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Bureau of Reclamation

Reclamation Service Center

Ice Strength as a
Function of Hydrostatic
Pressure and Temperature
A n a to ly M, Fish a n d Yuri K, Zaretsky O c to b e r 1997

Tj = y j 2

p=— , Hydrostatic Pressure

Abstract: A temperature model has been developed fundamental parameters, ice cohesion, internal friction
that describes the ice strength in a multiaxial stress angle, and ice melting pressure, which all have a
state over a wide spectrum of negative temperatures. definite physical meaning and are functions of
The model takes into account the anomalous behavior temperature. The model has been verified using test
of ice under high hydrostatic pressure, when its strength data on the strength of iceberg ice and laboratory-
reaches a maximum, and then gradually decreases made polycrystalline freshwater ice under triaxial
with the pressure increase. It has been shown that compression at strain rates between 10 3 and 10-5 s_1
strength of ice under high hydrostatic pressure is de­ over the tem perature range between - 1 ° and
scribed by a parabolic yield criterion with only three -4 0 °C .

Cover: Strength envelopes of ice at various temperatures: c, <|), f f , and T are the ice cohesion, friction angle, ice
melting pressure, and absolute temperature, respectively.

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CRREL Report 97-6

US Army Corps
of Engineers®
Cold Regions Research &
Engineering Laboratory

Ice Strength as a
Function of Hydrostatic
Pressure and Temperature
A n a to ly M. Fish a n d Yuri K. Zaretsky O c to b e r 1997



Prepared for

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.


This report was prepared by Dr. Anatoly M. Fish, Research Civil Engineer, of
the Civil Engineering Research Division, Research and Engineering Directorate,
U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory; and Dr. Yuri K.
Zaretsky, Director, Institute of Geomechanics and Hydrostructures, Moscow,
Russia. Funding of this research was provided by DA Project 4A762784AT42, Cold
Regions Engineering Technology, Work Package 201, Conventional Facilities in Cold
Regions, Work Unit CA-D13, Geotechnical Structures in Cold Regions.
The authors extend their appreciation to Dr. Devinder Sodhi, Dr. Patrick Black,
and Dr. Stephen Ketcham of CRREL for technical review of this report and their
valuable comments.
The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising or promotional
purposes. Citation of brand names does not constitute an official endorsement or
approval of the use of such commercial products.

Preface........................ ii
Nomenclature....................................................................................................... iv
Introduction.......................................................................................................... 1
Strain rate effect................................................................................................... 3
Effect of hydrostatic pressure............................................................................ 4
Temperature effect............................................................................................... 5
Ice melting pressure....................................................................................... 5
Ice cohesion..................................................................................................... 5
Angle of internal friction............................................................................... 6
Temperature criteria of ice strength................................................................ 6
Test data ........................................... 7
Parameter evaluation.......................................................................................... 8
Ice cohesion........................................................................... 9
Angle of internal friction.................................................................................... 10
Strength predictions.............. 11
Summary and conclusions................................................................................. 13
Literature cited..................................................................................................... 13
Abstract ............................................................................................................... 15


1. Strength envelopes of ice at various temperatures........................... 2
2. Temperature diagrams of the strength parametersof ice ................. 6
3 Strength test data of ice under triaxial compression........................ 7
4. Temperature dependencies of the strength parameters of ic e ........ 8
5. Determination of parameters cQand a ................... 9
6. Determination of parameters bQand (3............................................... 9
7. Angle of internal friction of ice as a function of temperature......... 10
8. Strength of ice as a function of temperature and confining
pressure................................................................................................ 11
9. Predicted and test magnitudes of ice strength under triaxial
compression at various temperatures............................................ 12
10. Strength of ice in the range of high hydrostatic pressures at
e = 5 x 10-3 s“1....................................................................................... 12


1. Strength parameters of ice at various temperatures......................... 8
2. Strength predictions of Labrador iceberg ice..................................... 11


A ice melting coefficient

B flow equation parameter
b = tan <|), internal friction parameter
K internal friction parameter at freezing
h component of the internal friction parameter at T < T m
c material constant
c ice cohesion
co ice cohesion at freezing
c\ component of ice cohesion at T < T m
à grain diameter
E activation energy
h Planck's constant
h2 negative hydrostatic pressure at which the ice shear strength equals zero
h first invariant of the stress tensor
h second invariant of the stress deviator
k Boltzmann's constant
m specific heat of melting of the unit mass
n strain hardening parameter
V hydrostatic pressure
P* ice melting pressure
R gas constant
S£, Ss unit mass entropy of the liquid and solid state, respectively
T absolute temperature
ice melting temperature
to failure time at strain rate, = Yi0
VfrVs unit mass volume of the material in the liquid and solid state, respectively
a empirical parameter of the cohesion
P, Pi parameters of the internal friction angle
Ÿi octahedral strain rate
Yio octahedral (referenced) strain rate
Yi octahedral strain
Yio octahedral (referenced) strain
8 axial strain
axial (referenced) strain
t= ¿1 axial strain rate
¿o axial strain rate (referenced)
viscosity coefficient
0 temperature, Celsius
°*max hydrostatic pressure at which the shear strength of ice reaches a maxi­
mum value
a l,2,3 principal stress
Ti octahedral shear stress (strength)
^max maximum shear stress (strength)
internal friction angle
^1 component of internal friction angle at T < T m
internal friction angle at freezing
CO parameter of the internal friction angle at T < Tm

