Yamamura 1999 Transformaciones

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Res Popul Ecol (1999) 41:229–234 © The Society of Population Ecology and Springer-Verlag Tokyo 1999


Kohji Yamamura

Transformation using (x 1 0.5) to stabilize the variance of populations

Received: October 16, 1998 / Accepted: June 10, 1999

Abstract Transformation is required to achieve homo- where x is the number of individuals. However, the variabil-
scedasticity when we perform ANOVA to test the effect of ity of loge(x 1 1) is much different from that of loge(x) when
factors on population abundance. The effectiveness of x is small. Hence, McArdle and Gaston (1992) recom-
transformations decreases when the data contain zeros. mended the coefficient of variation (CV) as a measurement
Especially, the logarithmic transformation or the Box–Cox of population variability, because CV performs the same
transformation is not applicable in such a case. For the way as the standard deviation of loge(x) and is unaffected by
logarithmic transformation, 1 is traditionally added to avoid zeros.
such problems. However, there is no concrete foundation as The logarithmic transformation is also frequently used to
to why 1 is added rather than other constants, such as 0.5 or achieve homoscedasticity or stability of variance when we
2, although the result of ANOVA is much influenced by the perform ANOVA to test the effect of factors on the popu-
added constant. In this paper, I suggest that 0.5 is preferable lation abundance. If the data contain zero, 1 is traditionally
to 1 as an added constant, because a discrete distribution added to each data or only to the zeros. However, there is
defined in {0, 1, 2, . . .} is approximately described by a cor- no concrete foundation as to why 1 is added rather than
responding continuous distribution defined in (0, `) if we another constant, such as 0.5 or 2, although the result of
add 0.5. Numerical investigation confirms this prediction. ANOVA is much influenced by the added constant. In this
article, I first summarize the procedure to determine the
Key words ANOVA · Box–Cox transformation · Heteros- transformation formulae to stabilize the variance of popula-
cedasticity · Iwao’s m* 2 m regression · Taylor’s power law tion counts. Then, I suggest that 0.5 is a reasonable choice as
the added constant. Numerical investigation is also con-
ducted to determine an appropriate constant.

Many works have been developed about which measure Heteroscedasticity in populations
should be used to describe the variability of populations
(Williamson 1984; McArdle et al. 1990; Gaston and The variance of population increases with increasing mean.
McArdle 1993; Leps 1993; McArdle and Gaston 1993, Bliss (1941) suggested two equations to describe the
1995). If we want to analyze the cause of population dynam- heteroscedasticity:
ics, a logarithmic scale is preferable in many cases, because
mortality, as well as reproduction, is a multiplicative pro- s2 5 gm 1 hm2 (1)
cess. Life table analyses such as key-factor/key-stage analy- s2 5 amb (2)
ses adopted a logarithmic scale for this reason (Yamamura where m and s2 are the mean and variance of the number of
1999). One of the difficulties of logarithmic scale is that we individuals in a sample, and a, b, g, and h are constants. The
cannot calculate the logarithm if the data contain zeros. In general applicability of Eqs. 1 and 2 were first shown by
such a case, loge(x 1 1) or log10(x 1 1) is traditionally used, Iwao (1968), based on his m* 2 m regression, and by Taylor
(1961), based on his power law, respectively. A consider-
able amount of controversy has been held about which of
K. Yamamura the two is superior as an ecological model (Iwao and Kuno
Laboratory of Population Ecology, National Institute of Agro- 1971; Taylor et al. 1978; Taylor 1984; Itô and Kitching 1986;
Environmental Sciences, 3-1-1 Kannondai, Tsukuba 305-8604, Japan
Tel. 181-298-38-8313; Fax 181-298-38-8199 Kuno 1991; Routledge and Swartz 1991; Perry and Woiwod
e-mail: [email protected] 1992). For the practical purpose of description, however,

both equations fit the data equally well in most cases, and Equation 7 includes the square root transformation as its
hence I later use both equations to investigate the effect of special case of b 5 1.
added constant on the stabilization of variance.
Box–Cox transformation

Derivation of the transformation formula Box and Cox (1964) proposed a procedure for determining
a transformation formula, which is applicable when we do
Taylor series expansions not know the form of d(x) beforehand. They used a modi-
fied form of Eq. 7:
Let us assume that the variance of a variable x is given by a
function of the mean d(m). Let f(x) be a function of x. Using
f ( x) 5
(x λ
21) ¸
( λ Þ 0)Ô˝
Taylor series expansions around the mean, m, we obtain: λ (8)

