Adolescent Psychology

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Eleventh Edition


Laurence Steinberg
Temple University
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Steinberg, Laurence D., 1952- author.

Title: Adolescence / Laurence Steinberg, Temple University.
Description: Eleventh Edition. | New York : McGraw-Hill Education, 2016. |
2017 | Revised edition of the author’s Adolescence, 2014.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015040572 | ISBN 9781259567827 (alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Adolescent psychology—Textbooks.
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For Wendy and Ben
About the Author

LAURENCE STEINBERG, Ph.D., is the Distinguished University

Professor and Laura H. Carnell Professor of Psychology at Temple
University. He graduated from Vassar College in 1974 and from Cornell
University in 1977, where he received his Ph.D. in human development and
family studies. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association,
the Association for Psychological Science, and the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences and former President of the Society for Research
on Adolescence and the Division of Developmental Psychology of the
American Psychological Association. Dr. Steinberg has been on the edito-
rial boards of many major journals, including Developmental Psychology
and Child Development, where he served as Associate Editor. He chaired
the National Academies’ Committee on the Science of Adolescence and has
been a frequent consultant to state and federal agencies and lawmakers on
© Axel Griesch

child labor, secondary education, and juvenile justice policy. His work was
cited numerous times by the U.S. Supreme Court in its landmark decisions
that abolished the juvenile death penalty and mandatory sentences of life
without parole for juveniles.
Dr. Steinberg is one of the most highly cited scholars in the field of
developmental psychology. His own research has focused on a range of top-
ics in the study of contemporary adolescence, including parent–adolescent
relationships, risk taking and decision making, mental health, adolescent
brain development, school-year employment, academic achievement, and
juvenile crime and justice. He has been the recipient of numerous honors,
including the John P. Hill Award for Outstanding Contributions to the
Study of Adolescence, given by the Society for Research on Adolescence;
the Society for Adolescent Medicine’s Gallagher Lectureship; and, from
the American Psychological Association, the Urie Bronfenbrenner Award
for Lifetime Contribution to Developmental Psychology in the Service
of Science and Society, the Award for Distinguished Contributions to
Research in Public Policy, and the APA Presidential Citation. In 2009, he
was named as the first recipient of the Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize for
Productive Youth Development.
Dr. Steinberg also has been recognized for excellence in research and
teaching by the University of California, the University of Wisconsin, and
Temple University, where he was honored in 1994 as one of that univer-
sity’s Great Teachers. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses
in adolescence for nearly 40 years and has served as the doctoral advisor to
more than 35 students, many of whom have gone on to become influential
scholars in their own right in the field of adolescence. In 2013, he received
the Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award, a national prize given to college
professors who have “inspired their former students to achieve greatness.”
vi About the Author vii

In addition to Adolescence, Dr. Steinberg is the author or co-author

of approximately 400 scholarly articles on growth and development dur-
ing the teenage years, as well as the books You and Your Adolescent;
When Teenagers Work: The Psychological and Social Costs of Adolescent
Employment (with Ellen Greenberger); Crossing Paths: How Your Child’s
Adolescence Triggers Your Own Crisis (with Wendy Steinberg); Beyond
the Classroom: Why School Reform Has Failed and What Parents Need
to Do (with B. Bradford Brown and Sanford Dornbusch); The 10 Basic
Principles of Good Parenting (which has been published in 10 languages);
Rethinking Juvenile Justice (with Elizabeth Scott); and Age of Opportunity:
Lessons From the New Science of Adolescence. He is co-editor of Studying
Minority Adolescents: Conceptual, Methodological, and Theoretical Issues
(with Vonnie McLoyd) and the Handbook of Adolescent Psychology (with
Richard Lerner).
Brief Contents

About the Author vi

A Note from the Author xiv
Preface xv

Introduction The Study of Adolescent Development 1

The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence 13
1 Biological Transitions 13
2 Cognitive Transitions 42
3 Social Transitions 69

The Contexts of Adolescence 95
4 Families 95
5 Peer Groups 122
6 Schools 152
7 Work, Leisure, and Media 181

Psychosocial Development During Adolescence 208
8 Identity 208
9 Autonomy 235
10 Intimacy 260
11 Sexuality 290
12 Achievement 320
13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 347

McGraw-Hill Education Psychology’s APA Documentation Style Guide

Glossary G1
References R1
Name Index I1
Subject Index I24


About the Author vi Variations in the Timing and Tempo

A Note from the Author xiv of Puberty 22
Preface xv Genetic and Environmental Influences
on Pubertal Timing 23
The Psychological and Social Impact
The Study of Adolescent Development 1 of Puberty 26
The Boundaries of Adolescence 3 The Immediate Impact of Puberty 26
Early, Middle, and Late Adolescence 4 The Impact of Specific Pubertal Events 30
A Framework for Studying Adolescent The Impact of Early or Late Maturation 30
Development 4 Obesity and Eating Disorders 34
The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence 4 Obesity 34
The Contexts of Adolescence 5 Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, and Binge Eating
Psychosocial Development in Adolescence 7 Disorder 36
Theoretical Perspectives on Adolescence 8 Physical Health and Health Care
Biosocial Theories 8 in Adolescence 40
Organismic Theories 9 The Paradox of Adolescent Health 40
Learning Theories 9 Causes of Mortality in Adolescence 40
Sociological Theories 10 Promoting Adolescent Health 41
Historical and Anthropological Theories 11
Stereotypes Versus Scientific Study 11 Chapter 2
Cognitive Transitions 42
Changes in Cognition 43
PART 1 Thinking About Possibilities 43
The Fundamental Changes Thinking About Abstract Concepts 45
of Adolescence 13 Thinking About Thinking 45
Thinking in Multiple Dimensions 46
Chapter 1 Adolescent Relativism 47
Biological Transitions 13
Theoretical Perspectives on Adolescent
Puberty: An Overview 14 Thinking 47
The Endocrine System 14 The Piagetian View of Adolescent
What Triggers Puberty? 16 Thinking 47
How Hormones Influence Adolescent The Information-Processing View of Adolescent
Development 17 Thinking 48
Somatic Development 18 The Adolescent Brain 51
Changes in Stature and the Dimensions How Your Brain Works 52
of the Body 18 The Age of Opportunity 54
Sexual Maturation 19 What Changes in Adolescence? 55
The Timing and Tempo of Puberty 21 Implications for Adolescent Behavior 60
x Contents

Individual Differences in Intelligence PART 2

in Adolescence 60
The Measurement of IQ 60
The Contexts of Adolescence 95
Types of Intelligence 61
Culture and Intelligence 61 Chapter 4
Adolescent Thinking in Context 62
Families 95
Social Cognition in Adolescence 62 Is Conflict Between Teenagers and Parents
Adolescent Risk Taking 64 Inevitable? 96
The Generation Gap: Fact and Fiction 96
What Do Adolescents and Parents
Chapter 3 Usually Fight About? 97
Social Transitions 69 Family Relationships at Adolescence 98
Social Redefinition and Psychosocial A Time of Reorganization and Change 98
Development 70 The Adolescent’s Parents at Midlife 99
The Elongation of Adolescence 71 Changes in Family Needs and Functions 100
Adolescence as a Social Invention 72 Transformations in Family Relations 101
The “Invention” of Adolescence 73 Sex Differences in Family Relationships 103
Emerging Adulthood: A New Stage Family Relationships and Adolescent
of Life or a Luxury of the Middle Development 104
Class? 74 Parenting Styles and Their Effects 105
Changes in Status During Ethnic Differences in Parenting
Adolescence 77 Practices 108
Drawing a Legal Boundary 77 Autonomy and Attachment in the
Inconsistencies in Adolescents’ Legal Adolescent’s Family 109
Status 78 Adolescents’ Relationships with Siblings 109

The Process of Social Redefinition 79 Behavioral Genetics and Adolescent

Common Practices in the Process of Development 110
Social Redefinition 79 Genetic and Environmental Influences on
Adolescent Development 111
Variations in Social Transitions 80
Why Are Siblings Often So Different? 111
Variations in Clarity 81
Variations in Continuity 84 The Adolescent’s Family in a Changing
Society 112
The Transition into Adulthood in
The Changed and Changing Nature of
Contemporary Society 87 Family Life 112
Special Transitional Problems of Poor Adolescents and Divorce 114
and Minority Youth 88
The Specific Impact of Marital Conflict 115
The Effects of Poverty on the Transition
into Adulthood 89 The Longer-Term Effects of Divorce 116
What Can Be Done to Ease the Custody, Contact, and Conflict following
Transition? 89 Divorce 116
Remarriage 117
The Influence of Neighborhood
Economic Stress and Poverty 118
Conditions on Adolescent
Development 90 Special Family Forms 120
Processes of Neighborhood The Importance of the Family in Adolescent
Influences 92 Development 121 Contents xi

Chapter 5 Classroom Climate 169

Peer Groups 122 The Best Classroom Climate for Adolescents 169
The Origins of Adolescent Peer Groups in Teacher Expectations and Student
Performance 170
Contemporary Society 124
The Importance of Student Engagement 171
Changes in the Size of the Youth Population 124
School Violence 174
Is There a Separate Youth Culture? 125
Beyond High School 176
The Nature of Adolescent Peer Groups 127
The College-Bound 176
Changes in Peer Groups during
Adolescence 127 The Non-College-Bound 178
Cliques and Crowds 128 Schools and Adolescent Development 179
Changes in Clique and Crowd Structure Over Characteristics of Good Schools 179
Time 130 The Effects of School on Adolescent
Adolescents and Their Crowds 133 Development 179
The Social Map of Adolescence 133
Crowds as Reference Groups 133 Chapter 7
Work, Leisure, and Media 181
Adolescents and Their Cliques 135
Similarity among Clique Members 135 Adolescents’ Free Time in Contemporary
Society 182
Common Interests among Friends 137
Patterns of Time Use in Contemporary
Similarity between Friends: Selection or
America 182
Socialization? 140
Patterns of Time Use in Other Countries 183
Popularity and Rejection in Adolescent Peer
Groups 142 Adolescents and Work 184
Determinants of Popularity and Rejection 142 The Rise and Fall of the Student Worker 184
Relational Aggression 145 Teenage Employment in Other Nations 185
Victimization and Harassment 147 The Adolescent Workplace Today 186
Employment and Adolescent Development 186
The Peer Group and Psychosocial
Youth Unemployment 189
Development 151
Adolescents and Leisure 190
Adolescents’ Free Time and Their Moods 190
Chapter 6 Structured Leisure Activities 191
Schools 152 Unstructured Leisure Time 193
The Broader Context of U.S. Secondary Promoting Positive Youth Development 195
Education 154
Adolescents, Media, and the Internet 196
The Origins of Secondary Education 154
Patterns of Media Use 196
School Reform: Past and Present 155
Theories of Media Influence and Use 198
What Should Schools Teach? 157
Adolescents’ Exposure to Controversial
Education in the Inner Cities 158
Media Content 200
The Social Organization of Schools 158 Electronic Media and Adolescent
School Size and Class Size 158 Development 203
Age Grouping and School Transitions 160 Mass Media and Adolescent Girls’
Tracking 163 Body Image 206
Ethnic Composition 167 The Adolescent Consumer 206
Alternatives to Public Schools 167 Free Time and Adolescent Development 207
xii Contents

PART 3 Research on Emotional Autonomy 239

Emotional Autonomy and Parenting
Psychosocial Development During Practices 241
Adolescence 208
The Development of Behavioral
Chapter 8 Autonomy 243
Identity 208 Changes in Decision-Making Abilities 243
Identity as an Adolescent Issue 209 When Do Adolescents Make Decisions
as Well as Adults? 244
Changes in Self-Conceptions 210 Changes in Susceptibility to Influence 245
Changes in the Content and Structure Ethnic and Cultural Differences in
of Self-Conceptions 210 Expectations for Autonomy 248
Dimensions of Personality in Adolescence 212
The Development of Cognitive
Changes in Self-Esteem 213 Autonomy 249
Stability and Changes in Self-Esteem 213 Moral Development During Adolescence 249
Group Differences in Self-Esteem 215 Prosocial Reasoning, Prosocial Behavior, and
Antecedents and Consequences of High Volunteerism 252
Self-Esteem 218 Political Thinking During Adolescence 255
The Adolescent Identity Crisis 219 Religious Beliefs During Adolescence 256
Erikson’s Theoretical Framework 219
Identity Versus Identity Diffusion 219
Chapter 10
The Social Context of Identity
Development 220
Intimacy 260
Resolving the Identity Crisis 221 Intimacy as an Adolescent Issue 262
Problems in Identity Development 221 Theoretical Perspectives on Adolescent
Research on Identity Development 223 Intimacy 262
Determining an Adolescent’s Identity Sullivan’s Theory of Interpersonal
Status 223 Development 263
Studying Identity Development Over Time 224 Interpersonal Development during
Adolescence 263
Identity and Ethnicity 225 Attachment in Adolescence 264
The Development of Ethnic Identity 226
The Development of Intimacy in
Discrimination and Its Effects 228
Adolescence 268
Multiethnic Adolescents 230
Changes in the Nature of Friendship 268
Identity and Gender 231 Changes in the Display of Intimacy 269
Gender-Role Development 232 Sex Differences in Intimacy 271
Gender-Role Socialization Changes in the Targets of Intimacy 273
During Adolescence 232
Friendships with the Other Sex 277
Masculinity and Femininity 233
Dating and Romantic Relationships 279
Dating and the Development of
Chapter 9 Intimacy 280
Autonomy 235 The Development of Dating
Relationships 282
Autonomy as an Adolescent Issue 237
The Impact of Dating on Adolescent
The Development of Emotional Autonomy 238 Development 284
Emotional Autonomy and Detachment 238 Intimacy and Psychosocial
Emotional Autonomy and Individuation 239 Development 288 Contents xiii

Chapter 11 Occupational Achievement 342

Sexuality 290 The Development of Occupational Plans 342
Sexuality as an Adolescent Issue 291 Influences on Occupational Choices 343

Sexual Activity During Adolescence 292

Stages of Sexual Activity 293 Chapter 13
Sexual Intercourse During Adolescence 293 Psychosocial Problems
Changes in Sexual Activity Over Time 296 in Adolescence 347
The Sexually Active Adolescent 297 Some General Principles about Problems
Psychological and Social Characteristics of in Adolescence 348
Sexually Active Adolescents 297
Psychosocial Problems: Their Nature and
Hormonal and Contextual Influences on Sexual Covariation 350
Activity 299
Comorbidity of Externalizing Problems 350
Parental and Peer Influences on Sexual
Comorbidity of Internalizing Problems 352
Activity 300
Sex Differences in the Meaning of Sex 304 Substance Use and Abuse 352
Sexual Orientation 305 Prevalence of Substance Use and Abuse 353
Sexual Harassment, Rape, and Sexual Abuse Causes and Consequences of Substance Use
During Adolescence 306 and Abuse 357
Drugs and the Adolescent Brain 360
Risky Sex and its Prevention 309
Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use
Contraceptive Use 309
and Abuse 361
AIDS and Other Sexually Transmitted
Diseases 311 Externalizing Problems 362
Teen Pregnancy 312 Categories of Externalizing Problems 362
Adolescent Parenthood 315 Developmental Progression of Antisocial
Sex Education 318 Behavior 364
Changes in Juvenile Offending Over Time 365
Causes of Antisocial Behavior 367
Chapter 12 Prevention and Treatment of Externalizing
Achievement 320 Problems 371
Achievement as an Adolescent Issue 321 Internalizing Problems 371
The Importance of Noncognitive The Nature and Prevalence of Depression 372
Factors 323 Sex Differences in Depression 373
Achievement Motivation 323 Suicide and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury 375
Beliefs About Success and Failure 324 Causes of Depression and Internalizing
Disorders 377
Environmental Influences on
Treatment and Prevention of Internalizing
Achievement 328
Problems 378
The Influence of the Home Environment 329
The Influence of Friends 331
Stress and Coping 378

Educational Achievement 333

McGraw-Hill Education
The Importance of Socioeconomic Status 334
Psychology’s APA Documentation Style Guide
Ethnic Differences in Educational
Achievement 335 Glossary G1
Changes in Educational Achievement References R1
Over Time 338 Name Index I1
Dropping Out of High School 340 Subject Index I24
A Note from the Author

Two psychopathic killers persuaded me to abandon my The reminiscence bump makes teaching adolescence
dreams to someday become a comedy writer and study both fun and frustrating. Fun, because it isn’t hard to
psychology instead. I did not enter college intending to get students interested in the topic. Frustrating, though,
become either a psychologist or a professor. I majored in because it’s a challenge to get students to look at adoles-
English, hoping to study creative writing. I became inter- cence from a scientific, as well as personal, perspective.
ested in psychology during the second semester of my That, above all, is my goal for this book. I don’t want you to
freshman year, because of an introductory course in per- forget or set aside your own experience as an adolescent.
sonality theory. My professor had assigned the book In (I couldn’t make that happen, anyway.) But what I hope
Cold Blood, and our task was to analyze the personalities I can do is to help you understand adolescence—your own
of Dick and Perry, the two murderers. I was hooked. I fol- adolescence as well as the adolescence that is experi-
lowed this interest in personality development to gradu- enced by others around the world—more deeply and more
ate school in developmental psychology, where I learned intelligently, by introducing you to the latest science on the
that if you really wanted to understand how we develop subject. I still maintain a very active program of research of
into the people we ultimately become, you have got to my own, and that necessitates staying on top of the field’s
know something about adolescence. That was more than most recent and important developments. There is a lot
40 years ago, and I’m still as passionate about studying of exciting work being done on adolescence these days
this period of life as I was then. (one of my interests is the adolescent brain), and I want to
I hope that this book gets you more excited about ado- share this excitement with you. Who knows, maybe you’ll
lescence, too. become hooked, too.
One reason I like teaching and writing about adoles- I’ve tried to do my best at covering the most important
cence is that most students find it inherently interesting, topics and writing about them in a way that is not only
in part because pretty much everyone has such vivid informative, but fun and interesting to read. If there’s some-
recollections of what it was like to be a teenager. In fact, thing I could have done better, please let me know.
researchers have discovered that people actually remem-
ber events from adolescence more intensely than events Laurence Steinberg
from other times, something that has been referred to as Temple University
the “reminiscence bump.” [email protected]


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xvi Preface

Studying Adolescence in Context

The primary goal of Adolescence is to help students understand how the context in which
adolescents come of age shapes the way in which they develop. Adolescent development
cannot be understood apart from the context in which young people live and grow up—
families, peer groups, schools, neighborhoods, and work and leisure settings. Perhaps the
greatest expansion of knowledge during the past two decades has been about adolescents
from ethnic minority groups, from families that have recently immigrated to a new culture
from parts of the world other than North America, and from studies conducted by scholars
outside the United States. The eleventh edition of Adolescence integrates discussions of eth-
nicity and culture throughout every chapter, focusing not only on ethnic differences in devel-
opment but also on similarities that cut across adolescents from different social, economic,
and cultural backgrounds.

Thinking Critically to Make Connections

Four sets of questions interspersed throughout the text ask students to think more deeply
about particular research findings. “Making the Cultural Connection” asks students to con-
template how particular findings might (or might not) change if the research were carried out
in a different cultural context. “Making the Personal Connection” asks students to think
about their own adolescent experience in the context of the research. “Making the Scientific
Connection” asks students to consider a finding’s scientific implications. “Making the
Practical Connection” challenges students to think about how a finding might inform policy
or practice. Many instructors may want to use these questions as a launching pad for class
discussions or as essay questions on examinations.
Preface xvii

Analyzing the Latest Research

Adolescence strives to provide students with the most current, most thorough coverage of
the scientific literature on adolescent development. The material in each chapter has been
thoroughly updated. The eleventh edition includes more than 1,000 new studies from over
60 scientific journals from the fields of psychology, education, neuroscience, sociology,
psychiatry, criminology, economics, law, medicine, and public health. I’ve tried to empha-
size studies that break new ground (like studies of brain development), change the way the
field thinks (like studies of why aggressive adolescents are often popular), or update exist-
ing findings with more recent samples or newer methods (like studies of Internet use) in
order to give students the opportunity to review and analyze the latest information the field
has to offer.

Content Changes
The overall organization of Adolescence has not changed since the previous edition.
Specifically, the chapters about psychosocial development during adolescence are separate
from those about the contexts of adolescence. In this way, the psychosocial concerns of
adolescence—identity, autonomy, intimacy, sexuality, and achievement—are presented as
central developmental concerns that surface across, and are affected by, different settings.
In response to feedback from some instructors that the text had become wordy, I devoted
special attention in this edition to the quality of the writing. Each chapter has been shortened
somewhat without dropping coverage of any major areas of research. I did this by doing what
I teach my students about good writing: To follow Strunk and White’s famous dictum, from
The Elements of Style, to “Omit needless words.”
This book contains an Introduction and 13 chapters, which are grouped into three parts:
the fundamental biological, cognitive, and social changes of the period (Part 1); the con-
texts of adolescence (Part 2); and psychosocial development during the adolescent years
(Part 3). The Introduction presents a model for studying adolescence that serves as both
the organizational framework for the text and an overview of some of the basic disciplinary
perspectives on the period. I have found the framework to be extremely helpful in teaching
adolescent development, and I highly recommend using it. However, if the model does not
fit with your course outline or your own perspective on adolescence, it is possible to use the
text without using the framework. Each chapter is self-contained, and so it is not necessary
to assign chapters in the sequence in which they are ordered in the text. Most users assign
the chapters in the order in which they appear, but some assign the chapters in a sequence
that pairs an aspect of psychosocial development with the context that most influences it (for
example, “Schools” with “Achievement,” or “Peer Groups” with “Intimacy”), and that has
worked well for them.

Theory and Methods

Although the Introduction reviews how different disciplines (such as psychology, neurosci-
ence, sociology, anthropology, and history) approach the study of adolescence, it does not
provide detailed examinations of particular theories or research methods. My preference is
to integrate material on theory and methods when it is most relevant, in a way that shows
students how research and theory are related. At the beginning of the chapter on intimacy,
for instance, several perspectives on close relationships (for example, attachment theory and
Sullivan’s perspective on psychosocial development) are presented, and then the relevant
research is examined. Similarly, the research methods and tools employed in the study of
adolescence are discussed in the context of specific studies that illustrate the powers—or
pitfalls—of certain strategies.
xviii Preface

Chapter-By-Chapter Changes
The eleventh edition of Adolescence features updated and expanded coverage of key issues
in development in every chapter. Below is a complete list of changes in each chapter:

Chapter 1
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 80 new citations)
∙ Expanded discussion of causes of the decline in the age of puberty
∙ Expanded discussion of adolescent sleep
∙ Expanded discussion of adolescent obesity
∙ Expanded discussion of eating disorders
∙ Expanded discussion of the impact of puberty on brain development

Chapter 2
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 90 new citations)
∙ Expanded discussion of memory during adolescence and the “reminiscence bump”
∙ Expanded material on the basics of brain development
∙ Greatly expanded discussion of structural and functional changes in the
adolescent brain
∙ Added discussion of brain plasticity in adolescence
∙ Expansion of material on “the social brain”
∙ Expanded discussion of risk taking in adolescence

Chapter 3
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 50 new citations)
∙ Addition of discussion of the elongation of adolescence
∙ Expanded discussion of mental health problems among emerging adults
∙ Added discussion of the adverse consequences of growing up in affluent communities
∙ Expanded discussion of impact of neighborhood poverty

Chapter 4
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 70 new citations)
∙ Added discussion of dangers of parental overcontrol
∙ Expanded discussion of closeness between adolescents and parents
∙ Revised discussion of sibling relationships
∙ Updated statistics on household composition

Chapter 5
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 100 new citations)
∙ Expanded discussion of unsupervised time with peers
∙ Dropped dated material on study of “nerds to normals”
∙ Added discussion of parental role in managing cross-ethnic friendships
∙ Expanded discussion of relationship between popularity and deviance
∙ Expanded discussion of bullying and victimization
∙ Expanded discussion of cyberbullying

Chapter 6
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 50 new citations)
∙ Updated discussion of big fish-little pond effect
∙ Added material on homeschooling
∙ Expanded discussion of student engagement and its measurement
∙ Expanded discussion of differential treatment of minority adolescents in schools
∙ Updated material on ADHD and medication for the condition Preface xix

Chapter 7
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 90 new citations)
∙ Condensed discussion of part-time employment
∙ Added discussion of stress associated with organized sports participation
∙ Updating of statistics on Internet use
∙ Updated discussion of the impact of the Internet on adolescent development
∙ Updated discussion of the impact of social networking sites

Chapter 8
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 80 new citations)
∙ Integrated new information on brain science and self-conceptions
∙ Updated material on ethnic identity development and discrimination
∙ Added discussion of differences among sexual identity, sexual orientation, and
gender roles
∙ Added discussion of the development of sexual identity, including transgender youth

Chapter 9
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 80 new citations)
∙ Revised discussion of emotional autonomy
∙ Replaced discussion of self-reliance with discussion of self-regulation
∙ Updated discussion of the brain science of peer influence
∙ Added discussion of adolescents’ beliefs about the causes of poverty and affluence
∙ Added material on cohort differences in civic engagement

Chapter 10
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 70 new citations)
∙ Added material on the development of the social brain and implications for adolescent

Chapter 11
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 90 new citations)
∙ Expanded discussion of sex differences in emotional reactions to sexual debut
∙ Expanded discussion of sexual harassment, especially of LGBTQ youth
∙ Moved material on sexual identity to chapter 8 (Identity)
∙ Added discussion of long-acting reversible contraceptive use among adolescents

Chapter 12
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 70 new citations)
∙ New discussion of noncognitive contributors to academic success
∙ Expanded discussion of importance of parental expectations
∙ Updated statistics on U.S. high school achievement

Chapter 13
∙ Thorough update of all content (more than 130 new citations)
∙ Expanded discussion of comorbidity of internalizing and externalizing problems
∙ Expanded discussion of mental health problems in adolescence and young adulthood
∙ New discussion of suicide contagion among adolescents
∙ Expanded discussion of the relationship between experimentation with substances and adoles-
cent adjustment
∙ Updated discussion of drugs and the adolescent brain
∙ Updated all statistics on prevalence and demographic differences in substance abuse,
crime, and depression
∙ Rewritten all diagnostic criteria tables to be consistent with the DSM-5
∙ Added discussion of abuse of prescription drugs
xx Preface

For the Instructor
The supplements for the eleventh edition have been carefully revised and updated. The instruc-
tor resources for the new edition include an Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, and PowerPoint
presentations for each chapter.

Revising Adolescence at a time when so much new information is available is a challenge
that requires much assistance. Over the years, my students (as well as many who have writ-
ten to me from other institutions) have suggested numerous ways in which the text might be
improved, and I have learned a great deal from listening to them. I am especially grateful to
Karol Silva, who ably tracked down and organized much of the new research published in the
three years between editions.
I also wish to thank my colleagues at McGraw-Hill Education, including William Glass,
Managing Director; Krista Bettino, Brand Manager; Dawn Groundwater, Lead Product
Developer; Carly Britton, Editorial Coordinator; Sheila Frank, Content Project Manager;
Christina Yu, Marketing Manager; and Bruce Cantley, Product Developer.
In addition, I am grateful to the many colleagues and students across the country who
took the time during the past 30 years to send me comments and suggestions based on their
firsthand experiences using Adolescence in the classroom. They have improved the text with
each edition.
Laurence Steinberg
The Study of Adolescent INTRODUCTION

The Boundaries of Adolescence Theoretical Perspectives on Adolescence

Early, Middle, and Late Adolescence Biosocial Theories
A Framework for Studying Adolescent Organismic Theories
Development Learning Theories
The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence Sociological Theories
The Contexts of Adolescence Historical and Anthropological Theories
Psychosocial Development of Adolescence Stereotypes Versus Scientific Study
© Eric Audras/PhotoAlto/Getty Images RF

2 Introduction

In the spring of 2015, the world watched closely as The jury rejected this argument. On May 15, 2015,
a young man named Dzhokhar Tsarnaev went on trial for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to death. It is almost
the Boston Marathon bombing. The question before the certain that his defense attorneys will appeal this
jury was not whether Tsarnaev had committed this horrific decision.
crime—he had admitted as much—but whether he should Although advances in adolescent brain science did
receive a sentence of life in prison or the death penalty. not sway the jury in the Boston Marathon bombing case,
Tsarnaev was 19 when the bombing took place. Among the science of adolescent development is changing the
the witnesses called by Tsarnaev’s defense team was Jay way in which we think about this stage of life (Steinberg,
Giedd, a prominent expert in adolescent brain develop- 2014). Historically, and pretty much around the world, we
ment. Giedd testified that recent studies showed that the have drawn a legal boundary between adolescence and
brain was still maturing during the late teens and early 20s. adulthood at age 18 (even though in the United States there
Building on Giedd’s testimony, Tsarnaev’s attorneys argued are some things people are permitted to do at an earlier
that people this age lacked the ability to stand up to a more age, like driving, and others that are prohibited until several
powerful peer, like an older brother, and that this immaturity years later, like purchasing alcohol). But what if the brain is
made Tsarnaev less than fully responsible for his behavior still maturing in the early 20s? What if things like impulse
and, accordingly, less deserving of capital punishment. control or the ability to fully think through the future con-
sequences of one’s decisions are still developing into the
mid-20s? Should this change how we define adulthood
under the law?
This question is one that I have been studying and
writing about for the past 20 years, and I still don’t have a
simple answer. If science is our guide, where should we
draw the line between adolescence and adulthood? It’s
not just an abstract, academic exercise. How we answer
this question has far-reaching ramifications for society
and, of course, for teenagers. At what age should a preg-
nant adolescent be able to obtain an abortion without
her parents’ permission? How old should individuals
have to be to see a psychologist or have cosmetic sur-
gery without their parents knowing? Have we picked the
right ages in deciding who can drive, see R-rated mov-
ies, or buy cigarettes? And how should we respond to
young offenders? “Do the adult crime, do the adult time”
may sound fair from the perspective of crime victims, but
does it make sense in light of what we know about ado-
Defense attorneys for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the admitted Boston
lescent development? When he committed the Boston
Marathon bomber, used adolescent brain science to argue that
he should be spared the death penalty. The jury disagreed. Marathon bombing, was Dzhokhar Tsarnaev an adoles-
© FBI/Handout/Getty Images News/Getty Images cent or an adult?

making the practical allowed to do, such as drive or seek an abortion without
their parents’ knowledge. How would you respond to
connection someone who, on the basis of this research, says that if
Studies of adolescent brain development have revealed adolescents are too young to be punished like adults,
that the brain continues to mature well into the mid- they are too young to be treated like adults in other
20s. This research was used in several U.S. Supreme ways as well?
Court cases, where the Court ruled that adolescents
should not be as punished as severely as adults, even
when they have been convicted of the same crimes. What is the nature of adolescents’ identity develop-
But some advocates for youth have worried that this ment in a changing world? How should society deal with
same research can be used to limit what teenagers are problems of youth unemployment, underage drinking, INTRODUCTION The Study of Adolescent Development 3

teenage pregnancy, and juvenile crime? What is the best own decisions. They become adolescence
way to prepare young people for adulthood? more self-aware, more inde- The stage of development
Answering these questions requires a thorough under- pendent, and more concerned that begins with puberty and
standing of adolescents’ psychological development, and about what the future holds. ends when individuals make
the transition into adult roles,
in this book we will examine how—and why—people’s Over time, they are permit-
roughly speaking, from about
hopes and plans, fears and anxieties, and questions and con- ted to work, to get married, to 10 until the early 20s.
cerns change as they develop from childhood to adulthood. drive, and to vote. Think for a
Answering these difficult questions requires more than moment about how much you
an understanding of the ways in which individuals change changed between when you finished elementary school
psychologically as they move through adolescence, and when you graduated from high school. I’m sure
though. It also requires knowledge of how they develop you’ll agree that the changes you went through were
physically, how their brain matures, how their relation- remarkable.
ships with others change, how as a group they are viewed As you can see in Table 1, there are a variety of
and treated by society, how adolescence in our society boundaries we might draw between childhood and
differs from adolescence in other cultures, and how the adolescence, and between adolescence and adult-
nature of adolescence itself has changed over the years. hood. Whereas a biologist would place a great deal of
In other words, a complete understanding of adolescence emphasis on the attainment and completion of puberty,
in contemporary society depends on being familiar with an attorney would look instead at important age breaks
biological, social, sociological, cultural, and historical designated by law, and an educator might draw atten-
perspectives on the period (Dahl & Hariri, 2005). tion to differences between students enrolled in different
grades in school. Is a biologically mature fifth-grader
an adolescent or a child? Is a 20-year-old college stu-
The Boundaries of Adolescence dent who lives at home an adolescent or an adult? There
The word adolescence is derived from the Latin adoles- are no right or wrong answers to these questions. It all
cere, which means “to grow into adulthood” (R. Lerner depends on the boundaries we use to define the period.
& Steinberg, 2009). In all societies, adolescence is a Determining the beginning and ending of adolescence is
time of growing up, of moving from the immaturity of more a matter of opinion than of absolute fact.
childhood into the maturity of adulthood, of prepara- Rather than argue about which boundaries are the
tion for the future (Larson, Wilson, & Rickman, 2009; correct ones, it makes more sense to think of devel-
Schlegel, 2009). Adolescence is a period of transitions: opment during adolescence as involving a series of
biological, psychological, social, economic. During transitions from immaturity into maturity (Howard &
adolescence, individuals become interested in sex and Galambos, 2011; Settersten et al., 2005; Trejos-Castillo
biologically capable of having children. They become & Vazsonyi, 2011). Some of these passages are long and
wiser, more sophisticated, and better able to make their some are short; some are smooth and others are rough.

Table 1 The boundaries of adolescence. Here are some examples of the ways in which adolescence has been
distinguished from childhood and adulthood that we examine in this book. Which boundaries make the most
sense to you?

Perspective When Adolescence Begins When Adolescence Ends

Biological Onset of puberty Becoming capable of sexual reproduction

Emotional Beginning of detachment from parents Attainment of separate sense identity
Cognitive Emergence of more advanced reasoning abilities Consolidation of advanced reasoning abilities
Interpersonal Beginning of shift in interest from parental to Development of capacity for intimacy
peer relations with peers
Social Beginning of training for adult work, family, and Full attainment of adult status and privileges
citizen roles
Educational Entrance into junior high school Completion of formal schooling
Legal Attainment of juvenile status Attainment of majority status
Chronological Attainment of designated age of adolescence Attainment of designated age of adulthood
(e.g., 10 years) (e.g., 21 years)
Cultural Entrance into period of training for ceremonial Completion of ceremonial rite of passage
rite of passage
4 Introduction

early adolescence
And not all of them occur at mid-20s are in some sort of psychological or social
The period spanning roughly the same time. Consequently, it limbo (Côté & Bynner, 2008; Kloep & Hendry, 2014).
ages 10–13, corresponding is quite possible—and perhaps Indeed, what is most striking about the transition from
roughly to the junior high or even likely—that an individual adolescence to adulthood today is just how many dif-
middle school years. will mature in some respects ferent pathways there are. Some individuals spend their
middle adolescence before he or she matures in 20s single, dependent on their parents, and bouncing
The period spanning roughly others. The various aspects from job to job, while others leave adolescence and go
ages 14–17, corresponding to of adolescence have different straight into marriage, full-time employment, and eco-
the high school years.
beginnings and different end- nomic independence (Osgood, Ruth, Eccles, Jacobs, &
late adolescence ings for every individual. An Barber, 2005).
The period spanning roughly individual can be a child in
ages 18–21, corresponding
approximately to the college
some ways, an adolescent in
other ways, and an adult in still
others. A Framework for Studying
emerging adulthood
The period spanning roughly
For the purposes of this Adolescent Development
ages 18–25, during which indi- book, we’ll define adolescence
viduals make the transition from as beginning with puberty and This book uses a framework for studying adolescence
adolescence to adulthood. ending when individuals make that is based on a model originally suggested by John
the transition into adult roles, Hill (1983). The model has three basic components:
The biological changes of roughly from age 10 until the (1) the fundamental changes of adolescence, (2) the con-
adolescence. early 20s. Although at one time texts of adolescence, and (3) the psychosocial develop-
“adolescence” may have been ments of adolescence.
synonymous with the teenage
years (from 13 to 19), the adolescent period has length-
ened considerably in the past 100 years, both because The Fundamental Changes
physical maturation occurs earlier and because so many of Adolescence
individuals delay entering into work and marriage until
their mid-20s (Steinberg, 2014). What, if anything, is distinctive about adolescence as
a period in development? According to Hill, three fea-
tures of adolescent development give the period its spe-
cial flavor and significance: (1) the onset of puberty,
Early, Middle, and Late Adolescence (2) the emergence of more advanced thinking abilities, and
Because so much psychological and social growth (3) the transition into new roles in society. These three
takes place during adolescence, most social scientists sets of changes—biological, cognitive, and social—are
and practitioners view adolescence as composed of a the fundamental changes of adolescence. Importantly,
series of phases rather than one single stage (Samela- they are universal changes; virtually without exception,
Aro, 2011). The 11-year-old whose time and energy all adolescents in every society go through them.
is wrapped up in hip-hop, Facebook, and baseball,
for example, has little in common with the 21-year- Biological Transitions The chief elements of the bio-
old who is involved in a serious romance, worried logical changes of adolescence—which collectively are
about pressures at work, and looking for an affordable referred to as puberty—involve changes in the young
apartment. person’s physical appearance (including breast develop-
Social scientists who study adolescence differentiate ment in girls, the growth of facial hair in boys, and a
among early adolescence (about ages 10–13), middle dramatic increase in height for both sexes) and the devel-
adolescence (about ages 14–17), and late adolescence opment of the ability to conceive children (Bogin, 2011).
(about ages 18–21). In discussing development dur- We’ll look at the biological changes that occur in
ing adolescence, we’ll need to be sensitive not only early adolescence and examine how puberty affects
to differences between adolescence and childhood, or the adolescent’s psychological development and social
between adolescence and adulthood, but also to differ- relationships.
ences among the various phases of adolescence itself.
Some writers also have suggested that a new phase Cognitive Transitions The word cognitive refers to
of life, called emerging adulthood (Arnett, 2004), the processes that underlie how people think. Changes in
characterizes the early and mid-20s. However, despite thinking abilities make up the second of the three funda-
the popularity of this idea in the mass media, there is mental changes of adolescence. Compared with children,
little evidence that “emerging adulthood” is a univer- adolescents are much better able to think about hypotheti-
sal stage or that the majority of young people in their cal situations (that is, things that have not yet happened INTRODUCTION The Study of Adolescent Development 5

but might, or things that may not happen but could) and
about abstract concepts, such as friendship, democracy, or
morality (Keating, 2011). As you’ll read, groundbreaking
research on brain development is beginning to shed light
on the ways in which these and other changes in thinking
during adolescence result from the maturation of various
brain regions and systems (Engle, 2013).

making the cultural

In contemporary industrialized society, we do not have
formal ceremonies that designate when a person has
become an “adult.” Do we have more informal ways to
let individuals know when they have made the transition?
What were the most important events in your life that sig-
naled your entrance into adulthood?
The implications of the cognitive changes of adolescence
are far-reaching. © Fuse/Getty Images RF

Social Transitions All societies distinguish between

individuals who are viewed as children and those who other words, psychological development during adoles-
are seen as ready to become adults. Our society, for cence is a product of the interplay between a set of three
example, distinguishes between people who are “under- very basic, universal changes and the context in which
age,” or minors, and people who have reached the age these changes are experienced.
of majority. Not until adolescence are individuals per- Consider, for example, two 14-year-old girls grow-
mitted to drive, marry, and vote. Such changes in rights, ing up in neighboring communities. When Ashley went
privileges, and responsibilities constitute the third set of through puberty, around age 13, her parents’ first reaction
fundamental changes that occur at adolescence: social was to restrict her social life. They were afraid she would
changes. In some cultures, the social changes of ado- become too involved with boys and neglect her school-
lescence are marked by a formal ceremony—a rite of work. Ashley thought her parents were being ridiculous.
passage. In most contemporary industrialized societ- She rarely had a chance to meet anyone she wanted to
ies, the transition is less clearly marked, but a change date, because all the older boys went to the high school
in social status is a universal feature of adolescence across town. Even though she was in the eighth grade, she
(Markstrom, 2011b). was still going to school with fifth-graders. Ashley reacted
by pulling away from parents she felt were overprotective.
Kayla’s adolescence was very different. When she
The Contexts of Adolescence had her first period, her parents did not panic about her
Although all adolescents experience the biological, cog- developing sexuality. Instead, they took her aside and
nitive, and social transitions of the period, the effects discussed sex and pregnancy with her. They explained
of these changes are not uniform for all young people. how different contraceptives worked and made an
Puberty makes some adolescents feel attractive and self- appointment for Kayla to see a gynecologist in case she
assured, but it makes others feel ugly and self-conscious. ever needed to discuss something with a doctor. This
Being able to think in hypothetical terms makes some made perfect sense. Although she was still only 14,
teenagers thankful that they grew up with the parents Kayla would probably begin dating soon, because in
they have, but it prompts others to run away from home. her community, the junior and senior high schools had
Reaching 18 prompts some teenagers to enlist in the been combined into one large school, and the older boys
military or apply for a marriage license, but for others, frequently showed interest in the younger girls. Puberty
becoming an adult is frightening and unsettling. brought Kayla closer to her
If the fundamental changes of adolescence are uni- parents, not more distant. rite of passage
versal, why are their effects so varied? Why isn’t every- Two teenage girls. Each A ceremony or ritual mark-
one affected in the same ways by puberty, by advanced goes through puberty, each ing an individual’s transition
thinking abilities, and by changes in legal status? The grows intellectually, and each from one social status to
answer is that the psychological impact of the biological, moves closer in age to adult- another, especially marking the
young person’s transition to
cognitive, and social changes of adolescence is shaped hood. Yet each grows up under adulthood.
by the environment in which the changes take place. In very different circumstances: in
6 Introduction

ecological perspective on
different families, in different diversity in family forms and household composition
human development schools, with different groups in modern society. It’s important to understand how
A perspective on development of peers, and in different com- changes within the family, and in the broader con-
that emphasizes the broader munities. Both are adolescents, text of family life, affect young people’s psychological
context in which development
but their adolescent experiences development.
are markedly different. And, as
a result, each girl’s psychologi- Peer Groups Over the past 100 years, the peer group
cal development will follow a different course. has come to play an increasingly important role in the
Imagine how different your adolescence would have socialization and development of teenagers (Dijkstra
been if you had grown up a century ago and, instead of & Veenstra, 2011). But has the rise of peer groups in
going to high school, had been expected to work full- contemporary society been a positive or negative influ-
time from the age of 15. Imagine how different it might ence on young people’s development? This is one of
be to grow up 100 years from today. And imagine how the many questions that has interested researchers
different adolescence is for a teenager from a very poor who study the nature and function of adolescent peer
family than for one whose family is wealthy. It is impos- groups and their effects on teenagers’ psychological
sible to generalize about the nature of adolescence development.
without taking into account the surroundings and cir-
cumstances in which young people grow up. Schools Contemporary society depends on schools
For this reason, the second component of our frame- to occupy, socialize, and educate adolescents. But how
work is the context of adolescence. According to the eco- good a job are schools doing? What should schools do
logical perspective on human development, whose main to help prepare adolescents for adulthood? And how
proponent was Urie Bronfenbrenner (1979), we cannot should schools for adolescents be structured (Cortina &
understand development without examining the environ- Arel, 2011)?
ment in which it occurs. In modern societies, there are four
main contexts in which young people spend time: families, Work, Leisure, and the Mass Media Some of
peer groups, schools, and work and leisure settings. the most important influences on adolescent develop-
Of course, these settings themselves are located ment are found outside of home and school: part-time
within neighborhoods, which influence how they are jobs (Stone, 2011), extracurricular activities (Zarrett
structured and what takes place in them. It would be & Mahoney, 2011), and the mass media (Brown &
naive, for example, to discuss the impact that “school” Bobkowski, 2011a), including the Internet (Uhls,
has on adolescent development without recognizing Espinoza, Greenfield, Subrahmanyam, & Šmahel,
that a school in an affluent suburb is likely very differ- 2011). To what extent do these forces influence adoles-
ent from one in the inner city or in a remote rural area. cents’ attitudes, beliefs, and behavior?
And the community in which these settings are located
is itself embedded in a broader context that is shaped by
culture, geography, and history (Bronfenbrenner, 1979).
Although young people growing up in modern
America share some experiences with young people all
over the world, their development is different in many
ways from that of young people in other societies, espe-
cially those in less affluent and less industrialized ones,
because their families, peer groups, schools, work and
leisure settings, and neighborhoods are different (Larson
et al., 2009). In other words, the contexts of adolescence
are themselves shaped and defined by the larger society in
which young people live. In this book, we’ll be especially
interested in the contexts of adolescence in contemporary
industrialized society and the ways in which they affect
young people’s development. Key contexts include the

Families Adolescence is a time of dramatic change in

family relationships (Cox, Wang, & Gustafsson, 2011;
Martin, Bascoe, & Davies, 2011). In addition, many
changes in what constitutes a “family” have taken place One of the most important contexts for adolescent development
over the past several decades, leading to tremendous is the peer group. © SW Productions/Getty Images RF INTRODUCTION The Study of Adolescent Development 7

Psychosocial Development Autonomy Adolescents’ psychosocial

struggle to establish them-
in Adolescence selves as independent, self-
Referring to aspects of devel-
opment that are both psycho-
The third, and final, component of our framework governing individuals—in logical and social in nature,
concerns the major psychosocial developments of their own eyes and in the eyes such as developing a sense of
identity or sexuality.
adolescence—identity, autonomy, intimacy, sexuality, of others—is a long and occa-
and achievement—as well as certain psychosocial prob- sionally difficult process, not identity
lems that may arise in adolescence. Social scientists use only for young people but also The domain of psychosocial
development involving self-
the word psychosocial to describe aspects of develop- for those around them, espe- conceptions, self-esteem, and
ment that are both psychological and social in nature. cially their parents (Zimmer- the sense of who one is.
Sexuality, for instance, is a psychosocial issue because Gembeck, Ducat, & Collins,
it involves both psychological change (that is, changes 2011). Three aspects of auton- The psychosocial domain con-
in the individual’s emotions, motivations, and behavior) omy are of special importance cerning the development and
and changes in the individual’s relationships. during adolescence: becom- expression of independence.
Of course, it is not only during the adolescent years ing less emotionally depen- intimacy
that concerns about identity, autonomy, intimacy, sexu- dent on parents (McElhaney, The psychosocial domain con-
ality, and achievement arise, and psychological or social Allen, Stephenson, & Hare, cerning the formation, mainte-
problems can and do occur during all periods of the life 2009), learning to function nance, and termination of close
cycle. These psychosocial issues are present through- independently (Steinberg, relationships.
out the life span, from infancy through late adulthood. 2014), and establishing a sexuality
They represent basic developmental challenges that personal code of values and The psychosocial domain con-
we face as we grow and change: (1) discovering and morals (Morris, Eisenberg, & cerning the development and
expression of sexual feelings.
understanding who we are as individuals—identity; (2) Houltberg, 2011).
establishing a healthy sense of independence—auton- achievement
omy; (3) forming close and caring relationships with Intimacy During adoles- The psychosocial domain con-
cerning behaviors and feelings
other people—intimacy; (4) expressing sexual feelings cence, important changes take in evaluative situations.
and enjoying physical contact with others—sexuality; place in the individual’s capac-
and (5) being successful and competent members of ity to be intimate with others,
society—achievement. especially with peers. During adolescence, friendships
Although these concerns are not unique to adoles- emerge that involve openness, honesty, loyalty, and
cence, development in each of these areas takes a special exchange of confidences, rather than simply a sharing
turn during this stage. Understanding how and why such of activities and interests (B. Brown & Larson, 2009;
psychosocial developments take place during adoles- W. Collins & Steinberg, 2006). Dating takes on
cence is a major interest of scientists who study this age increased importance, and as a consequence, so does the
period. We know that individuals form close relationships
before adolescence, for example, but why is it that roman-
tic relationships first develop during adolescence? We
know that toddlers struggle with learning how to be inde-
pendent, but why during adolescence do individuals need
to be more on their own and make some decisions apart
from their parents? We know that children fantasize about
what they will be when they grow up, but why don’t these
fantasies become serious concerns until adolescence?

Identity In adolescence, a variety of important changes

in the realm of identity occur (Harter, 2011; Thomaes,
Poorthuis, & Nelemans, 2011). The adolescent may
wonder, “Who am I, and what kind of life will I have?”
Coming to terms with these questions may involve a
period of experimentation—a time of trying on differ-
ent personalities in an attempt to discover one’s true self.
The adolescent’s quest for identity is not only a quest for
a personal sense of self but also for recognition from oth-
ers that he or she is a special, unique individual. Some of
the most important changes of adolescence take place in Sexuality is a central psychosocial issue of adolescence.
the realms of identity, self-esteem, and self-conceptions. © Patrick Sheandell/Photo Alto/Fotosearch RF
8 Introduction

capacity to form romantic relationships that are trusting theories of adolescence throughout this book, but an
and loving (Shulman, Connolly, & McIssac, 2011). overview of the major ones may be helpful.
It’s useful to organize theoretical perspectives on
Sexuality Sexual activity usually begins during the adolescence around a question that has long dominated
adolescent years (Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2011). discussions of human development more generally: How
Becoming sexual is an important aspect of development much is due to “nature,” or biology, and how much is
during adolescence—not only because it transforms the due to “nurture,” or the environment? Some theories of
nature of relationships between adolescents and their peers adolescence emphasize biology, others emphasize the
but also because it raises a range of difficult questions for the environment, and still others fall somewhere between
young person. These concerns include efforts to incorporate the two extremes (see Figure 1). We’ll begin with a look
sexuality into a still-developing sense of self, the need to at the most extreme biological perspectives and work
resolve questions about sexual values and morals, and com- our way across a continuum toward the other extreme—
ing to terms with the sorts of relationships into which the perspectives that stress the role of the environment.
adolescent is prepared—or not prepared—to enter.

Achievement Adolescence is a time of important Biosocial Theories

changes in individuals’ educational and vocational behav- The fact that biological change during adolescence is
ior and plans. Crucial decisions—many with long-term noteworthy is not a matter of dispute—how could it be,
consequences—about schooling and careers are made when puberty is such an obvious part of adolescence?
during adolescence. Many of these decisions depend on But experts on adolescence disagree about how impor-
adolescents’ achievement in school, on their evaluations tant this biological change is in defining the psychosocial
of their own competencies and capabilities, on their aspi- issues of the period. Theorists who have taken a biologi-
rations and expectations for the future, and on the direc- cal or, more accurately, “biosocial” view of adolescence
tion and advice they receive from parents, teachers, and stress the hormonal and physical changes of puberty as
friends (Wigfield, Ho, & Mason-Singh, 2011). driving forces. The most important biosocial theorist
Psychosocial Problems Although most adolescents was G. Stanley Hall (1904), considered the “father” of
move through the period without experiencing major psy- the scientific study of adolescence.
chological upheaval, this stage of life is the most common
time for the first appearance of serious psychological dif- Hall’s Theory of Recapitulation G. Stanley Hall,
ficulties (Kessler et al., 2005; Olfson Druss, & Marcus, who was very much influenced by Charles Darwin, the
2015). Three sets of problems are often associated with author of the theory of evolution, believed that the devel-
adolescence: drug and alcohol use and abuse (Chassin, opment of the individual paralleled the development of
Hussong, & Beltran, 2009), delinquency and other “exter- the human species, a notion referred to as his theory of
nalizing problems” (Farrington, 2009), and depression recapitulation. Infancy, in his view, was equivalent to the
and other “internalizing problems” (Graber & Sontag, time during our evolution when we were primitive, like
2009). In each case, we examine the prevalence of the animals. Adolescence, in contrast, was seen as a time that
problem, the factors believed to contribute to its develop- paralleled the evolution of our species into civilization.
ment, and approaches to prevention and intervention. For Hall, the development of the individual through these
stages was determined primarily by instinct—by bio-
logical and genetic forces within the person—and hardly
Theoretical Perspectives influenced by the environment.
on Adolescence The most important legacy of Hall’s view of adoles-
cence is the notion that it is inevitably a period of “storm
The study of adolescence is based not just on empirical and stress.” He believed that the hormonal changes of
research but also on theories of development (Newman puberty cause upheaval, both for the individual and
& Newman, 2011b). You will read more about different for those around him or her. Because this turbulence is

Theoretical Perspectives on Adolescence

Extremely Extremely
biological environmental

Biosocial Organismic Learning Sociological Historical/Anthropological

(e.g., Hall, Dual Systems) (e.g., Piaget, Erikson) (e.g., Bandura) (e.g., Mannheim, Lewin) (e.g., Benedict)

Figure 1 Theories of adolescence range from the extremely biological, like that of G. Stanley Hall, to the extremely
environmental, like that of Ruth Benedict. INTRODUCTION The Study of Adolescent Development 9

biologically determined, it is unavoidable. The best that Freudian Theory For Freud, development was best
society can do is to find ways of managing the young per- understood in terms of the psychosexual conflicts that
son whose “raging hormones” invariably cause difficulties. arise at different points in development. Like Hall, Freud
Although scientists no longer believe that adolescence saw adolescence as a time of upheaval. According to
is inherently problematic or that pubertal hormones Freud, puberty temporarily throws the adolescent into a
themselves cause emotional problems, much contempo- period of psychological crisis, by reviving old conflicts
rary work continues to emphasize the role that biologi- over uncomfortable sexual urges that had been buried in
cal factors play in shaping the adolescent experience. the unconscious (including feelings toward one’s parents).
More than 100 years ago, in fact, Hall speculated about Sigmund Freud himself actually had very little to say
brain maturation, hormonal influences on behavior, and specifically about adolescence. But his daughter, Anna
changes in patterns of sleep during adolescence—all Freud (1958), extended much of her father’s thinking to
very hot topics in the study of adolescence today (Dahl the study of development during the second decade of
& Hariri, 2005). Current work in the biosocial tradi- life, emphasizing the need for adolescents to break away,
tion, also influenced by Hall and his followers, explores or “detach,” from their parents in order to develop nor-
the genetic bases of individual differences in adoles- mally. This work was carried on by neo-Freudians such
cence and the evolutionary bases of adolescent behavior as Peter Blos (1979).
(Hollenstein & Lougheed, 2013).
Eriksonian Theory Erik Erikson, whose work built
Dual Systems Theories Recent advances in brain sci- on Freud’s, also believed that internal, biological devel-
ence have given rise to an alternative biosocial account of opments moved the individual from one developmental
adolescent development, one that stresses changes in the stage to the next. But unlike Freud, Erikson stressed the
anatomy and activity of the brain. Among the most promi- psychosocial, rather than the psychosexual, conflicts
nent of these theories are so-called “dual systems” theories, faced by the individual at each point in time. Erikson
which stress the simultaneous development of two differ- proposed eight stages in psychosocial development,
ent brain systems—one that governs the ways in which each characterized by a specific “crisis” that arises
the brain processes rewards, punishments, and social and at that point in development because of the interplay
emotional information, and another that regulates self- between the internal forces of biology and the demands
control and advanced thinking abilities, like planning or of society. In Erikson’s theory, development in adoles-
logical reasoning (Steinberg, 2010). The arousal of this cence revolves around the identity crisis. According to
first system takes place early in adolescence, while the sec- Erikson, the challenge of adolescence is to resolve the
ond system is still maturing. This creates a “maturational identity crisis and to emerge with a coherent sense of
imbalance” (Casey et al., 2011), which has been compared who one is and where one is headed.
to starting a car without having a good braking system in
place. The main challenge of adolescence, according to Piagetian Theory For Jean Piaget development could
this view, is to develop better self-regulation, so that this best be understood by examining changes in the nature
imbalance doesn’t result in problems (Steinberg, 2014). of thinking. Piaget believed that, as children mature, they
pass through distinct stages of cognitive development.
Organismic Theories In Piaget’s theory, adolescence marks the transition
from concrete to abstract thought. Adolescence is the
Our next stop on the continuum is what are called period in which individuals become capable of think-
“organismic” theorists. Like biosocial theorists, organ- ing in hypothetical terms, a development that permits
ismic theorists recognize the importance of the biologi- a broad expansion of logical capabilities. The develop-
cal changes of adolescence. But unlike their biosocial ment of abstract thinking in adolescence is influenced
counterparts, organismic theories also take into account both by the internal biological changes of the develop-
the ways in which contextual forces interact with and mental period and by changes in the intellectual environ-
modify these biological forces. ment encountered by the individual.
If you have had previous course work in developmen-
tal psychology, you have undoubtedly encountered the
major organismic theorists, for they have long dominated
Learning Theories
the study of human development. Three of these theo- As we move across the theoretical continuum from
rists, in particular, have had a great influence on the study extreme biological views to extreme environmental
of adolescence: Sigmund Freud (1938), Erik Erikson ones, we encounter a group of theories that shift the
(1968), and Jean Piaget (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958). emphasis from biological forces to environmental ones.
Although these theorists share in common an organismic Whereas organismic theorists emphasize the interaction
orientation, the theories they developed emphasize dif- between biological change and environmental demands,
ferent aspects of individual growth and development. learning theorists stress the context in which behavior
10 Introduction

takes place. The capacity of the individual to learn from been reinforced for this behavior or has been punished
experience is assumed to be a biological given that is for not behaving this way. Similarly, a teenager who
in place long before adolescence. What is of interest to continues to experiment with risky behavior is being
learning theorists is the content of what is learned. reinforced for this sort of activity or punished for being
Learning theorists are not especially developmental especially cautious.
in their approach and, as a consequence, have little to
say specifically about adolescence as a developmental Social Learning Theory A related approach is taken
period. Indeed, for learning theorists, the basic processes by social learning theorists such as Albert Bandura
of human behavior are the same during adolescence as (Bandura & Walters, 1959). Social learning theorists
during other periods of the life span. But learning the- also emphasize the ways in which adolescents learn
orists have been extremely influential in the study of how to behave, but in contrast to behaviorists, they
adolescent development because they have helped us place more weight on the processes of modeling and
understand how the specific environment in which an observational learning. According to these theorists,
adolescent lives shapes his or her behavior. adolescents learn how to behave not simply by being
reinforced and punished by forces in the environment
Behaviorism There are two general categories of but also by watching and imitating those around them.
learning theorists. One group, known as behaviorists, Social learning approaches to adolescence have been
emphasizes the processes of reinforcement and punish- very influential in explaining how adolescents learn
ment as the main influences on adolescent behavior. The by watching the behavior of those around them, espe-
main proponent of this view was B. F. Skinner (1953), cially parents, peers, and figures in the mass media, like
whose theory of operant conditioning has had a tremen- celebrities. From this vantage point, an adolescent who
dous impact on the entire field of psychology. Within an strives to do well in school or who takes a lot of risks
operant conditioning framework, reinforcement is the is probably imitating family members, friends, or actors
process through which a behavior is made more likely to portrayed in the mass media.
occur again, whereas punishment is the process through
which a behavior is made less likely to occur again.
From this vantage point, adolescent behavior is nothing
Sociological Theories
more or less than the product of the various reinforce- The emphasis of biosocial, organismic, and learning the-
ments and punishments to which the individual has been ories is mainly on forces within an individual, or within
exposed. An adolescent who strives to do well in school, that individual’s environment, that shape development
for example, does so because in the past she or he has and behavior. In contrast, sociological theories of ado-
lescence attempt to understand how adoles-
cents, as a group, come of age in society.
Instead of emphasizing differences among
individuals in their biological makeups or
their experiences in the world, sociological
theorists focus on the factors that all adoles-
cents or groups of adolescents have in com-
mon by virtue of their age.

Adolescent Marginality Sociological the-

ories of adolescence often have focused on
relations between the generations and have
tended to emphasize the difficulties young
people have in making the transition from
adolescence to adulthood, especially in indus-
trialized society. Two themes have dominated
these discussions. One theme, concerning the
marginality of young people, emphasizes
the difference in power that exists between
the adult and the adolescent generations.
Two important thinkers in this vein are
Kurt Lewin (1951) and Edgar Friedenberg
According to social learning theory, a lot of adolescent behavior is learned
(1959). Contemporary applications of this
by observing peers and other significant role models. © Brand X Pictures/ viewpoint stress the fact that many ado-
Punchstock RF lescents are prohibited from occupying INTRODUCTION The Study of Adolescent Development 11

meaningful roles in society and therefore experience human development, it was not until the rise of com-
frustration and restlessness. Some writers have claimed pulsory education that we began treating adolescents
that many of the problems we associate with adoles- as a special and distinct group. In other words, social
cence have been created, in part, by the way in which conditions, not biological givens, define the nature of
we have structured the adolescent experience, treating adolescent development. We noted earlier that con-
adolescents as if they are more immature than they temporary writers debate whether a new phase of life,
actually are and isolating young people from adults “emerging adulthood,” actually exists. Writers who
(Epstein, 2007). believe that different stages of life are social inventions
would say that if emerging adulthood has become a
Intergenerational Conflict The other theme in socio- stage in development, it only has because society has
logical theories of adolescence concerns conflict between made it so, not because people have really changed in
the generations. Theorists such as Karl Mannheim any fundamental way.
(1952) and James Coleman (1961) stressed the fact that
adolescents and adults grow up under different social Anthropological Perspectives A similar theme is
circumstances and therefore develop different sets of echoed by anthropologists who study adolescence, the
attitudes, values, and beliefs. As a consequence, there is most important of whom were Ruth Benedict (1934)
inevitable tension between the adolescent and the adult and Margaret Mead (1928/1978). Benedict and Mead
generations. Some writers, like Coleman, have gone so far pointed out that societies vary considerably in the ways
as to argue that adolescents develop a different cultural in which they view and structure adolescence. As a
viewpoint—a counterculture—that may be hostile to the consequence, these thinkers viewed adolescence as a
values or beliefs of adult society. culturally defined experience—stressful and difficult
in societies that saw it this way, but calm and peaceful
in societies that had an alternative vision. Benedict, in
Historical and Anthropological Theories particular, drew a distinction between nonindustrial-
ized societies, where the transition from adolescence to
Historians and anthropologists who study adolescence adulthood is generally gradual and peaceful, and modern
share with sociologists an interest in the broader con- industrialized societies, where transition to adulthood is
text in which young people come of age, but they take abrupt and difficult.
a much more relativistic stance. Historical perspectives,
such as those offered by Glen Elder (1980), Joseph
Kett (1977), and Thomas Hine (1999), stress the fact
that adolescence as a developmental period has varied
making the scientific
considerably from one historical era to another. As a connection
consequence, it is impossible to generalize about such Some writers have argued that the stage of life we call
issues as the degree to which adolescence is stressful, adolescence is a social invention. What do they mean by
the developmental tasks of the period, or the nature of this? Could you say this about other periods of develop-
intergenerational relations. Historians would say that ment? Is infancy a social invention? Is middle age? What
these issues all depend on the social, political, and eco- about “emerging adulthood”?
nomic forces present at a given time. Even something
as basic to our view of adolescence as the “identity cri-
sis,” they say, is a social invention that arose because
of industrialization and the prolongation of schooling.
Stereotypes Versus
Prior to the Industrial Revolution, when most adoles- Scientific Study
cents followed in their parents’ occupation, people One of the oldest debates in the study of adolescence is
didn’t have “crises” over who they were or what they whether adolescence is an inherently stressful time for
were going to do in life. individuals. As we noted earlier, G. Stanley Hall, who
is generally acknowledged as the father of the modern
Adolescence as an Invention One group of theo- study of adolescence, likened adolescence to the turbu-
rists has taken this viewpoint to its extreme, arguing lent, transitional period in the evolution of the human
that adolescence is entirely a social invention (Bakan, species from savagery into civilization.
1972). They believe that the way in which we divide This portrayal of teenagers as passionate, troubled,
the life cycle into stages—drawing a boundary between and unpredictable persists today. One 12-year-old girl I
childhood and adolescence, for example—is nothing was counseling told me that her mother had been telling
more than a reflection of the political, economic, and her that she would go through a difficult time when she
social circumstances in which we live. They point out turned 14—as if some magical, internal alarm clock was
that, although puberty has always been a feature of set to trigger storm and stress on schedule.
12 Introduction

The girl’s mother wasn’t alone in her view of ado- which they are writing. To the extent that we want to
lescence. Sometime this week pay attention to how see adolescents as different from adults, writers exag-
teenagers are depicted in popular media. If they are not gerate the differences between teenagers and their elders
portrayed as troublemakers—the usual role in which and portray young people as “out of control due to hor-
they are cast—adolescents are sex-crazed idiots (if they monal storms” (Lesko, 1996, p. 157). During periods of
are male), giggling fools or “mean girls” (if they are economic downturn, for instance, when jobs are scarce,
female), or tormented lost souls, searching for their place adolescents are depicted as immature, unstable, and
in a strange, cruel world (if they aren’t delinquent, sex- incompetent, whereas during periods of war, they are
crazed, giggling, or gossiping). It’s not only fictionalized portrayed as mature, responsible, and capable (Enright,
portrayals of teenagers that are stereotyped. Scholars, Levy, Harris, & Lapsley, 1987). Presumably, these char-
too, have been influenced by this viewpoint—a dispro- acterizations serve a hidden agenda—during depres-
portionate number of scientific studies of adolescents sions, there are fewer jobs to go around, and adults may
have focused on young people’s problems rather than need to see adolescents as incapable of working, whereas W
their normative development (Steinberg, 2014). the reverse is true during wartime, when adolescents are
Stereotypes of adolescents as troubling, and trou- needed to take on jobs and serve in the military.
bled, have important implications for how teenagers
are treated—by teachers, by salespersons, and by par-
ents. One study, for example, measured mothers’ gen-
eral beliefs about adolescence to see how well these making the personal
preconceptions predicted how their teenager behaved connection
(Buchanan & Hughes, 2009). The more likely a mother If someone were to make generalizations about
was to believe that teenagers are risk taking and rebel- the nature of adolescence by analyzing your experiences
lious, the more likely it was that her teenager actually as a teenager, how would the period be portrayed?
behaved this way one year later, perhaps because the
mother’s expectations led her to behave in a way that
brought out the worst in her adolescent. Parent–teenager Adolescence, like any other developmental stage, has
relations are influenced by the expectations they have both positive and negative elements (Siegel & Scovill,
about each other. For example, one study found that 2000). Young people’s willingness to challenge author-
when mothers believed that their teenagers were likely ity, for instance, is both refreshing (when we agree with
to use alcohol this actually lead to increases in their them) and annoying (when we do not). Their propensity
child’s drinking (Madon, Willard, Guyll, Trudeau, & to take risks is both admirable and frightening. Their
Spoth, 2006). energy and exuberance is both exciting and unsettling.
Fortunately, the tremendous growth of the scientific One of the goals of this book is to provide you with a
literature on adolescence over the past three decades more realistic understanding of adolescent development
has led to more accurate views of normal adolescence in contemporary society—an understanding that reflects
among practitioners who work with young people, the best and most up-to-date scientific knowledge. As
although a trip to the “Parenting” section of your local you read the material, think about your personal expe-
bookstore will quickly reveal that the storm-and-stress riences as an adolescent, but try to look beyond them
stereotype is still alive and well, where most books are and be willing to question the “truths” about teenagers
“survival guides” (Steinberg, 2014). (I once saw a book that you have grown accustomed to over the years. This
titled Surviving Your Dog’s Adolescence!) Today, most does not mean that your experiences were not valid, or
experts do not dismiss the storm-and-stress viewpoint as your recollections inaccurate. (In fact, studies show that
entirely incorrect but see the difficulties that some ado- we remember things that happen during adolescence
lescents have as due largely to the context within which more vividly than any other time [Steinberg, 2014]). But
they grow up. remember that your experiences as a teenager were the
You probably have many preconceptions of your product of a unique set of forces that have made who you
own about adolescence. These beliefs are based in part are today. The person who sits next to you in class—or
on your own experiences as a teenager and in part on the person who right now, in some distant region of the
the images of adolescents that you have been exposed world, is thinking back to his or her adolescence—was
to over the years—in books, on film, and on television. probably exposed to different forces than you were and
As several writers have pointed out, scholars’ descrip- probably had a different set of adolescent experiences as
tions of teenagers are influenced by the time during a consequence.
Part 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence
1 Biological Transitions 2 Cognitive Transitions 3 Social Transitions

Biological Transitions

Puberty: An Overview
The Endocrine System
What Triggers Puberty?
How Hormones Influence Adolescent
Somatic Development
Changes in Stature and the Dimensions
of the Body
Sexual Maturation
The Timing and Tempo of Puberty
Variations in the Timing and Tempo of Puberty
Genetic and Environmental Influences on
Pubertal Timing
The Psychological and Social Impact
of Puberty
The Immediate Impact of Puberty
The Impact of Specific Pubertal Events
The Impact of Early or Late Maturation
Obesity and Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, and Binge Eating
Physical Health and Health Care in
© Comstock Images RF

The Paradox of Adolescent Health

Causes of Mortality in Adolescence
Promoting Adolescent Health

14 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

According to an old joke, there are only two things Stattin, 2014). In some societies, pubertal maturation brings
in life that one can be sure of—death and taxes. To this with it a series of public initiation rites that mark the pas-
brief list, we might add puberty—the physical changes of sage of the young person into adulthood, socially as well
adolescence. Not all adolescents experience identity cri- as physically. In other societies, recognition of the physical
ses, rebel against their parents, or fall madly in love, but transformation from child into adult takes more subtle forms.
virtually all go through puberty, the biological changes that Parents may merely remark, “Our little boy has become a
change our appearance and ultimately make us capable of man,” when they discover that he needs to shave, or “Our
sexual reproduction. little girl has grown up,” when they learn that she has got-
Puberty, however, is greatly affected by the context in ten her first period. Early or late maturation may be cause
which it occurs. Physical development is influenced by a for celebration or cause for concern, depending on what
host of environmental factors, and the timing and rate of is admired or made fun of in a given peer group at a given
pubertal growth vary across regions of the world, socio- point in time. The fifth-grader who is developing breasts
economic classes, ethnic groups, and historical eras. might be embarrassed, but the ninth-grader who has not
Today, in contemporary America, the average girl has her developed breasts might be equally self-conscious.
first period at about age 12. At the turn of the 20th century, In sum, even the most universal aspect of adolescence—
she was around 14½. puberty—is hardly universal in its impact on the young
Physical and sexual maturation profoundly affect the person. In this chapter, we examine just how and why the
ways in which adolescents view themselves and are environment in which adolescents develop exerts its influ-
viewed and treated by others. But the social environment ence even on something as fundamental as puberty. As
exerts a tremendous impact on the psychological and you will learn, the adolescent’s social environment even
social consequences of going through puberty (Skoog & affects the age at which puberty begins.

many of which begin years before the signs of puberty are

Puberty: An Overview evident—some actually occur at conception (Susman &
Puberty derives from the Latin word pubertas, which means Dorn, 2009). No new hormones are produced at puberty.
“adult.” Technically, the term refers to the period during Rather, the levels of some hormones that have been
which an individual becomes capable of sexual reproduc- present since before birth increase, whereas others
tion. More broadly, however, puberty encompasses all the decline.
physical changes that occur in adolescents as they pass from
childhood into adulthood (Dorn & Biro, 2011).
Puberty has three chief physical manifestations: The Endocrine System
1. A rapid acceleration in growth, resulting in dramatic The endocrine system produces, circulates, and regu-
increases in height and weight. lates levels of hormones. Hormones are highly spe-
2. The development of pri- cialized substances that are secreted by one or more
endocrine system mary sex characteristics, endocrine glands and then enter the bloodstream and
The system of the body that
including the further travel throughout the body. Glands are organs that stim-
produces, circulates, and regu-
lates hormones. development of the gonads ulate particular parts of the body to respond in specific
(sex glands), which results ways. Many of the hormones that play important roles
in a series of hormonal at puberty carry their instructions by activating certain
Highly specialized substances
secreted by one or more endo- changes. neurons in the brain, called gonadotropin-releasing
crine glands. 3. The development of sec- hormone (GnRH) neurons (Bogin, 2011; Novaira
ondary sex characteristics, et al., 2011).
Organs that stimulate par- including changes in
ticular parts of the body to the genitals and breasts, The Hormonal Feedback Loop The endocrine sys-
respond in specific ways to and the growth of pubic, tem receives its instructions to increase or decrease cir-
particular hormones.
facial, and body hair. culating levels of particular hormones from the central
gonadotropin-releasing nervous system, mainly through the firing of GnRH neu-
hormone (GnRH) neurons Each of these sets of rons in the brain. The system works like a thermostat.
Specialized neurons that are changes is the result of devel- Hormonal levels are “set” at a certain point, which may
activated by certain pubertal opments in the endocrine differ depending on the stage of development, just as
and central nervous systems, you might set a thermostat at a certain temperature (and CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 15

use different settings during different seasons or differ- present in males and females at birth. During adoles-
ent times of the day). By setting your room’s thermo- cence, however, the average male produces more andro-
stat at 60°F, you are instructing your heating system to gens than estrogens, and the average female produces
go into action when the room becomes colder than that. more estrogens than androgens (Susman & Dorn, 2009).
Similarly, when a particular hormonal level in your body Your HPG axis is set to maintain certain levels of
dips below the endocrine system’s set point for that androgens and estrogens. When these levels fall below the
hormone, secretion of the hormone increases; when the set points, the hypothalamus no longer inhibits the pitu-
level reaches the set point, secretion temporarily stops. itary, permitting it to stimulate
And, as is the case with a thermostat, the setting level, the release of sex hormones by set point
or set point, for a particular hormone can be adjusted up the gonads, and other puberty- A physiological level or setting
(e.g., of a specific hormone)
or down, depending on environmental or internal bodily related hormones by the adrenal that the body attempts to
conditions. gland. When hormone levels maintain through a self-
Such a feedback loop becomes increasingly impor- reach the set point, the hypo- regulating system.
tant at the onset of puberty. Long before adolescence— thalamus responds by inhibiting feedback loop
in fact, before birth—a feedback loop develops involving its stimulation of the pituitary A cycle through which two or
three structures: the pituitary gland (which controls gland. Just as you might change more bodily functions respond
hormone levels in general), the hypothalamus (the part the setting on your heating to and regulate each other,
of the brain that controls the pituitary gland, and where thermostat automatically every such as that formed by the
hypothalamus, the pituitary
there is a concentration of GnRH neurons), and the November 1, or when your util- gland, and the gonads.
gonads (in males, the testes; in females, the ovaries), ity bill has become too expen-
which release the “sex” hormones—androgens and sive, your brain is constantly pituitary gland
One of the chief glands
estrogens. This feedback loop is known as the HPG axis monitoring a variety of signals responsible for regulating lev-
(for Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Gonads) (see Figure 1). and adjusting your hormonal els of hormones in the body.
Although you may think of androgens as “male” hor- set points in response. Puberty
mones and estrogens as “female” hormones, both types begins when several differ- A part of the brain that con-
of hormones are produced by each sex, and both are ent signals—genetic as well trols the functioning of the
as environmental—instruct the pituitary gland.
brain to change the set point gonads
(Sisk & Foster, 2004). The glands that secrete sex
hormones: in males, the testes;
Adrenarche Just before pub- in females, the ovaries.
LH-RF (luteinizing hormone-
releasing factor) and FSH-RF erty, the pituitary begins to testes
Hypothalamus secrete hormones that act on The male gonads.
monitors levels (follicle-stimulating hormone-
of androgens releasing factor) stimulate the thyroid and on the adrenal ovaries
and estrogens. pituitary gland. gland as well as hormones that The female gonads.
stimulate overall bodily growth.
The release of these substances A class of sex hormones
Pituitary is also under the control of the secreted by the gonads, found
gland hypothalamus. The thyroid and in both sexes, but in higher lev-
LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH adrenal gland, in turn, secrete els among males than females
hormones that cause various following puberty.
(follicle-stimulating hormone)
stimulate gonads. bodily changes to take place. estrogens
Most individuals, in America A class of sex hormones
and around the world, report secreted by the gonads, found
in both sexes, but in higher lev-
Gonads (Testes in males, that their first sexual attraction els among females than males
ovaries in females) took place at the “magical age following puberty.
of 10,” before they went through
HPG (hypothalamic-
puberty. These early sexual feel- pituitary-gonadal) axis
ings may be stimulated by mat- The neurophysiological path-
Androgens uration of the adrenal glands, way that involves the hypo-
called adrenarche (Herdt & thalamus, the pituitary gland,
and the gonads.
McClintock, 2000), which also
Figure 1 Levels of sex hormones are regulated by a contributes to the development adrenarche
of body odor, signaling the The maturation of the adrenal
feedback system (the HPG axis) composed of the hypo- glands that takes place during
thalamus, pituitary gland, and gonads. beginning of sexual maturation
(Grumbach, Roth, Kaplan, & Kelch, 1974) to others (Campbell, 2011).
16 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

What Triggers Puberty?

Although the HPG axis is active before birth, it is rela-
tively quiet during childhood. Something happens dur-
ing middle childhood, though, that reawakens the HPG
axis and signals it that the body is ready for puberty (see
Figure 2). Some of this is due to a clock whose “puberty
alarm” is set very early in life by information coded
in the genes (the age at which someone goes through
puberty is largely inherited). But some of the reawaken-
ing of the HPG axis at puberty is due to multiple sig-
nals that tell the brain it is time to “get the childbearing
show on the road.” These signals indicate whether there
are sexually mature mating partners in the environment,
whether there are sufficient nutritional resources to sup-
port a pregnancy, and whether the individual is physi-
cally mature and healthy enough to begin reproducing.
The onset of puberty is stimulated by an increase in
Early feelings of sexual attraction to others are stimulated by a brain chemical called kisspeptin (Roseweir & Millar,
adrenarche, the maturation of the adrenal glands, which takes
2009) (so named because it was discovered in Hershey,
place before the outward signs of puberty are evident.
© Glow Images RF Pennsylvania, the birthplace of chocolate kisses). The
production of kisspeptin in the brain is affected by other
chemicals, most importantly leptin, which stimulates it,
Changes at puberty in the
cortisol and melatonin, which suppresses it. Leptin is a protein
A hormone produced when a brain system that regulates the
produced by fat cells, and which exists in our body in
person is exposed to stress. adrenal gland are also impor-
levels proportionate to our amount of body fat. It plays a
tant because this is the brain
kisspeptin critical role in the regulation of hunger and appetite, by
A brain chemical believed to system that controls how we
suppressing our desire to eat when we’re full. In some
trigger the onset of puberty. respond to stress (Del Giudice,
senses, leptin serves to signal the brain not just that we
Angeleri, & Manera, 2009).
leptin are full enough, but that we are “fat enough.” Melatonin
A protein produced by the fat One reason adolescence is a
is a hormone that helps regulate the sleep cycle, which
cells that may play a role in the period of great vulnerability
we’ll discuss later in this chapter.
onset of puberty through its for the onset of many serious
impact on kisspeptin. Your genes predispose you to go through puberty
mental disorders is that the
around a particular age, but the more fat cells you have,
melatonin hormonal changes of puberty
and the more light to which you have been exposed
A hormone secreted by the make us more responsive
brain that contributes to during childhood, the more likely it is that you will go
to stress (Monahan, Guyer,
sleepiness and that triggers through puberty on the early side of your inherited pro-
Silk, Fitzwater, & Steinberg,
the onset of puberty through pensity. Someone with the same genes, but who is thin
its impact on kisspeptin. 2016; Romeo, 2013; Stroud
and doesn’t get as much light exposure, will go through
et al., 2009; Trépanier et al.,
puberty later (Lomniczi et al., 2013). This is why puberty
2013; Worthman, 2011). This
starts earlier among obese children and among children
leads to excessive secretion of the stress hormone
who grow up closer to the equator. Obese children have
cortisol, a substance that at high and chronic levels can
more body fat and therefore produce a lot more leptin,
cause brain cells to die (Carrion & Wong, 2012; Gunnar,
which stimulates kisspeptin production. Children who
Wewerka, Frenn, Long, & Griggs, 2009). Keep in mind
live near the equator are exposed to relatively more sun-
that there is a difference between saying that adoles-
light each year, and they have lower melatonin levels as
cence is an inherently stressful time (which it is not) and
a result, so their kisspeptin production is not suppressed
saying that adolescence is a time of heightened vulner-
as much as it is among children who live closer to the
ability to stress (which it is).
poles. Exposure to artificial light, especially the kind
of light emitted from electronic gadgets, can also sup-
press melatonin levels and hasten puberty (Greenspan &
making the personal Deardorff, 2014).
connection The reason that body fat and light exposure affect
Do you remember your first feelings of sexual attraction the timing of puberty is found in our evolutionary his-
for someone? How old were you? tory. Humans evolved when resources were scarce, and
it was adaptive to conceive and bear as many offspring CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 17

Adolescence Figure 2 The biological

changes we associate with ado-
lescence actually unfold over
Puberty a long period of time, begin-
ning with the maturation of the
adrenal axis during childhood
Tanner 1 and ending with the maturation
Tanner 2 of the gonadal axis in the early
Tanner 3 20s. Tanner 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 refer
to different stages of pubertal
Tanner 4
maturation (see page 20).
Tanner 5 (Adapted from Dorn et al., 2006)
t ion tio
at ura at ura
is m is m
l ax l ax
d rena d a
A na

Adrenarche Gonadarche
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20+

as possible, since not all of them would survive. If the In other words, the presence or absence of certain
ultimate goal is to bear as many children as possible, hormones early in life “program” the brain and the
once someone has developed enough fat and senses that central nervous system to develop in certain ways and
the season is right for gathering food, it is time to start according to a certain timetable (Sisk & Foster, 2004).
maturing physically. Our genes don’t know that we no Because we may not see the resulting changes in behav-
longer live in a resource-scarce world and can store food ior until adolescence, it is easy to mistakenly conclude
in our cupboards and refrigerators so that we have plenty that the behaviors result from hormonal changes that
to eat in the dark of winter. Although conditions have take place at the time of puberty. In reality, however,
changed, our brains evolve much more slowly, and the exposure to certain hormones before birth may set a sort
timing of puberty is still affected by our brain’s circulat- of alarm clock that does not go off until adolescence.
ing levels of leptin and melatonin. Just because the alarm clock rings at the same time that
puberty begins does not mean that puberty caused the
How Hormones Influence Adolescent alarm to go off.
Many changes in behavior at adolescence do occur
Development because of changes in hormone levels at puberty, how-
Most people understandably think that changes in ever. For instance, the increase in certain hormones at
behavior at puberty result from changes in hormones at puberty is thought to stimulate the development of sec-
that time. But this is only partially correct. Long before ondary sex characteristics, such as the growth of pubic
adolescence—in fact, before birth—hormones organize hair. There is also growing evidence that puberty affects
the brain in ways that may not be manifested in behav- the brain in ways that increase adolescents’ emotional
ior until childhood or even adolescence (Sisk & Foster, arousal and desire for highly rewarding, exciting activi-
2004). Generally, until about eight weeks after concep- ties, which may make some teenagers more prone to emo-
tion, the human brain is “feminine” unless and until it tional and behavioral problems (Castellanos-Ryan, Parent,
is exposed to certain “masculinizing” hormones, like Vitaro, Tremblay, & Séguin, 2013; Forbes & Dahl, 2010;
testosterone. Because levels of testosterone are higher LeMoult, Colich, Sherdell, Hamilton, & Gotlib, 2015; Op
among males than females while the brain is developing, de Macks et al., 2011; Speilberg et al., 2015).
males usually end up with a more “masculinized” brain Still other changes during puberty are likely to be
than females. This sex difference in brain organization results of an interaction between prenatal and pubertal
predetermines certain patterns of behavior, many of hormones (Collaer & Hines, 1995). Hormones that are
which may not actually appear until much later (Collaer present during the development of the fetus may orga-
& Hines, 1995). Studies of sex differences in aggression, nize a certain set of behaviors (for example, our brains
for example, show that even though some of these dif- may be set up to have us later engage in sexual behavior),
ferences may not appear until adolescence, they likely but certain changes in those hormones at puberty may be
result from the impact of prenatal hormones, rather than needed to activate the pattern; that is, individuals may
from hormonal changes at puberty. not become motivated to engage in sex until puberty.
18 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

adolescent growth spurt Somatic children grow. At the time of peak height velocity—
the time at which the adolescent is growing most
The dramatic increase in height
and weight that occurs during
Development rapidly—he or she is growing at the same rate as a tod-
puberty. The effects of the hormonal dler. For boys, peak height velocity averages about 4
peak height velocity changes of puberty on the ado- inches (10.3 centimeters) per year; for girls, it’s about
The point at which the adoles- lescent’s body are remarkable. 3.5 inches (9.0 centimeters). One marker of the con-
cent is growing most rapidly. The individual enters puberty clusion of puberty is the closing of the ends of the
epiphysis looking like a child but within long bones in the body, a process called epiphysis,
The closing of the ends of four years or so has the physi- which terminates growth in height. Puberty is also a
the bones, which terminates cal appearance of a young adult. time of significant increase in weight—nearly half of
growth after the adoles- one’s adult body weight is gained during adolescence
cent growth spurt has been
During this relatively brief
completed. period, the average individual (Susman & Dorn, 2009).
grows about 10 inches taller, Figure 3 shows just how remarkable the growth
matures sexually, and develops spurt is in terms of height. The graph on the left shows
an adult-proportioned body. Along with many other organs, changes in absolute height and indicates, as you would
the brain changes in size, structure, and function at puberty, expect, that the average individual grows throughout
a series of developments we’ll discuss in Chapter 2. infancy, childhood, and adolescence. As you can see,
there is little gain in height after age 18. But look now at
Changes in Stature and the the right-hand graph, which shows the average increase
in height per year (i.e., the rate of change) over the same
Dimensions of the Body age span. Here you can see the acceleration in height at
The Adolescent Growth Spurt The simultaneous the time of peak height velocity.
release of growth hormones, thyroid hormones, and Figure 3 also indicates that the growth spurt occurs, on
androgens stimulates rapid acceleration in height and average, about two years earlier among girls than boys.
weight. This dramatic increase in stature is called In general, as you can see by comparing the two graphs,
the adolescent growth spurt. What is most incred- boys tend to be somewhat taller than girls before age 11;
ible about the adolescent growth spurt is not so much then girls tend to be taller than boys between ages 11
the absolute gain of height and weight that typically and 13; and finally, boys tend to be taller than girls from
occurs but the speed with which the increases take about age 14 on. You may remember what this was
place. Think for a moment of how quickly very young like during the fifth and sixth grades. Sex differences

(a) (b)
180 Boy 20
170 18
Height gain (cm/year)

150 16
140 14
Height (cm)

110 10 Boy
100 8 Girl
70 4
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Age Age

Figure 3 (a) Height (in centimeters) at different ages for the average male and female youngster. (b) Gain in height
per year (in centimeters) for the average male and female youngster. Note the adolescent growth spurt. (Adapted from
Marshall, 1978) CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 19

in height can be a concern for many young adolescents girls to curtail “masculine” activities—including some
when they begin socializing with members of the oppo- forms of exercise—at adolescence, and studies show
site sex, especially if they are tall, early-maturing girls or that girls are more likely than boys to markedly reduce
short, late-maturing boys. their physical activity in preadolescence. Moreover,
Much of the height gain during puberty results from adolescent girls’ diets, especially those of Black girls,
an increase in the length of the torso rather than the legs. are generally less adequate nutritionally than the
The sequence in which various parts of the body grow is diets of boys, particularly in important minerals like
fairly regular. Extremities—the head, hands, and feet— iron (Johnson, Johnson, Wang, Smiciklas-Wright, &
are the first to accelerate in growth. Accelerated growth Guthrie, 1994). Both factors could result in sex differ-
occurs next in the arms and legs, followed by torso and ences in exercise tolerance. In other words, sex differ-
shoulder growth. ences in physical ability are influenced by a variety of
Young adolescents often appear to be out of pro- factors, of which hormonal differences are but one part
portion physically—as though their nose or legs were of a complex picture.
growing faster than the rest of them. This is because
different parts of the body do not all grow at the same Body Dissatisfaction Among Adolescent Girls The
rate or at the same time during puberty. This can lead rapid increase in body fat among females in early ado-
to an appearance of awkwardness or gawkiness in the lescence frequently prompts girls to become overly con-
young adolescent, who may be embarrassed by the dis- cerned about their weight—even when their weight is
proportionate growth of different body parts. It is prob- within the normal range for their height and age (Calzo
ably little consolation for the someone going through the et al., 2012). As you will read later in this chapter, adoles-
awkward phase to be told that an attractive balance prob- cence is the period of greatest risk for the development of
ably will be restored within a few years, but, fortunately, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.
this is what usually happens. Although the majority of girls diet unnecessarily
during this time in response to the increase in body fat,
Sex Differences in Muscle and Fat The spurt the girls who are most susceptible to feelings of dissat-
in height during adolescence is accompanied by an isfaction with their bodies during this phase of devel-
increase in weight that results from an increase in both opment are those who mature early and begin dating
muscle and fat, but there are important sex differences early (Smolak et al., 1993). Girls who spend a lot of
in adolescent body composition. Before puberty, there time talking about their looks with their friends, who
are relatively few sex differences in muscle develop- are teased about their weight, or who are pressured to
ment and only slight sex differences in body fat. In both be thin are especially vulnerable to feelings of body
sexes, muscular development is rapid during puberty, dissatisfaction (Webb & Zimmer-Gembeck, 2014). In
but muscle tissue grows faster in boys than girls (Bogin, fact, for girls, it is comparing themselves with their
2011). In contrast, body fat increases for both sexes friends, and not just being exposed to media portray-
during puberty, but more so for females than for males, als of thinness, that leads to dissatisfaction (Ferguson,
especially during the years just before puberty. (For Muñoz, Garza, & Galdino, 2014). In contrast, boys’
boys, there is actually a slight decline in body fat just feelings about how they look revolve around how
before puberty.) The end result of these sex differences muscular they are and do not seem to be affected by
is that boys finish adolescence with a muscle-to-fat comparisons with peers. There are also important ethnic
ratio of about 3 to 1, but the comparable ratio for girls and cross-cultural differences in the ways in which ado-
is approximately 5 to 4. This has important implications lescent girls feel about their changing bodies. In many
for understanding why sex differences in strength and parts of the world, including North and South America,
athletic ability often appear for the first time during ado- Europe, and Asia, there is strong pressure on girls to
lescence. According to one estimate, about half of the be thin (Jones & Smolak, 2011). Black adolescents
sex difference in athletic performance during early ado- seem less vulnerable to these feelings of body dissatis-
lescence results simply from the difference in body fat faction than other girls (Ali, Rizzo, & Heiland, 2013;
(Smoll & Schutz, 1990). Jung & Forbes, 2013; Nishina, Ammon, Bellmore, &
It is tempting to attribute sex differences in athletic Graham, 2006), and consequently they are less likely
performance to changes in body fat and to hormonal fac- to diet, in part because of ethnic differences in con-
tors, because androgens, which increase during puberty ceptions of the ideal body type (Granberg, Simons, &
in males at a much faster rate than in females, are closely Simons, 2009).
linked to growth in aspects of the body that influence
athletic ability. But with age, environmental factors like
diet and exercise become increasingly important influ-
Sexual Maturation
ences on sex differences in physical performance (Smoll Puberty brings with it a series of developments associ-
& Schutz, 1990). There are strong social pressures on ated with sexual maturation. In both boys and girls, the
20 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

secondary sex
development of the secondary develops, the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the
characteristics sex characteristics is typi- bulbourethral glands also enlarge and develop. The first
The manifestations of sexual cally divided into five stages, ejaculation of seminal fluid generally occurs about one
maturity at puberty, including often called Tanner stages, year after the beginning of accelerated penis growth,
the development of breasts,
after the British pediatrician although this is often determined culturally rather than
the growth of facial and body
hair, and changes in the voice. who devised the categorization biologically, since for many boys first ejaculation occurs
system. as a result of masturbation (J. Tanner, 1972). One inter-
Tanner stages
esting observation about the timing and sequence of
A widely used system that Sexual Maturation in Boys
describes the five stages of pubertal changes in boys is that boys are generally fer-
The sequence of developments tile (i.e., capable of fathering a child) before they have
pubertal development.
in secondary sex characteristics developed an adultlike appearance (Bogin, 2011). As
among boys is fairly orderly you will read in the next section, the opposite is true
(see Table 1). Generally, the first stages of puberty involve for girls.
growth of the testes and scrotum, accompanied by the first
appearance of pubic hair. Approximately 1 year later, the Sexual Maturation in Girls The sequence of devel-
growth spurt in height begins, accompanied by growth of opment of secondary sex characteristics among girls
the penis and further development of pubic hair—now (shown in Table 1) is less regular than it is among boys.
coarser and darker. The five Tanner stages of penis and Generally, the first sign of sexual maturation in girls
pubic hair growth in boys are shown in Figure 4. is the elevation of the breast—the emergence of the
The emergence of facial and body hair are relatively late “breast bud.” In about one-third of all adolescent girls,
developments. The same is true for the deepening of the however, the appearance of pubic hair precedes breast
voice, which is gradual and generally does not occur until development. The development of pubic hair in females
very late adolescence. During puberty, there are changes follows a sequence similar to that in males—generally,
in the skin as well. The skin becomes rougher, especially from sparse, downy, light-colored hair to denser, curlier,
around the upper arms and thighs, and there is increased coarser, darker hair. Breast development often occurs
development of the sweat glands, which often gives rise to concurrently and generally proceeds through several
acne, pimples, and increased oiliness of the skin. stages. In the bud stage, the areola widens, and the breast
During puberty, there are slight changes in the male and nipple are elevated as a small mound. In the middle
breast—to the embarrassment of many boys. Breast devel- stages, the areola and nipple become distinct from the
opment is largely influenced by estrogens. As noted ear- breast and project beyond the breast contour. In the final
lier, both estrogens and androgens are present in both sexes stages, the areola is recessed to the contour of the breast,
and increase in both sexes at puberty, although in differing and only the nipple is elevated. The female breast under-
amounts. In the male adolescent, the areola (the area around goes these changes at puberty regardless of changes in
the nipple) increases in size, and the nipple becomes more breast size. For this reason, changes in the shape and
prominent. Some boys show a slight enlargement of the definition of the areola and nipple are far better indica-
breast, although in the majority of cases this is temporary. tors of sexual maturation among adolescent girls than is
Other, internal changes occur that are important ele- breast size alone. The five Tanner stages of breast and
ments of sexual maturation. At the time that the penis pubic hair growth in girls are shown in Figure 5.

Table 1 The sequence of physical changes at puberty

Girls Boys

Age of First Age of First Appearance

Appearance (Years) Characteristic (Years) Characteristic
1. 7–13 Growth of breasts 1. 10–13½ Growth of testes,
2. 7–14 Growth of pubic hair scrotal sac
3. 9½–14½ Body growth 2. 10–15 Growth of pubic hair
4. 10–16½ Menarche 3. 10½–16 Body growth
5. About two years Underarm hair 4. 11–14½ Growth of penis
after pubic hair 5. About the same time as Change in voice
6. About same time as Oil- and sweat- penis growth (growth of larynx)
underarm hair producing glands 6. About two years after Facial and underarm hair
pubic hair appears
7. About same time as Oil- and sweat-producing
underarm hair glands, acne

Source: B. Goldstein, 1976. CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 21

Penis and Scrotum Pubic Hair

Stage 1: The infantile Stage 1: There is no true

stage that persists from pubic hair, although there
birth until puberty begins. may be a fine velus over
During this time the pubes similar to that
the genitalia increase over other parts of the
slightly in overall size but abdomen.
there is little change in
general appearance.
Stage 2: Sparse growth of
lightly pigmented hair,
Stage 2: The scrotum has
which is usually straight or
begun to enlarge, and
only slightly curled. This
there is some reddening
usually begins at either
and change in texture of
side of the base of the
the scrotal skin.

Stage 3: The penis has Stage 3: The hair spreads

increased in length and over the pubic symphysis
there is a smaller increase and is considerably darker
in breadth. There has been and coarser and usually
further growth of the more curled.

Stage 4: The length and Stage 4: The hair is now

breadth of the penis have adult in character but
increased further and the covers an area
glans has developed. The considerably smaller than
scrotum is further in most adults. There is no
enlarged and the scrotal spread to the medial
skin has become darker. surface of the thighs.

Stage 5: The genitalia are Stage 5: The hair is

Penis adult in size and shape. distributed in an inverse
Scrotum The appearance of the triangle as in the female. It
Glans genitalia may satisfy the has spread to the medial
(Head) criteria for one of these surface of the thighs but
Testes stages for a considerable not elsewhere above the
time before the penis and base of the triangle.
scrotum are sufficiently
developed to be classified
as belonging to the next

Figure 4 The five pubertal stages for penile and pubic hair growth. (From Morris & Udry, 1980)

As is the case for boys, puberty brings important inter- follows menarche by about two menarche
nal changes for adolescent girls that are associated with years (Bogin, 2011; Hochberg, The time of first menstruation,
the development of reproductive capacity. In girls, these Gawlik, & Walker, 2011). one of the most important
changes involve development and growth of the uterus, Unlike boys, therefore, girls changes to occur among
vagina, and other aspects of the reproductive system. In generally appear physically females during puberty.
addition, there is enlargement of the labia and clitoris. mature before they are fertile.
As is apparent in Table 1, the growth spurt is likely
to occur during the early and middle stages of breast
and pubic hair development. Menarche, the begin-
The Timing and Tempo of Puberty
ning of menstruation, is a relatively late development. Thus far, no mention has been made of the “normal”
Generally, full reproductive function does not occur ages at which various pubertal changes are likely to
until several years after menarche, and regular ovulation take place. This is because variations in the timing of
22 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

Stage 1: No breast development.

Stage 2: The first sign of breast development

has appeared. This stage is sometimes
2 referred to as the breast budding
stage. Some palpable breast tissue
under the nipple; the flat area of the
nipple (areola) may be somewhat

3 Stage 3: The breast is more distinct although

there is no separation between
contours of the two breasts.

Stage 4: The breast is further enlarged and

4 there is greater contour distinction.
The nipple, including the areola, forms
a secondary mound on the breast.

Stage 5: Size may vary in the mature stage. The

5 breast is fully developed. The contours
are distinct and the areola has receded
into the general contour of the breast.

Pubic Hair
1 2 3 Stage 1: No pubic hair.
Stage 2: There is a small amount of long pubic
hair chiefly along the vaginal lips.
Stage 3: The hair is darker, coarser, and curlier
and spreads sparsely over the skin
around the vaginal lips.
4 5
Stage 4: The hair is now adult in type, but the
area covered is smaller than in most
adults. There is no pubic hair on the
inside of the thighs.
Stage 5: The hair is adult in type, distributed as
an inverse triangle. There may be hair
on the inside of the thighs.

Figure 5 The five pubertal stages for breast and pubic hair growth. (From Marshall & Tanner, 1969)

puberty (the age at which puberty begins) and in the Variations in the Timing
tempo of puberty (the rate at which maturation occurs)
are so great that it is misleading to talk even about aver-
and Tempo of Puberty
age ages. Importantly, differences among adolescents The onset of puberty can occur as early as age 5 in girls
in when and how quickly they go through puberty, how and 6½ in boys, or as late as age 13 in girls and 13½
synchronized the different changes on puberty are, and in boys. In girls, the interval between the first sign of
how adolescents perceive their own pace of develop- puberty and complete physical maturation can be as
ment all have important mental health implications short as a year and a half or as long as 6 years. In boys,
(Mendle, 2014). the comparable interval ranges from about 2 to 5 years CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 23

(J. Tanner, 1972). Think about it: Within a totally nor-

mal population of young adolescents, some individu-
als will have completed the entire sequence of pubertal
changes before others have even begun. In more concrete
terms, it is possible for an early-maturing, fast-maturing
youngster to complete pubertal maturation by age
10–3 years before a late-maturing youngster has even
begun puberty, and 8 years before a late-maturing, slow-
maturing youngster has matured completely!
There is no relation between the age at which puberty
begins and the rate at which pubertal development pro-
ceeds. The timing of puberty may have a small effect
on one’s ultimate height or weight, however, with late
maturers, on average, being taller than early maturers
as adults, and early maturers, on average, being some-
what heavier—at least among females (St. George,
Williams, & Silva, 1994). Adult height and weight are
far more strongly correlated with height and weight dur-
Individuals vary considerably in when puberty begins and the
ing childhood than with the timing of puberty, however
rate with which it progresses. © Peathegee Inc/Getty Images RF
(Pietiläinen et al., 2001).
Within the United States, there are ethnic differences
in the timing and rate of pubertal maturation. Several Comparisons between identical twins and individuals
large-scale studies of U.S. youngsters indicate that who are not genetically identical indicate that the tim-
Black girls mature significantly earlier than Mexican ing and tempo of an individual’s pubertal maturation are
American girls, who, in turn, mature earlier than White largely inherited (Mustanski, Viken, Kaprio, Pulkkinen, &
girls (Chumlea et al., 2003; Herman-Giddens et al., Rose, 2004). A specific region on chromosome 6 has
1997). Although the reasons for this ethnic difference been identified as one of the markers for pubertal timing
are not known, it does not appear to be due to ethnic in both boys and girls (Bogin, 2011).
differences in income, weight, or area of residence (S. E. Despite this powerful influence of genetic factors, the
Anderson, Dallal, & Must, 2003). One possible explana- environment plays an important role. In all likelihood,
tion for the earlier maturation of non-White girls is that every individual inherits a predisposition to develop at
they may be more frequently exposed to chemicals in the a certain rate and to begin pubertal maturation at a cer-
environment that stimulate earlier puberty, such as those tain time. But this predisposition is best thought of as an
contained in certain hair care products and cosmetics upper and lower age limit, not a fixed absolute. Whether
(Susman & Dorn, 2009). the genetic predisposition that each person has to mature
around a given age is actually realized, and when within
the predisposed age boundaries she or he actually goes
Genetic and Environmental Influences through puberty, is subject to the influence of many
on Pubertal Timing external factors. In other words, the timing and tempo
of pubertal maturation are the product of an interaction
Why do some individuals mature relatively early and between nature and nurture.
others relatively late? Researchers who study variability By far the two most important environmental influ-
in the onset and timing of puberty approach the issue ences on pubertal maturation are nutrition and health.
in two ways. One strategy involves the study of differ- Puberty occurs earlier among individuals who are better
ences among individuals (i.e., studying why one indi- nourished and grow more throughout their prenatal,
vidual matures earlier or faster than another). The other infant, and childhood years (Terry, Ferris, Tehranifar,
involves the study of differences among groups of ado- Wei, & Flom, 2009). Not surprisingly, girls who are taller
lescents (i.e., studying why puberty occurs earlier or or heavier than their peers mature earlier (St. George et al.,
more rapidly in certain populations than in others). Both 1994), whereas delayed puberty is more likely to occur
sets of studies point to both genetic and environmental among individuals with a history of protein and/or caloric
factors (Ge, Natsuaki, Neiderhiser, & Reiss, 2007). deficiency. Chronic illness during childhood and adoles-
cence is also associated with delayed puberty, as is exces-
Individual Differences in Pubertal Maturation sive exercise. Generally, then, after genetic factors, the
Differences in the timing and rate of puberty among most important determinant of the timing of puberty is the
individuals growing up in the same general environment overall physical well-being of the individual from concep-
result chiefly, but not exclusively, from genetic factors. tion through preadolescence (Susman & Dorn, 2009).
24 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

Familial Influences on Pubertal Timing A number In addition, the presence of a stepfather may expose the
of studies suggest that social factors in the home environ- adolescent girl to pheromones (a class of chemicals
ment may influence the onset of maturation, especially secreted by animals that stimulate certain behaviors in
in girls. Puberty occurs somewhat earlier among girls other members of the species) that stimulate pubertal
who grew up in father-absent families, in less cohesive maturation. In general, among humans and other mam-
or more conflict-ridden households, or with a stepfa- mals, living in proximity to one’s close biological rela-
ther (Ellis, 2004); early puberty is also more common tives appears to slow the process of pubertal maturation,
among girls who were sexually abused during childhood whereas exposure to unrelated members of the other sex
(Boynton-Jarrett et al., 2013; Mendle, Leve, Van Ryzin, may accelerate it.
& Natsuaki, 2014; Mendle, Ryan, & McKone, 2015; Although it may seem surprising that something as bio-
Negriff, Blankson, & Trickett, 2014). One explanation for logical as puberty can be influenced by factors in the social
the finding that family conflict may accelerate pubertal environment, scientists have long known that our social
maturation is that tension in the family may induce stress, relationships can indeed affect our biological functioning.
which, in turn, may affect hormonal secretions in the ado- One of the best-known examples of this is that women
lescent (Arim, Tramonte, Shapka, Dahinten, & Willms, who live together—such as dormitory roommates—find
2011; Belsky, Steinberg, Houts, & Halpern-Felsher, that their menstrual periods begin to synchronize over
2010; Belsky et al., 2007), especially among girls who time (C. Graham, 1991; McClintock, 1980).
are genetically susceptible to
pheromones this influence (Ellis, Shirtcliff, Group Differences in Pubertal Maturation Resear-
A class of chemicals secreted Boyce, Deardorff, & Essex, chers typically study group differences in puberty by
by animals that stimulate cer- 2011; Hartman, Widaman, & comparing average ages of menarche in different regions.
tain behaviors in other mem-
bers of the species.
Belsky, 2014; Manuck, Craig, Most of these studies have indicated that genetic factors
Flory, Halder, & Ferrell, 2011). play an extremely small role in determining group differ-
ences in pubertal maturation (Eveleth & Tanner, 1990).
Differences among countries in the average rate and tim-
ing of puberty are more likely to reflect differences in
their environments than differences in their populations’
gene pools (Bogin, 2011).
The influence of the broader environment on the tim-
ing and tempo of puberty can be seen in more concrete
terms by looking at two sets of findings: (1) compari-
sons of the average age of menarche across countries and
(2) changes in the average age of menarche over time.
Although menarche does not signal the onset of puberty,
researchers often use the average age of menarche when
comparing the timing of puberty across different groups
or regions, because it can be measured more reliably
than other indicators. And while the age of menarche
doesn’t directly reflect when males in that same group
are going through puberty, it does so indirectly, because
in places where girls mature early, boys mature early, too
(Steinberg, 2014).
First, consider variations in the age of menarche
across different regions of the world. Menarche gen-
erally is earlier in countries where individuals are less
likely to be malnourished or to suffer from chronic dis-
ease (Bogin, 2011). For example, in western Europe and
in the United States, the median age of menarche ranges
from about 12 to 13½ years. In Africa, however, the
median age ranges from about 14 to 17 years. The range
is much wider across Africa because of the greater varia-
tion in environmental conditions there.
Scientists have expressed concern about the continuing decline in
the age when puberty begins, because pubertal hormones affect
The Secular Trend We can also examine environ-
the developing brain in ways that increase sensation seeking. mental influences on the timing of puberty by looking at
© Ingram Publishing RF changes in the average age of menarche over the past two CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 25

Figure 6 The age at menarche has

Germany declined considerably over the past
17.0 Norway 150 years. This decline is known as
Sweden the secular trend.
Denmark (Adapted from Eveleth & Tanner, 1990)
United States
16.0 Finland
Age at menarche (years)





1950 1960 1970

1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980
Year of menarche

centuries. Because nutritional conditions have improved The average age of puberty secular trend
during the past 150 years, we would expect to find a among American adolescents The tendency, over the past
decline in the average age at menarche over time. This has continued to decline, most two centuries, for individuals
is indeed the case, as can be seen in Figure 6. This pat- probably because of increased to be larger in stature and to
tern, known as the secular trend, is attributable not only rates of obesity, which affects reach puberty earlier, primarily
because of improvements in
to improved nutrition but also to better sanitation and leptin levels (Currie et al., 2012); health and nutrition.
better control of infectious diseases. In most European exposure to certain man-made
countries, maturation has become earlier by about 3 to chemicals in cosmetics, food,
4 months per decade. For example, in Norway 150 years and the environment that affect development by mimick-
ago, the average age of menarche may have been about ing actual pubertal hormones (Hochberg et al., 2011); and
17 years. Today, it is between 12 and 13 years. Similar increased exposure to artificial light, which affects melato-
declines have been observed over the same period in nin secretion (Greenspan & Deardorff, 2014).
other industrialized nations and, more recently, in devel- One reason scientists have expressed concern about
oping countries as well (Ma et al., 2009). the continuing decline in the age when puberty begins
The secular trend is less well documented among is that pubertal hormones affect the developing brain in
boys, in part because there is no easily measured marker ways that make adolescents more inclined to engage in sen-
of puberty, like menarche. One unusual factoid that is sation seeking (Steinberg, 2014). Brain systems that gov-
consistent with the decline in the age of puberty among ern self-regulation are less influenced by puberty, so the
boys over many centuries, though, is the observation that secular trend has not affected the age at which the matura-
the average age at which boys experience their voice tion of impulse control takes place. If the increase in sen-
breaking (a sign of male pubertal development), based sation seeking is taking place before children are able to
on reports from European children’s choirs, dropped regulate urges to do exciting things, it may lead to increases
from about 18 in the mid-1700s to around 10½ today in risky and reckless behavior, especially when the risk tak-
(Mendle & Ferrero, 2012). The drop in the age of male ing is impulsive (Kjurana et al., 2012). The end result is
puberty appears to be continuing, and has fallen during that, as the age of puberty has dropped, the amount of time
the past three decades (Herman-Giddens et al., 2012). elapsed between the arousal of sensation seeking and the
Interestingly, although puberty is starting earlier, there is maturation of self control has grown, creating a larger win-
some evidence that it taking longer to complete, mean- dow of vulnerability to risky behavior (Steinberg, 2014).
ing that children are spending more time in the midst of Consistent with this, as the age of puberty has fallen, rates
puberty than ever before (Mendle, 2014). of adolescent mortality have risen (Mendle, 2014).
26 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

the ways in which puberty affects the adolescent’s desire

making the scientific for autonomy.
connection Finally, biological change at puberty transforms
Some studies indicate that the secular trend has been the adolescent’s appearance, which, in turn, may elicit
more dramatic among females than males. Why might this changes in how others react to the teenager. These
be the case? changes in reactions may provoke changes in the ado-
lescent’s behavior. An adolescent girl who has recently
matured physically may find herself suddenly receiving
The Psychological and Social the attention of older boys who had not previously paid
Impact of Puberty her much heed. She may feel nervous about all the extra
attention and confused about how she should respond to
Puberty can affect the adolescent’s behavior and psy- it. Moreover, she must now make decisions about how
chological functioning in a number of ways (Hollenstein much time she wishes to devote to dating and how she
& Lougheed, 2013). First, the biological changes of should behave when out with someone who is sexually
puberty can have a direct effect on behavior. For exam- interested in her.
ple, increases in testosterone at puberty are directly Researchers have generally taken two approaches to
linked to an increase in sex drive and sexual activity studying the psychological and social consequences of
among adolescent boys (Halpern, Udry, & Suchindran, puberty. One approach is to look at individuals who are
1996). (The impact of hormonal change on girls’ sex at various stages of puberty, either in a cross-sectional
drive and sexual activity is more complicated.) study (in which groups of individuals are compared at
Second, the biological changes of puberty may different stages of puberty) or in a longitudinal study
change the adolescent’s self-image, which, in turn, (in which the same individuals are tracked over time
may affect how he or she behaves. For example, a boy as they move through the different stages of puberty).
who has recently gone through puberty may feel more Studies of this sort examine the impact of puberty on
grown up as a result of his more adultlike appearance. young people’s psychological development and social
This, in turn, may make him seek more independence relations. Researchers might ask, for example, whether
from his parents. He may ask for a later curfew, a larger youngsters’ self-esteem is higher or lower during puberty
allowance, or the right to make than before or after.
cross-sectional study decisions about things that pre- A second approach compares the psychological
A study that compares two or
viously were decided by his development of early and late maturers. Because there
more groups of individuals at
one point in time. parents. As we will see later is large variation in pubertal timing, individuals of the
in this chapter, the physical same chronological age and who are in the same grade in
longitudinal study
changes of puberty often spark school may be at very different stages of puberty. How
A study that follows the same
group of individuals over time. conflict between teenagers and does being early or late to mature affect the adolescent’s
their parents, in part because of psychological development? Here, a typical question
might be whether early maturers are more popular in the
peer group than are late maturers.

The Immediate Impact of Puberty

Studies of the psychological and social impacts of
puberty indicate that physical maturation, regardless of
whether it occurs early or late, affects the adolescent’s
self-image, mood, and relationships with parents.

