Manual Testing Notes 2 PDF Free
Manual Testing Notes 2 PDF Free
Manual Testing Notes 2 PDF Free
Testing Techniques
2. What is Testing 19. Static Testing Techniques
3. Environments 20. Dynamic Testing Techniques
4. Quality Standards 21. White-box Testing
5. SDLC 22. Black-box Testing
6. Waterfall Model 23. STLC
7. V Model 24. Test Strategy
8. Scrum 25. Test Plan
9. Extreme Programming (XP) 26. Test Scenarios
10. Test Process 27. Test Cases
11. Test Phases 28. Defect Report
12. Unit & Component Testing 29. Defect Management
13. System Testing 30. Test Summary Report
14. Functional Testing 31. Testing Principles
15. Non-Functional Testing 32. Softskills needed for Testers
16. Acceptance Testing
17. Data
Over the years, software applications have been used to drive efficiency and
productivity. Whether you like it or not software applications are everywhere.
Applications have improved tremendously over a period of time. Work once done on
paper or by hand, is now done by software.
To gain market share, software firms want to give quality software to their customers.
1. System Software
2. Application Software
3. Programming Software
4. Custom Software
It provides the basic functions for computer usage and helps operating and managing
computer operations. System Software is responsible for managing a variety of
independent hardware components.
The softwares that are used to aid in any task that benefits from computation.
Application Softwares are generally available and are ready to use.
Examples are Image editing softwares, MS Office, Games, Web browsers, databases
The softwares which helps in developing other softwares are called programming
Softwares which are developed based on clients requirements are called Custom
Note: Application, software or system is used interchangebaly through out this tutorial.
Investigating the system to check if it meets the requirements that it was
designed/developed/built for. And also to check whether its working as expected.
The documents used in developing a system are verified against one another in order to
investigate if any requirements are missing.
Verification is the process of Quality Control. System (under test) is not used in
verification process.
The process of checking the system to certify that it will meet the business
requirements it was intended for.
Validation is the process of Quality Assurance. System (under test) is actually used in
validation process.
Note: Verification can be expressed by the query "Are we building the software
right?" and Validation by "Are we building the right software?".
1. Development Environment
2. Test Environment
3. Production Environment
The environment in which a software coding is done. It includes the technology used for
front end and back end, computer configurations, memory, disk space etc.
It also includes the software development model (will be introduced later) followed,
number of programmers, the organization policies, or any kind of support needed in
coding a software.
It also includes the organization policies, culture, test process used, methods to
improve testing etc.
Organizations (any kind) are working hard to meet customer needs and expectations.
Many management tools are available to help organizations achieve this goal.
Some of these are in the form of International Quality Standards. This standards can be
used by organizations to deliver quality services or products to their clients.
1. ISO
3. Six Sigma
The emphasis is greater on customer focus and satisfaction. ISO standards help acheive
quality that is recognized and respected throughout the world.
Following ISO standards helps improve performance activities, resource management,
quality control process etc.
1. Level 1 - Initial
2. Level 2 - Managed
3. Level 3 - Defined
4. Level 4 - Quantitatively Managed
5. Level 5 - Optimizing
CMMI Level-3 : Process is managed, efforts are made to control and assure quality,
risks are managed, incidents are resolved and prevented. Emphasis is on customer
CMMI Level-5 : Apart from all the level-4 qualities, the focus is on improving process.
A six sigma is a process in which 99.99966% of the products developed are free from
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a detailed plan to create, develop, test and
eventually implement a software.
Any SDLC methodology should result in a high quality software that meets or exceeds
customer expectations, works effectively and efficiently, reaches completion within time
and cost estimates.
Design : Desired features and operations are designed in detail, including screen
layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudocode.
Implemention :The software is put into production and runs actual business.
1. Waterfall Model
2. V Model
3. Scrum
4. Extreme Programming (XP)
Waterfall Model is the idea of creating a software using sequential design process. This
model maintains that one should move to a phase only when its previous phase is
completed and perfected. There is no upward flow in pure waterfall model, just
downwards, hence the name Waterfall.
1. Analysis
2. Design
3. Coding
4. Testing
5. Implementation
Analysis : The phase is to analyse the system, gather requirements, and sometimes
breaking down the system in different pieces to analyze the situation, analyzing project
goals, breaking down what needs to be created and attempting to engage clients so
that accurate requirements can be defined.
When the system requirements are clear and perfect, a system requirement
specification (SRS) document is prepared which has all the requirements agreed by
client and the team. Only then one should move to the next phase in a pure waterfall
Design : After the requirement specifications are determined, problem solving and
planning a software takes place.
Process is elaborated and software architecture (refers to the overall structure of the
software) is divided into components called modules. Each module is again divided into
several units (elements of a module). The User Interface screens are designed.
Back end i.e. data structure is designed to store and organize data. Structuring data
helps in managing huge amounts of data efficiently.
