Kunci Bhs Inggris Ix k13 Pk-x-II - Ok

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CHAPTER 1 4. The monkey accused the fox for trapping him.

NARRATIVE 5. The fox mocked the monkey that he was so stupid he
never be a king of animals.
Task 1 Communicating
Listening Script Teacher’s policy
The Ant and the Dove
One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After Individual Task
walking around for a moment, she came to a spring. To 1. They were crawling along the garden wall one sunny
reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. morning.
While making her way up, she slipped and fell 2. Collin said isnt the world big
unintentionally into the water. 3. Sylva agreed its huge, its enormous.
She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not 4. They spent the rest of that morning collecting the
seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove tiniest things they could find.
quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it 5. Sylva brough back a drawing pin, a paper clip, a pen
immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then nib, a pin and a needle.
the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there.
Soon it carried her safely to dry ground. Group Task
Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was Teacher’s policy
throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in
this way. Literacy
Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the 1. True
heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the True
dove flew away quickly from this net. True
Answer: False
1. He wanted to search a water. False
2. Climb the blade of grass. 2. The Lesung represent the small deeds that turns into
3. She will drown. the big factor that can save someone (old woman)’s
4. He caught it. live.
5. It bit the hunter. 3. She would be drowned along the people in the old
Task 2 4. ignorant
1. The ant was looking some water. Selfish
2. The ant was saved by the dove when she was about 5. a. 1), 2), and 3)
to drown.
3. The ant paid back the dove by saving her from the EVALUATION TEST 1
hunter. A. Multiple Choice
4. The dive got the good thing from her good deeds. 1. c. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked
Speaking 2. d. She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan marry
Teacher’s policy the princess
3. d. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan’s life
Reading 4. c. Princess Nirmala
Task 1 5. b. the jealousy that they posses
Teacher’s policy 6. a. narrative
7. d. past tense
Task 2 8. c. Her uncle and aunt would go to America
1. The birth of Pinnochio. 9. b. In the morning
2. How Gepetto knew that Pinnochio was lying 10. d. She lived in the dwarfs’ cottage
3. Pinocchio saved Gepetto and reunited, 11. b. happy ending
12. a, He played with it.
Task 3 Discussion:
1. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu Pada masa sang lelaki tersebut masih kecil, dia sering
2. Married to Dayang Sumbi bermain di sekitar pohon apel, sehingga pohon dan
3. She was beautiful anak -laki laki tersebut menjadi dekat.
4. God gave her an eternal beauty 13. b. He went to school.
5. Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang Discussion:
6. People must keep their words all the time Sang lelaki tidak pernah sempat bermain di pohon
7. Tumang apel karena dia harus mengikuti pelajaran-pelajaran di
8. Husband sekolah.
9. Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to build a lake and 14. a. A toy.
a boat in one night Discussion:
10. An orientation Pada suatu saat, sang lelaki mendatangi pohon apel
tersebut dan meminta sebuah mainan kepada pohon
Writing apel tersebut.
Task 1 15. b. Simple past.
1. There was a monkey that made everyone happy. Discussion:
2. The fox was envy of the monkey and had an evil plan. Karena berkisah tentang kisah masa lampau, maka
3. The monkey was trapped. tense yang digunakan adalah simple past tense.


16. a. It was sad These holy men made (10)medicines by following Akmal
Discussion: Hakim's instructions, and they became the world's first
Sang pohon apel yang ditinggalkan oleh anak lelaki doctors.
tersebut menjadi sedih dan tidak mampu lagi
memproduksi pohon apel. Enrichment
17. a. sadly 1. Lazybones
Discussion: 2. Baker
Unfortunately = sayangnya. Maka, yang menjadi 3. That the costumers wouldn’t enjoy bread as usual
padan kata pada kata tersebut adalah sadly. 4. That Tom will help her
18. a. So the readers will be entertained. 5. Delivering the bread
Teks naratif bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca CHAPTER 2
dengan cerita yang berlatar belakang kejadian tak PASSIVE VOICE
19. a. 1), 2), and 3) Listening
Discussion: Task 1
Berikut adalah fakta-fakta yang ada di dalam teks Listening Script
tersebut: 1. The report was forgotten to bring by Michael.
- Sunan Kalijaga adalah seseorang yang saleh. 2. He will buy a new laptop tomorrow.
- Sang kepala daerah kagum dengan kesalehan 3. They rearrange the chairs for the event.
Sunan Kalijaga sehingga dia ingin mengikutinya. 4. Her class will perform a theatrical performance.
- Sang kepala daerah menyanggupi permintaan 5. Daniel treats his friends to a nearby restaurant.
Sunan Kalijaga untuk meninggalkan kekayaannya.
20. a. There was a robber. Task 2
Discussion: My Home Town
Pada cerita tersebut, ada perampok yang merampok My home town now (1)looks better. There are many
harta sang kepala daerah ketika mereka sedang changes have been (2)done by the local goverment.
beristirahat. Now, a new city (3)park is built for the youth to meet
and share. A beautiful (4)playground is provided for the
B. Essay kids to play. A new fruit (5)market has been done.
1. Folktale Now the (6)activities look working well. A new bus station
2. A mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo iwa is (7)located in an open area far from the people’s
3. Support activities, and the old one has been demolished.
4. Because Balinese people didn’t give him food Some (8)fountains are located in some of the main
5. We are not able see the beauty of Lake Batur intersections for the new landmarks. At the moment, the
new (9)library is being built by local goverment. On the
Remedial other hand, some new kinds of (10)taxes are launched,
Akmal Hakim and people have to pay much higher taxes.
Once there was an Arab boy called Akmal Hakim. He
(1)lived with his parents in a village by the river. Speaking
Akmal Hakim was not like other boys in the village. In- 1. A cup of hot milk is being drunk by Lia Amelia
stead of playing games after school he spent most of his 2. The new motorcycle is being washed by my father
time in the forest (2)gathering herbs and roots. When he 3. A picture of him is being taken by her
came home, he would boil these and make medicines. 4. A history of Indonesia is being written by me
Whenever anyone in the village was sick, Akmal Hakim 5. Table tennis isn't being played by us
gave the person one of his medicines, and the person 6. The door is opened by him
immediately felt better. 7. A lot of money is paid by her
Of course, some of (3)the villagers did not think 8. Dark brown shoes are worn by them
Akmal Hakim could cure their sicknesses. These villagers 9. The book isn't opened by him
whispered evil things about him. 10. The letter isn't written by you
But Akmal Hakim's parents told him not to mind.
“Some people are jealous,” they said. “But if these people Observing
are ever sick, they too will come to see you.” Teacher’s policy
Years passed, and Akmal Hakim (4)grew into a
young man. He spent a good deal of time writing about his Reading
herbs and roots in notebooks, and he carried these 1. Buku tersebut telah dikembalikan oleh Kevin
notebooks with him everywhere. As he grew older, his Apriansyah ke perpustakaan.
powers became even stronger, and people from all over 2. Pintu telah dibuka oleh Ayu Melinda.
the countryside came to see him. But many of the 3. Seni sudah lama dipelajari oleh Putra Herlambang.
villagers still whispered about Akmal Hakim's evil power, 4. Tujuh ratus orang dipekerjakan oleh perusahaannya
and he (5)behaved rudely towards them. pada tahun 2007.
One day Akmal Hakim told his parents that he was 5. Rumah cantik ini dibangun oleh kakek saya pada
leavinghome. “These people in our village are tahun 1999.
(6)ungrateful,” he said. “I will go across the sea to find 6. Kakek-nenek dikunjungi oleh kami seminggu yang
people who want my medicine.” lalu.
He wrapped his notebooks in a parcel, climbed into a 7. Cangkir itu dijatuhkan oleh Gilang Rhamadah lusa.
boat at the riverside, and waved goodbye to his parents. 8. Desa nelayan kecil dihancurkan oleh badai bulan lalu.
As soon as the boat (7)reached the sea, it sank, 9. Kopi susu panas sedang disajikan oleh pramugari
carrying Akmal Hakim and his precious herbs with it. kepada penumpang.
Unfortunately, Akmal Hakim could not swim. 10. Gerobak petani ditarik oleh dua ekor kuda yang kuat.
But that is not the end of the story. Akmal Hakim's
notebooks (8)loated across the sea. They floated across Exploring
the oceans of the world and landed here and there in Teacher’s policy
distant countries. They were (9)found by holy men who
studied Akmal Hakim's books.


Writing pada waktu lampau (past). Maka pola kalimat pasifnya
1. A TV is being watched by Jason now. yang tepat adalah were+Verb3: were given daily
2. The passive form will be explained by teacher today. 8. c. 2), 3), and 5)
3. Dairy mil is supplied by the supermarket in the Discussion:
refrigerator. - Nomor (1) merupakan bentuk passive voice
4. The mother was being helped by her child when I dengan pola kalimat present perfect tense.
came. - Nomor (4) merupakan bentuk active voice dengan
pola kalimat simple past tense.
Associating 9. a. 1) and 2)
Teacher’s policy Discussion:
Berikut adalah fakta mengenai tembok besar China:
Individual Task - Dibangun pada masa pemerintahan Shih Huangdi
Teacher’s policy - Dibangun untuk mempertahankan wilayahnya dari
suku nomadic.
Group Task 10. a. To protect his territory.
Teacher’s policy Discussion:
Tembok Besar China dibangun untuk
Literacy mempertahankan wilayahnya dari serbuan suku
1. True nomadic.
True 11. b. 1), 3), and 5)
False Discussion:
False Berikut adalah karakteristik yang benar yang dimiliki
2. b. (1), and (2) olehTembok Besar China:
3. He would not be able to study in USA. - Tembok Besar China dibangun pada masa
The main language in USA is English. So, it is a pemerintahan Shih Huang Di .
compulsory for students to learn English language. - Tembok Besar China masuk dalam Tujuh
4. He wants to finish his high school in Jamaica. keajaibanDunia.
He wants to study abroad. - Tembok Besar China dibangun untuk mengatasi
5. He will fix Jamaica’s education system because he serbuan suku nomadic.
has a concern that Jamaica’s education system must 12. a. cannon
be fixed so it can be better. Discussion:
Pada masa pemerintahan Dinasti Ming, Tembok besar
EVALUATION TEST 2 China dipugar dan diberi tambahan meriam.
A. Multiple Choice 13. a. they are faxed
1. c. A cup of coffee is drunk by daddy every day Discussion:
2. b. The motorcycle was repaired by my brother Lihat kutipan kalimat pada soal “Have you been
yesterday informed about the exact number of victims of the
3. a. My secretary has sent the important email airplane crash?” Frase yang digarisbawahi akan
4. a. Our grandmother will be being visited by us next menjadi pelaku atau subjek untuk kalimat pasif.
week. Adapun kata yang menjadi inti frase tersebut adalah
5. b. were brought “victims’ (jamak) sehingga kata gantinya “they”.
Discussion: Dengan demikian maka dapat diketahui bahwa
Lihat penggalan kalimat pada soal “Potatoes, now a jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut adalah “they are
major source of food worldwide, ... to Europe by the faxed”.
Spanish in the 16 century.” 14. b. were being unloaded
Berdasarkan kalimat pada soal tersebut maka kita Discussion:
dapat mengetahui bahwa ada dua clue atau petunjuk Pola pasif past continuous tense adalah Subject +
untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini: was/were + being + V3. Sehingga pilihan jawaban
- in the 16 century, merupakan keterangan waktu yang tepat adalah b. were being unloaded.
untuk simple past tense. 15. c. had been sold
- Potatoes, merupakan benda jamak yang dikenai Discussion:
pekerjaan, sehingga predikat yang mengikutinya Untuk menyatakan komputernya sudah terjual pada
merupakan predikat pasif. Adapun predikat pasif waktu lampau, maka bentuk pasif yang digunakan
untuk simple past tense adalah was, were+Verb3. adalah “had+been+v3. Sehingga menjadi it had been
Karena potatoes (kentang- kentang) merupakan sold when I called them (komputernya sudah terjual
kata benda jamak, maka jawabannya adalah were ketika saya telpon mereka.)
brought. 16. d. is being designed
6. b. are admitted Discussion:
Discussion: Kalimat aktif diatas merupakan kalimat present
Lihat kutipan kalimat pada soal “It is a rule that only continuous tense, jika ingin mengubahnya menjadi
students bringing their identity card ... to enter the kalimat pasif, maka kita menggunakan rumus kalimat
examinating room.” (simple present tense) Adapun passive voice untuk present continuous, yaitu S +
subjek atau pelakunya adalah para siswa (students) Is/am/are + Being + Verb3.
yang berbentuk jamak. Maka pola kalimat pasifnya 17. b. has been promised.
yag teat adalah: are+Verb3 menjadi “are admitted” Discussion:
7. a. were given daily Lihat kutipan pada soal tersebut di atas. “Putra Affandi
Discussion: is looking forward to her birthday because she ... a
Kata “they” disini merupakan kata ganti dari “radiation new watch”. (Putra Affandi menanti-nanti ulang
treatments” yang merupakan subjek jamak. Apabila tahunnya karena dia ... sebuah jam tangan baru).
tidak ada keteranga waktu maka dapat ita lihat kata Pernyataan di atas menghendaki bentuk passive yang
kerja yang digunakan, past, present, ataau future. artinya telah dijanjikan bukan telah menjanjikan. Jadi
Pada soal tersebut terdapat kalimat “... until he was polanya menggunakan present perfect passive “S +
dismissed from the hospital.” yang menunjukkan have/has + been + V3”. Pola ini dipenuhi oleh pilihan
bahwa kejadian atau peristiwa tersebut berlangsung jawaban b. has been promised.


18. b. are still being selected Listening
Discussion: Task 1
Lihat kutipan dialog berikut. Listening script:
Aziz : “Which paintings will be exhibited tomorrow?” The camel is a large, strong desert animal. Camels can
(Lukisan mana yang akan dipamerkan besok?” travel great distances across hot, dry deserts with little
Budi : "We don't know yet; they ... by a team.” food or water. They walk easily on soft sand and carry
Berdasarkan dialog di atas ungkapan “We don't know people and heavy loads to places that have no roads.
yet” (kami belum tahu) mengisyaratkan bahwa Camels also serve the people of the desert in many other
lukisan- lukisan (they) tersebut masih sedang dipilih ways.
oleh tim. Kalimat jawab di atas menghendaki The camel carries its own built-in food supply on its back
pemakaian pola passive yang menyatakan sedang, in the form of a hump. The hump is a large lump of fat
jadi tense-nya adalah present continuous tense. providing energy if food is hard to find.
Rumus kalimat pasif present continuous tense ialah There are two chief kinds of camels: the Arabian camel
berpola S + tobe + being + V3. Maka pilihan jawaban and Bactrian camel. Arabian camel is also called
yang tepat untuk mengisi dialog tersebut di atas dromedary. It has one hump. Bactrian camel, in other
adalah “are still being selected by a team.” hand, has two humps.
19. d. are sold 1. Camel is large and strong.
Discussion: 2. Camel can walk in a desert with little food or water.
Lihat kutipan kalimat dalam soal “Because the items ... 3. Camel has hump.
at a reasonable price.” 4. Camel uses its hump to store food.
Konteks kalimat adalah simple present tense. Karena 5 There are two kinds of camel.
subjek items jamak maka to be yang sesuai adalah
are. Sedangkan rumus kalimat pasif ialah (Subject + Task 2
finite form of to be + Past Participle (3 verbs). Jadi 1. Camel.
pilihan jawaban yang tepat ialah d. 2. As a mean of transportation.
20. b. The salt have been taken by me 3. A fat.
Discussion: 4. 2 kinds
Kalimat “I have taken the salt” ("Saya telah 5. 2 humps
mengambilgaram") merupakan tipe kalimat present
perfect tense. Sehingga bentuk kalimat pasif dari Speaking
present perfect tense adalah “The salt have been 1. The kind of locomotive engines most used today are
taken by me”. ("Garam tersebut telah diambil oleh diesel-electrics
saya"). 2. A freight train can have as many as 200 cars hooked
B. Essay 3. The happer car
1. Is bought 4. Special flat car carry cars, boats, and trucks
2. Is given 5. At dining cars
3. Is washed
4. Japan music is being listened by Tiago Reading
5. Flower is resembled by Sisi with this actress 1. To know the definition of sea horse
6. Your house was painted by Andi yesterday 2. Because it is a tiny creature with a horse liked head
7. He would be attacked by disease which lives in the sea
8. Your motorcycle had been repaired by Tora 3. For wrapping around weeds for support
9. Unique shoes is worn by Dara. 4. They swim upright position, their movements being
10. A good bag have been brought by Indana helped by a rapidly oscillating fin on their back
5. A month
1. They visited their grandmother two weeks ago. Writing
2. We were visited by our teacher the day before Task 1
yesterday. Crocodiles are the largest and the most dangerous reptile
3. My friend Asep Supriatna was born in Bandung, West (3). They live in rivers (6). Some of the places where they
Java. live are Africa, India, South America and Australia (1).
4. She went to school in Malang, East Java. They have large mouths and many sharp teeth (5). They
5. Lintang Abimayu grew up in the country. hunt mammals and birds which come to the rivers to drink
6. The new shopping centre was built last year. (2). They can also attack and kill people (4).
7. The film was not produced in Hollywood.
8. Amanda Febriana knew Ryan Pradipta very well. Task 2
9. The jewels were not hidden in the cellar. Teacher’s policy
10. We did not spend all day on the beach.
Enrichment Teacher’s policy
1. The window was shut because it was cold.
2. All the bread has been eaten. Individual Task
3. Cheesecake will be baked by my grandma on Sunday. Teacher’s policy
4. Basketball is played by students.
5. Rolls Royce is produced in England. Group Task
6. They will operate Patrick next month. Teacher’s policy
7. The dog ate the bone.
8. We have hung the poster on the wall. Literacy
9. My grandpa built our house. 1. True
10. The girls sang the songs. True
WHAT IS IT? 2. Ferocious


3. Agree crocodiles and even bears. Many snakes protect
Because lion itself has been classified into an themselves with their fangs. Some snakes are protected
endangered animal by IUCN by scaring their enemies away like the Cobra. The flying
4. b/ (1), (2), and (4) snakes glide away from danger. Their ribs spread apart
5. By making a poster or encouragement so people will and the skin stretches out. Its technique is just like the
not tolerate any activities that endanger many animals, sugar gliders.
including lion. 14. c. use their claws to slither along the ground
15. a. require the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies
EVALUTION TEST 3 16. b. dig
A. Multiple Choice 17. a. They fly away
1: a. to give information about something, as it is The following test is for question 18 to 21.
2. a. general classification, description This day the people of Pangkal Pinang can enjoy an iconic
3: a. Supporting ideas theme park like those in other big cities, such as Bandung
The text is for number 4-11. and Jakarta. This new theme park is known as
The Octopus is an ocean creature with eight effective Bhayangkara Park of Pangkal Pinang Bangka Belitung or
feet which it utilizes as hands. These are called tentacles Babel Bhay Park.
or limbs. “Octopus” originates from two words that have Babel Bhay Park is located near the administration office
meaning “eight feet”. complex of Bangka Belitung Province. To be precise, it
The octopus, the squid and the cuttlefish fit in with the sets beside the Police Force Headquarter of Bangka
same family that has no outside shells. Their bodies are Belitung Region. The Area of the park is only rented for a
secured totally with skin. Along these lines the assortment year and the contract will possibly be extended for public
of an octopus is delicate. It would appear that a huge blow need. This park makes the office complex become more
up. A completely developed octopus can be as huge as attractive and beautiful.
8,5 meters from the tip of one arms to the tip of another. It This park has several places to relax and take pictures for
can weigh as much as 45 kilograms. your social medias with several unique themes. Those
Other than utilizing its tentacles or limbs to catch little fish, themes are named based on the divisions in Polda
ocean plants, crab and lobsters, the octopus additionally Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. The are Traffic Park from
utilizes them against its adversaries. The octopus wraps Drlantas Polda Babel, Hobbit House from Sarpras Polda
its appendages around the exploited person and crushes it Babel, Bird Park from Brimob Polda Babel, Outdoor
before eating it Playground from Ditreskrimsus Polda Babel and many
The octopus escapes from its adversaries by giving other parks.
out a thick dull liquid to obscure the water. It can likewise The are also a jogging track around the lake, unique photo
change the color of its body to match its surroundings. It spots and cafe made of containers as its decorations.
escapes its enemis by doing this. Visitors may have several activities there. This park can
4. d. cuttlefish and squid be an education place for children. They can play and
5. c. 45 kilograms. learn about the traffic regulation there.
6. d. It uses its tentacles. 18. c. the unique theme park
7. d. crushes it 19. d. the names of the police divisions
8. c. 8,5 metres. 20. a. Jogging
9. a. Eight feet
10. c. tentacles B. Essay
11. b. It gives out a thick dark fluid to darken the water. 1. Parrot
The text is for number 12-13. 2. Report text
The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic Ocean and its 3. Simple present tense
surrounding seas. An adult male weighs about four 4. Four
hundred to six hundred and eighty kilograms, while an 5. Curved
adult female is about half that size. Although it is closely 6. Hawk
related to the brown bear, it has paws to occupy a narrow 7. Seeds
ecological niche with many bony characteristics adapted 8, Beak
to for cold temperatures, for moving across the snow, ice, 9. Pet
open water, and for hunting seals which make up most of 10. Intelligent
its diets. Although most of polar bears are born on land, it
spends most of its time at sea, hence its name meaning Remedial
maritime bear and can hunt consistently only from sea ice. Whales
It spends much of the year on frozen sea. Whales are (1)sea-living mammals. They therefore
12. b. 400 – 680 kg (2)breathe air but cannot survive on (3)the land. Some
13. a. In the Arctic Ocean (4)species are very large indeed and the blue whale,
The text is for number 14-17. which can exceed (5)30m in length, is the largest animal
Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They to have lived on the earth. Superficially, the whale looks
belong to the same group as lizards (the scaled group, rather like (6)a fish, but there are important differences in
Squamata) but from a sub-group of their own (Serpentes). its external structure: its (7)tail consist of a pair of broad,
Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had flat, horizontal paddles (the tail of fish its vertical) and it
claws to help them slither along. Snakes are not slimy. has a single (8)nostril on the top of its large, broad head.
They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the The (9)skin is smooth and shinny and beneath it lays a
skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the layer of flat (blubber). This is up to 30 cm in (10)thickness
snake slithers along the ground. and serves to converse heat and body fluids.
Snakes often sun bathe on rocks in the warm weather.
This is because snakes are cold-blooded; they need the Enrichment
sun’s warmth to heat their bodies up. 1. Elephants are the largest land animals on earth.
Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live 2. They have the largest brains of any mammal.
in tress, some live in water, but most live on the ground in Elephants talk to each other.
deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass and in old 3. Their trunks are strong enough to pick up trees but
logs. sensitive enough to pick up a flower.
A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizard, and
mice and other snakes. The Anaconda can eat small


4. They use them as tools to sweep paths, to scratch B. Essay
themselves, to swat flies, and to draw in the dirt. They 1. The ball is being kicked by me right now.
are good swimmers and use their trunks like snorkels. 2. Your pen is had by me in my pencil case.
5. Researchers have discovered more than 50 different 3. People who are interested in bees.
types of calls that they use to communicate with each 4. Queen bee, worker bees, and drone.
other. 5. The physical segmentation of bees.


A. Multiple Choice COME AND VISIT US
1. c. a stepmother who saved her children from a witch
2. c. She fell into the ocean Listening
3. d. Closed Listening script:
4. c. She peeped through the window of the witch’s Burger King
cottage Confused looking for (1)fast food and cheap?
5. b. Narrative Confused looking for fast food but healthy?
6. a. to amuse the reader with the story Just come to our (2)shop Burger Factory at Pahlawan
7. d. Love makes someone dare to fight wickedness Street No. 45 Semarang. We provide Burger King. A new
For number 8 to 13, change the words into passive breakthrough and (3)innovation in fast food world which
voice! me made for you.
8. d. Fried chicken is being cooked by my mother in the Burger King guarantees will not make your
kitchen now (4)stomach and your bag is damaged because of Burger
9. a. The car is always fixed in the garage by my father King made from organic ingredients fried in (5)edible oil
every month quality. Besides, all the (6)ingredients are served without
10. d. The game was being played by my brother at 9 preservatives.
yesterday There are also available so many (7)flavors like:
11. d. English has been studied by my sister at campus Barbeque flavor, spicy sauce, Vegetarian Burger,
12. c. My students have been being taught by me for 15 Burger Double Bread, Bread Burger Single, Double or
minutes Triple Meat Burger and Burger Extra-large.
13. b. The cookies have been made by her since two We (8)open every day at 13:00 pm.
hours ago Do not (9)admit as jocks if you have not come and felt the
14. d. It is big, strong, dark-coloured mammals with huge Burger King!
horns Come with your (10)family or your friends!
15. a. It lives in herds near water
16. d. It is used to pull carts and ploughs Observing
17. b. Australia Teacher’s Policy
The anaconda is the largest snake in the world. Also
known as the Water Boa, this giant, meat-eater lives in Look at the advertisement below!
swampy areas of tropical South America. It spends a lot of Iklan ini adalah iklan tentang tas sekolah yang sedang
time in shallow water, hidden from unsuspecting prey. memberikan diskon hingga 50% untuk menyambut tahun
Anacondas are related to boa constrictors. They give birth ajaran baru.
to 20 to 40 baby snakes at one time. Like all snakes,
anacondas are cold-blooded; they have the same Speaking
temperature as the environment. They continue to grow all 1. An exclusive workshop
their lives, getting bigger and bigger each year. The 2. Businessman who intend to improve their marketing.
longest anaconda ever found was 11.4 m long, there are 3. Event of workshop.
probably even bigger anacondas that have not been seen. 4. By providing a famous trainer
Anacondas are greenish-brown with a double row of black 5. By register or visit to the website
oval spots on the back and smaller white markings on the www.workshoputama.org/seminar.
18. b. Anacondas Questioning
19. d. 20 – 40 Teacher’s Policy
Jasmine is a native flower to some tropical areas in
South Asia, Africa and Australia. In India, some varieties Reading
of Jasmine are used for religious purposes. 1. Advertising an orchestra concert.
The flower can grow up to 3 meters high and 2 meters 2. If we buy ticket online
wide. It releases its fragrance mostly after the sun sets 3. At auditorium
especially nearing the full moon. Therefore, it is often 4. Two hours and a half
associated with soothing night- time moods. 5. Buy Veronica’s trilogy book
The planting of Jasmine is started by putting some
cuttings in 3 inch posts within 4 weeks. After the roots Exploring
grow, they are put into 6 inch pots. The soil in the pots Teacher’s Policy
should be kept moist but possible for the water to go
through it for optimum growth. Writing
There are some important advantages of Jasmine. In Task 1
medication, this flower is often used for soothing Do you want to (1)spend an evening listening to traditional
headaches, stimulating brain, and restoring balance. Its Indonesian music? Persada Art Enterpreneur is proud to
extract is also widely used in the making of perfume. (2)present many mainland Javanese, Sundanese, and
20. b. In the evening Balinese artists. They will touch our hearts on 22 October
21. b. Jasmine has various benefits 2018 at “Balai Kartini” Jakarta. Tickets will be (3)available
22. b. Connected from 1 October 2018. The concert will be performed at
23. d. Grow optimally 7.30 p.m. Reserve a (4)seat by visiting
24. d. Do you have to go now? www.persadaart.com
25. a. Why don’t you


Task 2 10. d. Temporary loss of strength and energy resulting
Orchard Fashion Runway is the biggest (5)fashion show from hard physical or mental work.
in Singapore. It is held annually on Orchard Road. This Discussion:
show began in 2011. Fatigue merupakan suatu keadaan dimana seseorang
During the show, people can (6)see about 150 models benar- benar letih, lelah, lemah dan lesu pada suatu
sashaying on a 660m runway. It is the longest catwalk kondisi tertentu karena berbagai faktor seperti bekerja
show i the world. yang terlalu keras, beban hidup yang banyak, kurang
Cars and other vehicles are not (7)allowed on this makan dan minum dan sebagainya.
street during these fabulous moments. The event is a real 11. b. to advertise the product
traffic stopper. Discussion:
Are you shopaholics? You can get your wallets, Soal tersebut bertujuan untuk mengiklankan produk
clothes, and accessories. They are (8)shown on the berupa produk “white tea” (teh putih).
runway and available to buy from the stores around you, The following text is for questions number 12 and 13.
at special prices. WELCOME TO PULAU SERIBU
Come to this (9)show and look out for the numerous Ready to relax and rid of the hustle and bustle of
fashion- inspired events and activities: style workshops the city?
hosted by top stylists, fashion-themed (10)photography Then come to Pulau seribu, a popular tourist
exhibitions and, if you are lucky, a chance to hobnob with destination for city folk.
fashion types at parties and coctail. Enjoy beautiful beaches and cozy resorts and
While shopping, you will be a great chance to get cool hotels.
gifts at malls and boutiques. Swim in crystal-clear water, ride banana boat,
take snorkling and do other exciting water activities.
Associating Come and enjoy it!
Teacher’s Policy 12. a. To advertise Pulau Seribu Tourism.
13. a. the resorts and the hotels are near the sea
Communicating The following text is for questions number 14 to 16.
Teacher’s Policy KUSUMA HOTEL
Resort and Convention
Individual Task A hotel with cottages and high rise building built
Teacher’s Policy on 17 ha, consist of 103 standard and 49 luxurious
Group Task A hotel, mixing business with pleasure, you can
Teacher’s Policy go fshing, jogging cycling, play volleyball, enjoy our
tennis court (2 lines), billiard, badminton, ftness,
Literacy soccer stadium, karaoke, children playground,
1. True horseback riding around the hotel, and swim in Teratai
True swimming pool, enjoy apple, orange and strawberry
False plantation.
False Direct Reservation:
2. Agree Abdul Gani Atas Street, Phone (0341) 4573467647
The text in the advertisement above is too long. It Fax. (0143) 564-765
makes the reader feel bored. In other words, the 14. d. 152 rooms.
advertisement above is less interesting because it is Discussion:
wordy. Kusuma hotel has 152 rooms, consisting of 103
3. They will buy Gery Chocolate Choco Hazelnut. standard and 49 luxurious.
4. a. (1), (2) and (3) 15. b. In teratai swimming pool.
5. It is delicious. Discussion:
It can be consumed everywhere Text contained in the sentence “... and swim in the
Teratai swimming pool, ..” so, guests can swim in the
EVALUATION TEST 4 Teratai swimming pool.
A. Multiple Choice 16. c. Apple, orange, and strawberry.
1. d. Speaking Discussion:
2. c. 11 year old children Statements contained in the phrase “.. enjoy apple,
3. d. spa orange and strawberry plantation.”
4. a. remarkable The following text is for questios number 17 to 20.
5. a. on Saturday at 11.30am SUPER SALE TO MARK CROSSROAD
6. c. October 15th 2023 SUPERMARKET’S 15th
7. a. Regional English Speech Contest will be held in ANNIVERSARY In the
September. whole month of June
8. b. In the school hall. Come and visit us this June to celebrate our 15th
The following text is for questions number 9 to 11. anniversary and enjoy a lot of surprises. We offer:
White Tea 1. Up to 50% discount on dairy products, bakery and
Here are the benefits of drinking white tea, as follow. fresh meat.
1. Lose up to 25 pounds in 25 days. 2. Free food samples, free ice cream, and free gifts.
2. 3x more antioxidant than green tea. 3. Trivia Contests to win 10 mobile phones, 10
3. Fight fatigue and increase energy level. microwaves, and 10 dekstop computer sets.
4. Reduce every fne lines and wrinkles. 4. Daily live music from 5 to 9 pm.
5. Enhance immune system. 5. Weekend suprises.
Visit our website www.crossroadsupermarket.
9. c. Enhance immune system com to get more information on all special events in
Discussion: June, or contact us at 7994352.
Keuntungan mengkonsumsi atau minum teh putih See you at Crossroad Supermarket at no. 45
atau “white tea” adalah dapat menambah kekebalan Washington Avenue. Bring this fyer and get a free gift
tubuh kita. at the Customer Service Counter.
17. d. The founder’s name


18. b. Weekend Surprises And all that I can see
19. a. Free gift Is just another lemon tree
20. b. Call or visit the supermarket website Sing dah
Dah-dah-dah-dam, dee-dab-dah
B. Essay Dah-dah-dah-dam, dee-dab-dah
1. Every Thursday. Dab-deedly dah
2. a. Full Body Wash
b. Upholstery Vacuuming Verse 3
c. Total Wax and Shine I'm sitting here, I miss the power
d. Mirror and Window Polishing I'd like to go out, taking a shower
e. Detailing But there's a heavy cloud inside my head
3. AT the company’s phone number and website. I feel so tired, put myself into bed
4. People whose car is dirty. Well, nothing ever happens
5. Yes, it will. And I wonder
Because there is a discount every Thursday.
Verse 4
Remedial Isolation is not good for me
Text 1 Isolation, I don't want to
1. Office Sit on a lemon tree
2. Lunch I'm steppin' around in a desert of joy
3. Provide Maybe anyhow I'll get another toy
4. Cater And everything will happen
5. Set up And you wonder

Text 2 Coda
6. The problems Is just a yellow lemon tree
7. Accommodate
8. Meeting rooms Speaking
9. Comfortable 1. He experiences lots of failures.
10. Recreation 2. He gets failures.
3. No, he doesn’t.
Enrichment 4. He tries everything that he can.
1. Go to shool of business administration 5. No, he doesn’t. He never gives up.
2. Experienced/ professional manager.
3. All applications require three letters of Observing
recommendation and proof of employment. Teacher’s Policy
4. In a week-long intensive session.
5. It means “pekerjaan”. Reading
6. Two months 1. Ocean
7. Ms. Office 2. Doesn't let much cold ocean water in
8. Start August 20. 3. Thick fur
9. Experienced 4. In the deserts.
10. Five days. It start from Monday to Saturday. 5. They commonly have thick and waxy stems and
SONG Exploring
Teacher’s Policy
Task 1 Writing
Verse 1 1. h. Keep constant through physical or chemical
I'm sitting here in a boring room reactions or evolutionary change.
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon 2. a. The area in which something exists or lives.
I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do 3. e. Arid land with little or no vegetation.
I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you 4. c. Dense coat of fne silky hairs on mammals.
But nothing ever happens 5. j. The main organ of photosynthesis and
And I wonder transpiration in higher plants.
6. b. Any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin
Verse 2 more or less covered with hair.
I'm driving around in my car 7. f. It is relating to the sea.
I'm driving too fast, I'm driving too far 8. d. Belonging to or active during the night.
I'd like to change my point of view 9. g. (botany) a living organism lacking the power of
I feel so lonely, I'm waiting for you locomotion.
But nothing ever happens 10. i. A slender or elongated structure that supports a
And I wonder plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ.

Chorus Communicating
I wonder how, I wonder why Teacher’s Policy
Yesterday you told me 'bout the
Blue, blue sky Individual Task
And all that I can see Teacher’s Policy
Is just a yellow lemon tree
I'm turning my head up and down Group Task
I'm turning, turning, turning, turning Teacher’s Policy
Turning around


Literacy If you go (3)once you'll go back again
1. True
False Most of the prarie has now been (4)plowed
False All of the bison have changed to cows
False If we plant a prairie, we can just relax
2. Because it’s the thing that makes us alive. Nature (5)takes over and grows great grass
3. Sun
Light Get lost in (6)the ocean of wild sweet flowers
4. d. 3), 4) Where the wind's (7)old song you can hear right now
Where the roots grow deep into the ground
EVALUATION TEST 5 Where the fires sweep over, but you can't burn down
A. Multiple Choice
1. a. Happiness. Where (8)the earth sends the sky a great big smile
Discussion: Where the grass (9)rolls on for mile after mile
Lagu tersebut adalah lagu dengan temake bahagiaan. When the prairie grows wild we"ll have no lack
Jadi, lagu tersebut juga harus dinyanyikan dengan Won"t you help us to (10)bring them back.
nada penuh kebahagiaan. (Stan Slaughter)
2. a. 1), 2), and 3)
Discussion: Enrichment
Berikut adalah fakta-fakta yang terdapat di dalam lagu 1. VIVA forever
tersebut: 2. See you tomorrow
- Lagu tersebut adalah lagu tentang kebahagiaan. 3. The words whispered to her
Jadi, nada dalam lagu tersebut pastilah nada yang 4. Yes, she does
mengundang kebahagiaan. 5. Promise that have been mad
- Kekhawatiran akan masalah kita hanya akan
menambah beban masalah kita. SEMESTER TEST
- Kita harus mencontoh anak-anak yang selalu A. Multiple Choice
berbahagia. 1. d. To tell the readers about star fruit.
3, a. That people will always be happy. Discussion:
Discussion: Soal ini menanyakan apa tujua dari teks ini. Teks
Melalui lagu tersebut, sang penyanyi berharap bahwa tersebut merupakan teks report yang bertujuan untuk
mereka bisa mendatangkan kebahagiaan kepada memberitahukan pembaca tentang buah belimbing.
orang lain. Oleh karena itu pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah d.
4. a. It will give a negative mood to other people. 2. d. Its flesh tastes tart.
Discussion: Discussion:
Lirik lagu tersebut menyatakan bahwa kita hanya akan Soal ini menanyakan tentang seperti apa buah
membawa suasana yang buruk ketika kita belimbing. Jawaban untuk soal ini dapat dilihat pada
menunjukkan kesedihan kita kepada orang lain. kalimat, “The 3 to 5 inch long fruit has a paper-thin
5. a. scowl thin, translucent, waxy, yellow-orange to green skin
Discussion: with tart crisp flesh.” Berdasarkan keterangan tersebut
Frown = cemberut, yang memiliki padanan kata scowl. maka dapat diketahui bahwa daging buah ini rasanya
6. a. Motivation asam. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah d.
7. a. The original one 3. a. Srilanka
8. a. rainbow Discussion:
9. a. The light of heart Buah ini berasal dari Srilanka. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari
10. b. Pop kalimat “Although it is not now found in the wild, the
11. d. lonely star fruit is originally native to Sri Lanka and the
12. d. wishes Moluccas, and has been cultivated in Southeast Asia
13. c. person and Malaysia for almost 1,000 years.” Jadi, pilihan
14. a. this song is talking about how he lost the love of jawaban yang tepat adalah a.
his life 4. d. kamrakah
15. a disappear Discussion:
16. c. I will do everything to help you solve your problem. Soal ini menanyakan tentang jawaban yang bukan
17. d. You are confused and cannot think clearly. merupakan nama lain dari buah belimbing. Jawaban
18. c. Friendship untuk soal ini dapat dilihat pada kalimat “It is known
19. c. Best friends can rely on each other. many other names including: ‘belimbing’ or ‘belimbing
20. a. starlight manis’ (Indonesia), ‘mafueng’ (Thailand), ‘kamrakh’
(Indian) Chinese starfruit, star apple and Five angled
B. Essay fruit.” Jadi yang bukan nama lain dari belimbing
1. He has a short tempered personality. adalah kamrakah. Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban
2. Because there are many things the writer should learn yang tepat adalah d.
at the young age. 5. b. Its exploitation
3. He is happy. Discussion:
4. He was ordered to listen. Berdasarkan bacaan, maka kita dapat mengetahui
5. He wanted to go away to save the world. bahwa yang menyebabkan pohon itu semakin langka
adalah karena dieksploitasi.
Remedial 6. b. More than 6 feet in diameter
Prairie Discussion:
Prarie where the grass (1)grows tall and the wind blows Ukuran pohon tersebut bisa mencapai lebih dari 6
free meter diameternya.
Prarie you know it's the way the land is supposed to be 7. b. vanish
You're never gonna see just (2)plain old dirt Kata extinct bermakna punah, padanannya adalah
Nature's making life for all she's worth vanish.
Bison and coyote and prairie chicken


8. b. The laptop has advance function features 22. b. He is cunning.
Discussion: Discussion:
Pilihan a artinya adalah laptop ini sama mudah Diceritakan dalam teks tersebut bahwa Nasreddin
digunakannya dengan edisi sebelumnya, padahal adalah seseorang yang sangat banyak akal.
dalam bacaan jelas disebutkan “ it is more user 23. a. He inserted the food between the book pages.
friendly” Pilihan b. benar, karena laptop mempunyai Discussion:
fungsi yang canggih. Pilihan c baterai dalam laptop Untuk membuat keledai yang dimilikinya seolah olah
dapat digunakan sampai hanya 4 jam, bukan 6 jam bisa berbicara, dia memasukkan makanan di dalam
Pilihan d. seharusnya layar dalam laptop berukuran sebuah buku yang lalunya diserahkan kepada
besar, sedangkan dalam pilihan disebutkan kalau sikeledai.
laptop berukuran kecil. 24. a. The donkey was turning the book and then
9. b. Four braying.
Discussion: Discussion:
Dalam keterangan pertama dijelaskan kalau “ Sang keledai mengeluarkan suara ketika dia tidak
Windows 7 home premium 64 – bit, 4 hours battery life melihat makanan. Hal tersebut diarikan oleh
“ yang berarti bahwa laptop tersebut mampu bertahan Tamerlane bahwa keledai tersebut bisa berbicara.
selama 4 jam. 25. d. Excited
10. b. Special programs for employee and business Discussion:
person Teks tersebut merupakan teks narrative yang
Discussion: bergenre komedi, sehingga teks tersebut diharapkan
Keuntungan yang ditawarkan dari tempat kursus di dapat membuat sang pembaca tertawa.
atas adalah program khusus untuk karyawan, lihat
kalimat “The one and only English Course with special B. Essay
programs for employee and business person.” 1. On the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New
11. a. To advertise an English Course Guinea.
Discussion: 2. For sitting up and for jumping.
Teks di atas adalah teks iklan sebuah lembaga 3. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps
pendidikan bahasa Inggris; sehingga jawaban yang of over eight meters, and leap across fences more
benar untuk pertanyaan ini adalah jawaban a. than three meters high.
12. d. why people do not live in harmony 4. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per
13. d. help each other hour.
14. c. peace for everyone 5. Five months of life.
15. b. The toy was fixed by my uncle yesterday
Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah pilihan B. Untuk
menjawab soal passive voice, kalian harus melihat
kalimat aktifnya. Pada soal di atas, kalimat aktif
menunjukkan jenis kalimat Simple Past Tense (fixed,
yesterday), maka struktur passive voice-nya adalah
To be (was/were) + V3. Jawaban paling tepat untuk
struktur ini adalah pilihan B.
16. c. A Mandarin course has been taken by Joe
Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah pilihan C. Untuk
menjawab soal passive voice, kalian harus melihat
kalimat aktifnya. Pada soal di atas, kalimat aktif
menunjukkan jenis kalimat Present Perfect Tense (has
taken), maka struktur passive voice-nya adalah To be
(has/have been) + V3. Jawaban paling tepat untuk
struktur ini adalah pilihan C.
17. b. was manufactured
Struktur kalimat merupakan Simple Past Tense (1920
= masa lampau), maka jawaban paling tepat adalah
To be (was/were) + V3.
18. c. has been invited
Cara mudah untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas
adalah pelihat subjek kalimat, yaitu “she”, maka cara
cepatnya carilah to be yang sesuai dengan subjek
19. c. The room is cleaned by mommy every day.
20. b. was built
Saya belum lahir ketika gedung itu dibangun. Kata
dibangun memerlukan kalimat pasif dan keterangan
saya belum lahir menunjukkan keterangan lampau.
Maka kata dibangun tersebut harus dibuat dalam
bentuk past tense -pasif (was/were + V3).
21. d. was it abolished
Jawaban d (pola pasif introgative simple past:
was/were + S + V3).


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