Toms River PBA and FOP Response To Mayor Daniel Rodrick

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P.O. BOX 130 P.O. BOX 5011
TOMS RIVER, NJ 08754-0130 TOMS RIVER, NJ 08754-0130

Residents of Toms River,

The Toms River PBA Local #137 and the Toms River FOP Lodge #156 thank you for the time to correct
some previously reported information regarding the Police Department and the proposed reduction in our
work force. First, allow us to be very clear – the proposed ordinance change reducing the number of full-
time sworn Police Officers from 162 to 159 is in fact cutting Police Officers. Regardless of rank, title or
union affiliation your governing body is looking to eliminate 3 police officers from your police department.
Regardless of job assignment, that eliminates 3 police officers that serve you as residents and minimizes
the effectiveness and efficiency of The Toms River Police Department. These reductions are directly
against recommendations documented in an independent Comprehensive Efficiency Study from April of
2021 conducted by the Government Strategy Group which stated, “The Toms River Police Department
operates extremely lean and efficient with no recommendations to reduce personnel.”

It has been reported that in his first week as your Mayor, Daniel Rodrick hired 7 additional Police Officers.
This is neither accurate nor being reported to you in good faith. The Toms River Police Department hired
7 part-time Special Law Enforcement Officers (Class 1 Officers as they are referred to). These Class 1
Officers have extremely limited police powers, they are unarmed, they receive limited training, are not
licensed by the State of NJ and they do not respond to citizen calls for service. Class 1 Officers provide
seasonal support on the barrier island during the summer months, they serve as staff in the TR Municipal
Jail, and they provide park security throughout the Township. A Class 1 Officer cannot, and will never,
replace or supplement the duties of a full-time Police Officer.

It has also been reported that while looking to eliminate 3 police officers from the department, that 8
additional employees have been added to the agency. These additional 8 employees are paid EMT’s to
staff one additional Township Ambulance to provide first aid services to residents. While we are in complete
agreement that our paid ambulance services are vital to the community, these 8 additional employees again
do not, and cannot, replace police officers. An additional ambulance to serve the community does not
replace police assistance to our residents. An ambulance does not respond to “Police” calls for service in
any capacity. You have been led to believe that waiting for an ambulance puts lives at risk. What you have
not been told is that the average response time for an ambulance in 2023 was 7.9 minutes, the average
response time for a Police Officer response to a first aid call was 6.7 minutes. Police Officers are highly
trained first responders who can provide a multitude of services including basic first aid, administering
oxygen, performing CPR and rescue breathing, the application of a defibrillator, performing the Heimlich
maneuver on a choking victim, performing bleeding control, the application of a tourniquet, reversing an
overdose with lifesaving Narcan – and as we have seen recently, even delivering a baby. So I ask you,
what puts lives at risk? The simple answer … fewer Police Officers.

There have been claims that the Township is in a 3.5-million-dollar deficit, however there has yet to be an
approved budget to verify the shortage. There are a variety of options for alternate funding to provide an
additional ambulance to serve the community and there is no reason why we cannot maintain proper police
staffing while also adding EMT services. We ask that you evaluate the facts and make an informed decision
on what is best for the Township of Toms River.

Please visit our website at for more information and to view the 2021
independent Comprehensive Efficiency Study

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