Read :
In the Government Order read above, the Government have
issued the Tamil Nadu Startup and Innovation Poliey 2018-2023. The
Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (EDII) has
been nominated as Nodal Ageney to implement the Policy. One of the
Policy interventions proposed in the Tamil Nadu Startup & Innovation
Policy for its implementation is to ensure channelling adequate
resources to strengthen Startup Ecosystem and to establish Tamil
Nadu Startup Seed Grant Fund (TNSSGF) with corpus of Rs.50 Crore
to support early stage Startups.
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decided to accept and accordingly frame the following Guidelines for
Tamil Nadu Startup Seed Grant Fund (TNSSGF):-
1. Introduction
2. Grant Highlights
4. Eligibility Criteria
4.1. Start-Step I
1. Should be registered with TANSIM
2. Located in Tamil Nadu.
4.2. Startup
1. The entity should be a Startup registered with TANSIM and
STARTUP INDIA. It shall be located and headquartered in Tamil
2. The entity should be registered as a Private Limited Company
(under Companies Act 2013), or a Limited Liability Partnership
(Under Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008) or a registered
Partnership firm (under Partnership Act 1932).
3. The average profit of the entity (as per income tax return) for
the last 3 years (or lesser in case it's a newly registered entity)
shall be less than Rs.5 Lakh.
4. Working towards innovation, development or improvement of
products or processes with a high potential of employment
generation, social impact or wealth creation.
5. The entity should not have been formed by splitting up,
reconstruction of a business already in existence or as a
Subsidiary/Joint Venture/Associate of another Company.
6. The startup should have cleared all / not have any other
pending dues with any of the Government agencies and shall
not be blacklisted by any Government agency in India.
7. The applicant may be incubated in an incubator for at least six
months at the time of application.
8. Applicant has to be an Indian start-up. This support is not
meant for Indian Subsidiaries of MNCs/Foreign Companies.
Persons holding Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) and
Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) would be considered as Indian
citizens for the purpose of this scheme. The shareholding by
Indian promoters in the incubated Startup should be at least
9. The Seed Grant is not generally given for service Startups
working in Trade and Commerce.
10. The seed fund shall be funding the development of the
prototype or a product which is market ready / of small level
pilot production only and shall not be for regular research
which any University or College can foster.
Overall 5% of the total funds shall be earmarked for prototype
development projects in pre incubation stage. The maximum seed
grant for such pro].ects will be Rupees One lakh, .
5. Application Process
1. TANSIM will call for proposals quarterly (Fiscal Calendar).
2. The Call for Proposals is advertised through TANSIM Website
and other digital platforms (Official Handles) and explore all`
possible means of reaching to the right applicant.
3. The Call for Proposals is typically open for a period of 15 days.
4. The applicant needs to submit an online application for funding
by registering and logging on the TANSIM website. A profile
will be created with a Unique Identity Number (UID), where
the applicant can submit the seed application and track it.
5. A portal shall be launched for startups to file their grant
applications. In the meantime, the applications shall be filed
manually (5 copies) to TANSIM.
6. Applicants are advised to fill-up and submit their applications
early before the due date, without waiting for the last date, in
order to avoid any last minute contingencies.
7. Any request for changes in the proposal once submitted will
not be encouraged.
8. Applicants will be given time to present their proposal and
there will be a session for Question & Answer.
6. Application Format
The applications may be submitted in the prescribed format as
mentioned in ANNEXURE 1 to this order.
7. Documents to be submitted
1. Residence and ID proof - any document provided by the
2. Letter of acceptance or MoU with incubator/knowledge
3. Any other due diligence documents requested on case to
case basis (Refer Annexure Ill to this Order).
13. Modalities
13.1. Shortlisting Process
The applications received by TANSIM, with the recommendation
of incubators, will first be screened based on the following criteria.
2. 2nd Installment: Completion of lst Milestone - 30%
3. 3rd Installment: Completion of 2nd Milestone - 30°/o
4. 4th Installment: Completion of project and submission of final
report - loo/o
The Final and Last installment shall be released after the
conclusion of the project and hence is in the nature
of reimbursement. At the discretion of the TANSEED Expert
Committee, grants may be terminated midway if the applicants fail to
accomplish milestones or show progress. Any unspent balance grant
remaining with the Startup/Incubator shall be returned to TANSIM
within 15 days, failing which Simple Interest will be levied.
