Chapter 5

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To what extent have Urdu and regional languages contributed to the

development of Pakistan since 1947?
FOCUS POINTS Specified content:
•the importance of Urdu and the
Why did Urdu become the national reasons for its choice as the
language? national language of Pakistan
• the advantages and
• How successful has the promotion of disadvantages of Urdu as the
regional languages been since 1947? national language

• the promotion of provincial

languages (Balochi, Punjabi,
Pushto, Sindhi).
• How successful has Pakistan been in promoting its
regional languages? [14]

• The promotion of regional languages in Pakistan

between 1947 and 1988 has been more successful than
the promotion of Urdu. Do you agree or disagree?
Explain your answer. [14]

• Urdu was promoted the most than regional languages”.

Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your
answer. [14]
Urdu was a uniting force as provincial languages would
have divided the country

Urdu had been the basis of Pakistan movement

Urdu was literarily more powerful than other languages

Islamic literature was preserved in Urdu after the decline

of Persian language
SLO: Trace the origin and evolution of Urdu;
• There are about 30
• 1647: Shah Jahan
languages and
moved his capital
dialects in Pakistan
from Agra to Delhi
• Urdu is a lashkari
• Urdu was patronized
language • Mussadas written
by rulers
• Urdu had different
• Urdu became very by Hali
titles/names in
popular in Southern • By second decade
different periods
India and is called of 20th century,
a. Hindavi/Hindi/
Dakhni Allama Iqbal also
• Wali Dakhni was emerged on
b. Rekhta (developed)
important poet of literary Horizon
c. Urdu-i-Maulla (The
this time • Maulana Shibli
most developed
• Anis and Dabir made
language) Naumani also
Urdu very popular
d. Now called only emerged as a
• Urdu prose and
Urdu good prose-writer
poetry started at the
e. Amir Khusro through Islamic
beginning of
belongs o commentaries in
nineteenth century
Hindi/Hindavi phase Urdu
• During this time
f. Mushafi belongs to
emperor Bahadur
Rekhta times
Shah Zafar and
g. Galib and Zauq of
Ghalib were
Urdu got more importance when Persian language declined due to coming of
British. The last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar had great interest in Urdu.
He himself was a poet in Urdu language. Therefeore, he patronized Urdu language.

When Shah Rafiuddin translated the Holy Quran in Urdu and others translated
books of ahadith, this gave Urdu more importance. The Urdu became more
attractive and many people now began to learn it.
Important links
why Urdu was chosen as a national language. Discuss.
It was chosen as a national language because it was more mature than any other
regional languages. It has more vocabulary, better expressions, and was an easier
means of communication throughout country.
URDU DOES NOT BELONG TO ANY PROVINCE: The second reason was to
avoid regionalization as choosing any regional language as a national language
would have promoted regional divisions. If one language like Punjabi was made
national language, it might have made Bengalis, Siraikies and Sindhis demand the
status of national language for their languages.
Urdu was important from religious point of view. As the Persian
language, the official language during Mughals, declined, Muslim scholars translated
Islamic literature such as Holy Quran, books of Hadith from Persian into Urdu. This
gave Muslims of Sub-Continent a sense of attachment with Urdu.

Urdu remained important in Pakistan movement. The idea of two-nation theory also
included Urdu as a basis of seeing Muslim community a unique entity. Urdu was a
uniting force during independence struggle and this same idea led to the making of
Urdu a national language.
why Urdu was chosen as a national language. Discuss.
It was chosen as a national language because it was more mature than any other regional languages. It
has more vocabulary, better expressions, and was an easier means of communication throughout
URDU DOES NOT BELONG TO ANY PROVINCE: The second reason was to avoid
regionalization as choosing any regional language as a national language would have promoted
regional divisions. If one language like Punjabi was made national language, it might have made
Bengalis, Siraikies and Sindhis demand the status of national language for their languages.
Urdu was important from religious point of view. As the Persian language, the official
language during Mughals, declined, Muslim scholars translated Islamic literature such as Holy Quran,
books of Hadith from Persian into Urdu. This gave Muslims of Sub-Continent a sense of attachment
with Urdu.
Urdu remained important in Pakistan movement. The idea of two-nation theory also included
Urdu as a basis of seeing Muslim community a unique entity. Urdu was a uniting force during
independence struggle and this same idea led to the making of Urdu a national language.
• Played role in independence movement
• Urdu press had an important role in Freedom Movement (Al-Hilal, Nuwai
Waqt, Jang)
• Prevents provincialism
• provides access to large Islamic literature
• Binding force/means of communication
• Reminder of one nation with common history and common destiny


• Prevents provincialism
• provides access to large Islamic literature
• Binding force/means of communication
• Reminder of one nation with common history and common destiny
As a single language, Urdu promotes the feelings of one nation
irrespective what mother tongue one speaks at lower levels

