Dragonfly Earrings
Dragonfly Earrings
Dragonfly Earrings
= seed bead
= MiniDuo bead
= SuperDuo bead
©2016 Deborah Roberti
= Color1 4mm bead STEP 1: Thread your needle with STEP 2: Go back around through
= Color2 4mm bead 2-3 feet of FireLine. the Color1 4mm bead, the two
seed beads, the Color1 4mm
Leaving about a 6-inch tail that
bead, the seed bead and the
MATERIALS you can weave in and make
bottom hole of the SuperDuo
• 4-6 feet of 6 lb. FireLine disappear at any time, string a
bead highlighted in RED:
• About 60 size 11/0 seed beads Color1 4mm bead, two seed
• 8 MiniDuo beads beads, another Color1 4mm
• 2 SuperDuo beads bead, a seed bead, a SuperDuo
• 8 Color1 size 4mm beads
bead and a seed bead.
(can be any bead type)
• 4 Color size 4mm beads Grab your tail thread and tie a
(can be any bead type) tight double knot:
• 2 drops or accent beads
STEP 3: Go around and through
(can be any bead type or size you the top hole of the SuperDuo
prefer—round, fire-polished, pearl, bead that you just exited
teardrop, etc.—vertically-drilled (highlighted in RED):
or top-drilled, one or two-holed
dagger bead)
• two small (2-4mm) closed jump
• a pair of earring findings