14. Incubators
Incubators provide Startups with necessary infrastructure and
other facilities to nurture their ideas to become a reality to reach the
market through various support services and mechanism. These
institutions support the young fledgling firms (at the Start-step level)
which are yet to reach a Startup level to survive and develop.
14.7. Responsibilities
Each incubator shall identify Indian Startups (registered under
Companies Act, 2013 and having at least 51°/o shareholders as
Indian Citizens [does not include OCI or PIO] as the mandatory
requirement or under LLP) after duly putting in place a
selection mechanism based on the requirements.
2. Incubator can provide funding as loan/equity and equity linked
instruments, for equity investment and to cover such Startup
costs such as purchasing equipment and supplies, and hiring
The equity and equity linked instruments shall be held in the
name of the Incubator. A legally binding Agreement between
the Incubator and the Startup shall be entered into with the
terms for funding and investment.
4. There shall not be any conflict of interest of the Incubator in
any of the Startups selected for funding.
5. No Startup will receive Seed Funding support more than once
under the same scheme/programme or within the duration of
the grant.
6. Incubator can administer the TANSEED Incubator Seed Fund
either through an already existing Committee at the Incubator,
which makes decision regarding the equity / investment for the
Incubator or constitute a Committee, whose members would be
domain experts, to evaluate and review the investment
strategy and other project progress parameters.
7. The Incubator shall have the Additional Mission Director or in
his/her absence the Head of Funding Division of TANSIM as
nominee in their TANSEED Fund Committee.
8. Incubator shall clearly put in place the exit strategy and
incorporate appropriate provisions in the governing Agreement,
including the terms regarding default of payments, with the
Startup. One Board Observer position for the TANSIM nominee
shall be essential aspect of such Agreement.
9. Incubator shall be responsible for monitoring the progress of
the milestones and for providing all the reasonable hand
holding support to the Startup.
10. Incubator shall submit half yearly implementation review and
report to TANSIM on the TANSEED Fund implementation
including the Utilization Certificates (Including copies of Bills),
Statement of Accounts (SOA) and Project Progress of the
beneficiary Startups.
14.9. IP ownership
The IP ownership and rights to technology commercialization
rests with the innovator and TANSIM. The Incubator has no right to
claim ownership in the IP.
14.10. RTI
All the details with respect to funding of Startups and also
admin funds are subject to scrutiny. Incubators' will be responsible
for dealing with RTI queries, if any.
14.11. Re-Application
The Incubators, whose applications were rejected in one round,
may re-apply again after a period of One Year.
• The Incubator shall open a separate bank account for the Seed
Grant including the matching grant raised by the incubator.
• TANSEED Grant will be released only after depositing of
matching Grant by the Incubator in the above Bank Account. If
the Incubator fails to raise the matching grant within 6 months
of administrative sanction of TANSEED Grant, the TANSEED
Grant Offer shall be treated as withdrawn.
• The amount collected against repaym`ents including. interest
generated, may be utilized as seed support for next round of
incubatees and not for any other actMty of the Incubator.
• At any point, if the incubator is found to have used the Grant
for the purposes other than what it has been intended for, then
TANSIM reserves the right to recall the entire Grant allotted
with Interest at the rate of 120/o per annum in a single
installment. If it is not repaid within 30 days of date of issue of
recall order, then penal interest at the rate of 2.5°/o per annum
will be levied.
• In case the Startups / Incubators misuse the grant/fail to
respond to the repeated communications by TANSIM, they will
be blacklisted so that they shall not avail any more
grants/support from TANSIM.
• The blacklist shall also be made available in the TANSIM
website and shared with other Government Agencies.
The Industries Commissioner and
Director of Industries and Commerce,
Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai - 32.
The Director,
Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute-Tamil Nadu,
The Additional Chief Secretary to Government,
Finance Department, Chennai -9.
All Additional Chief Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries /
Secretaries to Government, Secretariat, Chennai - 9.
