The single-phase periclase was identified for all MgO samples. The MgO-St sample showed
crystallinity and the highest percentage of magnesium (61.7%). These results reflect the
efficiency of controlling the microorganisms Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans seen
in the agar disk diffusion method. Moreover, the MIC method showed the concentration of
inhibition of the studied microorganisms. The most satisfactory results were observed for
the antibacterial and antifungal tests with the MgO-St sample. This study presents three
promising and low-cost synthesis methodologies for the preparation of antibacterial and
antifungal MgO materials.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/molecules28010142/s1, Figure S1: Elemental analysis of the MgO
samples MgO-ST, MgO-Av, and MgO-CP. The Identification was performed using the Mg kα line
located at 1.25 keV; Figure S2: Elemental analysis of the organic precursors and magnesium salt. The
percentage of Mg presented by the precursors was 6.6% for starch, 0.1% for Aloe vera, and 1.7% for
citrus pectin. The Mg(NO3 )2 .6H2 O salt used in the three synthetic routes showed purity of 98% of
magnesium. Identification was performed using the Mg kα line located at 1.25 keV.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.B., F.J.A. and J.d.O.P.; methodology, N.B. and J.d.O.P.;
validation, N.B., D.F.L.H. and J.d.S.C.; formal analysis, N.B., J.d.S.C., J.d.O.P., S.J. and C.B.; inves-
tigation, N.B., J.d.S.C. and C.M.Z.; resources, C.B. and F.J.A.; data curation, N.B., J.d.O.P., D.F.L.H.
and J.d.S.C.; writing—original draft preparation, N.B. and J.d.O.P.; writing—review and editing,
C.B., F.J.A. and C.M.Z.; visualization, N.B.; supervision, F.J.A. and C.B.; project administration, F.J.A.;
funding acquisition, F.J.A. and C.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: N.B. acknowledges CAPES (grant number 88887.628497/2021-00) for a graduate schol-
arship. F.J.A. is grateful for a CNPq Productivity grant (308625/2019-6) and the grant CNPq
(427127/2018-1). C.B. is a research associate for FR-FNRS, Belgium.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.

Molecules 2023, 28, 142

Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to the funding agencies: CNPq, Capes, Finep, Fundação
Araucária, and FR-FNRS.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Sample Availability: Samples of the compounds magnesium oxides (MgO-St, MgO-CP and MgO-Av)
are available from the authors.

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Visible-Light-Enhanced Antibacterial Activity of Silver and
Copper Co-Doped Titania Formed on Titanium via Chemical
and Thermal Treatments
Kanae Suzuki 1 , Misato Iwatsu 2 , Takayuki Mokudai 3 , Maiko Furuya 2 , Kotone Yokota 2 , Hiroyasu Kanetaka 2 ,
Masaya Shimabukuro 4 , Taishi Yokoi 4 and Masakazu Kawashita 4, *

1 Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University, 6-6-12 Aramaki-Aoba, Aoba-ku,

Sendai 980-8579, Japan
2 Graduate School of Dentistry, Tohoku University, 4-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575, Japan
3 Institute of Materials Research, Tohoku University, 2-1-1, Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
4 Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 2-3-10 Kanda-surugadai,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +81-3-5280-8016

Abstract: Dental implants made of titanium (Ti) are used in dentistry, but peri-implantitis is a serious
associated problem. Antibacterial and osteoconductive Ti dental implants may decrease the risk of
peri-implantitis. In this study, titania (TiO2 ) co-doped with silver (Ag) at 2.5 at.% and copper (Cu) at
4.9 at.% was formed on Ti substrates via chemical and thermal treatments. The Ag and Cu co-doped
TiO2 formed apatite in a simulated body fluid, which suggests osteoconductivity. It also showed
antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, which was enhanced by visible-light irradiation. This
enhancement might be caused by the synergistic effect of the release of Ag and Cu and the generation
of •OH from the sample. Dental implants with such a Ag and Cu co-doped TiO2 formed on their
surface may reduce the risk of peri-implantitis.

Citation: Suzuki, K.; Iwatsu, M.;

Keywords: titania; silver; copper; antibacterial activity; visible-light-responsive photocatalysis
Mokudai, T.; Furuya, M.; Yokota, K.;
Kanetaka, H.; Shimabukuro, M.;
Yokoi, T.; Kawashita, M.
Visible-Light-Enhanced Antibacterial
Activity of Silver and Copper
1. Introduction
Co-Doped Titania Formed on Dental implants made of titanium (Ti) are widely used in dentistry, but peri-
Titanium via Chemical and Thermal implantitis [1–4], which has a prevalence rate of about 22% [5], is a serious problem. The
Treatments. Molecules 2023, 28, 650. incidence of peri-implantitis caused by Ti dental implants can be decreased by inducing
https://doi.org/10.3390/ antibacterial activity via the control of surface topology [6], the incorporation of antibacte-
molecules28020650 rial metals [7], or a functional layer coating [8]. One strategy for preparing antibacterial
Academic Editor: Wanhong Ma Ti dental implants is the formation of a titanium oxide (TiO2 ) layer with photocatalytic
antibacterial activity [9–11] on their surfaces. For example, Suketa et al. reported the
Received: 14 November 2022 photocatalytic antibacterial activity of TiO2 film formed on Ti via plasma source ion implan-
Revised: 6 January 2023
tation [12]. It has been reported that a TiO2 layer formed on Ti via chemical and thermal
Accepted: 6 January 2023
treatments can form apatite on its surface in a simulated body fluid (SBF) [13] and bond
Published: 9 January 2023
to living bone [14]. Therefore, Ti dental implants with TiO2 formed on their surfaces are
expected to exhibit photocatalytic antibacterial activity as well as bone-bonding ability.
However, for such Ti dental implants, the photocatalytic antibacterial activity of TiO2 is
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
exhibited only under exposure to short-wavelength invisible light such as ultraviolet light,
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. which is toxic to living organisms.
This article is an open access article When TiO2 is doped with elements such as nitrogen (N) [15,16] and copper (Cu) [17,18],
distributed under the terms and it can show photocatalytic activity even under visible light. Several mechanisms for the
conditions of the Creative Commons visible-light-responsive photocatalytic activity of Cu-doped TiO2 have been proposed,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// depending on the chemical state of Cu [19], such as the surface plasmon resonance effect
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ of Cu nanoparticles [20] and electron transfer from TiO2 to CuO [21,22] or from Cu2 O
4.0/). to TiO2 [23,24]. It has been reported that 650 nm light from a light-emitting diode (LED)

Molecules 2023, 28, 650

penetrates the gingiva and activates the photosensitizer within the gingival sulcus to kill
bacteria that reside around the gingival sulcus [25]. Therefore, Ti dental implants with
doped TiO2 on their – surfaces can reduce the risk of peri-implantitis with periodic or on-
demand irradiation of visible light at a dental clinic. We previously prepared N-doped
TiO2 [26–29] and Cu-doped TiO2 [30] on Ti and investigated their surface structure, apatite
formation ability in an SBF, and antibacterial activity. However, it is necessary to improve
the antibacterial activity of N-doped or Cu-doped TiO2 . One possible approach to achieve
this is to increase the N or Cu content, but our method limits the amount of N or Cu that can
be doped into TiO2 to improve photocatalytic antibacterial activity and apatite formation
ability [28,31].
Therefore, in this study, we tried to co-dope silver (Ag) and Cu into TiO2 . The excellent
antibacterial properties of Ag are expected to improve the antibacterial activity of the dental
implants with or without visible-light irradiation. The antibacterial activity of samples is
discussed in terms of their photocatalytic activity and the release of Ag and Cu from the
samples. The present findings will contribute to the development of dental implants with
antibacterial activity to prevent peri-implantitis with and without visible-light irradiation.

2. Results and Discussion

A network-like structure formed on the surfaces of both AG-CU and AG, whereas
small particles formed only on the surface of AG (Figure 1a). A similar network-like

structure with small particles was previously reported [32–34]. The network-like structure
was composed of anatase, rutile, and metallic silver (Figure 1b). The intensity of the TF-
θ 
XRD peak attributed to metallic silver around the 2θ angle of 44◦ was much higher for AG
than for AG-CU, which suggests that the small particles on the surface of AG were mainly
composed of metallic silver. The intensity of the TF-XRD peak attributed to rutile at the 2θ
θ  θ
angle of around 27◦ was larger than that attributed to anatase at the 2θ angle of around 25◦

for AG-CU; the opposite result was obtained for AG. This indicates that rutile and anatase
preferentially formed on AG-CU and AG, respectively. The preferential formation of rutile
on AG-CU was likely caused by Cu, a dopant that promotes the phase transformation of
anatase to rutile [35].

Figure 1. (a) SEM images and (b) TF-XRD patterns of samples.

AG-CU contained Ag at 2.5 at.% and Cu at 4.9 at.% on its surface, and AG contained
Ag at 6.3 at.% on its surface (Table 1). AG-CU contained almost twice as much Cu as Ag.
The amount of Ag in AG was higher than that in AG-CU, which can be attributed to the
higher concentration of Ag in the silver nitrate (AgNO3 ) solution used for the treatment
of AG (∼
=1 mM) compared to that (∼ =0.5 mM) used for the treatment of AG-CU. Although
the concentrations of Ag and Cu in the AgNO3 -Cu(NO3 )2 mixed solution used for the
treatment of AG-CU were the same (∼ =0.5 mM), AG-CU contained almost twice as much Cu
as Ag on its surface. These results indicate that Ag and Cu can be co-doped into a sample by
using an AgNO3 -Cu(NO3 )2 mixed solution, but the amount of Ag doped into the sample
will not be simply proportional to the Ag concentration of the Ag- and Cu-containing
solution used for treatment.


Molecules 2023, 28, 650

Table 1. Surface composition of samples (mean ± SD).

Composition (at.%)
O Ti Ag Cu C
AG-CU 59.2 ± 0.6 31.0 ± 0.8 2.5 ± 0.2 4.9 −± 0.6 2.3 ± 0.2
− AG 59.0 ± 1.2 31.7 ± 0.7 6.3 ± 1.8 − 3.1 ± 0.3
−: not measured.

Figure 2 shows the Ag 3d and Cu 2p electron energy

) and region spectra
modified Augerof the samples (α′
parameter and
Table 2 summarizes the binding energy (EB ) and modified Auger parameter (α′ ) values
of the samples. Theα′chemical states of Ag and Cu can be
with determined
peak from eV
around 368.5 a comparison
and the α′
of EB with α′ on the Wagner plot. The Ag 3d5/2 peak around 368.5 eV and the α′ value
of around 723.4 eV for AG-CU and AG suggest that Ag mainly existed in an oxide state
on their surfaces [36]. Taking into account that the TF-XRD peaks of metallic silver were
observed for AG-CU and AG (Figure 1b), we speculate that the surface of the metallic silver
was oxidized in AG-CU and AG.
(a) Ag 3d (b) Cu 2p
3d5/2 Satellite 2p1/2
Intensity (arb. unit)
Intensity (arb. unit)

3d3/2 2p3/2


380 376 372 368 364 970 960 950 940 930 920
Binding energy (eV) Binding energy (eV)

Figure 2. (a) Ag 3d and (b) Cu 2p electron energy region spectra of samples.

Table 2. Summary of binding energy (EB ) and modified Auger parameter

parameter (α′
(α′ ) values of samples
(mean ± SD).

Sample Element EB (eV) α′α′ (eV)

Ag 368.4 ± 0.2 723.5 ± 0.4
Cu 933.0 ± 0.2 1850.4 ± 0.2
AG Ag 368.6 ± 0.3 723.3 ± 0.1

Cu 2p3/2 peaks were observed at around 933.0 eV for AG-CU, whereas no Cu 2p3/2
peak was observed for AG. The Cu 2p3/2peak peakaround
eV and
and the
the α’
α’ value
value around
1850.4 eV suggest that Cu mainly existed as Cu2 O on the surface of AG-CU [37]. These
results indicate that copper was successfully doped into the sample surface by the present
surface treatments. The lack of a TF-XRD peak corresponding to copper compounds for
AG-CU (Figure 1b) and the apparent Cu 2p peak (Figure 2b and Table 1) indicate that the
crystallinity of the doped copper was low for both samples. The formation of Cu2 O with
low crystallinity in AG-CU is interesting, but its mechanism is unclear. This topic is worthy
of further investigation.
The SEM images of the samples after immersion in the SBF (Figure 3) indicate that
apatite uniformly formed on the surface of AG, whereas it partially formed on the surface
of AG-CU. This difference in apatite formation ability between these samples is consistent
with the intensity of the TF-XRD peak of apatite at the 2θ angle of around 32◦ being much
smaller for AG-CU than for AG. The relationship between apatite formation ability in an
SBF and the surface structure of TiO2 formed on Ti [13,31,38–41] or TiO2 gels [42] is not
fully understood; nevertheless, in this study, the higher formation of anatase compared to
that of rutile in AG (Figure 1b) may be responsible for the better apatite formation ability
of AG.

θ 

Molecules 2023, 28, 650

Figure 3. (a) SEM images and (b) TF-XRD patterns of samples after immersion in SBF for 7 days.

A slightly higher amount of Ag was released from AG-CU than from AG. The Ag
concentration in PBS reached around 8 µM for 3 days (Figure 4a). However, the Ag
concentration was saturated at around 7 days, which indicates that the release of Ag from
AG-CU almost stopped at around 7 days. In contrast, AG released Ag gradually and
continuously for 28 days. AG-CU slowly released Cu; the Cu concentration reached around
3 µM by day 28. These results indicate that AG-CU preferentially releases Ag over Cu, but
the release of Ag is almost stopped at around 7 days even though AG continuously releases
Ag for 28 days. Figure 4b was obtained by plotting the Ag and Cu concentrations against
the square root of the soaking period. The concentration of Ag released from AG-CU within
3 days and that released from AG within 28 days are proportional to the square root of
the soaking period. This result suggests that Ag was released from both samples via ion
exchange [30,43], although the rate and duration of Ag release were different between the
samples. The concentration of Cu released from AG-CU within 28 days is also proportional
to the square root of the soaking period, which suggests that Cu was released from AG-CU
via ion exchange [44]. However, the mechanism of Ag and Cu release from samples should
be further investigated because Ag and Cu were mainly present as metallic silver with an
oxidized surface and Cu2 O, respectively (Figures 1 and 2, and Table 2), and they are not
likely to be released via ion exchange. The slightly more rapid release of Ag from AG-CU
than from AG and the continuous release of Cu from AG-CU may lead to antibacterial
activity that is somewhat strong at the initial stage of implantation and continues for a
long period.

Figure 4. Ag and Cu ion release behavior from samples in PBS. (a) Accumulated-released amounts of
Ag or Cu vs. soaking period and (b) accumulated-released amounts of Ag or Cu vs. square root of
soaking period.

Without visible-light irradiation, the number of viable bacteria was significantly

smaller for AG and AG-CU than for untreated Ti, and slightly smaller for AG-CU than for
AG (Figure 5). The rapid release of Ag and sustained release of Cu from AG-CU (Figure 4)
might be responsible for the higher antibacterial activity of AG-CU compared to that of AG.
The number of viable bacteria was significantly decreased by visible-light irradiation for

Molecules 2023, 28, 650

AG-CU and AG compared to untreated Ti, and AG-CU showed extremely strong antibacte-
rial activity under visible-light irradiation. The number of viable bacteria on untreated Ti
(control) decreased under visible-light irradiation. Although an LED generates much less
heat than a conventional incandescent bulb, the decrease in the number of viable bacteria
on untreated Ti under visible-light irradiation may be attributed to the heat generated by
the LED light, which was placed only 10 cm−2from the sample and had a high intensity of
250 W·m−2 . Here, we briefly discuss the changes in the oxidation state of copper after
antibacterial activity testing. Although XPS spectra of AG-CU after antibacterial testing
should be measured to clarify the change in oxidation state of copper in the future, it is
possible that Cu2+ is formed from Cu2 O on the surface of AG-CU after antibacterial testing
because the proportion of Cu2+ on the surface of copper metal increases after soaking in a
bacteria-containing solution, and Cu2+ is the most stable chemical state against corrosion
and bacteria [37].
: without visible-light irradiation
: with visible-light irradiation
Viable bacteria count (CFU·mL−1)

105 *
A b

c *



Control AG AG-CU
(untreated Ti)

Figure 5. Number of viable bacteria for samples under conditions with and without visible-light irra-
diation. Bars with different letters (lowercase a–c for no
– visible-light irradiation group and uppercase
A and B for visible-light irradiation group) are significantly different (p < 0.01). Asterisk (*) represents
significant differences (p < 0.01) between no visible-light irradiation and visible-light irradiation.

Next, the antibacterial activity of AG-CU under visible-light irradiation is discussed

in terms of the generation of ROS. The concentration of the hydroxyl radical (•OH) was
measured via ESR using DMPO as the spin-trapping agent. Peaks of DMPO-OH were
observed for AG-CU and AG. The intensity of the peaks was larger for AG-CU than for
AG (Figure S1). Table 3 shows the concentrations of H2 O2 and •OH for the samples. The
H2 O2 concentrations for all samples were less than 0.1 µM, much lower than the H2 O2
concentrations (>1.25 µM) that can effectively kill E. coli [45–47]. The •OH concentration
was higher for AG-CU than for AG and the control. Therefore, •OH radicals are likely to
be generated by a reaction between hydroxide ions (OH− ) and holes (h+ ), OH− + h+ →
•OH, namely a direct photocatalytic effect, on the surface of AG-CU. The generated •OH
may contribute to the antibacterial activity of AG-CU under visible-light irradiation. In
summary, it is thought that the excellent antibacterial activity of AG-CU under visible-light
irradiation (Figure 5) can be attributed to the synergistic effect of the release of Ag and
Cu (Figure 4) and the generation of •OH from the sample (Table 3). The details of the
synergistic effect are still unclear, but it is possible that bacteria damaged by released Ag
and Cu are more likely to be killed by •OH, or vice versa.

Molecules 2023, 28, 650

Table 3. Concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) and hydroxyl radical (•OH) for samples.

Concentration (µM)
H2 O2 •OH
AG-CU 8.0 × 10−2 2.5
AG 8.9 × 10−2 1.3
Control (untreated Ti) 8.9 × 10−2 1.4

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Sample Preparation
A commercially pure Ti chip with dimensions of 10 mm × 10 mm × 1 mm (purity:
99.9%, TIE04CB, Kojundo Chemical Lab. Co., Ltd., Saitama, Japan) was used as the original
substrate and polished using a diamond pad (no. 400, Maruto Instrument Co., Ltd., Tokyo,
Japan). The polished Ti chip was ultrasonically washed once with acetone (99%, Nacalai
Tesque, Inc., Kyoto, Japan) and twice with ultrapure water for 10 min. The washed chip was
dried at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Subsequently, an aqueous NaOH
solution was prepared by dissolving 1.031 g of NaOH (FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical
Corp., Osaka, Japan) in 5 mL of ultrapure water. The washed chip was immersed in the
NaOH aqueous solution in a round-bottomed polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) test tube
with a cap (code 04936, SANPLATEC Corp., Osaka, Japan). The test tube was shaken at
120 strokes·min−1 for 24 h at 60 ◦ C using a shaking bath. After the completion of the NaOH
treatment, the Ti chip was removed from the test tube and washed with ultrapure water to
obtain the NaOH-treated Ti chip. Subsequently, 0.085 g of silver nitrate (AgNO3 , FUJIFILM
Wako Pure Chemical Corp.) was dissolved in 5 mL of ultrapure water. The AgNO3 solution
was diluted 100-fold to obtain approximately 1 mol·m−3 of AgNO3 solution. In addition,
0.121 g of Cu(NO3 )2 ·3H2 O (FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corp.) was dissolved in 5 mL
of ultrapure water. The Cu(NO3 )2 solution was diluted 100-fold to obtain approximately
1 mol·m−3 of Cu(NO3 )2 solution. A total of 3 mL of the diluted AgNO3 solution was mixed
with 3 mL of the diluted Cu(NO3 )2 solution and transferred to a round-bottomed PTFE
test tube with a cap. The NaOH-treated Ti chip was then immersed in this mixture and
shaken at 120 strokes·min−1 for 48 h at 80 ◦ C. After the treatment, the chip was removed
and washed with ultrapure water. The Ti chip treated with the AgNO3 -Cu(NO3 )2 mixed
solution was heat-treated at 600 ◦ C for 1 h using a muffle furnace (MSFS-1218, Yamada
Denki Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). The samples thus obtained are denoted as AG-CU. As
a reference, the NaOH-treated Ti chips were immersed in 6 mL of the diluted AgNO3
solution in a round-bottomed PTFE test tube with a cap, and then heat-treated at 600 ◦ C for
1 h. The samples thus obtained are denoted as AG.

3.2. Surface Structure Analysis

The surface morphology of the samples was observed using scanning electron mi-
croscopy (SEM; VE8800, Keyence Corp., Osaka, Japan). The crystalline phase of the
surface layer formed by the solution and heat treatments was characterized using thin-film
X-ray diffraction (TF-XRD; RINT2200VL, Rigaku Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) with Cu Kα
radiation. The composition of the surface layer was evaluated using X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS; JPS-9010MC, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan). The X-ray source was monochro-
matic Mg Kα radiation (1253.6 eV) at 10 kV and 10 mA. The binding energy was calibrated
using the C 1s photoelectron peak at 285.0 eV as a reference. XPS peak analysis was
performed using CasaXPS (version 2.3.24, Casa Software Ltd., Devon, UK). The Shirley
background was subtracted from all spectra prior to fitting. The surface composition was
calculated from the XPS spectra using relative sensitivity factors obtained from the CasaXPS
software library (C 1s, 1.0, O 1s, 2.93; Ti 2p3/2 , 5.22; Ag 3d5/2 10.68, Cu 2p3/2 16.73). In
addition, the modified Auger parameters (α’) of Ag and Cu were calculated from the Ag
3d5/2 and Ag M4 VV peaks and from the Cu 2p3/2 and Cu L3 VV peaks, respectively.

Molecules 2023, 28, 650

3.3. Evaluation of Apatite Formation Ability

The apatite formation ability of samples was evaluated using an SBF [48] that contained
ions at concentrations (Na+ : 142.0 mM; K+ : 5.0 mM; Ca2+ : 2.5 mM; Mg2+ : 1.5 mM; Cl− :
147.8 mM; HCO3 − : 4.2 mM; HPO4 2− : 1.0 mM; SO4 2− : 0.5 mM) nearly identical to those
found in human blood plasma. The SBF was prepared according to the ISO 23317:2014
protocol. All chemicals used in the preparation of the SBF were purchased from Nacalai
Tesque, Inc., Kyoto, Japan. An amount of 30 mL of the prepared SBF was poured into a
centrifuge tube (ECK-50ML-R, AS-ONE Corp., Osaka, Japan). The samples were immersed
in the SBF and kept at 36.5 ◦ C. After 7 days, the samples were removed from the SBF, gently
washed with ultrapure water, and dried at approximately 25 ◦ C and atmospheric pressure.
The lower surface of each sample was subjected to surface analysis using SEM and TF-XRD.

3.4. Ag and Cu Ion Release Behavior

To investigate the Ag and Cu ion release behavior of each sample, 10 mL of phosphate-
buffered saline (PBS, 166-23555, FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corp.) was placed in a
centrifuge tube (ECK-50ML-R, AS-ONE Corp.). The sample (n = 3) was immersed in PBS
at 36.5 ◦ C. The PBS was refreshed at appropriate periods. The accumulated and released
amounts of Ag and Cu ions from the samples at 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28 days were calculated
based on the Ag and Cu concentrations in the PBS, respectively, which were measured using
inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES, iCAP600, Thermo
Fisher Scientific Co., Ltd., Kanagawa, Japan).

3.5. Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity

A nutrient agar was used in petri dishes (Falcon® plastic dish for general bacteria,
Corning Inc., New York, NY, USA) in 15 mL aliquots. Physiological saline was prepared
by dissolving 8.5 g of sodium chloride (NaCl, Nacalai Tesque, Inc.) into 1 L of ultrapure
water, which was used after sterilization at 121 ◦ C for 20 min using a high-pressure
steam sterilizer. Escherichia coli (E. coli, JCM5491) was used as the test bacterial strain.
It was used after being cultured on the nutrient agar medium at 37 ◦ C for 24 h. The
bacterial mass of the cultured E. coli was taken with a platinum loop and dispersed in
physiological saline to prepare a stock bacterial suspension (∼=108 CFU·mL−1 ). This stock
suspension was diluted with a nutrient liquid medium to obtain a test bacterial suspension
=107 CFU·mL−1 ). The bacterial test was carried out for each sample (n = 4). A cell strainer
(Corning Inc.) attached to a 6-well plate was used for setting the sample. The sample
was placed on the cell strainer with the sample surface facing upward and 10 µL of the
test bacterial suspension was dropped onto the sample. Subsequently, the sample surface
was covered with a plastic film (9 mm × 9 mm × 0.06 mm) to achieve close contact. To
reduce the effects of increasing temperature and drying during visible-light irradiation
on the bacteria, a cooler was placed behind the 6-well plate and 1.5 mL of pure water
was added to the wells to prevent the sample from drying. LED light (460 nm; SPA-
10SW, Hayashi Clock Industry Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) was used as the light source. The
distance from the lower part of the lens to the sample surface was 10 cm, the irradiance was
250 W·m−2 , and the irradiation period was 30 min. This irradiation period was set under
the assumption of visible-light irradiation to the abutment of dental implants during dental
treatments. As a control experiment, an antibacterial test without visible-light irradiation
was also conducted. A schematic illustration of the antimicrobial activity evaluation system
is shown in our previous paper [30]. After either irradiation with visible light for 30 min
or no irradiation for 30 min, the sample was collected together with the film, soaked in
2 mL of soybean-casein digest broth with lecithin and polysorbate 80 (SCDLP, Nihon
Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan) medium, and thoroughly stirred to wash out the
bacteria. The washed-out medium was diluted 10- and 100-fold with the SCDLP medium,
and 100 µL of each was seeded onto the nutrient agar medium. These media were cultured
at 37 ◦ C for 48 h. Then, the number of colonies was counted and the viable cell count
was calculated. The viable bacteria count for the AG-CU and AG groups was compared

Molecules 2023, 28, 650

by performing a one-way analysis of variance and conducting a multiple-hypothesis test

(Holm’s method).

