Syllabus For IT 280 For SP 2020 (DISCOVERe)

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(A DISCOVERe Course is a course that is listed under DISCOVERe Mobile Technology Program)

Semester: Spring 2020 Institute: California State University, Fresno

Course Info.: IT280 (Research Methodology) Instructor Name: Dr. Nitaigour Mahalik

Units: 3 units Office Room: Rm IT 210 (2nd Floor, Grosse

Industrial Technology Building)

Class Time: Thurs 10:00 AM to 12:50 PM Email: [email protected]

Expect about 48 hours to receive response
(excluding holidays and weekends). I usually
respond fast.

Class location: Grosse Industrial Technology Telephone: (559)-278 2995

Building, Room # IT 110

Website: Course related information, Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00 AM to 11:55

supplemental materials, and assignments AM; and Wednesday 1:00 PM to 4:05 PM.
instructions will be available at Fresno State All times mentioned in this syllabus are
CANVAS. Pacific Time

Help with CANVAS:

Contact the Academic Technology Resource
Center. Visit them on the second floor of the
Henry Madden Library in the Center for
Faculty Excellence. Call them at 278.7373.
Email them at [email protected]
Some Links you may consider visiting:
Services for Students with Disabilities:
Link to Library:
Avoiding Copyright Infringement:
Fresno State DISCOVERe Hub:
“This is a DISCOVERe course that incorporates the use of tablet technology both in and out of
class to promote active learning. You are expected to use your tablet for course related activities,

including reading, note-taking, group discussions, polls, presentations, exams, and other
classroom activities. Whether you are purchasing a tablet, leasing a tablet or using one you
owned prior to taking this class, be sure to check the Minimum System Requirements Guideline
in the DISCOVERe program to make sure that you have a tablet that meets the minimum

For this course we will be utilizing the following tools and apps. Make sure you can access them
from your tablet and are familiar with them. You can visit the DISCOVERe Hub (First level of
Henry Madden Library) for tech support on any of these tools.

CANVAS (Fresno State)

Google Drive
Google Docs
Google Slides
Google Spreadsheets
Adobe Reader

Please take care of and keep your tablet safe. It is your responsibility to maintain your tablet
throughout the course to fulfill the course requirements. It is your responsibility to charge your
tablet and make sure it is operational prior to each class. Most classes do not have sufficient
outlets to charge your tablet during class. You must come to class with a fully charged tablet to
ensure that you are able to complete all in-class activities. Your instructor is not responsible for
providing technical assistance with your tablet or apps. If you have questions about the
performance of your tablet you should make use of the following resources:

Walk-in assistance: DISCOVERe Hub (HML first level)

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 559.278.1812

MATH 11 or DS 73.

Required Textbooks and Materials

Textbook: Business Research Methods by Dr. Sue Greener, Ventus Publishing ApS, 2008,

Minimum computer hardware and software requirements: See above. Compatible mobile
devices, Microsoft PowerPoint, QuickTime, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel,
and Internet. You need a computer and Internet to access Fresno State CANVAS. The instructor
has developed several reading as well as reference materials, which will be posted.

Course Organization
Fresno State Catalog Description of the Course IT280: Seminar in research procedures in
industrial education and technology; basic bibliography, research form and methods. Note the

● The course is organized into Modules.

● The Modules contain Study Materials, Chapter(s), Articles, Videos, YouTube link,
Website link, PowerPoint slides, and Assignments depending upon the topic.
● The Modules will be completed as per the defined schedule.

● Complete and turn in the Assignments. See the Tentative Course Schedule and
Assignment and Examination Tables that mention topics, assignments, and due dates
within the Modules.

The course relies on a combination of several components such as study materials, videos,
assignments such as Discussion and Reflection (DBd), Home Assignments (HA), In-Class
Presentation, Research Assignment (RA), Preparation Assignment (PA), Comments Assignment,
and Final Examination. A Module explains what to do.

Examination and Major Assignments

In-Class Presentation, Discussion and Reflections [20%]: Students will be presenting a topic
followed by posting Discussion report (DBd).