Coding : Some call this phase as Implementation, because the software designed is
implemented in this phase. The actual programming c ode is written. The purpose of
programming is to create a program that performs specific operations. Tables in
database are created.
One should go to next phase, only when the coding for the entire software is
Testing : The software is tested at various levels in this phase to check for errors and
also to check whether the software is meeting the requirements it was developed for.
In this model, the process flow is bent downwards, upwards and sideways.
See the diagram given below, the left side phases (Business Requirements, System
Design, Functional Specifications and Program Specifications) are called Verification
phases. Where as the right side phases (Unit testing, Integration Testing, System
Testing and User Acceptance Testing) are called Validation phas es.
System Design : In this phase system engineers analyze and understand the business
of the software by studying the requirements document created in business
requirements phase.
Functional Requirement Specification (FRS) is created which gives a precise idea of the
element functionalities.
FRS is verified against SRS to check if it covers all the functionalities mentioned in the
SRS. FRS helps coders in developing the software and testers in va lidating the
Program Specifications : In this phase the specifications are specified in detail, like
what elements should be mandatory, what should be the inputs and outputs, database
tables, with all elements, including their type and size etc.
This specifications are verified against FRS by the developers and after that actual
coding starts.
The process of writing source code of the software. This source code is written in one or
more programming languages. The purpose of programming is t o create a program that
performs specific operations or exhibits a certain desired behavior.
Unit Testing : Unit testing is a method by which individual units of source code are
tested to determine if they are fit for use. A unit is the smallest testable part of an
application. In programming a unit may be an individual function.
Unit testing is usually done by developers or white box testers. Testing in this phase is
validated against the specified program specifications (see the diagram above).
Note: Some organizations have Unit Integration Testing, after the Unit Testing phase
and before System Testing phase. In this all the units tested in Unit Testing are
integrated into a component and tested. Some call it component testing.
System Testing : This is the actual testing where all the functionalities specified in
functional requirements are tested. System testing is performed on the entire system in
the context of FRS and/or a SRS.
Both functional (like smoke, sanity, regression etc) and non-functional (like Load,
Stress, Recovery, Performance etc) testing is done in this phase.
The objective is to provide confidenc e that the delivered system meets the business
requirements of both sponsors and users. The acceptance phase may also act as the
final quality gateway.
Note: The validation phases will be discussed in detail in the later sections.
Scrum model is an agile software development methodology. In this, a part of workable
software is delivered to the customer on a regular basis.
A key principle of Scrum is its recognition that during a project the customers can
change their minds about what they want and need, often called requirements churn.
Product Owner
Scrum Master
Product Owner represents the voice of the customer and is accountable for ensuring
that the Team delivers value to the business. Product owner represents the
stakeholders and the business.
The Product Owner writes what the user wants to achieve, prioritizes them, and adds
them to the product backlog.
Scrum Master is one who heads the scrum. He is accountable for removing
impediments to the ability of the team to deliver the sprint goal/deliverables. The
Scrum Master is not the team leader but acts as a buffer between the team and any
distracting influences. The ScrumMaster ensures that the Scrum process is used as
A key part of the ScrumMaster‟s role is to protect the team and keep them focused on
the tasks at hand.
Team is responsible for delivering the software. It consists of people with cross -
functional skills who do the actual work like analyse, design, develop, test, technical
communication, document, etc.
It is recommended that the Team be self-organizing and self-led, but often work with
some form of project or team management.
A sprint is the basic unit of development in Scrum. Sprints tend to last between one
week and one month, and are restricted to a specific duration.
Each sprint is preceded by a planning meeting, where the tasks for the sprint are
identified and an estimated commitment for the sprint goal is made, and followed by a
review meeting where the progress is reviewed and ac tivities for the next sprint are
During each sprint, the team creates a potentially deliverable product increment. The
set of features that go into a sprint come from the product “backlog”, which is a
prioritized set of high level requirements of work to be done. Which backlog items go
into the sprint is determined during the sprint planning meeting.
The team then determines how much of this they can commit to complete during the
next sprint, and records this in the sprint backlog. During a sprint, no one is allowed to
change the sprint backlog, which means that the requirements are frozen for that
Sprint Planning Meeting is held at the beginning of the sprint cycle to
Select what work is to be done
Prepare the Sprint Backlog
Identify and communicate how much of the work is likely to be done during the
current sprint.
At the end of a sprint cycle, two meetings are held: the “Sprint Review Meeting” and
the “Sprint Retrospective”.
Product backlog is a high-level list that is maintained throughout the entire project. It
aggregates backlog items: broad descriptions of all potential features, prioritized as an
absolute ordering by business value. It is therefore the “What” that will be built, sorted
by importance.
Sprint backlog is the list of work the team must address during the next sprint.
Features are broken down into tasks. With this level of detail the whole team
understands exactly what to do.
The sprint backlog is the property of the team, and all included estimates are provided
by the Team.