Ice Strength as a Function of
Hydrostatic Pressure and Temperature

INTRODUCTION performed by Jones (1978,1982). The studies, car­

ried out over a wide range of constant strain rates
Studies of ice strength in the second half of this and confining pressures, revealed the anomalous
century have attracted efforts of a number of re­ behavior of ice when its shear strength (at a cer­
searchers. Their attention has been focused on tain magnitude of confining pressure) reaches a
investigation of ice strength as a function of the maximum attributable to melting of ice, and then
strain rate, temperature, grain size, and other fac­ gradually decreases with the pressure increase.
tors mainly in simple stress-strain state, uniaxial Jones showed that the ice strength is a nonlinear
compression. During the last two decades, how­ (power) function of the axial (constant) strain rate
ever, the attention of researchers was shifted to (see eq lc below). Further experimental studies
investigation of the mechanical behavior of ice, with various types of ice revealed effects of tem­
particularly the strength of ice, in a complex stress- perature, salinity, structure, and other factors on
strain state such as triaxial compression. the ice strength (Hausler 1983, Nadreau and
In a general case, strength of ice in a multiaxial Michel 1986, Richter-Menge et al. 1986, Timeo and
stress state, when other conditions (the type of Frederking 1986, Nadreau et al. 1991, Rist and
ice, its structure, the grain size, etc.) are equal, can Murrell 1994, Gagnon and Gammon 1995, Weiss
be presented as and Schulson 1995 and others).
At the same time mathematical models were
< = <(Yi/P/T) (1) also developed. Thus, Reinicke and Ralston (1977)
where i* = = = octahedral (peak) shear and Hausler (1986) applied a parabolic equation
stress of Smith (1974), developed originally for rocks, to
J2 = second invariant of the stress devia­ describe the strength dependency of ice upon the
tor hydrostatic pressure (in our notation):
Yj = octahedral constant shear strain rate (la)
p = I\/3 = hydrostatic pressure
Ii = first invariant of the stress tensor The absolute magnitudes and the physical mean­
T = ice temperature, K. ing of the parameters in the Smith equation have
not been defined.
The first studies of the effect of low confining Nadreau proposed a model (Nadreau and
pressure on creep strength of ice under triaxial Michel 1986) that described the nonlinear depen­
(o2 = a3) compression were carried out by Sayles dency of ice strength on confining pressure (a2 =
(1974). The studies showed that the ice strength is o3) by means of a third-order polynominal func­
a nonlinear function of the confining pressure. tion with four phenomenological parameters, to
More detailed investigations of the effect of the be determined from a series of triaxial tests of ice
strain rate and high confining pressures on the ice at different strain rates, and the principal param­
strength under triaxial (o2 = o3) compression were eter—the ice melting pressure p*. This pressure
was suggested to be determined either from the
ice state diagram or to be calculated by an empiri­
* Denotes failure stress cal equation.
In the model of Fish (1991,1992,1993) the rela­ in which the temperature variations of the ice
tionship strength are characterized by only one param­
eter—the activation energy. The apparent activa­
Ti =Ti(P'Yi); T = Const (lb) tion energy magnitudes were found as E = 69 kj
mol-1 in the temperature range between -20° and
was described by a product of two functions: 1) a -40°C (Rist and Murrell 1994), and E = 101 kj
parabolic function—extended by Fish (1991) the mol-1 in the temperature range between -1° and
Drucker-Prager yield criterion, and 2) a normal­ -16°C (Gagnon and Gammon 1995). The higher
ized (dimensionless) power function of the strain activation energy magnitudes were explained by
rate. The yield criterion describes the strength grain-boundary softening associated with the pres­
dependency of ice on the hydrostatic pressure by ence of liquid on grain boundaries.
means of three parameters: the cohesion c, the Equation lc implies that the nonlinear (with
friction angle <|>and the magnitude of the hydro­ regard to stress) viscosity coefficient of ice,
static pressure amax, at which the shear strength
of ice reaches a maximum t max, related to the ice r|(T) = 1/B exp(E/RT) ,
melting pressure p* (Fig. 1). The model described
Jones' (1982) test data well. It was shown that the is independent of the hydrostatic pressure. In other
ice cohesion and the friction angle are functions words, ice is assumed to be incompressible.
of the strain rate. It has been shown earlier (Fish 1991) that the
The temperature effect on ice strength under ice strength in a multiaxial stress state is charac­
triaxial compression was studied by Rist and terized by two or more temperature-dependent
Murrell (1994) and Gagnon and Gammon (1995) parameters that can affect the magnitude of the
using the Arrhenius-type (Norton-Glen) equation, apparent activation energy: the ice cohesion, the
friction angle, and the hydrostatic pressure. So
e = Bexp(-E/RT)xf (lc) the predicted values of the ice strength, calcu­
lated by eq lc, may deviate considerably from
where è axial (constant) strain rate those obtained in the tests.
B empirical parameter A mathematical model (Zaretsky and Fish
E activation energy 1996a, 1996b) takes into account the effect of all
R universal gas constant three variables in eq 1. The ice strength is de­
T absolute temperature, K scribed by three parameters: the ice cohesion, fric­
n 4 = strain hardening parameter (Jones tion angle and ice melting pressure. The ice cohe­
1982), sion and the friction parameter are assumed to be

