Anne Frank
Anne Frank
Anne Frank
a. the Holocaust
b. lost innocence
c. pride
a. financial problems
c. restrictions in immigration
b. because of famine
a. 1974
b. 1952
c. 1947
Context – Reading
Anne’s father had started furnishing a hiding place in the annex of his business
premises at
Prinsengracht 263. Before long, they were joined by four more people and the hiding
became cramped. Everybody had to keep very quiet and silent and they were also
afraid to be
discovered. On 10th May 1940, the Nazis invaded the Netherlands and 5 days later, the
army surrendered. Slowly, the Nazis introduced more laws and regulations that made
lives difficult. For instance, they couldn’t visit parks, cinemas or non-Jewish shops. The
meant that more and more places became off-limits to Anne. Jewish were no longer
allowed to
rule their own businesses, and Jewish children had to go to separate Jewish schools.
The Nazis
took things further and when Anne’s sister received a call-up to report for a so- called
you are able to remain in absolute silence for 1 hour while reading the first
pages of the
Start reading the diary simulating the same conditions of the hidden place. Look for a quiet
place in your house (your room...) because for 1 hour you can neither move nor make any
kind of noise, because it would mean to put your relatives at risk just keep reading. You
can involve the rest of members of your family to do the same and follow this 1st challenge
all together. “Anne Frank: The diary of a young girl: AN ADAPTED VERSION OF THE
DIARY INTERNET ARCHIVE: An open online library from where you can borrow for free: Or read the diary online: p
After being reading the diary for almost 1 hour in complete silence, you can stop and
write your feelings and thoughts you had while reading:
1. How did you feel while reading simulating Anne’s conditions? 2. What is
your favourite entry? Why? 3. Do you think it is possible to be happy and sad
at the same time? Can
you mention an example of both situations?
Once you have finished reading the whole diary, you have the opportunity to go on a virtual
tour and discover the secret annex.
Task 2: Comparing and contrasting information
Fill in the graphic organizer with the similarities and differences you have found between
the hiding annex and your home: the size, distribution... Remember the order of
adjectives in English. You can just draw and complete the Venn diagram on your
notebook and share it.
In this task you should answer to some questions to have some introductory
knowledge about the WWII. You can google for answers or watch the video:
Now, it’s time to work on specific vocabulary and expressions that you should
learn to fully understand this historical period. For each word, find a definition
(short explanation) and a proper translation:
Become an expert of ONE of the IIWW key words and expressions worked.
Record an audio defining the term, explaining its context and giving examples.
Remember your task is to record an informative text which MUST:
CHALLENGE & task 5: my final words
You will have to imagine that you are ANNE FRANK and that you have the opportunity to
write a FINAL ENTRY on the diary. Use your empathy and think carefully about what she
would have written on her diary before the Gestapo took her to Bergen-Belsen, a
concentration camp in northern Germany, where she finally would die of typhus.
This activity is to debate if Humankind has learnt any lesson after the atrocities
committed during the WWII or not. Across Europe, the Nazis found countless willing
helpers who collaborated or were complicit in their crimes. What motives and pressures
led so many individuals to persecute, to murder, or to abandon their fellow human
beings? What can we learn from the massive size and scope of the Holocaust? Have
we become conscious of the importance of friendship, love, family and friendship or do
we prioritize other things such as money? Once you have thought about it, write an
OPINION ARTICLE with your thoughts.
To close the project, I would like you to surf the Net and make a compilation of
soundtracks used in films about the Holocaust. Some of them have become really
popular, such as Life is beautiful by Roberto Benigni. Continue the list to have The Top
Ten Hits of this project!
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 9. . 10. .
I Hope you enjoyed the project!