Research Assignment (RA) [30%]: You need to prepare a Paper based on Research that you
will be conducting on a subject. This assignment is called Research Assignment (RA). There are
several versions of RA such as RA1a, RA1b, and so on. You will share your research outcome
with the class. While conducting research, you will incrementally develop an outcome report on
your research. The evaluation of your Research Assignment will also be based on (a) Contents,
(b) Review Results, (c) Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling, (d) Organization, (e) Presentation,
(f) Conclusion, (g) Reference citation, (h) Formatting of citation, (i) mentioning of Topic Title,
your and instructor’s names, and School/Department/University names, (j) Figure and Table
captioning and numbering, and (k) Abbreviations used. For additional requirement see the
Rubric Table below.

Homework Assignment (HA), Presentation Assignment (PA), Reference Formatting (RF),

and Comments Assignments [35%]: You will have to complete and turn in the Home
Assignment called HA. HA1 is a Long Paper and HA2 is preparation of a PowerPoint
presentation file on Research Methodology. You will submit your research outcome in a journal
paper or article form (technical paper) using MS Word. A sample of MS Word format will be
available to you in the CANVAS. Your report must follow the format of the Sample. Up to 50%
points could be deducted for incorrect formatting. You will also develop a Poster. Using your

research, you will also prepare a Poster. A sample of a Poster will be provided. You may will
prepare a Poster from your paper turned in as RA. You may add or modify the contents in RA
and produce a Poster. Once a Poster is prepared, you need to prepare a Video for about 5 minutes
about your Poster/Research. These three Assignments are called Presentation Assignments (PA).
PA1 is about Journal Article, PA2 is about Poster, and PA3 is about formatting of references. By
turning in your paper or article on RA you are authorizing your instructor (i) to edit, amend, re-
organize, and compile the content, (ii) to serve as mentor and/or co-author in the research and
article, and (iii) to publish the results in any conference, symposium, workshop, seminar and/or
journals. Warning: You cannot submit your Research Assignment conducted in this course
neither to other instructors nor to other courses. Also, you cannot turn the assignments that you
had turned in to other courses or instructor to this course. Once the RA is turned in, students will
give comments (constructive) on the research work by classmates. This is called Comments
Assignment (CA).

Final Examination [15%]: There is a Final Examination at the end of the semester. See the
Exam and Course schedules below.
Rubric to be used for grading the Home, Research, and Presentation Assignments.
Elements Description
Topic introduction The student effectively introduces the topic with review and summary
Organization The presentation is clearly organized with an effective introduction,
review, methodology, techniques, discussion, and conclusion. Each of
the part (intro, review, methods, etc.) must relate to each other.
Writing accuracy Writing should be accurate reflecting the research work. Professionals
and writing for the should be able to understand what you are trying to present.
Important Relevant data oriented information should be mentioned with
information confidence. The poster (paper/writing) should have pictures, tables,
and/or formulae, etc. and they should have been cited appropriately.
Results, discussion The poster must have discussion and summary sections. The key
and summary points must be discussed and summarized.
Presentation Voice, language, posture, structure, etc. must be perfect.
Figures and Tables All figures and tables be original and numbered. Citation must be
included, if copied from the published work. You can extend the
results shown in the figure copied from other publications by
considering additional parameters. Do not violate the copyright.
ORIGINALITY Everything in the writing is expected to be original. Do not copy from
others. You need to draw the figures and present the results by
yourself. Copied text, data, figures, and tables must be cited.

Grade A: 90% to 100%
Grade B: 80% to 89%
Grade C: 70% to 79%

Grade D: 60% to 69%
Grade F: <60%

Course Goal and Primary Learning Outcomes

This course provides introduction to research methods relevant to Industrial Technology
graduate students. The course embodies seminar in research procedures in industrial education
and technology, basic bibliography, research form and methods. Students will establish or
advance their understanding of research through exploration of terminology, language, ethics,
and practical approaches. Students will be able to understand the importance of introduction,
literature review, research tools, results, discussion, and conclusions within the domain of
research methodology. The topics are as follows:

● Identifying critically reviewing relevant research

● Choosing research approaches and strategies

● Ethics of business research

● Choosing samples from population

● Quantitative and Qualitative research methods

● Questionnaire design and evaluation

● Using secondary data

● Forecasting trends

● Reporting research via various approaches

The goal of this course is to prepare students to understand research methodology with exemplar
presentation techniques. The students will be prepared with necessary skills for effective
research methods and communication. In particular, the students will learn research principles,
to identify research topic, literature review, communication process, how to organize
information and graphics, essentials of reporting, and the presentation styles. The focus will be
given to business related research methodology – which is relevant to Industrial Technology
students. The course describes four elements. First, it will examine the role and importance of
the research methods in business as relevant to Industrial Technology graduates. Then the
course will introduce search techniques that support conducting a literature review. Through
search tools, the students will explore aspects of qualitative and quantitative research and
identify relevant ethical issues. Students will be able to

● Know the breadth of research methods and its role and importance. Understand the
importance of conducting a literature review, and subsequently conduct a review based
on a fictitious research title.
● Identify and outline the characteristics of the research questions.

