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Gas Turbine Combustion Technologies for Hydrogen Blends
Donato Cecere * , Eugenio Giacomazzi , Antonio Di Nardo and Giorgio Calchetti

Laboratory of Processes and Systems Engineering for Energy Decarbonisation, ENEA, Via Anguillarese 301,
00124 Rome, Italy
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: The article reviews gas turbine combustion technologies focusing on their current ability
to operate with hydrogen enriched natural gas up to 100% H2 . The aim is to provide a picture of
the most promising fuel-flexible and clean combustion technologies, the object of current research
and development. The use of hydrogen in the gas turbine power generation sector is initially
motivated, highlighting both its decarbonisation and electric grid stability objectives; moreover, the
state-of-the-art of hydrogen-blend gas turbines and their 2024 and 2030 targets are reported in terms
of some key performance indicators. Then, the changes in combustion characteristics due to the
hydrogen enrichment of natural gas blends are briefly described, from their enhanced reactivity
to their pollutant emissions. Finally, gas turbine combustion strategies, both already commercially
available (mostly based on aerodynamic flame stabilisation, self-ignition, and staging) or still under
development (like the micro-mixing and the exhaust gas recirculation concepts), are described.

Keywords: hydrogen; combustion technologies; gas turbines

1. Introduction
In recent years, the detrimental impacts of global climate change have manifested
across various facets of our environment. Unless we transition to carbon-free fuels without
compromising global energy production and consumption, these adverse changes are
poised to persist [1]. A significant portion of emissions, including NOx , CO, CO2 , results
Citation: Cecere, D.; Giacomazzi, E.; from the combustion of fossil fuels. The shift towards alternative fuels, such as hydro-
Di Nardo, A.; Calchetti G. Gas gen, which is devoid of carbon content [2–4], represents a crucial and necessary step in
Turbine Combustion Technologies for addressing this issue.
Hydrogen Blends. Energies 2023, 16, In 2019, global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels amounted to 33 Gt, with 41% coming
6829. https://doi.org/10.3390/ from the power generation sector, and the rest from the transport and industrial sectors.
en16196829 With the current level of emissions, there are only 15 years left to keep global warming to
Academic Editor: Tong Seop Kim 1.5 ◦ C above pre-industrial levels. In 2020, installed power generation with gas turbines
was about 1.6 TW globally, and despite the effects of COVID-19 on energy demand, gas
Received: 29 August 2023 accounted for about 22% of power generation. Gas turbines already perform an important
Revised: 23 September 2023
back-up service (both peak and seasonal) to support non-programmable renewables and
Accepted: 25 September 2023
stabilize (both in voltage and frequency) the electricity grid, with a non-negligible contri-
Published: 26 September 2023
bution to the flexibility of the electricity system, even in a vision to 2040 (see Figure 1). In
this view, the potential annual reduction of CO2 due to hydrogen operated gas turbines
is greater than 450 Mt. In this context, with a highly intermittent and increasingly low
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
operational profile in terms of annual equivalent hours (estimate by 2040 of less than 3000 h
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. per year in Europe), the application of post-combustion capture technologies to gas turbines
This article is an open access article fueled by natural gas would be unsustainable, both from a technical and economic point
distributed under the terms and of view.
conditions of the Creative Commons Pre-combustion refers to systems and processes by which a fuel is transformed into
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// another fuel with a lower or no carbon content, capturing CO2 before the fuel is used.
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ Today, the focus is on hydrogen, which does not emit CO2 during the combustion process.
4.0/). The possibility of burning hydrogen in a gas turbine avoids the potential “lock-in” of CO2

Energies 2023, 16, 6829. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16196829 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2023, 16, 6829 2 of 29

emissions for the entire life of the power plant (“blocked emissions” are future carbon
dioxide emissions caused by decisions made in the present). In view of an increasingly less
massive use of fossil fuels, turbo-gas plants operating with hydrogen/methane mixtures
represent an important solution for the decarbonisation of the thermo-electric generation
sector and for the sustainability of the energy transition. However, it is important to
underline that in order to have a decisive impact on CO2 reduction, it is necessary to work
with mixtures with a high hydrogen content. In Figure 2, the trend of CO2 reduction as a
function of the percentage by volume of H2 in the CH4 /H2 mixture is shown. The trend is
non-linear: if you want to achieve a CO2 reduction of 50%, it is necessary to have a mixture
with about 75% of H2 by volume.

Figure 1. Capacity of the European electricity system and sources of flexibility by 2040 (Stated Policies
Scenario) [5].

Figure 2. The red curve gives the percentage by mass of hydrogen corresponding to a certain
percentage by volume for CH4 /H2 mixtures. The purple curve gives, for a certain volume percentage
of hydrogen in the mixture, the percentage of CO2 emitted on the left axis, and the relative kg/kWh
emitted on the right axis (assuming an electrical efficiency of 55%) [6].

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. However, it does not exist
on Earth as an isolated molecule. It is present inside molecules containing other atomic
species. To obtain pure hydrogen, it must be separated from the molecules in which it is
contained, essentially H2 O or hydrocarbons (for example, CH4 ). The current demand for
hydrogen is about 70 million tons per year. Approximately 90% is produced from natural
gas or coal, typically by reforming processes [7]. Steam methane reforming (SMR) is one of
the methods used to produce hydrogen (“blue hydrogen”) from methane (or natural gas)
and water vapor. Since about 9.5 kg of CO2 are generated for every kg of H2 produced,
the process requires the application of CCUS (carbon capture, utilisation, and storage)
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 3 of 29

techniques to be sustainable. Another method of production of H2 is the electrolysis of

