Chapter 6

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Physiology chapter 6
Which of the following is considered a secondary endocrine organ?
A. the thymus
B. the thyroid
C. the liver
D. the pineal gland

The hypothalamus secretes corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) onto the

anterior pituitary to stimulate secretion of __________?
A. growth hormone B. antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
C. ACTH D. prolactin

Which endocrine structure is NOT involved in secretion of thyroid hormones?

A. hypothalamus B. thyroid gland C. posterior pituitary D. anterior pituitary

Which of the following is NOT regulated by hormones that are secreted by the
thyroid gland?
A. cortisol levels B. metabolic rate
C. growth and development D. calcium levels

Which type of feedback refers to a hormone released by a target gland, which

results in decreased production of hormones in the anterior pituitary and
A. short loop negative feedback B. short loop positive feedback
C. long loop negative feedback D. long loop positive feedback

The hypothalamus communicates with the anterior pituitary gland via __________.
A. paracrine messengers
B. a direct neural connection
C. tropic hormones released into a portal vein
D. tropic hormones that travel through the systemic circulation through the heart and
back to the anterior pituitary

Which of the following glands and hormones are correctly matched?

A. posterior pituitary gland—thyroid stimulating hormone
B. hypothalamus—thyrotropin releasing hormone

C. thyroid gland—thyroid stimulating hormone
D. anterior pituitary gland—thyrotropin releasing hormones

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a hormone that inhibits sodium reabsorption by the
kidneys. Which organ secretes this hormone?
A. the thymus B. the heart C. adrenal cortex D. the thyroid

Gastrin, cholecystokinin (CCK), and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide

(GIP) are all hormones secreted by __________.
A. secondary endocrine organs B. hypothalamus
C. a primary endocrine organ D. pituitary gland

Which of the following hormones is NOT secreted by the anterior pituitary gland?
A. oxytocin B. growth hormone (GH)
C. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) D. prolactin

Neural signals from stress initiate a cascade of events that culminates in the
secretion of which of the following hormones?
A. chorionic gonadropin B. insulin C. glucagon D. cortisol

Hyposecretion of insulin by the pancreas would cause which of the following?

A. increase in blood glucose levelsB. excretion of glucose in urine (glucosuria)
C. inability of cells to use glucose for energy
D. All of the listed choices are correct.

A pituitary adenoma is a benign tumor of the pituitary gland that causes

hypersecretion of growth hormone. Which of the following conditions can be
caused by an excess in secretion of this hormone in adults?
A. diabetes mellitus B. acromegaly C. Addison's disease D. gigantism

The hormone epinephrine binds to ß adrenergic receptors on smooth muscle

cells of the bronchioles, causing them to dilate (increase in diameter). Thyroid
hormone is essential for the synthesis of ß adrenergic receptors; therefore, in the
absence of thyroid hormone, epinephrine cannot trigger bronchodilation. This
concept if known as __________.

‫ مما يؤدي إلى توسعها (زيادة‬، ‫يرتبط هرمون اإلبينفرين بالمستقبالت األدرينالية على خاليا العضالت الملساء في القصيبات‬
‫ هرمون الغدة الدرقية ضروري لتوليف‬.)‫ في القطر‬ß ‫ في حالة عدم وجود هرمون الغدة‬، ‫ لذلك‬.‫مستقبالت األدرينالية‬
‫ هذا المفهوم إذا كان يعرف باسم‬.‫ ال يمكن أن يؤدي اإلبينفرين إلى توسع القصبات‬، ‫_ _ الدرقية‬.

A. antagonism B. synergistic effect C. permissiveness D. additive effect

The combination of Tylenol with a drug called codeine provides more relief than
either drug can provide alone. This is known as __________.
A. agonism B. antagonism C. synergism D. permissiveness

What tropic hormone stimulates cortisol from the adrenal gland?

A. luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
B. thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
C. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
D. growth hormone (GH)

What is the function of the ventral hypothalamic neurons?

A. control secretion of oxytocin
B. control secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
C. control secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
D. control secretion of thyroid hormones

Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are intermediary hormones stimulated by which

of the following hormones?
A. GH (growth hormone )B. thyroid hormones
C. prolactin (PRL) D. oxytocin

Which of the following hormones is regulated by a neuroendocrine ("letdown")

A. cortisol B. antidiuretic hormone (ADH) C. oxytocin

Where is antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also known as vasopressin, synthesized?