p = ~ , Hydrostatic Pressure

Figure 1. Strength envelopes of ice at various temperatures: c, <|>,p*, and T are the ice cohesion,
friction angle, ice melting pressure, and absolute temperature, respectively.
proportional to temperature. It has been shown the hydrostatic pressure is, the greater the viscos­
that the hydrostatic pressure being applied to ice ity coefficient, the lower the strain rate of ice, and
decreases its melting temperature and thus its the higher the ice strength will be. For p > omax the
strength under triaxial compression. higher the hydrostatic pressure is, the smaller the
In the present report a different approach has viscosity coefficient, the higher the strain rate,
been undertaken. The authors considered the ice and the lower the ice strength will be. This is
strength as a function of two variables: the hydro­ confirmed well by test data (Jones 1982, Jones and
static pressure and temperature, i.e., Chew 1983).
Equation 2 can be rewritten in terms of maxi­
Ti = Ti { P ' T ) ; Yi = Const. (Id) mum (peak) shear strength t - = and presented
as a product of two independent functions: a yield
At a constant strain rate the strength of ice in a
function Tio(p) and a nondimensional function
multiaxial stress state is described by the para­
<D(Ÿi) of the constant strain rate
bolic yield criterion with three parameters: the
cohesion, and the friction angle, which are differ­
*i(p>Yi) = 'tio(p)<I>(yi) • (2a)
ent nonlinear functions of temperature, and the
ice melting pressure. Then a strength criterion of
Function <J>(Ÿj) has been selected in its simplest
ice, which takes into account the combined effect form:
of all three variables in eq 1, the strain rate, hy­
drostatic pressure and temperature, is obtained
by combining eq lb and Id.
fi.,11^0t W» Yi
®(Ÿi): (3 )
v no y ioy
where ÿj = applied octahedral constant shear
Yio = Yio / ¿o = instantaneous (referenced)
A constitutive equation for steady-state creep octahedral shear strain rate
of homogeneous and isotropic ice in a multiaxial instantaneous octahedral shear strain
stress state at constant strain rate and constant Yio = C —
n = dimensionless parameter; for poly­
temperature takes the following form (Fish 1991, crystalline ice, n ~ 4 (Jones 1982)
1992, 1993): temperature-dependent time to fail­
ure, i.e., the time interval between
( \
c *i the initiation of the test conducted at
(2 ) Yi = Yio and the moment when the
to <Tio )
ice strength reaches a maximum
It should be emphasized that eq 2 is fundamentally (peak) value.
different from the Norton-Glen power flow law
(eq lc), although it contains a power function of The temperature dependency of tQ is given by
stress with exponent n.
In contrast to eq lc parameters C and tQin eq 2
have a definite physical meaning, and the denomi­
nator of the stress function is a temperature-de­
pendent yield criterion (eq 5 below). This yield where E = activation energy
criterion, which is a function of the first invariant R = gas constant
of the stress tensor and temperature, relates the h = Planck's constant
minimum shear strain rate and the shear stress in k - Boltzmann's constant.
the whole spectrum of hydrostatic pressures (mean
normal stresses). In eq 3 the "instantaneous" (referenced) octahe­
Equation 2 implies that the nonlinear viscosity dral strain rate Yj0 is defined as a strain rate at
coefficient of ice which the shear strength of ice reaches a maxi­
mum value, separating two different modes of
no<p,T) = t0x i / c failure: the brittle mode dominated by the cleavage
mechanism of failure and the ductile mode domi­
is a function of the hydrostatic pressure and tem­ nated by the shear mechanism. At strain rates
perature. For p < omax one can see that the higher ( Yi > Yio) ^ e ice strength either decreases (Gagnon

and Gammon 1995) or remains unchanged (Jones 1
1982). Apparently, the magnitude of the instanta­ Ti = (0i - o 2)2 +( o 2 - o 3)2
neous strain rate depends on the type of ice, its 46
structure and other factors and varies between 1/ 2

