Ceg 503 Lecture 1

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College of Engineering & Environmental Studies, Ibogun






 Water distribution networks, analysis and design,

 steady uniform flow, steady gradually varied flow,
 classification and computation of water surface profiles, hydraulic jump,
stilling basins,
 Unsteady flow in closed conduits, water hammer, surge and surge
control, hydraulic models.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
(i) Understand water distribution networks, analysis and design;
(ii) Explain steady uniform flow and steady gradually varied flow
(iii) Understand how to classify and compute water surface
profiles, hydraulic jump,
Stilling basins, unsteady flow in Closed conduits, water hammer, surge and surge
control, hydraulic models.

• (1) Fluid Mechanics: J.F. Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek & J.A. Swaffield
• (2) Fluid Mechanics, Victor L. Streeter, E. Benjamin
• (3) Fluid Mechanics With Engineering Applications, Robert L. Daugherty &
Joseph B. Franzini

What is water network analysis?
The analysis of water distribution network
 the estimation of discharges,
 hydraulic gradient levels (HGL),
 nodal concentrations etc.
 to fulfill the requirements of population.
In the conventional approach of analysis, unique value of pipe discharges and
hydraulic heads are obtained.

What is water distribution system design?

 Water distribution system (WDS) aims to distribute water from
reservoirs or aqueducts to the end-users.

What are the important components in designing water distribution

 Distribution system infrastructure is generally considered to consist of
the pipes, pumps, valves, storage tanks, reservoirs, meters, fittings,
and other hydraulic appurtenances that connect treatment plants or
well supplies to consumers' taps.

What are the requirements for good water distribution system?

Requirements of Good Water Distribution System

 Water quality should not get deteriorated in the distribution pipes.
 It should be capable of supplying water at all the intended places with
sufficient pressure head.
 It should be capable of supplying the requisite amount of water during fire

What are the three major components of a water distribution system?
 Fundamentally, a water supply system may be described as consisting of
three basic components: the source of supply, the treatment of the
water, and the distribution of water to the users.

What is the purpose of water distribution system?

 The basic function of a water distribution system is to transport the water
from the treatment facility to the customer. In addition, distribution
systems may also provide storage, as well as provide flow and pressure
adequate for fire protection.

Which method is used for design of water distribution system?

 Hardy Cross Method is most commonly used.

Fluid mechanics may be divided into three branches:
1. Fluid Static is the study of the mechanics of fluids at rest
2. Kinematics deals with velocities and streamlines without considering
forces or energy
3. Hydrodynamics is concerned with the relations between velocities and
accelerations and forces exerted by or upon fluids in motion.
The motion of a fluid is usually extremely complex.
(i) Uniform flow: If the velocity at a given instant is the same in
magnitude and direction at every point in the fluid.
(ii) If at the given instant the velocity changes from point to point
the flow is described as Non-Uniform.

(iii) Steady flow is one in which the velocity, pressure and cross-
section of the stream may vary from point to point but do not
change with time.
(iv) If at a given point conditions do change with time the flow is
described as unsteady.
There are therefore 4 possible types of flow.
(a) Steady Uniform Flow: Conditions do not change with position and
(b) Steady Non-uniform flow: Conditions change from point to point
but not with time
(c) Unsteady Uniform: At a given instant of time the velocity at every
point is the same, but this velocity will change with time.
(d) Unsteady-Non-uniform flow: The cross-sectional area and
velocity vary from point to point and also change with time.


Newton’s laws : When a force is applied any particle or element of fluid will obey
the normal laws of mechanics in the same way as solid body.
(i) A body will remain at rest or in a state of uniform motion in
straight line until acted upon by an external force.
(ii) The rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to
the force applied and takes place in the direction of action of
that force.
(iii) Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
*Momentum is the product of mass and velocity

Force=mass x acceleration


Observation shows that two entirely different types of flow exist. This was
demonstrated by Osborne Reynolds in 1883.
When Flow is Laminar, but when the flow is Turbulent in pipes.
Except in nuclear processes, matter is neither created nor destroyed. This
principle of conservation of mass can be applied to a flowing fluid.

BERNOULLI’S EQUATION states that for steady flow of a frictionless fluid along
a streamline, the total energy per unit weight remains constant.
P= Pressure
mg= Weight
Potential energy due to height= zmg

Kinetic energy due to velocity

Divide through by weight (mg)

Potential energy per unit weight=z

Kinetic energy per unit weight=

Pressure energy per unit weight =

H=Constant=Total energy per unit weight

(m)=Pressure head plus Velocity head plus Potential head

Friction factor f’

Reynolds Number Re

Relative Roughness=

Laminar Zone
Transition zone
Complete Turbulent zone

Darcy Weisbach Equation for head loss due to friction

Laminar flow

Referring to Moody’s Chart for friction factor for pipe, the chart shows that there
are four zones.