All Head of Departments
All District Collectors.
Copy to
The Chief Minister's Office, Chennai-9.
The Deputy Chief Minister's Office, Chennai-9.
The Special Personal Assistant to Minister (Rural Industries),
The Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Government, Chennai -9.
The Senior Private Secretary to Principal Secretary to
Government(FAC), Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Department, Chennai-9.
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Budget / OP) Department,
The Finance (Ind.) Department, Che[nnai-9 /
The Industries Department, Chennai -9.
The Public (SC) Department ., Chennai-9
Stock file / Spare copy.
Present Address
Permanent Address
Mobile Number
E-Mail Address
Aadhaar No.
I / we declare that the informat:ion given above is true and correct to the
best of my / our knowledge and belief. Nothing material has been
I/We riereby also certify that no financial liabilities are pending with
me/us on accord of financial support availed by me/us from other
Government Institutions / Agencies for my/our any other innovations.
Dated Signature
(Max: 50 Words)
6. (Annex Complete Business plan)
7. Projected milestones (Annex Bar/Gantt/PERT Charts, etc)
8. Market Assessment
a) Customer Sector -Target
b) Market demand (Yearly and Total)
c) Marketability prospects & distribution problems
d) Product substitution, if any
e) How is demand fulfilled
f) Ma].or Competitors
9. Product Quality / Specification
a. Specification of the product, I.S. or others
b. Have the product(s) been tested to conform to the specification?
c. Consumer acceptability report on the products
d. Details of Govt. regulations /directives in favour/ against the
company /product
e. Testing of the Product/Innovation
10. Intellectual Property Rights, India/International Patents Filed: .(If Any)
i) Patents Granted
ii) Trademarks
iii) Other
11. Brief note on the IPRs likely to be developed and Targeted Market
12. Ma].or R&D achievements/ Product Certifications:
13.Capital structure
i) Authorised capital
ii) Issued capital
iii) Paid up capital
iv)Reserves, if any
v) Details of loans
if any (Separately short & long term loans)
vi)Current Assets
vii) Liabilities(If Any) :
17. In the light of trends of research in this line, Does the proposal made,
has reasonable Chances of standing test of time, say 5-10 Years? Give
18. Anticipated effluents waste and pollution problems and steps
envisaged for tackling the same
19. Environment and Safety considerations of the Product.
20. Assumptions for the financial projections
a) Cost of the project and sources of finance
b) Projected cash flow during the developmental Period
c) Pro].ected profitability statement
d) Break-even point
e) Financial analysis, if any
f) Attach Feasibility Project Report
21. Any restrictions difficulties anticipated in the implementation of the
I/We declare that all the statements made in this application are true,
complete and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.
I/We hereby also certify that no loan or any other financial liabilities are
pending with me/us on accord of financial support availed by me/us from
other Government Institutions / Agencies for my/our any other
Place :
Date : (Signature of the applicant)
d. Fax
e. Website
2. Year of Establishment:
3. Numberof Employees:
4. Track record
a) List top five R&D pro].ects and consultancy ongoing/completed, if
any (Last 3years).
Amount Amount Duration
Name of Sponsoring Sanctioned Released (in years) Awards
the agency (Rs. in (Its. in (if any)
project Lakh) Lakh)
From TO
From TO
List of documents to be submitted by the Company:
• Certificate of Incorporation/ Commencement of Business
• Complete Note on the founders' background and their strengths relevant
to the proposed venture
• Annual Reports of existing Company(ies) of the Group, if any
• Detailed Project Report
• Complete Business Plan
• Copy of the market studies, feasibility studies, analyses etc. done, if any
• Copy of the recent analyses of the industry prepared by investment
bankers, engineers, management consultants, accountants, or others,
including marketing studies, credit reports and other types of reports,
financial or otherwise, if any
• Chart indicating the pro].ect duration and implementation schedule with
pro].ected milestones
• In the case of existing company, brief information on Internal working,
Management Team and SWOT Analysis
• Copy of the marketing and other descriptive brochures regarding the
other Companies of the group
• Copy of the press releases and press clippings, if any of the Group
• Certificate to the effect that the company had obtained all the statutory
clearance for the project and product(s)
• Agreements (Investment, Disinvestment, undertakings etc. by the
company and promoters)
• Personal guarantee/ Bond of the Promoters (case to case basis)
Memorandum of Understanding
Chennai, TamilNadu
Hereinafter termed as TANSTM
The Tamil Nadu Startup and Innovation Mission (TANSIM) and the
<Incubator Name><Incubator Address>(`Host Institution|, which is an
academic/technical/company implemented through a Special Purpose
Vehicle, <> (A Section 8 Company) (hereinafter called as `IC| with its
registered office at<Incubator Address>, hereby agree to enter in a MoU
On day Of 2019 sub].ect to the terms and conditions
stated in the MoU.