Burn down is a chart which shows remaining work in the sprint backlog. It is updated
every day, it gives a simple view of the sprint progress. It also provides quick
visualizations for reference. There are also other types of burndown, for example the
release burndown chart that shows the amount of work left to complete.
Like any other agile methodology, XP advocates frequent releases in short development
cycles, which is intended to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints where new
customer requirements can be adopted.
XP describes four basic activities that are performed within the software development
process: coding, testing, listening, and designing.
Coding : The advocates of XP argue that coding is the meat of XP methodology. Coding
is used to figure out the most suitable solution, to communicate thoughts about
programming problems.
Testing : Extreme programming approach is that if a little testing can eliminate a few
flaws, a lot of testing can eliminate many more flaws.
Unit tests determine whether a given feature works as intended. Testing is done to
break the code, if all tests run successfully, then the coding is complete. Every piece of
code that is written is tested before moving on to the next feature.
Listening : Programmers must listen to what the customers need the system to do,
what "business logic" is needed. They must understand these needs well enough to give
the customer feedback about the technical aspects of how the problem might be so lved,
or cannot be solved.
Simplicity in design and coding should improve the quality of communication. A simple
design with very simple code could be easily understood by most programmers in the
Feedback from the customer
Feedback from the team
Feedback from the system
Courage : This is an effort to avoid getting bogged down in design and requiring a lot
of effort to implement anything else. Courage enables developers to feel comfortable
with refactoring their code when necessary. This means reviewing the existing system
and modifying it so that future changes can be implemented more easily.
Another example of courage is knowing when to throw code away, to remove source
code that is obsolete, no matter how much effort was used to create that source code.
Respect : The respect value includes respect for others as well as self -respect.
Members respect their own work by always striving for high quality and seeking for the
best design for the solution at hand.
The principles are intended to be more concrete than the values. The principles in XP
are Feedback, Assuming Simplicity and Embracing Change.
Assuming simplicity : This is about treating every problem as if its solution were
extremely simple. Traditional system development methods say to plan for the future
and to code for reusability. Extreme programming rejects these ideas. Instead applies
incremental changes thus making things simple.
Embracing change : The principle of embracing change is about not working against
changes but embracing them. For instance, if at one of the iterative meetings it appears
that the customer's requirements have changed dramatically, programmers are to
embrace this and plan the new requirements for the next iteration.
The process which defines procedures and activities required to successfully complete a
testing project is Test Process.
Initialization in testing is the process of starting the testing project. A high level Project
Plan or Project Strategy is created. Since many activities will be carried out during
testing, plans and strategies are needed.
Test planning is a detailed plan to test a system. It is the activity of verifying the
mission, defining the objectives of the testing in order to successfully complete a
testing project.
Test control is an ongoing activity in which actual progress is compared against the
plan. It involves taking actions necessary to meet the mission and objectives of testing
Test Analysis is identifying and prioritization of Test Scenarios, Test Cases and Test
Test Environment is setup with the required infrastructure. Data requirements are also
identified in this phase.
Implementation & Execution is a phase in which all the designed and analyzed Test
Scenarios, Cases and Scripts are implemented and executed as per schedule.
Test execution can be automatic or manual. The outcomes of the tests are analysed by
comparing the actual result and expected result.
Defects detected are tracked till they are closed. Some organizations report defects in
the execution phase, which is ok.
Exit Criteria is the activity where test execution is assessed against the defined
In Test Closure phase, information is collected from the completed test activities. For
example, when testing was started, when completed, when a software was released.
Apart from this, Test Closure also specifies what milestones were achieved, problems
faced and how the problems were tackled etc to implement the test process better in
future projects.
Different types of tests a software undergoes during testing are called Test Phases. It
can also be defined as different stages of software testing.
The above diagram gives an overview of the testing phases, which are again divided
into different testing types which we will be learning throughout this tutorials.
Unit is smallest testable part of software. In Unit testing the source code of a unit is
tested to check its behavior. It finds defects early in the testing stage. Normally large
percentage of defects are identified in unit testing stage.
Unit testing can performed manually or automatically. It also verifies that the code is
efficient as per the adopted coding standards.
In the below given example form, each unit is tested seperately. Name, Email, Phone,
Submit button and Reset button are tested in unit testing.
Submit Reset
After unit testing two or more units that have already been tested are combined into a
component and tested.
After each component is tested, two or more components are integrated to form a
larger component and the interface is tested.
As stated before, two or more components are combined to form a larger component
and tested. What if all the components are not developed, but testing has to be done
Let us assume that there are two components, component A and component B. There
are few functionalities in A that depend on B, in order to work properly. A is developed
and B is not but testing has to be carried out anyway.
Now lets assume that component B is developed but component A is not, and testing
has to be done. In this situation a pseudo code for coponent A is written in order to
support component B, which is called Driver.
The diagram given below will give you clear idea about stubs and drivers.
All the integrated components which have passed testing are put together and tested,
which is called System Testing.
The entire system is validated against Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS) and
System Requirement Specifications (SRS).
