My Notes For Science Pa2

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1/22/24, 6:21 PM Notes - Evernote

Question That Might come in Exam !

Electric Current and its Effect:-

1. When the current is switched on through a wire, a compass needle kept nearby gets deflected from
its north-south position. Explain.
Ans: When the current is passed through a wire then the wire behaves like a tiny magnet. This is called the
magnetic effect of current. So, when we keep a compass needle near that current flowing wire, it gets
deflected from its north-south position due to the magnetic field produced by the wire.

2. Do you think an electromagnet can be used for separating plastic bags from a garbage heap? Explain.
Ans: An electromagnet can be made by flowing electricity through the conductor or wire. It only attracts
electromagnetic materials like iron. It does not attract plastic or plastic bags. So, it cannot be used to
separate plastic bags from the garbage as it is not attracted by an electromagnet.

3. An electrician is carrying out some repairs in your house. He wants to replace a fuse with a piece of
wire. Would you agree? Give reasons for your response.
Ans: The fuse is made of a very low melting point wire So when the amount of electricity exceeds a limited
amount of electricity. Then it melts and breaks, So our home is safe from short circuits. But the melting
point of the metallic wire is high and it won't melt and break when the amount of electricity exceeds. So, we
did not allow him to replace the fuse with a wire.

4. Explain the function of the electrical fuse in a circuit.

Ans: Fuse is made up of material having low melting point. The main function of a fuse is to break the circuit
if there is overflow of current and prevent fire. The fuse protects electrical wires and appliances from
damage from excess current.

5.What is MCB? What is its Function?

Ans: MCB is the abbreviation for Miniature Circuit Breaker. It is a tool that is used in place of a fuse. MBC
automatically breaks the circuit if it exceeds the safe limit of current passing through it to prevent fire and
other damage. MCB can be turned on manually.

6. What is an electromagnet?
Ans: An electromagnet is a temporary magnet that is formed because of the magnetic effect of electric 1/3
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current. When electric current passes through a wire it behaves like a magnet. The strength of an
electromagnet depends on the amount of current passing through it. Electromagnets show all the property
of a magnet such as:

1. Attractive Properties
2. Repulsive Properties
3. They also point in a north-south direction when suspended freely.

Electromagnets are used in large cranes in junkyards to separate iron or any other magnetic object from the

7. Explain Overloading ?
Ans: Overloading in electric current occurs when a circuit is subjected to a higher current than it is designed
to handle. This can lead to overheating of conductors and components, posing a fire hazard. Overloading is
typically caused by connecting too many devices or appliances to a single circuit or by faulty equipment.

Respiration in Organism:

1. Why Does an Athlete Breathe Faster and Deeper than Usual After Finishing the Race?
Ans: Running requires a lot of energy, and ATP is produced by the breakdown of glucose, which is a rapid
source of energy. As a result, while running, all of the reserve energy is used, and more oxygen is required for
the generation of fresh ATP. As a result, following the race, the athlete breathes faster.

2.Take Three Test Tubes. Fill 3/4th of Each With Water. Label Them A, B, and C. Keep a Snail in Test-
Tube A, a Water Plant in Test-Tube B, and in C, Keep Snail and Plant Both. Which Test Tube Would Have
the Highest Concentration of CO2?
Ans: Test tube-A, The maximum concentration of carbon dioxide will be found in test tube A. The snail's
respiration produces carbon dioxide (CO2). Snail is an organism that takes in oxygen and exhales carbon
dioxide. As a result, the concentration of CO2 in test tube A rises.

3.Yeast Is widely used to make soft and fluffy cakes. Explain the science involved in this

Yeast is used to make bread soft and fluffy. When put into bread dough it eats the sugar and digests it and
gives off CO2 gas which causes the bread to rise. It also gives off alcohol which is evaporated when the bread
bakes. The gas bubbles expand the gluten protein in the dough. In baking the gas expands more as the
dough is heated.

4.Why dose Lime water turns milky on adding CO2 ?

Lime water is a solution of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)₂.Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form carbonic
acid (H CO ) H CO and Ca(OH) react to form calcium carbonate (CaCO ) and H2O Calcium carbonate is 2/3
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acid (H₂CO₃).H₂CO₃ and Ca(OH)₂ react to form calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) and H2O.Calcium carbonate is
insoluble and precipitate. This precipitate causes the lime water to turn milky.

5.What are stomata ? What is the function of Stomata ?

Stomata are tiny openings or pores in plant tissue that allow for gas exchange. Stomata are typically found
in plant leaves but can also be found in some stems. Specialized cells known as guard cells surround
stomata and function to open and close stomatal pores. Stomata allow a plant to take in carbon dioxide,
which is needed for photosynthesis. They also help to reduce water loss by closing when conditions are hot
or dry. Stomata look like tiny mouths which open and close as they assist in transpiration.

6.How is sneezing and coughing help in the entry of clean air into our body ?
When we inhale air, the unwanted particles get trapped in the hair of nose. However, sometimes unwanted
particles do not get trapped in the hair and irritate the lining of nasal cavity. As result,we sneeze or cough.
Sneezing or coughing expels these unwanted particles from the inhaled air and a dust free, clean air enters
our body. 3/3

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