i) `TANSIM' is an implementing agency of Tamil Nadu Startup and
Innovation Policy 2018-23 of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
ii) The Host Institution/Organization is a recognized < Type > under <
Act Name>.
i) The role of TANSIM is to promote a culture of innovation and
entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu and that of the `TANSIM' is to make
Tamil Nadu as a Global Innovation Hub. TANSIM through the Tamil
Nadu Startup Seed Grant Fund (TNSSGF), shall provide revolving
fund up to a maximum of Rs.50 lakh to academic institutional &
(Incl. Copies of Bills) of the grant at the end of each financial year as
well as at the time of seeking further installments of the grant, if
1.6 Any unspent balance amount sanctioned and the amount collected
against repayments including interest generated, may be utilized as
seed support for next round of incubatees and not for any other
activity of the Incubator.
1.7 TANSIM reserves the right to terminate support to the pro].ect at any
stage, if it is convinced that the grant is not being utilized properly or
that appropriate progress in the project work is not being made.
TANSIM recalls the Grant allotted with a Simple Interest of 12% in a
single installment. If it is not repaid within 30 days of date of issue of
recall order, then penal interest will be added at 2.5%.
period of time.
2.3 The Incubator shall provide funding as loan/equity and equity linked
instruments, for equity investment and to cover such startup costs
such as purchasing equipment and supplies, and hiring employees.
The equity and equity linked instruments shall be held in the name
of the Incubator and shall not exceed 5%.
2.4 The Incubator shall provide high quality assistance and guidance to
start-ups such as legal, accounting, business including industry
interaction, national and international linkages, etc.
2.5 There shall not be any conflict of interest of the Incubator in any of
the startups selected for funding.
2.6 No startup will receive Seed Funding support more than once under
the same scheme/programme or within the duration of the grant.
2.7 The Incubator shall administer the TANSEED Incubator Seed Fund ,
either through an already existing Committee at the Incubator,
which makes decision regarding the equity / investment for the
Incubator. Alternatively, it would constitute a committee, whose
members would be domain experts, to evaluate and review the
3.0 Monitoring:
3.1 The Expert Committee will monitor the incubator till one cycle of
funding, including Incubator contribution, is completed or for 2 Years,
whichever is later.
3.2 The operations of the Incubator will be reviewed on a quarterly basis
in person and monthly over Skype based on a comparison of the
Name Name
Date Date
Signature Signature
Witness Witness
2 2.
A. Executive Summary
The following factors will be considered in selecting the Applicant:
SI.No Element
1. Incubator Site and Support system
• Location & Incubation Space (sqft)
• Proximity to business centers
• Availability of Resources (library, computing & communication
facilities, conferencing facilities etc.)
• Sector & Area Focus (More points to underserved, backward
sectors and areas)
• The Incubator should be an autonomous organisation or society
registered under TN Societies Registration Act 1975, or
registered under the Companies Act, 2013.
2. Business Consulting
• Linkages to improve the efficacy
• Advisory and support services
• Number of incubatees to be admitted (Min. 10)
• Number of incubates graduated/expected to graduate
• Number of new products/technologies/innovations to be
• Number of events related to entrepreneurship
3. Experience / Credentials of Full-time Managing Team (Board, CEO
and other officials), the Incubator Board composition with names
and background may be provided
4. Experience of the host institution in entrepreneurship startup
facilitation and innovation in last 3 years
5. ny other, Presentation and Discussion with TANSIM in line. with
he Programme Objective
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