3.6. Identification of Reactive Oxygen Species Induced by Visible-Light Irradiation

It is difficult to directly measure highly reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals
at around 25 ◦ C. Therefore, we measured these chemical species via electron spin resonance
(ESR; JES-FA-100, JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) using a spin-trapping method. 5,5-Dimethyl-
1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO, Labotech Co., Tokyo, Japan) was used as the spin-trapping
agent. The measurement conditions were as follows: microwave power of 4.0 mW; mi-
crowave frequency of 9428.954 MHz; magnetic width of 0.1 mT; field sweep width of
±5 mT; field modulation frequency of 100 kHz; modulation width of 0.1 mT; time constant
of 0.03 s; and sweep time of 0.1 min. The samples were placed in a 24-well plate and
500 µL of DMPO solution (300 mM) was added. The samples immersed in the DMPO
solution were irradiated with visible light for 30 min under the same conditions as those
in the antibacterial property test using LED light. Subsequently, 200 µL of the DMPO
solution, in which a sample was immersed, was removed and the ROS were measured
using an ESR spectrometer. 4-Hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPOL,
Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) was used to quantify the hydroxyl radicals. A control
ESR spectrum was obtained from a solution without sample immersion and visible-light
irradiation. The amount of hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), which is an ROS, was measured
using H2 O2 colorimetry. Two types of solution were used for this purpose. Solution 1
was prepared by mixing 6 mL of 100 mM sulfuric acid and dissolving 11.8 mg of ammo-
nium iron (II) sulfate hexahydrate into 30 mL of pure water. Solution 2 was prepared by
dissolving 9.1 mg of xylenol orange tetrasodium salt and 2.186 g of sorbitol into 30 mL
of pure water. A calibration curve was prepared using solutions 1 and 2, and 8.821 M
H2 O2 solution. A sample was placed in a 24-well plate and immersed in 500 µL of pure
water. After irradiation with visible light for 30 min under the same conditions as those
in the antibacterial property test using LED light, 400 µL of the pure water, in which the
sample was immersed, was removed and poured into a glass tube. Subsequently, 200 µL of
solution 1 and 200 µL of solution 2 were added into the glass tube and mixed well. The
glass tube was then maintained at approximately 25 ◦ C for 45 min. The absorbance of the
mixture solution at a wavelength of 560 nm was then measured using ultraviolet-visible
spectrophotometry (GeneQuant 1300, Biochrom, Ltd., Cambridge, UK).

4. Conclusions
TiO2 co-doped with Cu and Ag was formed on the surface of Ti via NaOH-(Cu(NO3 )2
and AgNO3 ) and heat treatments. The TiO2 co-doped with Cu and Ag formed apatite
on its surface in an SBF and showed higher antibacterial activity than that of TiO2 doped
with only Ag, especially under visible-light irradiation. The excellent antibacterial activity
of TiO2 co-doped with Cu and Ag under visible-light irradiation might be caused by the
synergistic effect of the release of Ag and Cu and the generation of •OH from the sample.
The toxicity of the sample needs to be evaluated in future studies, but dental implants with
such a TiO2 surface layer co-doped with Cu and Ag may reduce the risk of peri-implantitis.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/molecules28020650/s1, Figure S1: Electron spin resonance (ESR)
spectra of control, AG, and AG-CU samples.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.K.; methodology, K.S., T.M., M.I., M.F., K.Y., H.K. and
M.S.; validation, K.S., T.M., H.K., M.S., T.Y. and M.K.; formal analysis, K.S., T.M., M.F., K.Y. and
M.S.; investigation, K.S., T.M. and M.S.; data curation, K.S., T.M., M.F. and K.Y.; writing—original
draft preparation, K.S.; writing—review and editing, M.K.; supervision, M.K.; project administration,
M.K.; funding acquisition, M.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.

Molecules 2023, 28, 650

Funding: This research was funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI
[grant number: JP16H03177], the Kazuchika Okura Memorial Foundation, and the Institute of Bioma-
terials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University [Project “Design and Engineering
by Joint Inverse Innovation for Materials Architecture”] of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology, Japan.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data will be available on request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Electroanalysis of Ibuprofen and Its Interaction with Bovine
Serum Albumin
Muhammad Dilshad 1 , Afzal Shah 1, * and Shamsa Munir 2

1 Department of Chemistry, Quaid-Azam University, Islamabad 45320, Pakistan

2 School of Applied Sciences and Humanities, National University of Technology (NUTECH),
Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
* Correspondence: [email protected] or [email protected]

Abstract: The current work presents a sensitive, selective, cost-effective, and environmentally benign
protocol for the detection of ibuprofen (IBP) by an electrochemical probe made of a glassy carbon
electrode modified with Ag-ZnO and MWCNTs. Under optimized conditions, the designed sensing
platform was found to sense IBP up to a 28 nM limit of detection. The interaction of IBP with
bovine serum albumin (BSA) was investigated by differential pulse voltammetry. IBP−BSA binding
parameters such as the binding constant and the stoichiometry of complexation were calculated. The
results revealed that IBP and BSA form a single strong complex with a binding constant value of
8.7 × 1013 . To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example that reports not only IBP detection
but also its BSA complexation.

Keywords: modified glassy carbon; ibuprofen; bovine serum albumin; inflammation

1. Introduction
Drugs facilitate the prevention and cure of diseases by strengthening the immune
system. The mechanism of drug action is a specific biochemical interaction that results
Citation: Dilshad, M.; Shah, A.; in targeted pharmacological effect. This action includes binding of the drug molecule
Munir, S. Electroanalysis of Ibuprofen to a specific targeted biological species such as enzymes or receptors [1–4]. Overdosage
and Its Interaction with Bovine of drugs can result in adverse short-term or long-term health effects [5]. Drugs affect
Serum Albumin. Molecules 2023, 28, or alter the physiology of living organisms [6]. They stimulate a biological reaction by
49. https://doi.org/10.3390/ targeting macromolecules in the body [7]. As a rule, most drugs impede a particular
molecules28010049 biological response by interfering with the neurological system (particularly the brain).
Academic Editors: Minas
Based on pharmacodynamics, drugs can be classified as depressants, hallucinogens, and
M. Stylianakis, Athanasios Skouras
stimulants. Drugs can also be classified into analgesics and therapeutics. The current work
and Antonella Curulli presents electroanalysis of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), ibuprofen
(Scheme 1), which is the third most popular, prescribed, and sold-over-the-counter drug
Received: 11 November 2022 in the world [8]. The World Health Organization has listed ibuprofen (IBP) as an “essential
Revised: 13 December 2022
drug” [9]. It is extensively used as a pain reliever in conditions such as menstrual cramps,
Accepted: 18 December 2022
headaches, arthritis, and a wide variety of other common aches and pains [10,11]. It plays an
Published: 21 December 2022
anti-inflammatory role by prohibiting the production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins
through inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase [12].

Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.

Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// O
4.0/). Scheme 1. Chemical structure of ibuprofen.

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

IBP enters into the environment due to improper pharmaceutical disposal during
treatment. IBP manufacturing industries are a major contributor to the entrance of this
drug into bodies of water. The sources of IBP water pollution can be seen in Figure S1.
The toxicity of IBP metabolites exceeds that of the parent molecule. After excretion, IBP
makes its way into wastewater treatment plants, sewage treatment plants, rivers, lakes,
groundwater, soil, etc. A number of methods have been proposed for determining the
concentration and effects of IBP in aquatic organisms [13]. To examine the short-term and
long-term effects of IBP exposure, toxicity tests have been conducted on water-dwelling
species. IBP is an emerging organic contaminant as its risk quotient is quite high [14]. Hence,
part of the current work is focused on designing a sensitive electrochemical platform for
the detection of IBP.
The protein–drug binding process involves complexation of a drug with protein.
Protein–drug binding can be intracellular or extracellular. Intracellular binding involves
the drug’s interaction with cell proteins, eliciting a pharmacological response; the receptors
with which the drug interacts are known as primary receptors. Extracellular binding does
not usually result in a pharmacological response, and such drug receptors are known as
secondary or silent receptors. The nature of a drug binding to a protein can be reversible
or irreversible [15]. IBP pharmacokinetically interacts with BSA, which is a natural and
very abundant (59%) plasma protein. BSA has a high affinity for binding with drug ligands
and metabolites [16]. As shown in Figure 1, BSA has three domains (I, II, and III) and two
sub-domains (A and B). The predicted drug-binding site is present in the sub-domains II A
and III A.

Figure 1. Bovine serum albumin (BSA).

(D β ),
D 61

ALB + mD ⇔ ALB − mD
Molecules 2023, 28, 49

Consider albumin (ALB) as the host protein that forms a complex with the guest drug
(D). The binding constant (βs ), also known as the affinity constant or association constant,
is determined from the stoichiometry of complexation between ALB and D according to
the following equation [17]:

ALB + mD ⇔ ALB − mD (1)

Here ALB − mD represents the protein drug complex, and the stoichiometric co-
efficient m indicates the number of drug molecules interacting per single molecule of
protein. [FD] is the concentration of the free drug. The square brackets indicate the
concentration of that particular species in Equation (2).
At equilibrium, βs can be obtained by:

[ALB − mD]
βs = (2)

Electrochemical study shows that by adding albumin to a constant volume of drug

solution, the peak current of the drug decreases owing to its interaction with the albumin.
The maximum decrease in peak current occurs when the maximum amount of a drug
interacts with the protein. The decrease in peak current occurs due to slow mobility of
the drug–protein complex as compared to the free drug. Hence, involvement of more
drug molecules in interaction with proteins results in a smaller amount of the free drug
concentration in solution. Moreover, a greater concentration of albumin leads to a maximum
decrease in peak current intensity due to the formation of a greater number of complex
molecules. Mathematically:
∆Imax ∝ [ALB]total
∆Imax = K [ALB]total
where K is the proportionality constant

∆I = K [ALB − mD] (3)

∆Imax − ∆I = K[[ALB]total − (ALB − mD)] (4)

[ALB]total = [ALB] + [ALB − mD]
By substituting the value of [ALB]total , one obtains the following equation:

∆Imax − ∆I = K[ALB] (5)

∆I [ALB − mD]
∆Imax − ∆I [ALB]
The right side of the above equation is equal to βs [FD ]m according to Equation (2). Hence,

= βs [FD]m
∆Imax − ∆I

Log = Log βs [FD ]m

∆Imax − ∆I
Log = Log βs + m Log [FD] (6)
∆Imax − ∆I
A linear relationship between Log ∆Imax −∆I and Log [FD] indicates the formation of
a single drug–protein complex. On the other hand, a non-linear relationship would
the formation of multiple complexes with different stoichiometry. If the Φ = Log ∆Imax −∆I

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

and Log [FD] plot shows two linear segments, then two types of complexes have been
formed, and this will result in slopes m1 and m2 . When multiple complexes are formed,
then the following equation can be used:

∆I1 β1 [FD] + ∆I2 β2 [FD]2 + · · · + ∆In βn [FD]n

∆I = (7)
1 + β1 [FD] + β2 [FD]2 + · · · + βn [FD]n

where ∆I is the total decrease of peak current Ip obtained through a current voltage measurement.

f1 =
[ FD ]

∆I1 β1 + ∆I2 β2 [FD]1 + · · · + ∆In βn [FD]n−1

f1 = (8)
1 + β1 [FD] + β2 [FD]2 + · · · + βn [FD]n
The binding constants obtained in the case of multiple types of complex formation
can be discovered using detailed equations given in the Supporting Information File.
All the above mentioned equations for binding constant determination involve calcula-
tion from peak current of the drug in the presence of protein. In this regard, electroanalytical
techniques are the most promising options. The importance of the detection of drugs and
their metabolites using an electrochemical platform for safeguarding the health of patients
has pushed researchers to develop sophisticated electroanalytical tools for their moni-
toring [18]. The detection method should possess the qualities of high selectivity and
sensitivity so that it can be effective for sensing biotoxins [19]. In this regard, the current
research work aims to design a modified glassy carbon electrode using a composite of multi-
walled carbon nanotubes and Ag-doped ZnO (MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO) as an electrode modifier
for the trace-level detection of IBP. Ag-ZnO was selected as it is an effective nanomaterial
that exhibits electro-inactivity in the chosen potential window and its integration with
MWCNTs results in significantly enhanced performance owing to the decrease in interfacial
charge transfer resistance by producing a number of active sites for the adsorption of more
analyte molecules and consequent intense current signal. Moreover, components of this
modifier are environmentally benign.

2. Results and Discussion

2.1. Material Characterization
The synthesized Ag-ZnO nanoparticles were qualitatively characterized using X-ray
diffraction analysis (XRD). The XRD diffractogram obtained for the synthesized nanoparti-
cles is shown in Figure 2A. The peaks positioned at 31.75◦ , 34.37◦ , 36.15◦ , 47.55◦ , 56.48◦ ,
62.81◦ , 66.37◦ , 67.90◦ , 69.12◦ , and 76.96◦ 2-theta values corresponded to the (100), (002),
(101), (102), (110), (103), (200), (112), (201), and (004) diffraction planes, respectively. The
X-ray diffractogram was in good agreement with the standard diffraction pattern of ZnO
obtained from JCPDS card no. 36-1451.
SEM analysis of the surface characteristics of the produced Ag-ZnO revealed some
interesting results. As synthesized, Ag-doped ZnO was visualized using an SEM micro-
graph (Figure 2B) with an accelerating voltage of 20 kV. Aggregation is indicated by the
SEM micrograph, which reveals nanoparticles of varying sizes that have clumped together.
The size can vary from one sample to the next depending on the condition of the precursors
and the processes that were employed to synthesize the compound. The SEM shows
the co-existence of smaller and larger nanoparticles. Agglomeration of smaller particles
could be responsible for the formation of larger nanoparticles, and this phenomenon also
explains why the forms of individual nanoparticles are obscured. The growing van der
Waals forces, also known as intermolecular forces, between the silver nanoparticles and
the zinc oxide network matrix caused the nanoparticles to become agglomerated. SEM
studies indicated the particle size range at 11.7–20.8 nm, yet a large population of particles
smaller than 11.7 nm is evident in the micrograph. The elemental composition of the

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

synthesized material was analyzed using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The
different elemental peaks such as Ag, Zn, O, S, and C were obtained as shown in Figure 2C.
According to EDX analysis, the ZnO NPs with Ag doping were predominantly made up
of Zn and O, with some trace amounts of Ag. Minor traces of S emerge from chemical
impurities, whereas the presence of C originates from the carbon tape employed in the
SEM analysis.

Figure 2. (A) X-ray diffractogram of Ag-ZnO, (B) SEM micrograph of Ag-ZnO, and (C) EDX spectrum
of Ag-ZnO nanoparticles.

2.2. Electrochemical Characterization of IBP Using the Designed Sensor

The developed sensing platform was electrochemically characterized using cyclic
voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The surface area of the working
electrode is a crucial aspect that has a considerable influence on the working ability of the
electrochemical sensing platform. The cyclic voltammetric experiment was carried out to
investigate the electroactive surface area of electrodes in a 5 mM solution of K3 [Fe(CN)6 ]
(redox probe) in 0.1 M KCl (supporting electrolyte). The current response of [Fe(CN)6 ]3/4−
for bare, Ag-ZnO-, MWCNT-, and MWCNT/ZnO-modified GCEs were investigated. 

4 −
Figure 3A shows the cyclic voltammograms for 5 mM [Fe(CN)6 ] obtained for the
modified GCEs in 0.1 M KCl supporting electrolyte. In these voltammograms, − the current
peak at 0.34 V corresponds to the oxidation of [Fe(CN)6 ]4− to [Fe(CN)6 ]3− , while the
current peak at 0.21 V corresponds to the reduction of [Fe(CN) 3− to [Fe(CN) 4−
6] 6 ] . From
− −

these voltammograms, the peak currents were found to be 100, 70, 48, and 25 µA for
− −

the MWCNT/Ag-AnO/GCE, MWCNT/GCE, Ag-ZnO/GCE, and bare GCE, respectively. μ

𝐼 = 2.69 × 10 𝑛 𝐴𝐷 𝑣 𝐶
Molecules 2023, 28, 49

The current values were employed to calculate the electroactive surface area, and the
Randles–Sevcik equation was utilized for both unmodified and modified electrodes [20].
3 1 1
I p = 2.69 × 105 n 2 AD 2 v 2 C (9)

where Ip represents the anodic − peak current in amperes, D represents the diffusion coeffi-
cient of the analyte in cm s , A− is the electroactive surface area in cm2 , v is the scan rate
2 − 1 −

with a potential scan rate of V s , C represents the concentration of the probe in mol cm 3 ,
− 1 −

and n represents the number of electrons.−

For [K3 Fe(CN)6 ], D = 7.6 × 10 cm2 s−1 and n = 1. Table S1 demonstrates the elec-

troactive surface areas of the GCE, Ag-ZnO/GCE, MWCNTs/GCE, and MWCNTs/Ag-

ZnO/GCE. In comparison to the active surface area of the bare electrode (0.02 cm2 ), the
active surface area of the MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE (0.09 cm2 ) was nearly 4.5 times greater.
Figure 3A shows cyclic voltammograms for 5 mM [Fe(CN)6 ]3− obtained for the modified
GCEs in 0.1 M KCl supporting electrolyte. In these voltammograms, the redox couple cor-
responding to the oxidation of [Fe(CN)6 ]4− to [Fe(CN)6 ]3− and reduction of [Fe(CN)6 ]3− to
[Fe(CN)6 ]4− are observable at 0.33 V and 0.17 V, respectively. An obvious twofold, threefold,
and fourfold increase in peak current can be seen for the Ag-ZnO/GCE, MWCNTs/GCE,
and MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE, respectively. The faster electron transport of the redox
probe can be related to better conductivity and more active sites provided by the modifier
components at the GCE surface.

Figure 3. (A) Cyclic voltammograms for bare and modified glassy carbon electrodes recorded in
5 mM K3 [Fe(CN6 )] with 0.1 M KCl as supporting electrolyte at a scan rate of 100 mVs−−1 (B) Nyquist
plots of bare and modified GCEs in a solution of 5 mM K3 [Fe (CN)6 ] as a redox probe and 0.1 M KCl
as a supporting electrolyte, and (C) equivalent circuit corresponding to EIS data.

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

The method of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy did not impart any damage
to the tested material. Through EIS, charge transfer kinetics for both bare and modified
GCEs were investigated in a 5 mM solution of K3 [Fe(CN)6 ] in a 0.1 M KCl solution [21].
The DC potential at 0 V and 10 mV was set as the peak-to-peak amplitude of the AC
potentials superimposed on the aforementioned DC potential. Figure 3B depicts the
Nyquist plots that were produced at frequencies ranging from 100 kHz to 0.1 Hz with an
amplitude of 10 mV for the bare GCE, Ag-ZnO/GCE, MWCNTs/GCE, and MWCNTs/Ag-
ZnO/GCE. The diameter of the semicircle in the Nyquist plot between the imaginary
impedance (Z′′ ) versus real impedance (Z′ ) represents the resistance to charge transfer
(Rct ), while the linear part in the lower frequency region arises from diffusion limited
processes characterized by Warburg impedance (Wd ) [22,23]. The semicircular section
at a greater frequency corresponds to charge transfer resistance. A semicircle of smaller
diameter represents lower Rct , and vice versa [24]. Table S2 shows Rct values of 8173, 4277,
2627 and 1610 Ω for bare, Ag-ZnO-, MWCNTs- and MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO-modified GCEs,
respectively. It can be seen that Rct values decreased for modified electrodes as the surface
area of the electrodes increased. The increase in the surface area of the electrode owing
to adsorbed molecules of the MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE and its mediator role between the
transducer GCE and the redox probe caused the reduction in the Rct value. The availability
of the active sites on the GCE increased due to the presence of the Ag-ZnO and MWCNT
molecules. Immobilized molecules on the GCE surface link the analyte molecules to the
electrode [25]. The modifier molecules promote ease of electron transfer between the
analyte and the electrode. In addition, Ag-ZnO and MWCNTs decrease interfacial charge
transfer resistance. Therefore, the selected modifier renders the surface of the GCE an
excellent sensing substrate for detecting the analyte. The EIS-derived parameters in Table
S2 suggest that the impedance parameters have changed because of electrode modification.
This indicates that the electrode surface was successfully fabricated. By modifying the
electrode with the MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE, there is an increase in the electron transfer
rate between the analyte and the electrode and it decreases the charge transfer resistance.
The CV and EIS data are in good agreement. In CV, the MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE shows
maximum current, and EIS shows minimum resistance. Therefore, the MWCNTs/Ag-
ZnO/GCE was chosen as a reliable electroanalytical sensing platform for the detection of
the analyte IBP.

2.3. Voltammetric Analysis of the Targeted Analyte

The peak current response for IBP in 0.9 M NaOH with bare and modified electrodes
was studied using DPV in a potential window ranging from 0.4 V−1.7 V, as illustrated in
Figure 4. The single oxidation peak depicts the oxidation of the −OH group in the IBP
molecule. The modified electrode, MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE, exhibits the highest current
response, with an approximately two times greater current intensity as compared to the
signal for the bare GCE. The modified electrode (MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE) possesses
greater catalytic performance due to the role of Ag-ZnO and MWCNTs in accelerating
electron transport between the transducer and the analyte. Both MWCNTs and Ag-ZnO
enhance the surface area by providing a greater number of electroactive sites to which a
greater number of the analyte molecules (IBP) could be anchored. The consequent closer
accessibility of IBP to the transducer led to peak current intensification at the modified
electrode surface as compared to the unmodified electrode. Hence, owing to a greater
number of IBP molecules on the modified interface, more molecules can be oxidized at the
given potential, resulting in a greater response in terms of anodic current.

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

Figure 4. DPVs of 0.09 mM ibuprofen on bare GCE, Ag-ZnO/GCE, MWCNTS/GCE, and

MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE in a supporting electrolyte of 0.9 M NaOH.

2.4. Effect of Scan Rate

To analyze the−effect of scan rate on the oxidation peak current of IBP, cyclic voltam-
mograms were obtained using the MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE. At scan rates ranging from
50 to 350 mV s−1 , cyclic voltammograms were recorded to observe the nature of the re-
dox reaction, i.e., whether it was a diffusion or surface-controlled electrochemical process.
As the scan rate increased, the peak current intensity increased proportionally (see Figure 5).

Figure 5. (A) Effect of different scan rates on the anodic peak current of IBP in supporting electrolyte
(0.9 M NaOH), (B) calibration plot of IBP between log Ip vs. log υ, (C) plot of peak current vs. scan rates
of IBP oxidation, and (D) calibration plot of IBP between peak current vs. square root of scan rates.


Molecules 2023, 28, 49

The slope value of the log of Ip and log of ν plot can be used to deduce the nature of the
redox process. If the value of the slope is 1, the process should be controlled by adsorption;
on the other hand, if the slope value is 0.5 the process should be controlled by diffusion [26].
The slope value of 0.89 as depicted in Figure 5B suggests that the electrochemical oxidation
of IBP is controlled by both processes [27]. The straight-line equation for the graph shown
in Figure 5B is represented by log Ip = 0.89 and log v − 6.57. Since the correlation coefficient
in the plot of oxidation peak current vs. scan rate is higher (Figure 5C) than that of Ip vs.
ν 2 (Figure 5D), the process of adsorption works better on the electrode’s surface.

2.5. Optimization of Experimental Parameters

Among all the voltammetric techniques, DPV is the most sensitive pulse technique.
Its detection limit is comparable to that achieved by chromatographic and spectroscopic
approaches. After the sensing ability of the modified GCEs was tested with EIS, CV, and
DPV, and the maximum current response was measured, the DPV method was used to find
the best combination of experimental parameters to obtain the maximum current response.
The following sections provide more information on these parameters.

2.5.1. Supporting Electrolyte Optimization

Supporting electrolytes reduce the electrical potential gradient, which removes mi-
gration in a signal and minimizes the ohmic drop effect. Alternately, it increases the
conductance of the solution. Supporting electrolytes impact the peak shape, position (po-
tential), and intensity. The analyte (IBP) was tested in various supporting electrolytes to
obtain optimized results. Different electrolytes were used, such as CH3 COOH, H2 SO4 ,
NaCl, NaOH, KCl, acetate buffer (pH = 7), BRB (pH = 7), PBS (pH = 7), and KOH. The
highest current response (30 µA) and the clearest definition of peak form was noticed in
the solution containing sodium hydroxide as the supporting electrolyte in comparison
to other electrolytes, as can be seen in Figure S2A. The high electrical conductance in
NaOH may be attributed to its high solubility in water as compared to the other elec-
trolytes investigated in this work. Moreover, it does not produce any gases and as such
its concentration remains constant over time. Therefore, NaOH was selected for further
electrochemical investigations.

