Course Curriculum

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Information Security Management Fundamentals

for Non-Techies
Instructor: Alton Hardin

Course Curriculum
Section 1: Course Introduction
• Welcome to the Course!
• Why Learn Information Security Management from Me?
• What This Course Is & What It Isn't
• Course Curriculum Overview
• Course Lecture PDFs
• Familiarizing Yourself with Udemy's Course Taking Interface
• How to Access Course Subtitles & Transcripts
• Join our Facebook Student Community
• Udemy Mobile App for iOS & Android - Download & Take Course Videos On the Go!
• Q&A Discussion Board Activity: Introduce Yourself

Section 2: Getting Started in Information Security

• The Many Areas of Information Security
• The State of Cybersecurity in 2021
• The Most Valuable Beginner IT Security Certifications

Section 3: Information Security Principles

• Section Introduction
• The CIA Triad
• Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)
• Defense in Depth
• Least Privilege
• Non-Repudiation
• Implicit Deny
• Legal and Regulatory Issues
• Information Security Governance
• Authentication Basics
• Identify Proofing
• General Password Rules
• Quiz 1: Information Security Principles Quiz

Information Security Management Fundamentals for Non-Techies

Section 4: Risk Management
• Section Introduction
• Introduction to Risk Management
• Exploring Risks and Threats
• Quantitative Risk Analysis
• Attack Surface Analysis
• Quiz 2: Risk Management Quiz

Section 5: Asset Management

• Section Introduction
• Identifying & Classifying Assets
• Understanding the Asset Lifecycle
• Data Retention
• Understanding Data States
• Quiz 3: Asset Management Quiz

Section 6: Access Control

• Section Introduction
• Access Control
• Physical and Logical Access Controls
• Access Control Models
• Student Activity: Analyzing Your Organization's Access Control
• Quiz 4: Access Control Quiz

Section 7: Security Malware Threats

• Section Introduction
• Buffer Overflows
• Viruses & Polymorphic Viruses
• Worms
• Trojan Horses
• Logic Bombs
• Spyware and Adware
• Ransomware
• Rootkits
• Zero Day Attacks
• Protecting Against Malware
• Quiz 5: Security Malware Threats Quiz

Information Security Management Fundamentals for Non-Techies

Section 8: Additional Threats & Vulnerabilities
• Section Introduction
• Social Engineering
• Social Engineering Phone Impersonation Scenarios
• Social Engineering Phone Call Example #1
• Social Engineering Phone Call Example #2
• Social Engineering Phone Call Example #3
• Social Engineering Phone Impersonation Scenarios Discussion
• Email Spam, Spoofing, Phishing and Pharming
• Protocol Spoofing
• Common Attack Methods
• Quiz 6: Additional Threats & Vulnerabilities Quiz

Section 9: Network Segmentation & Isolation

• Section Introduction
• Intro to Network Segmentation & Isolation
• Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
• Basic Network Zones
• Virtual LANs (VLANs)
• Routers
• Network Address Translation (NAT)
• Access Control Lists (ACLs)
• Quiz 7: Network Isolation Quiz

Section 10: Network Security

• Section Introduction
• Virtual Private Networks
• Firewalls
• Web Proxy Servers
• Honeypots
• Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems
• Quiz 8: Network Security Quiz

Information Security Management Fundamentals for Non-Techies

Section 11: Wireless Networking Security
• Section Introduction
• Wireless Encryption Standards
• Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
• Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)
• Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)
• Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3)
• WPA Enterprise vs. Personal Mode
• Wireless Vulnerabilities & Security Measures
• Common Wireless Security Threats
• Quiz 9: Wireless Networking Security Quiz

Section 12: Security Assessment & Testing

• Section Introduction
• Vulnerability Assessments
• Penetration Testing
• Interview with a Professional Ethical hacker Blog Article
• Security Assessments
• Quiz 10: Security Assessments and Testing Section Quiz

Section 13: Security Assessment Tools

• Section Introduction
• WireShark Network Sniffing
• Nmap Zenmap Network Scanner
• Tenable Nessus Vulnerability Scanner
• Ethical Hacking for Beginners (YouTube Series)

Section 14: Hardening Client Systems and Servers

• Section Introduction
• Hardening End-User Systems
• Hardening Servers
• Patch and Change Management
• Separation of Services
• Quiz 11: Hardening Systems Quiz

Information Security Management Fundamentals for Non-Techies

Section 15: Introduction to Cryptography
• Section Introduction
• Introduction to Cryptography
• Symmetric Encryption
• Asymmetric Encryption
• Hashing Algorithms
• Digital Certificates and Certificate Authorities
• Email Encryption Use Cases
• Windows Encrypted File System Use Case
• Revisiting VPN
• Software versus Hardware-Based Encryption
• Quiz 12: Introduction to Cryptography Quiz

Section 16: Incident Response, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

• Section Introduction
• Understanding Incidents and Disasters
• Incident Response
• Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
• Quiz 13: Incident Response, DRP and BCP Quiz

Section 17: Application Development Security

• Section Introduction
• Importance of IT Security in Application Development
• Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
• Static and Dynamic Testing
• Authorization to Operate (ATO)
• Quiz 14: Application Development Security Quiz

Section 18: Personnel Policies

• Section Introduction
• Acceptable Use
• Code of Ethics
• Mandatory Vacations
• Separation of Duties
• Job Rotation
• Education and Training
• Quiz 15: Personnel Policies Quiz

Information Security Management Fundamentals for Non-Techies

Section 19: Class Mini-Case Scenarios
• Mini-Case Scenarios Overview
• Class Mini-Case Scenario #1: Small Tax Accounting Office
• Class Mini-Case Scenario #2: Growing Marketing Business

Section 20: Congratulations

• Congratulations!
• How to Download Your Udemy Course Certificate of Completion
• Your Bonus Lecture

Information Security Management Fundamentals for Non-Techies

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