water; this is, today, the clean process par excellence (“green hydrogen”), using renewable
sources to power the process [8,9]. Additional emerging technologies encompass a range
of biogas production methods, including the gasification [10] and pyrolysis processes [11].
Furthermore, advancements in biomass fermentation utilizing microorganisms have also
been explored [12,13]. In addition to these, there are newly developed approaches such
as photo-electrochemical water splitting [14] and thermo-chemical processes, including
microbial electrolysis [15], aimed at splitting water into H2 and O2 with reduced energy
requirements compared to conventional electrolysis methods. The considerable quantities
of hydrogen required for the decarbonization of the thermo-electric generation sector make
the use of “blue hydrogen” inevitable, through the steam reforming process coupled with
CO2 capture techniques. Given the characteristics of current CCS techniques [16,17], it
seems sensible to think of a centralized production system (higher volumes and lower
capture costs).
When we talk about fuel-flexibility, we currently refer to the ability of a gas turbine to
operate, with hydrogenated mixtures, where hydrogen is mixed with other gaseous fuels
under several loading conditions, a flame mode, and an acceptable level of emissions [18,19].
Such blends range from hydrogen enriched natural gas (HENG) to ammonia (used as a
promising H2 carrier). The experience gained with the operation of gas turbines powered
by syngas with a hydrogen content from 30 to 60% by volume represents a solid basis for
further developments on the combustion of mixtures with higher concentrations.
High hydrogen concentrations can be burned by adopting WLE (Wet Low Emission)
technology [20]. NOx emissions can be controlled by decreasing flame temperature by
injection of steam or demineralized water with penalties, in regards to combustion effi-
ciency, plant complexity, and, therefore, CAPEX/OPEX costs. The major investments are,
therefore, oriented towards lean premixed technologies (Dry Low Emission, DLE) without
dilution [21]. Today, it is considered the state of the art among gas turbine technologies
using natural gas, as it allows greater efficiencies and the low emissions of pollutants.
Therefore, DLE combustion technologies offer the advantage of operating gas turbines
while keeping emissions well below the limits defined by the European Industrial Emission
Directives (IED). However, particularly when employed in proximity to lean blowout con-
ditions, these combustion strategies tend to exhibit substantial pressure oscillations. These
oscillations result from the interaction between pressure waves associated with the system’s
acoustics and heat release. Their amplitudes can surpass 10% of the average pressure within
the combustion chamber, whereas acceptable levels are considerably lower. Depending
on the combustor’s mechanical design and the oscillation frequency, manufacturers of-
ten establish limits that are more than an order of magnitude stricter. These undesired
oscillations diminish the stable operational range of gas turbines. They tend to intensify
when operating with leaner fuel mixtures, although there are also combustion systems
with characteristic frequencies that increase when the mixture is richer. These phenomena
are commonly referred to as thermo-acoustic or “operational” combustion instabilities, or
more broadly, combustion dynamics. They can pose practical challenges during gas turbine
operation, negatively impacting machine reliability and availability. They can lead to issues
such as flashback and lean blowout, induce vibrations in mechanical components, and
damage the entire system due to cyclic mechanical and thermal stresses on the turbine’s
walls and blades. Additionally, there is a risk of releasing broken components into the
high-temperature path of the working fluid.
The maximum hydrogen concentration allowed in DLE-type gas turbines varies
considerably from one manufacturer to another. Table 1 shows the levels of hydrogen
currently accepted by the various classes of gas turbines [22,23], from heavy-duty for
industrial use, to aero-derived and micro-turbines (20% H2 by vol. refers to lower power).
The reason lies in the different combustion temperatures and the different combustion
technologies used in the different classes. However, there are no fuel-flexible machines on
the market that can handle the entire 0–100% range of hydrogen blended with natural gas.
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 4 of 29

Finding a low NOx combustion strategy to burn high H2 blends is the goal of gas turbine
manufacturers. Currently, NOx emissions are often controlled by gas turbine depowering.
It has been also observed that the H2 addition to natural gas also affects the machine
start-up and shutdown procedures. Furthermore, the machine must maintain an adequate
degree of “operational flexibility”, i.e., the ability to reliably and safely vary power in a
short time to cope with changes in the energy demand.

Table 1. State of the art on the H2 volume percentage in the fuel mixture accepted by gas turbines [22].

Combustion H2 NO Complexity CAPEX/OPEX

Diffusive/diluted 0–100% Higher Higher Higher
44–63% heavy duty (100–500 MWe)
Dry Low Emission (DLE) 43–55% industrial (30–100 MWe)
- - -
Lean Premixed Combustion 35% aero-derivative (1–30 MWe)
20–32 microturbine (0.1–1 MWe)

Table 2 shows the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for DLE gas turbines, with
reference to the state of the art (SoA) in 2020 and with forecasts for 2024 and 2030. It is
noted that, maintaining the same level of NOx , going from 30% to 100% H2 is already a
challenge. Moreover, the standardization commonly adopted for NOx at 15% O2 in dry
conditions (without H2 O) cannot be applied to fuels with reactivities and combustion
products very different from those of natural gas; a more appropriate normalization is the
one suggested in the same table, which uses the mass of NOx in mg per quantity of fuel
energy injected in MJ. This new normalization has been suggested not only in the SRIA2021-
2027 of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership [22], but also in the Hydrogen Working Group of
the European Turbine Network [23]. Regarding the start-up, it should be reminded that
this phase is typically carried out with only natural gas or liquid oil.

Table 2. Key Performance Indicators for DLE-type gas turbines [22].

KPI Unit SoA 2020 Target 2024 Target 2030

% by mass 0–5 0–23 0–100
H2 fuel content
% by volume 0–30 0–70 0–100
ppmv at 15%O2 dry <25 at 30% vol. H2 <25 at 70% vol. H2 <25 at 100% vol. H2
NOx emissions
mmg/MJfuel <31 at 30% vol. H2 <29 at 70% vol. H2 <24 at 100% vol. H2
% by mass 0.7 3 100
Max. H2 content at start-up
% by volume 5 20 100
Max. electrical efficiency loss % points 10 at 30% vol. H2 10 at 70% vol. H2 10 at 100% vol. H2
Min. ramp rate % load/minute 10 at 30% vol. H2 10 at 70% vol. H2 10 at 100% vol. H2
% by mass/minute ±1.4 ±2.21 ±5.11
H2 accepted fluctuations
% by volume/minute ±10 ±15 ±30

On the basis of the above discussion and information in the available literature,
this paper aims to review and compare the recent advances in GT combustion technolo-
gies to identify potential candidate(s) that promise a superior performance for hydrogen
blends. Different technology concepts and applications such as DryLowNOx (DLN) or
Lean Premixed (LPM) air combustion, Aerodynamically Stabilized Combustion and its
subcategories (Trapped Vortex Combustor, FlameSheet), Staged Combustion, as well as the
performance and operability of some emerging and promising technologies (Micro-Mixing,
Exhaust gas Recirculation) with oxidizer/fuel flexibility are covered in this study.

2. Effects of Hydrogen on Combustion

The combustion of hydrogen with air does not generate CO2 emissions, the main
cause of the greenhouse effect; the products of the exothermic reaction with air are water
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 5 of 29

in the form of vapour, negligible fractions of H, OH, and O, and a certain quantity of
nitrogen oxides. Furthermore, the combustion of hydrogen does not produce the typical
hydrocarbon reaction intermediates, such as CO, and other more complex molecules,
some of which are harmful and very reactive [24]. However, the ability of gas turbines to
operate with high levels of hydrogen relies on combustion systems adapted to the specific
characteristics of this fuel. In fact, hydrogen significantly alters the combustion process
compared to natural gas. The main differences are listed below and in Table 3:

Table 3. Properties of H2 compared with Methane (CH4 ), Propane (C3 H8 ), and Jet-A [25–27].