2.5.2. Effect of Accumulation Potential

An optimized accumulation potential with a value lower than the analyte’s oxida-
tion potential during the potential sweep helps in accumulation of most of the analyte’s
molecules on the surface of the electrode. This results in intense oxidation signal generation
during anodic potential scanning. Hence, the impact of accumulation potential on the
oxidation peak current for IBP was assessed using anodic stripping DPV. The deposition
potential was in the range of −1.6 to 0.3 V. The peak current of the analyte was enhanced
with the increment of deposition potential up to −1.2 V as depicted in Figure S3A. There-
fore, −1.2 V deposition potential was selected for further electrochemical investigations
of IBP (see Figure S3B). It is speculated that all available active sites become saturated
with IBP molecules at the accumulation potential of −1.2 V and a further increase in
the accumulation potential may disturb the proper orientation of IBP molecules at the
electrode–electrolyte interface, thus resulting in a decrease in the current response.

2.5.3. Influence of Accumulation Time

The performance of the designed electrochemical scaffold can be improved by optimiz-
ing the deposition time to obtain an enhanced peak current. Under optimized deposition
potential conditions, accumulation time was varied in the range of 5 s to 50 s. IBP dis-
played a maximum current intensity at an accumulation time of 30 s (see Figure S4A).
As the number of accessible active sites on an electrode surface increases, the peak current
intensity continues to rise with an increase in the amount of time spent in depositing
material. A greater concentration of analyte is accumulated on its surface. The largest

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

peak current is seen at the point of saturation, which occurs when the analyte has become
oriented to all of the available active sites. The molecules of the analyte need to be aligned
in the right direction for the best possible deposition. The reduction of drug molecules
occurs when they are accumulated on the electrode surface. These molecules undergo
an oxidation process in the anodic stripping differential pulse voltammograms when the
potential is varied from negative to positive values. At a deposition time of 30 s, maximum
peak current is observed for IBP. The peak current intensity of the analyte is negatively
influenced by further increasing the deposition time, as evidenced in Figure S4B.

2.6. Limit of Detection of IBP and Calibration Plot

DPV was performed to examine the LOD of IBP under optimized conditions, i.e., 0.9 M
NaOH, −1.2 V accumulation potential, and 30 s deposition time. Figure 6A demonstrates
that the concentration of the analyte influences the peak current. Using DPV, analyte
solutions of different concentrations were tested to locate the sensor’s absolute minimum
sensitivity. Figure 6B shows the electrochemical current response of the analyte at a variety
of concentrations. The linear calibration curve was obtained between 0.1 to 𝜎 90 µM analyte
concentration. The limit of detection was calculated using the formula 3 σ/m, where m is
the slope of the plot of peak current versus concentration and σ is the standard deviation of
the blank signal. To compute the standard deviation, currents of the blank solution at the
peak point were utilized. The LOD for the designed sensor MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE was
found to be 28 nM for IBP.

Figure 6. (A) Differential pulse voltammograms for different concentrations of IBP using an

MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE under pre-optimized conditions at a scan rate of 10 mVs−1 , (B) calibration
plot obtained by DPV data for various concentrations of IBP.

One particularly interesting aspect of the developed sensor is its ability to function
over a wide linearity range, from about 0.1 μ µM to around μ 90 µM (Figure 6B). It can be
seen from Table 1 that the LOD value of 28 nM is significantly lower than the previously
reported data for the different designed sensors. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
modified electrode is a promising platform for the analytical detection of IBP.

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

Table 1. Comparison of design sensors with reported sensors.

Measurement LOD
Sensors Linear Range (µM) Ref.
Technique (nM)
Pretreated GCE SWSV 1.45–3.87 960 [28]
SD-MWCNT/GCE FIA-AMP 10–1000 1900 [29]
Polyaniline nanofiber/GCE DPSV 0.96–1.94 480 [30]
P(L-Asp)/GCE SWV 1–150 220 [31]
MWCNT–CPE DPV 2.36–242 9100 [32]
Clay-CPE DPV 1–1000 835 [33]
HKUST-CNF CV 4.84–29.08 100 [34]
Pd-PdO/Mt-CPE DPV 0.01–0.9 28 [35]
AgNPs@Af-GO-MIP/GCE DPV 1–100 8.7 [36]
MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE DPV 0.1–90 28 This work

2.6.1. Estimation of the Stability of the Designed Sensor

The repeatability and reproducibility of the established sensing platform were used
to evaluate its stability and practical applicability. The electrochemical response of the
sensor in the presence of IBP under pre-optimized testing conditions was used to evaluate
the sensor stability. DPV analysis was performed on the MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE after it
had been placed in NaOH for various amounts of time to assess its stability. Peak current
intensity did not significantly vary (< %) with signal intensity on the newly modified
electrode up to 36 h, as shown in Figure 7A. The sensing platform showed intra-day and
inter-day stability of response in terms of current, remaining similar up to 36 h. Due to
the poor water solubility of the components of electrode modifiers, the developed sensor
showed stability over a range of time intervals. This not only prevented the modifier from
eroding from the electrode surface but also kept the peak current of the analyte stable over
time. Four separate MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCEs were prepared and then subjected to DPV
analysis for a reproducibility check of the designed sensor. The results displayed in terms
of the oxidation peak show no significant deviation, asserting outstanding repeatability
and reproducibility, as illustrated in Figure 7B. The percent RSD reproducibility of 0.67
and percent RSD repeatability of 1.05 are influential figures of merit for the designed
sensing platform.

Figure 7. (A) DPVs of IBP showing reproducibility of the designed sensor using supporting electrolyte
NaOH (B) DPVs of IBP for the designed sensor at different time intervals.

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

2.6.2. Effects of Interferents for Validation of the Designed Sensor

A real sample collected from a living being or a waste disposal site of a pharmaceutical
industry or hospital may be composed of chemical species other than ibuprofen that
may serve as potential interferents in the detection of the said analyte. To mimic the
potential effect of the interferents, a number of chemical species, including metal ions and
essential textile dyes, were individually spiked at 1 mM concentration. The voltammetric
responses in the presence of interferents suggest that the IBP current signal at the designed
sensor is not significantly influenced, which shows that the designed platform possesses
discrimination ability for the target analyte (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Differential pulse voltammograms

μ for 90 µM IBP in the presence of 1 mM different
interfering agents.

2.7. Interaction Studies of IBP with BSA

Prostaglandins (PGs) are a group of lipids produced in areas of tissue damage and
infection and are associated with the sensation of pain, fever, and inflammation. IBP lowers
the level of PG in the body by inhibiting the cyclooxygenase enzyme, which is required for
the synthesis of PG and hence can reduce pain and inflammation by lowering the PG level.
Considering this effect of IBP, we evaluated the binding of IBP with bovine serum albumin
(BSA, an enzyme required for synthesis of PG) using DPV. Traditionally, equilibrium dialysis
has been used to evaluate the binding constants of a drug to plasma proteins. However,
this method has several shortcomings, including lengthy equilibration times, usually
12–48 h. The requirement for initial studies to determine the time in which the system
attains equilibrium has prompted the researchers to develop alternate techniques [37,38].

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

For interaction studies of IBP with BSA, DPV is superior to linear scan voltammetry
because of its sensitivity and ability to reduce the comparatively high background currents
caused by the presence of albumin in solution [39]. For binding constant determination, all
the values for peak current and its punctual difference, free drug concentration, binding
constant, stoichiometry, etc., were repeated multiple times and reported values represent
their means (with RSD±10% of the given values). DPV was carried out for various concen-
trations of IBP in the presence of 0.9 M NaOH in a potential window ranging from 0.4 V to
1.7 V at a scan rate of 10 mV s−1 and step potential of 5 mV (Figure 9A). IBP concentration
was varied, and with decreasing concentrations peak current decreased as expected. The
voltammograms were first obtained in the absence of BSA. Then, BSA in large excess (1 mM)
was added to a solution of the drug, along with 0.9 M NaOH as supporting electrolyte.
Figure 9B depicts the voltammograms obtained in the presence of BSA. The peak current
was significantly decreased compared to the peak current of voltammograms obtained in
the absence of BSA. For example, at 0.23μ µM IBP,μthe addition of BSA decreased the current
from 0.55 µA to 0.09 µA. The decreasing peak current indicates interaction between IBP
and BSA, leaving less free IBP in solution for electrochemical oxidation at the electrode. A
maximum decrease in peak current occurs when the maximum amount of the drug reacts
with protein. Hence, the decrease in peak current is attributed to the interaction between
the drug and BSA.
From the differential pulse, voltammograms recorded in Figure 9A,B show current
values in the absence and presence of BSA; their punctual differences were calculated as
listed in Table S3.

Figure 9. (A) DPV of IBP recorded with a supporting electrolyte of 0.9 M NaOH at different concen-
trations in the absence of BSA (B) DPV of IBP recorded with a supporting electrolyte of 0.9 M NaOH
at different concentrations in the presence of 1 mM BSA.

The voltammetric calibration curve of IBP in 0.9 M NaOH was registered with IBP
concentrations (Cdrug ) in the range of 0.01 to 0.23 μµM (Figure 10A). The resulting linear
plot ITD vs. Cdrug was obtained, where ITD represents current due to the total amount of
the drug (see Figure 10A). In the same way, a voltammetric calibration plot with the same
amounts of the drug (Cdrug ) and a fixed amount of albumin was recorded ([ALB]total),
operated with an albumin concentration of 1 mM. The resulting linear plot IFD vs. Cdrug
was obtained, where IFD represents the current of the free drug. For any point on the
calibration curve, we may calculate the difference between the two values at that point Δ
(∆I −= ITD − IFD ), because the complex is not electroactive under operating conditions.

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

Figure 10. (A) Relationship of peak current vs. drug concentration for IBP and no BSA, NaOH 0.9 M, and
5µM BSAμ+ NaOH 0.9 M, and punctual difference between the values of ITD and IFD (∆I = ITDΔ− IFD )
− relationship between Φ andФlog [FD] in the case of IBP with BSA, an example of a formation with
a single type of complex.

The concentration of free drug [FD] was evaluated by considering the calibration plot
obtained in the absence of BSA with data given in Table S4. By plotting all values of log
[FD] vs Φ,
Ф a linear plot was obtained (Figure 10B) according to equation 6 mentioned in
the introduction. The value of m determined from the slope shows the number of drug
molecules interacting per single molecule of BSA. The binding constant (βs ) withβa value
) of
8.7 × 1013 was evaluated
× 1013 from the antilog of the intercept. A comparison of the binding
constant of IBP−BSA and its−stoichiometry with reported values is given in Table 2. A
reasonably stronger binding of IBP with BSA is required to inhibit the functioning of BSA.
The comparison of binding constant values for various protein–drug complexes shows that
IBP−BSA has the highest− value of binding constant, thus indicating effective inhibition of

Table 2. Characteristics of drug complexation with OVA, BSA, and HAS.

Drug Complexes Binding Constant Ref.
Stoichiometry (m)
Ketoprofen-BSA 3 2.4 × 109 [40]
Ketoprofen-HAS 1 1.4 × 1010 [41]
Lorazepam-OVA 3 2.5 × 1010 [42]
Paroxetine-BSA 4 5.8 × 1018 [43]
Paroxetine-OVA 3 2.6 × 1023 [44]
Ibuprofen-BSA 3 8.7 × 1013 This work

3. Conclusions
A quick-responding, sensitive, and stable electrochemical sensor was developed using
a composite of MWCNTs and Ag-doped ZnO nanoparticles as a modifier of a GCE surface.
The designed sensor demonstrated excellent ability to detect IBP down to 28 nM. The
peak current response of IBP was greatly improved by the components of the recognition
layer in comparison to the bare GCE. Cyclic voltammetric and electrochemical impedance
spectroscopic investigations revealed that the designed sensing scaffold has 4.5 times
greater electroactive surface area and approximately 5 times less interfacial charge transfer
resistance as compared to the bare GCE, which results in the generation of an intense signal

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

for IBP oxidation. Voltammetric analysis revealed that the modified electrode possesses
inter-day durability and four individually fabricated electrodes exhibited unaltered effi-
ciency in terms of repeatability. The PG inhibition behavior of IBP was also investigated
by measuring its binding capacity with BSA using DPV, where it was revealed that three
molecules of IBP bind to a single molecule of BSA with a binding constant value of 8.7×1013 .
This strong binding potency of IBP suggests that it can play a significant role in PG inhi-
bition and in turn can be developed as a medicine for reducing pain and inflammation.
Considering the importance of IBP in the pharmaceutical industry and its medical potential,
new and innovative analytical methods with high efficiency are still needed to effectively
control this non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in pharmaceutical doses and to detect it
in biological fluids. Moreover, coupling such sensors with industries for the early sensing
of IBP in industrial effluents before their release to freshwater bodies may broaden their
future applicability.

4. Experimental Section
4.1. Materials and Methods
IBP was obtained from a bio-lab pharmaceutical company (Islamabad, Pakistan) and
was used as received. BSA and MWCNTs (purity > 95%) were obtained from Sigma
Aldrich. CH3 COOH, H2 SO4 , NaCl, NaOH, KCl, acetate buffer, Britton–Robinson buffer
(BRB), phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and KOH were tested as supporting electrolytes.
Zinc acetate dihydrate and silver nitrate were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. PBS was
prepared by dissolving a specified amount of Na2 HPO4 and NaH2 PO4 in distilled water
and using 0.1 M HCl and 0.1 M NaOH for pH adjustment.
The nanomaterials were characterized using X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (X-ray
diffractometer model Analytical 30440/60 X per PRO with copper Kα radiation source, scan
rate of 0.01, and 2θ range from 10◦ –80◦ ) and scanning electron microscopy (JEOL.JAD-2300
module, Tokyo, Japan). A Metrohm multichannel Autolab (M101, PGSTAT302N, Utrecht,
The Netherlands) equipped with NOVA 1.11 software and Gamry Interface 5000E potentio-
stat were used for electrochemical measurements. The electrochemical cell consisted of a
glass cell with two layers of glass walls and a Teflon cover. The cap had five standard taper
ports; three of them were used for the introduction of electrodes (the Ag/AgCl reference
electrode, the working electrode, and the Pt auxiliary electrode), while the other two were
used for the entrance and exit of inert gas purging.

4.2. Synthesis of Ag-ZnO

A hydrothermal method was employed to synthesize ZnO nanoparticles. Zinc acetate
dihydrate (0.473 g) was dissolved in 25 mL ethanol and the pH of the solution was adjusted
by dropwise addition of 1 M solution of NaOH. The solution was stirred for 10 min and
then transferred to an autoclave and placed in the oven at a temperature of 200 ◦ C for
6 h. The product was filtered and washed several times with ethanol to neutralize the
pH, followed by drying at 80 ◦ C. Ag-doped ZnO was prepared by following the same
procedure except that a known amount of Ag precursor was added to the solution along
with the zinc acetate precursor.

4.3. Electrode Modification and Detection Procedure

A clean glassy carbon electrode surface was obtained by rubbing it on a pad with
0.5 µm alumina slurry in a figure-eight pattern to keep the surface even. The surface was
rinsed with a stream of distilled water to get rid of any unwanted particles. This process
produced an impurity-free cleaned surface with a silver mirror-like finish. The cleanliness
of the GCE was ensured by obtaining cyclic voltammograms in a potential window ranging
from 0.4 V to 1.7 V that reflected the reproducibility of the obtained voltammograms [19].
The stock solution of IBP was prepared in a 1:1 mixture of distilled water and ethanol.
First, a 5 µL droplet of MWCNTs with a concentration of 1 mg/mL was drop-casted on two
separate pre-cleaned GCEs, followed by drop-casting 10 µL of Ag-ZnO; they were then

Molecules 2023, 28, 49

subjected to drying in a vacuum oven at 50 ◦ C. The performance of the designed sensing

platform (MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE) was examined using differential pulse voltammetry
(DPV) for the detection of IBP. The DPV was carried out at a step potential of 5 mV and scan
rate of 10 mV/s. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was employed to obtain the
impedimetric results at an amplitude of 10 mV in the frequency range of 100 kHz to 0.1 Hz.
Gamry software version 7.05 was used to fit an equivalent circuit to the obtained data and
the results for the modified electrode were then compared with those of the bare electrode.
Different experimental parameters such as deposition time, deposition potential, and pH of
the medium were optimized, and the limit of detection (LOD) of IBP was obtained under
optimized conditions. For the IBP–protein binding studies, varying concentrations of IBP
were added to a 0.9 M solution of NaOH in the presence of an excess concentration of BSA
(1 mM). The decrease in peak current of IBP was used for the quantification of the IBP−BSA
binding constant.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at:

https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/molecules28010049/s1, Figure S1: Source of ibuprofen
pollution.; Table S1: Electroactive surface areas of bare and modified electrodes; Table S2: EIS-derived
parameters. Solution resistance (Rs ), Charge transfer resistance (Rct ), constant phase element (CPE).
Figure S2: (A) Effect of various supporting electrolytes on the anodic peak current of IBP using
MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO modified GCE (B) Bar graph of IBP between peak current vs. various supporting
electrolytes; Figure S3: (A) Effect of deposition potential on the peak current of 0.09 mM ibuprofen
in NaOH using MWCNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE at 30 s deposition time. (B) Plot of Ip vs. deposition
potential; Figure S4: (A) Effect of deposition time on the peak current of 0.09 mM ibuprofen using
MWNTs/Ag-ZnO/GCE. (B) Plot between Ip vs. accumulation time; Table S3: The values of current
for total drug (ITD ) free drug (IFD ) and the difference of the two currents ∆I; Table S4: Data employed
for the determination of function Φ and for the construction of plot Φ versus log [FD] in the case of
the IBP-BSA complex in Figure 10.
Author Contributions: M.D. performed the experiments and wrote the manuscript. S.M. contributed
to the interpretation of results and manuscript revision. A.S. supervised the research project. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available within the article and
supplementary material.
Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge the laboratory facilities provided by Quaid-
i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan to carry out the experimental work.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Sample Availability: Samples of the compounds are available from the authors.

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Chemico-Physical Properties of Some
1,1′ -Bis-alkyl-2,2′ -hexane-1,6-diyl-bispyridinium Chlorides
Hydrogenated and Partially Fluorinated for Gene Delivery
Michele Massa 1 , Mirko Rivara 2 , Thelma A. Pertinhez 3 , Carlotta Compari 2 , Gaetano Donofrio 4 ,
Luigi Cristofolini 5 , Davide Orsi 5 , Valentina Franceschi 4 and Emilia Fisicaro 2, *

1 Department of Maternal Infantile and Urological Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, 00165 Rome, Italy;
[email protected]
2 Department Food and Drug, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze, 27/A, 43124 Parma, Italy;
[email protected] (M.R.); [email protected] (C.C.)
3 Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Via Volturno, 39, 43125 Parma, Italy;
[email protected]
4 Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Parma, Via del Taglio, 10, 43126 Parma, Italy;
[email protected] (G.D.); [email protected] (V.F.)
5 Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences, University of Parma, Parco Area delle
Scienze 7/a, 43124 Parma, Italy; [email protected] (L.C.); [email protected] (D.O.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: The development of very efficient and safe non-viral vectors, constituted mainly by cationic
lipids bearing multiple charges, is a landmark for in vivo gene-based medicine. To understand the
effect of the hydrophobic chain’s length, we here report the synthesis, and the chemico-physical
and biological characterization, of a new term of the homologous series of hydrogenated gemini
bispyridinium surfactants, the 1,1′ -bis-dodecyl-2,2′ -hexane-1,6-diyl-bispyridinium chloride (GP12_6).
Citation: Massa, M.; Rivara, M.; Moreover, we have collected and compared the thermodynamic micellization parameters (cmc,
Pertinhez, T.A.; Compari, C.;
changes in enthalpy, free energy, and entropy of micellization) obtained by isothermal titration
Donofrio, G.; Cristofolini, L.; Orsi, D.;
calorimetry (ITC) experiments for hydrogenated surfactants GP12_6 and GP16_6, and for the partially
Franceschi, V.; Fisicaro, E.
fluorinated ones, FGPn (where n is the spacer length). The data obtained for GP12_6 by EMSA,
Chemico-Physical Properties of Some
MTT, transient transfection assays, and AFM imaging show that in this class of compounds, the gene
1,1′ -Bis-alkyl-2,2′ -hexane-1,6-diyl-
bispyridinium Chlorides
delivery ability strictly depends on the spacer length but barely on the hydrophobic tail length. CD
Hydrogenated and Partially spectra have been shown to be a useful tool to verify the formation of lipoplexes due to the presence
Fluorinated for Gene Delivery. of a “tail” in the 288–320 nm region attributed to a chiroptical feature named ψ-phase. Ellipsometric
Molecules 2023, 28, 3585. https:// measurements suggest that FGP6 and FGP8 (showing a very interesting gene delivery activity, when
doi.org/10.3390/molecules28083585 formulated with DOPE) act in a very similar way, and dissimilar from FGP4, exactly as in the case
of transfection, and confirm the hypothesis suggested by previously obtained thermodynamic data
Academic Editor: Łukasz
about the requirement of a proper length of the spacer to allow the molecule to form a sort of
molecular tong able to intercalate DNA.
Received: 24 March 2023
Revised: 17 April 2023 Keywords: heterocyclic gemini cationic surfactants; non-viral vectors; gene delivery; partially
Accepted: 18 April 2023
fluorinated gemini surfactants; atomic force microscopy on DNA; DNA-surfactant interaction; DNA
Published: 20 April 2023
circular dichroism spectra; ellipsometry

Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.

Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. 1. Introduction
This article is an open access article The relevant practical interest of gemini surfactants, i.e., surfactants consisting of at
distributed under the terms and least two identical hydrophobic chains and two polar head groups covalently bound to-
conditions of the Creative Commons gether by a spacer, is due to their enhanced surface properties in respect to the monomeric
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// counterparts [1–5]. Taking advantage of these properties, their application in biomedical
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ and pharmaceutical fields as new drug delivery systems and as non-viral vectors for gene

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

delivery has sparked great interest. The internalization of genetic material inside mam-
malian cells is only possible using vectors, both viral and non-viral. Non-viral vectors
are constituted by cationic lipids able to bind and compact the genetic material into soft
nanoparticles of tuneable size, so that it is protected against the action of endo- and ex-
onucleases present in physiological fluids. Very recently, the spreading worldwide of the
SARS-CoV-2 virus has focused scientific and economic efforts on searching for vaccines
to fight the virus. DNA- and RNA-based vaccines, able to express the spike protein when
internalized in cells, are now the most-used around the world [6,7]. Non-viral vectors are
in many cases preferred, particularly when RNA-based, which require only to overcome
the external cell membrane, instead of DNA-based which, needing to reach the nucleus for
expression, must be introduced inside the cells. In fact, viral vectors, notwithstanding their
superior efficiency, could give rise to adverse or immunogenic reactions or replications,
limiting their use. Biomedical and biopharmaceutical applications of cationic gemini am-
phiphiles as gene delivery vectors, together with their chemico-physical and aggregation
properties and the effect on the efficiency of transfection of their chemical structure have
been extensively reviewed [5,8,9]. Non-viral vectors, obtained by synthetic route, have
the advantage of being more reproducible than viral ones, and give us the possibility to
understand the effect of the various moieties constituting the molecule and, eventually, to
add to the vector a chemical group that can be recognized by the target cell. For many years
our research was devoted from a synthetic, thermodynamic, and biomedical point of view
to the study of new cationic gemini surfactants, having as polar head two pyridinium moi-
eties, with the aim to find out structure–activity relationships useful for the optimization
of their gene delivery ability, through the modulation of the lengths of the hydrophobic
chains and spacer, counterion, and other structural modifications [10–18]. Taking advan-
tage of this opportunity, we have considered not only hydrogenated gemini surfactants,
but also the corresponding partially fluorinated (otherwise called “hybrid surfactants”)
with the idea of obtaining non-viral vectors able to protect the genetic material also in
those biological fluids containing endogenous hydrogenated interfering surfactants, as
pulmonary surfactants or bile salts, able to destroy the lipoplexes before they enter inside
the diseased cells [19–21]. Fluorinated surfactants are at the same time highly hydrophobic
and lipophobic due to the structure of the fluorine atoms having larger van der Waals
radii and lower polarizability than the hydrogen atoms, and do not form mixed micelles
with hydrogenated surfactants [22–24]. Fluorination of cationic lipids has been proposed,
among others, in the treatment of cystic fibrosis and cystic fibrosis-associated diseases [20].
Initially, we have studied the solution thermodynamics of new compounds having spacers
of three, four, eight, and twelve carbon atoms, using direct methods and paying attention
to the trends of partial molar volumes, compressibilities, and enthalpies vs. concentra-
tion [10–18]. Particularly, the measurement of their solution enthalpies gives us the key
for understanding their transfection activity. Between the hydrogenated compounds,
those with spacers formed by four carbon atoms shows unexpected enthalpic proper-
ties vs. concentration, which was explained by a conformation change of the molecule
in solution due to stacking interactions between the two pyridinium rings. In this way,
the molecule behaves as a molecular tong, able to grip the DNA bases, giving rise to a
transfection activity comparable to that of the commercial reagent. If the hydrophobic
chain is modified by partial fluorination, a greater length of the spacer is needed to fold the
molecule. The comparison with the hydrogenated analogues reveals a greater ability of
the partially fluorinated compounds to compact DNA, but only in presence of DOPE. In
a recent paper [18], we tried to understand if the transfection ability is limited to a given
value of spacer length, or spans over a range of values, by synthesizing the compounds,
both hydrogenated and partially fluorinated, with spacer constituted by six methylene
groups, namely, 1,1′ -bis-hexadecyl-2,2′ -hexane-1,6-diyl-bis (pyridinium) chloride (GP16_6)
and 1,1′ -bis(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluorooctyl)-2,2′ -hexane-1,6-diyl-bis (pyridinium)
chloride (FGP6) to fill the gap between active and non-active compounds. We have outlined
the completely different behaviour between hydrogenated and fluorinated compounds:

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

in the case of hydrogenated compounds, only spacer four can deliver genes inside the
cell, independently of the use of DOPE. On the contrary, fluorinated compounds having a
spacer with six or eight methylene groups give rise to a very high transfection activity only
in the presence of DOPE. This result indicates that the spacer length appropriate for activity
falls in a broader, but always limited, range of values (spacer 12 is inactive for both classes
of compounds). It is known that the critical micelle concentrations (cmc) of the fluorinated
surfactants, determined by the balance of the hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity of the
molecule, are close to those of ordinary surfactants whose hydrocarbon chain lengths are
about 1.5 times longer [3]. This means that the -CF2 group is 1.5 times more hydrophobic
than the -CH2 group. To compare in a correct way the behaviour of FGP6 with the cor-
responding hydrogenated surfactants having a similar hydrophobicity of the alkyl chain,
we synthesized the new compound 1,1′ -bis-dodecyl-2,2′ -hexane-1,6-diyl-bis (pyridinium)
chloride, (GP12_6), similar to GP16_6, but with an alkyl chain 12 carbon atoms long. The
present paper reports the chemico-physical and tensidic properties of the compounds
with spacer 6, together with the synthesis and the biological characterization of the new
compound 1,1′ -bis-dodecyl-2,2′ -hexane-1,6-diyl-bis (pyridinium) chloride (GP12_6), to
evaluate the effect of the hydrophobic chain length.

