OpenText Documentum Xcelerated Composition Platform 23.2 Release Notes
OpenText Documentum Xcelerated Composition Platform 23.2 Release Notes
OpenText Documentum Xcelerated Composition Platform 23.2 Release Notes
Release Notes
OpenText recommends that you read these Release Notes in conjunction with the documentation
included with the software package. If any conflicts exist, the Release Notes supersede the other
We also recommend that you check OpenText My Support for any patches or documentation updates
that may have been posted after the initial release of this product.
Documentum xCelerated Composition Platform (xCP) is the next generation of the xCP platform. xCP
is a rapid application development platform that enables users to build dynamic applications and
solutions more quickly, with fewer resources, and at a substantially lower cost. This release focuses
on new features that accelerate the building and delivery of reusable applications, support for easier
and flexible deployment options, and significant enhancements to the existing functionality.
Oracle has deprecated the Permanent Generation (PermGen) in JDK 8 and later
versions. Do NOT use the MaxPermSize parameter. You can ignore references to
this parameter in Documentum documentation.
Downloads for Documentum™ xCelerated Composition Platform are available on My Support.
You can also use the available filters to search, view, and download the
Item Requirement
Processor 2 GHz
Memory 4 GB (This amount does not include the memory required for the operating
system or installed applications.)
Item Requirement
Processor 1 GHz
Memory 4 GB
Windows 11 x64
CentOS 7.x X X
CentOS 8.x X X
Red Hat X X X
Linux 7.x/8.x
- x64 OS
Red Hat X X X X X X
Linux 9.x -
x64 OS
Linux 12
Linux 15
Ubuntu X X
20.04.x LTS
Ubuntu X X
22.04.x LTS
Windows X X X X X X
Server 2019
x64 Edition
Windows X X X X
Server 2020,
Windows Y Y Y Y Y
Windows Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Windows Y Y Y Y Y Y
2016 x64
Red Hat Y Y Y Y Y
Linux 7.x
(7.8, 7.9)
x64 OS
Red Hat Y Y Y
Linux 8.x
(8.4, 8.5)
x64 OS
Linux 15
SP1, SP2
Ubuntu Y Y Y Y
(LTS) and
CentOS Y Y Y Y Y
7.x (7.8,
7.9) and
8.x (8.3
and 8.4)
YAML • 3.7
Kernel • 3.10
PostgreSQL • 12.x
• 13.x
• 14.x
• 15.x (for public clouds)
For the latest compatibility information for OpenText products, refer to the
Compatibility Matrix on OpenText My Support.
5.2.5 Definitions
The xCP stack is composed of xCP runtime components and Documentum platform runtime
• CIS is required for discovered metadata and CTS is required for the
Viewer to display formats that are not supported natively by the viewer.
• Refer to the following table for information on supported versions of
various platform products before installing Process Engine 21.4. Refer to
Documentum Platform and Platform Extensions 21.4 Installation Guide for
information about installing Documentum Server.
• xPlore version 22.1 with xCP Docker 23.2 is supported for upgrade.
• While upgrading xCP 22.2 to 23.2 in Cloud environment, use only xPlore
version 22.1.
This section provides product compatibility information of Documentum xCP with OpenText client
D2 • 23.2
• 22.4
• 22.2
Webtop • 16.7.8
• 16.7.9
D2 is tested only for co-existence with xCP on the same Documentum repository.
Google Cloud
OTDS • 21.x
• 22.x
• 23.1.1
JDK (Runtime)
• Oracle JDK 17.0.5
• Red Hat OpenJDK 17.0.5
JDK (Designer)
• Oracle JDK 11.0.17
• Red Hat OpenJDK 11.0.17
To add support for a specific language, the contents of a language pack must be installed to the
appropriate destinations within a product installation. Users can install one or more language packs
directly on top of the core product (US English).
Documentum xCP is localized in the following languages as listed in the table. Additional languages
may be available in future releases.
provided xCP
• UI: User Interface only (23.2).
• AR is supported right-to-left.
