Section 5d - Cloning

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Section 5d – Cloning

5.17 Describe the process of micropropagation (tissue culture) in which small pieces of plants
(explants) are grown in vitro using nutrient media
5.18 Understand how micropropagation can be used to produce commercial quantities of identical
plants (clones) with desirable characteristics
Micropropagation can also be known as tissue culture.

Micropropagation is the process of producing clones of a plant from small parts of the parent plant.

First explants are taken from the parent plant. Explants are small cuttings of the plant’s tissue. The
cuttings are so small that the parent plant does not die from the loss of tissue.

The explants are then placed on sterile agar jelly, which contains the nutrients needed for growth.
The agar jelly is sterile to prevent the growth of bacteria or microorganisms.

Once the plant tissue has grown a little bit, it is transferred to a different agar jelly. This agar jelly has
hormones which promote the growth of roots and shoots.

The plant tissue will then grow roots and shoots. Once this has happened, it can be moved into
compost, where it will grow to full size.

Once they have been placed in compost, the plants may be moved to a greenhouse. This is because
the conditions can easily be controlled, e.g. temperature and CO₂ concentration. This helps to make
the process quicker.

Micropropagation is popular because it is a relatively quick process. Since only small cuttings are
taken from the plant, large quantities of a plant can be made. Micropropagation is also popular
because the daughter plants are genetically identical to the parent plants. This means that large
quantities of plants with desirable characteristics can be made. Micropropagation is desirable as it
can take place all year round, and is not limited by weather conditions.

5.19 Describe the stages in the production of cloned mammals involving the introduction of a
diploid nucleus from a mature cell into an enucleated egg cell, illustrated by Dolly the sheep
Clones can be made from an egg cell and the body cell of the mother.

Firstly, the nucleus of a mature body cell of the mother is taken. Since this is a body cell, it will be
diploid (46 chromosomes in humans.)

An unfertilised egg cell is enucleated (this can be from the mother, but is not necessary). Enucleation
is the removing of a nucleus.

The nucleus from the body cell is placed inside the cytoplasm of the enucleated egg cell. The cell is
then fused together by an electric shock.

The electric shock stimulates the egg cell to start dividing by mitosis.
Section 5d – Cloning

When the cell has divided, it has become an embryo. The embryo is then implanted into the uterus
of a surrogate mother. The pregnancy is then expected to continue as a normal one, and the
daughter mammal is born.

The child will be genetically identical to the mother whose body cell nucleus was used, as the genetic
information only came from one parent. It is a clone.

5.20 Evaluate the potential for using cloned transgenic animals, for example to produce
commercial quantities of human antibodies or organs from transplantation
Advantages Disadvantages

Transgenic animals can be used for research. E.g.

Since mature body cells are used in the cloning,
mice can be made with human diseases. Cloning
the transgenic animals may develop diseases
allows mice to bred fast, and therefore research
prematurely and die early.
to take place quicker.

Transgenic animals can be used to produce

antibodies for humans. Large quantities of Donor organs from transgenic animals may
antibodies could be produced and used to help directly carry diseases to the human race.
combat disease.

Animals similar to humans, such as pigs, could be

It is not ethical to create and use animals for
used to produce human organs, which could be
human advantage.
used for transplants.
The process of cloning animals, to produce drugs
Infertile animals can be cloned.
and organs may prove too expensive.

Desirable characteristics are not always inherited

in breeding, cloning ensures that the offspring
has the desirable characteristics.

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