2. Results and Discussion

2.1. Micelle Formation Thermodynamics
Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) constitutes a particularly useful technique for
studying thermodynamics of micelle formation. In fact, from the same titration experiment
the thermodynamic parameters of micelle formation can be extracted, namely the critical
micelle concentration (cmc), in relation to the change in free energy of micellization (∆Gmic ),
and the enthalpy of micelle formation (∆Hmic ). The change in micellization entropy (∆Smic )
is obtained by difference. By adding the surfactant solution at a concentration of least ten
time the cmc in the calorimetric cell containing water, micelles are destroyed, and the heat
observed is mainly relative to the process of micelle disruption. Above the cmc region, the
heat due to the process of micelle dilution is registered. The micellization parameters are
obtained by extrapolating at the cmc the trends of dilution enthalpies before and after cmc,
i.e., by applying a pseudo-phase transition model, in which the aggregation process is con-
sidered as a phase transition, taking place at equilibrium. In the literature [25], two different
ways of obtaining the cmc values from ITC measurements are reported: (1) as the concen-
tration of the crossing point between extrapolated initial and linear ascent lines where 1%
of the surfactants is in micellar form; (2) as the inflection point in the titration curve. Both
methods give about the same value when the surfactant micelles have a great aggregation
number, but it is not so when the transition between monomers and micelle zone is not
sharp. We have chosen, in agreement with the greatest part of the data reported in the
literature, to find out the cmc as the inflection point of the titration curve, notwithstanding
the not-straightforward detection. In our previous studies of solution thermodynamics of
this class of gemini surfactants, we have measured the dilution enthalpies using a batch
flow calorimeter diluting 1:1 with water the surfactant solutions prepared at different
concentrations, and expressing the experimental data in terms of apparent and partial
molar quantities of the solute referred to the infinite dilution as reference state [12,13,26].
When the curves of the dilution enthalpies vs. concentration obtained from calorimetric
titration experiments are directly used to extract the thermodynamic micellization param-
eters, the reference state is the concentration of the titrating solution; this explains why,
using different starting concentrations, different micellization enthalpies are obtained [27].
Therefore, ITC experiments, both for partially fluorinated and hydrogenated com-
pounds, were performed by diluting a solution of 20 mM of surfactants so that the com-
parisons between the compounds here studied are meaningful, being referred to the same
standard state. Figure 1 shows the ITC output for the compounds under investigation
and the corresponding plots of the dilution enthalpies vs. the surfactant concentration in
the calorimetric cell, starting from a titrating solution 20 mM, i.e., the trends of apparent

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

molar enthalpies with reference state of 20 mM. From these curves, the cmc and the mi-
celle formation enthalpy, ∆Hmic, are obtained using a pseudo-phase transition model. The
micellization free energy, ∆Gmic, is calculated from equation:

∆Gmic = RT ln cmc

where the cmc is expressed as mole fraction, without considering the degree of counterion
binding, ββ[28]. Moreover,

∆Smic = (∆Gmic − ∆Hmic )/T

Figure 1. Heat rate (µW) vs. time profiles obtained by injecting a 20 mM surfactant solution into a
200 µL reaction cell filled with water and (specified by a single quote mark) the dependence of the
dilution enthalpy change vs. surfactant concentration in the reaction cell for: (a) GP12_6; (b) GP16_6;
(c) FGP6; (d) FGP8.

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

The cmc values and the thermodynamic parameters for the micellization process so
obtained are reported in Table 1. Δ Δ Δ

Table 1. Thermodynamic parameters for micelle formation

− of the surfactants
− under study.
− −

− ∆H mic − mic
∆G ∆Smic
cmc [mM] xcmc 105
−[kJ mol−1 ] [kJ−mol−1 ] [J K−1 mol−1 ]
FGP6 0.89 1.603 − −6.1 −−27.4 71
FGP8 0.77 1.387 − −6.2 −−27.7 72
GP12-6 0.92 1.657 −6.5 −27.3 70
GP16-6 0.41 0.738 −14.0 −29.3 51

Data shown in Table 1 confirm the similarity in hydrophobicity of FPG6 and GP12_6,
allowing us to attribute the different behaviour in gene delivery ability exclusively to the
fluorinated moieties. Moreover, we recall that thermodynamic properties of hydrogenated
and fluorinated surfactants in solution, strictly related to the ability to compact DNA,
depend both on the difference in size between fluorine and hydrogen atoms (van der Waals
radii, F = 1.35 and H = 1.2 Å) and on the difference in electronegativity (Pauling scale,
F = 4.0 and H = 2.1) [24].

2.2. Biological Assays of GP12_6

As outlined before, we have found that the partial substitution of the hydrogenated
chains by shorter fluorinated ones gives rise to a very interesting gene delivery ability, as
for FGP6 [18] and FGP8 [17]. Because it is known that the -CF2 group is 1.5 times more
hydrophobic than the -CH2 group [29], confirmed by the data reported in Table 1, for a cor-
rect comparison of the behaviour of FGP6 with the corresponding hydrogenated surfactant,
it makes sense to report here the biological data relative to the newly synthesized GP12_6.
As already conducted for the previously synthesized terms of this series [17,18],
we started by testing the cytotoxicity of GP12_6 on RD4 and on A549 cells by an MTT
proliferation assay. Results are shown in Figure 2 in comparison with GP16_6 [18].

Figure 2. MTT tests on RD4 (left) and A549 cells (right) for GP12_6 (upper) and GP16_6 (lower)
from ref. [18]: (a) untreated cells; (b) 40 µM; (c) 20 µM; (d) 10 µM; (e) 5 µM; (f) 2.50 µM; (g) 1.25 µM;
(h) only DOPE. In gray, surfactant alone; in black, surfactant:DOPE = 1:2. Values are the mean ± S.D.
of three independent experiments (n = 8 per treatment, p < 0.05).

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

By analogy with similar compounds previously studied [18], we have tested the
newly synthesized compound on the human rhabdomyosarcoma RD4 cell line and on
adenocarcinoma human alveolar basal epithelial cells A549, used as models for the study of
lung cancer and for the development of drug therapies against it. Because this information
is needed for planning transfection experiments, we performed our cytotoxicity assays also
in presence of DOPE, which is essential in transfection experiments. Results in Figure 2
clearly show that the cytotoxicity of GP12_6 is very low on both kinds of cell lines, without
significative differences with and without DOPE and that the cytotoxicity increases with
increasing the hydrophobic chain length. The surfactant with longer tails interacts more
strongly with the cellular membrane, and their complexes with the DNA could penetrate
inside the cell more easily. However, their action is hindered by the increased cytotoxicity
for gene delivery purposes. In fact, it is reported that the biological activity of cationic
surfactants increases with the chain length up to a critical point [30]. In the case of the
homologous series of alkanediyl-α,ω-bis-(dimethylalkylammonium bromide), the member
with 2 alkyl chains of 16 carbon atoms is generally the most biologically active [31].
Information about the ability of the compounds under investigation to interact with
DNA is obtained with EMSA experiments. Figure 3 upper shows that GP12_6 does not
shift the DNA, not even at the highest concentration used, whereas GP16_ shifts the DNA
at a concentration of 200 µM.

Figure 3. Upper: EMSA experiments showing complexation of GP12_6 with circular plasmid pEGFP-
C1 as a function of surfactant concentration (µM), compared with GP16_6 [18]. Only the plasmid
was used as a negative control, which is completely unshifted. Cationic lipid 100 µM corresponds
to N/P ≈ 1. Lower: AFM≈ images of DNA plasmid incubated with the hydrogenated compounds:
(a) plasmid + GP12_6; (b) plasmid + GP16_6; (c) plasmid alone as control. All images were obtained
with supercoiled 0.5 nM pEGFP-C1 plasmid deposited onto mica and with the microscope operating
in tapping mode in the air at N/P ratio = 0.5.

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

EMSA results are confirmed by morphological study by AFM in tapping mode

(Figure 3 lower), using circular DNA, as described in the experimental section. The plasmid
DNA alone deposited onto freshly cleaved mica was imaged as control. The images in the
presence of the cationic surfactants were taken at a N/P ratio = 0.5, corresponding to the
highest concentration of surfactant used in EMSA experiments. As expected, AFM images
confirm that the hydrogenated surfactants with a spacer six methylene long cannot compact
enough DNA in nanoparticles. In the presence of GP12_6, the AFM image is unmodified in
respect to DNA alone, whereas GP16_6 starts to give rise to very loose aggregates.
The ability of GP12_6 to deliver DNA inside cells was studied with a transient trans-
fection assay. Results on RD4 and A549 cells as a function of concentration are reported
in Supplementary Materials (Figures S5 and S6). The experiments were conducted with
the surfactant alone and with surfactant:DOPE = 1:2, because previous experiments [17,18]
have shown how the presence of DOPE can greatly enhance transfection when fluorinated
surfactants are used to form lipoplexes. According to EMSA and AFM data, GP12_6 cannot
act as non-viral vector both in presence and in the absence of DOPE, as GP16_6.

2.3. CD Spectroscopy
For better understanding the ability of the compounds under study to interact with
DNA, we have undergone CD measurements, which are very sensitive to structural changes
in biological molecules.
The pEGFP-C1 plasmid DNA far UV spectrum (220–320 nm) shows the contribution
of right-handed A- and B-forms: where the positive band is due to base stacking, and
the negative band is due to the polynucleotide right-handed helicity [32] (Figure 4). The
A-form is characterized by an intense positive band around 270 nm and a weak negative
band near 235 nm, and the B-form by a positive band around 280 nm and a negative at
240 nm.

Figure 4. CD spectra of DNA (black), and in the presence of GP12_6 (N/P = 1 red, N/P = 0.5 blue,
N/P = 0.25 green). In the insert: AFM image for N/P = 0.5 (see also Figure 3).

Changes in the polynucleotide CD secondary structure upon surfactant addition result

from their interactions. We kept the concentration of pEGFP-C1 plasmid DNA constant,
and the effect of variable amounts of the 6-spacer surfactants GP16-6, GP12-6 and FGP8-6
(molar ratio 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4) were evaluated.

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

Upon the addition of surfactant to the DNA solution, different spectra were observed
depending on the surfactant type, the length of the chain, hydrophobicity, and the molar ratio.
A weak interaction was observed adding GP12-6 at all molar ratios, which produced a
shift and decrease in the positive band at 280 nm, attributed to the B-form (Figure 4).
GP16-6 affects the polynucleotide base stacking primarily. The spectra (Figure 5)
show the resolution of the convoluted original positive band of the two positive bands
characteristic of the A- (270 nm) and B- (283 nm) forms, respectively. We interpret this
change in the CD spectrum as the result of a decrease in the A-form and an increase in
the B-form.

Figure 5. CD spectra of DNA (black), and in the presence of GP16_6 (N/P = 1 red, N/P = 0.5 blue,
N/P = 0.25 green). In the insert: AFM image for N/P = 0.5 (see also Figure 3).

Differently, the interaction with FGP8-6 is more complex and depends on the molar
ratio (Figure 6). At a 1:1 molar ratio, the A-form decreases, as suggested by the reduction
of its characteristic bands. At a molar ratio of 1:2, there is an evident shift of the negative
band to the B-form and the convolution of the A- and B-form gives rise to positive bands.
At a higher molar ratio (1:4) a clear increase in the B-form (278 nm) is observed. The
appearance of a positive band at 288 nm wavelength (at 1:2 and 1:4 molar ratio) indicates
DNA compaction [33]. The “tail” in the 288–320 nm region depends on the presence
of FGP6 and it is attributed to a chiroptical feature named ψ-phase. Such a phase is a
consequence of the DNA structural transition from the B-form induced ψ by the surfactant
and reflects the supramolecular structure of the complex [34]. The plasmid is tightly packed
together, forming a highly condensed structure [35,36] as shown in the AFM image reported
in ref. [18]. In Supplementary Materials the deconvolutions of CD spectra (Figure S7) and
the table (Table S1) with the bands obtained using a gaussian model with Origin-Pro 2021
are reported for clarity.

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

Figure 6. CD spectra of DNA (black), and in the presence of FGP6 (N/P = 1 red, N/P = 0.5 blue,
N/P = 0.25 green). In the insert: AFM image for N/P = 0.5 from ref. [18].

2.4. Ellipsometry and Surface Pressure

Because the partially fluorinated surfactants are the more interesting surfactants
for gene delivery purposes, we focalized our attention on the study of FGP4 (lacking
transfection ability), and FGP6 and FGP8 (with a very noteworthy transfection ability) as a
function of the spacer length. Initially, we studied the kinetics of surface layer formation to
find out how much time these compounds take to reach equilibrium. Kinetics evolved over
several hours (see Supplementary Materials, Figures S8 and S9). FGP4 100 µM reached
equilibrium after about 6 h, while equilibrium of FGP4 50 µM was not reached even after
15 h. Due to this slow tendency to reach equilibrium, we decided to make the lowering
of surface tension and ellipsometry measurements after two hours, a range of time that is
compatible with their persistence in the body, and at the same concentrations used for the
transfection and cytotoxicity assays, i.e., 2.5 µM, 5 µM, 10 µM and 20 µM, concentrations
well below the cmc. Therefore, all experiments were performed at a partial coverage of
the surface due to the low concentrations we are interested in, and the time chosen for the
measurement, relevant for the transfection experiment but not enough to reach equilibrium.
Under the above conditions, by ellipsometry at the incidence angle Φ = 55◦ , we
measured the optical thickness of the film that is spontaneously formed at the initially clean
air-water interface. We report in Figure 7 the variation of phase angle ∆, with respect to
the value of the bare air/water interface ∆0 , as a function of time and of surfactant bulk
concentration. At the highest concentrations of surfactant studied, this amounts to roughly Φ
the same value for all the molecules, of the order of a variation of ∆ − ∆0 ≈ −1.5 . o

The small film thickness ensures we are within the Drude approximation. In this ∆ case,

the variation of ∆ is proportional to the film thickness multiplied by a factor proportional
to the difference between the refractive index of the film and that of the subphase (n = 1.33
for water as in the present case). It is, therefore, crucial to know the film’sΔrefractive index.
− Δ ≈ −1.5
Unfortunately, there are no data in the literature as these are newly synthesized molecules,
and it is difficult to predict it a priori.

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

Figure 7. The variation of the ellipsometric phase angle ∆ as a function of surfactant concentration,
after 2 h of incubation, for the three surfactant molecules studied. Note the semilogarithmic scale.

A first estimate can be drawn based on the molecular structure: FGPs molecules
∆ of units, fluorinated and hydrogenated. Fluorinated alkyl chains, such
contain two types
as perfluorohexanoic acid (CAS 307-24-4) have n = 1.301, pyridine has n = 1.51, while
alkyl chains have typically n ≃ 1.40 at the relevant wavelength. We can attempt some
rough volumetric considerations, assuming the polar head comprising of pyridine and
alkyl spacer with thickness ∼ 3–4 A, and average refractive index 1.46–1.47 depending
on alkyl spacer length, while the gemini partially fluorinated chains, common to all the
molecules, account for ∼ 2 + 6 A of thickness and refractive index n = 1.40 and n = 1.30 for
the protonated and fluorinated chains, respectively.
𝑛 ≃ 1.40
Basing on such very broad considerations, we can estimate the molecular refractive
index to be not too far from n = 1.37–1.39. With these values, film thickness results to be of
∼ compatible with the formation of a monolayer at the interface. A
the order of 15–20 A, thus
more accurate estimate of film thickness could be made by using X-ray reflectometry, while

neutron reflectometry could provide even more detailed insights into the film structure [37].
The relative weight of the fluorinated part (small refractive index n) in respect to the
hydrogenated part (big refractive index n) is larger in FGP4 than in FGP6 and FGP8. This
suggests that the refractive indexes of FGP4 is the smallest and closest to water, followed by
FGP6, while FGP8 is the largest. This explains, in part, why FGP4 has the smallest variation
of ∆.
At lower concentrations, however, the different molecules exhibit a very different
behaviour, with FGP6 and FGP8 displaying a lower variation of ∆ than FGP4. This cannot
be accounted for by the previous argument on the contribution of fluorinated chains to
the refractive index (which would predict a smaller variation for FGP4) and can only
be rationalized assuming that the films formed by different molecules have different
thicknesses: in films formed by FGP6 and FGP8 at low packing, thanks to the longer alkyl
spacer, the ∆
fluorinated chains may lay oblique and close to the water surface, while on the
contrary in FGP4 even at low coverage the molecules are forced to stand more vertical due
to the shorter alkyl spacer. ∆
Coherently with this explanation, we also find that in this regime of lower concen-
tration, the surface pressure ∏, i.e., the reduction of interfacial tension from its value for
the bare air-water interface γ = 72.6 mN/m, is greater for FGP6 and FGP8 than for FGP4,
especially at the lower concentrations (Figure 8).

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585
𝛾 = 72.6 mN/m

Figure 8. Variation of the surface pressure ∏Πas a function of surfactant concentration in the bulk,
after 2 h of incubation, for the 3 surfactant molecules studied (filled symbols); for FGP4 and FGP8,
tensiometry data from ref. [16] have been included (empty symbols). Note the semilogarithmic
scale. The vertical dashed line indicates the maximum concentration considered for the formation of
non-viral gene delivery vectors.

In the same Figure, we also show the limiting pressures that would be reached by the
same surfactants at much higher concentrations, above their respective CMC values.
In the same Figure, we also report previously published data for FGP4 and FGP8
at concentration up to and above cmc, adapted from ref. [16]. In summary, it is also
important to notice that FGP6 and FGP8 act in a very similar way, and dissimilar from
FGP4, exactly as in the case of transfection. This suggests the presence of a dichotomy:
either the spacer is or is not long enough for the flexibility required by the molecule to
accommodate at the interface in the present case, or around a DNA fragment in the case of
interest for transfection.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Compounds
All the compounds under study with six methylene spacers, hydrogenated GPm_6,
where m il the hydrophobic tail length (m = 12 and 16), and partially fluorinated FGPn
(where n is the spacer length, n = 4, 6, 8) with hydrophobic tails constituted by two -(CH2 )2 -
(CF2 )5 -CF3 groups, were prepared by us. The synthesis of GP16_6 and FGP6 are reported
in ref. [18], that of FGP4 and FGP8 in ref. [16]. We synthesized for the first time GP12_6,
having a hydrophobicity comparable to FGP6 (see text), and its synthesis is here reported.
The structure of GP12_6 and of the compounds with spacer six methylene long under study
is shown in Figure 9.

3.2. Chemical Synthesis

We synthesized the new compound 1,1′ -bis-dodecyl-2,2′ -hexane-1,6-diyl-bispyridinium
chloride (GP12_6), following and adapting, when necessary, the procedures previously
reported [11,16].

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

′ ′

Figure 9. Chemical
′ structure of the ′compounds under study with spacer six methylene long.
Synthesis of 1,1′ -bis-dodecyl-2,2′ -hexane-1,6-diyl-bispyridinium chloride: 1,6-bis(2-
pyridyl)hexane (1.62 g, 0.007 mol) was dissolved in 10 mL ′ of DMF. The temperature
′ was
raised to 150 ◦ C and dodecyl chloride (14.3 g, 0.07 mol) was slowly added to the solution.
The reaction mixture was stirred for 18 h and the DMF was evaporated under reduced
pressure. The residue was suspended in diethyl ether and crystallized two times from

acetonitrile/toluene giving yellow′ crystals. The synthesisδ is reported in Schemeδ 1. Yield
δ 1 δ δ δ δ
2.64 g (58%); H-NMR (400 MHz DMSO-d6 ): δ 0.86 (t, J = 7.9 Hz, 6H); δ 1.23 br s, 40H); δ
δ δ δ 3.09 (m, 4H); δ 4.56 (t, J = 8 Hz, 4H); δ 8.00 (m, 4H); δδ 8.50 (t,
1.72 (m, 4H); δ 1.84 (m, 4H);
J = 8 Hz, 2H); δ 9.03 (d, J = 8 Hz, 2H). 13 C NMR (100 MHz, DMSO-d6 ): δ 158.2, 149.3, 136.7,
ν 121.3, 55.8, 44.2, 34.4, 32.7, 31.7, 29.5, 28.8, 26.7, 24.4, 22.6, 14.4, 13.8. FT-IR: ν = 3479,
3432, 2912, 2849, 1638, 1470, 1012, 933, 715 cm–1 . MS-ESI: m/z = 614 [M-Cl]. Anal. Calcd.
For C40 H70 Cl2 N2 (649.91): C 73.92, H 10.86, N 4.31. Found δ δ
C 74.09, H 10.72, N 4.12.
δ δ δ δ δ
δ δ δ

Scheme 1. Synthesis of 1,1′′ -bis-dodecyl-2,2′′ -hexane-1,6-diyl-bispyridinium chloride.

The NMR spectra were recorded using a Bruker 400 Avance (Billerica, MA, USA) spectrometer.
1 H NMR Spectra (400 MHz) chemical shifts (d scale) are reported in parts per million

(ppm) and reported in order: multiplicity and number of protons; signals were character-
ized as s (singlet), d (doublet), t (triplet), m (multiplet), br s (broad signal).
13 C NMR (100 MHz); chemical shifts (d scale) are reported in parts per million (ppm).
′ ′
IR spectra were recorded using an Agilent Technologies Cary 630 FTIR Spectrometer
in the region 700–4000 without KBr support.
Mass spectra were recorded using an Applied Biosystem/MDS SCIEX API-150 EX
instrument (Waltham, MA, USA).
The new compounds were analyzed on a ThermoQuest (Rodano, Italy) FlashEA
1112 Elemental Analyzer, for C, H, N. The percentages recorded were within 0.4% of the
theoretical values.
The NMR, IR and mass spectra can be found in Supplementary Materials (Figures S1–S4).

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

3.3. ITC Measurements

ITC measurements of the dilution enthalpies of the surfactants under study were
carried out on a MicroCal PEAQ-ITC (Malvern) at 25 ◦ C. Surfactant solution was injected
(first injection of 0.4 µL, followed by 18 injections of 2 µL each or 25 injections of 1.5 µL
each) into a 200 µL reaction cell filled with doubly distilled and degassed water (as well
as the reference cell) using a 40 µL automatized syringe with an interval of 150 or 120 s
between two successive injections. A continuous stirring at 150 rpm was maintained
throughout the experiments. The surfactant solutions used as titrants were prepared by
weight using freshly boiled and degassed bi-distilled water at the concentrations of 10
and 20 mM. Data analysis was performed using MicroCal PEAQ-ITC Analysis Software
(version 1.41, Malvern Panalytical, Malvern, UK).

3.4. Biological Assays

The biological assays of the new compound were carried out as described in ref. [18]
to which we refer for experimental details. The human rhabdomyosarcoma cell line RD-4
(ATCC® CCL-136™) and the human pulmonary adenocarcinoma cell line A549 (ATCC®
CCL-185™), cultured as described in ref. [18] were used in the experiments. Toxicity was
evaluated with the MTT proliferation assay and the statistical differences among treatments
were calculated using Student’s test and multi-factorial ANOVA. Electrophoresis Mobility
Shift Assay (EMSA) was used to evaluate the interaction between the cationic surfactant
and the pEGFP-C1 plasmid, expressing the fluorescent green protein, prepared and stored
as in ref. [18]. With a transient transfection assay, the gene delivery ability to the above cell
lines of the compound under study was evaluated. Lipoplex formulations were prepared
with the surfactant alone and by adding 1,2-dioleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine
(DOPE; SIGMA-Aldrich, St. Louis, CA, USA) to the plasmid–surfactant mixture at a
surfactant:DOPE molar ratio of 1:2. Transfected cells were observed under a fluorescence
microscope for EGFP expression.

3.5. Sample Preparation and AFM Imaging

A 20 µL droplet of a solution 0.1 nM of plasmid DNA in deposition buffer (4 mM
Hepes, 10 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2 , pH = 7.4), either in the presence or in the absence of the
cationic lipid, was deposited onto freshly cleaved ruby mica (Ted Pella, Redding, CA, USA)
after 5 min incubation at room temperature. The same N/P ratio, i.e., the ratio between the
negative charges of the phosphate groups of DNA and the positive charges carried by the
gemini pyridinium surfactant, as in transient transfection experiments, was used [18]. The
mica disk was rinsed with Milli-Q water and dried with a weak nitrogen stream.
AFM imaging was carried out on the dried sample with a Park XE-100 microscope,
operating in tapping mode, using commercial diving board silicon cantilevers (NSC-15
Micromash Corp., Sofia, Bulgaria). The software XEI (Park Systems, Suwon, Korea) was
used for optimizing the images obtained by Park XE-100.