For the latest compatibility information for OpenText products, refer to the
Product Compatibility Matrix.
Before beginning installation, ensure that your system meets the requirements listed in Chapter 5,
Supported environments and compatibility. After installation, be sure to update your software to the
latest patched release, if any patches are available.
The Documentum xCelerated Composition Platform 23.2 Deployment Guide contains information on
provisioning xCP environments and deploying xCP applications into those environments. The
OpenText Documentum System Upgrade and Migration Guide contains upgrade information for your
product. These documents are available on My Support.
When you upgrade runtime to xCP 23.2, you can do either of the following:
Ensure that you upgrade to the same version of JDK 11/JDK 17 for both
Documentum Platform and xCP client.
The following table describes your options regarding upgrade (migration) of xCP applications:
Option Details
Migrate any 1. Upgrade the xCP runtime components. The Documentum xCelerated
application from Composition Platform Deployment Guide provides further instructions.
xCP 2.0 or later to 2. Migrate applications in xCP Designer. The Migrating Applications chapter
xCP 23.2 of the Documentum xCelerated Composition Platform Deployment Guide
application. provides the instructions.
3. Deploy the new xCP application. The Documentum xCelerated
Composition Platform Deployment Guide provides the details.
Upgrade both the Documentum Platform and xCP runtime to 23.2.
XCPUIC-35009 Deep Link to an xCP page does not work on the first attempt where OTDS
authentication is enabled and a parameter is included in the URL and log in fails.
XCPUIC-35093 Result list scrolling bar is rendered with the scrollbar set to left when using a RTL
locale such as Arabic, the scrollbar should set to the right when using RTL.
XCPUIC-35229 Export to Excel does not work due to mapping of file name to both filename and
sheet name.
XCPUIC-31757 Memory Leak observed in DCS during endurance test for xCP with Home Loan
XCPUIC-35127 Field labels do not enforce French language typographic convention anymore.
XCPUIC-35132 xCP validation logic behavior issues - clicking error display validation message
does not properly highlight the related radio button or checkbox widgets.
XCPUIC-35208 Inserting a table into a comments widget results in the surrounding grey back
panel growing unnecessarily and users are required to scroll further to see the
Post or Cancel buttons.
XCPBLD-31054 xCP designer does not respond whenever user is interacting with call webservice
XCPBLD-30632 Inputs for the fragment data hint do not change when the corresponding
fragment inputs are updated.
XCPUIC-33673 Sorting Preference is not preserved for a result list if you re-run the data service
without leaving the page.
XCPUIC-33976 After upgrading from 2.3 to 21.2, the master page menu navigation buttons throw
JS console error indicating Duplicate component id xcp_navigation_menu-1022-
menu-trigger with RTL language.
XCPUIC-34990 Result list links open in new tab when a result list is in the Process page.
XCPBLD-31034 Label text and buttons misaligned due to column box layout configurations in
standard theme.
XCPUIC-34833 Accessibility Testing_Move action flow button click opens Homepage title.
XCPUIC-34550 No error message is displayed to users when content transfer operation fails
because WSCTF is not running.
XCPUIC-34203 Top menu is hidden when expression does not work correctly for items that do
not fit.
XCPUIC-34837 Accessibility Testing_Resultlist grid shows incorrect accessibility name and role.
XCPUIC-34831 User has to press Enter button twice to open the error details.
XCPUIC-34087 Addition (+)icon on the Import pop up is displayed as tool bar from Landmark
XCPUIC-34089 Accessibility Testing_ Announced previous button (from where navigated) when
Finalised button is clicked.
XCPUIC-34861 Import and Delete buttons in an action flow page should be aligned with <h2>
tags for accessibility
XCPUIC-34863 Accessibility Testing_ Facets applied filter is not displayed. Screen reader does
not read the list of facets on a resultslist widget with FTQs mapped to them
XCPUIC-34867 On navigating from a mandatory field with empty value, screen reader
announces as "field is required" which is irrelevant
XCPUIC-34864 Accessibility Testing_Every column header title has no name or role hence the
speech recognition software cannot access them.