● Develop a research worksheet for fictitious demonstration and presentation

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to apply research methods for
effective technical and/or business communications. Students will be able to employ effective
presentation techniques to preparing formal and informal posters, research reports and

The primary Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) are (1) Understand components of Research
Methods (Foundation, (2) Conduct literature review on the specified research topic
(Reinforcement), and (3) Based on the review, prepare a Poster using PowerPoint application
(Validation). Foundation: Read the eBook and learning materials and turn in the following
assignments to the course site of the Fresno State CANVAS. Foundation includes 1. Quizzes, 2.
Discussion Board Assignment (at least 3 postings) and 3. Long Essay Assignment.
Reinforcement: Using Internet and Digital Library at Fresno State, conduct literature review on
a specific research topic. At least 20 digital resources must be visited and summary to each will
be stored through digital media such as Google Drive. (see instructions and sample for details).
Validation: Using the results of your review and stored materials/documents, develop a
PowerPoint Poster file for presentation. Use the Poster to prepare a short video. The course
includes three Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). The duration or time-line for SLOs are as
follows. SLO 1 (5-6 Weeks); SLO 2 (6-7 Weeks); SLO 3 (2-3 Weeks).

SLO 1 (Research Methodology Foundation): There are 12 Chapters in the eBook. Each Chapter
will be presented and reviewed. At the end of presentation students will collaborative and
participate in the discussion and complete the DBd/Reflection assignment. Student will write a
1500-word Long Paper to accomplish graduation writing requirement, if any.

SLO 2 (Research Methodology Reinforcement): This SLO task is about conducting literature
review on a specific research topic. In order to do research, knowledge on "research methods" is
needed. Students already have studied various topics on "research methods" in first 6 weeks. At
least 20 articles or presentations from varied resources must be reviewed and summarized. The
source documents along with the summary on each source contents will be stored by the
students in a digital repository. Google Drive or similar platform can be used. Each student will
share their links with other and will communicate through Open Discussion Forum if they have

SLO 3 (Research Methodology Validation): Students will develop presentation materials in this
SLO. It is called Presentation Assignment 1 (PA1). Students will prepare a Digital Poster

followed by a video describing the contents in the Poster. They will use the text and materials
from their repository (Google Drive) to prepare the Poster. Students will use a sample format or
similar PowerPoint format in order to prepare the Poster in MS PowerPoint application. Detail
instructions for text size, title, formatting, etc. will be provided. The Poster will contain sub-
titles such as Introduction, Background, Question/Objectives, Methodology, Results,
Discussion, Conclusions, and References. In PA2 students will prepare a short video about the
contents of the Poster.

Assignments and Examination Schedule

Table below shows assignments and examination schedule. The other table that can be found
toward the end of this syllabus presents course schedule. Turn in the assignments, papers, etc.
before the due date/time as mentioned in the table below. Technology problem (Internet
connection, Computer/Device software issues, etc.) is not an excusable reason to submit the
assignment late. Do not wait until the last minute before the due date/time to submit the
Assignment and Exams. After the due date/time, CANVAS will remove the assignment
submission links and the test links automatically. Due date/time will not be extended. Missed
Assignments will receive zero points.

