Parallelism Between Sentence Structure and Nominal

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Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519

Parallelism Between Sentence Structure and Nominal

Phrases in Japanese: Evidence from Scrambled Instrumental
and Locative Adverbial Phrases

Katsuo Tamaoka1,2 · Takane Ito3 · Michael P. Mansbridge4

Accepted: 25 January 2022 / Published online: 6 April 2022

© The Author(s) 2022

The present study investigated the canonical position of instrumental and locative adverbial
phrases in both Japanese sentences and noun phrases to determine whether the canonical
positions are parallel. A series of sentence/phrase decision tasks were used to compare sen-
tences with different word-orders, including sentences with SAdvOV (S is subject phrase,
Adv adverb, O object phrase and V verb), AdvSOV, SAdvOV and SOAdvV word orders.
SAdvOV word order was found to be the most quickly processed, for both instrumental
adverbial (Experiment 1) and locative adverbial phrases (Experiment 2). Thus, the canoni-
cal position for these adverbial phrases is identified as the position immediately preced-
ing the object (Theme argument). This finding was replicated when the same experimen-
tal methods were applied to event-denoting noun phrases. Adverbial adjuncts in the initial
position (AdvON, N is noun phrase) were processed more quickly and accurately than
noun phrases with adverbial phrases in the second position (OAdvN), for both instrumen-
tal adverbial (Experiment 3) and locative adverbial phrases (Experiment 4). Therefore, the
position immediately preceding the object is the canonical position for both instrumental
and locative adverbial phrases in sentences and in noun phrases. In conclusion, this indi-
cates that the base structure of a sentence is shared by its related noun phrase.

Keywords Nominalization · Parallelism · Locative adverbial phrases · Instrumental

adverbial phrases · Canonical order · Scrambling

* Katsuo Tamaoka
[email protected]
Takane Ito
[email protected]
School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University, Lushan Road (S), Yuelu District, Changsha City,
Hunan Province 410082, China
Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya University, Furo‑cho, Chikusaku, Nagoya,
Aichi 464‑8601, Japan
Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo, 3‑8‑1, Komaba,
Meguroku, Tokyo 153‑8902, Japan
Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University, Nishi 8‑chome, Kita 17‑jo,
Kitaku, Sappro, Hokaido 060‑0817, Japan

502 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519


Some sentences have corresponding noun phrases with no change of fundamental mean-
ing. Taking an example from Chomsky (1970), the active sentence the enemy destroyed
the city corresponds to the noun phrase the enemy’s destruction of the city. Here, the
subject of the noun phrase is marked by the possessive –s and the object of the noun
phrase is introduced with the preposition of. This is referred to as ‘nominalization’.
Although the past tense is lost in the noun phrase, both the sentence and the noun phrase
carry essentially the same meaning and have similar elements. In this example, the noun
destruction is a nominal derived from the verb destroy and acts as the head of the whole
noun phrase. Using the genitive case marker –no, nominalization in Japanese is easily
accomplished with relatively free word order. Thus, the word order in Japanese, where
scrambling is allowed in both sentences and noun phrases, is much more flexible than
in English. A study using eye-tracking (Tamaoka & Mansbridge, 2019; Tamaoka et al.,
2014) showed longer eye-fixation times for the nominative-marked (-ga) noun phrase
in scrambled sentences of OSgapV (gap refers to the original object position) than in
its counterpart of the accusative-marked (-o) noun phrase in canonical sentences of
SOV. Assuming faster processing times for canonically ordered sentences and possibly
noun phrases compared to scrambled orders, the present study investigated whether the
derived noun phrase (i.e., nominalization) has fundamentally the same syntactic struc-
ture as its corresponding sentence. More specifically, the present study addressed this
question from two perspectives; (1) by attempting to determine the canonical position
of instrumental or locative adverbial phrases in both sentences and noun phrases, and
when this was clarified, (2) by determining whether the canonical order of a sentence
with an instrumental or a locative adverbial phrase is the same as the canonical order of
its corresponding noun phrase.

A Japanese Sentence and Its Corresponding Noun Phrase and Scrambling

Japanese nominals that can have sentential correlates are formed by adding the genitive
case-marker –no to the postpositional phrase (PP) and noun phrase (NP) within the whole
NP. For instance, a sentence Gakusei-ga yuubin-de zyuken-o moosikon-da, N(student)-
NOM(-ga) N(post)-P(-de) N(exam)-ACC(-o) V(apply.for)-PAST, ‘The student applied
for the exam by post’ has a corresponding noun phrase Gakusei-no yuubin-de-no zyuken-
no moosikomi, N(student)-GEN(-no) N(post)-P(-de)-GEN(-no) N(exam)-GEN(-no)
N(application), ‘the student’s application for the exam by post’. In this noun phrase, the
nouns gakusei ‘the student’ and zyuken ‘exam’, and the PP consisting of yuubin ‘post’ and
the instrumental postposition –de are marked with the genitive case marker –no. The nomi-
native marker –ga and accusative case marker –o are obligatorily dropped when the geni-
tive case marker –no is added.
Furthermore, Japanese allows flexible word orders in both sentences and noun phrases.
In other words, the aforementioned example sentence can be scrambled to yuubin-de gaku-
sei-ga zyuken-o moosikon-da by moving ­[PP N(post)-P(-de)] to a higher position than [­NP
N(student)-NOM(-ga)]. This sentence has the corresponding noun phrase yuubin-de-no
gakusei-no zyuken-no moosikomi. Like the sentence, this noun phrase allows the order of
gakusei-no ­[NP N(student)-GEN(-no)] and yuubin-de-no ­[PP N(post)-INS(-de)-GEN(-no)]
to be shifted, but both those constituents must be marked with the genitive case marker