1. Laminar flow where

2. A critical range where the values are uncertain because the flow might be
either laminar or turbulent
3. Transition zone, where f’ is a function of both Reynolds number and
Relative pipe roughness
4. A zone of complete turbulence where the value of f’ is independent of
Reynolds Number and depends SOLELY upon Relative Roughness
There is no sharp line of demarcation between the transition zone and the zone
of complete turbulence.

(a) For smooth pipes Blasius suggests for Re between 3,000 and 10,000

(b) For values of Re up to 3.000,000 von Karman’s equation modified by

Prandtl is

(c) For all pipes the Hydraulic Institute and many engineers consider the

Colebrook equation reliable when evaluating f’

It can be observed from Colebrook equation that :

(i) For smooth pipes where the value of is very small, the first

term in the bracket can be neglected.

(ii) If Re is very large the second term in the bracket can be
neglected, in such cases the effect of viscosity is negligible and
f’ depends upon relative roughness of the pipe.

Colebrook equation can also be written as

Those losses which occur in pipelines due to bends, elbows, joints, valves, inlet,
outlet, expansion, contraction etc are called minor losses. This is a misnomer
because in many cases/situations they are more important than the losses due to
pipe friction.

In general when >2000, velocity head and minor losses should be neglected in

the Bernoulli’s equation.


The 3 simple pipe flow cases that are basic to solutions of the more complex
problems are:
(i) Given: Discharge, Diameter, Length, Coefficient of
dynamic/absolute of Kinematics’ Viscosity, and absolute rough
ness and required to find Head loss due to friction. (i.e. given
Q, D, L, and required to find hf)
(ii) Given: required to find Q
(iii) Given: required to find D

(i) Calculate the loss head due to friction and the power required to
maintain flow in a horizontal circular pipe 40mm diameter and
750m long when water with coefficient of dynamic viscosity equals

, flows at (a) 4liter/minute (b) 30Liter/minute.

Assume that for the pipe the absolute roughness is .

2. Water at 150C flows through a 30cm diameter riveted steel pipe, absolute
roughness of 3mm, with head loss of 6m in 300m. Determine the flow.

In the third case with Diameter unknown:
(i) There are 2 unknowns in the Darcy-Weisbsch equation f’, V and

D. , unknown

(ii) There are 2 unknowns in the continuity equation V and d.

(iii) There are 3 unknowns in Reynolds Number equation V, D, Re
(iv) The relative roughness is also unknown

Using the continuity equation to eliminate the velocity in darcy-Weisbach
equation and in the expression for Re the problem will be simplified.

Where the known quantities

But continuity equation

The solution is now effected by the following procedure:

(i) Assume a value of f’
(ii) Solve equation 1 for D
(iii) Solve equation 2 for Re
(iv) Find the relative roughness

(v) Find new f’ from moody’s chart with the

(vi) Use the new f’ and repeat procedure

(vii) When the value of f’ does not change in the first two significant
figures all equations are satisfied and the problem is solved.


4. Determine the size of clean wrought iron pipe required to convey 260L/s of
oil of kinematic viscosity of 9.26x10 -6m2/s, and 3048m length, with head
loss of 22.8m. Absolute roughness is 0.046mm.


Pipe in series: Discharge is constant i.e. Q=constant
The diagram and illustration as discussed in the class



Where r=pipe constant=


Equivalent Pipe Method for pipe in series:

An equivalent pipe is a pipe which will carry this particular flow rate and produce
the same head loss as two or more pipes. If we are to replace this complex
system with a single equivalent pipe;
where re=pipe constant for equivalent pipe

Hence in a series pipe system

Pipes in parallel: Head loss is a constant i.e. hf=constant
The diagram and illustration as discussed in the class

The head loss in each pipe between junctions where parallel pipes part and join
again must be equal. . The total flow rate will equal the s um of

individual flow rates.

Equivalent Pipe Method for pipe in parallel

If we want to replace the system with a single equivalent pipe then:


EXAMPLE 4: For pipe in series Q=constant.

Pipe in series as shown on the board. Find Q? Given total head loss as 26m,
f’=0.01 kc=0.33, where kc is the coefficient of contraction. Consider all losses
and use equivalent pipe method.

Example 5 for pipe in parallel hf=constant

Find the head loss across the system shown and discharges in each pipe.