Urdu language helps avoid regional disputes as it is not the language of

any particular province for which any province feels concerned about
cultural threats

• Provinces with largest languages discouraged
Ex. Complaints from Bengalis over not making Bengali a
national language…..which hurt National cohesion and

• As a single language, Urdu promotes the feelings of one nation

irrespective what mother tongue one speaks at lower levels

Urdu language helps avoid regional disputes as it is not the

language of any particular province for which any province
feels concerned about cultural threats

1. Making of Urdu a national language led to massive opposition from East Pakistanis and they
launched movement until their demand for making Bengali a national language was accepted.
• medium of instructions in many educational institutions in Pakistan
• A dictionary of office terms in Urdu has been published and steps
have been taken to move away from English as the language of
• Many Urdu medium radio and television Channels are established
• president and prime minister will address official events within the
country in Urdu.
• a number of Ministries and Divisions have established their
websites in Urdu language under the national language
implementation plan.
• Universities have started P.hD programs in Urdu language.
1947? [7]

• to promote local cultures

• to protect the literary works in different languages

• to know the history of Pakistan through literary

works in different languages
1. Establishment of organizations like 'Sindhi Literary Board’ Sindhi adabi sangat with sub-
2. Bazm-e-Talib-ul-Maula literary organizations were set up
3. Several newspapers are being published in Sindhi. These include Kawish, Ibrat, Naw-e-
Sindhi and Khadim-e-Watan besides a number of weeklies
4. Radios and TV
5. P.hD in Sindhi
6. Sindhi introduced as an optional subject in CSS
7. Dictionaries in Sindhi
8. Sindhi is the only language declared official language in Sindh (CNICs even in Sindhi)
9. PTV gave one hour transmission to regional languages including one for Sindhi.
10. Now PTV National entirely operates in regional languages
11. National Institute of Pakistan Studies (NIPS), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad has
made it compulsory for its students to take one course in Pakistan’s regional languages and
non-Sindhi speakers may opt for Sindhi language

promoted through media, Punjabi films, dramas, , newzpapers patronage to artists in order to enhance the
cultural activities in the province.

Ashfaq Ahmed Ahmed and Bano Qudsia habe been produced masterpieces in Punjabi

Punjabi being taught upto M.A Level

Made compulsory in PMS of the province and an optional language in CSS
Punjab Academy has been set up to translate literature from other languages into Punjabi

Punjab Music Conference was also arranged on the first of every month

Punjab Institute of Language, Art & Culture has been set up which is translating the poetry of ‘Sufi’ poets in
regional languages for creating brotherhood and harmony among the provinces

FM-95 had started broadcasting programs in Punjabi language

Punjabi dictionary has also been compiled

PTV gave one hour transmission to regional languages including one for Pushto.
Now PTV National entirely operates in regional languages

National Institute of Pakistan Studies (NIPS), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad has made it compulsory for its
students to take one course in Pakistan’s regional languages and non-Punjabi speakers may opt for Punjabi

Master degree program introduced in Pushto specially at University of Peshawar to promote

learning and research on the language

The Pushto Academy has prepared a dictionary in Pushto with the help of maulana Abdul Qadir

Pushto channels both TV and Radio have become intense source of the promotion of language
and literature

PTV gave one hour transmission to regional languages including one for Sindhi.

National Institute of Pakistan Studies (NIPS), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad has made it
compulsory for its students to take one course in Pakistan’s regional languages and non-Pushto
speakers may opt for Pushto language

Master degree program introduced in Baluchi

PTV gave one hour transmission to regional languages including one for Sindhi.

Now PTV National entirely operates in regional languages

PTV Bolan has been established which operates only in Baluchi

Baluchi is an optional subject in CSS and a compulsory subject in Baluchistan’s PMS