A. anterior pituitary B. hypothalamus C. posterior pituitary D. kidney

What is the most important regulatory factor controlling the circulating levels of
thyroid hormone?
A. thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
B. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
C. negative feedback
D. a circadian rhythm of release

Hypophysis is another term for __________.

A. the pineal gland B. a secondary endocrine organ
C. a primary endocrine organ D. the hypothalamus

Which of the following correctly describes the way hormones are secreted from
the adenohypophysis?
‫أي من اآلتي يصف وصفا صحيحا طريقة إفراز الهرمونات من النخامية الغدية؟‬

A. Neurons in the neurohypophysis secrete tropic hormones which travel in the portal
vein to the adenohypophysis. The adenohypophysis then secretes as second tropic

B. A hormone is secreted from a primary endocrine organ (not in the brain), which
causes the release of a tropic hormone from the adenohypophysis.
C. A tropic hormone from the hypothalamus travels through the portal vein to the
adenohypophysis, where a second tropic hormone is secreted.
D. Neurons in the hypothalamus secrete neurohormones into the blood at the

ADH and oxytocin __________.

A. are released from the anterior pituitary gland
B. are neurohormones
C. are released from the posterior pituitary gland when activated by tropic hormones
from the hypothalamus
D. are the same chemical messenger, but named differently because one is secreted
from the anterior pituitary gland and the other is secreted from the posterior pituitary

Tropic hormones can be stimulatory or inhibitory

A. true
B. false
A. true

Which of the following is FALSE regarding secretion of hormones from the

hypothalamus and pituitary glands?

‫أي من اآلتي خطأ فيما يتعلق بإفراز الهرمونات من منطقة ما تحت المهاد والغدد النخامية؟‬

A. Anterior pituitary tropic hormones cause release of hormones from another primary
endocrine organ.
B. The portal vein supplies both the anterior and posterior pituitary glands with blood.
C. Hypothalamic tropic hormones are neurohormones.
D. Anterior pituitary tropic hormones are secreted from endocrine cells, not neurons.

Which of the following is an example of long loop negative feedback?

A. Excess growth hormone inhibiting hormone (GHIH) leads to decreased growth
hormone (GH) secretion.
B. Excess adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) leads to increased secretion of cortisol.
C. Excess growth hormone (GH) leads to decreased secretion of growth hormone
releasing hormone (GHRH).
D. Excess thyroid hormone leads to a decreased release of thyroid stimulating hormone

Often,when endocrine glands are stimulated to secrete hormones at a higher rate, the
endocrine cells become larger and the organ as a whole becomes hypertrophied.
Someone who is chronically under a lot of stress might display hypertrophy of which
A. the gonads
B. the thyroid gland
C. the adrenal glands
D. the parathyroid glands

Cortisol is often referred to as a "stress hormone" because it is secreted in

response to both psychological and physical stress. This hormone also aids in
blood glucose regulation. If an increase in cortisol secretion leads to a decreased
insulin secretion, what action do you think cortisol has on blood sugar?

‫ يساعد هذا الهرمون‬.‫غالبا ما يشار إلى الكورتيزول باسم "هرمون التوتر" ألنه يفرز استجابة لإلجهاد النفسي والجسدي‬
‫ فما تأثير‬، ‫ إذا أدت زيادة إفراز الكورتيزول إلى انخفاض إفراز األنسولين‬.‫أيضا في تنظيم نسبة الجلوكوز في الدم‬
‫الكورتيزول على نسبة السكر في الدم برأيك؟‬
A. Cortisol acts to decrease blood sugar.
B. Cortisol acts to increase blood glucose.
B. cortisol acts to increase blood glucose

Glucagon __________.
A. is secreted in response to low blood glucose
B. is secreted by beta cells of the pancreas
C. is an exocrine secretion of the pancreas
D. is secreted by the liver

Which part of the adrenal gland secretes the chemical messengers that bind to
adrenergic receptors?