3.6. Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy

Circular dichroism (CD) experiments were performed using a Jasco 715 spectropo-
larimeter (JASCO International Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), coupled with a Peltier PTC-348WI
system for temperature control, set at 25 ◦ C. CD spectra were the average of 4 scans
recorded in the 220–320 nm range, using a 1 mm path length quartz cuvette, a bandwidth
of 1 nm, data pitch of 0.5 nm, and a response time of 8 s.
Spectra were performed at a fixed pEGFP-C1 plasmid DNA concentration (1.36 × 10−3 M,
with molarity expressed in terms of base pairs, bp) and in varying amounts of gemini surfactants
to obtain the molar ratio 1:1, 1:2, 1:4 in 5 mM HEPES buffer, pH 7.0.
Following baseline correction, the measured ellipticity, θ (mdeg), was converted to the
molar mean ellipticity [θ] (deg·cm2 ·dmol−1 ), using [θ] = θ/10 cl, where θ is ellipticity, c is
the DNA molar concentration, and l is the optical path length in centimeters.

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

CD spectra deconvolution was performed using a gaussian model with Origin-

Pro 2021.

3.7. Surface Tension Measurements

Surface tension measurements were performed using the Wilhelmy plate method,
bringing a filter paper plate into contact with the surface of the liquid. The Wilhelmy plate
was 0.75 square centimeters in area (0.5 × 1.5), attached to a balance with a thin metal wire.
The force F on the plate due to wetting is measured with a NIMA PS4 tensiometer equipped
with thermostatic support, to keep the temperature constant and avoid evaporation of water,
and a trough in Teflon. The surface tension (γ) is calculated using the Wilhelmy equation:

l cos(θ)

where l is the wetted perimeter of the Wilhelmy plate and θ is the contact angle between
the liquid phase and the plate. In all the measurements reported here it was found θ = 0,
i.e., complete wetting conditions [38].

3.8. Ellipsometry
Ellipsometry measurements were performed using a multipurpose apparatus (Mul-
tiskop Optrel, Berlin, Germany) with a single wavelength of 632.8 nm. This technique
was employed to evaluate the thickness of the surface layer, always in the Drude approx-
imation [39]. The optical model adopted was that described in detail in ref. [40]. Film
thickness was probed by the variation of the ellipsometric phase-angle δ∆ which, in the
Drude approximation, ref. [39], is linearly proportional to film thickness via a scaling factor
depending on the incidence angle and refractive indexes. This specific apparatus provides
an average thickness value calculated on an area of a few square millimetres.

4. Conclusions
Gene-based medicine is a clinical reality initially thought to fight against acquired
or inherited genetic diseases and, after the pandemic spreading of the SARS-CoV-2 virus,
well-known worldwide due to the use of vaccines based on viral DNA or mRNA. A
great discussion is still open among scientists about the efficacy and the safety of this
medical treatment, and research in this field is increasing more and more. Regardless of the
kind of genetic material to be introduced inside the cells, it must be delivered by means
of vectors, and the development of very efficient and safe non-viral vectors, avoiding
immunogenic reaction and viral replication, is a landmark for in vivo gene-based medicine.
We have devoted many years of our research to the synthesis, and chemico-physical and
biological characterization, of gemini bis-pyridinium surfactants, both hydrogenated and
partially fluorinated, and the results obtained confirm that pyridinium gemini surfactants,
particularly those partially fluorinated, could be valuable tools for gene delivery purposes,
but their performance highly depends on the spacer length and is strictly related to their
structure in solution. To find out structure–activity relationships necessary to optimize
their performance, we are collecting their chemico-physical properties in relation to their
biological behaviour. The synthesis of the new hydrogenated compound having the spacer
six methylene long and the hydrophobic tails of twelve carbon atoms each shows that the
gene delivery ability of the hydrogenated compounds depends on the spacer length but
barely on the hydrophobic tail length. Moreover, the physico-chemical data, particularly
cmc and enthalpy of micellization, confirm that GP12_6 has a hydrophobicity very similar
to FGP6, making their comparison correct. CD spectra have been shown to be useful tools
to verify the formation of lipoplexes. In fact, under lipoplex formation, the CD spectra show
a “tail” in the 288–320 nm region dependent on the presence of FGP6 and attributed to a
chiroptical feature named ψ-phase. Such a phase is a consequence of the DNA structural
transition from the B-form induced by the surfactant and reflects the supramolecular
structure of the complex.

Molecules 2023, 28, 3585

We have previously shown that the fluorinated compounds with spacer formed by
6 (FGP6) and 8 (FGP8) carbon atoms gives rise to a very interesting gene delivery activity,
superior to that of the commercial reagent, when formulated with DOPE. Ellipsometric
measurements suggest that FGP6 and FGP8 act in a very similar way, and dissimilar from
FGP4, exactly as in the case of transfection, and confirm the hypothesis, suggested by
thermodynamic data, about the requirement of a right length of the spacer for allowing
the molecule to form a sort of molecular tong able to intercalate DNA. It remains to
verify the effect of the hydrophobic chain length on fluorinated compounds, to optimize
their efficiency.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://
www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/molecules28083585/s1. Figure S1: 13 C-NMR of 1,1′ -bis-hexadecyl-
2,2′ -hexamethylenebispyridinium chloride (GP12_6).; Figure S2. 1 H-NMR of 1,1′ -bis-dodecyl-2,2′ -
hexamethylenebispyridinium chloride (GP12_6). Figure S3. IR spectrum of 1,1′ -bis-dodecyl-2,2′ -
hexamethylenebispyridinium chloride (GP12_6). Figure S4. Mass spectrum of 1,1′ -bis-dodecyl-2,2′ -
hexamethylenebispyridinium chloride (GP12_6). Figure S5. Transfection of RD4 by GP12_6 as a
function of concentration. On the left, phase contrast and, on the right, fluorescence microscope
observation of the transfected cells (as shown by green cells expressing EGFP) are shown. The
experiments were done with the surfactant alone and with surfactant:DOPE = 1:2. Cells are not
transfected with DOPE alone. Figure S6. Transfection of A549 cells (right) by GP12_6 as a function of
concentration. On the left, phase contrast and, on the right, fluorescence microscope observation of
the transfected cells (as shown by green cells expressing EGFP) are shown. The experiments were
done with the surfactant alone and with surfactant:DOPE = 1:2. Cells are not transfected with DOPE.
Figure S7. Deconvolution of the spectra using Origin Pro, gaussian model. Figure S8. Kinetics of
surface layer formation for FGP4 100 µM. It takes about 6 h to reach the equilibrium. Surface tension
is lowered to 26 mN/m. Figure S9. Kinetics of surface layer formation for FGP4 50 µM. After 15 h,
the equilibrium is not reached. Table S1. Deconvolution of the spectra. DNA: A-form yellow, B-form
green. Table S2. Surface tension values of FGP4, FGP6 and FGP8 after 2 h. For each concentration,
the mean and its relative positive and negative error are reported.
Author Contributions: Supervision, E.F.; Conceptualization, M.M. and E.F.; Methodology, M.R., C.C.,
T.A.P., D.O., V.F., G.D. and L.C.; Writing—original draft, M.M., E.F. and M.R.; Writing—review and
editing, C.C., L.C., D.O., V.F., T.A.P. and G.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: All experimental data are reported in the paper and in Supplemen-
tary Materials.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank the Interdepartmental Centre of Measurements (CIM) of
the University of Parma for allowing the use of the AFM facilities and the SCUSA Department for
ITC instrumentation.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Sample Availability: Samples of the studied compounds are available from the authors.

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people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Interaction of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles with Human
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Visualized in the Cell-IQ System
Sergey Lazarev 1,2, * , Sofya Uzhviyuk 1 , Mikhail Rayev 1,2 , Valeria Timganova 1 , Maria Bochkova 1,2 ,
Olga Khaziakhmatova 3 , Vladimir Malashchenko 3 , Larisa Litvinova 3 and Svetlana Zamorina 1,2

1 Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences-Branch
of Perm Federal Research Center, 614081 Perm, Russia; [email protected] (S.U.);
[email protected] (M.R.); [email protected] (V.T.); [email protected] (M.B.);
[email protected] (S.Z.)
2 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Biology, Perm State University, 614990 Perm, Russia
3 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Biology, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University,
236041 Kaliningrad, Russia; [email protected] (O.K.); [email protected] (V.M.);
[email protected] (L.L.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Graphene oxide is a promising nanomaterial with many potential applications. However,
before it can be widely used in areas such as drug delivery and medical diagnostics, its influence on
various cell populations in the human body must be studied to ensure its safety. We investigated
the interaction of graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles with human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs)
in the Cell-IQ system, evaluating cell viability, mobility, and growth rate. GO nanoparticles of
different sizes coated with linear or branched polyethylene glycol (P or bP, respectively) were used at
concentrations of 5 and 25 µg/mL. Designations were the following: P-GOs (Ø 184 ± 73 nm), bP-GOs
(Ø 287 ± 52 nm), P-GOb (Ø 569 ± 14 nm), and bP-GOb (Ø 1376 ± 48 nm). After incubating the
cells with all types of nanoparticles for 24 h, the internalization of the nanoparticles by the cells was
Citation: Lazarev, S.; Uzhviyuk, S.; observed. We found that all GO nanoparticles used in this study exerted a cytotoxic effect on hMSCs
Rayev, M.; Timganova, V.; Bochkova, when used at a high concentration (25 µg/mL), whereas at a low concentration (5 µg/mL) a cytotoxic
M.; Khaziakhmatova, O.; effect was observed only for bP-GOb particles. We also found that P-GOs particles decreased cell
Malashchenko, V.; Litvinova, L.;
mobility at a concentration of 25 µg/mL, whereas bP-GOb particles increased it. Larger particles (P-
Zamorina, S. Interaction of Graphene
GOb and bP-GOb) increased the rate of movement of hMSCs regardless of concentration. There were
Oxide Nanoparticles with Human
no statistically significant differences in the growth rate of cells compared with the control group.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Visualized
in the Cell-IQ System. Molecules 2023,
28, 4148. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Keywords: graphene oxide nanoparticles; human mesenchymal stem cells; PEG; cell viability; cell
molecules28104148 growth; Cell-IQ; flow cytometry

Academic Editors: Minas M.

Stylianakis and Athanasios Skouras

Received: 25 April 2023 1. Introduction

Revised: 11 May 2023 Graphene is a gapless semiconductor that is currently being actively used in micro-
Accepted: 15 May 2023 electronics and materials science [1–3] for various applications including the development
Published: 17 May 2023 of narrow-band electromagnetic absorbers [4] and metamaterials [5]. Due to the complexity
of scalable production, its functional derivatives are more suitable for some applications.
For example, graphene oxide (GO) offers a favorable alternative for use in biomedicine and
optoelectronics due to its ease of fabrication, water solubility, and optical properties [6–9].
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
The graphene surface in GO is derivatized with epoxy, hydroxyl, and carboxyl groups,
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
which enable it to form hydrogen bond-stabilized water suspensions [10–12]. In addi-
distributed under the terms and
tion, GO has a large surface area available for functionalization and excellent mechanical
conditions of the Creative Commons
properties [13,14], which make it attractive overall for electronics (LEDs and solar cells), tis-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// sue engineering, and drug delivery [15–18]. GO can be used as a basis for nanoscale sensors
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ that detect small molecules such as NO2 [19], proteins [20], influenza virus strains [21], and
4.0/). DNA strains [22]. It can also be used in pH measurement based on fluorescence to detect

Molecules 2023, 28, 4148

the microenvironment of tumors [23]. GO is effectively internalized by cells and shows

stable fluorescence emission within cells as well as low cytotoxicity at the concentrations
used for visualization [24,25]. This makes GO a potential candidate for drug delivery and
in vitro or ex vivo visualization that can be used to detect and treat cancer [26]. However,
in order for such applications of GO to become widely adopted, a solid understanding of
the distribution of GO nanoparticles in vivo is required as well as knowledge of how it
might interact with cells of different tissues.
Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs), also known as multipotent mesenchymal
stromal cells [27], are undifferentiated cells with the ability to self-renew and differentiate
into various mesenchymal tissues, mainly bone, cartilage, and adipose tissue. According to
the International Society for Cell Therapy, cells that possess the following characteristics
can be considered human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells [27]:
- Adhere to plastic;
- Differentiate in vitro into osteoblasts, adipocytes, and chondroblasts;
- Express CD105, CD90, CD73, CD44, and HLA-DR;
- Lack CD45, CD34, CD14, CD11b, CD79, and CD19.
Mesenchymal stem cells were first isolated from bone marrow in 1968. Since then, they
have been isolated from many other tissues, including adipose tissue [28], perivascular
networks [29], dental pulp [30], muscle, dermis, and embryonic tissue [31]. MSCs derived
from bone marrow and adipose tissue are widely used in regenerative medicine [32]. It
has been reported that drug-loaded hMSCs can deliver therapeutic cytokines to sites of
injury or inflammation, making them a potentially useful tool in regenerative medicine
and anti-tumor therapy [33]. Thus, hMSCs are attractive candidates for use as carriers of
therapeutic agents and bioactive materials to specific target sites.
Cell-IQ® (CM -Technologies, Tampere, Finland) is a fully automated system for contin-
uous in vitro cell imaging [34]. It includes an inverted phase contrast microscope with a
built-in video camera and a climate chamber that maintains a constant temperature (37 ◦ C)
and CO2 concentration (5%). Inside the climate chamber is a movable stand for a cell
culture plate. Every 30 min, the system takes photographs in predetermined areas of the
plate. The integrated software allows tracking of individual cells, including changes in
their morphology and movement. The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction
between GO nanoparticles and hMSCs with the Cell-IQ® system.

2. Results
2.1. Determination of the Relative Numbers of Live and Dead Cells after 24-h Incubation with
GO Nanoparticles
Data on the number of live, apoptotic, and dead cells after 24-h incubation with GO
nanoparticles, as determined by flow cytometry analysis, are shown in Figure 1. Cultivation
of human mesenchymal stem cells in the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles of types
P-GOs, bP-GOs, and P-GOb at a concentration of 5 µg/mL did not result in a statistically
significant decrease in the number of viable cells compared with the control group. The
number of viable cells in these groups, as in the control group, was approximately 90%,
which corresponds to the viability of the cells before the start of the experiment. At the
same time, incubation of cells with these types of nanoparticles at a higher concentration
of 25 µg/mL significantly decreased the relative number of viable cells. A decrease in the
number of living cells correlated with an increase in the number of both dead and apoptotic
cells, with a greater increase in the number of dead cells in all cases. The ratio between
the number of dead cells and the number of apoptotic cells (D/A) in these samples was
1.74 ± 0.17, whereas in the control group D/A = 1.1.

Molecules 2023, 28, 4148

Figure 1. Comparison of the number of viable (A), apoptotic (B), and dead (C) cells after 24 h of

cultivation in the presence of
ff different types of GO nanoparticles (median, 1st and 3rd quartiles are
shown). n = 2. Significant differences compared with control group (<0.05) are marked with *.

The greatest cytotoxicity among the samples studied was exerted by the bP-GOb
nanoparticles. In this sample, cell viability decreased significantly after 24 h of cultivation,
regardless of the concentration of nanoparticles used. Interestingly, the low concentration
of bP-GOb resulted mainly in an increase in the number of dead cells (D/A = 2.54), whereas
at a high concentration the loss of cell viability was mainly due to an increase in the number
of apoptotic cells (D/A = 0.39).

Thus, it was shown that all particles studied had a cytotoxic effect on human mes-

enchymal stem cells at high concentrations. At low concentrations, the cytotoxic effect was
observed only for bP-GOb particles. In all cases, there is a decrease in viability, mainly due
to an increase in the number of dead cells. A decrease in viability due to the predominant
increase in the number of apoptotic cells was observed only for the bP-GOb sample at
high concentration.

2.2. Evaluation of Particle Internalization by Cells

After a 24-h incubation of cells with all samples of GO nanoparticles (except P-GOs at
high concentration and bP-GOs at low concentration), a statistically significant increase
in the number of highly granular cells was observed compared with the control group
(Figure 2). This fact might indicate that either adhesion of the particles to the cell surface or
their internalization occurs. We did not find any correlation between the concentration of
particles and the percentage of high-granular cells, which may be due to several reasons.
For example, particles that were weakly adsorbed on the cell surface might be lost during
washing before flow cytometric analysis. In addition, we cannot exclude the influence of
the physiological state of the cells (transition to apoptosis, death) on the granularity.

Molecules 2023, 28, 4148

Figure 2. Comparison of the number of cells with high granularity after 24 h of co-cultivation with

samples from GO (median is shown). n = 2. Significant differences compared
ff with the control group
(p < 0.05) are marked with *.

2.3. Evaluation of Cell Growth and Migration Activity in the Cell-IQ System
A total of 188 images were acquired for each well of the cell culture plate (47 images
for each area of visualization) (Figure 3). Adhesion of particles on the cells is clearly
visible in these images (Videos S1–S9). This is particularly noticeable in wells with high
concentrations of samples. In addition, 24 h after the start of cultivation, areas without
nanoparticles can be seen on the images. These correspond to the trajectories of hMSC
movement as the cells have adhered/internalized most of the particles they encountered
along the way.

Figure 3. Photographs of cell culture plate wells taken in the Cell-IQ system. Each pair of images
corresponds to the one area of visualization showing the changes during incubation of hMSCs with
GO nanoparticles.

Molecules 2023, 28, 4148

To assess the change in the number of cells in the visualization areas, the cells in every
other image were counted. A pivot table was created based on the data obtained (Table S1).
ff in either the increase in cell number after
There were no statistically significant differences
one day of cultivation or in the value of the K1 coefficientfficompared with the control group
(Figure 4). In the evaluation of cell activity (K2), a statistically significant decrease in the
activity of the cells cultured with the P-GOs sample at high concentration was observed
compared to the control group. The opposite was true for the bP-GOb sample. At the
minimum concentration, it apparently enhanced cell activity, resulting in a statistically
significant increase in K2 levels compared to the control group. No statistically significant

differences were found in the other samples compared to the control group. In general,
it appears that low concentrations of GO nanoparticles contributed to an increase in cell

activity, while high concentrations, on the contrary, had an inhibitory effect.

Figure 4. Comparison of (A) cell growth after 24 h of cultivation (mean and 95% confidence intervals
shown); (B) change in cell number—K1 (median, 1st and 3rd quartiles ff shown). n = 12; (C) cell
activity—K2 (median, 1st and 3rd quartiles shown). n = 12. Significant differences compared with
control group (p < 0.05) are marked with *.

In addition, the velocity of cell movement was evaluated (Figure 5). An increase
in the speed of cell movement was observed for all samples and concentrations studied
compared to the control group, while this was statistically significant only for the P-GOb
and bP-GOb samples.
To assess the effect of the samples on the functional properties of the hMSCs, the
change in cell activity (K2) was evaluated. It can be seen that the concentration of the
nanoparticles has a significant effect on the K2 value. The average K2 value for areas of
visualization containing samples at a concentration of 25 µg/mL is lower than that of
the control group, whereas it is higher for areas containing samples at a concentration of
5 µg/mL. Visually, it was observed that isolated cells moved farther and faster, while they
slowed down when they were near other cells.
Overall, it was found that a high concentration of P-GOs particles statistically signifi-
cantly reduced the value of the K2 coefficient, while high concentrations of bP-GOs particles
increased K2. A statistically significant effect of other particle types on the K2 coefficient
was not observed, but an upward trend for the K2 value can be seen for the samples in
the following series: P-GOs → bP-GOs → P-GOb → bP-GOb (Figure 4). Moreover, a
statistically significant increase in the speed of cell movement was observed for P-GOb and

Molecules 2023, 28, 4148

bP-GOb type particles at both concentrations, while no change in cell speed was registered
for P-GOs and bP-GOs particles compared to the control.

Figure 5. Comparison of the speed of cell movement during cultivation in the presence of different
types of GO nanoparticles. ff Shown are the mean values and 95% confidence intervals of the mean
values. n = 12. Significant differences compared with the control group (p < 0.05) are marked with *.

3. Discussion ff

For all samples studied, the adhesion/internalization of GO nanoparticles by the cells

was visually observed in the images captured by the Cell-IQ system. This observation is
confirmed by the number of highly granular cells determined by flow cytometry.
GO nanoparticles of the P-GOs, bP-GOs, and P-GOb types at a concentration of
5 µg/mL show a low level of cytotoxicity during short-term incubation with human
mesenchymal cells, as there are no significant differences in the relative numbers of live
and dead cells between the experimental and control groups. A high concentration of

graphene oxide nanoparticles during short-term incubation results in a significant decrease

in the number of live cells compared to the control group for all types of nanoparticles
used in this study. Graphene oxide nanoparticles of the bP-GOb type have the most
significant negative effect on the→viability of→ →
human mesenchymal stem cells during short-
term cultivation by significantly reducing the relative number of living cells, regardless of
the concentration used.
Multiple mechanisms of cytotoxicity of GO nanoparticles have been described by other
authors. The main mechanisms include interaction of cells with extremely sharp graphene
edges [35], generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) [36], and trapping of cells within
aggregates of GO nanosheets [37]. In this study the mechanisms behind cytotoxicity of
GO nanoparticles were not investigated and we possess no data regarding ROS generation
or levels of oxidative stress the cells experienced. However, it is certain that the coating
of GO nanoparticles by linear and especially branched PEG helped reduce the damage
cells sustained from contact with sharp edges of graphene. Moreover, aggregation of
nanoparticles on the cell surface was clearlyffseen by phase-contrast microscopy and may
have contributed to cytotoxicity.
The nanoparticles used in this study had no significant effect on the growth of hMSCs,
as reflected in both the K1 coefficient and the measurement of the final increase in cell
number. Cell activity (K2) decreased significantly compared with the control group when
cultivation was performed
ff in the presence of a high-concentration P-GOs sample and

Molecules 2023, 28, 4148

increased when the concentration of the bP-GOs sample was low. Visually, a trend of
increasing cell activity with increasing particle size can be observed.
In previous studies on the effects of other types of nanoparticles on MSCs, it has been re-
peatedly shown that these cells are able to internalize small particles (up to 200 nm) [38–40].
However, previous studies have predominantly used spherical polymer or metal parti-
cles. There are far fewer studies investigating the effect of graphene nanoparticles and
their derivatives on MSCs. An important difference between graphene-based nanopar-
ticles and those mentioned above is the two-dimensional structure of graphene-based
materials, which provides a large surface area and the possibility of obtaining particles in
different shapes.
The shape of the particles and surface modifications play an important role in achiev-
ing low cytotoxicity. For example, reduced GO nanoribbons were shown to cause more
extensive DNA damage in hMSCs after a short incubation than nanosheets of similar
size [41]. In another study using nanoparticles of PEG-coated reduced GO, incubation of
cells for an extended period of time (up to 72 h) did not result in a significant decrease in
viability [42]. In this case, particles with a diameter of 1 µm were used at concentrations
of 5, 10, 50, and 100 µg/mL. The results obtained in our study are not consistent with
these data. This could be due to several reasons, including the use of PEG with different
lengths for nanoparticle coating. Syama et al. used PEG with a molecular weight of 1.9 kDa,
whereas our particles were coated with PEG which had a molecular weight of 5 kDa.
The uptake of 2.7 µm-sized capsules by MSCs has previously been associated with a
decrease in cell mobility [43]. The decrease in velocity was shown to be positively correlated
with the concentration of capsules in the medium during incubation. At the same time,
some studies have shown the ability of nanoparticles to accumulate in endosomes, leading
to a change in cellular metabolism, stimulation of cells, and an increase in their mobility [44].
In this study, it was shown that incubation of cells with P-GOb and bP-GOb samples
resulted in an increase in cell velocity, which may indicate that these particles have some
effect on cellular metabolism, although the mechanism of this effect is not clear at present.
In general, there are good prospects for the use of graphene nanoparticles and their
derivatives in diagnostics, therapy, and regenerative medicine. At the same time, the effect
of these particles on human stem cells is still insufficiently studied. We see the need for
further research in this area to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the parameters
that play a key role in the cyto- and genotoxicity of graphene-based nanoparticles with
respect to human stem cells. It is critical to know the consequences of short- or long-term
exposure of human tissues to these materials.

4. Materials and Methods

Obtaining a cell culture. To study the effect of GO nanoparticles, a culture of human
multipotent mesenchymal stem cells was obtained from a lipoaspirate at the Center for
Immunology and Cellular Biotechnology at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
The culture obtained met the minimum criteria set by the International Society for Cell
Therapy [22]. The cells were stored in liquid nitrogen. After removal from the cryobank,
the tube containing the frozen cell suspension was thawed in a water bath at 37 ◦ C for
5 min. After thawing, the cells were washed with DMEM/F-12 containing 15 mM Hepes
(Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO, USA) by centrifugation at 1500 rpm for 5 min. Then, cells
were transferred to T75 culture flasks (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) and grown to 80%
in complete culture medium (CCM) based on αMEM base medium (Sigma-Aldrich, Saint
Louis, MO, USA) supplemented with 10% FBS (Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO, USA),
100 U/mL penicillin, 100 µg/mL streptomycin (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA,
USA), and 2 mM L-glutamine (Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO, USA).
Properties of graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide nanoparticles with
sizes of 100–200 nm (GOs) and 1–5 µm (GOb) (“Ossila Ltd.”, Sheffield, UK) coated with
linear (P) and branched (bP) polyethylene glycol (PEG) were used. The procedures for
modification and characterization of nanoparticles have been previously described by the

Molecules 2023, 28, 4148

authors [45]. The following particles were used in the study: P-GOs (Ø 184 ± 73 nm),
bP-GOs (Ø 287 ± 52 nm), P-GOb (Ø 569 ± 14 nm), and bP-GOb (Ø 1376 ± 48 nm). The
information about the types of nanoparticles used in this study is summarized in Table 1.
Further information is available in [45] and Appendix B.

