Math Grade10 Quarter4 Week5 Module5

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Learning Competencies
The learner formulates a statistical mini-research.

The learner formulates a statistical mini-research.

Let’s Recall
Read each statement below and answer the question that follow. Write your answer
on the blanks provided.
1. Anthony receives starting salary is in the 8 th decile. Should Anthony be glad
about his salary or not? Why?
Answer: Yes, because 80% of the employees receive a salary that is less than
or equal to his salary and 20% of the employees receive a salary that
is greater than his salary
2. On a 20-question Math test, the 70th percentile for number of correct answers
was 16. What does it mean?
Answer: 70% of students answered 16 or less than correctly and 30% of
students answered 16 or more questions correctly. A higher
percentile could be considered good, as answering more questions
correctly is desirable.

Let’s Understand

Research is defined as careful consideration of study regarding a particular

concern or problem using scientific methods.
Statistical mini research is the output of data gathered through
questionnaire, interview, observation, and experimentation from an identified set of

Steps in Formulating a Statistical Mini Research.

Step 1: State the problem
▪ Think of a problem that you be materialized in your time frame.
▪ It can be current issues/trending problems which has relevance to your readers
can be considered.
▪ The data of the problem must be attainable. If not, think of a better substitute.
▪ It must be feasible.
▪ Formulate the hypothesis. Hypothesis is a proposed explanation or answer to
the problem stated based on the limited data gathered at the beginning of the

▪ Provide a set of sensible and sound assumptions.

▪ State the limitations.
Step 2: Design the research
▪ Provide an outline of your mini research. It is the blueprint of your statistical mini
▪ Get a good example. It must possess the characteristics of the subjects under
The research design explains the data collection and the statistical analysis plan
in order to come up with a reliable result and conclusion.
Step 3: Gather the data
▪ Device a way to obtain the data. Apply the sampling techniques if needed.
▪ Some data are readily available from school records or government websites.
▪ Others can be obtained through surveys, questionnaires, interviews or
Step 4: Analyze the data
▪ It is the heart of the research work.
▪ Check if the problem was resolved.
▪ Give a good presentation of your results.
▪ Also check if the assumptions behind the procedures and techniques were
Step 5: Make summary, Conclusions and Recommendation
▪ The last step of formulating mini research wherein the findings of the data is
organized. This will answer your hypothesis.
▪ Make a summary of the entire research.
▪ Come with the conclusions.
▪ Generate recommendations or suggestions on future researches.

The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study. A good title contains the
fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents and/or purpose of your
research paper.

When starting a statistical mini research, ask the following questions to help you state
the problem.
• What do you want to know?
• Who are the target respondents?
• How are the participants selected?
• What is the time frame of your research?

Characteristics of a Good Research Title

According to rhetoric scholars Hairston and Keene, making a good title for a paper
involves ensuring that the title of the research accomplishes four goals. First, a good
title predicts the content of the research paper. Second, a good title should be
interesting to the reader. Third, it should reflect the tone of the writing. Fourth and
finally, it should contain important keywords that will make it easier to be located during
a keyword search.

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Tips for Writing an Effective Research Paper Title

The following example will help you understand how you can go about writing
a good title for your research paper in 5 simple steps:
Ask yourself these questions and make note of the answers:
• What is my paper about?
• What techniques/ designs were used?
• Who/what is studied?
• What were the results?
Use your answers to list key words.
Create a sentence that includes the key words you listed.
Delete all unnecessary/ repetitive words and link the remaining.
Delete non-essential information and reword the title.
Following the steps outlined above will help you arrive at an effective title for
your research paper.
Taken from:

Some examples of Research Title:

1. Students’ Attitude towards Online Learning at Senior High School Level
2. Assessing the Maximum level of customer satisfaction in grocery stores during
3. Impact of Facebook usage to the Academic Performance

Let’s Apply
Direction: Read each item careful and decide whether it is true or false. Write your
answer on the blank provided before each number.
________1. The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study.
________2. Data analysis is the heart of your research work.
________3. In stating the problem, hypothesis is needed.
________4. In formulating research title, it is good to have at least 30 words.
________5. A good title predicts the content of the research paper.
________6. In gathering data, it can be obtained through surveys, questionnaires,
interviews or observation.
________7. The data of the problem must be attainable
________8. Hypothesis is the proposed explanation or answer to the problem
________9. The design is the blueprint of the statistical mini research.
_______10. Careful analysis of statistical data is not required when you conduct
a statistical mini research.

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Let’s Analyze
Direction: Given the following situation below, formulate a research title that is best
suited to the given situation.
1. You are asked to conduct a survey among the selected Junior High School
students of your barangay on the Use of Self Learning Modules and the Effect
on Student Outcomes in Math Class.
2. As a Grade 10 student, you are requested to do a research about the impact of
the outbreak of corona virus disease 2019 in the economy of the Philippines.
3. You are asked to conduct a survey regarding the interest of Grade 11 students
of your school towards KPOP music and how it affects their academic
performance in the school.

Let’s Try
Formulate 2 mini-research titles from the given topics below. Refer to the given
rubrics for scoring.
1. IOS/Android Phone games
2. Social Network Sites
3. COVID 19 vaccines
4. Online business
5. Internet Connectivity

Scoring Rubric in Assessing Student’s Answer

Characteristics of a
Good Research Title 5 4 3 2 1
Predicts the content of the
research paper
Interesting to the reader
Reflects the tone of the
Contains important

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