System testing includes (but not limited to) the following types of testing.
Smoke Testing
Sanity Testing
Retesting Testing
Regression Testing
Compatibility Testing
Performance Testing
Load Testing
Stress Testing
Volume Testing
Usability Testing
Security Testing
In this section, we will discuss about Smoke testing, Sanity testing, Retesting and
Regression testing. Others are discussed in Non-functional testing section.
Smoke testing is done when a software is given for testing, to check whether thoro ugh
testing can be carried out or not. It is preliminary to further testing.
Most important functionalities are tested, not bothering about the less crucial
functionalities or finer details.
Sanity testing may be a tool used while manually debugging software. When the overall
software is not working as expected, a sanity test can be used to check the working
parts of software, until the problem with non-working parts software is solved.
When a functionality fails to work as expected, we say defect has occured, and it is sent
for fixing. The fixed functionality is tested again to ensure that the defect is fixed, this
is called Retesting.
Regression testing is the process in which previously tested and passed functio nalities
are tested again to ensure that a change, such as a defect fixing, did not introduce new
There is a high possibility that when some functionality is fixed, the others might not
work as expected. So a thorough regression testing is done aft er fixing the defects.
Functions are tested by giving different inputs in different conditions and the output is
examined, which is compared with the expected result.
Most people think Functional testing and System testing is same. But they differ slightly
in that functional testing verifies a software by checking it against designed
specification documents while system testing validates a software by checking it against
the user requirements.
Save Reset
Functionality behavior : When valid data is entered in all the mandatory fields and Save
button is clicked, the data entered should be saved in the database table (otherwise
Example, for
for Phone data other than digits (ex: 65^&%34tr)
Execution of test cases : Test cases prepared to test Save button are executed.
Below are four test cases, two positive and two negative.
When actual result does not match expected result, a defect is raised.
Performance Testing
Load Testing
Stress Testing
Volume Testing
Compatibility Testing
Security Testing
Usability Testing
Sociability Testing
Installation Testing
Recovery Testing
Compliance Testing
Performance testing is the t esting performed to determine how fast some aspects of a
software perform under a particular workload.
Performance testing demonstrates that the software meets performance criteria. It can
compare two softwares of same type, to find which performs better. It also measures
what parts of software are performing badly under certain workload.
A load test is done to understand the behavior of the software under some load
conditions. This load can be the number of users on the software performing a specific
number of transactions within the set duration.
Example, how will a software perform if fifty users are using it simultenously.
This test will give out the response times of all the important business transactions.
Load testing is also done to find the capacity of the server, on which software resides.
Stress testing is done to determine that software performs effectively when the load is
beyond expected load.
Lets assume that a software is developed for hundred users of an organization. Testing
the software with upto 100 users is load testing, testing it with well over 100 users is
stress testing.
Software should maintain certain level of effec tiveness under unfavorable conditions.
Volume testing is testing a software with a certain amount of data. This amount can, be
the database size or it could be the size of the file which interacts with software.
For example, if you want your software database to be of specific size, you will expand
your database to that size and then test the software performance on it.
Lets assume a software has an option of uploading a file of not more then 10 MB size,
format of the file could be anything. We will create a sample file of the size we want
and then upload it to test.
Web based applications are tested on different web browsers, to ensure that the users
have same visual experience irrespective of the browsers. In terms of functionality, the
application must behave and respond the same way across different browsers.
Security testing is a process to determine that an information system protects data and
maintains functionality against internal/external willful damage.
Authentication is confirming the identity of a user. Example, only the valid users can
use the software.
Non-repudiation is to ensure that a message has been sent and received by the
parties claiming to have sent and received the message. Nonrepudiation is a way to
guarantee that the sender of a message cannot later deny having sent the message
and that the recipient cannot deny having received the message.
Usability testing in software is how a user users a software, like how many steps are
involved to make certain transaction, what could be the user experience.
Usability testing measures the easiness or complexity of a software, i.e. how easy or
how complex a software is for the user. In short it determines the user friendliness of a
Sociablility testing is done to ensure that the software does not conflict with other
softwares on the system. Software should not
Installation testing is to test the installation of full, part of a sofware. It also tests the
upgrading or uninstalling of a software.
Recovery testing is the activity of testing how well an application is able to recover from
crashes, hardware failures and other similar problems.
Acceptance testing is usually performed by subject experts, managers, end users etc.
Acceptance testing done by user is termed as User Acceptance Testing (UAT). It is one
of the final stages of a project and often occurs before a client or customer accepts the
Alpha Testing
Beta Testing
Acceptance testing done in the organization before the release of the software is called
Alpha Testing. It is usually done by subject experts, stake holders, managers etc.
Beta testing takes place at customers place, and involves testing by a group of
customers who use the software.
Feedback is given after customers test the software. If the feedback is positive, the
software is released. Otherwise changes are made before it is released.
Data is information that had been translated into a form that is understandable. In
software testing, data is used to test the functionalities of a software.