- H2 CH4 C3 H8 Jet-A
Molecular Weight [g/mol] 2.016 16.04 44.097 ∼168
Density at NTP [Kg/m3 ] 0.0838 0.6512 1.87 775–840
Self Ignition T [K] 845–858 813–905 760–766 483
Minimum Ignition energy [mJ] 0.02 0.29–0.33 0.26–0.305 20
Flammability range in Air [vol%] 4–75 5–15 2.1–10 0.6–7
Flammability range [φ] 0.1–7.1 0.4–1.6 0.56–2.7 -
Stoich. Composition in air [vol%] 29.53 9.48 4.02 15
Adiabatic Flame Temperature [K] 2318–2400 2158–2226 2198–2267 2366
Lower Heating value [MJ/Kg] 118.8–120.3 50 46.35 43
Higher Heating value [MJ/Kg] 141.75 55.5 50.4 46.2
Lower Heating value [MJ/m3 ] 10.78 35.8 91.21 -
Higher Heating value [MJ/m3 ] 12.75 39.72 99.03 -
Lower Wobble Index [MJ/m3 ] 40.7 47.94 73.3 -

• It has a higher adiabatic flame temperature than methane (see Table 3 where the values
of the adiabatic flame temperature (Tad ) of selected fuels at stoichiometric conditions
are reported [19,28]). This temperature also defines the combustion efficiency and the
cooling requirememts of the liner; thus, it is important for the GT design [29].
• The higher adiabatic temperature can lead to an increase in NOx levels.
• Mixing H2 with conventional fuels reduces CO emissions since the carbon input
decreases at a constant equivalence ratio; the oxidation of CO and CO2 is increased by
the higher concentration of OH and H radicals [30]. Working with the excessive lean
mixture, the temperature decreases and CO emissions increase [25].
• As shown in Table 3, the lower calorific value of hydrogen, on a volumetric basis, is
approximately 1/3 of that of natural gas; therefore, fuel supply systems capable of
providing a higher volumetric flow rate are required.
• Hydrogen has a reactivity about a hundred times greater than natural gas and a
higher flame speed of about an order of magnitude [31]. Even mixtures containing
hydrogen in various percentages have higher laminar flame speeds than methane
alone: a mixture of 50% hydrogen has twice the flame speed compared to 100%
methane [25,32,33]. Figure 3 shows the trend of the laminar flame speed as a function
of the equivalence ratio.
• The ignition delay time decreases with the H2 addition [34,35]. Designing the premixer
to preclude autoignition requires knowledge of the fuel mixture ignition delay time
and the local conditions relative to a premixing time scale.
• The higher flame speed (due to the increased production of OH, H, O radicals and the
higher molecular diffusivity of H2 [36]) increases the risk of dynamic instabilities (i.e.,
flashbacks where turbulent flame speed exceeds the flow velocity, typically in the flow
boundary layer, allowing flame propagation inside the mixer, with obvious problems
of material resistance and safety). Furthermore, H2 enrichment increases the critical
strain rate and minimizes the quenching possibilities of the flame [37,38].
• High H2 content increases the risk of thermo-acoustic instabilities characterized by
large amplitude pressure oscillations that are driven by unsteadiness in the phase heat
release, which strongly alters the combustion process. Shorter convective time scales
of the methane–hydrogen mixture and faster reaction rates affect the phase relation-
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 6 of 29

ship between the fluctuating pressure and unsteady heat release [39–44] Although,
for many years, both the research and industrial worlds have investigated combus-
tion instabilities [45–47], the problem is still not completely solved. The strategies
employed to avoid or reduce its effects are substantially based on empirical methods.
In addition, lean H2 flames are highly thermo-diffusively unstable, which means that
wrinkles in the flame will tend to become more pronounced, thus justifying the higher
turbulent flame speed of lean H2 flames compared to other lean mixtures [48].
• The combustion of hydrogen produces flames that are not very bright; therefore, most
of the energy is transmitted by convection, by the sensible heat in the exhausted
gas [49].

Figure 3. Laminar flame speed of a CH4 /H2 mixture as a function of the equivalence ratio [50]. The
curve for methane only refers to 1 atm and 300 K conditions.

3. Low NOx H2 -Ready Combustion Technologies

NOx are emissions basically comprised of nitrogen oxide (NO) with smaller amounts
of nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) and nitrous oxide (N2 O). In terms of global warming, their effect
(particularly that of NO2 ) is about 136 times more powerful than CO2 , even though their
lifetime is only a few weeks in the atmosphere [51]. In the stratosphere, they lead to the
formation of ozone (O3 ) which is very dangerous and at the same time, they reduce the
amount of ozone itself in the troposphere, where it is needed to protect the earth from
ultraviolet rays. Furthermore, NOx are harmful to humans, as they damage the respiratory
system. Consequently, it is essential to reduce their emissions. NOx are formed through
five pathways. The formation depends on numerous factors, such as, the temperature, the
residence time, and the equivalence ratio. Each path first involves the formation of NO
which reacts with oxygen to form NO2 . The main NO formation paths are thermal, prompt,
NNH, N2 O, and Fuel NO:
(1) Thermal NO or Zeldovich mechanism [52]. The reactions of this mechanism require a
high activation energy, thus high temperatures, to activate them [53,54].
R1: N2 + O = NO + N
R2: N + O2 = NO + O
R3: N + OH = NO + H
The rate of NO formation strongly depends on temperature, pressure, and residence
time; decreasing any of these three reduces NO, but the exponential dependence on
temperature makes the reduction of the combustion temperature the key strategy
for low NOx combustion. Fortunately, thermal NOx formation rates are relatively
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 7 of 29