Puberty and Self-Esteem Although puberty can be

a potential stressor with temporary adverse psychologi-
cal consequences, this is true only when it is coupled
with other changes that necessitate adjustment. In this
respect, the impact of puberty on adolescents’ psycho-
logical functioning is to a great extent shaped by the
social context in which puberty takes place (Susman &
Dorn, 2009).
Contrary to widespread belief, there is little evidence that the
The impact of puberty on self-esteem varies by gen-
hormonal changes of puberty contribute in a dramatic way to der and across ethnic groups, with girls more adversely
adolescent moodiness. © Westend61/Getty Images RF affected than boys, and with White girls, in particular, CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 27

at greatest risk for developing a poor body image hormone levels stabilize at higher levels, later in puberty,
(J. Siegel, Yancey, Aneshensel, & Schuler, 1999). Given their negative effects wane (C. Buchanan et al., 1992).
the premium in contemporary American society placed Although rapid increases in hormones early in puberty
on thinness, the increase in body dissatisfaction among are associated with depressed mood in girls, it turns out
White girls that takes place at puberty is, not surpris- that stressful life events, such as problems in the family, in
ingly, linked to specific concerns that girls have about school, or with friends, play a far greater role in the devel-
their hips, thighs, waist, and weight (Rosenblum & opment of depression than do hormonal changes (Brooks-
Lewis, 1999). Interestingly, the way adolescents feel Gunn, Graber, & Paikoff, 1994). Similarly, while high
about their physical appearance when they begin adoles- levels of testosterone have been associated with impulsiv-
cence remains remarkably stable over time, regardless of ity and aggression and low levels with depression, these
whether their actual attractiveness changes (Rosenblum & associations are weaker among adolescents who have
Lewis, 1999). positive family relationships (A. Booth et al., 2003).
In other words, there is there little evidence that ado-
Puberty and Adolescent Moodiness Although lescents’ moodiness results exclusively from the storm
an adolescent’s self-image can be expected to change and stress of raging hormones. Over the course of a day,
during a time of dramatic physical development, self- a teenager may shift from elation to boredom, back to
esteem or self-image is reasonably stable over time, with happiness, and then to anger. But these shifts in mood
long and sturdy roots reaching back to childhood. For appear to have more to do with shifts in activities—elated
this reason, some researchers have turned their attention when seeing a girlfriend, bored in social studies class,
to the impact of puberty on more transient states, such happy when having lunch with friends, and angry when
as mood. One reason for this focus is that adolescents assigned extra work at the fast-food restaurant—than with
are thought to be moodier, on average, than either chil- internal, biological changes (Schneiders et al., 2006).
dren or adults. One classic study, in which adolescents’
moods were monitored repeatedly by electronic pagers, Puberty and Changes in Patterns of Sleep Many
for example, showed that their moods fluctuate during parents complain that their teenage children go to bed
the course of the day more than do the moods of adults too late in the evening and sleep in too late in the morn-
(Csikszentmihalyi & Larson, 1984). ing, a pattern that begins to emerge in early adolescence
Many adults assume that adolescent moodiness is (see Figure 7). It now appears that the emergence of this
directly related to the hormonal changes of puberty pattern—called a delayed phase preference—is driven
(C. Buchanan, Eccles, & Becker, 1992). Is there any sci- by the biological changes of
entific evidence that the hormonal changes of puberty puberty, and it is seen not only delayed phase preference
cause adolescents to be moody or, for that matter, that in humans, but in other mam- A pattern of sleep character-
these hormonal changes affect the adolescent’s psycho- mals as well (Carskadon, 2011). ized by later sleep and wake
times, which usually emerges
logical functioning or behavior at all? Falling asleep is caused by a
during puberty.
According to several comprehensive reviews of combination of biological and
research on hormones and adolescent mood and behav-
ior, the direct connection between hormones and mood
is not very strong (C. Buchanan et al., 1992; Duke, 12:30
Balzer, & Steinbeck, 2014). When studies do find a con- Weekday bedtime
nection between hormonal changes at puberty and ado- Weekend bedtime
Bedtime (P.M.) and wake time (A.M.)

lescent mood or behavior, the effects are strongest early Weekday wake time
in puberty, when the process is being “turned on” and Weekend wake time
when hormonal levels are highly variable. Pubertal hor-
mones affect brain systems responsible for emotional
arousal in ways that make adolescents more responsive 9:30
to what is going on around them (Forbes, Phillips, Silk,
Ryan, & Dahl, 2011; Masten et al., 2011). For example, 8:30
rapid increases in many of the hormones associated with
puberty—such as testosterone, estrogen, and various adre- 7:30
nal androgens—may be associated with increased irrita-
bility, impulsivity, aggression (in boys) and depression
(in girls), especially when the increases take place very 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
early in adolescence. One interpretation of these findings Child’s age in years
is that it is not so much the absolute increases in these
hormones during puberty but their rapid fluctuation early Figure 7 Children’s weekday and weekend bedtimes
in puberty that may affect adolescents’ moods. Once the and wake times, by age. (Adapted from Snell et al., 2007)
28 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

going through puberty, though, because of

the delayed timing of the increase in melato-
nin, it is easier for individuals to stay up later,
so that if there is something more exciting to
do—search the Internet, stream a YouTube,
text a friend—it is not difficult to remain
awake (Taylor, Jenni, Acebo, & Carskadon,
2005). Some scientists believe that many
adolescents’ sleep deprivation stems directly
from overuse of computers and cell phones
(Punamäki, Wallenius, Nygård, Saarni, &
Rimpelä, 2007), although the notion that
adolescents’ lack of sleep is due to over-
stimulation at bedtime is more than 100 years
old (Matricciani, Olds, Blunden, Rigney,
& Williams, 2012). Thus, the tendency for
adolescents to stay up late is due to the inter-
action of biology (which delays the onset
of sleepiness) and the environment (which
provides an impetus to stay up). This shift
Important changes in the sleep cycle take place after puberty. This “delayed
in sleep preferences, to a later bedtime and a
phase preference” causes adolescents to want to stay up later at night and later wake time, begins to reverse around age
makes them feel more tired in the early morning hours. © Randy Faris/Corbis/ 20, at a slightly earlier age among females
age fotostock RF than males (Frey, Balu, Greusing, Rothen,
& Cajochen, 2009; Roenneberg et al., 2004).
environmental factors. One of the most important is the The end result is that there is a marked decline in the
secretion of melatonin, which, as you know, plays a role amount of sleep people get each night during adoles-
in triggering puberty. Melatonin levels change naturally cence followed by an increase during the early 20s
over the course of the 24-hour day, mainly in response (Maslowsky & Ozer, 2014) (see Figure 8).
to the amount of light in the environment. Feelings of If getting up early the next day were not an issue, stay-
sleepiness increase and decrease with melatonin levels— ing up late would not be a problem. Unfortunately, most
as melatonin rises, we feel sleepier, and as it falls, we teenagers need to get up early on school days, and the
feel more awake. Over the course of the day, we follow
a sleep–wake cycle that is calibrated to changes in light
and regulated by melatonin secretion.
During puberty, the time of night at which melato-
nin levels begin to rise changes, becoming later and later
as individuals mature physically. In fact, the nighttime
increase in melatonin starts about 2 hours later among
adolescents who have completed puberty than among
Sleep duration

those who have not yet begun (Carskadon & Acebo,

2002). As a result of this shift, individuals become able to 8
stay up later before feeling sleepy. In fact, when allowed
to regulate their own sleep schedules (as on weekends),
most teenagers will stay up until around 1:00 a.m. 7.5
and sleep until about 10:00 a.m. Because the whole
cycle of melatonin secretion is shifted later at puberty,
this also means that once adolescents have gone through 7
puberty, they are more sleepy early in the morning than
they were before puberty.
Falling asleep is affected by the environment as 6.5
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
well—it’s much easier to fall asleep when a room is Age
dark than when it’s bright. When preadolescents get into
bed at night, they tend to fall asleep very quickly—even Figure 8 Over the course of adolescence, the average
if there is something that they want to stay up for— number of hours slept per night declines until the late
because their melatonin levels are already high. After teens and then begins to increase. (Maslowsky & Ozer, 2014) CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 29

combination of staying up late and getting up early leads 2013), cognitive impairment (Potkin & Bunney, 2012;
to sleep deprivation and daytime sleepiness. The shift Rossa, Smith, Allan, & Sullivan, 2014; Thomas,
in the timing of the melatonin cycle contributes to this; Monahan, Lukowski, & Cauffman, 2015), and poor
when teenagers get out of bed early in the morning, their school performance (Lin & Yi, 2014). The good news is
melatonin levels are relatively higher than they are at the that getting just one additional hour of sleep each night
same time of day for preadolescents. Indeed, adolescents has been shown to significantly improve adolescents’
are least alert between the hours of 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. well-being (Winsler, Deutsch, Vorona, Payne, & Szklo-
(when most schools start) and most alert after 3.00 p.m., Coxe, 2015).
when the school day is over (R. Allen & Mirabell, Despite many adolescents’ belief that catching up on
1990). Sleep researchers estimate that, because of early sleep on weekends will make up for sleep deprivation
school start times, adolescents get two fewer hours of during the week, having markedly different bedtimes
sleep per night when the school year begins than they on weekends versus weekdays actually contributes to
did during the preceding summer months (Hansen, further sleep-related problems (Wolfson & Carskadon,
Janssen, Schiff, Zee, & Dubocovich, 2005). This has 1998). (The best thing teenagers can do to avoid prob-
prompted many experts to call for communities to delay lems waking up on school days is to force themselves
their school starting times (Adolescent Sleep Working to get up at the same time on the weekend as on school
Group, 2014a). days, regardless of how late they have stayed up.) Not
The tendency for individuals to go to bed later as they surprisingly, sleep-related difficulties among teenagers
become teenagers has become stronger over the past 30 are also linked to the consumption of caffeine (Pollack
years (Iglowstein, Jenni, Molinari, & Largo, 2003), per- & Bright, 2003) and tobacco (Patten, Choi, Gillin, &
haps because the availability of television, the Internet, Pierce, 2000), both of which are stimulants. About 10%
and other electronic media during late-night and early- of teenagers report chronic insomnia (E. Johnson, Roth,
morning hours has increased (Adolescent Sleep Working Schultz, & Breslau, 2006), which increases the risk of
Group, 2014b). This suggests that the late-night hours other psychological problems (R. Roberts, Roberts, &
kept by many adolescents are voluntary, but made easier Duong, 2008) as well as sleep difficulties in adulthood
by the changes in the sleep centers of the brain. There is (Dregan & Armstrong, 2010).
also evidence that exposure to light depresses melatonin
secretion, so that staying up late with the lights on or Puberty and Family Relationships Research into
staring at computer, smartphone, tablet, or TV screens the impact of puberty on family relationships has found
will delay the rise in melatonin even more; using eye- that puberty appears to increase conflict and distance
glasses that block the blue-wavelength light emitted between parents and children, although the “distanc-
by these screens can help reduce the adverse effects of ing” effect of puberty on adolescent–parent relationships
screen light on sleep (van der Lely et al., 2015). It has is not as consistently observed in ethnic minority fami-
also been suggested that the demands of school and lies (Molina & Chassin, 1996; Sagrestano, McCormick,
extracurricular activities are taking their toll on adoles- Paikoff, & Holmbeck, 1999). In White families, how-
cents’ sleep by keeping them busy into the late hours ever, as youngsters mature from childhood toward the
(Keyes, Maslowsky, Hamilton, & Schulenberg, 2015). middle of puberty, emotional distance between them and
Whatever the reason, because teenagers’ wake time has their parents increases, and conflict intensifies, espe-
not changed, but their bedtime has gotten later, today’s cially between adolescents and mothers (Laursen, Coy, &
teenagers get significantly less sleep than their coun- Collins, 1998; Ogletree, Jones, & Coyl, 2002). The
terparts did several decades ago. In the early 1990s, change that takes place is reflected in an increase in “neg-
one-third of American 15-year-olds reported getting atives” (e.g., conflict, complaining, anger) and, to a lesser
adequate sleep most nights; today fewer than 25% do extent, a decrease in “positives” (e.g., support, smiling,
(Keyes et al., 2015). laughter) (e.g., Flannery et al., 1994). Although negative
Although individuals’ preferred bedtime gets later interchanges may diminish after the adolescent growth
as they move from childhood into adolescence, the spurt, adolescents and their parents do not immediately
amount of sleep they need each night remains constant, become as close as they were before the adolescents
at around nine hours. There is now a consensus among entered puberty. Interestingly, puberty also increases dis-
scientists that most teenagers are not getting enough tance between children and their parents in most species
sleep, and that inadequate sleep in adolescence leads of monkeys and apes, and some writers have suggested
to all sorts of problems, including depression (Alvaro, that the pattern seen in human adolescents may have
Roberts, & Harris, 2013; Pieters et al., 2015), poor self- some evolutionary basis—it helps ensure that once they
control (Meldrum, Barnes, & Hay, 2015), delinquency mature sexually, adolescents will leave home and mate
(McGlinchey & Harvey, 2014), alcohol and drug use outside the family (Steinberg & Belsky, 1996).
(Pasch, Latimer, Cance, Moe, & Lytle, 2012), obesity This connection between pubertal maturation and
(Mitchell, Rodriguez, Schmitz, & Audrain-McGovern, parent-child distance is not affected by the age at which
30 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

the adolescent goes through puberty—the pattern is seen that menstruation will be unpleasant or uncomfortable,
among early as well as late maturers. To date, we do and in cultures that label menstruation as an important
not know whether this effect results from the hormonal event. In Mexico and in China, for example, where atti-
changes of puberty (which may make young adolescents tudes toward menarche are especially ambivalent, men-
more testy), from changes in the adolescent’s physical arche may have an adverse effect on girls’ mental health,
appearance (which may change the way parents treat an effect not generally observed in the United States
their adolescent), or from changes in other aspects of (Benjet & Hernandez-Guzman, 2002; Tang, Yeung, &
adolescents’ psychological functioning that are affected Lee, 2003). In addition, girls who experience menarche
by puberty and, in turn, affect family relationships (like early and who are unprepared for puberty report more
newfound interest in dating). negative reactions to the event (Koff & Rierdan, 1996;
Tang, Yeung, & Lee, 2004).
Pubertal Maturation and Peer Relationships Pub- Far less is known about boys’ reactions to their first
erty may have an effect on relationships in the peer ejaculation, an experience that is analogous to menarche
group, too. Boys and girls who are physically mature are in girls. Although most boys are not very well prepared
more likely than their less mature peers to be involved in for this event by their parents or other adults, first ejacula-
cross-sex romantic activities such as having a boyfriend tion does not appear to cause undue anxiety, embarrass-
or girlfriend or going out on dates (Compian, Gowen, & ment, or fear. In contrast to girls, who generally tell their
Hayward, 2004), although this depends on the social norms mothers shortly after they have begun menstruating and
of the adolescent’s peer group and the prevailing expecta- tell their girlfriends soon thereafter, boys, at least in the
tions about the age at which teenagers should begin dating United States, do not discuss their first ejaculation with
(Gargiulo, Attie, Brooks-Gunn, & Warren, 1987). Pubertal either parents or friends (J. Stein & Reiser, 1994). Cultural
maturation is not associated with having platonic relation- differences in boys’ responses to their first ejaculation are
ships with other-sex peers, however (Compian et al., 2004). likely related to differences in how cultures view mastur-
bation. As is the case with girls and menarche, boys’ reac-
The Impact of Specific tions to their first ejaculation are more positive when they
have been prepared for the event (J. Stein & Reiser, 1994).
Pubertal Events
Several studies have focused specifically on adolescents’
attitudes toward and reactions to particular events at The Impact of Early
puberty, such as girls’ reactions to menarche or breast
development and boys’ reactions to their first ejaculation.
or Late Maturation
In general, most adolescents react positively to the Adolescents who mature relatively early or relatively
biological changes associated with puberty, especially late stand apart from their peers physically and may
those associated with the development of secondary sex elicit different sorts of reactions and expectations from
characteristics. One study of adolescent girls’ attitudes those around them. Adolescents often are all too aware
toward breast development, for example, found that the of whether they are early or late relative to their class-
majority of girls greeted this change positively (Brooks- mates, and their feelings about themselves are likely to
Gunn, Newman, Holderness, & Warren, 1994). be influenced by their comparisons. One study found
Adolescent girls’ attitudes toward menarche are less that early-maturing adolescents were more likely to be
negative today than they appear to have been in the past “pseudomature”—wishing they were older, hanging
(J. Lee, 2008), a change that may be attributable to the around with older peers, less involved in school, and
increase in information about menstruation provided more oriented toward their peers (Galambos, Barker,
in schools and in the media (Merskin, 1999). Among & Tilton-Weaver, 2003). Indeed, adolescents’ percep-
today’s adolescent girls, menarche is typically accom- tions of whether they are an early or a late maturer
panied by gains in social maturity, peer prestige, and are often more strongly related to how they feel about
self-esteem—as well as by increased self-consciousness and are affected by puberty than whether they actually
(Brooks-Gunn & Reiter, 1990). Nevertheless, many are early or late (Kretsch, Mendle, & Harden, 2014;
young women have developed a negative image of men- Moore, Harden, & Mendle, 2014; Reynolds & Juvonen,
struation before reaching adolescence, and they enter 2012). Further, adolescents’ behavior is related to how
puberty with a mixture of excitement and fear (S. Moore, old they feel, not simply to how physically mature
1995). Girls whose mothers are helpful and matter-of- they are (Galambos, Kolaric, Sears, & Maggs, 1999).
fact in their response to menarche report the most posi- Nevertheless, early and late maturers are often treated
tive memories of the experience (J. Lee, 2008). differently by others and view themselves differently, and
Menstrual symptoms are reported to be more severe as a result, they may behave differently. As we shall see,
among women who expect menstruation to be uncom- early and late maturation have different consequences at
fortable, among girls whose mothers lead them to believe puberty than in the long run, different consequences in CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 31

different contexts, and, most important, different conse-

quences for boys and girls.

Early Versus Late Maturation Among Boys Over

the past 60 years, research on boys’ pubertal timing has
usually found that early-maturing boys feel better about
themselves and are more popular than their late-maturing
peers, although a few studies have found elevated rates
of depression and anxiety among early-maturing boys
relative to their on-time peers (Mendle & Ferrero,
2012; Negriff & Susman, 2011) and among boys who
go through puberty especially rapidly (Mendle, Harden,
Brooks-Gunn, & Graber, 2010). Interestingly, although
all adolescents are adversely affected by being bullied
by their peers, the impact of victimization is greater for
early maturers, perhaps because being picked on when
one is larger than average is all the more embarrassing
(Nadeem & Graham, 2005).
Early maturing boys are more likely to be involved in problem
Although findings on the emotional effects of early behavior than adolescents who are the same age but slower
maturation on boys are mixed, it is well established that to mature. © BananaStock/Getty Images RF
early-maturing boys are more likely than their peers to
get involved in antisocial or deviant activities, includ-
ing truancy, minor delinquency, and problems at school intense temper tantrums and depression (Ge, Brody,
(Negriff & Susman, 2011). They are also more likely to Conger, Simons, & Murry, 2002; Ge et al., 2003).
use drugs and alcohol and engage in other risky activities
(Baams, Dubas, Overbeek, & van Aken, 2015; Drapela, Early Versus Late Maturation in Girls In contrast
Gebelt, & McRee, 2006; Kaltiala-Heino, Koivisto, to the mixed impact that early maturation has on the
Martutunen, & Fröjd, 2011), even as young adults (Biehl, emotional well-being of boys, considerable research
Natsuaki, & Ge, 2007). One explanation for this is that shows that early-maturing girls have more emotional dif-
boys who are more physically mature are less closely ficulties than their peers, including poorer self-image and
supervised by adults and spend more time hanging out higher rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and
in settings in which delinquent behavior is more likely to panic attacks (Greenspan & Deardorff, 2014; Negriff &
occur, like parts of neighborhoods where there are few Susman, 2011). These difficulties seem to have less to
adults around (Kretschmer, Oliver, & Maughan, 2014; do with the direct effects of hormones and more to do
Schelleman-Offermans, Knibbe, & Kuntsche, 2013). It with the ways in which looking different from their peers
is also likely that older-looking boys develop friendships affects girls’ feelings about their appearance and social
with older peers, who lead them into activities that are relationships with other adolescents (Mendle et al.,
problematic for the younger boys (Negriff, Ji, & Trickett, 2007; Conley, Rudolph, & Bryant, 2012). For example,
2011a). Once involved with these older peer groups, the the impact of early maturation is worse on girls who
early maturers’ higher rate of delinquency and substance are heavier than on their thinner peers (Tanner-Smith,
use increases over time through their social contacts 2010). There is also evidence that early maturation in
(Silbereisen et al., 1989). girls is associated with higher emotional arousal (Graber,
Early-maturing boys enjoy some psychological Brooks-Gunn, & Warren, 2006). It is not clear, however,
advantages over late maturers with respect to self-esteem whether the effects of early puberty on depression are
and admiration from peers during early adolescence, limited to adolescence or persist into adulthood (Gaysina,
when some boys have matured physically but others have Richards, & Hardy, 2015).
not. But what about later during adolescence, when the Given the role of social factors in linking early matu-
late maturers have caught up? It turns out that there may ration and girls’ psychological distress, it is no surprise
be some interesting advantages for late-maturing boys, that the ultimate impact of early maturation on the young
despite their initially lower popularity. Although early girl’s feelings about herself appears to depend on the
and late maturers exhibit similar psychological profiles broader context in which maturation takes place. Studies
before adolescence, during puberty and one year later, of American girls generally find that early-maturing girls
late maturers show significantly higher ratings on mea- have lower self-esteem and a poorer self-image, because
sures of intellectual curiosity, exploratory behavior, and of our cultural preference for thinness and our ambiva-
social initiative. While they are in the midst of puberty, lence about adolescent sexuality. The negative effects
early maturers experience more frequent and more of early maturation on girls’ mental health vary across
32 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

ethnic groups, however, with more adverse consequences example, sixth-graders who are in a school that has sev-
seen among White girls than their Black or Hispanic enth and eighth-graders, too) (Blyth, Simmons, & Zakin,
peers, presumably because puberty is more likely to lead 1985). Perhaps the problem isn’t early maturation as
to body dissatisfaction among White girls (Negriff & much as it is the way that older boys react to it.
Susman, 2011). Girls who are prone to ruminate or cope There are several theories explaining why early matu-
poorly when they have problems seem especially vul- ration is harder on girls than boys (Negriff & Susman,
nerable to the stress of maturing early (Crockett, Carlo, 2011; Rudolph, Troop-Gordon, Lambert, & Natsuaki,
Wolff, & Hope, 2013; Hamilton, Hamlat et al., 2014; 2014). One explanation is the “maturational deviance”
Hamilton, Stange et al., 2014). Context matters, though: hypothesis. Simply put, youngsters who stand far apart
One recent study of both boys and girls found that the from their peers—in physical appearance, for instance—
adverse consequences of early puberty were limited to may experience more psychological distress than ado-
adolescents who came from high-risk households, con- lescents who blend in more easily. Because girls on
sistent with the idea that puberty itself isn’t inherently average mature earlier than boys, early-maturing girls
stressful but can intensify the effects of other stressors mature earlier than both their male and female peers.
(Lynne-Landsman, Graber, & Andrews, 2010b). This makes them really stand out at a time when they
Although some early-maturing girls have self-image would rather fit in and, as a result, may make them more
difficulties, their popularity with peers is not jeopardized. vulnerable to emotional distress. This explanation would
Early maturers are more popular than other girls, espe- also account for the lower self-esteem of late-maturing
cially, as you would expect, when the index of popularity boys, who deviate toward the other extreme.
includes popularity with boys (Simmons, Blyth, & A second explanation for the sex difference in the
McKinney, 1983). However, early-maturing girls not only impact of early maturation focuses on “developmental
enjoy more popularity with boys, but are often the vic- readiness.” If puberty is a challenge that requires psycho-
tims of rumors and gossip (Reynolds & Juvonen, 2011; logical adaptation by the adolescent, perhaps younger
Sontag, Graber, & Clemans, 2011) and are more likely adolescents are less ready to cope with the challenge
to suffer from social anxiety (Blumenthal et al., 2011). than older ones. Because puberty occurs quite early
Ironically, then, it may be in part because the early among early-maturing girls, it may tax their psychologi-
maturer is more popular with boys that she reports more cal resources. Early maturation among boys, because it
emotional upset: Early pressure to date and, perhaps, occurs at a later age, would pose less of a problem. This
to be involved in a sexual relationship may take its toll also helps to explain why late-maturing boys seem better
on girls’ mental health. Consistent with this, research able than early maturers to control their temper and their
indicates that early-maturing girls are more vulnerable impulses when they are going through puberty: They
to emotional distress when they have relatively more are relatively older and psychologically more mature.
friendships with boys (Ge, Best, Conger, & Simons, If the developmental readiness hypothesis is true, both
1996) and when they are in schools with older peers (for girls and boys should experience more difficulty if they
are early maturers than if they are on time or late, but
the difficulty should be temporary. This appears to be
the case among boys (for whom the negative effects of
early puberty occur during puberty itself, but then fade),
but not for girls (for whom the negative effects of early
puberty persist) (Ge et al., 2003).
A final explanation for the relatively greater disad-
vantage of early maturation for girls concerns the cul-
tural desirability of different body types (Petersen,
1988). Early maturation for girls means leaving behind
the culturally admired state of thinness. Many girls are
distressed when they mature because they gain weight.
Early maturers experience this weight gain at a time when
most of their peers are still girlishly thin. One interesting
study showed that in ballet companies—where thinness
is even more important than in the culture at large—late
maturers, who can retain the “ideal” shape much longer
than earlier maturers, have fewer psychological prob-
lems than even on-time girls (Brooks-Gunn & Warren,
Although they are often more popular than their peers, early
1985). In contrast, at puberty, boys move from a cul-
maturing girls are at greater risk for a wide range of emotional and turally undesirable state for males (short and scrawny)
behavioral problems. © Klaus Tiedge/ Fancy Collection/SuperStock RF to a culturally admired one (tall and muscular). Early CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 33

maturers enjoy the advantage of being tall and muscu- et al., 2011b). Other explanations for the link between
lar before their peers—a special benefit in a society that early maturation and girls’ problem behavior have also
values males’ athletic prowess—and therefore are more been proposed: One recent study suggests that associa-
likely to react well to puberty. The fact that the effects tion may be partly due to common genetic influences
of early maturation on girls’ self-esteem vary across cul- (i.e., genes that influence both the timing of puberty and
tures suggests that contextual factors need to be taken involvement in delinquency) (Harden & Mendle, 2012).
into account in explaining this pattern of sex differences. Another found that early maturation leads to early sexual
Whatever the explanation, it’s important for parents activity, which in turn leads to delinquency (Negriff,
and school counselors to bear in mind that early-maturing Susman, & Trickett, 2011b).
girls are at heightened risk for psychological problems. Again, however, it is important to consider the role
Unfortunately, as long as our culture overvalues thinness of context in interaction with pubertal change. Although
and encourages the view that females should be judged early-maturing girls are more likely to engage in delin-
on the basis of their physical appearance rather than quent behavior than late maturers, this may hold true
their abilities, values, or personality, the risks of early only for girls who attend coeducational high schools
puberty will probably endure. Adults can help by being (Caspi, Lynam, Moffitt, & Silva, 1993). Early-maturing
supportive, by helping the early-maturing girl recognize girls in all-female schools are no more likely than late
her strengths and positive features—physical and non- maturers to be involved in delinquent activities, presum-
physical alike—and by preparing her for puberty before ably because there are far fewer opportunities for delin-
it takes place. quency in same-sex schools. Thus, while early puberty
Like their male counterparts, early-maturing girls are may predispose girls toward more frequent and earlier
also more likely to become involved in problem behavior, deviance, this predisposition may be realized only in an
including delinquency, drinking, and drug use; to have environment that permits the behavior—such as a school
school problems; and to experience early sexual inter- or out-of-school setting that places early-maturing girls
course (Boden, Fergusson, & Horwood, 2011; Negriff in close contact with older boys (Stattin, Kerr, & Skoog,
& Susman, 2011; Verhoef, van den Eijnden, Koning, & 2011). Similarly, among both boys and girls, the impact
Vollebergh, 2013) (see Figure 9). This is true in Europe of early maturation on problem behavior or depression
and the United States (Silbereisen et al., 1989) and is accentuated when adolescents have many stressful life
across ethnic groups within the United States (Baams et events, have harsh and inconsistent parents, or live in
al., 2015; Deardorff, Gonzales, Christopher, Roosa, & disadvantaged urban neighborhoods (Benoit, Lacourse,
Millsap, 2005). These problems appear to arise because & Claes, 2013; Deardorff et al., 2013; Obeidallah,
early-maturing girls, like early-maturing boys, are more Brennan, Brooks-Gunn, & Earls, 2004). This helps
likely to spend time unsupervised (Kretschmer et al., explain why the impact of early maturation on problem
2014), hanging out with older adolescents, especially behavior is relatively greater among minority adoles-
older adolescent boys, who initiate them into activities cents, who are more likely to live in poor communities
that might otherwise be delayed (Haynie, 2003; Negriff (Negriff & Susman, 2011), because early maturation

Percent of girls reporting smoking






#10 11 12 13 14 $15
Age at menarche

Figure 9 Early-maturing girls are more likely to use tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs than girls who mature on time
or late. (From Dick et al., 2000)
34 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

does not have especially adverse effects on Black girls Obesity

who don’t live in poor neighborhoods (Carter, Caldwell,
Matusko, Antoinucci, & Jackson, 2011; DeRose, Shiyko, Many adolescents, of course, have legitimate concerns
Foster, & Brooks-Gunn, 2011). about being overweight. The easiest way to determine
The earlier involvement of early-maturing girls in whether someone is overweight is to calculate his or
problem behavior may adversely affect their long-term her body mass index (BMI), which is done by divid-
educational achievement and mental health. In one study ing the person’s weight, measured in kilograms, by
of Swedish girls, the school problems of early-maturing the square of the person’s height, measured in meters.
girls persisted over time, leading to the development of Individuals are considered obese if their BMI is at or
negative attitudes toward school and lower educational above the 95th percentile for people of the same age
aspirations. In young adulthood, there were marked dif- and gender, at great risk for obesity if their BMI is at
ferences between early and late-maturing girls’ levels of or above the 90th percentile, and overweight if their
education; the late-maturing girls were twice as likely as BMI is at or above the 85th percentile (Zametkin, Zoon,
early-maturing girls to continue beyond the compulsory Klein, & Munson, 2004). (Charts showing the BMI cut-
minimum number of years of high school (Magnusson et offs for males and females of different ages can be found
al., 1986). In a different study, of American girls, research- at Using this definition,
ers found that women who had been early maturers more than one-sixth of adolescents in the United States
reported higher levels of psychological distress and were are obese (Ogden, Carroll, & Flegal, 2008), and another
more likely than others to have experienced a serious men- 15% are at great risk for obesity, a rate that increased
tal disorder at some point in adolescence or young adult- substantially between 1970 and 2000 but has since lev-
hood (Graber, Seeley, Brooks-Gunn, & Lewinsohn, 2004). eled off (Spruijt-Metz, 2011). Compared to their peers
in the mid-1960s, the average 15-year-old boy today is
15 pounds heavier, and the average 15-year-old girl is
making the cultural 10 pounds heavier—increases that are far greater than
could possibly be due to changes in height. Obesity is
connection now considered the single most serious public health
Consider the research on the psychological conse- problem afflicting American teenagers. Fortunately,
quences of early versus late maturation in males and there is some evidence that the situation may be getting
females. Most of this research has been done in the better; since 2001, rates of exercise among adolescents
United States. Are the effects of being early, on time, or have increased whereas consumption of sweets and sug-
late likely to be similar in different parts of the world? ary soft drinks has declined (Iannotti & Wang, 2013).
By some estimates, the adolescent obesity epidemic
will cost the United States more than $250 billion as
a result of obese individuals’ lost productivity and
Obesity and Eating Disorders direct medical costs in adulthood (Lightwood, Bibbins-
Although a variety of nutritional and behavioral factors Domingo, Coxson, Wang et al., 2009). The increase in
can lead to weight gain during adolescence, weight gain adolescent obesity has been especially dramatic among
sometimes results directly from the physical changes of Black females (H. Lee, Lee, Guo, & Harris, 2011). The
puberty. Not only does the ratio of body fat to muscle adolescent obesity epidemic is by no means limited to
increase markedly during puberty, but the body’s basal the United States, however, and has been documented
metabolism rate—the minimal amount of energy used in many other industrialized and developing nations
when resting—also drops about 15%. A person’s weight (Braithwaite et al., 2013) (see Figure 10).
is partly dependent on this rate.
Because adolescence is a time of dramatic change Correlates and Consequences of Obesity Current
in physical appearance, teenagers’ overall self-image research indicates that obesity is a result of the interplay
is very much tied to their body image. In light of the of genetic and environmental factors (Zametkin et al.,
tremendous emphasis that 2004). Recent neuroimaging studies find that individu-
basal metabolism rate contemporary society places als at risk for obesity show relatively greater activation
The minimal amount of energy on being thin, particularly for of the brain’s reward centers in general, heightened
used by the body during a females, the normal weight responses to images of food, and poorer impulse con-
resting state. gain and change in body trol (Batterink, Yokum, & Stice, 2010; Stice, Yokum,
body mass index (BMI) composition that accompany Burger, Epstein, & Small, 2011). Obesity is espe-
A measure of an individual’s puberty leads many ado- cially prevalent among poor youth and among Black,
body fat, the ratio of weight lescents, especially girls, to Latino, and Native American adolescents (Burdette &
to height; used to gauge over-
weight and obesity.
become extremely concerned Needham, 2012; Huh, Stice, Shaw, & Boutelle, 2012;
about their weight. Miech et al., 2006; K. A. T. Wickrama, Wickrama, & CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 35

Cote d’Ivoire Mexico

Morocco New Zealand
Colombia Cote d’Ivoire
Iran Ecuador
Estonia Bolivia
Ecuador Chile
Fiji USA
Chile Fiji
Republic of Macedonia Portugal
South Africa Canada
Brazil Taiwan
Peru Sultanate of Oman (Omain)
Finland Uruguay
USA Peru
Uruguay Republic of Macedonia
Argentina Spain
Nigeria South Africa
Syrian Arab Republic Finland
Bolivia India
Portugal Syrian Arab Republic
Belgium Iran
New Zealand Singapore
Japan Brazil
Canada South Korea
Hungary Hungary
Spain Hong Kong
Mexico Argentina
Hong Kong Colombia
Poland China
Singapore Morocco
South Korea Estonia
Indonesia Poland
Sultanate of Oman (Omain) Belgium
Lithuania Japan
Taiwan Lithuania
India Indonesia
China Nigeria
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
32,5 Hours 51 Hours Overweight Obese

Figure 10 The adolescent obesity epidemic is by no means limited to the United States. Television viewing is likely
to be a contributor (Braithwaite et al., 2013). This figure shows the proportions of teens who watch either few or many hours of television
each day (left) and the proportions who are overweight or obese (right).

Bryant, 2006). There is also worrisome evidence that, Flanders, Ward, & Jemal, 2011). The good news is that
with each successive generation born in the United the long-term health consequences of adolescent obe-
States, Latino youth show increasingly poorer nutrition sity disappear among individuals who are not obese as
(M. L. Allen et al., 2007). adults (Juonala, Magnussen, & Berenson, 2011). Other
Research on the psychological consequences of benefits of increasing one’s physical activity in adoles-
obesity has not led to consistent conclusions, in part cence include improved academic performance (Bezold
because the psychological correlates of being over- et al., 2014; Srikanth, Petrie, Greenleaf, & Martin,
weight vary across ethnic groups, with more adverse 2014) and diminished risk for depression (McPhie &
correlates seen among White and Hispanic than Black Rawana, 2015).
adolescents (BeLue, Francis, & Colaco, 2009; Leech & Genetic factors are important contributors to obesity,
Dias, 2012). While some studies show higher levels of but the condition also has strong environmental causes.
psychological distress among obese individuals (such as Although rates of obesity may differ from country to
depression and low self-esteem), many studies show no country, the factors that contribute to obesity are similar
such effect, and some research indicates that depression in different parts of the world (Bratihwaite et al., 2013).
leads to obesity, rather than vice versa (Zametkin et al., Too many adolescents eat too much high-calorie, low-
2004). In addition, the long-term psychological conse- fiber food (drinking far too many sugary soft drinks and
quences of obesity in adolescence appear to be greater consuming too much junk food), and too few are physi-
for females than males, perhaps because overweight cally active, spending excessive amounts of time with
girls are teased more than overweight boys (Lampard, television, video games, and electronic media, and not
MacLehose, Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztainer, & Davison, enough time exercising or playing sports (Braithwaite et
2014). This harassment, like other forms of bullying, can al., 2013). There is a pronounced increase in sedentary
disrupt adolescents’ academic performance and attain- behavior between childhood and adolescence (Nader,
ment (Crosnoe, 2007; Echeverria, Velez-Valle, Janevic, Bradley, Houts, McRitchie, & O’Brien, 2008; Ortega et
& Prytowsky, 2014). Additionally, because nearly 80% al., 2013). In one recent study of American adolescents,
of obese adolescents will be obese adults, obesity dur- only one-fourth reported a lifestyle characterized by high
ing adolescence places the individual at much higher levels of physical activity and diets high in fruits and
risk for other health problems, including hypertension vegetables; another quarter reported lots of time watch-
(high blood pressure), high cholesterol levels, diabetes, ing TV or on the computer, and diets high in sweets, soft
and premature death (Institute of Medicine, 2006; Ma, drinks, and chips; and the remaining half fell somewhere
36 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

in between these extremes (Iannotti & Wang, 2013). In combination of behavior modification and weight loss
addition, as noted earlier, inadequate sleep also contrib- medication is more effective than either component
utes to weight gain, and there has been an increase in the by itself (Kirschenbaum & Gierut, 2013). Although
proportion of adolescents who are sleep-deprived. The some weight-loss programs have been shown to work,
combination of poor nutrition, insufficient exercise, and there is wide variability in success rates, depending on
inadequate sleep is a recipe for obesity (Spruijt-Metz, the nature of the program (Sarwer & Dilks, 2012; Stice,
2011). And because adolescents tend to affiliate with Shaw, & Marti, 2006). One thing is certain, though:
peers who share their tastes and interests (including, lit- Radical approaches to weight control—fad diets and the
erally, tastes in food), obese teenagers are relatively more like—actually increase, rather than decrease, obesity
likely to have obese friends, which may reinforce bad (Neumark-Sztainer, Wall, Story, & Standish, 2012; Stice,
behavioral habits (de la Haye, Robins, Mohr, & Wilson, Presnell, Shaw, & Rohde, 2005; Zhang et al., 2011a).
2013; Simpkins, Schaefer, Price, & Vest, 2013). One
recent study found that attending a high school where
a large proportion of juniors and seniors were obese Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia,
significantly increased the likelihood that the freshmen and Binge Eating Disorder
and sophomores would be obese, too (Leatherdale &
Papadakis, 2011). Finally, numerous studies have shown Health care professionals are concerned not only about
that exposure to adversity early in life is associated with adolescents who are obese but also about adolescents
obesity in adolescence, perhaps because stress exposure who have unhealthy attitudes toward eating and toward
can undermine the subsequent development of self con- their body image. Only about one-fourth of American
trol (Bae, Wickrama, & O’Neal, 2014; Hanson et al., adolescents are highly satisfied with their body (A. Kelly,
2013; Lumeng et al., 2013). Wall, Eisenberg, Story, & Neumark-Sztainer, 2005).
Egged on by advertisers, who promote the idea that
Preventing and Treating Obesity Much recent “thin is beautiful,” many adolescents respond to normal
attention has focused on the availability of unhealthy bodily changes at puberty by dieting, often unnecessar-
foods and beverages in and near American schools (Hoyt ily. More than half of all adolescent girls consider them-
et al., 2014). Manufacturers of high-calorie and high-fat selves overweight and have attempted to diet (M. Fisher
foods have been criticized for marketing these products et al., 1995). One study found that 14% of female college
to younger children, because food preferences are known undergraduates were so concerned about eating that they
to develop largely during early childhood (Institute of were embarrassed at buying a chocolate bar in public
Medicine, 2006). Of course, although schools and adver- (Rozin, Bauer, & Catanese, 2003)! Gender differences in
tisers undoubtedly influence what children and ado- concerns about weight emerge long before adolescence
lescents eat and drink, the bulk of what children and (Phares, Steinberg, & Thompson, 2004).
adolescents put into their mouths comes from their own
homes. Obesity is less likely to develop among adoles- Disordered Eating Experts today think about dis-
cents who have good relationships with their parents, ordered eating on a continuum, ranging from dieting
probably because they are more likely to share family that may be perfectly sensible and healthy, to disordered
meals where healthy food is served (Berge, Wall, Loth, eating that is unhealthy but not at a level requiring
& Neumark-Sztainer, 2010; Hammons & Fiese, 2011). treatment, to full-blown clinical disorders (Tyrka,
In addition, the availability of parks and recreational Graber, & Brooks-Gunn, 2000). Disordered eating is
facilities is linked to lower rates of obesity, as is paren- associated with a range of stress-related psychological
tal encouragement of exercise (Nesbit, Kolobe, Sisson, problems, including poor body image, depression, alco-
& Ghement, 2014; Spruijt-Metz, 2011). Taken together, hol and tobacco use, and poor interpersonal relationships
these studies indicate that preventing obesity will require (Eichen, Conner, Daly, & Fauber, 2012; Neumark-
multifaceted efforts involving parents, the mass media, Sztainer, Story, Dixon, & Murray, 1998). It is not clear,
food and beverage manufacturers, restaurants, schools, however, whether these problems precede or follow
and communities. from the eating disorder (Leon, Fulkerson, Perry, Keel,
Research has also evaluated a variety of approaches & Klump, 1999).
to individual weight loss, including behavioral therapy Studies of magazines aimed at women and adoles-
designed to gradually alter patterns of diet and exer- cent girls reveal clear and consistent messages imply-
cise and medications designed to promote weight ing that women cannot be beautiful without being slim
loss. Adolescents can be and promoting a range of weight loss products (Davison
disordered eating taught to successfully regu- & McCabe, 2011). Between 1970 and 1990, moreover,
Mild, moderate, or severe dis- late their cravings for food images presented in these magazines’ advertisements
turbance in eating habits and
(Silvers et al., 2014). Several changed, with the “ideal” body shape becoming slimmer
evaluations indicate that the and less curvaceous (Guillen & Barr, 1994). Exposure CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 37

to commercials containing images of females with ide- 2003; Ricciardelli & McCabe,
anorexia nervosa
alized thin bodies increases girls’ dissatisfaction with 2004). Unlike anorexia and An eating disorder found
their own bodies (Rodgers, McLean, & Paxton, 2015). bulimia, binge eating disorder chiefly among young women,
Interestingly, among Hispanic girls in the United States, is only slightly more prevalent characterized by dramatic and
those who are more Americanized are significantly among females than males, severe self-induced weight loss.
more likely to develop disordered eating than those which suggests that it may bulimia
who are less acculturated (Gowen, Hayward, Killen, have an entirely different eti- An eating disorder found pri-
Robinson, & Taylor, 1999). Girls whose mothers have ology. Although it is widely marily among young women,
characterized by a pattern
body image problems are especially likely to engage believed that eating disorders
of binge eating and extreme
in extreme weight loss behaviors (Ogle & Damhorst, are especially common among weight loss measures, includ-
2003), as are those who report more negative relation- affluent, suburban, White, and ing self-induced vomiting.
ships with their parents (Archibald, Graber, & Brooks- Asian American girls, system-
binge eating disorder
Gunn, 1999). atic studies do not support this An eating disorder character-
Some young women become so concerned about contention. Disordered eating ized by a pattern of binge eat-
gaining weight that they take drastic—and dangerous— and body dissatisfaction have ing that is not accompanied by
measures to remain thin. In the more severe cases, been reported among poor as drastic attempts to lose weight.
young women who suffer from an eating disorder called well as affluent teenagers and
anorexia nervosa actually starve themselves in an effort among Black and Hispanic as
to keep their weight down. Others go on eating binges well as Asian and White youngsters (Jacobi et al., 2004;
and then force themselves to vomit or take laxatives to Lee et al., 2013; Olvera et al., 2014).
avoid gaining weight, a pattern associated with an eating
disorder called bulimia. Adolescents with these sorts Body Dissatisfaction Although the incidence of
of eating disorders have an extremely disturbed body anorexia and bulimia is small, the proportion of adoles-
image: They see themselves as overweight when they cents who are unhappy with their body shape or weight is
are actually underweight. Some anorexic youngsters not. In one study, more than a third of girls whose weight
may lose between 25% and 50% of their body weight.
As you might expect, bulimia and anorexia, if untreated,
lead to a variety of serious physical problems. Nearly
20% of anorexic teenagers inadvertently starve them-
selves to death.
A newly identified disorder, called binge eating
disorder, has recently been recognized by clinicians
(Stice, Shaw, & Ochner, 2011). Individuals with this dis-
order binge eat and feel distressed about doing so, but do
not try to compensate for their binges through extreme
weight loss measures. As a consequence, individuals
with binge eating disorder are at high risk for obesity.
Because this disorder has only been defined recently,
there is very little research on its causes, correlates, or
Anorexia and bulimia each began to receive a great
deal of popular attention during the 1980s because of
their dramatic nature and their frequent association
in the mass media with celebrities. Perhaps because of
this attention, initial reports characterized these eating
disorders as being of epidemic proportion. Although
unhealthy eating and unnecessary dieting are prevalent
among teenagers, the incidence of clinically defined
anorexia and bulimia is small. Fewer than 1% of female
adolescents are anorexic, and only about 3% are bulimic
(Stice & Rohde, 2013). Rates among females are sub-
stantially higher than among males—anorexia and
bulimia are 10 times more prevalent among adoles-
cent girls than boys (Stice et al., 2011), although the
female-to-male ratio is substantially smaller for less Body dissatisfaction during adolescence can lead to disordered
severe forms of these disorders (Muise, Stein, & Arbess, eating. © Preappy/Getty Images RF
38 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

was considered normal by medical and health standards ethnicity, each 1-point increase in a young woman’s
believed that they were overweight—including 5% who BMI (an index of the degree to which she is overweight)
actually were underweight by medical criteria. (In con- was associated with a 6% decrease in the probability
trast, fewer than 7% of normal-weight boys and no under- of her being in a romantic relationship (Halpern, King,
weight boys described themselves as being overweight.) Oslak, & Udry, 2005). In that study, a 5-foot 3-inch girl
More than 70% of the girls reported that they would like who weighed 110 pounds was twice as likely to date as
to be thinner than they are (as opposed to one-third of the a girl of the same height and level of pubertal maturity
boys), and more than 80% said that being thinner would who weighed 126 pounds.
make them happier, more successful, and more popular Fewer studies have examined body dissatisfaction
(Paxton et al., 1991). Dissatisfaction with body shape among adolescent boys, although it is clear that there is
and weight is likely to lead to the development of eating an idealized, muscular, male body type that many boys
problems (Boone, Soenens, & Luyten, 2014; Francisco aspire to. As is the case with girls, boys who do not fit
et al., 2015), depression (Stice & Bearman, 2001; Stice, this image report more body dissatisfaction, but the rela-
Hayward, Cameron, Killen, & Taylor, 2000), and the tion between appearance and body dissatisfaction among
initiation of smoking (Austin & Gortmaker, 2001; males is somewhat more complicated than it is among
Fulkerson & French, 2003; Stice & Shaw, 2003). More females. Whereas being heavy is the main source of dis-
than half of high school girls have engaged in some form satisfaction among girls, being heavy or being thin are
of unhealthy behavior (e.g., fasting, smoking, vomit- both sources of dissatisfaction among boys (Calzo et al.,
ing after eating, using diet pills) in order to lose weight 2012) (see Figure 11). In fact, boys are more likely to be
(Croll, Neumark-Sztainer, Story, & Ireland, 2002), teased for being underweight (and underdeveloped) than
although there is evidence that this practice has waned for being overweight. As is the case among girls, being
somewhat in recent years (Park, Scott, Adams, Brindis, & teased by peers about one’s body is a significant source
Irwin, 2014). of distress for boys (Lawler & Nixon, 2011).
Unfortunately, many girls gain weight during
puberty, and for early adolescent girls, being over- Prevalence and Causes of Anorexia and Bulimia
weight is highly correlated with being seen as unat- Historical and cross-cultural trends in the prevalence
tractive by others (Rosenblum & Lewis, 1999). Despite of anorexia and bulimia point to important differences
adults’ wishes that girls not place so much emphasis on between the two disorders (Keel & Klump, 2003).
being thin, research indicates that the widespread belief Whereas anorexia has been observed all over the world,
among adolescent girls that being slim will increase bulimia has been reported almost exclusively in Western
their popularity, especially with boys, is in fact based in cultures or in cultures exposed to strong Western influ-
reality (Halpern, Udry, Campbell, & Suchindran, 1999). ences. And whereas anorexia has increased in prevalence
That is, the pressure girls feel to be thin in order to steadily over time, the prevalence of bulimia increased
attract boys does not just come from television, movies, significantly between 1970 and 1990 but has declined
and magazines—it comes from their actual experience. somewhat since then, paralleling trends in females’
Indeed, one analysis found that, regardless of a girl’s reported body dissatisfaction, which also peaked in the

100 Figure 11 Body dis-

satisfaction by BMI
90 classification for girls
80 and boys. (Lawler &
Nixon, 2011)
Percent of adolescents

Underweight Underweight Average weight Average weight Overweight Overweight
girls boys girls boys girls boys
Want to be bigger Body satisfied Want to be smaller CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 39

early 1990s (despite the fact that individuals’ BMI con- of depression (M. Eisenberg, Neumark-Sztainer, Haines,
tinued to increase) (Cash, Morrow, Hrabosky, & Perry, & Wall, 2006; Haines, Neumark-Sztainer, Eisenberg, &
2004). This suggests that bulimia is a much more cul- Hannan, 2006).
turally determined disorder than is anorexia. Consistent Just because cultural conditions contribute to the
with this, the degree to which anorexia is an inherited development of disordered eating doesn’t mean that
disorder is far more comparable from one culture to individual characteristics do not play a role as well.
another than is the case for bulimia. Cultural conditions may predispose females more than
Today, experts view eating disorders as part of a males toward anorexia and bulimia, and girls and young
more general syndrome of psychological distress. Many women who have certain genetic vulnerabilities (eating
studies have found links between eating disorders and disorders are partly heritable), psychological traits (such
other serious mental health problems, such as depres- as proneness to depression or low self-esteem), physi-
sion, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or substance abuse; cal characteristics (such as early pubertal maturation),
many adolescents with eating disorders display such familial characteristics (such as strained relations with
psychological problems (Ferreiro, Seoane, & Senra, parents), or social concerns (such as a strong interest in
2014; Granillo, Grogan-Kaylor, Delva, & Castillo, 2011; dating) may be more likely to develop problems (e.g.,
Rodgers, Paxton, & McLean, 2013); and depression Cauffman & Steinberg, 1996; S. Frank & Jackson, 1996;
sometimes precedes the development of an eating disor- Ricciardelli & McCabe, 2001). The onset of eating
der, rather than the reverse (Ferreiro, Wichstrøm, Seoane, disorders, like so many aspects of adolescent devel-
& Senra, 2014). These studies suggest that anorexia and opment, is likely the product of a complex interaction
bulimia may be best understood as particular mani- between individual and contextual factors.
festations of a more general underlying psychological Less is known about the causes and consequences
problem—called “internalized distress”—that can be of body dissatisfaction among adolescent males than
displayed in a variety of ways (Allen, Byrne, Oddy, & among females, but many contemporary adolescent boys
Crosby, 2013). In support of this view, some evidence feel pressure to be especially muscular, and some engage
suggests that the same medications that are successful in unhealthy behaviors, such as anabolic steroid use, in
in treating depression and obsessive-compulsive disor- order to develop an appearance that is more similar to
der are useful in treating bulimia (but, interestingly, not the idealized male body type (Ricciardelli & McCabe,
anorexia) (B. Walsh et al., 2006). 2004). Moreover, body dissatisfaction is predictive of
Given that anorexia and bulimia are 10 times more dieting, unhealthy weight control behaviors, and binge
common in females than males, broader social forces eating among males as well as females, regardless of
are probably a main factor in the development of these whether they are actually overweight (Crow, Eisenberg,
eating disorders (Keel & Klump, 2003). Research indi- Story, & Neumark-Sztainer, 2006; Neumark-Sztainer,
cates that girls who are early maturers and early dat- Paxton, Hannan, Haines, & Story, 2006). Recent studies
ers are likely to report greater dissatisfaction with of male adolescents in China have found similar patterns
their body and to be at greater risk for disordered eat- (Jackson & Chen, 2014).
ing (Cauffman & Steinberg, 1996; Smolak, Levine, & A variety of therapeutic approaches have been emp-
Gralen, 1993; Swarr & Richards, 1996); that girls who loyed successfully in the treatment of anorexia and buli-
perceive that they are under pressure to be thin or who mia, including individual psychotherapy and cognitive
have accepted thinness as an ideal toward which to strive behavioral therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and
are more susceptible to eating disorders (Francisco et antidepressant medications (Stice et al., 2011). The
al., 2015; Sonneville et al., 2015); and that girls who treatment of anorexia often requires hospitalization ini-
turn to popular magazines for information about dieting tially in order to ensure that starvation does not progress
and appearance are more likely to have a high drive for to fatal or near-fatal levels. The treatment of bulimia,
thinness, low body satisfaction, and disturbed patterns especially with cognitive behavioral therapy, has proven
of eating (D. C. Jones, Vigfusdottir, & Lee, 2004; M. far more successful than the treatment of anorexia.
Levine, Smolack, & Hayden, 1994).
Adolescents’ beliefs about ideal body types are also
shaped by the people they spend time with. Girls’ atti-
tudes toward eating and dieting are influenced by the making the practical
attitudes of their parents (especially their mothers) connection
and friends (Eisenberg, & Neumark-Sztainer, 2010; What might be done to counter the impact of cultural
Hutchinson, Rapee, & Taylor, 2010; E. R. Mackey & pressures that encourage the development of eating dis-
La Greca, 2008; Neumark-Sztainer, Bauer, Friend, orders among young women? Is the spread of Western
Hannan, Story, & Berge, 2010; Salafia & Gondoli, media around the world likely to contribute to rising rates
2011). Being teased about one’s weight is especially of eating disorders in other countries?
likely to lead to disordered eating, as well as symptoms
40 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

been offset by what some scientists call the “new mor-

Physical Health and Health bidity and mortality” of adolescence. Contributors to this
Care in Adolescence new morbidity and mortality include accidents (espe-
Although puberty is undoubtedly the most important cially automobile accidents), suicide, homicide, sub-
biological development of adolescence, concerns about stance abuse (including tobacco and alcohol use), and
the physical health and well-being of young people are sexually transmitted diseases (including AIDS).
far broader than those involving sexual maturation. In the Although some progress in reducing the rates of
past two decades, the field of adolescent health care has chronic illness and behavioral health problems among
grown rapidly, as health educators and practitioners have adolescents was made during the late 1990s, the situa-
come to better understand that the many of the health tion has improved very little since then. Motor vehicle
care needs of adolescents differ from those of children deaths, the use of diet pills, and smoking have continued
and adults (P. Williams, Holmbeck, & Greenley, 2002). to decline, but rates of homicide, suicide, binge drink-
ing, depression, and risky sex have not changed in the
past two decades. Health among people in their early
20s is even worse than it is among adolescents (Park
The Paradox of Adolescent Health et al., 2014). Unfortunately, recent reviews of the effec-
Adolescence is a paradox as far as physical health is tiveness of educational programs designed to reduce
concerned. On the one hand, it is one of the healthiest adolescents’ health risk behaviors have not been encour-
periods in the life span, characterized by a relatively aging (Hale, Fotzgerald-Yau, & Viner, 2014). Some
low incidence of disabling or chronic illnesses (such experts have called for a complete rethinking about
as asthma or cancer), fewer short-term hospital stays, how to reduce adolescent risk taking, by focusing on
and fewer days in which individuals stay home sick. changing the contexts in which adolescents live, rather
Nonetheless, in the United States, nearly 1 in 15 adoles- than trying to change adolescents’ attitudes of beliefs
cents has at least one disabling chronic illness, with the (Steinberg, 2016).
main causes of disability being mental disorders such
as depression, respiratory illnesses such as asthma, and
muscular and skeletal disorders such as arthritis (Ozer
Causes of Mortality in Adolescence
& Irwin, 2009). Fortunately, in the past 50 years, rates The contrast between the old and new mortalities of ado-
of death and disability resulting from illness and disease lescence is readily apparent. Fifty years ago, illness and
during adolescence have decreased substantially, and disease accounted for more than twice as many deaths
new medical technologies and better health care delivery among teenagers as violence or injury, but the reverse is
have improved the physical well-being of children, espe- true today. Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of
cially those with chronic illnesses and disabling medical death worldwide, followed by AIDS, infectious disease,
conditions (Quittner, Romero, Kimberg, Blackwell, & homicide, and suicide, in that order (Blum & Nelson-
Cruz, 2011). Adolescents are far less likely than indi- Mmari, 2004). Approximately 45% of all teenage deaths
viduals of any other age to seek and receive medical care in the United States result from car accidents and other
through traditional office visits to practitioners, how- unintentional injuries, and another 27% are a result of
ever, and there are large socioeconomic and ethnic dis- homicide or suicide (Ozer & Irwin, 2009). Adolescents
parities in adolescents’ access to health care, with poor are involved in more driving accidents than adults, pri-
and ethnic minority youth far less likely to have adequate marily because they are less experienced behind the
health insurance and access to health care than affluent wheel (at any age, new drivers are more likely to have
or White youths (Ozer & Irwin, 2009). accidents than seasoned drivers), but also because
Still, the most virulent threat to adolescent health they are more likely to take chances while driving
comes not from disease or illness but from unhealthy (Cvijanovich, Cook, Mann, & Dean, 2001; Dee & Evans,
behaviors (such as drug use), 2001; Harré, 2000). Two of the most important contribu-
violence (both self-inflicted tors to serious car accidents involving teenage drivers are
adolescent health care
A field of study and health care and inflicted by others), and driving at night and driving with other teenagers in the
devoted to understanding the risky activity (such as unpro- car (Simons-Morton, Hartos, Leaf, & Preusser, 2005).
health care needs of individu- tected sexual intercourse or This finding has led many states to implement gradu-
als during the second decade reckless driving) (P. Williams et ated driver licensing programs, which place restrictions
of life.
al., 2002). In some senses, then, on when and with whom teenagers can drive until they
graduated driver licensing many of the improvements in have gained sufficient experience; these programs have
A licensing system in which full preventing and treating the tra- reduced automobile fatalities (Simons-Morton, 2011).
adult driving privileges are not
ditional medical problems of Unlike some other periods of the life span (such as
granted all at once to teen driv-
ers, but phased in over time. the period—those having to do infancy or old age), when we are more vulnerable to dis-
with chronic illnesses—have ease and illness, in adolescence most health problems CHAPTER 1 Biological Transitions 41

are preventable. Moreover, patterns of diet, drug use, adolescents who are poor or from ethnic minority
and exercise established during adolescence persist into groups, because these youngsters are at greater risk
adulthood (P. Williams et al., 2002). As a result of this for many of the old and new morbidities and mortali-
recognition, the focus in the field of adolescent health ties of adolescence (Ozer & Irwin, 2009). Non-White
has shifted away from traditional medical models (in youngsters, for example, are relatively more likely than
which the emphasis is on the assessment, diagnosis, White youngsters to suffer from a chronic illness (Ozer
and treatment of disease) and toward more community- & Irwin, 2009), to be obese or to have high blood pres-
oriented approaches (in which the emphasis is on the sure or high cholesterol levels (National Heart, Lung,
prevention of illness and injury and the promotion of and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study Research
good health) (National Research Council and Institute of Group, 1992), to be physically inactive (Wolf et al.,
Medicine, 2009). 1993), to be victims of violent crimes (Earls, Cairns, &
Mercy, 1993), to contract AIDS (Sells & Blum, 1996),
to die from drowning (Warneke & Cooper, 1994), and to
Promoting Adolescent Health be murdered (Sorenson, Richardson, & Peterson, 1993).
As many experts point out, health behavior is influ- Homicide is the leading cause of death for Black ado-
enced by a number of factors, of which knowledge is lescents, accounting for almost half of all deaths among
only one component (e.g., H. Leventhal & Keeshan, Black youth. American Indian/Alaska Native males
1993). Changes in the context in which adolescents live have a suicide rate higher than that of any other racial/
(such as the accessibility of handguns or the availability ethnic group. Yet, despite their generally poorer health,
of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs) must accompany minority youngsters are less likely to have access to
changes in adolescents’ knowledge and understanding if sources of medical care, less likely to visit the doctor
lasting health promotion is to be accomplished (Nation when ill, and less likely to have health insurance (Ozer
et al., 2003). For example, investigations of the impact & Irwin, 2009).
of changing one element of the broader context of ado- The combination of poor health and limited access
lescent health—the legal drinking age—have found that to health care is even more concentrated among the
raising the age led to a significant decline in accidental sizable proportion of adolescents who live in poverty,
death rates among young automobile drivers and pedes- a disproportionate number of whom are from ethnic
trians, as well as in the rates of unintentional injuries minority backgrounds (Yoshikawa, Aber, & Beardslee,
not involving cars and homicides (Institute of Medicine, 2012). There is now convincing evidence that the links
2015). Similarly, the single most effective policy for between health and socioeconomic status are strong and
reducing teen smoking has been raising the price of cig- pervasive across different sorts of health problems, with
arettes (Gruber & Zinman, 2001), and the prevalence of physical and mental health problems increasing linearly
adolescent smoking is a direct function of the number of as one moves down the socioeconomic ladder (Keating
retail outlets selling tobacco in their immediate neigh- & Hertzman, 2000). Because increases in the size of
borhood (Novak, Reardon, Raudenbush, & Buka, 2006). the adolescent population over the next several decades
Experts believe that one way to further diminish rates worldwide will be concentrated among poor and minor-
of adolescent smoking would be to raise the minimum ity youth (Fussell & Greene, 2002), the most daunting
legal purchase age for tobacco to 21, so that cigarettes challenge facing health care providers and policymakers
would be kept out of the social networks of high school will be finding ways of minimizing or even eliminating
students (Institute of Medicine, 2015). the socioeconomic and ethnic disparities in health and
Improving the health of young people is an espe- health care that currently exist around the world (Ozer
cially important concern among those working with & Irwin, 2009).
Changes in Cognition
Cognitive Transitions

Adolescent Thinking in Context

Thinking About Possibilities Social Cognition in Adolescence
Thinking About Abstract Concepts Adolescent Risk Taking
Thinking About Thinking
Thinking in Multiple Dimensions
Adolescent Relativism
Theoretical Perspectives on
Adolescent Thinking
The Piagetian View of Adolescent Thinking
The Information-Processing View of
Adolescent Thinking
The Adolescent Brain
How Your Brain Works
The Age of Opportunity
What Changes in Adolescence?
Implications for Adolescent Behavior
Individual Differences in Intelligence
in Adolescence
The Measurement of IQ

Types of Intelligence
Culture and Intelligence

42 CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 43

Changes in cognition, or thinking, represent the During the last two decades, scientists have made tremen-
second of three fundamental changes that occur during dous gains in understanding brain maturation during adoles-
adolescence—in addition to puberty and the transition cence through the use of imaging techniques that permit us to
into new social roles. Like developments in the other look inside the adolescent brain, just as an X-ray permits physi-
two domains, the cognitive transitions of adolescence cians to look directly at bones. We now have a good idea of
have far-reaching implications for the young person’s how the brain changes during the adolescent years and the
psychological development and social relations. Indeed, implications of these changes for behavioral, emotional, and,
the expansion of thought during adolescence repre- of course, cognitive development. Later in this chapter, we’ll
sents as significant an event and as important an influ- look at brain maturation in adolescence in detail. But let’s begin
ence on the adolescent’s development and behavior as by simply describing how adolescents think and, more impor-
puberty. tantly, how their thinking differs from that of children and adults.

you simply are who you are. In adolescence, who you

Changes in Cognition are is just one possibility of who you could be.
Most people would agree that adolescents are “smarter” This does not mean that children are incapable of
than children. Teenagers clearly know more than children— imagination or fantasy. Nor does it mean that children
after all, the longer we live, the more opportunities we have are unable to conceive of things being different from
to acquire new information. But adolescents also think in what they observe. But adolescents are able to move
ways that are more advanced, more efficient, and generally easily between the specific and the abstract, to generate
more effective than children (Keating, 2011; Kuhn, 2009). alternative possibilities and explanations systematically,
Compared to children: and to compare what they actually observe with what
they believe is possible.
∙ Adolescents are better at thinking about what is pos-
The adolescent’s ability to reason systematically in
sible, instead of limiting their thought to what is real.
terms of what is possible comes in handy when learn-
∙ Adolescents are better at thinking about abstract things. ing math and science. The study of mathematics in junior
∙ Adolescents think more often about the process of and senior high school (algebra, geometry, and trigonom-
thinking itself. etry) often requires that you begin with an abstract or the-
∙ Adolescents’ thinking is more often multidimen- oretical formulation—for example, “the square of a right
sional, rather than limited to a single issue. triangle’s hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares
∙ Adolescents are more likely to see things as relative, of the other two sides” (the Pythagorean theorem). This
rather than as absolute.
Let’s look at each of these advantages—and some of
their implications for adolescents’ behavior—in greater

Thinking About Possibilities

Children’s thinking is oriented to the here and now—to
things and events that they can observe directly. But ado-
lescents are able to consider what they observe against
a backdrop of what is possible. Put another way, for the
child, what is possible is what is real; for the adolescent,
what is real is just a subset of what is possible. This
allows adolescents to think “counterfactually”—to think
not only about how things actually are, but to think about
what might have been (Beck & Riggs, 2014).
Consider how individuals think about themselves.
Children don’t wonder, the way adolescents often do,
Although many parents believe that their children become more
about how their personalities might change in the future, argumentative during adolescence, what is more likely going on
or how they might have been different had they grown is that the cognitive changes of the period enable them to be
up under different circumstances. When you are a child, better arguers. © Tetra Images/Getty Images RF
44 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

theorem is a proposition about all possible right tri- knowledge about hockey or about Kim is necessary to
angles, not just triangles that you might actually reach the correct answer. Deductive reasoning is seldom
observe. In mathematics, you learn how to apply these used before adolescence, and its development is one of
theorems to concrete examples (that is, real triangles). the major intellectual accomplishments of the period
Scientific experimentation also involves the ability (Morris & Sloutsky, 2001).
to generate possibilities systematically. In a chemis- Adolescents are also better able than children to rec-
try experiment in which you are trying to identify an ognize when a logical problem does not provide suf-
unknown substance by performing various tests, you ficient information and to respond by saying that the
must first be able to imagine alternative possibilities question can’t be answered with any certainty. Suppose
for the substance’s identity in order to know what tests we were to change the problem to this:
to conduct. All hockey players wear mouth guards.
The adolescent’s use of this sort of thinking is not
Kim is wearing a mouth guard.
limited to scientific problem solving. We see it in the
types of arguments adolescents employ, in which they Is Kim a hockey player?
are better able than children to envision and anticipate If you answer this type of question quickly, without
the possible responses of an opponent and to have one thinking it through, you might say that Kim is indeed a
or more counterarguments handy. Many parents believe hockey player. But, in fact, this isn’t necessarily the case.
that their children become more argumentative during Whereas children are easily fooled by such problems, ado-
adolescence. What probably happens, though, is that lescents are more likely to say that there is no way of know-
their children become better arguers (Steinberg, 2011). ing whether Kim plays hockey, because we are not told that
Adolescents don’t accept other people’s points of view the only people who wear mouth guards are hockey players.
unquestioningly—including their parents’ viewpoints. One reason for their superior performance on these
They evaluate them against other theoretically possible sorts of problems is that adolescents are better able to
beliefs. This improvement in the adolescent’s intel- catch themselves before they incorrectly answer the
lectual ability likely contributes to the bickering and question and pause a moment before responding (Daniel
squabbling that often occur between teenagers and their & Klaczynski, 2006). As you will read later in this
parents (Smetana, 1989). chapter, the ability to stop yourself before acting auto-
matically (and perhaps incorrectly) is controlled by a
region of the brain that has been shown to mature dur-
making the practical ing adolescence (Casey & Caudle, 2013; Luna, Paulsen,
connection Padmanabhan, & Geier, 2013).
In what ways did your high school classes take advan-
Hypothetical Thinking Related to the development of
tage of the advanced thinking abilities that develop in
deductive reasoning is the emergence of hypothetical, or
adolescence? In what ways were opportunities to do
“if-then,” thinking. In order to think hypothetically, you
this missed? What might teachers do to stimulate more
need to see beyond what is directly observable and apply
advanced thinking?
logical reasoning to anticipate what might be possible.
Being able to plan ahead, to see the future consequences
of an action, and to provide alternative explanations of
Deductive Reasoning One manifestation of the
events all require being able to think hypothetically.
adolescent’s increased facility with thinking about pos-
Thinking hypothetically also permits us to sus-
sibilities is the development of deductive reasoning.
pend our beliefs about something in order to argue in
Deductive reasoning is a type of logical reasoning in
the abstract. Being capable of assuming a hypothetical
which you draw logically necessary conclusions from a
stance is important when it comes to debating, because
general set of premises, or givens. Consider the follow-
doing so permits us to understand the logic behind
ing problem:
another person’s argument without necessarily agreeing
All hockey players wear mouth guards. with it. Playing devil’s advocate, for example—when
Kim is a hockey player. you formulate a position contrary to what you really
believe in order to challenge someone else’s reasoning—
Does Kim wear a mouth guard?
requires hypothetical thinking.
deductive reasoning Individuals who reason Hypothetical thinking also has implications for the
A type of logical reasoning deductively understand that adolescent’s social behavior. Taking the perspective
in which one draws logically the correct conclusion (Kim of others enables the adolescent to think through what
necessary conclusions from wears a mouth guard) neces- someone else might be thinking or feeling (“If I were in
a general set of premises, or
sarily follows from the first her situation, I would feel pretty angry”). This helps in
two statements. No additional formulating and arguing a viewpoint, because it allows CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 45

adolescents to think a step ahead of the opposition—a control over their mental activ-
cognitive tool that comes in handy when dealing with ity. Adolescents and adults are The process of thinking about
parents (“If they come back with ‘You have to stay home much more likely than children thinking itself.
and clean up the garage,’ then I’ll remind them about the to understand that it is impos-
imaginary audience
time they let my sister go out when she had chores to sible to go for a long period of The belief, often brought
do”). And hypothetical thinking plays an important role time without thinking about on by the heightened self-
in decision making, because it permits one to plan ahead anything, that we often have consciousness of early adoles-
and foresee the consequences of choosing one alterna- thoughts that we don’t want to cence, that everyone is watching
and evaluating one’s behavior.
tive over another (“If I go out for the soccer team, then I have, and that the unwanted
am going to have to give up my part-time job”). thoughts we try to get rid of personal fable
often return (Flavell, Green, & An adolescent’s belief that he
or she is unique and therefore
Flavell, 1998).
not subject to the rules that
Thinking About Abstract Concepts Another interesting way in govern other people’s behavior.
which thinking about think-
The appearance of more systematic, abstract thinking is
ing becomes more apparent
a second notable aspect of cognitive development during
during adolescence is in increased introspection and
adolescence. We noted earlier that children’s thinking
self-consciousness. When we are introspective, we are
is more concrete and more bound to observable events
thinking about our own emotions. When we are self-
and objects than is that of adolescents. This difference is
conscious, we are thinking about how others think about
clear when we consider the ability to deal with abstract
us. These processes permit the sorts of self-examination
concepts—things that cannot be experienced directly
and exploration that are important tools for establishing
through the senses.
a coherent sense of identity.
Abstract thinking is clearly seen in adolescents’
ability to think in more advanced ways about interper-
Adolescent Egocentrism The ability to think about
sonal relationships, politics, philosophy, religion, and
thinking sometimes results in problems for young ado-
morality—topics that involve such abstract concepts as
lescents, before they adjust to having such powerful cog-
friendship, faith, democracy, fairness, and honesty. The
nitive tools. Being able to introspect, for instance, may
growth of social thinking during adolescence is directly
lead to periods of extreme self-absorption—referred to
related to the young person’s improving ability to think
as “adolescent egocentrism” (Elkind, 1967). Adolescent
abstractly. Later in this chapter, we will examine the
egocentrism results in two distinct problems in thinking
ways in which social thinking—generally referred to as
that help to explain some of the seemingly odd beliefs
“social cognition”—improves in adolescence.
and behaviors of teenagers (Goossens, Seiffge-Krenke,
& Marcoen, 1992).
The first, the imaginary audience, comes from hav-
Thinking About Thinking ing such a heightened sense of self-consciousness that
A third gain in cognitive ability during adolescence you imagine that your behavior is the focus of every-
involves thinking about thinking itself, a process some- one else’s attention. For example, a teenager who is
times referred to as metacognition. Metacognition going to a concert with 10,000 other people may worry
often involves monitoring your own cognitive activity about dressing the right way because “everybody will
during the thinking process—for example, when you notice.” Given the cognitive limitations of adolescent
consciously use a strategy for remembering something egocentrism, it is hard to persuade young adolescents
(such as Every Good Boy Deserves Fun, for the notes that the “audience” is not all that concerned with their
of the treble clef in music notation) or when you make behavior or appearance. Recent studies of brain matu-
sure you’ve understood something you’re reading before ration suggest that the parts of the brain that process
going on to the next paragraph. Interventions designed social information—such as perceptions of what others
to improve adolescents’ metacognitive skills have been are thinking—undergo significant change during early
shown to enhance reading, writing, test taking, and per- adolescence, just when self-consciousness is increasing
formance on homework (W. Williams et al., 2002). (Burnett, Sebastian, Kadosh, & Blakemore, 2011; Mills,
Not only do adolescents “manage” their thinking more Lalonde, Clasen, Giedd, & Blakemore, 2014; Pfeifer
than children do, but they also are better able to explain & Blakemore, 2012; Pfeifer et al., 2013; Somerville et
how they do it. When asked, adolescents can explain al., 2013). In fact, brain imaging studies indicate that
not only what they know but why knowing what they adolescents’ self-perceptions rely more than adults’ on
know enables them to think differently and solve prob- what they believe others think of them (Pfeifer, Masten,
lems more effectively (Reich, Oser, & Valentin, 1994). Borofsky, Dapretto, Fuligni et al., 2009).
In addition, adolescents are much better able than chil- A second problem resulting from adolescent ego-
dren to understand that people do not have complete centrism is called the personal fable. The personal
46 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

fable revolves around the adolescent’s egocentric (and much more complicated answers than children to ques-
erroneous) belief that his or her experiences are unique. tions such as “Why did the Civil War begin?” or “How
For instance, an adolescent teenager whose relation- did Jane Austen’s novels reflect the changing position
ship with a girlfriend has just ended might tell his of women in European society?” Thorough answers to
sympathetic mother that she could not possibly under- these sorts of questions require thinking about several
stand what it feels like to break up with someone— dimensions simultaneously, because many factors led to
even though breaking up is something that most people the Civil War, just as many factors affected the way in
experience plenty of times in life. Maintaining a per- which people reacted to Austen’s work.
sonal fable of uniqueness has some benefits, in that The development of a more sophisticated understand-
it enhances adolescents’ self-esteem and feelings of ing of probability is also made possible by an improved
self-importance. But holding on to a personal fable ability to think in multiple dimensions. Suppose I give
also can be dangerous: think about a sexually active you a set of blue and yellow beads. I ask you to divide
adolescent who believes that pregnancy simply won’t them into two containers so that the containers have dif-
happen to her, or a reckless driver who believes that he ferent numbers of beads overall but that the probability
will defy the laws of nature by taking hairpin turns at of reaching into a container and picking a blue bead is
breakneck speed. the same for each. In order to do so, you would have
Although it was once thought that the reason was to vary the number of blue beads and the number of
due to their heightened susceptibility to the personal yellow beads between the two containers, because the
fable, researchers have found it difficult to confirm probability of drawing a blue bead is a function of both
that egocentrism actually peaks in early adolescence. the number of blue beads and the number of yellow
In fact, certain aspects of adolescent egocentrism, such beads. It is not until early adolescence that individu-
as the personal fable, persist through the adult years als can solve this sort of problem successfully (Falk &
(Frankenberger, 2000; Quadrel, Fischhoff, & Davis, Wilkening, 1998).
1993). Ask any adult cigarette smoker if she or he is As is the case with other gains in cognitive ability,
aware of the scientific evidence linking cigarette smok- the ability of individuals to think in multiple dimensions
ing with heart and lung disease, and you’ll see that the also has consequences outside of school. Adolescents
personal fable is quite common among many individuals describe themselves and others in more complicated
who have long since left adolescence. terms (“I’m both shy and extroverted”) and find it easier
to look at problems from multiple perspectives (“I know
that’s the way you see it, but try to look at it from her
making the personal point of view”). Understanding that people’s personali-
connection ties are not one-sided, or that social situations can have
different interpretations, permits the adolescent to have
Think back to your own adolescence. Can you recall
far more sophisticated—and far more complicated—
times when you experienced an imaginary audience?
self-conceptions and relationships.
How about more recently? Do you think this happened
more when you were younger than it does now?
Sarcasm and South Park Adolescents’ ability to
look at things in multiple dimensions also enables their
understanding of sarcasm. As an adult, you know that
Thinking in Multiple Dimensions the meaning of a speaker’s statement is communicated
A fourth way in which thinking changes during adoles- by a combination of what is said, how it is said, and the
cence involves the ability to think about things in mul- context in which it is said. If I turned to you during a
tiple dimensions (Kuhn, 2009). Whereas children tend boring lecture, rolled my eyes, and said, in an exaggerat-
to think about things one aspect at a time, adolescents edly earnest tone, “This is the most interesting lecture
can see things through more complicated lenses. For I’ve ever heard,” you’d know that I actually meant just
instance, when a certain hitter comes up to the plate in a the opposite. But you’d know this only if you paid atten-
baseball game, a preadolescent who knows that the hit- tion to my inflection and to the context, as well as the
ter has a good home-run record might exclaim that the content, of my statement. Only by attending simulta-
batter will hit the ball out of the stadium. An adolescent, neously to multiple dimensions of speech can we dis-
however, would consider the hitter’s record in relation to tinguish between the sincere and the sarcastic. It’s no
the specific pitcher on the mound and would weigh both surprise that our ability to use and detect sarcasm and
factors, or dimensions, before making a prediction (per- irony improves during preadolescence and adolescence
haps this player often hits homers against left-handed (Glenwright & Pexman, 2010).
pitchers but frequently strikes out against righties). Why do young adolescents laugh hysterically when
The ability to think in multidimensional terms is characters in movies aimed at their age group say things
evident in a variety of situations. Adolescents can give like “He said ‘erector set’”? Adolescents’ ability to think CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 47

that no one single factor distinguishes thinking during

adolescence from thinking during childhood (Keating,
2011). And part stems from the different points of view
that theorists have taken toward cognitive development
in general. Because researchers working from different
theoretical perspectives have posed different research
questions, used different tasks to measure thinking, and
emphasized different aspects of cognitive activity, their
studies provide different, but nevertheless compatible,
pictures of mental development during adolescence.
Two theoretical viewpoints that have been espe-
cially important are the Piagetian perspective and the
information-processing perspective. Although these
The development of advanced thinking abilities allows ado- two views of adolescent thinking begin from different
lescents to appreciate sarcasm, irony, and satire, such as that assumptions about the nature of cognitive development
used in shows like “South Park.” © Hulton Archive/Getty Images in general, they each provide valuable insight into why
thinking changes during adolescence (Kuhn, 2009).
in multiple dimensions also permits them to appreciate
satire, metaphor, and the ways in which language can
be used to convey multiple messages. Teenagers’ abil- The Piagetian View of
ity to use and appreciate sarcasm, irony, and satire helps Adolescent Thinking
to explain why shows like The Simpsons, South Park,
and Family Guy have always had such strong appeal Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Theorists
in this age group. (Not to mention that they are often who adopt a Piagetian perspective take a cognitive-
pretty funny to adults, too. Our son’s school once sum- developmental view of intellectual development. They
moned his class’s parents to watch an “offensive” epi- argue that cognitive development proceeds through a
sode of South Park to show us how our children were fixed sequence of qualitatively distinct stages, that ado-
being harmed by television; the demonstration ended lescent thinking is fundamentally different from the type
prematurely, though, because we parents were laughing of thinking employed by children, and that during ado-
too hard.) lescence, individuals develop
a special type of thinking that cognitive-developmental
they use across a variety of view
Adolescent Relativism situations.
A perspective on development,
based on the work of Piaget,
A final aspect of cognition that changes during adoles- According to Piaget, cog- that takes a qualitative, stage-
cence concerns a shift from seeing things in absolute nitive development proceeds theory approach.
terms—in black and white—to seeing things as rela- through four stages: (1) the sensorimotor period
tive. Compared to children, adolescents are more likely sensorimotor period (from The first stage of cognitive devel-
to question others’ assertions and less likely to accept birth until about age 2), opment, according to Piaget,
“facts” as absolute truths. (2) the preoperational period spanning the period roughly
(from about age 2 until about between birth and age 2.
This increase in relativism can be exasperating to par-
ents, who may feel as though their teenagers question age 5), (3) the period of preoperational period
everything just for the sake of argument. Difficulties concrete operations (from The second stage of cogni-
about age 6 until early adoles- tive development, according
often arise, for example, when adolescents begin see- to Piaget, spanning roughly
ing parents’ values that they had previously considered cence), and (4) the period of ages 2–5.
absolutely correct (“Moral people do not have sex before formal operations (from ado-
lescence through adulthood). concrete operations
they are married”) as completely relative (“Welcome to The third stage of cognitive
the twenty-first century, Dad”). Each stage is characterized by development, according to
a particular type of thinking, Piaget, spanning the period
with earlier stages of think- roughly between age 6 and
Theoretical Perspectives on ing being incorporated into early adolescence.
new, more advanced, and more
Adolescent Thinking adaptive forms of reasoning.
formal operations
The fourth stage of cognitive
Although there is general agreement that adolescents’ According to Piaget, transi- development, according to
thinking is more advanced than children’s, there is far tions into higher stages of rea- Piaget, spanning the period
from early adolescence
less consensus about the processes underlying this advan- soning are most likely to occur through adulthood.
tage. Part of the lack of agreement stems from the fact when the child is biologically
48 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

ready for the transition and the environment demands advanced reasoning capabilities develop gradually and
more advanced thinking. Piagetian theorists believe continuously from childhood through adolescence and
that abstract logical reasoning is the chief feature that beyond, in more of a steady fashion than was proposed
differentiates adolescent thinking from that of children by Piaget (that is, more like a ramp than like a staircase).
(Keating, 2011). Rather than talking about a distinct stage of cognitive
We noted that adolescents’ thinking can be dis- activity characteristic of adolescence, it is more accurate
tinguished from the thinking of children in several to depict these advanced reasoning capabilities as skills
respects—among them, being able to think hypotheti- that are employed by older children more often than by
cally, multidimensionally, and abstractly. The connec- younger ones, by some adolescents more often than by
tion between these skills and the development of formal others, and by individuals when they are in certain situa-
operations is clear: In order to think about alternatives tions (especially familiar ones) more often than when they
to what really exists, to think in multidimensional terms, are in other ones (Kuhn, 2009).
and to systematically think about concepts that aren’t
directly observable, you need a system of reasoning that The Information-Processing View
works just as well in abstract, imagined, and compli-
cated situations as it does in concrete ones.
of Adolescent Thinking
Not all adolescents (or, for that matter, all adults) Piaget attempted to describe adolescent thinking as a
develop formal-operational thinking or employ it regu- whole, and to use one overarching concept—formal
larly and in a variety of situations. Some research has operations—to characterize the period. Other scientists
found that adolescents who have been taught how to have tried to identify the specific abilities that improve
use deductive reasoning are more likely to display for- as individuals move from childhood into adolescence
mal thinking, which suggests that the development of and beyond. Just what is it about the ways adolescents
advanced reasoning abilities can be facilitated by train- think about things that makes them better problem solv-
ing (Morris & Sloutsky, 1998). ers than children? This question has been the focus of
There is a difference, of course, between what ado- researchers working from a second vantage point: the
lescents are capable of doing and what they actually information-processing perspective.
do. Gaps between people’s reasoning abilities and how Studies of changes in specific components of infor-
logically they think in everyday situations are huge, and mation processing have focused on five areas in which
everyday decision making is fraught with logical errors improvement occurs during adolescence: attention,
that cannot be explained by cognitive incompetence memory, processing speed, organization, and metacogni-
(Kahneman, 2011). This is true for adults as well as tion. All of these skills improve as individuals move from
adolescents. For example, if asked whether they would childhood through adolescence, mainly during the first
rather try to pull a lucky lottery ticket from an envelope half of the adolescent decade (Keating, 2004). These gains
of 10 tickets, of which only 1 is lucky, versus an enve- help to explain why adolescents are better than children at
lope of 100 tickets, of which 10 are lucky, most people abstract, multidimensional, and hypothetical thinking.
select the second option—even if they know that the
mathematical odds of pulling a lucky ticket are identical Attention During adolescence, we become better
in the two scenarios. at paying attention. Improvements take place both in
Although its influence has selective attention, in which adolescents must focus on
waned considerably over the one stimulus (a reading assignment) and tune out another
perspective past four decades, the Piagetian (the electronic beeping of a younger brother’s video
A perspective on cognition perspective on cognitive devel- game), and in divided attention, in which adolescents
that derives from the study opment during adolescence must pay attention to two sets of stimuli at the same time
of artificial intelligence and has stimulated a great deal of (such as studying while texting with a friend) (Memmert,
attempts to explain cognitive
research on how young people 2014; Mizuno et al., 2011). Improvements in attention
development in terms of the
growth of specific components think (Keating, 2011). Where mean that adolescents are better able than children to
of the thinking process (such the perspective falls short is in concentrate and stay focused on complicated tasks, such
as memory). its claim that cognitive devel- as reading and comprehending difficult material. There
selective attention opment proceeds in a stage- also is considerable evidence that the ability to inhibit an
The process by which we focus like fashion and that the stage unwanted response (for instance, stopping yourself from
on one stimulus while tuning of formal operations is the looking up at a commercial that suddenly appears on the
out another. stage of cognitive development television in the corner of the room while you are reading)
divided attention characteristic of adolescence improves during early and middle adolescence (Kuhn,
The process of paying atten- (Keating, 2011; Kuhn, 2009). 2009). This improvement is likely linked to maturation
tion to two or more stimuli at In fact, very little research of brain systems that govern impulse control (Casey &
the same time.
supports this view. Rather, Caudle, 2013). CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 49

Improvements in selective attention and divided attention enable adolescents to tune out interference and focus on the task at hand.
© John Giustina /Photodisc/Getty Images RF, © Tim Pannell/Corbis RF/Corbis

Memory Second, memory abilities improve during ado- we experience something that working memory
lescence. This is reflected both in working memory, which elicits strong negative or posi- That aspect of memory in
involves the ability to remember something for a brief tive feelings. As we’ll see, which information is held for a
period of time, such as 30 seconds, and in long-term mem- brain regions responsible for short time while a problem is
ory, which involves being able to recall something from a strong emotions are especially being solved.
long time ago (Keating, 2004). Studies of adolescents’ abil- sensitive during adolescence. long-term memory
ity to remember personally meaningful events from earlier As a result, the adolescent The ability to recall something
in life, an aspect of long-term memory called autobio- brain is chemically primed to from a long time ago.
graphical memory, find that our earliest memories, some encode memories more deeply autobiographical memory
of which we lose during childhood, stabilize sometime dur- (Knutson & Adcock, 2005). As The recall of personally mean-
ing early adolescence, when most people can remember you’ll read later in this chapter, ingful past events.
back to when they were about two and a half years old, but brain systems that govern emo- reminiscence bump
not much earlier than this (Reese, Jack, & White, 2010). tion undergo dramatic change The fact that experiences from
Adults generally remember details about the people, in adolescence. The remi- adolescence are generally
recalled more than experi-
places, and events they encountered during adolescence niscence bump doesn’t exist ences from other stages of life.
better than those from other years, a phenomenon called because more emotional events
the reminiscence bump (Rubin, 1986). The reminis- take place in adolescence, but
cence bump does not appear to result from better memory, because ordinary events trigger stronger emotions.
because basic memory abilities remain strong until midlife. When we think of the importance of memory in prob-
Nor is it due to the fact that so many important events hap- lem solving, we typically think of having to retrieve facts
pen for the first time during adolescence (e.g., first love, that we deliberately have memorized—one aspect of
first job, first time living away from parents). Even mun- long-term memory. But working memory may be even
dane events that took place during adolescence are recalled more important than long-term memory for the sort
better than those that happened at other ages. Moreover, we of problem solving likely encountered in adolescence
tend to remember other, less personal things from adoles- (Amso, Haas, McShane, & Badre, 2014). For example,
cence better, too—things like movies, books, music, and in order to answer multiple-choice questions, you need
current events (Janssen, Chessa, & Murre, 2007). to be able to remember each option long enough to com-
Something is different about how everyday experi- pare it with the other choices as you read them. Think for
ences are encoded during adolescence, as if the brain’s a moment of how frustrating it would be to try to solve a
“recording device” is calibrated to be hypersensitive at multiple-choice problem if, by the time you had read the
this age. When certain chemicals in the brain are released final potential answer, you had forgotten the first one!
at the same time an event is experienced, the event is Working memory skills increase between childhood
more easily remembered than when levels of these chemi- and adolescence and over the course of adolescence
cals are not as high. These chemicals are released when (Sprondel, Kipp, & Mecklinger, 2011). Improvements in
50 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

working memory coincide with the continued maturation different situations (Albert & Steinberg, 2011a). The use
of brain regions during adolescence that are responsible of mnemonic devices (such as using HOMES to remem-
for this aspect of cognition (Conklin, Luciana, Hooper, ber the names of the Great Lakes—Huron, Ontario,
& Yarger, 2007; Hanson et al., 2012; Jolles, Kleibeuker, Michigan, Erie, and Superior) and other organizational
Rombouts, & Crone, 2011). More specifically, advances strategies helps to account for differences in the perfor-
in working memory during adolescence are linked to the mance of older and younger children on academic tasks
ways in which these areas of the brain are organized and requiring memory (Siegler, 2006).
connected, which permits more efficient and powerful For instance, think for a moment about how you
information processing (Finn, Sheridan, Kam, Hinshaw, approach learning the information in a new textbook chap-
& D’Esposito, 2010; Ghetti, DeMaster, Yonelinas, & ter. After years of studying, you are probably well aware
Bunge, 2010). And because these brain regions are still of particular strategies that work well for you (underlin-
developing in early adolescence, it is possible to improve ing, highlighting, taking notes, writing in the margins),
individuals’ basic cognitive abilities through training and you begin a reading assignment with these strategies
(Schmiedak, Lovden, & Lindenberger, 2014). in mind. Because children are not as planful as adoles-
cents, their learning is not as efficient. Developmental
Speed A third component of information processing differences in levels of planning during childhood and
related to the observed improvements in thinking in ado- adolescence can be seen quite readily by comparing indi-
lescence is an increase in the sheer speed of informa- viduals’ approaches to the guessing game 20 Questions.
tion processing (Kail & Ferrer, 2007). Regardless of the With age, individuals’ strategies become increasingly
task employed, older adolescents process the informa- more efficient—when guessing the name of a person, an
tion necessary to solve the problem faster than early ado- adolescent might begin by asking whether the person is
lescents, who, in turn, process information faster than dead or alive, then male or female, and so forth, whereas
preadolescents. This increase in the speed of informa- a young child might just start randomly throwing out the
tion processing occurs mainly in early adolescence; the names of specific people (Drumm & Jackson, 1996).
difference in speed between a 9-year-old and a 12-year-
old is greater than that between a 12-year-old and a Metacognition We noted earlier that one of the most
15-year-old, which, in turn, is greater than that between important gains in adolescence is in the realm of metacog-
a 15-year-old and an 18-year-old (see Figure 1) (Kail & nition—thinking about thinking. Adolescents are more
Ferrer, 2007). Processing speed does not change very likely than children to think about their own thoughts—a
much between middle adolescence and young adulthood tendency, as we saw, that helps to explain their greater
(Brahmbhatt, McAuley, & Barch, 2008). self-consciousness. One explanation for this emphasizes
adolescents’ greater sensitivity to social information,
Organization A fourth information-processing gain which, as you will read later in this chapter, is linked to
in adolescence involves improvements in organizational specific changes in the brain that occur during puberty
strategies (Siegler, 2006). Adolescents are more plan- (Somerville, 2013). But from an information-processing
ful than children—they are more likely to approach a perspective, adolescents’ heightened self-consciousness
problem with an appropriate strategy in mind and are results from advances in basic cognitive abilities. For the
more flexible in their ability to use different strategies in first time, the adolescent is capable of “thinking about
thinking about thinking,” a process that places demands
on working memory. Once you begin thinking about
what other people might think you are thinking, it is hard
50 to avoid becoming self-conscious.
Speed of performance

Advances in metacognition have benefits as well.

40 Because adolescents are better at thinking about their
own thoughts, they are much better at monitoring their
own learning (Crone, Somsen, Zanolie, & Van der Molen,
2006; Kuhn, 2009). While studying, adolescents are able
to step back and assess how well they are learning the
20 material. Doing this enables them to pace their studying
accordingly—to speed up and skim the material if they
feel that they are learning it easily or to slow down and
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
repeat a section if they are having a hard time. Brain sys-
Age (years)
tems that are active when individuals are monitoring their
Figure 1 Speed of information processing increases own performance continue to mature throughout adoles-
markedly between ages 5 and 15 and then begins to cence and early adulthood, which may help the develop-
level off. (Adapted from Kail & Ferrer, 2007) ment of metacognition (Ladouceur, Dahl, & Carter, 2007). CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 51

By the time they have turned 15, adolescents are just contribution to our understand-
functional magnetic
as proficient as adults in basic cognitive abilities. Working ing of what takes place in the resonance imaging (fMRI)
memory, attention, and logical reasoning abilities increase brain during adolescence has A technique used to produce
throughout childhood and early adolescence and then level come from studies using vari- images of the brain, often while
off around this age (Gathercole, Pickering, Ambridge, ous imaging techniques, espe- the subject is performing some
sort of mental task.
& Wearing, 2004; Luciana, Conklin, Hooper, & Yarger, cially functional magnetic
2005). However, at this age people are still develop- resonance imaging (fMRI) diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI)
ing more sophisticated cognitive skills, such as thinking and diffusion tensor imaging
A technique used to produce
creatively, planning ahead or judging the relative costs (DTI). These techniques allow images of the brain that shows
and benefits of a risky decision (Kleibeuker, Koolschijn, researchers to take pictures of connections among different
Jolles, De Dreu, & Crone, 2013; Albert & Steinberg, individuals’ brains and compare regions.
2011b), and in the coordination of cognition and emotion, their anatomy and activity. Some brain structure
when feelings might interfere with logical reasoning (for aspects of brain development The physical form and organi-
example, when you have to make a decision when you are in adolescence are reflected zation of the brain.
angry or when faced with peer pressure) (Albert, Chein, in changes in brain structure brain function
& Steinberg, 2013). In fact, much of what we have learned (for instance, certain parts of Patterns of brain activity.
about brain maturation in adolescence—the subject of the the brain are relatively smaller
next section—helps explain why the development of these in childhood than adolescence,
advanced abilities may not be complete until individuals while others are relatively larger), whereas others are
reach their mid-20s. reflected not so much in the brain’s structure but in changes
in brain function (for instance, adolescents may use

The Adolescent Brain

It was once believed that improved
intellectual functioning in adoles-
cence would be reflected in larger
brain size. But the brain reaches its
adult size by age 10, making it impos-
sible that changes in thinking during
adolescence are due to sheer increases
in the size of the brain (Paus, 2009).
For many years, scientists could not
find links between physical changes in
the brain and improvements in cogni-
tive functioning during adolescence.
All this changed a little more than
15 years ago. Since 2000, there has
been an explosion in research on ado-
lescent brain development, and the
speed with which our understanding
of adolescent brain development has
grown has been absolutely breath-
taking (Engle, 2013).
Improvements in the methods
used to study brain maturation—
including studies of brain growth
and development in other animals
(because all mammals go through
puberty, it is possible to study “ado-
lescent” brain development in other
species), studies of changes in brain
chemistry, and postmortem studies
of brain anatomy—have advanced Advances in brain-imaging technology have contributed to our understanding of how the
the field in important ways (Paus, brain changes at adolescence. These images are created through a process known as
2009; Spear, 2010). But the major functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI. © Science Photo Library/Getty Images RF
52 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

different parts of the brain than children when performing male bodies, on average, are bigger than females’), but
the same task) (e.g., Dosenbach et al., 2010; O’Hare, Lu, as noted above, there is no relation between sheer brain
Houston, Bookheimer, & Sowell, 2008; Wang, Huettel, & size and intellectual functioning, so it is unlikely that this
De Bellis, 2008). small difference in size has any practical significance. In
Using DTI, scientists are able to see the ways in which addition, there are few consistent sex differences in the
various regions of the brain are connected and compare size of specific brain regions or structures—some parts
patterns of interconnections among people at different of the brain are slightly larger among females, and some
ages (e.g., Klingberg, 2006). This allows us to better are slightly larger among males (Ardekani, Figarsky, &
understand how “communication” patterns linking dif- Sidtis, 2013; Dennison et al., 2013; Blakemore, 2011;
ferent regions of the brain change with development. Koolschijn & Crone, 2013).
Researchers use fMRI to examine patterns of activity in Several studies have looked specifically for connec-
various regions of the brain while individuals are per- tions between pubertal hormone and brain development,
forming a different tasks (for example, recalling a list of since male and female brains are exposed to different
words, viewing photos of friends, or listening to music). levels of testosterone and estrogen (Bramen et al., 2012;
Participants in an fMRI study are asked to perform Hertig, Maxwell, Irvine, & Nagel, 2012). It is clear
tasks on a computer while they are lying inside a brain that the structure of the brain is changed by exposure
scanner. With this setup, it is possible to study both how to sex hormones, but the ways in which the brains of
patterns of brain activity differ during different tasks adolescent boys and girls differ as a result of sex hor-
(for example, when we are actively reading versus being mones is enormously complicated (Cédric, Koolschijn,
read to) and whether people of different ages show dif- Peper, & Crone, 2014). Some studies also show differ-
ferent patterns of brain activity while performing the ent patterns of connections between brain regions in
very same task. In our lab, for instance, my collabora- males and females (Lopez-Larson, Anderson, Ferguson,
tors and I are studying how patterns of brain activity & Yurgelun-Todd, 2011; Raznahan et al., 2011; Tomasi
vary when individuals perform tasks either alone or with & Volkow, 2012), although the importance of these
their friends watching them, and whether the ways in changes for understanding sex differences in behavior
which the presence of friends affects brain activity dif- or cognition is not known. By and large, however, the
fer between teenagers and adults (e.g., Smith, Steinberg, similarities between males and females in brain structure
Strang, & Chein, 2015). and function—before, during, and after adolescence—
Scientists have also studied age differences in pat- are far more striking than the differences. Most experts
terns of brain activity using electroencephalography agree that differences between how males and females
(EEG), which measures electrical activity at differ- think are too small to be of practical significance and do
ent locations on the scalp. EEG can be used to exam- not justify educational curricula or teaching techniques
ine changes in electrical activity—called event-related that have been specially geared for boys or girls (Miller
potentials (ERPs)—in response to different stimuli or & Halpern, 2014). There may be other reasons to prefer
events (Segalowitz & Davies, 2004). Scientists often single-sex schools over coeducational ones, but sex dif-
compare ERPs between people of different ages to deter- ferences in brain development isn’t one of them.
mine when, if at all, patterns of brain activity undergo
developmental change (e.g., Bishop, Hardiman, Uwer,
& von Suchodoletz, 2007; Feinberg & Campbell, 2010).
How Your Brain Works
The brain functions by transmitting electrical signals
Are Male and Female Brains Different? Many across circuits that are composed of interconnected
popular books claim that there are important differ- cells, called neurons. Each neuron has three parts—a
ences between the brains of adolescent boys and girls cell body; a longish projection called an axon, which
(and, for that matter, adult terminates in many small tips; and thousands of tiny,
men and women). Research antennae-like branches, called dendrites, which them-
(EEG) indicates, however, that dif- selves split off into smaller and smaller spines, like a
A technique for measuring ferences between the genders plant’s root system. In the adult brain, each neuron has
electrical activity at different in brain structure and function about 10,000 connections. Collectively, neurons and the
locations on the scalp.
are very small and unlikely to projections that connect them are called “gray matter.”
event-related potentials explain differences between When electrical impulses travel along a neural circuit,
(ERPs) males and females in the way they leave one neuron through its axon and enter the next
Changes in electrical activity in
areas of the brain in response
they behave or think (Paus, one through one of the receiving neuron’s dendrites. The
to specific stimuli or events. 2009; Spear, 2010). In gen- transmission of current from one neuron to another can
eral, male brains are about 10% be thought of as the passage of information along that
Nerve cells.
larger than female brains (even particular pathway, like runners on a track team pass-
accounting for the fact that ing a baton during a relay race. Everything we think, CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 53

perceive, feel, or do depends on the flow of electrical age, the number of synapses in synapse
impulses across the brain’s circuits. the infant brain is about twice The gap in space between
The axon of one neuron is not actually connected to the number in the adult brain neurons, across which neu-
the dendrites of another, though, the way an electrical (Couperus & Nelson, 2006). rotransmitters carry electrical
wire in your home is connected to a light switch, or the However, soon after birth impulses.
way the prongs of an appliance plug touch the active unused and unnecessary syn- neurotransmitters
contacts inside an outlet. There is a tiny gap, called a apses start to be eliminated, Specialized chemicals that
synapse, between the tip of one neuron’s axon and a process called synaptic carry electrical impulses
between neurons.
another neuron’s dendrite. In order for an impulse to be pruning. As a general rule,
relayed to a neighboring neuron, the electrical charge we tend to assume that “more synaptic pruning
has to “jump” across this gap. How does this happen? is better,” but that’s not the The process through which
unnecessary connections
The transfer of current across the synapse when a case here. Imagine a meadow between neurons are elimi-
neuron fires is enabled by the release of chemicals called between two patches of for- nated, improving the efficiency
neurotransmitters. You’ve probably heard of some of est. Hundreds of lightly trod- of information processing.
the most important neurotransmitters, like dopamine or den paths connect one side to
serotonin. Many of the most widely prescribed antide- the other (the unpruned brain).
pressants work, for instance, by altering the amount of Over time people discover that one path is more direct
serotonin in brain circuits that control mood. than others. More people begin using this path more
When neurotransmitters are released from the “send- often, so it becomes wider and deeper. Because the
ing” neuron and come into contact with the receptors on other paths are no longer used, the grass grows back and
the dendrites of the “receiving” neuron, a chemical reac- those paths disappear. That’s what synaptic pruning is
tion occurs on the other side of the synapse which trig- like—the “paths” we use repeatedly become more and
gers a new electrical impulse, which travels on its way more ingrained, whereas those we do not use disappear.
to the next neuron in the circuit, jumping across the next Synaptic pruning results in a decrease in the amount
synapse with the help of neurotransmitters. This process of gray matter in the brain, which is often manifested
is repeated whenever information travels through the in a thinning of the areas that have been pruned (Brain
brain’s elaborate circuitry. Development Cooperative Group, 2012).
Each neurotransmitter has a specific molecular struc- Synaptic pruning continues through adolescence
ture that fits into a receptor for which it is precisely and is normal and necessary to development and func-
designed, the way a key fits into a lock. An impulse that tioning. Just as pruning a rose bush—cutting off weak
stimulates a neuron to release dopamine will trigger a and misshapen branches—produces a healthier plant
response in a neuron that has dopamine receptors, but not with larger flowers, so synaptic pruning enhances the
in one that only has receptors for a different neurotrans- brain’s functioning. Synaptic pruning makes the brain
mitter. This enables the brain to stay organized—if any more efficient by transforming an unwieldy network
time a neuron fired it activated every other neuron in the of small pathways into a better organized system of
neighborhood, all helter-skelter, it would be impossible “superhighways.”
to maintain well-defined brain circuits—an enormous
challenge in an organ that packs one hundred billion
neurons, each with ten thousand connections, into the
space inside your skull. This way, when a neuron that is
part of a circuit that regulates mood fires, it affects how
you feel, not whether you move your big toe.
A key process in early brain development is the
development of billions and billions of synapses—the
connections between neurons. The formation of some
of these synapses is genetically programmed, but oth-
ers are formed through experience. The rate of syn-
apse formation peaks at about age 1 and slows down in
early childhood, but the development of new synapses
continues throughout life as we learn new skills, build
memories, acquire knowledge, and adapt to changing
circumstances. The more a synapse is used, the stronger
its electrical pathway becomes. During infancy and childhood, the brain produces more con-
nections between neurons, called synapses, than is neces-
sary. Adolescence is a time when many of these unnecessary
Gray Matter Initially the brain produces many more synapses are eliminated, a process called “pruning.” © Science
connections among cells than it will use. At 1 year of Photo Library—PASIEKA/Getty Images RF
54 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

Generally, the development of synapses is character- The Age of Opportunity

ized by a period of growth (when more and more syn-
apses are created) followed by a period of decline (when One of the most exciting new discoveries in neurosci-
more and more synapses are eliminated). When we plot ence is that some areas of the brain may be especially
the density of synapses over time, we see a ∩-shaped malleable, or “plastic,” in adolescence—it is more eas-
curve—or, more accurately, a series of ∩-shaped curves ily shaped, for better or for worse, by experience during
that peak at different ages, depending on the specific adolescence than at any time other than the first few years
region of the brain (Tanaka, Matsui, Uematsu, Noguchi, of life (Lillard & Erisir, 2011; Selemon, 2013; Zelazo
& Miyawaki, 2012). That is, although synaptic prun- & Carlson, 2012). That’s why adolescence has been
ing takes place throughout infancy, childhood, and described as an “age of opportunity” (Steinberg, 2014).
adolescence, different regions of the brain are pruned Scientists have known for some time now that the
at different points in development. As a rule, the brain brain is particularly malleable during the first 3 years
regions in which pruning is taking place at a particu- after birth. But the discovery that adolescence is a second
lar point in development are the regions associated with period of heightened brain plasticity is a relatively recent
the greatest changes in cognitive functioning during that development (Selemon, 2013). Plasticity refers to the
stage, because as a particular pathway of neural trans- capacity of the brain to change in response to experience.
mission becomes more efficient, the specific cognitive It’s the process through which the outside world gets
process it supports improves. For example, synaptic inside us and changes us. The brain’s remarkable malle-
pruning in the brain’s visual system is most dramatic ability in response to experience enables us to learn and
early in infancy, when our visual abilities are improving strengthen abilities, from very basic ones (like memory)
the most. to very advanced ones (like planning ahead). This is at the
heart of brain plasticity. It’s not only “use it or lose it.” It’s
White Matter Cells other than neurons also play also “use it and improve it.” This is true at all ages, but
a role in transmitting electrical impulses along brain it is much more easily and reliably accomplished before
circuits. These cells, known as “white matter,” pro- adulthood, when the brain is much more plastic.
vide support and protection for neurons and compose
a fatty substance, called myelin, that surrounds the Why It’s Hard for Old Dogs to Learn New Tricks
axons of certain neurons, like the plastic sheath around There are two types of brain plasticity. Developmental
electrical wires. Myelin insulates brain circuits, keep- plasticity refers to the malleability of the brain during
ing the impulses flowing along their intended path- periods in which the brain is being built, when its anat-
ways rather than leaking out. Circuits that are coated omy is still changing in profound ways, as is the case in
in myelin carry impulses about a hundred times faster adolescence. Some of these changes involve the devel-
than circuits that are not myelinated, making them much opment or loss of brain cells, but the most important
more efficient, especially if the circuits cover a large changes involve the brain’s “wiring”—that is, how its
territory. one hundred billion neurons are interconnected.
The growth of myelin, called The other type of plasticity is adult plasticity. Because
myelination myelination, occurs in waves, every time we learn or remember something there must
The process through which beginning before birth and con- be some enduring biological change in the brain, the brain
brain circuits are insulated tinuing into young adulthood must possess a certain degree of plasticity at all ages. If
with myelin, which improves (Paus, 2009). Unlike synapses, this weren’t true, it would be impossible to acquire new
the efficiency of information
with their ∩-shaped pattern of knowledge or abilities in adulthood. Because we can
growth, white matter increases always learn new things, however, there is always some
plasticity throughout childhood and ado- amount of plasticity in the brain, no matter how old we
The capacity of the brain
to change in response to
lescence, well into adulthood, are. But the two kinds of plasticity differ significantly.
experience. although at different rates in First, adult plasticity doesn’t fundamentally alter the
different regions of the brain neural structure of the brain, whereas developmental
developmental plasticity
Extensive remodeling of the
at different points in devel- plasticity does. Developmental plasticity involves the
brain’s circuitry in response to opment (Brain Development growth of new brain cells and the formation of new brain
experiences during childhood Cooperative Group, 2012). As circuits. Adult plasticity mainly involves fairly minor
and adolescence, while the with synaptic pruning, examin- modifications to existing circuits. It’s like the difference
brain is still maturing. ing where myelination is occur- between learning how to read (which is a life-altering
adult plasticity ring most dramatically at a change) and reading a new book (which usually is not).
Relatively minor changes in particular point in development Second, brain systems are far less malleable during
brain circuits as a result of provides clues about the aspects periods of adult plasticity than they are during periods of
experiences during adulthood,
after the brain has matured.
of cognitive functioning that are developmental plasticity. In fact, the developing brain is
changing most at that stage. chemically predisposed to be modified by experiences, CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 55

like clay when it is still soft, whereas the adult brain is What Changes in Adolescence?
predisposed to resist modification—like that same clay
once it has hardened (Spear, 2013). This is the reason we Changes in Brain Structure During Adolescence
don’t become better at seeing or hearing after we have During adolescence, the brain is “remodeled” through
matured beyond infancy, or why we have so much more synaptic pruning and myelination in particular brain
trouble learning to ski or surf as adults than as children. regions (Spear, 2013) (see Figure 2). One part of the
By the time we are adults, the brain systems that regulate brain that is pruned dramatically in adolescence is the
vision, hearing, and coordination have hardened. This is prefrontal cortex, the region of the brain most impor-
also why it is far easier to learn a foreign language before tant for sophisticated thinking abilities, such as planning,
adolescence than after—brain systems responsible for thinking ahead, weighing risks and rewards, and control-
language acquisition have matured by then. ling impulses (Casey, Tottenham, Liston, & Durston,
Finally, because the developing brain is so much more 2005). Pruning also takes place in other parts of the cor-
malleable, it can be influenced by a far wider range of tex in adolescence (Blakemore, 2011).
experiences than can the mature brain. When the brain There is also continued myelination of the cor-
is developing, it is shaped by experiences that we aren’t tex throughout adolescence, which also leads to many
even aware of. Once the brain has matured, we need to cognitive advances (Ferrer et al., 2013; Ordaz, Foran,
pay attention to and give meaning to our experiences in Velanova, & Luna, 2013). Myelination is stimulated by
order to be affected by them in an enduring way. puberty (Menzies, Goddings, Whitaker, Blakemore, &
The developing brain is sculpted both by passive Viner, 2015), but also by experiences such as education
exposure and by active experience. That means that (Noble, Korgaonkar, Grieve, & Brickman, 2013) and
before our brain has fully matured, we can be affected, exercise (Herting, Colby, Sowell, & Nagel, 2014).
in potentially permanent ways, by every experience, Although scientists initially focused on the thinning
whether it’s positive or negative, whether we understand of gray matter as the main feature of structural change
it or not—in fact, whether or not we’re even aware of it. in the brain at adolescence, there has been increasing
It’s not surprising, then, that we recall things from ado- interest in the importance of the increase in white mat-
lescence more easily than we do from adulthood. ter, which improves the efficiency of connections within
Because plasticity is what allows us to learn from and across brain regions (Ferrer et al., 2013; Spear,
experience, it enables us to adapt to the environment. 2013). Better connectivity between different parts of
Without it, our ancestors couldn’t have remembered the cortex allows us to think faster. Better connectivity
which contexts were safe and desirable, because they between the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system, an
supplied food or water, for example, and which were to area of the brain involved in the processing of emotions,
be avoided, because they were dangerous. The malle- social information, and reward and punishment, leads
ability of our brains greatly benefits us because it allows to improvements in our ability to regulate our emotions
us to acquire new information and abilities. Periods of and coordinate our thoughts and feelings (Dwyer et al.,
heightened plasticity, like infancy or adolescence, are 2014; Ladouceur, Peper, Crone, & Dahl, 2012; Smith,
therefore good times to intervene in order to promote Steinberg, & Chein, 2014). Structural maturation of
positive development. the prefrontal cortex is not complete until the mid-20s
But this malleability is a risk as well, because during (Casey et al., 2005; Hooper, Luciana, Conklin, & Yarger,
these times of heightened sensitivity, the brain is also 2004; Paus, 2009).
more vulnerable to damage from physical harms, like
drugs or environmental toxins, or psychological ones, Changes in Brain Function During Adolescence
like trauma and stress (Romeo, 2013). The plasticity of The two most important changes in brain function involv-
the adolescent brain is why the adverse effects of using ing the prefrontal cortex in adolescence both lead to
recreational drugs during adolescence (and during early greater efficiency in informa-
adolescence, in particular) are more lasting than those tion processing (Spear, 2010). prefrontal cortex
associated with using the same drugs in adulthood. First, patterns of activation The region of the brain most
important for sophisticated
within the prefrontal cortex gen- thinking abilities, such as plan-
erally become more focused. ning, thinking ahead, weighing
making the scientific For instance, in experiments risks and rewards, and control-
connection in which participants are pre- ling impulses.

Advances in neuroscience have revealed that adoles- sented with a rapid succession limbic system
cence is a second period of heightened brain plasticity. of images and asked to push a An area of the brain that plays
Why might this be evolutionarily adaptive? What is it about button when a certain image an important role in the pro-
appears, but refrain from push- cessing of emotional experi-
adolescence that might make it an important time for the ence, social information, and
brain to be malleable? ing it when a different image reward and punishment.
appears (a process known as
56 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

Figure 2 Synaptic pruning (reflected in Cortical thickness White matter volume

the thinking of the cortex) and myelination (mm) (z-scores)
(reflected in increases in white matter) take 3.2
place in many brain regions during adoles- 3.0 4.0
cence, including the parietal, temporal, and 2.8

frontal lobes. (Tamnes et al., 2010) 2.6
2.4 0.0
2.0 –2.0
10 15 20 25 30 10 15 20 25 30
Age Age

3.6 4.0

3.0 0.0
2.8 –2.0
10 15 20 25 30 10 15 20 25 30
Age Age

3.2 4.0

2.6 0.0
2.2 –2.0
10 15 20 25 30 10 15 20 25 30
Age Age

response inhibition), adolescents are less likely than 16

children to activate prefrontal regions that are not relevant
to performing the task well. As adolescents grow into 14
Normalized Scaled Score

adulthood and these brain systems further mature, self-

control improves, as does performance on tests that mea-
sure other aspects of advanced thinking, often referred to 10
as executive function (Andrews-Hanna, Seghete, Claus,
Burgess, Ruzic, & Banich, 2011; Zelazo & Carlson, 2012) 8
(see Figure 3).
Second, over the course of adolescence, individuals 6
become more likely to use multiple parts of the brain
simultaneously and coordinate activity between pre- 4
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
frontal regions and other areas, including other portions Age (years)
of the cortex and areas of the
response inhibition limbic system (Christakou, Figure 3 Performance on measures of advanced think-
The suppression of a behavior Brammer, & Rubia, 2011; ing, or “executive function,” improves steadily during
that is inappropriate or no lon- Strang, Pruessner, & Pollak, the first part of adolescence. (Zelazo & Carlson, 2012)
ger required. 2011; Thomas et al., 2011).
executive function This is especially important on is necessary to coordinate thinking and feeling (Albert
More advanced thinking difficult tasks, where the task & Steinberg, 2011b). In fact, when adolescents who are
abilities, enabled chiefly by the demands may overtax the pre- tested for self-control are told that they will be rewarded
maturation of the prefrontal
frontal cortex working alone, for controlling themselves, they perform better than
cortex, especially in early
adolescence. and especially on tasks that when no such rewards are offered (Geier & Luna, 2012;
require self-control, where it Strang & Pollak, 2014; Teslovich et al., 2014). CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 57

This simultaneous recruitment of multiple brain Galvan, 2013; Luciana & Collins, 2012). They are also
regions working as a “team,” referred to as functional thought to increase individuals’ vulnerability to sub-
connectivity, is made possible by the increase in physi- stance abuse, because they seek higher levels of reward;
cal connections between brain regions (Dosenbach et depression, because of their increased vulnerability to
al., 2013). Children’s brains are characterized by a large stress; and other mental health problems, because of
number of relatively “local” connections (i.e., connec- their easily aroused emotions, including anger and sad-
tions between nearby brain regions), but as individuals ness (see Figure 5) (Churchwell, Carey, Ferrett, Stein,
mature through adolescence and into adulthood, more & Yurgelun-Todd, 2012; Forbes et al., 2010; Luciana,
distant regions become increasingly interconnected 2013). One other negative consequence of this increase
(Hwang, Hallquist, & Luna, 2013; Sherman et al., 2014). in emotional reactivity is an increase in adolescents’ sen-
This is seen even when individuals are lying still, just sitivity to feeling threatened, which may prompt some
resting (Jaeger, Selmeczy, O’Connor, Diaz, & Dobbins, adolescents to lash out at others and others to deliber-
2012; Power, Fair, Schlaggar, & Petersen, 2010). The ately seek out experiences that are frightening (Dreyfuss
maturation of functional connectivity is more or less et al., 2014; Spielberg, Olino, Forbes, & Dahl, 2014).
complete by age 22 (see Figure 4). As adolescents mature toward
adulthood, these trends begin
functional connectivity
Risk and Reward A different type of functional to reverse, and individuals The extent to which multiple
change results from changes, especially in the limbic become less easily aroused by brain regions function at the
system, in the ways in which the brain is affected by positive or negative stimuli. same time, which improves
certain neurotransmitters, including dopamine (which These changes in the func- during adolescence.
plays an important role in our experience of reward) tioning of the limbic system dopamine
and serotonin (which plays an important role in the occur relatively early in ado- A neurotransmitter especially
experience of different moods). These changes, which lescence, in contrast to devel- important in the brain circuits
are partly caused by puberty, make adolescents more opments in the prefrontal that regulate the experience
of reward.
emotional, more responsive to stress, more sensitive cortex, which are still ongoing
to rewards, and more likely to engage in reward seek- in early adulthood (Blakemore serotonin
ing and sensation seeking than either children or adults & Robbins, 2012; Luciana, A neurotransmitter that is
especially important for the
(Braams, van Duijvenvoorde, Peper, & Crone, 2015; 2013; Mills, Goddings, Clasen, experience of different moods.
Bjork, Lynne-Landsman, Sirocco, & Boyce, 2012; Giedd, & Blakemore, 2014).

1.4 Figure 4 The maturation of functional

connectivity is more or less complete by
age 22. (Dosenbach et al., 2010)
Functional connectivity maturation index






0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (years)
58 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

Figure 5 The age of onset of most Impulse-control

common psychiatric disorders is some- disorders
where between the ages of 10 and 20. New Substance-use
research on adolescent brain development disorders
helps explain why this is the case.
(Paus, Keshavan, & Giedd, 2008) Anxiety disorders

Mood disorders

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Age of onset (years)

This relatively late maturation of the prefrontal cortex, The Social Brain Yet another important change in
particularly compared to the changes that take place in the brain in adolescence involves a network of regions
the limbic system at puberty, has been the subject of referred to as the “social brain” (Mills, Lalonde, Clasen,
much discussion among those interested in risk taking Giedd, & Blakemore, 2014).
and behavioral problems in adolescence, because this In most species of mammals, individuals become more
gap in timing may help explain the dramatic increase social around the time of puberty, which makes perfect
in risky behavior that takes place between childhood sense, given that adolescence evolved as a stage of devel-
and adolescence, as well as the decline in risk tak- opment designed to prepare individuals for mating and
ing that occurs as individuals mature into adulthood reproduction (De Lorme, Bell, & Sisk, 2013). Changes
(Casey et al., 2011; Steinberg, 2008). In essence, the in the social brain in early adolescence, which increase
brain changes in ways that may provoke individuals the brain’s sensitivity to social cues, like other people’s
to seek novelty, reward, and stimulation several years facial expressions and behavior, intensify adolescents’
before the complete maturation of the brain systems sensitivity to social evaluation, which is why adolescents
that regulate judgment, decision making, and impulse are more prone to feel embarrassed than either children
control (Galvan, 2010; Padmanabhan, Geier, Ordaz, or adults (see Figure 6) (Guyer, Choate, Pine, & Nelson,
Teslovich, & Luna, 2011; Van Leijenhorst et al., 2010). 2012; Silk et al., 2012; Somerville, 2013; van den Bos, de
In the words of one team of writers, it’s like “starting Rooij, Miers, Bokhorst, & Westenberg, 2014). This may
the engines with an unskilled driver” (C. Nelson et al., be why adolescents are so susceptible to peer pressure.
2002, p. 515). As the “braking system” improves, in part In one very clever study, researchers imaged the brains
because of maturation of the prefrontal cortex and its of adolescents who thought they were participating in a
connections to other brain regions, and as reward seek- Facebook-style task, networking with other teenagers who
ing declines, individuals become less likely to engage in were being imaged at the same time in different locations
risky behavior. (Guyer, McClure-Tone, Shiffrin, Pine, & Nelson, 2009).