Test Data
Production Data
The data used to test a software is test data. Typically test data is used in Unit testing,
Component testing, Functional and System testing.
Production data is the data used by the customer when the software is in actual use.
Submit Reset
In the above example form, lets assume that Name must accept only alphabets and
indiana jones
james bond
amtyu chre etc
james@#$ bond
71234$ etc
Lets say the above example form is delivered to customer, who employs Sam
Washington, Alice Smart and Jack black.
Sam Washington
Alice Smart
Jack Black
Note: Combination of production and test data is used in Acceptance testing. Normally
in Alpha testing combination of test and production data is used, where as in Beta
testing production data is used.
The techniques used to easily find defects and successfully complete testing are called
Testing techniques.
Testing techniques are divided into Static Testing Techniques andDynamic Testing
Techniques, which are further divided. The diagram given below shows different
testing techniques, that are normally used.
Verification portion, of Verification and Validation, falls in Static testing techniques. In
this software is not actually used. This technique is used to check the code, algorithms
and documentations.
Defects discovered at this stage are less expensive to fix than later in the test cycle.
Informal Reviews
Technical Reviews
Informal reviews sometimes are documented. Main purpose of informal review is to find
errors in coding, improving both quality of software and the developers skills.
In walkthroughs the lead members of the team walks you through a software, and the
participants, usually developers and testers, ask questions and make comments about
possible errors.
Some organizations document walkthroughs, which is a good practice, and some don't.
Inspections are auditing sessions which are led by trained individuals who look for
defects using a well defined process.
An inspection is one of the most common sorts of review practices found in software
projects. Normally Software Specifications and Project Plans are inspected. The goal of
the inspection is to identify defects.
Note: Static Techniques are part of Quality Control activities in which the actual
progress is compared against the plan and status is reported, including deviations from
the plan.
In Dynamic testing software is used, inputs are given and outputs are checked with
expected results. The Validation portion, of Varification and Validation, falls in this
category of testing.
Dynamic testing involves testing software based on prepared test cases. Unit Testing ,
Integration Testing, System Testing and Acceptance Testing are part of Dynamic testing
White-box testing
Black-box testing
White box testing is a method of testing software that tests internal structures of an
application. It is usually done at the unit level.
The objective if the statement testing is to show that the executable statements within
a program have been executed at least once. When all the statements have been
executed then its 100% statement coverage. But that if we have decision statements?
is it possible to cover all the statements?
Consider the following example code
1. x=input;
2. y=20;
3. if(x > y) {
4. print "x is greater then y"; }
5. else {
6. print "x is less then y"; }
7. print "end";
If we test the above code with x=25, the control flow will be
line: 3, 4 and 7
If we test the above code with x=15, the control flow will be
line: 3, 6 and 7
The percentage of the decision outcomes that have been exercised by a test suite is
called decision coverage.
In decision statement we cover all the possible conditions. In the above example, with
two test cases we can achieve two possible conditions and hence achieve 100%
Note: 100% decision coverage guarantees 100% statement coverage, but not vice
Linear code sequence and jump (LCSAJ) is a software analysis method used to identify
structural units in code under test. Dynamic software analysis is used to measure the
quality and efficacy of software test data, where the quantification is performed in
terms of structural units of the code under test.
When used to quantify the structural units exercised by a given set of test data,
dynamic analysis is also referred to as coverage analysis.
Testing the functionality of software without the knowledge of internal code structures.
In this testing is done depending on the specifications and requirements of a software,
like what a software is supposed to do.
Both valid and invalid data is used to test the functionalities. Mostly black box testing is
done at higher levels, like component testing, system testing, UAT etc but can also be
done at unit levels.
Black box testing techniques are used to prepare test cases which can easily find
defects in the functionalities of a software. It is also called as Functional Technique.
Equivalence Partition
Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)
Risk based Testing
Equivalence Class
Variance Class
Equivalence partition is a technique to divide the data into valid and invalid partitions.
Lets assume that there is a parameter "Month" in a software. The valid values for the
Month are from 1 to 12, which is called valid partition. The invalid partitions are values
which are <=0 and >12.
Depending on the valid and invalid partitions the following test cases for "Month" can be
The first one is a positive case and the next two are negative cases. The testing theory
related to equivalence partitioning says that only one test case of each partition is
In this technique, boundary values are entered as inputs. Values on the minimum and
maximum edges of an equivalence partition are tested, since boundaries are common
locations for errors.
Test cases should be created to generate inputs that will fall on either side of each
boundary and on boundary, which results in three cases per boundary.
In the example mentioned above, the boundary values for "Month" are 0,1,2 and
11,12,13. So, the following test cases for "Month" can be prepared.
Another example lets assume there is a parameter called "Username" and number of
characters it should accept are between 6 to 18. Boundary values are 5,6,7 and
1. 5 characters
2. 6 characters
3. 7 characters
4. 17 characters
5. 18 characters
6. 19 characters
Testing the functionalities which are more likely to be problematic is risk based testing.
