Literature Review Analysis of Recorded Facts of Business PDF

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May 5 2023

METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDYAn Analytical research design is chosen for the study.This research is
conducted to find out facts aboutthegiven topic from the answers obtained develop new and useful
ways during things.


Ratio analysis
To measure ITC's overall profitability.

Analysis of financial statements

Petrit Hasanaj, Beke Kuqi
Humanities and Social Science Research 2 (2), p17-p17, 2019
The main purpose of this study is to determine, forecast and evaluate the best of economic
conditions and company’s performance in the future. The other purpose of this study is to
analyze the financial statement and than give information for financial managers to make
through decisions about their business. The financial statement applies tools, analytical
techniques and required methods for business analysis. It is a diagnostic tool for evaluating
financing activities, investment activities and operational activities as well as an assessment tool
for management decisions and other business decisions

Financial Statements Analysis in Measuring Financial

Performance of the PT. Mayora Indah Tbk, Period
Tuti Maisharoh, Setyo Riyanto
Journal of Contemporary Information Technology, Management, and Accounting 1 (2), 63-71,
The purpose of PT Mayora Indah Tbk research is to analyze its financial statements in order to
measure financial performance over the period of 2014 to 2018. Financial performance can be
measured by calculating financial ratios. Information data used for analyzing financial
statements is obtained from Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) website transparently. Financial
ratios are the most appropriate method to measure financial performance using Liquidity,
Solvency, Activity, and Profitability data.

The analysis of company growth determinants based on

financial statements of the European companies
Bojana Vuković, Kristina Peštović, Vera Mirović, Dejan Jakšić, Sunčica Milutinović

Sustainability 14 (2), 770, 2022

The primary aim of this paper is to determine the indicators that have an influence on the company
growth in the field of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries during the six-year period (2014–2019).

Multiple regression analysis was used in order to thoroughly analyze the variables of growth

Financial statements analysis-measurement of

performance and profitability: applied study of baghdad
soft-drink industry
Ayad Shaker Sultan
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 5 (4), 49-56, 2014
This paper attempts to analyze the financial statements and measure the performance in terms
of assets utilization, and profitability. In detail the research methodology used for the study that
has focused on the past and present performance of Baghdad Sort-drink Industry. The study
purely relies on secondary data, which were collected for a period of ten years (2004 to
September 2013) from the audited annual reports of the company

Impact of financial statements for financial decision-

Saddeq Abdulshakour
Open Science Journal 5 (2), 2020
The study aimed to know the effects of analysis of financial statements on financial decisions,
and the degree of benefit from them, and to identify what financial statements, what is its
importance for the institutions within the framework of the Kingdom's Vision 2030 of ideas and
trends, and to identify the contribution of financial statement analysis to financial decision-
making. The study was based on the descriptive and analytical approach, and the study
population consisted of all financial decision makers. The study was based on a simple random
method (70) of financial decision makers. The study was based on the questionnaire

Financial statement analysis as a tool for investment

decisions and assessment of companies’ performance
Aminu Abdulrahim Olayinka
International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management 4 (1), 49-66, 2022
Purpose: Financial Statement Analysis (FSA) and Interpretation is a vital instruments for good
management decision-making in business. The main objective of this study is therefore to
determine how firms could use FSA and its interpretation to aid funding and investment
decisions and to avert low profitability or low investment returns.
Research methodology: Data from the annual report of Nestlé Nigeria Plc are utilized for the
Analysis and Interpretation of the financial ratio using descriptive statistical analytical tools for

Analysis and interpretation of financial statements: case

Sudip Das
Financial statements are used as a management tool primarily by company executives and
investor’s in assessing the overall position and operating results of the company. Analysis and
interpretation of financial statements help in determining the liquidity position, long term
solvency, financial viability and profitability of a firm. Ratio analysis shows whether the company
is improving or deteriorating in past years
OBJECTIVES • To understand, analyze and interpret the basic concepts of financial statements
of different mining companies. • Interpretation of financial ratios and their significance. •
Development of programs in C++ for calculation of different financial statements and financial
Analyzing financial statements using data envelopment
DK Mahotra, Rashmi Malhotra
Com. Lending Rev. 23, 25, 2008
Data envelopment analysis identifies factors that cause differences in performance compared to
competitors. inancial statements are a summary of the operating, financing and investment
activities of a firm over a period of time. Financial statement analysis aids decision makers
(lenders, investors, managers) in gaining insight into a company's health and competitive

Financial statement analysis and the prediction of financial

William H Beaver, Maria Correia, Maureen F McNichols
Foundations and Trends® in Accounting 5 (2), 99-173, 2011
Financial statement analysis has been used to assess a company's likelihood of financial
distress academic research in accounting and finance has focused on either bond default or
bankruptcy. The basic issue is whether the probability of distress varies in a significant manner
conditional upon the magnitude of the financial statement ratios. This monograph discusses the
evolution of three main streams within the financial distress prediction literature: The set of
dependent and explanatory variables used, the statistical methods of estimation, and the
modeling of financial distress.