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519 503

-no. The meaning of the scrambled sentence and its corresponding noun phrase remains
the same.
In psycholinguistic experimental studies on scrambling (e.g., Imamura et al., 2016;
Koizumi & Tamaoka, 2004, 2006, 2010; Mazuka et al., 2002; Miyamoto & Takahashi,
2004; Tamaoka et al., 2005; Tamaoka et al., 2014; Tamaoka & Mansbridge, 2019; Ueno &
Kluender, 2003; Witzel & Witzel, 2016), the canonical order of SOV (S is subject phrase,
O object phrase and V verb) was found to be faster to process than the scrambled (i.e.,
different) order of OSV. The delay in processing time between scrambled OSV-ordered
sentences and their SOV canonical counterparts is known as the scrambling effect. The
sentence processing model of gap-filling parsing (Frazier & Clifton, 1989; Frazier & Flo-
res D’Arcais, 1989; Frazier, 1987; Stowe, 1986) provides one possible explanation for the
delay with the scrambled OSV order. This scrambling can be explained as a syntactic oper-
ation of phrasal movement from the original locus of the object (NP-o) in the canonical
position to the sentence initial position as in [­ CP NP-o1 ­[IP NP-ga ­[I’ ­[VP gap1 V] I]]] where
IP refers to inflectional phrase and CP to complement phrase. The gap1 indicates the origi-
nal position in the canonical order from which the NP-o1 was moved to the sentence initial
position. To process the scrambled sentence, native Japanese speakers must recognize the
initial NP-o as the filler, and then find its original position in the specifier of VP (gap1)
to establish the filler-gap dependency. Here, due to the degree of syntactic complexity, a
canonical SOV-ordered sentence is expected to be processed more quickly than its OSV-
ordered scrambled counterpart.
Some of the difficulties thought to be associated with scrambling can be explained in
part by limitations in working memory or computational resources (Gibson, 1998), the
increased syntactic complexity of the scrambling operation (Hawkins, 2004), expectation
of constituents (Levy, 2008) and discourse contexts (Kaiser & Trueswell, 2004; Yano &
Koizumi, 2018). Discourse and frequency effects have been found to modulate the over-
all scrambling effect such that they can attenuate the processing difficulty (Imamura et al.,
2016). The eye-tracking studies (Tamaoka & Mansbridge, 2019; Tamaoka et al., 2014)
clearly indicated longer eye fixation times in the area (noun phrase) assumed to have a gap
and in the area of a head verb under the scrambled condition. In these eye-tacking stud-
ies, there were no discourse contexts presented prior to the scrambled sentences. In such
conditions, scrambled sentences seem to result in a heavier cognitive load for processing;
scrambling should be the main source of difficulty in processing a single sentence. Using
this nature of the scrambling effect, the present study examines the canonical position of
instrumental and locative adverbial phrases.

Possible Canonical Positions of Multiple Adverbs

Adverbs are optional elements of a sentence, categorized as adjuncts that can be placed in
various positions. Koizumi (1993) classified Japanese adverbs into three types based on
their canonical positions, (1) adverbs in a modal phrase (MP adverbs) such as saiwainimo
‘fortunately’, tabun ‘perhaps’, (2) adverbs in an inflection phrase (IP adverbs) such as kinoo
‘yesterday’, mukasi ‘once upon a time’, and (3) adverbs in a verb phrase (VP adverbs) such
as konagonani ‘into pieces’, kossori ‘secretly’. Each type of adverb is argued to have a
canonical position—i.e., a position it must occupy before scrambling.
Canonical positions of various types of adverbs are identified as follows (Adv refers to

504 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519

[MP (MP Adv) ­[IP (IP Adv) Subject (IP Adv) ­[VP (VP Adv) Object (VP Adv) Verb] I] M].

The canonical position of the modal phrase adverb (MP adv) saiwainimo ‘fortunately’
is located within the modal phrase as in saiwainimo Kenzi-ga han’nin-o tukamae-ta ‘For-
tunately Kenzi caught a criminal’. Temporal adverbs like kinoo ‘yesterday’, kyoo ‘today’,
or asita ‘tomorrow’ are classified as the inflectional phrase adverb (IP adv), taking their
canonical positions before or after the subject. For example, the canonical positions of the
time adverb kinoo can be placed either before the subject as in Kinoo Tomoko-ga kami-o
kit-ta ‘Yesterday Tomoko cut her hair’ or after the subject as in Tomoko-ga kinoo kami-o
According to Koizumi (1993), both manner and resultative adverbs are classified
as verb phrase adverbs (VP adv). There are two possible canonical positions within VP
adverbs (i.e., canonically neutral), either before the object or after the object (before the
verb), or SAdvOV and SOAdvV. For example, the canonical position of the resultative
adverb konagonani ‘into pieces’ can be either before the object as in Kenzi-ga konagonani
kabin-o kowasi-ta ‘Kenzi broke the vase into pieces’ or after the object (before the verb)
as in Kenzi-ga kabin-o konagonani kowasi-ta. This claim is supported by an experimental
sentence-processing study by Koizumi and Tamaoka (2006), whose reading-time measure-
ments revealed that the canonical position of manner and resultative adverbs is either SAd-
vOV or SOAdvV. Furthermore, a corpus study by Namba and Tamaoka (2016) counted
frequencies of adverb occurrences, indicating that manner adverbs showed near equal dis-
tribution for 50.0% of SAdvOV and 48.4% of SOAdvV positions. There were only 1.7%
in AdvSOV. As with the psycholinguistic study by Koizumi and Tamaoka (2006), manner
adverbs appear to be canonically neutral between those two positions. In sentences with
a resultative adverb, the corpus frequency of word order is 80.7% for SOAdvV, 18.0% for
SAdvOV, and 1.3% for AdvSOV. Although manner adverbs appear randomly in either the
SAdvOV position or the SOAdvV position, resultative adverbs appear most frequently in
the SOAdvV position. Thus, manner and resultative adverbs may have different canonical
positions within the VP adverbial position.