Table 1. Characteristics of GO nanoparticles.

Notation Diameter (nm) Coating

P-GOs 184 ± 73 Linear PEG
bP-GOs 287 ± 52 Branched PEG
P-GOb 569 ± 14 Linear PEG
bP-GOb 1376 ± 48 Branched PEG

Cultivation of cells for viability assessment. Cultivation was performed in CCM at

37 ◦ C in a humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2 . Cells were cultured in a 6-well plate with
5 mL CCM per well. Cell suspension was added to the wells to a final concentration of
1 ∗ 105 cells per well. In addition, a suspension of GO nanoparticles of each type (P-GOs,
bP-GOs, P-GOb, bP-GOb) was added to the wells at final concentrations of 5 and 25 µg/mL.
Each group was present in duplicate. Cells without the addition of GO nanoparticles were
used as negative controls. In addition, the cells with the addition of GO nanoparticles
of each type at the maximum concentration (1 well for each sample type) were used as a
null control.
Evaluation of cell culture viability. Analysis of cell viability before and after cultiva-
tion was performed by flow cytometry using MACS Quant FL7 (Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch
Gladbach, Germany). Guava ViaCount dye (Millipore, Burlington, MA, USA) was used for
staining. This is a commercial reagent that combines an intercalating dye that selectively
penetrates the membrane of dead cells and a specific dye for surface receptors, allowing
accurate determination of the relative numbers of live, dead, and apoptotic cells.
Adherent culture of human mesenchymal stem cells was removed from the culture
flasks by enzymatic treatment. The flask was washed 3 times with Hanks solution (HBSS)
without magnesium and calcium (Capricorn Scientific, Ebsdorfergrund, Germany). Enzy-
matic treatment was performed with 3 mL of trypsin-EDTA solution (Sigma-Aldriche, Saint
Louis, MO, USA). The gating strategy for flow cytometry is shown in Figure 6. Before the
experiment, the viability of the cell culture was 90%. To compare the effect of the samples
on apoptosis and cell death, the ratio between the number of dead cells and the number of
apoptotic cells (D/A) was calculated.

Figure 6. Gating strategy for human mesenchymal stem cells to assess the relative amounts of live,
dead, and apoptotic cells.

102 tt
Molecules 2023, 28, 4148 tt

Evaluation of nanoparticle adhesion/internalization by cells. In addition to via-

bility, adhesion/internalization of particles by cells was also assessed. Cells that ad-
here/internalize GO nanoparticles became more granular, which increased the lateral
scattering of light and could be detected by flow cytometry. To compare particle ad-
hesion/internalization between samples, a subpopulation of high-granularity cells was
isolated in the cell gate and the percentage of high-granularity cells was compared to that
of the control group.
Cultivation of cells for assessment of their behavioral changes in the Cell-IQ sys-

tem. Cultivation was performed in CCM at 37 ◦ C in a humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2
for 24 h. Cells were cultured in 24-well plates with 1 mL CCM per well. A suspension of
cells was added to the wells of the cell culture plate at a concentration of 2 ∗ 104 cells per
well. Then, a suspension of GO nanoparticles of each type was added to the wells to a final
concentration of 5 and 25 µg/mL. Each group was present in triplicate. Cells cultured in
CCM without addition of GO nanoparticles served as the control group.
For each well of the cell culture plate, four areasttwere selected for visualization
(Figure 7). Images of these areas were taken every 30 min. The acquired images were
analyzed to assess the activity of the cells. To obtain a better visual representation of the
events taking place in each visualization area, the images for each of these areas were
combined into a video file (one file per area, Videos S1–S9). As a result of image processing,
the dynamics of cell growth and migration activity of human mesenchymal stem cells
was evaluated.

Figure 7. Distribution of visualization areas in a single well.

Evaluation of the dynamics of cell growth and migration activity of cells in the
Cell-IQ system. Cells were counted in every second image acquired with the Cell-IQ
system. Coefficients K1 and K2 were used to evaluate the dynamics of changes in cell
number per area of visualization.
The K1 coefficient reflects changes in the number of cells in the observation area per
unit time. It was calculated as the average value of the difference between the number of
observed cells in each pair of analyzed images divided by the time interval between these
images. In addition to K1, the final change in cell number in each visualization area was
assessed. For this purpose, the ratio between the number of cells at the end of cultivation
(after 24 h) and the number of cells at the beginning of cultivation was calculated for each
area. This ratio reflects the total cell growth that occurred during cultivation.

K1 = Σ ((ki start − ki end )/ti ), (1)

ki start— number of cells observed in a single area of visualization at the beginning of a

time period;
ki end—number of cells observed in a single area of visualization at the end of a time period;
ti —time between observations.

Molecules 2023, 28, 4148

The coefficient K2 reflects the activity of cell movement in the area of observation. It
was calculated based on K1, but the absolute value of the difference between the number
of cells observed in each pair of analyzed images was used. While K1 is influenced by
cell growth, K2 is more appropriate to evaluate the migration of cells. If the average
number of cells remains constant, their migration rate to/from the observation area can
still be evaluated.
K2 = Σ (|ki start − ki end\ |/ti ), (2)

ki start —number of cells observed in a single area of visualization at the beginning of a

time period;
ki end—number of cells observed in a single area of visualization at the end of a time period;
ti —time between observations.
The speed of human mesenchymal stem cells was also evaluated. For this purpose,
3 cells were selected in each visualization area (if possible). Then, the central points of these
cells in each image were determined. By tracking the changes in the coordinates of these
points over time, the total distance travelled by each cell and its corresponding speed of
movement could be calculated.
Statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing were performed
using the standard STATISTICA package for Windows 10.0. Before data were analyzed,
they were tested for normality using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov method. Median (Me),
25% (Q1), and 75% (Q3) quartiles were calculated for data that did not follow the normal
distribution. Plots were generated with the R programming language [46] using the ggplot2
module [47].
For samples that did not follow the normal distribution, the significance of differences
was assessed using the Wilcoxon T-test for pairs of dependent samples. Differences were
considered significant when p < 0.05.

5. Conclusions
We studied the interaction of graphene oxide nanoparticles with hMSCs in the Cell-IQ
in vivo monitoring system. We have shown that all the studied GO nanoparticles after
24 h of incubation have a cytotoxic effect on hMSCs at a high concentration (25 µg/mL),
however, only bP-GOb particles were able to reduce cell viability at a low concentration
(5 µg/mL).
We also showed that small particles (P-GOs) at a high concentration (25 µg/mL)
reduced cell motility, while large-sized particles coated with branched PEG (bP-GOb) at a
similar concentration increased this parameter. It was demonstrated that larger particles of
P-GOb and bP-GOb (5 and 25 µg/mL) increased the speed of hMSCs movement.
However, the particles did not affect the changes in cell count during cultivation.
In general, GO nanoparticles can reduce the viability of hMSCs, but increase the rate
of cell movement. Thus, we have demonstrated for the first time the interaction of GO
nanoparticles with hMSCs in the Cell-IQ in vivo monitoring system.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at https://www.

mdpi.com/article/10.3390/molecules28104148/s1: Video S1: Visualization of incubation of cells with P-
GOs nanoparticles (5 µg/mL); Video S2: Visualization of incubation of cells with P-Gos nanoparticles
(25 µg/mL); Video S3: Visualization of incubation of cells with bP-Gos nanoparticles (5 µg/mL);
Video S4: Visualization of incubation of cells with bP-Gos nanoparticles (25 µg/mL); Video S5:
Visualization of incubation of cells with P-Gob nanoparticles (5 µg/mL); Video S6: Visualization
of incubation of cells with P-Gob nanoparticles (25 µg/mL); Video S7: Visualization of incubation
of cells with bP-Gob nanoparticles (5 µg/mL); Video S8: Visualization of incubation of cells with
bP-Gob nanoparticles (25 µg/mL); Video S9: Visualization of incubation of cells in the control group
(without GO nanoparticles); Table S1: The pivot table of cell count in every area of visualization at
different time periods.

Molecules 2023, 28, 4148

Author Contributions: Conceptualization and funding acquisition, S.Z.; formal analysis, M.B.;
investigation, S.U., O.K., M.B. and V.M.; project administration, M.R., L.L. and S.Z.; writing—original
draft, S.L.; writing—review and editing, V.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, grant number 19-15-00244-Π.
The APC was funded by the same organization.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of Immanuel Kant
Baltic Federal University (Approval No. 1, 28 February 2019).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are
available from the corresponding author on request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or
in the decision to publish the results.
Sample Availability: Samples of the GO nanoparticles used in this study are available from the authors.

Appendix A
Cultivation groups:
1. Control—cells in a culture medium without the addition of graphene oxide nanoparti-
cles (3 iterations per plate, 6 iterations in total).
2. Sample 1 (5 µg/mL)—cells in a culture medium with the addition of P-GOs (Ø 184 ± 73 nm)
graphene oxide nanoparticles at a concentration of 5 µg/mL (3 iterations).
3. Sample 1 (25 µg/mL)—cells in a culture medium with the addition of graphene oxide
nanoparticles P-GOs (Ø 184 ± 73 nm) at a concentration of 25 µg/mL (3 iterations).
4. Sample 2 (5 µg/mL)—cells in a culture medium with the addition of graphene oxide
nanoparticles bP-GOs (Ø 287 ± 52 nm) at a concentration of 5 µg/mL (3 iterations)
5. Sample 2 (25 µg/mL)—cells in a culture medium with the addition of graphene oxide
nanoparticles bP-GOs (Ø 287 ± 52 nm) at a concentration of 25 µg/mL (3 iterations)
6. Sample 3 (5 µg/mL)—cells in a culture medium with the addition of graphene oxide
nanoparticles P-GOb (Ø 569 ± 14 nm) at a concentration of 5 µg/mL (3 iterations)
7. Sample 3 (25 µg/mL)—cells in a culture medium with the addition of graphene oxide
nanoparticles P-GOb (Ø 569 ± 14 nm) at a concentration of 25 µg/mL (3 iterations)
8. Sample 4 (5 µg/mL)—cells in a culture medium with the addition of graphene oxide
nanoparticles bP-GOb (Ø 1376 ± 48 nm) at a concentration of 5 µg/mL (3 iterations)
9. Sample 4 (25 µg/mL)—cells in a culture medium with the addition of graphene oxide
nanoparticles bP-GOb (Ø 1376 ± 48 nm) at a concentration of 25 µg/mL (3 iterations)
10. Group 0 control—in the second plate, row D is filled for unstained control. Cells in a
culture medium with the addition of graphene oxide nanoparticles of each sample at
a maximum concentration of 25 µg/mL.

Molecules 2023, 28, 4148

Table A1. Layout of wells in experimental plates for analysis in the Cell-IQ in vitro imaging system.

Plate No. 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
Control Control Control
20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells
Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 2 Sample 2
B 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells
5 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 5 µg/mL
Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 2 Sample 2
C 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells
25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL
Plate No. 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
Control Control Control
20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells
Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 4 Sample 4
B 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells
5 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 5 µg/mL
Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 4 Sample 4
C 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells
25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4
D 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells 20,000 cells
25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL

Table A2. Layout of wells in experimental plates for viability analysis by flow cytometry.

Plate No. 1 Plate No. 2

1 2 3 1 2 3
Sample 1 Sample 3 Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 2
A 100,000 cells 100,000 cells A 100,000 cells 100,000 cells 100,000 cells
100,000 cells
25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 5 µg/mL
Sample 2 Sample 4 Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 2
B 100,000 cells 100,000 cells B 100,000 cells 100,000 cells 100,000 cells
100,000 cells
25 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 5 µg/mL
Plate No. 3 Plate No. 4
1 2 3 1 2 3
Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 4
A 100,000 cells 100,000 cells 100,000 cells A 20,000 cells 100,000 cells
100,000 cells
25 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 25 µg/mL
Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 4
B 100,000 cells 100,000 cells 100,000 cells B 20,000 cells 100,000 cells
100,000 cells
25 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 25 µg/mL

Molecules 2023, 28, 4148

Appendix B

Figure A1. Characterization of P-GO nanoparticles (LnGO = P-GOb, LbGO = bP-GOb, SnGO = P-GOs,
SbGO = bP-GOs). (A)—IR spectra; (B)—Raman spectra; (C)—intensity-weighted size distribution
determined by DLS; (D,E)—SEM images of GO (D) and LbGO (E); (F,G)—TGA/DSC of P-GO. Scale
bars are 1 µm (D) and 500 nm (E).

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Efficient Preparation of Small-Sized Transition Metal
Dichalcogenide Nanosheets by Polymer-Assisted Ball Milling
Qi Zhang, Fengjiao Xu, Pei Lu, Di Zhu, Lihui Yuwen * and Lianhui Wang *

State Key Laboratory of Organic Electronics and Information Displays & Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biosensors,
Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM), Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 9 Wenyuan Road,
Nanjing 210023, China
* Correspondence: [email protected] (L.Y.); [email protected] (L.W.);
Tel.: +86-25-85866333 (L.W.); Fax: +86-25-85866396 (L.W.)

Abstract: Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenide nanosheets (TMDC NSs) have
attracted growing interest due to their unique structure and properties. Although various methods
have been developed to prepare TMDC NSs, there is still a great need for a novel strategy combining
simplicity, generality, and high efficiency. In this study, we developed a novel polymer-assisted ball
milling method for the efficient preparation of TMDC NSs with small sizes. The use of polymers
can enhance the interaction of milling balls and TMDC materials, facilitate the exfoliation process,
and prevent the exfoliated nanosheets from aggregating. The WSe2 NSs prepared by carboxymethyl
cellulose sodium (CMC)-assisted ball milling have small lateral sizes (8~40 nm) with a high yield
(~60%). The influence of the experimental conditions (polymer, milling time, and rotation speed) on
the size and yield of the nanosheets was studied. Moreover, the present approach is also effective in
producing other TMDC NSs, such as MoS2 , WS2 , and MoSe2 . This study demonstrates that polymer-
assisted ball milling is a simple, general, and effective method for the preparation of small-sized
Citation: Zhang, Q.; Xu, F.; Lu, P.;
Zhu, D.; Yuwen, L.; Wang, L. Efficient Keywords: high yield; polymer-assisted; ball milling; TMDC nanosheets
Preparation of Small-Sized Transition
Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheets by
Polymer-Assisted Ball Milling.
Molecules 2022, 27, 7810. https:// 1. Introduction
2D TMDCs have a unique layered structure in which the layers interact with each
Academic Editors: Minas M. other by weak van der Waals force rather than by strong chemical bonding, which makes
Stylianakis and Athanasios Skouras them different from other materials [1–4]. 2D TMDCs usually have the general formula
Received: 1 November 2022
of MX2 , in which transition metal (M) atoms and chalcogen (X) atoms form an X-M-X
Accepted: 9 November 2022
‘sandwich’ structure, such as MoS2 , MoSe2 , WS2 , WSe2 , TiS2 , or TiSe2 [1,5]. Since the
Published: 12 November 2022
interaction between TMDC layers is weak, few-layer or single-layer TMDC NSs can be
obtained by physical or chemical exfoliation. These dimension changes in 2D TMDCs cause
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
significant variations in their electronic structures and have a great impact on their physical
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
and chemical properties [2,3]. For example, ultrathin MoS2 NSs have high carrier mobility,
published maps and institutional affil-
enhanced photoluminescence, and high catalytic activity [6–9]. The size and aggregation of
TMDC nanosheets also strongly influence the lubrication property in solid lubricants [10–12].
Moreover, when the lateral size of TMDC NSs is significantly reduced, typically at less than
20 nm, their properties are influenced by quantum confinement effects [13,14], which make
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
small TMDC NSs promising nanomaterials for applications in optoelectronics, catalysis,
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. energy storage, and biomedicine [3,5,15].
This article is an open access article Over the last few decades, various methods have been developed to control the di-
distributed under the terms and mensions of TMDC NSs [2,4,16]. Bottom-up methods, such as chemical vapor deposition
conditions of the Creative Commons (CVD) and colloidal synthesis, can be used to synthesize TMDC NSs with various com-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// positions and structures, for which high temperatures and rigorous reaction conditions
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ are usually needed [17–19]. As well as bottom-up routes, top-down methods that involve
4.0/). exfoliating bulk TMDCs have also attracted great attention. Novoselov et al. developed a

Molecules 2022, 27, 7810

micromechanical exfoliation method for TMDC NSs by using Scotch tape [20]. Although
high-quality TMDC NSs can be prepared by using this method, low yield and tedious work
limit its use. Chemical exfoliation by alkaline metal intercalation is an efficient top-down
approach to prepare ultrathin TMDC NSs [21–23]. However, the intercalation reactions
usually need to be carried out in strict oxygen-free and water-free conditions, and the
as-prepared TMDC NSs often have altered crystal structures with the formation of abun-
dant defects. Ultrasonication-assisted liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) is another popular
method that has been extensively explored for the preparation of TMDC NSs due to its
simplicity and generality [24,25]. However, the efficiency of LPE is relatively low, especially
for the preparation of TMDC NSs with small sizes [24–26]. Ball milling is another top-
down method to produce TMDC NSs with the potential for large-scale production [27–30].
Compared with the normal force-dominated LPE method, ball milling utilizes both shear
force and normal force provided by the milling balls to exfoliate and pulverize the layered
TMDCs [31,32]. Similar to the LPE method, the low yield of nanosheets is also a common
issue due to the limited milling ball–material contact interface and the reaggregation of
nanosheets during ball milling. Although sonication-assisted exfoliation has been used
together with ball milling, the improvement of the yield is still limited and the operation
becomes complicated [28,33,34]. Therefore, a novel method for highly efficient preparation
of small TMDC NSs with high yield and simplicity is still needed.
In this report, we develop a polymer-assisted ball milling strategy for the efficient
preparation of TMDC NSs with small sizes (Scheme 1). By using carboxymethyl cellulose
sodium (CMC) as a solid intermedium in the ball milling process, WSe2 NSs with different
average sizes from about 8 nm to 40 nm were successfully prepared with a total yield of
over 60%. The influence of the polymer, rotation speed, and milling time on the size and
yield of WSe2 NSs was studied. This method provides polymer surface modification during
preparation, which gives the as-prepared WSe2 NSs good colloidal stability. Moreover,
this method can also be used to prepare other TMDC NSs, such as MoS2 , MoSe2 , and WS2 .
Our study demonstrates a novel method for the preparation of small-sized TMDC NSs
with high yields by using polymer-assisted ball milling, which is efficient, simple, general,
and scalable.

Scheme 1. Preparation of small TMDC NSs by polymer-assisted ball milling.

2. Results and Discussion

2.1. WSe2 NSs Prepared by CMC-Assisted Ball Milling
As illustrated in Scheme 1, polymers are mixed with bulk TMDC materials in a steel
jar to assist the dry ball milling process. The shear force provided by the steel balls leads to
the exfoliation of the layered materials, while the normal force fragments the nanosheets.
During ball milling, the polymers act as an intermedium to transfer the impact from
steel balls to TMDC materials and enhance the interaction between steel balls and TMDC
materials. Moreover, the polymer molecules can adsorb on the surface of TMDC NSs
and reduce their reaggregation, which also improves the exfoliation efficiency. Polymer-
assisted ball milling not only decreases the thickness and lateral size of layered TMDCs but
also produces homogeneous TMDC–polymer composites. Without further ultrasonication
treatment, the as-prepared TMDC NSs can easily disperse in water and form stable colloidal
dispersions. TMDC NS aqueous dispersions were first centrifuged at low speed to remove

Molecules 2022, 27, 7810

the large aggregates, and the supernatant was further centrifuged at different speeds to
obtain TMDC NSs with different sizes.
CMC was first explored to prepare WSe2 NSs by ball milling. As a carboxymethyl
functionalized cellulose, CMC is an abundant, cheap, and environmentally friendly material
and has been extensively used in various industrial applications [35]. After ball milling,
CMC-WSe2 NSs composites can easily form aqueous dispersions due to the electrostatic
repulsion force provided by CMC. After gradient centrifugation at different rotation speeds,
a series of small WSe2 NSs were obtained and named as WSe2 -Low (10,000 rpm), WSe2 -
Medium (16,000 rpm), and WSe2 -High (21,000 rpm), respectively. TEM was used to
investigate the morphology of WSe2 NSs. Figure 1a–c and Figure S1 show that WSe2 NSs
have uniform sheet-like morphology with average sizes of 39.66 ± 13.63 nm (WSe2 -Low),
20.02 ± 6.28 nm (WSe2 -Medium), and 7.90 ± 3.11 nm (WSe2 -High), respectively. As shown
by the HRTEM images in Figure 1d–f, WSe2 NSs have a clear crystalline structure and the
lattice spacing of 2.8 Å can be assigned to the (100) plane of 2H-WSe2 [36]. The six-fold
SAED patterns (Figure 1g–i) indicate that the WSe2 NSs with different sizes have the same
hexagonal symmetry structure, suggesting no significant change in the structure during
the ball milling process.

Figure 1. (a–c) TEM, (d–f) HRTEM, and (g–i) SAED images of WSe2 NSs with different sizes prepared
by CMC–assisted ball milling at different centrifugation speeds: (a,d,g) WSe2 –Low (10,000 rpm for
1 h), (b,e,h) WSe2 –Medium (16,000 rpm for 1.5 h), (c,f,i) WSe2 –High (21,000 rpm for 4 h). Scale bars:
200 nm for (a–c), 2 nm for (d–f), and 5 1/nm for (g–i).

Molecules 2022, 27, 7810

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to investigate the thickness of WSe2 NSs.
AFM images (Figures 2 and S2) show that the average thickness of WSe2 NSs gradually
decreases from 8–10 nm (WSe2 -Low) to 2–3 nm (WSe2 -High) according to the increase
in centrifugation speed from 10,000 rpm to 21,000 rpm. Hence, small-sized WSe2 NSs
with different thicknesses can be obtained by varying the rotation speed during gradient
centrifugation. Since CMC molecules can still absorb on the surface of WSe2 NSs after
purification, the apparent thickness of WSe2 NSs detected by AFM may be a little higher
than the exact true values.

Figure 2. (a–c) AFM images and (d–f) corresponding height profiles of WSe2 NSs with different sizes
prepared by CMC–assisted ball milling after gradient centrifugation: (a,d) Wse2 –Low, (b,e) Wse2 –
Medium, (c,f) Wse2 –High. Scale bar: 200 nm.

The structure, composition, and properties of the WSe2 NSs were further studied.
As shown by the XRD patterns in Figure 3a, diffraction peaks at 13.6◦ , 31.4◦ , 37.8◦ , and
47.4◦ belong to the (002), (100), (103), and (105) planes according to the standard diffraction
data of WSe2 (JCPDS, 38-1388). The broadening and weakening of these diffraction lines
originate from the size and thickness reduction of WSe2 NSs after ball milling [37,38]. XPS
was used to investigate the chemical state of the as-prepared WSe2 NSs. As shown by the
core-level XPS spectra of W in Figure 3b, the doublet peaks near 33 eV and 35 eV belong to
W4+ 4f7/2 and W4+ 4f5/2 of 2H-WSe2 , while the binding energy peak located at about 38 eV
can be ascribed to W4+ 5p3/2 [39]. The absence of doublet peaks for W6+ between 36 and
38 eV indicates that no WOx formed during ball milling [40]. As illustrated in Figure 3c,
the doublet peaks near 55 eV and 56 eV belong to Se 3d5/2 and Se 3d3/2 of 2H-WSe2 [41].
Similarly, WSe2 NSs with other sizes (WSe2 -Low and WSe2 -High) have the same chemical
states of W and Se as WSe2 -Medium (Supplementary Materials Figure S3), which implies
that WSe2 NSs were prepared by polymer-assisted ball milling mainly through physical
exfoliation and fragmentation rather than the mechanochemical way. Raman spectra of
WSe2 NSs (Figure 3d) show that the characteristic peak located at about 250 cm−1 can
be ascribed to the degenerate A1g (out-of-plane) and E1 2g (in-plane) vibrational modes,
suggesting the few-layer structure of WSe2 NSs [39,41]. UV-vis-NIR spectra of WSe2 NSs
(Figure 3e) indicate that the absorption peaks near 750 nm blueshift with the size and
thickness reduction, similar to previous reports [42,43]. As the FT-IR spectra of WSe2 NSs
depict in Figure 3d, IR absorption bands at 3430 cm−1 and 1630 cm−1 can be assigned to

Molecules 2022, 27, 7810

the stretching vibration of the hydroxyl group (−OH) and asymmetric vibration of the
carboxyl group (COO−) of CMC [44,45], respectively, which suggests the existence of
CMC molecules on the surface of WSe2 NSs. Due to the hydrophilicity and electrostatic
repulsion of CMC, WSe2 NSs are stable in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and cell culture
medium (DMEM) (Supplementary Materials Figure S4), and no obvious precipitation
can be observed even after being stored for months in water, which suggests their good
colloidal stability in biological environments.

Figure 3. (a) XRD patterns of WSe2 NSs with different sizes. XPS spectra of WSe2 NSs (WSe2 –Low)
for (b) W 4f and W 5p, and (c) Se 3d. (d) Raman spectra of bulk WSe2 and WSe2 NSs with different
sizes. (e) UV–vis–NIR absorption spectra and photos of WSe2 NSs aqueous dispersions (inset).
(f) FT–IR spectra of WSe2 NSs, bulk WSe2 , and CMC.

