Unit I

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* Class Name : VJTech Academy , Maharashtra *

* Author Name: Vishal Jadhav Sir *
* Mobile No : 9730087674 *

Variable References:

Variable Scope:
1) Local Scope
2) Global Scope

User defined function declaration sytax:

function functionName(Parameter list)

Data Types
- PHP Supports eight primitive data types.

1) Integer:
- It is a collection of 0 to 9 digits combination value without decimal
- Its range is similiar to long int data type in C.
- Its range is -2147483648 to 2147483647
- You can represent Integer number in decimal,octal and hexadecimal
- If it is decimal, it is just the number. For example: 145
- If it is Octal,then number should preceeded with zero(0). For example:
- If it is hexadecimal, then number should preceeded with 0X. For
example: 0X23
- In PHP, we can test whether value is int or not by using is_int() or
//Integer data Type
echo "Number is integer";
echo "Number is not integer";

2) Floating Point Number:

- Floating point number is called as real number.
- It is a collection of 0 to 9 digits combination value with decimal
- In PHP, floating point number will display value upto 15 digits decimal
- Its range is 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308
- You can represent floating point number using two different format.
I) Fractional Format : 23.45, 67.8, 143.78
II) Exponential Format: 1.3E-56, 2.3E89
- In PHP, we can test whether value is float or not by using is_float()
or is_real()
- Example:
//float data Type
echo "Number is float";
echo "Number is not float";

3) String:
- Collection of characters is known as String.
- We can represent string using single or double quotes.
- For example: "VJTech" or 'VJTech' both are same.
- PHP provided method is_string() to check whether given value is string
or not.
- Exmple:
//echo "My class name is $name";
echo "$name is String";
echo "$name is not String";

4) Boolean:
- Boolean value can be either TRUE or FALSE value.
- Both values are case-insensitive.
- is_bool() method used to check whether value is boolean or not.
- Example:
echo "$m is Boolean";
echo "$m is not Boolean";
- In PHP, the following values are false:
=> The keyword false,0,0.0,empty string(""),NULL

5) Arrays:
- Array is used to store multiple values in single variable.
- In PHP,Collection of different types of values is known as Array.
- Array index should begin with 0 and end with SIZE-1.
- We can retrive the individual array elements using subscript and index
- Example:

echo "Value of p array 0 index = $p[0]";

echo "<br>Value of p array 1 index = $p[1]";
echo "<br>Value of p array 2 index = $p[2]";

echo "<br>Value of q array = ".$q['first'];

echo "<br>Value of q array = ".$q['second'];
echo "<br>Value of q array =".$q['third'];

6) Objects:
- PHP supports OOP.
- Objects are the special instance of the class.
- Class is a collection of properties and methods.
- We can define the class using keyword 'class'.
- Once class is created then we can create no of objects.
- We can access members of the class using -> symbol.
- Example:
class Student
public $name=' ';
function get_stud_info($nm)
function disp_stud_info()
echo "Hello $this->name";
$s1=new Student();

7) Resource:
- Resource is a special PHP data type.
- It is used to refer to external resources like file,images, etc.
- It is used to interact with outside the world.
- For example: Database connection function return resource which is used
to identify
that connection. That resource we use while calling query.
- One more benefits of resource is that they are garbage collected when
no longer in use.
- is_resource() function to test whether value is resource or not.
- Example:
echo "This is resource data type";
echo "This is not resource data type";

8) Null:
- This data type is having only one value denoted by the keyword Null.
- The numm value represent a variable that has no value.
- A Variable considered to be null if:
I) It has been assigned constant NULL
II) It has not been set to any value.
III) It has been unset();
- is_null() function used to test whether value is null or not.
- Example:
echo "This is null data type value";
echo "This is not null data type value";

- Operators are the symbol which indicate operation to be perform.
- There are three main categories of the operators
I) Unary Operators: require single operand.
II) Binary Operators: require two operands.
III) Ternary Operators: require three operands.

1) Arithmetic Operators:
I) Negation (-) : -$a;
II) Addition(+) : $a+$b
III) Substraction(-) : $a-$b
IV) Multiplication(*) : $a*$b
V) Division(/) : $a/$b
VI) Modulus(%) : $a%$b
VII) Exponentiation(**) : $a**$b

- Example:
//Arithmetic Operators
echo "Addition is $result";
echo "<br>Substraction is $result";
echo "<br>Multiplication is $result";
echo "<br>Division is $result";
echo "<br>Modulus is $result";
echo "<br>Exponentiation is $result";
echo "<br> Negation is $result";

2) AutoIncrement(++) & AutoDecrement(--) Operators:

- Increment operator increase value of variable by one.
- Decrement operator decrease value of variable by one.
$a=100; $a=100; $b=100; $b=100;
$a++; ++$a; $b--; --$b;
$a=101; $a=101; $b=99; $b=99;

echo "Value of a before incrementation=$a";
echo "<br>Value of a after incrementation=$a";

echo "Value of a before decrementation=$a";
echo "<br>Value of a after decrementation=$a";

3) String concatenation Operators:

- We use dot(.) operator for concatenation.
- Example:
$str2=$str1." Friends";
echo "Concatenated String is $str2";

4) Assignment Operator:
- The symbol of assingment operator is (=).
- It is used to assign right side expression result or value to the left
side variable.
- We use assignment operators in different ways(= ,+=,-=,*=,/=,etc)
- Example:
echo "Addition = $a";