slow, and therefore, equilibrium concentrations are never reached in the combustion
devices. It is also dependent on the square root of the pressure [55]. NOx emissions
can be reduced by lowering the flame temperature or by reducing the time that the
mixture spends in the combustor. With H2 bland fuel, it is possible to simultaneously
reduce the length of the combustor and working with a leaner mixture due to the
higher flame speed and to the lower flammability limit compared to natural gas.
(2) Prompt NO. The mechanism initiated by attack of CHn -radicals on N2 is termed
prompt NO [56–58].
R4: CH + N2 = NCN + H
R5: NCN + O = NO + CN
R6: CN + O2 = NO + CO
R7: NCO + O = NO + CO
(3) NNH pathway [59,60]. This mechanism is important at higher temperature conditions
in the fuel-rich side of the flame zone as well as in the reaction zone.
R8: N2 + H(+M) = NNH(+M)
R9: NNH + O = NO + NH
R10: NNH + OH = NO + NH2
(4) N2 O pathway [61]. The N2 O pathway seems to be significant at high pressures and
moderate temperatures in the fuel-lean flame conditions.
R11: N2 + O(+M) = N2 O(+M)
R12: N2 O + H = NO + NH
R13: N2 O + O = 2NO
(5) Fuel NO [51,56]. When nitrogen is chemically bound to fuel (e.g., NH3 ), it converts al-
most completely to NOx in the exhaust gases. From the thermal decomposition of fuel-
bound compounds in the reaction zone, radicals such as HCN, NH3 , N, CN and NH
can be formed and converted to NOx [62]. While most gaseous fuels, such as natural
gas, do not contain fuel-bound nitrogen, nitrogen is frequently present in liquid and
solid fuels. Unprocessed fuel oil, for instance, can contain more than 1000 parts per
million (ppm) of bound nitrogen, resulting in over 40 ppm of nitrogen oxides (NOx )
in the exhaust gases solely due to this mechanism. Additionally, the sulfur content in
liquid fuels can contribute to acid rain and harm the catalysts used to control emis-
sions in automobiles. Fortunately, refining processes designed to remove sulfur also
eliminate nitrogen from the fuel. Ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD), as defined by ASTM
D975 and containing less than 15 ppm of sulfur, typically contains less than 10 ppm of
fuel-bound nitrogen, resulting in less than 1 ppm of NOx being added to the exhaust.
Low sulfur diesel (LSD) contains less than 500 ppm of sulfur and can introduce a few
ppm of NOx into the exhaust. In contrast, high sulfur diesel, with sulfur levels of up
to 5000 ppm (0.5%), also contains a significant amount of fuel-bound nitrogen, which
can contribute an additional 50 ppm of NOx . Such levels are generally considered
unacceptable in regions where NOx emissions are regulated.
The NOx reduction strategies can be divided into primary and secondary measures.
The primary measures involve the modification of the combustion process, such as peak
temperatures or residence times reduction; the secondary ones instead consist of the
treatment of the exhausted gases downstream of the combustion chamber, with the aim
of converting the NOx into less harmful gases, such as H2 O and N2 . In most cases, the
primary measures require geometric modifications and are, therefore, more suitable for
new combustor designs but more difficult to apply in combustors already in operation. The
reduction of the reaction temperature can be obtained using lean mixtures or by the injection
of water and/or steam inside the combustion chamber. NOx reduction technologies that
do not consider water or steam injection are called “Dry Low NOx ” (DLN) or “Dry Low
Emission” (DLE) technologies. Since the injection of water or steam into the combustion
chamber leads to a reduction of the combustion efficiency and of the entire thermodynamic
cycle of the plant, the attention is mainly directed to DLE technologies.
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 8 of 29

The DLN or DLE combustion technologies are all lean premixed or partially premixed
since this allows for greater temperature and NOx control. A good mixing is required for
the abatement process to be effective. However, residence times and sufficient volumes
may be necessary, such that it is difficult to avoid self-ignition or flash-back. Figure 4
shows the operating principle of Lean Premixed Combustion: in the mixing area, the fuel
and the hot air coming from the compressor mix but do not have to react until they enter
the combustion chamber. As already noted, these combustion strategies tend to show
dangerous thermo-acoustic instabilities (especially close to lean quench conditions) [63,64],
which can reduce the machine availability for unplanned maintenance or even damage
it seriously. Figure 5 qualitatively highlights the ability of lean premixed technologies
to control pollutant emissions, thanks to the adoption of a low equivalence ratio, and at
the same time, it shows the narrow operating range due to the onset of thermo-acoustic

Figure 4. Operating scheme of a lean premix type combustor [65,66].

Figure 5. Qualitative representation of NOx and CO emissions and normalized pressure fluctuation,
as a function of the equivalence ratio. The nominal equivalence ratio and its stable range are purely
qualitative. The pollutant emission limits refer to the Industrial Emissions Directives (IED) on natural
gas combustion of November 2010. It should be noted that the limits may be lower than those
shown here, depending on what is agreed in the relevant Best Available Technologies (BAT) reference
document (BREF). Permission levels for individual sites can also be lower.

The following sections report the combustion technologies implemented to reduce

NOx formation, with a particular emphasis on those technologies aimed at increasing
the fuel flexibility in gas turbines, i.e., increasing the range of H2 content in natural gas-
hydrogen mixtures [67]. These systems can be classified into four groups, depending on
the strategy adopted for stabilizing combustion:
• combustion aerodynamically stabilized by propagation;
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 9 of 29

• combustion stabilized by self-ignition;

• staged combustion, stabilized with different methodologies (by propagation and/or
self-ignition); and
• micro-mixing combustion, with many small premixed, partially premixed or diffusive
These strategies can be hybridized with the recirculation of burnt gases at the com-
pressor intake, a technology known as Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR).

3.1. Aerodynamically Stabilized Combustion

These combustors are based on the generation of suitable recirculation zones which
stabilize the combustion, generally by propagation [68]. An aerodynamic stabilization
strategy of widely-used premixed flames consists of the use of swirled jets. These burners
generate a flow with a strong rotational component by means of vanes or tangential jets
that stabilizes the flames in several ways, improving combustion quality and shortening
the reaction zone. The swirled flow generates a central recirculation zone: in the expansion
phase, the jet is characterized by a radial pressure gradient with a low-pressure region
on the axis; when the resulting adverse pressure gradient along the axis of the jet is high
enough, it induces an axial reverse flow and creates a vortex breakdown region. The
essential mechanism of flame stabilization at a high swirl number (SN > 0.6) is due to the
recirculation of the hot combustion products in the recirculation zone, where they mix
with the fresh reactants, providing a continuous source of ignition, and also due to the
increase in the residence time of the reactants in the reaction zone. Figure 6 shows an
advanced burner of the DLN type with the vortex breakdown stabilization mechanism: the
ALSTOM/ANSALDO EV burner. A more efficient version of EV is developed by means of
sequential combustion [69].

Figure 6. Scheme of the EV burner of ALSTOM/ANSALDO [70].

Another aerodynamic stabilization technique of premixed flames is that of SOLAR

Turbines, which in 1992, developed the SoLoNOx™ (Solar Low NOx ) combustion technol-
ogy, which is used to control NOx and CO emissions. The concept exploits a premixed
system (lean premixed combustion) with a pilot [71]. It is based on the fact that CO is
mainly formed below 1400 ◦ C [72] while NOx is basically formed at a temperature above
1500 ◦ C [51]. By keeping the temperature within this range, the emission levels of the two
pollutants remain within acceptable levels. In 2021, the technology operated up to 20%
hydrogen by volume. Figure 7 shows the cross-section of a SOLAR Turbines machine with
the SoLoNOx technology. The Mars SoLoNOx annular combustion system [73] includes
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 10 of 29

fourteen injectors. Each injector consists of a diffusive pilot and a premixed main part.
The pilot circuit is used for startup and in low-power operating mode. Pre-mixing of
fuel and air is achieved in an annular duct, where the fuel is injected into the swirling
air flow at multiple points. Since the combustor is based on premixed technology, there
is no dilution zone, as the radial temperature profile is sufficiently uniform. Preliminary
tests have highlighted a limited low-emission operating range of the premixed burner. The
system was then equipped with an air bleeding system to maintain the optimal air/fuel
ratio value for each load condition. The bleeding system is controlled by a single butterfly
valve, located on the side of the engine.

