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Economics 12th Edition Michael Parkin

Solutions Manual
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The Big Picture

Where we have been:
Chapter 8 uses marginal utility theory to derive the downward-sloping demand curve introduced
in Chapter 3 (and used throughout Chapters 4 to 7). Utility theory will also further explain the
factors that change demand. Consumer surplus has been used in multiple chapters and will be
reinforced in this chapter to help explain the diamond-water paradox and the difference between
total utility and marginal utility.

Where we are going:

Chapter 9 presents a parallel analysis of the consumer problem using indifference curves. Each
chapter is self-contained, so either can be omitted. Marginal analysis is used in this chapter to
describe marginal utility and the utility maximizing choice for consumers. The importance of
marginal analysis will be reinforced in future chapters as we move through profit maximization and
choice making in factor markets. Chapter 19, which deals with risk, uses some of the concepts
from this chapter, although Chapter 19 also is self-contained.

New in the Twelfth Edition

The chapter introduction has been updated to focus on sugary drink consumption. The data in the case
study on maximizing utility from downloading music have been updated. A new Worked Problem has
been added. The Worked Problem presents Jake’s income and his marginal utility schedules for songs
and cookies. It then shows the students how to calculate Jake’s utility-maximizing combination of
cookies and songs and how this combination changes when the price of a song rises. To include the
new Worked Problem without lengthening the chapter, some problems have been removed from the
Study Plan Problem and Applications. These problems are in the MyEconLab and are called Extra

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Lecture Notes
Utility and Demand
• Economists assume that people behave to make themselves as well off as possible.
• Consumption possibilities tell us what the consumer can afford to buy given a limited income and the
prices of the goods and services they are considering.
• Preferences are reflected in the discussion of utility maximization
I. Consumption Choices
• Consumption possibilities are all the things a consumer can afford to buy.
The Budget Line
• The limits of consumption possibilities are illustrated with
a budget line.
• The budget line marks the boundary between those
combinations of goods and services that the consumer
can afford to buy and those that it cannot afford.
• The budget line shown illustrates the possible
combinations of pizza and books that a consumer with
$50 income could purchase if the price of pizzas were
$10 and the price of books were $10.
• The budget line constrains choices: Points on the budget
line and inside the budget line are affordable and within
the consumer’s consumption possibilities. Points beyond
the budget line are not affordable.

Changes in Consumption Possibilities

• Consumption possibilities change when income or prices change.
• An increase in income shifts the budget line rightward without changing its slope.
• A change in the price of one of the goods changes the intercept on its axis and changes the slope of the
budget line.
• These changes are used again in the alternate consumer choice model in chapter 9.
• The choice a consumer makes depends on preferences.
Total utility Quantity of Total Quantity Total
• Total utility is the total benefit that a person movies utility of books utility
gets from the consumption of goods and services. 0 0 0 0
As more of a good or service is consumed, total 1 24 1 20
utility increases. 2 44 2 30
• The table provides an example of utility from 3 72 3 38
consuming movies and paperback books in a given 4 80 4 44
week. 5 84 5 48
6 86 6 50

Where do the utility numbers come from? Year after year, you will get this question from the curious student.
While the numbers for utility are ordinal rather than cardinal, using those terms to explain utility to
undergraduates will generally result only in many blank stares. To help with one answer to this question, try the
following story: Lisa likes movies and books. We tell Lisa that we’re going to call the utility she gets from 1 movie a
month 24 units of utility. Then we ask her to tell us, using the same scale, how much she would like 2, 3, or more
movies, and 1, 2, 3, or more books.

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Marginal Utility
• Marginal utility is the change in total utility that results Quantity of Total Marginal
from a one-unit increase in the quantity of a good movies utility utility
consumed. The table shows the marginal utility from 0 0
movies. 24
• When a good generates value, it has a positive marginal 1 24
utility. Total utility increases as the quantity consumed 20
increases. 2 44
Diminishing Marginal Utility
3 72
• Diminishing marginal utility is the principle that as
more of a good or service is consumed, its marginal utility
4 80
decreases. In the table the marginal utility diminishes as
more movies are consumed.

II. Utility-Maximizing Choice

• A consumer’s choices influence the total level of his or her utility because different combinations of goods
generate different amounts of utility. The key assumption of marginal utility theory is that the household
consumes the combination that maximizes its utility.
• We have to combine the constraint imposed by the budget line with the consumer’s preferences to find
the combination of products that gives the consumer the maximum available utility.

Consumer Equilibrium
• Consumer equilibrium occurs when a situation in which a consumer has allocated all available income in a
way that maximizes utility given the prices of the products.

A Spreadsheet Solution
• The most direct way to find the quantity of goods Quantity of Total Quantity Total
and services is to make a table with the choices movies utility of books utility
available. Suppose the price of a movie is $8, the 0 0 0 0
price of a book is $4, and the consumer has income 1 24 1 20
of $24.
2 44 2 30
• Calculate the combinations of products that 3 72 3 38
exhaust the available income given the prices of
4 80 4 44
the goods. In the table, the consumer can
5 84 5 48
afford (3 movies/0 books), (2 movies/2 books),
6 86 6 50
(1 movie/4 books), and (0 movies/6 books).
While the consumer can also afford the combinations of products inside the budget line, the smaller
quantities associated with those points would have less utility than the points on the budget line.
• From the utility figures given for each product, calculate the total utility from the combination of the
two products. In the same order as the affordable combinations above, these total utilities are 72, 74,
68, and 50. Emphasize that it is total utility from the combination of the two products that the
consumer is trying to maximize.
• Select the combination that gives the maximum total utility, (2 movies/2books for total utility of 74)
in this case.
• While in a model we might calculate the total utility from all the possible combinations of products and
then select the combination with the highest utility, this is not a likely approach for consumers in practice.
• A more natural way to find the consumer equilibrium is to use marginal analysis to make the decision.

Choosing at the Margin

• A consumer’s utility is maximized when the consumer spends all available income and equalizes marginal
utility per dollar for all goods. The marginal utility per dollar is the marginal utility from a good divided
by its price.

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• If the consumer is left Marginal Marginal

with money to spend, Quantity Marginal utility per Quantity Marginal utility per
opportunities for of utility dollar of books utility dollar
increasing utility are left movies
unused, so the 1 22 2.75 1 15 4.75
consumer can only be 2 18 2.25 2 9 2.25
maximizing utility when
3 13 1.63 3 7 1.75
all available income is
4 6 0.75 4 5 1.25
5 3 0.38 5 3 0.75
• The table to the right
has the marginal utility schedules that are computed from the total utility schedules in the table above.
(The marginal utilities are the averages of the two adjacent marginal utilities for each quantity.) Given the
price of a movie of $8, the price of a paperback book of $4, the table also has the marginal utility per
dollar schedules. Assume the consumer has $24 to allocate between movies and books. To maximize
utility, the individual buys 2 movies and 2 books because that combination of movies and books spends all
the available income and sets the marginal utility per dollar from a movie equal to that from a book. (Both
equal 2.25.)