f ( x) 5 f ( m) 1 f ¢( m)( x 2 m) 1 . . . (3)
f ( x) 5 loge ( x) ( λ 5 0)Ô˛
This transformation is continuous around λ 5 0, although
where f9(m) is the first derivative of f(x) evaluated at x 5 m.
Eq. 7 is discontinuous around b 5 2. Hence, we can obtain
By squaring the above equation, we obtain an approxima- –
a series of transformations, including ÷x and loge(x), by
tion of the variance of f(x):
changing λ continuously. They estimated the parameter λ
by the maximum-likelihood method based on the assump-
[ ]Ó
V f ( x) 5 E ÏÌ f ( x) 2 E f ( x) ¸˝ < E f ( x) 2 f ( m)
[ ˛
[ ]] {[
]} tion that the distribution after the transformation follows a
normal distribution. To obtain the estimate, the working
[ ]
< f ¢ ( m) E ( x 2 m)
} 5 [ f ¢(m)] d(m)
variable, y, is first calculated:

(4) xλ 2 1
y5 (9)
where E and V indicate the expectation and variance, λG λ21
respectively. This method to obtain the variance is usually
where G is the geometric mean of x. ANOVA is performed
called the delta method because of the reliance upon first
for this working variable. Box and Cox (1964) showed that
derivatives (Stuart and Ord 1994, p 350). Our present con-
the maximum-likelihood estimate of λ coincides to the λ
cern is to find the function f(x) that yields a constant vari-
that minimizes the residual sum of squares in this ANOVA.
ance irrespective of m. Then, we obtain from Eq. 4:
Hence, we can easily find the maximum-likelihood estimate
w by comparing the residual sum of squares for various λ.
f ( x) 5 Ú dx (5)
d( x )

where w is an arbitrary constant (Beall 1942; Bartlett 1947).

If we know the form of d(x) beforehand, therefore, we can Problem caused by zeros
derive a transformation formula using Eq. 5. When the
distribution of x is a Poisson distribution, for example, we The above transformations meet serious difficulties when
have d(m) 5 m, and hence we obtain the transformation the data contain zeros because Eqs. 6 and 7 contain loge(x)

formula, f(x) 5 ÷x. If the coefficient of variation (CV) of the transformation. We cannot use the Box–Cox transforma-
distribution is constant, we obtain f(x) 5 loge(x), because tion in this case, either, because Eq. 9 containing the geo-
d(m) is proportional to m2. Iwao and Kuno (1968) derived metric mean of x in the denominator becomes infinity if
the transformation formulae based on Eq. 1: data contain zeros. Hence, we should use (x 1 c) instead
of x to avoid these problems. Box and Cox (1964) sug-
gested that the maximum-likelihood method is available to
f (x) 5 x ( g . 0, h 5 0 ) ¸
Ô select an appropriate value of c in the modified Box–Cox
f ( x ) 5 loge ( x ) ( g 5 0, h . 0 ) Ô transformation:
Ê hx ˆ Ô λ
f ( x ) 5 sin Á 2 ˜ ( g . 0, h , 0 )˝ (6) f ( x) 5
( x 1 c) 21
Ë g ¯ Ô λ
( λ Þ 0)Ô˝ (10)
Ê hx hx ˆ f ( x) 5 loge ( x 1 c ) ( λ 5 0)Ô˛
f ( x ) 5 loge Á 1 1 1˜ ( g . 0, h . 0 ) ÔÔ
Ë g g ¯ ˛ However, Hill (1963) showed that the maximum-likelihood
estimation of c is not acceptable even when loge(x 1 c)
Bliss (1941) derived the transformation formulae based on exactly follows a normal distribution. Let us denote the
Eq. 2: smallest data by xmin. Then, the likelihood becomes infinity
f ( x) 5 x12b 2 (b Þ 2)Ô¸ when c 5 2xmin in this case. Thus, 2xmin always becomes a
˝ (7) global maximum-likelihood estimate of c, but such an esti-
f ( x) 5 loge ( x) (b 5 2)Ô˛ mate is not acceptable. Several alternative principles to

determine the parameter c have been proposed (Hill 1963;

Griffiths 1980; Berry 1987). Although these procedures are
applicable under a certain range of assumptions, they re-
quire complicated calculations. Thus, we need another
practical principle to determine the value of c.

A general approximation

The above difficulties seem to occur because zeros do not

meet the assumption that is involved in the transformation.
The slope of these transformation functions (Eqs. 6–8) be-
comes larger as x approaches zero. Let us consider a small
difference in x, which is denoted by ∆x. The difference in
the transformed value, f(x 1 ∆x) 2 f(x), decreases with
increasing x. In that sense, the quantity of ∆x is more com-
pressed if the position of ∆x is far from zero, but it is more
expanded if the position is near zero. The expansion effect
of transformation becomes larger as the position of ∆x ap-
proaches zero. Hence, these transformations are most suit-
able for a continuous distribution defined in (0, `) such as
shown by the curve in Fig. 1. However, the distribution of
individuals is a discrete distribution defined for {0, 1, 2, . . .}.
As shown in Fig. 1a, such a discrete distribution cannot be
well approximated by a continuous distribution. If we want
to describe the discrete distribution by a continuous distri-
bution, the discrete distribution should be shifted by 0.5, as
shown by Fig. 1b. Such a shifted discrete distribution is
approximately described by a continuous distribution with
the same variance if the mean is large. Therefore, we can
expect that c 5 0.5 is a reasonable choice to enhance the Fig. 1. Approximation of a discrete distribution defined in {0, 1,
effect of transformation. 2, . . .} by a continuous distribution defined in (0, `). a Insufficient
approximation without adding constant. b Improved approximation by
adding 0.5