Figure 6 Changes in the social brain during adoles- 0.4

cence have both costs and benefits. One downside is
that people become more self-conscious. Adolescents
report feeling embarrassed more often than either
Embarrassment that is self reported

children or adults. (Somerville, 2013) 0.3



6 9 12 15 18 21 24
Years of age CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 59

(Inside the fMRI equipment was a computer screen, on expressions (Goodings, Heyes, Bird, Viner, & Blakemore,
which the researchers could show any images of their 2012; Moore et al., 2012; Scherf, Behrmann, &
choosing.) While being imaged, the adolescents were Dahl, 2012), which makes perfect sense. If you’re inter-
shown pictures of the other teenagers and asked to rate ested in finding a willing sex partner, it probably helps to
how interested they were in chatting with them online. pay attention to other peoples’ facial expressions.
The adolescents, who were told that their own photo- Although this increased attentiveness to other people’s
graph was posted online, received what they thought was mental states likely has a number of benefits (it may
feedback from the other teenagers. In reality, though, no make teenagers more socially skilled, for example), it
other teenagers were connected to the network, and the also makes adolescents more easily distracted by oth-
feedback the adolescents received was rigged to be posi- ers’ emotional expressions (Cohen-Gilbert & Thomas,
tive (interested in chatting) half the time and negative (not 2013). An important implication of this for parents is
interested in chatting) half the time. When the adolescents that yelling at a teenager in an angry voice may not be
were told that other teenagers were interested in them, an especially effective means of getting the adolescent
areas of their brain known to be sensitive to rewards like to listen, because the teenager may end up paying more
food and money were activated, suggesting that social attention to the angry emotion than to the content of
rewards may be processed during adolescence in ways what is being said. Indeed, when adolescents listen to
similar to the ways in which we process other types of recordings of their mother being critical, this increases
rewards. Other studies have identified regions of the brain activity in emotional regions of the brain, but dampens
that are activated when adolescents are made to feel activity in regions that govern self-regulation and logical
excluded, and have shown that teenagers who show stron- reasoning (Lee, Siegle, Dahl, Hooley, & Silk, 2014).
ger activation of these regions when made to feel rejected
are at greater risk for depression (Masten et al., 2011).
Other research indicates that sensitivity to others’ making the cultural
mental states increases during adolescence, a change connection
that is reflected in changes in patterns of brain activity New research shows that brain systems governing things
when individuals witness others (Burnett et al., 2011; like impulse control, planning ahead, and balancing risk
Masten, Eisenberger, Pfeifer, & Dapretto, 2013; Pfeifer and reward are still maturing during late adolescence. Yet,
& Blakemore, 2012). For instance, individuals’ abil- rates of adolescents’ risky behavior, such as experimen-
ity to recognize subtle changes in others’ facial expres- tation with drugs or unprotected sex, vary considerably
sions improves during adolescence (Garcia & Scherf, around the world. If these sorts of behaviors are more
2015; Kragel, Zucker, Covington, & LaBar, 2015). The common in adolescence because of the way the brain is
increase in sex hormones at puberty appears to play a role changing, shouldn’t they be more universal?
in influencing this increase in sensitivity to others’ facial

Changes in a region referred to as “the social brain” make adolescents more sensitive to other people’s
emotional states. © I love images/city break/Alamy RF
60 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

Implications for Adolescent Behavior research, have focused on the universals in adolescent
intellectual growth. These theorists ask, How does
Correlation Is Not Causation Evidence of a cor- thinking change as individuals move into adolescence?
relation between changes in brain structure or function What processes drive cognitive development as children
and changes in adolescent behavior does not necessar- become teenagers? What cognitive competencies do all
ily mean that the first is necessarily causing the second adolescents share?
(Kuhn, 2009; Paus, 2009). In contrast, other theorists have been more interested
We know that adolescents’ behavior affects their in studying individual differences in intellectual abili-
brain development. An obvious illustration of this rela- ties. They ask, How can we account for different patterns
tionship involves the impact of alcohol and other drugs of intellectual growth within the adolescent population?
on the brain, but there are other, more subtle examples as How large are individual differences in intelligence in
well. As mentioned earlier, the process of synaptic prun- adolescence? Are some adolescents brighter than others?
ing is influenced by experience: Repeated activation of If so, why, and in what ways?
a specific collection of neurons as a result of engaging
in a particular behavior will actually result in structural
changes that strengthen the connections among those The Measurement of IQ
neurons, which in turn will make them function more To answer questions about the relative intelligence of
efficiently. For example, practicing the same task over individuals, psychologists have had to devise ways of
and over again makes it easier and easier to perform assessing intelligence—no easy feat given the consid-
the task each time. Scientists have grown increasingly erable disagreement over what “intelligence” really
interested in seeing whether different sorts of training is. Today, the most widely used measures are intel-
programs or interventions can improve adolescents’ self- ligence tests, or IQ (for “intelligence quotient”) tests.
control (Crone, 2009) or reduce their tendencies toward Among these tests are the Stanford-Binet, the Wechsler
sensation seeking (Romer et al., 2011), both of which Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV), and the
may reduce risky behavior. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III). An indi-
One question I’m often asked is when adolescents vidual’s IQ is computed by dividing his or her mental
start to think like adults, or at what age the adolescent age by his or her chronological age and then multiplying
brain becomes the adult brain. As you now know, the the result by 100. A score of 100 is used to designate the
answer depends on which aspects of thinking or brain midway point. An IQ score below 100 indicates a poorer
development one is concerned about. When it comes test performance than the average person of the same
to relatively more sophisticated cognitive abilities, such age; a score above 100 indicates a better performance
as thinking ahead, envisioning the future consequences than average.
of a decision, balancing risks and rewards, or control- Although someone’s score on an intelligence test is
ling impulses—all of which are governed mainly by the often reported in terms of her or his overall IQ, intel-
prefrontal cortex—research on brain maturation cer- ligence tests actually comprise a series of tests, and it is
tainly suggests that these capabilities are still develop- usually possible to look at performance in different areas
ing well after individuals enter their 20s. But when it independently. The WISC-IV and the WAIS-III, for
comes to more basic abilities, such as those involving example, each contain two groups of tests: verbal tests,
memory, attention, and logical reasoning, especially which include measures of vocabulary, general infor-
under optimal conditions, brain and behavioral studies mation, comprehension, and arithmetic abilities, and
indicate that the average 15-year-old performs no worse performance tests, which include measures of memory,
than the average adult. Where we draw the boundary perceptual reasoning, and picture completion.
between adolescence and adulthood—at least as far as Changes in specific aspects of IQ performance dur-
cognitive development is concerned—should probably ing adolescence are correlated with synaptic pruning
depend on why the boundary is being drawn and on in brain regions known to play a role in those specific
what specific abilities are relevant to the behavior in types of learning (Ramsden, Richardson, Josse, Thomas,
question (Steinberg, Cauffman, Woolard, Graham, & & Ellis, 2011; van den Bos, Crone, & Güroğlu, 2012).
Banich, 2009). And there is a link between intelligence and brain
development. More intelligent adolescents have a more
dramatic and longer period of production of synapses
Individual Differences in before adolescence and a more dramatic pruning of them
after (P. Shaw et al., 2006), more connections between
Intelligence in Adolescence the prefrontal cortex and other brain regions (Cole,
For the most part, theorists who have studied adoles- Yarkoni, Repovš, Anticevic, & Braver, 2012), and a
cent cognitive development from either a Piagetian or longer period of brain plasticity (van den Bos, Crone, &
an information-processing framework, or through brain Güroğlu, 2012). CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 61

Mental abilities assessed by conventional IQ tests More importantly, Sternberg’s view forces us to look
increase dramatically through childhood and adoles- at individuals who are not good test takers but who
cence, reaching a plateau sometime in mid-to-late ado- are creative or street smart as being just as intelligent
lescence. (It is no coincidence that this plateau occurs as individuals who score high on IQ tests—they’re just
at around the same age as that for information pro- intelligent in a different way. Sternberg argued that soci-
cessing, because IQ test performance depends a lot on ety needs individuals with all types of intelligence and
information-processing abilities.) This argues strongly that it is time we started assessing—and encouraging—
in favor of educational interventions prior to mid-adoles- experiential and contextual intelligence as much as we
cence; interventions in early childhood, especially, have do componential intelligence.
been shown to improve intellectual performance during
adolescence (B. C. Campbell, Pungello, Miller-Johnson, Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard
Burchinal, & Ramey, 2001). In addition, research shows Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences also stresses
that extended schooling during adolescence itself that there is more to being smart than being “book smart.”
enhances individuals’ performance on standardized tests Gardner proposed that there are seven types of intelli-
of intelligence (Ceci & Williams, 1999). Whereas indi- gence: verbal, mathematical, spatial, kinesthetic (having
viduals who had dropped out of school early showed to do with movement), self-reflective, interpersonal, and
unchanging—and relatively lower—scores on intelli- musical. According to his view, for example, outstand-
gence tests during adolescence, students who remained ing athletes such as basketball great LeBron James or
in school, especially those in the more advanced tracks, soccer legend Mia Hamm have a well-developed kines-
showed impressive gains in verbal ability over time. thetic intelligence, which allows them to control their
bodies and process the movements of others in extraor-
Types of Intelligence dinary ways. Although conventional tests of intelligence
emphasize verbal and mathematical abilities, these are
The IQ test represents only one of many ways of assessing not the only types of intelligence that we possess—nor
intelligence in adolescence. Indeed, many theorists have are they the only types that we should value.
argued that its exclusive focus on “school smarts”—the
sorts of abilities that are related to scholastic success—
yields a one-sided picture of what it means to be an
Culture and Intelligence
intelligent person. Two of the better-known attempts to Vygotsky’s Perspective Much of our current think-
expand on this narrow definition come from the work ing about the nature of intelligence has been influenced
of Robert Sternberg (1988) and Howard Gardner (1983). by the work of the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky
Many of Sternberg and Gardner’s ideas formed the basis (1930/1978), who emphasized the broader context in
for the best-selling book Emotional Intelligence, by jour- which intellectual development occurs. According to
nalist Daniel Goleman (1995). this view, it is essential that we understand the nature
of the environment in which an adolescent develops
Sternberg’s “Triarchic” Theory Sternberg proposed in terms of its demands for intelligent behavior and its
a triarchic, or three-part, theory of intelligence. He opportunities for learning. Individuals develop and use
argued that a thorough assessment of an individual’s intellectual skills not simply as a function of their cog-
intellectual capabilities requires that we look at three nitive maturation but also in response to the everyday
distinct but interrelated types of intelligence: (1) com- problems they are expected to solve. The very same
ponential intelligence, which involves our abilities to children who perform poorly on school-based tests of
acquire, store, and process information; (2) experiential knowledge may excel when faced with an equally chal-
intelligence, which involves our abilities to use insight lenging test of competence in the real world—such as
and creativity; and (3) contextual intelligence, which figuring out the most efficient route between school and
involves our ability to think practically. Componential home through a dangerous neighborhood.
intelligence is closest to the type of intelligence mea- Vygotsky argued that children and adolescents learn
sured on traditional intelligence tests. Experiential best in everyday situations when they encounter tasks that
intelligence is closest to what we call “creativity.” And are neither too simple nor too advanced, but just slightly
contextual intelligence is closest to what we might call more challenging than their
“street smarts.” Everyone has all three types of intelli- abilities permit them to solve zone of proximal
gence, but some individuals are stronger in one respect on their own. Within this zone development
than in others. You probably can think of individuals of proximal development, In Vygotsky’s theory, the level
who are good test takers but who are not particularly cre- young people, through close of challenge that is still within
ative or sensible. According to Sternberg’s model, these the individual’s reach but that
collaboration with a more expe-
forces an individual to develop
individuals would be high in componential intelligence rienced instructor (whether more advanced skills.
but low in experiential and contextual intelligence. an adult or another child),
62 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

are stimulated to “reach” for the more advanced level have studied the practical side of adolescent thinking
of performance. The role of the instructor is to help with respect to how people think about social situations
structure the learning situation so that it is within the and how they think about risk.
reach of the student—a structuring process called
scaffolding. If you watch good parents, teachers, or
coaches at work, you will probably observe a great deal
Social Cognition in Adolescence
of scaffolding. Social cognition involves such cognitive activities as
thinking about people, social relationships, and social
institutions (Smetana & Villalobos, 2009). Compared with
Adolescent Thinking in Context those of children, adolescents’ conceptions of interper-
Just as it is important to ask how the broader context sonal relationships, their understanding of human behav-
influences adolescents’ cognitive development, it is also ior, their ideas about social institutions and organizations,
important to ask how their cognitive development influ- and their ability to figure out what other people are think-
ences their interactions with their environment. Most of ing is far more developed. Gains in the area of social cog-
the thinking adolescents do occurs in everyday situa- nition help account for many of the psychosocial advances
tions, not just when they are taking tests designed to see typically associated with adolescence—advances in the
how smart they are. realms of identity, autonomy, intimacy, sexuality, and
scaffolding As our understanding of achievement. Individual differences in social cognitive
Structuring a learning situa-
tion so that it is just within the
adolescent thinking has expan- abilities also help explain why some adolescents have
reach of the student. ded, researchers have begun to more social problems than others (Dodge, Coie, & Lynam,
look beyond laboratory experi- 2006; Fontaine, Yang, Dodge, Bates, & Pettit, 2008).
social cognition
The aspect of cognition that
ments and standardized tests Research on social cognition during adolescence
concerns thinking about other to examine how the cognitive includes many topics, but four of the most often stud-
people, about interpersonal changes of adolescence actu- ied concern (1) theory of mind; (2) thinking about social
relations, and about social ally affect teenagers’ day-to- relationships; (3) understanding social conventions; and
institutions. day thoughts and actions. Do (4) conceptions of laws, civil liberties, and rights (Rote
mentalizing advances in deductive reason- & Smetana, 2011; Smetana & Villalobos, 2009).
The ability to understand ing or information-processing
someone else’s mental state. abilities make a difference in Theory of Mind During preadolescence and adoles-
theory of mind the real world? How do the cence, individuals develop a more nuanced understanding
The ability to understand that brain changes that take place in of other people’s personalities and psychological states,
others have beliefs, intentions, adolescence play out in every- enabled in part by brain maturation in systems that sup-
and knowledge that may be
different from one’s own.
day experiences? To answer port what is called mentalizing—the ability to under-
these questions, psychologists stand someone else’s mental state (Burnett et al., 2011;
C. Harenski, K. Harenski, Shane, & Kiehl, 2012; Pfeifer
& Peake, 2012). As they develop a more sophisticated
theory of mind, the ability to understand that others have
beliefs, intentions, and knowledge that may be different
from one’s own, adolescents are better able to interpret the
feelings of others and to infer their motives and feelings,
even when specific information of this sort is not directly
observable (Choudhury, Blakemore, & Charman, 2006;
Dumontheil, Apperly, & Blakemore, 2010). Adolescents
also become better at lying as a result of these improve-
ments in social cognition (Evans & Lee, 2011).
Not only are adolescents more capable of discerning
another person’s perspective on some issue or event, they
are also better able to understand that person’s perspec-
tive on their own point of view. Ultimately, adolescents’
improvements in their ability to figure out what others are
thinking lead to improvements in communication, because
they become more capable of formulating arguments in
terms that are more likely to be understood by someone
Improvements in social cognition during adolescence lead ado-
whose opinion is different. This gain in perspective tak-
lescents to think in more sophisticated ways about themselves ing may change the dynamics of adolescents’ relation-
and their relationships. © Inti St Clair/Getty Images RF ships with their parents—for better (because adolescents CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 63

are able to see more things from their parents’ point of One main source of conflict between adolescents and
view) and for worse (because adolescents may use these their parents involves which issues parents have legiti-
advanced social cognitive abilities to challenge their par- mate authority over and which they do not. An adoles-
ents’ authority) (Smetana & Villalobos, 2009). cent boy explained how he handled it:
I don’t enjoy that they ask me questions all the time and
Thinking About Relationships Improvements in
nag me about going out and stuff. . . . I’ll give them
mentalizing lead to changes in the way that adoles-
answers but they’re discreet answers. I’ll give them little
cents think about relationships with peers and parents. parts of things just to make it sound good, I guess (Parkin
One topic that researchers have been especially inter- & Kuczynski, 2012, p. 649).
ested in concerns adolescents’ beliefs about peer exclu-
sion (Leets & Sunwolf, 2005). All other things equal, Similar changes occur in adolescents’ beliefs about
children believe that it is wrong to exclude peers from their teachers’ authority (Smetana & Bitz, 1996) and the
social activities (i.e., whether to invite the whole class authority of groups to dictate how individuals should
or just one’s close friends to a birthday party). With behave (Helwig, Yang, Tan, Liu, & Shao, 2011). For
age, however, as adolescents’ understanding of group instance, adolescents understand that teachers have the
dynamics becomes more sophisticated, they begin to right to demand that students show up for class on time
take into account other considerations, like personality and sit quietly if asked, but believe that students should
(“she’s not open-minded . . . we all feel weird around be able to decide where they sit in class or during lunch.
her”), the activity context (“we thought he wasn’t good
enough to play basketball”), and the reason for exclud- Social Conventions The realization that individuals’
ing some individuals but not others (“[The party] was a perspectives vary, and that their opinions may differ as
team thing”) (Recchia, Brehl, & Wainryb, 2012, p. 198). a result, leads to changes in the ways that adolescents
On the other hand, adolescents become more likely, approach issues regarding social conventions (Smetana
with age, to believe that social exclusion on the basis & Villalobos, 2009). During middle childhood, social
of gender orientation, nationality, or ethnicity is wrong conventions—the social norms that guide day-to-day
(Brenick & Killen, 2014; Malti, Killen, & Gasser, 2012). behavior, such as waiting in line to buy movie tickets—
Changes in adolescents’ understanding of social rela- are seen as arbitrary and changeable, but adherence to
tionships also transform their beliefs about authority, them is not; compliance with such conventions is based
which has important implications for their relationships on rules and on the dictates of authority. When you were
with parents and other adults (Smetana & Villalobos, 7 years old, you might not have understood why people
2009). With age, adolescents increasingly distinguish had to wait in line to buy movie tickets, but when your
between moral issues (such as whether it is acceptable to parents told you to wait in line, you waited. By early ado-
steal from someone else) and conventional ones (such as lescence, however, conventions often are seen as arbi-
whether one eats dessert before or after the main course) trary social expectations. As an adolescent, you begin to
(Lahat, Helwig, & Zelazo, 2013). Although the stereo- realize that people wait in line because they are expected
type of adolescents is that they invariably come to reject to, not because they are forced to. Indeed, young adoles-
the authority of adults, research shows that what hap- cents often see social conventions as nothing but social
pens instead is that adolescents increasingly distinguish expectations and, consequently, as insufficient reasons
between issues that authority figures have the right to for compliance. You can probably imagine youngsters in
regulate and issues that are their own personal choices. their midteens saying something like this: “Why wait in
As adolescents begin to make these distinctions, they a ticket line simply because other people are lined up?
often question their parents’ authority. Issues that had There isn’t a law that forces you to wait in line, is there?”
been viewed as matters of right and wrong start to seem Gradually, however, adolescents begin to see social
like matters of personal choice and, as such, beyond conventions as the means by which society regulates
the bounds of parental authority (Cumsille, Darling, people’s behavior. Conventions may be arbitrary, but we
Flaherty, & Martínez, 2009). For example, parents’ follow them because we share an understanding of how
rules about things like the cleanliness of the adolescent’s people are expected to behave in various situations. We
bedroom or bedtimes on school nights, which had been wait in line for theater tickets not because we want to
accepted as matters of right and wrong, start to seem comply with any rule, but because it is something we are
like arbitrary conventions that are open to debate. Here’s accustomed to doing.
how one girl described it: Ultimately, individuals come to see that social conven-
In the beginning their word was law I guess. Whatever tions help to coordinate inter-
they decided together was what we would do regardless of actions among people. Social social conventions
norms and expectations are The norms that govern
what. . . . Now I will push back if I don’t think it’s fair. . . .
everyday behavior in social
I won’t maybe give in as easily which can be good and bad derived from and maintained by
(Parkin & Kuczynski, 2012, p. 649). individuals having a common
64 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

perspective and agreeing that, in given situations, cer- social “rules” we follow (in the family, at school, and
tain behaviors are more desirable than others, because in broader society) are not absolute and are therefore
such behaviors help society and its institutions function subject to debate and questioning. Third, with age, ado-
more smoothly. Without the convention of waiting in line lescents develop a more differentiated, more nuanced
to buy movie tickets, the pushiest people would always understanding of social norms. Yes, individuals are
get tickets first. Older adolescents can see that waiting in entitled to certain rights, but there are some situations
line not only benefits the theater by keeping order but also under which it might be appropriate to curtail them. Yes,
preserves everyone’s right to a fair chance to buy tickets. it is generally wrong to exclude others, but sometimes
In other words, we wait in line patiently because we all social exclusion is justifiable (Killen, Rutland, Abrams,
agree that it is better if tickets are distributed fairly. Mulvey, & Hitti, 2013).
These gains in social cognition help to account
Laws, Civil Liberties, and Rights As is the case for gains in social competence during adolescence.
with individuals’ developing understanding of relation- Adolescents who have more sophisticated social cogni-
ships between people, over the course of adolescence tive abilities actually behave in more socially compe-
individuals also become more nuanced in the way they tent ways (N. Eisenberg, Morris, McDaniel, & Spinrad,
think about the relationship between the individual and 2009). Although there is more to social competence than
society. Most research on adolescents’ beliefs about social cognition, being able to understand social rela-
rights and civil liberties comes from studies of Western, tionships is an important component of social maturity.
middle-class youth, and it is important to be cautious
about generalizing the findings of these studies to young
people from other cultures. Nevertheless, even in collec-
Adolescent Risk Taking
tivist cultures that place less emphasis on the rights of A second practical application of research into adoles-
the individual, adolescents become increasingly likely cent thinking involves the study of adolescent risk tak-
to believe that there are some freedoms—like freedom ing. The main health problems of adolescence are the
of speech and freedom of religion—that should not be result of behaviors that can be prevented—behaviors
restricted (Smetana & Villalobos, 2009). That said, such as substance abuse, reckless driving, and unpro-
research also finds that, with age, teenagers come to tected sex. In the real world (IOM and NRC, 2011a),
believe that there are situations in which it may be legiti- and on many laboratory tasks of risky decision mak-
mate to restrict individual rights to serve the benefit of ing (Burnett, Bault, Coricelli, & Blakemore, 2010;
the community. Defoe, Dubas, Figner, & van Aken, 2015; Shulman &
Researchers have also looked at changes in adoles- Cauffman, 2014; Steinberg et al., 2009), adolescents
cents’ beliefs about their rights to be taken care of (called take more risks than adults.
“nurturance rights”) and their rights to make their own The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
decisions (called “self-determination rights”) (Ruck, a federal agency that monitors the health of Americans,
Abramovich, & Keating, 1998). In general, there are surveys American teenagers annually and asks whether
few changes in individuals’ endorsement of nurturance they had engaged in various behaviors during the previ-
rights as they get older—adolescents are just as likely as ous 30 days (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
children to believe that parents have an obligation to pro- 2014). Risk taking is common among adolescents. More
vide food, clothing, and other types of support. But sup- than 40% of teen drivers report having texted while driv-
port for self-determination rights (e.g., the right to keep ing, one-fifth had ridden with an intoxicated driver, and
a private diary) increases markedly over the course of one-tenth themselves have driven after drinking. Among
adolescence. As is the case with support for basic indi- teenagers who ride bicycles, 88% report rarely or never
vidual rights, like the right to free speech or religion, the wearing a helmet (Centers for Disease Control and
growth in support for self-determination rights is seen Prevention, 2014).
among adolescents from a diverse array of Western and
non-Western cultures (Cherney & Shing, 2008). Behavioral Decision Theory A number of writers
Several themes cut across the research findings from have looked at adolescent risk taking from a perspective
studies of different aspects of social cognition—the way called behavioral decision theory (Kahneman, 2011).
we think about people, relationships, conventions, and In this perspective, which draws heavily on economics,
rights. First, as individuals decision making is a rational process in which individu-
behavioral decision theory move into and through adoles- als calculate the costs and benefits of alternative courses
An approach to understanding cence they become better able of action and behave in ways that maximize the benefits
adolescent risk taking, in which to step outside themselves and and minimize the costs. According to this theory, all
behaviors are seen as the out- see things from other vantage behaviors, including risky ones, can be analyzed as the
come of systematic decision-
making processes.
points. Second, adolescents outcome of a process involving five steps: (1) identify-
are better able to see that the ing alternative choices, (2) identifying the consequences CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 65

that might follow from each choice, (3) evaluating

the costs and benefits of each possible consequence,
(4) assessing the likelihood of each possible conse-
quence, and (5) combining all this information according
to some decision rule (Beyth-Marom, Austin, Fischhoff,
Palmgren, & Jacobs-Quadrel, 1993).
So, for example, an adolescent girl who is trying to
decide whether to accept a ride home from a party with
friends who have been drinking will (1) identify the
choices (to accept the ride or not), (2) identify the conse-
quences (“If I accept the ride, and we get into an accident,
I could be seriously hurt, but if I don’t accept the ride, my
friends will make fun of me for being a ‘loser’”), (3) eval-
uate the desirability of each consequence (“Appearing
like a ‘loser’ to my friends is bad, but being in an acci-
dent would be terrible”), (4) assess the likelihood of each
consequence (“My friends probably won’t really change
their opinion of me just because I turn down the ride, and
my friend who is driving is so drunk that he really might
get into an accident”), and (5) combine all the informa-
tion according to some decision rule (“All things consid-
ered, I think I won’t take the ride”).
From the perspective of behavioral decision theory,
then, it is important to ask whether adolescents use
different processes than adults in identifying, estimating,
and evaluating behavioral options and consequences.
If risky decisions are the result of faulty information
processing—in attention, memory, metacognition, or
organization, for example—perhaps it would make sense Recent research on cognitive development in adolescence has
been aimed at understanding the thinking behind adolescent
to train adolescents in these basic cognitive abilities as a
risk taking. © RubberBall Productions/Getty Images RF
means of lessening their risk taking.
As we have seen, however, adolescents, at least by the no evidence, for example, that adolescents are worse at
time they are 15 or so, have the same basic cognitive perceiving risks than adults are (Ivers et al., 2009; Van
abilities as adults (Beyth-Marom et al., 1993; Furbey Leijenhorst, Westenberg, & Crone, 2008). However,
& Beyth-Marom, 1992). This is true even for issues as research indicates that adolescents vary far more than
complicated as deciding whether to abort a pregnancy adults in how they interpret words and phrases used to
(Steinberg, 2014). The major gains in the cognitive skills describe risk—words like “probably,” “likely,” or “a
that affect decision making appear to occur between very low chance”—suggesting that health educators and
childhood and adolescence, rather than between ado- practitioners should not take for granted that an adoles-
lescence and adulthood. Thus, educating adolescents in cent’s understanding of a message about risk is what the
how to make “better” decisions is not likely to reduce educator thinks it is (Mills, Reyna, & Estrada, 2008).
risk taking (Steinberg, 2015). Similarly, just because an adolescent says that she knows
that having “safe sex” can protect her against sexually
Do Adolescents Really Feel Invulnerable? A sec- transmitted diseases doesn’t necessarily mean that she
ond possibility that is often suggested is that adolescents knows the specific behaviors that constitute safe sex
are more likely to feel invulnerable—more likely, that (Reyna & Farley, 2006).
is, to subscribe to the personal fable that they will not
be harmed by potentially harmful activities. However, as Age Differences in Values and Priorities If adoles-
you read earlier, there is no evidence for the widely held cents use the same decision-making processes as adults,
belief that adolescents are more likely to subscribe to and if adolescents are no more likely than adults to think
personal fables than are adults. More importantly, stud- of themselves as invulnerable, why, then, are adolescents
ies indicate that young adolescents are less likely than more likely to engage in risky behavior? One answer
young adults to see themselves as invulnerable—if any- may involve the different values and priorities that ado-
thing, young adolescents overestimate the risks involved lescents and adults have. For example, an individual’s
in potentially harmful behavior (Fischhoff, de Bruin, decision to try cocaine at a party may involve evaluating
Perker, Millstein, & Halpern-Felsher, 2010). There is a number of different consequences, including the legal
66 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

and health risks, the pleasure the drug may induce, and factors, as well as cognitive ones, contribute to adoles-
the way in which he or she will be judged (both positively cent risk taking (Dahl, 2008; Rivers, Reyna, & Mills,
and negatively) by the other people present. An adult and 2008; Steinberg, 2010). Several researchers have noted
an adolescent may both consider all these consequences, that adolescents may differ from adults in important ways
but the adult may place relatively more weight on the that are not captured by measures of logical reasoning,
health risks of trying the drug, while the adolescent may such as susceptibility to peer pressure, impulsivity, ori-
place relatively more weight on the social consequences entation to the present rather than the future, or reward
of not trying it. Although an adult may see an adoles- seeking (Cauffman et al., 2010; de Water, Cillessen, &
cent’s decision to value peer acceptance more than Scheres, 2014; Steinberg et al., 2008; Steinberg et al.,
health as irrational, an adolescent may see the adult’s 2009). A number of studies have shown that adoles-
decision as equally incomprehensible. Behavioral deci- cents’ decision making is as good as adults’ when indi-
sion theory reminds us that many decisions—even risky viduals are tested under calm conditions, but that the
ones—can be seen as rational once we understand how quality of adolescents’ decision making declines more
an individual estimates and evaluates the consequences than adults’ when they are emotionally aroused (Figner
of various courses of action. & Weber, 2011; van Duijvenvoorde, Jansen, Visser, &
One very important difference between adolescents Huizenga, 2010).
and adults is that, when weighing the costs and benefits With respect to emotional factors, for example, stud-
of engaging in a risky behavior, adolescents are more ies show that individuals who are high in reward seek-
attuned to the potential rewards than are adults (Ben-Zur ing and sensation seeking—that is, who seek out novel
& Reshef-Kfir, 2003; Cauffman et al., 2010). This dif- and intense experiences—are more likely to engage
ference is consistent with changes that are taking place in various types of risky behaviors than their peers
in the limbic system around the time of puberty, which (C. A. Johnson et al., 2008; D. Miller & Byrnes, 1997),
we discussed earlier in this chapter. One study of delin- and that both reward seeking and sensation seeking are
quents found, for instance, that adolescents’ criminal higher during adolescence than childhood or adulthood
activity was more strongly related to their beliefs about (Cauffman et al., 2010; Shulman & Cauffman, 2013;
the potential rewards of the activity (for example, being Steinberg et al., 2008). Similarly, adolescents who are
seen as “cool”) than to their perceptions of the activity’s especially impulsive are also more likely to engage in
riskiness (for example, the chances of being arrested) risky behavior (Quinn & Harden, 2013). One reason that
(Matsueda, Kreager, & Huizinga, 2006). As several writ- middle adolescence is a period of heightened risk tak-
ers have pointed out, this has important implications for ing is that it is a period characterized by a combination
the prevention of risky behavior among adolescents. It of high sensation seeking and high impulsivity (Harden
may be more important to convince adolescents that the & Tucker-Drob, 2011; Smith, Xiao, & Bechara, 2012),
rewards of a risky activity are small (for example, that especially among boys (Shulman, Harden, Chein, &
few people will actually look up to someone for being Steinberg, 2014) (see Figure 7).
violent) than to persuade them that the costs are large The context in which individuals spend time matters,
(for example, that being incarcerated will be terrible). too (Boyer, 2006). A good deal of adolescents’ risk tak-
In all likelihood, of course, neither adolescents’ nor ing takes place in contexts in which they are emotion-
adults’ decisions are always made in as straightforward ally aroused (either very positively or very negatively),
or rational a way, as suggested by behavioral decision unsupervised by adults, and with their peers (Albert &
theory. Nevertheless, this approach has opened up a new Steinberg, 2001; Kretsch & Harden, 2014). For example,
way of thinking about adolescent risk taking. Instead of one recent study found that adolescents with mothers
viewing risky activities as the result of irrational or faulty who worked nights were more likely to take risks, in part
judgment, experts are now trying to understand where because the parents were less likely to know their teen’s
and how adolescents obtain the information they use in whereabouts (Han, Miller, & Waldfogel, 2010). As
reaching their conclusions, and how accurate the infor- noted earlier, individuals’ susceptibility to peer pressure
mation is. If, for example, adolescents underestimate the is higher during early and middle adolescence than later,
likelihood of getting pregnant following unprotected sex, suggesting that one reason for teenagers’ greater risk tak-
sex education efforts might focus on teaching teenagers ing is the fact that they spend so much time in the peer
the actual probability. (Of course, this presumes that ado- group (Steinberg & Monahan, 2007). Most adolescent
lescents’ decisions about whether to have sex are made risk taking, including delinquency, drinking, and reck-
rationally, which may not be the case [P. Levine, 2001].) less behavior, occurs when other teenagers are present,
and adolescents are more likely to take risks when their
Emotional and Contextual friends are around (Steinberg, 2014). Although adoles-
sensation seeking Influences on Risk Taking cent drivers, on average, take more chances than adults,
The pursuit of experiences that
are novel or exciting.
We should also keep in mind how adolescents drive depends on who is in the car;
that emotional and contextual adolescents drive much more safely when their parents CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Transitions 67

3.0 3.0
Male Male
2.9 Female 2.9 Female

Sensation seeking
2.8 2.8
Impulse control

2.7 2.7
2.6 2.6
2.5 2.5
2.4 2.4
2.3 2.3
10–11 12–13 14–15 16–17 18–19 20–21 22–23 24–25 10–11 12–13 14–15 16–17 18–19 20–21 22–23 24–25
Age Age

Figure 7 Adolescence is a time of heightened sensation seeking and still developing self-control, especially among
males. (Shulman et al., 2014)

are passengers than when they are driving alone or with the results indicated that the brain regions associated
their friends (Simons-Morton et al., 2011; Telzer, Ichien, with the experience of reward were much more likely to
& Qu, 2015). be activated when the teenagers were observed by their
The effect of peers on adolescent risk taking is clearly friends than when they were alone, and that risky driv-
evident in studies of driving crashes. As Figure 8 shows, ing was correlated with heightened activity in the brain’s
having multiple passengers in the car increases the risk reward areas. Thus, in the presence of their peers, ado-
of crashes dramatically among 16- and 17-year-old driv- lescents may pay more attention to the potential rewards
ers, significantly among 18- and 19-year-old drivers, and of a risky decision than they do when they are alone
not at all among adults. This is both because adolescent (O’Brien, Albert, Chein, & Steinberg, 2011; Smith,
passengers can be distracting to new drivers and because Steinberg, Strang, & Chein, 2015).
adolescents are simply more likely to take risks in the
presence of peers (Centifanti, Modecki, MacLellan, & Logic and Intuition More recently, several theo-
Gowling, 2014; Foss & Goodwin, 2014; Pradhan et al., rists have proposed models of adolescent risk taking
2014). Consistent with this, in one experiment, in which that consider the ways in which two different think-
adolescents, college undergraduates, and adults who ing systems—one that is deliberative and logical, and
were either alone or in a room with their friends played one that is intuitive and gut-level—interact to influence
a video driving game that permitted risky driving—for behavior (Reyna & Brainerd, 2011). According to these
instance, driving through an intersection after a traffic perspectives, the heightened risk taking seen during
light had turned yellow—found that the mere fact of adolescence, and the drop in risk taking in adulthood,
having friends watching their performance increased can’t be entirely due to deficiencies in logical reasoning,
risk taking among adolescents and undergraduates, but because adults themselves do not always act logically. As
not adults (M. Gardner & Steinberg, 2005). In a subse- the Nobel Prize–winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman
quent study, in which the researchers imaged the teens’ has pointed out (2011), we all often behave in ways that
brains while they played a similar video driving game, defy logic.

8.00 Figure 8 Although adolescents on

average are riskier drivers than adults,
7.00 No passengers who is in the car makes a big differ-
Reckless driving index

6.00 ence. Teens drive more recklessly when

they are alone or with peers than when
they have adult passengers.
4.00 Teen passengers (Simons-Mortin et al., 2011)

1.00 Adult passengers
1 2 3 4 5 6
Time since licensure (quarter)
68 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

For instance, suppose I describe someone to you as However, the evidence that these programs work is very
quiet, introspective, methodical, and nerdy, and ask you shaky. If, as we have seen, adolescents do not seem to be
whether that person is more likely to be a mathematician ignorant about the risks of these activities or deficient in
or a waiter. Most people say “mathematician.” But this the ways in which they make decisions, it does not seem
is certainly not correct—since in the United States there likely that efforts to change their knowledge or decision
are over 7 million people who are waiters or waitresses making will result in very much risk reduction. And if
and only 3,000 people employed as mathematicians! recent research on brain maturation is pointing to rea-
If you answered “mathematician,” you were probably sons for the inherent vulnerability of adolescence—the
using your intuition, rather than logic. In this example, combination of heightened sensation seeking and imma-
the gut-level choice happens to be wrong, but in many ture impulse control—perhaps it makes sense to rethink
situations in life, our intuitions are correct. Being able our approach to the problem (Steinberg, 2015).
to make some decisions intuitively takes advantage of One alternative approach might focus on limiting
experience and permits us to make decisions much more adolescents’ opportunities to put themselves in risky sit-
quickly than we would be able to do if we had to reason uations. For example, because we know that adolescents
everything out. are more likely to have automobile accidents when they
Although the development of logical thinking may have teenage passengers in the car or drive at night, lim-
differentiate adolescents from children, the main change iting the situations under which teenagers are permitted
to take place between adolescence and adulthood is not to drive, especially after they are newly licensed, would
the further development of logical decision making (as give adolescents that coveted driver’s license but limit
you read earlier, this is pretty much completed by age risky driving. Many states have found that graduated
15 or so), but the continued development of intuitive driver licensing, which phases adolescent drivers into
decision making that is based on experience. What stops full unrestricted driving privileges over time, lowers the
adults from taking a lot of risks is not that they are good incidence of fatal crashes involving 16-year-old drivers,
at systematically analyzing the probabilities of various although it appears to increase the incidence of crashes
outcomes, but because they get a gut-level feeling that among 18-year-olds (Masten, Foss, & Marshall, 2011b).
keeps them away from the risky act. If I am standing on It is also possible to reduce adolescent risk taking
a cliff overlooking a dark body of water that I can’t see through economic policies. For example, although anti-
into, the reason I don’t jump is not that I’ve logically tobacco education has met with only limited success,
assessed my chances of getting hurt and decided that the increases in the cost of cigarettes have dramatically
odds are not in my favor. I don’t jump because something reduced the rate of teen smoking. Thus, raising the price
inside me immediately tells me that it is a dumb thing of tobacco or alcohol would likely diminish adolescents’
to do. I don’t even have to think about it. In one study in use of these products, because adolescents generally do
which adolescents and adults were asked whether some not have a great deal of money and would therefore be
obviously risky things (e.g., “setting your hair on fire,” sensitive to increases in the cost of smoking or drink-
“swimming with sharks,”) were bad things to do while ing (Chaloupka, 2004). Another possibility would be to
their brain was scanned, the researchers found that the make risky substances harder for adolescents to obtain,
adolescents took longer to respond and were more likely by more strictly enforcing policies that prohibit stores
than adults to activate brain regions that are involved in from selling tobacco and alcohol to minors, limiting the
deliberative thinking; adults, in contrast, were more likely supply of illegal drugs, or enforcing laws that limit ado-
than adolescents to activate regions that reflect gut-level lescents’ access to firearms (Rowland, Toumbourou, &
responding (Baird, Fugelsang, & Bennett, 2005). One Livingston, 2015; Smith et al., 2013). Yet a third pos-
other study has found that improvements in deliberative sibility would be to make the penalties for engaging in
decision-making abilities are associated with more, not certain risky behaviors, like reckless or drunk driving,
less, risk taking (Wolff & Crockett, 2011). more severe, and in so doing increase the salience of the
potential costs of engaging in the risky behavior. Finally,
Reducing Adolescent Risk Taking Generally speak- to the extent that sensation seeking may be a normal part
ing, the most common approach to reducing adolescent of adolescence, perhaps we can figure out how to pro-
risk taking is through classroom-based education pro- vide safe outlets for this motivation. Not all risk taking
grams designed to teach adolescents about the dangers of is bad, after all. The challenge for parents, educators,
various activities (e.g., smoking, unprotected sex, drink- and policymakers is to find ways to permit adolescents
ing and driving), about making better decisions, and to take risks without putting themselves in situations in
about resisting peer pressure to engage in risky activity. which they can hurt themselves.
Social Transitions

Social Redefinition and Psychosocial

Variations in Social Transitions
Development Variations in Clarity
The Elongation of Adolescence Variations in Continuity
Adolescence as a Social Invention The Transition into Adulthood in
The “Invention” of Adolescence Contemporary Society
Emerging Adulthood: A New Stage of Life or Special Transitional Problems of Poor and
a Luxury of the Middle Class? Minority Youth
Changes in Status During Adolescence The Effects of Poverty on the Transition Into
Drawing a Legal Boundary
What Can Be Done to Ease the Transition?
Inconsistencies in Adolescents’ Legal Status
The Influence of Neighborhood Conditions
The Process of Social Redefinition on Adolescent Development
Common Practices in the Process of Social Processes of Neighborhood Influences
© Ariel Skelley/Getty Images RF

70 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

What events in your life told you—and others In this chapter, we will look at a third fundamental fea-
around you—that you were no longer a child and had ture of adolescence—changes in the way in which society
finally become an adolescent? Was it when you turned defines who that person is and determines what rights and
13? Finished elementary school? Went to your first boy– responsibilities she or he has as a consequence. Along
girl party? Were allowed to be out at the mall without with the biological changes of puberty and changes in
an adult? thinking abilities, changes in social roles and social status
And what signaled, or will signal, that you are an adult? constitute yet another universal feature of development
Turning 18? Turning 21? Getting your first full-time job? Getting during adolescence. As you will read, some theorists have
your driver’s license? Graduating from college? Getting your argued that the nature of adolescent development is far
first apartment? Getting married? more influenced by the way in which society defines the
Each of these social transitions is not just an event. Each economic and social roles of young people than by the
is also a source of information—to the person and those in biological or cognitive changes of the period.
his or her life—about the person’s stage of development. The study of social transitions in adolescence provides
Parents may treat their children differently once they start an interesting vehicle through which to compare ado-
high school, even if their appearance and behavior haven’t lescence across different cultures and historical epochs.
changed. Neighbors might look at a child who has grown Puberty, after all, is pretty much the same everywhere
up next door differently once they see him or her driving. (although its timing and meaning may vary from place to
Adolescents may feel differently about themselves once place). Abstract thinking and logical reasoning don’t differ
they have started working at a “real” job. from one society to the next (although what people think
In all societies, adolescence is a period of social transi- and reason about certainly does). The social transitions
tion for the individual. Over the course of these years, peo- of adolescence are not the same, however. Although the
ple cease to be viewed by society as children and come existence of a social passage from childhood into adult-
to be recognized as adults. This chapter is about the ways hood is universal, huge differences exist between the pro-
in which individuals are redefined during adolescence and cesses of social redefinition in industrialized society and
the implications of this process for psychological develop- those in the developing world. In examining some of these
ment. Although the specific elements of this social passage differences, you will come to understand better how the
from childhood into adulthood vary across time and place, way in which society structures the transition of adoles-
the recognition that the individual’s status has changed—a cents into adult roles influences the nature of psychosocial
social redefinition of the individual—is universal. development during the period.

Social Redefinition and decisions that may have serious long-term conse-
quences (Woolard & Scott, 2009). An individual who
Psychosocial Development has reached the drinking age, for example, must decide
Like the biological and cognitive transitions of adoles- how to handle this new privilege. Should he go along
cence, the social transitions have important consequences with the crowd and drink every weekend night, follow
for the young person’s psychosocial development. In the his parents’ example and abstain from drinking, or chart
realm of identity, for example, attainment of adult status a middle ground? And in return for the privileges that
may transform a young woman’s self-concept, causing come with adult status, the adolescent-turned-adult
her to feel more mature and to think more seriously about is expected to behave in a more responsible fashion.
future work and family roles. Similarly, an individual For example, receiving a driver’s license carries with
may feel older and more mature the first time he reports it the obligation of driving safely. The attainment of
to work, goes into a bar, drives without an adult in the adult status provides chances for the young person to
car, or votes. In turn, these new activities and opportuni- exercise autonomy and to develop a greater sense of
ties may prompt self-evaluation and introspection. independence.
Becoming an adult member of society, accompanied Changes in social definition often bring with them
as it is by increases in responsibilities and freedom, also changes in relationships with others. Social redefinition
has an impact on the develop- at adolescence is therefore likely to raise new questions
social redefinition ment of autonomy, or inde- and concerns for the young person about intimacy—
The process through which an pendence. In contrast to the including such matters as dating and marriage. Many
individual’s position or status is
redefined by society.
child, the adolescent-turned- parents prohibit their children from dating until they
adult faces a wider range of have reached an “appropriate” age, and not until the CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 71

age of majority (the legal age for adult status) are indi- Reasonable people may dis- age of majority
viduals allowed to marry without first gaining their par- agree about which social indi- The designated age at which
ents’ permission. In certain societies, young people may cator makes the most sense, but an individual is recognized as
even be required to marry when they reach adulthood, they would probably agree that an adult.
entering into a marriage that may have been arranged a cultural marker of adulthood statutory rape
while they were children (Schlegel, 2009). makes more sense than a bio- Sex between two individuals,
Changes in status at adolescence also may affect sex- logical one. even when it is consensual,
ual development. In contemporary society, for example, This is why experts define when at least one of the per-
sons is below the legal age of
laws governing sexual behavior (such as the definition adolescence as beginning in consent; in the United States,
of statutory rape) typically differentiate between indi- biology and ending in culture. the specific age of consent var-
viduals who have and have not attained adult status. Of all the possible markers ies from state to state.
One problem continuing to face contemporary society of the beginning and end of
is whether sexually active individuals who are not yet adolescence, menstruation and
legal adults should be able to make independent deci- marriage are probably the best ones to use in order to
sions about such matters as abortion and contraception see if adolescence actually has gotten longer. Both are
(Woolard & Scott, 2009). widely experienced, and we can date both of them accu-
Finally, reaching adulthood often has important impli- rately. For most women, menarche is a memorable event,
cations in the realm of achievement. In contemporary and one whose date is regularly recorded in doctors’
society, people can hold informal jobs, like babysitting, files. Scientists in the Western world have been keeping
when they are still young, but it is not until adult work track of the average age of girls’ first menstruation since
status is attained (typically at age 15 or 16 in the United about 1840, and we have a very good idea of how the
States) that young people can enter the labor force as advent of puberty has changed since then. There is no
full-time employees. And not until young people have comparable pubertal event for boys that screams, “I am
reached a designated age are they permitted to leave a man,” but the ages at which males and females within
school of their own volition. In less industrialized societ- the same society go through puberty are highly corre-
ies, becoming an adult typically entails entrance into the lated. Even though girls typically go through puberty a
productive activities of the community. Together, these year or two before boys, in societies in which puberty is
shifts are likely to prompt changes in the young person’s early for girls, it comes early for boys, too.
skills, aspirations, and expectations. The age at which people marry is even more reli-
ably documented than the age of menarche. Government
officials have long noted how old people are when they
The Elongation of Adolescence take their wedding vows, and as a consequence we
Adolescence is longer today than it has ever been in have accurate statistics about marriage that go back for
human history. centuries. This is certainly not to say that one must be
Deciding how we define a stage of life—when it begins
and when it ends—is inherently subjective. Experts use
puberty to mark the beginning of adolescence because
it’s easy to measure, has obvious consequences (like sex-
ual maturation), and is universal. In societies that have
formal rites of passage, puberty has long been used to
indicate when people are no longer children.
We may lack formal initiation ceremonies in modern
society, but we still use puberty to mark the passage into
adolescence. Getting consensus on when the period ends
is harder. Although there are a few objective biological
boundaries between adolescence and adulthood—for
instance, the point at which people stop growing taller
or when they can bear children—these somehow just
don’t feel right. Some people finish their growth spurts
when they’re as young as 12 or 13, and some can even
become a parent at this age, but few of us, at least in
today’s world, feel comfortable labeling a 13-year-old
as an “adult.” That’s why we tend to use some sort of
The stage of adolescence has been lengthened by an increase
social indicator to draw the line between adolescence and in the age at which people make the transition into adult roles.
adulthood, like attaining the age of legal majority, start- The age of marriage has risen steadily over the past 50 years.
ing a full-time job, or moving out of one’s parents’ home. © Studio Zanello/Streetstock Images/Getty Images RF
72 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

married in order to be an adult, same roof with their parents once they had become
Theorists who argue that the only that changes in the aver- sexual beings. In contemporary society, however,
period of adolescence is mainly age age of marriage are useful individuals live with their parents long after they
a social invention. for tracking historical trends. have become sexually mature. What impact might
Trends in the age at which peo- this have on parent–child relationships?
ple complete their schooling, ∙ Adolescents today probably aren’t any less emo-
begin their careers, or set up independent households tionally mature than they were 100 years ago—if
would also be fine ways to track historical changes in anything, growing up under many of the pressures
the transition into adulthood, but we haven’t kept very that people face today may have made them more
good official records of these for nearly as long we’ve mature at a younger age. But because the financial
been recording marriages. And although getting mar- cost of living independently has increased so rapidly,
ried, leaving school, starting a career, or setting up a adolescents’ economic “maturity” (that is, their abil-
home do not all take place at the same age, they tend to ity to support themselves without help from their
move in lockstep from one generation to the next. When parents) lags far behind their psychological maturity
the average age for getting married rises over time, so (that is, their ability to behave responsibly). What
do the others. implications does this have? How does it feel to be
In the middle of the nineteenth century, adolescence an adult psychologically but a child financially?
lasted around 5 years—that’s how long it took girls to go ∙ One of the main reasons that adolescence has been
from menarche to marriage in the mid-1800s. At the turn lengthened is that much more formal education
of the twentieth century, the average American woman is now necessary in order to make a successful
got her first period between fourteen and fifteen and transition into adult work roles. School, however,
married when she was just under 22. In 1900, adoles- is not something that all individuals enjoy equally.
cence lasted a little less than 7 years. How might forcing all adolescents to follow the
During the first half of the twentieth century, people same pathway into adulthood benefit some but
began getting married at a younger age, but the age of not others?
puberty continued to decline. This froze the length of
adolescence at about 7 years. In 1950, for example, the
average American female went through menarche at Adolescence as a Social Invention
around 13-1/2 and married at 20.
From 1950 on, though, things changed. The drop in Many writers, often referred to as inventionists, have
the age of puberty continued, but people started mar- argued that adolescence, as a period in the life cycle, is
rying later and later. Each decade, the average age of mainly a social invention (e.g., Fasick, 1994). They point
menarche dropped by about 3 or 4 months, whereas the out that, although the biological and cognitive changes
average age at marriage rose by about a year. By 2010, it characteristic of the period are important in their own
took 15 years for the average girl to go from menarche to right, adolescence is defined primarily by the ways in
marriage (Steinberg, 2014). which society recognizes (or does not recognize) the
As we shall see, the passage from adolescence into period as distinct from childhood or adulthood.
adulthood today is especially difficult for young people Our images of adolescence are influenced by the fact
growing up in poverty, in part because social institu- that society draws lines between adolescence and child-
tions that once enabled poor youth to make a success- hood (for instance, the boundary between elementary
ful transition into adulthood no longer provide sufficient and secondary school) and between adolescence and
support (Settersten, Furstenberg, & Rumbaut, 2005). adulthood (for instance, the age at which someone can
In today’s economy, making a smooth and successful vote). Inventionists stress that it is only because we see
transition into adult work and family roles is challeng- adolescence as distinct that it exists as such. They point
ing enough for individuals who graduate from college, to other cultures and other historical periods in which
but it has become incredibly difficult for those who only adolescence has been viewed very differently.
complete high school and almost impossible for those Many of these theorists view the behaviors and prob-
without a high school diploma. lems characteristic of adolescence in contemporary
The lengthening of adolescence as a developmental society, such as delinquency, as a consequence of the
period has had important implications for how young way that adolescence is defined and young people are
people see themselves, relate to others, and develop psy- treated, rather than the result of the biological or cogni-
chologically. Consider just a few examples: tive givens of the period. As you know, this is an entirely
different view from that espoused by writers such as
∙ Parents used to “launch” their children from home G. Stanley Hall, who saw the psychological changes of
very close to the age of puberty. As a consequence, adolescence as driven by puberty and, as a result, by bio-
individuals spent very little time living under the logical destiny. CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 73

The “Invention” of Adolescence society needed to begin discriminating between individ-

uals who were “ready” for work and those who were not.
Have there always been adolescents? Although this may Although there was little factual basis for the distinction,
seem like a simple question with an obvious answer, it is society began to view adolescents as less capable and
actually a very complicated issue. Naturally, there have more in need of guidance and training—legitimizing
always been individuals between the ages of 10 and 20, or what was little more than age discrimination. Individuals
who just passed through puberty, or whose frontal lobes who earlier in the century would have been working next
were still maturing. But according to the inventionist to adults were now seen as too immature or too unskilled
view, adolescence as we know it in contemporary society to carry out similar tasks—even though the individuals
did not really exist until the Industrial Revolution of the themselves hadn’t changed in any meaningful way.
mid-nineteenth century (Fasick, 1994). In the agricultural A less cynical view of the events of the late nineteenth
world of the sixteenth or seventeenth century, children century emphasizes the genuine motivation of some
were treated primarily as miniature adults, and people did adults to protect adolescents from the dangers of the new
not make precise distinctions among children of different workplace, rather than the selfish desire to protect adults’
ages (“child” referred to anyone under the age of 18 or jobs from teenagers. Industrialization brought with it wor-
even 21). Children provided important labor to their fami- risome changes in community life, especially in the cities.
lies, and they learned early in their development the roles Many factories were dangerous working environments,
they were expected to fill later in life. The main distinc- filled with new and unfamiliar machinery. The disruption
tion between children and adults was based not on their of small farming communities and the growth of large
age or their abilities but on whether they owned property urban areas was accompanied by increases in crime and
(Modell & Goodman, 1990). As a consequence, there “moral degeneracy.” Child protectionists argued that
was little reason to label some youngsters as “children” young people needed to be kept away from the labor force
and others as “adolescents”—in fact, the term adolescent for their own good. In addition to the rise of schools dur-
was not widely used prior to the nineteenth century. ing this time, the early twentieth century saw the growth
of many organizations aimed at protecting young people,
The Impact of Industrialization With industrializa- such as the Boy Scouts and other adult-supervised youth
tion came new patterns of work, education, and family clubs (Modell & Goodman, 1990).
life. Adolescents were among those most dramatically
affected by these changes. First, because the economy The Origins of Adolescence as We Know It Today
was changing so rapidly, away from the simple and It was not until the late nineteenth century—little more
predictable life known in agrarian society, the connec- than 100 years ago—that adolescence came to be viewed
tion between what individuals learned in childhood and as it is today: a lengthy period of preparation for adult-
what they would need to know in adulthood became hood, in which young people, in need of guidance and
increasingly uncertain. Although a man may have been a supervision, remain economically dependent on their
farmer, his son would not necessarily follow in his foot- elders. This view started within the middle class—where
steps. One response to this uncertainty was that parents, parents had more to gain by keeping their children
especially in middle-class families, encouraged adoles- out of the labor force and educating them for a better
cents to spend time in school, preparing for adulthood. adulthood—but it spread quickly throughout society.
Instead of working side by side with their parents and Because the workplace has continued to change in ways
other adults at home, as was the case before industrial- that make the future uncertain, the idea of adolescence
ization, adolescents became increasingly more likely to as a distinctive period of preparation for adulthood has
spend their days with peers, being educated or trained remained intact. Adolescence, as a transitional stage
for the future. This led to the increased importance of between childhood and adulthood, now exists in virtu-
peer groups and youth culture, defining characteristics ally all societies around the
of modern adolescence we take for granted today that world (Larson et al., 2009). child protectionists
were not prominent until the early twentieth century. Two other modifications of Individuals who argued, early
in the twentieth century, that
Inventionists point out that the redefinition of adoles- the definition of adolescence adolescents needed to be kept
cence as a time of preparation rather than participation also gave rise to new termi- out of the labor force in order
also suited society’s changing economic needs (Fasick, nology and ideas. The first of to protect them from the haz-
1994). One initial outcome of industrialization was a these is the introduction of the ards of the workplace.
shortage of job opportunities, because machines were term teenager, which was not teenager
replacing workers. Although adolescents provided inex- employed until about 70 years A term popularized about 50
pensive labor, they were now competing with adults for ago. In contrast to “adoles- years ago to refer to young
a limited number of jobs. One way of protecting adults’ cent,” “teenager” suggested a people; it connoted a more
frivolous and lighthearted
jobs was to remove adolescents from the labor force, by less serious age, during which image than did “adolescent.”
turning them into full-time students. To accomplish this, individuals concern themselves
74 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

and during the 1960s in particular, the growth of the

college population and the rise in student activism
focused attention on individuals who were somewhere
between adolescence and young adulthood—those from
18 to 22. Many adults referred to the changes they saw
in attitudes and values among college students as the
“youth movement.” One theorist went so far as to argue
that youth is a separate stage in the life cycle, psycho-
logically as well as chronologically distinct from ado-
lescence and adulthood (Keniston, 1970), an idea that is
similar to the concept of “emerging adulthood,” which
we will examine later in this chapter. Many college
students today are unsure about whether they are ado-
lescents or adults, since they may feel mature in some
respects (keeping up an apartment or being involved in
a serious relationship) but immature in others (having
to depend on parents for economic support or having to
have an advisor approve class schedules). Although it
may strike you as odd to think of 22-year-olds as adoles-
cents, the lengthening of formal schooling in contempo-
rary society has altered the way we define adolescence,
because the majority of young people continue their
education past high school and are forced to delay
their transition into many adult work and family roles
Although adolescence was invented during the late 19th century,
it was not until the middle of the 20th century that our present- (Steinberg, 2014). By this definition, many 22-year-olds
day image of the teenager was created. Making an important (and many individuals who are even older) are still not
contribution to this image were the mass media—magazines such yet adults—a situation that often perplexes parents as
as Seventeen cultivated the picture of the happy-go-lucky teenager much as their adult children.
as a way of targeting advertisements toward an increasingly
lucrative adolescent market. © Francesco Scavullo/Seventeen Magazine

with cars, clothes, and cosmetics. An important social

change that led to the development of the concept of teen-
making the personal
ager was the increased affluence and economic freedom connection
enjoyed by American adolescents during the late 1940s Think for a moment about how your parents’ adolescence
and early 1950s (Fasick, 1994; Hine, 1999). Advertisers differed from yours. What changes have taken place in
recognized that teenagers represented an important con- society since then that might have contributed to this?
sumer group and, with the help of new publications such
as Seventeen magazine, began cultivating the image of
the happy-go-lucky teenager as a means of targeting Emerging Adulthood: A New Stage of
ad campaigns toward the lucrative adolescent market
(Osgerby, 2008; Palladino, 1996). Interestingly, although Life or a Luxury of the Middle Class?
the image of the American teenager—fun-loving, irre- The transition to adulthood has become so delayed in
sponsible, and independent—now appears all over the many industrialized societies that some have argued that
world, in some societies it is viewed favorably (because there is a new stage in life—emerging adulthood—that
it is evidence that the society has reached a level of afflu- may last for some individuals until their mid-20s (Arnett,
ence to be able to afford it), while in others it is held up 2009). Proponents of this idea contend that the period
as an example of what adults do not want their children from ages 18 to 25 is neither adolescence nor adulthood,
to become (Larson et al., 2009). but a unique developmental period in its own right, char-
A second term whose acceptance grew as a result of acterized by five main features:
social change is youth, which was used long before “ado-
lescent.” But, prior to industri- ∙ the exploration of possible identities before making
youth alization, youth had a vague, enduring choices;
Today, a term used to refer imprecise meaning and could ∙ instability in work, romantic relationships, and living
to individuals ages 18 to 22; it refer to someone as young as arrangements;
once referred to individuals
ages 12 to 24.
12 or as old as 24 (Modell & ∙ a focus on oneself and, in particular, on functioning
Goodman, 1990). Gradually, as an independent person; CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 75

∙ the feeling of being between adolescence and adult- views. Several studies show that for the majority of
hood; and people, emerging adulthood is generally one of positive
∙ the sense that life holds many possibilities. and improving mental health (see Figure 1). At the same
time, however, the period between 18 and 25 is a time
Is Emerging Adulthood Universal? This profile during which a substantial number of people report seri-
certainly describes many young people in contempo- ous mental health problems, like depression or substance
rary society, particularly those whose parents can foot abuse. In any given year, nearly one-fifth of people this
the bill while their “emerging adults” are figuring out age suffer from some sort of mental illness, and, despite
what they want to do with their lives. As many writers the media attention given to teen suicide, the suicide rate
have pointed out (e.g., Arnett, 2009), however, emerg- among young adults is twice what it is among teenagers
ing adulthood does not exist in all cultures—in fact, it (Institute of Medicine, 2015).
exists in very few (the United States, Canada, Australia, One study of mental health during this age period fol-
New Zealand, Japan, and the more affluent nations of lowed a national sample of American youths from age 18
Western Europe). And even within countries in which to their mid-20s. The researchers compared four groups:
there are significant numbers of emerging adults, the (1) those who reported positive well-being across the
majority of individuals cannot afford to delay the tran- entire interval, (2) those who reported negative well-
sition from adolescence into full-fledged adulthood being across the entire interval, (3) those whose well-
for a half decade. Several recent analyses indicate that being started low but increased, and (4) those whose
there is a great deal of variability among people in their well-being started high but decreased (Schulenberg,
mid-20s with respect to the dimensions of emerging Bryant, & O’Malley, 2004). (There also was a large
adulthood (Côté, 2014). group whose well-being was average to begin with and
It is also important to note that the existence of emerg- stayed that way.) They then looked to see whether these
ing adulthood is not entirely an economic phenomenon. patterns of well-being over time were related to indica-
Many emerging adults live the way they do because tors of individual functioning, by rating whether indi-
the economy forces them to, but many simply do it by viduals had been succeeding, maintaining, or stalling as
choice—they want to take some time before assuming they moved into adulthood (see Table 1, on page 76).
full adult responsibilities. Expectations about the age at Three main findings emerged. First, over 80% of the
which one gets married appear to be especially important sample showed great stability in their well-being over
to this decision (J. S. Carroll et al., 2007). The existence the period, consistent with findings from many other
of emerging adulthood may have a lot to do with values studies indicating that psychological functioning in
and priorities, and not just the economy. childhood and adolescence is highly predictive of suc-
cess later in life (e.g., M. J. Shanahan & Bauer, 2004).
Psychological Well-Being in Emerging Adulthood This is because success in one stage (doing well in high
Very little research has examined psychological devel- school) usually leads to success in the next stage (getting
opment and functioning during emerging adulthood. into a good college), and some basic “resources” predict
The profile initially described by some writers suggests success throughout the life span—as the old joke goes,
both a potentially difficult time, characterized by floun- if you want to succeed in life, make sure you have a high
dering and financial instability, and a time of carefree IQ, money, and good parents (e.g., K. Burt, Obradović,
optimism and independence. There is evidence for both Long, & Masten, 2008). Second, for more than a sixth

2.87 4.05
Depressive symptoms

2.76 3.98

2.66 3.90

2.55 3.82
2.44 3.75
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Age Age

Figure 1 For some, early adulthood is a time of improved mental health, as indicated by decreases in depression
and increases in self-esteem. (Galambos et al., 2006)
76 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

of the sample, this period was one of substantial change are related to well-being during this time (Galambos
in mental health—about 7% of the sample were well- et al., 2006).
functioning adolescents whose mental health declined, Has a new stage of life actually arisen? How wide-
and another 10% were troubled adolescents who became spread does a pattern of behavior have to be for us to
“exemplary” young adults. Finally, experiences in the conclude that a new stage of development has emerged?
domains of work, romance, and citizenship—but not Does emerging adulthood exist if it is common in Boston
in the domains of school or finances—were especially or Berkeley, but not in Biloxi, Baghdad, or Beijing?
linked to changes in well-being. Other studies also have It is hard to say. “Midlife” is a stage that we take for
found that success in the worlds of work and romance granted in contemporary America but that doesn’t exist

Table 1 Descriptions of developmental task domains

Domain Succeeding Maintaining Stalling

Peer • Goes out two or more times a week • Neither succeeding nor • Goes out one or
involvement for fun and recreation at age 22 and stalling fewer times a week
age 26 for fun and recreation
at age 22 and age 26
Education • Graduated from 4-year college by • Expected to graduate • Expected 4-year
age 26, or from 4-year college and college degree and
• Expected to graduate from 2-year received 2-year degree, or did not receive either
college and received 2-year degree • Did not expect 2- or 4-year 2- or 4-year degree
degree and did not receive by age 26
either degree, or
• Expected 2-year degree
and did not receive 2-year
degree by age 26
Work • No unemployment at age 22 or • Neither succeeding not • Some unemployment
26, and stalling (e.g., homemaker at age 22 and/or 26,
• Working 10+ months/year at full- or otherwise not working and
time job by age 26, and and not looking for work • Low job confidence at
• High job confidence at age 26 outside home) age 26
Substance • No substance use at any age (18, • Some substance use, but • Use of two or more
abuse 22, 26) [Four indicators of substance less than stalling substances at all
avoidance use; cigarettes (current use), binge three ages (18,
(healthy drinking (in past 2 weeks), marijuana 22, 26), and/or
coping/ (current use), and other illicit drugs • Use of three or more
lifestyle) (in past 12 months)] substances at age 26
Romantic • At age 26, married or engaged (with • At age 26, cohabiting, or • At age 26, not
involvement or without cohabitation), and • Dating more than once a married, not engaged
• No divorce history month, and/or not cohabiting, and
• Divorced, but remarried • Dating once a month
or less
Citizenship • Three indicators reported at age • Measures indicate some • Measures indicate no
22 and age 26: social conscience, strong connections but strong connections at
charity, and awareness of social/ not as frequent as at age 26
political events succeeding level
• Measures indicate at least one strong
connection at age 22 and at least
two strong connections at age 26
Financial • Self and/or spouse providing all • Some resources come • At age 26, less than half
autonomy resources at age 26 from other than self or of support is from self
spouse (and not stalling) and/or spouse, and/or
• Live with parents and
receive some financial
help (>20%) from them

Source: Schulenberg et al., 2004. CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 77

everywhere, or at least, not as we think of it (Schweder, right to vote. But along with initiation ceremony
1998). Nevertheless, the notion that people go through a this increased power usually The formal induction of a
distinct and unique set of psychological transitions dur- come new obligations. In most young person into adulthood.
ing middle age has become widely accepted (if perhaps societies, young adults are status offense
less supported by hard evidence than in popular media expected to serve their com- A violation of the law that per-
portrayals). munities in cases of emer- tains to minors but not adults.
Clearly, in some parts of the world, and in some seg- gency or need, and in many juvenile justice system
ments of society, the transition between adolescence and cultures, training for warfare A separate system of courts
adulthood has been lengthened—that much is indisput- is often demanded of young and related institutions devel-
able. More individuals attend college than in previous people once they attain adult oped to handle juvenile crime
eras, which delays their entrance into the world of work, status (Benedict, 1934). On and delinquency.
and more postpone getting married, which delays their the other hand, in most societ- criminal justice system
settling into a more stable lifestyle. But whether this ies, it is not until adult status The system of courts and
means that the psychological functioning of 23-year- is attained that individuals are related institutions developed
to handle adult crime.
olds who follow this pattern of a delayed and prolonged permitted to participate in cer-
transition is significantly different from that of 23-year- tain activities that are reserved
olds who transition from college directly into full-time for adults. Gambling, purchasing alcoholic beverages,
employment and marriage is anyone’s guess, because it and seeing X-rated films are but three of the many privi-
hasn’t been studied. In other words, whether a psycho- leges we reserve in America for individuals who have
logical stage of emerging adulthood really exists has yet reached the legal age of adulthood.
to be established (Côté, 2014). Once an adolescent is designated as an adult, she
For example, even though the transition into adult or he is also subject to a new set of laws. In some
work and family roles has been delayed in many seg- instances, attaining adult status brings with it greater
ments of society, there is no evidence that this has been leniency under the law, whereas in others, it is associ-
accompanied by a comparable prolongation into adult- ated with harsher treatment. In the United States, for
hood of problem behaviors typically associated with late example, certain activities that are permissible among
adolescence, such as crime or substance abuse (Hayford adults are violations of the law when they are commit-
& Furstenberg, 2008). In other words, it is entirely pos- ted by young people. (We use the term status offense
sible that economic forces have delayed the transition to refer to a behavior that is problematic because of the
into social adulthood (i.e., the roles that people occupy) young person’s status as a juvenile.) As a college stu-
but have not affected the transition into psychological dent, you cannot be legally punished for not showing
adulthood. up for class, as would have been the case if you didn’t
show up for high school. If you decide you don’t want
to return home when you are on a break, you don’t have
to, at least not as far as the law is concerned; in contrast,
Changes in Status During running away from home during adolescence is against
Adolescence the law in many jurisdictions. Certain crimes, when
committed by a minor, are adjudicated in a separate
Changes in social definition at adolescence typically
juvenile justice system, which operates under different
involve a two-sided modification in the individual’s
rules and principles than the criminal justice system
status. On the one hand, the adolescent is given cer-
that applies to adults. Although being tried in the
tain privileges and rights that are typically reserved for
juvenile justice system usually results in a less severe
the society’s adult members. On the other hand, this
sanction than being found guilty of the same crime in
increased power and freedom generally are accompanied
adult court, this is not always the case (Kurlychek &
by increased expectations for self-management, personal
Johnson, 2010).
responsibility, and social participation.
The legal regulation of adolescent behavior in the
United States has been quite controversial in recent
years. Part of the problem is that development during
Drawing a Legal Boundary adolescence is so rapid and so variable between indi-
With the attainment of adult status, the young person viduals that it is difficult to know at what chronologi-
is often permitted more extensive participation in the cal age a line should be drawn between legally viewing
community’s decision making. In many American someone as an adult and viewing him or her as a child
Indian groups, such as the Navajo or Apache, it is only (Cauffman, Shulman, Bechtold, & Steinberg, 2015).
after a formal initiation ceremony that adolescents are This problem is compounded by the fact that we draw
granted adult status (Markstrom, 2011a). In contempo- the boundary at different places for different purposes
rary America, attaining the age of majority brings the (for example, driving at 16, voting at 18, buying alcohol
78 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

One issue that arises in cases in which a juvenile

might be tried as an adult is whether the adolescent is
competent to stand trial. In the United States, it is not
permissible to try someone in a criminal proceeding if
the individual does not understand the charges, does not
understand the nature of the trial, or is unable to make
reasoned decisions about the case (for example, whether
to take the stand in his or her own defense). Historically,
questions about a defendant’s competence to stand trial
have been raised only in cases in which the individual
is mentally ill or mentally retarded. Now that more and
more juveniles are being tried as adults at younger and
younger ages, however, experts have asked whether
In the United States, there are many inconsistencies under the some young defendants may be incompetent to stand
law with respect to the treatment of adolescents. Some rulings trial simply because of cognitive or emotional immatu-
have viewed young people as having the same rights as adults,
whereas others have not. © Cass Gilbert/Image Source RF
rity (Viljoen, McLachlan, Wingrove, & Penner, 2010).
One study of this issue found that about one-third of
those aged 13 and younger, and one-fifth of 14- and
15-year-olds, were as impaired in their abilities to serve
at 21, and so on). This inconsistency makes it hard to
as a competent defendant as were mentally ill adults who
point to any specific age and say with certainty that
had been found not competent to stand trial (Grisso et al.,
there is consensus about where the legal boundary
2003). Research also indicates that juveniles, even those
should be drawn. One current controversy is whether
who are relatively mature, are less likely than adults to
new findings from studies of adolescent brain develop-
understand their rights when being questioned by the
ment should influence where we draw these legal lines
police, more likely to confess to a crime than remain
(Steinberg, 2014).
silent, and less likely to discuss disagreements about
their defense with their attorneys (Redlich, Silverman,
& Steiner, 2003; Rogers et al., 2014; Viljoen, Klaver, &
making the practical Roesch, 2005).
At what age do you think we should draw the line
between legal adolescence and legal adulthood? Should Inconsistencies in Adolescents’
this age be the same for all activities, or should different
activities have different age boundaries?
Legal Status
Many other issues surrounding the legal status of ado-
lescents in the United States remain vague and confus-
Adolescents as Criminal Defendants There is ing (Cauffman et al., 2015). Two U.S. Supreme Court
especially great disagreement about how we should cases indicate just how inconsistent our views of adoles-
view and treat young people who commit serious vio- cents’ status are. In one case, Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier,
lent offenses (E. Scott & Steinberg, 2008). Are juve- the Court ruled that a public high school can censor arti-
niles who commit crimes less blameworthy than adults cles written by students for their school newspaper, on
because they are less able to foresee the consequences of the grounds that adolescents are so immature that they
their actions or resist the pressure of others to engage in need the protection of wiser adults. Yet the same Court
antisocial activity? Or should we hold adolescents and also ruled, in Board of Education v. Mergens, that stu-
adults to the same standards of criminal responsibility? dents who wanted to form a Bible study group had the
If a youngster has committed a violent crime, should right to meet on campus because high school students
he or she be treated as a child (and processed by the are mature enough to understand that a school can per-
legal system as a delinquent) or tried as an adult (and mit the expression of ideas that it does not necessarily
processed as a criminal)? Should young teenagers and endorse. Similarly, in Hodgson v. Minnesota, the Court
adults who are convicted of the same crime receive the ruled that, because of their maturity, adolescents do not
same penalties? In 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court raised need to obtain parental consent to get an abortion. Yet
the age at which individuals can be exposed to the death the Court also ruled, in Roper v. Simmons, that adoles-
penalty from 16 to 18 (Roper v. Simmons, 2005), and cents should not be subject to the death penalty, because
several more recent cases have asked whether it is con- their immaturity makes them less responsible for their
stitutional to sentence juveniles to life without parole criminal behavior (and therefore less “punishable”)
(Cauffman et al., 2015). (Cauffman et al., 2015). CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 79

There are many other examples of this sort of incon-

sistency. For example, courts have ruled that teenag-
ers have the right to obtain contraceptives or purchase
violent video games without their parents’ approval.
But they also have upheld laws forbidding adolescents
access to cigarettes or to magazines that, although vul-
gar, are not considered so obscene that they are out-
lawed among adults (Zimring, 1982). As you know,
the age at which adolescents are permitted to engage
in various adult behaviors—driving, voting, drinking,
viewing R-rated movies, smoking—varies considerably
from one domain to the next. Is there a pattern to this
inconsistency? In general, legal decisions tend to set
the age boundary high when the behavior in question is
viewed as potentially damaging to the young person (for
example, buying alcohol), but have set the boundary low
when the behavior is thought to have potential benefit
(for example, having access to contraceptives) (E. Scott
Formal rites of passage from adolescence to adulthood are
& Steinberg, 2008).
rare in contemporary society. Certain cultural ceremonies—like
the quinceañera, a coming-of-age celebration for young women
The Process of Social Redefinition in some Latino communities—are about as close as we come in
today’s society. © Michael Dwyer/Alamy
Social redefinition during adolescence is not a single
difficult or unpleasant tasks, and special ties may be
event but, like puberty or cognitive maturation, a series
forged between “brothers” or “sisters” who have pledged
of events that often occur over a relatively long time. In
contemporary America, the process of redefinition typi-
cally begins at age 15 or 16, when people are first per-
mitted to drive and work in the formal labor force. But Common Practices in the Process
in most states, the social redefinition of the adolescent
continues well into young adulthood. Some privileges of
of Social Redefinition
adulthood, such as voting, are not conferred until the age Although the specific ceremonies, signs, and timetables
of 18, and others, such as purchasing alcoholic bever- of social redefinition during adolescence vary from one
ages, don’t come until the age of 21, 5 or 6 years after the culture to another, several general themes characterize
redefinition process begins. Even in societies that mark the process in all societies.
the social redefinition of the young person with a dra-
matic and elaborate initiation ceremony, the social trans- Real or Symbolic Separation from Parents First,
formation from child into adult may span many years, social redefinition usually entails the real or symbolic sep-
and the initiation ceremony may represent just one ele- aration of young persons from their parents (Markstrom,
ment of the process (Markstrom, 2011b). In fact, the ini- 2011b). During late childhood, children in some societ-
tiation ceremony usually marks the beginning of a long ies are expected to begin sleeping in households other
period of training and preparation for adulthood, not the than their own. Youngsters may spend the day with their
adolescent’s final passage into adult status. parents but spend the night with friends of the family,
In many cultures, the social redefinition of young with relatives, or in a separate residence reserved for
people occurs in groups. The young people of a commu- preadolescents. In America, during earlier times, it was
nity are grouped with peers of approximately the same customary for adolescents to leave home temporarily and
age—a cohort—and move through the series of status live with other families in the community, either to learn
transitions together. One of the results of such age group- specific occupational skills
ing is that very strong bonds are formed among people as apprentices or to work as cohort
who have shared certain rituals. In many American domestic servants (Kett, 1977). A group of individuals born
high schools, for example, attempts are made to cre- In contemporary societies, the during the same general his-
ate class spirit or class unity by fostering bonds among separation of adolescents from torical era.
students who will graduate together. In many Latino their parents takes somewhat quinceañera
communities, adolescent girls participate together in an different forms. They are sent An elaborate sort of “coming-
elaborate sort of “coming-out” celebration, called the to summer camps, to boarding out” celebration for adolescent
girls that is practiced in many
quinceañera. On college campuses, fraternities and schools, or, as is more com-
Latino communities.
sororities may conduct group initiations that involve mon, to college.
80 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

An Emphasis on Differences Between the Sexes entails passing on cultural, historical, and practical
A second aspect of social redefinition during adoles- information from the adult generation to the newly
cence entails the accentuation of physical and social inducted cohort of young people. This information may
differences between males and females (Schlegel & concern (1) matters thought to be important to adults
Barry, 1991). This accentuation of differences occurs but of limited utility to children (for example, informa-
partly because of the physical changes of puberty and tion about the performance of certain adult work tasks),
partly because in many cultures adult work and family (2) matters thought to be necessary for adults but unfit
roles are often highly sex-differentiated. Many societies for children (for example, information regarding sex), or
separate males and females during religious ceremonies, (3) matters concerning the history or rituals of the fam-
have individuals begin wearing sex-specific articles of ily or community (for example, how to perform certain
clothing (rather than clothing permissible for either gen- ceremonies). In traditional societies, initiates are often
der), and keep males and females apart during initiation sent to some sort of “school” in which they are instructed
ceremonies. in the productive activities of the community (hunt-
In many non-Western societies today, the privileges ing, fishing, or farming). Following puberty, boys and
extended to males and females once they have reached girls receive instruction about sexual relations, moral
puberty are so different that adolescence often is an behavior, and societal lore (M. Fried & Fried, 1980;
entirely different phenomenon for boys and girls (Larson N. Miller, 1928).
et al., 2009). Examples of the differential treatment In contemporary society, too, adolescence is a time
of adolescent boys and girls in non-Western cultures of instruction in preparation for adulthood. Elementary
abound, but in general, girls’ behavior is more subject school students, for example, are generally not taught
to the control of adults, whereas boys are given more a great deal about sexuality, work, or financial matters;
freedom and autonomy (Markstrom, 2011b). Girls are such course work is typically reserved for high school
expected to remain virgins until marriage, for example, students. We also restrict entrance into certain “adult”
whereas boys’ premarital sexual activity is tolerated. activities (such as sexually explicit movies) until adoles-
Girls are expected to spend time preparing for domestic cents are believed old enough to be exposed to them.
roles, whereas boys are expected to acquire vocational Because formal initiation ceremonies are neither
skills for employment outside the home. And formal very common nor very meaningful in modern society,
schooling is far less available to girls than to boys, espe- students sometimes overlook important similarities
cially in rural societies. between the processes of social redefinition in tradi-
The separation of males and females in adolescence tional and contemporary societies. Practices like sepa-
is not limited to non-Western societies, though. In ear- rating children from their parents or scarification—the
lier times in America (and to a certain extent in many intentional creation of scars on some part or parts of the
other industrialized societies today), during adoles- body, often done as part of an initiation ceremony—may
cence, males and females were separated in educational seem alien to us. But if we look beneath the surface, at
institutions, either by excluding adolescent girls from the meaning and significance of each culture’s practices,
secondary and higher education, grouping males and we find many common threads. In contemporary soci-
females in different schools or different classrooms, or ety, for example, although we do not practice anything
having males and females follow different curricula. In as “alien” as scarification, we do have our share of body
present-day America, many of these practices have been rituals, many of which are not seen until adolescence
discontinued because of legal rulings prohibiting sex dis- and which might seem equally alien to someone unfa-
crimination, but some elements of accentuated sex dif- miliar with our society: the punching of holes in earlobes
ferentiation and sex segregation during adolescence still or other parts of the body (ear or body piercing), the
exist—for example, in residential arrangements, styles scraping of hair from faces or legs (shaving), the perma-
of dress, athletic activities, and household chores. And nent decoration of skin (tattoos), and the application of
many contemporary ceremonies designed to recognize brightly colored paints to lips, eyes, and cheeks (putting
the young person’s passage into adulthood differentiate on makeup).
between males and females (for
example, the Bar Mitzvah and
Bar (Bas) Mitzvah
In Judaism, the religious cer- the Bas Mitzvah ceremonies
Variations in Social Transitions
emony marking the young per- for Jewish males and females, Although the presence of social redefinition in a general
son’s transition to adulthood. respectively). sense is a universal feature of adolescent development,
scarification there is considerable diversity in the nature of the transi-
The intentional creation of Passing on Information tion. Examining social redefinition from cross-cultural
scars on some part or parts of from the Older Generation and historical perspectives provides a valuable means of
the body, often done as part of
an initiation ceremony.
A third aspect of social redefini- contrasting the nature of adolescence in different social
tion during adolescence typically contexts. Two very important dimensions along which CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 81

societies differ in the process of social redefinition are

in the explicitness, or clarity, of the transition and in the
smoothness, or continuity, of the passage.

Variations in Clarity
Because initiation ceremonies are in many ways reli-
gious ceremonies, they are most often found in societies
in which a shared religious belief unites the community
and structures individuals’ daily experiences. Universal,
formal initiation ceremonies therefore have never been
prevalent in U.S. society, largely because of the cultural
diversity of the population and the general separation of
religious experience from everyday affairs.
There are, however, factors other than the presence
of formal rites of passage that determine how clear the
transition into adult status is to young persons and to
society. One such factor concerns the extent to which
There are very few formal rites of passage in modern society,
various aspects of the transition to adulthood occur at although in many religions, there are ceremonies that signify
about the same time for individuals and during the same coming of age, like the Bar or Bas Mitzvah ceremony in
general period for adolescents growing up together Judiasm. © Comstock Images RF
(Elder, 1980). When transitions into adult work, fam-
ily, and citizenship roles occur close in time, and when doesn’t bring with it many meaningful or universal
most members of a cohort experience these transitions changes in social status, responsibilities, or privileges.
at about the same age, the passage into adulthood has As a result, social redefinition in contemporary soci-
greater clarity. If all young people were to graduate from ety does not give adolescents any clear indication of when
high school, enter the labor force, and marry at the age their responsibilities and privileges as an adult begin. As
of 18, this age would be an implicit boundary between we noted earlier, laws governing the age at which indi-
adolescence and adulthood, even without a formal cer- viduals can and cannot do “adult” activities are inconsis-
emony. When different aspects of the passage occur at tent (Steinberg, 2014). In many states, for example, the
different times, and when adolescents growing up in a age for starting employment is 15; for driving, 16; for
similar environment experience these transitions in dif- attending restricted (R-rated) movies without parents, 17;
ferent order and along different schedules, the boundary for voting, 18; and for drinking, 21. In some states, the
between adolescence and adulthood is cloudier. age at which someone can be tried as an adult for a seri-
ous violent crime is as low as 10 (Hartney, 2006).
The Clarity of Social Redefinition in Contemporary In short, we have few universal markers of
Society When did you become an adolescent? When adulthood—adolescents are treated as adults at different
did you (or when will you) become an adult? If you are times by different people in different contexts. A young
like most individuals in contemporary society, your person may be legally old enough to drive, but his par-
answers to these questions will not be clear-cut. In one ents may feel that 16 is too early and may refuse to let
study of Danish youth, for example, when asked if they him use the family car. Another may be treated like an
felt like adults, most 17- to 24-year-olds and nearly half adult at work, where she works side by side with people
of 25- to 29-year-olds answered that they were adults in three times her age, but be treated like a child at home.
some ways but not in others (Arnett & Padilla-Walker, A third may be viewed as an adult by her mother but
2015). In modern society, we have no formal ceremonies as a child by her father. The same young person whom
marking the transition from childhood into adolescence, we send into combat is not permitted to buy beer, even
nor do we have any way to mark the passage from ado- though combat is far more dangerous than drinking. It
lescence into adulthood. Although in many religious, is little wonder, in light of the mixed and sometimes
cultural, and social groups, the young American adoles- contradictory expectations facing young people, that for
cent may undergo an initiation ceremony of sorts—the many adolescents the transition into adult roles is some-
confirmation, the Bar or Bas Mitzvah, and the quincea- times a confusing passage.
ñera are some examples—rarely does such a rite have
much significance outside the youngster’s family, circle Adolescents’ Views of Themselves Because con-
of friends, or religious community. School graduation temporary society does not send clear or consistent mes-
ceremonies perhaps come the closest to universal rites of sages to young people about when adolescence ends
passage in contemporary society, but school graduation and adulthood begins, young people living within the
82 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

same society can have widely varying views of their own important (or equally unimportant) for males and
social status and beliefs about age-appropriate behav- females (Arnett, 1998).
ior. For this reason, it is instructive to ask people what Given the absence of clear criteria that define adult
they think defines the transition to adulthood, as a way status in contemporary societies, it is not surprising that,
of gauging the way in which adult status is conceptual- among people of the same age, some may feel older than
ized by the broader society. Studies of how people define their peers, while others may feel younger. How old an
adulthood in contemporary society indicate three inter- adolescent feels affects his or her behavior. Adolescents
esting trends (Arnett, 1998). who feel older spend more time with other-sex peers,
First, in modern society, at least in the United States feel more autonomous, and engage in more problem
and Canada, adolescents place relatively less emphasis behavior (Galambos, Kolaric, Sears, & Maggs, 1999).
than they do in traditional societies on attaining specific Psychologists have been interested in changes in indi-
roles (for example, worker, spouse, parent) as defin- viduals’ subjective age and, more specifically, in when
ing characteristics of adulthood and relatively more on individuals make the transition from feeling older than
the development of various character traits indicative they really are (as most teenagers do), to feeling younger
of self-reliance (for example, being responsible, inde- than they really are (as most adults do) (Galambos et al.,
pendent, or self-controlled) (Kenyon, Rankin, Koerner, 2005). Studies of North American youth have found that
& Dennison, 2007). Parents of young people similarly this shift takes place around age 25, among both males
emphasize psychosocial maturity as the defining feature and females.
of reaching adulthood (E. Nelson et al., 2007).
Consistent with this, in one study of individuals ages The Clarity of Social Redefinition in Traditional
17 to 29, the best predictor of subjective age—that is, Cultures Unlike the case in contemporary society,
what age they felt they were, regardless of how old they social redefinition during adolescence is very clear in
actually were—was their level of psychosocial maturity most traditional cultures. Typically, the passage from
(Galambos, Turner, & Tilton-Weaver, 2005). Among childhood into adolescence is marked by a formal ini-
contemporary American youths, for instance, “accepting tiation ceremony, which publicly proclaims the young
responsibility for one’s self” is the most frequently men- person’s assumption of a new position in the community
tioned criterion for being an adult. Of the role-related (Markstrom, 2011b). For boys, such ceremonies may
transitions viewed as important among contemporary take place at puberty, at a designated chronological age,
youth, being able to support oneself financially is the or at a time when the community decides that the indi-
most important defining criterion of adulthood (Arnett, vidual is ready for the status change. For girls, initiation
1998). Perhaps for this reason, less than one-third of is more often linked to puberty and, in particular, to the
college undergraduates see themselves unambiguously onset of menstruation. In both cases, the initiation cere-
as adults. mony serves to ritualize the passing of the young person
Second, over time, there has been a striking decline out of childhood and, if not directly into adulthood, into
in the importance of family roles—marriage and a period of training for it.
parenthood—as defining features of what it means to In many initiation ceremonies, the adolescent’s physi-
be an adult. In early American society, the role of head cal appearance is changed, so that other members of the
of household was an especially important indicator of community can distinguish between initiated and unini-
adult status for males, and taking on the roles of wife tiated young people. For example, new types of cloth-
and mother defined adulthood for females. In surveys ing may be worn following initiation, or some sort of
of contemporary youth, though, when they are asked surgical operation or scarification may be performed to
whether certain accomplishments are necessary for an create a permanent means of marking the individual’s
individual to be considered an adult, only 17% of the adult status. Unlike the case in contemporary society,
respondents say that being married is necessary, and where we often can’t tell who is a juvenile and who is
just 14% say that it is necessary to become a parent an adult by physical appearance alone (and where adults
(Arnett, 1998). are often upset by images of preadolescents that are too
Finally, the defining criteria of adulthood have adultlike), in most traditional societies, there is no mis-
become more or less the same for males and females taking which individuals are adults and which are still
in contemporary industrialized society, unlike the children. In most modern industrialized societies, we
case in traditional societies or during previous eras. In have grown accustomed to seeing teenagers who try to
nonindustrialized cultures, the requirements for male dress like adults, and adults who try to dress like teenag-
adulthood were to be able to “provide, protect, and ers, but such a state of affairs would be highly uncom-
procreate,” whereas for females, the requirements for mon in traditional cultures.
adulthood were to care for children and run a household
(Markstrom, 2011b). Contemporary youth, in contrast, The Circumcision Controversy One practice invol-
view the various indicators of adult status as equally ving the physical transformation of the adolescent that CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 83

has generated a great deal of controversy is circumci- have you heard someone use circumcision
sion. Circumcision is a procedure in which some part the television show Leave It to A procedure in which some
of the genitals is cut and permanently altered. There are Beaver, which ran from 1957 part of the genitals is cut and
important differences between male and female circum- to 1963, as a comparison point permanently altered.
cision. In the United States, male circumcision, in which in discussions of family life?) female genital mutilation
the foreskin around the penis is removed during infancy, But the baby boomers’ transi- The cutting or removal of the
is very common and is performed both for religious tion to adulthood was highly clitoris, performed in some cul-
reasons (mainly among Jews) and for health reasons, unusual in many respects. Let’s tures as part of the initiation of
female adolescents.
because male circumcision is associated with decreased compare life today with life
risk of urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted in 1960, during the middle of baby boom
diseases, including HIV infection. There is no evidence Leave It to Beaver’s run on The period following World
War II, during which the
that men are harmed emotionally by being circumcised, television, as an example: number of infants born was
and complications from the procedure are minimal and extremely large.
far fewer than the health risks associated with not being ∙ In 1960, the average age of
circumcised (Tobian et al., 2009). marriage was 20 for women
Female circumcision, or female genital mutilation, and 22 for men; today, it is 27 and 29, respectively
which involves the cutting or removal of the clitoris (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014).
and, often, the labia, is rarely practiced outside of North ∙ In 1960, fewer than 10% of young adults between
Africa (where, in some countries, such as Mali, Somalia, the ages of 25 and 34 lived with their parents;
and Egypt, virtually all women have been circumcised, in 2014, close to 15% did (U.S. Census Bureau,
usually during childhood or preadolescence). Unlike 2014) (see Figure 2). Within this age group,
male circumcision, female circumcision has no associ- living with one’s parents is more common among
ated health benefits and carries many risks, including younger, less educated, and non-White individuals
infection and chronic pain during urination, menstrua- (Hallquist, Cuthbertson, Killeya-Jones, Halpern, &
tion, and intercourse. After circumcision, it is virtually Harris, 2011).
impossible for a woman to achieve an orgasm during ∙ In 1960, a very high proportion of adolescents went
sex (Althaus, 1997). Many international groups, citing directly from high school into full-time employment or
female circumcision as a human rights violation, have the military, and only one-third of American high school
called for a worldwide prohibition against the practice. graduates went directly to college; today, about two-
thirds of high school graduates go directly to college
The Clarity of Social Redefinition in Previous Eras (National Center for Education Statistics, 2015).
What is the transition to adulthood like today? Well,
compared to what? We often use the baby boom In other words, in 1960, three key elements of the
generation—individuals who were adolescents in the transition to adulthood—getting married, moving out
late 1950s and 1960s—as an implicit point of compari- of the parents’ home, and completing one’s education—
son when characterizing today’s young people, perhaps all occurred relatively early compared to today, and all
because the baby boom generation has provided the basis took place within a fairly constricted time frame. By that
for so many of the images of modern family life that are standard, today’s transition to adulthood looks exces-
deeply embedded in our cultural psyche. (How often sively long and vaguely defined. Indeed, one recent

70% Figure 2 The proportion of

Men young adults who live at home
60% has continued to increase.
Source: United States Census Bureau
50% 18–24
year olds


10% year olds

1960 70 80 83 90 95 2000 2005 2010 2014
84 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

adolescent might have been working and living away

from home, but if his family needed him—because, let’s
say, someone became ill—he would leave his job and
move back in with his parents. During the middle of the
nineteenth century, in fact, many young people were
neither enrolled in school nor working, occupying a
halfway stage that was not quite childhood but not quite
adulthood, either (M. Katz, 1975).
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the transi-
tion to adulthood actually was very drawn out. Age at first
marriage was just about the same among males at the turn
of the twentieth century (26) as it is today (29), although
age at first marriage among females is much older today
(27) than it was a century ago (22) (U.S. Census Bureau,
2014). And the proportion of 25- to 34-year-olds living
at home was much higher early in the twentieth century
than it was during the 1950s (Parker, 2012). At least in
industrialized societies, the brief and clear transition
into adulthood experienced by many baby boomers in
the mid–twentieth century was the exception, not the
rule. It’s important not to lose sight of that. Although the
notion of “emerging adulthood” may ring true today, it is
by no means a new phenomenon. The label didn’t exist
150 years ago, but young people then shared a great deal
Contrasts are often drawn between adolescence today and in common with today’s emerging adults.
adolescence in the 1950s, as portrayed in shows like Leave it to
Beaver. This is probably not the best point of comparison, though,
because the 1950s was a very unusual time. The long passage Variations in Continuity
into adulthood characteristic of adolescence today actually
The process of social redefinition also varies across
shares much in common with adolescence at the beginning of the
twentieth century. © PF1 WENN Photos/Newscom cultural and historical contexts along the dimension
of continuity—the extent to which the adolescent’s
study of patterns of schooling, work, romance, and resi- transition into adulthood is gradual or abrupt. Gradual
dence during emerging adulthood found that individuals transitions, in which the adolescent assumes the roles
frequently move back and forth between periods of inde- and status of adulthood bit by bit, are referred to as
pendence and dependence. This suggests that the pro- continuous transitions.
gression from adolescence to adulthood today not only Transitions that are not so smooth, in which the
is long but also occurs in fits and starts (P. K. Cohen, young person’s entrance into adulthood is more sud-
Chen, Hartmark, & Gordon, 2003). It’s little wonder den, are referred to as discontinuous transitions. For
that 60% of people in their mid-20s today don’t know example, children who grow up working on the family
whether they are adolescents or adults. farm and continue this work as adults have a continuous
Compared to the situation 50 or 60 years ago, then, transition into adult work roles. In contrast, children who
today’s transition to adulthood is long and rocky. But do not have any work experience while they are growing
the transition into adulthood was just as disorderly and up and who enter the labor force for the first time when
prolonged during the nineteenth century as it is today they graduate from college have a discontinuous transi-
(Kett, 1977). Many young people at that time moved tion into adult work roles.
back and forth between school, where they were viewed
as children, and work, where they were viewed as adults. The Continuity of the Adolescent Passage in
Moreover, timetables for the Contemporary Society In contemporary society, we
continuous transitions assumption of adult roles var- tend to exclude young people from the world of adults;
Passages into adulthood in ied considerably from one indi- we give them little direct training for adult life and then
which adult roles and statuses vidual to the next, because they thrust them abruptly into total adult independence.
are entered into gradually.
were highly dependent on fam- Transitions into adulthood in contemporary industrial-
discontinuous transitions ily and household needs rather ized society are more discontinuous than in other cul-
Passages into adulthood in than on generally accepted tural or historical contexts. Consider, for example, three
which adult roles and statuses
are entered into abruptly.
age patterns of school, fam- of the most important roles of adulthood that individuals
ily, and work transitions. An are expected to carry out successfully—worker, parent, CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 85

and citizen. Adolescents in contemporary society receive The Continuity of the Adolescent Passage in
little prior preparation for any of these positions. Traditional Cultures The high level of discontinuity
For instance, young people are segregated from the found in contemporary America is not characteristic of
workplace throughout most of their childhood and early adolescence in traditional societies. Consider the social-
adolescent years, and they receive little direct training ization of young people in Samoa, described in detail
in school relevant to the work roles they will likely find by the late anthropologist Margaret Mead in her classic
themselves in as adults. The sorts of jobs available to book Coming of Age in Samoa (1928/1978). From early
teenagers today, such as working the counter of a fast- childhood on, the Samoan youngsters she observed were
food restaurant, bear little resemblance to the jobs most involved in work tasks that have a meaningful connec-
of them will hold as adults. The transition into adult tion to the work they will perform as adults. They par-
work roles, therefore, is fairly discontinuous for most ticipated in the care of younger children, in the planting
young people in industrialized society, and, according and harvesting of crops, and in the gathering and prepa-
to many employers, a high proportion of young peo- ration of food. Their entrance into adult work roles was
ple leave school without adequate preparation for the gradual and continuous, with work tasks being graded
workplace. to their skills and intelligence. They were charged with
The transition into adult family roles is even more the socialization of their infant brothers and sisters, par-
abrupt than the transition into work roles. Before actually ticularly during middle childhood, when they are not yet
becoming parents, most young people have little train- strong enough to make a substantial contribution to the
ing in child rearing or other related matters. Families community’s fishing and farming. Gradually, they were
are relatively small today, and youngsters are likely to taught the fundamentals of weaving, boating, fishing,
be close in age to their siblings; as a result, few oppor- building, and farming. By the time they reached late
tunities exist for participating in child care activities at adolescence, Samoan youngsters were well trained in
home. Schools generally offer little, if any, instruction the tasks they would need to perform as adults.
in family relationships and domestic activities. And with Such continuity is generally the case in societies in
childbirth generally taking place in hospitals rather than which hunting, fishing, and farming are the chief work
at home, few young people today have the opportunity of activities. As Mead observed, the emphasis in these
observing a younger sibling’s birth. societies is on informal education in context rather than
Passage into adult citizenship and decision-making on formal education in schools. Children are typically
roles is also highly discontinuous in contemporary not isolated in separate educational institutions, and they
Western society. Adolescents are permitted few oppor- accompany the adult members of their community in
tunities for independence and autonomy in school and daily activities. Adolescents’ preparation for adulthood,
are segregated from most of society’s political institu- therefore, comes largely from observation and hands-on
tions until they complete their formal education. Young experience in the same tasks that they will carry out as
people are permitted to vote once they turn 18, but they adults. Typically, boys learn the tasks performed by adult
receive little preparation for participation in govern- men, and girls learn those performed by adult women.
ment and community roles prior to this time. In the When work activities take adults out of the community,
United States, for example, we require foreigners who it is not uncommon for children to accompany their par-
wish to become citizens to understand the workings ents on these expeditions (N. Miller, 1928).
of the American government, but no such familiarity As several writers have pointed out, modernization
is required of individuals in order to graduate from and globalization have made the transition from adoles-
high school. cence to adulthood longer and increasingly more discon-
Instead of being gradually socialized into work, fam- tinuous all over the world (Larson et al., 2009; Tomasik
ily, and citizenship roles, adolescents in modern society & Silbereisen, 2011). As successful participation in the
typically are segregated from activities in these arenas workforce increasingly has come to require formal edu-
during most of their childhood and youth. Yet young cation, parents have become less able to provide their
people are expected to perform these roles capably when children with advice on how best to prepare for adult-
they become adults. With little experience in meaningful hood. Increasingly, school, rather than hands-on experi-
work, adolescents are expected to find, get, and keep a ence in the workplace, is how individuals all over the
job immediately after completing their schooling. With world are expected to prepare for adult work (National
essentially no training for marriage or parenting, they are Research Council, 2005). How these changes are affect-
expected to form their own families, manage their own ing the psychological development of young people in
households, and raise their own children soon after they developing countries is a question that researchers are
reach adulthood. And without any previous involvement only now beginning to examine. It is very likely, how-
in community activities, they are expected on reaching ever, that many of the familiar psychological struggles
the age of majority to vote, file their taxes, and behave as that have up until now been characteristic of adolescence
responsible citizens. in modern, industrialized societies—developing a sense
86 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

of identity, choosing among occupational alternatives, than complete emancipation (M. Katz, 1975; Kett, 1977;
stressing out over getting into a good college, and rene- Modell & Goodman, 1990). This semi-independent
gotiating relationships with one’s parents, to name just period—which for many young people lasted from about
three—are becoming more common among young peo- 12 to 22, and often beyond—may have increased the
ple all over the world. Ironically, then, at the same time degree of continuity of the passage into adulthood by pro-
that cross-cultural research on adolescents has expanded viding a time during which young people could assume
dramatically, the nature of adolescence has become certain adult responsibilities gradually (M. Katz, 1975).
more and more similar around the world. In research my By 1900, the semi-independence characteristic of adoles-
colleagues and I have been conducting in a diverse array cence in the nineteenth century had largely disappeared
of countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, (Modell & Goodman, 1990). Despite the complaints
we have been surprised at how similar patterns of devel- today of many social commentators (and many college
opment are across these very different cultural contexts graduates) about the increasing prevalence of unpaid
(Steinberg, 2014). internships as a bridge between college and full-time
paid employment (e.g., Kamenetz, 2006), this transitional
pathway into the world of adult work today is actually
pretty similar to what existed in the nineteenth century.
making the cultural Socialization for family and citizenship roles may also
connection have been more continuous in previous eras. Living at
Globalization is changing the face of adolescence all home during the late-adolescent and early-adult years,
over the world, but many experts believe that it has been particularly in the larger families characteristic of house-
a mixed blessing for many developing countries. With holds 100 years ago, contributed to the preparation of
respect to young people, what are some of the pros and young people for future family life. It was common for
cons of the increasing integration of various countries and the children in a family to span a wide age range, and
cultures into a more global society? remaining at home undoubtedly placed the older adoles-
cent from time to time in child-rearing roles. As opposed
to today’s adolescents, who typically have little experi-
The Continuity of the Adolescent Passage in ence with infants, adolescents 100 years ago were more
Previous Eras During earlier periods in American likely to have fed, dressed, and cared for their younger
history, the transition into adult roles and responsibilities siblings. They were also expected to assist their parents
began at a younger age and proceeded along a more con- in maintaining the household (Modell et al., 1976), which
tinuous path than it is today. This is especially true with no doubt benefited young people when they eventually
regard to work. During the eighteenth and the early nine- established a home separate from their parents.
teenth century, when many families were engaged in farm-
ing, many adolescents were expected to work on the family Current Trends in Home Leaving Recent reports
farm and learn the skills necessary to carry on the enter- of trends in home leaving suggest that this aspect of
prise after their parents became elderly. Boys often accom- the transition into adulthood may be changing in many
panied their fathers on business trips, learning the nuances industrialized countries. On average, individuals are liv-
of salesmanship and commerce (Kett, 1977)—a pattern ing with their parents longer today than in recent years.
reminiscent of that found in many traditional societies. More than 55% of all Americans ages 18 to 24 (about
Many other young people left home relatively early— 60% of males, and about 50% of females) either live with
some as early as age 12—to work for nonfamilial adults or are supported by their parents (U.S. Census Bureau,
in the community or in nearby villages (M. Katz, 1975; 2014). Most experts attribute this to the increased costs
Kett, 1977). In the mid-nineteenth century, young adoles- of housing and transportation, which make it difficult
cents commonly worked as apprentices, learning skills for individuals to move out of their parents’ home (or
and trades; others left home temporarily to work as ser- give up their parents’ financial support) and establish a
vants or to learn domestic skills. The average nineteenth- separate residence and the increase in the proportion of
century youngster in Europe or America left school well high school graduates who attend college (and rely on
before the age of 15 (Chisholm & Hurrelmann, 1995; their parents’ support for this). A similar trend is evident
Modell, Furstenberg, & Hershberg, 1976). in Europe, although the proportion of young adults who
Although adolescents of 100 years ago took on full- live with their parents varies considerably from country
time employment earlier in life than they typically do to country (Eurostat, 2010). One potentially positive
today, they were likely to live under adult supervision for consequence of the increase in young adults living at
a longer period than today’s youth. Although the transi- home is that the usual rise in alcohol and drug use seen
tion into work roles may have occurred at a younger age when adolescents go off to college (Fromme, Corbin,
in the nineteenth century than in the twentieth, this transi- & Kruse, 2008) is not nearly as great when individu-
tion was made in the context of semi-independence rather als continue to live with their parents (White, Fleming, CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 87

at home past high school, we tended to view individu-

als who did so as being less independent or less mature
than their peers. But now that living at home has become
the norm, we no longer view it as a sign of immaturity.
Above all, we need to keep in mind that, because ado-
lescence is in part defined by society, its nature changes
along with society (Tomasik & Silbereisen, 2012).
Historic events, such as the Great Recession in the
first decade of this century, the 2003 war in Iraq, and
Hurricane Katrina, may temporarily alter the nature of
the adolescent passage. For instance, studies show that
adolescents who were exposed to Hurricane Katrina
showed symptoms of exposure to stress that persisted
significantly longer than is usually the case (McLaughlin
et al., 2010; Robertson, Stein, & Schaefer-Rohleder,
2010; Rowe, La Greca, & Alexandersson, 2010; Weems,
Taylor, Cannon, Marino et al., 2010). It will be inter-
esting to see how the dramatic economic downturn that
took place in 2009 altered the nature of the transition
into adulthood and, if so, whether this affected adoles-
cents’ psychological development. It is not yet clear
whether this crisis forced young people to grow up faster
(because their families needed their help) or, alterna-
tively, actually slowed their development (because eco-
nomic conditions limited opportunities to enter the labor
force and establish independent residences).

Changes in the economy have led many young adults to move

The Transition Into Adulthood
back in with their parents. © Matelly/Getty Images RF in Contemporary Society
We do not know for certain whether today’s prolonged
Kim, Catalano, & McMorris, 2008) (see Figure 3). The and discontinuous passage into adulthood impedes or
presence of parents tends to put a damper on partying.
How living with their parents in late adolescence 1
affects psychological development and mental health
Frequency of binge drinking per month

College, not living

likely depends on the extent to which this experience is 0.9 at home
seen as normative. But even in the United States, where College, living
a premium is placed on becoming independent from 0.8
at home
one’s parents, about half of all young adults living at 0.7
Non-college, not
home report that it has not affected their relationships living at home
with their parents one way or the other, and one-quarter 0.6 Non-college, living
at home
actually say that their relationship has improved (Parker,
2012). One study of European youth found that those 0.5
who lived at home longer remained closer to their par-
ents throughout adulthood (Leopold, 2012). Among
Asian and Hispanic young adults in particular, who are 0.3
more likely to have been raised in a culture that places Spring of Two years later
special importance on family obligations, living with 12th grade
one’s parents in late adolescence and early adulthood
Figure 3 The frequency of binge drinking more than
may be characterized by especially positive feelings and
doubles when high school seniors go off to college and
close family relationships (Fuligni & Pedersen, 2002). move out of their parents’ home. In contrast, there is
The impact of the economy on adolescents’ home very little change in binge drinking after high school
leaving reaffirms the importance of looking at the broader graduation among non-college youth or among college
context in defining what “normal” adolescence is. In students who continue to live with their parents.
1960, because it was the exception for adolescents to live (White et al., 2008)
88 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

enhances adolescents’ psychosocial development. Much will be seen not only between wealthy and poor coun-
probably depends on whether the adolescent has access tries but, increasingly, between the affluent and the poor
to the resources necessary for such a protracted tran- within countries, because globalization, for all its poten-
sition, especially when jobs are scarce and the cost of tially positive features, contributes to income inequality
housing is high. Indeed, many commentators have noted (Tomasik & Silbereisen, 2011). As the economies of
that there is not one transition into adulthood in con- developing countries improve, the importance of formal
temporary America, but three very different transitions: education increases, which then further separates the life
one for the “haves,” one for the “have-nots,” and one conditions of the educated and the uneducated, a pattern
for those who are somewhere in between (Furstenberg, seen vividly today in countries like China and India.
2006). Growing income inequality, not only in the One extremely important international trend con-
United States, but around the world, is furthering this cerns different birthrates in different parts of the world:
trend (Steinberg, 2014). Because the birthrate in poor and developing countries is
As we look to the future, we can point to two spe- so much higher than it is in wealthy nations, the distribu-
cific societal trends that are reshaping the nature of the tion of the world’s adolescents is changing dramatically.
transition from adolescence to adulthood (Mortimer & As we move further into the twenty-first century, rela-
Larson, 2002). First, as I have noted throughout this tively fewer and fewer of the world’s teenagers will come
chapter, the length of the transitional period is increas- from affluent parts of the world, and relatively more and
ing. As the labor force continues to shift toward jobs that more will live in impoverished countries (Larson et al.,
demand more and more formal education, the amount 2009) (Figure 4).
of time individuals need to spend as economically
dependent students will increase, which will delay their
assumption of all sorts of adult roles, including family Special Transitional Problems of Poor
roles. One of the reasons that individuals are marrying
at a later age today is that it takes longer to accumulate
and Minority Youth
enough wealth to establish a separate residence or start No discussion of the transitional problems of young
a family. Another is that the progress made by young people in America today would be complete without not-
women in higher education and in the labor force has ing that youngsters from some minority groups—Black,
encouraged more of them to delay getting married to Hispanic, and American Indian youth, in particular—
devote attention to their careers before starting a fam- have more trouble negotiating the transition into
ily. The continuing decline in the age of puberty is also adulthood than do their White and Asian counterparts.
lengthening adolescence. Today, the transition between This is due to many factors, including poverty, discrimi-
childhood and adulthood takes longer than it did in the nation, segregation, and disproportionate involvement
past century. Tomorrow, it will take even longer. with the justice system (Iselin, Mulvey, Loughran, Chung,
Second, as success in the labor force comes to be & Mulvey, 2012; Neblett, Gaskin, Lee, & Carter, 2011;
more and more dependent on formal education, the McLoyd et al., 2009).
division between the “haves”—those who have access Youngsters from minority backgrounds make up a
to money, schools, and information technology—and substantial and growing portion of the adolescent popu-
“have-nots”—those who are poor, less well educated, and lation in America. At the beginning of this century, about
cut off from important resources, will grow. This division two-thirds of American adolescents were White. Today,

Figure 4 The projected growth of the 1400

world’s adolescent population will occur
primarily in developing and in less devel- 1200
oped nations.
Source: United Nations, Department of Economic
Population in millions

and Social Affairs, Population Division

800 World
Developing countries
Least developed countries
400 Industrialized countries


1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 89

2000 2010 2015 2020 2100

White Black Hispanic Asian Other

Figure 5 The ethnic composition of the United States will continue to change dramatically over the twenty-first
century. (Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, 2005)

about 22% of American adolescents are Hispanic, 14% among all teenagers, regardless of race, of course; but
Black, 6% Asian or Pacific Islanders, 3% biethnic youth, because minority youth are more likely to grow up poor,
and 1% American Indian and Native Alaskan youth. In they are also more likely to have transition problems.
other words, about 45% of American adolescents are As you will see in later chapters, school dropout rates
from ethnic minority groups. By the end of this century, are much higher among Hispanic and American Indian
the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that nearly two-thirds teenagers than among other groups, and college enroll-
of American adolescents will be non-White and that ment is lower among Black, Hispanic, and American
Hispanic adolescents will be the largest ethnic group in Indian youth. In addition, unemployment is much higher
the country (see Figure 5). among Black, Hispanic, and American Indian teenagers;
Many American adolescents were not born in the Black and Hispanic youth are more likely to be victim-
United States, of course. One curiosity within studies of ized by crime and exposed to violence; and rates of out-
ethnic minority youth and the transition to adulthood con- of-wedlock births are higher among Black and Hispanic
cerns the better-than-expected mental health and school teenagers than among White teenagers. All these factors
performance of immigrant adolescents in the United disrupt the transition into adulthood by limiting individ-
States. For reasons not entirely understood, foreign-born uals’ economic and occupational success.
adolescent immigrants generally have better mental
health, exhibit less problem behavior, and perform bet- What Can be Done to Ease
ter in school than do adolescents from the same ethnic
group who are native-born Americans (Fuligni, Hughes,
the Transition?
& Way, 2009; Lansford, 2011). Indeed, one of the most A variety of suggestions have been offered for making
interesting findings to emerge from research on immi- the transition into adulthood smoother for all young
grant adolescents is that their “Americanization” appears
to be associated with worse, not better, outcomes.