Do people really calculate and compare marginal utilities and prices? One of the challenges in teaching the
marginal utility theory is getting the students to appreciate the fundamental role of a model of choice. The goal is
to predict choices, not to describe the thought processes that make them. Gary Becker has made the following
point, updating the reference to the pitcher (from Parkin, Economics, first edition, 1990, p. 154): Justin Verlander
(or substitute a currently hot pitcher) unanimously won the 2011 Cy Young award for the American League. He
effectively knows all the laws of motion, of hand-eye coordination, about the speed of the bat and ball, and so on.
He’s in fact solving a complicated physics problem when he steps up to pitch, but obviously he doesn’t have to
know physics to do that. Likewise, when people solve economic problems rationally they’re really not thinking,
“Well, I have this budget and I read this textbook and I look at my marginal utilities and the prices and determine
what maximizes my utility.” People don’t do that, but it doesn’t mean they’re not being rational. Just because a Cy
Young Award winner isn’t Albert Einstein doesn’t mean he can’t make rational decisions about pitching.

• The rule to spend all income and equalize marginal utility per dollar from each good maximizes utility
because anytime the marginal utility per dollar from one good exceeds that of another good, the
consumer can increase his or her total utility by spending a dollar less on the good with the lower
marginal utility per dollar and spending the dollar on the good with the higher marginal utility per dollar.
Counterexamples can help. To help the students see that maximizing total utility requires equalizing the marginal
utility per dollar on each good, work with the case when they are not equal. Suppose the marginal utility per dollar
from a movie is 20 and the marginal utility per dollar from a soda is 10. Ask “If you gained an additional dollar,
what would you spend it on and by how much would your total utility increase?” The students will spend it on
movies and their total utility will rise by 20. Now ask the students “If you lost a dollar, what you cut back on and
how much would your total utility decrease?” The students will cut back on sodas and their total utility will fall by
10. Now tell the students that they can gain a dollar by cutting back a dollar on sodas. Ask them the net change in
their total utility, which is +10. The point to make is that anytime the marginal utility per dollar from one good
differs from that for another good, consumption can be rearranged by cutting back on the good with the low
marginal utility per dollar and spending the dollar on the good with the high marginal utility per dollar and
increasing total utility.

Why don’t consumers simply choose the goods with the highest marginal utility? Students will find it
relatively easy to simply memorize the rule that maximizing utility requires that the marginal utility per dollar is
equal across all goods, but, intuitively, students still often expect marginal utility to be the only determinant of
utility maximization. To provide some additional intuition, ask them to think about two goods they’re trying to
choose between, like a new shirt and a new download of a song. Say a new shirt would have a marginal utility of
20, while the download would have a marginal utility of 1. The price of a new shirt is $30, while the price of the
download is $1. Should you purchase the new shirt because it has a higher marginal utility? No! You may prefer

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the shirt, but it costs thirty times as much as the download. Even though the download has the lower marginal
utility, it has a higher marginal utility per dollar (1 as opposed to 2/3).

The Power of Marginal Analysis

• The goal of maximizing utility does not require a computer and spreadsheet, but simply comparing the
marginal utility per dollar of each of the products.
• In the example the person’s choice between movies and books, the person maximizes his or her utility
where the marginal utility per dollar from movies is equal to the marginal utility per dollar from books.
Mathematically, this is represented by the equation:
MU Movie MU Book
= .
PMovie PBook

Other applications of marginal reasoning. Help your students to appreciate that marginal reasoning is one of
the most important tools for understanding the economic perspective. Remind them that we have been using
marginal reasoning for many chapters now: In Chapter 2 we derived the marginal cost of production from the PPF.
In Chapter 5 we discovered that competitive equilibrium is efficient because marginal social benefit (from the
demand curve) equals the marginal social cost (from the supply curve). In this chapter, we discover that equating
the marginal utility per dollar across all goods and services maximizes a consumer’s utility. More generally, marginal
analysis shows that if the marginal gain from an action exceeds the marginal loss, take the action.

Revealing Preference
• We don’t have to ask a consumer to state preferences because we can figure them out by observing what
is purchased at various prices.
• The units we use to measure preference don’t matter. Any arbitrary unit will work; for instance, if utility
is multiplied by 2, the marginal utility per dollar equation shows that the equilibrium consumption bundle
does not change.

III. Predictions of Marginal Utility Theory

Marginal utility theory predicts the law of demand. It also predicts that a decrease in the price of a substitute
good increases the demand for the good; and, for a normal good, an increase in income increases demand.

A Fall in the Price of a Movie

A Change in the Quantity Demanded
• If the price of a good falls and other things remain the same, the marginal utility per dollar from that good
rises. As a result, the consumer increases his or her purchases of that good in order to maximize utility.
(As more of the good is purchased, its marginal utility decreases; as less of other goods are purchased,
their marginal utilities increase. Eventually the consumer reaches a new equilibrium at which the marginal
utility per dollar for all the goods is equal.)
A Change in Demand
• When the price of a good falls, it will have an impact on the demand for related goods (substitutes and
complements in consumption). In the example above, when movie prices fall, the demand for paperback
books decreases, implying that movies and books are substitute goods.
A Rise in Income
• If a consumer’s income increases, the consumer will reach a new consumer equilibrium in which all the
income is spent and the marginal utility per dollar from all goods is equal. Marginal utility theory predicts
that as the consumer’s income increases, the demand for normal goods increases and the demand for
inferior goods decreases.
Paradox of Value
• The paradox of value is that water, which is essential to life, costs little, but diamonds, which are useless
in comparison to water, are expensive.

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• The resolution to this paradox comes from distinguishing total utility from marginal utility. The total utility
from water is much more than from diamonds. But we have so much water that its marginal utility is
small. And we have so few diamonds that their marginal utility is high. When a household maximizes its
utility, it makes the marginal utility per dollar equal for all goods. Because diamonds have a high marginal
utility, they have a high price. Because water has a low marginal utility, it has a low price.
• Consumer surplus also can be used to resolve the paradox as well. The consumer surplus from
consuming water is vast but the consumer surplus from consuming diamonds is small.

Temperature as an Analogy
• Temperature and utility are both abstract concepts.
• The concept of utility allows economists to make predictions about human choices just as temperature
allows predictions of physical phenomena.
• Utility may not be as precise a thermometer in making some types of predictions but is still useful.
An Economics in Action case considers the utility from recorded music and concludes that the availability and
convenience of downloading individual songs increases consumer surplus. The utility from playing an album is
greater using a CD, so most albums are played on CDs.