Possible Canonical Positions of Instrumental and Locative Adverbial Phrases

The canonical positions of instrumental and locative adverbial phrases have yet to be
clearly defined. In fact, Koizumi and Tamaoka (2006) did not investigate instrumental
and locative adverbial phrases ending with -de (i.e., [­PP NP + Postposition(-de)]) in their
investigation. These can be placed in three different positions in Japanese sentences: in
the sentence-initial position as in Rimokon-de Tomoko-ga terebi-o kesi-ta ‘Tomoko turned
off the television with remote control’, with the order AdvSOV; in the post-subject posi-
tion (SAdvOV) as in Tomoko-ga rimokon-de terebi-o kesi-ta; or in the post-object position
(SOAdvV) as in Tomoko-ga terebi-o rimokon-de kesi-ta. It is possible, however, to con-
sider the instrumental and locative adverbial PP phrase with –de to have one or two basic
positions. As the first step of such an investigation, the present study examines where the
canonical position of these might be located.
Because these two types of adverbial phrases, instrumental and locative, are generally
taken to modify the whole VP (i.e., the verb and its object without tense) as opposed to IP
including tense, it is assumed that they are at the VP level. The potential canonical posi-
tion (SAdvOV) is depicted in Fig. 1. There are two examples in Fig. 1. An example of the
instrumental adverbial phrase remokon-de ‘by remote control’ is Tomoko-ga rimokon-de

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519 505


NP-ga NOM1 I'


vP I

t1 v'

VP v


Postposition(-de ) adverbial phrase
(INST) rimokon-de 'with a remote control'
(LOC) heya-de 'in the room'
terebi-o 'the TV' kesi 'turn off'
nimotu-o 'the parcel' ake ' open'

Fig. 1  The canonical position of instrumental and locative adverbial phrases at the sentence level Note: The
PP refers to the assumed canonical position of the adverb. INST refers to instrumental adverbs and LOC to
locative adverbs

terebi-o kesi-ta ‘Tomoko turned off the television with remote control’. In this sentence,
the adverbial phrase is positioned in the specifier of V’ as the postposition (PP) adverbial
phrase. Likewise, the locative adverb heya-de ‘in the room’ is also found in the same posi-
tion as Tomoko-ga heya-de mimotu-o ake-ta ‘Tomoko opened the package in the room’.
This SAdvOV canonical order is proposed by Vinka (2009) who claims locatives and
instrumentals in Japanese are similar to the extent that they both take VPs as arguments.
Takezawa (2000; as cited by Ogawa & Niinuma, 2012) claims that locatives and resulta-
tives in Japanese are likely to differ in their ordering in relation to a theme determiner
phrase (Theme DP) or the object phrase (O), where the former is likely to precede the

506 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519

Theme (SAdvOV), and the latter to follow it (SOAdvV) at the VP level (VP adverbs). Prior
to the present experiments, it was tentatively assumed that SAdvOV is the canonical order
for both instrumental and locative adverbial phrases. Alternatively, the order SOAdvV
is another possibility for the canonical order. However, we hypothesize that SAdvOV is
canonical, and that the order SOAdvV is derived by scrambling.
In both examples in Fig. 2, the final nouns of moosikomi ‘application’ and hanbai ‘sale’
can be considered to have a verb-like argument structure (i.e., have a subject and object), as
in their verb forms of moosikomu ‘to apply’ and hanbaisuru ‘to sell’. Although these noun
phrases including instrumental and locative adverbial phrases do not have a subject, they
can be considered equivalent to the (S)AdvOV-ordered sentence shown in Fig. 1. Thus, it is
assumed that the noun phrase with adverb-initial position AdvON (N is noun phrase) would
be the canonical order. The same holds for the attested word-order within noun phrases
whose heads have an argument structure. Within the noun phrase in Fig. 2, the instrumen-
tal and locative adverbial phrases can be re-ordered as OAdvV as zyuken-no yuusoo-de-no
moosikomi and yasai-no rozyoo-de-no hanbai. In this study, we hypothesize that AdvON is
canonical, and that the order OAdvV is derived by scrambling.
It is also assumed that both instrumental and locative adverbial phrases in noun phrases
(PP + the genitive maker -no) are placed in the initial position AdvON as depicted in Fig. 2.
The instrumental adverbial phrase yuusoo-de-no ‘by postal mail’ is located at the specifier
of NP or in the beginning of the noun phrase in the AdvON order as Yuusoo-de-no zyuken-
no moosikomi ‘applying for examination by postal mail’. Likewise, the locative adverbial
phrase rozyoo-de-no ‘on the street’ is also located at the same position of NP specifier as in
Rozyoo-de-no yasai-no hanbai ‘the sale of vegetables on the street’.
Nominalization is a prevalent cross-linguistic feature, and it is heavily featured in Jap-
anese as well (see Kishimoto, 2006; Miyagawa, 2012; Sugioka, 1992). The nominalized
structure may impose the same restrictions on the ordering of elements as a sentential vP
structure. However, it is not yet known whether order (i.e., syntactic position) restrictions
will also be prevalent within the hierarchal structure of an NP or DP in Japanese.


Adverbial phrase: Postposition(-de)-GEN
(INST) yuusoo-de-no 'by postal mail'
(LOC) rozyoo-de-no 'on the street'

zyuken-no 'for examination' mooshikomi 'application'
yasai-no 'vegetables' hanbai 'sale'

Fig. 2  The canonical position of instrumental and locative adverbial phrases at the noun phrase level Note:
The PP refers to the assumed canonical position of the adverb. INST refers to instrumental adverbs and
LOC to locative adverbs

