Shotter and Scullard Notes

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Shotter notes-

. Lepidus became consul in 78 and his reforms included restoration of

the tribunate. Pompey supported this
. He fell out with his fellow consul, Catalus, and with his deputy
Brutus began raising troops in Italy
. Early in 77 Lepidus marched on Rome, the senate passed the SCU
and was stopped when the senate gave Pompey imperium to deploy
his private army against Lepidus
. Pompey executed Brutus
. Catalus wanted him to disband his army but Pompey said he should
be sent to Spain to put down Quintus Sertorius
. Sertorius was a real danger: he inspired loyalty, had trained an
efficient army and created a kind of roman state in Iberia
. Pompey managed to defeat him
. Pirates in the eastern Mediterranean had become a serious problem,
eliminating the Rhodian navy and gained the support of Mithridates
. By the 70’s, they were able to operate almost without limit, even
attacking coastal Italy
. Extensive command was granted to Pompey out of fear of this,
. Bithynia, a recent Roman ally, was attacked by Mithridates.
. The Consuls Cotta and Lucullus were sent to deal with this
. Spartacus’ revolt occurred in 73, a Thracian gladiator in northern
Italy who rose up against his overseers
. He caused considerable disruption in Italy and defeated both consuls
in 72
. The republics army was left under the control of Crassus, a praetor
in 73
. He defeated and killed Spartacus, but not before the senate split his
power with Pompey, who claimed the glory, despite only mopping up
the remnants of the revolt

Scullard notes-
. Pompey defeated Lepidus at Cosa in Etruria. Lepidus slipped away
to Sardinia, but soon died, and the survivors of his army joined
Sertorius in Spain
. It took Pompey five years from his arrival in Spain in 76 to defeat
Sertorius, aided by his ally Peperna who treacherously murdered him
and was soon defeated by Pompey
. Against Mithridates Cotta was sent to Bithynia and Lucullus was
sent to Cilicia
. By 71, Mithridates was driven out of Pontus and the position beyond
the frontiers of Macedonia was improved
. In 73, Spartacus escaped with some companions and took Mt.
. He quickly built up a considerable force and overran Campania and
Lucania and defeated the forces sent against him by the senate
. Spartacus wisely withdrew north of the Alps as he realised he
couldn’t hold any territory. But the Gauls and Germans preferred to
stay in Italy so he was forced to stay in Southern Italy for the winter

. His force of 70,000 defeated both consuls in 72

. The senate and the people gave Crassus and Pompey power to defeat
Spartacus, Crassus was able to crush his men in three separate
engagements, 6000 men were crucified by him on the road to Appium
. Some fugitives escaped but were defeated by Pompey in Erturia,
who claimed credit for finishing the war

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