The Effects of Poverty on the

Transition Into Adulthood
Of all the factors that may impair youngsters’ ability to
move easily from adolescence into adulthood, poverty
is at the top of the list (Yoshikawa, Aber, & Beardslee,
2012). Poverty is associated with failure in school,
unemployment, delinquency, and teen pregnancy, all
of which contribute to transitional difficulties (Guldi,
Page, & Stevens, 2007; McLoyd et al., 2009). Because
minority youngsters are more likely than other teenag-
ers to grow up in poverty, they are also more likely to
encounter transitional problems during middle and late
Experiencing poverty during adolescence has an
especially negative effect on adolescents’ school achieve- A variety of psychological and social problems are more com-
ment (Kendig, Mattingly, & Bianchi, 2014; McLoyd mon among adolescents who grow up amidst poverty.
et al., 2009). Poverty impedes the transition to adulthood © Tyrone Turner/Getty Images
90 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

people, including restructuring secondary educa- Rhodes, Spencer, & Grossman, 2013). It is important to
tion, expanding work and volunteer opportunities, and note, however, that although mentoring may benefit ado-
improving the quality of community life for adolescents lescents, other influences in their lives are also impor-
and their parents. Some have suggested that adoles- tant, and mentoring alone is not sufficient to meet the
cents be encouraged to spend time in voluntary, non- needs of at-risk youth (DuBois & Silverthorn, 2005).
military service activities—such as staffing day care One potentially important influence, to which we now
centers, working with the elderly, or cleaning up the turn, is the neighborhood in which the adolescent lives.
environment—for a few years after high school gradua-
tion so that they can learn responsibility and adult roles
(McLellan & Youniss, 2003; Sherrod & Lauckhardt, The Influence of Neighborhood
2009). Still others have pointed out that adolescents can- Conditions on Adolescent
not come of age successfully without the help of adults,
and that programs are needed to strengthen families
and communities and to bring adolescents into contact One factor contributing to the especially worrisome sit-
with adult mentors (Burt & Paysnick, 2012; Farruggia, uation of poor and minority youth in the United States is
Bullen, & Davidson, 2013). Overall, most experts agree that poverty has become much more concentrated over
that a comprehensive approach to the problem is needed the past 40 years, with greater and greater clustering of
and that such an approach must simultaneously address poor families into economically and racially segregated
the educational, employment, interpersonal, and health communities. In response to this, a number of research-
needs of adolescents from all walks of life (Balsano, ers have studied the ways in which neighborhoods influ-
Theokas, & Bobek, 2009). ence adolescent development (T. Leventhal, Dupéré, &
Brooks-Gunn, 2009). Although other characteristics of
Mentoring There has been growing interest in men- neighborhoods in addition to poverty potentially can
toring programs for at-risk adolescents, many of whom affect adolescents’ development (for example, the ethnic
have few relationships with positive adult role mod- composition, crime rate, or availability of social service
els (Hurd, Varner, & Rowley, 2012; Rhodes, 2004). programs), far more is known about the effects of pov-
Adolescents who lack positive adult role models are erty than about any other neighborhood factor. Exposure
more likely to have psychological and behavioral prob- to neighborhood poverty is an especially prevalent prob-
lems (Bryant & Zimmerman, 2003; K. F. Parker & lem among non-White adolescents (Chauhan, Reppucci,
Reckdenwald, 2008). & Turkheimer, 2009; Gudiño, Nadeem, Kataoka, &
Mentoring programs seek to pair adults with young Lau, 2011).
people through community or school-based efforts Studying neighborhood influences on adolescent
designed to facilitate positive youth development, development is tricky business. We know that growing
improve academic achievement, and deter antisocial up in a very poor household increases adolescents’ risks
behavior. Evaluations of mentoring programs indicate for all sorts of problems. But because poor families tend
that they have a small, positive effect on youth devel- to live in poor neighborhoods, it is not always easy to
opment. Adolescents who have been mentored are less separate the effects of neighborhood disadvantage from
likely to have problems in school and at home, less the effects of family disadvantage. To do this, researchers
likely to use drugs and alcohol, and less likely to get compare adolescents whose family situations are similar,
into trouble with the law (Hurd, Sánchez, Zimmerman, but who live in very different types of neighborhoods.
& Caldwell, 2012; Rhodes & Lowe, 2009). Not surpris- This is not always easy to do—as you can imagine, few
ingly, the impact of mentoring varies as a function of affluent families live in poor neighborhoods, and few
characteristics of the mentor, the young person, and poor families live in affluent ones.
their relationship (Fruiht & Wray-Lake, 2013; Rhodes & There is also the problem of cause and effect. If fami-
Lowe, 2009). Mentoring appears to have the most ben- lies in a good neighborhood seem to be functioning bet-
eficial effects on adolescents whose other relationships ter than families in a poor one, it might simply reflect the
are good, but not great (perhaps because the ones with fact that better-functioning families choose to live in bet-
great other relationships didn’t need the mentoring as ter neighborhoods (rather than indicate that the neigh-
much and because the ones with poor ones did not have borhood actually influenced family functioning) (Boyle,
the social skills to profit from the mentoring) (Schwartz, Georgiades, Racine, & Mustard, 2007). There have been
Rhodes, Chan, & Herrera, 2011). In general, mentoring a few experiments in which the researchers took this
tends to be more successful when the mentor maintains into account, by randomly assigning families from poor
a steady presence in the youth’s life over an extended neighborhoods to either remain where they were living
period (at least 2 years), has frequent contact with the or be relocated into more advantaged neighborhoods,
youngster, and involves the adolescent in a wide range and then tracking the psychological development and
of recreational, social, and practical activities (Schwartz, behavior of adolescents in the two groups. These studies CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 91

0.6 advantaged neighborhoods may have ended up feeling

more disadvantaged than their peers who remained in
0.5 poor communities because the adolescents who moved
compared their life circumstances to those of their more
affluent peers. Finally, there is some evidence that par-
Substance-use index
ents in poor neighborhoods may monitor their children
relatively more vigilantly because they worry about
crime and other dangers; adolescents who are more
closely monitored tend to have fewer problems.
The Price of Privilege Although poverty has a wide
0.1 range of adverse consequences for adolescents’ devel-
opment, there is accumulating evidence that growing
0 up in an extremely affluent neighborhood may carry its
8–11 12–14 15–18 own risks. Compared to teenagers in middle-class com-
Child age at follow-up (years) munities, boys in wealthy neighborhoods report higher
Figure 6 Contrary to expectation, in an experiment levels of delinquency and girls report more anxiety and
designed to study neighborhood effects, poor ado- depression (Lund & Dearing, 2013). This is consistent
lescents whose families were moved to more affluent with several studies that have documented the surpris-
neighborhoods increased their use of alcohol and ingly high prevalence of psychological and behavioral
illicit drugs. (Fauth et al., 2007) problems among teenagers in affluent suburban com-
munities (Levine, 2008; Luthar, Barkin, & Crossman,
have found mixed effects of relocation, with some stud- 2013). The higher incidence of problems among adoles-
ies showing positive effects, others showing no effect, cents from wealthy communities appears to emerge in
and some actually showing negative effects (J. R. Kling, early adolescence, when teenagers begin experimenting
Ludwig, & Katz, 2005; T. Leventhal, Fauth, & Brooks- with alcohol and illegal drugs, which may be fueled by
Gunn, 2005; Osypuk et al., 2012; Sharkey & Sampson, pressure to excel in school and extracurricular activities
2010) (see Figure 6). To complicate things further, and enabled by parents who are either too preoccupied to
some of these experiments have found that moving to notice or simply choose to look the other way. Affluent
a more affluent neighborhood tends to have a more adolescents’ substance use, in turn, leads to all sorts
positive effect on girls than boys (Clampet-Lundquist, of troubles, among them delinquency, depression, and
Edin, Kling, & Duncan, 2011). Other studies have found precocious sex.
similarly puzzling results. For example, one analysis of
changes in the level of neighborhood poverty found that Impact of Poverty on Adolescent Development
adolescents in high-poverty neighborhoods that changed Although there are problems associated with growing up
for the better over time were more likely to show amid wealth, there is clear evidence that growing up in a
increases in problems than those whose neighborhoods poor neighborhood has devastating effects on adolescent
did not, but that the opposite pattern held for adoles- behavior, achievement, and mental health, and that these
cents in moderate-poverty neighborhoods, where change effects are above and beyond those attributable to grow-
for the better led to improvements in boys’ well-being ing up in a poor family or attending a financially strapped
(Leventhal & Brooks-Gunn, 2011) Evaluations of the school (Foster & Brooks-Gunn, 2013; T. Leventhal et
adolescent outcomes of other anti-poverty experiments al., 2009; McBride, Berkel, Gaylord-Harden, Copeland-
have shown similarly mixed results (Snell et al., 2013). Linder, & Nation, 2011). Adolescents growing up in
How can we account for the finding that relocating impoverished urban communities are more likely than
poor families to more affluent neighborhoods sometimes their peers from equally poor households but better
has negative effects on adolescents’ behavior? There neighborhoods to be sexually active at an earlier age, to
are several possible explanations (Fauth, Leventhal, & bear children as teenagers, to become involved in crimi-
Brooks-Gunn, 2007). First, adolescents from poor fami- nal activity, and to achieve less in, or even drop out of,
lies that moved may have encountered more discrimina- high school—factors that seriously interfere with the
tion in the new neighborhoods than in their old ones. successful transition into adulthood (Carlson, McNulty,
Second, although it is generally true that advantaged Bellair, & Watts, 2013; Dupéré, Lacourse, Willms,
communities have more resources than disadvantaged Leventhal, & Tremblay, 2008; Wodtke, Harding, &
ones, it is possible that poor families who moved to Elwert, 2011). Interestingly, it is the absence of afflu-
more affluent neighborhoods actually may have had less ent neighbors, rather than the presence of poor ones,
access to community resources than they did in their old that seems to place adolescents in impoverished com-
neighborhoods. Third, adolescents who moved to more munities at greatest risk (T. Leventhal & Brooks-Gunn,
92 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

2004). Although virtually all neighborhood research somewhat from the adverse effects of being exposed to
has focused on urban adolescents, studies find that neighborhood violence (Browning, Gardner, Maimon, &
growing up in poor rural communities also places Brooks-Gunn. 2014).
adolescents at risk (Farmer et al., 2003; Reijneveld Under conditions of low collective efficacy, social
et al., 2010). problems are contagious—they spread from one adoles-
cent to another in a pattern not unlike a disease epidemic.
To the extent that poverty increases behavior problems,
Processes of Neighborhood Influences for example, adolescents living in poor neighborhoods
How might neighborhood conditions affect the behavior will come into contact with deviant peers more often
and development of adolescents? Three different mecha- (Gartstein, Seamon, & Dishion, 2014; Monahan, Egan,
nisms have been suggested (T. Leventhal et al., 2009) Van Horn, Arthur, & Hawkins, 2011; Wright, Kim,
(see Figure 7). Chassin, Losoya, & Piquero, 2014), and adolescents who
associate with delinquent peers are more likely to be
Collective Efficacy First, neighborhood conditions drawn into criminal and delinquent activity (Simons &
shape the norms that guide individuals’ values and Burt, 2011). Similarly, adolescents who live in neighbor-
behaviors. Poverty in neighborhoods breeds social isola- hoods characterized by high rates of teenage childbearing
tion and social disorganization, undermining a neighbor- grow up exposed to large numbers of peers who are rela-
hood’s sense of collective efficacy—the extent to which tively more tolerant of this behavior, which affects their
neighbors trust each other, share common values, and own attitudes toward premarital childbearing (Baumer &
count on each other to monitor the activities of youth in South, 2001). Adolescents who see nothing but poverty
the community (Sampson, Raudenbusch, & Earls, 1997). and unemployment in their communities have little rea-
As a consequence, it is easier for deviant peer groups son to be hopeful about their own future, and they may
to form and to influence the behavior of adolescents in feel that they have little to lose by having a baby, drop-
these communities (Maimon & Browning, 2010; Trucco, ping out of school, or becoming involved in criminal
Colder, Wieczorek, Lengua, & Hawk, 2014). Rates of activity (Kingston, Huizinga, & Elliott, 2009; McLoyd,
teen pregnancy, school failure, mental health problems, Kaplan, Purtell, & Huston, 2011; Ramos, Victor, Seidl-
and antisocial behavior are all higher in neighborhoods de-Moura, & Daly, 2013). Neighborhood poverty also
that have low levels of collective efficacy (Caughy et al., has an impact on adolescents’ sexual behavior and deci-
2012; Hurd, Stoddard, & Zimmerman, 2013; Karriker- sions about whether to abort a pregnancy—with those
Jaffe, Foshee, Ennett, & Suchindran, 2008). Living in a living in poor neighborhoods more likely to be sexually
neighborhood high in collective efficacy—where adults active at an early age and to have the baby—but not on
monitor the behavior of all adolescents, not just their their likelihood of getting pregnant or using contracep-
own—is especially important for adolescents whose tion (Cubbin, Santelli, Brindis, & Braveman, 2005;
parents are themselves not very vigilant (Kirk, 2009). In South & Baumer, 2001). The impact of living amid low
addition, it appears that collective efficacy encourages collective efficacy is especially bad among individuals
adolescents to form a deeper emotional bond with their who are impulsive or insensitive to the feelings of others
community, which in turn makes them feel safer, a find- (Dupéré, Lacourse, Willms, Vitaro, & Tremblay, 2007;
ing that has been replicated in M. Meier, Slutske, Arndt, & Cadoret, 2008).
collective efficacy many countries (Dallago et al.,
A community’s social capital, 2009; Lenzi, Vieno, Santinello, The Impact of Stress Second, the stresses associated
derived from its members’
& Perkins, 2013). This connec- with poverty undermine the quality of people’s relation-
common values and goals.
tion also protects adolescents ships with each other. Poverty interferes with parents’

Figure 7 Neighborhood Community norms

conditions influence adolescents’ and collective
development by shaping the efficacy
norms to which adolescents are
exposed; by influencing the qual-
ity of the relationships they have
with others, including their par- Neighborhood Interpersonal Adolescent
conditions relationships development
ents; and by facilitating or limiting
adolescents’ and families’ access
to economic and institutional
resources. Economic and
resources CHAPTER 3 Social Transitions 93



Parenting Peer Individual

behavior deviance offending



Figure 8 Neighborhood disadvantage diminishes parental effectiveness, which leads adolescents to affiliate with
deviant peers and get involved in crime and delinquency. (Chung & Steinberg, 2006)

ability to be effective parents (White, Liu, Nair, & Tein, Copeland-Linder, Lambert, Chen, & Ialongo, 2011;
2015). Across all ethnic groups, poverty is associated with Evans & Kim, 2013; Farrell, Mehari, & Goncy, 2014).
harsh, inconsistent, and punitive parenting, and these fac- They are more likely to interpret ambiguous situations
tors, in turn, are linked to adolescent misbehavior (Coley, as threatening, to have poor self-control, and to show
Leventhal, Lynch, & Kull, 2013; Deutsch, Crockett, increases in blood pressure and heart rate as a conse-
Wolff, & Russell, 2012; McLoyd et al., 2009; White & quence, placing them at risk for heart disease (E. Chen,
Roosa, 2012). When parents are not effective in super- Langer, Raphaelson, & Matthews, 2004). There is even
vising and monitoring their teenagers, for example, and evidence that growing up in violence-ridden neighbor-
when teenagers have little social support from parents or hoods affects brain development in ways that interfere
other adults, the teenagers are more likely to associate with the development of self-control (Bogdan & Hariri,
with antisocial peers and get into trouble (see Figure 8) 2012; Thomason et al., 2015). When tested in labora-
(Chung & Steinberg, 2006; Odgers et al., 2012). tory experiments, adolescents who have grown up in
The link between family poverty and delinquency is disordered neighborhoods show a relatively greater
even stronger among poor families living in poor neigh- tendency to take risks (Furr-Holden, Milam, Reynolds,
borhoods (Hay, Fortson, Hollist, Altheimer, & Schaible, MacPherson, & Lejuez, 2012).
2007). Consistent with this, the harmful effects of Adolescents who themselves have been exposed to
exposure to negligent or harsh parenting are even more violence are more likely to engage in violent behavior, to
pronounced in disadvantaged neighborhoods (Browning, think about killing themselves, and to report symptoms
Leventhal, & Brooks-Gunn, 2005; Knoester & Haynie, of depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, hopeless-
2005; Roche, Ensminger, & Cherlin, 2007). Studies of ness, callousness, precocious sex, and substance abuse
whether the impact of good parenting is affected by (Howard, Kimonis, Muñoz, & Frick, 2012; Monahan,
neighborhood conditions have not yielded consistent King, Shulman, Cauffman, & Chassin, in press; Swisher
results, however. Some studies show that positive family & Warner, 2013; Voisin, Hotton, & Neilands, 2014).
relationships are more effective in good neighborhoods One study found that witnessing gun violence doubles
(e.g., Cleveland, Feinberg, & Greenberg, 2010), while an adolescent’s risk for committing violence in the future
others show the reverse (e.g., Salzinger, Feldman, (Bingenheimer, 2005). The adverse effects of exposure
Rosario, & Ng-Mak, 2011). to violence have been documented in hundreds of stud-
The impact of poverty on levels of neighborhood ies, not only of urban youth in the United States (where
violence is especially devastating. Adolescents who most of these studies have been conducted), but in other
grow up in poor neighborhoods are far more likely parts of the world as well, such as Northern Ireland
than other youth to be exposed to chronic community (McAloney, McCrystal, Percy, & McCartan, 2009) and
violence, and repeated exposure to violence and other the Middle East (Klodnick, Guterman, Haj, & Leshem,
types of stress increases the risk of behavioral, emo- 2014). Generally speaking, being the victim of violence
tional, and even physical health problems (Brenner, has more consistent harmful effects than witnessing it,
Zimmerman, Bauermeister, & Caldwell, 2012, 2013; which, in turn, is more harmful than simply hearing about
94 PART 1 The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence

it (Fowler, Tompsett, Braciszewski, Jacques-Tiura, & example, the quality of schools, health care, transpor-
Baltes, 2009). tation, employment opportunities, and recreational
Not all adolescents who are exposed to violence services are all lower than they are in affluent neighbor-
and other sorts of neighborhood stressors are equally hoods (M. Gardner & Brooks-Gunn, 2009). As a result,
affected, of course; among the factors that help protect adolescents in poor communities have fewer chances to
against their harmful effects are having positive family engage in activities that facilitate positive development
relationships, being involved in structured extracurricular or to receive services when they are having difficulties
activities, especially among Black youth, having strong (T. Leventhal & Brooks-Gunn, 2004). Adolescents who
religious beliefs (Hardaway, McLoyd, & Wood, 2012; live in communities with relatively greater resources,
Francois, Overstreet, & Cunningham, 2012; LeBlanc, such as higher-quality schools, are less likely to become
Self-Brown, Shepard, & Kelley, 2011; McMahon et al., involved in antisocial behavior (Molnar, Cerda, Roberts,
2013). Exposure to violence also seems to have a less & Buka, 2008) and more likely to be kind toward oth-
adverse effect on Asian American adolescents than on ers (Lenzi et al., 2012). Interestingly, in neighborhoods
Black adolescents (Chen, 2010). with higher levels of resources and greater feelings of
cohesion, adults’ beliefs about teenagers tend to be more
favorable, probably because the casual interactions that
take place between adults and adolescents in these set-
making the scientific tings are more positive (Zeldin & Topitzes, 2002). The
connection presence of institutional resources, then, often goes hand
Inner-city neighborhoods typically come to mind when we in hand with the presence of positive social relationships.
think of adolescents growing up in poverty, but many poor Most of the effects of neighborhoods on adolescent
adolescents live in rural, not urban, areas. In what ways is development are indirect, transmitted through the impact
poverty different for urban versus rural youth? How might this of the neighborhood on the more immediate settings in
affect the nature of adolescence in each type of community? which adolescents spend time (Riina, Martin, Gardner,
& Brooks-Gunn, 2012). For example, neighborhood
disorder affects the way that parents behave, and this,
Limited Access to Resources Third, adolescents in turn, affects adolescents’ development and mental
who grow up in poor neighborhoods have access to health. Neighborhoods influence individuals by trans-
fewer resources than do those who grow up in more forming what takes place within the more immediate
advantaged communities. In poor neighborhoods, for contexts that are embedded in them.
PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence
4 Families 5 Peer Groups 6 Schools 7 Work, Leisure, and Media


Is Conflict Between Teenagers and

Behavioral Genetics and Adolescent
Parents Inevitable? Development
The Generation Gap: Fact and Fiction Genetic and Environmental Influences on
What Do Adolescents and Parents Usually Adolescent Development
Fight About? Why Are Siblings Often So Different?
Family Relationships at Adolescence The Adolescent’s Family in
A Time of Reorganization and Change a Changing Society
The Adolescent’s Parents at Midlife The Changed and Changing Nature of
Changes in Family Needs and Functions Family Life
Transformations in Family Relations Adolescents and Divorce
Sex Differences in Family Relationships The Specific Impact of Marital Conflict
The Longer-Term Effects of Divorce
Family Relationships and Adolescent
Development Custody, Contact, and Conflict
Following Divorce
Parenting Styles and Their Effects
Ethnic Differences in Parenting Practices
Economic Stress and Poverty
Autonomy and Attachment in the
Adolescent’s Family Special Family Forms
Adolescents’ Relationships with Siblings The Importance of the Family in
Adolescent Development
© Marc Romanelli/Blend Images LLC RF

96 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

The next time you are in a bookstore, take a look at adolescents feel close to their parents, respect their judg-
the books in the section on parent–adolescent relation- ment, feel that they love and care about them, and have a
ships. Judging from the number of “survival guides”—ones lot of respect for them as individuals (Steinberg, 2001).
like Why Do They Act That Way?; Get Out of My Life, But Sure, there are times when adolescents and parents
First, Could You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall?; How to have their problems. But there are times when younger
Survive the Coming Years of Change; Yes, Your Teen Is children and their parents have problems, and when adults
Crazy; and even Yes, Your Parents Are Crazy—you’d think and their parents do, too. Family problems are no more
that stress and strain between teenagers and parents likely to occur during adolescence than at other times in
is commonplace, even normal. Unlike advice books on the life span. Moreover, among teenagers and parents
infancy, which emphasize normative development, books who report having problems, the great majority had trou-
for parents of teenagers tend to focus on problems bled relations during childhood (Laursen & Collins, 2009),
(Steinberg, 2011). This is unfortunate, for two reasons. First, and declines in the quality of family relationships in ado-
the stereotype presented in these writings isn’t true. And lescence are greatest in families where relationships were
second, the more parents believe in the stereotype of less close to begin with (Laursen, DeLay, & Adams, 2010).
adolescents as difficult, the more they expect their own Only a very small percentage of families who enjoy posi-
child to conform to it, and the worse their relationship with tive relations during childhood develop serious problems
their teenager becomes (Jacobs, Chin, & Shaver, 2005). In during adolescence.
other words, parents’ beliefs that they are going to have a In this chapter, we’ll look at the family as a context for
difficult time with their child once he or she enters adoles- adolescent development, with three broad questions in
cence can become what psychologists call a self-fulfilling mind. First, how do family relationships change during
prophecy—an expectation that is realized because we act adolescence—that is, what is the effect of adolescence
in ways that make it happen. on the family? Second, how are adolescents affected by
In truth, scientific studies indicate that, on average, there their experiences in the family—in other words, what is the
is very little emotional distance between young people and effect of the family on adolescents? And third, how have
their parents (Laursen & Collins, 2009). Although some fami- changes in family life over the past half century affected
lies have serious problems, the overwhelming majority of the adolescent experience?

Is Conflict Between Teenagers parents share a common social, regional, and cultural
background, and these are the factors that shape our cen-
and Parents Inevitable? tral beliefs.
It is impossible to discuss adolescents’ relationships with Although there isn’t much of a gap between the gen-
their parents without talking about parent–adolescent erations when it comes to basic values, there is often one
conflict, a topic that not only dominates popular writings between teenagers and adults in matters of personal taste,
on this stage of life but also has been the focus of decades most clearly evident in styles of dress, preferences in
of research by scholars (Laursen & Collins, 2009). music, and leisure activities (Laursen & Collins, 2009).
Unlike basic values, which develop gradually over time
and are shaped from an early age, preferences and tastes
The Generation Gap: Fact and Fiction for things like clothing, music, and recreational pur-
Most people believe that adolescents and adults hold suits are far more likely to change with fads and fash-
different values and attitudes, but this is not the case. ions. Adolescents are more likely to be influenced by
Teenagers and their parents usually have surprisingly their friends than by their parents in these matters, and
similar beliefs about such things as the importance of as a consequence, parents and teenagers often disagree
hard work, educational and occupational ambitions, and about them. Because adolescents spend a great deal of
the personal characteristics and attributes that they think time with their friends (and because much of that time
are important and desirable (Knafo & Schwartz, 2003). is spent in activities in which taste in clothes, music, and
Indeed, when it comes to basic, core values—concerning so on is important), teenagers’ preferences are likely to
religion, work, education, and so on—diversity within be shaped to a large measure by forces outside the fam-
the adolescent population ily. This also means that the size of the generation gap
self-fulfilling prophecy is much more striking than will fluctuate from one historical epoch to the next. For
The idea that individuals’ are differences between the example, a study of nearly 200,000 European adolescents
behavior is influenced by oth-
ers’ expectations for them.
generations. Why is this so? from 16 nations found, for example, that the percentage
Because adolescents and their of adolescents who perceive communication with their CHAPTER 4 Families 97

parents as difficult increased during the mid 1990s and

declined between the late 1990s and the mid 2000s (see
Figure 1) (Tabak et al., 2012). Moreover, although the
countries varied in their economic, political, and cultural
climates, the pattern of change was similar across the
countries studied.

What Do Adolescents and Parents

Usually Fight About?
If parents and teenagers typically don’t argue over “big”
issues, what do they fight about? They squabble about
things like curfews, leisure time activities, clothing, and
the cleanliness of bedrooms. These have been the major
sources of disagreement in families with teenagers for at
least as long as scientists have been studying the issue
(Laursen & DeLay, 2011; Martin, Bascoe, & Davies, One source of conflict between parents and teenagers involves
2011). And, although conflict between adolescents and differences in the way they define issues. Making sure that the
parents over these mundane matters is generally less fre- adolescent’s bedroom is tidy is seen by parents as an area over
quent in ethnic minority than in White families, the top- which parents should have jurisdiction. Teenagers, however,
tend to see their bedroom as their own private space and deci-
ics of disagreement are similar across ethnic groups and
sions about neatness as matters of personal choice.
cultures (Smetana, Daddis, & Chuang, 2003). A study © Fuse/Getty Images RF
of adolescents in the People’s Republic of China and
Hong Kong, for example, found that the most common
Why do parents and teenagers argue over such mun-
sources of conflict between adolescents and parents
dane things? According to several studies, a major con-
were everyday issues, such as time spent on school-
tributor to adolescent–parent bickering is the fact that
work, household chores, and choice of friends (Yau &
teenagers and their parents define the issues of conten-
Smetana, 2003).
tion very differently—a finding that has been replicated
across many cultural and ethnic groups (Chen-Gaddini,
2012; Smetana & Villalobos, 2009). Parents view many
13 yr talk to father issues as matters of right and wrong—not necessarily in
11 yr talk to father
a moral sense, but as matters of custom or convention.
13 yr talk to mother
11 yr talk to mother
Adolescents, in contrast, are likely to define these same
issues as matters of personal choice (Martin, Bascoe, &
Boys Girls Davies, 2011). A mother who disapproves of her daugh-
ter’s clothing says, “People just don’t dress that way
Percent reporting difficulty with parents

to go to school.” The daughter responds, “Maybe you

50% wouldn’t dress this way, but I do.”

Rebels With a Cause Contrary to stereotype, though,

40% adolescents rarely rebel against their parents just for the
sake of rebelling (Darling, Cumsille, & Martínez, 2007).
In fact, they are willing to accept their parents’ rules as
legitimate when they agree that the issue is a moral one
(whether it is permissible to cheat on a school test) or one
20% involving safety (whether it is permissible to drink and
drive), but they are less inclined to accept their parents’
authority when they view the issue as personal (what
10% clothes to wear to a party) (Jackson, 2002; Smetana &
19 994

01 8

19 994

01 8

Daddis, 2002). In other words, rather than resisting all

20 200

20 200

20 199

20 199



of their parents’ attempts to make and enforce rules (the







stereotype that many people have of teenagers), adoles-

Figure 1 In a study of 200,000 European adolescents, cents distinguish between rules they think their parents
the quality of parent-adolescent relationships fluctuated have a right to make (for instance, having to let their par-
across historical epochs. (Tabak et al., 2012) ents know what time they’ll be home after going out)
98 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

and rules that they think are out of bounds (for example, a 9-year-old child who is willing to accept his parents’
having to keep their bedroom orderly), a distinction that views—who doesn’t question his mother when she says,
in many ways is quite understandable (Kuhn, Phan, & “We do not leave clothes on the floor”—grows into an
Laird, 2013; Smetana & Villalobos, 2009). Of course, adolescent who understands that some issues are matters
there are differences among adolescents in the extent of personal choice, rather than social convention (“It’s
to which they believe their parents have the authority my room, so why should it bother you?”).
to regulate various sorts of decisions; adolescents who One manifestation of this change in perspective is an
see parents as having more legitimate authority have increase, with age, in adolescents’ willingness to lie to
fewer behavior problems (Cumsille et al., 2009; Kuhn & their parents. In one study (S. A. Perkins & Turiel, 2007),
Laird, 2011; Trinkner, Cohn, Rebellon, & Van Gundy, in which adolescents were presented with hypothetical sit-
2012). Not surprisingly, adolescents who are less likely uations and asked whether it was acceptable to lie to one’s
to believe that their parents have a right to know how parents about a personal matter (e.g., dating someone your
they spend their time are more likely to conceal their parents dislike), about half of the younger adolescents
activities from them (Keijsers & Laird, 2014; Rote & (12- to 14-year-olds) said it was acceptable to lie, whereas
Smetana, 2015; Tilton-Weaver, 2014). more than 80% of the older adolescents (15- to 17-year-
As you’ll read, conflict between parents and children olds) did. Partial disclosures—“lies of omission”—are
increases during early adolescence. One reason for this especially common. As one 14-year-old explained:
is that adolescents come to see more and more issues
I just tell [my mother] where we be going and stuff. And if
that they previously saw as legitimate for their parents we’re going to stay out late and stuff like that, I don’t tell
to regulate (for example, how late they can stay up on her none of that stuff. . . . Like if we’re going to the mall
school nights) as matters of personal choice—a finding and stuff, I just don’t tell her that we’re going to go to par-
that has been replicated in numerous parts of the world, ties. (Bakken & Brown, 2010, p. 374)
including North America, South America, and Asia, and
among both White and Black adolescents in the United
States (e.g., Hasebe, Nucci, & Nucci, 2004; Milnitsky- Family Relationships at
Sapiro, Turiel, & Nucci, 2006; Smetana, 2005). When
parents attempt to regulate what adolescents believe are
personal issues, teens are likely to describe their parents Although it is incorrect to characterize adolescence as a
as being overly controlling. Perhaps because of this, the time of high conflict in most families, it is important to
effects of feeling psychologically controlled by their par- keep in mind that adolescence is nevertheless a period
ents, which has a negative impact on adolescents’ men- of change and reorganization in family relationships
tal health, are very different from the effects of feeling and daily interactions (Laursen & DeLay, 2011; Martin,
that their parents simply want to know where they go and Bascoe, & Davies, 2011). As they develop, adolescents
what they do, which has a positive impact (Loukas, 2009; spend increasingly less time in family activities, espe-
Padilla-Walker, 2008; Smetana, Campione-Barr, & cially in activities with the family as a group (Larson,
Daddis, 2004). Adolescents who think their parents are Richards, Moneta, Holmbeck, & Duckett, 1996).
overcontrolling are likely to become oppositional (Van
Petegem, Soenens, Vansteenkiste, & Beyers, 2015). How
parents get their information also matters: Snooping, as
A Time of Reorganization and Change
opposed to asking, is likely to lead to problems (Hawk, According to family systems theory, relationships in
Becht, & Branje, 2015), as does close parental monitor- families change most dramatically during times when
ing in the absence of a warm parent–adolescent relation- individual family members or the family’s circum-
ship (Lippold, Greenberg, Graham, & Feinberg, 2014). stances are changing, because it is during these times
In other words, teenagers and their parents often that the family’s equilibrium often is upset. Not surpris-
clash more over the definition of the issue (e.g., whether ingly, one period in which family relationships usually
something is a matter of safety rather than a matter of change a great deal is adolescence. One study of inter-
personal choice) than over the specific details. The actions between adolescent boys and their parents found
struggle, then, is over who has the authority—and that the peak time for this was around age 13 or 14; the
whose jurisdiction the issue falls into. Because early researchers speculate that, because some of this trans-
adolescence is a time when formation may be driven by puberty, in families with
family systems theory adolescents’ reasoning abili- girls, this “disequilibrium” is more likely to occur ear-
A perspective on family func- ties are changing, the ways that lier, around age 11 or 12 (Granic, Hollenstein, Dishion,
tioning that emphasizes inter- individuals understand family & Patterson, 2003). Adaptation to adolescence may be
connections among different rules and regulations change especially difficult when the teenager is emotionally
family relationships (such as
marital, parent–child, sibling).
as well. As a consequence of rigid (Lichtwarck-Aschoff, Kunnen, & van Geert, 2009)
normal cognitive development, or temperamentally difficult (Trentacosta et al., 2011). CHAPTER 4 Families 99

The specific concerns and issues characteristic of

families at adolescence arise not just because of the
changing needs and concerns of the young person but
also because of changes in the adolescent’s parents and
in the needs and functions of the family. You already
have an understanding of the biological, cognitive, and
social changes adolescents go through, and how these
may affect the family system. But to fully understand
family relationships during the adolescent years, we
need to take into account characteristics of the adoles-
cent’s parents and of families at this stage as well.

The Adolescent’s Parents at Midlife

Because people typically have their first child around
age 30, most parents are in their early 40s when the first
child enters early adolescence. This age can be a poten-
tially difficult time for many adults, whether they have
children or not. Some theorists have gone so far as to
describe it as a time of midlife crisis (Lachman, 2004).

Midlife Meets Adolescence If we look at the nature

of the midlife crises in some detail, we see that the
developmental concerns of parents and adolescents are
complementary (Steinberg & Steinberg, 1994). Consider
the issue of biological change. At the same time that
adolescents are entering into a period of rapid physical
growth, sexual maturation, and, ultimately, the period
of the life span that society has labeled one of the most For many adults, their child’s adolescence coincides with
physically attractive, their parents are beginning to feel their own passage through midlife. Not all adults experience
a “midlife crisis,” but for many, this is a time of heightened
increased concern about their own bodies, about their introspection and self-doubt. The collision of adolescence and
physical attractiveness, and about their sexual appeal midlife may make the period an especially challenging one in
(Banister, 1999). One mother of an early-adolescent some families. © Bob Thomas/ Photodisc/Getty Images RF
girl once remarked, in an interview with my research
staff, that it was jarring to realize that when she and her parents many choices have already been made—some
daughter walked down the street, men now looked at her successfully, others perhaps less so. Most adults reach
daughter, and not at her. their “occupational plateau”—the point at which they
A second overlap of crises concerns perceptions of can tell how successful they are likely to be—during
time and the future. At the same time that adolescents midlife, and many must deal with whatever gap exists
are developing the capability to think systematically between their early aspirations and their actual achieve-
about the future and do, in fact, start looking ahead, ments (Lachman, 2004). In sum, for adolescents, this
their parents are beginning to feel that possibilities for phase in the family life cycle is a time of boundless hori-
changing their own lives are limited. Before midlife, zons; for their parents, it means coming to terms with
individuals tend to measure time in terms of how long choices made when they were younger.
they have been alive; after midlife, they are more likely This overlap of crises is likely to have an impact
to see things in terms of how much longer they have on family relationships (Steinberg & Steinberg, 1994).
to live (Lang & Carstensen, 2002). One reason for this A father who is worried about his own physical health
shift may be that at midlife adults are reminded of their may suddenly feel uncomfortable about playing one-
mortality because they see their own parents aging. on-one basketball games with his growing son, as they
Whatever the reason, the naive optimism of adolescence did for years when the boy was
may clash with the hardened pragmatism of middle age. younger. An adolescent girl midlife crisis
Finally, consider the issue of power, status, and with big plans for the future A psychological crisis over
entrance into the roles of adulthood. Adolescence is the may find it difficult to under- identity believed to occur
time when individuals are on the threshold of gaining stand why her father seems so between the ages of 35 and 45,
the age range of most adoles-
a great deal of status. Their careers and marriages lie cautious and narrow-minded
cents’ parents.
ahead of them, and choices may seem limitless. For their when she asks him for advice.
100 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

An adolescent boy may find his mother’s constant atten- time, studies show that parents’ mental health problems
tion annoying; he doesn’t see that, to her, his interest in affect the way they interact with their adolescents, which
independence signifies the end of an important stage in in turn adversely affects the teenagers (Yap, Schwartz,
her career as a parent. The adolescent’s desire for inde- Byrne, Simmons, & Allen, 2010).
pendence appears to be especially stressful for parents The notion that parents’ mental health declines when
(Steinberg & Steinberg, 1994). they enter the “empty nest” stage is a myth, especially
This generalization about the collision of adolescence among mothers. Parents’ mental health is worse when
and midlife must be tempered, though. The average age their teenage children are living at home than it is once
at marriage has increased, and proportionately more they have moved out, and when children leave home, it is
couples today are delaying childbearing until they have fathers, not mothers, who typically feel the greatest sense
become established in their careers (Gregory, 2007). of loss (Steinberg & Steinberg, 1994).
As a consequence, adults tend to be older today when
their children reach adolescence than was the case two
decades ago. How being an older parent affects relation-
ships during adolescence hasn’t been adequately studied. making the scientific
The Mental Health of Parents In families with Many studies have found that marital satisfaction is lower
middle-aged adults, adjusting to adolescence may take when parents’ firstborn child is a teenager than at any other
more of a toll on the mental health of parents than their point in the marriage. Why do you think this might be?
adolescents (Steinberg & Steinberg, 1994). Nearly two-
thirds of mothers and fathers describe adolescence as
the most difficult stage of parenting (Pasley & Gecas,
1984), and this period is the low point in parents’ mari-
Changes in Family Needs and Functions
tal and life satisfaction (Gecas & Seff, 1990). Parents It is not only individual family members who undergo
who are deeply involved in work outside the home or change during the family’s adolescent years. The family as
who have an especially happy marriage may be buffered a unit changes as well in its economic circumstances, its
against some of these negative consequences, however, relationship to other social institutions, and its functions.
whereas single mothers may be especially vulnerable to Family finances are often strained during adoles-
them (Silverberg, Marczak, & Gondoli, 1996; Steinberg cence. Children grow rapidly during puberty, and
& Steinberg, 1994). In fact, a strained relationship clothing for adolescents is expensive. Keeping up
between a midlife parent and his or her adolescent child with the “must-haves” of the peer culture—designer
may drive the parent to devote relatively more time to clothes, smartphones, and so forth, not to mention car
work (Fortner, Crouter, & McHale, 2004). At the same expenses—may push a family budget to the limit. Many
families also begin saving money for large anticipated
expenditures, such as the adolescent’s college education.
And in some families, parents may find themselves hav-
ing to help support their own parents when their children
are still economically dependent. The financial demands
placed on parents in the “sandwich generation” (that is,
sandwiched between their adolescent children and their
aging parents) require considerable adjustment.
The adolescent’s family also must cope with the
increasing importance of the peer group (Laursen &
DeLay, 2011). During elementary school, the child’s
social world is fairly narrow. The family is the central
setting. During late childhood and early adolescence,
however, the peer group becomes a setting in which
close ties are forged, and parents and adolescents often
argue about the teenager’s reluctance to give up time
with friends for family activities.
How adolescents and parents adjust to this shift in
orientation varies across ethnic groups, since certain cul-
Different expectations between immigrant parents and tures are more likely to stress family obligations—like
teenagers are a significant source of stress for adolescents
and parents alike, especially when the adolescent is more helping with household chores—than others (Hardway
Americanized and the parents are less so, a phenomenon & Fuligni, 2006; Kiang, Andrews, Stein, Supple, &
known as generational dissonance. © Bonnie Kamin / PhotoEdit Gonzalez, 2013). Many immigrant families place an CHAPTER 4 Families 101

especially high value on familism, an orientation toward Transformations in Family Relations

life in which the needs of one’s family take precedence
over the needs of the individual (Germán, Gonzales, & Together, the biological, cognitive, and social transi-
Dumka, 2009). Adolescents who value familism and tions of adolescence; the changes experienced by adults
assist their families are less likely to get depressed and at midlife; and the changes undergone by the family
less likely to get involved with antisocial peer groups, during this stage set in motion a series of transforma-
which lessens their chances of drinking or using illicit tions in family relationships. There is a movement away
drugs (Roosa et al., 2011; Telzer, Gonzales, & Fuligni, from patterns of influence and interaction that are asym-
2013; Telzer, Tsai, Gonzales, & Fuligni, 2015). But metrical and imbalanced toward ones in which parents
sometimes parents’ ideas about family responsibilities and adolescents are on a more equal footing. Early
clash with the more individualistic orientation character- adolescence—when this shift toward more egalitarian
istic of many mainstream American families. relationships first begins—may be a time of temporary
Different expectations between immigrant parents and disruption in family relationships.
teenagers are a significant source of stress for adolescents
and parents alike, especially when the adolescent is more Changes in the Balance of Power During early
Americanized and the parents are less so, a phenomenon adolescence young people begin to try to play a more
known as generational dissonance (Cordova, Ciofu, & forceful role in the family, but parents may not yet
Cervantes, 2014; Schwartz, 2013; Wang, Kim, Anderson, acknowledge adolescents’ input. Young adolescents may
Chen, & Yan, 2011; Wu & Chao, 2011). Studies of interrupt their parents more often but have little impact.
Mexican American families, for example, have found that By middle adolescence, however, teenagers act and are
stress and family conflict are higher in Latino families treated much more like adults. They have more influence
with relatively more acculturated adolescents (Gonzales, over family decisions, but they do not need to assert their
Deardoff, Formoso, Barr, & Barrera, Jr., 2006; C. R. opinions through interruptions and similarly immature
Martinez, Jr., 2006). Different expectations about the behavior (Grotevant, 1997).
adolescent’s social life can cause problems between Increases in the assertiveness and influence of adoles-
newly arrived immigrants and their teenagers, as this cents as they get older reflect their changing needs and
Chinese mother of a 15-year-old girl explains: capabilities. To adapt to the changes triggered by the
child’s entrance into adolescence, family members must
Sometimes some of her male friends called. After she
hung up the phone I often asked her, “Who is he?” She
have some shared sense of what they are experiencing and
then answered, “My male classmates.” I asked her, “Why how they are changing. Yet parents and teenagers often
is he calling you every night?” then she said I was over- live in “separate realities,” perceiving their day-to-day
powering her and even intruding into her privacy. I said experiences in very different ways (Laursen & DeLay,
“I’m just asking. Is there any problem?” I asked her, “Are 2011). A mother and son, for example, may have a con-
you dating? He does not have to call and ask you about versation about schoolwork. She may experience the con-
homework every night, does he?” She then said, “We are versation as simply a serious discussion; he may perceive
just chatting.” I said, “If you guys are having casual con- it as an argument. One study of Black families, in which
versations, does he have to call her every night?” Since mothers, teenagers, and researchers all rated a videotape
then, her male friends dared not call her. (Qin, 2008, p. 27) of the mother and teenager having a discussion, found
Important changes in family functions also take place that the teenagers rated their mother’s behavior far more
during adolescence. During infancy and childhood, the negatively than did either the mother or the researcher
functions and responsibilities of the family are clear: (Campione-Barr & Smetana, 2004). One interesting find-
nurturance, protection, and socialization. While all of ing to emerge from recent research on brain maturation in
these are still important during adolescence, adolescents adolescence is that young adolescents may be especially
are in need of support more than nurturance, of guidance sensitive—perhaps even overreact—to the emotional sig-
more than protection, and of direction more than social- nals given off by others (Pfeifer & Blakemore, 2012). A
ization. Making the transition from the family functions parent may speak to an adoles-
cent in a serious voice, but the familism
of childhood to the family functions of adolescence is An orientation toward life in
not necessarily easy, especially in contemporary society, adolescent may experience it as which the needs of one’s fam-
where preparation for adulthood—one of the chief tasks anger (E. Nelson, Leibenluft, ily take precedence over the
of adolescence that was once carried out primarily by McClure, & Pine, 2005). needs of the individual.
the family—is increasingly performed by other institu- generational dissonance
tions, such as the school. Many parents feel at a loss to The Role of Puberty The Divergence of views between
figure out just what their role during adolescence is. It’s adolescent’s biological and adolescents and parents that
important that they know that having close family rela- cognitive maturation likely is common in families of immi-
grant parents and American-
tionships is just as important in adolescence as it was in plays a role in unbalancing born adolescents.
childhood (Steinberg, 2011). the family system during early
102 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

identifying with and feeling responsible for one’s family

increases during the early 20s (see Figure 2) (Tsai, Telzer,
& Fuligni, 2013). Nevertheless, the bickering can take a
toll on parents’ and teenagers’ mental health (Steinberg,
2001). Some studies have found that individuals who
reported more conflict with their parents during adoles-
cence had more problems both later in adolescence and
in young adulthood (Herrenkohl, Kosterman, Hawkins,
& Mason, 2009; Klahr, McGue, Iacono, & Burt, 2011a).
Although it is certainly possible that adolescents who
have problems are more likely to provoke conflict with
their parents, studies that have been able to separate
cause and effect have found that family conflict actu-
Conflict between parents and adolescents can play a very impor-
tant and positive role in the adolescent’s social and cognitive
ally leads to the development of mental health problems
development, so long as family relationships are warm. (Klahr, Rueter, McGue, Iacono, & Burt, 2011b) and emo-
© digitalskillet/Getty Images RF tional distress, regardless of ethnicity (Chung, Flook, &
Fuligni, 2009). Conflict at home spills over into the ado-
adolescence. Family relationships change during puberty, lescents’ school life and relationships with friends, caus-
with adolescents and their parents bickering more fre- ing problems and emotional distress (Chung, Flook, &
quently and feeling less close (De Goede, Branje, & Fuligni, 2011; Timmons & Margolin, 2015). In some
Meeus, 2009; Marceau, Ram, & Susman, 2014). families, adolescents and parents even disagree about
Although puberty seems to distance adolescents from what they argue about (Ehrlich, Richards, Lejuez, &
their parents, it is not associated with familial “storm and Cassidy, 2015)!
stress.” Rates of outright conflict between parents and Patterns of conflict and closeness in the family at
children are not dramatically higher during adolescence adolescence vary across ethnic groups. In Asian house-
than before or after (Laursen & DeLay, 2011). Rather, holds, there is an increase in conflict, as in non-Asian
disputes between parents and teenagers are typical of the families, but not until later in adolescence (Greenberger
sorts of arguments people have when a more powerful & Chen, 1996). Another study, comparing Black fami-
person (the parent) is trying to get a less powerful one lies with White families, found that White parents tended
(the adolescent) to do something (Adams & Laursen, to give adolescents relatively more autonomy over deci-
2001). Similarly, the diminished closeness is more likely sions, although opportunities for adolescent decision
to be manifested in increased privacy on the part of the making increased in both ethnic groups over time (see
adolescent and less physical affection between teenagers Figure 3) (Gutman & Eccles, 2007).
and parents, rather than any serious loss of love or respect Because the disagreements parents and adolescents
between them (Keijsers, Branje, Frijns, Finkenauer, & have typically revolve around issues of parental control,
Meeus, 2010; Laursen & Collins, 2009). The distancing patterns of squabbling and bickering may vary across
that takes place between parents and teenagers in early and cultural groups whose timetables for adolescent inde-
middle adolescence is temporary. Parent–child relation- pendence differ. Patterns of conflict and closeness in
ships tend to become less conflicted and more intimate immigrant families often differ as a function of the family’s
during late adolescence and show no decline in closeness degree of acculturation. One study of Mexican American
as the adolescent enters young adulthood. If anything, families found lower rates of parent–adolescent cohesion

Figure 2 As adolescents mature into 4.8

young adulthood, their identification with Female
their family grows stronger. Male
Family identity

(Tsai, Telzer, & Fuligni, 2013)


9th 10th 11th 12th 2 years 4 years
Grade Grade Grade Grade post high post high
school school
Year CHAPTER 4 Families 103

3.0 in family members’ expectations of each other (Lanz,

White females Scabini, Vermulst, & Gerris, 2001).
White males
Decision-making opportunities
A child may enter adolescence expecting that it will
Black females
Black males
be a time of great freedom, whereas the parents may view
the same period as one in which tighter reins are neces-
sary. Another child, perhaps influenced by television sit-
2.8 coms portraying nothing but happy families, may imagine
that adolescence will be a time of increased closeness and
shared activities in the family, only to find that his or her
parents have been looking forward to having time to them-
selves. It is easy to see how differences in expectations
can escalate into arguments and misunderstandings. When
2.5 questioned about whether adolescents were expected to
13 15 17 19
disclose secrets to their parents, for example, adolescents’
Age (years)
expectations for secrecy were much greater than parents’
Figure 3 Parents generally give adolescents greater (Smetana, Metzger, Gettman, & Campione-Barr, 2006).
opportunity to make decisions as they get older, although
the pattern of change varies by race and gender.
(Gutman & Eccles, 2007) Sex Differences in Family
during mid-adolescence among more highly acculturated
Differences between the family relations of sons and
families than in less Americanized ones, probably because
daughters are minimal. Although there are occasional
in traditional Mexican families, adolescents are less
exceptions to the rule, sons and daughters report com-
likely to challenge their parents (Baer & Schmitz, 2007).
parable degrees of closeness to their parents, amounts of
Similarly, conflict is less frequent, and cohesion higher,
conflict, types of rules (and disagreements about those
in households where teenagers and their parents commu-
rules), and patterns of activity. Observational studies of
nicate in their native language (Tseng & Fuligni, 2000).
interactions between parents and adolescents indicate that
Parental monitoring appears to be more important in eth-
sons and daughters interact with their parents in remark-
nic minority families in which the adolescent has a weaker
ably similar ways (Steinberg & Silk, 2002).
ethnic identity, consistent with the idea that adolescents
Teenagers relate very differently to mothers and
who are more Americanized may need more vigilant
fathers, though. Across many ethnic groups and cultures,
parents to keep them out of trouble (Nagoshi, Marsiglia,
adolescents tend to be closer to their mothers, to spend
Parsai, & Castro, 2011).
more time alone with their mothers, and to feel more
In any case, the first half of adolescence may be a
comfortable talking to their mothers about problems and
more strained and distant time for the family than earlier
other emotional matters; as a consequence, mothers tend
or later, although this may be more true in the case of
firstborns than in the case of later-borns, perhaps because
parents may learn from experience (L. Shanahan,
McHale, Osgood, & Crouter, 2007). Part of the problem
is that conflicts between teenagers and parents tend to be
resolved not through compromise but through one party
giving in or walking away, neither of which enhances
the quality of the relationship or contributes to anyone’s
well-being (C. Tucker, McHale, & Crouter, 2003b). As
relationships between parents and adolescents become
more egalitarian, they get better at resolving conflicts
(Van Doorn, Branje, & Meuss, 2011).

Violations of Expectations Several researchers have

studied changes in adolescents’ cognitive abilities and
how these changes may reverberate throughout the fam-
ily. We noted that changes in the ways adolescents view
family rules and regulations may contribute to increased
conflict between them and their parents (Laursen &
DeLay, 2011). Early adolescence is also a time of Adolescents’ relationships with their mothers and fathers are
changes in youngsters’ views of family relationships and very different. © Don Hammond/Design Pics RF
104 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

to be more involved than fathers in their adolescents’ lives more likely to be associated with healthy development
(Updegraff, McHale, Crouter, & Kupanoff, 2001; S. K. than others?
Williams & Kelly, 2005). Fathers often rely on mothers
for information about their adolescent’s activities, but
mothers rarely rely on fathers for this (Crouter, Bumpus, making the cultural
Davis, & McHale, 2005; Waizenhofer, Buchanan, & connection
Jackson-Newsom, 2004). Fathers are more likely to be
Cultures vary in the extent to which physical punishment
perceived as relatively distant authority figures to be
is used. In some countries, it actually is illegal for a parent
consulted for objective information (such as help with
to hit his or her child. In others, however, physical punish-
homework) but not for emotional support (such as help
ment is common. Do you think that the effect of physical
with problems with a boyfriend or girlfriend) (Crockett,
punishment on adolescent development would be differ-
Brown, Russell, & Shen, 2007). Interestingly, adoles-
ent in countries where it is acceptable than in countries
cents also fight more often with their mothers than with
where it is outlawed?
their fathers and perceive mothers as more controlling,
but this does not appear to jeopardize the closeness of the
mother–adolescent relationship (Shek, 2007). Although
Before we try to answer these questions, several cau-
adolescents spend about twice as much time with their
tions are in order. Although we tend to see children’s behav-
mothers as with their fathers, time spent with fathers—
ior as the result of their parents’ behavior, socialization
perhaps because it is a relative rarity—is more predictive
is a two-way street (W. A. Collins, Maccoby, Steinberg,
of adolescents’ social competence and feelings of self-
Hetherington, & Bornstein, 2000). Just as parents affect
worth (Figure 4) (Lam, McHale, & Crouter, 2012).
their adolescents’ behavior, adolescents affect how their
parents behave (Coley, Votruba-Drzal, & Schindler, 2009;
Wang, Dishion, Stoirmshak, & Willet, 2011; Willoughby
Family Relationships and & Hamza, 2011). Harsh discipline leads to increases in
adolescent behavior problems, but when adolescents
Adolescent Development behave badly, parents respond by becoming more puni-
Thus far, we have looked at the sorts of issues and tive, overcontrolling, or detached (Moilanen, Rasmussen,
concerns faced by most families during the adolescent & Padilla-Walker, 2014; Murray, Haynie, Howard, Cheng,
years. In our focus on the experiences that families have & Simons-Morton, 2013; Roche, Ghazarian, Little, &
in common, we have not discussed how relationships Leventhal, 2011; Wang & Kenny, 2014). This interplay
differ from family to family, and whether these dif- between parenting and adolescent development is so
ferences have consequences for the adolescent. Some strong that it even contributes to the transmission of par-
parents are stricter than others. Some adolescents are enting styles across generations (Deater-Deckard, 2014;
given a great deal of affection, while others are treated Kerr, Capaldi, Pears, & Owen, 2009).
more distantly. In some households, decisions are made In addition, various types of parenting affect different
through open discussion and verbal give-and-take; in adolescents differently. For example, although adoles-
others, parents lay down the rules, and children are cents whose parents are hostile or aloof are more likely
expected to follow them. Are different patterns of fam- to exhibit antisocial behavior (e.g., Dobkin, Tremblay, &
ily relationships associated with different patterns of Sacchitelle, 1997), the link between negative parenting and
adolescent development? Are some styles of parenting adolescent problem behavior is stronger among teenagers

Time with Mothers Time with Fathers

120 80
Minutes per 7 days

Minutes per 7 days

80 50
60 40
40 30
20 10
0 0
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Age Age
Girls Boys
Figure 4 Age Differences in Time Spent with Mothers and Fathers. CHAPTER 4 Families 105

who are temperamentally more impulsive; among ado- of each other—that is, it is pos-
parental responsiveness
lescents who are more timid, the same sort of parenting sible for a parent to be demand- One of the two important
leads to anxiety and depression (Chen & Jacobson, 2013; ing without being responsive, dimensions of parenting;
Williams et al., 2009). Furthermore, adolescents who have and vice versa—it is possible responsiveness refers to the
a greater genetic risk for developing problems (by virtue to look at various combina- degree to which the parent
responds to the child’s needs
of their family history) are more likely to evoke from their tions of these two dimensions
in an accepting, supportive
parents the sort of behavior that has been shown to lead to (see Figure 5). Many studies of manner.
the development of problems (O’Connor, Deater-Deckard, parents and children indicate
parental demandingness
Fulker, Rutter, & Plomin, 1998). that the fourfold classification
One of two important dimen-
scheme presented in Figure 5 is sions of parenting; demanding-
very important in understanding ness refers to the degree to
Parenting Styles and Their Effects the impact of parents’ behavior which the parent expects and
There are a variety of ways to characterize parents’ on the child, and psycholo- insists on mature, responsible
behavior from the child.
behavior toward their children. One of the most useful gists have given labels to the
approaches derives from the work of psychologist Diana four different prototypes pre- authoritative parents
Baumrind (1978). According to her, two aspects of the sented in the figure (Crockett & Parents who use warmth, firm
control, and rational, issue-
parent’s behavior toward the adolescent are critical: Hayes, 2011; Martin, Bascoe,
oriented discipline, in which
parental responsiveness and parental “demandingness” & Davies, 2011). emphasis is placed on the
(Maccoby & Martin, 1983). Parental responsiveness is Parents who are both respon- development of self-direction.
the degree to which the parent responds to the child’s sive and demanding are author-
needs in an accepting, supportive manner. Parental itative. Authoritative parents
demandingness is the extent to which the parent expects are warm but firm. They set standards for the child’s
and demands mature, responsible behavior. Parents conduct but form expectations consistent with the child’s
vary on each of these dimensions. Some are warm and needs and capabilities. They value the development of
accepting, while others are unresponsive and rejecting; autonomy and self-direction but assume the ultimate
some are demanding and expect a great deal, while oth- responsibility for their child’s behavior. Authoritative
ers are permissive and demand very little. parents deal with their child in a rational, issue-oriented
manner, frequently engaging in discussion over matters
Four Styles of Parenting Because parental respon- of discipline. Authoritative parents strive to raise a child
siveness and demandingness are more or less independent who is self-reliant, with a strong sense of initiative.

High demandingness
Authoritarian Authoritative

• Adult-centered, autocratic, rigid • Child-centered, democratic, flexible

• Strict rules and expectations • Establish firm behavioral guidelines
• Unilateral decision making • Engage adolescent in decision making
• Little warmth or communication • Warm, accepting, involved, trusting
• Expects obedience, distrusting • Monitoring
• Punitive punishment • Supports assertiveness,
• Discourages open communication responsiveness, and self-regulation
• Encourages psychological autonomy

Low responsiveness High responsiveness

Indifferent Indulgent

• Adult-centered, passive, dismissing • Child-centered, indulgent, appeasing

• Pose few demands on the adolescent • No guidelines, nondirective
• Poor or little communication • Avoid confrontation, rarely discipline
• Do not monitor or supervise behavior adolescent
• Detached, distant, withdrawn, absent • Warm, accepting, nurturing
• Overinvolved, blurred roles
• Few rules or expectations

Low demandingness

Figure 5 A typological conceptualization of parenting styles based on the dimen-

sions of responsiveness and demandingness. (Adapted from Martin, Bascoe, & Davies, 2011)
106 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

necessary to minimize the time and energy they must

devote to interacting with their child. In extreme cases,
indifferent parents may be neglectful. They know little
about their child’s activities and whereabouts, show lit-
tle interest in their child’s experiences at school or with
friends, rarely converse with their child, and rarely con-
sider their child’s opinion. Rather than raising their child
according to a set of beliefs about what is good for the
child’s development (as do the other three parent types),
indifferent parents structure their home life primarily
around their own needs and interests.

making the personal

Where would you place your parents in the four-way
model of parenting styles? Would your parents agree?

The Power of Authoritative Parenting Few areas

Adolescents fare better when their parents are warm and
firm, a style known as authoritative parenting. © Ryan McVay/
of research in the field of adolescent development have
Photodisc/Getty Images RF received as much attention as the link between what par-
ents do and how adolescents turn out, and the findings of
this body of work are amazingly consistent (W. A. Collins
authoritarian parents
Parents who are very & Steinberg, 2006). Young people who have been raised in
Parents who use punitive, demanding but not responsive authoritative households are more psychosocially mature
absolute, and forceful dis- are authoritarian. Autho- than peers who have been raised in authoritarian, indulgent,
cipline, and who place a ritarian parents value obe- or indifferent homes. Adolescents raised in authoritative
premium on obedience and dience and conformity. They homes are more responsible, self-assured, creative, intellec-
tend to favor more punitive, tually curious, socially skilled, and academically success-
indulgent parents absolute, and forceful disci- ful. Adolescents raised in authoritarian homes, in contrast,
Parents who are character- pline. Verbal give-and-take is are more dependent, more passive, less socially adept, less
ized by responsiveness but
low demandingness, and who
not common, because authori- self-assured, and less curious. Adolescents raised in indul-
are mainly concerned with the tarian parents believe that gent households are less mature, less responsible, and more
child’s happiness. children should accept their conforming to their peers. Adolescents raised in indifferent
indifferent parents
parents’ rules and standards homes are often impulsive and more likely to be involved
Parents who are characterized without question. They don’t in delinquent behavior and in precocious experimentation
by low levels of both respon- encourage independent behav- with sex, drugs, and alcohol. Although it generally is not
siveness and demandingness. ior and, instead, place a good a good thing for parents to disagree about how they raise
deal of importance on restrict- their teenagers, studies show that it is better to have at least
ing the child’s autonomy. one authoritative parent than two nonauthoritative ones
Authoritarian parents place a premium on compliance. who share the same point of view (McKinney & Renk,
A parent who is very responsive but not at all 2008; L. Simons & Conger, 2007).
demanding is indulgent. Indulgent parents behave in The link between authoritative parenting and healthy
an accepting, benign, and more passive way in matters adolescent development has been found in studies of
of discipline. They demand very little, giving the child a wide range of ethnicities, social classes, and family
a high degree of freedom to act as he or she wishes. structures, not only within the United States (e.g.,
Indulgent parents believe that control is an infringement Bean, Barber, & Crane, 2006; Cleveland, Gibbons,
on children’s freedom that may interfere with healthy Gerrard, Pomery, & Brody, 2005; Luthar & Latendresse,
development. Instead of actively shaping their child’s 2005; Simpkins et al., 2009) but also in parts of the
behavior, indulgent parents are more likely to view them- world as diverse as Iceland (Adalbjarnardottir &
selves as resources for the child. Indulgent parents are Hafsteinsson, 2001), the Czech Republic (Dmitrieva,
especially concerned with raising a happy child. Chen, Greenberger, & Gil-Rivas, 2004), India (Carson,
Parents who are neither demanding nor responsive Chowdhury, Perry, & Pati, 1999), China (Pilgrim, Luo,
are indifferent. Indifferent parents do whatever is Urberg, & Fang, 1999), Israel (Mayseless, Scharf, & CHAPTER 4 Families 107

Sholt, 2003), Switzerland (Vazsonyi, Hibbert, & Black, promotes the development of adolescents’ competence
2003), and Palestine (Punamäki, Qouta, & Sarraj, 1997). and enhances their ability to withstand a variety of
The evidence favoring authoritative parenting is so potentially negative influences, including stress (Hazel,
strong that some experts have suggested that the question Oppenheimer, Technow, Young, & Hankin, 2014;
of which type of parenting benefits teenagers the most Pearce, Jones, Schwab-Stone, & Ruchkin, 2003) and
need not be studied anymore (see Table 1) (Steinberg, exposure to antisocial peers (Flamm & Grolnick, 2013;
2001). Educational programs designed to teach par- Hazel, Oppenheimer, Technow, Young, & Hankin, 2014;
ents how to be more responsive and more demanding Tilton-Weaver, Burk, Kerr, & Stattin, 2013).
have been shown to foster healthy adolescent develop- Second, because authoritative parents are more likely
ment and behavior (e.g., Brody et al., 2006; Connell & to engage their children in verbal give-and-take, they are
Dishion, 2008; Herrenkohl, Hill, Hawkins, Chung, & likely to promote the sort of intellectual development
Nagin, 2006). that provides an important foundation for the develop-
At the other extreme, parenting that is indifferent, ment of psychosocial maturity (Smetana, Crean, &
neglectful, hostile, or abusive has harmful effects on Daddis, 2002). Authoritative parents are less likely than
adolescents’ mental health and development, leading to other parents to assert their authority by turning ado-
depression and a variety of behavior problems (Coley, lescents’ personal decisions (such as over what type of
Medeiros, & Schindler, 2008; Hoeve et al., 2008). music they listen to) into moral issues (Smetana, 1995b).
Severe psychological abuse (excessive criticism, rejec- Family discussions in which decisions, rules, and expec-
tion, or emotional harshness) appears to have the most tations are explained help the child understand social
deleterious effects (Dube et al., 2003). systems and social relationships. This understanding
plays an important role in the development of reason-
How Authoritative Parenting Works Why is autho- ing abilities, theory of mind, moral judgment, and empa-
ritative parenting so consistently associated with healthy thy (N. Eisenberg, Morris, McDaniel, & Spinrad, 2009;
adolescent development? First, authoritative parents Miklikowska, Duriez, & Soenens, 2011).
provide an appropriate balance between restrictiveness Third, because authoritative parenting is based on a
and autonomy, giving the adolescent opportunities to warm parent–child relationship, adolescents are more
develop self-reliance while providing the standards, likely to identify with, admire, and form strong attach-
limits, and guidelines that teenagers still need (Martin, ments to their parents, which makes them more open
Bascoe, & Davies, 2011; Padilla-Walker, Fraser, & to their parents’ influence (Darling & Steinberg, 1993).
Harper, 2012). Authoritative parents are more likely to Having regular family meals appears to have a strong
give children more independence gradually as they get protective effect, although it is the quality of the parent–
older, which helps children develop self-reliance and adolescent relationship, rather than the frequency with
self-assurance. Because of this, authoritative parenting which families eat together, that matters (Meier &
Musick, 2014; Miller, Waldfogel, & Han, 2012; Skeer
& Ballard, 2013). Adolescents who are raised by nonau-
Table 1 The 10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting
thoritative parents often end up having friends their par-
ents disapprove of, including those involved in problem
Several years ago, after reviewing decades of research behavior (Knoester, Haynie, & Stephens, 2006). And
on parenting and child development, I came to the
adolescents who are forced to spend time with parents
conclusion that we really did know what sort of parenting
is most likely to help children and adolescents grow up in
they don’t get along with do not benefit from joint activi-
healthy ways. I summarized this evidence in a book titled ties (Offer, 2013).
The 10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting (Steinberg, Finally, the child’s own behavior, temperament,
2005b). Here’s what all parents, regardless of their child’s and personality shape parenting practices (Albrecht,
age, should keep in mind: Galambos, & Jansson, 2007; Beaver & Wright, 2007;
1. What You Do Matters Denissen, van Aken, & Dubas, 2009). Children who
2. You Can Not Be Too Loving are responsible, self-directed, curious, and self-assured
3. Be Involved in Your Child’s Life elicit warmth, flexible guidance, and verbal give-and-
4. Adapt Your Parenting to Fit Your Child take. In contrast, children who are irritable, aggressive,
5. Establish Rules and Set Limits dependent, or immature may provoke behavior that is
6. Help Foster Your Child’s Independence excessively harsh, passive, or distant (de Haan, Prinzie,
7. Be Consistent & Deković, 2012; Lansford et al., 2011; Roche et al.,
8. Avoid Harsh Discipline 2011). Parents enjoy being around children who are
9. Explain Your Rules and Decisions responsible, independent, and willing to tell them about
10. Treat Your Child With Respect their activities and whereabouts, and they treat them
more warmly as a result. Although parental monitoring
Source: Steinberg, 2005b. does deter adolescent problem behavior (Coley,
108 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

(Repetti, 1996). In contrast, nonauthoritative parenting

may lead to the development of emotional and behav-
ioral problems, which may lead parents to disengage
even more (Burke, Pardini, & Loeber, 2008; Dishion,
Nelson, & Bullock, 2004).

Ethnic Differences in
Parenting Practices
A number of researchers have asked whether parents
from different ethnic groups vary in their child rearing,
and whether the relation between parenting styles and
adolescent outcomes is the same across different eth-
nic groups. These are two different questions: The first
concerns average differences between groups in their
approaches to parenting (for example, whether Asian
parents are stricter than White parents), whereas the
Although parenting practices vary across cultures, the ways in
second concerns the correlation between parenting prac-
which adolescents are affected by different types of parenting
generally do not. © Michael DeLeon/Getty Images RF tices and adolescent adjustment in different groups (for
example, whether the effect of strictness is the same in
Hispanic families as it is in Black families).
Votruba-Drzal, & Schindler, 2008; Gartstein, Seamon, In general, authoritative parenting is less prevalent
& Dishion, 2014; Laird, Marrero, & Sentse, 2010; among Black, Asian, or Hispanic families than among
Poulin & Denault, 2012), some of what often appears to White families, no doubt because parenting practices
be effective parental monitoring may actually be the end are often linked to cultural values and beliefs (Qu,
result of a warm parent–adolescent relationship in which Pomerantz, & Deng, 2014; Smetana & Chuang, 2001).
the adolescent willingly discloses information (Garthe, Nevertheless, even though authoritative parenting is
Sullivan, & Kliewer, 2014; Hare, Marston, & Allen, less common in ethnic minority families, its effects on
2011; Hunter, Barber, Olsen, McNeely, & Bose, 2011; adolescent adjustment are beneficial in all ethnic groups
Kerr & Stattin, 2012). (Simons, Simons, & Su, 2012; Vazsonyi & Belliston,
In contrast, children who are continually acting up 2006). In other words, ethnic minority youngsters ben-
make their parents short-tempered, impatient, or dis- efit from parenting that is responsive and demanding,
tant. When parents have little knowledge of their adoles- just as their nonminority peers do.
cent’s behavior, this leads to an increase in delinquency. Ethnic minority parents are also more demanding
Increases in delinquency, in turn, lead to decreases in than White parents, even after taking ethnic differences
parental knowledge, perhaps because delinquency often in socioeconomic status into account (Chao & Otsuki-
goes hand in hand with secrecy (Laird, Pettit, Bates, & Clutter, 2011), an approach exemplified (some might
Dodge, 2003) (see Figure 6). say, caricatured) by a type of parent described as a
In other words, the relationship between adolescent “Tiger Mother” (Chua, 2011). As opposed to research
competence and authoritative parenting may be the on authoritative parenting, however, showing similar
result of a reciprocal cycle in which the child’s psycho- effects across ethnic groups, research on parental control
social maturity leads to authoritative parenting, which, indicates that the adverse effects of this style of parent-
in turn, leads to the further development of maturity ing may be greater among White youngsters than among
their ethnic minority counterparts (Morrison Gutman,
Leads to Sameroff, & Eccles, 2002; Ruiz, Roosa, & Gonzales,
2002). There are several explanations for this.
First, because ethnic minority families are more likely
Low levels of Adolescent to live in dangerous communities, authoritarian parent-
parental knowledge misbehavior ing, with its emphasis on control, may not be as harmful
and may even offer some benefits (Richman & Mandara,
2013). Second, definitions of parental control don’t
Leads to always make sense when applied to parents from dif-
Figure 6 The relation between parenting and ferent cultures (Chao & Otsuki-Clutter, 2011). Because
adolescent behavior is often reciprocal. (Adapted from most of the research on parenting and adolescent devel-
Laird et al., 2003) opment has been conducted by White researchers, other CHAPTER 4 Families 109

groups’ approaches to child rearing (which appear very

controlling, but which are neither aloof nor hostile) may
be mislabeled as authoritarian when they are actually
better understood as protective (Halgunseth, Ispa, & Rudy,
2006; Jackson-Newsom, Buchanan, & McDonald, 2008).
Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that the con-
clusion to be drawn from these studies is not that overly
controlling parenting is better than authoritative parent-
ing for ethnic minority adolescents, but that it is not as
harmful in these groups as it has been shown to be among
White adolescents (W. A. Collins & Steinberg, 2006).

Autonomy and Attachment in

the Adolescent’s Family
Several studies of conversations between adolescents
Because siblings live in close proximity to each other, they have
and their parents have examined factors in the nature
added opportunities for both positive and negative interactions.
of parent–adolescent communication that contribute to © Mike Harrington/Getty Images
healthy adolescent development. In these studies, fami-
lies are asked to discuss a problem together, and their
interaction is videotaped and later analyzed. Adolescents’ Relationships
Families with psychologically competent teenagers
interact in ways that permit family members to express with Siblings
their autonomy and individuality while remaining emo- The Nature of Sibling Relationships in Adolescence
tionally connected to other family members (McElhaney, Sibling relationships during adolescence have char-
Allen, Stephenson, & Hare, 2009). Verbal give-and-take acteristics that set them apart both from relationships
is the norm, and people are encouraged to express their with parents and relationships with friends (East, 2009;
own opinions, even when this leads to disagreements. Kramer & Conger, 2011). Adolescents rate their sibling
The importance of maintaining close relationships in relationships similarly to those with their parents in com-
the family is emphasized, however, and adolescents are panionship and importance, but more like friendships
encouraged to consider how their actions may affect oth- with respect to power, assistance, and their satisfaction
ers. Adolescents who are permitted to assert their own with the relationship (Furman & Buhrmester, 1985).
opinions within a family context that is secure and lov- Young adolescents often have emotionally charged
ing develop higher self-esteem and more mature coping relationships with siblings that are marked by con-
abilities. Adolescents whose autonomy is squelched are flict and rivalry, but also by nurturance and support
at risk for developing feelings of depression and low (Campione-Barr & Smetana, 2010). As children mature
self-esteem, whereas those who do not feel connected from childhood to early adolescence, sibling conflict
are more likely than their peers to develop behavior increases (Brody, Stoneman, & McCoy, 1994), with
problems (Bender et al., 2007; McElhaney et al., 2009). adolescents reporting more negativity in their sib-
In other words, adolescents appear to do best when ling relationships than in their relationships with peers
they grow up in a family atmosphere that permits the (Buhrmester & Furman 1990) and less effective conflict
development of individuality against a backdrop of close resolution than with their parents (C. Tucker, McHale, &
family ties (Grolnick, Kurowski, Dunlap, & Hevey, Crouter, 2003a). Adolescents see aggression toward sib-
2000; Walsh, Shulman, Bar-On, & Tsur, 2006). In these lings as more acceptable than aggression toward friends,
families, conflict between parents and adolescents can which sometimes leads to behavior between siblings that
play a very important and positive role in the adoles- is absolutely ruthless. Consider this 16-year-old girl’s
cent’s social and cognitive development, because indi- account of her behavior toward her younger sister:
viduals are encouraged to express their opinions in an
I’m kind of mean to her just ’cause she’s my sister, you
atmosphere that does not risk severing the emotional
know? . . . Sometimes I tell her like, “oh just because you
attachment (McElhaney et al., 2009). Perhaps for this don’t have any friends, that doesn’t mean you can come
reason, adolescents whose perceptions of their family and hang out with my friends” because that’s something
differ a little bit from those of their parents are better that usually gets to her, so you tend to lean towards that, to
adjusted than those whose views are either identical to make her go away. . . . One time . . . she kept on trying to
their parents’ or extremely divergent (Guion, Mrug, & play with me and my friend, and we were yelling at her . . .
Windle, 2009). We hurt her a little bit and she started crying. . . . I wish it
110 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

didn’t happen. . . . We were really mad at her, and I don’t sibling interactions, and they bring this knowledge and
know why, and she just really wanted someone to play experience to friendships outside the family (East, 2009;
with. (Reccchia, Wainryb, & Pasupathi, 2013) Harper, Padilla-Walker, & Jensen, 2014). In poorly
Over the course of adolescence, adolescents’ rela- functioning families, aggressive interchanges between
tionships with siblings, and especially with younger unsupervised siblings often provide a training ground
siblings, become more egalitarian but also more dis- within which adolescents learn, practice, and perfect
tant and less emotionally intense (Tucker, Updegraff, & antisocial and aggressive behavior (Criss & Shaw, 2005;
Baril, 2010), although patterns of change in sibling rela- J. Snyder, Bank, & Burraston, 2005). The reverse is true
tionships differ between same-sex and mixed-sex dyads as well—the quality of adolescents’ relationships with
(see Figure 7). In same-sex dyads, intimacy increases their friends influences how they interact with their sib-
between preadolescence and middle adolescence, and lings (Kramer & Kowal, 2005).
then declines somewhat. In mixed-sex dyads, the pat- The quality of the sibling relationship also affects
tern is the opposite: intimacy drops between preado- adolescents’ psychological well-being (Bascoe, Davies,
lescence and mid-adolescence, and then increases. In & Cummings, 2012; McHale, Updegraff, & Whiteman,
fact, by late adolescence, brothers and sisters are closer 2012; Solmeyer, McHale, & Crouter, 2014). Positive
than are same-sex siblings, although both types of sibling relationships contribute to adolescents’ aca-
relationships become closer as individuals leave home demic competence, sociability, health, autonomy, and
and move into young adulthood (Scharf, Shulman, & self-worth (McHale et al., 2012). Having a close sibling
Avigad-Spitz, 2005; Whiteman, McHale, & Crouter, relationship can partially ameliorate the negative effects
2011). Despite these changes over time, though, there of family stress (Waite, Shanahan, Calkins, Keane,
is considerable stability in the quality of sibling rela- & O’Brien, 2011) and of not having friends in school
tionships between childhood and adolescence. Siblings (East, 2009), and siblings can serve as sources of advice
who are relatively closer during middle childhood are and guidance (Kolburn Kowal & Blinn-Pike, 2004). Of
relatively closer as adolescents (J. Dunn, Slomkowski, course, siblings can influence the development of prob-
& Beardsall, 1994). lems, too (Bank, Burraston, & Snyder, 2004)! Younger
sisters of adolescent mothers are relatively more likely to
A Network of Relationships The adolescent’s inter- engage in early sexual activity and to become pregnant
personal world is a web of interconnected relationships. during adolescence (East, Reyes, & Horn, 2007). Siblings
The quality of the parent–adolescent relationship influ- also influence each other’s drug use and antisocial
ences the quality of relations among brothers and sisters behavior (Low, Shortt, & Snyder, 2012; Samek,
(e.g., East & Khoo, 2005). Harmony and cohesiveness McGue, Keyes, & Iacono, 2014; Whiteman, Jensen, &
in the parent–adolescent relationship are associated Maggs, 2013).
with less sibling conflict and a more positive sibling
relationship (East, 2009). In contrast, adolescents who
experience maternal rejection and negativity are more Behavioral Genetics and
behavioral genetics
aggressive with siblings. Adolescent Development
By the same token, children
The scientific study of genetic One topic of interest to researchers who study adoles-
influences on behavior.
and adolescents learn much
about social relationships from cents and their siblings concerns how closely siblings
resemble each other in characteristics such as intel-
ligence, personality, and interests. Recent advances in
27 the study of behavioral genetics have provided new
Same-sex dyads insights into this issue, as well as a host of others con-
Mixed-sex dyads cerning the joint impact of genes and the environment
Sibling intimacy

25 on development.
Researchers examine this issue in three main ways:
(1) studying adolescents who are twins, to see whether
23 identical twins are more similar than fraternal twins (e.g.,
McGue, Elkins, Walden, & Iacono, 2005); (2) study-
ing adolescents who have been adopted, to see whether
21 adopted adolescents are more like their biological par-
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ents than like their adoptive parents (e.g., Abrahamson,
Age (years) Baker, & Caspi, 2002); and (3) studying adolescents and
Figure 7 Patterns of change in intimacy between sib- their siblings in stepfamilies, to see whether similarity
lings differ between same-sex and mixed-sex dyads. between siblings varies with their biological relatedness
(Kim et al., 2006) (e.g., Neiderhiser et al., 2004). In addition to examining CHAPTER 4 Families 111

whether and how much given traits are genetically versus Tucker-Drob, 2013; Tucker- shared environmental
environmentally determined, researchers also ask how Drob, Briley, & Harden, 2013). influences
these two sets of factors interact (for example, whether The maturation of brain regions Nongenetic influences that make
the same environment affects people with different associated with complex rea- individuals living in the same
family similar to each other.
genetic makeups in different ways, or whether people soning also becomes increas-
with different genetic makeups evoke different reac- ingly under genetic control nonshared environmental
tions from others) (W. A. Collins, Maccoby, Steinberg, over time (Lenroot & Giedd, influences
The nongenetic influences
Hetherington, & Bornstein, 2000). 2008). Genetic influences on in individuals’ lives that make
school performance, in contrast them different from people
to intelligence, are more mod- they live with.
Genetic and Environmental Influences est (Loehlin, Neiderhiser, &
Reiss, 2005).
on Adolescent Development Many studies have shown that adolescents with the
In studies of genetic and environmental influences same genetic predispositions (such as genes associated
on adolescent development, researchers distinguish with risk for depression) develop differently if they grow
between two types of environmental influences. Shared up in different environments (e.g., Brody et al., 2012; Li,
environmental influences are factors in the environ- Berk, & Lee, 2013). For instance, genetic influences on
ment that individuals, such as siblings, have in common antisocial behavior are stronger among adolescents who
and that make the individuals similar in personality and have delinquent peers (Beaver, DeLisi, Wright, & Vaughn,
behavior. Nonshared environmental influences are fac- 2009; Latendresse et al., 2011) and weaker among those
tors in the environments of individuals that are not similar who do well in school (Johnson, McGue, & Iacono,
and that, as a consequence, make the individuals different 2009). Genetic influences on intelligence are stronger in
from one another (Turkheimer & Waldron, 2000). families with highly educated parents, because the influ-
Studies indicate that both genetic and nonshared ence of genes on intelligence is stronger in environments
environmental influences, such as differential parental that provide more learning opportunities, allowing chil-
treatment, peer relations, and school experiences, are par- dren to benefit from their genetic advantages (Tucker-
ticularly strong in adolescence. In contrast, shared envi- Drob & Harden, 2012). In other words, genes may shape
ronmental factors, such as family socioeconomic status tendencies, but whether these tendencies are actualized
or the neighborhood in which two siblings live, are less often depends on the environment.
influential (McGue, Sharma, & Benson, 1996; Pike et al.,
1996). In studies of siblings, nonshared environmental
influences can include factors within the family as well
Why Are Siblings Often So Different?
as outside of it. For example, if two siblings are treated If the family is an important influence on development,
very differently by their parents, this would be considered how can we explain the fact that siblings who grow up in
a nonshared environmental influence. This sort of non- the same family often turn out to be very different from
shared environment—that is, the nonshared environment one another? One answer is that siblings actually may
that results from people having different experiences have very different family experiences, because they
within what would appear to be the same context—seems have been treated differently by their parents, they per-
to be the most important (Turkheimer & Waldron, 2000). ceive similar experiences in different ways, or because
Genetic factors strongly influence many qualities they grew up in the same household at different times in
that previously had been assumed to be shaped mainly the family’s life (C. Tucker, McHale, & Crouter, 2003b;
by the environment. Aggressive behavior is especially Ellis, Schlomer, Tilley, & Butler, 2012). One brother
driven by genetics, although shared and nonshared envi- may describe his family as close-knit, while another may
ronmental influences on adolescents’ antisocial behav- have experienced it as distant. One girl may describe her
ior, including aggression, also have been found (S. A. family life as plagued with argument and conflict, while
Burt, McGue, Kreuger, & Iacono, 2007). Genetic factors her sister describes it as peaceful and agreeable. Even
also have been linked to various emotional and behav- though we may assume that children growing up in the
ioral problems, such as risk for suicide and depression same family have shared the same environment, this is
(Jacobson & Rowe, 1999) and alcohol dependence not necessarily the case.
(Dick, 2011). Research also has found strong genetic As you might expect, unequal treatment from moth-
influences on adolescent competence, self-image, and ers or fathers often creates conflict among siblings
self-conceptions (S. McGuire et al., 1999). and is linked to a variety of problems, such as depres-
Intelligence in adolescence (as indexed by IQ) is sion, antisocial behavior, and early pregnancy (East &
also under strong genetic control, with genetic influ- Jacobson, 2003; Reiss et al., 1995). Studies also show
ences compounding over time and ultimately becoming that differences in siblings’ real and perceived fam-
more influential than the family environment (Briley & ily experiences are related to different patterns of
112 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

development (Barrett-Singer & Weinstein, 2000; Mekos, promote younger adolescents’ achievement, too much
Hetherington, & Reiss, 1996). Better-adjusted adoles- academic support from an older sibling may actually
cents are more likely than their siblings to report that undermine a younger adolescent’s success in school
they had close relationships with their parents, that their (Bouchey, Shoulberg, Jodl, & Eccles, 2010).
relations with brothers or sisters were friendly, that they In addition to having different experiences inside
were involved in family decision making, and that they the family, siblings also may have very different expe-
were given a high level of responsibility around the riences outside the family—at school, with friends, in
house (L. Shanahan, McHale, Crouter, & Osgood, 2008). the neighborhood. These contexts provide yet another
As they get older, adolescents appreciate the reasons for source of nonshared environmental influence. Because
parents treating siblings differently. Sibling relationships factors other than the family environment shape adoles-
are strained only when this differential treatment is per- cent development and behavior, siblings may turn out
ceived as unfair (Feinberg, Neiderhiser, Simmens, Reiss, very different if they have divergent experiences outside
& Hetherington, 2000; Kowal & Kramer, 1997). the home.
Treating siblings differently may actually be a good
thing for parents to do, so long as each sibling is treated
well. When siblings are treated differently by their The Adolescent’s Family in
parents, they get along better—presumably because
this differential treatment makes them feel unique and
a Changing Society
lessens sibling rivalry (Feinberg, McHale, Crouter, & In America and in many other industrialized countries,
Cumsille, 2003). Perhaps you have a brother or sister the family has undergone a series of profound changes
whom you resemble more than you’d like—so much, during the past half century that have diversified its form
in fact, that you’ve had a hard time establishing your and, as a result, adolescents’ daily experiences. Increased
own personality. When siblings feel this way, they often rates of divorce and childbearing outside of marriage, as
deliberately try to be different from each other—a phe- well as a changing international economy, have dramati-
nomenon known as sibling deidentification. An adoles- cally altered the world in which children and adolescents
cent whose brother or sister is a star athlete, for instance, grow up. Although some of the most striking trends in
may shun sports and focus on family life slowed during the early 1990s, they did not
sibling rivalry cultivating other types of tal- reverse by any means. The divorce rate and proportion
Competition between siblings,
ents, perhaps in academics or of single-parent families, which skyrocketed during the
often for parental attention.
in the arts, in order to dimin- 1970s and 1980s, stabilized at their historically high
sibling deidentification ish feelings of competition. levels at the beginning of the 1990s and have changed
The process through which
Similarly, although having relatively little since then (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012).
siblings deliberately try to be
different from each other. an older sibling who is aca- Diversity in family forms is also reflected in the sizable
demically successful seems to numbers of adolescents who are raised by adoptive par-
ents, lesbian and gay parents, and foster parents.

The Changed and Changing

Nature of Family Life
Divorce The U.S. divorce rate increased markedly
beginning in the 1960s, rising steadily, and at times rap-
idly, until 1980. Although this rate declined during the
1990s, it has leveled off, and it is now estimated that
about 40% of all first marriages end in divorce. More than
40% of all American children will experience their par-
ents’ divorce (Emery, Beam, & Rowen, 2011). Because
most divorces occur early in a marriage, adolescents are
more likely than children to grow up in a divorced family
than to actually experience their parents’ divorce. It is
important to keep in mind, however, that the divorce rate
varies considerably among people with different levels
of education—divorce is much less common among col-
lege graduates than nongraduates (Hurley, 2005).
One reason adolescents with divorced parents are more likely
to have problems than their peers is that divorce often exposes
children to marital conflict, which adversely affects their mental Single Parenthood In addition to adolescents who
health. © Zoey/Image Source/PunchStock RF live in a single-parent household as a consequence of CHAPTER 4 Families 113

their parents’ divorce, a sizable percentage of youngsters

will spend time in a single-parent household from birth;
indeed, today, 40% of all children are born outside of
marriage, only half of whom are born to a cohabiting
couple (Emery et al., 2011). Keep in mind, though, that
a substantial number of adolescents who are classified
as living in single-parent households actually live with
more than one adult, often with the unmarried partner of
the child’s parent (Fields, 2003). When youngsters live
with only one of their biological parents, either in single-
parent or in two-parent households, it is usually with the
mother; only about 15% of children who live with one
parent live with their father (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012).
There are important racial and ethnic differences in
these patterns of family life. Whereas close to 85% of
all Asian children, 75% of all White children, and 60%
of all Hispanic children live with two parents, only 33%
of Black children do (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). Black
Poverty often diminishes the quality of parenting in a household,
youngsters are far more likely to experience parental which adversely affects adolescent development. © John Moore/
divorce and to be born outside of marriage, but they are Getty Images News/Getty Images
far less likely to experience their parents’ remarriage. As
a consequence, Black adolescents spend longer periods
of time in single-parent households. wealthy is at an all-time high (White, 2014). Poverty is
much more likely to touch the lives of non-White adoles-
Remarriage Because more than three-fourths of cents; approximately 35% of Black and 30% of Hispanic
divorced men and two-thirds of divorced women remarry, children grow up in poverty (National Center for Children
the majority of youngsters whose parents separate also in Poverty, 2015). One reason for the large disparity in
live in a stepfamily at some time. And, because the poverty rates between White and non-White children is
divorce rate is higher for second marriages than for first the racial disparity in rates of single parenthood: Because
ones, the majority of youth whose parents remarry will non-White children are more likely to be raised in single-
experience a second divorce. Because divorces generally parent homes, they are more likely to be poor.
occur faster in remarriages—one-fourth happen within 5 To what extent has the changed nature of the American
years—many children confront a second divorce before family changed the nature of adolescent development?
they have finished adapting to having a stepparent. How do divorce, single parenthood, remarriage, poverty,
and new family forms affect adolescents’ development?
Poverty Approximately 20% of all adolescents in the Many individuals are certain that the answer to these
United States grow up in abject poverty, and an additional questions is, “For the worse.” But before we jump to
40% grow up in low-income families (National Center for this conclusion, it is important to raise two consider-
Children in Poverty, 2015) (see Figure 8). Perhaps more ations. First, although increases in adolescents’ problems
importantly, the gap between the very poor and the very between 1950 and 1980—as indexed by such indicators

45 Figure 8 The proportion of adolescents

growing up in poverty has increased dur-
ing the last decades. (National Center for
35 Children in Poverty, 2010)
30 Note: FPT refers to the “federal poverty threshold.”
Percent (%)

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Near poor: 100–199% FPT Poor: less than 100% FPT
114 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

as drug use, suicide, and poor school achievement, for conventional wisdom that “Two parents are better than
example—occurred alongside many of these shifts in one” or “All children need a mother and a father.” Five
family life, it is difficult to say that the family changes sets of findings have questioned these simple assertions.
caused the changes in adolescent behavior. Adolescents’
psychological and behavioral well-being took a turn The Effect of Divorce Is Small in Magnitude First,
for the better in the early 1980s, despite the continued although divorce clearly diminishes youngsters’ well-
“demise” of the family (Furstenberg, 1990). Moreover, being, the impact of divorce itself is small (Amato &
the one group of young people whose psychological and Anthony, 2014). Although there are differences between
behavioral profile has improved most markedly in the past children from divorced and nondivorced homes in school
25 years—poor, minority youngsters—experienced the achievement, behavior problems, psychosocial adjust-
most dramatic “decline” in family life during this time. ment, and family relations—all favoring individuals
Second, because the conditions under which divorce, from nondivorced homes—the differences are seldom
single parenthood, and remarriage take place vary tre- substantial. In general, the effects of divorce tend to be
mendously from family to family, it is hard to generalize stronger among school-aged individuals than preschool-
about their effects. (In contrast, it is relatively easy to ers or college students. One especially intriguing finding
generalize about the effects of poverty on adolescents, is that the effects of divorce are smaller among young-
which are almost always negative.) For some young sters from the United States than from other countries.
people, divorce may bring a welcome end to family con- The explanation: Divorce is more common in the United
flict and tension; for others, it may be extremely disrup- States, and American children from divorced homes
tive. Some young people living with only their mother are less likely to be stigmatized and more likely to have
actually see their father more often than do their peers access to psychological services, such as counseling.
who live in homes where the father ostensibly is present
(D. N. Hawkins, Amato, & King, 2006). Quality Matters Second, the quality of the relation-
It is also the case that broad categories of family struc- ships the young person has with the important adults
tures (e.g., “intact,” “single-parent,” etc.) often com- in her or his life matters more than the number of par-
bine types of households that are very different in other ents present in the home (Mandara & Murray, 2000).
respects (Apel & Kaukinen, 2008). Adolescents whose Adolescents from stepfamilies have as many, if not
biological parents are cohabiting have a rate of antisocial more, problems than those from single-parent homes,
behavior that is 40% higher than those whose biological even though adolescents in stepfamilies have two par-
parents are married and a rate of antisocial behavior that ents in the home (J. P. Hoffman, 2002). In addition,
is about the same as adolescents who live in households youngsters from single-parent families that have not
with a biological mother and no other adult. Similarly, experienced divorce (for example, youngsters who have
adolescents from “intact” families who live with both lost a parent through death, or youngsters with a single
biological parents in families where one or both of the mother who never married) have fewer difficulties than
parents has a child from a prior marriage generally have their counterparts from divorced or remarried homes
a fairly high rate of problems, despite their living with (Demo & Acock, 1996). Finally, adolescents in two-
both biological parents (Halpern-Meekin & Tach, 2008). parent homes do not always have warm and close rela-
In other words, variations within different family struc- tionships with their parents. Indeed, adolescents living
tures are likely to be more important than the differences in father-absent homes have higher self-esteem than ado-
among them. This is readily apparent when we look at lescents who live in two-parent homes but who feel that
how adolescents are affected by parental divorce. their father has little interest in them (J. Clark & Barber,
1994). Adolescents in divorced, single-parent families
describe their parents as friendlier than do adolescents
Adolescents and Divorce whose parents are married (Asmussen & Larson, 1991)
At one time, research on adolescents and divorce would and are in a relatively more positive mood when with
likely have started with the assumption that living with their family than when with friends (Larson & Gillman,
one parent was not as good as living with two, and that 1996). Adolescents and their parents argue less often in
children whose parents divorced would be at a disad- single-parent households, perhaps because single par-
vantage relative to those whose parents remained mar- ents tend to be more permissive, which may make for
ried. Over time, researchers’ ideas about divorce have less parent-adolescent conflict (Smetana, Yau, Restrepo,
changed dramatically, as new and better studies have & Braeges, 1991).
challenged, clarified, and tempered the conclusions of
past research. While most social scientists still agree Adaptation to Divorce Third, it is the process of
that adolescents from divorced homes have more diffi- going through a divorce, not the resulting family struc-
culties than those from nondivorced homes, the expla- ture, that matters most for adolescents’ mental health
nation for this finding is far more complicated than the (Hetherington, Bridges, & Insabella, 1998). The period CHAPTER 4 Families 115

of greatest difficulty for most adolescents is right around general, immediate problems are relatively more com-
the time of the divorce (Jeynes, 2001). Although many mon among boys, younger children, children with a
young people show signs of difficulty immediately after difficult temperament, children who do not have sup-
their parents split up—problems in school, behavior portive relationships with adults outside the family, and
problems, and increased anxiety—two years later, the youngsters whose parents divorce during the transition
majority have adjusted to the change and behave com- into adolescence (Saxbe, Margolin, Shapiro, & Baucom,
parably to teens whose biological parents have remained 2012). Because early adolescence is a time during which
married (Hetherington et al., 1998). Although adoles- individuals seem to be especially sensitive to stress,
cents whose parents have divorced have more prob- parental divorce at this time may have a relatively stron-
lems than those whose parents remain married, the vast ger impact (Ivanova, Mills, & Veenstra, 2011).
majority of individuals with divorced parents do not Social support from others may be an especially
have significant problems (Hetherington et al., 1998). important resource for inner-city children growing up
in single-parent homes (Lamborn & Nguyen, 2004;
Conflict and Stress Fourth, research has linked the Pallock & Lamborn, 2006). Support from kin appears
adverse consequences of divorce to a number of factors to increase single parents’ effectiveness in child rearing,
not specifically due to having a single parent (Crosnoe and this, in turn, tends to limit adolescents’ misbehav-
& Cavanaugh, 2010). These include the exposure of the ior. Studies of Black youngsters have found that children
children to marital conflict (Amato & Cheadle, 2008), growing up in home environments that include a grand-
disorganized or disrupted parenting (Linver, Brooks- parent as well as a parent fare significantly better than
Gunn, & Kohen, 2002), and increased stress in the those growing up in single-parent homes or in stepfami-
household, often due to loss of income (Pong & Ju, 2000; lies. These studies, as well as others, remind us that rela-
Sun & Li, 2002). Adolescents living in two-parent fami- tives other than parents may play an extremely important
lies in which no divorce has occurred are also harmed by role in adolescents’ lives (Henderson, Hayslip, Sanders,
marital conflict, suboptimal parenting (especially par- & Louden, 2009; Richardson, 2009), especially within
enting that is too lenient, too harsh, or inconsistent), and ethnic groups that historically have placed a great deal of
loss of income. In other words, the adverse, and usually importance on maintaining close ties to extended family
temporary, effects of divorce or remarriage on adoles- members. This helps explain why the impact of divorce
cent well-being usually reflect the heightened conflict, on adolescent adjustment is weaker among Black adoles-
disorganization, and stress surrounding the event, not the cents than among adolescents from other backgrounds
divorce or remarriage per se. The most important path- (Heard, 2007; Kowaleski-Jones & Dunifon, 2006).
way through which divorce may adversely affect adoles-
cent adjustment is via its disruptive impact on parenting
(Amato & Sobolewski, 2001; Jeong & Chun, 2010). The Specific Impact of Marital Conflict
Although divorce is generally associated with short-term
Genetic Influences Finally, although some of the difficulties for the adolescent, at least some of the differ-
apparent effects of parental divorce are the result of ences between adolescents from divorced versus nondi-
exposure to such stressors as marital conflict or disorga- vorced homes were present before the parents divorced
nized parenting (S. A. Burt, Barnes, McGue, & Iacono, (Sun, 2001). One explanation for this is that children
2008; Frisco, Muller, & Frank, 2007), genetic differences in the households that later divorced were exposed to
between adolescents whose parents have divorced and higher levels of marital unhappiness and conflict and
those whose parents have not may account for part of strained parent–child relationships, both of which are
this. Adults who divorce are different from those who do known to disrupt parenting and increase children’s dif-
not with respect to many traits that have strong genetic ficulties (Amato & Booth, 1996; Forehand, Neighbors,
origins—such as predispositions to different sorts of Devine, & Armistead, 1994) (see Figure 9). Children’s
emotional and behavioral problems, like depression or maladjustment, in turn, adversely affects the quality of
substance abuse—and these traits are passed on from their parents’ marriage, creating a vicious cycle (Cui,
parents to children (D’Onofrio et al., 2006). One reason Donnellan, & Conger, 2007).
that adolescents from divorced homes have more prob-
lems than their peers is that they have inherited from their
divorced parents some of the same traits that may have
influenced their parents’ decision to get divorced in the Marital Ineffective Adolescent
first place (O’Connor, Caspi, DeFries, & Plomin, 2000). conflict parenting problems

Individual Differences in the Effects of Divorce Figure 9 The effects of exposure to marital conflict are
There also are differences among children in how vul- both direct and indirect through its negative impact on
nerable they are to the short-term effects of divorce. In parenting.
116 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

The recognition that exposure to marital conflict, Some research indicates that individuals whose parents
apart from and in addition to divorce itself, has harmful divorced during childhood or adolescence continue to
effects on children’s development has prompted many have adjustment problems well into their 30s (Cherlin,
researchers to study how the quality of the adolescent’s Chase-Lansdale, & McRae, 1998). These effects do not
parents’ marriage affects teenagers’ mental health and appear to be ameliorated by parental remarriage; adoles-
behavior (e.g., Cui, Conger, & Lorenz, 2005; Cummings, cents from stepfamilies score similarly, or worse, on mea-
Cheung, Koss, & Davies, 2014). Several conclusions sures of longer-term adjustment, as do adolescents from
have emerged from this research. First, children are more single-parent, divorced homes (Hetherington et al., 1998).
adversely affected by marital conflict when they are
aware of it than when it is more covert (Harold & Conger, Sleeper Effects To what can we attribute these
1997). Marital conflict is particularly harmful when it “sleeper” effects—effects of divorce that may not be
is especially hostile, physically violent, or frightening. apparent until much later in the child’s development?
Exposure to overt marital conflict and domestic vio- Two possible explanations come to mind. The first is
lence has been linked to a wide range of adolescent prob- that the ways in which adjustment difficulties might be
lems, including depression, aggression, and delinquency expressed may not surface until adolescence. For exam-
(Choe & Zimmerman, 2014; Fosco & Feinberg, 2014; ple, social scientists believe that increased drug use and
Goeke-Morey, Papp, & Cummings, 2013; Su, Simons, & higher rates of early pregnancy are consequences of the
Simons, 2011). lower level of parental monitoring in divorced homes
Second, children are more negatively affected when (M. R. Moore & Chase-Lansdale, 2001). But because
the marital conflict leads to feelings of insecurity or self- younger children are unlikely to use drugs or be sexu-
blame (Cummings, George, McCoy, & Davies, 2012; ally active, no matter what their family background, the
Davies, Martin, & Cicchetti, 2012; Schwartz, Stutz, effect of the poor monitoring is not seen until adoles-
& Lederman, 2012; Siffert, Schwartz, & Stutz, 2011). cence, when individuals might begin using drugs and
Adolescents who blame themselves for their parents’ having sex.
conflict, whose feelings of security are challenged, or A second explanation concerns the particular devel-
who are drawn into their parents’ arguments are more opmental challenges of adolescence (S. J. Steinberg,
likely to feel anxious, depressed, and distressed (Buehler, Davila, & Fincham, 2006). Adolescence is a time when
Franck, & Cook, 2009; Grych, Raynor, & Fosco, 2004). individuals first begin experimenting with intimate
Finally, marital conflict more adversely affects the sexual relationships. If having one’s parents divorce or
adolescent when the conflict disrupts the quality of the being exposed to marital conflict affects one’s concep-
parent–child relationship (Amato & Sobolewski, 2001). tions of relationships or views of romantic commitment
Adolescents are directly affected by exposure to their par- (Shulman, Zlotnik, Shachar-Shapira, Connolly, & Bohr,
ents’ conflict, to be sure, but several studies have found 2012), it makes sense that some of the effects of early
as well that tension between spouses spills over into the parental divorce will not be manifested until the adoles-
parent–child relationship, making mothers and fathers cent begins dating and gets seriously involved in roman-
more hostile, more irritable, and less effective as parents tic relationships (Donahue et al., 2010).
(Bradford, Vaughn, & Barber, 2008; Buehler, Benson, &
Gerard, 2006; Cui & Conger, 2008; T. Schofield et al., Custody, Contact, and Conflict
2009). Adolescents who perceive their parents as hos-
tile or uncaring are more likely to report a wide range of
Following Divorce
emotional and behavioral problems than are their peers. After a divorce, do adolescents fare better or worse in
different kinds of living arrangements? Does contact
with the nonresidential parent contribute to the adoles-
cent’s well-being?
making the practical The nature of the relationship between the adoles-
connection cent’s divorced parents, and not which one he or she lives
Based on the available research, what advice would with, is the key factor (Booth, Scott, & King, 2010). In
you give to parents of teenagers who are considering the years immediately following a divorce, children may
divorce? fare a bit better in the custody of the parent of the same
sex, but these effects are not long-lasting; over time, both
male and female adolescents fare equally well either
in dual custody or in sole custody (C. Buchanan et al.,
The Longer-Term Effects of Divorce 1996), a finding that was replicated in a study of lesbian
Individuals whose parents divorce during preadolescence couples who have separated (Gartrell, Bos, Peyser, Deck,
and adolescence often demonstrate adjustment difficulties & Rodas, 2011). More important, especially for adoles-
later, even after 2 or 3 years (e.g., Hetherington, 1993). cents who have dual residences, are two factors: whether CHAPTER 4 Families 117

the ex-spouses continue to fight and place the child her daughter’s impression of her and the circumstances
between them, and whether the adolescent’s discipline is surrounding the divorce. Here’s one example:
consistent across the two households. Adolescents whose
I talk to her about anything. Complaints I have about her
parents have a congenial, cooperative relationship and
father. [Alison] thinks the divorce is all my fault. Her Dad
who receive consistent and appropriate discipline from has been absent for two years. He called on occasion and
both homes report less emotional difficulty and fewer sent presents on Christmas and b-Days. While he was gone
behavioral problems (C. Buchanan et al., 1996; Coiro & Alison turned him into some sort of God in her mind. Now
Emery, 1996). that he has returned to the area he wants little or nothing
Adolescents whose parents have divorced also vary to do with his kids. When Alison complains, I make state-
in the extent to which they have contact with the parent ments like, “Alison, you’re starting to see the side of your
they no longer live with, typically their father. Contact Dad that I was married to” or “He never gave me any time
between adolescents and their father following a divorce either.” (Koerner et al., 2000, p. 305)
usually diminishes very quickly after the father moves Not all mothers share their feelings about these topics
out and continues to decline over time, especially among with their child. As one put it:
men who remarry or enter into a new romantic relation-
ship (Stephens, 1996). Generally speaking, adolescents I try really hard not to say anything negative about my ex-
who have regular postdivorce contact with their father husband to my children. We agreed when we got divorced
have fewer problems (e.g., Booth et al., 2010; Coley & to always do what was best for our children. So far, so
Medeiros, 2007; Mitchell, Booth, & King, 2009), but good. (Koerner et al., 2000, p. 305)
not all studies have reached this conclusion, and some Consistent with other research indicating that adoles-
have concluded that it is healthy adolescent function- cents fare worse when they are drawn into their divorced
ing that influences fathers’ involvement, rather than the parents’ conflict, adolescents whose mothers complain
reverse (D. N. Hawkins, Amato, & King, 2007). More to them about their ex-husbands or discuss their finan-
important than the father’s involvement is the level of cial concerns report more psychological distress, in the
conflict between the divorced parents and the nature form of anxiety, depression, tension, and psychosomatic
of the adolescent’s relationship with the father before complaints. Adolescents are especially likely to worry
and after the divorce (Bastaits, Ponnet, & Mortelmans, about family finances and the impact of the divorce
2012; Karre & Mounts, 2012). Adolescents benefit from on their future (Koerner, Korn, Dennison, & Witthoft,
contact with their nonresidential parent when conflict 2011). As several adolescents explained:
between their parents is minimal, but suffer from such
contact when parental conflict is intense. Similarly, I was thinking, my gosh, my dad doesn’t care about me—
he’s not paying it [child support]! I felt like going and call-
adolescents benefit when they have frequent contact
ing my dad and yelling at him because I think he doesn’t
with a nonresidential parent with whom they had a close care about it. (11-year-old daughter, quoted in Koerner et
relationship when their parents were married, but suffer al., 2004, p. 52)
from contact with one with whom they didn’t get along
prior to the divorce. One consistent finding, though, is My mom constantly rags on and on about how my dad is
that financial support from fathers is associated with such a jerk and won’t pay her as much as she thinks he
should. It disturbs me incredibly because my dad is very
less problem behavior and higher academic achieve-
kind when I visit him and I don’t think my mom is fair.
ment (Menning, 2002). (15-year-old son, quoted in Koerner et al., 2004, p. 52)

What Divorced Parents Tell Their Teenagers My mom talks to me about how we don’t have extra
Researchers have examined the sorts of disclosure that money. I don’t really like to hear how little money we
take place between recently divorced mothers and their have. . . . I feel sad and kinda angry when we talk about
money cause before the divorce this topic never, really
children (Koerner, Jacobs, & Raymond, 2000; Koerner,
came up to talk about. . . . (13-year-old daughter, quoted
Wallace, Lehman, Lee, & Escalante, 2004). Mothers in Koerner et al., 2004, p. 52)
were equally likely to talk to sons and daughters, and
their conversations were similar, consistent with a point
made earlier—namely, that for the most part adolescent
males and females are treated similarly by their parents.
Two topics of conversation, in particular, have piqued Adolescents growing up in stepfamilies—especially if
researchers’ interest: complaints about and anger toward the remarriage occurred during early adolescence rather
the ex-husband and worries about finances, both of than childhood—often have more problems than their
which are common concerns among recently divorced peers, a finding that holds regardless of whether the
women. Among mothers who disclose these sorts of stepparents are legally married or cohabiting (S. Brown
feelings, an important motive for doing so is not the & Rinelli, 2010; Harcourt, Adler-Baeder, Erath, & Petit,
mother’s need for a confidante, but her desire to shape 2015). Youngsters growing up in single-parent homes
118 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

are more likely than those in intact homes to be involved stepparent and stepchild—coupled with the stresses asso-
in delinquent activity, but adolescents in stepfamilies are ciated with divorce and remarriage—make this relation-
even more at risk for this sort of problem behavior than ship especially vulnerable to problems. Adolescents in
are adolescents in single-parent families. This results, remarried households fare better when their stepparent
in part, because they are exposed to a “double dose” of can establish a consistent, supportive, authoritative style
marital conflict—normal, everyday conflict between the of discipline (Hetherington et al., 1999).
parent and stepparent and additional conflict between This research underscores the need—particularly as
ex-spouses (T. Hanson, McLanahan, & Thomson, 1996; remarriage has become a more common part of American
MacDonald & DeMaris, 1995)—and because they are family life—to understand the special problems that may
exposed to a new set of potentially difficult issues that arise in the course of family reorganization (Crosnoe
arise from the blending of children from two different & Cavanaugh, 2010). Several studies indicate that chil-
marriages (Hetherington et al., 1999). dren’s adjustment declines somewhat each time they
Like the short-term effects of divorce, the short-term must cope with a change in their family’s household com-
effects of remarriage vary among children, although position (e.g., Barnett, Rowley, Zimmerman, Vansadia,
not necessarily in the same ways. In general, girls have & Caldwell, 2011; Fomby & Bosick, 2013; Hernandez,
more difficulty in adjusting to remarriage than boys, Pressler, Dorius, & Mitchell, 2014), in part because par-
and older children have more difficulty than younger enting may become less effective during each family tran-
ones (Hetherington, 1993; V. Lee, Burkham, Zimiles, & sition (Forgatch, DeGarmo, & Knutson, 1994; Kurdek &
Ladewski, 1994). One explanation for this is that both Fine, 1993). Given the fact that the benefits of authorita-
boys and younger children have more to gain from their tive parenting are just as strong in divorced and remarried
mother’s remarriage than do girls or older children, who families as they are in other homes, experts believe that
may have become accustomed to having a single mother clinicians who work with families that have undergone
(Hetherington, 1991). Over time, gender differences in marital transitions should help parents learn and adopt this
adjustment to remarriage disappear, and in remarriages parenting style.
that last more than 5 years, the adjustment of male and One factor that seems to make a big difference in
female children is similar (Hetherington et al., 1999). the adjustment of children in stepfamilies is the nature
One interesting finding, especially in light of the grow- of the relationship they have with their noncustodial
ing number of young adults who depend on their par- parent—the biological parent with whom they no lon-
ents’ financial support, is that remarried parents and ger live. Children fare better when there is consistency
stepparents are less inclined than other parents to pro- in discipline between their custodial and noncustodial
vide money to their children over the transition to adult- parents and when they have a good relationship with
hood (Aquilino, 2005). the noncustodial parent, especially in the years immedi-
ately following the remarriage (Gunnoe, 1994). Having
Difficulties Adjusting to Parental Remarriage a close relationship with the noncustodial parent does
Remarriage during the adolescent years is extremely not appear to undermine the relationship with the custo-
stressful when families are unable to accommodate the dial parent (C. Buchanan & Maccoby, 1993), nor does it
new stepparent relationship. Given what we know about undermine the relationship between the adolescent and
family reorganization and change during adolescence, the stepparent (Yuan & Hamilton, 2006). Indeed, studies
having to integrate a new type of relationship into a fam- find that adolescents who feel close to both their father
ily that is already undergoing a great deal of change may and stepfather have better outcomes than those who feel
be more than some families can cope with. Many adoles- close to one but not the other (V. King, 2006; Risch,
cents find it difficult to adjust to a new authority figure Jodl, & Eccles, 2004).
moving into the household, especially if that person has
different ideas about rules and discipline, and particularly
if the new authority figure is not legally married to the Economic Stress and Poverty
child’s biological parent (Hetherington et al., 1999). This
In recent years, and in light of the economic downturn of
is especially true when the adolescent is already vulner-
the last decade, there has been an upsurge in interest in
able, either because of previous psychological problems
the ways in which adolescents’ mental health is affected
or because of a recent divorce or other stressful event.
by changes in their family’s financial situation. To date,
By the same token, many stepparents find it difficult
the studies of family income loss and adolescent adjust-
to join a family and not be accepted immediately by the
ment suggest a number of parallels with the research on
children as the new parent. Stepparents may wonder why
divorce and remarriage.
love is not forthcoming from their stepchildren, who often
act critical, resistant, and sulky. Although many stepfa-
thers and their adolescent stepchildren establish positive The Effects of Financial Strain Like divorce, income
relationships, the lack of a biological connection between loss is associated with disruptions in parenting, which, in CHAPTER 4 Families 119

turn, lead to increases in adolescent difficulties, includ- 2009; Yoshikawa, Aber, & Beardslee, 2012). Persistent
ing a diminished sense of mastery, increased emotional poverty, like temporary economic strain, undermines
distress, academic and interpersonal problems, and delin- parental effectiveness, making mothers and fathers
quency. According to the Family Stress Model (Conger, harsher, more depressed, less vigilant, less consistent,
Ge, Elder, Lorenz, & Simons, 1994), financial strain and more embroiled in conflict. These consequences all
increases mothers’ and fathers’ feelings of depression and have negative effects on adolescent adjustment, which
anxiety, worsens marriages, and causes conflicts between are manifested in increases in anxiety and depression,
parents and adolescents (Hardaway & Cornelius, 2013; more frequent conduct problems, diminished school per-
Ponnet, Van Leeuwen, Wouters, & Mortelmans, 2014; formance, and less prosocial behavior (Benner & Kim,
Uçanok & Güre, 2014; White, Liu, Nair, & Tein, 2015). 2010; Burrell & Roosa, 2009; Carlo, Padilla-Walker, &
These consequences, in turn, make parents more irritable, Day, 2011b; Lee, Wickrama, & Simons, 2012).
which adversely affects the quality of their parenting (see Growing up poor affects adolescents’ mental health in
Figure 10). These patterns have been observed in coun- a variety of ways. Poor adolescents are more likely to be
tries around the world. In contrast, parents who are able exposed to violence, to feel more alienated from school,
to maintain a more positive outlook through the difficult and to be exposed to high levels of stress. Homeless ado-
time are more likely to protect their adolescents from lescents share many of the same problems with other
the psychological harm associated with financial strain youth who experience chronic poverty, including higher
(Neppi, Shinyoung, Schofield, & Donnellan, 2015). rates of depression and suicidal thoughts, academic dif-
The family climate created by economic strain puts ficulties, and behavior problems (Unger, Kipke, Simon,
adolescents at risk for a variety of problems. When ado- Montgomery, & Johnson, 1997; Whitbeck, Hoyt, & Bao,
lescents are repeatedly exposed to marital conflict— 2000). There are nearly 2 million homeless children and
especially when it is not resolved—they are more adolescents in the United States, the majority of whom are
likely to become aggressive and depressed. And when adolescents (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2007).
adolescents themselves are the recipients of aggres- Studies of families living in poverty also tell us what
sive parenting, they are likely to imitate this behavior parents living in poor neighborhoods can do to help pro-
in their relationships with siblings (K. Conger, Conger, tect their children from the adverse consequences of grow-
& Elder, 1994) and peers (S. T. Williams, Conger, & ing up in poor inner-city or rural neighborhoods (Brody,
Blozis, 2007), and, later, in their own marriage (Straus Stoneman, & Flor, 1996). Families fare better when they
& Yodanis, 1996) and with their children (R. Simons, have adequate sources of social support (R. Taylor &
Whitbeck, Conger, & Chyi-In, 1991). Roberts, 1995) and when they have strong ties to reli-
gious institutions (Brody et al., 1996). Two specific sets
The Impact of Chronic Poverty Researchers have of family management strategies employed by parents in
also studied the impact on adolescents of growing up poor neighborhoods seem to work: those that attempt to
amid chronic economic disadvantage (McLoyd et al., strengthen the adolescent’s competence through effective


Family Marital Poor Adolescent
economic conflict parenting difficulties
Debts to


Figure 10 Economic strain affects adolescent adjustment via several pathways. (Conger et al. 1994)
120 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

child rearing within the home environment or through Adolescents with Lesbian or Gay Parents Several
involving the child in positive activities outside the home, well-designed studies have looked at the psychological
and those that attempt to minimize the child’s exposure to consequences of growing up with lesbian or gay parents.
dangers in the neighborhood (Crosnoe, Mistry, & Elder, Although the right of same-sex couples to legally marry
2002). Although adolescents in poor neighborhoods ben- is now guaranteed under U.S. law, in many states a par-
efit from consistent parental monitoring—perhaps even ent’s sexual orientation may be a consideration in adop-
from monitoring that is more vigilant than that used by tion, custody, and parental visitation decisions, in part
families in more advantaged communities—they do because of concerns about the impact of living with a
not thrive when their parents exercise excessive control lesbian or gay parent. These concerns are unwarranted.
(McCarthy, Lord, Eccles, Kalil, & Furstenberg, 1992). There is no evidence whatsoever that children or adoles-
cents with lesbian or gay parents are psychologically dif-
ferent from those with straight parents, a finding that has
Special Family Forms now been replicated numerous times, across many dif-
Adolescents and Adoption Studies of the psy- ferent domains of psychological development, including
chological development of adolescents who have been gender identity and sexual orientation (e.g., Gelderen,
adopted have yielded mixed and often contradictory Bos, & Gartell, 2015). In the words of one expert:
results. On average, adopted individuals show relatively
More than 25 years of research on the offspring of nonhet-
higher rates of delinquency, substance use, precocious erosexual parents has yielded results of remarkable clarity.
sexual activity, psychological difficulties, and poorer Regardless of whether researchers have studied the off-
school performance, but the magnitude of the difference spring of divorced lesbian and gay parents or those born to
between adopted and nonadopted adolescents is small, lesbian and gay parents, their findings have been similar.
especially when other factors, like family resources Regardless of whether researchers have studied children or
or pubertal timing, are taken into account (Brooker, adolescents, they have reported similar results. Regardless
Berenbaum, Bricker, Corley, & Wadsworth, 2012). of whether investigators have examined sexual identity,
One reason for the mixed results and relatively modest self-esteem, adjustment, or qualities of social relationships,
effects is that there is a good deal of variability among the results have been remarkably consistent. In study after
adopted adolescents in their adjustment and in their feel- study, the offspring of lesbian and gay parents have been
found to be at least as well adjusted overall as those of
ings about being adopted. Adopted adolescents who are
other parents. (Patterson, 2009, p. 732)
preoccupied with having been
foster care adopted are relatively more
A placement in a temporary liv- alienated from and mistrust- Adolescents in Foster Care According to recent
ing arrangement when a child’s ful of their adoptive parents estimates, about 175,000 teenagers are in foster care.
parents are not able to provide
care, nurturance, or safety.
(J. K. Kohler, Grotevant, & Foster care is a broad term that refers to a placement in
McRoy, 2002). a temporary living arrangement when the adolescent’s
parents are not able to provide care, nurturance, or safety
(Pinderhughes, Jones Harden, & Guyer, 2007). Such
placements can be with members of the extended family,
nonrelatives, or in group homes. Although we tend to think
of foster homes as living arrangements for younger chil-
dren, nearly one-third of young people in foster care enter
into their foster home as adolescents. Moreover, because
adolescents are less likely to be adopted than younger chil-
dren, teenagers tend to remain in foster care longer.
Adolescents generally enter the foster care system
for one of two reasons: parental maltreatment (when
the adolescent’s well-being or safety is endangered) or
delinquency (when an adolescent’s parents are unable to
provide the supervision necessary to keep their teenager
from violating the law). Adolescents who have spent
time in foster care are at relatively greater risk for emo-
tional and behavioral problems, some of which are the
product of the abuse or neglect that necessitated their
removal from their biological parents’ home (maltreat-
There is no evidence that adolescents raised by gay or lesbian
ment frequently causes psychological problems), some
parents are psychologically any different from those raised by of which may have made it too difficult for their parents
straight parents. © Laura Doss/Getty Images RF to adequately care for them (in which case the adolescent CHAPTER 4 Families 121

may be placed in a therapeutic environment designed most consistently as protective is the teenager’s feeling
for teenagers with psychological problems), and some of connectedness with parents and family. Feeling loved
of which may actually result from the foster care place- and cared for by parents matters in a big way. (Blum &
ment itself (for example, placement in a group home Rinehart, 2000, p. 31)
increases the adolescent’s risk for delinquency (Ryan, Study after study finds that adolescents who believe
Marshall, Herz, & Hernandez, 2008). Many adolescents their parents or guardians are there for them—caring,
move in and out of different placements, back and forth involved, and accepting—are healthier, happier, and
between their parents’ home and a foster care placement, more competent than their peers, however health, hap-
or between different foster care arrangements; frequent piness, or competence is assessed. This conclusion
disruptions in living arrangements can lead to behavioral holds true regardless of the adolescent’s age, sex, eth-
problems (Fisher, Stoolmiller, Mannering, Takahashi, nicity, social class, or country, and across all types of
& Chamberlain, 2011; Proctor, Skriner, Roesch, & families, whether married or divorced, single-parent or
Litrownik, 2010). After a period of time in foster care, two-parent, rich or poor (Dornbusch, Erickson, Laird, &
adolescents are either reunified with their biological Wong, 2001; Schwarz et al., 2012). This has led many
parents or adopted by someone other than their parents, psychologists, including myself, to call for widespread
or, if they are old enough, declared independent. As efforts to increase the quality of parenting that children
you can imagine, making the transition to independent and adolescents receive as a way of preventing emotional
adulthood—already a challenge for many youth who and behavioral problems and promoting healthy devel-
grew up in stable and supportive family environments— opment (Kumpfer & Alvarado, 2003). As I have written
is even more difficult for adolescents whose lives have elsewhere, we know what the basic principles of good
been so disrupted and who do not have parents on whom parenting are (Steinberg, 2005b). The challenge facing
they can rely for support. Adolescents who have been in us is to figure out how best to disseminate this informa-
foster care are at higher risk for homelessness than other tion to the people who need it most—parents.
youth (Fowler, Toro, & Miles, 2009). Despite the tremendous growth and psychological
development that take place as individuals leave child-
hood on the road toward adulthood, despite society’s
The Importance of the Family pressures on young people to grow up fast, despite all
in Adolescent Development the technological and social innovations that have trans-
formed family life, and contrary to claims that parents
As you have seen, there is considerable diversity among don’t really make a difference (that by adolescence, par-
families with adolescents—diversity in background, in ents’ influence is overshadowed by the peer group or
income, in parenting style, and in household composi- the mass media), adolescents continue to need the love,
tion. Yet no factor seems to influence adolescent adjust- support, and guidance of adults who genuinely care
ment more than the quality of relationships at home about their development and well-being. Being raised
(Kaminski, Puddy, Hall, Cashman, Crosby et al., 2010). in the presence of caring and committed adults is one
As one team of experts concluded on the basis of a com- of the most important advantages a young person can
prehensive study of the lives, behavior, and health of have in life. Although parental love may be expressed in
90,000 American teenagers: different ways in different parts of the world, its impor-
Across all of the health outcomes examined, the results tance for healthy adolescent development is unques-
point to the importance of family and the home environ- tionable, regardless of cultural context (McNeely &
ment for protecting adolescents from harm. What emerges Barber, 2010).
5 Peer Groups

The Origins of Adolescent Peer Groups Adolescents and Their Cliques

in Contemporary Society Similarity Among Clique Members
Changes in the Size of the Youth Population Common Interests Among Friends
Is There a Separate Youth Culture? Similarity Between Friends: Selection or
The Nature of Adolescent Peer Groups Socialization?
Changes in Peer Groups During Adolescence Popularity and Rejection in Adolescent
Cliques and Crowds Peer Groups
Changes in Clique and Crowd Structure Determinants of Popularity and Rejection
Over Time Relational Aggression
Adolescents and Their Crowds Victimization and Harassment
The Social Map of Adolescence The Peer Group and Psychosocial
Crowds as Reference Groups Development
© Marc Romanelli/Blend Images LLC RF

122 CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 123

It is about 8:00 A.M. A group of teenagers congre- over the course of adolescence, and, as Figure 1 illus-
gates in the hallway in front of their first-period classroom, trates, teenagers’ moods become more positive over the
discussing their plans for the weekend. As the first-period course of the week, as the weekend approaches (Larson
bell sounds, they enter the classroom and take their seats. & Richards, 1998).
For the next 4 hours (until there is a break in their schedule American society is highly age segregated. From the
for lunch), they will attend class in groups of about 25 ado- time youngsters stop spending their full day at home—
lescents to 1 adult. certainly by age 5, but for many of those in day care, as
At lunch, the group meets again to talk about the early as the first year of life—until they graduate from high
weekend. They have about 45 minutes until the first school at age 18 or so, they are grouped with children their
afternoon period begins. After lunch, they spend another own age. Other than relatives, they have little extended
2 hours in class—again, in groups of about 25 adolescents contact with older or younger people. Age grouping car-
and 1 adult. The school day ends, the group convenes yet ries over into after-school, weekend, and vacation activi-
again, and they go to someone’s house to hang out for ties. In contemporary society, peer groups—groups of
the rest of the day. Everyone’s parents are working; they people who are roughly the same age—are one of the
are on their own. At about 6:00 P.M., they disperse and most important contexts in which adolescents spend
head home for dinner. Some have plans to meet up later time. The significance of peer groups gives adolescence
that night. Several will talk on the phone. Virtually all of in contemporary society some of its most distinctive
them will text. And they will see one another first thing the features.
next morning. Understanding how adolescent peer groups form
Adolescents in modern society spend a remarkable and what takes place within their boundaries is critical to
amount of time with people their own age. High school understanding adolescent development. No discussion
students in the United States and Europe spend twice of adolescent identity development is complete without
as much of their time each week with peers as with par- examining how and why teenagers derive part of their
ents or other adults—not even counting time in class identity from the group they spend time with. No discus-
(B. Brown & Larson, 2009; Dijkstra & Veenstra, 2011). sion of the development of autonomy is complete without
Virtually all adolescents spend most of each weekday considering how adolescents learn to make independent
with their peers while at school, and the vast majority decisions when they are with their friends. No discussion
see or talk to their friends in the late afternoon, in the of intimacy can ignore understanding teenagers’ friend-
evening, and over the weekend (Larson & Verma, 1999). ship groups and how they are formed. No discussion of
Time spent with peers increases steadily over the course adolescent sexuality is complete without talking about
of adolescence (Lam, McHale, & Crouter, 2014). It’s easy how, when, and why peer groups change from same-sex
to see why: Adolescents’ moods groups to mixed-sex groups. And no discussion of the
peer groups are most positive when they are development of achievement in adolescence can ignore
Groups of individuals of the role that friends play in influencing each other’s atti-
with their friends, time spent with
approximately the same age.
friends becomes more rewarding tudes toward school.