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519 507

If native Japanese speakers process the noun phrase in the same manner as they pro-
cess its corresponding sentence, the scrambling effect should be observed in the pro-
cessing of an OSV-type of noun phrase as well. This would suggest that the psycholin-
guistic nature of sentences is shared by their corresponding noun phrases. Instrumental
and locative adverbial phrases are excellent candidates for investigating the parallelism
of sentences and their noun phrase counterparts because these adverbial phrases allow
us to directly compare the syntactic structures of sentences and noun phrases. Subject
(S) and object (O) cannot be scrambled in a noun phrase and replaced by the genitive.
For instance, the noun phrase, Nihonzin-no siboo-no torisugi, N(Japanese)-GEN N(fat)-
GEN N(taking-too-much), ‘Too-much eating of fat by Japanese’ does not make sense
once it is scrambled as in *Siboo-no nihonzin-no torisugi, N(fat)-GEN N(Japanese)-
GEN N(taking-too-much). Hence, the subject phrases must be omitted in investigating
scrambling in NPs. In addition, a sentence with a resultative adverb cannot be nomi-
nalized: the sentence Konagona-ni hakai-si-ta, Adv(into-pieces) V(destroy)-PAST,
‘(I) destroyed (it) into pieces’ cannot be expressed as an NP *Konagona-e-no hakai,
‘destruction into-pieces’. Likewise, a manner adverb used in a sentence has to change
its lexical category, from adverb to adjective, in order to be nominalized: the sentence
Subayaku ootoo-si-ta, Adv(quickly) V(respond)-PAST, ‘I quickly responded (to it)’
becomes a noun phrase where ‘response’ is modified by the adjective ‘quick’, as subayai
ootoo, Adj(quick) N(response), ‘a quick response’.
To verify the hypothesis that noun phrases are processed in the same way as sen-
tences, this study investigated the existence of the scrambling effect in both sentences
and noun phrases with different instrumental and locative adverb orders. In the present
study, we conducted four experiments, each relying on the scrambling effect to iden-
tify the canonical word order of the structure containing an adverb. These experiments
provide empirical evidence supporting (1) the canonical positions for the instrumental
and locative adverbial phrases as SAdvOV depicted in Fig. 1 at the sentence level and
as AdvON in Fig. 2 in the noun phrase and (2) sentences and noun phrases sharing the
parallel basic structure (i.e., canonical order).

Experiment 1: Sentences with Instrumental Adverbial Phrases

Experiment 1 tested whether instrumental adverbial phrases have a canonical position

of SAdvOV in sentences with transitive verbs.



Twenty-four graduate and undergraduate students (19 females and 5 males) at a univer-
sity in Japan, all native speakers of Japanese, participated in Experiment 1. The par-
ticipants were from various academic backgrounds, and their ages ranged from 18 years
and 2 months to 27 years and 8 months. The average age was 21 years and 4 months
with a standard deviation of 2 years and 8 months on the day of testing.

508 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519


Stimuli consisted of sentences that included instrumental adverbial phrases in one

of three possible word orders: AdvSOV, SAdvOV and SOAdvV. These stimuli were
divided into two classes – semantically coherent “Yes” stimuli, and semantically
anomalous “No” stimuli. To create the “Yes” stimulus sentences, twenty-four sen-
tences with an AdvSOV structure, e.g., Pasokon-de Ziro-ga repooto-o kai-ta ‘Ziro
wrote a report with a personal computer’, had their adverbial phrase positions altered
into SAdvOV, e.g., Ziro-ga pasokon-de repooto-o kai-ta, and SOAdvV, e.g., Ziro-ga
repooto-o pasokon-de kai-ta. The only difference among the three types of sentences
was the position of adverbial phrase with –de. In the same manner, in the case of the
“No” stimuli, 24 sets of semantically infelicitous sentences with AdvSOV order, e.g.,
*Yasai-de Ziro-ga Kazuko-ni soodansi-ta ‘Ziro consulted Kazuko with the vegetables’,
had the position of their instrumental adverbial PP phrase changed into SAdvOV, e.g.,
Ziro-ga yasai-de Kazuko-ni soodansi-ta, and SOAdvV, e.g., Ziro-ga Kazuko-ni yasai-
de soodansi-ta. Again, the only differences among the three were the positions of the
adverbial phrases.
Reading times are likely to become shorter when participants read sentences in
sequence containing the same words. In order to prevent this effect of repeated encoun-
tering, we counterbalanced the list of sentences with a Latin square design. Three lists
of sentences were given to three groups of participants (8 each). Each list consisted of
24 sentences (8 each for AdvSOV, SAdvOV and SOAdvV) for “Yes” responses and 24
sentences (8 each of AdvSOV, SAdvOV and SOAdvV) for “No” responses. In addition,
20 dummy sentences (10 semantically coherent and 10 semantically anomalous) were
put in each list as filler sentences, such as Watasi-no tokuina ryoori-wa kareeraisu da
‘My favorite thing to cook is curry and rice’. A total of 68 stimuli were used, consist-
ing of 24 semantically coherent, 24 semantically anomalous, and 20 dummy sentences.
Experiments 1 and 2 were conducted together in a single experiment.


The present study utilized a reaction time paradigm that measures the elapsed time
between the presentation of a sensory stimulus and the participant’s subsequent behav-
ior. This interval is called reaction (or processing) time. The experiment employed a
whole sentence correctness decision task, by showing one sentence at a time on a com-
puter screen. The presentation was controlled by Microsoft’s Visual Basic 6.0 + Micro-
soft DirectX8 computer program. Stimuli with both semantically coherent and seman-
tically anomalous responses were presented to participants in a random order, in the
center of a computer screen 600 ms after the appearance of asterisks ‘********’
indicating an eye-fixation point. Participants were asked to decide whether the sen-
tences were semantically acceptable, by pressing a “Yes” or “No” button. They were
also asked to answer as quickly as possible, while maintaining accuracy. Twenty-four
practice trials were given to the participants prior to actual testing. Participants were
expected to process simple sentences with a high accuracy. Sentences with a scrambled
order were expected to require longer processing times than the corresponding ones
with canonical order, due to syntactic manipulations.