IV. New Ways of Explaining Consumer Choices

Behavioral Economics
• Behavioral economics studies the ways in which limits on the human brain’s ability to compute and
implement rational decisions influences economic behavior—both the decisions that people make and the
consequences of those decisions for the way markets work.
• There are three impediments to rational choice: bounded rationality, bounded will-power, and bounded self-
Bounded Rationality
• Bounded rationality is rationality that is bounded by the computing power of the human brain. Faced
with uncertainty, consumers cannot rationally make choices and instead rely on other decision-making
methods such as rules of thumb, listening to the views of others, or gut instinct.
Bounded Willpower
• Bounded willpower is the less-than-perfect willpower that prevents us from making a decision that we
know, at the time of implementing the decision, we will later regret.
Bounded Self-Interest
• Bounded self-interest is the limited self-interest that sometimes results in suppressing our own
interests to help others.
The Endowment Effect
• The endowment effect is the tendency for people to value something more highly simply because they
own it.

Endowment effect in the housing market: The housing market entered a severe slump in the late 2000s and
took years to even begin to emerge. One factor might have been the endowment effect: The price that home
buyers were willing to pay for a house is lower than what homeowners, with the endowment effect, believe their
home is worth. Consequently homes might sit on the market for long periods of time.

• Neuroeconomics is the study of the activity of the human brain when a person makes an economic
decision. Different decisions appear to activate different areas of the brain. Some decisions are made in
the pre-frontal cortex, which is where memories are stored and data are analyzed. These decisions might
be deemed rational. Other decisions are made in the hippocampus, which is where memories of anxiety
and fear are stored. These decisions might be deemed irrational.

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• Whether economics should focus on explaining the decisions we observe or on what goes on inside
people’s heads is the source of controversy.

The Reading Between the Lines case at the end of the chapter about efforts to outlaw large, sugary drinks should
draw student reaction and interest about the role of government in helping citizens make better decisions.
Although the students have not yet learned about externalities, part of the discussion can include whether
government can protect itself as a payer of health care costs for the poor and elderly.

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Additional Problems
1. Mary enjoys classical CDs and travel
Quantity Total utility from Total utility from
books and spends $50 a month on them.
per month classical CDs travel books
The table shows the utility she gets from
each good. 1 30 30
2 40 38
a. Compare the two utility schedules.
3 48 44
Can you say anything about Mary’s
4 54 46
5 58 47
b. What do the two utility schedules tell
you about Mary’s preferences?
c. If a classical CD and a travel book cost $10 each, how does Mary spend the $50 a month?
2. Rob enjoys rock concerts and the opera.
The table shows the marginal utility he Concerts Marginal utility Marginal utility
gets from each activity. Rob has $100 a per month from rock from operas
month to spend on concerts. A rock concerts
concert ticket is $20, and an opera 1 90 120
ticket is $10. How many rock concerts 2 80 90
and how many operas does he attend? 3 60 60
4 40 30
3. In problem 2, Rob’s uncle gives him $30 5 20 20
to spend on concert tickets, so he now
has $130. How many rock concerts and how many operas does he attend now that he has $130
to spend?
4. In problem 2, if the price of a rock concert decreases to $10, how many rock concerts and
operas will Rob attend?

Solutions to Additional Problems

1. a. Mary gets the same utility from 1 classical CD as from 1 travel book, but at quantities greater than 1 she
gets more utility from any number of classical CDs than she does from the same number of travel books.
b. Mary receives the same marginal utility from her first classical CD as from her first travel book. At
quantities greater than 1, Mary gets more marginal utility from an additional classical CD than she gets
from an additional travel book when she has the same number of each.
c. Mary buys 3 classical CDs and 2 travel books.
When Mary buys 3 classical CDs and 2 travel books she spends $50. Mary maximizes her utility when she
spends all of her money and the marginal utility per dollar from classical CDs and travel books is the
same. When Mary buys 3 classical CDs her marginal utility per dollar spent is 0.8 units per dollar and
when Mary buys 2 travel books her marginal utility per dollar spent is 0.8 units per dollar.
2. To maximize his utility, Rob attends 3 rock concerts and 4 opera concerts.
Rob will spend his $100 such that all of the $100 is spent and that the marginal utility per dollar from each
type of concert is the same. When Rob attends 3 rock concerts and 4 operas, he spends $60 on rock
concerts and $40 on operas—a total of $100.
The marginal utility from the third rock concert is 60 and a rock concert ticket is $20, so the marginal utility
per dollar from rock concerts is 3. The marginal utility from the fourth opera is 30 and an opera ticket is
$10, so the marginal utility per dollar from operas is 3. The marginal utility per dollar from rock concerts
equals the marginal utility per dollar from operas.
3. To maximize his utility, Rob attends 4 rock concerts and 5 operas.
Rob will spend his $130 such that all of the $130 is spent and that the marginal utility per dollar from each
type of concert is the same. When Rob attends 4 rock concerts and 5 operas, he spends $80 on rock

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concert tickets and $50 on operas—a total of $130.

The marginal utility from the fourth rock concert is 40 and a rock concert ticket is $20, so the marginal
utility per dollar from rock concerts is 2. The marginal utility from the fifth opera is 20 and an opera ticket
is $10, so the marginal utility per dollar from opera is 2. The marginal utility per dollar from rock concerts
equals the marginal utility per dollar from operas.
4. To maximize his utility, Rob attends 5 rock concerts and 5 operas.
Rob will spend his $100 such that all of the $100 is spent and that the marginal utility per dollar from each
type of concert is the same. When Rob attends 5 rock concerts and 5 operas, he spends $50 on rock
concert tickets and $50 on opera tickets—a total of $100.
The marginal utility from the fifth rock concert is 20 and a rock concert ticket is $10, so the marginal utility
per dollar from rock concerts is 2. The marginal utility from the fifth opera is 20 and an opera ticket is $10,
so the marginal utility per dollar from operas is 2. The marginal utility per dollar from rock concerts equals
the marginal utility per dollar from operas.

Additional Discussion Questions

1. Have you ever eaten or drank “too much”? Use the students’ personal experience with food or
drink to show them that the marginal utility for a good can be increasing, diminishing, or even
negative. The example works well for many types of food and drink consumption, but college
students often especially enjoy sharing their experiences (or their friends’ experiences) with
Can alcohol consumption exhibit increasing marginal utility? The first drink may not induce
the euphoric feeling that many students seek, but two drinks might, with the third drink increasing
the euphoria even more than the second drink. In this range of consumption, the student
experiences increasing marginal utility. Point out that this increasing marginal utility isn’t likely to
last forever.
Can alcohol exhibit diminishing marginal utility? By the fourth or fifth drink of the evening, the
additional euphoria from each drink is not as much as the prior drink, meaning the student is in
the zone of diminishing marginal utility.
Can alcohol exhibit negative marginal utility? After the fifth or sixth drink for the evening,
most students quickly feel the discomfort of intoxication and suffer a significant decline in euphoria
mixed with a significant increase in discomfort and disorientation. Continued consumption of
alcohol can eventually bring the onset of alcohol poisoning, when the body starts to reject further
intake of alcohol by ejecting the excess alcohol. Most students would agree that, at that point, an
additional drink would generate negative marginal utility.