10"1 and 10-3 s-1. Since the magnitude of ice

+ (o i - 0 3)2
strength is greatly affected by the strain rate, se­ = octahedral shear stress (resultant)
lection of an adequate value of this referenced amax = magnitude of the hydrostatic pres­
strain rate is extremely important for an accurate sure at which the shear strength
prediction of the ice strength at lower strain rates. reaches a maximum
In experimental studies of ice under triaxial
(biaxial) compression, the radial strains are as­ ^max (6 )
sumed to be small and are usually ignored. In this
case eq 3 can be replaced by ^max
1/n 1In
to] r e ^
<&(Yi) = <&(£) = (3a) p* = ice melting pressure at which the
'o J 4o ) shear strength of ice equals to zero.
where £ = axial strain rate Subscript (o) at Tio in eq 5 indicates that param­
e0 , e0 = instantaneous (referenced) axial strain eters c and b are referred to the instantaneous
rate and strain respectively. condition when the applied strain rate is equal to
to = e 0 / ¿ o = given by eq 4. the instantaneous strain rate.
Note that the yield curve may also intersect the
Thus, the strain rate function varies in the limits hydrostatic axis in the domain of the negative
hydrostatic pressures (-p) at point h2 (not shown
l > O ( y i) = O(e)>0. in Fig. 1), the abscissa of which is equal to
The effect of the strain rate on the strength of ice
can be excluded from consideration by selecting h2 = — — •
1 + —p* (8)
the strength test data of ice corresponding to
0(e) = l. Equation 5 can be considered an extended Von
Mises-Drucker-Prager yield criterion. At low
stress level p « omax the third term in the right
EFFECT OF HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE side of eq 5 approaches zero and eq 5 transforms
into the Drucker-Prager (1952) (extended Von
When applied strain rate is equal to the instan­ Mises) yield criterion:
taneous strain rate = yio or e = ¿0, in eq 2a and
3a, 0 (y io) = 0 (e 0) = 1, and the strength depen­ ^io = c + bp. (9)
dency of ice upon the hydrostatic pressure is de­
For frictionless materials (b = 0) eq 5 reduces to
scribed by the parabolic yield criterion (Fish 1991)
the Von Mises yield criterion
depicted in Figure 1,
Tio = C . (10)
tio (P) = c + bp- (5 )
20r Thus, in a multiaxial stress state, the strength
of ice as well as its strength characteristics are
functions of only three parameters: p*, c and b
*io (p) = (c + bp)-(c + bp*) which all have a definite physical meaning and are
easily determined from test data. Studies show
that all these parameters are functions of tem­
where c = ice cohesion on the octahedral plane perature, i.e.,
b = tan <|>, where <|>is the angle of internal
friction of ice on the octahedral plane p* = p* (T), c = c(T), b = b(T) .
V ~ (°i + a 2 + a 3)/3 = hydrostatic pres­ Consequently, the shear strength of ice as well as
sure (mean normal stress) the strength characteristics of ice are also func­
Gi , 02'c 3 = principal stresses, tions of temperature:

*io = * i o ( n ^max = ^m axCO' drostatic pressure p* at which the shear resistance
of ice equals zero, i.e.,
^m ax = ^ m a x (^ )/ ^ 2 = ^2(^)*
Tm+Q = Tm~Ap* (13)
Thus, if a series of strength tests of ice is carried
out at a constant strain rate instead of one yield and
curve, one obtains a family of curves for various
temperatures (Fig. 1). It should be emphasized p** = —
y A
that parameters c, b and xmax are also strain-rate
dependent, while parameters omax, p* and h2 are where 0 = ice temperature (°C) and Tm = 273.1 K
independent of the strain rate (Fish 1992,1993). is the ice melting temperature at the atmospheric
pressure. Note that the ice melting pressure is
unrelated to the grain size or the structure of ice.
TEMPERATURE EFFECT The magnitudes of ice melting pressures p* for
various temperatures are presented in Table 1.
Ice melting pressure
It is well known that the ice melting tempera­ Ice cohesion
ture, as well as the melting temperature of other The ice cohesion defines the ice strength when
crystalline materials, is a function of the hydro­ the hydrostatic pressure p = 0. Ice strength is a
static pressure. This pressure can be determined stochastic event, a culmination point of failure of
(Zaretsky and Fish 1996a) from the Clapeyron intermolecular bonds and growth of cracks. A cer­
equation, according to which a small change in tain number of these bonds in the unit volume of
the equilibrious melting temperature of a solid ice are formed during freezing of water at tem­
ATm attributable to a small change in the hydro­ perature 0°C. Further temperature decrease brings
static pressure Ap can be calculated from the rela­ about formation of new bonds, attributable to
tionship freezing of the liquid phase on grain boundaries,
and a sharp increase of the ice strength (cohe­
^ V£ - V S J T V£ - V S J sion). Thus, one may conclude that the ice cohe­
dTm = g c dp = Tm -S-— §-dp (U)
b£ ~ bs Lm V 7 sion is a function of temperature and consists of a
sum of two components:
whereV£ and Vs = unit mass volume of the ma­
terial in the liquid and in the c(T) = c0 + c 1(T) (15)
solid state, respectively
where cQ is the component of the ice cohesion
S£ and Ss = unit mass entropy of the liq­
brought about at the time of ice formation at 0°C
uid and of the solid state, re­
and ca(T) is the temperature-dependent compo­
nent of the cohesion brought about by freezing of
Lm = specific heat of melting of the
liquid phase at temperature below 0°C.
unit mass.
Since the physical nature of cQ and cx is the
Since at melting the volume V£ < Vs,dTm < 0, i.e., same, and taking into account that at temperature
T = Tm, c1 = 0, the temperature dependency of
the equilibrious melting temperature of ice Tm
component q can be presented in the form
decreases as well,

dTm = -Adp . (12) c1(T) = c0o ( l - T / T m) (16)

Thus, for ice when p = 0, Tm = 273.1 K, Vt - 10“3 where a is a parameter. Combining eq 15 and 16
m3 kg“1, Vs = 1.09 x 10“3 m3 kg“1, Lm = 3.336 x 105
J kg”1, and parameter A for ice at temperature c(T) = c0[l + o ( l - T / T m)]. (17)
0 = 0°C is equal to
Equation 17 establishes a linear dependency of
A = 0.074 K/M Pa. the ice cohesion upon temperature. Test data show
that such a relationship is valid in the domain of
The magnitude of parameter A coincides with relatively low temperatures below -20°C. In the
that calculated by Barnes et al. (1971). It is not range of moderate temperature, this relation­
difficult at this point to calculate the critical hy­ ship becomes nonlinear and somewhat better

b(T) = b0 +b1(T) (19)

where bQ= tan (|)0 and (|)0 is the angle of internal

friction of ice brought about at the time of ice
formation at 0°C; b1(T) = tan fa (T), and fa (T) is
a (1 - T/Tm) the angle of internal friction attributable to the
O increased viscosity of the liquid phase (lubricant)
at grain boundaries at temperatures below 0°C.
One may assume that the component b^T) is
proportional to bQand to the temperature melting
function, i.e.,

