Learning Activity No. 6 BNWAS

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Group No.


Name Score

Year / section


1. Write here your reflection paper about the topic and the links.
- https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-navigation/what-is-bridge-
- https://cultofsea.com/bridge-equipment/bnwas/
2. Attach your return-demonstration video of the operation of Bridge Navigational
Watch Alarm System.

3. Conduct a group discussion on the importance of BNWAS in eliminating the risks of

untoward situations in the ship. Perform with your group a five-minute short skit
on the operational awareness of BNWAS during untoward situations. Attach your
video group presentation here.

4. The grading / ratings will be based as per rubrics attached below.


Presentation rubrics

Traits 5 4 3 2 1 Score
Content is Content is Content is Content is Content is
Content accurate and accurate but accurate but questionable. inaccurate.
all required some required some required Information is Information is
information is information is information is not presented in not presented in 5
presented in a missing and/or missing and/or a logical order, a logical order,
logical order. not presented in not presented in making it making it
a logical order a logical order, difficult to difficult to
but is still making it follow. follow.
generally easy to difficult to
follow. follow.
Presenters Presenters were Presenters were Presenters were Presenters were
were all very occasionally not consistent Absolutely unconfident and
Presentation confident in confident with with the level of inconsistent demonstrated
delivery and their presentation confidence/ confidence of little evidence of
they did an however the preparedness preparedness planning prior to
excellent job presentation was they showed the they showed but presentation. 5
of engaging not as engaging classroom but had we need to
the class. as it could have had some consider
Preparation is been for the strong sometimes.
very evident class. moments.
Images are Images are Most images Images are No images
Pictures, appropriate. appropriate. are appropriate inappropriate.
Background Layout is Layout is 5
pleasing to cluttered.
the eye.

Total 15

Rubrics for Essay:

Practical Grading Scale

Fair Good Very Good Excellent
(21) (24) (27) (30)
Demonstrate Did not answer Did not answer Did not answer Answered all the
knowledge of the three or more two one question/item questions/items
topic. questions/items questions/items

Clear insight and (31) (34) (37) (40)

specific Not clear insight Not clear insight Clear insight and Clear insight and
answers/apply and no specific and with specific no specific specific answers
knowledge on answers answers answers
the topic
(1) (4) (7) (10)
Timeliness Three or more Two to three One to two Submitted early or
minutes late minutes late minutes late on time

(1) (4) (7) (10)

Seven or more 3 to 6 grammar 1 to 3 grammar
Grammar grammar mistakes mistakes mistakes Perfect grammar

(1) (4) (7) (10)

Number of 0-50 Words 51-100 Words 101-150 Words 151-200 Words

Role Play Rubrics

Practical Grading Scale

Fair Good Very Good Excellent
(21) (24) (27) (30)
Rarely willing and Sometimes willing Usually willing and Always willing and
Participation in
focused during and focused focused during focused during
preparation and
group work and during group work group work and group work and
presentation and presentation presentation presentation

(31) (34) (37) (40)

Presentation of Limited Adequate Competent Convincing
character communication of communication of communication of communication of
character’s character’s character’s character’s
feelings, situation feelings, situation feelings, situation feelings, situation
and motives and motives and motives and motives
(1) (4) (7) (10)
Group has not Group has not Group has Group has
demonstrated all demonstrated all demonstrated the demonstrated all
the task/s and the task/s but task/s but not all the needed
needed perform needed the needed information within
information within information within information within the given time
a given time a given time the given time
Use of Non- (1) (4) (7) (10)
verbal cues Limited variety of Satisfactory Good variety of Impressive variety
(voice, gesture, non-verbal cues variety of non- non-verbal cues is of non-verbal cues
eye contact, are used in a verbal cues used used in a is used in an
props, developing way in an acceptable competent way exemplary way
costumes) way
(1) (4) (7) (10)
Choices Choices Choices Choices
demonstrate little demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate
Imagination and
awareness and do awareness and thoughtfulness insight and
little to enhance developing and completely powerfully
role play acceptably enhance role play enhance role play
enhance role play

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