2. If the Surgeon General (and the American Medical Association) concludes that moderate
wine and beer consumption can have a positive influence on cardiovascular health, how
will utility and demand be affected? Ask the students to use utility theory to explain how
changes in the marginal utility of beer and wine consumption will cause the demand for beer and
wine to increase, despite unchanged short-run prices or consumer incomes.

3. Would people voluntarily pay for something seemingly undesirable? Get students to see that
the utility they get from one good is oftentimes dependent on the level of other goods and
services consumed. Ask the students to use utility theory to explain:
1) Why do people regularly put themselves through undesirable, rigorous exercise programs?
(better health increases our marginal utility of engaging in other activities)
2) Why do students forgo lots of leisure time to take college classes? (better education increases
our appreciation of the world and allows us make better choices in our lives)

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Help the students see that consumers invest in apparently undesirable goods the same way society
invests in capital to increase future consumption—except it is human capital that consumers are
investing in.

4. How could utility theory help us understand the difference between a federal income tax
and a federal sales tax on consumer consumption patterns? This is a real-world application of
utility theory designed to boost student confidence.
• Mention that federal sales tax proponents point out that sales taxes do not penalize savings
whereas income taxes penalize both savings and consumption, motivating consumers to save
less and consume more.
• Recall how Chapter 2 used the production possibilities frontier model to show that higher
present consumption and lower present investment (which is largely based on savings)
decreases future consumption for society through slower economic growth.
• Explain how consumers allocate their income across affordable consumption and savings
combinations by equating the ratio of marginal utility per dollar for both. If the same tax
revenue was collected by a federal sales tax rather than the income tax, the tax price for
savings would decrease and the tax price for consumption would increase. (Make sure you
explain that “savings” is an example of a “good.” In the examples used in the text, there is no
savings. All income is spent on goods. When savings exists, not all of a consumer’s income is
spent, but all of the income is allocated to either consumption goods or savings.)
• Show how consumers adjust these ratios by increasing the marginal utility of consumption
through less consumption and decreasing the marginal utility of savings by saving more. Utility
is maximized at a higher level of savings when consumption is penalized through a
consumption tax instead of an income tax.

5. How does utility theory differentiate a “need” from a “want”? If you are really in the mood
for a very heated discussion on utility analysis, just ask the students what the marginal utility
function for a “necessity” looks like. The students should recognize that it is perfectly vertical,
where no increase in price is sufficiently large to cause the person to decrease consumption of a
necessity in order to equate the marginal utility per dollar ratios across all goods and services. All
income is spent on necessity until the consumer is sated, and remaining income is allocated across
goods and services until the marginal utility per dollar ratios equalize. (This type of a utility
function reflects lexicographic preference orderings.)
Is a vertical utility function a reasonable outcome to expect for any good, even medicine or
food? Point out that even the poorest of people allocate their meager incomes across more than
just one good or service (the necessities). Somehow the income is allocated despite the supposed
vertical marginal utility curve.
How is income allocated across multiple “necessities” if all have vertical marginal utility
functions? Point out that if there is more than one “necessity,” then there is more than one
marginal utility function involved in allocating income. Help students to recognize that because in
the real world the poor allocate their income across multiple goods, then the marginal utility per
dollar ratios involved cannot be vertical, but they may be very steep. Emphasize that for these
consumers to maximize their utilities, each of the marginal utility per dollar ratios will need to be
equalized, making the income allocation process indistinguishable from mere “wants.”
Is it even meaningful to differentiate needs from wants among multiple goods or services?
There is no positive answer to this question—only a normative one. Utility analysis has just
proven that there is no positive definition of a necessity. Now step back and let the sparks fly!
6. It is often difficult to create incentives for behavior that is very good for us in the long run
but not necessarily pleasurable in the short run (studying, eating right, and exercising) and
disincentives for activities that lead to future pain but present pleasure (smoking, eating
whatever is convenient and tasty, sleeping through class). Have students suggest possible
incentives/disincentives that they think might address this problem. Attendance and being

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prepared for class, eating right and moving more, and all kinds of other things promote our long
run best interests but we live in world where diabetes is a growth industry and where many
students think that access to notes in classroom technology packages means they don’t need to
attend or read the book. What do they think would work, both personally and at the level of
social policy? How does this relate to marginal utility theory?
7. Type 2 Diabetes is often related to poor diets and lack of exercise. If it is avoidable, how
does the material in this chapter help us understand why it is on the rise around the world?
The answer to this question might well be related to bounded rationality. It definitely ties in well
with a discussion of the Reading Between the Lines case.

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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Trichijulus. Scudder, Mazon Creek, America.

Xylobius. Dawson. Found in the coal in Nova Scotia. Two species found at
Mazon Creek, America.

Order IV. Chilognatha.

Families corresponding to those of the present day. The oldest

specimens come from the chalk in Greenland; most of the others
from amber.

Family 1. Glomeridae. One form, G. denticulata, has been found in amber.

Family 2. Polydesmidae. Two species in amber.

Family 3. Lysiopetalidae. A number of species, amongst which are 6

Craspedosoma, mostly from amber.

Family 4. Julidae. A number of species of this family have been found, some in
amber, some in other Tertiary strata. Amongst the latter a probable example of
Julus terrestris, living at the present time.

Family 5. Polyxenidae. Five species have been found in amber.

Now that we have considered the structure of the Myriapods and the
groups into which they are subdivided or classified, we may proceed
to consider what position they hold in the household of nature. That
they present certain features of similarity to other classes has been
already mentioned, and that this is the fact cannot be doubted when
we look back at the way in which they have been classified in the
works of early writers. For example, Lamarck, the great French
naturalist, classifies them with spiders in his well-known work, La
Philosophie Zoologique, under the name of Arachnides antennistes.
Cuvier, the comparative anatomist, unites them with the Insects,
making them the first Order, while the Thysanura is the second. We
have already seen that one Order of Myriapods, the Symphyla,
bears a great resemblance to the Thysanura. The English naturalist
Leach was the first to establish Myriapods as a class, and his
arrangement has been followed by all naturalists after his time. But
while their peculiarities of structure and form are sufficiently marked
to separate them as a class, it cannot be denied that the older
naturalists were right to recognise that they have many essential
characteristics in common with other classes of animals. And recent
investigations have emphasised this fact. For instance, let us
consider the recent discoveries of the Orders of Symphyla and
Pauropoda, Orders which, while bearing so many of the characters
of Myriapods that naturalists have agreed to place them in that class,
yet resemble in many important points the Insect Order of
Thysanura. This seems to justify Cuvier in claiming the close
relationship for them that he did.

