Exercises 2.2 OER College Algebra

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2 Graphs of Polynomials CA2-37

2.2 Exercises
1. If a polynomial function is in factored form, what first step would be useful to determine the degree
of the function?

2. In general, explain the end behavior of the graph of a polynomial function with odd degree if the
leading coefficient is positive.

In Exercises 3 – 12, find the degree, leading term, leading coefficient, constant term, and end behavior of
the given polynomial.

3. f ( x ) = 4 − x − 3x 2 4. g ( x ) = 3x5 − 2x2 + x + 1

5. q ( r ) = 1 −16r 4 6. Z ( b ) = 42b − b3

7. f ( x ) = 3x17 + 22.5 x10 −  x 7 + 8. s (t ) = −4.9t 2 + v0t + s0

9. P ( x ) = ( x −1)( x − 2)( x − 3)( x − 4)

2 2
10. p ( t ) = −t ( 3 − 5t ) t + t + 4 )
2 1
11. f ( x ) = −2 x3 ( x + 1)( x + 2 ) 12. G ( t ) = 4 ( t − 2 )  t + 

 2

In Exercises 13 – 22, find the x-intercept(s) of the given polynomial, the multiplicities of the
corresponding zeros, and the y-intercept. Use this information, along with end behavior where necessary,
to sketch a rough graph of the polynomial.

13. a ( x ) = x ( x + 2 ) 14. g ( x ) = x ( x + 2 )
2 3

15. f ( x ) = −2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 1) 16. g ( x ) = ( 2 x + 1) ( x − 3)
2 2

17. F ( x ) = x3 ( x + 2 ) 18. P ( x ) = ( x −1)( x − 2)( x − 3)( x − 4)


19. Q ( x ) = ( x + 5) ( x − 3) 20. h ( x ) = x 2 ( x − 2 ) ( x + 2 )
2 4 2 2

21. H ( t ) = ( 3 − t )( t + 1)
22. Z ( b ) = b 49 − b
In Exercises 23 – 27, create a polynomial p that has the desired characteristics. You may leave the
polynomial in factored form.

23. ▪ The x-intercepts of p are ( 1,0 ) and ( 2,0) .

▪ The leading term of p ( x ) is 117x4 .

CA2-38 Polynomial Functions

24. ▪ The zeros of p are x = 1 and x = 3 .

▪ x = 3 is a zero of multiplicity 2.
▪ p ( x ) has the y-intercept ( 0, 45 ) .

25. ▪ The solutions to p ( x ) = 0 are x = 3 and x = 6 .

▪ The leading term of p ( x ) is 7x 4 .

▪ The point ( −3,0 ) is a local minimum on the graph of y = p ( x ) .

26. ▪ The solutions to p ( x ) = 0 are x = 3 , x = −2 and x = 4 .

▪ The leading term of p ( x ) is − x5 .

▪ The point ( −2,0) is a local maximum on the graph of y = p ( x ) .

27. ▪ p is of degree 4.

▪ As x → , p ( x ) → − .

▪ p has exactly three x-intercepts: ( −6,0) , (1,0 ) and (117,0) .

▪ The graph of y = p ( x ) touches the x-axis at (1,0 ) .

28. Write an equation for the polynomial p ( x ) , of degree 5, that is graphed below. Leave your equation

in factored form.
Figure Ex2.2. 1
2.2 Graphs of Polynomials CA2-39

29. Write an equation for the polynomial p ( x ) , of degree 4, that is graphed below. Leave your equation

in factored form.
Figure Ex2.2. 2

30. Write an equation for the polynomial p ( x ) , of degree 6, that is graphed below. Note that the zero

x = −1 has multiplicity 3. Leave your equation in factored form.

Figure Ex2.2. 3

In Exercises 31 – 36, given the pair of functions f and g , sketch the graph of y = g ( x ) by starting with

the graph of y = f ( x ) and applying transformations. Track at least three points of your choice through

the transformations. State the domain and range of g .

31. f ( x ) = x3 , g ( x ) = ( x + 2 ) + 1 32. f ( x ) = x4 , g ( x ) = ( x + 2 ) + 1
3 4

33. f ( x ) = x4 , g ( x ) = 2 − 3( x − 1) 34. f ( x ) = x5 , g ( x ) = − x 5 − 3

35. f ( x ) = x5 , g ( x ) = ( x + 1) + 10 36. f ( x ) = x6 , g ( x ) = 8 − x 6
CA2-40 Polynomial Functions

37. Use the Intermediate Value Theorem to prove that f ( x ) = x3 − 9x + 5 has a real zero in each of the

following intervals: ( −4, −3 ) , ( 0,1) and ( 2,3) .

38. Use the Intermediate Value Theorem to confirm that f ( x ) = x3 −100x + 2 has at least one real zero

between x = 0.01 and x = 0.1 .

39. Show that the function f ( x ) = x3 − 5x2 + 3x + 6 has at least two real zeros between x = 1 and x = 4 .

40. Rework Example 2.2.6, assuming the box is to be made from an 8.5 inch by 11 inch sheet of paper.
Then, using scissors and tape, construct the box. Are you surprised?

41. According to US Postal regulations, a rectangular shipping box must satisfy the inequality
Length + Girth  130 inches for Parcel Post and Length + Girth  108 inches when using a private
company's shipping services. Let’s assume we have a closed rectangular box with a square face of
side length x , as drawn below. The length is the longest side and is clearly labeled. The girth is the
distance around the box in the other two dimensions so, in our case, it is the sum of the four sides of
the square, 4x .

Figure Ex2.2. 4

(a) Assuming that we’ll be mailing a box via Parcel Post where Length + Girth = 130 inches , express
the length of the box in terms of x and then express the volume V of the box in terms of x .
(b) Find the dimensions of the box of maximum volume that can be shipped via Parcel Post.
(c) Repeat parts (a) and (b) if the box is shipped using a private company's shipping services.

42. Suppose the profit P , in thousands of dollars, from producing and selling x hundred LCD TV’s is
given by P ( x ) = −5x3 + 35x2 − 45x − 25 for 0  x  10.07 . Use graphing technology to graph

y = P ( x ) and determine the number of TV’s that should be sold to maximize profit. What is the

maximum profit?
2.2 Graphs of Polynomials CA2-41

43. While developing their newest game, Sasquatch Attack!, the makers of the PortaBoy revised their
profit function and now use P ( x ) = −0.03x3 + 3x2 + 25x − 250 , for x  0 . Use graphing technology

to find the production level x that maximizes the profit made by producing and selling x PortaBoy
game systems.

44. Show that the end behavior of a linear function f ( x ) = mx + b , m  0 , is as it should be according to

the results we’ve established in this section for polynomials of odd degree. (That is, show that the
graph of a linear function is ‘up on one side’ and ‘down on the other’ just like the graph of y = a n xn

for odd numbers n .)

45. Here are a few questions for you to discuss with your classmates.

(a) How many local extrema could a polynomial of degree n have? How few local extrema?

(b) Could a polynomial have two local maxima but no local minima?

(c) If a polynomial has two local maxima and two local minima, can it be of odd degree? Can it be of
even degree?

(d) Can a polynomial have local extrema without having any real zeros?

(e) Why must every polynomial of odd degree have at least one real zero?

(f) Can a polynomial have two distinct real zeros and no local extrema?

(g) Can an x-intercept yield a local extremum? Can it yield an absolute extremum?

(h) If the y-intercept yields an absolute minimum, what can we say about the degree of the
polynomial and the sign of the leading coefficient?

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