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519 509


There was one extreme “Yes” response and one extreme “No” response in reaction times
among sentence correctness decision times (i.e., less than 500 ms or longer than 5000 ms).
These two extreme responses were excluded from the reaction time data. Furthermore,
only stimulus items with correct responses (i.e., the participants answered “Yes” when the
sentence made sense and “No” when it did not) were used in the analyses of reaction times.
Before performing the analysis, reaction times outside of 2.5 standard deviations plus and
minus the mean reaction time at both the high and low ranges were replaced by boundaries
indicated by 2.5 standard deviations from the individual means of participants in each con-
dition. Only one reaction time among correctly-responded “Yes” items fell into this cate-
gory. The means of “Yes” and “No” reaction times and error rates for sentence correctness
decisions are presented in Table 1.
A series of one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with repeated measures for three
sentence types (AdvSOV, SAdvOV and SOAdvV) of “Yes” responses was conducted on
reaction times (milliseconds) and error rates (percent), using participant (F1) and item
(F2) variabilities. There were significant main effects in both participant analysis [F1(2,
46) = 8.262, p < 0.001] and item analysis [F2(2, 46) = 6.008, p < 0.01] for reaction times, but
no main effect for error rates [F1(2, 46) = 2.120, p = 0.132, ns; F2(2, 46) = 1.523, p = 0.229,
ns]. Simple contrast comparisons were conducted among the three AdvSOV, SAdvOV and
SOAdvV conditions, indicating that SAdvOV was the most quickly recognized word order.
As for “No” responses (incorrect sentences), neither reaction times [F1(2, 46) = 0.007,
p = 0.993, ns; F2(2, 46) = 0.072, p = 0.930, n.] nor error rates [F1(2, 46) = 0.365, p = 0.696,
ns; F2(2, 46) = 1.181, p = 0.322, ns] showed significant main effects.


Sentences with canonical word order are predicted to be processed more quickly than sen-
tences with scrambled word orders. Experiment 1 clearly indicated that the sentences in
which the instrumental adverbial phrases were placed between the subject phrase and the
object phrase were processed the most quickly among the three types of word order. Unlike
the canonical position of manner and resultative adverbs being either SAdvOV or SOAdvV
(Koizumi & Tamaoka, 2006), the canonical position of instrumental adverbial phrases was
only SAdvOV. On the other hand, reaction times and error rates for correctly perceived
“No” responses are observed to be null main effects, showing a minute difference in

Table 1  Reaction times and Response type Position of Reaction time Error rates (%)
error rates for sentences adverb (Adv) (ms)
with instrumental adverbs in
experiment 1 M SD M (%) SD (%)

"Yes" responses Adv SOV 1807 456 6.25 11.66

SAdv OV 1527 361 7.81 12.12
SOAdvV 1663 479 2.60 6.36
"No" responses AdvSOV 1667 409 16.17 20.21
SAdvOV 1674 436 14.33 17.96
SOAdvV 1671 466 15.17 17.73

510 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519

reaction times and a similar trend in error rates. This null effect may be a result of par-
ticipants having multiple ways to reject these stimuli for “No” responses. For example, a
participant may have been able to correctly reject the target sentence after comprehending
only the semantically implausible part of the sentence (e.g., an adverbial phrase of ‘consult
with vegetable’). Importantly, the “No” responses serve as a reference, and are not a major
concern to the main argument for the canonical position of adverbial phrases (hereafter the
same holds true for the other three experiments).

Experiment 2: Sentences with Locative Adverbial Phrases

Experiment 2 tested whether locative adverbial phrases have a canonical position (i.e.,
SAdvOV) in sentences with transitive verbs.



Experiment 2 was carried out at the same time as Experiment 1, so participants were the
same in both experiments.


As in Experiment 1, “Yes” responses consisted of sentences with adverbial phrases in the

phrase orders of AdvSOV, SAdvOV and SOAdvV. Twenty-four sentences with an AdvSOV
structure had their adverbial phrase positions altered into SAdvOV and SOAdvV. In the
same way, for the case of “No” responses, 24 sets of semantically anomalous sentences
with AdvSOV had the position of their locative adverbial phrase changed into SAdvOV and
SOAdvV. A counterbalance with a Latin square design was used to assign participants to
different sentences. Since Experiment 2 was conducted with Experiment 1, the rest of the
stimulus conditions were the same as Experiment 1.


The procedure for Experiment 2 was the same as the procedure for Experiment 1.


There was only one extreme “Yes” response and no extreme “No” responses in reaction
times among sentence correctness decision times (i.e., less than 500 ms or longer than
5000 ms). This item was removed from the reaction time data. In addition, only stimu-
lus items of correct responses were used in the analyses of reaction times. The data trim-
ming process was the same as Experiment 1. No reaction times among correctly-responded
“Yes” and “No” items fell outside the range of the mean plus or minus 2.5 standard devia-
tions. The means of “Yes” and “No” reaction times and error rates for sentence correctness
decisions are presented in Table 2.

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519 511

Table 2  Reaction times and error Response type Position of Reaction time Error rates (%)
rates for sentences with locative adverb (Adv) (ms)
adverbs in experiment 2
M SD M (%) SD (%)

"Yes" responses Adv SOV 1740 440 5.88 8.35

SAdv OV 1626 365 4.83 9.08
SOAdvV 1866 530 7.46 10.51
"No" responses AdvSOV 1719 410 15.17 17.73
SAdvOV 1635 423 15.25 22.91
SOAdvV 1667 434 16.67 20.06

A series of ANOVAs with repeated measures for three sentence types (AdvSOV, SAd-
vOV and SOAdvV) of “Yes” responses was conducted on reaction times and error rates,
using participant (F1) and item (F2) variabilities. Significant main effects were found in
both participant analysis [F1(2, 46) = 9.255, p < 0.001] and item analysis [F2(2, 46) = 6.337,
p < 0.01] for reaction times, but no main effect for error rates [F1(2, 46) = 1.028, p = 0.366,
ns; F2(2, 46) = 0.603, p = 0.552, ns]. Simple contrast comparisons were conducted among
the three conditions, AdvSOV, SAdvOV and SOAdvV, again indicating that SAdvOV was
the most quickly processed phrase order. As for “No” responses (incorrect sentences), nei-
ther reaction times [F1(2, 46) = 1.007, p = 0.373, ns; F2(2, 46) = 0.905, p = 0.416, ns] nor
error rates [F1(2, 46) = 0.315, p = 0.731, ns; F2(2, 46) = 0.063, p = 0.940, ns] showed sig-
nificant main effects.