MT) = fc0|3(l-77Tm) (20)

T, Temperature (K)
a. Ice cohesion, c(T). where pis a parameter. Combining eq 19 and 20

b(T) = b0[l + $ ( l - T / T mj\. (21)

To simplify the parameter evaluation procedure,

eq 21 can approximately be presented in the form

b(T) = b0e W -T /T n>y (22)

b(Q) = b0 e ^ l0|V (22a)

where p1 = p /T ^* It was found that v = V 2 is in

agreement with test data.
T, Temperature (K) At freezing when
b. Friction parameter b(T).
T = Tm = 273.1K (0°C) ; b(0) = bQ
Figure 2. Temperature diagrams o f the
strength parameters o f ice. at the absolute zero

T = 0 (-273.1°C); b* = b0eV.
described by
The temperature diagram of parameter b(T) is
c(T) = c0e ^ ~ T^ (18) given in Figure 2b. Note that at very low tem­
or peratures certain adjustments of eq 15 through 22
c(0) = coeal0l/Tm (18a) will probably be required.

in which jll = 1 and 10 1= (Tm - T ) is ice tempera­

Equations 18 and 18a can be considered ap­ OF ICE STRENGTH
proximate forms of eq 17. Note that at freezing
Since temperature dependencies of the ice
T = Tm =273.1 K (0°C) ; c(0) = co strength parameters have been established, eq Id
when taking into account eq 5 can be presented in an
explicit form
T = 0 (-273.1°C) ; c* = c0ea .
z io(p,T) = c(T) + b (T ) p - b(T) V2 (23)
The temperature diagram of parameter c is shown 2amax(T) v '
in Figure 2a.
in which c(T), b(T) and a max(T) are given by eq 7
Angle of internal friction and 14 through eq 22a. Equation 23 is a tempera­
The parameter of internal friction of ice b(T) ture criterion of ice strength in a multiaxial stress
can also be presented as a sum of two components: state. To take into account the strain rate effect, eq

23 should be combined with eq 2a through 4. TEST DATA
Then eq 1 can be written as
The validity of the temperature dependencies
*i(p,e,T ) = Tio(p,T)0(e) of the strength parameters of ice presented above
if • \l/n (24) was verified using test data of Gagnon and
^c(T) + b(T)p - - HT) Gammon (1995). The triaxial (g 2 = o3) compres­
2 o max(7’) sion tests were carried out using cylindrical speci­
mens of Labrador iceberg ice, 9.58 cm in diameter
In the range of the hydrostatic pressures p « and 26 cm long. Mean grain diameter d ~ 8.1 mm.
omax/ eq 24 takes the form The test temperature varied between -1°C and
-16°C. The tests were conducted at constant axial
e ^1/n strain rates between 10“2 and 10“5 s“1. Test data
xl(p,e,T) = [c(T) + b(T)p] (25)
corresponding to the strain rate ¿O~ 5 x l0 -3s-1
were selected in the following analysis to evalu­
when p = 0 (pure shear) ate the strength parameters of ice. This strain rate
was defined by the authors of this report as the
^ e• ^1/ n
x •(e, T) = c (e, T) = c (T) instantaneous strain rate because the test strength
V8oy magnitudes at this rate reached their maximum
Accordingly values. The tests were carried out at four different
confining pressures: 1.38,3.45,6.89 and 13.79 MPa.
• A1 / n The test data replotted by the authors of this re­
b(z,T) = b(T) (25a) port in terms of the shear strength %i = (c^ - o3) / V3
vs. the hydrostatic pressure p = (g i + g 2 + ct3)/3
where parameters c(T) and b(T) are correspond­ are presented in Figure 3. Note that each point in
ing to the strain rate e = e0. Figure 3 represents the mean of five tests.
If the radial strain rates are taken into account In Figure 3 for comparison tests, data are pre­
function O(e) in eq 24, 25 and 26 should be re­ sented on triaxial compression of freshwater poly­
placed by function O(y). crystalline ice obtained by Jones (1982). The ran-

Figure 3. Strength test data of ice under triaxial compression. Data from Gagnon
and Gammon (1995) and Jones (1982).

domly oriented laboratory-made ice Table 1. Strength parameters of ice at various temperatures*.
samples were 20 mm in diameter and 60
mm long with mean grain diameter less e°c c (MPa) b ~p (MPa) ^max (MPa) p *(MPa)