Numerical evaluation of approximation gamma distribution with a shape parameter k and a scale
parameter k/m, if m is large:
To evaluate the effectiveness for using c 5 0.5, I conducted 1
Ê kˆ Ê k ˆ
numerical calculations for several combinations of param- P ( x) 5 x k21 Á ˜ expÁ2 x˜ (12)
Γ (k ) Ë m¯ Ë m ¯
eters. It is known that the distribution of individuals can be
approximately described by a negative binomial distribu- Hence, we use Eq. 12 whose parameters have the same
tion in most cases. McArdle et al. (1990) used a negative constraint in its mean and variance. Bartlett (1936) used a
binomial distribution, whose parameters are subjected to similar approach to evaluate the effect of square root trans-
the constraint of Eq. 2, to evaluate the stabilization effect formation. I calculated only the transformation for a realis-
of the logarithmic transformation. In a similar way, I use a tic range, s2 $ m, for each combination of parameters.
negative binomial distribution defined by When we have a relation s2 5 m2, which corresponds to
g 5 0 and h 5 1 in Eq. 1 or a 5 1 and b 5 2 in Eq. 2, Eqs.
Ê k 1 x 2 1ˆ Ê
mˆ Ê m ˆ 6 and 7 recommend a logarithmic transformation, loge(x). In
P ( x) 5 Á ˜ ÁË 1 1 ˜¯ ÁË ˜ this case, the transformed variable of a gamma distribution
Ë x ¯ k m 1 k¯
(11) showed a conspicuous homoscedasticity as indicated by the
2k 2x
1 Γ (k 1 x ) Ê mˆ Ê kˆ horizontality of the dotted line in Fig. 2. The variance of the
5 ◊ Á1 1 ˜ Á1 1 ˜
Γ (k ) Γ ( x 1 1) Ë k¯ Ë m¯ transformed variable of a negative binomial distribution
converges to that of the gamma distribution as the mean
whose parameter k is subjected to the constraint of Eq. 1 or increases. The convergence is much influenced by the value
2. We should also calculate the effect of transformation for of c. Among calculated values of c, c 5 0.2 seems to be most
a corresponding continuous distribution to evaluate how a preferable in this situation, because it shows superior
discrete distribution approaches a continuous distribution horizontality. c 5 0.5 is not the best choice in this case, but
by adding 0.5. Eq. 11 can be approximately described by a it is preferable to c 5 1.

Fig. 2. Effect of adding constant (c) on the stabilization of variance of

Fig. 3. Effect of adding constant (c) on the stabilization of variance of
a negative binomial distribution with a constraint s2 5 m2 that cor-
a negative binomial distribution with a constraint s2 5 m that corre-
responds to g 5 0 and h 5 1 in Eq. 1 or a 5 1 and b 5 2 in Eq. 2. A
sponds to g 5 1 and h 5 0 in Eq. 1 or a 5 1 and b 5 1 in Eq. 2. A square
logarithmic transformation, loge(x 1 c), is used. Each number beside a
root transformation, Ζx— –
1c , is used. Meaning of each curve is the same
solid curve indicates the c used in the calculation. The dotted curve is
as in Fig. 2
that of a gamma distribution with the same constraint for variance

The square root transformation is recommended by Eqs.