Recent investigations have also brought out more prominently the

resemblances to the Worms. Of late, considerable attention has
been directed to Peripatus (see pp. 1-26), and the resemblances to
the Myriapods in its anatomy and development are such that Latzel
has actually included it in the Myriapods as an Order, Malacopoda.
Now Peripatus also shows resemblances to the annelid Worms, and
thus affords us a connexion to the Worm type hardly less striking
than that to the Insect. This resemblance to the Worms, which
Myriapods certainly bear, was noticed by the ancient writers, and as
they had for the most part only external appearances to consider,
they pushed this idea to extremes in actually including some of the
marine Worms (Annelida) among the Centipedes. Pliny talks of a
marine Scolopendra as a very poisonous animal, and there is little
doubt that he meant one of the marine worms. An old German
naturalist, Gesner, in a very curious book published in 1669 gives an
account of an annelid sea-worm which he calls Scolopendra marina,
and which is in all probability the sea Scolopendra which Pliny
mentions. From Gesner's account it seems to have been used as a
medicine (externally only). "The use of this animal in medicine. The
animal soaked in oil makes the hair fall off. So do its ashes mixed in
oil." It was also pounded up with honey.
This idea of Centipedes living in water survived among later
naturalists. Charles Owen, the author before quoted, mentions them
as amphibious in 1742. "The Scolopendra is a little venomous worm
and amphibious. When it wounds any, there follows a blueness
about the affected part and an itch all over the body like that caused
by nettles. Its weapons of mischief are much the same with those of
the spider, only larger; its bite is very tormenting, and produces not
only pruriginous pain in the flesh, but very often distraction of mind.
These little creatures make but a mean figure in the ranks of
animals, yet have been terrible in their exploits, particularly in driving
people out of their country. Thus the people of Rhytium, a city of
Crete, were constrained to leave their quarters for them (Aelian, lib.
xv. cap. 26)."

Myriapods have been considered to bear resemblances to the

Crustacea, and this to a certain extent is true, though only to a
certain extent, the resemblances being confined to the more general
characteristics that they share with other groups of animals.

Of late years attempts have been made to speculate about the origin
of the Myriapods—that is, to endeavour to obtain by means of
investigation of their anatomy, embryology, and palaeontological
history, some idea of the history of the group. Such attempts at
research into the phylogeny, as it is called, of a group must be more
or less speculative until our knowledge is much greater than it is at
present. But such inquiries have their value, and the schemes of
descent and phylogenetic trees, at any rate, indicate a real relation
to different groups, even if they do not provide us with a real and
actual history of the animals.

There have been two main theories about the descent of the
Myriapoda. One of these derives them directly from the Insecta
through the forms known as the Thysanura, which resemble in such
a degree the Myriapod Orders of Symphyla and Pauropoda. The
other theory holds that the Myriapods, as well as the Insecta, have
been derived from some ancestor bearing a resemblance to
Peripatus. In other words, one theory claims that the relationship of
Myriapoda to Insecta is that of father and son; the other that the
relationship between the two is that of brother to brother. The
arguments by which these theories are respectively supported
consist for the most part of an analysis of the different characters of
the anatomy and embryology and the determination of the most
primitive among them. For example, the supporters of the theory that
the Thysanura are the most nearly allied to the Myriapod ancestor
lay great weight on the fact that some Myriapods are born with three
pairs of legs only, and they compare this stage in the life history of
the Myriapoda to the metamorphosis and larval stage of Insects. For
the supporters of this view the Orders of Symphyla and Pauropoda
are the most primitive of the Myriapods. On the other hand, the
followers of the other theory do not allow that the characters in which
the Myriapods are like Insects are primitive ones, but they lay more
stress on the characters found in the early development, such as the
character of the process of the formation of the body segments, the
mesoblastic segmentation, and the origin of the various organs of
the body.

It may be easily understood that such differences in the estimation of

the primitive characters of the embryology of a group may arise.
Embryology has been compared by one of the greatest of modern
embryologists to "an ancient manuscript with many of the sheets
lost, others displaced, and with spurious passages interpolated by a
later hand." What wonder is it that different people examining such a
record should come to different conclusions as to the more doubtful
and difficult portions of it. It is this very difficulty which makes the
principal interest in the study, and although our knowledge of the
language in which this manuscript is written is as yet imperfect, still
we hope that constant study may teach us more and more, and
enable us to read the great book of nature with more and more ease
and certainty.
If any of my readers should wish for a more full account of the
natural history of this group I must refer them to the following works,
which I have used in compiling the above account. In the first of
these there is an excellent bibliography of the subject:—

Latzel, Die Myriapoden der Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie, Wien, 1880.

Zittel, Handbuch der Palaeontologie, 1 Abth, II. Bd., Leipzig, 1881-1885.

Korschelt and Heider, Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte der

wirbellosen Thiere, Jena 1891.






Insects form by far the larger part of the land animals of the world;
they outnumber in species all the other terrestrial animals together,
while compared with the Vertebrates their numbers are simply
enormous. Yet they attract but little attention from the ordinary
observer, this being probably primarily due to the small size of the
individual Insect, which leads the unreflecting to treat the creature as
of little importance. "It can be crushed in a moment" is perhaps the
unformulated idea that underlies the almost complete neglect of
knowledge concerning Insects that prevails even in the educated
classes of society. The largest Insects scarcely exceed in bulk a
mouse or a wren, while the smallest are almost or quite
imperceptible to the naked eye, and yet the larger part of the animal
matter existing on the lands of the globe is in all probability locked up
in the forms of Insects. Taken as a whole they are the most
successful of all the forms of terrestrial animals.
In the waters of the globe the predominance of Insect life
disappears. In the smaller collections of fresh water many Insects
find a home during a portion of their lives, and some few contrive to
pass their whole existence in such places; but of the larger bodies of
fresh water they invade merely the fringes, and they make only the
feeblest attempt at existence in the ocean; the genus Halobates
containing, so far as we know, the sole Insects that are capable of
using the ocean as a medium of existence at a distance from the

It will probably be asked, how has it come about that creatures so

insignificant in size and strength have nevertheless been so
successful in what we call the struggle for existence? And it is
possible that the answer will be found in the peculiar relations that
exist in Insects between the great functions of circulation and
respiration; these being of such a nature that the nutrition of the
organs of the body can be carried on very rapidly and very efficiently
so long as a certain bulk is not exceeded.

