BPED-10-Emergency-Preparedness-and-Safety-Management (MODULE-1)

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INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this module, the students must have:
1. identified the different hazards using picture analysis;
2. analyzed the given illustrations regarding dangers and hazards by writing relevant information in the
3. analyzed the given scenario of hazards vulnerability using guide questions.
4. conducted an ocular inspection in the house and backyard about the possible hazards through supplying
information in the table and guide questions; and
5. created an IEC (information, education and communication) materials about emergency preparedness.

A. Introduction
Vulnerability can determine the ability of a person or a group to predict, cope with, resist and recover from the
effects of a natural or human-induced threat. As vulnerability increases, it means that the population is at greater risk
of suffering from a severe natural danger.

In this module, the learner will be able to explain the meaning of vulnerability. Aside from being able to
explain the meaning of vulnerability, the learner will also be able to apply the different applications and real-life
situations. Knowing the meaning of the word itself will let the learners use their knowledge to handle situations when
vulnerability became the primary considerations of the community when it comes to exposure, prevention, mitigation,
and recovery from a particular hazard.

Learning Activity No. 1
Directions: Spot the hazard. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Examine Figures A and B. Identify all the hazards that you can see.

Figure A Figure B
2. Give at least three (3) potential scenarios from each picture that can occur due to the presence of hazard?




Learning Activity No. 2 Inspection Time!!

Directions: Since being safe and protected is the number one GOAL of every family, let us conduct an ocular
inspection of your house and backyard to ensure your family’s safety against hazards and disasters.

Follow the steps below:

1. Tour around your house including the backyard and assess if there is/ are hazards observed in your house.
2. As much as possible, make a list of all the hazards that you will be observed.
3. Using all the hazards that you listed, determine what could be the possible events that may put you and your
family at risks.
4. Who among the family members are prone or susceptible to the listed hazards?
5. Identify the reasons why that member of that family is vulnerable.

Guide Questions:

1. Based on your assessment from the tour that you made, how will you define vulnerability in your own words?
2. After knowing the hazards in your house, what is your plan of action to avoid harm?

Learning Activity No. 3

Directions: Analyze the pictures shown below. Fill up the necessary information in the table and answer the questions that

Write a short suggestion

What is the danger in the What hazard could
on how to solve the
picture? probably strike?

C. Analysis

Direction: Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Nick and Gary who were neighbors are both students of Maligaya National High School. Due to the
forecasted typhoon the night before, some waited for the announcement of classes suspension. Unfortunately, there
was no announcement. Nick decided to go to school bringing his books, notebooks, and laboratory materials. On the
other hand, Gary also decided to go to school bringing not only his books, notebooks, and laboratory materials but
also flashlight, whistle, and some supplies of food and water. Due to bad weather, the school janitor blocked off the
entrances and exits because the grounds were flooded. So, Nick and Gary were stranded in a covered court near the
school. Both were trying to call their family, but the signal’s down.

1. Who do you think is more vulnerable? Nick or Gary? Why do you think so?

2. In the story presented about Nick and Gary, what were the actions taken by one student that made him less
vulnerable to flood? What were the reasons why the other student became more vulnerable?

B. Based on the story given in activity, answer the following questions briefly.

1. If you are going to base your definition of vulnerability on the story given, how will you define it?

2. Based on the story given previously about Nick and Gary, describe what could possibly happen. What have you realized
from their story?

3. Could it be possible that both students are exposed to the same hazard, but they can have different level of vulnerability?
Explain how.

4. Based from the story, is vulnerability situation specific or hazard specific? Explain.

5. Cite your realization/s about the importance of knowing one’s capability, strength, and exposure to hazards.

C. Direction: Consider your answer in “Learning Activity No. 2”to answer the following questions. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. If you are going to consider all the hazards that you identified in the activity, do you think your place
can be considered safe or not? If yes explain why. If not, what else could be done to make your
place less vulnerable?

2. With all the hazards that you have identified, who do you think among your family members will be
most affected? Explain your answer.

3. As a family, do you think all members have same level of vulnerability in the hazards present in your

4. Give at least three factors that can affect the vulnerability of your family and your residence.
D. Abstraction
Vulnerability is a state of being at risk. According to Republic Act 10121 also known as ‘Philippine
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010’, vulnerability is defined as the characteristics and
circumstances of a community, system or resource that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a
hazard. With all the identified hazard at home, there is a possibility that some family members might be
susceptible or prone to the accident due to the presence of hazard.
Vulnerability is also situation specific. This means that if a specific province is prone to earthquake,
it does not mean that all localities on that province is vulnerable to it. The vulnerability of different towns or
cities or even provinces differ in the way they prepare for the hazard and the amount and type of resources
they have in order prevent and manage it. To lessen vulnerability means to make the community prepared
and ready for the possible damaging effect of the hazard. This further means that to make the community
less vulnerable, it must be resilient. So, to develop resiliency at home, you should first identify the hazards
and be prepared all the time for the possible outcome and respond immediately.
Moreover, it is also hazard specific. A community that is vulnerable to earthquake hazard does not
necessarily mean that it is also vulnerable to typhoons. Hazards have different traits that can influence the
disasters possible to happen.
Directions: Created an IEC (Information, Education and Communication) materials about emergency
See sample below:

Directions: Take 3 pictures of vulnerable situation that could be found in your home or in your barangay by filling up
the given table format below. Paste your picture on the appropriate column. Explain vulnerability in your own words.

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