For example, lets assume that user is booking a flight ticket, and has to enter date of
his journey manually. The application should not allow the user to enter past dates.
In Equivalence Class testing, parameters with common requirements are grouped and
test cases for them are prepared.
Lets assume we have two screens and "Email" parameter is present in both of them.
Now we need not write test cases for "Email" both the times, test cases written for
"Email" in one form can be used for "Email" in another form.
Variance Class testing is opposite of Equivalence Class testing. In this, parameters with
different requirements are grouped. We cannot use test cases of one parameter for
another, seperate test cases must be prepared.
Software test life cycle (STLC) is a planning and executing activities to successfully
complete a testing project. STLC is a part of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Test activities differ from organization to organization. The diagram given below shows
the activities that are generic.
The phase is to analyse the system, gather requirements, and sometimes breaking
down the system in different pieces to analyze the situation, engaging clients so that
accurate requirements can be defined.
This activity is same as analysis in SDLC.
Test Estimation is estimating the testing size, testing effort, testing cost and testing
schedule for a software testing project.
Testing Size is the amount (quantity) of testing that needs to be carried out.
Testing Effort is the amount of effort in days/hours necessary for conducting the tests.
Testing cost is the expenses for completing tests. It could be cost of the tools being
used, hiring or training resources etc.
Testing Schedule is allocating time periods for different stages in testing. Like at what
stage or time, what testing should be carried out.
Note: Each software is unique in its own domain, and it is a tough ask to estimate
software accurately at first attemp. Estimations can go wrong, so revise the estimations
A test strategy is a high level plan that describes the testing part in software
development process.
Every organization has its own strategy. Some organizations break the test process in
parts and seperate test strategy is prepared for each one. Some organizations include
test strategy in test plan, they do not have seperate test strategy, specially for small
Objectives of Strategy
Risks and Mitigation
Test Priorities
Environmental needs
Roles and Responsibilities
Reporting Structure
Test Deliverables
Test Approach
Test Metrices
Test Summary Report
In this the objectives of test strategy are defined. It typically includes, executing
planned activities, understanding the risks and mitigations involved, clarify the
Any risks that will effect the testing process must be listed along with the mitigation. By
documenting a risk, its occurrence can be anticipated well ahead of time. Proactive
action may be taken to prevent it from occurring.
In this the requirements are prioritize, depending on the importance. The most
important ones are critical and should be high in priority. Depending on the priorities
test scenarios and test cases, we need to establish priorities. While testing software
projects, certain test cases will be treated as the most important ones
In this the test environment requirements are specified like hardware, operating
systems, servers, automation tools, technical skills needed for a tester etc.
The roles and responsibilities of test leader, individual testers, project manager are to
be clearly defined.
Both the testing managers and the development managers should approve the test
strategy before testing can begin.
In this, who interacts with the customers, whom do team members and team leaders
report to etc is stated in this section.
Apart from that, when test cases are executed should be reported to the test leader
and the project manager, to measure where exactly the project stands in terms of
testing activities.
Test deliverabes are documents given to managers and customers during testing
stages. The different types of Test deliverables are
Test Strategy
Test Schedule
Test Plan
Test Scenarios
Test Cases
Defect Reports
Test Results
Test Summary Reports
User Manual
Apart from the above mentioned things, it also defines the defect management process
that has to be followed.
Test Matrices are tables which are used to keep track of test progress.
Normally, requirements are written in columns and functionalities in rows. Having said
that every organization will have its own template of matrices, but one thing in
common will be, matrices will keep track of the progress and helps us to know where
we are at a given stage.
The senior management may like to have test summary on a weekly or monthly basis.
If the project is very critical, they may need it even on daily basis. The test strategy
must give a clear vision of what the testing team will do for the whole project f or the
entire duration.
Test plan is an approach to test a system. A test plan documents the strategy that will
be used to verify and ensure that a product or system meets its design specifications
and other requirements. A test plan is usually prepared by Leads with significant input
from Test Engineers.
Test plan document formats vary as the products and organizations to which they
apply. But every test plan should have one thing in common, it should answer "who
tests what, when and how?"
It is the version number given for test plan. This number is updated as test plan is
revised. Sometimes it is the version of the software the test plan is prepared for.
References are the documents that directly or indirectly support the test plan like Test
Strategry, Schedule, Business Requirements, Functional Specifications etc.
Introduction gives purpose of test plan. Its not the introduction of software we are
going to test, rather it is introduction of test plan.
Items are are to be tested within the scope of this test plan. Remember, what you are
testing is what you intend to deliver to the Client.
Specially in testing a complex software, we have different test plans for different
stages. In such situation, test plan contains items within the scope of that plan.
This section contains features that are to be tested in a software. This is from the users
prospective. Customers do not understand technical software terminology, they
understand functions in software as they are related to their jobs.