As in Experiment 1, Experiment 2 indicated that sentences with SAdvOV phrase order

were the most quickly processed among sentences of three different phrase orders. Thus,
as with instrumental adverbial phrases, SAdvOV must be the canonical position of loca-
tive adverbial phrases. Once again, this result differed from the canonical position of man-
ner and resultative adverbial phrases identified as either SAdvOV or SOAdvV (Koizumi &
Tamaoka, 2006).

Experiment 3: Noun Phrases with Instrumental Adverbial Phrases

Experiment 3 examined whether instrumental adverbial phrases have the canonical posi-
tion of AdvON in noun phrases.



Twenty-four graduate and undergraduate students (8 females and 16 males) at a university

in Japan, all native speakers of Japanese, participated in Experiment 3. These participants
did not participate in Experiments 1 and 2. Ages ranged from 19 years and 2 months to

512 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519

26 years and 9 months. The average age was 21 years and 3 months with a standard devia-
tion of 1 years and 7 months on the day of testing.


“Yes” responses consisted of noun phrases with instrumental adverbial phrases with the
orders AdvON and OAdvN. Twenty-four AdvON noun phrases, e.g., yuubin-de-no zyuken-
no moosikomi ‘application for entrance examination by mail’, were prepared and had their
adverbial phrase positions altered into OAdvN, e.g., zyuken-no yuubin-de-no moosikomi.
The only difference between the two types of noun phrases was the position of the instru-
mental adverbial phrase with -de. For the case of “No” responses, a set of the same number
of semantically anomalous noun phrases with AdvON, e.g., densirenzi-de-no obentoo-no
kiritori ‘cutting a lunch box by microwave’, were prepared and the adverbial phrase posi-
tion shifted into OAdvN as in obentoo-no densirenzi-de-no kiritori. Again, the only dif-
ference between noun phrases was the adverbial phrase position. These noun phrases are
semantically unacceptable, so the participants were expected to reject them as incorrect
phrases by pressing the "No" key.
In order to prevent the problem of repeatedly encountering noun phrases with the same
words, a counterbalanced (or Latin square) design was used to assign participants to differ-
ent noun phrases. Two lists of noun phrases were given to two groups of participants (12
each). Each list consisted of 24 coherent noun phrases (12 each for AdvON and OAdvN)
for the “Yes” responses and 24 anomalous noun phrases (12 each for AdvON and OAdvN)
for the “No” responses. In addition, 20 dummy noun phrases (10 correct and 10 incorrect)
were added in each list as filler noun phrases, e.g., hanagara-no kawaii sukaato ‘a cute
skirt with pictures of flowers’. The total of 68 noun phrases were used for Experiment 3,
consisting of 24 semantically coherent, 24 semantically anomalous, and 20 dummy noun
phrases. Experiments 3 and 4 were conducted together in a single experimental trial.


The experiment employed a whole-phrase correctness decision task, by showing one noun
phrase at a time on a computer screen. The presentation was controlled by Microsoft’s
Visual Basic 6.0 + Microsoft DirectX8 computer program. Stimuli with both semantically
coherent and semantically anomalous responses were presented to participants in a ran-
dom order, in the center of a computer screen 600 ms after the appearance of asterisks
‘********’ indicating an eye-fixation point. Participants were asked to decide whether
the noun phrases made sense, by pressing a “Yes” or “No” button. They were additionally
asked to answer as quickly as possible, while maintaining accuracy. Twenty-four practice
trials were given to the participants prior to actual testing.


There were two extreme “Yes” responses but no extreme “No” responses in reaction
times among noun phrase correctness decision times (i.e., less than 500 ms or longer than
5000 ms). These extreme responses were removed from the reaction time data. In addition,
only stimulus items with correct responses were used in the analyses of reaction times. The
data trimming process was the same as Experiments 1 and 2. Four reaction times for “Yes”
items and 11 reaction times for “No” items fell outside the range of the mean plus or minus

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519 513

Table 3  Reaction times and Response type Position of Reaction time Error rates (%)
error rates for noun phrases adverb (Adv) (ms)
with instrumental adverbs in
experiment 3 M SD M (%) SD (%)

"Yes" responses Adv ON 1909 572 8.33 9.83

OAdv N 2263 720 16.67 13.90
"No" responses AdvON 1937 490 2.08 5.63
OAdvN 2000 632 2.08 5.63

2.5 standard deviations. The means of “Yes” and “No” reaction times and error rates for
noun phrase correctness decisions are presented in Table 3.
A series of ANOVAs with repeated measures for two noun phrase types (AdvON and
OAdvN) of “Yes” responses was conducted on reaction times and error rates, using partici-
pant (F1) and item (F2) variabilities: Two adverbial phrase positions, the adverbial phrase
initial position and the adverbial phrase second position, were examined in the process-
ing of noun phrases with instrumental adverbial phrases. The analyses indicated that noun
phrases of the adverbial phrase initial position (i.e., AdvON) were processed more quickly
[F1(1, 23) = 18.846, p < 0.001; F2(1, 23) = 11.158, p < 0.01] and more accurately [F1(1,
23) = 5.750, p < 0.05; F2(1, 23) = 9.095, p < 0.01] than noun phrases with the adverbial
phrase second position (i.e., OAdvN). For “No” responses (incorrect noun phrases), neither
reaction times [F1(1, 23) = 0.354, p = 0.558, ns; F2(1, 23) = 0.186, p = 0.671, ns] nor error
rates [F1(1, 23) = 0.000, p = 1.000, ns; F2(1, 23) = 0.000, p = 0.984, ns] showed significant
main effects.


Experiment 3 indicated that the canonical position of instrumental adverbial phrases in

noun phrases is AdvON (adverb initial position). This result replicates the general find-
ings of Experiment 1 for the sentence structure. Thus, this provides evidence that nomi-
nal phrases are likely to adhere to similar restrictions of canonical order as the sentence

Experiment 4: Noun Phrases with Locative Adverbial Phrases

Experiment 4 further investigated whether the canonical position of locative adverbial

phrases is also AdvON in noun phrases.



