Project 13

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1. Name:

2. Gender:

a)Male b) Female

3. Material status:

a)Married b) Unmarried

4. Age:

a)20-25 years b) 25-30 years c) 30-35 years d) Above 30 years

5. Educational Qualification :

a)SSLC b) HSLC c) UG d) PG

6. Monthly Income :

a)Rs.20,000 b) Rs.30,000 c) Rs.40,000 d) Above 50,000

7. Occupation :

a) Technology b) Health care c) Finance d) Education

8. Experience :

a) Less than 1 year b) 1-3 years c) 4-6 years d) More than 10 years

9. How satisfied are you with the job you currently have?

a) Highly Satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied

10. Which factors actors influence your job satisfaction?

a) Salary and benefits b) Work-life balance c) Opportunities for growth d) Job security

11. Have you experienced any layoffs or job cuts in your organization in the past year?
a) Yes b) No

12. How has the pandemic affected your work situation?

a) Increased remote work b) Job loss c) Changed working hours d) No significant


13. You considering changing jobs in the next year?

a) Yes b) No

14. How important is professional development in your current job?

a) Very important b) Important c) Neutral d) Not very important

15. How do you rate your company’s approach to diversity and inclusion?

a) Excellent b) Good d) Fair c) Poor

16. What challenges do you face in the your workplace?

a) Lack of career advancement opportunities b) Discrimination c) Work-related stress

d) Lack of work-life balance

17. How often do you feel your skills are being fully utilized in your current role?

a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Rarely

18. What technological changes have impacted your job in the last year?

a) Automation b) AI implementation c) Introduction of new software/tools d) Others

19. How satisfied are you with the training and development opportunities provided by your

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied

20. How does your employer support mental health in the workplace?

a) Counseling services b) Flexible work hours c) Mental health days off d) Employee
assistance programs

21. What motivates you to excel in your job?

a) Recognition and rewards b) Career advancement opportunities c) Challenging tasks

d) Personal growth

22. Have you received any promotions or salary increases in the past year?

a) Yes b) No
23. How does your employer handle work-from-home arrangements?

a) Very effectively b) Moderate effectively c) Ineffectively d) Not applicable (I don’t

have a work from home arrangements)

24. How does your company encourage teamwork and collaboration?

a) Team-building activities b) Collaborative tools and software c) Group projects d)

Regular team meetings

25. Are you provided with opportunities for skill development and training relevant to your job?

a) Frequently b) Occasionally c) Rarely d) Not at all

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