To test features use simple ratings like High, Medium and Low. This is easily understood
by customers.
This section contains features that are not to be tested. This is from both the Users
viewpoint of what the system does and management control view.
This is your overall test strategy for this test plan; it should be appropriate to the level
of the plan and should be in agreement with all higher and lower levels of plans.
If this is a master test plan the overall project testing approach and coverage
requirements must also be identified.
This section mentions the completion criteria for plan. Keep in mind the following things
before stating that a plan has been passed or failed.
This section specifies when to start and end testing. The following things must be
considered to stop testing
Bug rate is down to certain acceptable level
Amount of confidence on quality of software
Project deadlines
Budget allocated for testing
Know when to pause during testing. It is done when the density of defects is high and
where the follow on testing has no value.
Similarly know when to resume testing. Typically when density of defects in a particular
module are at an acceptable level to follow on testing.
The documents that are to be delivered t o managers and customers as a part of the
plan. The different types of Test deliverables are
Test Strategy
Test Schedule
Test Plan
Test Scenarios
Test Cases
Defect Reports
Test Results
Test Summary Reports
User Manual
The enviromental needs that are needed for testing are defined here. Like softwares,
testing tools, hardware, bandwidth, server capacity, database etc.
Define the roles and responsibilities of testers, team leaders and managers. Who is
incharge of what is specified in this section of test plan.
Who is responsible for setting risks, deciding priorities, selecting features to be tested
and features not to be tested etc.
Train the resources so that they understand the software they are dealing with. Train
them for any automation tool that is to be used in later stages.
If you dont have enough or right man power to test the software staffing must be
It is the project schedule, and should be based on realistic and valid terms.
Consider buffer time, while planning schedule. This will be very helpful in later stages
when you run out of time and there are some features still to be tested.
This section contains the approval process, i.e when a stage of testing is complete who
will approve the project to proceed to the next level
Used to define terms and acronyms used in t he document, and testing in general, to
eliminate confusion and promote consistent communications.
Test Scenarios are the business processes. Scenario is an interaction between the user
and software. Scenarios are written in plain language, with minimal technical details, so
that designers, programmers, engineers, managers, marketing specialists etc can have
a common understanding.
Scenarios are used directly to define the wanted behavior of software and are derived
from Business Requirements Specifications.
Test scenarios are best explained with an example. Consider the form given below
Save Reset
A scenario should have a unique Id, description, pre and post conditions. Below are
sample scenarios for the example form.
Observe the template, we have Scenario Id, Description, Pre and Post conditions and
The first scenario is, checking the functionality of "Save" but ton and to do that,
We need to enter values in textboxes, which is the pre-condition.
After entering values and clicking save button, the system must save the
information, this is post-condition.
Priority is high as save button functionality is important
Note: For the first scenario, the description can be "Verify the process of saving
The second scenario, is checking the functionality of "Reset" button.
We need to enter values in atleast one textbox, which is the pre -condition.
After entering values and clicking Reset button, the form must be refreshed, this is
Priority is medium as Reset button functionality is less important to some extent
The first two scenarios have multiple steps. Scenarios can even be prepared for
individual parameters like we did in third, fourth and fifth scenarios. Such scenarios are
normally called as unit level scenarios.
Test case is a set of conditions under which a tester will determine whether a
functionality of software is working c orrectly or not.
Test case can also be defined as idea of a tester to test a functionality by giving
different inputs.
Test case should have a unique Id, test description, test steps, expected result, actual
result, status, author name.
Save Reset
This is the same example form from the test scenario chapter. Lets write test cases for
scenario number one. (Please check the scenario diagram in the previous chapter)
In the first test case, we are testing functionality of "Save" button with valid values in
mandatory fields (Name and Email) and to do that, we have steps to follow
1. Enter valid values in Name
2. Enter valid values in Email
3. Click Save button
The test steps and the actual values entered in the fields are called Test Scripts.
And the expected result is, information should be saved. Actual result and status is
entered when test case is executed.
Because of space constraint, only three test cases were shown in the diagram. Apart
from the three test cases, you can go ahead and add the following test cases.
Expected result for Test cases 1, 2, 4 and 6 is system should not save the information.
And expected result for test cases 3 and 5 is information should be stored.
The above test cases are scenario based test cases, i.e. to execute one test case, we
need to follow some steps. In our case, we enter valid or invalid values in Name, valid
or invalid values in Email and click Submit.
Test cases can be written for individual elements or units. This type of test cases are
usually called as Unit level test cases.
Test cases for Name: Please check the requirements for Name field in the previous
When actual result does not match the expected result we say defect has been raised.
Lets assume we have executed the test cases given in the above diagram. Say, first
and third test case has passed and second test case failed.
In the second test case, the actual result is not matching the expected result. Hence
defect was raised. Given below is the defect description in a sample de fect template.
The above Defect report has Defect description, Severity, Steps to reproduce the defect
(in case of complex defects), Defect State. Defect report template differs from
organization to organization.