‫أي جزء من الغدة الكظرية يفرز النواقل الكيميائية التي ترتبط بالمستقبالت األدرينالية؟‬
A. zona fasciculata
B. zona reticularis
C. adrenal medulla
D. zona glomerulosa
C. adrenal medulla

Which part of the adrenal gland secretes the hormone that regulates sodium
reabsorption and potassium secretion by the kidneys?
‫أي جزء من الغدة الكظرية يفرز الهرمون الذي ينظم إعادة امتصاص الصوديوم وإفراز الكلى للبوتاسيوم؟‬
A. zona fasciculata
B. adrenal medulla

C. zona glomerulosa
D. zona reticularis
C. zona glomerulosa

__________ hormone stimulates the release of __________.


The islets of Langerhans __________.

A. produce neurohormones
B. produce the exocrine secretions of the pancreas
C. have more beta cells than alpha cells
D. contain only beta cells and alpha cells

Erythropoietin is a hormone which stimulates production of red blood cells (RBCs) in

bone marrow. This hormone is secreted by which secondary endocrine organ?

A. kidneys B. skin C. heart D. liver

Which of the following hormones would be metabolized at the fastest rate in the blood?
A. thyroid hormone B. cortisol C. testosterone D. insulin

A young woman has a tumor on her thyroid gland, which is preventing it from
secreting normal levels of thyroid hormone. Classify this type of endocrine
‫ صنف هذا النوع‬.‫ مما يمنعها من إفراز مستويات طبيعية من هرمون الغدة الدرقية‬، ‫امرأة شابة لديها ورم في الغدة الدرقية‬
‫من اضطرابات الغدد الصماء‬.
A. secondary hyposecretion disorder
B. primary hypersecretion disorder
C. primary hyposecretion disorder
D. secondary hypersecretion disorder

An elderly man has been evaluated by a physician and told that he has a secondary
hyposecretion disorder of the parathyroid glands. What sign or symptom might this
patient display?
‫ ما العالمة أو‬.‫تم تقييم رجل مسن من قبل طبيب وقيل له إنه يعاني من اضطراب نقص إفراز ثانوي في الغدد الدرقية‬
‫األعراض التي قد تظهر على هذا المريض؟‬
A. decreased metabolism
B. increased metabolism
C. increased nerve excitability and muscle cramps
D. decreased bone density
C. increased nerve excitability and muscle cramps
One side effect of anabolic steroids in males is testicular atrophy. This is due to
the fact that the excessive presence of synthetic testosterone acts like very high
natural levels of testosterone, negatively feeding back on the hypothalamus and
pituitary glands. This suppresses natural testosterone secretion by the testes and
they atrophy. This is akin to __________.

‫ هذا يرجع إلى حقيقة أن الوجود المفرط لهرمون‬.‫أحد اآلثار الجانبية للستيرويدات االبتنائية عند الذكور هو ضمور الخصية‬
‫ ويتغذى سلبا على منطقة ما‬، ‫التستوستيرون االصطناعي يعمل مثل مستويات طبيعية عالية جدا من هرمون التستوستيرون‬
‫ هذا أقرب إلى‬.‫ هذا يمنع إفراز هرمون التستوستيرون الطبيعي من الخصيتين وضمور‬.‫تحت المهاد والغدد النخامية‬

A. long loop negative feedback

B. secondary hypersecretion disorder
C. short loop negative feedback
D. primary hyposecretion disorder

Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin are examples of hormones with __________

A. antagonistic
B. permissive
C. additive
D. synergistic

Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched with its secreting organ?

A. triiodothyronine - thyroid gland
B. thyroxine - thyroid gland
C. TSH - posterior pituitary
D. TRH - hypothalamus

A decrease in the level of thyroxine would increase the secretion of _______.

A. neither TSH nor TRH

C. both TSH and TRH

A hypophysectomized rat is missing its _______.

A. hypothalamus
B. pituitary gland
C. adrenal gland
D. thyroid gland
Thyroxine is a _______.

A. hormone that enters the nucleus

B. slow-acting hormone
C. hormone that works through a second-messenger system
D. slow-acting hormone that enters the nucleus
E. slow-acting hormone that works through a second-messenger system

Which of the following hormones is regulated by a positive feedback

B. thyroxine
D. oxytocin

Which rat(s) was euthyroid without any injections?

A. the thyroidectomized rat

B. the normal rat and the hypophysectomized rat
C. the normal rat
D. the hypophysectomized rat

An abnormally high level of which of the following will result in goiter?

