Higher National Diploma in Business Management ESOFT METRO CAMPUS

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Higher National Diploma in Business Management ESOFT METRO CAMPUS

H.A.D.R.Chathurika Seneviratne 9 | Page

Task 1.1 explain the purpose and functions of HRM, applicable to work force
and resourcing and organization.
1.1.1. Human Resource Management
First and Foremost, according to Flippo (2018) elaborates Human Resource
Management as
“planning, organizing, directing, controlling of procurement, development,
integration, maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that individual,
organizational and social objectives are achieved.”
Furthermore, according to Decenzo and Robbins (2005) “HRM is concerned with the
dimension” in management. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring
services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and
that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization is essential to
organizational objectives. This is true, regardless of the type of organization –
business, education, health or social action”.
It could be critically demonstrated from the literature that Human resource management
the most vital and unique assets of an organization. In the same line, Human resource
is one
of the vital parts of today’s corporate environment. It is vital to hire the best pool of
at the stage of recruitment and selection to get the best contribution from them towards
company objectives. It should be noticed that the duty of the HR department is to serve
company and it should focus primarily on the benefits of the organization rather than the
Higher National Diploma in Business Management ESOFT METRO CAMPUS
H.A.D.R.Chathurika Seneviratne 10 | Page
1.1.1 Purpose of Human Resource Management
1 Figure ‐ HRM Function
Source: google.lk
Strategic human resources management process built a link between line management
the organizational employees. Furthermore, small scale organizations with limited
eventually accomplish collaboration among senior management and junior employees.
Consequently, Multinational Companies have various management and employees.
 The human resource planning process identifies organizational goals and matches
them with the competencies employees need to achieve those goals.
 Human resource planning serves as a link between human resource management
and the overall strategic plan of an organization.
 A plan is made to either develop necessary competencies from within the
organization or hire new people who already have them.
 The plans and strategies for fulfilling human resource needs are continually
evaluated and improved, and the acquired resources are continuously developed.
Higher National Diploma in Business Management ESOFT METRO CAMPUS
H.A.D.R.Chathurika Seneviratne 11 | Page
1.1.2 Functions of Human Resource Management
First and foremost, the author would like to state the criticalness of human resource
management as it impacts on the performance of the organization. Furthermore, this
constricts of the following key areas:
1. Staffing
2. Human Resource Development
3. Compensation & Benefits
4. Safety & Health
5. Employee & Labor Relations
6. Human Resource Research
1. Staffing.
An organization select effective and qualified employees, who are designated for
position along with the proper place & timing. That make an organization to achieve its
organizational objectives.
There are fore important activities of the staffing function of human resources.
I. Job Analysis – A process of studying and collecting information related to
operations and responsibilities of a specific job in the organization.
II. Human Resource Planning (HRP) – In order to confirm that the required
number of workers with the require skills & knowledge are made available
when they are demanded.
III. Recruitment – Attracting & encouraging relatively large number of applicants
to apply for the required jobs.
IV. Selection – The best persons from a pool of applicants for the job that can
effectively fulfill the position.
Higher National Diploma in Business Management ESOFT METRO CAMPUS
H.A.D.R.Chathurika Seneviratne 12 | Page
2. Human Resource Development
In an organization important role of the Human Resource department is the training &
development of the employees. The training is proved to the employees with the
skills & knowledge for their current positions of the jobs. For employees human
development can be given by individual as well as teams ultimately benefits the
organization by improving its entire performance.
3. Compensation & Benefits
The compensation is elucidating as all the rewards that are makes clear by the
as a result of the employment. There are three rewards as below.
 Pay ‐ The money received by an employee for performing his job.
 Benefits ‐ Benefits are those extra financial rewards that are received other than
pay. Benefits include sick leaves, paid leaves, holiday and medical insurance.
 Non‐financial Rewards ‐ That are availed by the employees and which are non‐
monetary in nature like pleasant working environment and delightedness of work
performed etc.
4. Safety & Health
In the working environment safety of the employees is most important and the health is
different it is related to the physical and mentally wellbeing of employees. In an
organization employees are asset of the organization & their good health in a safe
environment ensures the increased productivity & effectiveness of the organization in
long run the safety and health issue of the employees is very crucial for the HR
5. Employee & Labor Relations
The law for the organizations to declare a union of its employees & bargain with the
on certain matters. If employees need to join the union the organization do not put
pressure on them for prevention. Unionism is an earlier concept in the private industry,
Higher National Diploma in Business Management ESOFT METRO CAMPUS
H.A.D.R.Chathurika Seneviratne 13 | Page
many organizations try to keep union free environment because union can become
harmful for the organizations.
6. Human Resource Research
Functions of human resource management because it does not require cost for
laboratory and provide effective solutions for many issues of the human resource
1.1.2 Workforce planning and human resource management
2 Figure – Strategy workforce planning
Source: Google.lk
Workforce planning refers to the process of ensuring an organization has current and
access to the human capital it needs to perform effectively. Workplace planning involves
identifying current and future personnel needs and exploring the most appropriate and

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