Experiment 3 was carried out with Experiment 4, so participants were the same in both

514 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519


As in Experiment 3, “Yes” responses were noun phrases with locative adverbial phrases
in the phrase structure of AdvON and OAdvN. Twenty-four semantically coherent noun
phrases with AdvON were altered so that their adverbial phrase position was OAdvN. The
only difference between two types of noun phrases was the position of the locative adver-
bial phrase with –de. In the case of “No” responses, 24 sets of semantically anomalous
noun phrases AdvON were prepared with the adverbial phrase position shifted to OAdvN.
As in Experiment 3, a counterbalanced (or Latin square) design was used to assign partici-
pants to different noun phrases. Because Experiment 4 was conducted with Experiment 3,
the rest of the stimulus conditions were the same.


The procedure for Experiment 4 was the same as the procedure for Experiments 1, 2 and 3.


There were two extreme “Yes” responses and no extreme “No” responses in reaction
times among noun phrase correctness decision times (i.e., less than 500 ms or longer than
5000 ms). Once again, these extreme outliers were removed from the reaction time data.
Additionally, only stimulus items of correct responses were used in the analyses of reaction
times. The data trimming process was the same as Experiments 1, 2 and 3. Two reaction
times for “Yes” items and six reaction times for “No” items fell outside the cutoff boundary
of the mean plus or minus 2.5 standard deviations. The means of “Yes” and “No” reaction
times and error rates for noun phrase correctness decisions are presented in Table 4.
A series of ANOVAs with repeated measures for the two noun phrase types (AdvON and
OAdvN) of “Yes” responses was conducted on reaction times and error rates. Two adver-
bial phrase positions, the adverbial phrase initial position and the adverbial phrase second
position, were examined in the processing of noun phrases with locative adverbial phrases.
The analyses indicated that noun phrases with adverbial phrases in initial position (i.e.,
AdvON) were processed more quickly [F1(1, 23) = 17.751, p < 0.001; F2(1, 23) = 10.456,
p < 0.01] and more accurately [F1(1, 23) = 4.312, p < 0.05; F2(1, 23) = 4.545, p < 0.05]
than noun phrases with adverbial phrase in second position (i.e., OAdvN). As for “No”
responses (incorrect noun phrases), reaction times for noun phrases with adverbial phrases
in initial position (i.e., AdvON) were shorter than for noun phrases with adverbial phrases
in second position (i.e., OAdvN) for the participant analysis [F1(1, 23) = 4.749, p < 0.05],

Table 4  Reaction times and Response type Position of Reaction time Error rates (%)
error rates for noun phrases with adverb (Adv) (ms)
locative adverbs in experiment 4
M SD M (%) SD (%)

"Yes" responses Adv ON 1728 436 6.94 10.90

OAdvN 2031 633 15.28 16.24
"No" responses AdvON 1764 460 4.17 8.86
OAdvN 1906 470 3.47 6.91

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519 515

but this result did not hold for the item analysis [F2(1, 23) = 0.977, p = 0.333, ns]. Thus, we
interpret this main effect result as not significant. There was no significant main effect on
error rates [F1(1, 23) = 0.074 p = 0.788, ns; F2(1, 23) = 0.097, p = 0.758, ns].


Experiment 4 indicated that, as with instrumental adverbial phrases in Experiment 3, the

adverbial initial position of AdvON was the canonical position of locative adverbial phrases
in noun phrases.

General Discussion

The present study conducted four experiments to investigate whether the base structure
of a sentence is shared by its related noun phrase. As depicted in Figs. 1 and 2, the pre-
sent study hypothesized that instrumental and locative adverbial phrases with –de have the
same canonical position, SAdvOV for sentences, and AdvON for noun phrases. Extending
on prior studies of the scrambling effect in Japanese (e.g., Koizumi & Tamaoka, 2004,
2006, 2010; Mazuka et al., 2002; Tamaoka et al., 2005; Tamaoka et al., 2014; Tamaoka &
Mansbridge, 2019), which showed that canonical word orders are processed more quickly
than scrambled orders, the present study investigated the canonical position of instrumental
and locative adverbial phrases.
Experiments 1 and 2 were conducted to find the canonical position of instrumental
and locative adverbial phrase marked by –de within sentences. Among the three possible
phrasal orders of AdvSOV, SAdvOV and SOAdvV, the order of SAdvOV was found to be
the most quickly processed, both in the case of instrumental in Experiment 1 and locative
in Experiment 2. Thus, the canonical position for these adverbial phrases can be identi-
fied as the position between the subject and the object. Experiments 3 and 4 examined the
canonical position of instrumental and locative adverbial phrases in nominal phrases. The
result showed for both the instrumental adverbial phase in Experiment 3 and the locative
adverbial phrase in Experiment 4, the adverbial phrase initial position (i.e., AdvON order)
was processed more quickly and more accurately than the adverbial phrase second position
(i.e., OAdvN order). These results suggest that the canonical adverbial phrase position for
sentences, SAdvOV or PP position in Fig. 1, remains the same in the case of noun phrases,
AdvON or PP position in Fig. 2.
Takezawa (2000; as cited by Ogawa & Niinuma, 2012) claims that locatives and resul-
tatives in Japanese are likely to differ in their ordering in relation to a theme determiner
phrase (Theme DP) or an object phrase (O), where the former is likely to precede the
Theme (SAdvOV), and the latter to follow it (SOAdvV) at the VP level (VP adverbs). Fur-
thermore, although adverbial phrases are adjuncts and thought to be optional pieces of a
sentence, the present study showed that adverbial phrases have canonical base positions in
both a sentence and a noun phrase.
According to Koizumi’s (1993; see also Kishimoto, 2006; Miyagawa, 2012; Sugioka,
1992) categorization, the instrumental and locative adverbial phrases tested in this study
should be classified as VP adverbs. Under this assumption, their canonical position is
defined either SAdvOV or SOAdvV. In fact, the psycholinguistic study by Koizumi and
Tamaoka (2006) indicated that the canonical position of manner and resultative adverbs is
as either SAdvOV or SOAdvV. However, instrumental and locative adverbial phrases with