Positive 0.15 Figure 1 As the weekend

approaches and adolescents
0.10 anticipate spending more time
with their friends, their mood
0.05 takes a marked turn for the
5th–8th grade

better. (Larson & Richards, 1998)

9th–12th grade

Negative –0.10
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
124 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

that most adolescents were directly affected by educational

The Origins of Adolescent Peer age grouping. Attending elementary school was common
Groups in Contemporary Society before 1900, but until 1930 or so, high school was a lux-
Contact between adolescents and their peers is found ury available only to the affluent. Adolescent peer groups
in all cultures, of course. But not all societies have peer based on friendships formed in school were not prevalent
groups that are as narrowly defined and age segregated until well into the twentieth century.
as those in contemporary society (B. Brown, 2004;
Larson & Verma, 1999). Changes in the Size of the
The spread of compulsory education was a major factor
in the development of peer groups as we know them today.
Youth Population
Educators first developed the idea of free public educa- Perhaps the most important factor influencing the rise of
tion, with students grouped by adolescent peer groups in contemporary society was the
age grading age—a practice known as age rapid growth of the teenage population between 1955
The process of grouping indi- grading—in the middle of the and 1975. Following the end of World War II, many par-
viduals within social institutions nineteenth century. In doing so, ents wanted to have children as soon as possible, creat-
on the basis of age.
they established an arrangement ing what has been called the postwar baby boom. The
baby boom that would encourage the devel- products of this baby boom became adolescents dur-
The period following World opment and maintenance of age- ing the 1960s and early 1970s, creating an “adolescent
War II, during which the
segregated peer groups. It was boom” for about 15 years. The size of the population
number of infants born was
extremely large. not until the second quarter of ages 15–19 nearly doubled between 1955 and 1975 and,
the twentieth century, however, more importantly, rose from less than 7% of the total
population to well over 10%. During the mid-1970s
more than 1 out of every 6 Americans was a teenager.
This trend turned downward in 1975. The relative size
of the adolescent population decreased until 1995. But
during the last decade of the twentieth century—when
the products of the baby boom began raising adoles-
cents of their own—the size of the teenage population
began increasing once again. In the year 2000, there were
20 million 15- to 19-year-olds in the United States, and
an additional 20 million people were between 10 and 14.
In other words, as we entered the twenty-first century,
approximately 1 in 7 Americans were adolescents. The
proportion of the U.S. population that is adolescent is
estimated to remain at about this level through the next
half century (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000). Keep in mind,
though, that patterns of change in the size of the ado-
lescent population vary considerably around the world,
mainly because of different birthrates (see Figure 2).
Contemporary society is very age-graded. Even when they Social scientists track the size of the adolescent popu-
are in activities outside school, adolescents tend to be with lation for several reasons. First, changes in the number
same-aged peers. © Bernard Jaubert/Getty Images of adolescents may warrant changes in the allocation

Figure 2 The proportion of 30%

the population that is ado-
lescent varies around the
world—it is highest in devel- 20%
oping countries, especially in
the Arab world, and lowest
in highly industrialized coun- 10%
tries, like Japan. 5%
(United Nations, 2010)




















Un CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 125

of funds for social services, educational programs, and About 10 years ago, a team of researchers wanted to
health care, since adolescents’ needs are not the same see just how much had changed since The Adolescent
as those of children or adults. Second, changes in the Society was published (Garner, Bootcheck, Lorr, &
size of the adolescent population have implications Rauch, 2006). They assessed the social climate of seven
for understanding the behavior of cohorts. A cohort is schools that varied in size, the ethnic and socioeconomic
a group of individuals born during a particular period, composition of the student body, and whether they were
such as the baby boomers (born in the late 1940s and inner-city, suburban, or semirural.
early to mid-1950s), “Gen X” (born in the early 1970s), There were both similarities and differences between
the “Millennials” (the adolescent children of the baby what they found and the adolescent society of the 1960s.
boomers, born in the 1980s and early 1990s, also known The combination of physical attractiveness, athletic
as “Generation Y”), or “Generation Z” (born during the ability, and money was still associated with popularity.
1990s, and sometimes referred to as the iGeneration, Academic success was valued, but an atmosphere of
because of the growth of the Internet during their time) anti-intellectualism prevailed, and doing well in school
(see Table 1). Baby boomers, for example, were mem- clearly was not a pathway to popularity.
bers of a very crowded cohort. During their adolescence, Other things were different, though, especially in
they encountered a lot of competition for places in col- communities that were not composed mainly of White,
lege, jobs, and so on. The size of this cohort also meant middle-class families. In these schools, the student body
that it could attract a great deal of public attention, from was fragmented into crowds defined largely by ethnicity
politicians to advertisers. In contrast, members of Gen X, and social class. There was often tension among crowds as
who were adolescents in the late 1980s and early 1990s, well as strong opposition to middle-class culture in some
were members of a much smaller cohort, with less com- segments of the schools. In some senses, then, the diversi-
petition among individuals but far less clout. Because the fication of American society also diversified the adolescent
Gen Z cohort, today’s teenagers, is considerably larger society. An important lesson here is that the world of ado-
than Gen X, it will likely be much more influential. lescents usually reflects the broader context at that time.
Is the rise of peer groups in modern society necessar-
ily a bad thing? This question has sparked some of the Do Adolescents Inhabit a Separate World? Accor-
hottest debates in the study of adolescence over the past ding to some observers, age segregation has so strength-
30 years (B. Brown & Larson, 2009). There are those who ened the power of the peer group that American
claim that age segregation has led to the development of adolescents have become alienated from and unfamil-
a separate youth culture, in which young people maintain iar with the values of adults. In this view, problems
attitudes and values that are different from—even contrary such as youth unemployment, teenage suicide, juvenile
to—those of adults. But some argue that industrialization delinquency, drug and alcohol use, and teen pregnancy
and modernization have made peer groups more impor- can be attributed to the rise of peer groups and the
tant, that adults alone can no longer prepare young people isolation of adolescents from adults. Many observers
for the future, and that peer groups play a vital role in the
socialization of adolescents for adulthood (J. Harris, 1995).

Is There a Separate Youth Culture?

The belief that age segregation has fueled the develop-
ment of a separate—and troublesome—youth culture
was first expressed more than 50 years ago, in The
Adolescent Society, an extensive study of the social
worlds of 10 American high schools (Coleman, 1961).
According to the study, adolescents lived in a social
world where academic success was frowned on, where
doing well in school did not earn the admiration of
peers, and where wealth, athletic ability (for boys), and
good looks (for girls) mattered most.
Sound familiar? When adults today complain about the
questionable morals and poor character of today’s young
people, they are saying nothing different from what adults
were asserting in the middle of the twentieth century (and
what adults said about them, when they were teenagers). Adults have long worried whether there is a distinct youth
Frankly, there probably hasn’t been a generation of adults culture that is counter to mainstream values. © terry harris just
that didn’t complain about young people. greece photo library / Alamy RF
Table 1 Cohorts, periods, and ages

in Census Year
Became Young Key Events at
Cohort Name Adults (16–30) That Time 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Generation Z 2002–2005 Internet explosion 16–24
Millennials 1992–2015 Information era:
economic growth
and global politics 16–24 25–30
Gen X 1982–2005 Reagan era: economic
polarization, political
conservatism 16–24 25–30
Late baby 1972–95 Watergate era:
boomers economic recession,
restructuring 16–24 25–30
Early baby 1962–85 Hippies: social
boomers movements,
campus revolts 16–24 25–30
Happy days 1952–75 Family and conformity:
generation baby boom and Cold
War/McCarthy era 16–24 25–30
Happy days/ 1942–65 Family and conformity:
greatest baby boom and Cold
generation War/McCarthy era 16–24 25–30
Greatest 1932–55 Hard times: economic
generation/ depression and
children World War II
of Great
Depression 16–24 25–30
Children of 1922–45 Hard times: economic
Great depression and
Depression World War II 16–24 25–30
Lost 1912–35 World War I and
Generation Roaring Twenties,
Prohibition 16–24 25–30
... 1902–25 Age of invention and
World War I 16–24 25–30
... 1892–1915 Age of invention,
urbanization 16–24 25–30 CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 127

of the adolescent scene note that all these problems

have increased dramatically since the 1940s, as peer
The Nature of Adolescent
groups have become more prominent and age segre- Peer Groups
gation has become more prevalent. Their argument
is that the increase in adolescents’ problems can be Changes in Peer Groups
directly linked to the rise in the power of adolescent During Adolescence
peer groups. When you look at a typical elementary school play-
ground, it’s clear that peer groups are an important fea-
Has the Youth Culture Harmed Adolescents? Has ture of the social world of childhood. But even though
the rise of adolescent peer groups really caused so many peer groups exist well before adolescence, during the
problems? teenage years they change in significance and structure.
This question is hard to answer. Age segregation cer- Four specific developments stand out (B. Brown, 1990;
tainly has increased over the past 60 years, but society has B. Brown & Larson, 2009).
changed in other ways during this same time—ways that
may also have contributed to increases in such problems In What Ways Do Peer Groups Change? First,
as crime and drug use. The world is a more stressful and there is a sharp increase during adolescence in the sheer
uncertain place to grow up in now than it was in the past. amount of time individuals spend with their peers and in
Adolescents experience enormous pressures from parents, the relative time they spend in the company of peers ver-
peers, and the mass media. More important, even though sus adults. If we count school as a setting in which ado-
society has continued to become increasingly age segre- lescents are mainly with people their age, well over half
gated, the rates of many adolescent problem behaviors— of the typical American adolescent’s waking hours are
crime and drug use are good examples—have f luctuated spent with peers, as opposed to only 15% with adults—
considerably over the past three decades. If age segrega- including their parents (most of the remaining time is
tion were the “true” cause of adolescents’ problems, this spent alone or with a combination of adults and peers).
would not be the case. There have been periods when Indeed, during the transition into adolescence, there is a
adolescent problem behaviors have declined despite the dramatic drop in the amount of time adolescents spend
fact that age segregation has remained high. with parents; for boys, this is mainly replaced by time
To be sure, contemporary adolescents spend more spent alone, whereas for girls, it is replaced by time
time in peer groups than in past eras. But there is no evi- alone and time with friends (Dijkstra & Veenstra, 2011).
dence that today’s young people are more susceptible Second, during adolescence, peer groups function
to the influence of their friends than their counterparts much more often without adult supervision than they do
were previously, nor has it been shown that teenagers during childhood, partly because adolescents are more
are any worse off because peer groups have come to mobile and partly because they seek, and are granted,
play a more prominent role. More important, it is sim- more independence (Dijkstra & Veenstra, 2011). As you
ply incorrect to describe the peer group as a universally can see from Figure 3, both supervised and unsupervised
negative influence; adolescents exert both positive and time with peers, and, especially, with opposite-sex peers,
negative influences on each other (Piehler, 2011). Some increase steadily throughout adolescence (Lam, McHale,
peers influence each other to use drugs and spend time & Crouter, 2014). Groups of younger children typically
partying rather than studying, but other peer groups dis- play in the presence of adults or in activities organized
courage drug use and value academic achievement. In or supervised by adults (for example, organized sports),
other words, although peers continue to remain highly whereas adolescents are granted far more independence.
influential, the directions in which they influence each A group of teenagers may go off to the mall or the mov-
other are highly variable. ies on their own or hang out at the home of someone
whose parents are absent.
Third, during adolescence, increasingly more con-
making the cultural tact with peers is between males and females (Lam et
connection al., 2014). During childhood, peer groups are highly
Do you think the values of the adolescent “society” dif- sex segregated. This is especially true of peer activi-
fer in different parts of the world, or is it more likely that ties of children in school and other settings organized
athletic ability, good looks, and money contribute to popu- by adults, although somewhat less so of their more
larity everywhere? If you have classmates who grew up informal activities, such as neighborhood play. During
somewhere other than the United States, ask them what adolescence, however, an increasingly larger propor-
made people popular in their high school. tion of an individual’s significant others are peers of the
other sex (Dijkstra & Veenstra, 2011; Mehta & Strough,
128 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

350 350

300 300

Unsupervised time with peers

Supervised time with peers

250 250
(minutes per 7 days)

(minutes per 7 days)

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Age (years) Age (years)
Mixed opposite sex (girls) Mixed opposite sex (boys) Same sex Average total

Figure 3 Both supervised (left) and unsupervised (right) time with peers increase during adolescence. The increase
in the amount of time that girls spend with peers is especially steep. (Lam et al., 2014)

2009). The shift from same-sex peer groups to mixed- adolescents to seek out individuals whom they perceive
sex groups tends to occur around the beginning of high as having common interests and values, perhaps as a
school (Lam et al., 2014). way of re-creating the smaller, more intimate groups of
Finally, whereas children’s peer relationships are childhood (B. Brown, 2004). Instead of floundering in
limited mainly to relatively small groups—at most, a large, impersonal high school cafeteria, someone who
three or four children at a time—adolescence marks the belongs to the cheerleader crowd, or even someone who
emergence of larger collectives of peers, called crowds is one of the “nerds,” may head directly for a place at a
(Brown & Larson, 2009). In junior high school cafete- familiar table.
rias, for example, the “popular” crowd sits in one sec-
tion of the room, the “brains” in another, and the “jocks”
in a third. These crowds typically develop their own
Cliques and Crowds
minicultures, characterized by particular styles of dress- Adolescents’ peer groups are organized around two
ing, talking, and behaving (Chen, 2012). Not until early related, but different, structures (B. Brown & Larson,
adolescence can individuals accurately list the various 2009). Cliques are small groups of between 2 and 12
crowds in their schools and reliably describe the ste- individuals—the average is about 5 or 6—generally of
reotypes that distinguish the crowds from one another the same sex and, of course, the same age. Cliques can be
(B. Brown, Mory, & Kinney, 1994). defined by common activities (for example, the football
players, or a group of students who study together regu-
What Causes Peer Groups to Change? These larly) or simply by friendship (e.g., a group of girls who
changes in peer relations have their origins in the bio- have lunch together every day, or a group of boys who
logical, cognitive, and social transitions of adoles- have grown up together). The clique provides the main
cence (Dijkstra & Veenstra, 2011). Puberty stimulates social context in which adolescents interact with one
adolescents’ interest in romantic relationships and dis- another. It’s the social setting in which adolescents hang
tances them from their parents, which helps to explain out, talk to each other, and form close friendships. Some
why adolescents’ social networks increasingly include cliques are more open to outsiders than others (that is,
more other-sex peers and fewer adults. The cognitive the members are less “cliquish”), but virtually all cliques
changes of adolescence permit a more sophisticated are small enough that the members feel they know each
understanding of social relationships, which allows the other well and appreciate each other more than people
sort of abstract categorization that leads to grouping outside the clique do (B. Brown & Larson, 2009).
individuals into crowds. And changes in social defini-
tion may stimulate changes How Cliques Structure Social Networks A study
cliques in peer relations as a sort of of the structure, prevalence, and stability of cliques
Small, tightly knit groups of adaptive response: The larger, among 9th-graders in five different high schools within
between 2 and 12 friends, gen-
erally of the same sex and age.
more anonymous social setting a large American school district illustrates the ways in
of the secondary school forces which cliques structure adolescents’ friendship networks CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 129

(Ennett & Bauman, 1996). Based on interviews with stu- (A. M. Ryan, 2001). Not sur- crowds
dents over a 1-year period, the researchers categorized prisingly, the more recently a Large, loosely organized
adolescents as clique members (individuals who have student has arrived at a school, groups of young people, com-
most of their interactions with the same small group the less well connected he or posed of several cliques and
of people), liaisons (individuals who interact with two she is likely to be; developing typically organized around a
common shared activity.
or more adolescents who are members of cliques, but a social network is especially
who themselves are not part of a clique), and isolates hard on students whose fami-
(individuals who have few or no links to others in the lies move frequently (South & Haynie, 2004).
Three interesting patterns emerged. First, despite How Adolescents Sort Into Crowds Cliques are
the popular image of adolescents as “cliquish,” fewer quite different in structure and purpose from crowds.
than half the adolescents in any school were members Crowds are based on “the identification of adolescents
of cliques. Second, girls were more likely than boys to who share a similar image or reputation among peers,
be members of cliques, whereas boys were more likely or who have a common feature such as ethnicity or
than girls to be isolates. Finally, adolescents’ positions in neighborhood, even if they do not consider each other
their school’s social network were relatively stable over friends or spend much time interacting with each other”
time: Adolescents who were members of cliques in the (B. Brown, 2004). In contemporary American high schools,
9th grade were clique members in 10th grade; 9th-grade typical crowds include “jocks,” “brains,” “nerds,” “pop-
isolates remained, for the most part, isolates 1 year later. ulars,” and “druggies.” The labels for these crowds may
This does not mean that the membership of specific vary from school to school (“nerds” versus “geeks,”
cliques is stable—typically, it isn’t—only that individuals “populars” versus “preps”), but their generic presence
who were members of a clique at one point of time were is commonplace around the world, and you can prob-
members of a clique 1 year later. In other words, there is ably recognize these different types of crowds from your
stability in adolescents’ tendency to join cliques, but not own school experience (Arnett, 2002; Delsing, ter Bogt,
in the makeup of particular groups (B. Brown, 2004). In Engels, & Meeus, 2007; Sim & Yeo, 2012). (A major
another study, about 75% of 7th-graders were members of exception is “jocks,” a crowd that is seldom found in
cliques and about 15% were isolates; very few were liai- non-American schools. In Europe and Asia, adolescents’
sons or connected to just one other adolescent in a dyad athletic events are typically organized around clubs

Adolescents usually belong to at least one clique, a close group of about a half dozen friends, usually of the same age and sex.
© Angela Hampton/Angela Hampton Picture Library / Alamy
130 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

located in the community rather than school teams.) of the same clique, some of them may belong to a dif-
Unlike cliques, crowds are not settings for adolescents’ ferent crowd, especially when one crowd is close in life-
intimate interactions or friendships, but instead serve style to the other (Urberg, Değirmencioğlu, Tolson, &
three broad purposes: to locate adolescents (to them- Halliday-Scher, 1995). For example, a “brain” will have
selves and to others) within the social structure of the some friends who are also “brains” and some who are
school, to channel adolescents toward some peers and “nerds” but few, if any, who are “druggies” (B. Brown
away from others, and to provide contexts that reward et al., 1994).
certain lifestyles and disparage others (B. Brown & More importantly, crowds are not simply clusters of
Larson, 2009). => AU

BR cliques; the two different structures serve entirely dif-

The key point is that membership in a crowd is based ferent purposes. Because the clique is based on activity
mainly on reputation and stereotype, rather than on actual and friendship, it is the peer setting in which adolescents
friendship or social interaction. This is very different from learn social skills—how to be a good friend, how to com-
membership in a clique, which, by definition, hinges on municate effectively, how to be a leader, how to enjoy
shared activity and friendship. In concrete terms, and per- someone else’s company, or how to break off a friend-
haps ironically, an adolescent does not have to actually ship that is no longer satisfying. In contrast, because
have “brains” as friends, or hang around with “brainy” crowds are based more on reputation and stereotype
students, to be one of the “brains.” If he dresses like a than on interaction, they probably contribute more to the
“brain,” acts like a “brain,” and takes honors courses, then adolescent’s sense of identity and self-conception—for
he is a “brain” as far as his crowd membership goes. better and for worse—than to his or her actual social
The fact that crowd membership is based on reputa- development.
tion and stereotype has important implications. It can be
very difficult for adolescents, who—if they don’t change Changes in Clique and Crowd
their reputation early on in high school—may find them-
selves stuck, at least in the eyes of others, in a crowd Structure Over Time
they don’t want to belong to or even see themselves as There are important changes in the structure of cliques
a part of (B. Brown, Von Bank, & Steinberg, 2008). and crowds during the adolescent years, driven in large
Plus, some individuals can be members of more than measure by the increased importance of romantic rela-
one crowd simultaneously, if their reputation is such that tionships (Connolly, Furman, & Konarski, 2000; Kuttler
they fit into them (B. Brown, 2004). According to some & La Greca, 2004).
estimates, close to half of high school students are asso-
ciated with one crowd, about one-third are associated How Romance Changes the Peer Group During
with two or more crowds, and about one-sixth do not early adolescence, adolescents’ activities revolve around
clearly fit into any crowd (B. Brown, 2004). Although an same-sex cliques. They are not yet involved in partying
adolescent’s closest friends are almost always members and typically spend their leisure time with a small group
of friends, playing sports, talking, or simply hanging out.
Somewhat later, as boys and girls become more inter-
ested in one another romantically—but before romantic
relationships actually begin—boys’ and girls’ cliques
come together. This is clearly a transitional stage. Boys
and girls may go to parties or hang out, but the time they
spend together mainly involves interaction with peers of
the same sex. When young teenagers are still uncomfort-
able about dealing with members of the other sex, this
context provides an opportunity in which they can learn
more about peers of the other sex without having to be
intimate or risk losing face. It is not unusual, for example,
at young adolescents’ first mixed-sex parties, for groups
of boys and girls to position themselves at other sides of a
room, watching each other but seldom interacting.
As some adolescents become interested in romantic
relationships, part of the group begins to split off into
mixed-sex cliques, while other individuals remain in the
group but in same-sex cliques. This shift is usually led by
Early adolescence is often marked by the transition from same- the clique leaders, with other clique members following
sex peer groups to mixed-sex peer groups. © Pamela Moore/Getty along. For instance, a clique of boys whose main activity
Images RF is playing basketball may discover that one of the guys CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 131

they look up to has become more interested in going to Over time, the structure of the peer group changes, in
mixed-sex parties Saturday nights than in hanging out keeping with adolescents’ changing needs and interests.
and playing video games with the guys. Over time, they The adolescent’s capacity for close relationships devel-
will begin to follow his lead, and their all-male activities ops first through friendships with peers of the same sex,
will become more infrequent. A study of middle school and only later does intimacy enter into other-sex rela-
dances over the course of the academic year found that tionships. Thus, the structure of the peer group changes
the integration of boys’ and girls’ peer groups increased during adolescence in a way that parallels the adoles-
over time, but that this occurred mainly among physi- cent’s development of intimacy: As the adolescent devel-
cally attractive adolescents (no surprise, because being ops increasing facility in intimate relationships, the peer
good-looking contributes to status in the peer group) group moves from the familiarity of same-sex activities
(see Figure 4) (Pellegrini & Long, 2007). to contact with other-sex peers, but mainly in the safety
During middle adolescence, mixed-sex and mixed-age of the larger group. It is only after adolescents have been
cliques become more prevalent (Molloy, Gest, Feinberg, slowly socialized into dating roles—primarily by model-
& Osgood, 2014), and in time, the peer group becomes ing their higher-status peers—that the safety of numbers
composed entirely of mixed-sex cliques (Cooksey, Mott, & is no longer needed and adolescents begin pairing off.
Neubauer, 2002). One clique might consist of the drama
students—male and female students who know each other Changes in Crowds There also are changes in peer
from school plays. Another might be composed of four girls crowds during this time. Many of these changes reflect
and four boys who like to get high. Preppies—male and the growing cognitive sophistication of the adolescent.
female—might make up a third. Interestingly, the transition For example, as adolescents mature intellectually, they
from same-sex groups to mixed-sex groups is associated come to define crowds more in terms of abstract, global
with an increase in alcohol and drug use among females, characteristics (“preppies,” “nerds,” “jocks”) than in
and in alcohol use among males, most likely because terms of concrete, behavioral features (“the ballet crowd,”
the activities that draw males and females together often “the Mass Effect crowd,” “the kids who play basketball
involve socializing (Poulin, Denault, & Pedersen, 2011). on 114th Street”) (Dijkstra & Veenstra, 2011). As you
Finally, during late adolescence, peer crowds begin to know, this shift from concrete to abstract is a general fea-
disintegrate. Pairs of adolescents who see themselves as ture of cognitive development in adolescence. In addition,
couples begin to split off from the activities of the larger as adolescents become more cognitively capable, they
group. The larger peer group is replaced by loosely asso- become more consciously aware of the crowd structure
ciated sets of couples. Adolescents begin to shift some of their school and their place in it (B. Brown, 2004).
of their attention away from friends and toward romantic Over the course of adolescence, the crowd structure also
partners (Kuttler & La Greca, 2004). Groups of couples becomes more differentiated, more permeable, and less
may go out together from time to time, but the feeling hierarchical, which allows adolescents more freedom to
of being in a crowd has disappeared. This pattern—in change crowds and enhance their status (B. Brown, 2004;
which the couple becomes the focus of social activity— Horn, 2003). In early adolescence, a school may have only
persists into adulthood. two broad crowds (e.g., “normals” and “losers”). By high
When viewed from a structural point of view, the school, there may be several different ways to be “nor-
peer group’s role in the development of intimacy is clear. mal” (“populars,” “jocks,” “average”) and several differ-
ent ways to be a “loser” (“brains,” “nerds,” “burnouts”).

2.5 The Transformation of the Nerds In one fascinat-

Low attractiveness ing study of the day-to-day experiences of “nerds” and
2.0 High attractiveness their interactions with other students was based on an
Mean count

1.5 ethnography of the social interaction and peer culture in a

1.0 high school in a small Midwestern city. In contrast to survey
or experimental research, which is typically quantitative in
0.5 nature (that is, the data collected can be quantified), eth-
nographic research is qualitative. The researcher spends a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 considerable amount of time observing interactions within
Month the setting, interviewing many adolescents, and writing up
field notes, much as an anthropologist would do in studying
Figure 4 Intermingling of boys’ and girls’ peer groups
a foreign culture. Ethnographic
increases during early adolescence, but it starts first
among physically attractive adolescents, who often are approaches can be extremely ethnography
useful in studying social rela- A type of research in which
clique leaders. Mean count refers to the mean number individuals are observed in
of interactions with other-sex peer groups. tionships, because they provide their natural settings.
(Pellegrini & Long, 2007) rich, descriptive data.
132 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

In one study, students were presented with several

scenarios asking if it was all right to exclude someone
from a school activity (cheerleading, basketball, student
council) because the person was a member of a certain
crowd (“jock,” “gothic,” “preppie”) (Horn, 2003). They
were also asked whether it was acceptable to deny indi-
viduals resources (for example, a scholarship) on the basis
of their crowd membership. Consistent with the decline
in the salience of peer crowds between middle and late
adolescence, 9th-graders were more likely than older stu-
dents to say that excluding someone from an activity on
the basis of his or her crowd was all right. Students of all
ages agreed that it was less acceptable to deny students
resources because of crowd membership (which virtually
all students viewed as immoral) than to exclude them from
an activity (which was less often seen as a moral issue).
This pattern of a decline in the salience of peer crowds
Peer crowds play an important role in defining the adolescent’s parallels developmental changes in adolescents’ suscep-
place within the social hierarchy of the school. © Fuse/Getty tibility to peer pressure (Steinberg & Monahan, 2007).
Images RF As crowds become less important, between middle and
late adolescence, their influence over the individual’s
The study found that many individuals managed
behavior weakens (B. Brown, 2004). Most probably,
to transform themselves from “nerds” into “normals”
the interplay between changes in the importance of the
during high school. For some, this was accomplished
crowd and changes in adolescent’s susceptibility to peer
because the high school peer structure was more differ-
influence is reciprocal.
entiated and permeable. As opposed to middle school,
Just as the changes in the structure of cliques play
where there were only two groups—the popular and the
a role in the development of intimacy, changes in the
unpopular—in high school, there were more socially
salience of crowds play an important role in adolescent
acceptable groups. For others, the transition to “normal”
identity development. Adolescence is frequently a time
came about through gains in self-assurance that came
for experimentation with different roles and identities.
with physical and social development. And for still oth-
During the early adolescent years, before adolescents
ers, the transformation was facilitated by a more sophis-
have “found” themselves, the crowd provides an impor-
ticated, confident view of the social hierarchy—one that
tant basis for self-definition (B. Newman & Newman,
permitted them to reject the premise that whatever the
2001a). By locating themselves within the crowd struc-
popular kids valued was necessarily desirable.
ture of their school—through clothing, language, or
In essence, the transformation of “nerds” to “nor-
choice of hangouts—adolescents wear “badges” that say
mals” was enabled by a combination of factors both
“This is who I am.” At a time when adolescents may not
within the context (the increasing differentiation and
actually know just who they are, associating with a crowd
permeability of the peer crowd system) and within the
provides them with a rudimentary sense of identity.
adolescent (the physical, cognitive, and social matura-
As adolescents become more secure in their iden-
tion of the individual) (B. Brown, 1996). This study, as
tity as individuals, the need for affiliation with a crowd
well as other ethnographies of adolescent peer groups,
diminishes. By the time they have reached high school,
reminds us of the potential for growth and change during
older adolescents are likely to feel that remaining a part
the adolescent years, even for individuals who begin the
of a crowd stifles their sense of identity and self expres-
period at a social disadvantage.
sion. The breakup of the larger peer group in late adoles-
The Waxing and Waning of Crowds As crowds cence may both foreshadow and reflect the emergence
become more salient influences on adolescents’ view of each adolescent’s unique and coherent sense of self
of their social world, they come to play an increas- (B. Brown & Larson, 2009).
ingly important role in structuring adolescents’ social
behavior (B. Brown & Larson, 2009). By 9th grade,
there is nearly universal agreement among students making the personal
about their school’s crowd structure, and the strength connection
of peer group influence is very high. Between 9th and Think back to your own high school experience. What were
12th grades, however, the significance of the crowd the major crowds in your school? What common characteris-
structure begins to decline, and the salience of peer tics did you share with the people who were in your clique?
pressure wanes. CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 133

Another way of putting this

Adolescents and Their Crowds is that adolescents’ crowds
reference groups
A group against which an indi-
The Social Map of Adolescence serve as reference groups. vidual compares him or herself.
They provide their members
Although we often hear people talk about a univer- with an identity in the eyes of
sal “youth culture,” most ethnographic studies of high others. Adolescents judge one another on the basis of
schools indicate that the social world of adolescents is the company they keep, and they become branded on
far more multifaceted than this. One helpful scheme the basis of whom they hang out with. Such labels as
for mapping the social world of adolescence classifies “jocks,” “brains,” “populars,” “druggies,” and “skaters”
crowds along two dimensions: how involved they are in serve as shorthand notations—accurate or inaccurate—
the institutions controlled by adults, such as school and to describe what someone is like as a person, what he or
extracurricular activities, and how involved they are in she holds as important, and how he or she spends time.
the informal, peer culture (Brown, 1990) (see Figure 5). Individuals who are members of more unconventional
“Jocks” and “populars,” for example, are very involved crowds (e.g., “Hip Hoppers,” “Metalheads”) engage in
in the peer culture, but they are also very involved in the more problem behavior, whereas those who are in more
institutions valued by adults (sports and school organiza- conventional ones (e.g., “Normals,” “Jocks”) report less
tions, for example). “Brains” and “nerds,” in contrast, are (Doornwaard, Branje, Meeus, & ter Bogt, 2012).
also involved in adult-controlled organizations (in their
case, academics), but they tend to be less involved in the Crowd Membership and Adolescent Identity Crowd
peer culture. “Partyers” are on the opposite side of the membership is important not only because crowds are
map from “nerds”: These adolescents are very involved used by adolescents when talking about one another but
in the peer culture but are less so in adult institutions. also because membership in a crowd is often the basis
“Burnouts” and adolescents who are members of delin- for an adolescent’s own identity (B. Brown & Larson,
quent gangs are not involved in either the peer culture 2009). A girl who hangs out with the “preppies” identi-
or adult institutions. Other crowds, such as “normals” or fies herself as such by wearing their “uniform,” shop-
“druggies,” fall somewhere between these extremes. ping in their stores, and speaking their language. After a
while, preppiness becomes part of her own self-concept;
she wouldn’t think of dressing or talking any other way.
Crowds as Reference Groups Or consider the boys whose clique is held together by
Knowing where an adolescent fits into the social sys- a dislike of school. Since this attitude toward school is
tem of the school can tell us a lot about the person’s continuously reinforced by the clique, each boy’s feel-
behavior and values. This is because crowds contribute ings about school become strengthened, and not lik-
to the definition of norms and standards for such things ing school becomes part of each boy’s identity. Even if
as clothing, leisure, and tastes in music. Being a “jock” something very positive happens at school, it becomes
means more than simply being involved in athletics; it difficult for someone in the clique to admit that it makes
means wearing certain types of clothes, listening to cer- him feel good about himself. Doing well on a test or
tain types of music, spending Saturday nights in certain receiving a compliment from a teacher is likely to be dis-
spots, and using a particular slang. missed as unimportant.
Because the adolescent’s peer group plays such an
important role as a reference group and a source of
High Jocks identity, the nature of the crowd with which an adoles-
Nerds Brains
cent affiliates is likely to have an important influence
Involvement in adult institutions

Populars on his or her behavior, activities, and self-conceptions

(Birkeland, Breivik, & Wold, 2014; Brechwald &
Prinstein, 2011; Dijkstra & Veenstra, 2011). Although
most adolescents feel pressure from their friends to
behave in ways that are consistent with their crowd’s
values and goals, the specific pressure varies from one
Toughs Druggies Partyers crowd to another. “Druggies” report much more peer
pressure to misbehave, for example, than “jocks” (Clasen
& Brown, 1985). Crowd membership can also affect the
Low High way adolescents feel about themselves. Adolescents’
Involvement in peer culture self-esteem is higher among students who are identified
with peer groups that have relatively more status in their
Figure 5 A model for mapping the social world of ado- school (B. Brown, Von Bank, & Steinberg, 2008). Over
lescent peer groups. (From Brown, 1990) the course of adolescence, symptoms of psychological
134 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

distress decline among the “populars” and “jocks” but other adolescents who want to be accepted by them con-
increase among the “brains” (Doornwaard et al., 2012; form to these standards.
Prinstein & La Greca, 2002). Third, when crowd members behave in ways that
Not surprisingly, adolescents whose peers identify are consistent with these norms, they are reinforced for
them as members of low-status crowds fare better psy- doing so. An adolescent who dresses in a way that is
chologically when they don’t see themselves this way, consistent with a crowd’s expectation may be compli-
but the opposite is true for adolescents whose peers label mented (“nice shoes, Sophie”) whereas one who does
them as members of high-status crowds, where denying not may be ignored, or even made fun of (“I can’t believe
one’s affiliation with the crowd is associated with worse you’re wearing those!”).
mental health (B. Brown, Von Bank, & Steinberg, 2008). Finally, when adolescents are reinforced for following
Of course, the longer-term consequences of crowd mem- a crowd’s norms, they feel better about themselves and
bership during adolescence are not necessarily the same further incorporate their crowd membership into their
as their immediate impact. One study that examined the identity. After being praised many times for her clothes
young-adult outcomes of high school crowd membership by one of the popular crowd’s members, for example,
found that both “brains” and “jocks” showed the most a girl will start to think of herself as a member of that
favorable patterns of psychological adjustment over time crowd and begin to derive her identity in part from it.
(Barber, Eccles, & Stone, 2001). Individuals who had
been members of antisocial peer groups fared the worst. Ethnicity and Crowd Membership Many of the
Adolescents’ behavior is affected by their crowd basic distinctions among crowds that have been found in
membership in several ways (Brechwald & Prinstein, studies of predominantly White high schools (for exam-
2011). First, adolescents often imitate the behavior ple, academically oriented crowds, partying crowds,
of high-status peers—the crowd leaders. The socially deviant crowds, trendy crowds) also exist among adoles-
popular girls, for example, may dress in a certain way, cents from ethnic minority groups (B. Brown & Mounts,
and the less popular ones (the “wannabes”), who want 1989). There is evidence, however, that in multieth-
to be associated with them, follow suit. Popular students nic high schools adolescents first divide across ethnic
receive far more attention from others, especially from lines and then form into the more familiar adolescent
those who themselves are popular (Lansu, Cillessen, & crowds within ethnic groups. In a large multiethnic high
Karremans, 2014). school, there may be separate groups of Black “jocks”
Second, crowds establish social norms—values and and White “jocks,” of Hispanic “populars” and Black
expectations—that members strive to follow. That is, “populars,” and so on (Hardie & Tyson, 2013). In mul-
even lower-status members of a crowd influence each tiethnic schools, adolescents from one ethnic group are
other by behaving in ways that identify them as mem- less likely to see crowd distinctions within other ethnic
bers (e.g., using certain expressions when speaking), and groups than they are within their own group. Thus, to
White students, all Asian adolescents are part
of the “Asian” crowd, whereas the Asian stu-
dents see themselves as divided into “brains,”
“populars,” and other groups (B. Brown &
Mounts, 1989).
The meaning associated with belonging to
different crowds also may differ across eth-
nic and socioeconomic groups, although this
varies considerably from school to school
(Knifsend & Juvonen, 2014; Tyson, Darity, &
Castellino, 2005). Although one widely cited
study reported that high-achieving Black
students are ostracized for “acting White”
(Fordham & Ogbu, 1986), many studies do
not find this to be typical (e.g., Horvat &
Lewis, 2003; Tyson et al., 2005). In fact, in
many schools, all students who are highly
committed to school, regardless of their
ethnicity, are teased or excluded for being
“nerds” or “brains,” or simply for doing well
in school (Schwartz, Kelly, & Duong, 2013).
In multiethnic high schools, peer groups often divide along ethnic lines. Similarly, in some schools it may be admi-
© Ababsolutum/Getty Images RF rable to be a “jock,” while in others it may CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 135

be frowned upon. The values we associate with being more than doubles between 6th and 10th grades (Poulin
in one crowd as opposed to aren’t the same across all & Pedersen, 2007). And, in keeping with the notion that
school contexts. this coincides with the onset of dating, the increase is
especially notable among early-maturing girls, whose
networks increasingly include somewhat older boys that
Adolescents and Their Cliques they know outside of school. Even so, by 10th grade,
What draws adolescents into one clique and not another? most adolescents’ networks are still dominated by same-
Because cliques serve as a basis for adolescents’ friend- sex friends, who make up about three-quarters of the
ships and play an important role in their social develop- average social network.
ment, many researchers have studied the determinants of A second reason for sex segregation in adolescent
clique composition. peer groups concerns young adolescents’ sensitiv-
ity about sex roles. Over the course of childhood, boys
and girls become increasingly concerned about behav-
Similarity Among Clique Members ing in ways judged to be sex-appropriate. When little
The most important influence on the composition of boys show an interest in dolls, they are often told either
cliques is similarity. Adolescents’ cliques typically are explicitly (by parents, friends, and teachers) or implic-
composed of people who are of the same age, ethnicity, itly (by television, books, and other mass media), “Boys
and—at least during early and middle adolescence—the don’t play with dolls—those are for girls.” And when
same sex (Ennett & Bauman, 1996). girls start wrestling or roughhousing, they are often sim-
ilarly reprimanded.
Age Segregation Although many adolescents have As a consequence of these continual reminders
friends who are one school grade ahead or behind that there are boys’ activities and girls’ activities, early
(Bowker & Spencer, 2010), age grouping in junior and adolescents—who are trying to establish a sense of
senior high schools makes it unlikely that an individual identity—are very concerned about acting in sex-
will have friends who are substantially older or younger. appropriate ways, although this is more true of boys than
A 10th-grader who is enrolled in 10th-grade English, girls (Galambos, Berenbaum, & McHale, 2009). This
10th-grade math, 10th-grade history, and 10th-grade sci- makes it very difficult for an adolescent boy to be a part
ence simply does not have many opportunities to meet of a girls’ clique, in which activities are likely to revolve
adolescents who are in different grades. Age segrega- around clothing and talking about boys, or a girl to be
tion in adolescents’ cliques appears to result mostly from part of a boys’ clique, in which activities are likely to
the structure of schools. By way of comparison, ado- be dominated by athletics and other physical pursuits
lescents’ online friends are less similar in age than the (Mehta & Strough, 2009). Adolescents who go against
friends they make in school (Mesch & Talmud, 2007). prevailing sex-role norms by forming friendships with
members of the other sex may be teased about being
Sex Segregation During early and middle adoles- “fags” or may be ostracized by their peers because they
cence, cliques also tend to be composed of adolescents are “girly” (Oransky & Marecek, 2009). (Interestingly,
of the same sex (Ennett & Bauman, 1996). This sex seg- gay male adolescents typically have more other-sex
regation begins in childhood and continues through most friendships than same-sex friendships [Diamond &
of adolescence, although it is stronger among White stu- Dubé, 2002].) Ironically, once dating becomes the norm,
dents than among Black students (Filardo, 1996), and it adolescents who don’t have relationships with peers of
weakens later in adolescence (Mehta & Strough, 2009). the other sex become the objects of equally strong suspi-
The causes of sex segregation in adolescents’ cliques cion and social rejection.
are more interesting than the causes of age segrega-
tion, because schools seldom separate boys and girls Ethnic Segregation Ethnicity is not a strong deter-
into different classes. Why, then, do adolescent males minant of clique composition during childhood, but it
and females separate themselves into different cliques? becomes increasingly powerful as youngsters get older
Social scientists who study gender and development have (Raabe & Beelman, 2011). By middle and late adoles-
suggested several reasons (Maccoby, 1990). cence, adolescents’ peer groups typically are ethnically
First, cliques are formed largely on the basis of shared segregated, with very few ethnically mixed cliques
activities and interests. Preadolescent and early ado- in most high schools (Ennett & Bauman, 1996). This
lescent boys and girls are interested in different things appears to be the case, although somewhat less so, even
(Mehta & Strough, 2009). Not until adolescents begin within schools that have been desegregated. One study of
dating do boys’ cliques and girls’ cliques mix, presum- a multiethnic New York City public high school found,
ably because dating provides a basis for common activ- for example, that nearly three-quarters of the Latino stu-
ity. Consistent with this, one study of adolescents’ social dents, two-thirds of the Black students, and 85% of the
networks found that the proportion of other-sex friends Asian students had friends who were predominantly from
136 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

the same ethnic group (Way & Chen, 2000). In fact, cross- 2006). The social climate of the school likely matters
ethnic friendships are less common in ethnically diverse as well: Feelings of discrimination often drive ethnic
schools than in schools where one ethnic group predomi- minority students into peer crowds that are defined by
nates (Moody, 2001; Quillian & Campbell, 2003). ethnicity (B. Brown, Herman, Hamm, & Heck, 2008).
An analysis of data from a large, nationally representa- It is difficult to know why such strong ethnic segrega-
tive sample of adolescents found that ethnicity continues tion persists in adolescents’ friendship selection. Ethnic
to be an enormously powerful determinant of friendship segregation in adolescents’ cliques is only partly due to
patterns—far more powerful than socioeconomic status residential segregation (Mouw & Entwisle, 2006). One
(Quillian & Campbell, 2003). The rift between Black possibility is that some ethnic segregation in friend-
students and students from all other ethnic groups, espe- ship patterns is due to differential levels of academic
cially Whites and Asians, is especially strong. Although achievement of adolescents from different ethnic groups
Asian students report the highest degree of discrimina- (Graham, Munniksma, & Juvonen, 2014). On average,
tion by peers, Black students’ reports of being discrimi- White and Asian adolescents get significantly higher
nated against by other students increase over time (see grades in school than Black or Hispanic adolescents. As
Figure 6) (Cooc & Gee, 2014; Greene, Way, & Pahl, you’ll read, friends usually have similar attitudes toward
2006; Qin, Way, & Mukherjee, 2008). school, educational aspirations, and grades (B. Brown,
Ethnicity is such a strong determinant of adoles- 2004). Ethnic differences in school achievement therefore
cents’ cliques that adolescents are more likely to have may lead to ethnic separation in adolescent peer groups
friends of the same ethnicity who come from the oppo- (Hallinan & Williams, 1989). Cross-ethnic friendships
site end of the socioeconomic spectrum than to have are more rare in schools that frequently separate students
friends from the same social class but a different eth- into different academic tracks (Stearns, 2004).
nic group. Studies of whether cross-ethnic friendships A second reason for ethnically segregated peer
are more common among Asian and Hispanic adoles- groups—according to one study of adolescents in a
cents who are American born than among their peers recently desegregated school—is attitudinal. In this
who are immigrants have found that immigrants are less school, the White adolescents perceived their Black
likely to have cross-ethnic friendships, perhaps because peers as aggressive, threatening, and hostile. The Black
of language barriers (Hamm, Brown, & Heck, 2005; students, in turn, saw the White students as conceited,
Kiang, Peterson, & Thompson, 2011; Titzman, 2014). prejudiced, and unwilling to be friends with them. These
But even among ethnic minority youth whose families perceptions, which fed on each other, made the formation
have been in the United States for generations, there is a of interracial peer groups unlikely. The more the White
strong preference for same-ethnicity friends (Quillian & students believed that the Black students were hostile, the
Campbell, 2003). Parents appear to influence this prefer- more the White students acted distant and kept to them-
ence, as indicated by a study of Mexican American ado- selves. But the more the White students acted this way,
lescents, which found that adolescents were more likely the more likely the Black students were to feel rejected,
to have non-Mexican friends when their parents were and the more hostile they became. In general, White stu-
themselves more strongly oriented toward Anglo cul- dents are less apt to initiate contact with Black students
ture (Updegraff, McHale, Whiteman, Thayer, & Crouter, and to select them as friends than vice versa (Quillian

Figure 6 Black students report increas- 2.4

ingly more discrimination by other students
over time, whereas it declines among Latino
students. Asian American students report
Perceived discrimination by peers

the highest level of peer discrimination. Asian American

(Greene et al., 2006) 2.0

1.8 Latino

Puerto Rican

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Time 5 Time 6 CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 137

really important to me, to get to know people from differ-

ent races. . . . And I was hoping that she could meet people
who had that mindset that all races are created equal and
all races are valuable. (p. 319)
I don’t want her to be around, especially Palestinians.
God! Especially if they’re Muslims and they just (trails
off). I guess that shouldn’t be fair, but you know, the
whole covering thing, you know, no, no, no, no, no.
(p. 317)
Well, it doesn’t matter to me what ethnic background
David’s friends are, whether they are Black or Spanish or
White or Chinese, you know, uh. As long [as] these people
don’t hurt or, if their, or, I don’t, I don’t want him going
and making friends with, um, with a Mexican that, that
may be related to a gang or a Black, you know. Or White,
it doesn’t matter, you know. (p. 316)

The broader context matters, too. Ethnic segregation in

adolescent peer relationships is far less common in Canada
than in the United States (Maharaj & Connolly, 1994).
The cultural context in Canada is more supportive of mul-
ticultural tolerance and more aggressive in its approach to
multicultural education and ethnic integration. And con-
text continues to influence friendship choices as individu-
als move from high school to college: Students who live
in dorms where there is a lot of contact between ethnic
groups are relatively more likely to develop cross-ethnic
friendships (Stearns, Buchmann, & Bonneau, 2009).

Adolescents are more likely to have friends from the same eth-
nic group than from the same socioeconomic background.
Common Interests Among Friends
© Imagebroker/Alamy RF Thus far, we have seen that adolescents’ cliques are usu-
ally composed of individuals who are the same age, in
& Campbell, 2003). Asian students are especially unlikely the same grade, and of the same ethnicity. But what
to have Black friends (Chen & Graham, 2015). One way about factors beyond these? Do adolescents who asso-
out of this cycle of misunderstanding is to bring young- ciate with one another also share certain interests and
sters from different backgrounds together from an early activities? Generally, they do. Three factors appear to be
age, before they have had time to build up prejudices and especially important in determining adolescent clique
lock on to stereotypes, which tend to develop prior to membership and friendship patterns: orientation toward
adolescence (Raabe & Beelman, 2011). Same-ethnic and school, orientation toward the teen culture, and involve-
cross-ethnic friends have different advantages: the former ment in antisocial activity (Crosnoe & Needham, 2004).
increase students’ ethnic pride, but in ethnically diverse
classrooms, the latter make students feel safer and less Orientation Toward School Adolescents and their
vulnerable (Graham et al., 2014). friends tend to be similar in their attitudes toward school,
Parents’ attitudes about the value of having friends their school achievement, and their educational plans
from different ethnic groups makes a difference. Whereas (Flashman, 2012; Kiuru et al., 2012), although this tends
some parents actively encourage their teenagers to have to be more true among White and Asian adolescents than
friends from other ethnic groups, others discourage it, among Black adolescents (Hamm, 2000). Adolescents
and still others are content to have their children make who earn high grades, study a great deal, and plan to
their own choices, although they may have mixed feel- go on to college usually have friends who share these
ings about them. Compare these three parents’ responses characteristics and aspirations. One reason for this is that
to interview questions about their children’s friendships how much time students devote to schoolwork affects
(from Mounts, Karre, & Kim, 2013): their involvement in other activities. A second is that par-
I just remembered, one of the reasons why I like this com- ents who stress achievement may insist that their teens
munity and one of the reasons why I wanted Rose to also only spend time with peers who do well in school (Zhao
go to that church is because they talk about all races being & Gao, 2014). Yet another is that students’ friendships
one community. I want each of my children to, and this is are often drawn from the peers with whom they have
138 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

surprisingly, students whose friends tend to come from

school have higher GPAs than those whose friends tend
to come from other contexts, such as the neighborhood
(Witkow & Fuligni, 2010).

Orientation Toward the Teen Culture Adolescents

and their friends generally listen to the same type of
music, dress alike, spend their leisure time in simi-
lar types of activities, and share patterns of drug use
(B. Brown & Larson, 2009). It would be very unlikely,
for example, for a “jock” and a “druggie” to be part of
the same clique, because their interests and attitudes
are so different. In most high schools, it is fairly easy
to see the split between cliques—in how people dress,
where they eat lunch, how much they participate in the
school’s activities, and how they spend their time out-
side of school. Similarity in patterns of substance use is
such a strong influence that it often serves as the basis
for forming cross-ethnic group friendships, which, as we
noted earlier, are not common (Hamm, 2000).

Involvement in Antisocial Activity A number of

studies, involving both boys and girls from different eth-
nic groups, indicate that antisocial, aggressive adoles-
cents often gravitate toward each other, forming deviant
peer groups (Espelage, Holt, & Henkel, 2003; Kiesner
Adolescents and their friends usually share common interests, in
& Pastore, 2005; Laursen, Hafen, Kerr, & Stattin, 2012).
everything from academics to antisocial behavior. © BananaStock/
PunchStock RF Contrary to the popular belief that antisocial adolescents
do not have friends, or that they are interpersonally inept,
classes, and if schools track students on the basis of their these youngsters do have friends, but their friends tend to
academic achievement, their friends will be more likely be antisocial as well. Although adolescents with deviant
to have similar records of school performance (Crosnoe, friends show some of the same emotional problems as ado-
2002). Someone who is always studying will not have lescents without friends, even those with deviant friends
many friends who stay out late partying, because the are less lonely than their friendless peers (Brendgen,
two activities conflict. By the same token, someone who Vitaro, & Bukowski, 2000). As you might expect, ado-
wants to spend afternoons and evenings out having fun lescents with more antisocial friends are more likely to
will find it difficult to remain friends with someone who engage in antisocial activity, but some adolescents have
prefers to stay home and study. When adolescents’ aca- personalities that make them especially susceptible to the
demic performance change (for better or for worse), they influence of antisocial peers (Allen, Chango, Szwedo,
tend to change their friendships in the same direction Schad, & Marston, 2012; Falk et al., 2014; Molano, Jones,
(Flashman, 2012). Brown, & Aber, 2013; Mrug, Madan, & Windle, 2012;
Students also influence each other’s academic per- Thomas & McGloin, 2013). Adolescents are influenced
formance (Shin & Ryan, 2014). For instance, girls’ by the antisocial behavior of their classmates, as well,
decisions about whether to take advanced math classes even if the classmates are not actually friends (Muller,
are significantly influenced by the course-taking deci- Hoffman, Fleischli, & Studer, 2015). Even within facili-
sions of their friends (K. A. Frank et al., 2008). Friends ties for juvenile delinquents, the relatively more antisocial
exert a similar influence on GPA: Given two students adolescents tend to gravitate together and influence each
with similar records of past achievement, the student other toward more antisocial activity (Bayer, Hjalmarsson,
whose friends do better in school is likely to get better & Pozen, 2009; B. Lee & Thompson, 2009).
grades than the one whose friends do worse (Véronneau Although we would not necessarily want to call all of
& Dishion, 2011). Indeed, of all the characteristics these antisocial peer groups “delinquent,” since they are
of friends that influence adolescents’ behavior, their not always involved in criminal activity, understanding
friends’ school performance has the greatest impact, the processes through which antisocial peer groups are
not only on their own academic achievement, but also formed provides some insight into the development of
on their involvement in problem behavior and drug delinquent peer groups, or gangs (Gilman, Hill, Hawkins,
use (T. Cook, Deng, & Morgano, 2007). Perhaps not Howell, & Kosterman, 2014; Melde & Esbensen, 2011). CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 139

Gangs are antisocial peer groups that can be identi- childhood (Tolan, Gorman-Smith, gangs
fied by name (often denoting a neighborhood or part of & Henry, 2003). Problematic Organized peer groups of anti-
the city) and common symbols (“colors,” tattoos, hand parent-child relationships—ones social individuals.
signs, jewelry, etc.). Adolescents who belong to gangs that are coercive and hostile—
are at greater risk for many types of problems in addi- lead to the development of an
tion to antisocial behavior, including elevated levels of antisocial disposition in the child, and this disposition con-
psychological distress, impulsivity, psychopathic ten- tributes, in elementary school, to both school failure and
dencies, exposure to violence, and violent victimization rejection by classmates (Pardini, Loeber, & Stouthamer-
(Dmitrieva, Gibson, Steinberg, Piquero, & Fagan, 2014; Loeber, 2005). Rejected by the bulk of their classmates,
Gordon et al., 2014; Melde, Taylor, & Esbensen, 2009; aggressive boys “shop” for friends and are accepted only
Pyrooz, 2014). This is also true for female adolescents by other aggressive boys. Once these friendships are
who hang around with male gangs, which increases their formed, the boys, like any other clique, reward each other
involvement in high-risk sexual behavior, drug use, and for participating in a shared activity—in this case, antiso-
crime (Yarnell, Pasch, Brown, Perry, & Komro, 2014). cial behavior. Improvements in parenting during adoles-
Adolescents who are gang members also are more likely cence reduce teenagers’ association with antisocial peers,
to have behavioral and mental health problems in adult- which, in turn, reduces problem behavior (R. Simons,
hood (Augustyn, Thornberryt, & Krohn, 2014; Gilman, Chao, Conger, & Elder, 2001).
Hill, & Hawkins, 2014). The family and peer contexts are connected through
Adolescent gangs both resemble and differ from other other processes as well (Brown & Bakken, 2011;
sorts of peer groups. On the one hand, gangs look much Schroeder & Mowen, 2014). Parents often “manage”
like other types of cliques and crowds, in that they are their adolescent’s friendships by monitoring the indi-
groups of adolescents who are similar in background and viduals their child spends time with, guiding their child
orientation, share common interests and activities, and toward peers they like, prohibiting contact with peers
use the group to derive a sense of identity (M. Harris, they dislike, and supporting friendships they approve
1994). One study of Latino youth in Southern California of (Mounts, 2007; Updegraff, Kim, Killoren, & Thayer,
found that it was especially important to differentiate 2010). Parents also act as “consultants,” helping their
between gangs, which were organized and had long his- teenagers work out problems with their friends (Mounts,
tories of involvement in serious antisocial behavior, and 2011). Adolescents whose parents act as consultants in
“crews,” which also engaged in fighting, tagging, and this way are less likely to be involved in drug use and
partying, but which did not engage in serious violence delinquent activity and report more positive relationships
(Lopez, Wishard, Gallimore, & Rivera, 2006). This with their friends (Mounts, 2004). On the other hand,
distinction has important legal ramifications, because excessive attempts to control an adolescent’s choice of
anti-gang laws that mandate tougher penalties for crimes friends may backfire; when parents forbid adolescents
committed by gangs may be incorrectly applied to ado- from associating with peers the parents disapprove of,
lescents who commit delinquent acts with their friends they may inadvertently drive adolescents to become
(or crew) but who are not members of gangs. closer to those peers, perhaps in defiance of these
The processes that lead adolescents to join gangs are restrictions on their independence (Keijsers et al., 2012;
not the same as those that lead to membership in crews Tilton-Weaver, Burk, Kerr, & Stattin, 2013). Rather than
and other sorts of peer groups, though. Gang members viewing the family and peer contexts as separate worlds,
tend to be more isolated from their family, have more it is important to keep in mind that what takes place in
emotional and behavioral problems, and have poorer one setting often has an impact on what occurs in others.
self-conceptions than other adolescents, including those The role of the family in friendship choice has
who are involved in antisocial activity but who are not also been described in studies of crowds (B. Brown,
gang members (Esbensen, Deschenes, & Winfree, 1999; Mounts, Lamborn, & Steinberg, 1993; C. Mason,
Harper & Robinson, 1999). The relationships that anti- Cauce, Gonzales, & Hiraga, 1996). One of the factors
social adolescents have with their clique-mates are often that influences the crowd an adolescent belongs to is
less satisfying than are those between other adolescents her or his upbringing. Parents play a role in socializing
and their friends (Pabon, Rodriguez, & Gurin, 1992). certain traits in their children, and these orientations,
This finding has implications for the design of interven- whether toward aggression or academic achievement,
tions aimed at controlling delinquency by involving anti- predispose adolescents toward choosing certain friends
social peer groups in positive activities; in the absence or crowds with which to affiliate. Once in these cliques
of their shared interest in antisocial activities, delinquent or crowds, adolescents are rewarded for the traits that
peers may have little reason to maintain their friendship. led them there in the first place, and these traits are
The Role of Parents The process of antisocial peer One problem with accounts of adolescent develop-
group formation in adolescence begins in the home, during ment that posit the peer group as more important than the
140 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

family (e.g., J. R. Harris, 1998) is that they fail to take Here are some typical responses from urban Black stu-
into account the fact that the family has a strong effect on dents when asked why using nonviolent means of settling
adolescents’ choice of peers. For example, a child who is arguments was unpopular (Farrell et al., 2010, p. 11):
raised to value academics will perform well in school
They [other students] want to see a fight. They want to see
and will likely select friends who share this orientation. chaos. They want to see people go at each other, so it’s like
Over time, these friends will reinforce the youngster’s a big show or something. They like fighting. They’ll try to
academic orientation and strengthen his or her school egg them on.
performance. By the same token, antisocial adolescents,
who are drawn toward other antisocial peers, become If you don’t fight, people gonna say stuff about you. If you
do fight, they still will, but you know that you won . . . you
more antisocial over time as a result (Benson & Buehler,
don’t want everybody to think you a punk or nothing.
2012). Even when adolescents have relatively more anti-
social friends, having better relationships at home and a Other people think you’re scared or something, so you just
stronger attachment to school will make them less sus- go ahead and fight him, try to show off, try to prove that
ceptible to their friends’ negative influence—even in you’re better or . . . that you’re not scared.
the context of a gang (Crosnoe, Erickson, & Dornbusch,
2002; Walker-Barnes & Mason, 2004; Trudeau, Mason, Similarity Between Friends: Selection
Randall, Spoth, & Ralston, 2012).
The finding that adolescents become more antisocial
Or Socialization?
when they spend time with antisocial peers has prompted Because antisocial activities are such a strong determi-
some experts to question the wisdom of group-based nant of clique composition, many adults have expressed
interventions for adolescents with conduct problems concern over the influence of peers in promoting delin-
(Dishion, McCord, & Poulin, 1999). Several studies of quent activity and drug and alcohol use. Parents often
programs designed to reduce adolescents’ delinquency feel that if their teenager runs with the wrong crowd, he
or aggression, for example, have found that, instead of or she will acquire undesirable interests and attitudes.
having the desired effect, the programs actually increase They worry, for instance, when their child starts spending
participants’ problem behavior. They have what scientists time with peers who seem to be less interested in school
call iatrogenic effects (Mahoney, Stattin, & Lord, 2004). or more involved with drugs. But which comes first—
Iatrogenic effects are the undesirable consequences joining a clique or being interested in a clique’s activities?
of well-intentioned treatments—for example, when the Do adolescents develop interests and attitudes because
side effects of a medication are far worse than the prob- their friends influence them, or is it more that people with
lem it is intended to treat. When antisocial adolescents similar interests and tastes are likely to become friends?
spend time with like-minded peers, they frequently teach This question has been examined in many studies that
each other how to be “more effective” delinquents and have tracked adolescents and their friendships over time.
reward each other for misbehavior. One observational By tracing patterns of attitudinal and behavioral change,
study of adolescent friends talking to each other on cam- and comparing these shifts with patterns of friend-
era (Piehler & Dishion, 2014) found that individuals ship formation and change, researchers can determine
who had a history of involvement in antisocial behavior whether adolescents are attracted to one another because
engaged in more spontaneous conversation about antiso- of their initial similarity (what social scientists refer to
cial activities and rewarded each other in the way they as selection), become similar because friends influence
responded (e.g., “We were so wasted last Friday.” “Oh, each other (referred to as socialization), or a combina-
yeah, that was insane!” “Remember the time we stole tion of the two (Brechwald & Prinstein, 2011).
that vodka?” “That was so awesome!”). Several writers In general, studies indicate that both selection and
have described this process as “deviancy training” (e.g., socialization are at work (see Figure 7) across a variety
Dishion, Nelson, Winter, & Bullock, 2004). Knowing of attitudinal and behavioral domains, including school
that group treatments for antisocial behavior have iat-
rogenic effects is obviously important for the design of
programs for delinquent and aggressive youth.
Other approaches to violence reduction that make sense
intuitively have frequently proven ineffective, if not exactly Adolescents’ friends
harmful. For instance, some researchers have found that influence each
influence their
trying to teach adolescents to use nonviolent forms of con- other’s characteristics
choice of friends
flict resolution are often unsuc-
iatrogenic effects cessful because such behaviors
Unintended adverse conse- are perceived by adolescents
quences of a treatment or
as being weak or even inviting Figure 7 Adolescents’ choice of friends both influ-
retaliation (Farrell et al., 2010). ences and is influenced by their traits and interests. CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 141

achievement, happiness, drug use, mental health, and (de la Haye, Robins, Mohr, & Wilson, 2011). Although
delinquency (Light, Greenan, Rusby, Nies, & Snijders, parents don’t want to hear it, selection is a stronger fac-
2013; Parker et al., 2015; Rayner, Schniering, Rapee, tor than socialization when it comes to problem behavior
Taylor, & Hutchinson, 2013; Schaefer, Haas, & Bishop, and drug use (de la Haye, Green, Kennedy, Plooard, &
2012; van Workum, Scholte, Cillessen, Lodder, & Giletta, Tucker, 2013; DeLay, Laursen, Kiuru, Salmela-Aro, &
2013), and in romantic relationships as well as friendships Nurmi, 2013; Fortuin, van Geel, & Vedder, 2014). That
(Simon, Aikins, & Prinstein, 2008). Adolescents who use is, adolescents who use drugs or engage in delinquency
alcohol or tobacco, for example, are more likely to choose are more likely to select friends with these tastes than to
other alcohol or tobacco users as friends (Osgood et al., be corrupted by them.
2013), especially when they attend schools with a large One analysis of data from a large, nationally repre-
number of substance-using students (an example of selec- sentative sample of adolescents found that adolescents’
tion). By the same token, spending time with friends who friendship groups fell into one of four profiles: high func-
use these substances increases the adolescents’ own use tioning (a network of high-achieving friends who were
as well (an example of socialization) (Ennett et al., 2006; involved in school-based extracurricular activities and
Fujimoto, Unger, & Valente, 2012). The more substance- who reported low use of alcohol and few symptoms of
using friends an adolescent has, and the closer he or she depression), maladjusted (friends showed the opposite
feels to them, the more the adolescent is likely to use pattern), disengaged (friends were not engaged in much of
alcohol and drugs (McGloin, Sullivan, & Thomas, 2014). anything, including drinking), and engaged (friends were
Even dating someone whose friends are substance users engaged in school, achieved decent grades, and neither
has similar effects (Haynie, Doogan, & Soller, 2014; abstained from nor abused alcohol) (Crosnoe & Needham,
Kreager & Haynie, 2011). 2004). More important, an individual adolescent’s behav-
Similarly, adolescents who are bullies or who sexually ior could be predicted on the basis of her or his friendship
harass others are more likely to have friends who behave group’s profile. Adolescents’ socioeconomic background
similarly (Jewell, Bron, & Perry, 2014; Low, Polanin, & and family situation were strongly related to characteris-
Espelage, 2013; Sentse, Kiuru, Veenstra, & Salmivalli, tics of their friendship network, with teenagers from more
2014; Sijtsema, Rambaran, Caravita, & Gini, 2014). educated, two-parent families more likely to fall into the
Conversely, antisocial adolescents who have few friends, high-functioning and engaged groups.
and few aggressive friends in particular, are likely to
become less antisocial over time (Adams, Bukowski, & Stability of Adolescent Friendships Adolescents’
Bagwell, 2005; Botvin & Vitaro, 1995), whereas those cliques show only moderate stability over the course
with antisocial friends who become even more antiso- of the school year—with some members staying in the
cial themselves become more delinquent (Monahan, clique, others leaving, and new ones joining—although
Steinberg, & Cauffman, 2009; Weerman, 2011). In gen- cliques become more stable later in high school (Poulin
eral, adolescents’ level of antisocial behavior tends to & Chan, 2010). Although the actual composition of ado-
become more similar to that of their friends over time; lescents’ cliques may shift over time, the defining char-
interestingly, the larger the initial discrepancy between acteristics of their cliques or their best friends do not
friends in their levels of delinquency, the more likely they (Hogue & Steinberg, 1995; Luo, Urberg, & Rao, 1995).
are to become similar (McGloin, 2009). This process That is, even though some members of an adolescent’s
is not limited to antisocial behavior: Adolescents who clique may leave and be replaced by others, the new
report more depressive symptoms are likely to choose members are likely to have attitudes and values that are
other depressed adolescents as friends, which, in turn, quite similar to the former members’ (B. Brown, 2004).
negatively affects their own mood and that of their other Even “best friendships” are likely to change during
friends (Brendgen, Lamarche, Wanner, & Vitaro, 2010; the school year. Only about one-third of students who
Goodwin, Mrug, Borch, & Cillessen, 2012; Kiuru, Burk, name a best friend in the fall of a school year rename
Laursen, Nurmi, & Salmela-Aro, 2012). Adolescents who the same person as their best friend in the spring (that
are overweight are likely to have other overweight adoles- person was typically listed as a friend, but not the best
cents as friends, largely because they are rejected by their friend) (Değirmencioğlu, Urberg, Tolson, & Richard,
nonoverweight classmates (Schaefer & Simpkins, 2014). 1998). Instability is also the case in best friendships in
How much of adolescents’ similarity to their friends which adolescents name each other as their best friend.
is due to selection and how much is due to socialization? Only half of all reciprocated best friendships that exist
The answer depends on what behavior or attitude is being at the beginning of a school year exist at the end; sur-
studied. Socialization is far stronger over day-to-day pref- prisingly, remaining friends over the course of a school
erences in things like clothing or music than over many year has nothing to do with the quality of the friend-
of the behaviors that adults worry about, such as binge ship (Bowker, 2004). Same-sex friendships tend to be
drinking or risky sex (Jaccard, Blanton, & Dodge, 2005; more stable than opposite-sex friendships, and boys’
Knecht, Burk, Weesie, & Steglich, 2011), or even obesity friendships trend to be more stable than girls’. Generally
142 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

sociometric popularity
speaking, friendship stability adolescents are generally more socially skilled than their
is higher among well-adjusted
How well-liked an individual is. unpopular peers, there is surprising variability among
adolescents than their more popular teenagers with respect to other characteristics.
perceived popularity
How much status or prestige
troubled peers, although it isn’t One reason for this is that there are two forms of popu-
an individual has. clear whether this is because larity, and they don’t always go hand in hand (B. Brown
stability contributes to adjust- & Larson, 2009). One form, sociometric popularity,
ment, because better-adjusted refers to how well-liked someone is. The other form,
adolescents are better at maintaining friendships, or, perceived popularity, refers to how much status, or
most likely, a combination of both (Poulin & Chan, prestige, someone has (Litwack, Aikins, & Cillessen,
2010). The most common causes of broken friendships 2012). So, for example, a leader of the “preppie” crowd
are jealousy, incompatibility, violations of intimacy, and who is snobby might be very high in perceived popu-
aggression (Casper & Card, 2010) (see Table 2). larity but not in sociometric popularity. Conversely, a
member of a crowd that has less prestige who happens to
be a really nice person with a good sense of humor may
Popularity and Rejection in be high in sociometric popularity but low in perceived
Adolescent Peer Groups popularity. By the time they are 14, adolescents under-
stand the difference between the two (van den Berg,
Thus far, our discussion has focused on how and why Burk, & Cillessen, 2014). If you think back to your own
crowds and cliques serve as the basis for adolescents’ high school days, you can probably remember people of
social activities and attitudes. But what about the inter- each type.
nal structure of peer groups? Within a clique or a crowd, Whereas sociometric popularity is determined mainly
what determines which adolescents are popular and by social skills, friendliness, sense of humor, and so forth,
which are not? which are valued by people of all ages and backgrounds,
the determinants of perceived popularity are highly vari-
Determinants of Popularity able. Because the determinants of status can easily differ
between schools, or even among groups within the same
and Rejection school, it is hard to predict which adolescents will be
In recent years, psychologists have changed their think- popular without knowing what is valued in that adoles-
ing about what it is that leads to popularity during cent’s social context (Jonkmann, Trautwein, & Lüdtke,
adolescence. Although it is widely agreed that popular 2009; Kreager, 2007b). For example, among White and

Table 2 Summary of broad categories of features that led to dislike

Category Exemplar Quotes

Jealousy “She stole my boyfriend and my closest friends. Then got angry when she found out I
slept with him.”
“This person disliked my boyfriend/date I was going to bring to the prom, which led me
to going to the prom with my boyfriend only. I felt that she had ruined my senior life in
high school.”
Incompatibility “An argument started when my friend would just make really loud noises for no reason,
and when I would ask her to stop she would just continue.”
“This person was loud, annoying, and really had no point of talking because her argument
made no sense.”
“We stopped talking and hanging out for no apparent reason. All of a sudden it just
Intimacy-rule Violations “We were best friends, but I couldn’t trust her because she lied to me too many times.”
“In the beginning she seemed like an awesome friend but then, after I started getting
close to her, I saw her true colors revealed. She had a very evil way of trying to hurt
people and put them down. She was also very untrustworthy.”
Aggression “She spread rumors about me because the guy she liked, liked me.”
“She was with a boy at our senior BBQ and was taking her time when we were in a rush.
She and the boy went home with someone else instead of me and didn’t tell me. The
next day I confronted her and we got into a fight and suspended from school. That’s
when she started spreading rumors.” CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 143

Latino teenagers, drinking is associated with status, but

this is not the case among Black adolescents (Choukas-
Bradley, Giletta, Neblett, & Prinstein, 2015).
Although there is one main pathway to sociometric
popularity (having good social skills), the determinants
of perceived popularity are variable and ever changing.
Having a boyfriend or girlfriend, for example, may have
little to do with perceived popularity in 5th grade, but
may be highly correlated with it in 9th grade. Within the
very same school, some adolescents are highly regarded
by their peers because they are good-looking and ath-
letic (the conventional image of the popular teenager),
whereas others are equally admired because they are
rebellious, delinquent, and aggressive (B. E. Becker &
Luthar, 2007; Jonkmann et al., 2009). Moreover, whereas
many of the things that lead to popularity also make
adolescents more likeable (e.g., athletic ability, physi-
cal attractiveness, social skills), some of the things that
Researchers distinguish between “sociometric” popularity—how
help to maintain popularity once it is established may well-liked someone is—and “perceived” popularity—how much
actually make adolescents less likeable (e.g., using gos- prestige someone has. They don’t always go hand in hand.
sip to control or manipulate others) (Dijkstra, Cillessen, © David Grossman/Alamy
Lindenberg, & Veenstra, 2010b; Lansu & Cillessen,
2011; Neal, 2010). In general, adolescents tend to affili- instance, popular kids are often thought to engage in more
ate with peers who have a similar level of popularity substance use than they actually do (Helms et al., 2014).
within their school (Dijkstra, Cillessen, & Borch, 2013;
Logis, Rodkin, Gest, & Ahn, 2013), mainly because the Popularity and Aggression Although psychologists
more popular kids reject the less popular ones (Berger & used to believe that aggressive and antisocial adolescents
Dikjstra, 2013). are likely to be rejected by their classmates, it turns out
Predicting perceived popularity is further compli- that some of these teenagers are quite popular (de Bruyn,
cated by the fact that peer norms change, and socially Cillessen, & Wissink, 2010; Rullison, Gest, & Lokem,
competent adolescents are skilled at figuring them out, 2013; Fanti, Brookmeyer, Henrich, & Kuperminc, 2009;
adjusting their behavior in response to them, and even Waasdorp, Baker, Paskewich, & Leff, 2013), although
influencing them. If smoking marijuana becomes some- their popularity tends to wane as adolescents get older
thing that is valued by the peer group, popular adoles- and antisocial behavior is no longer something that
cents will start getting high more regularly (Allen, Porter, teenagers admire (Young, 2014). Nor do these traits
McFarland, Marsh, & McElhaney, 2005). And when continue to have the same effects on one’s social life:
popular adolescents start to engage in a particular behav- One recent study, entitled “What Ever Happened to the
ior, that behavior often becomes more admired. Indeed, ‘Cool’ Kids?” found that adolescents whose early popu-
one of the reasons it is hard to persuade adolescents to larity came from impressing their peers with delinquent
“just say no” to drinking, smoking, and sex is that these and “pseudomature” behavior (like precocious sex) had
activities are often associated with being popular (Balsa, more interpersonal and behavioral problems as young
Homer, French, & Norton, 2011; Lansford, Killeya- adults (Allen, Schad, Oudekerk, & Chango, 2014).
Jones, Miller, & Costanzo, 2009; Mayeux, Sandstrom, Studies have identified two distinct types of popular
& Cillessen, 2008). Even things like fighting, bullying boys (Rodkin, Farmer, Pearl, & Van Acker, 2000). One
or carrying a weapon, which most adolescents do not group has characteristics typically identified in studies of
approve of, become more acceptable when popular ado- popular youth: They are physically and academically com-
lescents start to do these things (Bellmore, Villarreal, petent, friendly, and neither shy nor aggressive. A second
& Ho, 2011; Dijkstra, Lindenberg, & Veenstra, 2008; group, however, is extremely aggressive, physically com-
Dijkstra et al., 2010). petent, and average or below average in friendliness, aca-
Adolescents are easily swayed by the opinions of high- demic competence, and shyness. Similarly, one study of
status peers to endorse activities that they might otherwise girls found two distinctly different groups of popular ado-
reject and to run the other way from activities endorsed lescents: girls who were prosocial and good students, and
by low-status peers, even if they secretly enjoy them girls who were antisocial and antiacademic, some of whom
(G. L. Cohen & Prinstein, 2006). Adolescents often actually were even bullies (de Bruyn & Cillessen, 2006).
behave in ways they believe popular students act, How can we explain this? Wouldn’t we expect ado-
although these perceptions are not always accurate. For lescents who are antisocial or aggressive toward others
144 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

instrumental aggression
to be unpopular? Evidently, The answer, he discovered, was that meanness was
Aggressive behavior that is it is not aggression alone, but one of the ways that the clique ensured that no one mem-
deliberate and planned. the combination of aggression ber became stuck-up as a result of her popularity in the
reactive aggression
and difficulty controlling emo- eyes of her classmates. Thus, while it was important
Aggressive behavior that is tions or a lack of social skills, for clique members to maintain their popular image, if
unplanned and impulsive. that leads to problems with any clique member appeared to become too popular,
peers (Dijkstra, Lindenberg, the other members would turn on her, undermining her
Verhulst, Ormel, & Veenstra, standing with other girls by gossiping, starting rumors,
2009; Wolters, Knoors, Cillessen, & Verhoeven, 2014). and deliberately attempting to disrupt her friendships.
Consistent with this, aggressive adolescents who use The following quote, from a girl whose friends turned on
their aggression strategically—what is referred to as her, will sound all too familiar:
instrumental aggression—are much more popular than Gretchen was starting to get really mad at me. I talked to
aggressive adolescents whose aggression is unplanned— her about it and I asked her what was wrong. She just said,
what is referred to as reactive aggression (Prinstein “Oh, I heard something you said about me.” But I didn’t
& Cillessen, 2003). It’s also important to distinguish say anything about her. Sara was mad at me. I don’t know
between aggression, which may increase adolescents’ why. She started being mad at me and then she started
popularity, and delinquency, which tends to diminish it making things up that [she said] I said. Sara told Brenda
(Rulison, Kreager, & Osgood, 2014). and Gretchen so that they would get mad at me, too. So
now I guess Gretchen has made up something and told
The Dynamics of Popularity Two ethnographies of Wellesley. They are all mad at me and laughing and every-
thing. (D. Merten, 1997, p. 182)
early adolescent girls provide insight into the dynamics of
popularity. In a classic study, the researcher (Eder, 1985) Ironically, then, one of the potential costs of being
spent 2 years in a middle school observing interactions popular in adolescence is that if you become too popu-
among early adolescent girls in various extracurricular and lar, you face the very real possibility of being the object
informal settings (in the cafeteria, in the hallway, at school of other classmates’ meanness.
dances). Although the study is more than 30 years old, Although popularity clearly has some costs, the
many of the researcher’s observations still ring true today. advantages of being popular far outweigh the disadvan-
In this school, the cheerleaders were considered the tages. Being popular is not the same as having close and
elite crowd, and girls who made the cheerleading squad intimate friendships, but the two often go hand in hand
were immediately accorded social status. Other girls (Asher, Parker, & Walker, 1996). Compared with their
then attempted to befriend the cheerleaders as a means less popular peers, popular adolescents are more likely
of increasing their own perceived popularity. This, in to have close and intimate friendships, have an active
turn, increased the cheerleaders’ prestige within the social life, take part in extracurricular activities, and
school, as they became the most sought-after friends. receive more social recognition (such as being selected
Girls who were successful in cultivating friendships with as leaders of school organizations) ((Franzoi, Davis, &
the cheerleaders became a part of this high-status group Vasquez-Suson, 1994). Part of the overlap between pop-
and more popular. But because even popular adolescents ularity and friendship stems from the fact that many of
can only maintain a finite number of friendships, they the characteristics that make adolescents popular are the
ended up snubbing other classmates who wanted to be same ones that make them sought after as friends—chief
their friends. Ironically, this often leads to popular ado- among them, having good social skills. Actually, adoles-
lescents becoming disliked (Mayeux et al., 2008). Thus, cents who see themselves as well-liked and socially com-
adolescents who hang out with popular adolescents may petent fare well over time, regardless of whether they are
themselves become perceived as more popular over time genuinely popular among their classmates (McElhaney,
but they may also become less well-liked, because they Antonishak, & Allen, 2008).
are seen as snobby status-seekers, especially by their Some adolescents who are not especially popular in
less popular peers (Dijkstra, Cillessen, Lindenberg, & school may have a well-developed network of friends
Veenstra, 2010b; Lansu, Cillessen, & Karremans, 2012). outside of school. Because most research on adoles-
In another ethnography, the researcher spent time cents’ peer networks has been limited to school-based
observing and interviewing a group described by teach- friendships, we know relatively little about the nature or
ers as the “dirty dozen” (D. Merten, 1997). This group effects of nonschool friendships. But we do know that
of girls, “considered ‘cool,’ ‘popular,’ and ‘mean,’” were many adolescents have a social life outside of school—
“a combination of cute, talented, affluent, conceited, and at church, in the neighborhood, in nonschool extracur-
powerful” (1997, p. 178). The researcher was interested ricular activities—that is quite different from their life
in understanding “why a clique of girls that was popu- in school. Studies that examine the impact of friends on
lar and socially sophisticated was also renowned for its adolescent development may miss important informa-
meanness” (1997, p. 188). tion if they do not include information about the number CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 145

and characteristics of the adolescent’s nonschool friends. more overt aggression (Card, relational aggression
Having friends outside school can buffer the harmful Stucky, Sawalani, & Little, Acts intended to harm another
consequences of having few friends in school (Kiesner, 2008). Girls also act aggres- through the manipulation of his
Poulin, & Nicotra, 2003). sively toward peers, but their or her relationships with oth-
aggression is often social, not ers, as in malicious gossip.
Rejected Adolescents Just as there are different rea- physical (Crick, 1996). They
sons for being popular, there are also different reasons engage in relational aggression—aggression intended
for being rejected. It’s important to distinguish among to harm other adolescents through deliberate manipula-
three types of disliked adolescents, though (Bierman & tion of their social standing and relationships.
Wargo, 1995; Coie, Terry, Lenox, Lochman, & Hyman, Individuals use relational aggression to hurt oth-
1995; D. French, Conrad, & Turner, 1995). One set of ers by excluding them from social activities, damaging
unpopular adolescents comprises teenagers who have their reputations with others, or withdrawing attention
trouble controlling their aggression. Withdrawn ado- and friendship. Physical and relational aggression follow
lescents make up a second unpopular set; these adoles- similar developmental trajectories during adolescence,
cents are shy, anxious, and inhibited and boys of this sort increasing during early adolescence and then declin-
are frequently victims of bullying (Coplan et al., 2013; ing from mid-adolescence on, and are correlated (indi-
Erath, Flanagan, & Bierman, 2007). A third group is viduals who are highly aggressive in one way are also
both aggressive and withdrawn. These adolescents have aggressive in the other, and individuals who are frequent
problems controlling their hostility, but like other with- victims of physical aggression are also frequent victims
drawn children, they tend to be nervous about initiating of relational aggression) (Card et al., 2008; Karriker-
friendships with other adolescents. Jaffe, Foshee, Ennett, & Suchindran, 2009; Nylund,
The origins of peer rejection in adolescence can Bellmore, Nishina, & Graham, 2007). Like physical
frequently be traced to earlier periods of development. aggression, the roots of relational aggression are often
Often, adolescents who are rejected by their peers had
experienced peer rejection during middle childhood, and
this rejection, in turn, was the consequence of behavioral
and emotional difficulties apparent in early elemen-
tary school (Ettekal & Ladd, 2015; Pedersen, Vitaro,
Barker, & Borge, 2007; Monahan & Booth-LaForce,
2015). Others are rejected in adolescence mainly
because they’ve been rejected in the past (Ladd, Ettekal,
Kochenderfer-Ladd, Rudolph, & Andrews, 2014).
Regardless of its causes, rejection by peers is a signif-
icant source of stress for adolescents, who show greater
brain activation to rejection than children do, as well as
a stronger biological stress response to it (Bolling et al.,
2011; Stroud et al., 2009). During adolescence there are
important changes in the brain that lead individuals to
become more sensitive to the emotions, expressions, and
opinions of others. One fascinating study of adolescents’
ratings of music imaged participants’ brains while they
were listening to songs with or without the songs’ popu-
larity revealed. Changing one’s evaluation of a song after
being told whether it was popular or not was correlated
with brain activity in regions known to reflect anxiety,
suggesting that feeling anxious about whether one’s
tastes in music are “correct” may lead teenagers to con-
form to others (Berns, Capra, Moore, & Noussair, 2010).

Relational Aggression
Most studies of the peer relations of aggressive children
have focused on children who are overtly aggressive
Although boys are more physically aggressive than girls, girls
(either physically or verbally). This has led researchers often engage in what has been called relational aggression—
to pay relatively more attention to the social relation- an attempt to harm someone by ruining his or her reputation or
ships of aggressive boys than girls, because boys exhibit disrupting his or her friendships. © Image Source/Alamy RF
146 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

found in the family: Adolescents who use a lot of rela- Preventing relational aggression is easier said than
tional aggression frequently have parents who are harsh done (A. J. Rose, Swenson, & Waller, 2004). Adolescents
or controlling (Kawabata, Alink, Tseng, van IJzendoorn, who use relational aggression often are more popular than
& Crick, 2011). their peers (Dawes & Xie, 2014). In some ways, this is
hardly surprising, because the whole point of using rela-
“Mean Girls” Although relational aggression was tional aggression is to maintain one’s status and popu-
first noticed in observations of girls, studies show that larity, and because the same social skills that make one
both genders employ it (Juvonen, Wang, & Espinoza, popular (learning how to “read” other people, being able
2012), but that girls are more aware of it, more dis- to adjust one’s behavior to maintain one’s status, having a
tressed by it, and more often the victims of it (Card et good sense of humor, etc.) are useful when one is spread-
al., 2008; Pronk & Zimmer-Gembeck, 2010; Sullivan, ing rumors, gossiping, or trying to undermine someone
Farrell, & Kliewer, 2006). Girls are more likely than else’s reputation (Bowker & Etkin, 2014). The reason
boys to say that it is morally wrong to exclude some- some physically aggressive boys are often more popular
one simply on the basis of the crowd to which he or than their peers is that physical aggression and relational
she belongs (Horn, 2003). Adolescents whose aggres- aggression may go hand in hand, and it is their relational
sion is atypical for their gender (that is, girls who are aggression, not their physical aggression, that contributes
highly physically aggressive and boys who are highly to their popularity. Many programs designed to reduce
relationally aggressive) show more maladjustment than relational aggression may be ineffective because adoles-
their peers whose aggression is more gender-stereotypic cents are reluctant to stop doing something that maintains
(Crick, 1997). their popularity, or even improves their friendships, even
Girls’ use of relational aggression has attracted if it is at the expense of someone else (Banny, Heilbron,
a great deal of popular attention, as reflected in the Ames, & Prinstein, 2011; A. J. Rose & Swenson, 2009).
best-selling books Odd Girl Out (Simmons, 2003) and
Queen Bees and Wannabees (Wiseman, 2003), which Consequences of Rejection Being unpopular has
served as the basis for the movie Mean Girls. Perhaps negative consequences for adolescents’ mental health
in response, educators have expressed concerns about and psychological development—peer rejection and
“meanness” in school environments, noting that teach- friendlessness are associated with subsequent depression,
ers have devoted far more attention to preventing overt behavior problems, and academic difficulties (Bellmore,
physical fighting than relational aggression—despite 2011). But studies show that the specific consequences
the fact that victims of relational aggression also suffer of peer rejection may differ for rejected youth who are
as a result (Desjardins & Leadbeater, 2011; Siegel, La aggressive versus those who are withdrawn. Aggressive
Greca, & Harrison, 2009). Some have called for educa- individuals who are rejected are at risk for conduct
tional programs designed to help teachers understand, problems and involvement in antisocial activity as ado-
assess, prevent, and respond to the problem when it lescents, not just as a direct result of their rejection, but
arises in their classroom, as well as schoolwide pro- because the underlying causes of their aggression (for
grams designed to teach tolerance and acceptance and instance, poor self-control) also contribute to later con-
encourage students to disapprove of relational aggres- duct problems (Laird, Pettit, Dodge, & Bates, 2005). In
sion when they see it. Changing students’ attitudes contrast, withdrawn children who are rejected are likely
about relational aggression—which many adolescents to feel lonely and are at risk for low self-esteem, depres-
see as fine, even if they object to physical aggression— sion, and diminished social competence—again, both as a
is important, because adolescents’ attitudes about the result of being rejected and in part because the underlying
acceptability of relational aggression (for example, causes of their timidity (for instance, high anxiety) also
agreeing with the statement “In general, it is OK to not contribute to later emotional problems (Card & Hodges,
let someone sit with your group of friends at the lunch 2008; Pedersen et al., 2007). Rejection is especially likely
table”) predict their use of it (Werner & Nixon, 2005). to lead to depression in adolescents who place a lot of
In the opinion of most experts, middle schools ought importance on their standing in the peer group and who
to be the focus of such interventions (Yoon, Barton, & believe that they, rather than the peers who reject them,
Taiarol, 2004). are at fault (Prinstein & Aikins, 2004). Adolescents who
are both aggressive and withdrawn are at the greatest risk
of all (Rubin, LeMare, & Lollis, 1990).
making the scientific Many psychologists believe that unpopular young-
connection sters lack some of the social skills and social under-
Is relational aggression something that is more common standing necessary to be popular with peers. Unpopular
in adolescence than adulthood? If so, why might this be? aggressive children are more likely than their peers to
If not, is it expressed differently among adults? think that other children’s behavior is deliberately hos-
tile, even when it is not. When accidentally pushed while CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 147

waiting in line, for instance, many unpopular aggressive attainment, and, as a conse-
hostile attributional bias
children are likely to retaliate because they believe that quence, diminished earnings in The tendency to interpret
the person who did the pushing did it on purpose. This adulthood (Cornell, Gregory, ambiguous interactions with
so-called hostile attributional bias plays a central role Huang, & Fan, 2013; Espinoza, others as deliberately hostile.
in the aggressive behavior of rejected adolescents (Crick Gonzales, & Fuligni, 2013).
& Dodge, 1994). Adolescents who are prone to make Not all rejected students are
hostile attributions tend to have friends who view the bullied, though. Children who are victimized but who
world through a similar lens (Halligan & Phillips, 2010). have supportive friends are less likely to be caught in
Interventions aimed at changing the way aggressive ado- this vicious cycle than those who are don’t (Kendrick,
lescents view their peers have been successful in reduc- Jutengren, & Stattin, 2012). It also helps to be good-
ing rates of aggression (Dodge, Godwin, & The Conduct looking and wealthy, as well as a good athlete or student;
Problems Prevention Group, 2013; Yeager, Miu, Powers, rejected adolescents with any of these traits are less likely
& Dweck, 2013; Yaeger, Trzesniewski, & Dweck, 2013). to be actively picked on than other rejected teens (Knack,
Tsar, Vaillancourt, Hymel, & McDougall, 2012).

Victimization and Harassment

What about unpopular withdrawn children? What are their making the practical
social skills deficits? In general, unpopular withdrawn chil- connection
dren are excessively anxious and uncertain around other What can be done to reduce victimization in schools? If
children, often hovering around the group without know- you were asked to design an intervention, what would
ing how to break into a conversation or activity (Rubin et it entail?
al., 1990). Their hesitancy, low self-esteem, and lack of
confidence make other children feel uncomfortable, and
their submissiveness makes them easy targets for bul- Peer harassment is something that students can be
lying (Olweus, 1993; Salmivalli, 1998). Many of these exposed to both directly (when they are the victims) or
youngsters are especially sensitive to being rejected, a indirectly (when they witness harassment but aren’t them-
feeling that increases in adolescence as brain regions that selves victimized). These two different types of experi-
monitor social information become more easily aroused ence have both similar and dissimilar effects (Janosz et
(Falk et al., 2014; Moor, Marieke, Crone, & van der al., 2008; Nishina & Juvonen, 2005). Being victimized
Molen, 2014; Zimmer-Gembeck et al., 2013; Zimmer- or witnessing the harassment of others makes students
Gembeck, Trevaskis, Nesdale, & Downey, 2013). Some anxious, but, oddly enough, witnessing the harassment of
are depressed, and their depression leads them to behave others appears to buffer some of the harmful effects of
in ways that make them targets of harassment (generally being victimized. Adolescents who are victims of harass-
speaking, people of all ages don’t like to hang around with ment but who do not see anyone else being victimized
depressed individuals) (Kochel, Ladd, & Rudolph, 2012). are more likely to feel humiliated and angry than those
Unfortunately, the more these children are teased, rejected, who are both victims and witnesses. Presumably, being
and victimized, the more anxious and hesitant they feel, singled out for harassment feels worse than being just one
and the more they blame themselves for their victimiza- of many who are picked on (Brendgen et al., 2013). For
tion, which only compounds their problem—creating this reason, some studies find that in ethnically diverse
a sort of cycle of victimization (see Figure 8) (Chen & schools, victimized students whose ethnic group is in the
Graham, 2012; Harper, 2012; Mathieson, Klimes-Dougan, minority are not as harmed psychologically as are vic-
& Crick, 2014; Siegel et al., 2009). timized students whose ethnic group is in the majority,
One of the most pernicious effects of victimization is who are less able to attribute their victimization to their
that it undermines feelings of academic competence, aca- ethnicity and more likely to blame it on their own short-
demic performance, and school engagement, which has comings (Graham, Bellmore, Nishina, & Juvonen, 2009).
cascading effects well beyond adolescence—even after Other studies have found that the adverse effects of being
taking into account background factors, victimization bullied are pretty much the same regardless of a school’s
during adolescence is associated with lower educational ethnic makeup, however (Mehari & Farrell, 2015).

Figure 8 Anxious adolescents are frequently

Anxiety Victimization Rejection harassed and picked on by others, which leads
them to be rejected by their peers and more
anxious as a result. (Kochel et al., 2012)
148 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

Bullies and Victims Although relationships between some time during the past year, although in some studies,
adolescents who dislike each other have not been studied the percentage of students who report having been victim-
extensively, such mutual antipathies are not uncommon ized has been considerably higher (Haynie et al., 2001;
(Abecassis, Hartup, Haselager, Scholte, & Van Lieshout, Nansel et al., 2001; Williford, Brisson, Bender, Jenson,
2002). These relationships frequently involve bullies and & Forrest-Bank, 2011). Rates of victimization vary con-
victims, often with an antisocial adolescent repeatedly siderably from country to country, although around the
harassing a withdrawn classmate (Güroğlu, Haselager, world, adolescents who come from less affluent families
van Lieshout, Cornelis, & Scholte, 2009). Adolescents are more likely to be bullied (Analitis et al., 2009).
who are bullies are also likely to assist and reinforce Interestingly, the prevalence of bullying is higher
other bullies and, like the bullies they support, are also in schools and in countries characterized by greater
more likely to have conduct problems and be callous and income inequality (Due et al., 2009; Menzer & Torney-
indifferent to the problems of others (Crapanzano, Frick, Purta, 2012). For example, bullying is far less prevalent
Childs, & Terranova, 2011; Fanti & Kimonis, 2012; van in Sweden, where the gap between rich and poor is very
Noorden, Haselager, Cillessen, & Bukowski, 2015). small, than in Russia, where income inequality is much
Studies of American and European youth indicate that greater (see Figure 9). Apparently, it is more acceptable
about one-third of students report having been bullied at for the strong to victimize the weak in countries where


35 Lithuania


Bullying prevalence, %

Ukraine Russian Federation
Flemish-speaking Portugal
Belgium Austria
French-speaking France United States
Belgium England Germany
Denmark Norway
Netherlands Italy
10 Macedonia
Finland Croatia Spain Greece Scotland
Hungary Slovenia
Czech Republic

0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Income equality

Figure 9 Rates of bullying vary considerably from country to country. Bullying is more prevalent in countries with
greater income inequality. (Due et al., 2009) CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 149

having a wide gap between the economically “strong” and 25

economically “weak” is also more widely tolerated. Bullying boys
Bullying girls
Cyberbullying Researchers are just now beginning to Victimization boys
systematically study cyberbullying (e.g., bullying that Victimization girls
occurs over the Internet or via cell phones). Despite the 15
attention it receives in the popular media, in part because
of a few very high-profile cases, online harassment is far
less common than most people think, and, more impor- 10
tantly, less common than in-person harassment (either
verbal or physical). 5
Rates of different types of bullying vary consider-
ably from study to study, in part because research-
ers define bullying in different ways, which is why it 0
1998 2002 2006 2010
is important to draw estimates from multiple studies
rather than depend on a single one (Patton et al., 2014). Figure 10 Trends in bullying and victimization over
According to a recent comprehensive review, physical time among U.S. students in grades six through ten.
bullying is about twice as common (nearly 35% of stu- (Perlus et al., 2014)
dents have been either the perpetrator or victim of physi-
cal bullying) as electronic bullying (which has involved likely to engage in cyberbul- cyberbullying
about 15% of students as bullies or victims) (Modecki, lying if they believe that their Bullying that occurs over the
Minchin, Harbaugh, Buerra, & Runions, 2014). Rates friends are, too (Hinduja & Internet or via cell phones.
of bullying and victimization have both declined in the Patchin, 2013).
United States (see Figure 10) (Perlus, Brooks-Russell, Students who are harassed
Wang, & Iannotti, 2014). Even still, cyberbullying is by their classmates, whether in person or electronically,
common, and it affects victims in ways that are similar report a range of adjustment problems, including low
to physical bullying (Bonanno & Hymel, 2013). self-esteem, depression, suicidal ideation, and academic
Adolescents who engage in traditional bullying also difficulties, as well as problems in social skills and dif-
frequently engage in cyberbullying, and adolescents ficulties in controlling negative emotions, such as anger
who are frequent victims of traditional bullying are also and aggression (Cole et al., 2014; Fredstrom, Adams,
the victims of electronic harassment (Fletcher et al., & Gilman, 2011; Juvonen, Wang, & Espinoza, 2011;
2014; Jose, Kljakovic, Scheib, & Notter, 2012; Modecki Herts, McLaughlin, & Hatzenbuehler, 2012; Plaisier &
et al., 2014; Waasdorp & Bradshaw, 2015). Contrary to Konijn, 2013; Zwierzynska, Wolke, & Lereya, 2013).
popular belief, most Internet bullying is not anonymous, Some adolescents who are victimized become alienated
and most victims of online bullying suspect a friend or and disengaged from school, and, ultimately, form bonds
someone else from their school (Juvonen & Gross, 2008; with antisocial peers, which draws the previously vic-
Waasdorp & Bradshaw, 2015). Not surprisingly, bullies timized teenagers into antisocial activity (Rudolph et al.,
who “specialize” in cyberbullying, which takes a bit of 2014; Tortura, Karver, & Gesten, 2013) (see Figure 11).
planning, tend to be less reactive in their aggression and Although being bullied has adverse consequences
more instrumental, often using electronic bullying to regardless of whether other students witness it, public
enhance their own social status (Badaly, Kelly, Schwartz, victimization, especially when other students watch but
& Dabney-Lieras, 2012; Sontag, Clemans, Graber, & don’t offer any assistance, is particularly humiliating
Lyndon, 2011). They are also less likely to view cyber- (Nishina, 2012). Sadly, the effects of being harassed in
bullying as wrong (Talwar, Gomez-Garibello, & Shariff, middle school are still observed in high school (Rusby,
2014). Interestingly, whereas conventional bullying Forrester, Biglan, & Metzler, 2005) and later in adult-
tends to make adolescents less popular, cyberbullying hood (Wolke, Copeland, Angold, & Costello, 2013).
tends to have the opposite affect (Wegge, Vendebosch, Many adolescents who report having been victimized
Eggermont, & Pabian, 2014). Adolescents are more also report bullying others. These adolescents have the

Victimization Affiliation
in with Problem
elementary antisocial behavior
school peers

Figure 11 Victimization in elementary school can lead to alienation, which may drive victimized students into devi-
ant peer groups. This then increases problem behavior. (Rudolph et al., 2014)
150 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

they don’t want to talk to her. . . . But at the same time,

I don’t think she should egg it on as something good. She
should suggest something that doesn’t completely separate
her from the group, like, “Maybe you should be a little bit
nicer.” Kind of subtle. . . . Something so that you get their
attention, but that you’re not insulting them. (Ferráns,
Selman, & Feigenberg, 2012, p. 459)

It is important to note, however, that a significant

amount of bullying occurs outside of school—according
to one national survey, in fact, more high school students
reported being victimized outside school than at school
(Turner, Finkelhor, Hamby, Shattuck, & Ormrod, 2011).
Adolescents’ responses to being bullied vary. One
recent study found that there were four categories of vic-
tims: those who were mainly passive (e.g., ignoring the
bully or walking away), those who were mainly aggres-
sive (e.g., fighting back, either physically or verbally),
those who were support-seeking (e.g., telling a par-
Although cyberbullying receives a lot of media attention, it is only ent), and those who did a little of everything. (Support-
about half as common as face-to-face bullying. © Andrey Shadrin/
Getty Images RF
seeking was reported by middle school students but was
rarely seen in high school, perhaps because at this age,
asking an adult for help in responding to a bully is seen
greatest adjustment problems, just as children who are
as immature and weak.) Interestingly, victims who used
both aggressive and withdrawn are typically the most
passive strategies reported fewer emotional or behavioral
disturbed (Bradshaw, Waasdorp, Goldweber, & Johnson,
problems than those who fought back, sought help, or
2012; Copeland, Wolke, Angold, & Costello, 2013;
used a mixture of approaches (Waasdorp & Bradshaw,
Winsper, Lereya, Zanari, & Wolke, 2012). One reason
2011), although feeling supported by parents or teach-
that bullying and victimization are often seen in the same
ers (if not directly asking for their help) seems to have a
children is that some adolescents react to victimization
protective effect against the adverse effects of victimiza-
by becoming more aggressive and bullying other chil-
tion (Yeung & Leadbeater, 2013). Other studies find that
dren. (Victims are more likely to become bullies than
victims who avoid blaming themselves for having been
the reverse [Haltigan & Vaillancourt, 2014].) Another
bullied and respond by behaving proactively (avoiding
may be that certain elements of the broader context—
the bully), rather than retaliating, fare better (Singh &
the climate of the school, for instance—may increase or
Bussey, 2011). Although it is hard to persuade adoles-
decrease the likelihood of aggression between classmates
cents that these are the most effective responses, it helps
(Ferráns & Selman, 2014). Teachers and principals may
to explain that bullies do what they do in order to get
be able to make changes in their school’s climate that will
attention, and that when they are ignored, they are likely
reduce aggression between students (Aceves, Hinshaw,
to seek other targets (Steinberg, 2011).
Mendoza-Denton, & Page-Gould, 2010; Guerra,
Williams, & Sadek, 2011; Hektner & Swenson, 2012;
Helping Unpopular Teens Psychologists have exper-
Veenstra, Lindenberg, Huitsing, & Salmivalli, 2014).
imented with different sorts of interventions designed to
What about students who see their classmates bul-
improve the social skills of unpopular adolescents. These
lied? One study of bystanders found that onlookers were
social competence training programs have focused on
more likely to intervene and defend the victim in schools
three different strategies. One type of program has been
in which doing so was expected—not so much by
designed to teach social skills—self-expression, leader-
teachers but by other students (Pozzoli, Gini, & Vieno,
ship, and how to converse (Repinski & Leffert, 1994). A
2012). This has important implications for intervention,
second approach has been to have unpopular adolescents
because it suggests that reducing the incidence of bully-
participate in group activities with popular ones under
ing in schools should focus on all students, and not just
the supervision of psychologists (Bierman & Furman,
the bullies or victims (Tu, Erath, & Flanagan, 2012).
1984). Finally, some social competence programs focus
It’s hard for witnesses to know just how to intervene,
on a combination of behavioral and cognitive abilities,
though. Here’s one student’s advice, when asked what
including social problem solving (e.g., Greenberg &
another girl might have done after witnessing someone
Kusche, 1998). Social-problem-solving programs, such
being victimized in their school:
as PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies),
I don’t think she should say, “What you’re doing is really are designed to improve individuals’ abilities to judge
inhuman, guys,” because that would just make it so that social situations and figure out acceptable ways of CHAPTER 5 Peer Groups 151

behaving. Adolescents are taught to calm down and likely than their socially accepted peers to be low achiev-
think before they react, to decide what the problem is, ers in school, drop out of high school, show higher rates of
to figure out what their goal is, and to think of positive delinquent behavior, and suffer from an array of emotional
approaches toward reaching that goal. Instead of lash- and mental health problems as adults. Although it is likely
ing out at a classmate who grabbed the last basketball that poorly adjusted individuals have difficulty making
from a gym closet, for example, a hot-tempered boy who friends, psychological problems result from—as well as
had been through this sort of program might calm him- cause—problems with peers (Marion, Laursen, Zettergren,
self down, tell himself that his goal is to play basketball & Bergman, 2013; Witvliet, Brendgen, van Lier, Koot, &
rather than get into a fight, and approach another student Vitaro, 2010; Woodward & Fergusson, 1999).
to ask if he can get into a game. PATHS has been shown Adolescents consider the time they spend with their
to effectively reduce behavioral problems among ele- peers to be among the most enjoyable parts of the day
mentary school children (Conduct Problems Prevention (Csikszentmihalyi & Larson, 1984). One reason is that
Research Group, 1999). activities with friends are typically organized around
having a good time, in contrast to activities with parents,
which are more likely to be organized around household
The Peer Group and Psychosocial chores or the enforcement of parental rules (Larson,
1983). Rather than being competing institutions, the
Development family and peer group mainly provide contrasting oppor-
Regardless of the structure or norms of a particular peer tunities for adolescent activities and behaviors. The fam-
group, peers play an extremely important role in the ily is organized around work and other tasks, and it may
psychological development of adolescents. Problematic be important in the socialization of responsibility and
peer relationships are associated with a range of serious achievement. The peer group provides more frequent
psychological and behavior problems during adolescence opportunities for interaction and leisure, which contrib-
and adulthood. Individuals who are unpopular or who utes to the development of intimacy and enhances the
have poor peer relationships during adolescence are more adolescent’s mood and psychological well-being.
The Broader Context of U.S.

Classroom Climate
Secondary Education The Best Classroom Climate for Adolescents
The Origins of Secondary Education Teacher Expectations and Student Performance
School Reform: Past and Present The Importance of Student Engagement
What Should Schools Teach? School Violence
Education in the Inner Cities Beyond High School
The Social Organization of Schools The College-Bound
School Size and Class Size The Non-College-Bound
Age Grouping and School Transitions Schools and Adolescent Development
Tracking Characteristics of Good Schools
Ethnic Composition The Effects of School on Adolescent
Alternatives to Public Schools Development
© Pgiam/Getty Images RF

152 CHAPTER 6 Schools 153

Because of the important and multifaceted role Not only are schools the chief educational arena for
it has come to play in modern society, the secondary adolescents, but they also play an extremely important
educational system—middle schools, junior high schools, role in defining the young person’s social world and in
and high schools—has been the target of a remarkable shaping psychosocial development. Naturally, the devel-
amount of criticism, scrutiny, and social science research. opment of achievement—motivation, aspirations, and
Secondary school touches the lives of all adolescents expectations—is profoundly affected by the adolescent’s
in industrialized societies, as well as an increasingly larger experiences in school. (Think about the differences
proportion of the population in the developing world. between going to a good school and going to a bad
Virtually all American adolescents under the age of 17 one.) But schools influence psychosocial development
and nearly all 17- and 18-year-olds are enrolled in school. far beyond the domain of achievement. How adolescents
In most developing countries, attending high school is do in school influences their academic self-conceptions
much more common among children of the wealthy, often and occupational choices, shaping their identity. The way
because poor families need their adolescents to work. in which a school is organized affects the adolescent’s
But even in the poorest parts of the world—sub-Saharan sense of independence, and the way a classroom is
Africa, for example—close to two-thirds of 10- to 14-year- run affects the extent to which the adolescent learns to
olds and 40–50% of 15- to 19-year-olds are enrolled in think independently. Schools often define adolescents’
school (National Research Council, 2005), although rates social networks, thereby influencing the development of
around the world vary considerably from country to coun- interpersonal relationships. And the majority of adoles-
try (United Nations, 2012) (see Figure 1). With the excep- cents, at least in the United States, learn about sexuality
tion of a few countries, such as Afghanistan, rates of in school and are influenced by their classmates’ norms
enrollment in secondary school are comparable for males for sexual behavior. You simply cannot understand ado-
and females. lescence as a developmental period without understand-
Schooling is as time-consuming as it is pervasive. During ing the ways in which schools shape the adolescent
most of the year, the typical American student spends experience.
more than one-third of his or her waking hours each week In this chapter, we examine the organization and work-
in school or in school-related activities (Larson & Verma, ings of secondary schools at multiple levels of analysis.
1999). Between ages 11 and 18, the Perhaps your first inclination is to think about what takes
typical American student will spend place in the classroom. While this is important, a thorough
secondary educational
system about 7,000 hours in school—not understanding of schooling and its impact on adoles-
The system of middle schools, even counting time on homework cent development requires going beyond the classroom
junior high schools, and high (Eccles & Roeser, 2011). What takes place in the classroom
and school-related activities out-
side of school (Elmore, 2009). is influenced by the way in which the school is organized,











Saudi Arabia


Figure 1 The proportion of male and female adolescents in selected countries who are enrolled in secondary school.
(United Nations, 2012)
154 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

and the way in which the school is organized, in turn, is specific purposes (Elmore, 2009). In many respects,
influenced by the needs and demands of the community the schools we have today—for all their strengths and
and of society. Unlike the family or peer group, whose weaknesses—are the schools we designed. This is abun-
structure is not under the direct or deliberate control dantly clear when we look at the history of secondary
of society, schools are environments created to serve education in America.

diploma, either by completing high school at a later

The Broader Context of U.S. date or through equivalency programs or continuation
Secondary Education schools (National Center for Education Statistics, 2015).
Today in the United States, virtually all young people
ages 14–17 are enrolled in school. In 1930, only about
half of this age group were students, and at the turn of
The Origins of Secondary Education
the twentieth century, only 1 in 10 were (see Figure 2) The rise of secondary education in America was the result
(D. Tanner, 1972; William T. Grant Foundation, 1988). of several historical and social trends that converged at
Not only are there considerably more youngsters the turn of the twentieth century. Most important were
enrolled in school today than there were 50 years ago, industrialization, urbanization, and immigration.
but today’s students also spend more days per year in Following widespread industrialization during the
school. In 1920, for example, the average school term late ninetienth century, the role of children and young
was 162 days, and the average student attended for only adolescents in the workplace changed dramatically.
121 days, or 75% of the term. By 1968, however, the As productivity became more dependent on work-
school term had been lengthened to nearly 180 days, ers’ use of machines, employers recognized that they
which remains the national average, and the typical stu- needed employees who were more skilled than young-
dent today attends more than 90% of the term (National sters ordinarily were. In addition, the few unskilled jobs
Center for Education Statistics, 2013). that remained after industrialization required strength
Adolescents also remain in school for more years beyond the capacity of many youth (Church, 1976).
now than they did in previous eras. In 1924, fewer than Social reformers expressed concerns about the dangers
33% of all youngsters entering the 5th grade eventually children faced working in factories, and labor unions—
graduated from high school; today, more than 80% of all an increasingly powerful force in the early 1900s—
high school students graduate on time, and a substan- sought to protect not only the welfare of children but
tial number of those who do not eventually get their their own job security. New child labor laws narrowed
and limited the employment of minors (Bakan, 1972).
Together, these changes kept many youngsters out of the
labor force.
90 Life in American cities was changing markedly.
80 Industrialization brought with it urbanization and, along
Percent of 14- to 17-year-olds

with several waves of immigrants, new problems. The

effects of a rapidly expanding economy were seen in the
enrolled in school

60 tenements and slums of America’s cities: poor housing,

50 overcrowded neighborhoods, crime. Eager to improve
living conditions for the masses, social reformers envi-
sioned education as a means of improving the lives of
30 the poor and working classes.
20 Many also saw compulsory secondary education as a
means of social control. High schools would take thou-
10 sands of idle young people off the streets and place them
0 in an environment where they could be supervised and
1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 kept out of trouble. Anxious to see that foreign-born
immigrants were well socialized into the American way
Figure 2 The proportion of the 14- to 17-year-old
of life, reformers presented universal secondary educa-
population enrolled in school increased dramati-
cally between 1910 and 1940, continued to increase tion as a necessary part of the process of Americanization
until 1970, and then leveled off. Today, nearly 95% of (Church, 1976; D. Tanner, 1972). By 1915, the idea of
individuals this age are in school. (D. Tanner, 1972; William T. universal compulsory education for adolescents had
Grant Foundation, 1988) gained widespread acceptance. CHAPTER 6 Schools 155

Prior to the early twentieth century, high schools were

for the elite. In curriculum, staff, and student composi-
tion, they were similar to the colleges of the day, with
the emphasis mainly on classical liberal arts instruction
(Church, 1976; D. Tanner, 1972). By 1920, educators
saw a need for curricular reform. Now that secondary
education was aimed at the masses, schooling was not
just a means of intellectual training but also a way of
preparing youth for life in modern society. It was argued
that education should be more practical and include
preparation for work and citizenship.
The 1920s marked the birth in the United States of
what came to be known as the comprehensive high
school, an educational institution that promised to meet
the needs of a diverse and growing population of young
people. Classes in general education, college prepara- The proportion of American adolescents enrolled in high
tion, and vocational education were all housed under school grew dramatically between 1920 and 1940. © The
one roof. This was also a time of tremendous change in Granger Collection, NYC
the high school curriculum. New courses were added in
music, art, family life, health, physical education, and unfamiliar with the world of comprehensive high school
other subjects designed to prepare adolescents for family work, schools were asked to An educational institution that
and leisure as well as work. provide opportunities for work- evolved during the first half of
By the middle of the twentieth century, the high study programs and classes in the twentieth century, offer-
school had come a long way from its exclusive focus at career education (President’s ing a varied curriculum and
designed to meet the needs
the turn of the century on the intellectual development of Science Advisory Committee, of a diverse population of
the elite. Its concern had broadened to include the social 1974). In the 1990s, as society adolescents.
and intellectual development of all young people. And grappled with a broad array of
today, despite continuing questioning and criticism, the social problems affecting and
comprehensive high school remains the cornerstone of involving youth—problems such as violence, AIDS,
American secondary education. It is, however, not the and drug abuse—we once again looked to schools for
exemplar to which all countries aspire—few other coun- assistance, asking schools to implement an array of pre-
tries attempt to educate such a diverse group of young ventive interventions (Dryfoos, 1993). One reason that
people under one roof. Most separate the college-bound schools today are asked to do so much more than educate
from the non-college-bound into separate schools. The adolescents is that new demands are placed on schools
comprehensive “high school” is a distinctively American every time a different social problem involving adoles-
institution. cents receives widespread attention.

No Child Left Behind Toward the end of the 1990s,

School Reform: Past and Present concerns that inner-city schools were not producing
Although we naturally think of schools as institutions graduates who could compete for high-skills jobs grew.
whose primary goal is education, they are much more In response to a public increasingly interested in alter-
than this. Schools are also potentially important tools natives to conventional public education, such as charter
of social intervention, because it is through schools schools or home schooling, schools were called upon to
that the greatest number of young people can most eas- raise standards for all students (e.g., Ravitch, 2001). In
ily be reached. For this reason, the study of schools is January 2002, President George W. Bush signed into law
extremely important to social scientists and policy mak- the No Child Left Behind Act, a sweeping and contro-
ers who are interested in influencing adolescent develop- versial piece of legislation mandating that states ensure
ment. In fact, one way to understand the ways in which that all students, regardless of their economic circum-
adults want adolescents to change is to look at the ways stances, achieve academic proficiency (U.S. Department
that schools have been reformed over the years. of Education, 2006). No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Here are three examples of what I mean: During the required that schools create and enforce academic
1950s, politicians felt that the United States had lost its standards by annually testing all students and by report-
scientific edge to the former Soviet Union. As a con- ing the results of students’ performance to the public.
sequence, schools were asked to offer more courses in Underperforming schools—schools where students’ test
math and science (Conant, 1959). In the 1970s, when scores did not improve—would be given an opportu-
social scientists felt that adolescents were growing up nity to do a better job the following year, by providing
156 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

social promotion
additional instruction, tutoring, schools to do better. No one could disagree with the basic
The practice of promoting or special services for students idea that all students—regardless of their background—
students from one grade to the who needed them. But schools deserve a high-quality public education (Borkowski &
next automatically, regardless that continued to fail eventually Sneed, 2006).
of their school performance. would have funding taken away Although NCLB sounded good in principle, it was
critical thinking and might be forced to close. problematic in practice and met with tremendous resis-
Thinking that involves analyz- On the face of it, NCLB tance from the start (Darling-Hammond, 2006). States
ing, evaluating, and interpret- sounds reasonable enough. complained that they did not have the resources to conduct
ing information, rather than
simply memorizing it.
Today, a huge proportion of the mandated assessments or to respond to failing students’
American students do not meet poor performance. Teachers and parents complained that
even minimal standards for aca- the focus on standardized testing adversely affects what
demic performance, and poor performance is dispropor- takes place in the classroom—if a school’s financial future
tionately seen among disadvantaged, Black, Hispanic, and depends only on test scores, why should teachers do any-
Native American students. Many commentators had criti- thing other than teach to the test? (Be honest—how much
cized the practice of social promotion—moving students effort do you devote to learning material that you know
from one grade to the next regardless of their academic you won’t be tested on?) Some critics worried that the shift
performance—arguing that poor and ethnic minority in focus to standardized testing would discourage schools
youth especially were being cheated out of a good educa- from using assignments that improve important capacities
tion and graduated without the skills necessary to succeed like self-control, persistence, and determination—which
in college or the labor force (Steinberg, 1996). Forcing are critical for success but more likely influenced through
schools to regularly assess student progress and publicize working on longer-term projects than studying for tests
how students were faring would give parents and the com- (Duckworth, Quinn, & Tsukama, 2012).
munity the information they needed to put pressure on Many questions about NCLB were raised: What hap-
pens to subjects that will not appear on the test, like cur-
rent events, or to the teaching of skills that are impossible
to assess through standardized exams, such as critical
thinking? Who determines how tough the tests are or what
level of achievement is acceptable? And, with millions of
dollars at stake, what was to stop schools from manipu-
lating their scores, by encouraging poor-performing stu-
dents to be absent on testing days or by helping students
cheat on the tests, which some schools did (S. Levitt &
Dubner, 2005)? Some critics of NCLB argued that it was
having the opposite effect of what was intended, provid-
ing incentives for schools to push low-achieving students
out (Darling-Hammond, 2006). Nevertheless, the move-
ment toward performance-based accountability—holding
teachers, schools, school districts, and states accountable
for the achievement of their students—has been the most
important change in the world of American education in
the past 20 years (Elmore, 2009).
No Child Left Behind remained in place after
President Barack Obama took office in 2009, although
his administration sought to fix many of the problems
that had developed during the policy’s early years: that
schools were “gaming the system,” by setting their stan-
dards especially low, so that they could report that a
high proportion of their students were making passing
grades; that teachers were teaching to the test, in order to
avoid being punished if their students tested poorly; and
that school districts were reporting school-wide average
scores without revealing that there were huge achieve-
ment gaps between the low- and high-performing stu-
Assessing student achievement has been the focus of American
education policy for the past two decades. Critics have com-
dents. President Obama’s education secretary stressed
plained that too much time is being spent testing students. the need to have high standards for all students and,
© Radius Images/Corbis RF just as important, a set of common standards across all CHAPTER 6 Schools 157

50 states (U.S. Department of Education, 2009). (One of able to agree on the body of standards-based reform
the problems with NCLB as originally implemented is knowledge and skills that com- Policies designed to improve
that it permitted individual states to set their own stan- prise what high school gradu- achievement by holding
dards, which resulted in markedly different estimates of ates should know and be able schools and students to a pre-
“proficiency” from one state to another.) to do. And as states soon dis- determined set of standards
measured by achievement
The administration also tried to build more flexibil- covered, large numbers of their tests.
ity into NCLB by encouraging schools to experiment students did not fully acquire
with different approaches to raising student achievement, the knowledge and capabili- Common Core
A proposed set of standards in
through a competition called “Race to the Top.” As new ties assessed on standardized language arts and mathemat-
research began to demonstrate the importance of having graduation examinations. It is ics that all American schools
high-quality teachers, schools were encouraged to develop all well and good to propose would be expected to use.
better ways of evaluating their teachers, helping teachers that all high school seniors charter schools
improve their classroom skills, and replacing poor teach- must pass a graduation test in Public schools that have been
ers with better ones. Unfortunately, “Race to the Top” order to earn a diploma, but given the autonomy to estab-
didn’t change high school student achievement any more what happens when one-third lish their own curricula and
than NCLB did (Steinberg, 2014). Debates about how to or one-half of a state’s high teaching practices.
turn America’s high schools around continue. school seniors fail the test? school vouchers
The economic, social, and Government-subsidized vouch-
political costs of holding back ers that can be used for private
What Should Schools Teach? such large numbers of students
school tuition.