Figure 7. Scheme of the SoLoNOx™ (Solar Low NOx ) combustion technology of SOLAR Turbines [74].

A strategy, in which a macro-recirculation used for combustion stabilization is pro-

duced by geometric effect, is instead the Trapped Vortex Combustor (TVC) [75]. Combus-
tion stability is obtained by geometric cavities, where recirculation zones of hot products
are generated by the direct injection of fuel and air, and which act as a continuous source of
ignition for the incoming fuel-air main flow. The Trapped Vortex Combustor is an efficient
and compact combustor, with a stable performance over a wide range of fuel flow rates
and with low pressure losses. Different strategies can be implemented in order to reduce
NOx : the rapid mixing of fuel and oxidant, staged combustion with a lean or premixed mix-
ture, high inlet velocities with reduced residence time, and in the rich-burn quick-quench
lean-burn (RQL) mode. Figure 8 reports the evolution of the TVC during years [75].

Figure 8. Scheme of a generic Trapped Vortex Combustor. First (left), second (middle), and third
generation (right). “Reproduced with permission from [75], Elsevier, 2018”.

A recent premixed combustion technology, which belongs to the aerodynamically

stabilized burner category, is the FlameSheetTM by THOMASSEN Energy [76,77]. It has
considerable similarities with the TVC, but in this case, the vortex which guarantees
flame anchoring and stability is “trapped” aerodynamically and not geometrically. The
combustor has two distinct parts (Figures 9 and 10): a pilot and a main combustor (main
stage). The pilot is located along the axis of the combustor, while the main stage surrounds
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 11 of 29

it. The pilot and the main stage are two essentially independent burners, being able to
operate independently, thus allowing considerable operating flexibility. The pilot air flows
through an external circuit until the burner head where it passes through a radial swirl
and is then mixed with fuel before entering the combustion chamber. A stabilized flame
is created by the swirled flow downstream of a bluff-body, placed in the center of the
combustor. The main air flows instead through an internal circuit where fuel is injected to
form the mixture, and then is turned 180◦ and flows into the main stage combustor. The
strong recirculation zone, which constitutes the aerodynamically trapped vortex, stabilizes
the flame (similar mechanism to a backward facing step, but more effective), while the
considerable aerodynamic stretching prevents the pre-ignition of the reactants. Figure 11
shows the results from the test rig at General Electric Fclass conditions. It is confirmed
that up to 65% of blended hydrogen by volume with natural gas can be consumed safely
without the risk of flashback and with a NOx emission performance below 7 ppm. The
FlameSheetTM technology has been demonstrated up to 80% of hydrogen by volume on a
single full-scale, full power “can” in a test facility, with low NOx emissions and without the
need for a diluent such as nitrogen and without a performance impact [78]. The combustor
offers superior turn-down. If, at full load, both stages are used, at low loads only the
main stage operates, in a stable and low CO emissions condition. Moreover, thanks to the
efficient mixing and exit velocities, it can tolerate MWI (Modified Wobbe Index) variation
up to 30%, without affecting emissions [29,79]. This technology is suitable for retrofitting
gas turbines, since it has been designed with a view to replace the combustors of various
gas turbines already existing on the market (GE (6F, 7E, 7F, 9E, 9F), Siemens/Mitsubishi
(501F, 501G, 701F, 701G), and Siemens (501B/D)).

Figure 9. FlameSheetTM combustor. Sectional drawing (left) and simulations (right) [77].

Figure 10. Cross Section view of a FlameSheetTM combustor [80].

Energies 2023, 16, 6829 12 of 29

Figure 11. FlameSheetTM NOx emissions. High pressure rig tests at F-Class operating conditions [76,78].

3.2. Stabilized Combustion for Self-Ignition

Self-ignition combustion occurs when the reactants are injected into a region with
a higher temperature than the ignition temperature. An example can be found in the
second combustor of the constant pressure sequential combustion developed by AL-
STOM/ANSALDO, in which the fuel is injected into the exhaust gas stream coming from
the first combustor (of the EV type, as in Figure 6), to which fresh air has been added.
Flameless Oxidation (FLOXTM ) is another example of self-ignition combustion tech-
nology. In FLOX or MILD combustion, flue gas (N2 , CO2 , H2 O) is recirculated within the
combustor back to the flame front to reduce the O2 concentration in the oxidant and to
heat the reactants above the auto-ignition temperature [81–83]. This strategy generates
uniform temperature distribution, with reduced peaks, and a consequent reduction of NOx
formation [81]; moreover, the flame is not visible (low OH concentrations). Basically, this
approach is based on the creation of a volumetric reaction zone, where the fuel and oxidizer,
separated or partially premixed, are injected into the combustion chamber at high speed.
The momentum of the jets and a suitable combustion chamber geometry promote the inter-
nal recirculation of the hot flue gases which preheat and dilute the reactants, stabilizing the
combustion. Although the residence time increases in this way, NOx production is limited
due to the low temperatures. Figure 12 schematically shows the operating principle of a
flameless combustor.

Figure 12. Schematic of the FLOX® combustion principle implemented in [84,85]. “Reproduced with
permission from Elsevier, 2023”.
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 13 of 29

Its principle was originally discovered by Wunning for atmospheric industrial fur-
naces used in the steel industry [84]. The flameless combustion technology is commercially
available for reheating furnaces in the steel sector, with devices already able to operate with
natural gas and hydrogen mixtures up to 100% H2 . The uniform distribution of tempera-
tures offers the potential for attaining elevated combustion chamber temperatures, thereby
enhancing overall efficiency. In the gas turbine sector, there are only some numerical
and experimental examples [86–88]. Banihabib et al. [85,89] conducted modifications on
a 100 KW AE-T100 PH micro-gas turbine swirl-type combustor, originally designed for
natural gas usage. They implemented the FLOX® stabilization principle (specifically, the
F400s.3 combustion system developed by DLR; see top in Figure 13) to enable the use of
hydrogen-enriched fuel and eventually, pure hydrogen. The hydrogen content in the fuel
was volume-based and ranged from 40% to 100%. Their findings demonstrated the sus-
tained operation of the micro-gas turbine with nitrogen oxide (NOx ) emissions consistently
below the regulated limits. For pure hydrogen at full-load operation, the highest recorded
NOx emissions were 22 ppm, which corresponds to 62 ppm when corrected based on a
reference of 15% oxygen in the exhaust gas (see the emission plot in Figure 13).