XCPUIC-34859 The Tab focus is going outside the action flow dialog box once reached to end.
XCPUIC-34348 xCP Brava Viewer toolbar keeps displaying in the middle of the page.
XCPUIC-34091 xCP error message does not display in UI page because of testfix in XCPUIC-
XCPUIC-34136 Drop down list takes more than a second to update the value in xCP 21.2.
XCPUIC-34279 Accessibility - Result list value displayed before the column name.
XCPUIC-34270 Accessibility Testing_ Pagination label displayed as Page spin button editable.
XCPUIC-34283 Accessibility Testing_The Files container does not have any indication of focus.
XCPBLD-30570 Accessibility Testing_ displayed previous button (from where navigated) when
the Finalised button is clicked.
XCPUIC-34281 Result lists not completely rendered when loading in IE with a console error
Unable to get property setHtml thrown.
XCPUIC-34280 Jaws does not inform the user there are multiple rows below the table header.
XCPUIC-34282 Accessibility Testing_The text inside the Files container is not accessible via
XCPUIC-33472 Result list refresh does not clear the result list selected row data therefore if
there is an update to the underlying dataservice results and you consume the
selected row data can lead to data loss.
XCPUIC-34070 The validation setting is Mandatory behavior is not consistent when using an
error display widget with text and date widgets.
XCPUIC-34347 Facets pane expands Results List to its maximum height after clicking Show
More regardless of the number of rows being displayed
XCPUIC-34910 Business object and content object fragment MODEL type outputs are not
When the user packages the application before opening the application in
preview mode.
XCPBLD-29171 Inline Context Menu is showing in Folder view/Content tree after migrating from
20.4 to 21.4.
If Java module name matches with another Java module in an application then
before migrating the application, rename one of the Java Module folder name
under content/Java Modules by adding '_1' at the end of the module name.
content/Java Modules/java_module to content/Java
XCPUIC-28709 Preview Mode: first time login in preview mode, null gets appended to the URL.
URL works fine if the cache is cleared and reloaded.
XCPUIC-28714 BAM and BPS services should have backward compatible versions in the
XCPUIC-24900 If a document is checked out using xCP (WSCTF) and checked in using Content
Connect, the document is not deleted from the local xCP checked-out folder.
XCPBLD-27311 The context-sensitive help does not work for New Alert and New Alert Query
dialog box.
Use Help Content option in xCP Designer for information about Alert and New
Alert Query sections.
XCPUIC-31054 Tile Layout Widget - "unspanning" cells causes odd result. In a Tile Dashboard
Layout, when the value for rowspan or colspan is modified, then the cell gets
refreshed. Subsequently, its parent also needs to be refreshed. This can be
achieved by mutation observers.
Closing and reopening the page resolves the issue.
XCPUIC-32683 The task page is opened behind the expanded view window
XCPBLD-29424 View fragment page>xcp navigator (left side panel) is flickering when Click on
Enable Icon Button is checked and unchecked.
XCPUIC-33125 Databound Tile-Picklist descriptions are not visible after tile search in Expansion
XCPBLD-29710 Tiles Dashboard - Auto adjustment for height of tiles is not happening.
XCPBLD-29424 View Fragment page > xCP navigator (left side panel) is flickering when Enable
Icon Button is checked and unchecked.
XCPBLD-29045 Process UI Pages have number 1 appended to their names after Process
8.2 Runtime
Issue name Issue description
XCPUIC-29992 Databound tile page should be re-created on modifying the Data service
associated with it and user should be notified.
XCPUIC-29983 Using WSCTF, wrong values in Page Modifier without any error message.
XCPUIC-30166 If Displayed Record Count is not configured, menu should be displayed without
space in the Result-list.
XCPUIC-29540 On spanning a table cell, the next immediate cell shifts to center.
XCPUIC-29540 On spanning a table cell, the next immediate cell shifts to center.
This is standard Ext JS Layout behavior. Spanning does not merge two cells but
spans the existing cell while preserving the next cell.