Rapidity of growth is carried to an almost incredible extent in some

Insects, and the powers of multiplication—which may be considered
as equivalent to the growth of the species—even surpass the rapidity
of the increase of the individual; while, as if to augment the
favourable results attainable by the more usual routine of the
physiological processes, "metamorphosis" has been adopted, as a
consequence of which growth and development can be isolated from
one another, thus allowing the former to go on unchecked or
uncomplicated by the latter. A very simple calculation will show how
favourable some of the chief features of Insect life are. Let it be
supposed that growth of the individual takes time in proportion to the
bulk attained, and let A be an animal that weighs one ounce, B a
creature that weighs ten ounces, each having the power of
producing 100 young when full grown; a simple calculation shows
that after the lapse of a time necessary for the production of one
generation of the larger creature the produce of the smaller animal
will enormously outweigh that of its bulkier rival. Probably it was
some consideration of this sort that led Linnaeus to make his
somewhat paradoxical statement to the effect that three flies
consume the carcase of a horse as quickly as a lion.[16]

Astonishing as may be the rapidity of the physiological processes of

Insects, the results attained by them are, it must be admitted,
scarcely less admirable: the structures of the Insect's body exhibit a
perfection that, from a mechanical point of view, is unsurpassed,
while the external beauty of some of the creatures makes them fit
associates of the most delicate flowers or no mean rivals of the most
gorgeous of the feathered world. The words of Linnaeus, "Natura in
minimis maxime miranda," are not a mere rhetorical effort, but the
expression of a simple truth. Saint Augustine, too, though speaking
from a point of view somewhat remote from that of the great Swedish
naturalist, expressed an idea that leads to a similar conclusion when
he said, "Creavit in coelum angelos, in terram vermiculos; nec major
in illis nec minor in istis."

The formation of organised societies by some kinds of Insects is a

phenomenon of great interest, for there are very few animals except
man and Insects that display this method of existence. Particulars as
to some of these societies will be given when we treat of the
Termitidae, and of the Hymenoptera Aculeata; but we will take this
opportunity of directing attention to some points of general interest in
connexion with this subject. In Insect societies we find that not only
do great numbers of separate individuals live together and adopt
different modes of industrial action in accordance with the position
they occupy in the association, but also that such individuals are
profoundly modified in the structures of their body and in their
physiological processes in such ways as to specially fit them for the
parts they have to play. We may also see these societies in what
may be considered different stages of evolution; the phenomena we
are alluding to being in some species much less marked than they
are in others, and these more primitive kinds of societies being
composed of a smaller number of individuals, which are also much
less different from one another. We, moreover, meet with complex
societies exhibiting some remarkably similar features among Insects
that are very different systematically. The true ants and the white
ants belong to groups that are in structure and in the mode of growth
of the individual essentially dissimilar, though their social lives are in
several important respects analogous.

It should be remarked that the phenomena connected with the social

life of Insects are still only very imperfectly known; many highly
important points being quite obscure, and our ideas being too much
based on fragments gathered from the lives of different species. The
honey bee is the only social Insect of whose economy we have
anything approaching to a wide knowledge, and even in the case of
this Insect our information is neither so complete nor so precise as is

The various branches of knowledge connected with Insects are

called collectively Entomology. Although entomology is only a
department of the great science of zoology, yet it is in practice a very
distinct one; owing to its vast extent few of those who work at other
branches of zoology also occupy themselves with entomology, while
entomologists usually confine themselves to work in the vast field
thus abandoned to them.

Before passing to the consideration of the natural history and

structure of the members of the various Orders of Insects we will
give a verbal diagrammatic sketch, if we may use such an
expression, with a view to explaining the various terms that are
ordinarily used. We shall make it as brief as possible, taking in
succession (1) the external structure, (2) internal structure, (3)
development of the individual, (4) classification.

In the course of this introductory sketch we shall find it necessary to

mention the names of some of the Orders of Insects that will only be
explained or defined in subsequent pages. We may therefore here
state that the term "Orthoptera" includes grasshoppers, locusts,
earwigs, cockroaches; "Neuroptera" comprises dragon-flies, May-
flies, lacewings, stone-flies and caddis-flies; to the "Hymenoptera"
belong bees, wasps, ants, sawflies, and a host of little creatures
scarcely noticed by the ordinary observer: "Coleoptera" are beetles;
"Lepidoptera," butterflies and moths; "Diptera," house-flies, blue-
bottles, daddy-longlegs, and such; "Hemiptera" or "Rhynchota" are
bugs, greenfly, etc.

Class Insecta: or Insecta Hexapoda.

Definition.—Insects are small animals, having the body divided into

three regions placed in longitudinal succession—head, thorax, and
abdomen: they take in air by means of tracheae, a system of tubes
distributed throughout the body, and opening externally by means of
orifices placed at the sides of the body. They have six legs, and a
pair of antennae; these latter are placed on the head, while the legs
are attached to the thorax, or second of the three great body
divisions; the abdomen has no true legs, but not infrequently has
terminal appendages and, on the under surface, protuberances
which serve as feet. Very frequently there are two pairs of wings,
sometimes only one pair, in other cases none: the wings are always
placed on the thorax. Insects are transversely segmented—that is to
say, the body has the form of a succession of rings; but this condition
is in many cases obscure; the number of these rings rarely, if ever,
exceeds thirteen in addition to the head and to a terminal piece that
sometimes exists. Insects usually change much in appearance in the
course of their growth, the annulose or ringed condition being most
evident in the early part of the individual's life. The legs are usually
elongate and apparently jointed, but in the immature condition may
be altogether absent, or very short; in the latter case the jointing is
obscure. The number of jointed legs is always six.

External Structure.
The series of rings of which the external crust or skeleton of Insects
is composed exhibits great modifications, not only in the various
kinds of Insects but even in the different parts of the same individual,
and at successive periods of its development; so that in the majority
of mature Insects the separate rings are readily distinguished only in
the hind body or abdomen. The total number of the visible rings,
segments, somites, or arthromeres, as they are variously called by
different writers, is frequently thirteen in addition to the head. This
latter part is considered to be itself composed of the elements of
several rings, but morphologists are not yet agreed as to their
number, some thinking this is three while others place it as high as
seven; three or four being, perhaps, the figures at present most in
favour, though Viallanes, who has recently discussed[17] the subject,
considers six, the number suggested by Huxley, as the most
probable. Cholodkovsky is of a similar opinion. However this may be,
the three rings behind the head constitute the thorax, which is
always largely developed, though, like the head, its segmentation is
usually very much obscured by unequal development of different
parts, or by consolidation of some of them, or by both of these
conditions. The third great division of the body, the abdomen, is also
usually much modified by one or more of the terminal segments
being changed in form, or even entirely withdrawn into the interior of
the body. The existence of ten segments in the hind body can,
however, be very frequently actually demonstrated, so that it is
correct to speak of ten as the normal number.

Fig. 47—Diagram of exterior of insect: the two vertical dotted lines

indicate the divisions between H, head; T, thorax; and A,
abdomen: a, antenna; b, labrum; c, mandible; d, maxillary palpus;
e, labial palpus; f, facetted eye; g, pronotum; h, mesonotum; i,
metanotum; k, wings; l1 to l10, abdominal segments; m, the
internal membranous portions uniting the apparently separated
segments; n, cerci; o, stigma; p, abdominal pleuron bearing small
stigmata; q1, q2, q3, pro-, meso-, meta-sterna; r1, mesothoracic
episternum; s1, epimeron, these two forming the mesopleuron; r2,
s2, metathoracic episternum and epimeron; t, coxa; v, trochanter;
w, femur; x, tibia; y, tarsus; z, gula.