Figure 13. (Top) Combustion chambers evolution: Turbec, F400s ver.01, F400s ver.02. (Bottom)
Hydrogen content and NOx emissions for manoeuvering with 100% hydrogen. Reproduced with
permission from [85], Elsevier, 2023.

3.3. Staged Combustion

In staged combustion, the reaction zone can be divided in two parts: a zone with a
high equivalence ratio (first stage) and a zone where the equivalence ratio is lower (second
stage). As an example, we can report the RQL concept (Rich-Burn, Quench (or Quick-mix),
Lean-Burn) introduced in 1980 by Mosier and Pierce. It is essentially a staging technique
still used successfully today [90]. In Figure 14, we can see a scheme of an RQL combustor.
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 14 of 29

Figure 14. Schematization of an RQL combustor (left); NOx formation rate and temperature trend as
a function of the equivalence ratio (right) [91].

In the first stage, the reacting mixture is characterized by an average equivalence ratio
of about 1.4. In this area, the low temperatures and low oxygen concentration do not allow
the formation of NOx . In the second stage, dilution air is added, thus producing a lean
mixture zone. In this area, the formation of nitrogen oxides is limited by the temperature
reduction caused by the addition of dilution air. The main problem is the transition between
the rich and the lean zone, which necessarily implies the passage through stoichiometric
conditions, causing a high production of thermal NOx due to high temperatures. To limit
the formation of NOx in this phase, the mixing with the secondary air must be very rapid
and uniform to reduce the residence times at high temperatures and, consequently, the
formation of thermal NOx .
This combustion strategy is also of potential interest for ammonia combustion, cur-
rently considered one of the best H2 -carriers. The direct combustion of ammonia has
significant problems in terms of reactivity and NOx production. Considering that ammonia-
rich combustion generates low NOx (particularly at high pressure) [92], and that the kinetics
of H2 /NH3 mixtures alter the reaction pathways related to NOx formation [93], staged
combustion could be the key to reducing NOx production [94].
Today, there are advanced forms of combustion in longitudinal/axial stages on the
market (see Figure 15): the constant pressure sequential combustion (CPSC) by ANSALDO
Energia, the distributed combustion system (DCS) by SIEMENS [95], and GE’s Axial Fuel
Staging (AFS).

Figure 15. Constant pressure sequential combustion, CPSC (top); distributed combustion system,
DCS (bottom left); axial fuel staging, AFS (bottom right) [96,97].
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 15 of 29

Sequential combustion was initially developed by ABB/ALSTOM to increase load

(operational) flexibility and to increase efficiency at partial loads. A first application of
sequential combustion is found in the GT24 and GT26 turbines [70] developed by ABB
and ALSTOM, schematically described in Figures 16 and 17. In these machines, there is, in
cascade, a high-pressure combustor (EV, first stage), a high-pressure turbine, an afterburner
operating at approximately 20 bar and 1300 K (SEV, second stage), and a low-pressure

Figure 16. Section of the GT24/GT26 gas turbine illustrating the concept of sequential combustion [70].

Figure 17. Scheme of the GT36 sequential combustion at constant pressure [98].

3.4. Micro-Mixing
In the “micro-mixing” technology, a very rapid mixing between the fuel and oxidant
and many small flames is obtained, using a large number of very small injectors [99]. The
principle of this combustion technique was invented in Germany several years ago for
aerospace applications. This technique is widely studied today to reduce NOx emissions
for hydrogen combustion in “dry” conditions, i.e., without injections of water or steam.
The micro-mixing principle makes it possible to reduce the formation of nitrogen
oxides by reducing the residence time of the reactants in the high-temperature areas by
shortening the flame [96,100,101]. The basic idea is to distribute the heat release inside
the turbine combustor, through a large number of very small flames, instead of a single
conventional flame. The injectors are sized so that the speed of entry into the combustion
chamber is greater than the flame speed, thus avoiding the phenomenon of flashback
and anchoring of the flame near the injector itself. Moreover, the diameter of the holes is
generally smaller than the quenching distance of the flame itself; this mitigates the risk of
the flame anchor inside the tubes. The quenching distance for a flame, referred to as the
case of a tube, is the diameter of the tube; the tube walls remove enough heat from the
flame area, which is locally extinguished as it tries to spread inside it [102].
A very important property of the multi-pipe configuration is scalability, which allows
for the design of combustors of different sizes, without significantly impacting the perfor-
mance. This concept has been demonstrated at the research level [103], and by combustor
manufacturers, through the development of full-scale prototypes both for the test phases
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 16 of 29

and at a commercial level. Numerous studies have been done on possible configurations,
including the “co-flow mixing”, “swirl-based mixing”, and “jet in cross-flow mixing” ap-
proach in multi-tube mixers [104], such as those shown in Figure 18. In all configurations,
there are several small diameter injectors. The very small scales of these injectors require
quite complex fuel and air supply systems.

Figure 18. Multi-tube mixers: (a) NASA, (b) HITACHI, (c) PARKER HANNIFIN, (d) GE Gas
Power [50].

The KAWASAKI Heavy Industries burner, based on the Aachen University prototype,
is proven to run on up to 100% hydrogen in the M1A-17 gas turbine under commercial
operating conditions [105]. The entire combustor is shown in Figure 19. According to
the information released to the press, it seems that the machine supplied 1.1 MWe of
power, with a reduction compared to the nominal natural gas power of 1.8 MWe, and
about 2.8 MWt of available thermal power, with an electrical efficiency of 27%; the NOx
production with this combustor (at two bar condition) remains below 20 ppm at 15% O2
for any workload, as shown in the same figure. The load variation is obtained through the
ignition of the different rings (from idle to 30% load conditions, inner two hydrogen rings
were used and from 30% load to full load conditions, all three rings were used).

Figure 19. KAWASAKI M1A-17 gas turbine combustor and related NOx emissions; fuel 100% H2 [91].

Figure 20 shows the working principle of the KAWASAKI micro-mix type combustion.
Air flows through small openings and fuel is injected perpendicular to the air flow (cross
flow configuration). The fuel/air mixture enters the combustion chamber forming an
inner and an outer vortex that stabilize the flame. It has been found that the two key
parameters that influence the flame shape and length, and then NOx formation (Figure 21),
are the air flow blockage ratio and the depth of the fuel jet penetration into the air stream.
The advantages of this configuration are the intrinsic safety in relation to the possibility
of flashback, and the low NOx emission thanks to the very short residence times of the
reactants in the micro-flames area.
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 17 of 29

Figure 20. Operating principle of KAWASAKI micro-mixing type combustor [91].

Figure 21. CFD results of KAWASAKI micro-mixing type combustor. “Reproduced with permission
from [100,106], KeAI”.