than 1 mm. The test data selected for ^0 12.93+ 0.241 14 245.87 43.52 540.54
comparison refer to the axial constant -16 9.43 0.125 7 80.15 14.44 216.22
-11.8 8.14 0.106 6 53.81 10.99 159.46
strain rate è = 5.4 x 10“3 s“1. The test tem­
-11 7.91 0.103 6 49.0 10.43 148.65
perature was -11.8 ± 0.9°C. The confin­ -6 6.63 0.08 4°30' 20.05 7.43 81.08
ing pressure (o? = a 0 varied between ~5 -1 5.56 0.053 3 (4-79)" (5.69)" (36.85)**
and - 85 MPa. 0 5.37++ 0.04++ 2++
In Figure 10 (below), results of triaxial * Data in this table for strain rate e » 5 x 10~
constant strain rate compression tests + Calculated by eq 17.
are presented of freshwater, randomly ** From the best fit of eq 5.
oriented, polycrystalline ice carried out ++ At freezing.
by Rist and Murrell (1994). In these tests
laboratory-made samples of ice were 40 mm in are indeed nonlinear and can be described by eq
diameter and 100 mm long. Mean grain diameter 18a and 22a. The evaluation procedures of pa­
was ~ 1.7 mm. The tests were conducted at con­ rameters that enter these equations are shown in
stant strain rates from 10-2 to 10”5 s-1; the test Figures 5 and 6. It was found that for the Labra­
temperatures varied between -20° and -45°C. The dor iceberg ice
data selected for this analysis are referred to as
the axial strain rate, è ~ 10-3 s_1. c0 = 5.37 MPa 0.04

a = 9.61 (3 = 4.69.

Temperature variations of ice strength in a mul- Using these parameters, we calculated the magni­
tiaxial stress state were shown to be defined by tudes of the ice cohesion c(0), the friction param­
three temperature-dependent parameters: the ice eter £?(0) and the friction angle <|)(0) by eq 18a and
melting pressure p(T), ice cohesion c(T) and fric­ 22a (Table 1). The magnitudes of amax(0) and
tion parameter b(T). The magnitudes of
the ice melting pressure p(T) were cal­
culated by eq 14 for the test tempera­
tures and are included in Table 1. The
magnitudes of p* for 0 = -11.8°C was
found to be in agreement with p* = 123.7
MPa obtained earlier (Fish 1991) from
the analysis of Jones' data and with that
calculated by an empirical equation of
Hallam and Nadreau (1988).
The temperature dependencies of pa­
rameters c(0) and b(0) can be determined
based upon the considerations that in
the range of low hydrostatic pressures p
« omax (test pressures in Fig. 3). As a
first approximation, eq 5 can be replaced
by eq 9. Then, the slopes of the straight
lines and their intersects with the ordi­
nate axis obtained by a regression analy­
sis of the test data define the magni­
tudes of friction parameter b(Q) and
cohesion c(0) for corresponding tem­
peratures. The results of the analysis are
presented in Figure 4.
One can see in Figure 4 that tempera­ Figure 4. Temperature dependencies of the strength parameters of
ture dependencies of parameters c and b ice. Data from Gagnon and Gammon (1995) and Jones (1982).

al. (1991) reported that for 0 = -10°C and for the
sliding velocity of 10"3 m s-1, pc ~ 0.13. In Table 1
we found that for -10°C, b = 0.098 that is in agree­
ment with the test data.
Comparing parameter bQwith the kinetic dry
friction coefficient jiid of ice on ice is particularly
interesting. Since the latter is temperature-depen­
dent, the comparison should be made for a low
ice temperature when the effect of the liquid phase
(lubricant) is minimal. Thus, from Casassa et al.
(1991) we find that for 0 = -35°C, pd = 0.019,
which is in correlation with bQ = 0.04 obtained
above. Obviously a more accurate comparison
would require certain adjustments of both pa­
rameters to account for the differences in the test
Note that a seeming contradiction may arise
when one compares the ice strength values in
Figure 5. Determination o f parameters cQand a . Table 1 with eq 5a. From Table 1 it follows that ice
possesses a certain strength at 0°C. On the other
hand, from a comparison of eq 5a and 14 one
concludes that the shear strength of ice at this
0 4 8 12 16 20 temperature should be zero. Such a contradiction
arises from a peculiar property of ice: ice is formed
and melts at the same temperature, 0°C. This con­
tradiction is easily eliminated when one remem­
bers that melting of ice (in accordance with eq 5a)
will take place over a certain time.


Ice cohesion is the principal strength param­

eter of ice; therefore, it is important to examine
the relationship of ice cohesion with the other
physical characteristics of ice, such as the grain
size, ice structure, etc. Although we have limited
information on the effects of these factors on the
behavior of ice under triaxial compression, some
Figure 6. Determination o f parameters b 0 and (5. preliminary conclusions can still be made. Note,
in Figures 4 ,5 and 6, test points corresponding to
Jones' (1982) tests on poly crystalline ice with the
Tmax(6) in Table 1 were calculated by eq 6 and 7 grain size of less than 1 mm follow the same
using corresponding values of c(0), b(Q) and p*(0). trends as the test data of Gagnon and Gammon
Predicted temperature dependencies of param­ on the Labrador ice with an average grain size of
eters c and b are presented in Figure 4. From Table 8.1 mm, i.e., eight times larger than the ice in
1 and Figure 4, it follows that major changes of Jones' tests. Such correlation suggests that the ice
parameters b and c, and ice strength take place at cohesion magnitudes may not be sensitive to varia­
temperature below -10°C . Between -10° and tions of the grain size.
-12°C the ice strength changes insignificantly. To make sure that this conclusion extends
It is curious to compare, at least approximately, beyond the temperature range between -1 ° and
parameter b(T) and the kinetic friction coefficient -16°C, and that it is valid in the strain rate range
JLtc of ice, although the physical nature of these different from ~ 5 x 10“3 s-1 used above in the
two parameters is quite different. Thus, Jones et evaluation of the cohesion, a comparative analy-

