Programming1 Syllabus

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OBE Course Syllabus in PROGRAMMING 1

First Semester, S.Y. 2022-2023

College Vision A Globally – recognized Scientific and Technological University by 2027

ASCOT shall produce globally – competitive, ethically – upright and gender – responsive graduates in the fields of arts and
College Mission sciences, forestry, agriculture, education, information technology, industrial technology, engineering, marine and environmental
sciences by promoting quality instruction, research, extension and production towards sustainable development.
• Achieve academic excellence in IT education through the provision and implementation of a comprehensive and responsive
• Establish strong engagement in relevant research endeavors and promote ethical application of generated outputs;
School Goals
• Develop technological innovations applying effective concepts and principles to provide solutions to the problems of the
organization and the community it serves and;
• Produce quality projects that will bring valuable impact to the college and other developmental stakeholders.
• To produce competitive graduates through effective implementation of quality information technology education;
• To provide innovative solutions and responsive support to meet the needs of the community;
School Objectives
• To empower the community by providing timely and appropriate training; and
• To identify production priorities and IT investments aligned with the College strategic plan.
Core Values Balanced, Scientific, Innovative and Trendsetter in Information Technology
Course Name: PROGRAMMING 1
Course Code: CC101 Credit Units: 3 units
Pre-requisite/s: None Co-requisite/s: None
Lecture Hours: 2 hours Laboratory Hours: 3 hours

Course Description:
The course covers the use of general-purpose programming language to solve problems. The emphasis is to train students to design, implement,
test, and debug programs intended to solve computing problems using fundamental programming construct.

Week Course Content/Subject Matter

Week 1 A. Getting Started: Course Introduction
Week 2 B. Programming Concepts
Week 3-4 C. Programming Languages
Week 5 D. C++ Programming Development Cycle
Week 6 Prelim Examination
Week 7-8 E. C++ Programming Development Cycle
Week 9-11 F. Basic of C++ Programming
Week 12 G. Midterm Examination
Week 12-14 H. Decision-making Structure
Week 15-16 I. Compound Data Types
Week 17 Parameters and Arguments
Week 18 J. Final Examination



At the end of the ➢ Mission and Vision of the

session, the students are College Problem Solving
expected to:
➢ Goals and Objectives of the
School • Discussion • Graded Recitation
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Understand and ➢ Classroom and Laboratory
appreciate the Mission Policies
and Vision of ASCOT
and the Goals and ➢ Computer Guidelines Week 1
Objectives of the
Information Technology ➢ Review Computer Safety
• Understand and utilize Guidelines
the computer
guidelines, laboratory
and classroom policies.
• Understand the grading
system and syllabus. Review of Netiquette Grading
At the end o’1the lesson Programming Concepts Assessment of individuals’ • Computer
the student will be able knowledge about the (i) Short-response to Concepts 2018:
to: • Hardware and Software course/subject by asking them simple questions about the Comprehensive Week 2
• Type of Programmers their ideas, opinions and topic discussed. (2018). Parson s,
• Define software and • Problem Solving expectation about the subject. Jr J. Baler,
hardware • Elements of Programming, Aurora: Cengage
• Identify Types of Programming Paradigms Lecture and Discussion Learning
Programmers •
• Explain the steps of
problem solving Questions to pose. (i)
• Explain the steps of Differentiating hardware from
Problem Solving software. (ii) What are the
• Identify the different types of Programmers?
elements of (iii) What are the different
programming elements of Programming?

