Dragonfly Earrings

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= seed bead
= MiniDuo bead

= SuperDuo bead
©2016 Deborah Roberti

= Color1 4mm bead STEP 1: Thread your needle with STEP 2: Go back around through
= Color2 4mm bead 2-3 feet of FireLine. the Color1 4mm bead, the two
seed beads, the Color1 4mm
Leaving about a 6-inch tail that
bead, the seed bead and the
MATERIALS you can weave in and make
bottom hole of the SuperDuo
• 4-6 feet of 6 lb. FireLine disappear at any time, string a
bead highlighted in RED:
• About 60 size 11/0 seed beads Color1 4mm bead, two seed
• 8 MiniDuo beads beads, another Color1 4mm
• 2 SuperDuo beads bead, a seed bead, a SuperDuo
• 8 Color1 size 4mm beads
bead and a seed bead.
(can be any bead type)
• 4 Color size 4mm beads Grab your tail thread and tie a
(can be any bead type) tight double knot:
• 2 drops or accent beads
STEP 3: Go around and through
(can be any bead type or size you the top hole of the SuperDuo
prefer—round, fire-polished, pearl, bead that you just exited
teardrop, etc.—vertically-drilled (highlighted in RED):
or top-drilled, one or two-holed
dagger bead)
• two small (2-4mm) closed jump
• a pair of earring findings

Dragonfly Earrings ©2016 Deborah Roberti 1 www.AroundTheBeadingTable.com

STEP 4: String a seed STEP 8: String a Color2 STEP 11: String a seed STEP 15: String a seed
bead, a Color1 4mm 4mm bead and a seed bead. Go down through bead. Go up through
bead, two seed beads, bead. the outside hole of the the Color1 4mm bead
another Color1 4mm next MiniDuo bead and the seed bead
Go through your jump
bead and a seed bead. (highlighted in RED): highlighted in RED:
ring and then back
Go around and across down through the seed
through the top hole bead and the Color2
of the SuperDuo bead 4mm bead that you
that you exited at the just strung:
end of the last step
(highlighted in RED):

STEP 12: String a seed STEP 16: Go up through

bead. Go around through the Color2 4mm bead
the Color1 4mm bead, and the seed bead,
the two seed beads and around through the jump
STEP 5: Go back the Color1 4mm bead ring, back down through
around through OPTIONAL: Instead of highlighted in RED:
a jump ring, you can this same seed bead and
the beads that you Color2 4mm bead, and
added in the last step go directly through the
loop on your earring exit out of the seed bead
(highlighted in RED): highlighted in RED:
finding if you prefer not
to use jump rings.

STEP 9: Go back down

through the seed bead
and the Color1 4mm
bead highlighted STEP 13: String a seed
STEP 6: String two bead. Go up through
in RED:
MiniDuo beads. Go the outside hole of
around through the the MiniDuo bead
seed bead, the Color1 highlighted in RED: STEP 17: Go back
4mm bead, the two seed down through the
beads, the Color1 4mm beads highlighted
bead and the seed bead in RED:
highlighted in RED:

STEP 10: String a seed

bead. Go down through
the outside hole of STEP 14: String a seed
STEP 7: String two the MiniDuo bead beads. Go up through
MiniDuo beads. Go highlighted in RED: the outside hole of the
up through the seed next MiniDuo bead
bead, the Color1 4mm (highlighted in RED): There are several
bead and the seed bead different ways to add
highlighted in RED: accent or drop beads to
your earring. Instructions
for each follow.

Dragonfly Earrings ©2016 Deborah Roberti 2 www.AroundTheBeadingTable.com

ACCENT BEAD through the accent Complete Step 1 to seed beads. Go back
bead, the seed bead, Step 17. You can use up through the Color2
Complete Step 1 to
the Color2 4mm bead any top-drilled bead 4mm bead and the
Step 17. The vertically-
and the seed bead type or size you prefer, seed bead highlighted
drilled accent bead can
highlighted in RED. As including Czech one- in RED:
be any bead type or
you pull tight, position hole dagger beads.
size you prefer: fire-
the three seed beads to
polished bead, crystal,
form a picot:
pearl, gemstone,
teardrop, etc.

STEP 20: Go back

around through the
beads highlighted in
RED and the jump ring:
Weave your way back
into your earring, knot
and cut your thread.
Attach your earring
finding to the jump
STEP 18: String a Color2
4mm bead, three seed
STEP 18: String a beads and a top-drilled
Color2 4mm bead, a bead:
seed bead, an accent
bead and three seed

Weave your way back

into your earring, knot
and cut your thread.
Attach your earring
finding to the jump ring.

NOTE: You may have

to adjust the number
of seed beads used
here and in the next
step, depending on
the amount of space
Many more FREE patterns on my website here: between the drill hole
https://www.aroundthebeadingtable.com/Tutorials/ and the top of the bead.

Dragonfly Earrings ©2016 Deborah Roberti 3 www.AroundTheBeadingTable.com

TWO-HOLE DAGGER STEP 19: String three STEP 21: String three STEP 23: Go back
Complete Step 1 to seed beads. seed beads. around through the
Step 17. beads highlighted in
Go up and around Go across through the
RED and the jump ring:
through the beads bottom hole of the
highlighted in RED two-hole dagger bead
and the jump ring: (highlighted in RED):

Weave your way back

into your earring, knot
and cut your thread.
STEP 20: Go back STEP 22: String three Repeat for the tail
down through the seed beads. thread from Step 1.
Color2 4mm bead and Attach your earring
STEP 18: String a Go up through the three
the three seed beads finding to the jump ring.
Color2 4mm bead and seed beads highlighted
highlighted in RED:
three seed beads. Go in RED:
across through the top
hole of a two-hole
dagger bead:

My free matching Dragonfly Bangles pattern can be found on my website here:


Dragonfly Earrings ©2016 Deborah Roberti 4 www.AroundTheBeadingTable.com

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