A. either thyroxine or TRH B. TRH C. TSH D. thyroxine

Why did the TSH have NO effect on the BMR of the thyroidectomized rat?

A. The rat is missing its thyroid gland.

B. The rat is missing its pituitary gland.
C. The metabolism of the rat is already too low.
D. The metabolism of the rat is already too high.

The injection of TSH resulted in goiter in _______.

A. the hypophysectomies rat
B. the thyroidectomized rat
C. the normal rat and the hypophysectomized
D. the normal rat

Propylthiouracil injections resulted in goiter formation in _______.

A. the hypophysectomies rat

B. the normal rat and the hypophysectomized rat
C. the normal rat
D. the thyroidectomized rat
C. the normal rat

Glucose is stored in the human body as _______.

A. glycogen
B. glucagon
C. insulin
D. plant starch
A. glycogen

Which hormone stimulates the breakdown of polymerized glucose?

A. glycogen
B. insulin
C. glucagon
D. plant starch
C. glucagon

Glucose remains in the bloodstream as a result of _______.

A. type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

B. type 1 diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus
C. type 1 diabetes mellitus
D. diabetes insipidus
E. type 2 diabetes mellitus

Excess glucose can be found in the urine _______.

A. when the transport maximum for reabsorption in the kidney tubules is exceeded, as a
result of type 1 diabetes or as a result of type 2 diabetes
B. as a result of type 2 diabetes
C. as a result of type 1 diabetes
D. when the transport maximum for reabsorption in the kidney tubules is exceeded

result of type 1 or as a result of type 2 diabetes In this experiment, optical density is

measured using a _______.
A. microscope
B. spectrophotometer
C. caliper
D. thermocycler

Using this assay, glucose concentration is _______.
A. directly proportional to optical density
B. inversely proportional to optical density
C. directly proportional to the volume of blood sampled
D. inversely proportional to the volume of blood sampled

Which of the patients tested was(were) in the diabetic range?

A. patients 3, 4, and 5
B. patients 3 and 5
C. patients 3 and 4
D. patient 3

Peptide hormones include which of the following?

A. follicle-stimulating hormone and calcitonin
B. follicle-stimulating hormone
C. calcitonin
D. follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogen

Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched with one of its functions?

A. calcitonin - inhibits osteoblast activity
B. FSH - stimulates ovarian follicle growth
C. estrogen - provides protection against osteoporosis
D. All of the above are matched correctly.

Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched with its primary secreting organ?
A. calcitonin - thyroid gland
B. estrogen - ovaries
C. FSH - ovaries
D. All of the above are matched correctly.

Inhibiting osteoclast activity would prevent _______.

A. ovariectomy B. osteopenia
C. osteopenia and osteoporosis D. osteoporosis

Replacement therapies for which two hormones were tested in this experiment?
A. FSH and calcitonin B. FSH and estrogen
C. saline and estrogen D. estrogen and calcitonin

Which of the following showed the greatest improvement in vertebral bone density for
the rats?
A. FSH B. saline C. calcitonin D. estrogen

The baseline T score for the rats was indicative of _______.

A. osteoporosis, because they were postmenopausal
B. osteopenia, because their anterior pituitary was removed
C. osteoporosis, because their ovaries were removed
D. osteopenia, because their ovaries were removed

Which of the following improved the vertebral bone density of the rats?
A. estrogen B. both calcitonin and estrogen
C. calcitonin D. FSH

The target cells for the hormone ACTH are located in the _______.
A. posterior pituitary B. anterior pituitary
C. hypothalamus D. adrenal cortex

Tropic hormones include which of the following?

A. CRH B. ACTH C. cortisol, ACTH and CRH D. both ACTH and CRH

Which of the following is NOT characterized by high levels of cortisol in the

A. iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome B. Addison's disease
C. Cushing's syndrome D. Cushing's disease

Iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome is _______.

A. often referred to as "steroid diabetes" B. physician induced
C. a result of treatment with glucocorticoid hormones D. All of the above are

High levels of cortisol would normally provide negative feedback to the _______.
A. hypothalamus
B. the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus
C. the posterior pituitary and the hypothalamus
D. posterior pituitary


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