Table 1: Assignments and Examination Schedule

Due Date/Module# Assignment Points
1.30.2020; 2.6.2020; 2.13.2020; Presentations by students 50
2.20.2020; and 2.27.2020/Module 1 (Two students/week)
1.30.2020/Module 1 DBd1 and DBd2 10
2.6.2020/Module 1 DBd3 and DBd4 10
2.13.2020/Module 1 DBd5 and DBd6 10
2.20.2020/Module 1 DBd7 and DBd8 10
2.27.2020/Module 1 DBd9 and DBd10 10
HA1a (Draft) 40
3.1.2020/Module 1 HA1b (Final) 10
HA2 (PPT) 10
3.5.2020/Module 2 RA1a 20
3.12.2020/Module 2 RA1b 20
3.19.2020/Module 2 RA1c 20
3.26.2020/Module 2 RA1d 20
4.2.2020/Module 2 RA1e 20
4.3.2020/Module 2 RA2a (Draft Report) 40
4.5.2020/Module 2 RA2b (Final Report) 10
4.16.2020/Module 3 PA1 (Journal Paper) 20
4.23.2020/Module 3 PA2 (Poster) 20
4.30.2020/Module3 PA3 (Video) 10
5.3.2020/Module 3 RF and CA 30
Final Exam 5.14.2020 (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM) 75

CA = Comment Assignment; DBd = Discussion; HA=Home Assignment; PA =
Presentation Assignment; RA: Research Assignment.

Late coursework: It must be recognized that all the learning activities and exercises such as
assignments, tests, papers, etc. pertaining to this curse, cannot be replicated once the due date is
over. For authorized student absence, Fresno State make-up work policy (APM 232) will be
followed. Last minute rush may not allow you to turn in the assignments, test, papers, etc. prior
to the due date. It is the responsibility of the student to turn in the assignment, test, paper, etc. in
time (i.e., prior to due date). Thus, the late course work is not allowed. Please also do not turn-in
assignments, test, paper, etc. by email. That is, late submission of assignment, test, paper, etc.
submitted through email will not be accepted and may be assigned zero point or score.

Study Expectations: The participation in discussion, home assignments, writing/paper

assignments, poster preparation, video, and final examinations are mandatory. The students must
turn in the assignments by due date posted. It is usually expected that students will spend
approximately 2 hours of study time for every one hour in class time. This course has 2.5 hours
for class time per week. So, the study hours should be at least 5 hours per week. It is your
responsibility to check on announcements made. For free tutoring on campus, contact the
Learning Center, in the Collection Level (basement level) of the Henry Madden Library. You
can reach them by phone at 278-3052. "Our campus has developed SupportNet to connect
students with specific campus resources promoting academic success. I have agreed to
participate in this program and may refer you to it if I believe you need the services provided by
SupportNet to succeed in this course."

Subject to Change Statement

This syllabus and schedule are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. If
you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to check on announcements made while you
were absent.

Course Policies & Safety Issues

Course Assignments and Files: Students should keep a copy of their submitted materials (e.g.
emails, discussion postings, assignments, papers, etc.) as part of their coursework. Students are
fully responsible for the timely submission or resubmission (if any) of their work upon the
instructor's direction or request. It is your responsibility to check on announcements made in the
Course page of the CANVAS. You need to turn in the Assignment in MS Word i.e., in .docx
extension, PDF, Excel, and/or PPT depending on the type of Assignment. It is mentioned in the
Assignment page of the course site. Do not turn-in a blank file! An assignment that can’t be seen
in the CANVAS at the instructor end will receive zero points. After you turn in the Assignment,
Paper, etc. to the CANVAS, always check the preview. To stay on the safe side, you should turn
in the Assignment in PDF format along with the required format, which is usually .docx format.
It is your responsibility to check on announcements made in the Course page of the CANVAS.

Plagiarism Detection: The campus subscribes to the plagiarism prevention service through
CANVAS, and you may need to submit written assignments to plagiarism prevention service.
Your work will be used by plagiarism prevention service for plagiarism detection and for no
other purpose. Plagiarism prevention service Originality Reports may be available for viewing.

University Policies
The syllabus must note the university Policy on Students with Disabilities, the University Honor
Code, the Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism, a statement on copyright, and the University
computer requirement. University policies are included in the syllabus by reference to statements
in the University Catalog and Class Schedule. "For information on the University's policy
regarding cheating and plagiarism, refer to the Class Schedule (Legal Notices on Cheating and
Plagiarism) or the University Catalog (Policies and Regulations)." The syllabus policy statement
page is located at

Below are some sample statements for your reference.

Students with Disabilities: Upon identifying themselves to the instructor and the university,
students with disabilities will receive reasonable accommodation for learning and evaluation. For
more information, contact Services to Students with Disabilities in the Henry Madden Library,
Room 1202 (278-2811).