National Institute of Pakistan Studies (NIPS), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad has made it
compulsory for its students to take one course in Pakistan’s regional languages and non-Baluchi
speakers may opt for Baluchi language
• “Urdu was promoted the most than
• What steps to foster the growth of regional languages”. Do you agree or
Urdu has the government taken? [4] disagree? Give reasons for your
• Why did Pakistan choose Urdu as its answer. [14]
national language in 1947? [7] • Do you think that Punjabi is the most
• How successful has been the developed regional language of
promotion of local languages in Pakistan? Give reasons for your
Pakistan been since 1947? Give response.
reasons for your answer. [14] Do you think that Sindhi is the most
• How successful has Pakistan been in developed regional language of
promoting its regional languages? Pakistan? Give reasons for your
• The promotion of regional languages in response.
Pakistan between 1947 and 1988 has • Has Punjabi language been promoted
been more successful than the most in Pakistan? Give reasons for
promotion of Urdu. Do you agree or your response
disagree? Explain your answer. [14]
Q: How successful has been the promotion of local languages in Pakistan been
since 1947? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
ANS: Since 1947, the Pakistan government has took strong measures for the development
and promotion of its regional languages, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and Balochi, though some
others like Brohi, Persian, Kashmiri and Siraiki are also spoken. The growth of Punjabi and
Sindhi has been quite encouraging. Both of the languages are being spoken by a large
number of Pakistanis therefore we find a very rich literature after we got independence. On
one hand, Punjabi language is widely spoken and understood in not only Punjab, Azad
Kashmir and a few areas of KPK but in the rest of the country as well. It has been promoted
though media. Punjabi films, dramas and theaters have become very popular. Punjabi,
which is widely understood in Punjab, Azad Kashmir and few areas of N.W.F.P, has been
promoted by the Govt. through media. Punjabi films, dramas and theatres have been
become very popular. Newspaper, journals and magazines have also been very significant
in promoting Punjabi culture & literature. New poets and writers like Munir Niazi, Ahmad
Rahi, S.Kunjahi, Ashfaq Ahmad, Bano Qudsia and others have produce master pieces of
poetry and writings in Punjabi.
The Holy Quran has also been translated into Punjabi by M. Ali Faiq. Punjabi is
taught up to MA level in Punjab University and Punjab Academy has translated
and produced many books in Punjabi. This way round its promotion is quite
significant. This language has great heritage of poetry which is now being
promoted by TV channels and other media too. It’s being taught at university
level, though not a part of school education. On the other hand, a lot of effort
has been made for the promotion of Sindhi since 1947. Sindhi literary board
was set up in 1948 which had produced many books with coordination of poets
like Dr. Nabi Bux Baloch and G. Allana. Sindhi library in Karachi has helped
Sindhi literature spread. Many folk writings have also been produced. Bazm-e-
Talib-ul-Muola have been set up which translates books into Sindhi.
Sindhiology Department. In Jamshoro University and development & promotion of Sindhi
literature and culture through modern means such as TV channels, newspapers and magazines.
Sindhi is a medium of instruction till intermediate level which shows that sufficient academic
material has been translated for students. Masters degree is also being issued in this language.
Pashto, language spoken in K.P.K, has also been given due important in promotion and
development. Peshawar University was established after 3 year of independence where Pashto is
taught up to MA level. Pashto Academy was set up in 1954 which has prepared a well-renowned
dictionary under Maulana A.Qadir. his academy was prepared Pushto dictionary. Pashto dramas
and films have also gained importance. Pashto papers, journals and books have also helped
Pashto language to promote. New writers & poets have also added to this contribution by
producing classic poetry and stories Pashto typewriter has also been prepared. Hence Pashto has
greatly been promoted over the year. However, it is not much popular as it is difficult to
understand by nonpakhtoons and more progress is needed for the language.
Balochi language which was at its decline before partition was given special attention for
its promotion. Radio Pak Karachi now also broadcast in Balochi. Quetta TV Centre has
been producing marvelous dramas to help, develop and translate many books to Balochi
and new poets like Atta Shad and writers have greatly contributed towards its promotion.
The Balochi Literary Association was set up and there are now weekly and monthly
magazines published in the language. A weekly magazine known as ‘Nan Kessan” was
published. Modern Balochi literature has shown rapid progress. Prominent modern
Balochi poets and writers are Atta Shad, Ishaq Shamim, Gul Khan Nazir and Azad Jamal
Din. This language is a difficult one therefore it has very limited audions. This could be a
reason majority of Pakistanies don’t know much about the effort made for the language.
Thus, Pakistan has been successful in promotion of its local languages. These languages
have developed a lot due to Government policies designed for this purpose. On the other
hand, poets & writers have also aided in this promotion and development.

Sindhi is the only regional language which is used as the

language of office in Sindh province

It is the only regional language in which CNICs are made

There is more number of Sindhi newspapers than any

other regional language.

The literary boards are only in Sindh for the promotion of

Sindhi language
• Do you think that Sindhi is the most developed regional
language of Pakistan? Give reasons for your response.
• Has Punjabi language been promoted most in Pakistan? Give
reasons for your response

Punjabi is an important regional language spoken in the province of Punjab and to some extent in Kashmir. This
is an old language with rich history in mystic poetry that was preserved in Punjabi language after Pakistan
gained independence. The government of Punjab embarked on a mission to produce a dictionary in Punjabi
which helped in the growth of local vocabulary in day to day spoken in urban Pujabi families.
In addition, Punjabi has been promoted through films and theatres. PTV gave special attention to Punjabi films
apart from giving daily one hour to Punjabi along with other regional languages. This media representation of
Punjabi has led to the emergence of new Media centres from private television broadcasting corporations.
Pushto is also an important regional language. The Pushto language is offered as a compulsory language in PMS
exams and an optional subject in CSS which gives rise to people’s interest in their language. Besides, several
universities offer M.A in Pushto and there is a long list of Pushto T.V channels which has helped the language in
its journey to maturity.
Baluchi which is spoken in Baluchistan and in some parts of Sindh

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