XCPBLD-26210 In SUSE Linux and JBoss environment, application deployment with Incremental
deployment mode and Minimal data policy fails.
But when application is deployed using Full deployment mode and Clean data
policy, the deployment gets through.
XCPBLD-23493 While validating the application, CLI does not show validation errors for projects
that are dependent on the application as projects are built individually. Therefore,
you should validate the project using GUI before exporting the application and
then use it in CLI, as GUI shows validation errors.
XCPUIC-20371 The execution of stateless process on a trigger condition is not working for
context menu.
XCPUIC-17754 For a Full text query, begins with, ends with, and contains filters are specific
for words and not for characters. If the end user is required to use these filters
for characters, use the wild characters for searching.
XCPUIC-34980 Scrolling in Chrome can leave the result unreadable/distorted, further scrolling
usually fixes the view.
XCPUIC-34758 WSCTF plugin 22.1 is not removing the entry from xcp_localstorage.json when
you cancel the checkout of a document if the file is open on the client machine in
an editor.
XCPUIC-34376 Inline context menu is displayed with Legacy theme regardless of the settings in
the xCP Designer.
XCPUIC-24827 Last column of result list is partially visible at runtime when we have high number
of columns.
8.3 Process
Issue name Issue description
BPM-11197 Gap in documentation, need more information about designing a solution and
transactional scope.
8.4 Reports
Issue name Issue description
BAM-9447 When you have charts directly placed on the page and have any other widgets
inside column box after the chart, then there is an issue in rendering the widgets
inside the column box.
Place all the widgets either on the page directly or inside the column boxes.
BAM-9223 At runtime, the Service Level Agreement (SLA) line does not appear for column
and line charts with single values.
BAM-8790 At runtime, the SLA does not show up when you bind a column chart to a
stateless process having the process variable as a single value and configure
the SLA.
Make sure the name of the alert is different from the names of a business object,
content, or folder in the same application.
BAM-8531 The alert action process run only in stateful mode. Performance may be
impacted if you are unaware of the process running in stateful mode.
BAM-8528 When you define a one-to-many relationship between two artifacts such as BO
to BO and Folder to Content and define a historical query on a relate event
corresponding to this relationship; then from the second event onwards, the
system displays a duplicate row for each event.
After the second event, there are three rows instead of two, after the third event,
there are six rows instead of three, and after the fourth event, there are ten rows
instead of four.
BAM-8516 Aggregation for level 2 tables fails if there are null values for String and Date-
Time data typed columns and if those columns are used as group by fields for
calculating level 2 tables. Consequently, if there are further levels of
aggregations, the calculations are not initiated. This leads to data corruption of
aggregation tables.
BAM-8446 In the production environment, if you make any changes in the xCP Designer,
HDS that is already deployed remains unchanged. Here are some scenarios:
• If you delete some columns from HDS and deploy application, the
deployment will be successful but in BAM database columns will not be
• If you add some columns to HDS and deploy application, the deployment
will be successful, but BAM database will not be updated with the newly
added column.
If you add an event and a new column and deploy application, the deployment
will be successful, and event will trigger but BAM database will not be updated
with the newly added column.
BAM-8400 The Content base type attributes such as Content type and Owner do not work
when you map a historical query with an alert.
Rename the attributes Content type and Owner from the Properties tab of the
historical query.
BAM-8327 In a historical query, when you change the Aggregation function to ’GroupBy’, the
system fails to update the Aggregation table and corrupts the historical query
Delete the aggregation column from the dataset and add it to the historical query
again. By default, it is now added as a ’GroupBy’ column.
BAM-8212 Gauge charts work with stateless processes that have process variables
exposed as output only for multi-value.
BAM-6989 When you configure a historical query, you cannot use picklists in a predefined
8.5 Localization
Issue name Issue description
XCPUIC-17774 The number and date in date picker are translated incorrectly.
XCPUIC-17801 The tooltip for time format is not localized in the Create Partner page.