Financial statement analysis

KR Subramanyam
McGraw-Hill, 2014
This book emphasizes effective business analysis and decision making by analysts, investors,
managers, and other stakeholders of the company. It continues to set the standard in showing
students the keys to effective financial statement analysis. The textbook is set up in a three part
framework which makes this textbook one of the best-selling books in the market. It begins with
an overview (chapters 1-2), followed by accounting analysis (chapters 3-6) and then financial
analysis (chapters 7-11 and a Comprehensive Case). The book presents a balanced view of
analysis, including both equity and credit analysis, and both cash-based and earnings-based
valuation models. The eleventh edition is aimed at accounting and finance classes, and the
professional audience - as it shows the relevance of financial statement analysis to all business
decision makers.
Analysis of corporate governance, leverage and company
size on the integrity of financial statements
Aina Zahra Parinduri, Risma Koeshartanti Pratiwi, Oktavina Ika Purwaningtyas
Indonesian Management and Accounting Research 17 (1), 18-35, 2019
The purpose of this study is to find empirical evidence of the effect of good corporate
governance This study uses the method of multiple linear regression analysis, which is done by
the classic assumption test. The results of this study indicate that the independent board of
commissioners has a positive effect on the integrity of financial statements.

Business and financial risks in Hindustan Unilever Ltd.: an

empirical analysis
Aloke Gupta, Debasish Sur
Asia-Pacific Finance and Accounting Review 1 (4), 77, 2013
Competitive forces with the unleashing of the liberalisation policy have made analysis of
business and financial risk essential for survival and growth of business houses in India. With
the change in the economic scenario, the earning trends and the financing policies in the Indian
corporate sector have changed significantly. This leads to notable changes in the pattern of
business as well as financial risks associated with the companies. Some of them have been
able to adapt themselves to the new situation while others could not. In this backdrop, the
present paper seeks to evaluate empirically the business and financial risks associated
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.(HUL), the largest private sector company in Indian Fast Moving
Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry during the 10-year period from 2002-03 to 2011-12. It has
also been attempted to see how the return of the company reacted to the changes in aforesaid
risks during the period.

A financial ratio analysis of Hindustan Unilever Limited

Mehul B Shah
RESEARCH HUB-International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (RHIMRJ) 2 (5), 1-5, 2015
The purpose of the study is to know about the Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) to study the
growth of Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) the data required for the paper has been taken from
“www. hul. com”“www. moneycontrol. com” from 2009-10 to 2013-14. In the next step, ratios,
Mean, Standard Deviation, correlation coefficient for the data of company has been calculated.
The fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) segment is the fourth largest sector in the Indian
economy. The study conducted is based on the ratio analysis, t-test which helped to analyse the
performance of companies in Indian FMCG Industry.

Comparative study on financial performance of Hindustan

Unilever and Nestle India
Pramod Kumar Patjoshi, G Nandini
Journal of Xidian University 14 (4), 3075-3080, 2019

This research comprises the financial performance of two major

firm sin consumer and non-durables manufacturing companies in
India ie Hindustan Unilever Ltd. and Nestle India Ltd. To examine
the financial performance of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. and Nestle
India Ltd. data has been composed from the data published from
different website for the ten years from 2009-10 to 2018-19.
Different financial ratios and t test have been applied to study the
financial performance of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. and Nestle India

A comparative financial study: Evidence from selected

indian retail companies
Rohit Bansal
Journal of finance and investment Analysis 3 (3), 13-35, 2014
The objective of this research is to measure the financial and accounting performance of Indian
leading IT companies for the period of 2009 to 2013. Financial statements and income
statements of HUL, Vishal retail, Shoppers stop, and Pantaloons fashion & retail have been
taken from database ie CMIE, Prowess, and Money Control and Yahoo Finance. Required
information derived from these financial statements were summarized and used to compute
financial ratios for the five-year period. A graphical representation is provided in order to
compare financial ratios such as profitability, liquidity, solvency, assets turnover and market
based ratios.
Profitability trends in Hindustan Unilever limited-a study
Rupa Yadav, Rupesh Yadav
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences 9 (12), 316-323, 2019
The specific objective of this paper is to analyse the profitability of the Hindustan Unilever
Limited. So in order to obtain appropriate result the profitability of the HUL has been deeply
analyzed using various profitability ratios.

Liquidity Management in Hindustan Unilever Limited: An

Analytical Study
Mukesh Kumar Jain
The ultimate objective of any firm is to maximize the profit but increasing the profit at the cost of
liquidity can bring serious problems too
Statistical techniques like standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Spearman’s correlation
coefficients’ test and Motaal’s test have been employed in order to examine the liquidity position
and test the relationship between liquidity and profitability. The study result shows that the
company enjoyed sound liquidity during the study period 2007-2016 but relationship between
liquidity and profitability are statistically not significant.


Muhammad Talha
Ilkogretim Online 20 (4), 2021
The primary purpose of this research study that analysis of the financial statement In this
research chose the sample of Atlas Honda Motors, Indus Motors, and Pak Suzuki Motors for
evidence from Pakistan Company. This research is based on secondary data and sample
selected different years. Using the different ratio such as ROA, NPM etc. and through the Ratio
and Graphic analysis finding are Return on Assets ratio is best of Atlas Honda Motors than the
other two companies
A study on financial performance analysis of selected
listed companies with reference to textile industries
BJ Thabasvini, M Nandhini
E3S Web of Conferences 449, 05005, 2023
India’s textile sector contributes significantly to the nation’s economy. When it comes to creating
jobs and bringing in foreign currency, this is one of India’s largest sectors. The robustness of the
Indian textile industry’s finances is the main topic of the paper. And to understand how efficiently
the textile industry has utilised its resources so far. Profitability, liquidity and solvency positions
of textile enterprises have been investigated for this purpose. The comparative ratio analysis
method has been utilised in this article to determine whether textile companies are financially
sound. Paul G. Hastings stated that “finance is the management of the affairs of the company.

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