Suppose you are asked to list the things you think young because they could not pass
people need to know in order to be competent, respon- these “exit exams” was simply too great. This created a
sible, satisfied adults. Which items on your list should be huge incentive for states to develop exams with very low
the responsibility of high schools? Should high school requirements for passing, which, of course, defeats the
curricula be limited to traditional academic subjects, or whole purpose of standards-based reform.
should schools play a broader role in preparing young Amid widespread disappointment over the state of
people for adulthood by providing instruction more public education in America, increasing numbers of
directly relevant to work, family, leisure, and citizen- parents began to look at other options—among them,
ship? Should students receive instruction only in English, charter schools (public schools that are given more
mathematics, science, and social studies, or should they freedom to set their own curricula), schools that are run
take courses as well in “general education”—in subjects by private corporations rather than local school boards,
such as art, home economics, health, sex education, home schooling, and government-subsidized school
driver education, and personal finance? Which courses vouchers (which can be used for private school tuition).
should be required, and which should be left as elec- Although all of these alternatives gained popularity dur-
tives? If you were to discuss this with your classmates, ing the late 1990s, research on their costs and benefits
you’d probably find plenty of disagreement. has been inconclusive (Steinberg, 2014). There is con-
siderable variability among charter, for-profit, and pri-
Standards-Based Reform The past three decades vate schools, as well as homeschooling environments,
have been dominated by what is called standards-based just as there is among public schools. The bottom line
reform, which focuses on policies designed to improve is that what takes place within a school is probably more
achievement by holding schools and students to a prede- important than the nature of its funding and oversight.
termined set of benchmarks measured by achievement This idea has led many experts to argue that we should
tests. This gave rise to proposals that American schools focus on the ways in which we train, certify, place, and
adopt the Common Core, a set of standards in English compensate teachers (Darling-Hammond, 2006).
language arts and mathematics that schools across the
country would be expected to use to evaluate whether
their students were learning what they ought to learn in making the cultural
each grade. Although states were given wide flexibility connection
in how they would implement the standards (they would The United States is one of the only industrialized coun-
have control over the curriculum and instructional meth- tries in the world that does not have national graduation
ods they would use), the Common Core continues to be examinations that are administered to all students, regard-
controversial. Many states that signed on to the plan ini- less of where they go to school. Do you think having
tially have since broken from it. national exams is a good or bad idea? Why do you think
Like NCLB, standards-based reform sounds good in this practice is not as popular in the United States as it is
principle, but implementing this change has been more elsewhere?
difficult than you might think. Educators haven’t been
158 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

Education in the Inner Cities reading as well, with 52% of Asian students and 46% of
White students proficient, compared to 22% of Hispanic
Some commentators have argued that the problem of students and 17% of Black students (National Center for
low student achievement is not an across-the-board prob- Education Statistics, 2013). In the nation’s large inner-
lem, but one that is concentrated mainly among poor city public schools, only one-sixth of students are judged
and minority youngsters living in inner cities (Berliner proficient in science, a fact that has enormous impli-
& Biddle, 1995). Although other critics (e.g., Stedman, cations for these adolescents’ chances at success in an
1998; Steinberg, 1996) have noted that poor achievement increasingly high-tech economy (National Center for
is a problem in all segments of American society, virtually Education Statistics, 2011a).
all social scientists concur that the education crisis, and Why has school reform failed in so many urban
its implications for the future of the labor force, is espe- schools? Experts point to several factors. First, the concen-
cially urgent within inner-city public schools. Indeed, the tration of poverty in many inner-city communities has pro-
achievement gap between White and non-White young- duced a population of students with an array of personal
sters, which had been closing for some time, grew wider and situational problems—problems that few schools are
during the 1990s, especially in large urban school districts. equipped or able to address (Farrell et al., 2007). Recent
It narrowed again toward the end of the twentieth century, surveys of American high school students indicate that so
but has remained substantial since (Barton & Coley, 2010). many are afraid of being victimized that nearly one-fifth
Although there are occasional success stories, such of high school students across the country regularly carry
as the Harlem Children’s Zone (Tough, 2008) or KIPP a gun, knife, or club, with even higher percentages doing
(, a system of charter schools that creates so in some inner-city neighborhoods (Centers for Disease
a culture of achievement, maintains high expectations Control and Prevention, 2014a). Many urban school dis-
for all students, and emphasizes character development tricts are burdened by huge administrative bureaucracies
as well as academics, inner-city schools in America con- that impede reform and hinder educational innovation.
tinue to have tremendous problems. Just 10% of the high Students in urban schools report less of a sense of “belong-
schools in the United States produce half of the country’s ing” to their school, which leads to disengagement and
dropouts, and one-third of Black and Latino students poor achievement (Anderman, 2002). And the erosion of
attend one of these “drop-out factories” (Sparks, 2015). job opportunities in inner-city communities has left many
And, although there have been modest improvements in students with little incentive to remain in school or to
some subjects at some grade levels, the gap in achieve- devote a great deal of effort to academic pursuits (Kantor
ment between Black and Hispanic students, on the & Brenzel, 1992). Many reformers now believe that to
one hand, and White and Asian students, on the other, fix the problems of urban education, we must change the
remains very wide. Among 8th-graders, for example, entire context in which inner-city children live, not merely
60% of Asian students and 45% of White students are what goes on in their schools (Tough, 2008).
proficient in math, compared to 21% of Hispanic stu-
dents and 14% of Black students. Huge gaps exist in
The Social Organization
of Schools
In addition to debating curricular issues, social scientists
interested in school reform have discussed the ways in
which secondary schools should be organized. Because
the organization of a school affects students’ day-to-day
experiences, variations in school organization can have
profound effects on adolescents’ development and behav-
ior. In this section, we examine the research on five key
aspects of school organization: (1) school and classroom
size, (2) different approaches to age grouping, (3) tracking,
or the grouping of students in classes according to their
academic abilities, (4) the ethnic composition of schools,
and (5) public versus private schools.

School Size and Class Size

Just ten percent of America’s high schools account for half of
As the idea of the comprehensive high school gained
the country’s dropouts. Almost all of them are located in inner- widespread acceptance, educators attempted to deliver
city neighborhoods. © Andrew Burton/Getty Images a wider range of courses and services under a single CHAPTER 6 Schools 159

roof. As a consequence, schools became larger and often to be observers than participants in school activi-
larger over the course of the twentieth century. By the ties. For instance, during the fall, a small school and a
end of the 1990s, in many metropolitan areas, students large school might each field teams in football, soccer,
attended enormous schools, with enrollments of several and cross-country running, together requiring a total of
thousand students. 100 students. An individual’s chances of being 1 of
those 100 students are greater in a school that has only
Is Bigger Better? One advantage enjoyed by larger 500 students than in a school with an enrollment of 4,000.
schools is that they can offer a more varied curriculum—
a large high school, for instance, may be able to offer The Strengths of Small Schools Because students
many specialized courses that a small school is unable to in small schools are more likely than students in large
staff. But is bigger necessarily better? schools to be active in a wider range of activities, they
A fair amount of research conducted over the past are more likely to report doing things that help them
40 years says, “No.” Indeed, one of the most consis- develop their skills and abilities, allow them to work
tent conclusions to emerge from recent evaluations of closely with others, and make them feel needed and
school reform efforts is that student performance and important. In a small school, chances are, sooner or
interest in school improve when their schools are made later, most students will find themselves on a team, in
less bureaucratic and more intimate. Numerous studies the student government, or in an extracurricular organi-
indicate that students achieve more when they attend zation. Students in small schools also are more likely to
schools that create a cohesive sense of community be placed in positions of leadership and responsibility,
(V. Lee, Smith, & Croninger, 1997; Ready, Lee, & Welner, and they more often report having done things that made
2004). Students’ attachment to school is weaker in larger them feel confident and diligent. School size especially
schools, particularly when the number of students in affects the participation of students whose grades are not
a grade exceeds 400 (Holas & Huston, 2011; Weiss, very good. In large schools, academically marginal stu-
Carolan, & Baker-Smith, 2010). dents often feel like outsiders and rarely get involved in
While school size may affect academic outcomes, it school activities. In small schools, however, these stu-
does not necessarily affect students’ emotional attach- dents feel a sense of involvement and obligation equal to
ment to the institution (Anderman, 2002) or their mental that of more academically successful students. The ideal
health (T. T. Watt, 2003). Contrary to widespread opin- size of a high school is between 600 and 900 students
ion, there is no evidence that rates of student victimiza- (V. Lee & Smith, 1997).
tion are higher in larger schools, although victimization In short, although large schools may be able to
is less likely in schools where the student-teacher ratio is offer more diverse curricula and provide greater mate-
lower, perhaps because it is easier for schools to establish rial resources to their students, the toll that school size
and enforce norms about how to behave (Gottfredson & may take on student learning and engagement appears
DiPietro, 2011; Klein & Cornell, 2010). In addition, to exceed the benefits of being bigger (V. Lee & Smith,
many large schools are divided into schools within 1995). Evidence also suggests that there is more inequal-
schools. Although few such transformations have been ity in students’ educational experiences in larger schools,
studied systematically, the existing research indicates where students may be sorted into tracks of differing
both advantages and disadvantages to this approach. quality. In small schools, in contrast, it is more likely that
On the positive side, creating schools within schools all students are exposed to the same curriculum, if only
leads to the development of a more positive social because the school cannot afford to offer more than one.
environment; on the negative side, though, if not done
carefully, schools may inadvertently create “schools” Variations in Class Size Policy makers do not always
within one school that vary considerably in their implement social science findings in ways that accurately
educational quality. reflect the research evidence. Encouraged by the results of
Some of the most interesting findings of research research on smaller schools, many politicians have called for
on school size concern participation in extracurricu- smaller classes. However, in contrast to studies of schools,
lar activities rather than classroom achievement. You studies of classrooms indicate that variations within the
might expect that, in addition to providing a more var- typical range of classroom sizes—from 20 to 40 students—
ied curriculum, large schools are able to offer more do not affect students’ scholastic achievement once they
diverse extracurricular activities to their students—and have reached adolescence. Small classes benefit young
indeed they do. Large schools can support more athletic elementary school children (up
teams, after-school clubs, and student organizations. But until third grade), who may need schools within schools
because large schools also contain so many more stu- more individualized instruc- Subdivisions of the student
dents, actual rates of participation in different activi- tion (Finn, Gerber, & Boyd- body within large schools
created to foster feelings of
ties are only half as high in large schools as in smaller Zaharias, 2005), but adolescents
ones. As a result, in larger schools, students tend more in classes with 40 students learn
160 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

junior high school

just as much as those in classes that were not designed to serve as classrooms (such as
An educational institution with 20 (Mosteller, Light, & gyms), and inadequate resources.
designed during the early era Sachs, 1996). Educators have attempted to reduce the adverse effects
of public secondary education, An important exception to of overcrowding through a variety of measures—some
in which young adolescents are this finding involves situations successful, others not. Many school districts use tem-
schooled separately from older
that call for highly individu- porary structures, such as trailers, to provide additional
alized instruction or tutor- classroom space. Unfortunately, many such portable
middle school ing, where smaller classes are units, especially older ones, are constructed with materi-
An educational institution
housing 7th- and 8th-grade stu-
more effective. For example, als that are harmful to students’ physical health, and the
dents along with adolescents in remedial classes, where tight quarters and poor ventilation common in these struc-
who are 1 or 2 years younger. teachers must give a great deal tures can create toxic environments (Ready et al., 2004).
of attention to each student, Other districts—most famously, Los Angeles—have
small classes are valuable. One created multitrack programs, whereby schools are used
implication of these findings is that it may be profitable year-round, and students are organized into groups,
for schools that maintain regular class sizes of 25–30 with one group on vacation at any given point in time.
students to increase the sizes of these classes a bit and Evaluations of this approach have been mixed.
cut down on the number of classrooms in order to free
some instructors, and to trim the sizes of classes for stu-
dents who need specialized, small-group instruction.
Age Grouping and School Transitions
A second issue that social scientists have examined in the
The Problem of Overcrowding One certain impedi- study of school organization concerns the ways in which
ment to delivering high-quality education, especially schools group students of different ages and the frequency
in large metropolitan school districts, is overcrowd- with which students are expected to change schools.
ing (Ready et al., 2004). Nearly 15% of U.S. secondary Early in the twentieth century, most school districts
schools are overcrowded—that is, the size of the student separated youngsters into an elementary school (which
body is at least 6% larger than the school was designed had either six or eight grades) and a secondary school
to house—and an additional 8% are “severely over- (which had either four or six grades). Students changed
crowded,” with the student body 25% above capacity. schools once (after either 6th or 8th grade). However,
Schools with more than 50% ethnic minority students many educators felt that the two-school system was unable
are especially likely to be overcrowded. Achievement is to meet the special needs of young adolescents, whose
lower in overcrowded schools because of stress on both intellectual and emotional maturity was greater than that
students and teachers, the use of facilities for instruction expected in elementary school, but not yet at the level
necessary for high school. During the early years of com-
pulsory secondary education, the establishment of sepa-
rate schools for young adolescents began, and the junior
high school (which contained the 7th, 8th, and sometimes
9th grades) was born (Hechinger, 1993). Toward the end
of the twentieth century, the middle school—a three- or
four-year school housing the 7th and 8th grades with one
or more younger grades—gained in popularity, replacing
the junior high school in many districts (Elmore, 2009).
In more recent years, school districts have moved
away from housing young adolescents separately and
are returning to a two-school model (usually K–8 and
9–12), in light of many studies showing that students
demonstrate higher achievement and fewer behavioral
problems under this arrangement (Weiss & Baker-
Smith, 2010). It is important to note, however, that the
particular grade configuration of a school is less impor-
tant than the school’s educational climate and quality of
instruction (Elmore, 2009; Holas & Huston, 2012). In
Researchers have studied whether young adolescents fare one study, 6th-grade girls attending elementary school,
better or worse in middle schools or junior high schools that where they were the oldest students, reported more
separate them from children and older adolescents. Many
districts are eliminating these schools and returning to a fighting and more suicidal thoughts than their counter-
model that has just an elementary school and a high school. parts who were in middle school (Gunter & Bakken,
© Maskot/Corbis RF 2010), and in another, which was conducted in small, CHAPTER 6 Schools 161

rural communities, there was more bullying in K–8 and example, students report declines in how supportive their
K–12 schools than in districts that had separate elemen- teachers and classmates are, how much autonomy students
tary and secondary schools (Farmer, Hamm, Leung, have, and how clear and fair school rules are (Way, Reddy,
Lambert, & Gravelle, 2011). & Rhodes, 2007). Because adolescence is a time during
which relationships with peers and nonfamilial adults
become more important, independence becomes more
desirable, and rules and regulations are increasingly scru-
making the scientific tinized, these changes in school climate create a mismatch
connection between what adolescents need and what their schools
In light of what you know about development during early provide. This leads many young adolescents to disengage
adolescence, are you surprised by the results of the study from school (Eccles & Roeser, 2009; Hughes, Im, Kwok,
that found higher rates of problems among 6th-grade girls Cham, & West, 2014). Unfortunately, disengaging from
attending elementary school than among those in middle school increases the risk of developing behavior problems,
school? Can you speculate on why this may have been whereas remaining connected to school protects against
the case? some of the harmful effects of poor family relationships
(Loukas, Roalson, & Herrera, 2010; Oelsner, Lippold, &
Greenberg, 2011; Wang, Brinkworth, & Eccles, 2013).
The Transition into Secondary School Many stud-
ies find that students’ academic motivation and school How Secondary Schools Differ from Elementary
grades drop as they move from elementary into middle Schools The classroom environment in the typical
or junior high school (Dotterer, McHale, & Crouter, middle school or junior high school is quite different from
2009). Scores on standardized achievement tests don’t that in the typical elementary school (Eccles, Lord, &
decline during this same time, though, suggesting that Roeser, 1996). Not only are junior high schools larger and
the drop in grades may be more a reflection of changes less personal, but middle and junior high school teach-
in grading practices and student motivation than in stu- ers hold different beliefs about students than do elemen-
dents’ knowledge (Eccles, 2004). tary school teachers—even when they teach students of
Researchers also have examined how transitioning to the same chronological age (Midgley, Berman, & Hicks,
a new school affects student achievement and behavior. 1995). Teachers in junior high schools are less likely to
In many of these studies, researchers compare school trust their students and more likely to emphasize disci-
arrangements in which students remain in elementary pline, which creates a mismatch between what students
school until 8th grade—that is, where they change schools at this age desire (more independence) and what their
once—with arrangements in which they move from teachers provide (more control). Teachers in junior high
elementary school, to middle or junior high school, and schools also tend to be more likely to believe that stu-
then to high school—where they change schools twice. dents’ abilities are fixed and not easily modified through
In general, school transitions, whenever they occur, tem- instruction—a belief that interferes with student achieve-
porarily disrupt the academic performance, behavior, and ment. In addition, teachers in junior high or middle
self-image of adolescents; more frequent school changes schools are less likely than other teachers to feel confident
are associated with lower achievement, as well as higher about their teaching ability (Eccles & Roeser, 2009).
rates of emotional and behavioral problems (Herbers, It is hardly surprising that students experience a drop
Reynolds, & Chen, 2013). Over time, though, most in achievement motivation when they enter middle or
youngsters adapt successfully to changing schools, espe- junior high school, given the change in environments
cially when other aspects of their life—family and peer they experience and the mismatch between what adoles-
relations, for example—remain stable and supportive, and cents need developmentally and what the typical school
when the new school environment is well suited for ado- context provides. The issue is not that the adolescents
lescents (Seidman, Lambert, Allen, & Aber, 2003). must make a transition; it is the nature of the transition
Researchers do not agree about whether the drop in they must make. Although students’ self-esteem drops
academic motivation and achievement that occurs after during the transition into middle or junior high school, it
elementary school is due to the school transition itself (that increases during the early high school years, so changing
is, whether students suffer whenever they have to change schools in and of itself isn’t the problem. Consistent with
schools) or to the nature of the difference between elemen- this, middle school students attending more personal,
tary school, on the one hand, and middle or junior high less departmentalized schools, or schools where they are
school, on the other. Some experts believe that the poor more involved, do better than their peers in more rigid
performance of middle and junior high schools is due pri- and more anonymous schools (V. Lee & Smith, 1993;
marily to their failure to meet the particular developmen- Wang & Holcombe, 2010). Not surprisingly, changing
tal needs of young adolescents (Booth & Gerard, 2014; schools is easier on students who move into small rather
Eccles & Roeser, 2009). Between 6th and 8th grade, for than large institutions (Russell, Elder, & Conger, 1997).
162 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

Why do junior high school teachers differ from those a new school become even more competent over the
who teach elementary school? The answer isn’t clear-cut. course of the change. In the face of the challenges posed
People who choose to become junior high teachers do by changing schools, “the psychosocially rich become
not differ all that much from those who choose to teach richer, while the psychologically poor become poorer”
younger grades. Rather, it may be that the organization (Monahan & Steinberg, 2011, p. 576).
and anonymity of junior high schools have a negative Factors other than students’ prior record also influence
effect on the teachers who work in them, which affects the their transition to middle or high school. Adolescents
way they interact with students. There is a lot of evidence who have close friends before and during the transition
that students are more engaged in school when their teach- adapt more successfully to the new school environment
ers are more engaged in their work (Louis & Smith, 1992). (Wentzel, Barry, & Caldwell, 2004), although the ben-
Cultural stereotypes about adolescence also have a efits of staying with their friends accrue only to students
negative influence on teachers’ beliefs. Many adults who had been doing well previously. Students who had
believe that adolescence is an inevitably difficult been doing poorly actually adjust better if they enroll in
time—not only for teenagers themselves but also for a different school than their friends, perhaps because
those who work with them. To the extent that teach- their friends were contributing to their poor performance
ers come into the junior high classroom with negative (Schiller, 1999).
images of adolescence—that teenagers are inherently In short, the transition into secondary school does
unruly, unteachable, or perplexing—their preconceptions not have uniform effects on all students (Jackson &
may interfere with their work as educators (Midgley, Schulenberg, 2013; Li & Lerner, 2011). More vulner-
Feldlaufer, & Eccles, 1988). (This same sort of process able adolescents, adolescents with fewer sources of social
affects parents who hold negative stereotypes about ado- support, and adolescents moving into more impersonal
lescence.) As we’ll see in a later section of this chapter, schools are more susceptible to the adverse consequences
one of the most important influences on the adolescent’s of this transition than their peers are. Not surprisingly,
experience in school is the climate of the classroom. studies of poor, inner-city youngsters, who often are cop-
ing with problems associated with economic stress and
Individual Differences in the Extent of Transitional neighborhood disadvantage, find especially significant
Problems Although some aspects of the transition into negative effects of the school transition on these students’
secondary school may be difficult for students to negoti- self-esteem, achievement, perceptions of the school envi-
ate, not all students experience the same degree of stress ronment, reports of social support, and participation in
(Fenzel, 2001). Students who have more academic and extracurricular activities (Eccles, 2004).
psychosocial problems before making a school transition Generally speaking, boys, ethnic minority students,
cope less successfully with it (S. A. Little & Garber, 2004; and students from poor families are more likely to
Murdock et al., 2000; Roeser, Eccles, & Freedman-Doan, become disengaged from school during early adolescence
1999). Often there are cascading effects, with academic (Li & Lerner, 2011). Among Black and Latino students,
and behavioral problems in elementary school lead- transitioning to a school where the proportion of students
ing to more problems during the transition into middle from the same ethnic background is lower than it had
school (Moilanen, Shaw, & Maxwell, 2010b). Cascades been at their previous school is associated with greater
can work in the opposite direction as well; students scor- disengagement from school, lower grades, and more fre-
ing high in social competence before the transition into quent absences (see Figure 3) (Benner & Graham, 2009).

4 4
Black Latino
3.8 3.8


3.6 3.6

3.4 3.4

3.2 3.2

3 3
Spring 8th Fall 9th Spring 8th Fall 9th
Incongruent Congruent Incongruent Congruent

Figure 3 Transitioning into secondary school may lead to feelings of disengagement when there are fewer stu-
dents of the same ethnic background. Congruent refers to whether the student’s ethnicity is the same as that of the
majority of students in the school. (Benner & Graham, 2009) CHAPTER 6 Schools 163

Parental support and involvement are

associated with better adolescent adjust-
ment during school transitions (Isakson
& Jarvis, 1999). One study of low-
income Black students found that stu-
dents who fare best during the transition
not only have parents who are involved
in their education, but supportive teach-
ers as well (Gutman & Midgley, 2000).
It is therefore possible to enhance low-
income students’ adjustment to middle
school through interventions targeted
at their parents. One program had par-
ents participate in an 11-week program
designed to increase their understand-
ing of adolescent development and
their effectiveness as parents (Bronstein
et al., 1998). Children whose parents
participated in the program were func-
tioning better psychologically and
behaviorally, both immediately after
the program and 1 year later, than were
Research on tracking suggests that it has positive effects on the achievement of stu-
those whose parents did not participate. dents in the more advanced tracks but negative effects on students in the lower tracks.
Moreover, the children whose parents © EyeWire/Photodisc/Getty Images RF
participated did not show the decline in
functioning that often is associated with the transition provides no definitive answers about its overall effects
into middle school. (Eccles & Roeser, 2009). Proponents of tracking note
that ability grouping allows teachers to design class les-
sons that are more finely tuned to students’ abilities.
Tracking Tracking may be especially useful in high school, where
In some schools, students with different academic abilities students must master certain basic skills before they can
and interests do not attend classes together. Some classes learn such specialized subjects as science, math, or for-
are designated as more challenging and more rigorous, eign languages. Critics of tracking point out, however,
and are reserved for students identified as especially capa- that students in the remedial track receive not just a dif-
ble. Other classes in the same subject area are designated ferent education, but one that’s worse than that provided
as average classes and are taken by most students. Still to those in more advanced tracks (Darling-Hammond,
others are designated as remedial classes and are reserved 1997). Moreover, the effects of tracking are not limited
for students having academic difficulties. The process of to academic outcomes. Schools play an important role in
separating students into different levels of classes within influencing adolescents’ friendship choices. When stu-
the same school is called ability grouping, or tracking. dents are tracked, they tend to socialize only with peers
Not all high schools track students. In some schools, stu- from the same academic group. Tracking can polarize
dents with different abilities take all their classes together. the student body into different subcultures that are often
Even among schools that use tracking, there are hostile toward each other (Eccles & Roeser, 2009).
important differences in how tracking is done (J. Jones, Critics of tracking also point out that decisions about
Vanfossen, & Ensminger, 1995). Some schools are more track placements often discriminate against poor and
inclusive in their tracking, permitting a relatively high ethnic minority students and may hinder rather than
proportion of students into the highest track (including enhance their academic progress (Oakes, 1995). Some
some students whose abilities do not warrant such place- school counselors may assume that ethnic minority or
ment). Other schools are more exclusive, limiting the poor youngsters are not capable of handling the work in
places in the highest track to a privileged few (even if this advanced classes and may automatically assign them to
means placing some high-ability students in the lower average or remedial classes,
tracks). And still other schools are “meritocratic,” plac- where less material is covered tracking
ing students in tracks that accurately match their abilities. and the work is less challeng- The practice of separating
ing. One analysis of national students into ability groups,
so that they take classes with
Pros and Cons of Tracking Educators have debated data found that Black students
peers at the same skill level.
the pros and cons of tracking for years, but research were especially likely to be
164 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

enrolled in lower-track math classes in schools in which test scores), the net effect of tracking over time is to
Blacks are in the minority, even after taking into account increase preexisting academic differences among stu-
students’ qualifications (S. Kelly, 2009). dents. Students who need the most help are assigned to
Not all research indicates that track placements are the tracks in which the quality of instruction is the poor-
biased. Other studies have found that students’ ability est; not surprisingly, studies find that students in lower
has a stronger influence than their background on ini- tracks exert less effort, which also limits their learning
tial track placement (Dauber, Alexander, & Entwisle, (Callahan, 2005; Carbonaro, 2005). Although students
1996), but that middle-class and White students initially in the lower tracks usually get the short end of the edu-
placed in lower tracks are more likely to be moved into cational stick, there are some exceptions—for example,
higher ones, in part because their parents frequently schools in which classes in the lower tracks are taught by
succeed in “lobbying” their child’s school for a higher strong teachers who insist on maintaining high standards
track placement (Hallinan, 1996; Wells & Serna, 1996). (Gamoran, 1993; Hallinan, 1996).
Adolescents from well-off families more frequently con-
sult with their parents about what courses to take than The Effects of Tracking on Student Achievement
do less affluent adolescents, which leads more affluent Hundreds of studies have looked at the impact of
students to take more (and more advanced) math and sci- tracking on student achievement (Hallinan, 1996).
ence classes (Crosnoe & Huston, 2007). Unfortunately, this research suggests both positive and
negative effects and, more importantly, different effects
On the Wrong Track Early track placements set in on students in different tracks. Tracking has positive
motion an educational trajectory that is often difficult effects on the achievement of high-track students, nega-
to change without the deliberate intervention of the stu- tive effects on low-track students, and negligible effects
dent’s parents (Dauber, Alexander, & Entwisle, 1996; on students in the middle (Hallinan, 1996). Because of
Hallinan, 1996; D. Stevenson, Schiller, & Schneider, this, decisions about whether to implement tracking in
1994). And the ways in which students’ schedules are nontracked schools, or whether to “detrack” schools
arranged may lead students to be tracked in several dif- that use tracking, are often controversial. Parents of stu-
ferent subject areas simply because they are tracked in dents in the higher tracks favor the practice, while par-
one class, which makes the effects of tracking even more ents of students in the lower tracks oppose it (Wells &
substantial (Heck, Price, & Thomas, 2004). If the only Serna, 1996).
class period during which advanced math is offered Even in schools that do not have formal tracking,
is the same as the class period during which remedial teachers may group students within the same class
English is taught, a student who is assigned to remedial into ability groups. In such an arrangement, students
English will not be able to take advanced math (Lucas & may have a wider range of peers with whom to com-
Berends, 2002). pare themselves than they would in separate tracks,
Students in different tracks have markedly different since their classes are more diverse in composition. The
opportunities to learn (Gamoran, 1996). Those in the impact of this comparison on both students and teach-
more advanced tracks receive more challenging instruc- ers is quite interesting. For high-ability students, within-
tion and better teaching, and they are more likely to engage classroom ability grouping raises their expectations for
in classroom activities that emphasize critical thinking achievement and raises their teachers’ evaluations of
rather than rote memorization (Darling-Hammond, 1997). them; for low-ability students, the opposite is true: They
As a result, being placed in a more advanced track has a have lowered expectations and get worse grades from
positive influence on school achievement (how much the their teachers (Reuman, 1989). In classes with mixed
student actually learns over time), on subsequent course ability groups, the high-ability students look better, and
selection (what curriculum the student is exposed to), the low-ability students look worse, than they would in
and on ultimate educational attainment (how many years a conventionally tracked school or in a school in which
of schooling the student completes). To the extent that a ability grouping is not used (H. Marsh, Chessor, Craven,
student’s family background influences his or her track & Roche, 1995). As is the case with tracking, within-
placement, tracking has the classroom ability grouping also exposes students in dif-
gifted students effect of maintaining income ferent groups to different levels of educational quality,
Students who are unusually inequality (Oakes, 2005). with students in the high-ability groups receiving more
talented in some aspect of Because students are assi- challenging instruction and more engaging learning
intellectual performance.
gned to different tracks on the experiences (Catsambis, 1992).
learning disability basis of test scores and other
A difficulty with academic tasks indicators of aptitude, and Students at the Extremes Related to the issue of
that cannot be traced to an
because students in the lower tracking are questions concerning the placement of
emotional problem or sensory
dysfunction. tracks receive an inferior edu- individuals who are considered gifted students and of
cation (which leads to lower those who have a learning disability. Adolescents who CHAPTER 6 Schools 165

score 130 or higher on an intelligence test are consid- in students’ regular schools; students who participate in
ered gifted. Adolescents with a learning disability are summer programs for the academically talented don’t
those whose actual performance is significantly poorer seem to suffer psychologically as a consequence (Makel,
than their expected performance (based on intelligence Lee, Olszewki-Kubilius, & Putallaz, 2012).
or aptitude tests, for example) and whose difficulty with Being a big fish in a little pond is also helpful for
academic tasks cannot be traced to an emotional prob- admission to college. One study of some 45,000 appli-
lem, such as coping with a parental divorce, or a sensory cations to three elite universities found that applicants’
dysfunction, such as a visual or hearing impairment. chances of being accepted are greater when they come
Most learning disabilities are neurological in ori- from high schools with a relatively lower proportion
gin (Berninger & Miller, 2011; Shaywitz, Gruen, & of other high-achieving students than when applicants
Shaywitz, 2007). Common types of specific learning with the same credentials come from high schools
disabilities include dyslexia (impaired ability in reading with many other high achievers (Espenshade, Hale, &
or spelling), dysgraphia (impaired ability in handwrit- Chung, 2005). In addition, high-ability students who
ing), and dyscalculia (impaired ability in arithmetic). attend schools where the student body is more diverse
Learning disabilities are common—about one in five also have higher career aspirations, in part because they
school-age children and youth is at risk for a learning feel better about themselves in comparison to their peers
disability, with rates of learning disabilities significantly (Nagengast & Marsh, 2012). There’s a catch, though:
more common among boys than girls (Berninger & Although high-ability students who attend schools with
Miller, 2011). peers who are less talented feel better about themselves,
Educators have debated whether gifted students and they may actually learn less (Wouters, De Fraine, Colpin,
those with learning disabilities are best served by instruc- Van Damme, & Verschuren, 2012).
tion in separate classes (for example, in enriched classes Whereas the big fish–little pond effect suggests that
for gifted students or in special education classes for stu- gifted students might not be better off psychologically
dents with a learning disability) or by mainstreaming, in classes restricted to high-achieving students—and
the integration of all students with special needs into argues in favor of mainstreaming them—it poses a
regular classrooms. Pros and cons of each approach have dilemma for those who favor mainstreaming students
been identified. On the one hand, separate special educa- with learning disabilities. Low-achieving students, when
tion programs can be tailored to meet the specific needs mainstreamed, end up comparing themselves to students
of students and can target educational and professional whose performance is better, and may end up feeling
resources in a cost-effective way. On the other hand, seg- worse about themselves than had they been separated
regating students on the basis of academic ability may into special classes with comparably achieving peers
foster social isolation and stigmatization—either for (H. Marsh & Hau, 2003). Perhaps because of this, even
being “stupid” or for being a “brainiac.” with mainstreaming, adolescents who have learning dis-
Generally, educators favor mainstreaming over sep- abilities may suffer psychological consequences related
arate classrooms for adolescents with special needs. to their problems in school. Compared with average-
(In the case of adolescents with disabilities, main- achieving students, adolescents with learning disabilities
streaming, whenever possible, is required by law in the report more social and behavioral difficulties and more
United States.) Proponents of mainstreaming argue that problems coping with school.
the psychological costs of separating adolescents with They are also more likely than dyslexia
special academic needs from their peers outweigh the other adolescents to have poor Impaired ability in reading or
potential academic benefits. Studies of gifted youngsters peer relations, are less likely spelling.
have found, for example, that those who are integrated to participate in school-based dysgraphia
into regular classrooms have more positive academic extracurricular activities, and Impaired ability in handwriting.
self-conceptions than those assigned to special classes are more likely to drop out of dyscalculia
(H. Marsh et al., 1995), and that these effects persist school (Berninger & Miller, Impaired ability in arithmetic.
even after graduating (H. Marsh, Trautwein, Lüdtke, 2011). Given the tremendous
Baumert, & Köller, 2007). importance society places on The integration of adolescents
One downside to being placed with students of high school success, it is not dif- who have educational handi-
academic ability is that when students compare them- ficult to see why students caps into regular classrooms.
selves to their high-achieving classmates, they don’t who have difficulties learning big fish–little pond effect
feel as competent as they would if their point of com- would suffer psychological as The reason that individuals who
parison were students who were not so smart (Becker well as scholastic problems. attend high school with high-
et al., 2014; Thijs, Verkuyten, & Helmond, 2010). This Experts recommend that ado- achieving peers feel worse
phenomenon, called the big fish–little pond effect, has lescents with learning disabili- about themselves than com-
parably successful individuals
been documented around the world (H. Marsh & Hau, ties receive extra instruction in with lower-achieving peers.
2003). The effect seems to be limited to what goes on study skills, time management,
166 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

attention deficit/hyperactivity
organization skills, note-taking, disorder. Interestingly, individuals who do not have
disorder (ADHD) and proofreading. In addition, ADHD, but who are more hyperactive and impulsive
A biologically based psycho- they may need help in increas- than their peers, show patterns of brain development that
logical disorder characterized ing motivation, dealing with are somewhere between those seen in adolescents with
by impulsivity, inattentiveness,
social and emotional difficulties ADHD and adolescents who have very good impulse
and restlessness, often in
school situations. resulting from problematic peer control, which suggests that ADHD may be an extreme
relationships, overcoming their point on a continuum rather than a qualitatively distinct
reluctance to participate in class category (Shaw et al., 2011).
or seek assistance from teachers, and coping with fears that ADHD is frequently treated with some sort of stim-
they are not as intelligent as other students (which is not ulant medication, such as methylphenidate (Ritalin)
the case) or that they will be failures as adults (Berninger or a combination of amphetamines (e.g., Adderall).
& Miller, 2011). Stimulant medication is helpful in about 70 percent of
cases. Certain types of antidepressants, such as bupro-
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Although pion (Wellbutrin) have also been shown to be effective,
it is not technically a learning disability, adolescents who especially with adolescents who have both ADHD and
have attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) some sort of mood disorder, such as anxiety or depres-
frequently have academic difficulties that can be traced sion. Psychological therapies for ADHD also are widely
to this problem. ADHD is usually diagnosed during used, often in conjunction with medication, although
childhood, but the condition persists into adolescence in such therapies are more commonly used with children
50 to 70% of cases, and into adulthood in about half of all than adolescents (Antshel & Barkley, 2011).
children with the diagnosis (Antshel & Barkley, 2011). One concern about the wide use of stimulant medi-
ADHD is defined by persistent and impairing symp- cation by adolescents with ADHD is that many indi-
toms of inattention, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity, viduals who receive such medication share it with their
although the defining feature of ADHD in adolescence nonafflicted friends, who may use the medication rec-
(as opposed to childhood) is generally inattention, rather reationally or for help with studying (stimulant medica-
than impulsivity or hyperactivity (Sibley et al., 2012). tion improves attention in most individuals, regardless
Adolescents with ADHD are classified into one of three of whether they have ADHD). In addition, students who
subtypes: predominantly inattentive (about 30 to 40% of attend high-pressure schools may use ADHD medication
all cases), predominantly hyperactive/impulsive (fewer selectively to improve their test performance, going on
than 5% of all cases, and rarely seen during adoles- medication during the school year but going off it dur-
cence), or combined (between 50 and 60% of all cases). ing the summer, a practice seen much more in affluent
One reason the prevalence of ADHD declines with age communities than in poorer ones (King, Jennings, &
is that some individuals develop better attention and Fletcher, 2014).
impulse control as they mature from childhood into
adolescence and adulthood. In addition to being at risk
for academic difficulties, individuals with ADHD are
also at risk for a wide range of nonscholastic problems,
including substance abuse, difficulties in delay of grati-
fication, anxiety, problematic peer relations, obesity,
and depression (Demurie, Roeyers, Baeyens, & Sonuga-
Barke, 2012; Khalife et al., 2014; Seymour et al., 2012;
Tseng, Kawabata, Gau, & Crick, 2014). ADHD also is
present in many cases of serious juvenile delinquency.
ADHD is a biological disorder with a strong genetic
component (Chang, Lichtenstein, & Larsson, 2012;
Zheng, Lichtenstein, Asherson, & Larsson, 2013). In
addition, it can be caused by damage to the brain either
prenatally (sometimes caused by maternal smoking or
drinking during pregnancy) or shortly after birth (as
the result of birth complications or low birth weight).
Recent studies of brain development during adoles-
cence point to delays or deficiencies in the develop-
ment of regions that are known to be associated with
Adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
self-regulation, such as the prefrontal cortex; synaptic (ADHD) are frequently prescribed stimulant medication, such
pruning of this region occurs at a slower pace among as Ritalin or Adderall. These medicines are effective in about
individuals with ADHD than among those without the 70 percent of cases. © Chris Gallagher/Science Source CHAPTER 6 Schools 167

Ethnic Composition female students, in part because males are more likely to
be involved in athletics, which provides opportunities for
Following the landmark U.S. Supreme Court rulings in White and minority students to interact (Holland, 2012).
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954, 1955), In addition, in suburban schools to which inner-city
in which the Court found that it was unconstitutional to students are bussed, the view that Black boys are cool
maintain separate schools for children on the basis of and tough leads them to be admired by White boys and
race, many school districts adopted measures designed included in social activities, whereas the stereotypes of
to make schools more diverse. They did this either by Black girls as loud and assertive are off-putting to White
assigning students to schools in a way that would create girls, who aren’t interested in socializing with them (Ispa-
ethnic diversity or by encouraging voluntary desegrega- Landa, 2013).
tion, through measures like having “magnet” schools
that would create diversity by drawing students from dif- Being in the Minority The difficulties associated
ferent neighborhoods (for instance, by having citywide with attending school where one is in a distinct minority
schools specializing in the performing arts). Although are well documented (Phelan, Yu, & Davidson, 1994).
the Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that school districts Consider these excerpts from the researchers’ interviews
may no longer use race as a factor in deciding how to with students:
assign students to schools (R. Barnes, 2007), efforts to
create ethnic and racial diversity through voluntary mea- Ivonne, Mexican American female: Well, I kind of feel
uncomfortable. Not many Mexicans and Hispanics are in
sures are still in use in many cities.
[my] classes. They [other students] probably think of me
as weird, because they probably have this view that most
Effects of Desegregation Studies of the short- Hispanics are dumb or something. They have that opinion,
term effects of desegregation on high school students you know, [Hispanics] get bad grades. So, I don’t know
have been mixed. On the one hand, research indicates why I feel uncomfortable. I just . . . it means you’re not
that desegregation has surprisingly little impact on the really with any other . . . many people. Maybe by the end
achievement levels of either minority or White young- of the year they will realize that I belong. (p. 425)
sters (Entwisle, 1990). In addition, some evidence sug- Trinh, Vietnamese American female: [Because I’m
gests that minority youngsters’ self-esteem is higher Vietnamese] I notice the little things more often than
when they attend schools in which they are in the major- other people. Just like, I don’t really get noticed by all the
ity. In general, students fare better psychologically when popular people. OK, everyone in the class, I know their
the cultural environment of their neighborhood is con- names and everything. . . . Like being Vietnamese . . . like
sonant with the cultural environment of their school they have a lot of Americans in here. That there are more
(Goldsmith, 2004; Seaton & Yip, 2009). In schools of them, and when you’re alone, you’re nervous over little
that mix students from low- and high-income neighbor- things. (p. 425)
hoods, students from low-income neighborhoods actu- Sonia, Mexican American female: Yeah, it’s weird, ’cause
ally do worse than they do when they attend schools that most teachers, you know—White teachers—some
are less socioeconomically diverse, especially if they are of them are kind of prejudiced. . . . It’s probably the
Black or Hispanic (Crosnoe, 2009; Owens, 2010). way they look at you, the way they talk, you know when
Consistent with this, students who have been bused they’re talking about something—about something
to school out of their neighborhood report weaker feel- like when they talk about the people who are going
to drop out, and they . . . look around, look around [at
ings of attachment to their school than do students
you]. . . . And then Mr. Kula, when he’s talking about
whose schools draw directly from the local community teenage pregnancy or something like that. He turns around
(Anderman, 2002). Students’ attachment to school also and he looks at us. It’s like—he tries to look around the
is higher when they attend schools where relatively whole room, so we won’t notice but like he mostly like
more of their classmates are from the same ethnic group tries to tell us, tries to get it through our heads, you know.
(Georgiades, Boyle, & Fife, 2013; M. Johnston, Crosnoe, Sometimes I think he’s prejudiced. And sometimes I think
& Elder, 2001). Students feel safer, less lonely, and less he’s trying to help us. (p. 431)
harassed in relatively more diverse multiethnic schools
(i.e., where the proportions of students from different
ethnic groups are similar) than in multiethnic schools
Alternatives to Public Schools
that are less balanced (Juvonen, Nishina, & Graham, Although the vast majority of students attending second-
2006). In general, though, research suggests that being ary school in America are enrolled in conventional pub-
in the minority in one’s school is hard on students. lic schools, a substantial minority attend private schools,
Male and female students from ethnic minority groups either parochial (i.e., with a religious affiliation) or inde-
often have different experiences with peers when they pendent, or specially created public schools, like charter
attend schools in which they are a small minority. Cross- schools or magnet schools. In the past, researchers cared
ethnic friendships are more common among male than little about studying differences between public schools
168 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

with the most involved parents, to leave public schools,

and that public schools need good students and engaged
parents to function effectively. Is there a way to resolve
this conflict?

Are alternatives to public schools better than public

schools? Although some studies have found that stu-
dents’ test scores are higher in private schools (espe-
cially Catholic schools), this appears to be due more to
the characteristics of the students who attend them than
to the private schools themselves (Braun, Jenkins, &
Grigg, 2006; Hallinan & Kubitschek, 2012; Lubienski &
Lubienski, 2006), although some studies have found gen-
uine advantages for Catholic school students, especially
among poor, inner-city, minority youth (Jeynes, 2002).
Students who attend private school may also be encour-
aged (or required) to take more advanced courses than
Although social scientists disagree over their interpretation,
studies have shown that adolescents who attend parochial
students in public schools, which contributes to their
schools generally achieve at a higher rate than those attending superior performance on achievement tests (Carbonaro
public schools. © Marmaduke St. John/Alamy & Covay, 2010). There is less research on adolescents
who are homeschooled, who account for about 3% of
American adolescents, but it appears to be important
to distinguish between homeschoolers who have strong
and their alternatives. But during the late 1980s and religious ties and those who don’t. Homeschooling for
1990s, many policy makers suggested that one way to adolescents with strong religious ties doesn’t seem to be
improve schools would be to give parents more choice a problem as far as achievement is concerned. But com-
in determining where their child was enrolled, to force pared to teens with similar backgrounds who attend tra-
schools to compete for the best students. There is some ditional schools, homeschooled adolescents with weak
evidence to support this: When information about school religious ties are three times more likely to be behind
test scores is provided to parents, parents choose to send their expected grade level on achievement tests, and only
their children to higher-performing schools, which in half as likely to participate in extracurricular activities
turn increases the students’ achievement (Hastings & (Green-Hennessy, 2014).
Weinstein, 2008). These studies, as well as a large body of research,
One concrete suggestion in this spirit was that states indicate that students’ family background is a far more
provide parents with school vouchers that could be used powerful influence on their achievement than is the
to “purchase” education at a school of their choosing— quality of the schools they attend. Similarly, evaluations
private or public. Another suggestion was that states of the impact of charter schools and voucher programs
permit the development of charter schools—indepen- on student achievement, once students’ background
dent public schools that are freer to operate as they characteristics are taken into account, have not pro-
wish, without some of the constraints imposed by the duced consistent results; at the very least, research indi-
state’s education bureaucracy. In light of these sugges- cates that these are not likely to be “silver bullets” in the
tions, researchers became interested in whether some effort to raise American student achievement (Loveless,
types of schools produced more high-achieving students 2002). This is also true in disadvantaged urban areas,
than others. where it had been hoped that charter schools might be
the solution to the many problems that plague educa-
tion in the inner city. One additional concern is that
in urban areas, the availability of private schools con-
making the practical tributes to racial segregation, because many White stu-
connection dents who would otherwise attend their neighborhood
Providing parents with vouchers that they can use to send public school attend private school instead (Saporito &
their children to private schools has been recommended Sohoni, 2006).
as a way of improving the quality of schools, by creating a The climate of public and private schools, especially
“marketplace” in which schools must compete with each Catholic schools, is often very different. As many writ-
other. Critics of voucher programs argue that vouchers ers have pointed out, a Catholic school is a community
will encourage the families of the most talented students, in which parents, teachers, and students all share similar CHAPTER 6 Schools 169

values and attitudes. Strong communities, whether based class (Dotterer & Lowe, 2011; social capital
in neighborhoods or schools, generate what has been Reyes, Brackett, Rivers, White, The interpersonal resources
called social capital—interpersonal resources that, like & Salovey, 2012). available to an adolescent or
financial capital, give “richer” students advantages over Students and teachers are family.
“poorer” ones. Students profit from the social capital more satisfied in classes that
associated with attending a Catholic school, because combine a moderate degree of
the lessons taught in school are reinforced at home, at structure with high student involvement and high teacher
church, and in the neighborhood, and because the links support, a finding that has emerged in studies of stu-
between home and school are stronger (Teachman et dents from various socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnic
al., 1996). In addition, private schools typically assign groups, and countries (Jia et al., 2009; Vieno, Perkins,
more homework and are more orderly and disciplined Smith, & Santinello, 2005; Way & Robinson, 2003). In
(an important element of the climate in good schools) these classes, teachers encourage students’ participation
(Coleman, Hoffer, & Kilgore, 1982). Students who but do not let the class get out of control. Classes that are
attend private schools (Catholic or otherwise) are sub- too task oriented—particularly those that also empha-
stantially less likely to report feeling unsafe, being size teacher control—make students anxious, uninter-
exposed to gangs, or witnessing fighting between ethnic ested, and unhappy (Moos, 1978). Students do best when
groups (National Center for Education Statistics, 2002). their teachers spend a high proportion of time on lessons
(rather than on setting up equipment or dealing with dis-
cipline problems), begin and end lessons on time, pro-
Classroom Climate vide clear feedback to students about what is expected
of them, and give ample praise to students when they
We have seen that certain elements of the school’s
perform well (Eccles & Roeser, 2011). Students also
social organization—size, age grouping, tracking, and
demonstrate higher achievement when the classroom
so forth—can affect students’ motivation, behavior, and
climate promotes cooperation between students, rather
achievement. But these factors have relatively mod-
than competition (Roseth, Johnson, & Johnson, 2008).
est effects on students, and they are important mainly
One of the strongest influences on how much students
because they influence what takes place in classrooms
enjoy going to school is the extent to which they feel their
and in other school settings. Ultimately, the most impor-
teachers respect and care about them (Hallinan, 2008).
tant school-related influence on learning and psychoso-
Students in schools in which teachers are supportive but firm
cial development during adolescence is what takes place
and maintain high, well-defined standards for behavior and
in the classroom.
academic work have stronger bonds to their school and more
Various aspects of the school climate have important
positive achievement motives; these beliefs and emotions, in
effects on youngsters’ learning and achievement (Eccles
turn, lead to fewer problems, even in the face of stress, as
& Roeser, 2011). How teachers interact with students,
well as better attendance, lower rates of delinquency, more
how classroom time is used, and what sorts of standards
supportive friendships, and higher test scores (Eccles, 2004;
and expectations teachers hold for their students are all
Li & Lerner, 2011; Loukas, Ripperger-Suhler, & Horton,
more important than the size of the school, its ethnic
2009; Rudasill, Sawyer, Spence, & Bjerg).
composition, its approach to ability grouping, or the way
There are many similarities between good teachers
age groups are combined.
and good parents (Wentzel, 2002). The pattern of class-
room variables associated with positive student behavior
The Best Classroom Climate and attitudes is similar to the authoritative family envi-
ronment (Pellerin, 2005). Similarly, an overemphasis
for Adolescents on control in the classroom in the absence of support is
What sort of climate brings out the best in students? The reminiscent of the authoritarian family, whereas a lack of
same factors that influence positive adolescent adjust- clarity and organization is reminiscent of both the indul-
ment at home are important at school. Students achieve gent family and the indifferent family—and these styles
and are engaged more in school when they attend schools in the classroom appear to affect adolescents detrimen-
that are responsive and demanding. Moreover, academic tally, just as they do at home. A recent evaluation of a
functioning and psychological adjustment affect each program designed to improve the ways in which teachers
other, so that a positive school climate—where rela- interact with students found significant improvements in
tionships between students and teachers are positive, student achievement (Allen, Pianta, Gregory, Mikami, &
and teachers are both supportive and demanding— Lun, 2011) (see Figure 4). The combination of positive
enhances adolescents’ psychological well-being as well student-teacher relationships in the context of an orderly
as their achievement (Eccles, 2004; Gutierrez, 2000; and well-managed classroom and school not only facili-
Kalil & Ziol-Guest, 2008; Reddy, Rhodes, & Mulhall, tates academic achievement, but also reduces behavior
2003), mainly by strengthening their engagement in problems (Gregory et al., 2010; Wang, Selman, Dishion,
170 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

500 Eccles & Madon, 1996). Teacher expectations have a

Control Group cumulative long-term impact on student achievement,
495 MyTeachingPartner lowering the performance of students whose teachers
490 perceive them as less capable than they actually are (de
Achievement Test Scores

Boer, Bosker, & van der Werf, 2010). Children from

485 poor families are particularly vulnerable to the effects of
480 teacher expectations, benefiting when expectations are
high but suffering when they are low (Sorhagen, 2013).
475 Which pathway is more powerful—the impact of
student performance on teacher expectations, or the
impact of teacher expectations on student performance?
465 It appears that about 80% of the connection between
teacher expectations and student achievement results
from teachers having accurate perceptions, and about
455 20% is an effect of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Even
Pre-Test Post-Test though the self-fulfilling prophecy effect during any
given school year is relatively small, it can be sizable
FIGURE 4 A recent evaluation of a program designed when accumulated over years of schooling.
to improve the ways in which teachers interact with
Because teachers’ expectations influence students’
students found significant improvements in student
achievement. (Allen et al., 2011)
performance, it is important to understand where these
expectations come from. Unfortunately, teachers are
likely to base their expectations in part on students’
& Stormshak, 2010). Schools that provide both structure ethnic and socioeconomic background. In much the
and support have lower rates of suspension than other same way that these factors sometimes influence track-
schools (Gregory, Cornell, & Fan, 2011). ing decisions, they may consciously and unconsciously
shape teachers’ expectations. Teachers may call on poor
Teacher Expectations and or minority students less often than they call on affluent
or White students—conveying a not-so-subtle message
Student Performance about whose responses the teacher believes are more
There is a strong correlation between teacher expecta- worthy of class attention (Eccles & Roeser, 2011).
tions and student performance. This is both because Several studies report that Black and Latino students
teachers’ expectations are often accurate reflections perceive their teachers as having low expectations and
of their students’ ability, and because teacher expecta- holding stereotypes about their likelihood of misbehaving
tions actually create “self-fulfilling prophecies” that (M. B. Spencer, 2005). White teachers rate the misbehav-
ultimately influence how their students behave (Jussim, ior of Black students more harshly than do Black teachers
(D. Downey & Pribesh, 2004), and this leads to Black stu-
dents receiving harsher discipline and more severe punish-
ments than their peers receive for the same infractions. Not
all minority students are perceived negatively by White
teachers, however: Asian students are actually viewed
more positively than White students, and White teachers’
perceptions of Latino students don’t differ from their per-
ceptions of White students (McGrady & Reynolds, 2013).
There is also evidence that teachers are more likely to
give undeserved positive feedback to students who have
done poor work when the students are Black or Latino
than when they are White, which undermines minor-
ity students’ achievement by lowering the standards to
which they are held (Harber et al., 2012). It’s not diffi-
cult to see how years of exposure to this sort of treatment
can adversely affect students’ self-concepts and interest
in school. Imagine confronting the situation described
by this Black high school junior:
So I had this um teacher where she taught basically
Student performance influences, and is influenced by, teacher all my subjects, and um she would give, I noticed my
expectations. © Hero images/Glow Images RF math for instance, I noticed that she would be giving the CHAPTER 6 Schools 171

Caucasian students different math work than me. So she

just assumed like I didn’t have the ability to do what they
were doing. . . . I was like the only person who had differ-
ent work and I would work so hard in her class, like I did
everything I was suppose to do. (Hope, Skoog, & Jagers,
2014, p. 97)

Teachers’ biases against lower-class or minority ado-

lescents may make it difficult for students from these
groups to attain a level of academic accomplishment that
permits upward mobility. In addition, biased treatment by
teachers—having low expectations for some ethnic groups
and high expectations for others—can increase student
alienation and feelings of hostility between students from
different ethnic groups (Debnam, Johnson, Waasdorp, &
Bradshaw, 2014; Rosenbloom & Way, 2004).
Parents also play an important role in the links One reason so many teenagers complain of boredom in school
is that few school hours are spent in activities that engage them
between teacher expectations and student achievement. intellectually or encourage critical thinking. © David Lassman/
One recent study of Latino students found that how Syracuse Newspapers/The Image Works
involved a student’s parents were in school influenced
their high school children’s achievement directly (ado-
lescents whose parents are involved in school perform adolescents is reciprocal—parents influence how their
better than their peers) but also affected teachers’ expec- teenagers develop, but teenagers influence what their
tations for their child’s achievement, which, in turn, led parents do—so is the relationship between teachers and
to better student performance (see Figure 5) (Kuperminc, their students. Effective teachers can engage and excite
Darnell, & Alvarez-Jiminez, 2008). Other research has their students, and engaged and excited students can
found that one factor that helps protect low-income stu- motivate their teachers to be more effective. Students
dents against the impact of low teacher expectations is who are engaged in school profit more than just aca-
having high expectations for achievement from their par- demically from it: It enhances their mental health
ents (Benner & Mistry, 2007). and protects them against the harmful effects of fam-
ily problems, stress, and victimization (Crespo, Jose,
Kielpikowski, & Pryor, 2013; Debnam et al., 2014;
The Importance of Student Loukas & Pasch, 2013; Wang & Peck, 2013; Wood
Engagement et al., 2012). Year-to-year fluctuations in high school
students’ connection to school are correlated with year-
It is important to keep in mind that students, as well
to-year fluctuations in how much they say they that they
as teachers, influence the classroom climate. In much
believe school is interesting and valuable (Gillen-O’Neal
the same way that the relationship between parents and
& Fuligni, 2013).
According to national surveys, levels of student
engagement and excitement in American schools are
Teacher low. Many students are just going through the motions
expectations when they are in school, and high school teachers
often confront a roomful of students who are physi-
Academic cally present but psychologically absent (Steinberg,
1996). This is a shame, because engaging students
in school is also good for their overall mental health:
Parent school
involvement Students who are disengaged from school are more
Grade point likely to misbehave and engage in substance use,
average both because doing poorly in school leads to problem
behavior and because students who engage in problem
School behavior are evaluated more
belonging negatively by their teachers student engagement
(G. C. Patton et al., 2006; Payne, The extent to which students
Figure 5 Parent involvement in school influences their 2009; Zimmerman, Schute, are psychologically committed
Taskinen, and Koller, 2013). to learning and mastering the
high school children’s achievement, both directly and
material rather than simply
indirectly, by raising teachers’ expectations for their Disengagement in school
completing the assigned work.
child’s performance. (Kuperminc et al., 2008) comes in different forms (see
172 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

Table 1 Typology of engagement

Engagement Enjoy Put in effort See value

type Affective Behavioral Cognitive Example
Purposefully √ √ A student studies hard for a calculus test because he
engaged knows that understanding the material and doing
well on the test are important to achieving his future
goals; he does not enjoy the studying however.
Fully engaged √ √ √ A student enjoys creating a documentary film project
with her peers because she cares deeply about
the topic, and she sees the assignment as a
worthwhile use of her time. She spends a lot of
time and effort working on this project.
Rationally √ A student sees the importance of learning about
engaged global warming in Earth Science class, but he is
not willing to exert effort required to concentrate
and take notes because he finds the teachers’
lecture to be excruciatingly boring.
Busily √ A student works hard to get her homework
engaged completed accurately, though she does not
particularly care about the material or the
questions. Nor does she see their relevance
to her interests and aspirations. She finds the
prefabricated worksheets she must complete to
be boring and monotonous.
Pleasurably √ A student enjoys listening to his teacher relay stories
engaged about World War I; however, he does not value this
topic or see it as relevant. He does not take notes,
he does not concentrate on the details the teacher
shares, and he allows his mind to wander occasionally.
Mentally √ √ A student enjoys working on her project in art class
engaged and she cares about mastering the technique;
however, it is the day before spring break and
she is not putting a lot of thought or effort into
her project. She is just trying to get it done
quickly so the class can have a party.
Recreationally √ √ A student works hard to help his group-mates score
engaged more points than any other group during a game
in class; he is thinking hard and reviewing his
notes carefully to find the correct answers, and he
is having fun with his peers, enjoying the game
and the friendly competition; however, when
asked if he values either the material the class
is reviewing or the skills he may be developing
by playing the game, he says, “No. They are not
connected to my larger goals.”

Table 1). Some disengaged students show their lack of Different forms of engagement feed on each other—
interest in school through their behavior, by not showing someone who starts to feel disconnected from school
up regularly or failing to complete assignments. Others (emotional disengagement) is more likely to start skipping
disengage emotionally, losing interest in school and feel- school (behavioral disengagement), which in turn increases
ing that school is depressing or an unsafe place. Still oth- the likelihood that he or she will lose interest (cognitive
ers disengage cognitively, checking out mentally when disengagement) (Wang & Fredericks, 2014). Not surpris-
they are in class and devoting little effort to their school- ingly, students who are only minimally engaged in school
work (Wang & Peck, 2012). In one study, about one-sixth in 9th grade were more likely to drop out before graduat-
of students were disengaged behaviorally, cognitively, and ing, less likely to enroll in college, and more likely to be
emotionally (“minimally engaged”), whereas an equal depressed (although students who were just emotionally
proportion were engaged in all three ways (see Figure 6). disengaged reported the highest rates of depression). CHAPTER 6 Schools 173

1.5 Figure 6 Only about one-

sixth of students are highly
engaged in high school.
About one-third are disen-
gaged either behaviorally,
0.5 emotionally, or cognitively.
(Wang & Peck, 2012)



Moderately Highly Minimally Emotionally Cognitively
engaged (46%) engaged (17%) engaged (14%) disengaged (10%) disengaged (12%)

Behavioral engagement Emotional engagement Cognitive engagement

Boring Classes, Bored Students In view of this, two-thirds of students are not fully engaged; they work
several writers have suggested that if we want to under- hard, but they don’t enjoy their schoolwork or find it
stand the impact of classroom climate on student achieve- valuable. And this lack of engagement is associated with
ment, we need to better understand how to enhance more frequent reports of school stress, cheating, and a
student engagement—the extent to which students are variety of stress-related disorders, including depression,
psychologically committed to learning and mastering aggression, and psychosomatic problems, such as head-
the material rather than simply completing the assigned aches and exhaustion (Conner & Pope, 2013).
work (Steinberg, 2014). Students frequently say they are Here’s a sobering account from a researcher who
bored while in school—especially high school students, spent more than 500 hours observing classes in 20 dif-
who find school far more boring than do middle school ferent high schools (Fine, 2014, p. 3):
students. As you can see in Figure 7, students are bored Most of these schools were . . . fairly bleak places to spend
for most of the time on weekdays between 8:00 A.M. and time in. The tone of the teaching . . . seemed to reflect an
3:00 P.M., and the improvement in their mood seems to uneasy truce between the adults and their charges. Most
have more to do with the school day ending than with classrooms were places to passively sit and listen. Most
any special activity that takes place in the evening. The work was comprised of tasks that asked students to recall or
make-work, routinized, rigid structure of most class- minimally apply what they had been told. At best, being in
rooms, in which teachers lecture at students rather than high school seemed to represent an investment in building
engage them in discussion, alienates many adolescents an arsenal of facts and skills that might pave the way for
from school and undermines their desire to achieve. interesting work in college and beyond; at worst, it was a
way to wait out the four years before becoming a legal adult.
The notion that many students feel disengaged from
school—unchallenged and bored—has been borne out Think back to your own high school experience.
in numerous studies of contemporary American students What distinguished the good classes from the tedious
(Steinberg, 2014). Even in high-achieving schools, about ones? Students are engaged when teachers provide

Excited 0.2 Figure 7 Studies of fluctua-

tions in adolescents’ mood over
0.1 the course of the day show that
5th–8th grade students—especially high school
0 students—feel bored most of the

time they are in school.

–0.1 (Larson & Richards, 1998)

–0.2 9th–12th grade

Bored –0.3
8–9 A.M. 10–11 12–1 P.M. 2–3 4–5 6–7 8–9
174 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

opportunities for students to genuinely display their jeopardize their school performance (Mahoney et al.,
competencies, when schools facilitate students’ feel- 2009; Staff, Messersmith, & Schulenberg, 2009).
ings of belonging to their school, and when students are
assigned work that is “authentic”—challenging, fun, School Violence
and relevant to the real world (Marks, 2000; Newmann,
1992). There is nothing more alienating to students than A sad fact of life in contemporary America is that many
being asked to perform tasks that are boring, uninterest- students attend schools in which serious disruption—
ing, and irrelevant. One evaluation of an intervention even violence—is an all-too-prevalent feature of the
designed to help students make connections between school climate (Noguera, 1995; Vaughan et al., 1996).
their lives and what they were learning in science classes According to a national survey of secondary school
improved engagement and achievement among students students in American public schools, 1 out of every
who had low expectations about how well they would do 4 students has been a victim of violence in or around
(Hulleman & Harackiewicz, 2009). school, and 1 out of 6 is worried about being physically
attacked or hurt there. Violence against teachers is also
Out-of-School Influences on Student Engagement all too common. Each year, nearly 300,000 American
Teachers and school personnel, of course, are not the teachers (about 1 out of every 12 teachers) are threat-
only influences on adolescents’ behavior in school. The ened, and in half of these incidents, the teachers have
peer group’s support, values, and norms also exert an been physically attacked (Espelage et al., 2013).
important influence, especially in high school (Wang These problems are especially common in middle
& Eccles, 2012). Adolescents with friends who support schools (Nolle, Guerino, & Dinkes, 2007). One study
academic achievement are more likely to feel connected found that nearly half of all middle schoolers had been
to their school. Those with antisocial friends are more threatened at school (Flannery, Weseter, & Singer,
likely to feel alienated. 2004). In another study, of 6th-graders attending a mul-
High schools vary a great deal in the extent to which tiethnic school in Los Angeles, half the students sur-
the prevailing peer culture emphasizes academic suc- veyed reported having been verbally harassed during
cess as a route toward status and popularity. In schools the previous 2 weeks, and about one-fifth said they had
in which academic success is not valued, students are been physically victimized (Nishina & Juvonen, 2005).
less likely to achieve grades that match their ability. A Generally speaking, victimization is less common in
bright student who attends a school in which getting more ethnically diverse schools, but within such schools,
good grades is frowned upon by other students will actu- students who are in the smallest minority are the most
ally get lower grades than he or she would in a school likely to be victimized (Felix & You, 2011). Violence is
in which scholastic success is generally admired. Even more common in overcrowded schools located in poor
within the same school, cliques and crowds differ enor- urban neighborhoods (Khoury-Kassabri, Benbenishty,
mously in the extent to which they encourage or discour- Astor, & Zeira, 2004).
age academic success. Some peer groups (for instance, Interviews with students who live in communities
the “brains”) place a great deal of pressure on their where violence is common illuminate the ways in which
members to succeed in school and may engage in behav- these youngsters manage their day-to-day activities to
iors (such as studying together) that promote academic avoid exposing themselves to harm (Irwin, 2004). Some
success. Other groups, in contrast, may actively discour- make sure that they steer clear of students who have rep-
age scholastic efforts and disparage success. utations for violent behavior and go out of their way to
Other researchers have focused on adolescents’ expe- act friendly if they can’t avoid them. Others learn which
riences outside of school—at home, at work, and in parts of town to avoid. Still others befriend peers who
extracurricular activities—and on the impact of those can serve as protectors, as this 16-year-old Latina did
experiences on their school achievement and engagement after someone at her school threatened to kill her:
(Dotterer, McHale, & Crouter, 2007; Mahoney, Vandell, I got so scared. I didn’t know what to do. I ran in the house
Simpkins, & Zarrett, 2009). Students whose parents are and called my friend Daryl and I was really crying and
involved in school activities (such as parent–teacher con- [said] “I don’t know what to do.” And Daryl’s all, “What’s
ferences and “back-to-school” nights), who encourage his number? What’s his number?” And I gave it to him.
and emphasize academic success, and who use authori- Since that day, that same guy will leave me alone because
tative parenting practices do better in secondary school Daryl went up to him and told him he better leave me
alone or else something is going to happen to him and his
than their peers (A. Gregory & Weinstein, 2004; N. E.
family. (Irwin, 2004, pp. 467–468)
Hill & Tyson, 2009; Simons-Morton & Chen, 2009).
After-school employment and extracurricular participa- One study of violence in a multiethnic, urban high
tion also affect school achievement. Generally speaking, school found that Asian students were often the vic-
involvement in school-based extracurricular activities tims of violence and verbal harassment at the hands of
strengthens students’ attachment to school. In contrast, their Black and Latino classmates, in part because they
students who overextend themselves on the job may believed that teachers favored Asians and discriminated CHAPTER 6 Schools 175

against their non-Asian classmates (Rosenbloom & Way, girl described the situation at
2004). According to the researchers: her high school, as recounted zero tolerance
by two researchers who were A get-tough approach to
Students reported random “slappings” by male and female adolescent misbehavior that
doing field work there (Hardie
peers as they walked through the hallways. Slappings are responds seriously or exces-
quick, pop shots, often to the head or body as students & Tyson, 2013): sively to the first infraction.
passed one another in the hall or anywhere else. Asian stu- [T]he student … spontane-
dents described them as unnerving, randomly occurring, ously remarked that she thought the school was racist.
and humiliating violations that are particularly harrowing She explained that she had six tardies from her homeroom
for the boys when girls slap them. . . . Along with the slap- teacher but that when she was there on time, she would
pings, Asian American students were observed and reported see white students come in late and not get tardies. She
being pushed, punched, teased, and mocked by their non- insisted that black students received tardies even if they
Asian American peers. (Rosenbloom & Way, 2004, p. 433) walked into the room as the bell was sounding. (p. 96)
Experts disagree about how best to respond to vio- Another student described something similar:
lence in schools. Some educators have suggested that
schools should refer aggressive students to law enforce- Like, if we [Black students], one of us say anything, it
ment, and many schools have police officers on duty to don’t even have to be a cussword, anything like that, it’s
deter assaults and arrest students who cause trouble. But automatically you’re suspended or something like that.
But I know one of my friends took somebody to the office
some writers contend that the new, get-tough approach
because they was cussing and acting a fool to her, who
to violence prevention in schools—referred to as zero
was—he was a white student, my friend was black. And
tolerance—has not helped. Suspending or expelling stu- he didn’t get into trouble. It was like [the administrator
dents from school increases their likelihood of getting thought], “I knew he wouldn’t do that.” (p. 97)
into further trouble (Monahan, VanDerhei, Bechtold, &
Cauffman, 2014). School violence is more effectively Among the many recommendations offered by a
reduced through programs that attempt to create a more task force of the American Psychological Association,
humane climate (American Psychological Association after a careful review of the research evidence, are that
[APA] Zero Tolerance Task Force, 2008). One unin- schools define infractions carefully and train staff in
tended consequence of zero-tolerance policies is that how to respond appropriately, reserve suspension or
many students end up with arrest records and contact expulsion for only the most serious disruptive behavior,
with the justice system for acts that in the past would have require school police officers to have training in adoles-
been treated as disciplinary infractions by school officials cent development, and implement preventive measures to
(Casella, 2003). This has a disproportionate impact on improve school climate and increase students’ attachment
Black students, who are more likely than others to report to school. Students who are at risk for misbehavior in
that school rules are unfair and inconsistently enforced, school are less likely to get into trouble in schools where
and to be suspended or expelled, even though they are no students generally feel more connected to school than in
more likely to commit the sorts of acts that would warrant schools where students are more alienated (see Figure 8)
these responses (APA Zero Tolerance Task Force, 2008; (Vogel & Barton, 2013). Of course, one of the ways to do
Kupchik & Ellis, 2008). Here’s how one ethnic minority this would be to reduce the number of disruptive students,

Figure 8 Impulsive adolescents are more 0.2

likely to be violent in school, but the degree
Probability of carrying weapon to school

to which the student body feels connected
makes a big difference. In this study, impul- 0.16
sive students were twice as likely to carry a
gun in schools with alienated students than in
schools with more attached ones. 0.12
(Vogel & Barton, 2011)
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Level of self-reported impulsivity
School connectness one standard deviation above mean
School connectedness one standard deviation below mean
176 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

by intervening to change their behavior at an earlier age colleges and, to a lesser extent, universities had existed
(LeBlanc, Swisher, Vitaro, & Tremblay, 2008). for some time previously, not until the latter part of the
nineteenth century did diversity in institutions of higher
Lethal School Violence A series of widely pub- education begin to develop. Early postsecondary insti-
licized school shootings in the United States—such tutions were typically small, private, liberal arts acad-
as the school shootings at Columbine High School or emies, often with a strong theological emphasis. But
Sandy Hook Elementary School—has drawn national during a relatively brief period bridging the nineteenth
attention to the problem of lethal school violence and twentieth centuries, these colleges were joined by a
(M. Moore, Petrie, Braga, & McLaughlin, 2003). As host of other types of institutions, including large private
with many topics that generate a great deal of attention universities, technical colleges, professional schools,
in the media, much of what was asserted about school publicly financed state universities, land grant colleges,
shootings has turned out not to be the case. Although urban universities, and two-year community colleges
violence in schools is indeed a significant problem, (Brubacher & Rudy, 1976).
lethal school shootings are extremely rare events, espe-
cially when you consider the number of schools and The Growth of College Enrollment Although post-
students in the United States (there are about 50 mil- secondary educational institutions multiplied and became
lion schoolchildren in the United States, and fewer than more varied during the early twentieth century, enroll-
20 students are killed in American schools each year) ment in college was still a privilege enjoyed by very few
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014b). young people until the 1960s. In 1900, only 4% of the 18-
Far more children and adolescents are killed at home to 21-year-old population was enrolled in college, and
or in the community than in or around school; indeed, by 1930, the proportion had grown only to 12%. Even
schools are among the safest places for adolescents to be as recently as 1950, fewer than 1 in 5 young people were
(Mulvey & Cauffman, 2001). In fact, an American ado- enrolled in college (Church, 1976). During the first half
lescent is 4 times more likely to be struck by lightning of the twentieth century, then, colleges and universities
than to be shot in school (Steinberg, 2001)! In addition, were not prominent in the lives of most American youth.
although the school shootings that garnered public atten- Postsecondary education grew dramatically between
tion generally involved White youth, a disproportionate 1950 and 1970, paralleling the rise of secondary edu-
number of homicides in schools involve non-White youth, cation between 1920 and 1940. By 1960, one-third of
both as perpetrators and victims (M. Anderson et al., all young people were entering college directly from
2001). Perhaps most importantly, it is virtually impossible high school. Today, more than two-thirds of high school
to predict which students will commit acts of lethal vio- graduates enroll in college immediately after gradua-
lence (Mulvey & Cauffman, 2001). Boys, students with tion (National Center for Education Statistics, 2015).
mental health problems, and adolescents who have easy The increase in enrollments has been especially dra-
access to guns are more likely than others to be involved matic among women. In 1970, close to 70% of under-
in school shootings (M. Moore et al., 2003), but identi- graduates were male; by the end of this decade, it is
fying the specific students with these characteristics who estimated that about 60% of all college students will be
will commit lethal crimes in school is a different matter female (National Center for Education Statistics, 2012).
altogether. Most experts believe that, in the absence of a Although there were large increases in the enrollment
proven means of identifying in advance adolescents who of minority youth in higher education during the 1970s,
will commit acts of lethal violence in school, the most the proportion fell during the early 1980s, primarily
effective policy involves limiting adolescents’ access because of reductions in the availability of financial
to guns and identifying and treating young people with aid (Baker & Velez, 1996). Today, among high school
mental health problems (M. Moore et al., 2003). It is also graduates, 80% of Asian American students, two-thirds
essential to create a school climate in which students feel of White and Hispanic students, and nearly 60% of
responsible for one another and are willing to take action Black students go directly into college (see Figure 9).
if they hear a peer talking about “doing something dan- Youth from immigrant families, despite the fact that
gerous” (Flanagan & Stout, 2010; Syvertsen, Flanagan, & their parents typically did not attend American colleges
Stout, 2009). themselves, and despite often having to support their
family financially, are just as likely to enroll in and suc-
ceed in college as are American-born youth (Fuligni &
Beyond High School Witkow, 2004).
The College-Bound American Postsecondary Education If there are
The early twentieth century was an important time in two dominant characteristics that distinguish the devel-
the United States for the development not only of sec- opment of postsecondary education in contemporary
ondary schools but higher education as well. Although America from that in other parts of the world, they CHAPTER 6 Schools 177





1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014

Figure 9 Rates of college enrollment immediately after high school have risen over time. (Data were not separated
out for Asian American students prior to 2003.) (National Center for Education Statistics, 2015)

are diversity and accessibility (Brubacher & Rudy, The Transition from High School to College In
1976). In countries other than the United States, post- some respects, the transition from high school to col-
secondary education is likely to be monopolized by lege parallels the transition from elementary to second-
monolithic public universities. Individuals are often ary school. For many students, going to college means
separated into college and non-college-bound tracks entering an even larger, more formidable, and more
early in adolescence, typically on the basis of standard- impersonal environment. For some, the transition may
ized national examinations. In fact, rather than housing coincide with other life changes, such as leaving home,
all high school students in comprehensive high schools breaking off or beginning an important romantic rela-
such as those found in the United States, most other tionship, or having to manage their own residence or
industrialized nations separate students during early finances for the first time. Many Latino students report
or middle adolescence into schools for college-bound that family obligations and financial responsibilities, in
youngsters and schools designed to provide vocational combination with commitments to school and work, can
and technical education. In the United States, the post- make the transition to college especially stressful, par-
secondary education system is composed of a wide ticularly for second-generation students, who may feel
variety of public and private two- and four-year institu- caught between the challenges of adapting to the univer-
tions, some emphasizing a liberal arts education and sity environment and the demands placed on them by
others focusing more on technical, vocational, and pre- their parents (Nuñez, 2009).
professional training. As a consequence of all these factors, although many
The goals of students attending college in the United more American adolescents enroll in college today than
States also vary greatly. The population of individu- in previous years, a very large number do not gradu-
als enrolled in community college, which tends to be ate. The United States has the lowest college comple-
older than that attending four-year institutions, includes tion rate in the industrialized world (Steinberg, 2014).
highly committed students who intend to transfer to a Fewer than 60% of all students who enroll in a four-year
four-year college or are working toward a specific asso- college complete their degree within 6 years; at private,
ciate’s degree or certificate (together, about half of all for-profit schools, this figure is less than 25% (National
community college students). But it also includes stu- Center for Education Statistics, 2014). Perhaps as a con-
dents who are less committed and not sure why they sequence of increasing accessibility, poor matching,
are going to school (and whose attendance is sporadic), and a lack of “consumer” knowledge among college
as well as some who are just taking a course here or applicants, rates of college attrition are extremely high:
there out of interest in the subject matter. Similar vari- Nearly one-third of students who enter a full-time, two-
ability in commitment and goals likely characterizes the year college program drop out after just 1 year, as do
population of students enrolled in four-year colleges about one-fifth of students who enter a four-year college
and universities. (Steinberg, 2014). And while many of the students who
178 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

leave after 1 year eventually finish their degree program, to these students. Some critics have suggested that we
if not necessarily at the same school they started in, one- should spend just as much time and money helping the
third of all students who enroll in college never finish. other third of the adolescent population make their transi-
In other words, although a great deal has been done to tion into adulthood as smooth as possible (Wald, 2005).
make college entrance more likely, rates of college grad- We noted earlier that opportunities for learning and for
uation lag far behind rates of enrollment. critical thinking are much greater in college-prep classes
than in the general or vocational tracks. In addition, stu-
dents who are not headed for college—some by choice,
The Non-College-Bound others by unavoidable circumstance—find that their
The problems associated with moving from high school high schools have not prepared them at all for the world
to college pale in comparison with those associated with of work. Even those who complete school and earn a
not going to college at all. College graduates earn substan- diploma—who have done what they were supposed to do
tially more income than do individuals who attend college as adolescents—may have a hard time finding employ-
but do not graduate (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015) (see ment and a nearly impossible time finding a satisfying,
Figure 10). Individuals who drop out of high school before well-paying job. As a consequence, many individuals who
graduation fare especially poorly economically and suf- do not go to college spend their early adult years floun-
fer a wide range of problems, including unemployment, dering between periods of part-time work, underemploy-
delinquency, unintended pregnancy, and substance abuse. ment (working at a job that is less challenging than they
One of the unfortunate by-products of our having would like or are qualified for), and unemployment.
made postsecondary education so accessible—and so As manufacturing jobs began to be replaced by
expected—is that we have turned our backs on individu- minimum-wage service jobs, the chances of making a
als who do not go directly to college, even though they decent living without a college degree has worsened
compose one-third of the adolescent population. Our appreciably. Today, young adults without college expe-
secondary schools are geared almost exclusively toward rience often must try to make ends meet on minimum-
college-bound youngsters (Krei & Rosenbaum, 2001). In wage jobs, which offer little in the way of promotion
most contemporary American high schools, counseling is or advancement. The economic problems faced by
geared toward helping college-bound students continue non-college-bound youth have been compounded by
their education. Billions of dollars, in the form of finan- the escalating costs of such essentials as housing and
cial aid and subsidized public college tuition, are given health care. It’s not surprising that rates of depression

Earnings and unemployment rates by educational attainment

Unemployment rate in 2014 ( %) Median weekly earnings in 2014 ($)

2.1 Doctoral degree 1,591

1.9 Professional degree 1,639

2.8 Master’s degree 1,326

3.5 Bachelor’s degree 1,101

4.5 Associate’s degree 792

Some college,
6.0 741
no degree

6.0 High school diploma 668

Less than a
9.0 488
high school diploma
All workers: 5% All workers: $839

Figure 10 Individuals with more years of education earn more and are more likely to be employed. One important
change that has taken place in recent years is a decline in the value of going to college but not finishing. Completing
a few years of college without getting a degree provides little advantage over just graduating from high school.
(Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015)

Note: Data are for persons age 25 and over. Earnings are for full-time wage and salary workers.
Source: Current Population Survey, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. CHAPTER 6 Schools 179

are significantly higher among young adults who are not Innovative projects replace rote memorization as a way
in school than among those who are, and they are espe- of encouraging learning. Students are challenged to
cially high among individuals who are neither in school think critically and to debate important issues, rather
nor steadily employed (Aseltine & Gore, 2005). than being asked simply to regurgitate yesterday’s les-
sons (Eccles & Roeser, 2011).
Finally, good schools for adolescents are staffed by
Schools and Adolescent teachers who are well-qualified and who have received
specific training in teaching adolescents. Studies con-
Development ducted in many different countries find that students
who attend schools with a high proportion of teachers
Characteristics of Good Schools who are certified, who majored in the subject they are
Despite all the debate about how secondary schools teaching, and who are experienced achieve more and are
ought to be organized and reformed, there is a fair more likely to graduate than their peers in schools with
degree of consensus among experts about the char- less qualified teachers. Unfortunately, schools that serve
acteristics of good schools for adolescents (Eccles & the most needy students—from poor families or with
Roeser, 2011), at least as far as student achievement is limited language skills—are least likely to have qualified
concerned. First and foremost, good schools emphasize teachers (Eccles & Roeser, 2011).
intellectual activities (Ravitch, 2000). They create this
atmosphere in different ways, depending on the nature
and size of the student body, but in these good schools,
a common purpose—quality education—is valued and
making the personal
shared by students, teachers, administrators, and par- connection
ents (V. Lee, Smith, & Croninger, 1994). Learning is Based on the criteria of good schools discussed in this
more important to students than athletics or extracur- chapter, how would you rate the high school that you
ricular activities, and seeing that students learn is more attended?
important to teachers and administrators than seeing
that they graduate. All students are expected to learn,
and all students are taught by teachers who use proven The Effects of School on
instructional methods.
Second, good schools have teachers who are com-
Adolescent Development
mitted to their students and who are given freedom and Whatever the shortcomings of schools, staying in school
autonomy by administrators in the way that they express is preferable to dropping out, not only in terms of future
this commitment in the classroom (V. Lee & Smith, earnings but in terms of intellectual development as
1996; V. Lee et al., 1997). In all schools, of course, well. When Norway some years ago increased the
teachers have curricular requirements that they must number of years of schooling it required adolescents to
fulfill. But in good schools, teachers are given relatively complete, the average IQ of the young adult population
more authority to decide how their lessons are planned increased significantly (Brinch & Galloway, 2012). In
and how their classes are conducted. When teachers are general, though, schooling affects adolescents’ achieve-
given a say in school governance, they find it easier to ment scores more than their performance on tests of cog-
commit to the shared values of the institution. nitive skills, such as memory, suggesting that the impact
Third, good schools are well integrated into the com- of school may be primarily through students’ acquisition
munities they serve (Eccles & Roeser, 2009). Active of new information, rather than improved information
attempts are made to involve parents in education, which processing abilities (Finn et al., 2014).
is an important influence on student achievement and a Although evidence on the impact of schooling on
deterrent against dropping out (Rumberger & Palardy, information processing abilities is limited, research on
2005). Links are forged between the high school and the effects of schooling on tests of achievement is not.
local colleges and universities, so that advanced stu- One study contrasted the performance of dropouts and
dents may take more challenging and more stimulating graduates on a battery of standardized tests of achieve-
courses for high school credit. Bridges are built between ment administered during late adolescence (Alexander,
the high school and local employers, so that students Natriello, & Pallas, 1985). The study took into account
begin to see the relevance of their high school education differences in achievement levels that existed before the
to their occupational futures. dropouts had left school (2 years before the assessment
Fourth, good schools are composed of good class- was conducted), because dropouts are more likely than
rooms, where students are active participants in the graduates to show achievement problems early in their
process of education, not passive recipients of lecture education. Compared with the dropouts, adolescents
material. The atmosphere is orderly but not oppressive. who stayed in school gained far more intellectually over
180 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

the 2-year interval in a variety of content areas. More through loud and clear when adolescents are asked
importantly, the results showed that the adverse effects about their classroom experiences. But there are many
of dropping out were most intense among socioeconom- good schools in which students not only learn the aca-
ically disadvantaged youth. Paradoxically, then, those demic material taught in classes but also learn about
students who are most likely to leave school prior to themselves, their relationships with others, and society.
graduation are the most harmed by doing so. Attending a school that has a positive climate can even
One other way of assessing the contribution of help protect against some of the adverse effects of expo-
schools to adolescents’ intellectual development is by sure to the sort of family environment or peer group that
comparing changes in knowledge during the school year increases the risk of alcohol and drug use (Mayberry,
with changes during the summer. Several studies have Espelage, & Koenig, 2009).
done just this (e.g., H. Cooper, Charlton, Valentine, & It is also important to recognize that despite adults’
Muhlenbruck, 2000). Using information about the aca- intentions and objectives, students do not view school
demic progress of students measured at three points in solely in terms of its academic agenda. Adults may
time—the beginning of the school year, the end of the evaluate schools in terms of their contribution to ado-
school year, and the beginning of the next school year— lescents’ cognitive and career development, but for the
researchers were able to see how the academic progress typical adolescent, school is a primary setting for social-
of students during the summer compared with their aca- izing. Students’ happiness in school is most influenced
demic progress during the school session. Among higher by their relationships with their peers (M. Z. Booth &
socioeconomic status (SES) students, academic prog- Sheehan, 2008). When we ask about the consequences
ress during the school year was comparable to that dur- of leaving school early, then, we must take into account
ing the summer, in large measure because their parents the impact this may have on the individual’s social, as
encouraged them to continue at least some intellectual well as cognitive, development.
pursuits over summer vacation. Among disadvantaged Studies also show that students’ experiences within a
students, however, the pattern was different. Although school can vary widely according to their track, their peer
their rates of progress during the school year were more group, and their extracurricular activities. Academically
or less equal to those of higher-SES students, during talented and economically advantaged students have a
the summer months, disadvantaged students’ scores more positive experience in school than their less capa-
declined. In other words, if it were not for the effects ble or less affluent counterparts do—positive not only
of school on cognitive development, the discrepancy with respect to what they learn in class but also with
between affluent and poor youngsters’ achievement respect to the impact of school on their feelings about
scores would be much greater than it currently is. One themselves as individuals. They receive more attention
benefit of summer school for disadvantaged students is from their teachers, are more likely to hold positions of
that it diminishes the decline in achievement that would leadership in extracurricular organizations, and are more
otherwise occur between the spring and fall semesters likely to experience classes that are engaging and chal-
(H. Cooper et al., 2000). lenging. In other words, the structure of a school—its
Far less is known about the impact of schools on size, its tracking policy, its curricula—provides differ-
psychosocial development. Most schools are not struc- ent intellectual and psychosocial opportunities for stu-
tured to promote psychosocial development, given their dents who occupy different places within that structure.
excessive focus on conformity and obedience and their The best answer to the question “How do schools affect
lack of encouragement for creativity, independence, and adolescent development?” is another question: “Which
self-reliance (Friedenberg, 1967). This certainly comes schools, which adolescents, and in what ways?”
Work, Leisure, and Media

Adolescents’ Free Time in

Contemporary Society
Patterns of Time Use in Contemporary
Patterns of Time Use in Other Countries
Adolescents and Work
The Rise and Fall of the Student Worker
Teenage Employment in Other Nations
The Adolescent Workplace Today
Employment and Adolescent Development
Youth Unemployment
Adolescents and Leisure
Adolescents’ Free Time and Their Moods
Structured Leisure Activities
Unstructured Leisure Time
Promoting Positive Youth Development
Adolescents, Media, and the Internet
Patterns of Media Use
Theories of Media Influence and Use
Adolescents’ Exposure to Controversial
Media Content
© Moxie Productions/Getty Images RF

Electronic Media and Adolescent

Mass Media and Adolescent Girls’ Body Image
The Adolescent Consumer
Free Time and Adolescent Development

182 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

One of the hallmarks of teenage life in industrialized and considerably more time listening to music, online,
society is that adolescents have considerable amounts of using social media, or watching television than in the
time to spend at their discretion. Today’s teenagers spend classroom (D. Roberts et al., 2009; Staff et al., 2009). In
more time in leisure activities than they do in school, this chapter, we look at these other important contexts of
more time alone than with members of their family, more adolescence—the contexts of work, leisure, and the mass
time each week on a part-time job than on homework, media, including the Internet.

A second influence on the rise of free time for ado-

Adolescents’ Free Time in lescents in contemporary society was the increased
Contemporary Society affluence of Americans following World War II. The
The abundance of free time in the lives of contempo- invention of the “teenager”—and, more important, the
rary adolescents has several origins. Ironically, one of discovery of the teenager by those in advertising and
the most important contributors was the development of marketing—changed the nature of adolescence. As
compulsory schooling. Prior to this, adolescents were adolescents gained more autonomy, they became con-
expected to work full-time, and most maintained sched- sumers with plenty of discretionary income (Osgerby,
ules comparable to those of adults, working long hours 2008). This week, notice the commercials and advertise-
each week. With the spread of secondary schools during ments aimed at teenagers on television, in magazines, or
the early decades of the twentieth century, however, ado- online. You’ll see that much of the advertising concerns
lescents were in effect barred from the labor force: The leisure expenditures: Music, movies, restaurants, elec-
part-time jobs held by teenagers that are familiar to us tronic gadgets, cosmetics, athletic equipment, and so on.
today—working behind fast-food counters or in super-
markets, for instance—did not exist in large numbers, Patterns of Time Use in
making opportunities for after-school employment rare.
One indirect effect of compulsory high school, then,
Contemporary America
was to increase the amount of free time available to How do adolescents spend their free time? Figure 1 pre-
young people—time that previously would have been sents the results of two American time-use surveys of 15-
occupied by work. At the turn of the twentieth century, to 17-year-olds, one conducted in the late 1970s, and the
adults were so worried about the free time available to other conducted about 15 years ago (Zick, 2010). Among
adolescents that they began to establish various youth both girls and boys, there was a significant decline in the
clubs and activities—such as the Boy Scouts and orga- proportion of time devoted to paid jobs and a significant
nized sports—in order to occupy teenagers’ “idle hands” increase in time devoted to leisure; time devoted to house-
(Hine, 1999). Organized leisure became an institutional- work also dropped among boys, but not among girls.
ized part of adolescence as a supplement to school and a Figure 2 further breaks down adolescents’ leisure
replacement for full-time employment. time for the sample studied more recently. In that survey,

70% Organized activities
60% School work
40% Paid work

30% Housework
Personal care
Girls, 1970s Girls, 2000s Boys, 1970s Boys, 2000s

Figure 1 In recent decades, there has been a decline in the amount of time adolescents spend in paid jobs and an
increase in the amount of time they devote to leisure activities. (Zick, 2010) CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 183

90% Passive (e.g., TV,
80% socializing)
70% Computer (e.g.,
60% Internet surfing,
video games)
40% Physical (e.g.,
30% sports, exercising)

20% Intellectual (e.g.,

10% reading, hobbies)
Girls Boys

Figure 2 Adolescents’ leisure time is dominated by

passive activities, such as watching TV or talking to
friends. Far less time is spent in activities thought to
be beneficial to intellectual or physical development. One important feature of adolescence in contemporary society
(Zick, 2010) is the tremendous amount of time teenagers have for leisure
© Digital Vision RF
the average teenage girl reported spending more than
6 hours a day in leisure activity, and the average boy involvement in one activity displaces involvement in
reported spending more than 7 hours daily. But as you another. Rather, there are well-rounded adolescents who
can see, both girls and boys spend a huge amount of free have substantial time commitments across many differ-
time in passive activities, like watching TV, talking on ent activities, adolescents who tend to focus on one type
the phone, and relaxing. In fact, more than one-third of of activity (usually sports), and adolescents who don’t
all girls and nearly one-fourth of all boys reported spend- do much of anything outside of school (see Figure 3)
ing all of their leisure time in passive activities—on aver- (A. F. Feldman & Matjasko, 2007). Similar patterns of
age, more than 4 hours per day. In contrast, only about 30 adolescent time use have been observed in many coun-
minutes a day are spent in activities thought to be men- tries (Ferrar, Chang, Li, & Olds, 2013).
tally challenging, such as reading or playing a musical Most studies find that relatively busier adolescents are
instrument, or physically beneficial (also about 30 min- better adjusted and more accomplished than their class-
utes a day), such as sports or exercise (Zick, 2010). mates, but whether their better adjustment is a cause or
Group averages can be deceptive, however. In one consequence of their busy schedules isn’t clear (Nelson &
study, which tracked adolescents’ time use over high Gastic, 2009). In one study of low-income minority youth,
school, the researchers identified several distinct groups some forms of engagement were associated with positive
of students (M. J. Shanahan & Flaherty, 2001). One espe- outcomes when combined with a second type of activity
cially busy group—about one-third of the students— (for example, athletics and academics), but with negative
spent considerable time in a range of pursuits, including outcomes if it was the only activity an adolescent was
extracurricular activities, paid work, schoolwork, time involved in (athletics alone) (Pedersen et al., 2005). Other
with friends, and household chores. A second group, studies of more representative populations also find that a
about one-fourth of the sample, was similarly busy but “mixed” extracurricular portfolio may be better for ado-
did not hold a paying job. A third group, whose numbers lescents’ development than one that only includes sports
increased from about 12% in the 9th grade to 20% in the (Kort-Butler & Hagewen, 2011; Viau & Poulin, 2014).
12th grade, devoted substantial time to a paying job but
spent little time on other activities. A fourth group spent
no time in work or extracurricular activities, but a sub-
Patterns of Time Use in Other Countries
stantial amount of time hanging around with friends. Patterns of adolescents time use differ considerably
Although the study found that adolescents’ time use around the world. Teenagers in the United States spend
patterns changed a bit with age (as adolescents got older, far more time on leisure, and far less time in produc-
they were more likely to spend at least some of their tive activities, than their counterparts in other countries.
free time in a paid job), teenagers who were busy 9th- American students’ use of their free time for school-
graders were likely to be busy throughout high school. related activities is especially low, and, as you would
Overall, the results suggest that adolescents’ free time is expect, it is particularly low among lower-achieving stu-
not best thought of as a “zero sum” phenomenon, where dents (Witkow, 2009). For instance, the average American
184 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

Figure 3 Studies of extracurricular participa- 60

tion generally find that there are large numbers
of students who participate in multiple activities, Girls
large numbers who participate only in sports,
and large numbers who are nonparticipants.
(Feldman & Matjasko, 2007)




Sports only Non-sports Multiple No
only activities participation

high school student spends fewer than 5 hours per week pattern of rise and fall in student employment tells an
on homework; in Asian countries such as India, Taiwan, interesting story about the nature of adolescence in mod-
and Japan, the average is between 4 and 5 hours per day ern society.
(Larson & Verma, 1999). And European and Asian ado-
lescents spend almost 3 times as many hours each week
reading for pleasure as do American adolescents (Larson The Rise and Fall of the Student Worker
& Verma, 1999). In contrast, American teenagers spend
Prior to 1925, teenagers from all but the most afflu-
relatively more time playing sports, socializing with
ent families left school between the ages of 12 and 15
friends, caring for their physical appearance, and work-
to become full-time workers (Horan and Hargis, 1991).
ing at after-school jobs (Larson & Seepersad, 2003).
Depending on their social class, adolescents were either
What is the effect of all this free time on adolescents’
students or workers, but not both.
behavior and development? Are they learning about the
As secondary education became more widespread,
real world from their part-time jobs? Are extracurricular
more young people remained in school well into middle
activities beneficial? Are teenagers driven toward sex and
and late adolescence, and fewer dropped out to work.
violence by the mass media? Are they really affected by
Compulsory education laws were passed in most states
the music they listen to, videos on YouTube, or violent
that required individuals to stay in school until at least
video games? Has the increase in time that they spend
turning 16, child labor laws restricting adolescents’
online adversely affected their ability to relate to others in
employment were enacted, and part-time jobs were not
person? Are concerns about adolescents’ exposure to por-
plentiful (Kett, 1977). As a result of these social and
nography and sexual predators on the Internet legitimate,
legislative changes, the employment of American teen-
or are they overstated? These are some of the questions
agers declined steadily during the first four decades of
we will address in this chapter. We begin by examining
the twentieth century. It’s hard to imagine, given the
how teenagers are affected by after-school jobs.
presence of teenagers behind cash registers and fast-
food counters today, but in 1940, only about 3% of high
school students worked during the school year (U.S.
Adolescents and Work Department of Commerce, 1940).
The majority of American high school students will have The situation began to change during the second
worked in an after-school job before graduating (Staff half of the twentieth century, with the growth of the
et al., 2009). Although working while attending high retail and service sectors of the economy. Employers
school is currently common in the United States, part- needed people who were willing to work part-time for
time employment did not become widespread until the relatively low wages and short work shifts. Many busi-
1980s, when about half of all high school students—and nesses looked to teenagers to fill these jobs—and, in the
nearly three-quarters of all high school seniors—held mid-1970s teenagers were plentiful. The proportion of
jobs during the school year. School-year employment American high school students holding part-time jobs
became less popular at the beginning of the twenty-first rose dramatically during the 1970s. Working during the
century, and today, the proportion of high school stu- school year became a way of life.
dents who work during the school year is at its lowest This trend began to reverse itself about 20 years ago,
level in recent history (Morisi, 2008; Stone, 2011). The for several reasons (Morisi, 2008). Policymakers began CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 185

calling for tougher standards in high schools. Schools Larson, 2003). In developing nations where industri-
began requiring more from their students, and many alization is still in a relatively early stage and a large
implemented graduation requirements. As more and percentage of the population is poor, most adolescents
more students sought college admission, a higher pro- leave school early—at least by American standards. The
portion of them began taking Advanced Placement (AP) majority enter into full-time employment by age 15 or
courses, which had homework requirements that placed 16, in jobs similar to the ones they will hold as adults.
demands on students when they were out of school. Very often, adolescents work for their families. The pat-
Second, just as adolescent workers became increas- tern in these countries closely resembles that in America
ingly in demand as the service economy expanded dur- 100 years ago: school for adolescents of the extremely
ing the last half of the twentieth century, the retraction affluent, and work for the rest (Larson & Verma, 1999).
of the economy during the first decade of the twenty- The trade-off between school and work is changing in
first century increased competition for the same jobs the developing world, however. As more and more ado-
that teenagers could have just for the asking a couple lescents from developing nations have stayed in school,
of decades before. As the recession worsened and many the number of adolescents in these countries’ labor force
adults lost their jobs, stores and restaurants began hir- has declined at about the same rate. In China, where edu-
ing unemployed adults instead of high school students cational opportunities have expanded rapidly in recent
(a pattern reminiscent of the early twentieth century, decades, about half of all 16-year-olds were employed in
when competition for factory jobs prevented many teen- the late 1980s, but fewer than one-quarter were employed
agers from working). Immigration also brought to the just 10 years later (National Research Council, 2005).
United States many adults who were willing to take the Student employment in other comparably industrial-
part-time, minimum-wage jobs that had been the main- ized countries, where social and economic conditions
stays of the student employment. If you had walked into are more similar to those in the United States, also vary
a fast-food restaurant in the 1980s, you would have been considerably from country to country (Stone, 2011).
struck by the number of teenagers behind the counter. School year employment is common in Canada and
Today, many fast-food restaurants still employ a lot of Australia, where about half of all students hold jobs,
adolescents, but they work side by side with people two, but it is nearly unheard of in Japan or Korea, where
three, and even four times their age. schoolwork is more demanding of teenagers’ afternoons,
Finally, the growth of new technologies during the evenings, and weekends. The proportion of employed
first part of the twenty-first century expanded leisure students in Western Europe generally falls somewhere
opportunities for many teenagers, many of who simply between these two extremes, but it varies considerably
preferred to spend their free time online than behind a from country to country—school-year employment is
cash register. Over the past three decades there has been a rare in France, Italy, and Spain, but common in Great
significant increase in the proportion of adolescents who, Britain, the Netherlands, and Sweden.
when asked what they want out of a job, report that hav-
ing time for leisure is important, and a decline in the pro- 80
portion who say they would work even if they had enough
Percent of students with after-school jobs

money (Wray-Lake, Syvertsen, Briddell, Osgood, &

Flanagan, 2011). The amount of time adolescents devoted
to paid employment shrank as the amount they spent on
leisure increased. Studies of student workers conducted 60
during the 1980s and 1990s indicated that the vast major-
ity of student workers were middle-class youth who
were working because they wanted to, not because they
had to—to earn money for extras, rather than for neces-
sities. During the recession, teenagers’ hourly wages did 40
not keep pace with increases in the price of the things
they were interested in purchasing (Zick, 2010). As more
and more attractive (and relatively inexpensive) leisure
options became available, and as the economic benefits
of working declined, teenagers saw less reason to take on 20
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2014
after-school jobs (see Figure 4).
Figure 4 A smaller proportion of adolescents have
Teenage Employment in Other Nations after-school jobs today than at any time in recent his-
tory. A bad economy, more demands from schools, and
The extent and nature of teenage employment vary an expanding universe of leisure activities have all been
considerably around the world (Stone, 2011; Verma & factors. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015)
186 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

(Greenberger & Steinberg, 1986). With occasional

making the cultural exceptions, most teenagers’ jobs are repetitive, monoto-
connection nous, and intellectually unchallenging. Some are even
Student employment during the school year is more com- highly stressful, requiring that youngsters work under
mon in the United States, Canada, and Australia than else- intense time pressure without much letup and expos-
where. How might this make the nature of adolescence ing them to potential injury and accidents (National
different in these countries than in other parts of the world? Research Council, 1998). Not all jobs are this tedious
or dangerous, of course, and some researchers have
argued that adolescents in better jobs, in which they can
The Adolescent Workplace Today learn genuinely useful skills, benefit from employment
(Mortimer, Pimentel, Ryu, Nash, & Lee, 1996). While
Common Adolescent Jobs Today, the majority of this may be true in theory, only a small proportion of
teenagers are employed in the retail and service indus- adolescents hold jobs where there is ample opportunity
tries. In general, older students are more likely to hold to learn new or higher-level skills.
formal jobs (for example, retail or restaurant work) than This characterization of adolescents’ jobs as tedious
are younger students, who are more likely to hold infor- is not something that teenagers themselves report.
mal jobs (such as babysitting or yard work) (see Figure 5) The majority of adolescent workers describe their
(Staff et al., 2009). As expected, working teenagers in jobs favorably, saying that they learned things, liked
rural areas are more likely to be employed in agricultural the people with whom they worked, had opportuni-
occupations than are their urban or suburban counterparts. ties to exercise responsibility, and were satisfied with
As you also can see from Figure 5, a small number of their pay. Perhaps compared to school, where ado-
jobs accounts for a very large proportion of today’s stu- lescents are frequently bored and seldom challenged,
dent workers. About 60% of employed 8th-graders work even menial jobs are comparatively satisfying. And
in just one of two jobs: babysitting or yard work. Job perhaps there is something about earning money and
opportunities are nearly as restricted for older teenagers: having some responsibility, regardless of how mod-
Restaurant work (such as a counter worker in a fast-food est, that makes adolescents feel better about them-
restaurant) and retail sales work (such as a cashier in a selves and translates into a positive description of their
clothing store) account for more than half of all work- work experience. As you will see in a later section
ing students’ jobs. Very few teenagers are employed on of this chapter, when adolescents are placed in positions
farms or in factories anymore (Staff et al., 2009). of responsibility, they come to feel more responsible.

The Adolescent Work Environment Most teenagers’ Employment and Adolescent

jobs are pretty dreary. Few permit adolescents to behave
independently or make decisions; they receive little
instruction from their supervisors, and they are rarely The impact of employment on the psychological devel-
required to use the skills they have been taught in school opment of adolescents has been the focus of numerous

8th-Grade Workers 10th-Grade Workers 12th-Grade Workers

Babysitting or child care Odd jobs Waiter or waitress

Farm Other Other restaurant
Store clerk or salesperson Lawn or yard work Newspaper route
Office or clerical Fast food
Figure 5 As adolescents age, they become less likely to work in informal jobs, like babysitting, and more likely to
enter the formal labor force, mainly in retail stores and restaurants. (Staff et al., 2009) CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 187

studies (Staff et al., 2009). Researchers have asked three

broad questions: whether working helps adolescents
develop a sense of responsibility; whether working inter-
feres with other activities, such as school; and whether
working promotes the development of undesirable
behaviors, such as drug and alcohol use.
The Development of Responsibility Most people
believe that working builds character, teaches adoles-
cents about the real world, and helps them prepare for
adulthood, but these assumptions are not generally sup-
ported by research. There is surprisingly little evidence
that holding a job makes adolescents more respon-
sible (Monahan, Lee, & Steinberg, 2011; Mortimer &
Johnson, 1998). Moreover, some research has found high
rates of misconduct on the job among adolescent workers
(for example, stealing from employers, lying about the
number of hours worked), especially those whose work is
not closely supervised by adults (Staff et al., 2009).
One specific aspect of responsibility that working is
believed to affect is money management. Because a high
school senior who holds a minimum-wage job for 20 hours
a week—a common pattern among high school seniors—
earns more than $500 per month, holding a job may provide
many opportunities for learning how to budget, save, and
spend money wisely. Few teenagers exercise a great deal
of responsibility when it comes to managing their earnings,
though. The majority of adolescent workers spend most of
their earnings on personal expenses, like clothes or cars.
Many adolescents hold part-time jobs during the school year.
Fewer than 10% of adolescents who work save most of
Research has questioned whether working is good or bad for
their income for future education, and even fewer use their adolescent development.
earnings to help their families with household expenses © Randy Faris/Corbis RF
(National Center for Education Statistics, 2005).
Many working teenagers may develop premature
affluence—which results from getting used to having experience—I saw what it was like to work, got more inde-
a relatively luxurious standard of living before having pendent, and made some friends I still know. The money
any serious financial responsibilities, like rent, food, or helped me get my first car and first real girlfriend. (Staff et
utility bills. Perhaps as a consequence, adolescents who al., 2009, p. 270)
have earned (and spent) a lot from their jobs while in The most reasonable conclusion we can draw about
high school are less satisfied with their financial situa- the impact of working on psychological development
tions as young adults, because they had become accus- is that it depends on the nature of the job, just as the
tomed to living in an unrealistic world in which they had impact of schooling depends on the nature of the school
a large amount of discretionary income and few obliga- (Rauscher, Wegman, Wooding, Davis, & Junkin, 2013).
tions (Bachman, 1983). Ironically, the very experience In jobs in which adolescents are given genuine respon-
that many adults believe builds character may teach ado- sibility, make important decisions, and perform chal-
lescents unrealistic lessons about the meaning of money. lenging tasks, they are more likely to come away feeling
Peoples’ recollections of what they learned from more mature, competent, and dependable. In jobs in
working as teenagers are far more positive than many which the work is repetitive, stressful, or unchallenging,
studies of adolescent work indicate (Mortimer, 2003). they probably will gain very little from the experience.
Many adults say that their jobs as teenagers helped them But given what we know about employment opportuni-
learn things like punctuality, ways to deal effectively ties for teenagers, it seems reasonable to say that while
with strangers, and even cope with work one didn’t nec- it is possible for an adolescent to benefit psychologically
essarily want to do. Here’s how one adult put it, looking from working, it is not prob-
back on his job at a carwash: able. According to one recent premature affluence
analysis, the most common Having more income than one
It was a brainless job. . . . The hardest part was fighting
can manage maturely, espe-
off the boredom, and we would get creative about how to adolescent jobs—in fast-food
cially during adolescence.
do this, usually while getting high. But it was an important restaurants or retail stores, for
188 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

per week does not appear to have these adverse effects

(Staff et al., 2009). Indeed, some studies find that a large
number of students are able to manage school and work
effectively, as long as they keep their work hours in
check. Many benefit from learning how to manage their
time effectively (M. J. Shanahan & Flaherty, 2001).
The impact of working on students’ actual grades
and achievement test scores is small (Staff et al., 2009),
but extensive employment during the school year may
take its toll on school performance in ways that are not
revealed by looking only at grade point averages or test
scores. Students who work a great deal pay less attention
in class and exert less effort on their studies (Monahan et
al., 2011). When students work a great deal, they often
develop strategies for protecting their grades. These strat-
egies include taking easier courses, cutting corners on
assignments, copying homework from friends, and cheat-
ing (Steinberg & Dornbusch, 1991). Teachers express
Working long hours takes its toll on performance in school.
Employed students often protect their grades by cutting corners,
concern about the excessive involvement of students in
taking easier classes, and cheating. after-school jobs (Bills, Helms, & Ozcan, 1995). Some
© Antonio_Diaz/Getty Images RF teachers have responded by lowering classroom expecta-
tions, assigning less homework, and using class time for
example—ranked highest in stress and in interference students to complete assignments that otherwise would
with other parts of life, and lowest in their likelihood of be done outside of school (Bills et al., 1995). When large
providing skills or leading to a career (Staff et al., 2009). numbers of students in a school are employed, even those
who don’t have jobs can be affected indirectly. There is
The Impact on Schooling A second question that no evidence that summer employment, though, even for
has received a fair amount of research attention concerns long hours, affects school performance, suggesting that
the impact of working on adolescents’ involvement in the negative impact of working on school performance is
other activities, most notably, schooling. Here, studies probably due to the time demands of having a job while
indicate that the issue is not whether a teenager works, being a student (Oettinger, 1999).
but how much (Stone, 2011).
Working more than 20 hours a week jeopardizes ado- The Promotion of Problem Behavior Many peo-
lescents’ school performance and engagement (Nagengast, ple think that keeping teenagers busy with work keeps
Marsh, Chiorri, & Hau, 2014). Youngsters who work long them out of trouble. Contrary to popular belief, how-
hours are absent from school more often, are less likely ever, employment during adolescence does not deter
to participate in extracurricular activities, report enjoying delinquent activity (Monahan, Steinberg, & Cauffman,
school less, spend less time on their homework, and earn 2013). Indeed, several studies suggest that working
slightly lower grades. These results occur both because long hours may actually be associated with increases in
teenagers who are less interested in school choose to aggression, school misconduct, minor delinquency, and
work longer hours, and because working long hours leads precocious sexual activity (Monahan et al., 2011; Rich
to disengagement from school (Monahan et al., 2011; & Kim, 2002; Staff, VanEseltine, Silver, & Vurrington,
Safron, Sy, & Schulenberg, 2003). Working long hours 2012). Many studies also have found that rates of smok-
takes an especially bad toll on achievement among White ing, drinking, and drug use are higher among teenage
and Asian students from middle-class families (Bachman, workers than nonworkers, especially among students
Staff, O’Malley, & Freedman-Doan, 2013). who work long hours (Monahan et al., 2011; Ramchand,
Intensive involvement in a part-time job may even Ialongo, & Chilcoat, 2007).
increase the likelihood of dropping out of school (Staff The extent to which working actually causes these
et al., 2009). Students who spend a lot of time on the problems isn’t clear—remember, correlation is not cau-
job have less ambitious plans for further education sation. Working long hours clearly creates problems for
(H. Marsh & Kleitman, 2005), and they complete fewer some students. But the higher rate of delinquency among
years of college, in part because students with low aspi- working adolescents is also because delinquent youth
rations for the future choose to work longer hours than are simply more likely than their peers to choose to work
their peers (Bachman, Staff, O’Malley, Schulenberg, & long hours (Staff, Osgood, Schulenberg, Bachman, &
Freedman-Doan, 2011; Staff et al., 2009). It is impor- Messersmith, 2010). Similarly, working long hours leads
tant to stress, however, that working fewer than 20 hours to increases in substance use, but students who smoke, CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 189

drink, and use other drugs also are more likely to want over time. Adolescents who are less attached and com-
to work long hours (Bachman et al., 2011; Monahan mitted to school, and who are more involved in problem
et al., 2011). behavior, are more likely to choose to work long hours.
A variety of explanations have been proposed for the Working long hours, in turn, leads to more disengage-
impact of extensive employment on problem behavior. ment from school and increased problem behavior. In
The impact of working on drug and alcohol use prob- other words, intensive employment during the school
ably reflects the fact that adolescents who work long year most threatens the school performance and psycho-
hours have more discretionary income and, hence, logical well-being of those students who can least afford
greater opportunity to purchase cigarettes, alcohol, and to suffer the consequences of overcommitment to a job.
other drugs. In addition, drug and alcohol use are more
common among adolescents who work under conditions
of high job stress than among their peers who work for making the personal
comparable amounts of time and money but under less connection
stressful conditions—and many adolescents work in
Think back to your own work experiences as an adolescent,
stressful work settings, like fast-food restaurants (Staff
during either the summer or the school year. What were the
et al., 2009). It may also be that working long hours
best jobs you had? Which ones were the worst? Why?
disrupts adolescents’ relationships with their parents,
which, in turn, leads to problem behavior (Longest &
Shanahan, 2007; Roisman, 2002). Whatever the rea-
son, the impact of school-year employment on drug and Youth Unemployment
alcohol use persists over time: People who worked long Although the employment of teenagers has become com-
hours as teenagers drink and use drugs more in their monplace in contemporary America, some young people
late 20s than their peers who worked less or not at all who wish to work are unable to find jobs. However,
(Mihalic & Elliott, 1997). except for summer months, youth unemployment is
not a pervasive problem, once the proportion of young
Possible Benefits for Poor Youth One point of debate people who are in school is taken into account. For
among researchers who study adolescent employment example, in 2015, 82% of all 16- to 19-year-olds were
concerns the differential impact of working on middle- enrolled in school (either in high school or college); of
class versus poor youth. Some researchers have found the remaining 18% who were not in school, about 53%
that working, even in the sorts of jobs available to teen- were employed, and about 12% were looking for full- or
agers, has special benefits for inner-city adolescents part-time work (the other 35% were neither working nor
from single-parent families, from poor families, with looking for work) (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015b).
poor school records, or with histories of delinquency Overall, then, only a small percentage of 16- to 19-year-
(Monahan et al., 2013; Purtell & McLoyd, 2013; olds—about 2%—were out of school and looking for
Rocheleau & Swisher, 2012). The age at which inner- work (see Figure 6).
city teenagers begin working makes a difference, though. As you might expect, unemployment is especially
Working during junior high school or the early high likely among adolescents who have dropped out of high
school years increases the chances that poor minority
youth will drop out of school and engage in problem
behavior, whereas working later in high school does not 6% 2%
(Entwisle, Alexander, & Olson, 2005; Olatunji, 2005).
Working early in adolescence may make school seem 10%
less important, whereas working in later adolescence,
when making the transition to adult work roles is more Out of school
and working
imminent, may make school seem more important.
It is important, therefore, that working complement, Out of school but
rather than take the place of, school. One recent study not looking for work
of juvenile delinquents found that working during high Out of school and
school was only beneficial if the adolescent was also looking for work
attending school regularly (Monahan et al., 2013).
In sum, although teenagers generally enjoy work-
ing, there is little evidence, with the exception of dis-
advantaged inner-city youth, that doing so contributes Figure 6 Most 16- to 19-year-olds are students.
in significant ways to their psychosocial development. The percentage of young people who are not in school,
Studies of work and adolescent development point to unemployed, and looking for work is very small.
a complicated pattern of cause and effect that unfolds (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015b)
190 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

experience sampling
school. You may be surprised but studying adolescents’ emotional states is tricky, because
method (ESM) to find out, though, that the individuals’ emotions change during the day, and a research-
A method of collecting data unemployment rate among er’s assessment at a specific point in time may not reflect
about adolescents’ emotional recent high school gradu- their moods at other points in the day. Suppose a researcher
states, in which individuals are
ates who have not gone on to wanted to know how adolescents’ moods were affected by
signaled and asked to report
on their mood and activity. college is not all that differ- various activities—such as attending school, watching tele-
ent from that of high school vision, or having dinner with the family. Although it would
dropouts (in 2014, 29% of be possible to interview respondents at some later point
recent high school graduates who were not in college and ask them to recall their moods at different points in the
were unemployed, compared with 30% of high school day, we can’t be sure whether their recollections would be
dropouts) (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015b). In con- entirely accurate.
trast, just 10 years ago, the unemployment rate among
dropouts was twice as high as it was among recent high The Experience Sampling Method One of the most
school graduates who were not in college. interesting innovations in the study of adolescence was
Unemployment has been a problem among high designed to overcome this problem. Using a technique
school dropouts for decades, but the high rate of unem- called the experience sampling method (ESM), research-
ployment among high school graduates who do not go ers collect much more detailed information about adoles-
to college is a recent phenomenon. Unfortunately, many cents’ experiences over the course of the day. Adolescents
experts worry that this state of affairs may not reverse carry electronic devices, such as smartphones, and, when
itself after the current recession lifts, because success in they are signaled, report whom they are with, what they
the labor force increasingly requires at least some college are doing, and how they are feeling. The ESM has been
education, if not a college degree. It was once believed used to chart adolescents’ moods, monitor their social
that we should focus our efforts on finding ways to help relationships, and catalog their activities in far greater
high school dropouts and those with just a high school detail than has been previously available.
diploma make the transition from high school into the In one early ESM study (Larson & Richards, 1991),
world of work. In view of the changed and changing labor before there were smartphones, nearly 500 adolescents
market, with its demands for well-educated workers, it ages 9–15 carried pagers and booklets of self-report
makes more sense to reform schools so that all students forms for one week and filled out a survey each time
graduate with enough academic skill to enroll in college. they were signaled. The form contained a series of
questions about companionship (“Who were you with
[or talking to on the phone]?”), location (“Where were
Adolescents and Leisure you?”), activity (“What were you doing?”), and mood
(the adolescents used a checklist to report their feelings).
Adolescents in the United States and other Western coun-
The adolescents were beeped seven times each day,
tries spend nearly half their waking hours in leisure activ-
once during every 2-hour block between 7:30 A.M. and
ities, such as socializing with friends, either in person, by
9:30 P.M. The researchers charted changes in activities,
phone, or electronically; watching television and listening
companionship, and mood over the course of the week.
to music; searching the Internet and playing video games;
Adolescents’ moods are most positive when they are
playing sports, practicing a musical instrument, or work-
with their friends and least positive when they are alone;
ing on hobbies; and sometimes not doing anything at all
their moods when with their family fall somewhere in
(J. Mahoney, Larson, Eccles, & Lord, 2005).
between. Between grades 5 and 9, adolescents’ moods
One important difference between leisure and other
while with friends become more positive, whereas their
activities is that adolescents choose their leisure activi-
moods while with their family become more negative
ties, whereas their time at school and work is dictated by
between elementary and middle school (between grades
others. Perhaps as a consequence, and not surprisingly,
5 and 7) and then rise between middle school and high
adolescents report being in a better mood during leisure
school (between grades 8 and 9). This dip parallels find-
activities than during school or work. Leisure activities
ings from other research on family relations that point to
that are both structured and voluntary—such as sports,
early adolescence as a time of heightened strain in the
hobbies, artistic activities, and clubs—provide special
parent–child relationship (Laursen & Collins, 2009).
psychological benefits (Larson, 2000).
When adolescents are in school, they report moderate
levels of concentration but very low levels of motivation
Adolescents’ Free Time or interest in what they are doing. When they are with
friends, teenagers report moderate levels of motivation
and Their Moods and interest but low levels of concentration. It is only
Researchers have been interested in how adolescents’ when adolescents are playing sports or involved in the
moods change when they are involved in leisure activities, arts, a hobby, or an extracurricular organization that CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 191

they report high levels of both concentration and inter-

est. This combination produces what some psychologists
have referred to as a flow experience (Csikszentmihalyi,
1990). You’ve probably experienced this sensation when
you were deeply involved in an activity that was both
enjoyable and absorbing.
One ESM study of after-school programs found that
the positive combination of high motivation, concen-
tration, and engagement was most commonly observed
when young adolescents were involved in sports or arts
enrichment (Shernoff & Vandell, 2007). While adoles-
cents are in unstructured leisure activities, like watch-
ing TV, they tend to show the same pattern of moderate
interest but low concentration as when they are socializ-
ing with friends. Participation in structured extracurricu-
lar activities, such as hobbies or sports, has been shown
to be the most positive way for adolescents to spend free
time, in terms of their current and future psychological
For many adolescents around the world, school-sponsored
development (McHale, Crouter, & Tucker, 2001; Zaff, extracurricular activities provide the context for much of their
Moore, Papillo, & Williams, 2003). leisure activity.
© John Flournoy/The McGraw-Hill Education

Structured Leisure Activities interests are also more likely flow experience
School-sponsored extracurricular activities provide the to participate (Persson, Kerr, & The experience of high levels
context for much of adolescents’ leisure activity (Farb & Stattin, 2007). Extracurricular of both concentration and
Matjasko, 2012; J. Mahoney et al., 2009). According to participation is stable over interest at the same time.
recent surveys, about two-thirds of American high school time—students who are highly
students participate in one or more extracurricular activi- involved in these activities at
ties, although participation rates vary greatly from school the beginning of high school are likely to stay highly
to school. The most popular extracurricular activity in the involved through graduation (Denault & Poulin, 2009).
United States is athletics, in which about half of all ado-
lescents participate; it is also the extracurricular activity The Impact of Extracurricular Participation on
that has been most extensively studied (Theokas, 2009). Development Extracurricular participation has many
The other two main extracurricular activities are those benefits. It improves students’ performance in school and
related to music (about one-fifth of adolescents are mem- reduces the likelihood of dropping out. It deters delin-
bers of a school band, chorus, orchestra, or glee club) and quency, drug use, and other types of risk taking. And it
those related to academic or occupational interests (about enhances students’ psychological well-being and social
one-fifth are members of clubs devoted to science, for- status (Agans et al., 2014; Brand et al., 2010; Farb &
eign languages, or certain careers). Matjasko, 2012; Fredericks & Eccles, 2010; Jewett et
Extracurricular participation is influenced by a num- al., 2014; Knifsend & Graham, 2011). Participation in
ber of factors (Fredericks & Simpkins, 2012; Lenzi et al., organized community-based activities also protects ado-
2012; J. Mahoney et al., 2009). It is more prevalent among lescents in disadvantaged neighborhoods from exposure
adolescents from more affluent families, among students to violence, by keeping them in safer settings after school
who earn better grades, and among students from smaller (Gardner & Brooks-Gunn, 2009; Gardner, Browning, &
schools and smaller, more rural communities, where Brooks-Gunn, 2012). Despite concerns that the extracur-
school activities often play a relatively more central role ricular overscheduling of youth, especially in affluent com-
in the lives of adults and adolescents alike (for example, munities, creates pressures that compromise adolescents’
where an entire community may turn out for Friday night mental health, several studies have found no such effect
football). Middle-class parents encourage their children (Farb & Matjasko, 2012; Luthar & Barkin, 2012; Mahoney
to participate in extracurricular activities primarily as a & Vest, 2012; Randall, Bohnert, & Travers, 2015).
means of self-improvement (often, with the child’s future The one exception to this uniformly positive pic-
in mind), whereas working-class families are more likely ture is that involvement in team sports, which is asso-
to do so as a way of keeping their teens safe and out ciated with many psychological benefits, such as better
of trouble during after-school hours (Bennett, Lutz, & mental health, better sleep, and higher school achieve-
Jayaram, 2012). Adolescents whose parents are involved ment, is also associated with increased alcohol use and
in the community or who reinforce their children’s delinquency. This latter consequence is seen especially
192 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

among boys who have a strong “jock” identity and who arise in all sorts of situations, the atmosphere cultivated by
participate in school-sponsored, male-dominated sports, the activity’s advisors appears to be crucial for making the
like football (Gardner, Roth, & Brooks-Gunn, 2008; experience a positive one (Gaudreau, Amiot, & Vallerand,
Mays & Thompson, 2009; Viau & Poulin, 2014). 2009; Larson & Brown, 2007). The quality of relation-
Extracurricular participation in high school is corre- ships adolescents develop with the adults they encoun-
lated with participation in college and with community ter in extracurricular activities is an especially important
involvement in adulthood. Youngsters who are participants influence on the overall impact of the experience (Crean,
as 9th-graders are likely to be similarly busy throughout 2012; Scales, Benson, & Mannes, 2006).
high school, and people who are “do-ers” during adoles- Researchers speculate that extracurricular activities
cence tend to remain so in young and middle adulthood. have positive effects because they increase students’
Along similar lines, individuals who participate in sports contact with teachers and other school personnel who
during adolescence are likely to continue athletic activities reinforce the value of school (as when a coach or advisor
in adulthood (D. Perkins, Jacobs, Barber, & Eccles, 2003). counsels a student about plans for college) and because
Studies have found benefits of participating in struc- participation itself may improve students’ self-confidence
tured extracurricular activities as many as 8 years after and self-esteem. Some educators believe that extracur-
high school graduation, especially among individuals ricular participation also helps bond students to their
whose extracurricular participation lasted at least 2 years school, especially in the case of adolescents who are not
and occupied a relatively high number of hours each achieving academically; for many of them, their extra-
week. These benefits were seen only among individuals curricular activity is what keeps them coming to school
whose activities were school-sponsored, however, per- each day (Blomfield & Barber, 2011; Dotterer, McHale,
haps because this helps strengthen students’ attachment & Crouter, 2007; J. Mahoney et al., 2009). Adolescents
to school, which in turn contributes to their future educa- who combine participation in sports with other sorts of
tional success (M. Gardner, Roth, & Brooks-Gunn, 2008; extracurricular activities, and who therefore have multi-
Knifsend & Graham, 2011). This “spillover effect” is espe- ple points of “attachment” to their school, fare better than
cially strong among adolescents who are less able students those who are solely involved in athletics (Linver, Roth,
and among those who go to schools in poor communities & Brooks-Gunn, 2009; Zarrett et al., 2009).
(Guest & Schneider, 2003; J. Mahoney & Cairns, 1997). Some of the positive effects of extracurricular partici-
One study of a high school theater production also pation also stem from the fact that these activities bring
found that the experience contributed in important ways to adolescents into contact with peers who influence them
adolescents’ emotional development. Through the course in beneficial ways; extracurricular activities often lead
of preparing for their performance, students learned how to new friendships (Ntoumanis, Taylor, & Thøgersen-
to better manage their emotions, better understand oth- Ntoumanis, 2012; Schaefer, Simpkins, Vest, & Price,
ers’ feelings, and learn how to deal more effectively with 2011; Simpkins, Eccles, & Becnel, 2008). When the
anger, frustration, and stress. Although these opportunities activity strengthens membership in a peer group involved
in prosocial activities that revolve around the school,
participation can be beneficial to the adolescent’s devel-
opment and achievement (J. Mahoney, 2000).
Not all activities revolve around prosocial endeavors,
though, and participation in certain sports can increase
adolescents’ involvement in problem behavior (Crean,
2012). One study of male football players and wrestlers
found that they were relatively more likely to get into
serious fights (similar effects were not found for boys
who played other sports) and that violence was most
common among football players whose friends also
played football (Kreager, 2007a). Another found simi-
lar effects of sports participation on delinquency—boys
who participated in organized sports were more likely to
spend their free time hanging out with their friends, and
this led them to be involved in more antisocial (although
not necessarily violent) behavior (Gardner & Brooks-
Gunn, 2009). (As you will read in a moment, during
adolescence, spending unstructured, unsupervised time
Participation in school-sponsored extracurricular activities, like
with friends is a recipe for trouble.)
athletics, leads to better school achievement. Several additional cautions have been raised about ado-
© Image Source/Isadora Getty Buyou /Image Source RF lescents’ participation in athletics (Steinberg, 2014b). As CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 193

extracurricular sports have become more competitive, the Routine Activity Theory routine activity theory
number of young people injured during these activities Several writers have argued A perspective on adolescence
has risen substantially. According to some estimates, more that the combination of a lack that views unstructured, unsu-
than half of all adolescents who play organized sports of structure, socializing with pervised time with peers as a
main cause of misbehavior.
have played while injured. Half of all coaches say they’ve peers, and the absence of
been aware that one of their players was playing with an adult supervision encourages
injury, sometimes with a serious sprain or broken bones. delinquency and other problem behaviors. According to
One-third of all adolescent athletes say they’ve been delib- routine activity theory, “the less structured an activ-
erately injured by an opponent. Each year, well over 1 mil- ity, the more likely a person is to encounter opportu-
lion adolescent athletes are treated in emergency rooms. nities for problem behavior in the simple sense that he
In addition, many adolescents feel anxious and tense or she is not occupied doing something else” (Osgood
within the competitive atmosphere that has come to et al., 2005, p. 51). Because adolescence is a time of
dominate after-school sports in many communities. heightened peer pressure and heightened susceptibil-
Nearly three-quarters of all student athletes have been ity to peer influence, and because one of the strongest
screamed at by a coach, and 40% of these adolescents deterrents against problem behavior is the presence of
say they wanted to quit the team as a result. Thus, while an adult, it is hardly surprising that unstructured peer
competitive athletics are a source of considerable plea- activity without adult supervision is associated with all
sure for some adolescents, they are a source of equally sorts of problems—depression, delinquency, drug and
considerable stress for others (Larson, Hansen, & alcohol use, violence, and precocious sexual activity
Moneta, 2006; Scanlan, Babkes, & Scanlan, 2005). This (A. Anderson & Hughes, 2009; Ham, McHale, &
is why having a coach who understands and looks out for Crouter, 2014; Maimon & Browning, 2010; McHale,
these potential problems is so important. Updegraff, Kim, & Cansier, 2009; Miller, 2013).
Even something as positive sounding as spending
time at a community recreation center can increase ado-
making the scientific lescents’ problem behavior if their time is unstructured
connection and minimally supervised (J. Mahoney, Stattin, & Lord,
2004). Hanging out with friends in the absence of adult
Why are the apparent effects of participation in extra-
supervision at night, in particular, substantially increases
curricular activities different from those associated with
the likelihood of problem behavior. Adolescents who
part-time employment? How might these two sets of
spend five or more evenings out in an average week are
experiences differ?
at least 4 times more likely to be involved in antisocial
activity than those who go out less than twice a week
(Gage, Overpeck, Nansel, & Kogan, 2005). As one team
Unstructured Leisure Time of writers wryly put it, “Whether you like or dislike your
One important distinction is between structured and father, it will be more convenient to smoke marijuana
supervised leisure activities, like school- or community- when he isn’t around” (Osgood, Wilson, O’Malley,
sponsored extracurricular activities, and unstructured lei- Bachman, & Johnston, 1996, p. 640).
sure activities, such as hanging out with friends without
any organized activity in mind. Participation in structured Time After School A prime time for unstructured
leisure activities tends to have positive effects on adoles- and unsupervised leisure is during the afternoon on
cent development. Time spent in unstructured leisure school days—after school has let out but before parents
activities does the reverse (Siennick & Osgood, 2012). have returned home from work. As Figure 7 indicates,

7 Figure 7 More arrests occur during

school afternoons than at any other time,
6 presumably because this is the time
School days
when adolescents are least likely to be
Percent of arrests for

aggravated assault

supervised. (Osgood et al., 2005)


Nonschool days
6 AM 8 AM 12 PM 3 PM 6 PM 9 PM 12 AM 3 AM 6 AM
194 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

the idea that having to care for oneself contributes to the

development of self-reliance or responsibility—similar
to studies of part-time employment. With regard to the
second, self-care after school is associated with a wide
range of adverse outcomes. Compared to young people
who are supervised after school, those who aren’t feel
more socially isolated and depressed, and are more
likely to have school problems, use drugs and alco-
hol, be involved in antisocial behavior, and be sexually
active at earlier ages (D. Cohen, Farley, Taylor, Martin,
& Schuster, 2002; Mahoney & Parente, 2009; Shumow,
Smith, & Smith, 2009).
One limitation of studies of youth in self-care is
that they typically lump together all children who take
care of themselves after school, even though there are
important differences in their after-school arrange-
ments (J. Mahoney et al., 2009). Adolescents who go
straight home after school are far less likely to engage
in problem behavior than are those who go to a friend’s
house or who just hang out (Mahoney & Parente, 2009).
In addition, youngsters in self-care who are raised by
authoritative parents and who are monitored by their
parents from a distance—via telephone check-ins, for
example—are no more susceptible to problem behav-
ior than are children whose parents are home with them
after school (Galambos & Maggs, 1991; Vandell &
Ramanan, 1991).
Spending time after school with friends in unsu-
pervised settings is more problematic under some
Many teenagers spend time after school unsupervised.
© Jose Luis Pelaez Inc./Getty Images RF
circumstances than others. It’s not simply spending
unsupervised time with peers that increases an adoles-
cent’s likelihood of alcohol and drug use; it’s the com-
for instance, delinquency is more common on weekday bination of lacking supervision, having friends who like
afternoons than at any other time (Osgood et al., 2005). to party and use drugs, and being especially suscep-
In 2014, nearly 75% of mothers with children tible to peer pressure (L. Caldwell & Darling, 1999).
between ages 6 and 17, and more than 90% of fathers The harmful effects of low parental monitoring are
with children this age, were employed (Bureau of Labor especially bad in neighborhoods where other adults are
Statistics, 2015d). While some youngsters whose parents unlikely to provide supervision if parents aren’t around
are at work during the afternoon are involved in school- (Coley, Morris, & Hernandez, 2004). The negative
or community-based programs that provide adult super- effects of low parental monitoring and unsupervised
vision, others spend their after-school hours away from peer group activity are especially pronounced in unsafe
adults, in their homes, with friends, or simply hanging neighborhoods (Pettit, Bates, Dodge, & Meece, 1999).
out in neighborhoods and shopping malls (Mahoney Adolescents also differ in their susceptibility to the
& Parente, 2009). Affluent, suburban, and White chil- adverse effects of self-care—not surprisingly, teenag-
dren are most likely to be home unsupervised, and poor, ers with established behavior problems are more nega-
minority, and urban and rural children are least likely tively affected by being on their own than are their peers
(J. Mahoney et al., 2009). (Coley et al., 2004).
Psychologists have debated whether adolescents who In summary, self-care after school probably doesn’t
take care of themselves after school profit from these hold great benefits for youngsters and, under some
opportunities for self-management or are at greater risk conditions, may cause problems if adolescents’ par-
for problems because they aren’t supervised. With regard ents do not promote the development of responsible
to the first, most studies show that children in self-care do behavior when they are with their child. What should
not differ from their peers when it comes to psychologi- parents do if they have no choice but to leave their
cal development, school achievement, or self-concep- youngsters in self-care? Experts advise parents to pro-
tions (J. Mahoney et al., 2009). These studies challenge vide clear instructions about the child’s after-school CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 195

activities and whereabouts, ask the child to check in all are very similar (J. Lerner positive youth development
with an adult as soon as he or she gets home, and teach et al., 2009; J. Mahoney et al., The goal of programs designed
the child how to handle any emergencies that arise 2009). One of the most widely to facilitate healthy psycho-
(Steinberg, 2011). cited emphasizes the Five C’s social development and not
of positive youth development: simply to deter problematic
Competence, Confidence, Con-
Promoting Positive Youth Development nection, Character, and Caring/
In light of evidence that certain types of extracurricular Compassion (see Table 1) (Bowers, et al., 2014). Another
activities appear to benefit adolescents, and in view of the model, the EPOCH model of positive adolescent psychol-
potential dangers of leaving adolescents unsupervised ogy, stresses similar attributes: Engagement, Perseverance,
after school, experts have called for better and more read- Optimism, Connectedness, and Happiness (Kern, Benson,
ily available after-school programming for adolescents. Steinberg, & Steinberg, in press). These characteristics, in
They argue that well-designed programs not only will one form or another, are often the focus of contemporary
deter problem behavior by providing adolescents with community-based programming for youth, including pro-
adult supervision but can also promote positive youth grams emphasizing community service, volunteer activ-
development (Bowers, Geldhof, Johnson, J. Lerner, ity, mentoring, and skill building.
& R. Lerner; Ramey & Rose-Krasnor, 2012; Yohalem & What makes a positive youth development program
Wilson-Ahlstrom, 2010). successful? A key component to program success is the
Although the label “positive youth development” is rel- extent to which participants volunteer their commitment,
atively new, the concept is not. Indeed, the goals espoused are placed in demanding roles, are encouraged to meet
by proponents of positive youth development programs high expectations, are expected to take responsibility for
today bear a striking resemblance to the stated goals of their behavior, and are helped to understand the conse-
youth programs that have been around for ages, like the quences of failing to fulfill their obligations (Dawes &
YMCA (founded in London in 1844 and transported to Larson, 2011). Researchers have described a multistep
the United States in 1851), the Boys and Girls Clubs of process through which program participation contributes
America (founded in 1860), 4-H clubs (founded at the to the development of responsibility (Salusky et al., 2014).
turn of the twentieth century), and scouting (founded in First, adolescents voluntarily take on new roles and obli-
1910). In 1866, the YMCA of New York City announced gations. As an adolescent stage manager in a theater com-
that its purpose was “the improvement of the spiritual, pany described it:
mental, social and physical condition of young men”
I’m the person that people are relying on to keep the show
(YMCA, 2006).
moving, like, I have to monitor the stage while the music
Experts’ interest in helping young people develop
is happening and if something goes wrong, it’s my job
strengths, rather than simply preventing them from get- to like, whatever it takes, . . . like problem solving, but
ting into trouble, has burgeoned in recent years (e.g., quickly to keep the show going. (p. 422)
Lerner, von Eye, Lerner, Lewin-Bizan, & Bowers, 2010;
Lewin-Bizan, Bowers, & Lerner, 2010). There are many Second, adolescents must stick with their job, even
different models of positive youth development, but they in the face of challenges. Many volunteers experience

Table 1 The Five C’s of positive youth development

Competence A positive view of one’s actions in domain-specific areas, including social, academic,
cognitive, and vocational. Social competence pertains to interpersonal skills (e.g., conflict
resolution). Cognitive competence pertains to cognitive abilities (e.g., decision making).
School grades, attendance, and test scores are part of academic competence. Vocational
competence involves work habits and career choice explorations.
Confidence An internal sense of overall positive self-worth and self-efficacy; one’s global self-regard, as
opposed to domain-specific beliefs.
Connection Positive bonds with people and institutions that are reflected in bidirectional exchanges
between the individual and peers, family, school, and community in which both parties
contribute to the relationship.
Character Respect for societal and cultural rules, possession of standards for correct behaviors, a sense
of right and wrong (morality), and integrity.
Caring/compassion A sense of sympathy and empathy for others.