sis of ice strength was carried out using test data range between -1° and -16°C. These data were
of Rist and Murrell (1994). This polycrystalline ice extrapolated to calculate the friction angle <|) and
had a grain size of 1.7 mm. The comparison was the ice strength for temperature -40°C (Fig. 7) and
performed for temperature -20°C and the strain compared (see Fig. 10 below) with test data of
rate range between ~10-3 s-1 and ~ 10-5 s-1. The Rist and Murrell (1994) obtained for this tempera­
results of the analysis confirmed the above con­ ture and for the grain size of 1.7 mm.
clusion. At the same time our studies indicate One can see that despite the considerable dif­
that the ice cohesion magnitude is strongly de­ ference (almost five times) in the grain sizes of
pendent on the ice structure. these two types of ice and the difference in the
test temperatures, the predicted angle of internal
friction correlates well with the test data. We find
ANGLE OF INTERNAL FRICTION the friction angle magnitudes are unaffected by
variations of the grain size of ice.
From the above studies an important conclu­ Thus, eq 27 can be used for calculations of
sion can also be made regarding the physical na­ parameter b(T) in the above equations and for
ture of the angle of internal friction of ice. While prediction of the ice strength over a wide spec­
the temperature dependency of the friction pa­ trum of temperatures between 0° and -40°C. It
rameter b(Q) = tan <j)(0) is nonlinear (Fig. 4), the should be remembered that the ice friction angle
test data from Table 1 plotted in Figure 7 suggest is a function of the strain rate as well. It decreases
that the friction angle is a simplest linear function rapidly with the strain rate decrease. Fish (1991,
of temperature: 1993) showed that at low strain rates ~10'7 s-1 and
below, ice at -10°C can be considered as an ide­
<K0) = <|>0 + co I 0 1 (27) ally cohesive ((() = 0) material, the strength of which
is defined by eq 10 and 26. At high temperatures
where <|>0 = 2°50', co = 16.4' degree-1 and 10 I = (Tm the internal friction angle is small and so is its
- T ) is ice temperature (°C). It should be remem­ effect on the ice strength. However, at low tem­
bered that the magnitudes of the parameters in eq peratures or at high strain rates and high confin­
27 refer to a strain rate e - 10-3 s-1. ing pressures, the effect of the internal friction
Note that the magnitudes of the internal fric­ angle on the strength of ice can be considerable.
tion angles in Table 1 and Figure 7 were calcu­ Since parameters c, b and p* were found to be
lated based mainly upon test data on the Labra­ unaffected by variations of the grain size. Table 1
dor iceberg ice (d = 8.1 mm) at the temperature data can be used to predict strength of various

Figure 7. Angle o f internal friction o f ice as a function of temperature. Data from

Gagnon and Gammon (1995), Jones (1982), and Rist and Murrell (1994).

types of iceberg ice and freshwater randomly ori- Table 2. Strength predictions of Labrador iceberg ice.
ented polycrystalline ice in a multiaxial stress state.
Confining Strain
6 pressure rate £ O', - (MPa)
(°C) (MPa) _____(s '1) Measured Predicted Ice type
-l l 1.38 4.82 10"5 3.50 4.36 Labrador ice
-11 6.89 5.96 10“5 4.75 4.93 Labrador ice
Let us verify the accuracy of strength predic­
tion by comparing the computed and the test re­
sults of ice strength as functions of temperature,
strain rate and hydrostatic pressure. 1I n

For low hydrostatic pressures p « amax and a l —c 3 = V3 (c + bp) (25a)

V8 o J
the strain rate e = e0, ice strength can be calcu­
lated by eq 9 using data of Table 1 and the hydro­ In Table 2 the results of such calculations are pre­
static pressure magnitudes p from Figure 3, corre­ sented for n = 4, ¿0 = 5 x 10“3 s“1, two different
sponding to confining pressures o3 = 1.38 MPa confining pressures (assuming that p = o3), and
and 6.89 MPa. The results of such calculations for two different strain rates together with the test
the temperature range between -1° and -16°C are results from Table 2 of Gagnon and Gammon
presented in Figure 8 together with the test data (1995).
from Gagnon and Gammon (1995). One can con­ From Table 2 it follows that predicted values of
clude that the predicted ice strength values are in ice strength practically coincide with the test data.
agreement with the test data. Unfortunately only two tests of this ice type were
The data in Table 1 can also be used to evaluate available for comparison.
the ice strength in those cases when the strain rate In Figure 9 predicted dependencies of the ice
e < eG. For p « omax the ice strength is calculated strength are presented calculated by eq 5 using
by eq 25. To simplify the comparison with the test values of hydrostatic pressures and the
published data, the latter can be rewritten in terms strength parameters from Table 1. One can see
of deviator stress: that in the moderate temperature range between
-6° and -16°C the calculated values of the ice
strength are in good agreement with test data
of Gagnon and Gammon (1995). An exception
is the test data for -1°C for which the magni­
tude of the ice melting pressure p* = 13.51
MPa calculated by eq 14 turned out to be
considerably smaller than p* = 36.85 MPa ob­
tained from the best fit of the experimental
points in eq 5. Apparently, as the ice tempera­
ture approaches the ice melting temperature,
the relationship between the ice melting pres­
sure and temperature becomes nonlinear. Fur­
ther studies of the temperature-dependency
of the ice melting pressure are obviously nec­
Equation 5 and the data in Table 1 were
used to predict the ice strength over the range
of high hydrostatic pressures. The results of
such an extrapolation are presented in Figure
10 and compared with test data of Jones (1982)
for temperature -11.8°C, and of Rist and
Murrell (1994) for temperature -40°C. In the
latter case parameter c was calculated by eq
17 to fit the test data, suggesting that further
0, Temperature (°C) studies of the temperature dependency of ice
Figure 8. Strength of ice as a function of temperature and cohesion in the temperature domain below
confining pressure. Data from Gagnon and Gammon (1995). -20°C are required. At the same time the gen­