6 and 7 for the relation s2 5 m that corresponds to g 5 1 and
h 5 0 in Eq. 1 or a 5 1 and b 5 1 in Eq. 2. This case has been
discussed by Bartlett (1936). The variance after transforma- I recommended the transformation using (x 1 0.5), such as
tion for c 5 0.5 quickly converges to that of a gamma ÷x 1 0.5 and loge(x 1 0.5), to stabilize the variance of popu-
distribution with increasing mean (Fig. 3). The stabilization lations for ANOVA. Figures 2–5 indicate that c 5 0.5 is
effect for c 5 1 is considerably worse than that of c 5 0.5. preferable to c 5 1, although it is not always the best choice.
When the mean density is too small, the variance after the The square root transformation with c 5 0.5 was first rec-
transformation is small irrespective of the choice of c, indi- ommended by Bartlett (1936) as the analogy with Yates’
cating that any transformation of this type is unsuccessful (1934) continuity correction that is used to approximate a
for such a case. tail probability of a discrete distribution by a tail probability
When we have a relation s2 5 m1.5, which corresponds to of the corresponding continuous distribution. I recom-
intermediate values of parameters, a 5 1 and b 5 1.5, in Eq. mended the use of c 5 0.5 by a different reason – a discrete
2, Eq. 7 recommends a power transformation x0.25. In this distribution defined in {0, 1, 2, . . .} is approximately de-
case, the stabilization effect of transformation is excellent scribed by a continuous distribution defined in (0, `) if we
for a gamma distribution, as shown by the horizontality of use c 5 0.5. Anscombe (1948) studied optimal values of c
the dotted curve in Fig. 4. The variance after transformation for several specified distributions. If the distribution is a
for c 5 0.5 quickly converges to that of a gamma distribu- Poisson distribution, for example, c 5 3/8 is optimal in a
tion with increasing mean. The convergence is very slow for sense that the variance converges most quickly as the mean
c 5 1. increases. If the distribution follows a negative binomial
When we use intermediate values of parameters, g 5 0.5 distribution with constant k, another transformation, loge(x
and h 5 0.5, in Eq. 1, Eq. 6 recommends a transformation 1 k/2), may be recommended for a large m. If the form of
– —
loge(÷x 1 ÷x 11). The variance after transformation for distribution is not known, however, c 5 0.5 seems to be a
c 5 0.5 is similar to that of a gamma distribution (Fig. 5). reasonable choice.
The superiority of c 5 0.5 over c 5 1 is also clear in this The loge(x 1 1) transformation will be thus less prefer-
case. able for ANOVA, because the inconstancy of variance does

Fig. 4. Effect of adding constant (c) on the stabilization of variance of Fig. 5. Effect of adding constant (c) on the stabilization of variance of
a negative binomial distribution with a constraint s2 5 m1.5 that corre- a negative binomial distribution with a constraint s2 5 0.5(m 1 m2) that
sponds to a 5 1 and b 5 1.5 in Eq. 2. A power transformation, (x 1 corresponds to g 5 0.5 and h 5 0.5 in Eq. 1. An arc-hyperbolic trans-
c)0.25, is used. Meaning of each curve is the same as in Fig. 2 formation, loge(Ζx— – –—–—
1c 1 Îx 1c 11), is used. Meaning of each curve is
the same as in Fig. 2

not guarantee the assumption of the F-test. This transfor- logarithmic transformation after adding 0.5 to the mean
mation may not also be suitable for describing the popula- population (x/100), the transformation corresponds to the
tion dynamics. Notice that the population dynamics should logarithmic transformation using c 5 50, because we have
be defined for the total population in an area but not loge(x/100 1 0.5) 5 loge(x 1 50) 2 loge(100). Taylor series
defined for the number of observed individuals, because the expansions about x around 0 yield:
latter is influenced by the sampling variability that is not of
x x2
interest to us. In most cases, the zero observation indicates loge ( x 1 c) < loge (c ) 1 2 1 ... (13)
that the population density is very low but does not indi- c 2c 2
cate that the population is truly zero. If the sample size is If c/x is large, therefore, the transformation formula ap-
extremely large, zero will not occur in many cases. In that proaches f(x) 5 loge(c) 1 x/c, i.e., no transformation. Thus,
sense, zero data are artifacts that derive from the deficiency the logarithmic transformation may become meaningless if
in sampling effort. Then, it is preferable to use an approxi- 0.5 is added to the mean population in this case. I recom-
mation for the dynamics of the logarithm of true total popu- mended c 5 0.5 because it is half of the discrete unit (see
lation. Let us imagine that the sample size becomes r times Fig. 1). When we analyze mean population, x/100, however,
larger to obtain the total population N. Then, the frequency the discrete unit is 1/100, and hence we should add 0.5/100
distribution of N/r is a continuous alternative to the distri- before the logarithmic transformation in such a case.
bution of x, if r is extremely large. By the same argument Thus, we should more carefully select an appropriate con-
shown in Fig. 1, therefore, loge(x 1 0.5) transformation stant when we analyze the mean density instead of total
yields an approximation for the distribution of loge(N/r), population.
i.e., the distribution of loge(N) 2 loge(r). Hence, loge(x 1
0.5) transformation seems to be preferable to loge(x 1 1) Acknowledgments I thank Dr. K. Kiritani for his comments on the
for evaluating the population dynamics as well as for per- manuscript.
forming ANOVA.
One of the possible misuses of the logarithmic transfor-
mation is to add a constant to the mean population instead References
of the total population before transformation. As an illus-
tration, let us consider that 100 plants are examined and x Anscombe FJ (1948) The transformation of Poisson, binomial and
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