Source: R. Lerner et al., 2005.

196 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

frustration during the initial phases of their participa- study wrote, “Being without media was harder than I ever
tion; sometimes the work is too hard, sometimes it was realized. I thought it was going to be a cake walk, but it
too boring; sometimes it is just overwhelming. It is turned into a hell. I found myself thinking that I should
important to hang in through difficult periods. just give up, and I kept talking to myself.” Many stu-
Third, youth benefit most when they persevere and dents reported sleeping much more than usual as a way
derive a sense of accomplishment from their success, of coping; adolescents frequently use media to distract
Many attribute this to the expectations and support of themselves from negative thoughts and emotions (Larson,
the program leaders: 1995). At the end of the week, most said that the experi-
ence was interesting, in that it taught them how dependent
You feel that you owe it to them to do things right and
on these media they were, but that they could not wait to
to do them the way they are expected to be done . . . not
because necessarily they are always hounding you about it, return to their smartphones, computers, and televisions.
but just because you want to do it. (p. 423) Until the last 20 years or so, most research on the
impact of the media on adolescent development focused
Ultimately, this leads to changes in adolescents’ self- on television, movies, and recorded music. During the
conceptions—they come to see themselves as more past two decades, though, there has been an explosion in
dependable and mature, which affects how they behave adolescents’ use of new media, in part because access to
outside the program as well. electronic media has expanded so rapidly. Adolescents
In other words, expecting adolescents to behave not only access music and video content through con-
responsibly helps them develop a sense of responsibility ventional sources, such as televisions, but on comput-
(Coatsworth & Conroy, 2009; Larson & Angus, 2011). This, ers and, increasingly, on smartphones. The sheer amount
in turn, often leads parents to see their teens as more self- of media content that is created and distributed today is
reliant, which may increase parental autonomy-granting, incredibly vast (D. Roberts et al., 2009).
further contributing to the development of independence Many of the questions adults have asked about new
(Larson, Pearce, Sullivan, & Jarrett, 2007). Parents fre- media focus on their assumed negative effects, just as with
quently report that their teenagers had become more prior research on older media, when adults asked whether
attentive and considerate after having been in a well-run rock music promotes drug use, whether television view-
program (Salusky et al., 2014). ing “rots your brain,” whether video games encourage
violence, and so on. It’s an age-old inquiry: Consider
the following passage, taken from a the report of a U.S.
Adolescents, Media, Senate committee hearing on juvenile delinquency:
and the Internet The child today in the process of growing up is con-
stantly exposed to sights and sounds of a kind and quality
Patterns of Media Use undreamed of in previous generations. As these sights and
In 2009, a Los Angeles high school teacher asked her sounds can be a powerful force for good, so too can they
be a powerful [force for] evil. Their very quantity makes
10th-grade class to unplug themselves for a week—to
them a factor to be reckoned with in determining the total
go entirely without electronic media for that whole time climate encountered by today’s children during their for-
(Lopez, 2009). Here’s one student’s report. It’s typical of mative years.
what others wrote:
For me, the hardest media to break away from for 7 days The Senate hearing, held in 1955, was about the
was the 46-inch TV in the living room, plus all of the other contribution of comic books to adolescent crime (U.S.
TVs in the house. I watch TV almost every day. When it is Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 1955, p. 1). Hard as
on, I cannot resist watching. I thought being without media it may be to believe, in the late 1800s, parents voiced
was hard at the beginning, but while it went on, it got similar concerns about the corrupting influence of the
harder and harder, even in the same day. The first day was “questionable” content contained in mass-market novels
the hardest. I was left in silence, with everything gone and by authors like Jane Austen (Uhls, 2015)!
disconnected. I think that part was the hardest. Thinking Research on new media and adolescent development is
about other things. Usually I like hearing my thoughts, but similarly slanted (Adachi & Willoughby, 2012). Among
that day, they kind of got annoying. I didn’t want to listen
the questions asked are whether exposure to online sex-
to myself anymore.
ual content encourages sexual activity, whether using
Mass media have become social networking sites exposes adolescents to Internet
new media so much a part of the typical predators, whether online gaming increases aggression,
Digital media typically adolescent’s life that for many, whether the growing use of electronic forms of commu-
accessed via computers, smart-
staying “connected” starts to nication is hampering the development of social skills,
phones, or other Internet-
based devices. take on qualities of an addic- and whether some adolescents have actually become
tion. Another student in the addicted to the Internet. We’ll take a look at these and CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 197

other questions about the media’s impact on

adolescent development, but before we do,
let’s look at how widespread media use is
among today’s adolescents.

Media Saturation By any measure, the

availability of media in young people’s lives
is remarkable—today’s adolescents live in
a world that is not simply “media-rich” but
absolutely “media-saturated” (J. Brown &
Bobkowski, 2011a). Virtually all American
households have at least one television (and
half subscribe to premium channels, like
HBO), and close to half of adolescents live
in a household that has a TV screen in the
family car. Computers and Internet access
are present in virtually all homes, regard-
less of family income. More than 90% of
American teens go online daily, and about
25% report being online “almost con-
stantly,” often using social media (girls) or
playing video games (boys) (see Figure 8).
The most popular social media sites among
adolescents are Facebook, Instagram, and
Snapchat (Lenhart, 2015).
Almost three-fourths of all adolescents
have their own smartphone, or access to one,
and they spend less time on their phones
talking to other people than they do on other
activities (Lenhart, 2015; Rideout, Foeher
& Roberts, 2010). According to some sur-
veys, the average teenagers sends about 70 Adults have worried about teenagers’ exposure to mass media for centuries.
Today it’s the Internet. In the 1950s, it was comic books. © Mary Evans/National
text messages each day; nearly one-fifth Archives/The Image Works
send more than 200 texts daily (Lenhart,
2012; 2015). One problem that has received
a great deal of attention is the high prevalence of texting
while driving among teenagers—a dangerous practice 1 hour watching TV while on the Internet and talking on
that half of all American teenagers do monthly (Olson, a cell phone would be recorded as only 1 hour of media
Shults, & Eaton, 2013). use, even though it technically is 3 hours of exposure).
Adolescents’ total media exposure—the amount of Although adolescents’ time spent viewing television pro-
time they spend each day using one of the mass media— grams at their regularly scheduled times has declined, the
is extremely high, and substantially higher than it was 20 availability of recorded programs and television content
years ago. The average adolescent spends nearly 8 hours on other devices (like computers) has led to an overall
each day using one or more media, and this includes time increase in time spent viewing video content. When
spent using different media simultaneously (that is, where media multitasking is taken into account, the amount of

Frequency of Internet use by teens ages 13–17

24% 56 12 5 1 2

Almost Several About Several 1x Less

constantly times a day once times a often
a day a week Week

Figure 8 Virtually all American teens are online daily. One-fourth report being online “almost constantly.”
(Lenhart, 2015)
198 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

time teenagers are exposed to media each day is close to to disentangle cause and effect, because adolescents
11 hours. The highest levels of media use are reported by choose which mass media they are exposed to and how
early adolescents, and by Black and Hispanic teenagers much exposure they have (D. Roberts et al., 2009).
(Rideout et al., 2010). The only type of media use that Although it has been speculated that violent film
has not increased in the past decade is reading print mate- images provoke aggression, for example, it is just as
rials. In 2009, adolescents spent only an average of 20 likely, if not more so, that aggressive adolescents are
minutes a day reading words on a printed page. more prone to choose to watch violent images (Roe,
There has been an enormous increase in the last 1995). Similarly, sexual behavior may be correlated
decade in the amount of time adolescents spend on the with listening to “sexy” music or watching television
Internet, in part because of easier access due to smart- programs with a lot of sexual content, but it is impos-
phones and in part because the Internet is now used to sible to say which causes which (Steinberg & Monahan,
deliver content that had been delivered some other way 2011). And, although several major studies of media use
in the past (e.g., watching television programs on Hulu (D. Roberts, Foehr, & Rideout, 2005; Rideout et al.,
rather than on a television, playing video games online 2010) have found that adolescents who report a lot
rather than with an Xbox or PlayStation (Rideout et al., of media use are significantly more troubled (bored,
2010). There is some research indicating that close to unhappy, in trouble at home or school) than adoles-
10% of preadolescents and adolescents devote so much cents who use these media less often, it is not known
energy to playing video games that their behavior is whether large doses of mass media cause problems,
“pathological” (Gentile et al., 2011; van den Eijnden, whether adolescents with more problems spend more
Spijkerman, Vermulst, van Rooij, & Engels, 2010). On time online, as a way of distracting themselves from
some experimental tests of attention and self-control, their troubles or alleviating boredom, or both (Pea et al.,
individuals who report that their devotion to online gam- 2012; Szwedo, Mikami, & Allen, 2011). It is important
ing is a problem appear similar to individuals with other to keep in mind, too, that not all media exposure is the
types of addiction (van Holst et al., 2012). same, and that not all exposure is bad. Some adolescents
Online gaming appears particularly likely to be use the Internet to stay up on the news (Lin, Cheong,
associated with compulsive Internet use (van Rooij, Kim, & Jung, 2010). Mass media have been used suc-
Schoenmakers, van den Eijnden, & van de Mheen, cessfully to communicate information about safe sex,
2010). Given that most of these games involve vio- dissuade teenagers from using tobacco and illicit drugs,
lence (Strasburger, Jordan, & Donnerstein, 2010), it is and help chronically ill adolescents comply with their
not surprising that pathological video gaming is cor- medication regimens (J. Brown & Bobkowski, 2011b;
related with self-reported aggressive behavior (Ko, Strasburger et al., 2010).
Yen, Liu, Huang, & Yen, 2009; Willoughby, Adachi, & There are three basic schools of thought concerning
Good, 2012), although, as you will read, in many media the media’s impact (or lack thereof) on adolescent devel-
studies, it is hard to determine cause and effect (i.e., opment. One argues that adolescents’ knowledge about
aggressive teenagers may be more drawn to aggressive the world, attitudes and values, and behavior are influ-
games). The issue is further complicated by the fact enced by the content to which they are exposed. You’ve
that the impact of gaming on psychological develop- no doubt heard contentions like these hundreds of times:
ment depends on the adolescent’s motives for play- Playing violent video games makes adolescents aggres-
ing: Playing for fun decreases negative consequences, sive, watching sexy movies makes adolescents sex-
whereas playing to escape increases them (Hellström, crazed, being exposed to Internet pornography affects
Nilsson, Leppert, & Aslind, 2012). Plus, playing proso- the ways that adolescents think about gender roles, lis-
cial games can lead to increases in empathy, which may tening to rap lyrics encourages adolescents to engage in
increase adolescents’ inclinations to help others (Prot violence and crime, viewing beer commercials during
et al., 2013). the Super Bowl makes adolescents drink beer, and so
on. According to this view, the media shape adolescents’
cultivation theory interests, motives, and beliefs about the world—a view
A perspective on media use
that emphasizes the impact Theories of Media known as cultivation theory (Gerbner, Gross, Morgan,
& Signorelli, 1994).
media exposure has on
Influence and Use A second school of thought, called the uses and
uses and gratification
The impact of the media on gratifications approach (E. Katz, Blumler, &
approach teenagers’ behavior and devel- Gurevitch, 1974), stresses that adolescents choose the
A perspective on media use opment has been the subject media to which they are exposed. According to this
that emphasizes the active of much debate and disagree- view, any correlation between what adolescents are
role users play in selecting
ment (J. Brown & Bobkowski, exposed to and what they do or think is due not to the
the media to which they are
exposed. 2011b; Strasburger et al., influence of the media, but to the fact that individu-
2010). It is extremely difficult als with particular inclinations choose media that are CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 199

consistent with their interests. Adolescents aren’t ran- The only sure way to dem- media practice model
domly assigned to be exposed to various media, after onstrate cause and effect where A perspective on media use
all. They deliberately choose the media they use, either media influence is concerned that emphasizes the fact that
for entertainment, information, bonding with others, is to conduct an experiment adolescents not only choose
or developing a sense of identity. Aggressive adoles- in which people are randomly what media they are exposed
to but also interpret the media
cents are more likely to purchase violent video games assigned to be (or not be) in ways that shape their impact.
because they enjoy being aggressive; teenagers who are exposed to the medium to see
interested in sex are more likely to look for pornogra- how it affects them. But exper- correlation
The extent to which two things
phy on the Internet because they want to masturbate iments of this are difficult to vary systematically with each
or feel sexually aroused; adolescents who are involved do well. Even the most ardent other.
with drugs like to listen to music that glorifies drug believers in the power of media
use; and beer-drinking adolescents are more likely to influence acknowledge that The correlation between two
watch football and to be exposed to beer commercials one exposure to a commercial, things attributable to the effect
(which, after all, is why beer companies advertise dur- movie, song, or Internet site one thing has on the other.
ing football games and not on the Animal Planet net- is unlikely to change some- reverse causation
work). According to this view, adolescents’ preexisting one’s behavior. If the impact of Relationship in which the cor-
interests and motives shape their media choices, rather media exposure is incremental relation between two things
than the other way around. and cumulative—perhaps tak- is due not to the first thing
According to the third school of thought, adolescents’ ing years of exposure to have causing the second, but to the
second causing the first.
preferences and their media exposure affect each other. an effect—it may be quite pow-
Moreover, adolescents not only choose what they are erful but impossible to demon- spurious causation
exposed to, but interpret the media in ways that shape strate in a brief experiment. Relationship in which the cor-
relation between two things
their impact. This view is referred to as the media All of this is to say that you is due to the fact that each of
practice model (Steele & Brown, 1995). should view any claims about them is correlated with some
Imagine two adolescents who accidentally stumble the presence—or absence—of third factor.
onto a sexually explicit website on the Internet. One, media influence on adolescent
a sexually experienced teenager who is curious about development with caution.
pornography, views the website with interest—perhaps
it even makes him feel aroused. The other, who isn’t
interested in sex, sees the very same content and feels
repulsed. Not only is the experience not arousing, but Watching beer
Drinking beer
it also makes him even less interested in having sex commercials
than he was before landing on the site. One 13-year-
old sees a beer commercial and thinks, “That’s how Hypothesized Causation
I’m going to party when I’m old enough to drink.”
Another sees the exact same images and thinks, “What
idiots those people are—look how stupid beer makes Watching beer
you act.” Two adolescents are flipping through tele- Drinking beer
vision channels—one, who collects rap music, sees a
flash of a Kendrick Lamar music video that grabs her Reverse Causation
interest and stops flipping channels to watch. The other,
who is into country music, doesn’t even notice the clip.
According to the media practive model, the ways in
which media do (or do not) affect adolescents depend Drinking beer
on the ways in which the media are experienced and
interpreted. Liking football
These problems in distinguishing among correlation Watching beer
(when two things go hand in hand), causation (when commercials
one thing actually causes another), reverse causation
(when the correlation between two things is due not to Spurious Causation
the first thing causing the second, but to the reverse),
Figure 9 Two things can be correlated because the
and spurious causation (when the correlation between first causes the second (the hypothesized correlation),
two things is due to the fact that each of them is corre- or some third factor causes both of them (spurious
lated with some third factor) make it almost impossible causation). Research on media “effects” on adole-
to say for sure whether media exposure genuinely affects scent development has a hard time separating
adolescent development (see Figure 9). the three.
200 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

Adolescents’ Exposure to one that teenagers seem especially susceptible to (Ward,

Vandenbosch, & Eggermont, 2015). Similar messages
Controversial Media Content are carried in many music videos, in which men are
These chicken-and-egg problems notwithstanding, a shown as aggressive and dominant, and women are seen
few generalizations about media usage and adolescent as the subservient objects of men’s sexual advances
development have enough supporting evidence, however (D. Roberts et al., 2009). One issue that has concerned
indirect, to generate some consensus among experts. many sex educators is the relative absence of mes-
The bulk of the research has focused on the three topics sages concerning the possible physical consequences
about which adults are most concerned (some might say of sex (for example, pregnancy and STDs), although
obsessed): sex, violence, and drugs. these messages have become more common now than
in the past, in part because the entertainment industry
Sex Sexual themes are ubiquitous on television, with
has tried to respond more responsibly to concerns about
more than 70% of all shows popular among teenagers con-
the way sex has been portrayed (Kunkel et al., 2005).
taining sexual content, and with an average of nearly seven
There are cross-cultural differences in the ways in which
sexual scenes per hour (Kunkel, Eyal, Finnerty, Biely, &
these messages are expressed, though: One study found
Donnerstein, 2005). Sexual content is found across virtu-
that both losing one’s virginity and becoming preg-
ally all television genres, so teenagers are exposed to sex
nant were depicted more positively in the Netherlands
on television whether their tastes run toward comedies,
(where attitudes toward teen sex are more liberal) than
action shows, or dramas, although the context in which
in the United States (Joshi, Peter, & Valkenburg, 2014).
sex is depicted varies across different categories (Schooler,
There is plenty of sexual content in new media as well,
Sorsoli, Kim, & Tolman, 2009). Actually, the prevalence of
and the content is typically more explicit than that in
sexual content in shows favored by adolescents declined a
older media. Half of all adolescents have seen pornog-
bit since 2000, most likely because of the increase in popu-
raphy on the Internet (J. Brown and Bobkowski, 2011b).
larity of reality shows like American Idol, which have dis-
Whether and in what ways exposure to sexual media
placed shows with more sexual content (usually dramas) on
content affects adolescents’ sexual development is con-
the list of programs most watched by teenagers. Most sexual
troversial. Some studies have concluded that exposure to
content on prime-time TV does not contain graphic images
sex on television or online accelerates adolescents’ sex-
of individuals having sex, but instead is made up of humor-
ual behavior, leading them to start having sex at an earlier
ous and suggestive comments. On daytime television, how-
age (Chandra et al., 2008; O’Hara, Gibbons, Gerrard, Li,
ever, a lot of sexual imagery is of individuals engaging in
& Sargent, 2012; R. L. Collins, Martino, Elliott & Miu,
passionate kissing and erotic touching. Sexual content is
2011). Others have found that adolescents who are inter-
also common in music videos (L. M. Ward, 2003).
ested in sex choose to expose themselves to more sexual
The most common sexual messages involve men see-
content but are not affected by it (Steinberg & Monahan,
ing women as sex objects, sex as a defining aspect of
2011). Still others find evidence for both (Bleakley,
masculinity, sex as a competition, and sex as fun and
Hennessy, Fishbein, & Jordan, 2008), or different effects
exciting. The message that women are sex objects is
on different adolescents. One recent study found that
exposure to sexually explicit websites increased the like-
lihood of sexual activity among adolescents who had just
entered puberty, but decreased it among those who were
sexually mature (Vandenbosch & Eggermont, 2012).
Although questions remain about whether exposure to
sexual media content alters adolescents’ sexual behavior,
many studies demonstrate that repeated exposure affects
adolescents’ attitudes, beliefs, and intentions (L’Engle,
Brown, & Kenneavy, 2006; D. Roberts et al., 2009;
L. M. Ward, 2003). For example, adolescents who watch
a lot of music videos have more tolerant attitudes toward
sexual harassment and more sex-stereotyped attitudes
about sexual relationships (L. M. Ward, Hansbrough,
& Walker, 2005). Other studies have found that expo-
sure to explicit sex on the Internet is associated with
having more permissive attitudes about sex and greater
willingness to engage in sexual harassment (J. Brown
& Bobkowski, 2011b; J. Brown & L’Engle, 2009).
Research on the impact of adolescents’ exposure to sex on TV Whether such exposure affects adolescents’ attitudes and
or in movies is controversial. © Mondadori/Getty Images behaviors because it changes their beliefs about what is CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 201

normative, or whether it works by actually making ado- Moreover, how adolescents respond to video games var-
lescents more sexually aroused, is not known. ies as a function of whom they play them with; one study
found that when adolescents played violent video games
with their parents, they reported declines in aggression
(Coyne, Padilla-Walker, Stockdale, & Day, 2011).
making the practical Experimental research on the effects of video games
connection on adolescent behavior are inconclusive, with some
Politicians often argue that the mass media adversely studies finding small effects and others none at all
affects adolescents’ development, and regularly propose (Ferguson, Garza, Jerabeck, Ramos, & Galindo, 2012),
legislation that would restrict adolescents’ access to even among adolescents with mental health problems
media content they believe is dangerous. What do you (Ferguson & Olson, 2014). Although controlled experi-
think about this? What policies, if any, do you support that ments have shown that exposure to the lyrics of violent
would affect adolescents’ access to mass media? songs increases individuals’ aggressive thoughts (C. A.
Anderson, Carnagey, & Eubanks, 2003; Coyne & Padilla-
Walker, 2015), many experts doubt that playing violent
Violence Adolescents are also exposed to a great video games or listening to music with violent lyrics
deal of violent imagery on television, in movies, in causes adolescents to engage in the sorts of serious vio-
certain music genres, and in video games (J. Brown & lent acts that alarmists have raised concerns about, such
Bobkowski, 2011a; D. Roberts et al., 2009). More than
60% of TV programming contains violence. Young peo-
ple see about 10,000 acts of media violence each year,
and more than one-fourth of all violent incidents on TV
involve guns. By the age of 18, the typical adolescent
will have seen about 200,000 violent acts just on televi-
sion alone (Strasburger et al., 2010). The amount of vio-
lence in popular films has been on the rise (Figure 10)
(Bleakley, Jamieson, & Romer, 2012).
Precise estimates of the amount of violent imagery
in the most popular video games or other visual media
are not available, but frequent concerns have been raised
over the impact of violent video games on young peo-
ple (Ivory, 2008; Strasburger et al., 2010). Adolescents
who spend a lot of time playing violent video games get
into more fights and arguments than their peers (Krahé,
Busching, & Möller, 2012), but it is difficult to know
whether playing such games makes adolescents more
hostile or impulsive, whether adolescents who are more
aggressive and impulsive to begin with are simply more Research has questioned the widespread belief that playing
likely to want to play violent games, or both (Adachi & violent video games makes teenagers more aggressive.
Willoughby, 2013a; Gentile, Swing, Lim, & Khoo, 2012). © James Woodson/Digital Vision/Getty Images RF

0.7 Figure 10 The proportion of male and

female characters who engage in violence
in top-grossing films has been increasing.
(Bleakley et al., 2012)
Average proportion




1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Year of release
202 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

as lethal school shootings. Indeed, careful studies of the presence on the Internet (Jenssen, Klein, Salazar, Daluga,
impact of playing violent video games find that they do & DiClemente, 2009; Strasburger et al., 2010).
not make adolescents more aggressive (Ferguson, 2011; Adolescents are also exposed to alcohol and tobacco
Ferguson & Kilburn, 2009), a point that was noted by a through films, which frequently depict actors smoking
prominent group of social scientists in a brief submitted and drinking, a concern because teenagers are more
to the U.S. Supreme Court in Brown v. Entertainment likely to smoke if their favorite film star is a smoker
Merchants, a 2010 case in which the Court ruled that a (D. Roberts et al., 2009). Importantly, the effects of
California law banning the sale of violent video games to seeing smoking in movies are strongest among adoles-
minors was unconstitutional (Ferguson, 2013). As some cents who are initially less inclined to take up smok-
have noted, given the millions of copies of violent games ing, which argues against the notion that adolescents’
that have been sold, if playing video games had a sig- desire to smoke leads to their exposure to smoking in
nificant impact on real-world violence, we’d likely be in movies and suggests instead that exposure to smoking
the midst of a violence epidemic—yet juvenile violence in movies may actually influence adolescents to start
has declined substantially since peaking in the early smoking. As a consequence of this research, movie dis-
1990s, despite the proliferation of violent video games tributors are now putting antismoking ads on DVDs of
(Reichhardt, 2003). In fact, one analysis indicated that movies that contain scenes with smoking (Heatherton &
the proliferation of violent video games has led to a drop Sargent, 2009).
in violent crime (Markey, Markey, & French, 2014). Nor Studies of exposure to ads for alcohol and tobacco,
is it clear that putting labels on games to alert adoles- as well as antismoking commercial messages, have
cents and their parents to violent content is an effective shown that they are effective in changing teenagers’
strategy, anyway—this sort of labeling makes the games attitudes about drinking and smoking, both positively
more, not less, attractive to teenagers (Bijvank, Konijn, and negatively (D. Roberts et al., 2009; Grenard, Dent,
Bushman, & Roelofsma, 2009). & Stacy, 2013; Scull, Kupersmidt, & Erausquin, 2013).
In contrast to studies of video games, numerous stud- Evaluations of media campaigns designed to reduce
ies have shown that repeated exposure to violent imag- adolescent smoking, drinking, and drug use show that
ery on television leads to aggressive behavior in children certain types of messaging may be more effective than
and youth, especially among those who have prior his- others. Whereas emphasizing the questionable motives
tories of aggression (Robertson, McAnally, & Hancox, of the tobacco industry (as in the “Truth” campaign) has
2013). It is important to note, however, that other fac- proven to be effective, repeated exposure to other kinds
tors, such as experiences in the family or community, of antidrug messaging can lead adolescents to believe
are likely far greater influences on adolescent violence that drug use is more common than it actually is, inad-
than media exposure (Strasburger & Donnerstein, 1999). vertently stimulating adolescents’ interest in using drugs.
Nevertheless, it is now well established that exposure to It is very hard to know whether changing adolescents’
TV violence in childhood is linked to aggressive behav- exposure to messages about drinking and smoking actu-
ior toward others in adolescence and adulthood, a height- ally changes their behavior. Although adolescents who
ened tolerance of violence, and greater desensitization report having seen ads for alcohol or tobacco are more
to the effects of violence on others, although some of likely to drink and smoke, this correlation could be due
this effect is likely due to the tendency for people with to the fact that people who use and enjoy a product are
aggressive tendencies to choose to watch violent pro- simply more likely to attend to depictions of that prod-
gramming (Huesmann, 2007; D. Roberts et al., 2009). uct being used and are therefore more likely to report
For instance, although studies have found differences in having seen the ad or movie scene. (For instance, if you
brain anatomy between adolescents who report frequent are shopping for a car, you are probably more likely to
exposure to television and movie violence and those who pay attention to car commercials.) A few studies have
do not, it is not clear whether exposure to media violence tried to overcome this problem by looking at whether
causes brain changes or whether individuals with certain adolescents who live in media markets in which alco-
patterns of brain structure or function are more drawn to hol and tobacco advertising is more common drink and
certain types of stimulation (Strenziok et al., 2010). smoke more (they do), but it is hard to determine cause
and effect, since it is likely that companies that sell these
Drugs Alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs are present products spend more money advertising their brands
in nearly three-quarters of prime-time network dramatic in places where there are large numbers of people who
programs, virtually all top-grossing movies, and half buy their products. One problem in linking exposure to
of all music videos. Nearly 10% of the commercials advertising and the use of alcohol or tobacco is that it
that young people see on TV are for beer or wine. For is unethical to experimentally manipulate exposure in
every public service announcement discouraging alco- order to see whether increasing the number of ads ado-
hol use, teenagers see 25–50 ads for alcoholic beverages. lescents see leads to an increase in their use of harmful
Plus, alcohol and tobacco companies have an increasing substances. CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 203

Electronic Media and Adolescent

The increased availability of electronic communication has
undoubtedly influenced the way that adolescents social-
ize. According to recent estimates, 80% of teens who are
online (and virtually all adolescents are online) use social
media. In keeping with the general notion that the main
purposes of adolescents’ media use, in addition to com-
munication, are entertainment and information seeking,
other sites that draw many teenage visitors are YouTube
(for entertainment) and Google (for information).
The impact of Internet socializing on adolescents’
behavior and development is interesting, poorly under-
stood, and controversial. Among the main concerns
that have been raised are whether communicating with
friends and acquaintances electronically rather than in
person is adversely affecting adolescents’ development
and whether strangers who might wish to harm young
Although many adults worry that the increased use of electronic
people, such as sexual predators, could use publicly communication has had an adverse impact on adolescents’
posted information to establish relationships and initiate social development, this does not seem to be the case.
sexual contact with them. © Blend Images - JGI/Jamie Grill/ Brand X Pictures/ Getty Images RF

Adolescent Development and the Internet Many Rideout et al., 2010). Health experts are concerned that
parents are concerned that the large amount of time that the vast amounts of time teenagers spend on the Internet
teenagers spend on the Internet has had a negative effect is sedentary, which is associated with obesity, high blood
on their social development and relationships. Some pressure, and other indicators of poor health (Goldfield et
worry that electronic interactions have replaced face-to- al., 2011; Mitchell, Pates, Beets, & Nader, 2013; Rosen
face ones, to the detriment of the development of social et al., 2014). Most experts believe that the high rate of
skills. Still others worry that adolescents are forming obesity among American teenagers is due, in part, to the
relationships with strangers and that these may take time large amount of time—estimated to be close to 60 hours a
away from intimacy with “real” friends. And, of course, week—young people spend watching TV, playing video
many simply worry that the sheer amount of time ado- games, or online. Keep in mind, though, that while some
lescents spend online is unhealthy because it has dis- of the time adolescents spend on the Internet displaces
placed other, more valuable activities. physical activity, a fair amount simply replaces time that
Has adolescents’ extensive use of the Internet affected would have been spent watching television, which is also
their development and mental health? As the title of one correlated with obesity (Braithwaite et al., 2013).
book on the subject aptly conveys, “It’s complicated” Researchers have also asked whether adolescents use
(Boyd, 2014). Many unanswered questions remain, but the Internet to acquire information that can improve their
it looks as if the effects of Internet use—whether posi- health or understanding of the world. To the extent that
tive or negative—are much smaller than its proponents the Internet is used by adolescents to acquire accurate
or detractors have claimed (Jackson, 2008). information, it can be a positive force. This may be espe-
We can safely assume that, to the extent that time on cially true with respect to educating adolescents about
the Internet is displacing time spent in physical activity, healthy behavior, such as safe sex, in developing coun-
it is having a detrimental impact on adolescents’ physi- tries, where it is often difficult to reach a large audience
cal health. Many adolescents suffer from sleep difficul- of adolescents through classrooms (Borzekowski, Fobil,
ties as a result of their late-night media use (Lemola, & Asante, 2006).
Perkinson-Gloor, Brand, Dewald-Kaufmann, & Grob, The ultimate value of the Internet as an educational
2014). And the amount of time adolescents spend watch- tool depends on the quality and content of the informa-
ing TV and playing video games is inversely linked tion conveyed, as two studies of eating disorders illus-
to the amount of time they spend in physical activity trate. Whereas one study found that an Internet-based
(Motl, McAuley, Birnbaum, & Lytle, 2006). On aver- intervention was effective in reducing binge eating
age, the typical American 15-year-old spends at least (M. Jones et al., 2008), another found that many ado-
8 hours each day sitting in front of one sort of screen or lescents with eating disorders visit websites that actu-
another, but less than an hour in moderate physical activ- ally promote disordered eating (J. L. Wilson, Peebles,
ity (Nader, Bradley, Houts, McRitchie, & O’Brien, 2008; Hardy, & Litt, 2006). Similarly, whereas some message
204 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

Internet addiction
boards on the Internet devoted Even among those adolescents with both online and
A disorder in which an indi- to self-injurious behavior, like face-to-face friends, most maintain a balance of contact
vidual’s use of the Internet is cutting, can provide valuable with each. But for a small proportion of teenagers (fewer
pathological, defined by six social support to adolescents than 5 percent), things get out of hand, and they develop
symptoms: salience, mood who compulsively injure them- what has been termed Internet addiction (Adiele &
change, tolerance, withdrawal,
conflict, and relapse and
selves, others encourage the Olatokun, 2014; Kuss, van Rooij, Shorter, Griffiths, &
reinstatement. behavior and provide instruc- van de Mheen, 2013; Smahel, Brown, & Blinka, 2012).
tions on various cutting tech- Internet addiction is defined by six symptoms: salience
niques (Mitchell, Wells, Priebe, (being online is the most important thing in life), mood
& Ybarra, 2014). One study of race-related exchanges change (one’s mood fluctuates as a function of Internet
among adolescents on the Internet found plenty of exam- experiences), tolerance (needing more and more Internet
ples of both hostile racist comments and civil discussions time to feel satisfied), withdrawal (experiencing nega-
of racial tolerance (Tynes, 2007). Obviously, it is hard tive feelings when prevented from being online), conflict
to generalize about the effects of spending time online (the Internet has caused problems in one’s relationships
without examining the content of the information that is or some other aspect of life), and relapse and reinstate-
exchanged. ment (returning to addictive Internet behavior after get-
Social communication on the Internet, like social ting it under control).
communication face-to-face or over the phone, cre- A certain proportion of teenagers become so
ates both positive and negative experiences (Szwedo, addicted to maintaining their online relationships that
Mikami, & Allen, 2012). We hear a lot about things they may develop what has been nicknamed “Facebook
like cyberbullying, but two-thirds of adolescents report depression,” which is thought to be the result of spend-
that things have happened through social networking ing too much time obsessing about one’s online rela-
that have made them feel better about themselves, and tionships (O’Keefe, Clarke-Pearson, & Council on
nearly 60% say that social networking has made them Communications and Media, 2011). Frequent instant
feel closer to someone. On the other hand, 25% of ado- messaging, especially with acquaintances who are
lescents report that something that happened online led not close friends, can become compulsive and lead
to a face-to-face argument with someone, and nearly that to feelings of depression (van den Eijnden, Meerkerk,
percent reported that something online led to the end Vermulst, Spijkerman, & Engels, 2008). Of course,
of a friendship. Almost all adolescents report having it is not known whether these adolescents were espe-
seen someone post something mean about someone, but cially prone to depression or would have developed
85% have said that they had told someone posting mean these feelings as a result of ruminating about their
things to stop (Lenhart et al., 2011). offline friendships, and there is some evidence that
Although many adults worry that adolescents’ online compulsive Internet users are more introverted, less
friends will displace the friendships they maintain in per- agreeable, and less emotionally stable (van der Aa et
son, this fear appears to be unfounded (Valkenburg & al., 2009). Not surprisingly, the impact of social media
Peter, 2011). Using a social network site does not seem on adolescents’ moods depends on what they learn
to amount to all that much more than finding an efficient when they check their accounts: When adolescents
way to stay in touch with friends (Reich, 2010). Most seek and find social support, they feel better; when
adolescents use the Internet to communicate with people they seek it but don’t get it, they feel worse (Frison &
they see in person, too (Underwood, Ehrenreich, More, Eggermont, 2015).
Solis, & Brinkley, 2015). Similarly, although adoles- Studies find that more frequent online communica-
cents’ media use can cut into time with their family, many tion brings friends closer, perhaps because online com-
families report that shared media use brings them closer. munication facilitates self-disclosure. Communicating
Shared media viewing plays a role in many families’ ritu- over the Internet with friends may be especially impor-
als (e.g., watching the same shows or movies together tant for socially anxious adolescents, who may find
on holidays) (Coyne, Padilla-Walker, Fraser, Fellows, & it easier to interact online than in person (Antheunis,
Day, 2014). And sharing time together, even time watch- Schouten, & Krahmer, 2014; Dolev-Cohen & Barak,
ing TV, provides opportunities for parents to learn more 2013; Forest & Wood, 2012). However, these same
about their teenagers’ activities. As one parent explained: studies find that spending a lot of time in other online
activities (e.g., watching videos) leads to lower qual-
See, my son’s the type you have to drag things out of him
ity relationships with one’s close friends, presumably
as far as what happened in school or, you know, what’s
going on. He never says anything. Now, if we’re watching a because the activities take time away from interacting
show or something and something comes up, you know, he with them. The Internet can help strengthen adoles-
may mention, oh, that happened, you know, the other day. cents’ close relationships if it is used to communicate
So it kind of keeps me abreast of what’s going on with that with one’s existing friends (and in this sense, using
age group (Strasburger, Wilson, & Jordan, 2009, p. 499). the Internet to stay in touch is probably not all that CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 205

different from spending time with one’s friends on the anonymity of the Internet may expose their teenagers to
phone) (Ranney & Troop-Gordon, 2012), but has the individuals who wish to harm them in some way, like
potential to weaken friendships if it occupies the ado- sexual predators and cyberbullies. Despite the attention
lescent in activities that aren’t shared, or cause adoles- devoted to it in popular media, Internet bullying is a
cents to stress out if it leads friends to ruminate about far less prevalent problem than is face-to-face bullying,
their problems with each other (Murdock, Gorman, & and most cyberbullying is very mild, taking the form of
Robbins, 2015). ignoring or disrespecting the victim (Jackson, 2008). Is
As with other research in media “effects,” studies the same true for sexual predators on the Internet? Has
of online behavior have difficulty separating cause and this problem been exaggerated by media coverage as
effect, and these problems are compounded when the well? Yes it has.
research is actually conducted over the Internet, as much According to the most recent Youth Internet Safety
of it has been, since the samples in these studies are bound Survey, conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice,
to be individuals who are online more frequently. Some about 9% of young people received an unwanted sexual
evidence suggests that adolescents with relatively more solicitation online in 2010, down from 19% in 2000 and
psychological problems and poorer family relationships 13% in 2005 (L. Jones, Mitchell, & Finkelhor, 2011a).
are more likely than their peers to form close online rela- The 50% decline during this 10-year period could be due
tionships with strangers, but we do not know whether hav- to several factors, including successful efforts to teach
ing these sorts of online relationships leads to or follows adolescents Internet safety, publicity about the crimi-
from maladjustment (Szwedo, Mikami, & Allen, 2011; nal prosecution of predators, and, most likely, the shift
Wolak, Mitchell, & Finkelhor, 2003; Ybarra, Alexander, in online socializing from public chat rooms to social
& Mitchell, 2005). It is quite plausible that adolescents networking sites, which permit adolescents to limit their
who have problems simply are more likely to seek out online contact to people they choose.
relationships with people over the Internet (M. Gould, Although adults often express concerns about ado-
Munfakh, Lubell, Kleinman, & Parker, 2002). Despite the lescents using the Internet to view pornography, much
considerable media attention given to the topic, evidence of the pornographic material on the Internet to which
linking psychological problems to excessive Internet use adolescents are exposed is unwanted rather than actively
is inconsistent, with some studies linking high Internet sought. In 2010, 15% of all adolescents reported receiv-
use to insomnia, depression, social isolation, and missed ing unwanted sexual material, although fewer than half
school, but others finding no such effects (Israelashvili, said that they had received material that upset them
Kim, & Bukobza, 2012; Jackson, 2008). (L. Jones et al., 2011a). The incidence of “sexting”—
sending sexually explicit pictures over the Internet,
The Internet and Cognitive Development Very few usually by smartphone—is similarly exaggerated in the
studies have looked at the impact of Internet or video game popular press. According to systematic surveys, only
use on cognitive development, despite hopes that adoles- 1% of adolescents had sent or appeared in photos that
cents will benefit from having increased access to a world showed naked breasts, genitals, or buttocks (K. Mitchell,
of information, and fears that the Internet will distract Finkelhor, Jones, & Wolak, 2012). Evidently, those who
teenagers from more stimulating pursuits, like reading (an are sending the pictures are sending them to multiple
odd fear, given the fact that even before computers were recipients, though—6% of adolescents reported having
so widespread, reading outside of school had been pretty received a sexually explicit photo. (Adolescents who
much displaced by television). To date, research suggests receive such photos rarely distribute them.) Rather than
that both the hopes and the fears are probably exagger- viewing sexting as having unique correlates, it makes
ated (Hofferth & Moon, 2012). According to a study of more sense to view it as a specific instance of risk tak-
more than 190,000 students from 22 countries, there is no ing more generally. Teenagers who engage in sexting
evidence that adolescents’ school performance is either are more prone to other sorts of risky activity, includ-
helped or harmed by playing video games (Drummond ing risky sex (Delevi & Weisskirch, 2013; Dir, Cyders,
& Sauer, 2014). A few studies show that playing video & Coskunpinar, 2013; Temple et al., 2014; Ybarra &
games may enhance visual skills, reaction time, hand-eye Mitchell, 2014). Nor is it common for law enforcement
coordination, information-processing skills, and problem officials to arrest adolescents for sexting; in most cases
solving abilities (Adachi & Willoughby, 2013b; Buelow, in which police take action, an adult has been involved
Okdie, & Cooper, 2015; Ivory, 2008; Jackson, 2008). (Wolak, Finkelhor, & Mitchell, 2012).
And, despite concerns about the impact of Internet use Despite adults’ concern about the dangers the Internet
on brain development, credible scientific research on the poses to adolescents, the vast majority of teenagers use
topic is virtually nonexistent (Mills, 2014). the Internet in ways that are not only benign, but similar
to their parents: to stay in touch with friends, to down-
Sexual Predators, Pornography, and “Sexting” load and enjoy popular entertainment, and to keep up
Some parents are anxious about the ways in which the with the world around them.
206 PART 2 The Contexts of Adolescence

Mass Media and Adolescent as reality TV shows about cosmetic surgery (Ashikali,
Dittmar, & Ayers, 2014; C. Markey & P. Markey, 2012).
Girls’ Body Image Although very few studies have examined the media’s
Several commentators have raised concerns about the impact on males’ body image, boys and men are more
messages to which young women are exposed in maga- dissatisfied with their body after seeing advertising or
zines aimed at them, especially in light of widespread music videos featuring muscular male models (Agliata
body dissatisfaction among adolescent girls. The major- & Tantleff-Dunn, 2004; Mulgrew, Volcevski-Kostas, &
ity of articles in these magazines focus on dating and Rendell, 2013). Ironically, the same media that implicitly
heterosexual relationships, and most emphasize the encourage adolescent girls to be thin and adolescent boys
importance of physical attractiveness and thinness. to be muscular devote considerable time and resources to
According to researchers, articles and advertisements encouraging adolescents to eat, and to eat unhealthy food,
in these magazines convey a clear message that attracting at that! More than one-quarter of the television advertise-
males by being physically beautiful is the road to true ments seen by American adolescents are for food, bever-
happiness for women. Adolescent girls who frequently ages, or restaurants, with ads for candy, snacks, cereals,
read fashion magazines are more dissatisfied with their and fast food among the most frequent (J. Brown &
bodies than are girls who do not, and controlled experi- Bobkowski, 2011b).
ments have indicated that showing girls images of thin
models increases their body dissatisfaction (D. Roberts
et al., 2009). Moreover, frequently reading magazine
The Adolescent Consumer
articles about dieting or weight loss leads to increases A final, and very important, aspect of adolescent media
in unhealthy weight control behaviors, such as inten- use is economic. The size of the adolescent population,
tional vomiting and inappropriate use of laxatives (van the prevalence of student employment, and the fact that
den Berg, Neumark-Sztainer, Hannan, & Haines, 2007). adolescents save less than any other age group make
There is also evidence that spending a lot of time on young people an attractive target for a variety of busi-
social networking sites can increase girls’ body image nesses (Osgerby, 2008). Teenagers spend more than
concerns (Tiggemann & Slater, 2014). This is consistent $90 billion per year, and the total amount of money
with other research suggesting that adolescents’ body spent by and for adolescents between 12 and 17 exceeds
image concerns are more strongly influenced by compar- $200 billion annually (Packaged Facts, 2007). Although
ing themselves with people they know than with media there has been a worldwide recession since 2008, 75% of
figures (Ferguson, Muñoz, Garza, & Galindo, 2014). teenagers report that they are receiving as much or more
Similar results are reported in studies of girls’ responses spending money than they did the previous year (Dolliver,
to appearance-related commercials on television and web- 2010). Not surprisingly, much of adolescents’ money is
sites, which, like ads in fashion magazines, typically fea- spent on discretionary purchases related to leisure activi-
ture attractive, thin models (Harrison & Hefner, 2008; ties. And, unfortunately, many adolescents spend money
Slater, Tiggemann, Hawkins, & Werchon, 2012), as well on alcohol and cigarettes—according to one estimate,
underage drinkers account for about one-sixth of the
$100 billion dollars spent each year on alcohol (Horner,
Jamieson, & Romer, 2008).
We can certainly debate the merits of cultivating such
strong consumer urges among the young and impres-
sionable. Some critics contend that advertising aimed at
teenagers takes advantage of the fact that they are more
impulsive and self-conscious than adults (see Pechmann,
Levine, Loughlin, & Leslie, 2005). On the other hand,
America’s economy is driven by consumer spending, and
the segments of our economy that are devoted to leisure
and recreation depend on the adolescent market. Among
the most important industries are those connected with
movies, music, sports, and television. Teenagers make up
a large, and therefore influential, segment of the consum-
ers of these products—as a glance at the local movie list-
ings or a few minutes of channel-surfing will readily attest.
Adolescents’ use of the Internet has led to the develop-
ment of a wide variety of new strategies aimed at mar-
More than $200 billion is spent each year by or for teenagers. keting products to this age group. These include targeted
© Purestock/PunchStock RF ads placed on social media websites like YouTube or CHAPTER 7 Work, Leisure, and Media 207

Instagram, embedding promotional content into Twitter the existence of large blocks of
viral marketing
feeds or Facebook posts, branded websites (websites uncommitted time is one fea- A way of promoting products
that are devoted to specific products), “advergaming” ture of adolescence in modern or services by encouraging
(placing advertisements within online games), online society that has the potential to individuals to pass information
TV ads, branded apps for mobile devices, and viral contribute in positive ways to on to others.
marketing, a strategy that encourages people to pass on young people’s development.
a marketing message to others (Common Sense Media, One potential benefit of participation in leisure activities
2014). Because adolescents are likely to use technologies is that it helps adolescents feel happier, more competent,
that can easily and instantly connect them to thousands of and more connected to others (DesRoches & Willoughby,
other teenagers, using young people to spread the word 2013; Leversen, Danielsen, Birkeland, & Samdal, 2012).
about new products is highly effective (Montgomery, Many misconceptions about the pros and cons of
Chester, Grier, & Dorfman, 2012). various uses of free time abound. Most adults view
The influence of the adolescent market extends well participation in structured extracurricular activities as
beyond the youth cohort, however—as evidenced by the a good thing, and this seems to be the case. But most
uncanny predictability with which adult tastes in cloth- people are equally sure that working is good for teenag-
ing and music often follow those of teenagers, albeit in ers, even though studies show that the costs of intensive
a toned-down fashion. Teenagers often have consider- involvement in part-time work during the school year
able influence over their parents’ purchases, which gives outweigh the benefits. And, although adults believe that
added incentive for advertisers to market products with the mass media have a uniformly negative effect on ado-
young people’s tastes in mind (Zollo, 2004). lescents’ behavior, studies show that adolescents’ inter-
ests affect their media use more than vice-versa.
The impact of the mass media on adolescent devel-
Free Time and Adolescent opment has become especially controversial as the role
of technology in adolescents’ lives has expanded. Most
Development adults, especially parents, are absolutely certain that
Adults have mixed feelings about adolescents’ activities nothing good comes from adolescents’ exposure to video
outside of school. On the positive side, adults take pride in games, social media, and the Internet, and they often
watching their children’s sports teams and creative activi- blame the mass media for a wide array of adolescents’
ties, and they believe that these productive uses of leisure problems—despite the fact that parents themselves
time help build character and teach important skills, such exert a far greater influence on adolescent development
as teamwork and perseverance. (Think about all the mov- than do any of the media about which they are often
ies you have seen about the character-building benefits of so alarmed. Moreover, because adolescents choose the
team sports.) Similarly, most adults view holding a part- media to which they are exposed, it is very difficult to
time job as a worthwhile activity that provides opportu- demonstrate that adolescents are actually affected by
nities for learning and the development of responsibility. what they see and hear. This is not to say that the media
On the other hand, adults view many adolescent lei- have no impact on adolescents’ behavior and well-being.
sure activities as wasted time or, worse, as preludes to But we should be careful not to confuse cause and effect
trouble. They worry about groups of teenagers cruising or overstate the strength of the media’s influence. It is
the mall; they cringe at images of adolescents riveted also important to keep in mind that the mass media can
to their smartphones; they worry about adolescents’ be used to promote positive behavior and healthy devel-
exposure to sex and violence on television, in film, in opment, to provide information about a rapidly changing
music, and on the Internet. Although we might wish for world, and to facilitate communication with others.
the “good old days” before the advent of smartphones, By valuing adolescents’ free time only when it is used
Facebook, Instagram, and video streaming, those good productively, adults may misunderstand the important
old days are long gone. And keep in mind that even dur- functions that leisure time serves in the psychosocial
ing those supposed good old days, adults worried about development of young people. Free time plays an impor-
how adolescents spent their idle time and about the cor- tant role in helping young people develop a sense of
rupting influence of such evils as rock ‘n’ roll, dime- themselves, explore their relationships with each other,
store romances, television, and comic books. and learn about the society around them (Coatsworth et
This mixed view of adolescents’ free time reflects al., 2005). A moderate amount of solitude (during which
an interesting paradox about the nature of adolescence daydreaming is a central activity) is positively related to
in modern society. Because industrialized society has high school students’ psychological well-being (Larson,
“given” adolescents a good deal of free time, adults 1997). And, for better or for worse, the mass media are
expect them to use it productively. But by definition, free globalizing adolescence, contributing to the develop-
time is supposed to be time that can be used for purposes ment of a common culture that gives adolescents all over
other than being productive. Some theorists believe that the world much to share.
Part 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence
8 Identity 9 Autonomy 10 Intimacy 11 Sexuality 12 Achievement 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence

Identity as an Adolescent Issue

Resolving the Identity Crisis

Changes in Self-Conceptions Problems in Identity Development
Changes in the Content and Structure of Research on Identity Development
Self-Conceptions Determining an Adolescent’s Identity Status
Dimensions of Personality in Adolescence Studying Identity Development Over Time
Changes in Self-Esteem Identity and Ethnicity
Stability and Changes in Self-Esteem The Development of Ethnic Identity
Group Differences in Self-Esteem Discrimination and Its Effects
Antecedents and Consequences of High Multiethnic Adolescents
Identity and Gender
The Adolescent Identity Crisis Gender-Role Development
Erikson’s Theoretical Framework Gender-Role Socialization during Adolescence
Identity Versus Identity Diffusion Masculinity and Femininity
The Social Context of Identity Development
© David J. Green - lifestyle themes/Alamy

208 CHAPTER 8 Identity 209

What am I like as a person? You’re probably not going I’d be mortified in the eyes of my friends if I did too well.
to understand. I’m complicated! With my really close So I’m usually pretty stressed out at home, or sarcastic,
friends, I am very tolerant. I mean, I’m understanding and since my parents are always on my case. But I really don’t
caring. With a group of friends, I’m rowdier. I’m also usu- understand how I can switch so fast. I mean, how can I be
ally friendly and cheerful but I can get pretty obnoxious cheerful with my friends, then coming home and feeling
and intolerant if I don’t like how they’re acting. I’d like anxious, and then getting frustrated and sarcastic with
to be friendly and tolerant all of the time, that’s the kind my parents. Which one is the real me? (15-year-old girl,
of person I want to be, and I’m disappointed when I’m quoted in Harter, 2011, p. 311)
not. At school, I’m serious, even studious every now and
then, but on the other hand I’m a goof-off too, because if
Because changes take place during adolescence
you’re too studious, you won’t be popular. So I go back in the ways people view and feel about themselves, the
and forth, which means I don’t do all that well in terms of study of identity development has been a major focus of
my grades. But that causes problems at home, where I’m research and theory on adolescents (Harter, 2011). In this
pretty anxious when I’m around my parents. They expect chapter, we examine why adolescence is a time of major
me to get all A’s, and get pretty annoyed with me when changes in identity, why individuals differ in their patterns
report cards come out. I care what they think about me, of identity development, and how the course of adoles-
and so then I get down on myself, but it’s not fair! I mean, cent identity development is shaped by the nature of life in
I worry about how I probably should get better grades, but contemporary society.

Identity as an Adolescent Issue

Changes in the way we view and feel about ourselves
occur throughout life. You have probably heard and read
about the so-called midlife crisis—which is thought
to occur during middle age. And certainly, important
changes in self-conceptions and in self-image take place
throughout childhood. When 4-year-olds and 10-year-
olds are asked to describe themselves, the older children
provide a far more complex self-portrait. Whereas young
children restrict their descriptions to lists of what they
own or like to do, older children are more likely to tell
you about their personality as well.
If changes in identity occur throughout the life cycle,
why have researchers who are interested in identity
development paid so much attention to adolescence? One
reason is that the changes in identity that take place dur-
ing adolescence involve the first substantial reorganiza-
Adolescence is often a time when individuals ask questions
tion and restructuring of the individual’s sense of self
about who they are and where they are headed. Concerns with
at a time when he or she has the intellectual capability physical appearance often intensify. © Corbis RF/Corbis
to appreciate fully just how significant the changes are.
Although important changes in identity certainly occur
during childhood, adolescents are far more self-conscious feel as though your personality has changed, too. During
about these changes and feel them much more acutely. puberty, when adolescents are changing so dramatically
on the outside, they understandably have questions about
Puberty and Identity Development Another reason changes that are taking place on the inside. Undergoing
for the attention that researchers and theorists have given the physical changes of puberty may prompt fluctuations
the study of identity development during adolescence in one’s self-esteem and self-conceptions.
concerns the fundamental biological, cognitive, and social
changes characteristic of the period. It is not hard to see Cognitive Change and Identity Development Just
why puberty plays an important role in provoking identity as the broadening of intellectual capabilities during early
development during adolescence. When you change the adolescence provides new ways of thinking about prob-
way you look—for example, when you have your hair col- lems, values, and interpersonal relationships, it also per-
ored or cut in a different way, lose a great deal of weight, mits adolescents to think about themselves in new ways.
or dramatically change how you dress—you sometimes It is not until adolescence that people are able to think
210 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

possible selves
in systematic ways about hypo- broader society in which we live. Generally, research-
The various identities an ado- thetical and future events. This ers and theorists have taken three different approaches
lescent might imagine for him- is manifested in two specific to the question of how the individual’s sense of identity
or herself. ways that have implications changes during adolescence.
future orientation for identity development. First, The first approach emphasizes changes in self-
The extent to which an indi- adolescents become much more conceptions—the traits and attributes individuals see in
vidual is able and inclined able to imagine their possible themselves. A second approach focuses on adolescents’
to think about the potential selves—the various alternative self-esteem, or self-image—how positively or negatively
consequences of decisions and
identities that they may adopt they feel about themselves. Finally, a third approach
(Markus & Nurius, 1986). This emphasizes changes in one’s sense of identity—who one
self-conceptions may be related to the height- is, where one has come from, and where one is going.
The collection of traits and
attributes that individuals use
ened self-consciousness char-
acteristic of early adolescence.
to describe or characterize
themselves. Brain-imaging studies find that
Changes in Self-Conceptions
patterns of brain activity dur- As individuals mature intellectually and undergo the
The degree to which individu- ing tasks in which individu- sorts of cognitive changes characteristic of adolescence,
als feel positively or negatively als are asked to think about they come to conceive of themselves in more sophisti-
about themselves. themselves differ significantly cated and more differentiated ways. Adolescents are
sense of identity between adolescents and adults much more capable than children of thinking about
The extent to which individuals (Burnett et al., 2011; Pfeifer & abstract concepts and considerably more proficient in
feel secure about who they are Blakemore, 2012; Sebastian, processing large amounts of information. These intel-
and who they are becoming. Burnett, & Blakemore, 2008). lectual capabilities affect the way in which individuals
Second is an impressive characterize themselves. Compared with children, who
increase in future orientation—the ability and ten- tend to describe themselves in relatively simple, con-
dency to consider the long-term consequences of one’s crete terms, adolescents are more likely to employ com-
decisions and imagine what one’s life might be like in plex, abstract, and psychological self-characterizations
the years to come (Nurmi, 2004; Steinberg et al., 2009). (Harter, 2011). In addition, with development comes
It is not until adolescence that individuals typically greater consistency between how individuals describe
begin to wonder, “Who will I become?” or “What am I themselves and how they actually behave (Davis-Kean
really like?” Because the preadolescent child’s thinking et al., 2008). There is also evidence that adolescents’
is concrete, it is difficult to think seriously about being ideas about the sort of person they would like to be (their
a different person. But the changes in thinking that take “ideal self ”) become more stable over time (Zentner &
place during adolescence open up a whole new world of Renaud, 2007).
Changes in the Content and Structure
Social Roles and Identity Development Finally,
changes in social roles at adolescence open up a new
of Self-Conceptions
array of choices and decisions. In contemporary soci- Self-conceptions change in structure and content during
ety, adolescence is a time of important decisions about the transition from childhood into and through adoles-
school, work, relationships, and the future. Facing these cence. They become more differentiated and better orga-
decisions about their place in society does more than nized (Byrne & Shavelson, 1996). Let’s first consider the
provoke adolescents to ask questions about who they are idea that self-conceptions become more differentiated.
and where they are headed—it necessitates asking them.
At this point in life, young people must make important Differentiation of the Self-Concept In answer to the
choices about their education and their commitments to question “Who am I?” adolescents are more likely than
other people, and thinking about these questions prompts children to link traits and attributes that describe them-
them to ask more questions about themselves: “What do selves to specific situations, rather than using them as
I really want out of life?” “What things are important to global characterizations. Whereas a preadolescent might
me?” “What kind of person would I really like to be?” say “I’m nice” or “I’m friendly,” but not specify when
Questions about the future, which inevitably arise as the or under what conditions, an adolescent is more likely
adolescent prepares for adulthood, raise questions about to say “I’m nice if I’m in a good mood” or “I’m friendly
identity (Côté, 2009). when I am with people I’ve met before.” The realization
Identity development is better understood as a series that their personality is expressed in different ways in
of interrelated developments—rather than one single different situations is one example of the increased dif-
development—that involve changes in the way we view ferentiation that characterizes self-conceptions as ado-
ourselves in relation to others and in relation to the lescents mature toward adulthood. CHAPTER 8 Identity 211

There is another way in which self-conceptions You can be shy on a date, and then outgoing with friends
become more differentiated at adolescence. Unlike char- because you are just different with different people; you
acterizations provided by children, adolescents’ self- can’t always be the same person and probably shouldn’t be.
descriptions take into account who is doing the describing (17–18 years old)
(Harter, 2011). Teenagers distinguish between their own Although the recognition that one’s personality is
opinions of themselves and the views of others. multifaceted—even contradictory—may initially cause
Suppose you ask people to describe how they behave some distress, it has a number of advantages in the long
when they are with others. Instead of saying, “I’m shy” run. Some psychologists have suggested that the devel-
or “I’m outgoing,” an adolescent might say something opment of a more complicated view of the self is one
more complicated, such as “People don’t think I’m shy, way that individuals cope with the recognition of their
but most of the time, I’m really nervous about meeting faults and weaknesses, a recognition that comes with
other kids for the first time.” Adolescents also recognize increased self-awareness (“I’m not really a nasty person,
that they may come across differently to different peo- I just act mean when people tease me”). Consistent with
ple, another type of differentiation in self-conceptions this, adolescents who have more complex and clearer
that does not appear until this age—for example, “My self-conceptions are less likely to become depressed or
parents think I’m quiet, but my friends know I really like anxious (Van Dijk et al., 2014).
to party a lot.” Neuroimaging studies show that adoles- Another advantage of having a more differentiated self-
cents’ self-conceptions may be particularly sensitive to concept is the ability to distinguish among one’s self (who
the opinions of others (Pfeifer et al., 2009). one really is), ideal self (who one would like to be), and
Organization and Integration of the Self-Concept feared self (who one most dreads becoming). An important
With this shift toward increased differentiation in self- aspect of having a healthy self-concept is having an ideal
conceptions comes better organization and integration self to balance a feared self. Delinquent adolescents are less
(Harter, 2011). When children are asked to describe likely than nondelinquent youth to have this sort of bal-
themselves, the traits and attributes they list are often anced view; although delinquent adolescents might dread
disorganized. Adolescents, in contrast, are likely to orga- becoming criminals, for instance, they may not have a posi-
nize and integrate different aspects of their self-concept tive ideal self (for example, being successfully employed)
into a more logical, coherent whole. Whereas a younger to balance this fear (Oyserman & Markus, 1990).
child may list a sequence of several traits that appear
to be contradictory (“I am friendly, and I am shy”), an False-Self Behavior Another interesting conse-
adolescent will attempt to organize apparently discrep- quence of adolescents’ recognition that they are not
ant bits of information into more highly organized state- always consistent in their personality concerns their abil-
ments (“I am shy when I first meet people, but after I get ity to distinguish between their true and false selves (that
to know them, I’m usually pretty friendly”). is, their authentic and inauthentic selves). Adolescents
Self-conceptions continue to become more psycho- are most likely to behave inauthentically in romantic
logical well into the high school years. The increased
psychological complexity of self-conceptions may
present some difficulties, though, when adolescents
become able to recognize—but not yet quite under-
stand or reconcile—inconsistencies and contradictions
in their personality. The proportion of adolescents who
give opposite traits in self-descriptions, who feel con-
flicts over such discrepancies, and who feel confused
over such discrepancies increases markedly between 7th
and 9th grades and then declines somewhat (Harter &
Monsour, 1992). When asked to reflect on contradic-
tions in their personalities, early, middle, and late ado-
lescents respond in very different ways, as the following
examples illustrate (Harter, 1990, p. 358):
I guess I just think about one thing about myself at a time
and don’t think about the other until the next day. (11–12
years old)
I really think I am a happy person and I want to be that
way with everyone, but I get depressed with my family and Adolescence is a time during which individuals begin to know-
it really bugs me because that’s not what I want to be like. ingly present themselves to others in ways that are inauthentic.
(14–15 years old) © Ken Karp/The McGraw-Hill Education Inc.
212 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

false-self behavior
and dating situations and with different? Will I always be so nervous?” Although these
Behavior that intentionally classmates, and they are least sorts of questions may seem commonplace to you now,
presents a false impression to likely to put on a false front in all likelihood, you did not think about these things
others. with close friends. False-self until adolescence, when your own self-conceptions
five-factor model behavior—acting in a way one became more abstract and more sophisticated.
The theory that there are five knows is inauthentic—occurs
basic dimensions to personal- less often with parents than Dimensions of Personality
ity: extraversion, agreeable- with dates, but more often with
ness, conscientiousness,
parents than with close friends
in Adolescence
neuroticism, and openness to
experience. (Harter, 2011). Although ado- While many researchers have studied adolescent per-
lescents sometimes say that sonality development by examining young people’s
they dislike false-self behav- self-conceptions, others have used standardized inven-
ior, they also say that sometimes it is acceptable, such as tories designed to assess important aspects of person-
when trying to impress another person or hide an aspect ality. Most researchers who study personality use the
of their personality that others do not like. You can eas- five-factor model (McCrae & John, 1992). According
ily imagine how the ability to put on a false front would to this model, there are five critical personality dimen-
come in handy when meeting someone for the first time. sions, often referred to as the “big five”: extraversion
Adolescents differ in the degree to which they present (how outgoing and energetic someone is), agreeable-
false fronts and in their reasons for doing so. In general, ness (how kind or sympathetic), conscientiousness (how
adolescents who report less emotional support from par- responsible and organized), neuroticism (how anxious
ents and peers, who have low self-esteem, and who are or tense), and openness to experience (how curious and
relatively more depressed and hopeless are more likely to imaginative). Although the five-factor model was devel-
engage in false-self behavior (Impett, Sorsoli, Schooler, oped through research on adults, it has been successfully
Henson, & Tolman, 2008). The connection between false- applied to adolescents, too (Caspi, 1997; McCrae et al.,
self behavior and low self-esteem runs in both directions; 2002). For example, delinquent adolescents are more
some adolescents engage in false-self behavior because likely than their peers to score high in extraversion and
they have low self-esteem, whereas others experience a low in agreeableness and conscientiousness, whereas
drop in self-esteem because they knowingly put on a false adolescents who are high achievers in school score high
front. Depression and hopelessness are highest among in conscientiousness and openness (John, Caspi, Robins,
adolescents who engage in false-self behavior because Moffitt, & Stouthamer-Loeber, 1994). The five-factor
they genuinely devalue their true self, in contrast to those model applies equally well across groups of adolescents
who put on a false front because they want to please oth- from different ethnic backgrounds (Markstrom-Adams &
ers, or because they are experimenting with different per- Adams, 1995; Rowe, Vazsonyi, & Flannery, 1994).
sonalities (Harter, Marold, Whitesell, & Cobbs, 1996). There are both genetic and environmental influences
on personality, although the environment becomes some-
what more important as people age (Kandler, 2012).
Individuals may inherit temperamental predispositions
making the personal (such as a high activity level or an inclination to be
connection sociable), which are observable early in life, and these
When was the last time you put on a false self? What was predispositions may “harden” and become organized
your motivation? How did you feel afterward? into personality traits partially in response to the envi-
ronment (Caspi, 2000; Gest, 1997). An active and
sociable child who enjoys interacting with others may
Understanding how self-conceptions change dur- be rewarded for doing so and, over time, become extra-
ing adolescence helps to explain why issues of identity verted. Both temperament and personality become
begin to take on so much importance at this stage. As increasingly stable as we grow older, in part because we
self-conceptions become more abstract, and as young tend to spend time in environments that reward and rein-
people become more able to see themselves in psycho- force the traits that draw us to these settings (B. Roberts
logical terms, they become more interested in under- & DelVecchio, 2000). As a result, we become more like
standing their own personalities and motivations. The ourselves every day!
distress caused by recognizing one’s inconsistencies may Between childhood and mid-adolescence, people
spur identity development. You may recall having won- become less extraverted, perhaps as they become more
dered as a teenager about your personality development, self-conscious, and less conscientious, perhaps as they
the influences that shaped your character, and how your begin to become more emotionally autonomous from
personality had changed over time: “Am I more like my their parents (Van den Akker, Deković, Asscher, &
father or like my mother? Why do my sister and I seem so Prinzie, 2014). The rate of change in personality begins CHAPTER 8 Identity 213

to slow during the early 20s (Syed & Seiffge-Krenke, adolescents evaluate themselves. This turns out not
2013). Between adolescence and young adulthood, to be true. But although there isn’t a dramatic drop in
individuals continue to become less extraverted, but as self-esteem at this age, adolescents’ feelings about them-
they mature, they become more conscientious, more selves fluctuate from day to day, particularly during
agreeable, more resilient, and more emotionally stable the early adolescent years. From about age 14 on, self-
(Meeus, Van de Schoot, Klimstra, & Branje, 2011; esteem is highly stable (Birkeland, Melkevik, Holsen, &
Van den Akker et al., 2014). Girls mature earlier than Wold, 2012). And, despite commentary in the popular
boys emotionally, but boys catch up over time, so that press about the excessively high self-esteem characteris-
by the end of adolescence, there are few gender differ- tic of today’s teenagers, careful statistical analyses show
ences in maturity (De Bolle et al., 2015; Klimstra, Hale, that there has been no appreciable increase in American
Raaijmakers, Branje, & Meeus, 2009). adolescents’ self-esteem during the past several decades
In sum, many core personality traits, such as impul- (Trzesniewski & Donnellan, 2009).
sivity or timidity, are stable between childhood and ado-
lescence and between adolescence and young adulthood
(McCrae et al., 2002; Specht, Luhmann, & Geiser, 2014; Stability and Changes in Self-Esteem
van Aken, Hutteman, & Denissen, 2011). Although the The stability of a trait (like intelligence or self-esteem)
external manifestations of these traits may change with has nothing to do with the degree to which people change
age (for example, anxiety may appear as bed-wetting with age, because stability merely refers to the extent to
in early childhood but as nervous talkativeness in ado- which individuals’ relative ranking within a group stays
lescence), our basic, underlying traits turn out to be more or less the same over time. Height, for instance,
remarkably unchanging. For example, individuals who is a stable trait (tall children tend to become tall adults)
displayed relatively higher levels of aggression in pread- that nevertheless changes a great deal with age (indi-
olescence, temper tantrums during childhood, or nega- viduals grow taller between childhood and adulthood).
tive emotions during infancy are more likely to behave Asking whether self-esteem changes during adolescence
aggressively as adolescents (Caspi, Henry, McGee, (whether people’s view of themselves becomes more
Moffitt, & Silva, 1995; Hart, Hofman, Edelstein, & positive or negative) is not the same as asking whether
Keller, 1997). Similarly, individuals who had difficulty self-esteem is stable during this period (whether individ-
controlling their impulses as preschoolers are more uals with high self-esteem as children are likely to have
likely to be rash, aggressive, and sensation seeking as high self-esteem as adolescents).
adolescents and young adults, whereas individuals who Self-esteem becomes increasingly more stable between
were inhibited as young children tend to be relatively childhood and early adulthood, suggesting that adoles-
more timid, anxious, and shy. Not surprisingly, individu- cents’ feelings about themselves gradually consolidate
als who are well-adjusted in early and middle childhood over time, becoming less likely to fluctuate in response to
tend to be resilient and competent in adolescence (Gest, different experiences (Erol & Orth, 2011; Trzesniewski,
1997; Hart et al., 1997; Shiner, Masten, & Tellegen, Donnellan, & Robins, 2003) (see Figure 1). Day-to-day
2002). Despite popular stereotypes about adolescence as fluctuations in mood tend to become smaller between
a time of “rebirth,” research does not show that adoles- early adolescence and late adolescence (Larson, Moneta,
cence is a time of tumultuous upheaval in personality. Richards, & Wilson, 2002).
Studies of changes in self-esteem as individuals move
through adolescence have not yielded consistent find-
Changes in Self-Esteem ings, partly because researchers have focused on differ-
It’s long been believed that the “storm and stress” of ent aspects of individuals’ self-image. Some studies find
adolescence creates problems in self-esteem—how that individuals’ feelings about themselves become more

0.5 Figure 1 Self-esteem increases during ado-

lescence but begins to level off as individuals
enter young adulthood. (Erol & Orth, 2011)


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Age (years)
214 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

negative over the course of adolescence (Jacobs, Lanza, between areas of the brain that regulate how we think
Osgood, Eccles, & Wigfield, 2002), but others find that about ourselves and areas that control feelings of reward
they become more positive (Orth & Robins, 2014). In gen- (Chavez & Heatherton, 2015). Compared with pre-
eral, however, changes in self-perceptions (whether posi- adolescents or older adolescents, young adolescents
tive or negative) are greater during early adolescence than have lower self-esteem, are more self-conscious, and
during middle or late adolescence (Liu & Xin, 2014) (see have a more unstable self-image. Generally, the differ-
Figure 2). From middle adolescence through young adult- ences between preadolescents and early adolescents are
hood, self-esteem either remains at about the same level or greater than those between younger and older adoles-
increases (Chung et al., 2014; Côté, 2009; Orth & Schmitt, cents, which indicates that the most marked fluctuations
2015). Although there is a general trend for individuals’ in self-image occur during the transition into adoles-
average mood to become less positive over the course of cence, rather than over the course of adolescence itself
adolescence (children are usually in a more positive mood (Thomaes, Poorthuis, & Nelemans, 2011).
than young adolescents, who are generally in a better The extent to which an individual’s self-esteem is vola-
mood than older adolescents), this trend begins to level off tile is itself a stable trait. Young adolescents whose self-
around age 16 (Larson et al., 2002). Teenagers who experi- image fluctuates a lot from moment to moment are likely
ence frequent fluctuations in mood also report higher lev- to develop into older adolescents who experience the same
els of anxiety and depression (Maciejewski et al., 2014). thing (Savin-Williams & Demo, 1983). Young adolescents
Although adolescence is not a time of storm and with the most volatile self-image report the highest levels
stress, problems in self-image may arise for a brief of anxiety, tension, and adjustment problems (Molloy,
period during early adolescence. To fully understand Ram, & Gest, 2011; Rosenberg, 1986). This is especially
why, it is necessary to distinguish among three aspects likely among adolescents who have a great deal of stress
of adolescents’ self-image: their self-esteem (how posi- in their day-to-day lives (Tevendale, DuBois, Lopez, &
tively or negatively they feel about themselves), their Prindiville, 1997). Having a volatile self-image may make
self-consciousness (how much they worry about their individuals especially vulnerable to the effects of stress.
self-image), and their self-image stability (how much Fluctuations in self-image during early adolescence
their self-image changes from day to day) (Simmons, probably are due to several interrelated factors. First,
Rosenberg, & Rosenberg, 1973). the sort of egocentrism that is common in early ado-
Fluctuations in adolescents’ self-image are most likely lescence may make young adolescents painfully aware
to occur between the ages of 12 of others’ reactions to their behavior. Second, as indi-
self-consciousness and 14. This is a time of major viduals become more socially active, they begin to learn
The degree to which an indi- changes in brain systems that that people play games when they interact, and they
vidual is preoccupied with his regulate how we think about learn that it is not always possible to tell what others
or her self-image.
ourselves and others (Pfeifer & are thinking on the basis of how they act or what they
self-image stability Peake, 2012). Interestingly, the say. This ambiguity may leave young adolescents—
The degree to which an indi- brains of adolescents with rela- who are relatively unskilled at this sort of “impres-
vidual’s self-image changes
from day to day.
tively higher self-esteem tend sion management”—puzzled and uncomfortable about
to have stronger connections how they are really viewed by others. Finally, because

Figure 2 Changes in self-esteem are greater 31

in early adolescence than during middle
adolescence. This graph shows levels of self- 30.5
esteem averaged across more than 35,000 30
students drawn from many studies of Chinese
Mean self-esteem score

adolescents. (Liu & Xin, 2014) 29.5







6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Grade CHAPTER 8 Identity 215

of the increased importance of peers, young adoles- moderate self-esteem when it comes to physical appear-
cents are especially interested in their peers’ opinions ance, social relationships, or moral behavior.
of them. For the first time, they may have to come to
terms with contradictions between the messages they Components of Self-Esteem Within broad domains
get from their parents (“That haircut you just got makes of self-esteem (for example, academics, athletics, or
you even prettier—you look great with short hair”) and social relationships), adolescents often have quite differ-
the messages they get from their friends (“You’d better entiated views of themselves. For example, adolescents’
wear a hat until your hair grows back!”). Hearing con- evaluations of their social competence within the context
tradictory messages can create uncertainty about oneself of their relationships with their parents may be very dif-
(Rosenberg, 1986). ferent from the way they see themselves in the context of
their relationships with teachers, which in turn may dif-
The Wrong Question? Studies of age differences fer from their evaluations of themselves in the peer group
in self-esteem often hide substantial differences among (Harter, Waters, & Whitesell, 1998). Even within the realm
people of the same age. Some adolescents have very stable of peer relationships, adolescents’ social self-esteem may
self-esteem over time, whereas others do not (Birkeland vary depending on whether they are thinking about their
et al., 2012; Morin, Maïano, Marsh, Nagengast, & Janosz, friendships or their romantic relationships (Connolly &
2013). Not surprisingly, adolescents with better family Konarski, 1994). Therefore, it may be misleading to char-
and peer relationships are more likely than their peers to acterize an adolescent’s “social self-esteem” as low or high
maintain positive self-esteem or develop enhanced self- without specifying the relationship being referred to. The
esteem over time (Diehl et al., 1997). Similar variabil- same goes for academic self-esteem: Because students eval-
ity in patterns of life satisfaction has also been reported uate their abilities in specific subject areas both in compari-
(Tolan & Larsen, 2014) (see Figure 3). son to other students (“I am terrible at math compared to
Some critics of studies of the stability of self-esteem in everyone else in this class”) and relative to their abilities in
adolescence also question the validity of examining self- other subject areas (“I am so much better at math than I am
esteem in such a general sense. Although most research on at history”), making sweeping statements about an adoles-
adolescent self-esteem has focused on teenagers’ overall cent’s overall academic self-image is often unwise (Arens,
feelings about themselves, young people evaluate them- Yeung, Craven, & Hasselhorn, 2011; Marsh & Hau, 2004).
selves both globally, which may be a good indicator of Do some aspects of self-esteem contribute more to
general psychological well-being, but also along several an adolescent’s overall self-image than others? Yes, they
distinct dimensions, such as academics, athletics, appear- do. Adolescents’ physical self-esteem—how they feel
ance, social relationships, and moral conduct (Côté, about their appearance—is the most important predic-
2009). As a consequence, it is possible for an adoles- tor of overall self-esteem, followed by self-esteem about
cent to have high self-esteem when it comes to academic relationships with peers (Harter, 1999). Less important
abilities, low self-esteem when it comes to athletics, and are self-esteem about academic ability, athletic ability,
or moral conduct. Interestingly, although researchers
7 find that adolescents’ physical self-esteem is the best
predictor of their overall self-esteem, adolescents, when
6 asked, say that their physical appearance is one of the
least important contributors to how they feel about them-
Life satisfaction score

5 selves. In other words, adolescents are often unaware of

the degree to which their self-worth is based on their
feelings about their appearance (DuBois, Tevendale,
Burk-Braxton, Swenson, & Hardesty, 2000). Physical
self-esteem is a more important influence on overall self-
2 esteem among girls than boys, although both genders’
1 (High maintainers), 78.1% self-esteem is linked to how they feel about their appear-
1 2 (Improvers), 9.9% ance (Kistler, Rodgers, Power, Austin, & Hill, 2010;
3 (Decliners), 12.0% Thomaes et al., 2011; van den Berg, Mond, Eisenberg,
0 Ackard, & Neumark-Sztainer, 2010). These findings
6th 7th 8th
help to explain why girls are more likely than boys to
experience self-image difficulties and depression.
Figure 3 Life satisfaction over the middle school
years. Nearly 80% of middle school students report Group Differences in Self-Esteem
consistently high satisfaction with life. Only about 10%
reported a drop in life satisfaction between grades 6 Sex Differences Early adolescent girls are more vul-
and 8 (adapted from Tolan & Larsen, 2014). nerable to disturbances in their self-image than any other
216 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

of Black girls do not find the same sort of self-esteem

vulnerability as is found in studies of White girls, in part
because Black girls do not experience the same drop in
body image during puberty (K. Brown et al., 1998) (see
Figure 4).
Why would girls have greater self-esteem problems
during early adolescence than boys? The answer may be
related to the special significance of physical appearance
and acceptance by peers in determining self-esteem.
Because young girls are more concerned than boys about
physical attractiveness, dating, and peer acceptance, they
may experience a greater number of self-image prob-
lems. Because Black girls do not feel as negatively about
their appearance as White or Hispanic girls, they have
higher overall self-esteem and show less of a decline in
self-esteem over adolescence (Gray-Little & Hafdahl,
2000; Malanchuk & Eccles, 1999).
Early adolescent girls’ self-esteem is lower, their degree of self-
consciousness is higher, and their self-image is shakier than is
Ethnic Differences Black adolescents on average have
the case for boys. © Paul/Getty Images RF higher self-esteem than White adolescents, who, in turn,
tend to have higher self-esteem than Hispanic, Asian, or
Native American youth (Biro, Striegel-Moore, Franko,
group of youngsters. Compared to early adolescent boys, Padgett, & Bean, 2006; Twenge & Crocker, 2002).
early adolescent girls’ self-esteem is lower, their degree Several studies indicate that Asian American adolescents
of self-consciousness is higher, and their self-image is have particularly low self-esteem relative to their peers
shakier. Girls also are more likely than boys to say nega- (e.g., Herman, 2004), a finding that some researchers
tive things about themselves, to feel insecure about their have attributed to higher rates of peer rejection (Niwa,
abilities, and to worry whether other people like being Way, & Hughes, 2014).
with them. Sex differences in adolescents’ self-percep- A number of researchers have asked why Black ado-
tions become smaller over the course of adolescence lescents have such high self-esteem, given the preva-
(Fredricks & Eccles, 2002). lence of prejudice in American society and the generally
Sex differences in self-esteem are most pronounced disadvantaged position of Black individuals in the work-
among White adolescents. Similar patterns have been place and school, two institutions where individuals’
found among Hispanic adolescents but not, for the most performance influences their self-image. There are three
part, among Black adolescents (Erkut, Szalacha, Garcia main explanations for the relatively high self-esteem of
Coll, & Alarcon, 2000; van den Berg et al., 2010). Studies Black adolescents.

Figure 4 Race differences 4.0

in patterns of change in girls’
physical self-esteem.
(K. Brown et al., 1998)
Physical self-esteem

3.0 Black girls

White girls


9 10 11 12 13 14
Age at prior birthday CHAPTER 8 Identity 217

First, despite their encounters with racism and prej-

udice, Black teenagers often benefit from the support
and positive feedback of adults in the Black community,
especially in the family (Gaylord-Harden, Ragsdale,
Mandara, Richards, & Petersen, 2007). This is not sur-
prising, given the wealth of research showing that the
approval of significant others is an especially powerful
influence on adolescents’ self-esteem—much more so
than the opinion of the broader society (e.g., Gray-Little
& Hafdahl, 2000; Whitesell, Mitchell, Kaufman, &
Spicer, 2006).
Second, all teenagers—minority and otherwise—
tend to shift their priorities over time so that they come
to value those activities at which they excel or that are
valued within the context in which they live. The self-
esteem of adolescents who grow up in more “collec-
tivistic” cultures, where getting along with others is
especially important, is more tied to their social compe-
Adolescents who attend schools in which they are in the ethnic
tence than is the case among teenagers in more individu-
minority may suffer greater self-esteem problems than their peers
alistic societies (Santo et al., 2013). Adolescents are able who attend schools in which they are in the majority. Although
to protect their self-esteem by focusing on some traits desegregation may have a positive impact on minority adoles-
rather than others. A boy who is an outstanding student cents’ academic achievement, this benefit may be counterbal-
but who feels physically unattractive and does not do well anced by the apparently negative impact of desegregation on
minority students’ self-image. © Thinkstock/Comstock Images/
in sports will likely derive positive self-esteem from his
Getty Images RF
school achievement and not restrict his self-evaluation
to his looks or performance on the playing field. One
way that Black adolescents may respond to their rela- Finally, the very strong sense of ethnic identity that
tively poorer school performance is to change their feel- exists among Black adolescents enhances their overall self-
ings about the importance of doing well in school, which esteem (DuBois, Burk-Braxton, Swenson, Tevendale, &
weakens the connection between academic success and Hardesty, 2002; Gaylord-Harden et al., 2007). Ethnic dif-
self-esteem. (Minimizing the importance of doing well ferences in self-esteem, favoring Black adolescents, have
in school may protect one’s self-esteem, which is good, increased over the past 25 years (perhaps because ethnic
but it leads to poorer school achievement, which is not.) identity has become a more relevant issue in society) and
are greater during adolescence than childhood (perhaps
4.6 because ethnic identity is a more salient issue during ado-
lescence than before) (Twenge & Crocker, 2002).
Ethnic differences also exist in patterns of change in
self-esteem during adolescence. In one study of Black,
Latino, and Asian urban adolescents, Black students
4.2 Black
and biracial students (mainly Black/Latino) had higher
self-esteem in early adolescence, and this remained high
Bi/multiracial throughout the adolescent years. In contrast, Latino stu-

dents had relatively lower self-esteem early in adoles-

cence, but caught up with their Black peers by the end of
Latino high school. Asian students began with the lowest self-
3.6 esteem, and it remained lower than that of other groups
over time (see Figure 5). Similar patterns were found in
3.4 Asian American a large national sample of American youth (Erol & Orth,
2011). In contrast to studies of White adolescents, there
3.2 were no sex differences in levels or patterns of change in
self-esteem in this sample of ethnic minority adolescents.
3.0 The ethnic diversity of the context in which adoles-
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
cents develop has a substantial impact on their self-image.
High school students who live in a social environment
Figure 5 Ethnic differences in patterns of self-esteem or go to a school in which their ethnic or socioeco-
over time. (Greene & Way, 2005) nomic group is in the minority are more likely to have
218 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

self-image problems than those who are in the majority and poorer school achievement (DuBois, Felner, Brand, &
(Rosenberg, 1975). This seems to be true with regard to George, 1999). One explanation for the increase in prob-
religion, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and household lem behavior that takes place over the course of adoles-
composition. Black teenagers, for example, have a higher cence is that adolescents tend to look relatively more to
opinion of themselves when they go to schools in which their peers for social support as they get older (DuBois,
Black students are a majority than when they attend pre- Burk-Braxton et al., 2002).
dominantly White schools, where they may feel out of
place and under pressure to play down their cultural heri- Consequences of High or Low Self-Esteem
tage. By the same token, Jewish adolescents have higher Although it once was believed that enhanced self-esteem
self-esteem in schools in which there are many other leads to school success, there actually is little evidence for
Jewish students than in schools in which Jews compose this, and a lot of evidence that things go in the opposite
a small minority of the student body. Similarly, levels direction (e.g., J. Schmidt & Padilla, 2003). Academic
of maladjustment are higher among both Hispanic and success leads to improvements in how adolescents feel
non-Hispanic youngsters when they are in the minority about themselves, not the other way around. These find-
in their school (Kaufman, Gregory, & Stephan, 1990). ings cast doubt on the logic behind programs designed to
raise teenagers’ school performance by increasing their
self-esteem. High self-esteem during adolescence does
Antecedents and Consequences enhance adolescents’ well-being, however, whereas low
of High Self-Esteem self-esteem may lead to mental health problems, both in
Several researchers have examined the link between the short run (Orth & Robins, 2013) and well into adult-
self-esteem and adolescent behavior in an attempt to see hood (Trzesniewski et al., 2006), although this may be
whether certain sorts of experiences contribute—either due to the fact that many of the same factors that contrib-
positively or negatively—to adolescents’ feelings about ute to high self-esteem in adolescence (such as achieve-
themselves. Others have posed the question in reverse: ment) are themselves stable over time and correlated
Does having high (or low) self-esteem lead adolescents with self-esteem at later ages (Boden, Fergusson, &
to behave in particular ways? Horwood, 2008).
The relationship between low self-esteem and emo-
Influences on Self-Esteem Self-esteem is enhanced tional and behavioral problems is complicated (Gerard &
by having the approval of others, especially parents and Buehler, 2004; Tram & Cole, 2000). Low self-esteem is
peers, and by succeeding in school (Birkeland, Bfreivik, & one of several symptoms of depression, but it appears
Wold, 2014; Chung et al., 2014; Ojanen & Perry, 2007). that low self-esteem is more likely to lead to depression
These correlates of high self-esteem have been found in than the reverse (Orth, Robins, Widaman, & Conger,
virtually all ethnic and cultural groups, although the self- 2014). One reason that low self-esteem may lead to
esteem of Asian youngsters seems especially influenced depression is that adolescents with negative feelings
by their academic success (e.g., Szesulski, Martinez, & about themselves are less likely to seek positive feed-
Reyes, 1994). Thus, even though there are ethnic differ- back and social support from others (Cassidy, Ziv,
ences in average levels of self-esteem, the correlates of Mehta, & Feeney, 2003; Marshall, Parker, Ciarrochi, &
self-esteem are similar in different ethnic groups (Rowe Heaven, 2014). Perhaps as a consequence, they come
et al., 1994). Being close to one’s parents and feeling to believe that other teenagers don’t like them, which
like a good son or daughter are also associated with makes them feel lonely, further diminishing their self-
higher self-esteem, but it isn’t clear which one leads to esteem (Vanhalst, Luyckx, Scholte, Engels, & Goossens,
the other (Harris et al., 2015; Kiang, 2012). 2013) (see Figure 6).
Adolescents whose self-esteem is too wrapped up The link between self-esteem and behavior problems
in the approval of others—especially the approval of (as opposed to emotional problems) is even less clear.
peers—may be at risk for developing self-image prob- Although low self-esteem initially may impel some ado-
lems, since peer acceptance may fluctuate over time lescents toward delinquency, involvement with delinquent
(Harter, Stocker, & Robinson, 1996). Adolescents who peers actually may lead to an increase in self-esteem,
derive their self-esteem relatively more from peers than because involvement in delinquency earns teenagers
from teachers or parents show more behavioral problems approval from certain peers (Dishion, Andrews, & Crosby,

Figure 6 Low self-esteem often discourages Low Failure to seek

adolescents from seeking out social support Loneliness
self-esteem social support
from others, which can lead to feelings of
loneliness. CHAPTER 8 Identity 219

1995; W. Mason, 2001). Furthermore, adolescents with woven into a unique patchwork identity versus identity
high self-esteem are more likely to experiment with alco- quilt. diffusion
hol than are those with low self-esteem (Scheier, Botvin, Achieving a balanced and According to Erikson, the nor-
Griffin, & Diaz, 2000), most probably because high self- coherent sense of identity is mative crisis characteristic of
the fifth stage of psychosocial
esteem is associated with being in the more popular social intellectually and emotionally
development, predominant
crowds, in which drinking is more common. taxing. According to Erikson, during adolescence.
it is not until adolescence that
one even has the mental or
The Adolescent Identity Crisis emotional capacity to tackle this task. He believed that
the key to resolving the crisis of identity versus identity
Many of literature’s most important novels, from clas-
diffusion lies in the adolescent’s interactions with oth-
sics like Jane Eyre, Portrait of the Artist as a Young
ers. By responding to the reactions of people who mat-
Man, and The Catcher in the Rye to more contemporary
ter, the adolescent selects and chooses from among the
stories like The Fault in Our Stars, The House on Mango
many elements that could conceivably become a part of
Street, The God of Animals, and The Perks of Being a
his or her identity. The other people with whom the young
Wallflower, revolve around an adolescent’s identity cri-
person interacts serve as a mirror that reflects back infor-
sis. The coming-of-age novel is a classic literary genre.
mation about who he or she is and ought to be. As such,
If you were asked to write a novel about your own
the responses of significant others shape the adolescent’s
identity development, what would you mention? Perhaps
developing sense of identity. Through others’ reactions,
you would talk about developing a sense of purpose, or
adolescents learn whether they are competent or inept,
clarifying long-term plans and values, or becoming more
attractive or ugly, socially adept or awkward. Perhaps
confident about who you really are and where you are
more importantly—especially during periods when their
headed (Hill, Burrow, & Summer, 2013). If these are the
sense of identity is still forming—adolescents learn from
sorts of things that come to mind when you think about
others what they do that they ought to keep doing, and
identity development in adolescence, you are thinking
what they do that they ought to stop.
about an aspect of development that psychologists refer
One process through which this occurs is via the
to as the sense of identity. The dominant view in the
sharing of important memories with others (McLean,
study of adolescent identity development emphasizes
Syed, Yoder, & Greenhoot, 2014). When we tell stories
precisely these aspects of psychosocial development,
to friends or family members about our previous experi-
and the theorist whose work has been most influential in
ences, we do so for a variety of reasons, one of which
this area is Erik Erikson.
is to help ourselves understand who we are and how we
were changed by the experience. In one study of college
Erikson’s Theoretical Framework undergraduates (McLean, 2005), students were asked to
describe occasions in the past year in which they shared
Erikson’s (1959, 1963, 1968) theory developed out of an important memory with another person. One par-
his clinical and cross-cultural observations of young ticipant described the following event, which took place
people at various stages of development. He viewed the when he was in high school:
developing person as moving through a series of eight
psychosocial crises over the course of the life span. Each I was at my friend’s house one night with my main group
crisis, although present in one form or another at all of friends. They were all smoking marijuana and drink-
ing. I did not feel comfortable with trying marijuana. They
ages, takes on special significance at a given period of
tried hard to get me to try it, but I chose not to. One of my
the life cycle because biological and social forces inter- friends (my best) supported my choice. I learned who my
act to bring the crisis into prominence. real friends were. But more important, I learned that I can
Erikson believed that the establishment of a coherent be strong with my decisions if I choose to, regardless of the
sense of identity—what he called the crisis of identity outside influence.
versus identity diffusion—is the chief psychosocial cri-
sis of adolescence. The maturational and social forces He then described telling his college friends about the
that converge at adolescence force young people to event:
reflect on their place in society, on the ways that others The subject of drugs came up and so I explained the above
view them, and on their options for the future. story to them. They seemed to enjoy the story and applauded
me on my resiliency. Now, my friends here [at college] will
ask me if I want to do anything and they will not harass me
Identity Versus Identity Diffusion about it, regardless of my answer. It pays to be strong when
you want to. (McLean, 2005, p. 687, italics in original)
Prior to adolescence, the child’s identity is like patches
of fabric that have not yet been sewn together. But by the Increasingly, adolescents use social media, like
end of adolescence, these pieces of cloth will have been Facebook, to accomplish this (Davis, 2013; Jordán-Conde,
220 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

psychosocial moratorium
Mennecke, & Townsend, 2014). the course of identity development varies over different
A period during which individu- The key point is that developing historical eras, in different cultures, and among different
an identity is a social as well as
als are free from excessive obli- subcultures within the same society (Kroger, 1993).
gations and responsibilities andmental process. Erikson placed The social context also influences whether the search
can therefore experiment with a great deal of weight on the for self-definition will be a full-blown crisis or a more
different roles and personalities.
role of others (and, especially, manageable challenge. The more alternatives available
on those individuals who have to the young person and the more arenas in which deci-
influence over the adolescent) in shaping the adolescent’s sions must be made, the more difficult establishing a
sense of self. The adolescent’s identity is the result of a sense of identity will be. Growing up in contemporary
mutual recognition between the young person and society: America, where adolescents have a range of careers to
The adolescent forges an identity, but, at the same time, decide among, for example, is far more likely to provoke
society identifies the adolescent. an occupational identity crisis than is growing up in a
small agrarian community in which each young person
The Social Context of Identity continues farming the family’s land.
Development The rapid rate of social change in most of the world has
raised new and more complex sets of questions for young
The social context in which the adolescent attempts to people to consider—questions not only about occupational
establish a sense of identity exerts a tremendous impact on plans but also about values, lifestyles, and commitments to
the nature and outcome of the process. If the adolescent’s other people. Today, even in some countries where until
identity is forged out of a recognition on the part of society, recently individuals had little choice about the life they
society will play an important role in determining which would lead, adolescents must ask themselves what sort of
sorts of identities are possible alternatives. And of those work they want to do; if they want to remain single, live
identities that are genuine options, society will influence with someone, or marry; and if and when they want to have
which are desirable and which aren’t. As a consequence, children. The likelihood of going through a prolonged and
difficult identity crisis is probably greater today, and more
prevalent around the world, than it has ever been.

making the cultural

During the past 10 years, there have been dramatic politi-
cal changes in much of the Arab world. Do you think that
changes in these societies’ “identity” will lead to changes
in patterns of adolescent identity development?

The Psychosocial Moratorium According to Erikson,

the complications inherent in identity development in
modern society have created the need for a psychosocial
moratorium—a “time out” during adolescence from
excessive responsibilities and obligations that might
restrict the pursuit of self-discovery. Adolescents in con-
temporary America are given a moratorium of sorts by
being encouraged to remain in school for a long time,
where they can think seriously about their plans for the
future without making irrevocable decisions. For ado-
lescents who can tolerate not knowing where they are
headed and who use this time to gather information and
explore a variety of options, the moratorium can be an
exhilarating experience. For others, though, the morato-
Role experimentation during adolescence often involves trying rium is a period of uncomfortable and anxious indeci-
on different looks, images, and patterns of behavior. According sion (Meeus, van de Schoot, Keijsers, & Branje, 2012).
to theorists such as Erik Erikson, having the time and freedom to
experiment with different roles is an important prelude to establish-
During the psychosocial moratorium, the adoles-
ing a coherent sense of identity. © SW Productions/Brand X Pictures/ cent can experiment with different roles and identities in
Getty Images RF a context that permits and encourages exploration. The CHAPTER 8 Identity 221

experimentation involves trying on different postures, body,” a sense of knowing where one is going, and an
personalities, and ways of behaving—sometimes to the inner assuredness of recognition from those who count.
consternation of the adolescent’s parents, who may won- It is a sense of sameness through time—a feeling of con-
der why their child’s personality seems so changeable. tinuity between the past and the future.
One week, an adolescent girl will spend hours putting on Establishing a coherent sense of identity takes a long
makeup; the next week, she will insist to her parents that time. Most writers on adolescence and youth believe
she is tired of caring so much about the way she looks. An that identity exploration continues well into young
adolescent boy will come home one day with a shaved head adulthood. But rather than thinking of the adolescent as
and piercings, and a few weeks later he will discard this going through a single identity crisis, it probably makes
image for that of a preppie. Although many parents worry more sense to view the phenomenon as a series of cri-
about their teenage children going through these sorts of ses that may concern different aspects of the young per-
phases, much of this behavior is normal experimentation. son’s identity and that may surface—and resurface—at
Having the time to experiment with roles is an impor- different points in time throughout the adolescent and
tant prelude to establishing a coherent sense of iden- young-adult years. During adolescence, the feeling of
tity. But role experimentation can take place only in an well-being associated with establishing a sense of iden-
environment that allows and encourages it (Côté, 2009). tity is often fleeting. Ultimately, however, the identity
Without a moratorium, a full and thorough exploration crisis of adolescence, when successfully resolved, cul-
of the options and available alternatives cannot occur, minates in a series of basic life commitments: occupa-
and identity development will be impeded. According to tional, ideological, social, religious, ethical, and sexual
Erikson, adolescents must grow into an adult identity, (Côté, 2009).
rather than be forced into one prematurely.
It is clear that the sort of moratorium Erikson
described is an ideal; indeed, some might even consider
Problems in Identity Development
it to be a luxury of the affluent. Many young people— Given the wide variations in developmental histories that
perhaps even most—do not have the economic freedom individuals bring to adolescence and the wide variations
to enjoy a long delay before taking on the responsibili- in the environments in which they develop, it is not sur-
ties of adult life. For many youngsters, alternatives do prising to find differences in the ways in which individu-
not exist in any realistic sense, and introspection only als approach and resolve the identity crisis. Problems in
interferes with the more pressing task of survival. Does identity development can result when someone has not
the 17-year-old who has to drop out of school to work a successfully resolved earlier crises, or when the adoles-
full-time job go through life without a sense of identity? cent is in an environment that does not provide the nec-
Do youngsters who cannot afford a psychosocial mora- essary period of moratorium. Three sorts of problems
torium fail to resolve the identity crisis? received special attention from Erikson: identity diffu-
Certainly not. But from Erikson’s perspective, the sion, identity foreclosure, and negative identity.
absence of a psychosocial moratorium in some adoles-
cents’ lives—either because of restrictions they place Identity Diffusion Identity diffusion is characterized
on themselves, restrictions placed on them by others, or by an incoherent, disjointed, incomplete sense of self. It
their life circumstances—is truly regrettable. The price can vary in degree from a mild state of not quite know-
these youngsters pay is not the failure to develop a sense ing who one is while in the midst of an identity crisis
of identity but lost potential. You may know people to a more severe, psychopathological condition that per-
whose parents forced them into prematurely choosing a sists beyond a normal period of exploration. Identity dif-
certain career or who had to drop out of college and take fusion is marked by disruptions in the individual’s sense
a job they really did not want because of financial pres- of time (some things seem to happen much faster than
sures. Without a chance to explore, to experiment, and to they really do, while others seem to take forever); exces-
choose among options for the future, these adolescents sive self-consciousness, to the point that it is difficult
may not realize all that they are capable of becoming. It to make decisions; problems in work and school; dif-
is easy to see how the broader context in which adoles- ficulties in forming intimate relationships with others;
cents grow up affects this. Think, for example, of how and concerns over sexuality. In other words, identity dif-
individuals’ plans for the future may have had to change fusion is reflected not only in problems of identity but
during the Great Recession that began in 2008. also in the areas of autonomy, intimacy, sexuality, and
A classic example of an ado- identity diffusion
Resolving the Identity Crisis lescent in the throes of identity The incoherent, disjointed,
Is establishing a sense of identity something that is con- diffusion is Holden Caulfield incomplete sense of self
characteristic of not having
scious? According to Erikson, it is. It is experienced as a in the novel The Catcher in resolved the crisis of identity.
sense of well-being, a feeling of “being at home in one’s the Rye. He has flunked out of
222 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

curriculum without considering other career possibilities.

The circumvention of the identity crisis is called identity
Typically, the roles adopted in the process of identity
foreclosure revolve around the goals set for the young
person by parents or other authority figures. The adoles-
cent may be led into these roles directly or may be forced
into them indirectly, by being denied a true psychosocial
moratorium. Perhaps the parents of the would-be doctor
have arranged their child’s school schedule and summer
vacations so that all of her spare time is spent taking extra
science courses. No time is left for role experimenta-
tion or introspection. Individuals who have bypassed the
identity crisis have made commitments, but they have not
gone through a period of experimentation before making
them. Identity foreclosure is an interruption of the iden-
tity development process, one that interferes with the indi-
vidual’s discovery of his or her full range of potentials.

