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Article · September 2022


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5 authors, including:

Neculai-Daniel Zvincu Somoiag Pamfil

Technical Military Academy of Bucharest Technical Military Academy of Bucharest


Moldoveanu Cristian-Emil Florin-Marian Dîrloman

Military Technical Academy "Ferdinand I" of Bucharest Technical Military Academy of Bucharest


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Proceedings of International Scientific Conference ―Defense Technologies‖ DefTech 2022,
Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems


Neculai-Daniel Zvîncu, Pamfil Șomoiag, Cristian-Emil Moldoveanu,
Florin-Marian Dîrloman, Costin-Dumitru Berechet

Faculty of Integrated Armament Systems, Military Engineering and Mechatronics, Military Technical
Academy „Ferdinand I , Bucharest, ROMANIA, [email protected]

Abstract: The LAROM is a Romanian mobile multiple unguided rockets launcher that can operate
with the standard 122 mm rockets, as well as with the more advanced 160 mm rocket, having a strike
range between 20 and 45 km.
In their previous research, the authors calculated, for the scenario of two rockets launched, the
minimum forces, moments and oscillations, determining the optimal time required between the launches.
The assessment took into consideration the induced forces on the launch facility (tipping part, chassis).
The main objective of this paper to assess the optimal time and launching order for multiple GRAD
rockets, considering theoretical determinations.

Keywords: LAROM, MLRS, ILANPRN, unguided rocket, optimal launching.

LAROM is a MLRS (multiple launch rocket systems) jointly developed by Aerostar (Romania)
and Israel Military Industries (IMI), configured with either GRAD 122 mm or IMI's LAR 160 mm
unguided rockets. The vehicle has two launch pod containers. Depending on calibre, each container
holds 13 or 20 rockets. The LAROM is based on a Roman DAC-25.360 6x6 military truck. The vehicle
is reloaded by supporting ammunition resupply truck [1].

Figure 1: LAROM with IMI's LAR 160 mm launch pod containers

GRAD MLRS were first developed in the early 1960‘s. These systems are still having a role on
today‘s battlefields, despite the intent of users to develop modern, similar capabilities or replace them
with guided rockets of different calibre [2, 3, 4].

Figure 2: 122 mm GRAD rocket

ISSN 2367-7902 235

Proceedings of International Scientific Conference ―Defense Technologies‖ DefTech 2022,
Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems

Continuing the previous research, the authors have advanced towards a theoretical evaluation of
multiple GRAD rockets being launched from LAROM platform [5]. The purpose is not only to
determine the optimal time between launchings, but also to establish the best launching order. For this
purpose, the Matlab application ILANPRN is used. The algorithm is described next in the following

1. Mathematical model for LAROM launcher firings

The movement of the launcher-rocket system is determined if the position variables s, , , ,
, are known. All variables of the launching platform are determined in relation to the
earth fixed reference system.
In order to determine the oscillations of the launching platform during firings, the oscillating
system can be assimilated with a set of rigid or elastic bodies connected by elastic elements. The main
components of the system are:
- the rockets that are currently on the launcher, including the one being launched;
- the launcher pod with the cradle;
- the chassis of the vehicle on which the pod base is placed with the pivoting support.

Figure 3: LAROM launcher

The geometric and mass parameters of the launcher platform were defined in previous authors‘
research [5, 6].
The algorithm for calculating the launch oscillations is the following (figure 4):
Ist approximation
- the position variables , , , , , and the binding forces and momentum , ,
, , , , , , , , , are initiated with the zero value;
- the calculation is performed for the fired unguided missile, (the movement in the launching
tube) being determined;
For the other missiles in the containers, as well as for the launched missile, the binding forces and
momentum transmitted to the tipping platform are determined, being applied in the center of mass of the
tipping part ( , , , , , ).

ISSN 2367-7902 236

Proceedings of International Scientific Conference ―Defense Technologies‖ DefTech 2022,
Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems

- the numerical determinations are performed at the level of the tipping part, using data from the
previous steps, in order to determine , , , , , , , , ;
- the chassis calculation is performed based on previous determined data in order to determine the
, and variables
IInd approximation
The position variables , , , , , are considered known from the first approximation. The
obtained results are compared with those of the previous approximation, in order to verify the
convergence of the algorithm. In order to obtain a satisfactory convergence of the results, it is necessary
to go through at least 3 iterations [5, 6, 7, 8].

Figure 4: LAROM launcher parameters for MATLAB program

The equation system solved in the previous approximation has the following form:


ISSN 2367-7902 237

Proceedings of International Scientific Conference ―Defense Technologies‖ DefTech 2022,
Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems

The approximations are performed in MATLAB using the ode45 solver based on the fourth and
fifth order Runge - Kutta methods and algorithms. These methods use a weighted average of the
estimated values of the derivatives in the area of interest so as to calculate a value , having known
the value . Thus, if we consider a function with initial conditions , using the
Runge - Kutta method, is determined with the relation:


- is the value of for ,
- ) is the value of for ,
- is the second estimated value of for ,
- is the estimated value of for .
Initial data for the optimal time between launchings determinations:
- initial horizontal firing angle, ;
- initial vertical firing angle, ;
- number of unguided missiles considered = 4.

2. Optimal launching order determinations

Specific missions or training exercises require a specific number of rockets to be launched and not
a full salvo. For this specific type of firings, we are presenting the solution for determining the optimal
launching order. We have considered the cases of four rockets per container to be launched. The location
of each rocket can be visualised in figure 5. A time step of 0.25 seconds between launchings was also
taken into account.

Figure 5: Rocket distribution on pod containers

The amplitude and the impulse of the oscillatory movements of the firing platform were calculated.
The formulas used for amplitudes and impulses determination are the following:


ISSN 2367-7902 238

Proceedings of International Scientific Conference ―Defense Technologies‖ DefTech 2022,
Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems

The equivalent values for the total amplitude and impulse of the oscillatory movements of the
platform are determined using the formulas:


The scenarios considered involved firing from two fixed positions symmetrically opposed (rocket
from position 3 followed by the one from position 38) coupled with two launchings from variable
positions. A total of twenty cases were calculated, as presented in table 1. Considering either the total
amplitude of the oscillation or the total impulse of the oscillation, one obtains different results for the
best and worst case scenario.

Table 1: Values obtained for the cases considered

Total Total
Case Rocket launch order
amplitude of the oscillation [mm] impulse of the oscillation [N*s]

1 3-38-25-16 43.7273 34.1984

2 3-38-24-17 43.6767 33.9763

3 3-38-23-18 43.68 33.9489

4 3-38-22-19 43.8872 33.8696

5 3-38-21-20 43.6754 33.998

6 3-38-35-6 43.5118 34.0475

7 3-38-34-7 44.3886 34.2092

8 3-38-33-8 44.3882 34.2017

9 3-38-32-9 43.6664 34.1309

10 3-38-31-10 43.669 34.0862

11 3-38-16-25 43.7136 33.701

12 3-38-17-24 43.7484 33.4535

13 3-38-18-23 43.7309 33.5891

14 3-38-19-22 43.894 33.7204

15 3-38-20-21 43.7061 33.8192

16 3-38-6-35 43.5645 33.4898

17 3-38-7-34 44.4432 33.687

18 3-38-8-33 44.4549 33.65

ISSN 2367-7902 239

Proceedings of International Scientific Conference ―Defense Technologies‖ DefTech 2022,
Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems

19 3-38-9-32 43.7278 33.5741

20 3-38-10-31 43.7322 33.5651


Best case scenario Worst case scenario

Figure 6: Oscillations during the rotation movement of the platform on Z axis

Figure 7: Oscillations created during the translational movement of the chassis on Z axis

ISSN 2367-7902 240

Proceedings of International Scientific Conference ―Defense Technologies‖ DefTech 2022,
Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems

Figure 8: Momentum transmitted from the rocket to the platform on X axis

Figures 6 and 7 describe the oscillatory evolution of the chassis during the rotational and
translational movement on the axis of interest. Same procedure can be applied to extract oscillatory
evolution graphs for the tipping platform, using the features from Matlab ILANPRN program.

3. Optimal time between launchings determinations

Determining the optimal time between launchings requires to evaluate the oscillations determined
by the rotations of the tipping part and the chassis of the firing platform when the last unguided GRAD
rocket is launched. The rocket launch order was selected the one for which the total impulse calculated
was the minimum in the previous subchapter (3-38-17-24).
The numerical determinations were conducted for the following time intervals between each rocket
▪ case I – 0.2 seconds;
▪ case II – 0.4 seconds;
▪ case III – 0.6 seconds;
▪ case IV – 0.8 seconds.
We evaluate the optimal time between launchings by comparing the movement of a material
point located on the chassis of the platform considering the time intervals selected.

ISSN 2367-7902 241

Proceedings of International Scientific Conference ―Defense Technologies‖ DefTech 2022,
Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems

Figure 9: Movement of a material point located on the chassis, considering different times of launching

In figure 9 it can be observed that for a time step of 0.2 seconds, the movement is amortised the
earliest and the amplitude of the oscillations is the lowest, therefore this is the best case scenario for the
given options. With time intervals of 0.8 and 0.6 seconds between the rockets launchings, the stress
induced to the launching platform is at the highest value.

4. Acknowledgments
Numerical determinations were conducted using the MATLAB program in order to evaluate the
effects of firing unguided rockets when considering different launchings order and time intervals
between launchings. It is considered the influence of the oscillatory movements given by the rotation
angles of the tipping part and chassis along the x/y axis and the linear oscillation of the chassis along the
z axis when the second unguided missile is launched.
The best and worst case scenarios in terms of the stress induced to the launching platform are
presented, considering the launch of four unguided GRAD rockets from different launch pod positions.

1. Stroea, A.; Băjenaru, Ghe. – Romanian artillery in data and images, Technical-Editorial Center
of the Army Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010;
6. Şomoiag, P. – Weapons Systems. Dinamics of self-propelled launching systems, Military
Technical Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007;
7. McCoy, R. L. – Modern Exterior Ballistics, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1999;
8. Şomoiag, P.; Sava, A.C.; Moldoveanu, C.E.; Iancu, I. - Weapons systems. The firing action on
missile launching systems, Military Technical Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012.

ISSN 2367-7902 242

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