Classify Programming

At the end o’1the lesson Programming Languages Lecture and Discussion on i. Short Recitation https://www.tutorialsp Week 3-4
the student will be able Programming Languages ii. Assessment tasks
to: • History on LMS dex.htm
• Discuss the history • Types of Programming Individual assessment tasks and
of programming Languages submission thru the use of LMS. https://www.programi
languages • Basic Control Structures
• Identify the type of Feedbacks on students’ tasks on programming
• Flowchart
High-level LMS
• Introduction to C++
Programming Programming
• Understand the
Control Structures
• Create a flowchart
At the end o’1the lesson C++ Programming Development Lecture and Discussion on (i) Short-response to https://www.tutorialsp Week 5,7-8
the student will be able Life Cycle Programming Languages simple questions about
to: students’ ideas dex.htm
• Opening Code::Blocks Individual assessment tasks and
• Complete the • Opening Code::Blocks Text submission thru the use of LMS. (ii) Short quiz https://www.programi
C++ Editor
Programming • Writing a C++ Source Code Feedbacks on students’ tasks on programming
Development Life • Compiling a C++ Source LMS (iii) Assessment tasks on
Cycle, which Code LMS
includes opening • Executing the Compiled C++
Code::Blocks, Source Code
creating a source
code file,
compiling the
source code, and
executing a
At the end o’1the lesson Basic Of C++ Programming Lecture and Discussion on i. Short Recitation https://www.tutorialsp Week 9-11
the student will be able Programming Languages ii. Assessment tasks
to: • Structure of the Programs on LMS dex.htm
• Discuss the history • Data Types Individual assessment tasks and iii. Short Quizz
of programming • Variables submission thru the use of LMS. https://www.programi
languages • Constants
• Identify the type of • Operators Feedbacks on students’ tasks on programming
High-level • Basic Input/Output LMS
• Understand the
Control Structures
• Create a flowchart
At the end o’1the lesson Decision-making Structure Lecture and Discussion on i. Short Recitation https://www.tutorialsp
the student will be able Programming Languages ii. Assessment tasks Week 12-14
to: • Control Structures on LMS dex.htm
• Write Control o Conditional Statements Individual assessment tasks and iii. Short Quizz
Structure in C++, (if and else statements) submission thru the use of LMS. https://www.programi
including if and else o Iteration Structures
statement, loop (Loops) Feedbacks on students’ tasks on programming
structures, jump o Jump Structure LMS
structures and o Selective Structure
switch statement (switch)
• Create Functions
using C++

At the end o’1the lesson Compound Data Types Lecture and Discussion on i. Short Recitation https://www.tutorialsp Week 15-16
the student will be able Programming Languages ii. Assessment tasks
to: • Arrays on LMS dex.htm
• Create and define • Character Sequences Individual assessment tasks and iii. Short Quizz
Compound Data • Pointers submission thru the use of LMS. https://www.programi
Types in C++, • Dynamic Memory
including arrays, • Data Structures Feedbacks on students’ tasks on programming
character • Other Data Types LMS
pointers, dynamic
memory, data
structures and other Lecture and Discussion on i. Short Recitation https://www.w3schoo Week 17
data types. Programming Languages ii. Assessment tasks
on LMS ion_param.asp
Individual assessment tasks and iii. Short Quizz
Arguments and Parameters
submission thru the use of LMS.

Feedbacks on students’ tasks on

1. Online Assessment Tasks
2. Written Long Exam (Prelim and Midterm)
3. Laboratory Exam (Midterm and Finals)
4. Modules

GRADING SYSTEM: Depends on the Instructor and the needs/requirements of the course.


Major Examinations (Prelim, Midterm, and Final) 35%

Performance Task, Assignments, Projects 15%

Quizzes, unit/chapter test 20%

Recitation 20%

Attendance/Values 10%
TOTAL 100%

1. Classes will be done online via synchronous mode thru the Google Meet and asynchronous via Google Classroom LMS.
2. The online module made by the instructor and will be posted in the LMS will be the main instructional material that will be used by the students. It is exclusively
made for ASCOT BSIT students only.
3. Attendance during online meetings/synchronous classes is not compulsory. Meetings will be recorded for the students to retrieve at their own convenience.
4. You can also access the next modules ahead of time but not yet their corresponding activities. Specific time frame and deadline of submission will be given
per activities/assessment tasks.
5. We will have deadlines for the submission of your activities. You can still submit your works after the given deadline but corresponding points will be deducted
from your overall score.
6. Formative and summative examinations will be via online/Google forms. Deadline of turning in will be indicated in the form.
7. Students are always expected to display proper decorum and behavior during on-line or face to face meetings.
8. Consultations will be via the class group chat.
Name: Ryan Christian B. Nono
Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Number: 0910 496 9646
Office Hours/Consultation Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday
Specialization: Information Technology
Subjects Taught: Computer Fundamentals and Programming, Programming 1, Programming for Beginners, Cyber Security

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved:


Instructor Dean, School of Information Technology Vice President for Academic Affairs

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