Negative Identity Adolescents sometimes appear to

select identities that are obviously undesirable to their
parents and their community. The examples are familiar:
the daughter of the local district attorney who repeatedly
gets into trouble with the law, the son of prestigious and
successful parents who refuses to go to college, the child
of a devoutly religious family who insists that he or she
Some adolescents fail to thoroughly engage in the process of is a confirmed atheist. Because the establishment of a
identity exploration because their parents have selected an healthy sense of identity is so intimately tied to the rec-
identity for them. Erikson called this “identity foreclosure.” ognition of the adolescent by those who matter, the adop-
© JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend (RM)/Corbis
tion of a so-called negative identity is a sign of problems
in identity development. The adolescent who adopts a
several prep schools, has sev- negative identity is recognized by those around him or
identity foreclosure
ered most of his friendships, her, but not in a way that fosters healthy development.
The premature establishment
of a sense of identity, before and has no sense of where he is Selecting a negative identity usually represents an
sufficient role experimentation headed. At one point, walking attempt to forge some sense of self-definition in an envi-
has occurred. up Fifth Avenue in New York ronment that has made it difficult to establish an accept-
negative identity City, Holden says, “Every time able identity. This appears to be especially likely when,
The selection of an identity I came to the end of a block after repeatedly trying and failing to receive positive
that is obviously undesirable in and stepped off the goddam recognition from those who are important in their lives,
the eyes of significant others adolescents turn to a different, perhaps more successful,
and the broader community.
curb, I had this feeling that I’d
never get to the other side of route to being noticed. Consider this example: The son
the street. I thought I’d just go of successful parents is a good student but not quite good
down, down, down, and nobody’d ever see me again. Boy, enough to please his excessively demanding parents. He
did it scare me” (Salinger, 1951/1964, pp. 197–198). feels he is a nobody in his parents’ eyes, so he drops out
of school to play guitar in a band—something his parents
Identity Foreclosure Some young people bypass— vehemently oppose. As Erikson pointed out, most adoles-
either willingly or unwillingly—the period of explora- cents would rather be somebody “bad” than nobody at all.
tion and experimentation that precedes the establishment
of a healthy sense of identity. Instead of considering a
range of alternatives, these adolescents prematurely making the practical
commit themselves to a role, or series of roles, and connection
settle upon a certain identification as a final identity. Are there any aspects of today’s environment that might
In essence, these individuals are not given—or do not make the resolution of the identity crisis especially diffi-
take advantage of—a psychosocial moratorium. A col- cult? Can you think of anything that might be done to help
lege freshman who made up her mind about becoming facilitate healthy identity development?
a doctor at the age of 13 may enroll in a rigid premed CHAPTER 8 Identity 223

and the greatest closeness to their parents. Individuals in

Research on Identity a state of identity diffusion display the highest level of
Development psychological, behavioral, and interpersonal problems:
The term identity status refers to the point in the identity They are the most socially withdrawn and most likely to
development process that characterizes an adolescent at a engage in antisocial behavior and show the lowest level
given time. In order to determine an individual’s identity of intimacy with peers (Crocetti, Klimstra, Hale, Koot, &
status, most researchers have used an approach that focuses Meeus, 2013; Meeus, 2011).
on the processes of exploration (experimenting with differ-
ent ideas about occupations, values, relationships, and so Ways of Resolving the Identity Crisis Several
forth) and commitment (making choices among various researchers have also described the ways in which differ-
alternatives) (Marcia, 1966). Some theorists (e.g., Luyckx, ent individuals resolve the identity crisis (e.g., Berzonsky,
Goossens, & Soenens, 2006) distinguish between two dif- 2004). It is possible to differentiate among individuals who
ferent stages: exploration in “depth” (making a commit- tend to actively seek information and approach identity-
ment to an identity and then exploring one’s options) and related decisions with an open mind (having an “infor-
exploration in “breadth” (exploring one’s options and then mational” orientation), those who attempt to conform to
making a further commitment). Others (e.g., Meeus, 2011) family and other social expectations and try to get identity-
see identity development as a more dynamic process, with related decisions over as quickly as possible (a “norma-
individuals moving back and forth between commitment tive” orientation), and those who tend to procrastinate and
and exploration over time. In all of these frameworks, avoid making identity-related decisions (a “diffuse/avoid-
the important point is that healthy identity involvement ant” orientation). The informational orientation is more
requires experimentation and exploration before finalizing characteristic of identity achievers, the normative orienta-
one’s choices about work, love, and lifestyle. tion is more characteristic of individuals who are identity
foreclosed, and the diffuse/avoidant orientation is more
Determining an Adolescent’s characteristic of individuals who exhibit identity diffusion.
More evidence of this sort comes from a study that
Identity Status attempted to link classifications based on a measure
In identity status research, based on their responses to of identity development with scores on the personality
an interview or questionnaire, individuals are assigned dimensions tapped within the five-factor model of person-
to one of four identity states (“state” is the right word, ality (Clancy & Dollinger, 1993). Adolescents who were
because research shows that individuals move from classified as identity achievers were higher in extraver-
state to state, and not necessarily in an orderly fashion): sion and less neurotic than other adolescents; foreclosed
(1) identity achievement (the individual has established adolescents were less open; and diffused adolescents were
a coherent sense of identity—that is, has made commit- more neurotic, less open, and less agreeable. It was not
ments after a period of exploration), (2) moratorium clear from this study whether different personality constel-
(the individual is in the midst of a period of explora- lations led to different patterns of identity development or,
tion), (3) identity foreclosure (the individual has made alternatively, whether different patterns of identity devel-
commitments but without a period of exploration), or opment influenced subsequent personality. Given what we
(4) identity diffusion (the individual does not have firm know about the childhood antecedents of personality traits,
commitments and is not currently trying to make them). the former explanation (that personality affects identity
Research employing this approach has supported many development) seems more likely than the latter (Klimstra,
aspects of Erikson’s theory (Meeus, 2011; Meeus et al., 2013; Luyckx, Teppers, Klimstra, & Rassart, 2014).
2012). The strongest support comes from studies that show One of the defining characteristics of individuals
a pattern of correlations between various traits and the dif- who have achieved a coherent sense of identity, at least
ferent identity statuses that are consistent with predictions in contemporary American society, is that they approach
based on Erikson’s model. For example, individuals who life’s decisions with a strong sense of agency—they take
are in a state of identity achievement are psychologically responsibility for themselves, feel in control of their deci-
healthier than others on a variety of measures: They score sions, and have confidence that they will be able to over-
highest on measures of achievement motivation, moral come obstacles along the way (Côté, 2000). Studies of
reasoning, intimacy with peers, and career maturity. college students from different ethnic groups have shown
Individuals in the midst of a moratorium score highest on that a strong sense of personal agency is predictive of iden-
measures of anxiety, show the highest levels of conflict tity achievement across ethnic and socioeconomic groups
over issues of authority, and are themselves the least rigid (e.g., Schwartz, Côté, & Arnett, 2005). Being “in charge”
and least authoritarian. Individuals classified as being in of one’s life may be especially important in contemporary
the foreclosure status have been shown to be the most industrialized society, where the transition to adulthood
authoritarian and most prejudiced and to have the high- is prolonged and individuals are faced with a tremendous
est need for social approval, the lowest level of autonomy, number of identity-related decisions. Individuals in their
224 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

studies (following the same individuals over a period

of time). Many of these studies have challenged some
widely held beliefs about the nature of identity develop-
ment in adolescence (Côté, 2009; Meeus, 2011).
First, studies show that a coherent sense of identity gen-
erally is not established before age 18, let alone earlier in
adolescence, as originally theorized (Côté, 2009). This is
especially true among boys, who tend to lag behind girls in
identity development in early and middle adolescence but
catch up by late adolescence (as is the case with emotional
maturity more generally) (Klimstra Hale, Raaijmakers,
Branje, & Meeus, 2010). There is clearly a decline with
age in the proportion of individuals who are in a state of
moratorium or diffusion (Klimstra et al. 2010; Meeus,
Van de Schoot, Keijsers, Schwartz, & Branje, 2010). But
the proportion of individuals who are in a state of identity
achievement before late adolescence is low. In general,
when comparisons are made among groups of individuals
Most research indicates that the chief period for identity
development is in late adolescence, when many individuals
of different ages over the span from 12 to 24, differences
are enrolled in college. © Robert Daly/Caia Image/Glow in identity status are most frequently observed between
Images RF groups in the 18- to 21-year-old range. Few consistent dif-
ferences emerge in comparisons of teenagers in the middle
adolescent years. Although self-examination may take place
late teens or early 20s who, throughout adolescence, the consolidation of a coherent
The sense that one has an when asked whether they are sense of identity does not begin until very late in the period
impact on one’s world. adolescents or adults, say they (Côté, 2009). The late teens and early 20s appear to be the
are not sure, are less likely to critical times for a sense of identity to crystallize (Nurmi,
have achieved a sense of identity 2004; Schwartz, Côté, & Arnett, 2005). Although individu-
than are those who are certain that they have reached adult- als engage in more of this sophisticated self-reflection as
hood (L. J. Nelson & Barry, 2005). It is not clear whether they mature through adolescence, attempts to speed up this
having a coherent sense of identity leads one to think of process, by training individuals to think more about how
oneself as an adult or, instead, whether seeing oneself as an specific life events had played a role in their development,
adult leads one to have a more coherent sense of identity. are not effective (Habermas & de Silveira, 2008).
But it does seem that becoming an adult, at least in indus- Second, changes in identity status are less systematic
trialized society, is a psychological transition as well as one than originally had been hypothesized. Although we
characterized by entering the formal roles of adulthood. might expect that individuals move from a state of dif-
What sorts of parenting practices are associated with fusion to a state of foreclosure or moratorium, and then
different identity statuses? Generally, individuals whose either remain foreclosed or move to a state of identity
identity development is healthy are more likely to have had achievement, not all individuals follow this pattern. In
authoritative homes characterized by warm, but not exces- one study of Dutch youth, nearly 60% of the individu-
sively constraining relations (Berzonsky, 2004; W. Beyers & als classified as in a state of identity diffusion were no
Goossens, 2008; Dumas, Lawford, Tieu, & Pratt, 2009). longer classified that way 4 years later, and nearly 75% of
People who grow up in these environments are encour- individuals who were in the midst of a moratorium at the
aged to assert their individuality but remain connected to beginning of the study were no longer in this category
their families. Typically, the absence of parental warmth at the later assessment (Meeus, Iedema, & Vollebergh,
is associated with problems in making commitments— 1999). But two-thirds of individuals who looked like they
the most extreme case being identity diffusion—whereas had foreclosed the identity development process were in
the absence of parental encouragement of individuality is the midst of an identity crisis 4 years later, suggesting
associated with difficulties exploration (Côté, 2009). that foreclosure may be a temporary stage rather than a
permanent one, at least for some adolescents. Other stud-
Studying Identity Development ies have come to similar conclusions (Côté, 2009).
Moreover, in these same studies, a large proportion
Over Time of individuals who were at one point classified as “iden-
In order to examine the development of a sense of iden- tity achieved” status later shifted status over the course
tity, researchers have done both cross-sectional studies of the study, indicating that “achievement,” like “fore-
(comparing individuals of different ages) and longitudinal closure,” may be temporary (Meeus et al., 2010). In the CHAPTER 8 Identity 225

Dutch study, for example, half of the adolescents who Because college provides a psychosocial moratorium
were classified as identity achieved at the first assess- for many people, researchers have asked whether col-
ment were not classified this way 4 years later. lege attendance facilitates identity development (Côté,
How could some individuals who at one point had 2009). This has proven to be a difficult question to
apparently resolved their identity crisis actually not have answer. While studies have found that the proportion of
resolved it—at least, not in any final sense? According college students who are classified as identity achieved
to some writers, these sorts of regressions to a less increases from around 20% during freshman year to as
mature identity status are part of the normal process of many as 40% by senior year, whether this development
identity development (Kroger, 2003). The achievement can be attributed to the college experience is hard to
of a sense of identity in adolescence is not a final state, say, since this increase might have taken place just as
but a step on a long route toward the establishment of a a result of maturation (Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005).
mature sense of self. Although in theory one could test this by comparing
Finally, many individuals who show signs of identity identity development among college students with late
diffusion early on remain in this state, as do many indi- adolescents who are not enrolled in college, in prac-
viduals who spend time in a state of moratorium. In other tice this is not easy to do. One problem (in addition to
words, there are some individuals who are perpetually the difficulty researchers find in recruiting samples of
confused (at least during adolescence and young adult- noncollege individuals to participate in research stud-
hood) about who they are, as well as others who seem ies) is that people are not randomly assigned to go to
to be always exploring and experimenting with new college or not. Thus, even if one were to find that col-
identities (Meeus et al., 2010). Individuals who are high lege students showed relatively greater identity devel-
in anxiety have an especially difficult time (Crocetti, opment than nonstudents, this could be due to factors
Klimstra, Keijsers, Hale, & Meeus, 2009). that differentiate people who go to college from those
The factors associated with changing from one identity who do not.
status to another are not well understood (Kroger & Green,
1996; LaVoie, 1994). Psychologists have been much bet-
ter at describing the various stages that adolescents move
Identity and Ethnicity
through over the course of their identity development than For individuals who are not part of the majority cul-
at explaining why or how individuals’ sense of identity ture, integrating a sense of ethnic identity into their
changes when it does. The little research that has been done overall sense of personal identity is often an important
on this subject indicates that turning points in the develop- task of late adolescence, perhaps just as important as
ment of a sense of identity are provoked both by internal establishing a coherent occupational, ideological, or
factors—discontent with one’s life, for example—and by interpersonal identity (Chao & Otsuki-Clutter, 2011;
specific life events or changes in life circumstances, such Fuligni, Hughes, & Way, 2009; Seaton & Gilbert,
as making the transition out of high school (Kalakoski 2011). An extensive literature has been amassed on the
& Nurmi, 1998; Kroger & Green, 1996). Individuals process through which ethnic identity develops and on
are able to “make meaning” out of these turning points, the implications of having a strong versus weak sense of
using the event to come to a better understanding of them- ethnic identity for adolescent adjustment and behavior.
selves (Kang, Okazaki, Abelmann, Kim-Prieto & Lan, Ethnic identity has been studied in samples of Black,
2010; McLean, Breen, & Fournier, 2010; Tavernier & Hispanic, Native American, Asian, and White youth
Willoughby, 2012). When adults look back on their life (Fuligni et al., 2009; M. D. Jones & Galliher, 2007;
and attempt to tell a story that makes sense, they tend to Markstrom, 2011a; D. L. Newman, 2005). In America,
put more weight on events that took place during adoles- White youth generally have a weaker sense of ethnic
cence and young adulthood, a phenomenon that has been identity than their non-White peers, but many White
described as a “reminiscence bump” (Thorne, 2000). adolescents, especially those from more working-class
backgrounds, identify strongly with a particular ethnic
group (such as German, Irish, Italian) and derive part
making the scientific of their overall sense of self from this identification
connection (J. M. Grossman & Charmaraman, 2009; R. Roberts
Adults tend to refer back to adolescence more than other et al., 1999). Nevertheless, if given a list of labels to
periods when creating a narrative about their life. Do identify their own ethnic background, White adoles-
you think this is because events during adolescence are cents in America are less likely than ethnic minority
more important in shaping one’s life, because events dur- adolescents to choose labels
ing adolescence are simply remembered more clearly, based on their specific heri- ethnic identity
tage (for example, “German,” The aspect of individuals’ sense
because adolescence is the first time that individuals of identity concerning ancestry
begin creating a life story, or for some other reason? “Italian American,” “Jewish”) or racial group membership.
and more likely to use generic
226 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

“panethnic” labels (for example, “White”) or simply to The Development of Ethnic Identity
identify themselves as “American” (Fuligni, Witkow, &
Garcia, 2005). The process of ethnic identity development is similar to
Among immigrant adolescents, there is consider- the process of identity development more generally, with
able vacillation between identifying oneself as a mem- an unquestioning view of oneself often being displaced
ber of a broad ethnic category (e.g., Latino, Asian) and or upset by a crisis (Yip, 2014). Often, but not always, the
identifying oneself as a member of a group defined precipitating event involves an experience during which
by one’s country of origin (e.g., Mexican, Chinese) the individual encounters prejudice, becomes aware of
(Fuligni, Kiang, Witkow, & Baldelomar, 2008), as well his or her group’s underrepresentation in some activity or
as variability in definitions of how best to maintain an setting, or suddenly feels different from adolescents from
identity that merges being a member of one’s ethnic other backgrounds (Syed & Azmitia, 2006). Here’s how
group and being a member of the country into which one Asian American woman described her “awakening”:
the family has immigrated (Ko & Perreira, 2010; Li, I was on the computer chatting with my friend, and he was
2009; Nguyen & Brown, 2010; Qin, 2009). Language telling me he has plans to go to Japan to visit for vacation.
and style of dress are often used by immigrant youth to Then I told him I would like to visit China, and he said to me,
make a statement about their identity, as these Hmong “China sounds so shady, but you dirty chink would totally fit
girls explain: in anyway.” I told him immediately I was offended by his com-
ment, but he thought I was joking about my emotions. I told
Kandi: A lot of people aren’t proud of being Hmong and him to take that comment back because I didn’t find it funny.
if you speak Hmong with them they’ll be like, “Why are I felt very offended; I was thinking to myself, “Is that how oth-
you speaking Hmong, that’s stupid, speak English. Hello, ers view Chinese people?” (Syed & Azmitia, 2006, p. 1019)
you’re in America, speak English.” Following the crisis, individuals engage in a period of
Eve: I just hate when they tell you that. Like, I can
exploration, during which they may immerse themselves
speak as much as I want. (Nguyen & Brown, 2010, in learning about their ethnic heritage. (Increasingly,
p. 857) a good deal of this exploration occurs online, as is the

Having a strong sense of ethnic pride is associated with a wide range of psychological benefits.
© Lee Snider/The Image Works CHAPTER 8 Identity 227

case for identity exploration more generally [Davis, Lamborn, 2010; Varner & Mandara, 2013). Ethnic social-
2013; Tynes, 2007]). This process of exploration ization also occurs indirectly, for example, when parents
leads to increases in self-esteem (Corenblum, 2014; stress the importance of family obligations (Kiang &
Umaña-Taylor, Gonzales-Backen, & Guimond, 2009). Fuligni, 2009; Umaña-Taylor, Alfaro, Bámaca, &
Eventually, as the value of having a strong ethnic iden- Guimond, 2009; Tsai, Telzer, Gonzales, & Fuligni, 2015).
tity becomes clear, the individual establishes a more Ethnic socialization by parents encourages adoles-
coherent sense of personal identity that includes this eth- cents to think positively about their ethnic heritage,
nic identity (Seaton, Yip, & Sellers, 2009; Whitehead, which may lead to a stronger sense of ethnic identity
Ainsworth, Wittig, & Gadino, 2009). Adolescents’ feel- (Rivas-Drake, Hughes, & Way, 2009; Umaña-Taylor
ings about their own ethnic group become more positive & Guimond, 2010). But more ethnic socialization isn’t
during both early and middle adolescence (when ethnic necessarily better; in one study, the best-adjusted Black
identity first becomes salient and individuals become adolescents came from homes in which their moth-
immersed in their own culture), although actual iden- ers provided a moderate number of racial socialization
tity exploration does not really begin until middle ado- messages, rather than many or few (Frabutt, Walker, &
lescence (S. E. French, Seidman, Allen, & Aber, 2006). MacKinnon-Lewis, 2002). In fact, when parents and
Between middle and late adolescence, exploration other caregivers describe their own experiences of dis-
declines, as individuals begin to develop a more consoli- crimination, this adversely affects their adolescents’
dated identity (Pahl & Way, 2006). Adolescents with a mental health (Ford, Hurd, Jagers, & Sellers, 2013).
strong sense of ethnic identity have better mental health Occasional communication of highly positive mes-
than those whose sense of ethnic identity is more diffuse sages may be most effective approach for parents to take
(Gartner, Kiang, & Supple, 2014; Seaton, Scottham, & (Neblett, Smalls, Ford, Nguyên, & Sellers, 2009).
Sellers, 2006; Yip, Seaton, & Sellers, 2006). One reason Frequent contact with peers from the same ethnic
for this is that a strong ethnic identity helps to foster a group leads adolescents to develop stronger positive
sense of meaning in life, which has been shown to be feelings about their ethnicity (Yip, Douglass, & Shelton,
related to overall adjustment (Kiang & Fuligni, 2010). 2013). But having positive attitudes about one’s own
The development of ethnic identity is profoundly ethnic group also is correlated with having positive atti-
affected by the context in which adolescents live (Tsai & tudes about adolescents from other ethnic groups, sug-
Fuligni, 2012; Williams, Tolan, Durkee, Francois, & gesting that ethnic socialization may enhance, rather
Anderson, 2012). For instance, patterns of ethnic iden- than upset, interracial relations (Phinney, Ferguson, &
tity development are affected by the ethnic composition Tate, 1997). In fact, many adolescents with a strong
of the adolescent’s school, the adolescent’s immedi- ethnic identity are members of peer crowds for which
ate peer group, and the extent to which the adolescent ethnicity is not a defining feature (B. Brown, Herman,
has contact with other teenagers from the same or Hamm, & Heck, 2008).
different backgrounds (Douglas, Yip, & Shelton, 2014; The mental health of ethnic minority youth is also
Kiang, Witkow, Baldelomar, & Fuligni, 2010; Nishina, affected by their orientation to the mainstream culture.
Bellmore, Witkow, & Nylund-Gibson, 2010; Yip, In general, positive mental health among ethnic minority
Seaton, & Sellers, 2010). adolescents is associated with biculturalism—having a
Moving through the early stages of ethnic identity strong, positive ethnic identity and a healthy awareness
development may be speeded up somewhat when parents of the potential for discrimination, while maintaining
take a more deliberate approach to the socialization of an involvement in the mainstream culture (Reitz, Motti-
ethnic identity (Hernandez, Conger, Robins, Bacher, & Stefanidi, & Asendorpf, 2014; Roche, Ghazarian, &
Widamun, 2014; McHale et al., 2006; Umaña-Taylor, Fernandez-Esquer, 2012; Umaña-Taylor et al., 2014;
Alfaro, Bámaca, & Guimond, 2009). Ethnic socialization Unger, 2014). For example, among ethnic minority
(also referred to as “racial socialization”) is the process youth, academic achievement is highest when adoles-
parents use to attempt to teach their children about their cents feel connected to their ethnic group, are aware of
ethnic or racial identity and about the special experiences racism, and believe that it is important to the people in
they may encounter within the broader society as a result their life to be academically successful within main-
of their ethnic background (Evans et al., 2012). Having stream society (McGill, Hughes, Alicea, & Way, 2012).
a strong ethnic identity and sense of ethnic pride is con- Being aware of potential rac-
sistently associated with higher self-esteem, stronger self- ism and mistrusting others are
ethnic socialization
efficacy, and better mental health (Rivas-Drake et al., not the same thing, however; The process through which
2014; Smokowski, Evans, Cotter, & Webber, 2014). awareness of racism is associ- individuals develop an
Ethnic socialization in minority families typically ated with better achievement, understanding of their eth-
focuses on at least three themes: understanding and valu- but mistrust is associated with nic or racial background,
also referred to as racial
ing one’s culture, dealing with racism, and succeeding in doing more poorly in school
mainstream society (Chao & Otsuki-Clutter, 2011; Moua & (Huynh & Fuligni, 2008).
228 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Recent Immigrants Several researchers have focused helped focus their identity development but also con-
on the special situation of ethnic minority youth who strained it, frustrating those teenagers whose behavior
are recent immigrants to a new culture (e.g., Fuligni, conflicted with the expectations of adults in the commu-
Hughes, & Way, 2009; Gonzales, 2011). Despite the fact nity. As one girl from Little Saigon noted:
that adolescents who are recent immigrants frequently
You want to do what makes you feel happy or comfort-
report high levels of academic, familial, social, and able but they put you in this little ethnicity box. Especially
economic stress (Cervantes & Cordova, 2011), foreign- here. Going to church you wear ao dai [traditional
born ethnic minority adolescents tend to express more Vietnamese dress]. I’m not rebelling but I don’t want to
positive feelings about mainstream American ideals than be another Asian girl in an American crowd. I want to
do their counterparts whose families have been in the be myself. I’m not going against my parents or tradition.
United States longer. In addition, in the United States, I want to make my own morals and traditions and it makes
foreign-born and first-generation ethnic minority youth me happy. (p. 682)
(i.e., adolescents whose parents were born in a differ- Adolescents living outside the enclave had more
ent country) perform better in school and are less likely opportunities to explore a wider range of alternatives,
to be involved in delinquent behavior or have physical, but were more passive in their identity exploration and
emotional, and behavioral problems than adolescents often actively fought attempts by their parents to encour-
from the same ethnic group whose parents were born in age a strong Vietnamese identity. As one boy put it:
America (Clotfelter, Ladd, & Vigdor, 2012; Hao & Woo,
2012; Guarini, Marks, Patton, & Garcia Coll, 2015; My parents expect me to speak Vietnamese consistently.
Killoren & Deutsch, 2013; Prado et al., 2009), a phenom- Every now and then they just say that I forgot it and that
enon that is known as the immigrant paradox (Marks, I don’t know how to speak it anymore. . . . Of course,
Ejesi, & Garcia Coll, 2014). (The immigrant paradox is I understand it and my parents expect me to be in a Viet
Club or something. But I mean c’mon, really c’mon.
not always seen in countries outside the United States,
(pp. 683–684)
however [Vaquera & Kao, 2012].) One explanation for
this is that ethnic minority immigrants arrive in their
new country idealistic about their prospects, but the
longer their family lives in the new context, the more
Discrimination and Its Effects
likely they are to become both Americanized and dis- The task of developing a coherent sense of identity is
illusioned (Tartakovsky, 2009). One recent study of much more complicated for minority adolescents than
Mexican-American youth also found that over the course for their majority counterparts (Gray-Little & Hafdahl,
of adolescence, there was a decline in teenagers’ orien- 2000; H. Stevenson, Reed, Bodison, & Bishop, 1997).
tation to traditional Mexican family values, which was Because identity development is profoundly influenced
associated with increases in risky behavior (Updegraff, by the social context in which the adolescent lives, the
Umaña-Taylor, McHale, Wheeler, & Perez-Brena, 2012). development of minority adolescents must be under-
Another explanation for the higher achievement and bet- stood in relation to the specific context that they face in
ter mental health of immigrant adolescents is that newly contemporary society (Byrd & Chavous, 2011; Chao &
arrived immigrant parents provide more effective super- Otsuki-Clutter, 2011; Markstrom, 2011a; Rivas-Drake
vision of their children (Chao & Otsuki-Clutter, 2011; et al., 2009). All too often, this context includes racial
Marsiglia, Nagoshi, Parsani, Booth, & Castro, 2014; stereotypes, discrimination, and mixed messages about
Schwartz et al., 2013). the costs and benefits of identifying too closely with the
The process of identity development among ado- majority culture (see Figure 7).
lescents from recent immigrant families also depends The adverse effects of discrimination are especially
on the context in which the family lives, as a study of intense among American ethnic minority youth with a
Vietnamese adolescents from Southern California illus- strong attachment to the mainstream culture (Derlan et al.,
trates (Vo-Jutabha, Dinh, 2014) and for those whose parents were born in the United
immigrant paradox McHale, & Valsiner, 2009). States (Sirin et al., 2015). Immigrant adolescents who
The fact that on many mea- In this study, the researchers speak with an accent are stereotyped as “perpetual foreign-
sures of psychological func- compared the identity develop- ers,” which can lead to discrimination and victimization
tioning and mental health, ment of adolescents living in (S. Kim, Wang, Deng, Alvarez, & Li, 2011; Özdemir &
adolescents who have immi-
grated more recently to the
a Vietnamese enclave (“Little Stattin, 2014). One recent study of American adolescents
United States score higher on Saigon”) with those who lived of Iranian descent revealed that many of these teenag-
measures of adjustment than nearby, but in a more diverse ers identified themselves as Persian, rather than Iranian,
adolescents from the same community. For adolescents because of the negative portrayals of Iranian individuals
ethnic group whose family has living inside the enclave, pres- in the media (Daha, 2011). Similarly, it is impossible to
lived in the United States for
several generations.
sures on them to adopt a strong fully understand the process of ethnic identity develop-
Vietnamese identity had both ment among American Indian adolescents without taking CHAPTER 8 Identity 229

Discrimination item Males Females

You are treated with less courtesy than other people.

You are treated with less respect than other people.

You receive poorer service than others at restaurants or stores.

People act as if they think you are not smart.

People act as if they are afraid of you.

People act as if they think you are dishonest.

People act as if they’re better than you are.

You are called names or insulted.

You are threatened or harassed.

You are followed around in stores.

Your teachers treat you with less respect than other students.
Your teachers act as if they think you are not smart.

Your teachers act as if they are afraid of you.

Total percentage reporting any of the above

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 7 The experience of discrimination is common among Black adolescents. (Seaton et al., 2008)

into account the particular history of American Indians in discrimination matters: Feeling discriminated against by
the United States (Markstrom, 2011a). teachers leads to poorer school performance, whereas
It is well established that individuals—from any peer discrimination adversely affects mental health
group—who report experiencing high levels of discrimi- (Benner & Graham, 2013; Niwa et al., 2014).
nation suffer psychologically as a result. Adolescents’ There are many reasons that feeling discriminated
psychological well-being, including their self-esteem, against may be harmful to one’s mental health, but one
is adversely affected by discrimination and prejudice. important process derives from the effect of discrimi-
Adolescents who report frequent experiences of being nation on adolescents’ feelings of control: Adolescents
insulted, excluded, and teased about their race or ethnic- who feel discriminated against in school report feeling
ity have relatively more psychological problems than do less control over their academic achievement, which
their peers who face no discrimination (C. H. Caldwell, leads to feelings of depression (Smith-Bynum, Lambert,
Kohn-Wood, Schmeelk-Cone, Chavous, & Zimmerman, English, & Ialongo, 2014). Another possibility is that
2004; Huynh & Fuligni, 2010; Sellers, Copeland-Linder, the experience of discrimination leads to depression and
Martin, & Lewis, 2006). alienation, which, in turn, leads adolescents to affiliate
Many studies of Asian, Black, and Latino youth with deviant peers, increasing the likelihood that they
have found that feeling discriminated against is pre- will engage in risky and antisocial behavior (M. Roberts
dictive of subsequent conduct problems, depression, et al., 2012) (see Figure 8). Growing up in a racially iso-
and lower achievement in school (Benner & Graham, lated, poor neighborhood especially intensifies feelings
2011; Bogart et al., 2013; Brody, Kogan, & Chen, 2012; of discrimination, which increases adolescents’ involve-
English, Lambert, & Ialongo, 2014; Hurd, Varner, ment in violence (Martin et al., 2011).
Caldwell, & Zimmerman, 2014; Huynh, 2012; Seaton, Individuals vary both in the extent to which they feel
Caldwell, Sellers, & Jackson, 2010). The source of the discriminated against and in the extent to which they are

Depression Affiliation with Risky and

and antisocial antisocial
alienation peers behavior

Figure 8 One pathway linking perceived discrimination to antisocial behavior is through the impact of discrimination
on depression and alienation, which leads adolescents to affiliate with antisocial peers. (Adapted from M. Roberts et al., 2012)
230 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

multidimensional model of
adversely affected by it, and it Consistent with this, adolescents whose parents have
racial identity appears that ethnic identity is emphasized the positive aspects of ethnic socialization
an important factor (Riina &
A perspective on ethnic identity (e.g., having pride in one’s ethnic group) and who have
that emphasizes three differentMcHale, 2012; Umaña-Taylor, more positive family relationships fare better in the face of
phenomena: racial centrality
Tynes, Toomey, Williams, & discrimination than those whose parents have emphasized
(how important race is in defin-
Mitchell, 2015). The multi-
ing individuals’ identity), private the negative (e.g., the need to be wary about potential rac-
regard (how individuals feel dimensional model of racial ism) (Berkel et al., 2009; Delgado, Updegraff, Roosa, &
about being a member of their identity has been used to help Umaña-Taylor, 2011; Juang & Alvarez, 2010; Smokowski
race), and public regard (how make sense out of a com- et al., 2009). Having a strong ethnic identity is also protec-
individuals think others feel
plex web of findings (Seaton, tive against the harmful effects of online discrimination
about their race).
Upton, Gilbert, & Volpe, 2014; (Tynes, Umaña-Taylor, Rose, Lin, & Anderson, 2012).
Sellers et al., 2006). According However, the impact of having race as a central part
to this model, we need to take into account three dif- of one’s identity (which is not the same thing as having
ferent aspects of racial identity: racial centrality (how high private regard for one’s ethnic group) is compli-
important race is in defining individuals’ identity), pri- cated: It makes adolescents more sensitive to discrimina-
vate regard (how individuals feel about being a member tion (which hurts their mental health), but some studies
of their race), and public regard (how individuals think show that it makes them more able to cope with it (which
others view their race). Generally speaking, during ado- helps) (Berkel et al., 2010; C. S. Brown, Alabi, Huynh,
lescence racial centrality increases and private regard & Masten, 2011; Chavous, Rivas-Drake, Smalls, Griffin,
tends to remain stable, but changes in public regard differ & Cogburn, 2008; Kiang, Peterson, & Thompson, 2011;
among adolescents from different backgrounds (Rivas- Thomas et al., 2009), although not all studies find this
Drake & Witherspoon, 2013; Rogers, Scott, & Way, (e.g., Deng, Kim, Vaughan, & Li, 2010; Seaton, Neblett,
2015). In one study of New York City middle school stu- Upton, Hammond, & Sellers, 2011). Believing that the
dents, public regard increased among Chinese American public has high regard for one’s ethnic group lifts ado-
adolescents, but it declined among Black, Puerto Rican, lescents’ school performance, but believing that the pub-
and Dominican youth (Hughes, Way, & Rivas-Drake, lic has a positive view of one’s race also intensifies the
2011). One possible explanation for this is that Black and effects of discrimination—perhaps because people feel
Latino students report that their teachers have more neg- especially wounded when they don’t expect to encoun-
ative attitudes toward them than do Asian youth, whose ter it (Hughes, Way, & Rivas-Drake, 2011; Sellers,
teachers generally see them in a more favorable light. Copeland-Linder, Martin, & Lewis, 2006).
Adolescents who have experienced discrimination
firsthand are more likely to believe that the public has
low regard for their ethnic group (Seaton et al., 2009).
Multiethnic Adolescents
However, individuals who believe that the public has One understudied group of adolescents for whom devel-
low regard for their ethnic group are more sensitive to oping a sense of ethnic identity may be especially chal-
racial cues, which, in turn, may heighten their experi- lenging consists of multiethnic youth—adolescents
ence of discrimination; this process may be accentu- whose parents are not from the same ethnic or racial
ated in families where parents engage in relatively more group. Understanding psychological development among
ethnic socialization (Rivas-Drake et al., 2009; Wang & multiethnic adolescents has taken on increased impor-
Huguley, 2012). This is not to say that individuals with tance as their numbers have grown (Chao & Otsuki-
heightened sensitivity to discrimination are simply Clutter, 2011; Fisher, Reynolds, Hsu, Barnes, & Tyler,
imagining it; rather, individuals with heightened sen- 2014). In 2010, 17% of all infants with a Black parent
sitivity may be better at perceiving more subtle signs were born to one Black parent and one White parent, and
of genuine racial bias. One recent study found that the 34% of all infants with an Asian parent were born to one
experience of feeling discriminated against adversely Asian parent and one White parent (Frey, 2012).
affects adolescents’ mental health regardless of what Developing a consistent ethnic identity is challenging
they attribute the discrimination to (e.g., ethnicity, for biracial adolescents, especially during early adoles-
gender, physical appearance, etc.) (Seaton, Caldwell, cence (Marks, Patton, & Coll, 2011). Many biracial ado-
Sellers, & Jackson, 2010). lescents change their racial identity over time, switching
How all of this works together to affect adolescents’ between adolescence and young adulthood from being
mental health is tricky. Having positive feelings about biracial to being “monoracial” (identifying oneself with
one’s race is positively linked to psychological well- just one ethnic group); in one study of Black, White, and
being and protects against the harmful effects of stress biracial Black/White adolescents, nearly three-quarters of
and discrimination (Benner & Kim, 2009; Galliher, the biracial group changed their self-identification over a
Jones, & Dahl, 2011; Umaña-Taylor, Wong, Gonzales, & 4-year period, which may reflect the ways in which the cul-
Dumka, 2012; Williams, Aiyer, Durkee, & Tolan, 2014). tural desirability of being seen as a member of one ethnic CHAPTER 8 Identity 231

group or another fluctuates over time (Terry & Winston,

2010). Although this switching has been observed in all
ethnic groups, in one study it was especially common
among adolescents who identified as Native Americans,
either exclusively or in combination with a White self-
identification (Hitlin, Brown, & Elder, Jr., 2006). The
majority of individuals who had identified themselves as
both White and Native American when they were adoles-
cents identified themselves only as White when they were
young adults. However, a large number of adolescents who
identified themselves only as White identified themselves
as both White and Native American several years later.
Similar patterns of change were seen among other multira-
cial individuals, but not nearly as often.

Identity and Gender

Identity and gender are linked in several different ways.
Gender identity refers to one’s sense of oneself as
male, female, or transgender, which refers to individu-
als whose gender identity does not match the sex they Research on adolescents who have two parents from different
ethnic groups has not kept up with the growth of the multiethnic
were designated at birth, usually based on their external population. © Mike Kemp/Rubberball/Getty Images RF
sex organs. Sexual orientation refers to the extent to
which someone is romantically and sexually attracted to
members of the same sex (homosexual, which includes no means is universal. Indeed, multiethnic
gay men or lesbians), members of the other sex (hetero- some writers have suggested Having two parents of different
sexual, or “straight”), or both (i.e., bisexual). Gender- that this may be more appli- ethnic or racial backgrounds.
role behavior refers to the extent to which an individual cable to the development of gender identity
behaves in traditionally “masculine” or “feminine” ways. White gay men than to lesbians, One’s sense of oneself as male,
A great deal of confusion stems from the fact that bisexual adolescents, or ethnic female, or transgender.
these three concepts are not related. For example, there minority gay men (Diamond, sexual orientation
is no connection between sexual orientation and sex-role 1998; Dubé & Savin-Williams, Whether one is sexually
behavior or gender identity. Individuals with strong, or 1999). For example, there is attracted to individuals of the
even exclusive, homosexual attractions exhibit the same evidence that females’ sexual same sex, other sex, or both.
range of masculine and feminine behaviors that is seen orientation may be more fluid gender-role behavior
among individuals with strong or exclusive heterosexual than males’, with many more The extent to which an indi-
interests. In other words, exclusively gay men (like exclu- bisexual or lesbian adolescents vidual behaves in traditionally
sively heterosexual men) may act in very masculine, changing sexual orientation “masculine” or “feminine” ways.
very feminine, or both masculine and feminine ways. during young adulthood than
The same holds true for exclusively lesbian and exclu- heterosexual individuals or gay males (Diamond, 2008;
sively heterosexual women, as well as bisexual men and Saewyc, 2011; Savin-Williams, Joyner, & Rieger, 2012).
women. Along similar lines, individuals with homosex- Society’s prejudice and ignorance about homosexu-
ual or bisexual interests are generally not confused about ality likely cause significant psychological distress for
their gender identity—or, at least, they are no more con- sexual-minority adolescents, especially if they encoun-
fused than are individuals with heterosexual interests. ter hostility from those around them (Saewyc, 2011; T.
Several writers have described the process through E. Smith & Leaper, 2006). The developmental tasks in
which gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals discover, the domains of identity, intimacy, and sexuality present
come to terms with, and disclose their sexual orienta- formidable challenges for many teenagers. These chal-
tion (Diamond, 2008; Savin-Williams & Ream, 2007). lenges may be exacerbated for sexual-minority adoles-
Although the traditional model of this progression— cents, who are forced to resolve these issues without the
feeling different as a child, engaging in gender-atypical same degree of social support as their heterosexual peers
behavior, being attracted to members of the same sex and (Diamond & Lucas, 2004). Gay, lesbian, and bisexual
uninterested in those of the other sex, realizing one’s sex- adolescents who believe that their sexual orientation is
ual attraction to others of the same sex, and consciously a burden to people in their lives are at greater risk for
questioning one’s sexual orientation—describes the depression and suicidal thoughts (Baams, Grossman, &
experience of many sexual-minority adolescents, it by Russell, 2015).
232 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Although adolescents who describe themselves as haven’t mentioned them, it’s either because they weren’t
transgender are often grouped for purposes of discussion reported or weren’t observed.
with lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth, transgender indi- Apart from differences in strength, adolescent males
viduals report the same variety of sexual orientations as and females do not differ in their abilities, and although
do other individuals. Information on the size of the trans- girls are more “people-oriented” and boys are more
gender population, either in adolescence or adulthood, is “things-oriented,” the magnitude of sex differences in
scant. One recent report estimates that about 1 in 100,000 interests and attitudes is smaller than most people think
American adults are transsexual women (individuals (Priess & Hyde, 2011). The most consistent sex differences
who identify themselves as women but who were labeled are seen in the ways adolescent boys and girls express
as male at birth) and 1 in 400,000 are transsexual men aggression (males are generally more physically aggressive
(individuals who identify themselves as men but who than females, who tend to use social or verbal aggression)
were labeled as female at birth) (IOM and NRC, 2011b). and intimacy (females are more likely to express intimacy
Many experts believe that we should view gender verbally, whereas males express it mainly through shared
identity, sexual orientation, and gender-role behavior activities), and in the extent to which males and females are
as fluid rather than fixed, and as points along conti- prone to low self-esteem and depression (females are more
nua rather than absolute categories (Savin-Williams & prone to both). There are few, if any, sex differences in pat-
Vrangalova, 2013). A young man may go through a terns of family relationships, performance on achievement
period during which he is sexually attracted to other men tests, or in the correlates of competence, popularity with
and wonder if he is gay, only to find at a later age that he peers, and healthy psychological development.
is exclusively interested in women. Another may think of
himself as “mostly heterosexual.” An adolescent girl who Gender-Role Socialization
expressed traditionally feminine interests as a child may During Adolescence
discover that she actually enjoys a mix of activities that
include some stereotypically masculine ones and some Despite the fact that psychological differences between the
stereotypically feminine ones. Someone who spent her sexes are trivial or nonexistent, many individuals continue
childhood and adolescence identified as male may real- to hold strong beliefs about what is “normal” for males
ize that she is more comfortable identifying as a woman. and for females, and psychologists have been interested
in the consequences of behaving or not behaving in ways
that are stereotypically masculine or feminine. Some stud-
Gender-Role Development ies have found that pressures to behave in sex-stereotypic
Popular books proclaim that men and women are fun- ways appear to increase temporarily during middle adoles-
damentally different; that men and women come from cence, something referred to as the gender intensification
different “planets”; that males and females learn, speak, hypothesis (Galambos, Berenbaum, & McHale, 2009;
and navigate the world in different ways; and that ado- Lobel, Nov-Krispin, Schiller, Lobel, & Feldman, 2004).
lescent boys and girls need to be schooled and raised in Individuals’ beliefs about gender roles become more flex-
different ways. But the fact of the matter is that, apart ible as they move through adolescence, largely as a result
from some obvious physical differences, adolescent of the cognitive changes of the period, but social pres-
males and females actually aren’t all that different (Perry sures may drive teenagers toward more gender-stereotypic
& Pauletti, 2011; Priess & Hyde, 2011). I’m sorry to dis- behavior; indeed, the impact of environmental factors on
appoint you (if I have), but scientific studies of the sexes gender-role behavior is much stronger than the impact of
simply do not support the claims of those who argue that the hormonal changes of puberty (Galambos et al., 2009).
males and females have brains that are wired in differ- As teenagers begin to date, for example, it may become
ently, have different perspectives on morality, or learn in more important for them to act in ways that are consistent
fundamentally dissimilar ways. with gender-role expectations and that meet with approval
Whether large sex differences in adolescent behavior in the peer group. Boys who do not act masculine enough
had existed in the past but have disappeared (certainly and girls who do not act feminine enough may be less pop-
a possibility, given the fact that men and women faced ular with and less accepted by their same- and other-sex
different expectations and opportunities in past genera- peers (T. E. Smith & Leaper, 2006). Adolescents are more
tions) or whether they were just assumed to be larger intolerant about peers behaving in gender-atypical ways
than they were isn’t known. But differences within than they are about variations in sexual orientation (Horn,
groups of males or females are far more substantial than 2007; Toomey, Ryan, Diaz, Card, & Russell, 2010).
differences between them. Not all studies find an increase in gender-stereotyped
gender intensification Throughout this book, I’ve behavior in middle adolescence (e.g., Jacobs et al., 2002;
hypothesis noted when studies have found McHale, Kim, Whiteman, & Crouter, 2004) or in pressure
The idea that pressures to meaningful sex differences to conform to traditional gender roles (Priess, Lindberg,
behave in sex-appropriate ways
intensify during adolescence.
in the ways in which adoles- & Hyde, 2009). One reason for discrepancies between
cents develop or function. If I studies is that the extent to which gender-stereotypic CHAPTER 8 Identity 233

Pressures to behave in sex-stereotypic ways may temporarily intensify during middle adolescence. © Syracuse Newspapers/Li-Hau Lan/
The Image Works

behavior becomes more pronounced or demanded in ado- ambitious (a trait usually considered masculine) and
lescence likely depends on the realm of behavior stud- highly sensitive (a trait usually considered feminine).
ied, the developmental history of the adolescent, and the Generally speaking, individuals’ degree of masculin-
broader context in which the adolescent lives (Daniels & ity or femininity is highly stable over time. In one study
Leaper, 2011; Galambos, Berenbaum, & McHale, 2009; that tracked people from preschool through adolescence,
McHale, Shanahan, Updegraff, Crouter, & Booth, 2004). girls who had been rated as relatively more masculine as
For instance, although people tend to become more tradi- preschoolers felt less similar to other girls when they were
tional in their attitudes about gender roles between early 13, were less content being girls, and had a stronger prefer-
and middle adolescence, this pattern is not universal. One ence for traditionally male activities, whereas those who
study of changes in gender role attitudes broke the sam- had been rated as more feminine had stronger preferences
ple down by sex, birth order, and the sorts of attitudes the for traditionally female activities. Similarly, boys who had
parents had. Whereas firstborn boys with brothers and been rated as more feminine when they were preschoolers
parents with traditional attitudes about gender become felt less similar to other boys when they were adolescents
more traditional in their own attitudes over time, second- and were not especially drawn to traditionally male activi-
born girls with brothers and less traditional parents did ties (Golombok, Rust, Zervoulis, Golding, & Hines, 2012).
not (Crouter, Whiteman, McHale, & Osgood, 2007). If expectations to conform to traditional gender stereo-
types intensify during adolescence, we would expect that
boys who are especially masculine and girls who are espe-
Masculinity and Femininity cially feminine would fare better psychologically than their
Individuals vary in their degrees of masculinity and peers who behave in gender-atypical ways. Do more feminine
femininity. Some are decidedly more masculine than girls and more masculine boys feel better about themselves?
feminine, and others are decidedly more feminine than The answer to this question may differ for males and
masculine. And some people have a high degree of both females (Galambos, Berenbaum, & McHale, 2009).
masculinity and femininity; they might be both highly Although boys and girls who behave in gender-typical
234 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

ways are more accepted than their peers whose behavior earn lower grades and score worse on achievement tests
does not conform with gender-role stereotypes (Kochel, than their peers. In one clever experiment, in which ado-
Miller, Updegraff, Ladd, & Kochenderfer-Ladd, 2012), lescent girls were asked to prepare and videotape a mock
and feel better about themselves as a result of this newscast, ostensibly to measure their aptitude for journal-
(Menon, 2011), the costs of being gender-atypical are ism, the researchers found that girls who were more “sex-
greater for boys than girls (T. E. Smith & Leaper, 2006). ualized” (i.e., who had internalized the idea that being
It is not surprising, therefore, to find that during ado- attractive to men is an important part of one’s identity)
lescence boys are likely to cut back on the display of spent more time putting on make-up and less time going
stereotypically feminine traits, such as being emotionally over the newscast script than girls who were less sexual-
expressive, whereas neither boys nor girls reduce the dis- ized (McKenney & Bigler, 2014).
play of traditionally masculine traits, such as instrumen- Given that pressures to conform with gender-role
tality (McHale, Kim, Dotterer, Crouter, & Booth, 2009) norms affect both girls and boys during adolescence,
(see Figure 9). why is it that boys suffer greater self-image problems
By the time they have reached early adolescence, teen- when they deviate from what is viewed as appropriate
agers understand that it is easier for girls to sometimes behavior for their sex? The answer is that although girls
behave in masculine ways than it is for boys to occa- may be pressured to adopt (or maintain) certain femi-
sionally act in feminine ways (Mulvey & Killen, 2015). nine traits during adolescence, they are not necessarily
Consistent with research on younger children, adolescent pressured to relinquish all elements of masculinity. In
males who do not conform to traditionally masculine gen- contrast, boys are socialized from a very early age not
der-role norms have lower self-esteem, are judged more to adopt feminine traits and are judged deviant if they
deviant, and are more likely to be bullied than are females show any signs of femininity. Boys are more likely to see
whose behavior departs from exclusively feminine roles themselves as “typical males” than girls are to see them-
(Gupta et al., 2013; Roberts, Rosario, Slopen, Calzo, & selves as “typical females,” more likely to be content to
Austin, 2013). Boys who have a more traditionally be male than girls are to be female, and more pressured
masculine orientation, while higher in self-acceptance to act in stereotypically male ways than girls are to act in
than other boys, are more likely to be involved in vari- stereotypically female ways (Egan & Perry, 2001).
ous types of problem behavior—perhaps because part of In other words, girls can be highly pressured during
being masculine in contemporary society involves being adolescence to behave in feminine ways without neces-
“man enough” to experiment with delinquency, drugs sarily being punished or labeled deviant for exhibiting
and alcohol, and unprotected sex (Kulis, Marsiglia, & some masculine traits at the same time; thus, for girls,
Hurdle, 2003), or because boys who live in difficult envi- having a mixture of masculine and feminine traits is a
ronments, where problem behavior is prevalent, adopt viable alternative to exclusive femininity. Girls may feel
a more “macho” posture to survive in the community increasingly pressured to dress nicely and to wear makeup
(Cunningham, 1999). Conversely, girls who have a more when they reach adolescence, but they are not pressured
traditionally feminine gender-role orientation are more to give up athletics or other typically masculine interests.
likely to develop more traditionally feminine sorts of psy- Boys, however, from childhood on, are pressured not to
chological problems, such as disordered eating (McHale, behave in feminine ways. Their gender-role socialization
Corneal, Crouter, & Birch, 2001). Girls who believe that does not intensify during adolescence as much as it does
women’s worth comes primarily from their sexual appeal for girls because it is so intense to begin with.

25 25

23 22
22 20
21 19
20 17
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Age Age
Figure 9 During adolescence, boys increasingly avoid displaying stereotypically feminine traits, but comparable pres-
sure on girls to avoid stereotypically masculine traits is much milder. As a consequence, boys show a drop in emotional
expressiveness, but girls do not show a similar decline in instrumentality. (McHale, Kim, Dotterer, Crouter, & Booth, 2009)

Autonomy as an Adolescent Issue

Changes in Susceptibility to Influence
The Development of Emotional Autonomy Ethnic and Cultural Differences in
Expectations for Autonomy
Emotional Autonomy and Detachment
Emotional Autonomy and Individuation The Development of Cognitive
Research on Emotional Autonomy
Moral Development during Adolescence
Emotional Autonomy and Parenting Practices
Prosocial Reasoning, Prosocial Behavior, and
The Development of Behavioral Autonomy Volunteerism
Changes in Decision-Making Abilities Political Thinking During Adolescence
When Do Adolescents Make Decisions as Well Religious Beliefs During Adolescence
as Adults?
© Jupiterimages/Getty Images RF

236 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

When I got my driver’s license, I looked at it as freedom, Zimmer-Gembeck, Ducat, & Collins, 2011). Many writers
getting out from my parents, going places you couldn’t have pointed to the adaptive nature of adolescents’ desire
get to before because you had to have your parent’s per- for autonomy, arguing that the adolescents’ need to dis-
mission . . . not having to be worried about being dropped tance themselves from their parents has an evolutionary
off and being picked up. Going to the library even or a
basis, sparking an increase in novelty-seeking and explo-
dance club or a party and not having to worry about, I
ration that facilitates reproduction outside of the family
don’t know, your parents having to come pick you up.
(Casey et al., 2010; Steinberg, 2010).
Not necessarily, it wasn’t embarrassment for me, it was
Because today’s adolescents spend so much time away
more, just like okay, I make my own choices I can leave
when I want to, you know, I made this decision to come from the supervision of adults, either by themselves or with
here you know I’ll drop you off. I felt more like an adult but their peers, learning how to govern their own behavior in a
um, I don’t know, I went to the beach, to people’s houses, responsible fashion is crucial. Given the large numbers of
friends’ houses, the movies. (Best, 2006, p. 63) single-parent and two-career households in many indus-
trialized countries, many young people are expected to
For most adolescents, establishing a sense of care for themselves for a good part of the day. Many feel
autonomy is as important a part of becoming an adult as is pressured—by parents, by friends, and by the media—to
establishing a sense of identity. Becoming an autonomous grow up quickly and to act like adults at an earlier age.
person—a self-governing person—is one of the fundamen- Many adolescents who grow up in poverty feel a different
tal developmental tasks of adolescence. sort of pressure to grow up—they are expected to take on
Although we often use the words autonomy and adult responsibilities to assist their families during times of
independence interchangeably, in the study of adoles- need (Burton, 2007).
cence, they mean slightly different things. Independence There is a curious paradox in all of this, though.
refers to individuals’ capacity to behave on their own. Although adolescents have been asked to become more
The growth of independence is surely a part of becom- autonomous psychologically and socially, they have
ing autonomous during adolescence, but autonomy has become less autonomous economically. Because of the
emotional and cognitive as well as behavioral compo- extension of schooling well into the 20s for most people,
nents. In other words, autonomy is not just about acting and the difficulty many young adults have had finding
independently—it is also about feeling independent and employment during the recent recession, financial inde-
thinking for oneself. pendence may not come until long after psychological
During adolescence, there is a movement away from independence. Many young people who are emotionally
the dependency typical of childhood and toward the independent from their parents find it frustrating to have to
autonomy typical of adulthood—not only among human abide by their rules as long as their parents are supporting
adolescents, but among mammals more generally (all them economically. They may believe that the ability to
mammals go through puberty and therefore experience make their own decisions has nothing to do with financial
something analogous to human adolescence) (Casey, dependence. An 18-year-old college freshman who has
Duhoux, & Cohen, 2010). But the growth of autonomy dur- a part-time job, a full load of classes, and a serious rela-
ing adolescence is frequently misunderstood. Autonomy is tionship with his girlfriend may be independent in these
often confused with rebellion, and becoming an indepen- respects, but he may still be living at home because he
dent person is often equated with breaking away from the can’t afford to do otherwise. His parents may feel that as
family. This perspective on autonomy goes hand in hand long as their son lives in their home, they should decide
with the idea that adolescence is inevitably a time of stress how late he can stay out at night. But he may feel that
and turmoil. his parents have no right to tell him when he can come
Just as the view that adolescence is a period of storm and go. This sort of difference of opinion can be a source
and stress has been questioned repeatedly by scientific of problems and confusion for teenagers and their par-
research, experts on adolescence have changed the way ents, particularly when they have difficulty agreeing on
they think about the development of autonomy. Rather an appropriate level of independence for the adolescent
than viewing autonomy in adolescence as an abrupt rebel- (Steinberg, 2011). Disagreements over autonomy-related
lion against parental authority, researchers now see it as concerns are at the top of the list of things that provoke
gradual, progressive, and—although important—relatively quarrels between adolescents and parents (Laursen &
undramatic (McElhaney, Allen, Stephenson, & Hare, 2009; Collins, 2009). CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 237

Autonomy as an Adolescent Issue

Like identity, autonomy is a psychosocial concern that
surfaces and resurfaces during the entire life cycle.
The development of independent behavior begins long
before puberty. Toddlers try to establish an initial sense
of autonomy when they begin to explore their surround-
ings on their own and assert their desire to do as they
please—a stage of development so frustrating to parents
that it is often called “the terrible twos.” The toddler
who insists on saying “No!” and the young adolescent
who insists on keeping her whereabouts secret are both
demonstrating their growing sense of independence and
autonomy. And just as psychologists see toddlers’ oppo-
sitional behavior as normal, they also see adolescents’
interest in privacy as normal, too—however frustrating
that might be to parents (McElhaney et al., 2009).
Although early childhood and adolescence are impor- Leaving home and establishing independence at puberty is seen
tant periods for the development of autonomy, issues of not just in humans, but in most primates and many other mammals.
autonomy are not resolved once and for all upon reaching © JeannetteKatzir/Getty Images RF
young adulthood. Questions about being able to function
independently arise whenever individuals find themselves Cognitive Change and the Development of Autonomy
in positions that demand a new degree of self-reliance. The cognitive changes of adolescence also play an
Following a divorce, someone who has depended on a important role in the development of autonomy (Albert
spouse for economic support, guidance, or nurturance & Steinberg, 2011; Zimmer-Gembeck, Ducat, & Collins,
must find a way to function more independently. During 2011). Part of being autonomous involves being able to
late adulthood, autonomy may become a significant con- make independent decisions. When individuals turn to
cern of someone who, after losing a spouse, suddenly finds others for advice, they often receive conflicting opinions;
it necessary to depend on others for assistance and support. if you are trying to decide between staying home to study
If establishing and maintaining a healthy sense of for an exam and going out to a party, your professor and
autonomy is a lifelong concern, why has it attracted the person throwing the party will probably give you dif-
so much attention among scholars interested in ado- ferent advice. As an adult, you are able to see that each
lescence? When we look at the development of auton- individual’s perspective influences his or her advice. The
omy in relation to the biological, cognitive, and social ability to see this, however, calls for a level of intellectual
changes of adolescence, it’s easy to see why. abstraction that is not available until adolescence. Being
able to take other people’s perspectives into account, to
Puberty and the Development of Autonomy Some reason in more sophisticated ways, and to foresee the
theorists have suggested that puberty triggers changes future consequences of alternative courses of action
in the young person’s emotional relationships at home all help the adolescent weigh the opinions and sugges-
(Laursen & Collins, 2009; Zimmer-Gembeck, Ducat, tions of others more effectively and reach independent
& Collins, 2011). Adolescents’ interest in turning away decisions. The cognitive changes of adolescence also
from parents and toward peers for emotional support— provide the logical foundation for changes in thinking
part of establishing adult independence—may be stimu- about social, moral, and ethical problems. These changes
lated by their emerging interest in sexual relationships in thinking are important prerequisites to the develop-
and concerns over dating and intimate friendships. From ment of a system of values based on one’s own sense of
an evolutionary perspective, adolescent independence- right and wrong, and not merely on rules and regulations
seeking is a natural consequence of sexual and physi- handed down by parents or other authority figures (N.
cal maturation, and “leaving the home” after puberty Eisenberg et al., 2009; Morris et al., 2011; Smetana &
is something that is observed not just in humans, but in Villalobos, 2009).
other primates as well (Casey et al., 2010; Steinberg,
2014). Puberty drives the adolescent away from exclusive Social Roles and the Development of Autonomy
emotional dependence on the family. In addition, changes Finally, changes in social roles and activities during adoles-
in stature and physical appearance at puberty may pro- cence are bound to raise concerns related to independence,
voke changes in how much autonomy the young person as the adolescent moves into new positions that demand
is granted by parents and teachers. Children may be given increasing degrees of responsibility and self-reliance
more responsibility simply because they look older. (Coatsworth & Conroy, 2009; Halpern-Felsher, 2011).
238 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

emotional autonomy
Becoming involved in new roles relationships, especially with parents. The second is
The establishment of more and taking on new responsibili- behavioral autonomy—the capacity to make indepen-
adultlike and less childish close ties, such as having a job or a dent decisions and follow through on them. And the third
relationships with family mem- driver’s license, place the ado- is cognitive autonomy (sometimes called “value auton-
bers and peers. lescent in situations that require omy”), which involves having independent values, opin-
behavioral autonomy and stimulate the development ions, and beliefs.
The capacity to make indepen- of independent decision mak-
dent decisions and to follow ing. A teenager might not really
through with them.
think much about the responsi- The Development of
cognitive autonomy
The establishment of an inde-
bilities associated with taking Emotional Autonomy
a job until she actually ends
pendent set of values, opin- The relationship between children and their parents
ions, and beliefs.
up in one (D. Wood, Larson,
& Brown, 2009). Choosing changes repeatedly over the life cycle. Changes in the
whether to drink does not expression of affection, the distribution of power, and
become an important question until the adolescent begins patterns of verbal interaction, to give a few examples,
to approach the legal drinking age. And deciding what are likely to occur whenever important transformations
his political beliefs are becomes a more pressing concern take place in the child’s or parents’ competencies, con-
when the young person realizes that he will soon have the cerns, and social roles.
right to vote. By the end of adolescence, people are far less emo-
tionally dependent on their parents than they were as
children. We can see this in several ways. First, older
making the scientific adolescents do not generally rush to their parents when
connection they are upset, worried, or in need of assistance. Second,
they do not see their parents as all-knowing or all-pow-
Many psychologists contend that the two periods of life
erful. Third, they often have a great deal of emotional
during which autonomy is an especially salient issue are
energy wrapped up in relationships outside the family;
early adolescence and toddlerhood. What do these peri-
they may feel more attached to a boyfriend or girlfriend
ods share in common that might account for the impor-
than to their parents. And finally, older adolescents are
tance of autonomy during each?
able to see and interact with their parents as people—
not just as their parents. Many parents find that they can
Three Types of Autonomy Psychologists have confide in their adolescent children, which was not pos-
described autonomy in three ways (McElhaney et al., sible when their children were younger, or that their ado-
2009; Zimmer-Gembeck, Ducat, & Collins, 2011). lescent children can sympathize with them when they
The first is emotional autonomy—that aspect of inde- have had a hard day at work. These sorts of changes in
pendence related to changes in the individual’s close the adolescent-parent relationship all reflect the devel-
opment of emotional autonomy (McElhaney et al., 2009;
Zimmer-Gembeck, Ducat, & Collins, 2011).

Emotional Autonomy and Detachment

Psychoanalytic Theory and Detachment Early
writings about emotional autonomy were influenced by
psychoanalytic thinkers such as Anna Freud (1958), who
argued that the physical changes of puberty cause disrup-
tion and conflict inside the family. Freud believed that
intrapsychic conflicts that had been repressed since early
childhood are reawakened at early adolescence by resur-
gent sexual impulses. (These conflicts revolve around the
young child’s unconscious attraction toward the parent of
the other sex and ambivalent feelings toward the parent of
the same sex.) The reawakened conflicts are expressed as
increased tension, arguments, and discomfort in the fam-
ily. As a consequence, early adolescents are driven to sep-
arate themselves from their parents emotionally, and they
Being able to drive greatly increases adolescents’ autonomy turn their emotional energies to relationships with peers—
from parental control. © BananaStock/BananaStock/PunchStock RF in particular, peers of the opposite sex. Psychoanalytic CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 239

theorists call this process of separation detachment,

because to them it appears as though the adolescent is
attempting to sever the attachments that were formed dur-
ing infancy and strengthened throughout childhood.
Freud and her followers viewed detachment and the
accompanying storm and stress inside the family as nor-
mal, healthy, and inevitable aspects of emotional devel-
opment during adolescence. In fact, Freud believed that
the absence of conflict between an adolescent and his or
her parents signified that the young person was having
problems growing up.
Research on Detachment Studies of adolescents’
family relationships have not supported Freud’s view.
In contrast to predictions that high levels of adolescent-
parent tension are the norm, that adolescents detach
themselves from relationships with their parents, and that
adolescents are driven out of the household by unbear-
able levels of family conflict, every major study done to In contrast to the view that tension between adolescents and
date of teenagers’ relations with their parents has shown their parents is the norm, every major study done to date of
family relations in adolescence has shown that most teenag-
that most families get along well during the adoles-
ers and their parents get along quite well. © Image Source/Getty
cent years (McElhaney et al., 2009; Zimmer-Gembeck, Images RF
Ducat, & Collins, 2011). Although parents and adoles-
cents may bicker more often than they did during earlier gradual, progressive sharpen- detachment
periods of development, there is no evidence that this ing of one’s sense of self as In psychoanalytic theory, the
bickering significantly diminishes closeness between autonomous, competent, and process through which adoles-
them in any lasting way (W. A. Collins & Steinberg, separate from one’s parents. cents sever emotional attach-
2006; Laursen & Collins, 2009). Most individuals report Individuation does not ments to their parents or other
authority figures.
becoming closer to their parents in late adolescence, involve stress and turmoil.
especially after they have made the transition into col- Rather, it entails relinquish- individuation
lege (Lefkowitz, 2005; McElhaney et al., 2009). ing childish dependencies The progressive sharpening of
an individual’s sense of being
In other words, although teenagers and their parents on parents in favor of a more an autonomous, independent
modify their relationships during adolescence, their emo- mature, more responsible, person.
tional bonds aren’t severed. Emotional autonomy during and less dependent relation-
adolescence involves a transformation, not a breaking ship (McElhaney et al., 2009;
off, of family relationships; adolescents can become Zimmer-Gembeck, Ducat, & Collins, 2011). Adolescents
emotionally autonomous from their parents without who establish a healthy sense of autonomy accept respon-
becoming detached from them (Laursen & Collins, 2009; sibility for their choices and actions (Van Petegem,
McElhaney et al., 2009; Van Petegem, Vansteenkiste, & Beyers, Vansteenkiste, & Soenens, 2012). Rather than
Beyers, 2012), although achieving this balance can be rebelling against her parents’ midnight curfew by delib-
more difficult in cultural contexts in which individualism erately staying out later, a girl who has a healthy sense of
is not as strongly valued as it is in many Western cultures individuation might take her parents aside before going
(Yu, 2011). Adolescents who are better able to balance out and say, “This party tonight is going to go later than
autonomy and connectedness in their relationships with midnight. If it does, I’d like to stay a bit longer. Why don’t
their parents are also better able to balance autonomy and I call you at eleven and let you know when I’ll be home?”
intimacy in their friendships and romantic relationships
(Oudekirk, Allen, Hessel, & Molloy, 2015; Taradash, Research on Emotional Autonomy
Connolly, Pepler, Craig, & Costa, 2001).
The development of emotional autonomy is a long pro-
cess, beginning early in adolescence and continuing into
Emotional Autonomy and Individuation young adulthood (McElhaney et al., 2009). There are
As an alternative to the classic psychoanalytic perspective many indicators of this. Adolescents start to see their
on adolescent detachment, some theorists have suggested parents’ flaws. They depend less on them to fix things
that we view the development of emotional autonomy in that have gone wrong. As they individuate, teenag-
terms of the adolescent’s developing sense of individu- ers realize that there are things about themselves that
ation (Blos, 1967). Individuation, which begins during their parents aren’t aware of (Steinberg & Silverberg,
infancy and continues into late adolescence, involves a 1986). There often is a drop in the number of their
240 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

friends whom their parents know, reflecting an increase seeing their parents as individuals beyond their roles as par-
in the size of teenagers’ social networks and in their need ents. This aspect of emotional autonomy may not develop
for privacy (Feiring & Lewis, 1993). Adolescents’ will- until much later—perhaps not until young adulthood
ingness to express negative emotions in front of their (Smollar & Youniss, 1985). Seeing one’s parents as people
parents, such as anger or sadness, is lower during early typically develops later in adolescents’ relations with their
adolescence than before or after, perhaps because keep- fathers than with their mothers, because fathers interact less
ing some emotional distance from one’s parents is a part often with their adolescents in ways that permit them to be
of the individuation process (Zeman & Shipman, 1997). seen as individuals (Smollar & Youniss, 1985).
Adolescents become less likely to say that they have
The Importance of Maintaining the Connection In
the same opinions as their parents, or that they always
contrast to the old view that adolescents need to sever
agree with them (McElhaney et al., 2009; Zhang &
their ties with their parents in order to grow up health-
Fuligni, 2006). This, in turn, is associated with changes
ily, a number of studies find that the development of emo-
in adolescents’ beliefs about their parents’ authority over
tional autonomy, and individuation in particular, may have
them. Adolescents become increasingly likely to draw dis-
different psychological effects on adolescents depend-
tinctions between aspects of their life that their parents have
ing on whether the parent-child relationship is a close
the right to regulate and those that they think are not really
one. Adolescents who become emotionally autonomous,
their parents’ business (Darling, Cumsille, & Martinez,
but who also feel distant or detached from their parents,
2008; Laird & Marrero, 2011; Nucci, Smetana, Araki,
score poorly on measures of psychological adjustment,
Nakaue, & Comer, 2014; S. A. Perkins & Turiel, 2007).
whereas adolescents who demonstrate the same degree of
emotional autonomy, but who still feel close and attached
De-Idealization Children place their parents on a ped-
to their parents, are psychologically healthier than their
estal; adolescents knock them off it. Psychologists believe
peers (J. Allen, Porter, McFarland, McElhaney, & Marsh,
that this “de-idealization” of parents may be one of the first
2007). These studies remind us that it is important to dis-
aspects of emotional autonomy to develop, because ado-
tinguish between separating from one’s parents in a way
lescents shed their childish images of their parents before
that nevertheless maintains emotional closeness in the
replacing them with more mature ones. Even during the
relationship (which is healthy) and breaking away from
high school years, adolescents have some difficulty in
one’s parents in a fashion that involves alienation, con-
flict, and hostility (which is not) (Jager, Yuen, Putnick,
Hendricks, & Bornstein, 2015; Parra, Oliva, & Sánchez-
Queija, 2015). Lying to one’s parents and concealing
undesirable things from them, which may be more an indi-
cator of detachment than healthy individuation, is associ-
ated with psychological problems (Ahmad, Smetana, &
Klimstra, 2014; Laird, Marrero, Melching, & Kuhn, 2013;
Rote & Smetana, 2014; Tilton-Weaver, 2013). As individ-
uals make the transition from adolescence into adulthood
and work through much of the individuation process, they
increasingly see lying to their parents as unacceptable
(Jensen, Arnett, Feldman, & Cauffman, 2004).
What Triggers Individuation? What triggers indi-
viduation? Two different models have been suggested
(Laursen & Collins, 2009). According to several research-
ers, puberty is the main catalyst (e.g., Holmbeck, 1996;
Steinberg, 2000). Changes in the adolescent’s physical
appearance provoke changes in the way that adolescents
are viewed—by themselves and by their parents—which,
in turn, provoke changes in parent-child interaction.
Shortly after puberty, most families experience an increase
in bickering and squabbling. Adolescents’ feelings of con-
nectedness to their parents often decline in early adoles-
cence, when bickering is more frequent, but increase in
late adolescence after this temporary period of heightened
As adolescents develop emotional autonomy, they often begin
squabbling is over (Pinquart & Silbereisen, 2002).
to question and challenge their parents more frequently. Other authors believe that adolescents’ movement
© BananaStock/PunchStock RF toward higher levels of individuation is stimulated by their CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 241

cognitive development (W. A. Collins, 1990; Smetana, individuation and positive mental health are fostered by
1995a). The development of emotional autonomy in ado- close, not distant, family relationships (McElhaney et al.,
lescence may be provoked by young people’s development 2009). Tense family relationships during adolescence indi-
of more sophisticated understandings of themselves and cate problems, not positive development. The adolescents
their parents. Prior to adolescence, individuals accept their who feel the most autonomous—those who are most likely
parents’ views of themselves as accurate (“My parents think to feel that they have been granted enough freedom by their
I am a good girl, so I must be”). But as individuals develop parents—are not the ones who have severed relationships
more differentiated self-conceptions in early and middle at home. In fact, just the opposite is true: Autonomous
adolescence, they come to see that their parents’ view is adolescents are close to their parents, enjoy doing things
but one of many—and one that may not be entirely correct with them, have few conflicts with them, feel free to turn
(“My parents think I am a good girl, but they don’t know to them for advice, and say they would like to be like
what I am really like”). By late adolescence, individuals them (McElhaney et al., 2009; Qin & Pomerantz, 2013).
are able to see that these apparent discrepancies between Rebellion, negativism, and excessive involvement in the
their self-conceptions and their parents’ views are perfectly peer group are more common among psychologically
understandable (“There are sides of me that my parents immature adolescents than among mature ones (Steinberg,
know and sides of me that they don’t”) (Harter, 2011). 1990). Even during college, students who live away from
Separating from one’s parents is not as turbulent as home (which is in its own way a type of autonomy)—as
was once believed, but it nevertheless has its difficult opposed to remaining in their parents’ home and commut-
moments. Even though the images children have of their ing to school—report more affection for their parents, bet-
parents as all-knowing and all-powerful may be naive, ter communication, and higher levels of satisfaction with
these idealized pictures still provide emotional comfort. the relationship (Holmbeck, Durbin, & Kung, 1995). In
Leaving such images behind can be both liberating and other words, strained family relationships appear to be
frightening, for parents as well as teenagers. The develop- associated with a lack of autonomy during adolescence,
ment of emotional autonomy is associated not only with rather than with its presence (Bomar & Sabatelli, 1996).
insecurity among adolescents, but also with increased In Asian and Western countries alike, adolescents
feelings of anxiety and rejection among parents (Hock, whose parents impede the individuation process are more
Eberly, Bartle-Haring, Ellwanger, & Widaman, 2001). likely to show signs of psychological distress (Campione-
Difficulties in the process of individuation also arise Barr, Greer, & Kruse, 2013; Helwig, To, Q. Wang, Liu, &
when adolescents push for independence at an earlier age Pomerantz, 2014; Kouros & Garber, 2014). Adolescents
than parents are willing to grant it. Adolescents usually who do not feel good about themselves and who have
believe that teenagers should be granted autonomy earlier very intrusive parents are especially vulnerable to depres-
than parents do (Ruck, Peterson-Badali, & Day, 2002). sion (Pomerantz, 2001). In contrast, around the world,
adolescents whose parents provide support for their
Emotional Autonomy and growing interest in autonomy report better mental health
than those whose parents do not (see Figure 1) (Chueng,
Parenting Practices Pomerantz, & Dong, 2013; Ferguson, Kasser, & Jahng,
Whether provoked by puberty or by the development of 2011; Lekes, Gingras, Philippe, Koestner, & Fang, 2010).
more advanced cognitive skills, and whether approached Adolescents whose parents are emotionally close to
with confidence or trepidation, one fact is certain: Healthy the point of being intrusive or overprotective—parents

Correlation Between Autonomy Support

Parental Autonomy Support and Life Satisfaction
6.0 0.60

5.5 0.55

5.0 0.50

4.5 0.45

4.0 0.40
Denmark Korea U.S. Denmark Korea U.S.

Figure 1 Although adolescents in different cultures receive different degrees of parental support for becoming
autonomous, the correlation between autonomy support from parents and adolescents’ life satisfaction is similar in
different cultural contexts. (Ferguson, Kasser, & Jahng, 2011)
242 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

psychological control
who use a lot of psychologi- easy to make in a family that has been flexible all along
Parenting that attempts to con-cal control—may have dif- (Vuchinich, Angeletti, & Gatherum, 1996). Plus, having
trol the adolescent’s emotions ficulty individuating from a close relationship with one parent protects against the
and opinions. them, which may lead to adverse effects of the other parent’s psychological con-
depression, anxiety, aggres- trol (Murray, Dwyer, Rubin, Knighton-Wisor, & Booth-
sion, and feelings of incompe- LaForce, 2013).
tence and dependence (Hare, Szwedo, Schad, & Allen, In authoritarian households, where rules are rigidly
2014; Kuppens, Laurent, Heyvart, & Onghena, 2013; enforced and seldom explained, adjusting to adolescence
Lansford, Laird, Pettit, Bates, & Dodge, 2014). In some is more difficult. Authoritarian parents see the child’s
families, adolescents respond to excessive parental emotional independence as rebellious or disrespect-
control by actively rebelling (Van Petegem, Soenens, ful, and they resist their adolescent’s growing need for
Vansteenkiste, & Beyers, 2015). independence, rather than accepting it. Seeing that their
Keep in mind, of course, that parents are also influ- daughter is becoming interested in boys, an authoritarian
enced by their teenagers: Adolescents who are bul- parent may implement a rigid curfew in order to restrict
lied, and who presumably become more anxious and the teenager’s social life. Authoritarian parents may
timid as a result, are more likely to elicit psychologi- inadvertently maintain the dependencies of childhood by
cal control from their parents (Ma & Bellmore, 2012). failing to give their children sufficient practice in mak-
Similarly, adolescents with psychological problems ing decisions and being responsible for their actions. In
are more likely to provoke conflict with their parents, essence, authoritarian parenting may interfere with ado-
which makes some parents more controlling (Steeger & lescent individuation.
Gondoli, 2013). When closeness, as well as support for autonomy,
is absent, the problems are compounded. In families
Emotional Autonomy and Parenting Style Inde- in which excessive parental control is accompanied
pendence, responsibility, and self-esteem are all fostered by extreme coldness and punitiveness, adolescents
by parents who are authoritative (friendly, fair, and firm) may rebel against their parents’ standards explicitly,
rather than authoritarian (excessively harsh), indulgent in an attempt to assert their independence in a visible
(excessively lenient), or indifferent (aloof to the point of and demonstrable fashion (Kakihara, Tilton-Weaver,
being neglectful). As a result, the development of emo- Kerr, & Stattin, 2010). Adolescents were more likely
tional autonomy follows different patterns in different to “act out”—to misbehave—when their parents are
types of households. overreactive or intrusive (van den Akker, Deković,
In authoritative families, guidelines are established & Prinzie, 2010); one study found that the more fre-
for the adolescent’s behavior, and standards are upheld, quently parents called their adolescent’s cell phone, the
but they are flexible and open to discussion. Although more dishonest the adolescent was (Weisskirch, 2009).
parents may have the final say when it comes to their Such rebellion is not indicative of genuine emotional
child’s behavior, the decision that is reached usually autonomy—it’s a demonstration of the adolescent’s
comes after consultation and discussion—with the frustration with his or her parents’ rigidity and lack of
child included (Benish-Weisman, Levy, & Knafo, 2013; understanding.
Mauras, Grolnick, & Friendly, 2013). In discussing an In both indulgent and indifferent families, a differ-
adolescent’s curfew, for example, authoritative parents ent sort of problem arises. These parents do not pro-
will sit down with their child and explain how they vide sufficient guidance for their children, and as a
arrived at their decision and why they picked the hour result, the youngsters do not acquire adequate standards
they did. They will also ask the adolescent for his or her for behavior. In the absence of parental guidance and
suggestions and consider them carefully in making a rules, permissively reared teenagers often turn to their
final decision. peers for advice and emotional support—a practice that
It is not difficult to see why the sort of give-and-take can be problematic when the peers are themselves still
found in authoritative families is well suited to the healthy young and inexperienced. Adolescents whose parents
development of emotional autonomy. Because standards have failed to provide sufficient guidance are likely to
and guidelines are flexible and adequately explained, it become psychologically dependent on their friends—
is not hard for the family to adjust and modify them as emotionally detached from their parents, perhaps, but
the child matures (Smetana & Asquith, 1994). Gradual not genuinely autonomous (Steinberg, 1990). The
changes in family relations that permit the young per- problems of parental permissiveness are exacerbated
son more independence and encourage more respon- by a lack of closeness, as is the case in indifferent
sibility, but that do not threaten the emotional bond families.
between parent and child—in other words, changes that Some parents who have raised their children per-
promote increasing emotional autonomy—are relatively missively until adolescence are caught off guard by the CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 243

consequences of not having been stricter earlier on. The consequently, in the individual’s enhanced ability to
greater orientation toward the peer group of permis- behave independently.
sively raised adolescents may involve the young person
in behavior that his or her parents disapprove of. As a Improvements in Self-Regulation Many studies
consequence, some parents who have been permissive have documented important improvements in decision-
throughout a youngster’s childhood shift gears when he making abilities during middle and late adolescence
or she enters adolescence, becoming autocratic in an that are linked to gains in self-regulation (Christakopu,
attempt to control a youngster over whom they feel they 2014). With age, adolescents become more likely to con-
have lost their authority. Parents who have never placed sider both the risks and benefits associated with the deci-
any restrictions on their child’s out-of-school activities sions they make and more likely to weigh the long-term
during elementary school may suddenly begin monitor- consequences of their choices, not just the immediate
ing her social life once she enters junior high school. ones (Crone & van der Molen, 2007; Steinberg, Graham
Shifts like these can be extremely hard on adolescents— et al., 2009). Across many different cultural contexts,
just at the time when they are seeking greater autonomy, strong self-regulation is one of the most robust predic-
their parents become more restrictive. Having become tors of success in life, whereas weak self-regulation is
accustomed to relative leniency, adolescents whose par- linked to all sorts of emotional and behavioral problems
ents change the rules in the middle of the game may (Denissen, van Aken, Penke, & Wood, 2013; Evans &
find it difficult to accept standards that are being strictly Fuller-Rowell, 2013; Roper, Vecera, & Vaidya, 2014;
enforced for the first time. Steinberg, 2014; Trommsdorff, 2012).
Improvements in self-regulation appear to be due
to two separate, but related developments (Shulman,
The Development of Harden, Chein, & Steinberg, 2014). First, there is a
decline over the course of adolescence in the extent to
Behavioral Autonomy which decisions are influenced by their potential immedi-
Whereas the development of emotional autonomy ate rewards (de Water, Cillessen, & Scheres, 2014). Most
is played out mainly in adolescents’ relationships situations in which we have to decide among alternative
with their parents, the development of behavioral choices (Should I stay home and study or go out with
autonomy—the ability to act independently—is seen my friends? Should we sneak into the movie theater or
both inside and outside the family, in relationships stand in line and pay for tickets? Should I sleep with my
with peers as well as parents. Broadly speaking, behav- girlfriend right now or wait until tomorrow night, when
ioral autonomy refers to the capacity for independent I’ll make sure to have a condom?) present a combination
decision making. Researchers who have studied behav- of potential rewards and potential costs. What we decide
ioral autonomy have looked at changes in decision-
making abilities and in susceptibility to the influence
of others.

Changes in Decision-Making Abilities

The more sophisticated reasoning processes used by
adolescents permit them to hold multiple viewpoints
in mind simultaneously, allowing them to compare
people’s different perspectives, which is crucial for
weighing the opinions and advice of others. Because
adolescents are better able than children to think in
hypothetical terms, they also are more likely to con-
template the long-term consequences of each choice.
Moreover, the enhanced role-taking capabilities of ado-
lescence permit teenagers to consider another person’s
opinion while taking into account that person’s point of
view. This is important in determining whether some-
one who has given advice has special areas of expertise,
The brain’s pleasure centers are more easily aroused during
particular biases, or vested interests that the teenager early adolescence than in childhood or adulthood, which makes
should keep in mind. Taken together, these cognitive adolescent decision making more influenced by the prospect of
changes result in improved decision-making skills and, immediate rewards. © ERproductions Ltd/Blend Images RF
244 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

to do is often the result of how strong those rewards and Jansen, Bredman, & Huizenga, 2012; Weiser & Reynolds,
costs are. Someone who is just thinking about having fun 2011). Regions of the brain that govern self-regulation
with his friends, saving money by seeing the movie for are still developing during adolescence and early adult-
free, or how good unprotected sex is going to feel will act hood, as are connections between brain regions that
differently than someone who is thinking about the grade control impulses and those that respond to rewards (Luna,
he might get on a test he didn’t study for, what would Paulsen, Padmanabhan, & Geier, 2013; Peper et al., 2013;
happen if he got caught sneaking into the theater, or the van den Bos, Rodriguez, Schweitzer, & McClure, 2015).
possibility of getting his girlfriend pregnant. This improvement in self-control has important impli-
During early adolescence, individuals are much more cations for decision making. With age, individuals are
drawn to the potential benefits of a decision than the better at thinking ahead, imagining and analyzing the
potential costs. As they mature, the relative balance of consequences of their decisions, seeking and evaluat-
reward and cost changes, so that by late adolescence, ing the advice of others, and making decisions that
these factors are weighed about evenly (Cauffman et al., aren’t hasty or excessively influenced by their emotions
2010). Psychologists have now mapped this development (Munakata, Snyder, & Chatham, 2012). The combination
onto changes in patterns of brain activation, showing of heightened reward sensitivity and immature impulse
that the regions of the brain that are especially sensi- control may lead adolescents to make a lot of risky—
tive to reward are more intensely activated during early even dangerous—decisions. Some writers have sug-
and middle adolescence than childhood or adulthood, gested that one way to diminish adolescent risk taking is
especially when rewards are being anticipated, as they to encourage them to do things like mindfulness medita-
might be when adolescents are thinking about how much tion, which has been shown to increase self regulation
fun they are going to have before they head out for an (Steinberg, 2014).
evening (Galvan, 2013; Van Leijenhorst, Zanolie et al.,
2010). Some of the heightened “reward sensitivity” seen When Do Adolescents Make
among adolescents is not even conscious (Cauffman et
al., 2010). Adolescents are just as consciously aware as
Decisions as Well as Adults?
adults of the potential rewards and costs of a decision— The recognition that individuals’ decision-making skills
they are just influenced more by the anticipated rewards improve over the course of adolescence has prompted
(Van Leijenhorst, Westenberg, & Crone, 2008). numerous debates about young people’s abilities to make
Not only are younger adolescents more drawn to decisions in the real world—for example, with regard
rewards than are adults, but they also seem especially to having access to medical care without their parents’
drawn to immediate rewards (Steinberg, 2008). Consider approval or functioning as competent defendants in
the following question: Would you rather have $200 court. Many such debates revolve around where we
tomorrow or $1,000 a year from now? How about $600 should draw the legal boundary between adolescence and
tomorrow versus $1,000 a year from now? Individuals who adulthood for things like driving, purchasing alcohol or
are willing to settle for a smaller amount in order to get cigarettes, or being tried in adult court (Steinberg, 2012).
it sooner are more drawn to immediate rewards. Figure 2 One relevant line of research has examined adolescents’
shows the amount of money individuals of different ages legal decision making (Grisso et al., 2003; Kambam &
would settle for if they received it tomorrow rather than Thompson, 2009; M. G. Schmidt, Reppucci, & Woolard,
waiting a year (Steinberg, Graham et al., 2009). As you can 2003). In the typical study, adolescents and adults are
see, preadolescents and early adolescents are much more presented with vignettes involving an individual who had
willing to settle for less, as long as they can get it sooner. gotten into trouble with the law and asked how the indi-
A second influence on changes in decision making vidual should handle different situations—being interro-
concerns individuals’ ability to control their impulses gated by the police, consulting with an attorney, deciding
(Steinberg, Albert et al., 2008; van Duijvenvoorde, whether to plead guilty in return for a lesser sentence

Figure 2 Younger adolescents $950

Amount accepted tomorrow
versus $1,000 in one year

are especially drawn to immediate

rewards. This graph shows age differ- $900
ences in the amount of money indi-
viduals would settle for if they could $850
have it immediately, versus waiting
one year for $1,000. (Steinberg, Graham,
et al., 2009) $750

10–11 12–13 14–15 16–17 18–21 22–25 26–30
Age (years) CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 245

versus going to trial, or taking her or his chances on the Changes in Susceptibility to Influence
outcome. In these studies, adolescents are less likely than
adults to think about the long-term implications of their As adolescents come to spend more time outside the
decisions, more likely to focus on the immediate conse- family, the opinions and advice of others—not only peers
quences, and less able to understand the ways in which but adults as well—become more important. A variety
other people’s positions might bias their interests. For of situations arise in which adolescents may feel that
example, when asked what a guilty individual should do their parents’ advice may be less valid than the opinions
when being interrogated by the police, younger adoles- of others. Adolescents might seek the advice of friends,
cents are more likely than adults to say that they should rather than their parents, about how to dress. They may
confess (which is not what most attorneys would recom- turn to a teacher or guidance counselor for advice about
mend) rather than remain silent (the most advisable thing what courses to take in school. Or they might talk some-
to do). Younger adolescents are more inclined to think thing over with more than one person. A teenage girl
about the immediate consequences of their actions (“If I who is trying to decide whether to take a part-time job
tell the police the truth, they’ll let me go home”), not the after school might discuss the pros and cons with her
longer-term implications (“If I confess, this information parents but also ask friends for their advice. When dif-
can be used against me in court”). ferent “advisors” disagree, adolescents must reconcile
One difficulty in making decisions about where to the differences of opinion and reach their own indepen-
draw lines between adolescents and adults is that mature dent conclusions.
decision making is the product of both cognitive abilities In situations in which parents and peers give conflict-
(such as being able to reason logically) and emotional ing advice, do teenagers tend to follow one group more
factors (such as being able to control one’s impulses), often than the other? Adolescents are often portrayed
which are aspects of development that proceed along as being extremely susceptible to the influence of peer
somewhat different timetables (Steinberg, Cauffman et pressure—more so than children or young adults—and
al., 2009). The maturation of basic cognitive abilities is as being stubbornly resistant to the influence of their
complete at around age 16. Many writers have argued parents. But is peer pressure really more potent during
that older adolescents should therefore have the right to adolescence than at other times?
seek health care services (including abortions and con-
traception) without parental knowledge or consent. But The Influence of Parents and Peers Researchers
because there are improvements in things like impulse have studied conformity and peer pressure during ado-
control, planning ahead, and risk assessment well into lescence by putting adolescents in situations in which
early adulthood, there is a period during which adoles- they must choose between the wishes of their parents
cents may think like adults but behave in a much more and those of their peers, or between their own wishes
immature way. Individuals who are opposed to trying and those of others—typically, parents or friends. An
juvenile offenders as adults use this evidence to argue in adolescent might be told to imagine that he and his
favor of treating juveniles who have committed crimes friends discover the answer sheet to an upcoming test
less harshly than adults because of their immature judg- on the floor outside the teachers’ lounge. His friends tell
ment (Modecki, 2008; Owen-Kostelnik, Reppucci, & him that they should keep it a secret. But the adolescent
Meyer, 2006; E. Scott & Steinberg, 2008). tells his mother about it, and she advises him to tell the
One way of resolving this problem is to make sure teacher. He then would be asked by the researcher to say
our treatment of adolescents is consistent with what we what he would do.
know about psychological development in ways that Adolescents turn for advice to different people in
are specific to the legal matters in question (Steinberg, different situations (Finken & Jacobs, 1996; Halpern-
Cauffman et al. 2009). In other words, if the skills neces- Felsher, 2011). In some situations, peers’ opinions are
sary for making one type of decision mature earlier than more influential, but in others, parents’ views are more
those necessary for another, it would make sense to have powerful. Adolescents are more likely to conform to
a different age boundary for each. peers’ opinions when it comes to short-term, day-to-
day, and social matters—styles of dress, tastes in music,
choices among leisure activities, and so on. This is par-
making the practical ticularly true during the junior high school and early
connection high school years. When it comes to long-term questions
Based on what you have read about changes in decision- concerning educational or occupational plans, however,
making abilities in adolescence, should adolescents be or to issues concerning values, religious beliefs, or eth-
treated like adults under the law? If you were a lawmaker, ics, teenagers are primarily influenced by their parents
where would you draw the line for issues concerning access (W. A. Collins & Steinberg, 2006). When adolescents’
to health care? For responses to violations of the law? problems center on a relationship with a friend, they usu-
ally turn to a peer, a preference that becomes stronger
246 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

with age. But adolescents’ willingness to turn to an adult Although we know that conformity to peer pressure is
for advice with problems—especially those that involve high during early adolescence, it isn’t clear why. One possi-
getting along with their parents—remains very strong and bility is that young adolescents are more susceptible to peer
increases as individuals move toward late adolescence influence because of their heightened orientation toward
(Morrison, Laughlin, Miguel, Smith, & Widaman, 1997). social stimuli (Nelson, Lau, & Jarcho, 2014; Somerville,
2013). Another is that individuals’ susceptibility to peer
Responding to Peer Pressure Studies that contrast pressure doesn’t change, but that peer pressure may be espe-
the influence of peers and adults do not really reveal all cially strong around the time individuals are 14. In other
there is to know about peer pressure. Most peer pressure words, adolescent peer groups may exert more pressure on
operates when adults are absent—when adolescents are their members to conform than do groups of younger or
at a party, driving home from school, or hanging out with older individuals, and the pressure may be strong enough to
their friends. To get closer to this issue, researchers have make even the most autonomous teenagers comply.
studied how adolescents respond when they must choose Yet a third account is that being around other teen-
between the pressure of their friends and their own opin- agers changes the way the adolescent brain functions.
ions of what to do. For example, an adolescent might During adolescence the mere presence of friends acti-
be asked whether he would go along with his friends’ vates brain regions associated with the experience of
pressure to vandalize some property even though he did reward, but that no such effect is found when adoles-
not want to do so (e.g., Bámaca & Umana-Taylor, 2006). cents are with their parents, or when adults are with their
Most studies using this approach show that confor- friends, as shown in Figure 3 (Chein, Albert, O’Brien,
mity to peers is higher during middle adolescence than Uckert, & Steinberg, 2011; Smith, Steinberg, Strang,
later (Steinberg & Monahan, 2007). Some studies find & Chein, 2015; Telzer, Ichien, & Qu, 2015). Even ado-
that conformity to peers increases between early and lescent mice show an increase in sensitivity to rewards
middle adolescence, peaking around age 14, whereas
others find no change during this time (T. Sim & Koh,
2003) or that preadolescents are even more susceptible Watching
to peer influence than teenagers (Steinberg & Monahan,
2007). The especially heightened susceptibility to peer
pressure around age 14 is most often seen when the
behavior in question is antisocial—such as cheating,
stealing, or trespassing—especially in studies of boys
(Erickson, Crosnoe, & Dornbusch, 2000). These find-
ings are in line with studies of delinquency, which are
often committed by boys in groups, often during middle
adolescence (Farrington, 2009). Adolescents who are
more susceptible to peer pressure to engage in delin- Alone
quent activity actually are more likely to misbehave
(J. Allen, Porter, & McFarland, 2006; Monahan,
Steinberg, Cauffman, & Mulvey, 2009). Susceptibility to
antisocial peer pressure is also higher among relatively
more acculturated Latino adolescents than their less
acculturated peers, and higher among Latino adolescents
who were born in the United States than those who were
born abroad, consistent with research showing higher
rates of delinquency among more acculturated adoles-
cents (Bámaca & Umaña-Taylor, 2006; Umaña-Taylor &
Bámaca-Gómez, 2003; Wall, Power, & Arbona, 1993). Figure 3 Adolescents are more susceptible to peer influ-
The consequences of being especially susceptible to ence than adults are. This figure shows two brain scans,
one’s peers depend on who those peers are. For instance, one taken while adolescents were playing a driving game
whereas high susceptibility to peer influence predicts ado- when their friends were watching, and the other taken
lescents’ antisocial behavior if their friends are antisocial, when the adolescents were playing alone. The area sur-
rounded by the yellow rectangle is a part of the brain that
the same level of susceptibility is not predictive of prob-
is activated when we experience reward. One reason ado-
lem behavior if their friends are not (Monahan, Steinberg, lescents may behave more recklessly when they are with
& Cauffman, 2009; Paternoster, McGloin, Nguyen, & their friends is that the presence of peers may make them
Thomas, 2013). And, of course, many adolescents have pay more attention to the potential rewards of a risky
friends who pressure them not to get involved in question- choice. (Chein et al., 2011)
able, illegal, or risky activities (Kam & Wang, 2014). © Photos courtesy of Laurence Steinberg CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 247

when with their “peers,” something that isn’t seen in

adult mice (Logue, Chein, Gould, Holliday, & Steinberg,
2014). When adolescents are with their friends, they
may be especially likely to pay attention to the potential
rewards of a risky choice, and less likely to notice the
potential costs (Habib et al., 2015; Haddad, Harrison,
Norman, & Lau, 2014; Smith, Chein, & Steinberg, 2014;
Weigard, Chein, Albert, Smith, & Steinberg, 2014).
Because adolescents experience pleasure when they
are with their peers, they are more likely to go along
with the crowd to avoid being rejected (W. A. Collins
& Steinberg, 2006). Adolescents who are led to believe
they are interacting in a chat room with either high-
status or low-status peers (which is manipulated by the
experimenters in the way the peers are described) about
the acceptability of various illegal or risky behaviors are
more influenced by the opinions of high-status peers, an
effect that is especially strong among adolescents who
Peers have a powerful influence over adolescents’ tastes in
are particularly susceptible to peer influence (Choukas- clothes, hairstyles, and other day-to-day decisions. © Reed
Bradley, Giletta, Widman, Cohen, & Prinstein, 2014). Kaestner/Corbis RF/Corbis
This creates a dilemma: Teenagers must strike a bal-
ance between asserting their independence and fitting high in sensation seeking (Segalowitz et al., 2012). Being
in (Allen, Chango, & Szwedo, 2014). One of the chal- able to resist peer pressure is associated with stronger con-
lenges of adolescence is that being popular with peers nections between areas of the brain active during decision
often requires a willingness to engage in behaviors that making and other regions, perhaps because individuals
adults disapprove of, like drinking. who are more likely to stand up to their friends are better
able to better control the impulsive, emotional decision
Individual Differences in Susceptibility to Peer making that often occurs in the peer group (Grosbras et
Influence Within a group of teenagers who are the al., 2007; Paus et al., 2008). Similarly, adolescents whose
same age, some are highly autonomous, others are eas- neural activity is indicative of better emotion regulation
ily influenced by their peers, others are oriented toward also report more resistance to peer influence (Pfeifer,
their parents, and still others are swayed by both peers Masten, Moore, & Oswald, 2011). This brain research
and parents, depending on the situation (Prinstein, is consistent with the idea that a key aspect of positive
Brechwald, & Cohen, 2011). Girls are less suscep- development in adolescence involves the development
tible to peer pressure than boys, as are Black adoles- of self-regulation (Gestdóttir & Lerner, 2007; Monahan,
cents in comparison to adolescents from other ethnic Steinberg, Cauffman, & Mulvey, 2009).
groups. Asian American adolescents, in contrast, seem
especially susceptible to peer pressure, perhaps con- Parenting and Behavioral Autonomy Like emo-
sistent with the greater emphasis placed on the impor- tional autonomy, behavioral autonomy appears to be
tance of the group over the individual in Asian cultures associated with authoritative rather than permissive,
(Steinberg & Monahan, 2007). Adolescents from single- authoritarian, or neglectful parenting (W. A. Collins &
parent families, as well as those with less supportive or Steinberg, 2006). The sexual behavior of adolescents
more controlling parents, appear especially susceptible who have discussed sex with their parents is less influ-
to peer pressure (S. Chan & K. Chan, 2013; C. Wong, enced by peer pressure than is the behavior of adoles-
Crosnoe, Laird, & Dornbusch, 2003). cents who have not done so (Whitaker & Miller, 2000),
Studies of adolescent brain development are adding to and adolescents whose parents strongly disapprove of
our growing understanding of differences among adoles- smoking are less likely to be influenced by their friends’
cents in their susceptibility to peer influence (Brechwald smoking than are adolescents whose parents haven’t
& Prinstein, 2011). Individuals who show a pattern of voiced their disapproval (Sargent & Dalton, 2001).
brain activity indicating heightened sensitivity to social Other research finds that impulsive adolescents are less
evaluation are less able to resist peer influence (Buck, likely to consult with their parents before making deci-
Kretsch, & Harden, 2013; Falk et al., 2014; Guyer et al., sions (Romich, Lundberg, & Tsang, 2009).
2014; Sebastian et al., 2011), as are adolescents who are The situation is a bit more complicated, however. The
in the midst of puberty, perhaps because pubertal hor- impact of having authoritative parents on adolescents’
mones make adolescents more sensitive to social influ- susceptibility to peer pressure depends on the nature of
ence (Kretsch & Harden, 2014), as well as those who are the peer pressure. Adolescents from authoritative homes
248 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Although many parents clamp down on their teenagers’

independence out of fear that not doing so will allow the
youngsters to fall under the “evil” influence of the peer
group, this strategy often backfires. Having parents limit
their autonomy at just the time when more independence
is desired and expected makes adolescents turn away from
the family and toward their friends.

Ethnic and Cultural Differences in

Expectations for Autonomy
The development of behavioral autonomy varies across
cultures because of differences in the age expectations
that adolescents and parents have for independent behav-
ior. Adolescents’ mental health is best when their desire
for autonomy matches their expectations for what their
parents are willing to grant (Juang, Lerner, McKinney, &
von Eye, 1999). For example, White adolescents and their
Parents from different ethnic groups have different ideas about
parents have earlier expectations for adolescent autonomy
the appropriate age at which to grant adolescents autonomy.
© Ashok Sinha/Getty Images than do Asian adolescents and parents from the same coun-
tries (Rosenthal & Feldman, 1990). Because of this, Asian
adolescents may be less likely to seek autonomy from their
are less susceptible to antisocial peer pressure, but they parents than White adolescents, and White adolescents are
may be more susceptible to the influence of positive less likely than Asian adolescents to define themselves in
peers. Adolescents from authoritative homes are less terms of their relationship with their parents (Pomerantz,
likely to be influenced by having drug-using friends, but Qin, Wang, & Chen, 2009). Perhaps because of this,
they are more likely to be influenced by having friends increased autonomy is strongly associated with better emo-
who perform well in school (Mounts & Steinberg, 1995). tional functioning among American youth (where being an
It is also important to distinguish between adolescents independent person is highly valued), but less so among
who are excessively dependent on their peers (and who Asian adolescents (Qin, Pomerantz, & Wang, 2009).
forgo their parents’ rules and pay less attention to their Sex and birth order differences in behavioral autonomy
schoolwork for the sake of being popular with peers) and tend to be very small and are often inconsistent—contrary
those who turn to peers for counsel but do not ignore their to the popular beliefs that boys are granted more autonomy
parents’ guidance (Fuligni, Eccles, Barber, & Clements, than girls or that later-born adolescents are granted earlier
2001). Substituting peers for parents leads to problem freedom because their older siblings have paved the way
behavior; adding peers to the list of persons one turns to (Wray-Lake, Crouter, & McHale, 2010). Some studies
for advice, so long as that list includes parents, does not. find sex and birth order differences in the extent to which
In other words, it is detachment from parents, rather than parents grant autonomy, but the pattern varies depending
attachment to peers, that is potentially harmful. on the particular constellation of sons and daughters in the
The ways in which parents and adolescents negotiate household and on the parents’ attitudes toward sex roles
changes in behavioral autonomy have implications for ado- (more traditionally minded parents grant more autonomy
lescents’ adjustment (Chen-Gaddini, 2012; S. Goldstein, to sons than daughters, but more educated parents grant
Davis-Kean, & Eccles, 2005; Roche et al., 2014). Adol- more autonomy to daughters than sons [Bumpus, Crouter,
escents who have less positive relationships with their & McHale, 2001; Wray-Lake et al., 2010]). Sex differ-
parents are more likely to be especially peer oriented, ences in the extent to which adolescents are granted inde-
to affiliate with antisocial peers, and to spend time with pendence appear to be especially pronounced within Black
friends in unsupervised settings, all of which heighten the households, where boys are given substantially more free-
risk for problem behavior. But parents need to maintain dom then girls (Daddis & Smetana, 2005).
a healthy balance between asserting control and grant- In families that have immigrated to a new culture,
ing autonomy. Granting too much autonomy before ado- parents and adolescents often have different expecta-
lescents are ready for it or granting too little autonomy tions about granting autonomy (Romo, Mireles-Rios, &
once adolescents are mature enough to handle it creates Lopez-Tello, 2014). As a rule, because adolescents gen-
adolescents who are the most strongly peer oriented. erally acculturate more quickly to a new culture than do
Adolescents whose parents become more authoritarian parents, a family that has moved from a culture in which
over time (stricter and less likely to permit the adoles- it is normal to grant autonomy relatively later in adoles-
cent to make decisions) are the most peer oriented of all. cence (as in most Asian countries) to one in which it is CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 249

normal to grant autonomy relatively earlier (as in the no longer see their parents as prosocial behavior
United States) may experience conflict as a result of dif- omnipotent and infallible, they Behaviors intended to help
ferences in the expectations of adolescents and parents may reevaluate the ideas and others.
(Bámaca-Colbert, Umaña-Taylor, Espinosa-Hernández, values that they accepted with-
& Brown, 2012). Adolescents’ expectations for autonomy out question as children.
are shaped to a great extent by their perceptions of how As adolescents begin to test the waters of indepen-
much independence their friends have (Daddis, 2011). dence behaviorally, they may experience a variety of
cognitive conflicts caused by having to compare the
advice of parents and friends and having to deal with
The Development of competing pressures to behave in different ways. These
conflicts may prompt young people to consider in more
Cognitive Autonomy serious and thoughtful terms what they really believe.
The development of cognitive autonomy entails changes For example, during adolescence, individuals become
in the adolescent’s beliefs, opinions, and values. It has increasingly likely to say that it is permissible to lie to
been studied mainly by looking at how adolescents think one’s parents about disobeying them when they think
about moral, political, and religious issues. their parents’ advice is immoral (for instance, if the par-
Three trends in the development of cognitive auton- ents had forbidden their teenager to date someone from
omy are especially noteworthy. First, adolescents become another race) (S. A. Perkins & Turiel, 2007). This strug-
increasingly abstract in the way they think about moral, gle to clarify values, provoked in part by the exercise of
political, and religious issues. This leads to more com- behavioral autonomy, is a key component of the process
plicated decisions about how to act when one’s beliefs of developing a sense of cognitive autonomy.
about one issue conflict with one’s beliefs about another.
Consider an 18-year-old who is deciding whether to par-
ticipate in a deliberately disruptive demonstration against Moral Development During
policies he believes support the interests of environmental Adolescence
polluters. Instead of looking at the situation only in terms Moral development has been the most widely stud-
of the environmental issues, he might also think about ied aspect of cognitive autonomy during adolescence.
the implications of knowingly violating the law by being The study of moral development involves both rea-
disruptive. Second, during adolescence, beliefs become soning (how individuals think about moral dilemmas)
increasingly rooted in general principles. An 18-year-old and behavior (how they behave in situations that call
might say that demonstrating against pollution is accept- for moral judgments). Related to this is the study of
able because protecting the environment is more important prosocial behavior, acts people engage in to help others
than living in accord with the law, and so breaking a law (Morris et al., 2011).
is legitimate when the status quo leads to environmental
degradation. Finally, beliefs become increasingly founded Assessing Moral Reasoning The dominant theo-
in the young person’s own values, not merely in a system retical viewpoint in the study of moral reasoning is
of values passed on by parents or other authority figures. grounded in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.
Thus, an 18-year-old may look at the issue of environmen- Theories of morality that stem from this viewpoint
tal protection in terms of what he himself believes, rather emphasize shifts in the type of reasoning that individu-
than in terms of what his parents have told him to think. als use in making moral decisions, rather than changes
Much of the growth in cognitive autonomy can be in the content of the decisions they reach or the actions
traced to the cognitive changes characteristic of the they take as a result (N. Eisenberg et al., 2009; Smetana
period. With adolescents’ enhanced reasoning capa- & Villalobos, 2009).
bilities and the further development of hypothetical Researchers assess individuals’ moral reasoning
thinking come a heightened interest in ideological and by examining their responses to hypothetical dilem-
philosophical matters and a more sophisticated way of mas about difficult, real-world situations, such as these
looking at them. The ability to consider alternate pos- (Gibbs, Basinger, Grime, & Snarney, 2007):
sibilities and to engage in thinking about thinking allows
for the exploration of differing value systems, political Judy was a 12-year-old girl. Her mother promised her that
she could go to a special rock concert coming to their town
ideologies, personal ethics, and religious beliefs.
if she saved up from babysitting and lunch money to buy a
The growth of cognitive autonomy follows and is encour- ticket to the concert. She managed to save up the $15 the
aged by the development of emotional and behavioral ticket cost plus another $5. But then her mother changed
autonomy, which typically take place earlier in adolescence her mind and told Judy that she had to spend the money on
(W. A. Collins & Steinberg, 2006). The establishment of new clothes for school. Judy was disappointed and decided
emotional autonomy provides adolescents with the ability to go to the concert anyway. She bought a ticket and told
to look at their parents more objectively. When adolescents her mother that she had only been able to save $5. That
250 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

preconventional moral
Saturday she went to the perfor- of childhood; conventional moral reasoning, which is
reasoning mance and told her mother that usually dominant during late childhood and early adoles-
The first level of moral reason- she was spending the day with a cence; and postconventional moral reasoning (some-
ing, which is typical of children friend. A week passed without times called principled moral reasoning), which emerges
and is characterized by reason- her mother finding out. Judy then
sometime during the adolescent or young adult years.
ing that is based on rewards told her older sister, Louise, that
and punishments associated Preconventional thinking is characterized by refer-
she had gone to the performance
with different courses of action. and had lied to her mother about ence to external and physical events. Preconventional
it. Louise wonders whether to tell moral decisions are not based on society’s standards,
conventional moral
reasoning their mother what Judy did. Should rules, or conventions (hence the label preconventional).
The second level of moral Louise, the older sister, tell their Children at this stage approach moral dilemmas in ways
development, which occurs mother that Judy lied about the that focus on the rewards and punishments associated
during late childhood and early money, or should she keep quiet? with different courses of action. One preconventional
adolescence and is character-
ized by reasoning that is based Two young men, brothers, had got child might say that Heinz should not have stolen the
on the rules and conventions into serious trouble. They were drug because he could have been caught and sent to jail.
of society. secretly leaving town in a hurry Another might say that Heinz was right to steal the drug
postconventional moral and needed money. Karl, the older because people would have been angry with him if he
reasoning one, broke into a store and stole had let his wife die. In either case, the chief concern to
The level of moral reasoning $1,000. Bob, the younger one, the preconventional thinker is what would happen to
during which society’s rules went to a retired old man who was Heinz as a result of his choice.
and conventions are seen known to help people in town. He Conventional thinking about moral issues focuses
as relative and subjective told the man that he was very sick
rather than as authoritative; not so much on tangible rewards and punishments as on
and that he needed $1,000 to pay
also called principled moral how an individual’s behavior will be judged by others.
for an operation. Bob asked the
reasoning. In conventional moral reasoning, special importance
old man to lend him the money
and promised that he would pay is given to the roles people are expected to play and to
him back when he recovered. Really, Bob wasn’t sick at all, society’s rules, institutions, and conventions. Individuals
and he had no intention of paying the man back. Although behave properly because, in so doing, they receive the
the old man didn’t know Bob very well, he lent him the approval of others and help to maintain the social order.
money. So Bob and Karl skipped town, each with $1,000. The correctness of society’s rules is not questioned,
Which is worse, stealing like Karl or cheating like Bob? however—individuals do their duty by upholding and
respecting the social order. A conventional thinker might
Perhaps the best-known dilemma used by researchers
say that Heinz should not have stolen the drug because
who study moral reasoning involves a man who had to
stealing is against the law. But another might counter
choose between stealing a drug to save his wife or letting
that Heinz was right to steal the drug because it is what
his wife remain mortally ill:
a good husband is expected to do. According to most
In Europe, a woman was near death from a very bad dis- studies of moral reasoning, the majority of adolescents
ease, a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the and adults think primarily in conventional terms—they
doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that evaluate moral decisions in terms of a set of socially
a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The
accepted rules that people are expected to abide by.
drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging
10 times what the drug cost him to make. He paid $200 for
Postconventional reasoning is relatively rare. At
the radium and charged $2,000 for a small dose of the drug. this level of reasoning, society’s rules and conventions
The sick woman’s husband, Heinz, went to everyone he are seen as relative and subjective rather than as abso-
knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together lute and definitive. Individuals may have a moral duty
about $1,000, which was half of what it cost. He told the to abide by society’s standards for behavior—but only
druggist that his wife was dying, and asked him to sell it insofar as those standards support and serve moral ends.
cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist said, “No, I Occasions arise in which conventions ought to be ques-
discovered the drug and I’m going to make money from it.” tioned and when more important principles—such as
Heinz got desperate and broke into the man’s store to steal justice, fairness, or the sanctity of human life—take pre-
the drug for his wife. Should the husband have done that? cedence over established social norms. For instance, a
Was it right or wrong?
postconventional response might be that Heinz should
Stages of Moral Reasoning Whether or not you think not have stolen the drug because in doing so he violated
that Heinz should have stolen the drug, or that Louise an implicit agreement among members of society—an
should tell her mother, or that cheating someone is worse agreement that gives each person the freedom to pur-
than stealing from a store is less important than the reason- sue his or her livelihood. However, another principled
ing behind your answers. According to this perspective, thinker might respond that Heinz was right to steal the
there are three levels of moral reasoning: preconven- drug because someone’s life was at stake and because
tional moral reasoning, which is dominant during most preserving human life is more important than respecting CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 251

individual freedoms. Whereas conventional thinking Although individuals do not always behave in ways
is oriented toward society’s rules, postconventional that are absolutely consistent with their moral reason-
thinking is founded on more broadly based, abstract ing, on average, people who reason at higher stages
principles. For this reason, the development of postcon- behave in more moral ways (N. Eisenberg et al., 2009).
ventional reasoning is especially relevant to the discus- Adolescents who are capable of reasoning at higher
sion of cognitive autonomy. stages are less likely to commit antisocial acts, less
Moral reasoning becomes more principled over the likely to cheat, and less likely to bow to the pressures of
course of childhood and adolescence (N. Eisenberg et al., others, as well as more tolerant, more likely to engage
2009). Preconventional reasoning dominates the responses in political protests, more likely to volunteer their time,
of children; conventional responses begin to appear dur- and more likely to assist others in need of help. They
ing preadolescence and continue into middle adolescence; are also more likely to be influential over their friends
and postconventional reasoning does not appear until late in group decisions about moral problems (Gummerum,
adolescence, if at all. Movement into higher stages of Keller, Takezawa, & Mata, 2008). Conversely, those
moral reasoning occurs when children are developmen- who reason at lower stages of moral thought are more
tally “ready”—when their reasoning is predominantly at aggressive, delinquent, accepting of violence, and toler-
one stage but partially at the next higher one—and when ant of others’ misbehavior (N. Eisenberg et al., 2009;
they are exposed to the more advanced type of reasoning Stams et al., 2006).
by other people, such as parents or peers (N. Eisenberg et Moral behavior and moral reasoning do not always
al., 2009). The development of moral reasoning tends to go hand in hand. Most of us have found ourselves in
follow a pattern in which individuals move from periods situations in which we behaved less morally than we
of consolidation (in which their reasoning is consistently would have liked to. Accordingly, we should not expect
at a particular stage of development), into periods of tran- moral behavior to follow exactly from moral reasoning,
sition (in which there is more variability in their stages of because other factors complicate moral decision mak-
reasoning), into new periods of consolidation (in which ing. For example, you probably realize in the abstract
their reasoning is consistent, but at a higher stage than that complying with highway speed limits is important
during the previous period of consolidation) (L. Walker, because such limits prevent accidents, and you likely
Gustafson, & Hennig, 2001). These gains in moral rea- obey these limits most of the time. But you may have
soning are accompanied by changes in brain systems that found yourself in a situation in which you weighed your
permit us to become less selfish (Crone, 2013). need to get somewhere in a hurry (maybe you were late
Although not all individuals enter a stage of post- for an appointment) against your belief in the impor-
conventional thinking during adolescence, many begin tance of obeying speeding laws, and you decided that
to place greater emphasis on abstract values and moral in this instance you would behave in a way inconsistent
principles (Rest et al., 1999). Moreover, if individuals of with your belief. Situational factors influence moral
different ages are presented with other peoples’ moral choices, and they also influence moral reasoning. When
arguments, older individuals are more often persuaded
by justifications that are more advanced. Thus, the appeal
of postconventional moral reasoning increases over the
course of adolescence, while the appeals of preconven-
tional and of conventional reasoning both decline. The
appeal of postconventional thinking appears to increase
both with age and with schooling; most adults reach a
plateau in moral reasoning after completing their for-
mal education. Although for many years psychologists
debated whether there were sex differences in the way
that individuals approach moral problems, and many
popular books were based on the idea that men and
women think differently about ethical issues, studies have
not found this to be true (Smetana & Villalobos, 2009).

Moral Reasoning and Moral Behavior It is one

thing to reason about hypothetical moral problems in an
advanced way; it is quite another to behave consistently
with one’s reasoning. After all, it is common for people
to say one thing (cheating on a test is immoral) but do
another (sneak a peek at a classmate’s test when running The ways in which individuals think about moral dilemmas
out of time during an exam). change during adolescence. © Eric Audras/PhotoAlto/Veer RF
252 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

moral disengagement
individuals perceive that they that are done out of genuine empathy, a pattern that has
Rationalizing immoral behavior will be severely hurt by behav- been observed across a variety of cultures (N. Eisenberg
as legitimate, as a way of justi-ing in a morally advanced way et al., 2009). During late adolescence, prosocial reason-
fying one’s own bad acts. (for example, if standing up ing continues to become more advanced, leveling off
for someone might get you sometime in the early 20s (N. Eisenberg, Cumberland,
injured), they are less likely to Guthrie, Murphy, & Shepard, 2005). Some research
reason at a higher moral level (Sobesky, 1983). connects these changes in reasoning to developments
The correlation between adolescents’ moral reason- in regions of the brain that govern our ability to look at
ing and their moral behavior is especially likely to break things from other people’s perspectives (Crone, 2013).
down when they define issues as personal choices rather
than ethical dilemmas (for instance, when using drugs is
seen as a personal matter rather than a moral issue). This
helps explain why adolescents’ moral reasoning and making the personal
risk taking are unrelated; people can be very advanced connection
in their reasoning but still engage in risky behavior Did you grow up in a family that engaged in the sorts of
(N. Eisenberg et al., 2009). If people consider various discussions thought to promote more advanced levels of
risky behaviors (for example, experimenting with drugs, moral reasoning? What are some examples of the ways in
having unprotected sex) to be personal decisions rather which your family did (or did not) do this?
than ethical ones, their moral reasoning will be relatively
unimportant in predicting how they will act.
Individuals are more likely to engage in risky behav- Generally, the same type of parenting that facili-
ior (even if it is unethical) when they see the behavior as tates the growth of healthy emotional autonomy also
a matter of personal taste rather than a question of right contributes to the development of moral and prosocial
and wrong. It is not clear, however, whether viewing reasoning. Adolescents whose parents engage them in
risk taking as a personal choice is likely to lead to more discussion, elicit their point of view, and practice authori-
risk taking, or whether individuals who’ve engaged tative parenting display more advanced reasoning than
in a risky activity are likely to redefine the issue as a their peers (N. Eisenberg et al., 2009; Padilla-Walker,
personal rather than moral one, as a way of justifying Carlo, Christensen, & Yorgason, 2012; Recchia, Wainryb,
their behavior after the fact. In either case, this suggests Bourne, & Pasupathi, 2014). It appears that this type of
that interventions designed to stimulate moral reason- parenting makes adolescents more likely to feel sympathy
ing will have little impact on adolescents’ risk taking toward others, which in turn prompts prosocial behavior
if they fail to convince adolescents that the behavior in (Eisenberg, VanSchyndel, & Hofer, 2015; Shen, Carlo, &
question involves a moral and not just a personal choice. Knight, 2013). Growing up in a home that stresses familism
This is why delinquency and aggression are more com- (the importance of fulfilling one’s obligations to the fam-
mon among adolescents who score higher on measures ily) leads adolescents to become more prosocial toward
of moral disengagement (the tendency to rationalize others (Knight, Carlo, Basillo, & Jacobson, 2014). In addi-
immoral behavior as legitimate, as when one justifies tion, positive parenting helps facilitate the development of
stealing from someone as a way of retaliating) (Paciello, empathy and emotion regulation, both of which contribute
Fida, Tramontano, Lupinetti, & Caprara, 2008). to prosocial development (see Figure 4) (Padilla-Walker &
Christensen, 2011; Wray-Lake & Flanagan, 2012).
Prosocial Reasoning, Prosocial
Behavior, and Volunteerism
Changes in Prosocial Reasoning Although most
research on the development of morality has focused
on what adolescents do under circumstances in which a
law might be broken or a rule violated, researchers have Positive Prosocial
increasingly turned their attention to the study of reason- parenting behavior
ing and behavior in prosocial situations. In general, the
ways in which individuals think about prosocial phenom-
ena, such as honesty or kindness, become more sophis-
ticated during late adolescence, just like their moral
reasoning (Morris et al., 2011). Over the course of ado- Figure 4 Positive parenting promotes prosocial behav-
lescence, individuals come to devalue prosocial acts that ior by increasing adolescents’ abilities to regulate their
are done for self-serving reasons (to receive a reward, emotions and empathize with others. (Padilla-Walker &
return a favor, or improve their image) and value those Christensen, 2011) CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 253

Prosocial Reasoning and Prosocial Behavior more prosocial behavior (Barry civic engagement
Adolescents who show more advanced prosocial rea- & Wentzel, 2006; Monahan Involvement in political and
soning and who place a high value on prosocial behav- & Booth-LaForce, 2015; van community affairs, as reflected
ior behave in ways that are consistent with this (Hardy, Hoorn, van Dijk, Meuwese, in knowledge about politics
Carlo, & Roesch, 2010). Adolescents who have volun- Rieffe, & Crone, 2014). and current affairs, partici-
pation in conventional and
teered considerable amounts of time in service activities alternative political activities,
score higher on measures of moral reasoning than their Civic Engagement One of and engaging in community
peers, are more committed to the betterment of soci- the most obvious ways in service.
ety, and, as children, were made aware of the suffering which adolescents can dem-
of those who are less fortunate (Hart & Fegley, 1995; onstrate prosocial behavior is
Matsuba & Walker, 2005; Yates & Youniss, 1996). through various types of civic engagement (Flanagan &
Individuals who score high on measures of prosocial Wray-Lake, 2011; Sherrod & