Democratic Interventions

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Lesson Objective:
To understand the
meaning and dimensions
of democracy

1. What is being shown in the pictures above?

2. Give a word that is opposite to what is depicted in the picture.
3. Is freedom an essential element of democracy? Support your answer.
4. “I can do anything that I want” is the true essence of democracy. Do you
agree with this? Support your answer
what is democracy?
Democracy is a form of government in which the supreme
power is vested in the people and exercised directly by
them or by their elected agents under free electoral
system or a state of society characterized by formal
equality of rights and privileges.
It originates from the Greek word demos, which means
“people”, and kratos, which means “strength or power.”
(kratein = “to rule”)
what is democratic
It is a set of principles and practices that guide how
people interact and work together every day to improve
their community and to create a more just society.
what is democratic
It is the empowerment of people to effectively involve
themselves in creating structures, designing policies and
programs that serves the interests of all. It requires
association with other people.
what is government
These are the ways in which government regulates or
interferes with various activities or decisions made by
individual or organizations with its jurisdiction. The
effects can either be positive or negative.
Fundamental 1 Rule of Law

elements of 2 Separation of Power

democracy 3 Basic Rights and Freedom

4 Suffrage

5 Freedom of speech

6 Pluralism
1. Rule of Law
This ensures the rights and freedom
of citizens are protected. All citizens
stand as equal in the eyes of the law.

The creation of laws, their

enforcement, and the relationships
among legal rules are themselves
legally regulated, so that no one—
including the most highly placed
official—is above the law.
2. separation of power
The Constitution is divided into
three branches of government:
(1) Executive, (2) Legislative, and
(3) Judiciary.

The principle presupposes

mutual respect among the
branches and calls for them to Congress
be left alone to discharge their
Supreme Court
duties as they see fit.
3. basic rights and freedom
Human Rights Civil Rights Political Rights

A right that A right that allows an

A right that is guarantees equal individual to
believed to belong social opportunity participate directly
justifiably to every and equal protection or indirectly in the
person. regardless of race or political activities of
personal the state
Ex: right to life, right characteristics
to be secure in one’s
Ex: right to vote, right
person Ex: right to property, to petition the
right to education, government
right to fair trial
This is a civil and political right. Every citizen,
within the recognized legal age, has the right to
participate in elections by casting a vote
regardless of sex, religion, political affiliation,
educational attainment, and socio-economic
status. Every one is entitled to one vote.
5. Freedom of speech
Every citizen is able to voice out their agreement,
disagreement, affirmations, criticisms, and any
proposal to their government
Any person has the right to articulate their
opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation,
censorship, or legal sanction.
6. pluralism
People are entitled to diverse beliefs and
opinions, which may result in creating
different organizations with varying thrust
and advocacies.
The Constitution embodies the fundamental laws of
the land from which all other laws should be in accord
with. The change in a provision of the constitution, such
as increasing the number of years of term of office of
the president, cannot be carried without the approval
of the people or general constituencies.
It is an electoral process for approving or rejecting a
change or amendment in the Constitution.

What are the two

types of

Representative Participatory
Also known as Indirect Democracy. It
is a political system where qualified
citizens exercise their political power
through representatives.
The exercise of sovereign power is
delegated to the representatives that
are elected. The citizens, allow these
representatives to make choices and
decisions on their behalf
It motivates individual citizens to
contribute to policy making, and
offers more opportunities to the
population to contribute to decision-
making through popular assemblies.
In the Philippines, one popular
demonstration of participatory
democracy was the EDSA People
Power of 1986.
why is it important
to participate in
importance of
participation in democracy
1. Democracy provides equality
and admission to opportunities
for all its citizen in the
importance of
participation in democracy
2. Checks and balances the
government to prevent possible
abuse of political power from
the officials.
importance of
participation in democracy
3. Allows citizens to influence
and suggest policies and laws
through plebiscite in selecting
delegates or representatives.
importance of
participation in democracy
4. Allows the popular majority
to oust a representative or a
politician who hold too much
power and abuses it.
importance of
participation in democracy
5. Promotes freedom where
citizen enjoy human rights,
allows people to engage the
business and innovations.
importance of
participation in democracy
6. Becomes competent, firm,
and stable when the state is
ruled with leaders who have
dedication and transparency.
importance of
participation in democracy
7. Provides political education
to the people telling them of
the state affairs.
importance of
participation in democracy
8. Upholds change since the
citizens have the opportunity to
participate in the involvement
in the government.

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