Severity is the impac t of the defect on the software, i.e. how badly the defect is
effecting the software and test process. Where as Priority is how fast the defect has to
be fixed.
Generally critical functionalities which fail are given high severity and high priority.
When actual output does not match the expected output, we say defect has been
Defect Management is a process of tracing, tracking, fixing and eventually closing the
defect. In order to effectively manage defects, an organization has to establish a
The steps in the above diagram are
1. When tester finds a defect, its state is new and is reported to Team Lead.
(Normally defects are reported on daily basis)
2. Team Lead checks if the defect is valid or not. If yes, defect state is open and is
sent to developers. If not, defect iscancelled.
3. Developers check if the defect is genuine or not. If yes, it is sent for fixing. If not,
defect is cancelled and the reason is explained to testers and/or stake-holders.
4. Sometimes a defect raised is supposed to be fixed in later versions of a software,
in such cases, the defect is differed.
5. When developers fix the defect, its state is fixed and it is sent for retesting.
6. Testers check if the defect is fixed or not. If fixed, they close it, if not the defect
is re-opened and is sent back to the developers.
7. Steps 5 and 6 are followed until the defect is closed.
A detailed Test Report will have number of test scenarios and cases prepared, defects
raised, fixed, differed etc. Sometimes a report will have feedback given by testers.
The report will also have what testing was done and how long it took, in order to
improve any future test planning. This final document is used to indicate whether the
software system under test is fit for purpose according to whether or not it has met
acceptance criteria defined by project stakeholders.
Every Test Engineer has to maintain some principles and follow some rules. These
principles give us an overview of some key practices that help make software testing
Testing increases the probability of discovering defects in the software. At the same time, if no defects
are found, it does not mean that their are no defects in the software.
Testing everything, all combinations of inputs (positive and negative) and pre conditions is not possible.
There is no way of validating that your software will efficetively on every variation of system in the
world. And testing every possible condition is not possible.
Earlier the defects are identified in t esting life cycle, lesser is the cost associated with
fixing it.
Test depending on priority factors. Functionalities which are more important and crucial
must be tested first, rather than testing less important functionalities.
Identifying the density of bugs in a module is called defect clustering. If the density is
high in particular module, it is reported that defect clustering has occured in that
Once defect clustering has occured, there is no use of testing that module. Instea d it is
sent back for fixing.
Testing should be balanced with time, budget and resources available. Significant
efforts are needed to test functions that are necessary rather than alignments, colors
If you keep applying the same pesticide to insects, they eventually build a resistance
and become immune, and the pesticide no longer works.
Similarly in software testing, if same test s are repeated over and over again, the tests
will no longer find any new defects. To overcome this, the test cases should be
regularly revised.
Many softwares are so complex and run on interdependent environment that it is not
possible to test everything. It is necessary to test sensibly by identify the most critical
combinations and preconditions.
Another factor is when to decide that enough testing has been done. The following
things must be considered to stop testing
A test team can say that, they did not find any defects in the software but they cannot
they that a software is defect -free. Testers should assume that all software contains
some defects, if not critical, atleast environmental.
While the technical skills are important for a tester there are certain soft skills that
should complement the technical abilities. Both technical and soft skills compliment
each other and the balance between them is what makes a tester a true professional.
Before testing, ensure that the requirements are clearly understood. Do not make
assumotions regarding the requirements that are not clear.
Most of the times it is difficult to understand the software requirements at once. Begin
with simple things and expand to include the complex ones.
Documents will not be available all the times, request assistance from the individuals
who understand the software and requirements. Its not a bad idea to build your owm
requirement specifications for your reference.
Testing can be extremely repetitive and tiresome. Most of the times testers have to do
the same work again and again, and obvious reaction to this is getting tired of of the
repetitive work.
Find ways to make your work interesting, concentrate on tasks at hand. Usually its the
small things followed by a discipline acheive higher levels of quality.
Communication skills are necessary to succeed in any profession. For a tester, both
written and verbal communication are crucial.
Testers are supposed to deal with large amount of information everyday, like
reading/listening to customers or business analysts to understand the business process
and requirements.
This skill makes a big difference when you are supposed to read and understand
hundreds of requirement page.
Quality testing is imperative not quantity testing. In testing phase, or any phase of
software development, deadlines are set which means that smarter testing has to be
done rather than more testing.
Test areas which have been identifies as problematic or complex and where test where
bugs have been found before. Testing should be driven by risk factors.
There are some situations in which tester should think neagtively. This will help in
preparing negative scenarios, negative test cases etc.
Good testers will never compromise on quality, People sometimes feel they have to
sacrifice quality just to meet deadlines. Never do this, no one gets benifit, not your
customer, not your organization not you.
Any hardcore tester will have a "test -to-break" attitude. Give such tester a software an
organization boasts on quality, he will find defects.
New concepts and techniques are introduced every now and then, to make things
easier. Learn what is already there, and learn what is new.