Understanding The Self

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GEC 1 – UNDERSTANDING THE SELF Module 1: Activity 1

Kurt Joshua E. Cabrillos - BTVTED- Auto 1-A

Comparison Matrix of the Different Philosophical Perspectives about Self
Complete the matrix below by writing the words/phrases/short sentences that
represent the different philosophical ideas of the philosophers we have discussed in our
lesson on the appropriate columns.

Philosopher View/Definition/Description Divisions of Other remarkable ideas

of Self Self about self
Socrates According to him, the true He believed that Living a life without
task of the philosopher is to every man is knowing your “self”, your
“know oneself” composed of “purpose”, your nature of
“body” an being, is “sleepwalking”
imperfect, individuals exists, but
impermanent there is no life or
aspect and meaning in their
“soul”- a perfect existence.
and permanent
aspect. Every
human person
is Dualistic.
Plato He is Socrates’ student that The soul These three components
supported Dualism, but (psyche in of the soul, working in
focuses on the harmony of Greek) has harmony to achieve the
the three components of three elements: ideal state. Plato called
soul. the rational soul, this giving justice to your
spirited soul, human person.
and the
appetitive soul
St. Augustine According to him, the goal of The self is He believed that
every human person is to divided into two: happiness exists only in
attain communion and bliss “Body”, and God’s love.
with God by living his life on “Soul”
earth in virtue.
St. Aquinas He is a Christian Priest with There are two we don't encounter
introduces Christian categories of ourselves as isolated
Doctrines with philosophical things: Matter minds or selves, but
ideas in understanding the ( hyle ), rather always as agents
self. Form( morphe) interacting with our


Sibalom, Antique
GEC 1 – UNDERSTANDING THE SELF Module 1: Activity 1
Kurt Joshua E. Cabrillos - BTVTED- Auto 1-A
Rene He is the “Father of Modern Hos famous line The essence of existing
Descartes Philosophy”. is cognito, ergo as a human identity is the
sum which possibility of being aware
literally means “ of ourselves.
I think, therefore
I am”.
John Locke A British philosopher and Famous in his Consciousness is being
physician that holds the idea tabula rasa aware that one is
that personal identity (the (literally means thinking. Additionally,
self) is a matter of blank state) according to him, the
phycological continuity. theory of mind. concept about oneself
that evolves over the
course of an individual’s
David Hume the self is “that to which our Emotions and Hume also claims
several impressions and sensations occur that we never directly
ideas are supposed to have a few at a time, apprehend the self.
a reference… If any ever changing, Unlike Descartes, he
impression gives rise to the and never all exist concludes from this that
idea of self, that impression there is no substantial
equally all at
must continue invariably the self. In a famous
same through the whole passage, Hume uses
course of our lives, since self introspective awareness
is supposed to exist after to show that the self is a
that manner. non-substantial “bundle”
of perceptions.
Immanuel The self for Kant According to the foundation of Kant's
is something real, and yet is
Kant him, we humans system is the doctrine of
neither appearance nor thing
in itself, but rather has some have both an “transcendental
third status. Appearances for
inner and an idealism,” which
Kant arise in space and time
where these are respectively outer self which emphasizes a distinction
forms of outer and inner
unify to give us between what we can
attending (intuition).
consciousness. experience (the natural,
The inner self is observable world) and
comprised of what we cannot
our (“supersensible” objects
psychological such as God and the
Sibalom, Antique
GEC 1 – UNDERSTANDING THE SELF Module 1: Activity 1
Kurt Joshua E. Cabrillos - BTVTED- Auto 1-A
state and our soul). Kant argued that
rational intellect. we can only have
The outer self knowledge of things we
includes our can experience.
sense and the
physical world.
Gilbert Ryle The self is the way people Arguing that the Gilbert Ryle believes that
behave”. The self is basically mind does not the self is fundamentally
our behavior. This concept exist and defined by our actions.

provided the philosophical therefore can't Because the body exists in

principle, “I act therefore I be the seat of the physical world

am”. In short, the self is the self, Ryle alongside other physical

same as bodily behavior. believed things, it is possible to

make observation and
that self comes
measurement to
from behavior.
characterize the body’s
We're all just a
bundle of
caused by the
workings of the
Maurice The Self is An Embodied Maurice Maurice Merleau-
Merleau- Subjectivity •Our self is a Merleau-Ponty Ponty'sphenomenolo
Ponty product of our conscious believed the
gical philosophy
human experience. The physical body to
suggests the search
definition of self is all about be an important
for the self and
one's perception of one's part of what
experience and the makes up the consciousness need
interpretation of those subjective self. not be focused on
experiences. This concept the space within our
stands in skulls. Instead, we
contradiction to
should turn our
rationalism and
attention to the
Rationalism lived body.

asserts that
Sibalom, Antique
GEC 1 – UNDERSTANDING THE SELF Module 1: Activity 1
Kurt Joshua E. Cabrillos - BTVTED- Auto 1-A
reason and
rather than
physical senses
and experience,
are the basis of
knowledge and
Patricia Churchland's central the division Since brain damage
between the
Churchland argument is that the alters a person's
"mind" and the
concepts and theoretical "body" is a personality, Churchland
product of
vocabulary that people use asserts that the concept
to think about the selves thinking. The of self originates in the
self is
using such terms as belief, physical brain, not an
experienced as
desire, fear, sensation, pain, a unity in which invented mind. Adding to
the mental and
joy actually misrepresent the this, Churchland
physical are
reality of minds and selves. seamlessly espouses that the idea of
woven together
she claims that the self is a the mind is incongruent
product of brain activity. with the theory of


Sibalom, Antique

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