Figure 9. Predicted and test magnitudes of ice strength under triaxial compres­
sion at various temperatures. Data from Gagnon and Gammon (1995), and Jones

Figure 10. Strength of ice in the range of high hydrostatic pressures at

e = 5xl0~3 s-F Data from Jones (1982), Gagnon and Gammon (1995), and
Rist and Murrell (1994).

eral trend of predicted values of ice strength as Fish, A.M. (1992) Three-dimensional visco-plastic
functions of the hydrostatic pressure is well con­ flow model of polycrystalline ice. In Proceed­
firmed by Jones' test data. ings, 3rd International Conference on Ice Technol­
ogy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam­
bridge, Massachusetts, 11-13 August (T.K.S. Murphy,
SUMMARY AND CO NCLUSIONS W.M. Sackinger, and P. Wadhams, Eds.) South­
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1. A temperature model has been developed p. 193-207.
that describes the ice strength in a multiaxial stress Fish, A.M. (1993) Combined creep and yield model
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ing) temperatures. and Polar Engineering, 12(3): 130-139.
2. The strength dependency of ice on the hy­ Gagnon, R.E., and P.H. Gammon (1995) Triaxial
drostatic pressure and temperature is well de­ experiments on iceberg and glacier ice. Journal of
scribed by eq 5a, which is a parabolic yield crite­ Glaciology, 41(139): 538-540.
rion: Hallam, S., and J.P. Nadreau (1988) Failure maps
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tio (p,T) = (c + bp)-(c + bp*) (5a) on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Condi­
tions (POAC '87) 17-22 August, Fairbanks, Alaska
with only three fundamental physically well- (W.M. Sackinger, and M.O. Jeffries, Eds.) Geophysi­
founded parameters: the ice cohesion c(T), angle cal Institute of Alaska-Fairbanks, voi. 3, p. 45-55.
of internal friction §(T) or b(T), and ice melting Hausler, F.U. (1983) Comparison between differ­
pressure p*(T). They all have a definite physical ent yield functions for saline ice. Annals of Glaciol­
meaning and are functions of temperature. ogy, 4:105-109.
3. The temperature m odel was developed Jones, D.E., F.E. Kennedy, and E.M. Schulson
based upon data on over 100 triaxial compression (1991) The kinetic friction of saline ice against
tests of iceberg ice and laboratory-made fresh­ itself at low sliding velocities. Annals of Glaciology,
water randomly oriented polycrystalline ice with 15: 242-246.
a grain diameter between - 1 mm and - 8 mm in the Jones, S.J. (1978) Triaxial testing of polycrystal­
temperature range between -1° and -40°C at the line ice. In Proceedings, 3rd International Conference
range of strain rates between 10-3 s-1 and 10“5 s“1. on Permafrost, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, voi. 1,
4. Further studies are required of the tempera­ p. 670-674.
ture dependencies of the ice strength parameters Jon es, S.J. (1982) The confined com pressive
for various types of ice, particularly the ice melt­ strength of poly crystalline ice. Journal of Glaciol­
ing pressure over a wider spectrum of tempera­ ogy, 28(98): 171-177.
tures, strain rates, and confining pressures. Jones, S.J., and H.A.M. Chew (1983) Creep of ice
as a function of hydrostatic pressure. Journal of
Physical Chemistry, 87(21): 4064-4066.
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October 1997

Ice Strength as a Function of Hydrostatic Pressure and Temperature PE: 6.27.84A

PR: 4A762784AT42
6. AUTHORS WP: 201
WU: CA-D13
Anatoly M. Fish and Yuri K. Zaretsky


U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
72 Lyme Road CRREL Report 97-6
Hanover, New Hampshire 03755-1290


Office of the Chief of Engineers
Washington, D.C. 20314-1000


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13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

A temperature model has been developed that describes the ice strength in a multiaxial stress state over a wide
spectrum of negative temperatures. The model takes into account the anomalous behavior of ice under high
hydrostatic pressure, when its strength reaches a maximum, and then gradually decreases with the pressure
increase. It has been shown that strength of ice under high hydrostatic pressure is described by a parabolic yield
criterion with only three fundamental parameters, ice cohesion, internal friction angle, and ice melting pressure,
which all have a definite physical meaning and are functions of temperature. The model has been verified using
test data on the strength of iceberg ice and laboratory-made polycrystalline freshwater ice under triaxial
compression at strain rates between 10-3 and 10“5 s_1 over the temperature range between -1° and -40°C.


Freshwater ice Temperature model 16. PRICE CODE
Ice melting pressure Triaxial compression tests


NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18

P.o. BOX 25007

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