It is no reproach to morphologists that they have not yet agreed as to

the number of segments that may be taken as typical for an Insect,
for all the branches of evidence bearing on the point are still
imperfect. It may be well, therefore, to state the most extreme views
that appear to be at all admissible. Hagen[18] has recently stated the
opinion that each thoracic segment consists really of three segments
—an anterior or wing-bearer, a middle or leg-bearer, and a posterior
or stigma-bearer. There seems to be no reason for treating the
stigma as being at all of the nature of an appendage, and the theory
of a triple origin for these segments may be dismissed. There are,
however, several facts that indicate a duplicity in these somites,
among which we may specially mention the remarkable constancy of
two pleural pieces on each side of each thoracic segment. The
hypothesis of these rings being each the representative of two
segments cannot therefore be at present considered entirely
untenable, and in that case the maximum and minimum numbers
that can be suggested appear to be twenty-four and eleven,
distributed as follows:—

Maximum. Minimum.
Head 7 3
Thorax 6 3
Abdomen 11 5
— —
Total 24 11

Although it is not probable that ultimately so great a difference as

these figures indicate will be found to prevail, it is certainly at present
premature to say that all Insects are made up of the same number of
primary segments.

A brief account of the structure of the integument will be found in the

chapter dealing with the post-embryonic development.

The three great regions of the Insect body are functionally as well as
anatomically distinct. The head bears the most important of the
sense organs, viz. the antennae and ocular organs; it includes the
greater of the nerve-centres, and carries the mouth as well as the
appendages, the trophi, connected therewith. The thorax is chiefly
devoted to the organs of locomotion, bearing externally the wings
and legs, and including considerable masses of muscles, as well as
the nerve centres by which they are innervated; through the thorax
there pass, however, in the longitudinal direction, those structures by
which the unity of the organisation is completed, viz. the alimentary
canal, the dorsal vessel or "heart" for distributing the nutritive fluid,
and also the nerve cords. The abdomen includes the greater part of
the organs for carrying on the life of the individual and of the species;
it also frequently bears externally, at or near its termination,
appendages that are doubtless usually organs of sense of a tactile

In the lower forms of Insect life there is little or no actual internal

triple division of the body; but in the higher forms such separation
becomes wonderfully complete, so that the head may communicate
with the thorax only by a narrow isthmus, and the thorax with the
abdomen only by a very slender link. This arrangement is carried to
its greatest extreme in the Hymenoptera Aculeata. It may be looked
on as possibly a means for separating the nutrition of the parts
included in the three great body divisions.

Along each side of the body extends a series of orifices for the
admission of air, the stigmata or spiracles; there are none of these
on the head, but on each side of most of the other segments there is
one of these spiracles. This, however, is a rule subject to many
exceptions, and it is doubtful whether there is ever a spiracle on the
last abdominal segment. Even in the young stage of the Insect the
number of these stigmata is variable; while in the perfect Insect the
positions of some of the stigmata may be much modified
correlatively with the unequal development or consolidation of parts,
especially of the thorax when it is highly modified for bearing the

The segments of the Insect are not separate parts connected with
one another by joints and ligaments; the condition of the Insect crust
is in fact that of a continuous long sac, in which there are slight
constrictions giving rise to the segments, the interior of the sac being
always traversed from end to end by a tube, or rather by the
invaginated ends of the sac itself which connect with an included
second sac, the stomach. The more prominent or exposed parts of
the external sac are more or less hard, while the constricted parts
remain delicate, and thus the continuous bag comes to consist of a
series of more or less hard rings connected by more delicate
membranes. This condition is readily seen in distended larvae, and
is shown by our figure 48 which is taken from the same specimen,
whose portrait, drawn during life, will be given when we come to the
Coleoptera, family Cleridae. The nature of the concealed connexions
between the apparently separate segments of Insects is shown at m,
Fig. 47, p. 88.

Fig. 48—Tillus elongatus, fully distended larva.

As the number of segments in the adult Insect corresponds—except

in the head—with the number of divisions that appear very early in
the embryo, we conclude that the segmentation of the adult is, even
in Insects which change their form very greatly during growth, due to
the condition that existed in the embryo; but it must not be forgotten
that important secondary changes occur in the somites during the
growth and development of the individual. Hence in some cases
there appear to be more than the usual number of segments, e.g.
Cardiophorus larva, and in others the number of somites is
diminished by amalgamation, or by the extreme reduction in size of
some of the parts.

Besides the division of the body into consecutive segments, another

feature is usually conspicuous; the upper part, in many segments,
being differentiated from the lower and the two being connected
together by intervening parts in somewhat the same sort of way as
the segments themselves are connected. Such a differentiation is
never visible on the head, but may frequently be seen in the thorax,
and almost always in the abdomen. A dorsal and a ventral aspect
are thus separated, while the connecting bond on either side forms a
pleuron. By this differentiation a second form of symmetry is
introduced, for whereas there is but one upper and one lower aspect,
and the two do not correspond, there are two lateral and similar
areas. This bilateral symmetry is conspicuous in nearly all the
external parts of the body, and extends to most of the internal
organs. The pleura, or lateral regions of the sac, frequently remain
membranous when the dorsal and ventral aspects are hard. The
dorsal parts of the Insect's rings are also called by writers terga, or
nota, and the ventral parts sterna.

The appendages of the body are:—(1) a pair of antennae; (2) the

trophi, constituted by three pairs of mouth-parts; (3) three pairs of
legs; (4) the wings[19]; (5) abdominal appendages of various kinds,
but usually jointed. Before considering these in detail we shall do
well to make ourselves more fully acquainted with the elementary
details of the structure of the trunk.

In the adult Insect the integument or crust of the body is more or less
hard or shell-like, sometimes, indeed, very hard, and on examination
it will be seen that besides the divisions into segments and into
dorsal, ventral, and pleural regions, there are lines indicating the
existence of other divisions, and it will be found that by dissection
along these lines distinct pieces can be readily separated. Each hard
piece that can be so separated is called a sclerite, and the individual
sclerites of a segment have received names from entomotomists.
The sclerites are not really quite separate pieces, though we are in
the habit of speaking of them as if such were the case. If an Insect
be distended by pressure from the interior, many of the sclerites can
be forced apart, and it is then seen that they are connected by
delicate membrane. The structure is thus made up of hard parts
meeting one another along certain lines of union—sutures—so that
the original membranous continuity may be quite concealed. In many
Insects, or in parts of them, the sclerites do not come into apposition
by sutures, and are thus, as it were, islands of hard matter
surrounded by membrane. A brief consideration of some of the more
important sclerites is all that is necessary for our present purpose:
we will begin with the head.

Fig. 49.—Capsule of head of beetle, Harpalus caliginosus: A, upper; B,

under surface: a, clypeus; b, epicranium; c, protocranium; d, gula;
e, facetted eye; f, occipital foramen; g, submentum; h, cavity for
insertion of antenna.