1) Two water reservoirs are connected by a pipe 610m of 0.3m diameter,

f’=0.038 and the flow produced by the difference in water surface

elevations equals 0.17cumecs, if a new pipe of 0.3m diameter and length

460m is laid from the highest reservoir parallel to the old line and

connected to the old line 460m from its inlet. Determine the total discharge

for the improved system, f’=0.019 for the new pipe. Neglect secondary


2) One of the advantages of parallel connections in water pipe network

distribution is to enhance discharge. Demonstrate this fact with this

question. A straight 300mm diameter pipeline 5km long is laid between

two reservoirs of surface elevations150m and 100m. The pipeline enters

these reservoirs 10m below their water surface levels. To increase the

capacity of the line a 300mm diameter line 2.5km long is laid parallel to

and from the original lines mid-point to the lower reservoir. What increase

in flow rate is gained by installing the new line? Assume the friction factor

is 0.02 for all the pipes and neglect minor losses.

3) A three pipe system is such that the total pressure drop is 1.5bar and the

elevation drop is 5m. The length L, diameter d and friction factorf’ for the

three pipes are given in the table below.

Pipe Length L (m) Diameter D (m) f’

1 150 10.0 0.0275

2 200 7.5 0.0245
3 75 5.0 0.0315
Calculate the ratio of the total flow rates for the case in which the pipes are

connected in series compare to the case in which the pipes are in parallel.

The density of water can be taken as 1000kg/m3.

4) Two long pipes are used to convey water between two reservoirs whose

water surfaces are at different elevations. One pipe has a diameter twice

that of the other. If both pipes have the same value of friction factor and if

minor losses are neglected, what is the ratio of the flow rates through the

two pipes

5) A 2.0m diameter concrete pipe of length 1560m for which =1.5mm

conveys 120C water between two reservoirs at a rate of 8.0m3/s. What

must be the difference in water surface elevation between the two


6) For the diagram below and the information in the table below.

Pipe No Diameter (mm) Length (m) f’

1 200 300 0.021
2 300 300 0.0185
3 450 300 0.0165
4 300 600 0.0185
5 300 700 0.0185
Find the equivalent length of a 300mm diameter clean cast iron pipe to

replace the above system. For H=10m, =0.25mm, what is Q?

7) (a) For laminar flow in pipes . Using this information, develop the

expression for the velocity in terms of lost head due to friction, diameter and

other pertinent items.

(b) How much power is lost per meter of pipe length when oil with a viscosity

of 0.20N.s/m2 flows in a 20cm diameter pipe at 0.5L/s. The oil has a density of


(c) Oil of absolute viscosity 0.1Pa.s and relative density 0.85 flows through

3048m of 305mm cast iron pipe at the rate of 44.4x10 -3m3/s. What is the lost

head in the pipe?

8) Water is pumped 15Km, from a reservoir at elevation 30m to second

reservoir 64m. The pipeline connecting the reservoirs is 1.5m in diameter. It is

concrete and has an absolute roughness of 0.9mm. If the flow is 109L/s and

pumping station efficiency is 80%, what will be the monthly power bill if

electricity costs 30kobo per kilowatt hour? (f’=0.0175).

9) It is necessary to pump 0.38m3/s of water from reservoir at an elevation of

270m to a tank whose bottom is at an elevation of 330m. The pumping unit is

located at elevation 270m. The suction pipe is 0.6m in diameter and very

short so head losses may be neglected. The pipeline from the pump to the

upper tank is 123m long and is 0.5m in diameter. Consider the minor losses

in the line to equal 0.75m if water. Find the maximum lift of the pump and the

power required for pumping if the pump efficiency is 76%. The maximum

depth of water in the tank is 11.4m and the supply lines are cast iron,


The three interconnected reservoirs as shown above;

1) Flow through each pipe is wanted

2) Reservoir elevations are given with the sizes and types of pipes

3) Fluid properties are assumed known

4) The Darcy-Weisbach and continuity equation must be satisfied for

each pipe.

5) The flow into the junction (J) must be equal to the flow out of the


SOLUTION PROCEDURE: Solution is effected thus:

(i) Assume an elevation of the Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) at

the junction

(ii) Compute Q1,Q2 and Q3

(iii) Substituting into the continuity equation i.e. or

If the flow into the junction is too great (more), a higher grade-line elevation

which will reduce the inflow and increase the outflow is assumed.

Z=Position of hydraulic grade line or piezeometric height.


NOTE: It is supposed that all pipes are sufficiently long, so that minor losses and

velocity heads may be neglected. (When L/d>2000 neglect minor losses)

Write flow equations for all the three pipes




Equation of continuity or

Sign convection must be adopted and maintained (signs of flow are dictated by

choice of h-z or z-h)

 Towards joint positive +

 Away from joint negative –

If Z is first estimated and sum of Q calculated, it will result in a value that sum of

Q will not equal to zero i.e. . Where dQ is a function of the error in the estimated

value of Z. If is very small then the error in the estimated

value of Z is .