Honor Code: Members of the Fresno State academic community adhere to principles of
academic integrity and mutual respect while engaged in University work and related activities.
You should (i) understand or seek clarification about expectations for academic integrity in this
course (including no cheating, plagiarism and inappropriate collaboration), (ii) neither give nor
receive unauthorized aid on examinations or other course work that is used by the instructor as
the basis of grading, and (iii) take responsibility to monitor academic dishonesty in any form and
to report it to the instructor or other appropriate official for action. Instructors may require
students to sign a statement at the end of all exams and assignments that “I have done my own
work and have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.”

Cheating and Plagiarism: "Cheating is the actual or attempted practice of fraudulent or

deceptive acts for the purpose of improving one's grade or obtaining course credit; such acts also
include assisting another student to do so. Typically, such acts occur in relation to examinations.
However, it is the intent of this definition that the term 'cheating' not be limited to examination
situations only, but it includes any and all actions by a student that are intended to gain an
unearned academic advantage by fraudulent or deceptive means. Plagiarism is a specific form of
cheating which consists of the misuse of the published and/or unpublished works of others by
misrepresenting the material (i.e., their intellectual property) so used as one's own work."
Penalties for cheating and plagiarism range from a 0 or F on a particular assignment, through an
F for the course, to expulsion from the university. For more information on the University's
policy regarding cheating and plagiarism, refer to the Class Schedule (Legal Notices on Cheating
and Plagiarism) or the University Catalog (Policies and Regulations).”

Computers: "At California State University, Fresno, computers and communications links to
remote resources are recognized as being integral to the education and research experience.
Every student is required to have his/her own computer or have other personal access to a
workstation (including a modem and a printer) with all the recommended software. The
minimum and recommended standards for the workstations and software, which may vary by
academic major or course, are updated periodically and are available (or in the University
Bookstore. In the curriculum and class assignments, students are presumed to have 24-hour
access to a computer workstation and the necessary communication links to the University's
information resources."

Disruptive Classroom Behavior: "The classroom is a special environment in which students

and faculty come together to promote learning and growth. It is essential to this learning
environment that respect for the rights of others seeking to learn, respect for the professionalism
of the instructor, and the general goals of academic freedom are maintained. Differences of
viewpoint or concerns should be expressed in terms which are supportive of the learning process,
creating an environment in which students and faculty may learn to reason with clarity and
compassion, to share of themselves without losing their identities, and to develop and
understanding of the community in which they live. Student conduct which disrupts the learning
process shall not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action and/or removal from class."

Copyright policy: Copyright laws and fair use policies protect the rights of those who have
produced the material. The copy in this course has been provided for private study, scholarship,
or research. Other uses may require permission from the copyright holder. The user of this work
is responsible for adhering to copyright law of the U.S. (Title 17, U.S. Code). To help you
familiarize yourself with copyright and fair use policies, the University encourages you to visit
its copyright web page:

Digital Campus course websites contain material protected by copyrights held by the instructor,
other individuals or institutions. Such material is used for educational purposes in accord with
copyright law and/or with permission given by the owners of the original material. You may
download one copy of the materials on any single computer for non-commercial, personal, or
educational purposes only, provided that you (1) do not modify it, (2) use it only for the duration
of this course, and (3) include both this notice and any copyright notice originally included with
the material. Beyond this use, no material from the course web site may be copied, reproduced,
re-published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way without the permission of
the original copyright holder. The instructor assumes no responsibility for individuals who
improperly use copyrighted material placed on the web site.

Netiquette: It is highly expected that the communication between the instructor and students and
amongst the students should be in a professional manner. That is, no improper language be used
for course communication and dialog.

Writing Center: “The Writing Center, located in ED 184 in the Educational Building, provides
one-on-one tutoring by experienced teaching assistants and small writing groups. Writers can
call ahead for an appointment (278-0334), or may be seen on a walk-in basis, though it is best to

call ahead first. Tutors can assist writers at every stage of the writing process, from overcoming
writing blocks to editing a final draft. Although they will discuss graded papers, consultants do
not discuss grades or other teachers’ comments. Tutors also do not proofread.” Website:

Tentative Course Schedule**

Table 2 describes tentative course schedule. To know the Due Date for the assignments, see the
Assignments and Examination Schedule table above.
Module# Topics Assignment
Class Date(s) (See details below this table)
Module 0 SYLLABUS Review the syllabus
● Introduction to IT 280 syllabus;
Introduction to research methods and
SLOs; Major Assignments and Exams.
Module 1 RESEARCH-METHOD TOPICS: Students Topic Presentation
1.30.2020 will be assigned to take a lead on a topic as
2.6.2020 listed below for presentation and discussion Discussion Board 1 (DBd1)
2.13.2020 during the class time. Discussion Board 2 (DBd2)
2.20.2020 Discussion Board 3 (DBd3)
2.27.2020 ● Research problems and questions Discussion Board 4 (DBd4)
Discussion Board 5 (DBd5)
● Identifying and critically reviewing Discussion Board 6 (DBd6)
relevant research Discussion Board 7 (DBd7)
Discussion Board 8 (DBd8)
● Choosing research approaches and
Discussion Board 9 (DBd9)
strategies Discussion Board 10 (DBd10)
● Ethics of business research
Home Assignment 1a (HA1a)
● Choosing samples from population Home Assignment 1b (HA1b)
Home Assignment 2 (HA2)
● Quantitative research methods

● Questionnaire design and testing

● Using secondary data

● Qualitative research

● Practical issues in conducting interviews

● Forecasting trends

● Presenting research reports

Module 2 CONDUCTING RESEARCH Research Assignment 1a (RA1a)
3.5.2020 Research Assignment 1b (RA1b)
● Students will conduct research followed
3.12.2020 Research Assignment 1c (RA1c)
3.19.2020 by submitting the research reports on Research Assignment 1d (RA1d)

3.26.2020 Introduction, Literature Review, Research Assignment 1e (RA1e)
4.2.2020 Research Methodology, Results,
Conclusions, and References. Research Assignment 2a (RA2a)
Research Assignment 2b (RA2b)
Module 3 ARTICLE, POSTER, VIDEO Presentation Assignment 1 (PA1)
4.16.2020 Presentation Assignment 2 (PA2)
● Students will develop a Journal Article
4.23.2020 Presentation Assignment 3 (PA3)
4.30.2020 from the Research Assignment
conducted in Module 2.
● Development of Poster and Video.
Module 4 REF FORMATTING and COMMENTS Reference Formatting (RF)
4.16.2020 Comments Assignment (CA)
● Students will format the References
4.30.2020 using APA and other formatting styles.
● Provide constructive comments
May 14 Final Exam 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
**Subject to Change Statement: This syllabus and schedule are subject to change in the event of extenuating
circumstances. It is your responsibility to check on announcements made while you were unavailable.

Assignments Details

Module 1
● HA1a: Long Paper on the topic "Research Methodology" (Draft).

● HA1b: Revised version of the Long Paper on the topic "Research Methodology" (Final).

● HA2: PowerPoint presentation development on the topic "Research Methodology".

(HA1 and HA2 fulfills Grad Writing Requirement)
● DBd1: Reflection on "Research problems and questions".

● DBd2: Reflection on "Choosing research approaches and strategies".

● DBd3: Reflection on "Quantitative research methods".

● DBd4: Reflection on "Questionnaire design and testing".

● DBd5: Reflection on "Qualitative research".

● DBd6: Reflection on “Quantitative research methods”.

● DBd7: Reflection on “Questionnaire design and testing”.

● DBd8: Reflection on “Using secondary data”.

● DBd9: Reflection on “Qualitative research”.

● DBd10: Reflection on “Practical issues in conducting interviews”.

Module 2
● RA1a: Writing "Introduction" on a research topic.

● RA1b: Writing "Literature Review" on a research topic.

● RA1c: Writing "Methodology and Procedure" on a research topic.

● RA1d: Writing "Results and Discussion" on a research topic.

● RA1e: Writing "Conclusions" on a research topic.

● RA2a: Compilation of RA1a-e as a Report (Draft).

● RA2b: Revised version of RA2a (Final).

Module 3 and Module 4

● PA1: Journal Article

● PA2: Poster preparation on the research topic.

● PA3: Short Video preparation on the research topic.

● RF: Reference formatting (APA and IEEE formats).

● CA: Comments Assignment - Provide constructive comments to peers' research.

Consultation and Final Day(s) Date(s)

Final Exam Preparation & Thursday and Friday May 7th and 8th (10:00 AM to 12:01 PM)
Faculty Consultation Days:
Final Exam in this course Thursday May 14 (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM)

Course Syllabus developed by Dr. Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik


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