Few Questions and Answers - Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics

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Few questions and answers - Thermal Fluid Engineering by Dr. Sachin L.

Borse, India

Q1 What is steady flow energy equation?

It is energy equation for steady flow system.

− = ℎ + + + ℎ + +
2 2

1 = inlet
2 = outlet
V = velocity, m/s
h = enthalpy
z = vertical height from datum
Q = heat supplied
W= steady flow work

Q2 What are the practical application of steady flow energy equation.

1. Turbine

2. Nozzle

3. Condenser

4. Compressor

Q3 Define ‘one tonne refrigeration

A ton of refrigeration (TR) is a unit of heat extraction capacity of the refrigeration system.
1 TR is defined as the amount of heat transferred to freeze 1 ton of water from and 0 degree Celsius.
1TR = 3.52 kW

Q4 What is refrigeration?
Refrigeration, is the removal of unwanted heat from a selected object space and its transfer to another

Q5 What are types of refrigeration?

The four main types of refrigeration are compression, absorption, liquefaction, and evaporative.

Q6 Draw and Explain Vapour compression refrigeration system

Components of Vapour compression refrigeration

3)expansion valve
4) and evaporator
Q7 What is first law of thermodynamics?
It is about principle of conservation of energy. Energy can neither be created or destroyed. But it can
be converted to and from other forms of energy.
First law equation,

.....for process for closed system

.....for cycle

Sign convention
Q is heat and W is work
Q is positive if heat supplied to system
Q is negative if heat rejected by system
W is positive if work done by system
W is negative if work done on system

Q8 What are the limitations of first law of thermodynamics?

Ans: 1. According to first law of thermodyna

mics heat and work are mutually convertible during any
cycle of a closed system. But this law does not specify the possible conditions under which the heat is
converted into work.
2.. It does not give any information regarding change of state or whether tthe
he process is possible or not.
3.. The law does not specify the direction of heat and work.
Q9 What is Second law of thermodynamics?

The Kelvin-Planck Statement: It is impossible to construct a device which operates on a cycle and
produces no other effect than the transfer of heat from a single body in order to produce work.

The Clausius Statement: It is impossible to construct a device which operates on a cycle and produces
no other effect than the transfer of heat from a cooler body to a hotter body.

Q10 How pressure drop in pipe line is calculated?

loss in pressure = ∆p = ρgh
=density of fluid
g =acceleration due to gravity = 9.81m/s2
hf = head loss
i) Major loss due to friction

ℎ =

L = length of pipe
d= diameter of pipe
V= velocity of fluid

ii) Minor loss

ℎ =
K= loss coefficent

Q11 How to find friction factor? Where it is needed?

Friction factor is read from Moody chart. It is needed to calculate head loss and then pressure loss in
We need relative roughness (roughness height/diameter of pipe) and Reynolds number to read value of
friction factor f. For laminar flow
Q12 What is Reynolds number? What is its significance?
Reynolds number (Re)

μ = dynamic viscosity of fluid

Reynolds number is used in forced convection. It tell us whether flow is laminar or turbulent.

Q13 What is Pascal's law?

he pressure applied at any point of a liquid at rest, in a closed system, will be distributed equally
through all direction.
Application of Pascal's law:
a)hydraulic lift
b)automobile brake system
c)hydraulic press

Q14 What is streamline?

Streamline is a path traced out by a massless particle moving with the flow.

Velocity is tangent to streamline at every point.

Mass does not cross streamlines.

Figure shows streamline as streamline
Streamlines are not generated in area with flow separation. If body shape match to streamline, then
drag force is reduced.

Q15 What are different losses in pipe?

The larger head losses generated in pipes are due to the friction inside the pipes. However, there
are other types of losses originated in odd points (valves, bends, abrupt widening, contraction,
Major loss (because of friction)
Minor loss( bend, contraction, expansion, valve, etc)

Q16 When flow in pipe is turbulent?

Laminar flow, Re < 2300
Turbulent flow, Re > 4000

Q17 What is COP?

Coefficient of performance is,

'()*+(" ( (,-
$%& =
./+0 *123- -/ ,/42+())/+

Coefficient of performance of heat pump is,

7(8-*1! *1 ,/1"(1)(+
$%&56 =
./+0 *123- 9: ,/42+())/+

Coefficient of performance of Refrigeration is,

$//=*1! *1 (>82/+8-/+
$%&;< =
./+0 *123- 9: ,/42+())/+

COP Ref = 2.5 to 3

COP HP = 3.5 to 4
Thus instead of using electric heater we can use Heat Pump as power consumption is very less.

Q18 What is relation between COP of heat pump and COP of refrigeration?
COP HP = COP Ref +1

Q19 How will decide whether natural convection or forced convection is dominant?

Gr/Re2 << 1 Forced convection (negligible Natural)

Gr/Re2 >>1 Natural convection (negligible forced)
Gr/Re≈ 1 both natural and forced convection important. (mixed convection)
Re = Reynolds number
Gr = Grashof number

Grashof number is related to natural convection

Q20 What is zeroth law of thermodynamics? What is its application?

The zeroth law states that if two thermodynamic systems are both in thermal equilibrium with a third
system, then the two systems are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

It is used in measurement of temperature

Q21 What is Newton's law viscosity

Q22 What are different modes of heat transfer?

Q23 What law governs heat conduction?

Fourier's law of heat conduction
“Rate of heat transfer by conduction in a given direction is proportional to the area normal to the
direction of heat flow and the temperature gradient in that direction.”

Negative sign indicates that direction of Q and dT/dx are opposite.

Qx = heat flow rate in x-direction, Watt (J/s)

A = area normal to heat flow direction,m2
k = thermal conductivity of material, W/mK
dT/dx = temperature gradient in x direction
dT = temp difference across Δx
dx = thickness of material in heat flow direction
k = thermal conductivity and
k is material property.

Copper 385W/mK
Steel 43W/mK
Conductivity of copper is 9 times conductivity of steel. Hence although costly copper is used in
applications where high heat transfer needed eg. Heat exchanger

Q24 What law governs heat convection ?

Newton’s law of cooling
“Rate of heat transfer by convection from a surface to a fluid is equal to the product of temperature
difference between surface and the free stream of the fluid and the area of the surface normal to the
direction of heat flow”

Q = heat transfer by convection, W

h= convective heat transfer coefficient, W/m2k
A = surface area, m2
Ts = surface temperature, oC
T∞= free stream fluid temperature, oC

Q25 What law governs heat radiation?

Stefan Boltzmann’s Law
“Thermal radiation emitted per square area of surface by a black body is proportional to the fourth
power of its absolute temperature.”

Q = σAT4 W;
σ = is Stefan Boltzmann constant = 5.67 x 10-8 W/m2K4 )

Q26 Commonly used refrigerants

ammonia NH3 (R717) (ice making )
R134a tetrafluoroethane (AC and household refrigeration)
CO2 R744

Q27 What is brine solution?

Cooling brine, also known as heat transfer fluid, is an aqueous salt(Sodium chloride, calcium chloride
etc.) solution whose solidification temperatures are far below the freezing point of water.

Q29 What is use of Orsat Apparatus?

It is device to measure amount of CO, CO2, O2 present in flue gas by volume.

Q30 What is air conditioning ?

Air-conditioning is that process used to create and maintain certain temperature, relative humidity and
air purity conditions in indoor spaces.

Q31 What is psychometric chart ?

The psychrometric chart is a tool for understanding the relationships between the various parameters of
moist air and the relative humidity.

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