NASA also has been involved in the design of a Lean Direct Injection (LDI) multi-tube
burner [107]. Figure 22 (Top left) reports the N1 burner. Air flows axially inside a multi-tube
system through 25 injectors, while the hydrogen is introduced inside a fuel plenum and
is injected into two opposing jets in each injector with a “cross flow” configuration [108].
The diameters of the air elements and of the hydrogen injection holes are 0.00635 m and
0.000508 m, respectively. It operates in a lean-burn regime and promotes the rapid mixing
of fuel and air.
Several designs have been tested as shown in Figure 22 (bottom). Configuration C1
(Figure 22b) is composed of a central “+” shaped hydrogen jet, surrounded by eight angled
air jets. To facilitate ignition, the fuel and the inner four air jets form a rich mixture, which
is quenched downstream by the additional outer four jets. Configuration C2 (Figure 22c) is
similar to the N1 injector design and it uses triangle holes instead of circles that maximize
packing. Hydrogen is injected on each edge of the triangle to increase penetration and
improve mixing. In configuration C3 (Figure 22d), hydrogen has a single center nozzle,
with swirled air jets around it. Configuration C4 is based on C3 and it has four points
of fuel injections, and swirl is not present, with respect to C3. All configurations have
performed well in terms of emission (see Figure 23), stability and flashback, or autoignition,
although construction and cooling difficulties have been highlighted. The C4 configuration
has demonstrated a better performance than the other ones from a low NOx and durability
criteria, thanks to multiple fuel injection points.
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 18 of 29

Figure 22. (Top) NASA LDI low-emission combustor and view of a cross-flow jet. (Bottom) N1
injector (a) and modified configuration C1 (b), C2 (c), C3 (d) [107].

Figure 23. NASA LDI. NOx emissions of various configurations [107].

Figure 24 illustrates a small auxiliary power unit (APU) designated as GTCP36-300,

which employs the micro-mixing concept. It comprises 1600 miniature injectors and
requires approximately 1600 kW of hydrogen (H2 ) firing to generate 335 kW of shaft power.
The micro-mixing burner has been seamlessly integrated into an annular reverse-flow
combustion chamber, as detailed in [106,109]. Furthermore, research has indicated that this
micro-mixing (MM) combustor is not only capable of operating efficiently on hydrogen-rich
syngas at a medium pressure of 0.6 MPa, as demonstrated in [110], but it also exhibits the
ability to run on pure hydrogen while maintaining low NOx emissions, as highlighted
in [111]. Several experimental and numerical studies have evaluated the effects of changing
the fuel injector diameter on flame structure, and NOx emissions in low/high-energy
density burner configurations [100,112].
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 19 of 29

Figure 24. Experimental Micromix hydrogen combustor for the GTCP36-300 APU. “Reproduced
with permission from [106,111], KeAI”.

GE has designed the DLN 2.6e multi-pipe mixer system (Figure 25), with fuel injections
in a crossflow configuration [113]. In this mixer, air flows through numerous channels
arranged in parallel, with a toroidal fuel plenum surrounding them. Fuel is injected radially
into the airflow through small holes drilled in the tube walls. The distance between the
fuel injection point and the combustion chamber inlet may depend on fuel composition
and machine operating conditions. Also, in this case, given the small diameter of the
pipes, the air speed is greater than the flame speed, avoiding the flashback risk even with
mixtures with a high hydrogen content. At the same time, due to the short tube length,
a low pressure drop is measured. The DLN 2.6e burner was operated in a test facility
under class H conditions up to 50% vol of hydrogen, performing very well in terms of
pollutant emissions (Figure 26). The multitube mixer concept was implemented in a full-can
combustion system specifically designed for high-hydrogen fuel applications. The scaling
up to a multinozzle combustor was carried out successfully, accumulating more than
100 h of operational experience with over 90% hydrogen content in the reactants. When
using a fuel composed of 60% hydrogen and 40% nitrogen (by volume), the combustion
system achieved NOx emissions below 10 ppm content (corrected to 15% O2 ). With the
inclusion of 20% extra nitrogen by volume in the inlet fluid, NOx levels as low as sub-3 ppm
were measured, considering a 15% oxygen concentration. These results demonstrate the
effectiveness of the approach, utilizing small-scale, jet-in-crossflow mixing within tubes,
as a robust and low-NOx method for combusting high-hydrogen fuels in advanced gas
turbine systems, as discussed in [113].
The MITSUBISHI-HITACHI group has designed a dry low NOx , flashback resistant,
fuel-flexible combustor [114,115]. The combustor consists of multiple clusters, each com-
posed of a certain number of fuel nozzles and air holes, arranged coaxially or in crossflow
(Figure 27). Each cluster forms one flame. For each cluster, the jets are oriented to produce a
converging and diverging swirl flow that lifts the flame. Moreover, the burner is equipped
with a pilot in the center, which increases combustion stability. The burner combines both
the advantage of low-NOx premixed combustion and the advantage of a flashback-resistant
diffusion flame. In fact, in the single jet, fuel and air are partially premixed in a short section.
Premixing completes downstream of the jet exit before the mixture is ignited. The short
premixing section, together with the air-stream-surrounded fuel jet (in the case of coaxial
jet) and the lifted flame, make the burner flashback resistant. The test results demonstrated
the feasibility of achieving low NOx emissions with high hydrogen content fuels. The fuel
can be distributed between the inner and outer nozzles of the cluster. The distribution ratio
among the inner and outer circuit affects the burner performance, as the outer part sup-
presses NOx while the inner part increases stability (Figure 28). The system is started with
oil fuel, using the central pilot. When a certain load is reached, the inner part of the main
burners and the outer part of only three of them are activated (Figure 29). Subsequently,
the remaining parts are fueled to reach the full load. It has been demonstrated that the
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 20 of 29

choice of a convex rather than a flat perforated plate is a valid solution to suppress pressure
oscillations, as it is able to move the flame away from the plate, reduce the wake region,
and create a flow along the plate, delaying mixture ignition. As a result of the increased
mixing distance, NOx is also reduced. MITSUBISHI-HITACHI [115] guarantees 30% H2 by
volume and aims at 100%.

Figure 25. GE’s multi-tube burner (DLN 2.6e) [50]. (Bottom left) Model cross section and photograph
of small multitube mixer for high-hydrogen fuel [113].

Figure 26. NOx emissions in the full-can GE combustor based on the multi-tube configuration (DLN
2.6e). Fuel H2 − N2 [113].
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 21 of 29

Figure 27. MITSUBISHI-HITACHI multi-cluster burner [114].