2.2. The Influence of Experimental Conditions on Polymer-Assisted Ball Milling

The influence of the experimental conditions of ball milling on the size and yield
of WSe2 NSs was studied. Due to the important role of the polymer during ball milling,
different polymers were first studied. As shown in Supplementary Materials Figure S5,
WSe2 NSs prepared by using different polymers all have uniform morphology and good
dispersity with an average size smaller than 100 nm. Table 1 indicates that the total yield of
WSe2 NSs by CMC-assisted ball milling is 62.68%, while the yields of WSe2 NSs using F127,
PVP, and PEG are 12.34%, 32.08%, and 11.89%, respectively. Moreover, the lateral size of
WSe2 NSs using CMC is much smaller than those using other polymers. The superiority of
CMC for the ball milling process may originate from its unique structure. Previous studies
have revealed that the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups of polymers, such as alginate, bovine
serum albumin, and glycan, have a strong interaction with the surface of TMDC NSs, and
the synergy of the repetitive units of the polymers also enhances this interaction [46–48].
Compared with F127, PVP, and PEG, CMC has much more hydroxyl and carboxyl groups,
which may provide a stronger interaction between the surface of WSe2 NSs and polymers
and significantly improve the efficiency of ball milling. Milling time and rotation speed
during ball milling also play important roles in the morphology and yield of the WSe2 NSs.
As shown in Table 1 and Supplementary Materials Figure S6, the lateral size of WSe2 NSs
generally reduces with increased milling time, while total yields of WSe2 NSs are nearly
the same (~60%), suggesting that the milling time mainly influences the size of WSe2 NSs

Molecules 2022, 27, 7810

rather than the yield. As shown in Supplementary Materials Figure S7 and Table 1, the
size of most WSe2 NSs decreases from about 60 nm to 30 nm when the rotation speed of
the ball mill increases from 400 rpm to 800 rpm. Meanwhile, the total yield of WSe2 NSs
increases from about 30% to 60% once the rotation speed has exceeded 650 rpm. Therefore,
both the size and yield of WSe2 NSs can be easily adjusted by varying the rotation speed
and milling time during ball milling, suggesting the controllability of this method.

Table 1. Average lateral size and yield of WSe2 NSs prepared by polymer-assisted ball milling under
different experimental conditions.

Speed Time Size (nm)/Yield (%) Total Yield

(rpm) (h) WSe2 -Low WSe2 -Medium WSe2 -High (%)
CMC 650 12 39.66/26.32 20.02/26.18 7.90/10.18 62.68
F127 650 12 93.20/7.68 72.39/3.84 48.73/0.82 12.34
PVP 650 12 46.29/23.48 19.05/8.39 14.87/0.21 32.08
PEG 650 12 47.05/8.81 37.00/2.21 30.76/0.87 11.89
CMC 650 6 55.04/22.34 35.28/25.60 21.54/14.36 62.30
CMC 650 24 24.06/32.52 12.41/23.72 7.68/3.82 60.06
CMC 400 12 61.05/26.92 51.44/1.32 35.78/0.56 28.80
CMC 800 12 28.26/23.61 15.82/21.34 7.46/13.92 58.87

2.3. The Preparation of other TMDC NSs by Polymer-Assisted Ball Milling

The feasibility of polymer-assisted ball milling for the preparation of other TMDC NSs
was investigated. As shown in Figure 4a–c, the MoS2 , MoSe2 , and WS2 NSs prepared by
CMC-assisted ball milling have uniform morphology and good dispersity. These TMDC
NSs obtained by medium centrifugation speed (16,000 rpm) have lateral sizes similar to
WSe2 -Medium (~20 nm) (Figure S8, Supplementary Materials), suggesting the general
applicability of this method. HRTEM images (Figure 4d–f) show that MoS2 , MoSe2 , and
WS2 NSs all have a clear crystalline structure with identical lattice spacings to previous
reports [36,46]. The SAED patterns (Figure 4g–i) further indicate the hexagonal symmetry
structure of these TMDC NSs, which is characteristic of the crystal structure of the 2H
phase [24,36]. As shown in Figure 5 and Supplementary Materials Figure S9, the average
thickness of these TMDC NSs is in the range of 4–6 nm, suggesting they have a similar
few-layer structure to WSe2 NSs.
To further confirm the successful preparation of the MoS2 , MoSe2 , and WS2 NSs, struc-
ture, composition, and property characterizations were performed. As illustrated in Figure 6a,
diffraction peaks at 14.3◦ (MoS2 ), 13.7◦ (MoSe2 ), and 14.3◦ (WS2 ) belong to the (002) plane,
respectively, similar to the standard diffraction data. The weakening of (100), (103), and
(105) lines may originate from the size and thickness reduction of these TMDC NSs [37]. The
doublet peaks in the XPS spectrum of Mo (Figure 6b) near 229 eV and 232 eV correspond
to Mo4+ 3d5/2 and Mo4+ 3d3/2 of 2H-MoS2 , respectively; and the weak peak near 227 eV
corresponds to S 2s [34,49]. The absence of the peak near 237 eV for Mo6+ 3d suggests no
oxidation of MoS2 [40]. The doublet peaks near 162 eV and 163 eV in Figure 6c can be
ascribed to the S 2p3/2 and S 2p1/2 of 2H-MoS2 , respectively. In addition, the high-resolution
XPS spectra (Supplementary Materials Figure S10) further confirm the successful preparation
of 2H phase MoSe2 NSs and WS2 NSs, while slight oxidation was found for WS2 NSs [40].
Raman spectra of MoS2 , MoSe2 , and WS2 NSs (Figure 6d) reveal the characteristic peaks for
MoS2 (408 cm−1 and 382 cm−1 ), MoSe2 (241 cm−1 and 287 cm−1 ), and WS2 (420 cm−1 and
354 cm−1 ), which belong to their A1g and E1 2g vibrational modes, respectively [33]. Figure 6e
shows the UV-vis-NIR spectra of the TMDC NSs aqueous dispersions and their photos under
ambient light (inset). The distinct absorption peaks located near 800 nm (MoSe2 ), 632 nm
(MoS2 ), and 620 nm (WS2 ) originate from the A exciton transition, similar to the reports of
few-layer TMDC NSs [43,50]. Figure 6f and Figure S11 show the FT-IR spectra of the TMDC
NSs and their bulk materials. The IR absorption bands near 3410 cm−1 and 1630 cm−1 can
be assigned to the stretching frequency of OH and COO groups from CMC adsorbed on the
surface of the TMDC NSs.

Molecules 2022, 27, 7810

Figure 4. (a–c) TEM, (d–f) HRTEM, and (g–i) SAED images of MoS2 , MoSe2 , and WS2 NSs prepared
by CMC–assisted ball milling: MoS2 (a,d,g), MoSe2 (b,e,h), and WS2 (e,f,i). Scale bars: 200 nm for
(a–c), 2 nm for (d–f), and 5 1/nm for (g–i).

Figure 5. AFM images and corresponding height profiles of MoS2 , MoSe2 , and WS2 NSs prepared by
CMC–assisted ball milling: (a,d) MoS2 , (b,e) MoSe2 , (c,f) WS2 . Scale bar: 200 nm.

Molecules 2022, 27, 7810

Figure 6. (a) XRD patterns of MoS2 , MoSe2 , and WS2 NSs prepared by CMC–assisted ball milling.
XPS spectra of MoS2 NSs for Mo 3d (b) and S 2p (c) core level energy regions. (d) Raman spectra of
MoS2 , MoSe2 , and WS2 NSs. (e) UV–vis–NIR absorption spectra with the photos (inset) and (f) FT–IR
spectra of MoS2 , MoSe2 , and WS2 NSs.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Chemicals
WSe2 powder (99.8%) was purchased from Alfa Aesar. MoS2 powder (99%), MoSe2
powder (99.9%), WS2 powder (99%), Pluronic F-127, and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) were
obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Carboxymethyl cellulose sodium
(CMC) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) were purchased from Aladdin and Macklin, re-
spectively. Ultrapure water (18.2 MΩ, Billerica, MA, USA) was used to prepare aqueous
solutions in this study.

3.2. Characterization
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images were obtained by using a HT7700
at 120 kV (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). High-resolution transmission electron microscopy
(HRTEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) images were obtained using field
emission electron microscopes (Talos F200x, FEI, 200 kV, Waltham, MA, USA). Atomic force
microscopy (AFM) images were acquired on Nanoscope IIIa (Bruker, Billerica, MA, USA).
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were recorded on an X-ray diffractometer (D8 Advance
A25, Bruker, Billerica, MA, USA) with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.54178 Å). X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS) was performed on KRATOS Axis Supra (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan)
with Al Kα (hν = 1486.6 eV) as the excitation source. Raman characterization was carried
out on a micro-Raman spectroscopy system (inVia, Renishaw, Wotton-under-Edge, UK)
equipped with a 532 nm laser. Ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-vis-NIR) absorption
spectroscopy was performed on a UV-3600 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan).
Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra were recorded on a FT-IR spectrometer (Perkin
Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA). The concentration of TMDC NSs was determined by using
an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES, Optima 5300DV,
Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA).

Molecules 2022, 27, 7810

3.3. Preparation of WSe2 NSs by CMC-Assisted Ball Milling

WSe2 powder (0.1 g) and CMC (1.0 g) were mixed and put into the steel jar of a
planetary ball mill (Tianchuang, Changsha, China) for ball milling at 650 rpm (35× g)
for 12 h. Then, 40 mL ultrapure water was added into the jar and mixed. The aqueous
suspensions of WSe2 were first centrifuged at 3000 rpm (765× g) for 30 min to remove the
large aggregates. Then, the supernatant was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm (8497× g) for 1 h.
The sediment was collected and redispersed in water, while the supernatant was further
centrifuged at 16,000 rpm (21,752× g) for 1.5 h. Similarly, the sediment was collected and
the supernatant was then centrifuged at 21,000 rpm (37,471× g) for 4 h. Each sediment was
further purified more than three times by centrifugation to remove the redundant CMC.
Finally, the sediments were dispersed in ultrapure water and stored at 4 ◦ C. WSe2 NSs
obtained at different centrifugation speeds (low speed at 10,000 rpm (8497× g), medium
speed at 16,000 rpm (21,752× g), and high speed at 21,000 rpm (37,471× g)) are referred to
as WSe2 -Low, WSe2 -Medium, and WSe2 -High, respectively.

3.4. WSe2 NSs Prepared by Using Different Polymers during Ball Milling
The preparation of WSe2 NSs by using different polymers, including F127, PVP, and
PEG, has similar experimental conditions to CMC-assisted ball milling. Since the stabi-
lization abilities of different polymers are different, the centrifugation conditions used to
purify WSe2 NSs were adjusted according to the polymer used. For F127, WSe2 NSs were
obtained by gradient centrifugation at 5000 rpm (2124× g) for 20 min (WSe2 -Low), 7500 rpm
(4779× g) for 20 min (WSe2 -Medium), and 10,000 rpm (8497× g) for 30 min (WSe2 -High).
For PVP, WSe2 NSs were obtained by gradient centrifugation at 10,000 rpm (8497× g) for
1 h (WSe2 -Low), 16,000 rpm (21,752× g) for 2 h (WSe2 -Medium), and 21,000 rpm
(37471× g) for 4 h (WSe2 -High). For PEG, WSe2 NSs were obtained by gradient centrifugation
at 5000 rpm (2124× g) for 20 min (WSe2 -Low), 7500 rpm (4779× g) for 20 min (WSe2 -Medium),
and 10,000 rpm (8497× g) for 30 min (WSe2 -High).

3.5. Preparation of Other TMDC NSs

MoS2 , MoSe2 , and WS2 NSs were prepared using similar procedures to the CMC-
assisted ball milling of WSe2 NSs, except that the centrifugation conditions were adjusted
according to the different materials.

4. Conclusions
In summary, we have developed a novel polymer-assisted ball milling method for the
efficient preparation of TMDC NSs with small sizes. The as-prepared WSe2 NSs by using
CMC have small sizes (8–40 nm) with high yield (over 60%), which is not easy to achieve
by using other top-down methods. The high efficiency of this method is attributed to the
enhanced interaction of the 2D TMDCs and the milling balls because of the polymer used
during ball milling. The size and thickness of the WSe2 NSs can be adjusted by changing
the rotation speed and milling time during ball milling and the centrifugation conditions
during purification. Moreover, this polymer-assisted ball milling method can also be used
to prepare other TMDC NSs, such as MoS2 , WS2 , and MoSe2 . The as-prepared TMDC NSs
have good colloidal stability in PBS and cell culture medium. This study provides a highly
efficient, simple, general, and scalable method for the preparation of TMDC NSs with small
sizes, which may also be used for other 2D materials.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www.
mdpi.com/article/10.3390/molecules27227810/s1, Figure S1: Large-scale TEM images of WSe2 NSs
prepared by CMC-assisted ball milling at 650 rpm for 12 h and centrifuged under different conditions;
Figure S2: Large-scale AFM images of WSe2 NSs prepared by CMC-assisted ball milling at 650 rpm
for 12 h and centrifuged under different conditions; Figure S3: XPS spectra of WSe2 NSs prepared by
CMC-assisted ball milling at 650 rpm for 12 h; Figure S4: Photographs of CMC-WSe2 NSs dispersed
in water, PBS, and DMEM for different times; Figure S5: TEM images of WSe2 NSs prepared by ball

Molecules 2022, 27, 7810

milling with different polymers under different centrifugal conditions; Figure S6: TEM images of WSe2
NSs prepared by CMC-assisted ball milling for different times after gradient centrifugation; Figure S7:
TEM images of WSe2 NSs prepared by CMC-assisted ball milling with different rotation speeds after
gradient centrifugation; Figure S8: Size statistics of (a) MoS2, (b) MoSe2, and (c) WS2 NSs prepared by
CMC-assisted ball milling; Figure S9: Large-scale AFM images of (a) MoS2, (b) MoSe2, and (c) WS2 NSs
prepared by CMC-assisted ball milling; Figure S10: High-resolution XPS spectra of Mo 3d (a) and Se
3d (b) core level energy regions for MoSe2, and W 4f (c) and S 2p (d) core level energy region for WS2;
Figure S11: FT-IR spectra of bulk MoS2, MoSe2, and WS2.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.Y. and D.Z.; investigation and methodology, Q.Z., F.X.,
D.Z., and P.L.; writing—original draft preparation, Q.Z. and L.Y.; writing—review and editing, L.W.
and L.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The authors are grateful to the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20191382),
the Leading-edge Technology Programme of Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation (BK20212012), and
the Open Research Fund of Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biosensors (JKLB202204).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The raw data will be available from the corresponding authors upon
reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Sample Availability: Samples of the TMDC NSs are available from the authors.

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The Principle of Nanomaterials Based Surface
Plasmon Resonance Biosensors and Its
Potential for Dopamine Detection
Faten Bashar Kamal Eddin 1 and Yap Wing Fen 1,2, *
1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Putra Malaysia, UPM,
Serdang 43400, Selangor, Malaysia; [email protected]
2 Functional Devices Laboratory, Institute of Advanced Technology, University Putra Malaysia, UPM,
Serdang 43400, Selangor, Malaysia
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Academic Editors: Minas M. Stylianakis, Athanasios Skouras and Ashok Kakkar

Received: 20 April 2020; Accepted: 25 May 2020; Published: 15 June 2020
Abstract: For a healthy life, the human biological system should work in order. Scheduled lifestyle and
lack of nutrients usually lead to fluctuations in the biological entities levels such as neurotransmitters
(NTs), proteins, and hormones, which in turns put the human health in risk. Dopamine (DA) is an
extremely important catecholamine NT distributed in the central nervous system. Its level in the body
controls the function of human metabolism, central nervous, renal, hormonal, and cardiovascular
systems. It is closely related to the major domains of human cognition, feeling, and human
desires, as well as learning. Several neurological disorders such as schizophrenia and Parkinson’s
disease are related to the extreme abnormalities in DA levels. Therefore, the development of an
accurate, effective, and highly sensitive method for rapid determination of DA concentrations is
desired. Up to now, different methods have been reported for DA detection such as electrochemical
strategies, high-performance liquid chromatography, colorimetry, and capillary electrophoresis mass
spectrometry. However, most of them have some limitations. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR)
spectroscopy was widely used in biosensing. However, its use to detect NTs is still growing and has
fascinated impressive attention of the scientific community. The focus in this concise review paper
will be on the principle of SPR sensors and its operation mechanism, the factors that affect the sensor
performance. The efficiency of SPR biosensors to detect several clinically related analytes will be
mentioned. DA functions in the human body will be explained. Additionally, this review will cover
the incorporation of nanomaterials into SPR biosensors and its potential for DA sensing with mention
to its advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: neurotransmitters; nanomaterials; surface plasmon resonance; optical; biosensors;

diagnosis; dopamine

1. Introduction
Over the last few decades there has been a great effort towards the development of label-free
optical biosensors. These essential analytical tools offer real-time analysis, detection of chemical and
biological species with high sensitivity and selectivity. The tremendous advances in these biosensors
will have a major impact on our health care. Among these technologies used to analyze the bio-specific
interactions, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors today belong to the most advanced [1]. It has
proven effective in medical diagnostics [2,3], food quality tests [4], detection of heavy metal ions [5],
and others with respect to environmental protection.
Comparing to the conventional diagnostic tools, SPR biosensors have multiple advantages such
as easy preparation, no requirement of labeling, real-time detection capability, cost- effectiveness,

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and high specificity and sensitivity. However, for the label-free detection of low concentrations of
analytes with small molecular weight its sensitivity is not enough. Therefore, considerable efforts
have been invested to overcome these challenges and improve the sensitivity of the SPR biosensor
with keeping all its advantages. Nanomaterials are promising candidates and have demonstrated
their appropriateness in the biosensing field. All nanomaterials have a general feature, which is the
high specific surface. This enables the immobilization of an enhanced amount of bioreceptor units.
Using the functional nanomaterials significantly enhanced the sensors performances, increased the
sensitivity and selectivity of the sensing platform. The sensing performance is affected by synthetic
procedure of the used nanomaterial, its shape and size. Additionally, the immobilization strategy used
to functionalize the sensor chip is still challenge [6]. The purpose of this concise review is to introduce
SPR concepts, and simplify the mechanism of SPR based sensor from dip to real-time measurements,
explain the important characteristics in SPR sensor performance, mention several clinically related
analytes that have been detected using SPR biosensors efficiently. Additionally, this mini review will
explain the critical role of dopamine (DA) in human body and the potential of nanomaterials based
SPR biosensors to detect it with mentioning its advantages and disadvantages.

2. SPR Phenomena
SPR is a quantum electromagnetic phenomenon that occurs when light interacts with free
electrons at the interface between the metal and dielectric [7,8]. This optical process happens when
monochromatic and p-polarized light beam strikes the surface of metal (typically gold) as shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Experimental set-up of surface plasmons (SPs) excitation.

At a specific incidence angle when light satisfies resonance conditions and the frequency of the
incident light matches the frequency of the surface plasmon wave, the light energy partially transfers to
the electron packages on the metallic surface. After that, the observed reflected light shows a dip in the
intensity as shown in Figure 2a. The electron coherent oscillations that were excited by exponentially
decaying evanescent field of the incident light are called surface plasmons (SPs) and propagate parallel
to the metallic surface. The angle at which the reflected light shows the maximum loss of intensity is
called resonance angle or SPR-dip [9,10].
At the beginning of the twentieth century in 1902, the first observation of SPs was obtained
by Wood, who reported anomalies in the diffraction spectrum of polychromatic light on a metallic
diffraction grating [11]. Then, the connection between these abnormal diffractions and the excitation of
electromagnetic surface waves on the diffraction grating surface was proved by Fano [12]. The clear
explanation of this phenomenon was not complete until 1968, when Otto verified the concept
experimentally and proved that in the attenuated total reflection (ATR) method, the excitation of
SPs led to drop in the reflectivity [13]. Before the end of the same year, Kretschmann and Raether
made some modifications on the configuration of ATR method to observe the excitation of SPs [14].

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These important achievements done by Otto, Kretschmann, and Raether established an appropriate
method to excite SPs and ushered in a promising future in modern optics. There are two categories
of SPs, propagating SPs (PSPs), and localized SPs (LSPs). The excitation of SPs in the first category
occurs on the metallic films. There are several approaches for this type of SPs such as the Kretschmann
and Otto prism coupler, optical waveguides coupler, diffraction gratings, and optical fiber coupler.
While the excitation of LSPs occurs on metallic nanoparticles [15]. The most common approach used in
triggering SPs is prism coupling, which is also known as the ATR mode [16]. In Otto configuration,
there is a certain distance separates the prism and the thin metallic film, the refractive index (RI) of this
dielectric layer is small. The Kretschmann configuration is the easiest one. In this geometry, the prism
is in contact with the metallic layer directly, and the wave vector component of SPs propagating along
the interface is coupled with the wave vector of the incident photon. The practical performance of the
sensor is confined to the resonance angle. The sensitivity of SPR sensors based on prisms is higher
than that of SPR sensors based on grating couplers. Additionally, prism-based SPR sensors using
wavelength interrogation provide the best resolution and a great deal of flexibility in terms of the
analyte refractive index (RI) covered [17]. So, it has become a highly efficient mechanism for optical
sensing of several biological, chemical and environmental changes.

Figure 2. (a) A dip in the intensity of the reflected light after SPs excitation and (b) an angular shift
from a to b due to a refractive index (RI) change on the Au film.

3. SPR Based Sensor

SPR is an excellent method to monitor changes occurring in the RI in the near vicinity of the metal
surface. When the RI changes as a result of adsorption of molecules on the metal surface, the resonance
spectral response of the SPR will change, and thus shifting angular or spectral position of the SPR dip
will happen as shown in Figure 2b to reflect certain properties of the system and provide information
on the kinetics of molecules adsorbed on the surface.
SPR sensors lack intrinsic selectivity, the change of the signal depends on all RI changes in the
evanescent field. Changing the buffer composition or concentration leads to RI difference of the medium.
Additionally, this depends on the medium temperature and the non-specific and specific adsorption
of molecules on the SPR chips. The enhancement of the SPR biosensor needs modification of its
surface with suitable ligands to capture the target compound (the analyte) and neglect other molecules
available in the sample as shown in Figure 3. These ligands can be permanently or temporarily
immobilized on the sensor surface. The analyte accumulation results in a RI change in the evanescent

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field detected. When the ligand captures the analyte, the measurable signal rises and this is called
direct label free detection.
label free detection.

Figure 3. Direct label free detection.

Following in time the resonance angle or wave length shift at which the dip is observed produces
the sensogram (Figure 4), then the amount of adsorbed species after injection of the original baseline
buffer can be determined, and a study of the kinetics of the biomolecular interaction can be done.
The sensor surface should be conditioned with a suitable buffer solution to start each measurement.
It is essential to have a stable base line first [18]. After analyte injection, the association phase starts and
the ligands on the surface of the sensor capture the target compounds. Upon injection of the baseline,
the dissociation of target compounds and non-specifically binding molecules from the surface start.
To break the specific binding between the analyte and ligands, regeneration solution should be injected.
This step is vital in order to perform many tests using the same sensor surface.

Figure 4. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensogram.

4. The Important Characteristics in SPR Sensor Performance

To evaluate the performance of the SPR sensor, there are several major characteristics that should
be taken in consideration. The main performance indicators include the sensor sensitivity, resolution,
accuracy, reproducibility, repeatability, and limit of detection (LOD) [19]. The ratio of the change in SPR
sensor output (e.g., angle of incidence, wavelength, amplitude) to the change in the measurand (e.g.,
RI, analyte concentration, and thickness) represents the sensitivity of the sensor. The smallest change
in the RI that produces a detectable change in the SPR sensor output defines the sensor resolution.

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The accuracy defines the degree to which the sensor readout value corresponds to the actual value
of the measurand. Sensor’s precision also includes reproducibility, which shows whether entire
measurements can be reproduced in its entirety. Additionally, the repeatability is a way to measure the
sensor precision. It shows the sensor ability to reproduce the same response under the same conditions
over many repetitions. The LOD means the lowest concentration of analyte that can be detected by
the sensor.
The shape of the SPR response curve affects the two important performance parameters, sensitivity
and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Sharp SPR-dip is desirable because the narrower the width, the higher
the detection accuracy and the deeper the curve, the higher the sensitivity. The sensor design parameters
such as light polarization modes, light coupling techniques, types of metals influence the width and
depth of the SPR dip. In prism-based SPR sensor, the physical structure of prism used (triangular,
conical, hemispherical, and half cylindrical) and its RI affects the SPR curve [20]. Among the parameters
that play a prominent role in the development of a highly sensitive SPR sensor, the thickness of the
metallic thin films must be mentioned [21]. Until now, the ideal thickness of prepared layers to generate
maximum SPR is within the range of 40 nm to 60 nm [22,23]. Additionally, the used wavelengths
for excitation strongly affect the resonance curve width. Narrowing the reflectance curve necessarily
increases the SPR propagation length [24,25]. Using the excitation wavelength in the IR region results
in an increase in the penetration depth with the consequence that the reflectance minimum will become
more sensitive to dielectric changes relatively far from the metal/dielectric interface; thus, the SPR
signal gets weaker and the surface-sensitive character of SPR becomes less prominent. The usage of
red laser, λ = 633 nm significantly enhances the maximum excitation of SPs and leads to strong SPR
signal, while the excitation wavelength in UV region generates a very weak SPR signal [26].