Thus the “correction” to apply to Z (assumed) to make sum of Q to zero is


(1) Assume an initial value for Z

(2) Compute resulting

(3) If appreciable, estimate correct z with the error function and



(1) A reservoir A with its surface 60m above datum supplies water to a

junction D through a 300mm diameter pipe 1500m long. From the

junction, a 250mm diameter pipe 800m long feeds reservoir B, in

which the surface level is 30m above datum, while a 200mm

diameter pipe 400m long feeds reservoir C, in which the surface

level is 15m above datum. Calculate the volume rate of flow to each

reservoir. Assume the loss of head due to friction is given by

and the friction factor for each pipe is 0.04.

(2) Given the information below on the diagram for four reservoirs. The

elevation of junction is 8m and f’ for all the pipes is 0.02.

Pipes h(m) L(m) D(m)

1 17 150 0.6 3.215

2 10 300 0.3 205.48
3 6 900 0.45 81.45
4 3 450 0.3 308.22
(i) Calculate the discharge Q to each reservoir.

(ii) Calculate the pressure in pipeline at joint.

(3) Three open reservoirs A,B and C have constant water surface

elevations 90m, 45 and 72m respectively. The reservoirs are

connected through a common junction J by pipe lines having

characteristics given below. The junction J is at elevation 60m.

Determine the flow in the pipes.

Pipe Length (m) Diameter (m) f’

AJ 450 0.45 0.0075
BJ 600 0.3 0.01
CJ 300 0.3 0.0075

(4) Find the discharges for the system tree reservoirs with the following

pipe data and reservoir elevations

L1=3000 m D1=1m f’=0.014 h=30m

L2=600m D2=0.45m f’=0.024 h=18m
L3=1000m D3=0.6m f’=0.02 h=9m

An extension of compound pipes in parallel is a case frequently encountered in
municipal distribution systems, in which the pipes are interconnected so that the
flow to a given outlet may come by several paths.


Flow in a water distribution network however complicated must satisfy the basic
relations of continuity and energy.

(i) Sum of discharges at a node is zero, i.e. the flow into any junction or node must
equal the flow out of it (continuity equation)
(ii) Sum of all head losses around a closed circuit must be zero
(iii) The flow in each pipe must satisfy the pipe friction laws (Darcy Weisbach or
equivalent exponential friction formula) for flow in a single pipe
Since it is complicated to solve network problems analytically, methods of
successive approximation are utilized.


The Hardy-Cross method is one in which flows are assumed for each pipe so
that continuity is satisfied at every junction. A correction to the flow in each circuit
is computed in turn and applied to bring the circuits into closer balance.

From Figure:

(a) Main Circuit

(b) Sub Circuit 1

(c) Sub-Circuit 2


(i) Assume an initial (trial) value for each discharge (Qa) bearing in mind

criteria 1 i.e.

(ii) Compute the corresponding value

(iii) Determine the algebraic sum of all head losses in each closed circuit.
(Normally not equal to zero).

(iv) Compute values of for each closed circuit

(v) Determine the correction to the assumed values of Qa to be applied to

each closed circuit. Using

(vi) Revise flows in each pipe by

Repeat from (ii) until in all circuits.

NOTE: The derivation of expression could be checked from any advanced
text on this subject.


In allocating signs to the discharges move around each closed circuit in a

clockwise direction given all flows in a clockwise direction positive sign (+ve) and

all flows opposing this a negative sign (-ve).

When computing use the form to preserve the negative sign

when present, by inspection, it can be seen that when the flow direction is

reversed in a pipe, the direction of the slope of hydraulic gradient is also


EXAMPLE PROBLEM 12.33 PAGE 398 Douglas

Page 495-496 Example 14.8 5th Edition

Water enters the four sided ring min shown below at A at the rate of 0.4m 3/s and

is delivered at B, C and D at the rate of 0.15, 0.10 and 0.15 m 3/s. All pipes are

0.6m in diameter with a friction coefficient of 0.0132 and their lengths are AB and

CD 150m, BC 300m and DA 240m. Determine the flow through each pipe and

the pressures at B, C and D if that at A is 105KN/m2.

5.02 0.2 +0.04 +0.2008 1.004

10.03 0.05 +2.5x +0.0251 0.502
5.02 -0.05 -2.5x -0.0126 0.252
8.02 0.2 -0.04 -0.3208 1.604
-0.1075 3.362

5.02 +0.216 +0.046656 +0.2342 1.0843 -8.64x

10.03 +0.066 +4.356x +0.04369 0.6620
5.02 -0.034 -1.156x -5.803x 0.1767
8.02 -0.184 -0.033856 -0.2715 1.4755


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