The head is most variable in size and form; as a part of its surface is
occupied by the eyes and as these organs differ in shape, extent,
and position to a surprising degree, it is not a matter for
astonishment that it is almost impossible to agree as to terms for the
areas of the head. Of the sclerites of the head itself there are only
three that are sufficiently constant and definite to be worthy of
description here. These are the clypeus, the epicranium, and the
gula. The clypeus is situate on the upper surface of the head-
capsule, in front; it bears the labrum which may be briefly described
as a sort of flap forming an upper lip. The labrum is usually
possessed of some amount of mobility. The clypeus itself is
excessively variable in size and form, and sometimes cannot be
delimited owing to the obliteration of the suture of connexion with the
more posterior part of the head; it is rarely or never a paired piece.
Occasionally there is a more or less distinct piece interposed
between the clypeus and the labrum, and which is the source of
considerable difficulty, as it may be taken for the clypeus. Some
authors call the clypeus the epistome, but it is better to use this latter
term for the purpose of indicating the part that is immediately behind
the labrum, whether that part be the clypeus, or some other sclerite;
the term is very convenient in those cases where the structure
cannot be, or has not been, satisfactorily determined

In Figure 50 the parts usually visible on the anterior aspect of the

head and its appendages are shown so far as these latter can be
seen when the mouth is closed; in the case of the Insect here
represented the bases of the mandibles are clearly seen (g), while
their apical portions are entirely covered by the labrum, just below
the lower margin of which the tips of the maxillae are seen, looking
as if they were the continuations of the mandibles.

The labrum is a somewhat perplexing piece, morphologists being not

yet agreed as to its nature; it is usually placed quite on the front of
the head, and varies extremely in form; it is nearly always a single or
unpaired piece; the French morphologist Chatin considers that it is
really a paired structure.
Fig. 50.—Front view of head of field-cricket (Gryllus): a, epicranium; b,
compound eye; c, antenna; d, post-: e, ante-clypeus; f, labrum; g,
base of mandible; h, maxillary palpus; i, labial palpus; k, apex of

The gula (Fig. 49, B d, and Fig. 47, z) is a piece existing in the
middle longitudinally of the under-surface of the head; in front it
bears the mentum or the submentum, and extends backwards to the
great occipital foramen, but in some Insects the gula is in front very
distant from the edge of the buccal cavity. The epicranium forms the
larger part of the head, and is consequently most inconstant in size
and shape; it usually occupies the larger part of the upper-surface,
and is reflected to the under-surface to meet the gula. Sometimes a
transverse line exists (Fig. 49, A) dividing the epicranium into two
parts, the posterior of which has been called the protocranium;
which, however, is not a good term. The epicranium bears the
antennae; these organs do not come out between the epicranium
and the clypeus, the foramen for their insertion being seated entirely
in the epicranium (see Fig. 50). In some Insects there are traces of
the epicranium being divided longitudinally along the middle line.
When this part is much modified the antennae may appear to be
inserted on the lateral portions of the head, or even on its under-
side; this arises from extension of some part of the epicranium, as
shown in Fig. 49, B, where h, the cavity of insertion of the antenna,
appears to be situate on the under-surface of the epicranium, the
appearance being due to an infolding of an angle of the part.

There is always a gap in the back of the head for the passage of the
alimentary canal and other organs into the thorax; this opening is
called the occipital foramen. Various terms, such as frons, vertex,
occiput, temples, and cheeks, have been used for designating areas
of the head. The only one of these which is of importance is the
gena, and even this can only be defined as the anterior part of the
lateral portion of the head-capsule. An extended study of the
comparative anatomy of the head-capsule is still a desideratum in
entomology. The appendages of the head that are engaged in the
operations of feeding are frequently spoken of collectively as the
trophi, a term which includes the labrum as well as the true buccal

The appendages forming the parts of the mouth are paired, and
consist of the mandibles, the maxillae, and the labium, the pair in this
latter part being combined to form a single body. The buccal
appendages are frequently spoken of as gnathites. The gnathites are
some, if not all, of them composed of apparently numerous parts,
some of these being distinct sclerites, others membranous structures
which may be either bare or pubescent—that is, covered with
delicate short hair. In Insects the mouth functions in two quite
different ways, by biting or by sucking. The Insects that bite are
called Mandibulata, and those that suck Haustellata. In the
mandibulate Insects the composition of the gnathites is readily
comprehensible, so that in nearly the whole of the vast number of
species of that type the corresponding parts can be recognised with
something like certainty. This, however, is not the case with the
sucking Insects; in them the parts of the mouth are very different
indeed, so that in some cases morphologists are not agreed as to
what parts really correspond with some of the structures of the
Mandibulata. At present it will be sufficient for us to consider only the
mandibulate mouth, leaving the various forms of sucking mouth to be
discussed when we treat of the Orders of Haustellata in detail.

The upper or anterior pair of gnathites is the mandibles, (Fig. 50, g).
There is no part of the body that varies more than does the
mandible, even in the mandibulate Insects. It can scarcely be
detected in some, while in others, as in the male stag-beetle, it may
attain the length of the whole of the rest of the body; its form, too,
varies as much as its size; most usually, however, the pair of
mandibles are somewhat of the form of callipers, and are used for
biting, cutting, holding, or crushing purposes. The mandibles are
frequently armed with processes spoken of as teeth, but which must
not be in any way confounded with the teeth of Vertebrates. The only
Insects that possess an articulated tooth are the Passalidae, beetles
armed with a rather large mandible bearing a single mobile tooth
among others that are not so. Wood Mason and Chatin consider the
mandibles to be, morphologically, jointed appendages, and the latter
authority states that in the mandible of Embia he has been able to
distinguish the same elements as exist in the maxillae. In aculeate
Hymenoptera the mandibles are used to a considerable extent for
industrial purposes.

Fig. 51.—Mandibles, maxillae, and labium of Locusta viridissima: A,

mandibles; B, maxillae (lateral parts) and labium (middle parts)
united: a, cardo; b, stipes; c, palpiger; d, max. palp.; e, lacinia; f,
galea; g, submentum; h, mentum; i, palpiger; k, labial palpus; l,
ligula; m, paraglossa (galea); n, lacinia; o, lingua.

The maxilla is a complex organ consisting of numerous pieces, viz.

cardo, stipes, palpiger, galea, lacinia, palpus. The galea and lacinia
are frequently called the lobes of the maxilla. The maxilla no doubt
acts as a sense organ as well as a mechanical apparatus for
holding; this latter function being subordinate to the other. In Fig. 68,
p. 122, we have represented a complex maxillary sense-organ.

The labium or lower lip has as its basal portion the undivided
mentum, and closes the mouth beneath or behind, according as the
position of the head varies. In most Insects the labium appears very
different from the maxilla, but in many cases several of the parts

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