5. The Importance of SPR Biosensors in the Medical Diagnosis

Many years ago, SPR technology firstly emerged and then many scientists in various fields include
chemistry, biology, physics, and medicine have joined to use this promising technology. Recently,
SPR biosensors have fascinated impressive attention as medical diagnostic tools due to many reasons.
It is easy to prepare them with low cost and without labeling. These sensors provide high specificity
and sensitivity, and are capable to detect clinically relevant analyte in real-time. SPR as a simple
and direct sensing approach has been used to detect different clinical entities. SPR sensor was used
to diagnostic human hepatitis B virus antibodies [27,28]. Additionally, SPR sensor platforms were
developed for total prostate-specific antigen detection [29,30]. The extraordinary properties of graphene
were exploited to construct SPR sensor to detect folic acid protein [31]. Magnetic nanoparticles with
core-shell structure added amplification technique to the SPR sensor to detect α-fetoprotein [32].
The combination of SPR sensor with advantages of molecular imprinting-based synthetic receptors
was reported in the detection of cardiac biomarkers used to diagnose acute myocardial infarction
such as myoglobin, creatine kinase-myocardial band, and cardiac troponins [33]. SPR chips were
modified using lysozyme imprinted polymeric nanoparticles to detect the changes in lysozyme
levels, which work as indicators for some diseases including leukemia, meningitis, several kidney
problems, and rheumatoid arthritis [34]. It was demonstrated that SPR sensor has the ability to detect
pregnancy associated plasma protein A2, which is a metalloproteinase that plays multiple roles in
fetal development and postnatal growth [35]. Several studies were reported on using SPR sensor
as a new strategy to detect influenza nucleoprotein [36], avian influenza A H7N9 virus [37], maize
chlorotic mottle virus [38], herpes simplex virus (HSV) [39], cancer cell line (HeLa cells) with biomarker
Rhodamine 6G related to cancer tumors [40], nonstructural protein 1 of Zika virus [41], non-human
pathogen feline calicivirus (FCV) [42], and dengue virus (DENV) [43–46].
SPR technology proved its efficiency again in clinical field as a diagnostic tool of the endocrine
diseases. Using the SPR sensor, hormone levels can be directly monitored and measured.
By immobilization of the molecularly imprinted nanoparticles onto the SPR chip it was easy to
detect iron regulating hormone Hepcidin-25 [47]. Other modified SPR sensors were employed to detect

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testosterone [48,49], gonadotropic hormones and luteinizing hormone [50], pituitary hormones such as
human thyroid-stimulating, growth, follicle-stimulating [51], and insulin [52]. There are other reviews
and articles that focus on the importance and the application of SPR biosensors for the diagnosis of
medically important entities such as viruses, neurotransmitters, proteins, hormones, nucleic acids,
cells, drugs, and disease biomarkers [53–57].

6. DA and Its Critical Role in the Human Body

In mammalian central nervous systems, during the synaptic transmission process neurons secrete
endogenous chemical messengers that are called neurotransmitters (NTs). NTs transmit signals across
synapses from one neuron cell to a target neuron cell as shown in Figure 5 or to muscle cells, gland
cells and other non-neuronal body cells. Thus, NTs relay information throughout the brain and the
whole-body. DA is one of the most crucially important NTs, it plays a vital role in the neural functions
like information flow and attention span, consciousness, learning, motions, emotions and memory
formation. In addition to its critical roles related to renal, hormonal and cardiovascular systems [58–61].

Figure 5. Neuron communication process.

Abnormal concentrations of DA in different biological fluids are associated with various diseases.
Cardiotoxicity and subsequent rapid heart rate, hypertension, and heart failure can be an indicator of the
high levels of DA [62]. While deficiency or practically complete depletion of DA may result in various
neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) [63,64], Alzheimer’s disease [65,66],
schizophrenia [67–75], and depression [76]. Therefore, the fabrication and development of highly
sensitive and selective sensors for quantitative determination of DA in vivo and in vitro is extremely
necessary in the clinical diagnosis, it can make great contribution monitoring the effectiveness of
the treatment, prevention of diseases [77]. The monitoring of DA levels can be done in different
biological samples including saliva, urine, plasma, serum, platelets, and cerebral spinal fluid [78,79].
DA physiological levels in humans vary in these biofluids. According to the Human Metabolome
Database, DA concentration is less than 130 pM in blood, while its levels in human urine and
cerebrospinal fluid are approximately 5 nM [80]. To date, the development of analytical methods to
measure the concentration of DA directly continues to grow. A variety of these methods demonstrated its

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capability to detect low levels of DA including high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [81–83],
capillary electrophoresis [84–87], Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy [88], flow injection [89],
enzymatic methods [90], electrochemical (EC) methods [91–93], mass spectroscopy [94–96], and various
types of optical methods such as colorimetry and spectrophotometry [97], fluorescence [98–101],
electrochemiluminescence (ECL) [102], surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) [103–108],
chemiluminescence (CL) [109], photoelectrochemical (PEC), photoluminescence (PL), solid phase
spectrophotometry (SPS), resonance Rayleigh scattering (RRS), and SPR spectroscopy [110–114].
The interested reader in electrochemical and optical methods is referred to the review paper by Kamal
Eddin and Fen (2020) [115], and references cited therein.

7. DA Detection Using SPR Biosensors

Direct detection using SPR biosensor has the most notable benefit, which is the determination
of the kinetics of biomolecular interactions. To study biomolecular interactions using SPR, there
is no need to understand the optical phenomena in all its details. It is enough to know that SPR
based sensors use an optical method to measure the RI changes near a sensor surface (within 300 nm
from the surface). The SPR based sensor does not need complex equipment. During the design of
this sensor, the optical unit, the liquid-containing unit and the sensor surface are combined into one
system. The main focus in the preceding sections in this review is on SPR physical basics. However,
it is necessary also to focus on the sensor chip and its surface chemistry where the biomolecular
interactions take place. The few nanometers thickness of the coating and its morphology affects the
SPR sensor performance and the quality of the obtained data. The SPR optical sensor had been used
to characterize biomolecular interactions qualitatively and quantitatively due to their unparalleled
advantages. The unique properties of SPR sensor made it a versatile tool used in various applications
such as health care and medical diagnostics [116,117], food control [118,119], environmental pollutant
monitoring [120–126], and others. However, their use to detect NTs is still growing and has attracted
the attention of the scientific community.
SPR sensors detect the change in dielectric constants near noble metal film on the sensor chips.
Therefore, the concern during the sensor design is on the surface modification and the immobilization
of molecular recognition elements such as proteins, DNA, natural, and synthetic polymers to increase
the selectivity to the detected analyte. The employment of molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) with
immobilized Au nanoparticles (NPs) (Au-MIP) to SPR sensors as a recognition element during DA
sensing was reported by Matsui et al. (2005) [127]. Sensor chip modification was conducted in two
steps, firstly the Au substrate was modified with MIP without Au NPs to avoid immobilization of
Au NPs in too close vicinity to the Au substrate, which in turn reduces the sensitivity, then it was
modified with Au NPs-MIP. The MIP swelling by incorporating water in accordance with analyte
binding changes the dielectric constant near the surface of Au substrate significantly. More importantly,
the distance between the Au NPs within the polymer gel and Au film on the sensor chip surface
would be increased because of this swelling, which enhances the degree of SPR angle shift strongly.
The modified sensor chip showed an increasing SPR angle in response to DA concentration in the range
(1 nM to 1 mM). Furthermore, the Au NPs effectively enhanced the signal intensity (the change of SPR
angle) in comparison with a sensor chip without Au NPs. Temperature-dependent behaviors of the
sensor chips was also investigated by measuring SPR angle at different temperature. Au-MIP exhibited
swelling in response to the low temperature. The proposed sensor demonstrated its repeatability,
this because the analyte binding process and the consequent swelling was reversible.
The sensitivity of the Au-MIP-based SPR sensor can be also emphasized by comparison with
the colorimetric sensor using a spectrophotometer [128], in which Au-MIP exhibited significant
spectroscopic changes at 5 µM or higher concentrations.
The utilization of natural receptor to develop SPR biosensor was reported by Kumbhat et al.
(2007) [129]. They developed an SPR based affinity biosensor using a D3 -DA receptor (DA-RC) as a
recognition molecule for DA detection. During the immobilization of DA with bovine serum albumin

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(BSA) protein (DA–BSA) conjugate on the sensor chip by physical adsorption, the loss of activity of
biomolecules was minimized. The DA–BSA conjugate flowed over the gold surface, the increase in
the resonance angle was an indicator on the saturation of the immobilization onto the sensor surface.
Different concentrations (5–400 µg/mL) of the conjugate were used in the immobilization. The SPR
angle shift reached a plateau around 100 µg/mL of the DA–BSA conjugate. The principle of indirect
competitive inhibition to detect DA was employed in this work. DA-RC was allowed to flow over the
DA–BSA surface, the resonance angle increased due to the binding of the receptor to the DA haptens
present on the sensor surface. After completion of the DA-RC flow, the flow was switched back to
phosphate buffered saline (PBS) buffer and the resonance angle shift remained almost stable due to
the strong affinity interaction between DA-RC and DA–BSA conjugate. The sensor sensograms were
observed for the affinity reaction between immobilized DA–BSA conjugate and DA-RC in the absence
of DA, and in the presence of different concentrations of DA. The shift in the resonance angle decreased
by increasing in the concentration of free DA in solution, this was because the free DA inhibited the
binding interaction of DA-RC with the DA–BSA conjugate. The sensor exhibited a linear detection
range from 0.085 to 700 ng/mL with a lower LOD of 0.085 ng/mL. The results showed that there is no
significant interference species such as ascorbic acid (AA), uric acid (UA), and other DA analogues viz.,
DOPAC and 3-(3,4 dihydroxyphenyl)-alanine (DOPA). The stability of the sensor surface was high
during repeated regeneration and affinity reaction cycles. According to the simplicity and effectiveness
of this biosensor, their study presented an encouraging scope to develop portable detection systems to
measure DA in vitro and in vivo in clinical and medical diagnostics.
The adsorption capability of Ibuprofen and DA on pure gold layer and gold functionalized with
L-cysteine (L-Cys) and L-glutathione (L-GSH) using SPR spectroscopy was investigated by Sebők et al.
(2013) [112]. From the description of DA adsorption by a two-stage isotherm it could be concluded
that first layer of DA was irreversibly bound while the second layer was anchored by physical forces,
so DA adsorption on the gold surface was only partially reversible. The amino groups available
in DA enabled formation of a stronger chemical bond with the cysteine molecule comparing with
ibuprofen. The bounded DA on the gold surface functionalized with glutathione showed perpendicular
orientation to the gold surface, while glutathione orientation was the same as ibuprofen parallel to
the surface. The initial energies of glutathione/ibuprofen interaction were lower comparing with the
glutathione/DA system.
Among two-dimensional materials used to design high performance sensor platform, graphene has
received profound interest due to its remarkable properties. In the work reported by Kamali et al. (2015),
they developed the silver @ graphene oxide (Ag@GO) nanocomposite-based SPR optical sensor to
detect DA and other biomolecules such as AA and UA [130]. The nanocomposite showed an SPR band
at 402 nm due to the Ag NPs. The SPR intensity-based LOD of DA was 49 nM in the DA concentration
linear range (100 nM to 1 µM), and 62 nM in the range (1–2 µM). While the SPR band position-based
LOD of DA was 30 nM. The SPR absorbance peak changes toward UA and AA were not comparable
with DA, which proved its excellent selectivity. The adsorption and sensing ability of the Ag@GO
nanocomposite mainly depended on the nature of the adsorption site and its interaction with the
functional groups of the molecules. The results proved that DA had more affinity with Ag@GO than
UA and DA.
Next, Rithesh Raj et al. (2016) used green synthesized Ag NPs as sensing material to fabricate
SPR based fiber optic sensor for DA measurement [131]. SPR spectra showed decrease in SPR dip
intensity. Additionally, a shift in resonance wavelength towards lower wavelength was observed by
increasing the concentrations of DA, this probably occurred because of the interaction between DA and
Ag clusters which led to formation of Ag NPs. Poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) coated fiber showed negligible
shift in wavelength comparing to green Ag NPs coated fiber, which demonstrated the role of the green
Ag NPs in the sensing enhancement. The sensor response time was 6 min and the corresponding
maximum resonance wavelength shift was 12 nm. The LOD was 2 × 10−7 M enhanced the selectivity
of the proposed sensor in the presence of other biological species.

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The utilization of conjugated polymer layer consisted of P(NIPAAm-st-MAAmBO) and

glycopolymer (poly (2-lactobionamidoethyl methacrylamide)(PLAEMA) to functionalize the SPR
sensing platform for DA detection was reported by Jiang et al. (2017) [132]. The SPR sensing mechanism
was based on DA induced swelling of the conjugated polymer layer thickness, which increased the local
IR and the reflection angle. This reversible swelling allows regeneration of the sensor. The increase in
the reflection angle was measured as the sensogram change for quantitative analysis. By changing DA
concentration in the range 1–10 nM, the sensogram exhibited a linear relation with DA concentration
with a LOD of 1 nM. Increasing DA concentration led to an increase in the rate of adsorption because
the multiple binding sites become more available on the P(NIPAAm149 -st-MAAmBO19 ) chain. This in
turn reduces the time of detection. By injection higher concentrations of DA, the binding sites were
saturated then the resolution of the conjugated polymer functionalized sensor decreased. The proposed
sensor had a broad dynamic range of 10−9 to 10−4 M.
The selectivity of the sensor was tested by comparing sensogram variation caused by different
injections with 5 nM DA, glucose, AA and UA samples using SPR sensors functionalized with
conjugated P(NIPAAm149 -st-MAAmBO19 ) and P(LAEMA21 ); P(NIPAAm149 -st-MAAmBO19 ) only.
The conjugated polymer functionalized sensor was selective to DA only. Additionally, the developed
sensor was able to recognizing DA with coexisting saccharides. Polymer functionalized sensor
provided much improved stability for at least 2 weeks in comparison with methods using specific DA
receptors [133].
In the same year Abd Manaf et al. (2017) presented novel SPR sensor to detect DA down
to 50 pM with high sensitivity of 36 nm/nM [134]. They developed a four-layer coating structure
including SU8 waveguide, platinum, platinum NPs, and plastic for highly sensitive and selective
measurements. Using Pt NPs, the effective surface area efficiently increased and the interaction
between coating and waveguide channel increased in comparison with the metal coating without
modification. The proposed sensor was designed for operation at high wavelength ranging between
1450 and 1600 nm to get high compatibility with normal optic fibers and achieve low power loss. The
partial absorption of the input signal occurred through DA and Pt, and a power loss was noted at the
output depending on the refractive indices of Pt and DA. Depending on the properties of the material
used, in a certain wavelength, the absorption was at maximum (SPR dip). The RI of the DA solution
was measured in order to identify the optimal thickness of the Pt layer using a prism coupler at 1550
nm wavelength. At a thickness below 50 nm of the Pt layer, too low sensitivity was obtained. While
no significant improvement was observed when the thickness was more than 50 nm. Therefore, the
suitable Pt layer was with a thickness of 50 nm. With changing DA concentration from 1 to 10 nM.
When DA concentration decreases, SPR spectra shows shift in the resonance wavelength occurs toward
a shorter wavelength. The dip was observed in the range 1500 and 1530 nm of wavelength. The sensor
selectivity was high in the presence of glucose, lysine, and AA. The power loss was not significant at
long wavelength, which qualifies this sensor to be used in high-precision application.
Recently, Cao and McDermott (2018) reported an ultrasensitive and selective method for DA
detection. They incorporate DA DNA aptamer (DAAPT) conjugated AuNP that enhanced the inhibition
assay using SPR imaging to detect and quantitate DA down to 200 fM. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the lowest LOD achieved for SPR sensing of DA until now [80]. All the spectra have a good shape
with the LSPR peaks located around 520 nm. The successful conjugation of DAAPT to AuNP surface
was confirmed by observed the red shifts of the LSPR peaks. By mixing the 10 nm DAAPT-AuNP
conjugate solution with DA solution at specific concentration, the binding between DA molecules
and DAAPT-AuNP conjugates occurred, which in turns decreased the effective concentration of
DAAPT-AuNP conjugate that can bind to the complementary DNA (cDNA) probe immobilized on a
gold chip. With increasing DA concentrations, all the DAAPTs on the AuNP conjugate surface had the
chance to bind to their DA targets so the conjugate probe is in its “OFF” state. In this case, the DNA
aptamer was blocked and could not bind to cDNA on the chip surface, thus no signal response was
observed. On the contrary, in the absence of DA, the binding between DAAPT on AuNP surface

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and DA did not happen, then the conjugate probe was in its “ON” state. Additionally, the binding
of the conjugate to the cDNA probe was detected strongly. As a result, a big signal response was
generated. In this study, the target DA molecule was acting as a switch to turn “OFF” and “ON” the
DAAPT-AuNP conjugate during the whole process. The proposed assay showed good sensitivity,
reproducibility, and its specificity to DA was high. Using this nanoparticle enhanced SPR aptasensor
has the potential to detect small molecules, proteins, and other analytes, as long as the target has a
corresponding aptamer.
Additionally, in 2018, Sharma used molecular imprinted graphene nanoplatelets (GNP)/tin oxide
(SnO2 ) nanocomposite to fabricate a fiber optic SPR-based DA sensor with high selectivity. The LOD
of this sensor was lower than the LOD values of other DA sensors, it was 0.031 µM [135]. The dipping
time of sensing element over the silver coated probe greater than 20 min produces sensing layer with a
large thickness, which perturbs the intensity of the electric field at the interface and decreases the shift.
By increasing DA concentration, the blue shift with a decrease in the depth of the SPR spectra was
recorded. The change in the real and imaginary parts of the RI of the sensing layer occurred as a result
of the binding of DA molecules with active sites in the sensing layer. The decrease in the real part of
the effective RI led to that observed blue shift.
Recently, Sun et al. (2019) proposed an Au film/graphene D-shaped plastic optical fiber (D-POF)
functionalized with DA binding aptamer (DBA) to detect DA sensitively and selectively in the presence
of three different interferences. They demonstrated that graphene enhanced the sensitivity and played
a role in amplification of the SPR signal by introducing DBA. They demonstrated the potential of this
sensor to detect DA-induced disorders [136]. Graphene improved the sensor sensitivity and amplified
the SPR signal. As RI changed from 1.3330 to 1.3612, the resonant wavelength of the proposed sensor
had a red shift of 43.4 nm, which was larger than that of the sensor covered only by Au film 34.9 nm.
Adding graphene increased the sensor sensitivity from 1238 to 1539 nm/RIU. The SPR dips decreased
as the RI increased due to the higher loss of energy and the increasing in the penetration depth of
evanescent field.
In the same year, Yuan et al. used DA to modify a gold sensing surface and produce self-assembled
monolayers for secondary surface mediated reactions under different environmental conditions
including pH, different buffers, varying DA concentrations in buffer solutions as well as the
immobilization time of DA [137]. The favorable environmental conditions for DA immobilization
onto gold surface were only alkaline (pH 7.6) and mildly alkaline media (pH 8.6 or 9.5) for 1 h.
The immobilization for 2 h appeared to occur only in pH 7.6 or pH 8.6, and the SPR phenomenon did
not exist at pH 9.5. This is because the thickness of the immobilized DA was over a critical reflectivity
value. Using 2 mg/mL DA in pH 8.6 Tris buffer resulted in the optimum reactive on the gold chip.
The critical DA immobilization time for SPR disappearance under the previous favorable conditions
was estimated to be 277 min. These results provide valuable information for using DA for surface
modification in the future studies. The recent works that used SPR phenomenon in DA measurements
are summarized and discussed in Table 1.

Table 1. SPR sensors for dopamine (DA) detection.

Material LOD Detection Range References

MIP-Au electrode 1 pM - [110]
DA-RC 0.085 ng/mL 0.085 ng/mL–700 ng/mL [129]
DA antibodies/Au NPs/ITO 1 nM 0.001–100 µM [113]
Ag@GO 30 nM 100 nM–2 µM [130]
Ag NPs 0.2 µM 0.2–30 µM [131]
Conjugated polymer
P(NIPAAm149-st-MAAmBO19) and 1 nM 1 nM–0.1 mM [132]
Pt 50 pM 0.1 nM–32 µM [134]
100 µM–2 mM
DAAPT-AuNPs 200 fM [80]
200 fM–20 nM
Molecular Imprinted GNP/SnO2
31 nM 0–100 µM [135]
Au/graphene/DBA D-POF - 0.1 nM–1 µM [136]

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8. The Advantages of DA Detection Using SPR Sensors

To evaluate the performance of any sensor, it is necessary to focus on some parameters that
reveal its validity and efficiency. Among the most important of these parameters are the sensitivity
and LOD, which must be sufficient enough for the low concentrations of the target. Additionally,
the selectivity is very important to distinguish the target in the real sample where different interfering
species exist. Reproducibility and overall reliability are also required. The detection limits of most
sensors developed to detect DA were in the micromolar level. However, these sensors are not suitable
for clinical diagnostics, which requires a nanomolar level of detection. Over the years, practical and
economical SPR sensors have proven their efficiency in several fields as previously mentioned due to
their overwhelming advantages. By employing SPR sensors, the reported LODs for DA are typically in
the pM range or higher (nM). Recently, the LOD value in the range fM was obtained using this sensor.
Table 2 shows a comparison between the lowest detection limit of different DA sensors. Obviously,
the lowest LODs were in fM range obtained using EC, SERS, and SPR sensors. Despite the promising
LODs obtained using EC and SERS sensors, they still have several disadvantages.

Table 2. Comparison of the detection limits of various DA sensors.

Method Lowest Detection Limit References

EC 78 fM [138]
CL 0.19 nM [139]
ECL 0.31 pM [140]
Fluorescence 0.1 pM [141]
Spectrophotometry 0.4 nM [142]
Colorimetry 0.16 nM [143]
SERS 0.006 pM [144]
RRS 0.392 ng/mL [145]
PRRS 0.1 pM [146]
SPS 1.7 µM [147]
PL 10 nM [148]
Absorption 1.2 nM [149]
PEC 2.3 pM [150]
SPR 200 fM [80]
E—Electrochemical; CL—Chemiluminescence; ECL—Electrochemiluminescence; SERS—Surface-enhanced Raman
spectroscopy; RRS—Resonance Rayleigh scattering; PRRS—Plasmonic resonance Rayleigh scattering; SPS—Solid
phase spectrophotometry; PL—Photoluminescence; PEC—Photoelectrochemical; SPR—Surface plasmon resonance.

An EC sensor offers real-time detection with simplicity and excellent sensitivity, fast response
time, wide linear concentration range, cost effectiveness, and an ability to be miniaturized. However,
it suffers from limited selectivity in the presence of other biological analytes, large noise and background
signal. In addition to the fouling of the sensor surface and its degradation over time. Although the
sensitivity and selectivity of the SERS-based DA sensors are higher in comparison to other detection
methods. However, there is an obstacle to the availability of these sensors, they require expensive
equipment for analysis. An SPR sensor has several important advantages such as direct label free
detection of diverse molecule sets including small molecules, real-time measurements, high reliability,
very high sensitivity with low detection limit, long-term stability, cost-effectiveness, easy sample
preparation, small consumption of sample and reagent, reproducibility, regeneration of sensor chips,
and specificity to the binding event. On the other hand, the disadvantages of this sensor are non-specific
binding to surfaces needs to be controlled, which requires a meticulous experimental design, mass
transport limitations when the analyte transfer to the ligand is limited, the immobilization effects, and
the ligand can change its orientation after immobilization on the sensor chip and prevents binding
with the analyte [151]. The combination of SERS with SPR has the potential to massively increase
the local electromagnetic field intensity of nanoparticles to a level far exceeding the single-molecule
SERS detection limit but this still lacks versatility [152]. However, in the context of a point-of-care

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testing (POCT) configuration, the bulky nature of the SPR apparatus hinders its field applications. So,
the efforts are mainly made on the miniaturization of SPR devices.

9. Conclusions
In recent decades, the development of biosensors to identify and measure low concentrations
of different NTs with high selectivity, sensitivity, low-cost, and rapid response attracted considerable
attention due to the crucial role that neurotransmitters play in clinical diagnostics and curing mental
disorders such as schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. SPR has emerged
as a very suitable technology for clinical analytes detection. It is based on IR variations due to the
mass change at the sensor chip. The SPR sensing platform has many features. It is easy to prepare it,
the basic optics that it needs can be miniaturized to a suitable size in diagnosis, the direct quantification
of the specific bindings occurs with high specificity and sensitivity. This low-cost technology is not
based on labeling of the target molecules and does not alter its binding affinity and kinetics properties.
Rapid and reliable detection of various medically important entities using SPR spectroscopy has been
done over the last years. The reported works on DA sensing using this promising method is still
limited despite the impressive results obtained. This is a strong motivation for researchers to develop
these sensors by modification SPR chips using nanomaterials. Ongoing research employing the unique
capabilities of carbon-based nanomaterials as well as the advantages of polymers and incorporating
them with SPR technology for ultra-sensitive and selective detection of DA may introduce exciting
progress in neuroscience. The high potential of SPR sensors and the continuous efforts to develop them
and overcome their limitations qualify them to have a prominent presence in future developments in
lab-on-a-chip technologies including point-of-care devices.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.W.F. and F.B.K.E.; Original Draft Preparation, F.B.K.E.; Writing and
Editing, F.B.K.E.; Review, Y.W.F.; Visualization, F.B.K.E.; Software, F.B.K.E.; Resources, F.B.K.E.; Validation, Y.W.F.;
Supervision, Y.W.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Ministry of Education Malaysia through the Fundamental Research
Grant Scheme (FRGS/1/2019/STG02/UPM/02/1).
Acknowledgments: F.B.K.E. acknowledges the support received from OWSD and Sida (Swedish International
Development Cooperation Agency).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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