5) Comparison Operator:
- PHP provides comparison operators to compare two operands.
- It return boolean value, either true or false.
I) Equal(==) : $a==$b
II) Identical(===) : $a===$b
III) Not Equal(!=,<>) : $a!=$b
IV) Not Identical(!==) : $a!==$b
V) Less than(<) : $a<$b
VI) Greater than(>) : $a>$b
VII) Less than or equal to(<=) : $a<=$b
VIII)Greater than or equal to(>=): $a>=$b
echo "$a<$b = $c";
echo "<br>$a>$b =$c";
echo "<br>$a<=$b =$c";
echo "<br>$a>=$b =$c";
echo "<br>$a==$b =$c";
echo "<br>$a!=$b =$c";
echo "<br>$a!==$b =$c";
echo "<br>$a===$b =$c";

6) Logical Operator:
I) Logical AND(&&,and) : True if both sides are true otherwise false
II) Logical OR(||,or) : False if both sides are false otherwise true
III) Logical XOR(xor) : If both sides are identical then it is false
otherwise TRUE
IV) Logical NOT (!) : Reverse the result
$c= ($a<$b and $a<=$b);
echo "($a<$b and $a<=$b) : $c";

$c= ($a<$b or $a>=$b);

echo "<br>($a<$b or $a<=$b) : $c";

$c= ($a<$b xor $a<=$b);

echo "<br>($a<$b xor $a<=$b) : $c";
$c= !($a<$b and $a<=$b);
echo "<br>!($a<$b and $a<=$b) : $c";

7) Bitwise Operator:
I) Bitwise AND (and) : If both bits are 1 then output would be 1
otherwise 0
II) Bitwise OR(|) : If both bits are 0 then output would be 0
otherwise 1
III) Bitwise XOR (^) : If both bits are same then output would be 0
otherwise 1
IV) Bitwise NOT(~) : Change 1 to 0 or 0 to 1
V) Bitwise Left Shift(<<)
VI) Bitwise Right Shift(>>)

$c=$a and $b;
echo "Bitwise AND = $c";
$c=$a | $b;
echo "<br>Bitwise OR = $c";
$c=$a ^ $b;
echo "<br>Bitwise XOR = $c";
echo "<br>Bitwise NOT = $c";
echo "<br>Bitwise left Shift = $c";
echo "<br>Bitwise right Shift = $c";

8) Conditional Operator(?:)/Ternary Operator:


Condition?Expression-1 : Expression-2

- Constant is a variable which can not change value during the execution
of program.
- Syntax: define("ConstantVariableName",value);
- Example: define("PI",3.14);



echo "Area of Circle is $area";

Decision Making Control Statements:
1) if statement:
- Syntax:
//body of if
- Example-1:
echo "Both strings are equal";
echo "<br>End of the program!!!";
$age=readline("Enter your Age:");
echo "You are eligible for Voting!!!";
echo "<br>End of the program!!!";

if($a>$b && $a>$c)

echo "Greatest Number is $a";
if($b>$a && $b>$c)
echo "Greatest Number is $b";
if($c>$a && $c>$b)
echo "Greatest Number is $c";

if($a<$b && $a<$c)

echo "Smallest Number is $a";
if($b<$a && $b<$c)
echo "Smallest Number is $b";
if($c<$a && $c<$b)
echo "Smallest Number is $c";

2) if-else statement:
- if condition is true then program controller executes if body.
- if condition is false then program controller executes else body.
- Syntax:
//body of if
//body of else
- Example-1:
echo "Greatest Number is $x";
echo "Greatest Number is $y";
- Example-2:
echo "Number $no is EVEN!!!";
echo "Number $no is ODD!!!";

3) Nested-if statement:
- One if-else within another if is known as nested if-else.
- Syntax:
//body of if
//body of else
//body of else
- Example:
echo "$no is positive";
echo "$no is negative";
echo "0 is neither positive nor negative";

***Switch Statement***
- switch, case ,default and break are predefined keywords.
- In switch case, we compare value to multiple cases.
- Syntax:
case value-1 : //block of code
case value-2 : //block of code
case value-3 : //block of code
case value-N : //block of code
default: //block of code
- Example:
case "Mon": echo "It is Monday";
case "Tues": echo "It is Tuesday";
case "Wed": echo "It is Wednesday";
case "Thurs": echo "It is Thursday";
case "Fri": echo "It is Friday";
case "Sat": echo "It is Saturday";
case "Sun": echo "It is Sunday";
default: echo "Invalid Day!!!";

Loop Control Structures
1) for loop
2) while loop
3) do-while loop
4) foreach loop

***for loop:
- syntax:
//body of for loop
- Example:
for($x=1; $x<=5 ;$x++)
echo "<br>Value of x : $x";
***while loop:
- syntax:
//body of while loop
- Example:
echo "<br>Value of x : $x";

***Do-while loop:
- syntax:
//body of while loop
- Example:
echo "<br>Value of x : $x";

***foreach loop:
- foreach loop provides an easy way to iterate over an array.
- syntax:
foreach(Array_Expression as $value)
//body of foreach loop
- Example:
echo " Array Elements are:";
foreach($Num as $x)
echo "$x ";
break statement
- when break statement is executed then program controller comes out of
- Example:
echo "<br>Value of i = $i";
continue statement
- when continue statement is executed then program controller goes to
next iteration.
- Example:
echo "<br>Value of i = $i";
Practice Program
- Write a PHP program which acceptn five subjects marks from user and
display total and
percentage of student.
- Write a PHP program to find area of Rectangle.
- Generates following output in PHP.
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
- Generates following output in PHP.
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
- Write a PHP program to check whether no is prime or not.
$no=readline("Enter Any Integer Number:");
echo "Number is prime";
echo "Number is not prime";

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