Figure 28. MITSUBISHI-HITACHI multi-cluster burner. NOx emissions and combustion oscillations
with the outer fuel ratio (fuel outer/fuel tot). Fuel: 40% H2 , 18% CH4 , 42% N2 [115].
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 22 of 29

Figure 29. MITSUBISHI-HITACHI multi-cluster burner. Single-can combustor test at medium

pressure. NOx emission with gas turbine load. Main burner fuel: 50% CO2 , 20% H2 , and 20% N2 by
volume. Pilot burner fuel distillate oil. [114].

3.5. Exhaust Gas Recirculation

All the technologies described above can be integrated with flue gas recirculation.
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) consists of recirculating part of the exhausted gases by
mixing them with the air at the compressor intake [116,117]. This causes combustion
in air substantially diluted in CO2 and H2 O, called “stale” air. The final effect can be
analogous to that of MILD combustion for sufficiently high temperatures of the stale
air [83]; the exhausted gases are recirculated (not with an internal recirculation of the
combustor) in the reaction zone, and the consequent dilution reduces the local temperature
peaks, slows down the formation of thermal NOx , and tends to dampen any thermo-
acoustic instabilities [118–121]. It is observed that the production of nitrogen oxides is also
significantly reduced at partial loads; consequently, EGR can also be adopted as a control
strategy for gas turbines to increase their operational flexibility (i.e., load-flexibility) by
reducing the minimum technical environmental load and, consequently, the operating costs
related to the parking load during flexible operation. Wang et al. [122] found that water
vapor in EGR has both physical and chemical effects on the laminar burning velocity of
hydrogen-air mixtures. Increasing the water vapor fraction in EGR could suppress the NOx
formation. However, the unburnt H2 emission in the final products increases with the water
vapor fraction. In the context of gas turbine applications, EGR is only known to have been
applied in two specific cases related to CO2 capture. One application involves increasing
the CO2 concentration in the exhaust gases of natural gas combined cycles (NGCC) [123] to
enhance the efficiency of post-combustion CO2 capture [124]. The capture plant modules
are smaller, and the process capture is more effective and economically more advantageous.
This is certainly true in a steady-state operating context, where there are no substantial
load variations; however, the real applicability of current CCS technologies on gas turbines
remains questionable in a flexible operating context [125]. The other application is within
the oxy-fuel CO2 capture scheme, where CO2 replaces air as the working fluid for the gas
turbine, resulting in a semi-closed cycle [126]. Surprisingly, there is little scientific literature
evaluating the use of EGR in power cycles fueled by hydrogen. Ditaranto et al. [116,127]
studied exhaust gas recirculated (dry, wet, and wet EGR with cooling) in a gas turbine
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 23 of 29

burning hydrogen. They found a gain in efficiency: the EGR rate needs to be at least
45% and 55% in the wet and dry EGR, respectively, to meet the same adiabatic flame
temperature as in the reference case (IGCC power plant with pre-combustion carbon
capture with nitrogen dilution; Table 1 in [116]). Kinetic calculations in laminar conditions
with fuel, air input compositions, and temperature of the analyzed process cycle are shown
in Figure 30 for different EGR rates resulting in an NOx concentration smaller than 100 ppm
for an EGR value greater than 45%.

Figure 30. Calculated stoichiometric adiabatic temperature and end of flame NOx concentration in a
laminar free propagating flame [127].

The work of Wrinkler et al. [128] is relevant, as it performed high-pressure experiments

in a short contact time honeycomb-subscale gas turbine reactor with high exhaust gas
recirculation in a mixture of methane doped with 20% mol hydrogen. They found that the
addition of hydrogen therefore helps the CO emission level without having a detrimental
impact on NOx emission for a representative range of adiabatic flame temperatures.

4. Conclusions
Within the thermo-electric generation sector, gas turbines will continue to play a
pivotal role in the worldwide energy landscape. They serve as a valuable complement to
renewable energy sources and benefit from a substantial existing installed base. These tur-
bines are tasked with providing backup services, both seasonally and during peak demand
periods, to support the stability of variable renewable energy sources and maintain the reli-
ability of the electrical grid. Their contribution to enhancing the flexibility of the electrical
system is anticipated by the International Energy Agency to remain significant even in a
projection for the year 2040. The article presented a comprehensive review on hydrogen-
blend gas turbine combustion technologies with their backgrounds, characteristics, and
strategies, looking at solutions already available on the market and at those still under
investigation and in the development phase. Current research and OEM interest is focusing
on different approaches involving aerodynamic and self-ignition stabilization mechanisms,
staging, and micro-mixing. From the analysis carried out, two technologies attract great
interest for their fuel-flexibility and low-NOx emission features. One is the sequential
combustion technology, implemented in the commercially available ANSALDO ENERGIA
GT36, which has a certified capability to operate up to 70% of hydrogen and a strong poten-
tial to reach 100%. A sequential combustor in a gas turbine involves a combustion process
that occurs in multiple stages or sequential combustion chambers. It offers advantages such
as an enhanced combustion efficiency, emissions control, optimized hydrogen combustion,
Energies 2023, 16, 6829 24 of 29

flame stability, high efficiency at part load, and fuel blending flexibility. However, it also
presents challenges related to increased complexity, maintenance demands, pressure drops,
thermal stresses, and requires the careful control and synchronization of fuel injection and
combustion across stages, making the overall operation of the gas turbine more intricate
and demanding in terms of control systems. The second one is the micro-mixing strategy,
an emerging and promising technology, not yet at its commercial stage. Micro-mixing
burners for hydrogen blends aim to enhance the mixing of hydrogen and air on a very small
scale, to obtain many small flames, characterized by a low residence time and then low
NOx emissions. Like sequential combustors, they offer advantages such as an improved
combustion efficiency, emissions reduction, optimized hydrogen utilization, fuel-flexibility
enhancement, reduction of flashback risk, and high scalability potential (i.e., it can be
implemented on machines of very different sizes). In this context, some producers have
moved towards premixed systems while others have moved towards partially premixed or
diffusive systems. Apart from new machines, the market also offers some retrofit solutions
that give users the possibility to improve the fuel-flexibility of some machines in their fleet.
In the end, despite the extensive historical use of gas turbines in various industries, there
is a need for further research and development to ensure their reliable and safe operation
when utilizing higher hydrogen content, aiming to achieve a minimum of 80% by volume
for a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions.

Author Contributions: D.C.: Conceptualization, Original draft preparation and writing, Investiga-
tion, Writing—Review & Editing. E.G.: Writing—Review & Editing. A.D.N.: Writing—original draft,
Writing—Review & Editing. G.C.: Writing—Review & Editing. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This review study was performed within the Italian project “Tecnologie dell’Idrogeno”
(“Hydrogen Technologies”), funded by the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security
(MiTE): Program Agreement MiTE-ENEA on Electric System Research, PTR22-24, Research Topic 1.3,
WP3, LA3.6.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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