XCPBLD-12664 Mixed-language Help content can appear when the application end user opens
context-sensitive Help for widgets. The issue can occur after installing a
language pack and then opening xCP Designer in English.
To modify the default JVM locale, update the wrapper.conf file located in the conf
folder on the xMS server. For example, on tc Server, the wrapper.conf file is
located in <application_server_home>/<server
Add the and -Duser.langugage parameters to the wrapper.conf
Java Additional Parameters
XCPBLD-13913 A float value that uses a comma (,) as the decimal separator is not accepted as a
valid value in the expression editors that accept float values. This impacts
French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages.
XCPBLD-19207 You may see non-localized string in the BAR graph widget.
XCPBLD-17022 For French and Simplified Chinese languages, there is an inconsistent behavior.
On creating a new version of a process, pages associated with the Processes
are not duplicated often.
XCPBLD-12882 For French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages, float value with localized
decimal separator in process variable is not saved.
XCPUIC-3119 For iPad, buttons are missing and truncated in View Task page.
XCPUIC-3979 Even though 'zh_TW' and 'zh_HANT' are configured to fall back to English in
applicationContext-ui-app.xml, application services UI falls back to Japanese
instead of English if TCServer is on Japanese OS.
XCPBLD-12868 Default float attribute value with comma as decimal separator are not accepted
as valid for French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
XCPUIC-9303 When you mouse over on a comment in PDF, you may see date format issues.
XCPBLD-1186 All tabs, controls, buttons, and messages on Preferences dialog box for
Deployment Environment are not externalized.
XCPUIC-8828 When you mouse over on a comment in PDF, the month is not capitalized in
XCPUIC-7310 Date/time tool tip format in calendar control is not acceptable for Localized UIs.
This tooltip format is hardcoded in Ext JS code.
XCPUIC-8745 Truncation issue in pdf viewer or move pages wizard for French version.
XCPUIC-8481 [Dutch] The check box Delete extracted pages from current document is
truncated for Viewer-Extract pages.
XCPBLD-16937 Show Console view, OK, and Details are not externalized.
XCPBLD-19112 Panel minimum width and CSS class tooltips are not localized for Folder View
widget > Style tab.
XCPUIC-8907 Truncated string in PDF viewer and Extract Pages wizard in the Spanish
XCPUIC-7554 In the message, the icon and message string are not inline in the Dutch
XCPBLD-3428 Default business object and its attributes should be externalized to be included in
language pack for process related UI in Builder.
XCPBLD-1502 Default BO type label and attribute labels should be externalized, localized and
packaged in language pack.
XCPUIC-4567 The drop-down list should be based on label instead of value order because if
application is localized, the labels will appear in wrong sort order.
XCPUIC-5145 Roles listed are disabled in manage application roles page if application is
imported to another language Designer and deployed.
XCPBLD-11946 xCP installation fails when repository does not have dd_locales='en' in
dm_docbase_config (repository created in the localized operating system).
XCPBLD-15948 On the localized Operating Systems, when a new application is created, the xCP
Designer closes automatically. It requires a manual invocation of
xCPDesigner.exe to relaunch the application.
If you are using JDK11.0.11 & later version, we have to remove below
highlighted text from file located at :
jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms= TLSv1, TLSv1.1.
1. Deploy the manager.war file from xda-tools<version>.zip onto the primary Tomcat/tcServer
node instead of the Tomcat Manager bundled along with Tomcat/tcServer. The manager.war
is located at xda-tools-<version>\lib\recipes\ApphostServiceType\resources\manager.war.
2. Add jvmRoute=<Name_of_the_tcServer_instance> attribute to the <Engine> element of the
server.xml file in all the nodes of tcServer.
3. Add <cluster> tag within the <Host> element and configure the tempDir, deployDir, and
watchDir attributes of the <Deployer> child element in the server.xml file in all the nodes of
tcServer. For example:
4. Add antiResourceLocking="true" distributable="true" attributes to the <context> element in
the context.xml file of all the nodes. For example:
<Context antiResourceLocking="true"
... </Context>