516 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519

–de, those tested in Experiments 1 and 2 for sentences, and Experiments 3 and 4 for noun
phrases, turned out to have only one canonical position: SAdvOV for a sentence (PP posi-
tion in Fig. 1), and AdvON for noun phrases (PP position in Fig. 2). Additional support for
this order is found in the self-paced reading study by Nambu and Nakatani (2014). Using
nominative-genitive alternation, they also provide evidence that locative adverbial phrases
(i.e., PPs) are likely to be located under the specifier of VP giving the order SAdvOV.
The ultimate purpose of the present experiments was to examine whether the basic word
order of a sentence would be shared by its corresponding noun phrases. The four experi-
ments in the present study found that the canonical position for instrumental and locative
adverbial phrases remains parallel across both sentences and noun phrases. The adverbial
phrase position of SAdvOV in sentence is considered equivalent to AdvON for a noun
phrase. This study’s findings support the assumption that the base structure of a sentence is
shared by its related noun phrase.

Appendix 1: Sentences used in Experiments 1 and 2

Semantically Coherent Sentences with Instrumental Adverbial Phrases

in Experiment 1

1. 次郎がバットで和子を殴った.
Ziroo-ga batto-de Kazuko-o nagut-ta.
N(Ziroo)-NOM Adv(bat-de) N(Kazuko)-ACC V(hit)-PAST.
Ziro struck Kazuko with a bat.
2. 太郎がピストルで友子を殺した.
Taroo-ga pisutoru-de Tomoko-o korosi-ta.
N(Taroo)-NOM Adv(pistol-de) N(Tomoko)-ACC V(kill)-PAST.
Taro killed Tomoko with a gun.

Semantically Anomalous Sentences with Instrumental Adverbial Phrases

in Experiment 1

1. 健二が目薬でセーターを手術した.
Kenzi-ga megusuri-de seetaa-o syuzyutusi-ta.
N(Kenzi)-NOM Adv(eye-drop-de) N(sweater)-ACC V(operate)-PAST.
Kenzi operated a sweater with an eye-dropper.
2. 和子が糸で高速道路を手伝った.
Kazuko-ga ito-de koosokudooro-o tetudat-ta.
N(Kazuko)-NOM Adv(string-de) N(a highway)-ACC V(help)-PAST.
Kazuko helped a highway with a string.

Semantically Coherent Sentences with Locative Adverbial Phrases in Experiment 2

1. 健二がお化け屋敷で和子を驚かした.
Kenzi-ga obakeyasiki-de Kazuko-o odorokasi-ta.
N(Kenzi)-NOM Adv(a haunted house-de) N(Kazuko)-ACC V(surprise)-PAST.
Kenzi surprised Kazuko in a haunted house.

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519 517

2. 友子が雑貨屋で花瓶を壊した.
Tomoko-ga zakkaya-de kabin-o kowasi-ta.
N(Tomoko)-NOM Adv(general store-de) N(flower vase)-ACC V(break)-PAST.
Tomoko broke a flower vase in the general store.

Semantically Anomalous Sentences with Locative Adverbial Phrases in Experiment


1. 友子が警察で太郎を読んだ.
Tomoko-ga keesatu-de Taroo-o yon-da.
N(Tomoko)-NOM Adv(the police station-de) N(Taro)-ACC V(read)-PAST.
Tomoko read Taro at the police station.
2. 次郎が野球場で手紙を叱った.
Ziroo-ga yakyuuzyoo-de tegami-o sikat-ta.
N(Ziroo)-NOM Adv(the baseball stadium-de) N(a letter)-ACC V(admonish)-PAST.
Ziro admonished a letter at the baseball stadium.

Appendix 2: Complex noun phrases used in Experiments 3 and 4.

Semantically Coherent Noun Phrases with Instrumental Adverbial Phrases

in Experiment 3

1. スキャナーでの画像の取り込み.
sukyanaa-de-no gazoo-no torikomi.
Adv(scanner-de)-GEN N(an image)-GEN N(import).
import of an image with a scanner.
2. 郵送での受験の申し込み.
yuusoo-de-no zyuken-no moosikomi.
Adv(postal mail-de)-GEN N(examination)-GEN N(apply).
application for examination by postal mail.

Semantically Anomalous Noun Phrases with Instrumental Adverbs in Experiment 3

1. 電子レンジでのお弁当の切り取り.
densirenzi-de-no obentoo-no kiritori.
Adv(microwave-de)-GEN N(lunch)-GEN N(cutout).
cutout of lunch with a microwave.
2. 時計での試験時間の横取り.
tokee-de-no sikenzikan-no yokodori.
Adv(clock-de)-GEN N(examination time)-GEN N(interception).
interception of examination time by clock.

Semantically Coherent Noun Phrases with Locative Adverbial Phrases in Experiment


1. 空港での荷物の持ち運び.

518 Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2022) 51:501–519

kuukoo-de-no nimotu-no motihakobi.

Adv(airport-de)-GEN N(luggage)-GEN N(transfer).
transfer of luggage at the airport.
2. 球場での監督の胴上げ.
kyuuzyoo-de-no kantoku-no dooage.
Adv(baseball stadium-de)-GEN N(a coach)-GEN N(victory toss).
A coach’s victory toss at the baseball stadium.

Semantically Anomalous Noun Phrases with Locative Adverbial Phrases

in Experiment 4

1. 砂漠でのたばこの引き延ばし.
sabaku-de-no tabako-no hikinobasi.
Adv(desert-de)-GEN N(a cigarette)-GEN N(stretching).
stretching of a cigarette in the desert.
2. 海岸でのボールの激励.
kaigan-de-no booru-no gekiree.
Adv(the beach-de)-GEN N(a ball)-GEN N(encouragement).
encouraging a ball at the beach.

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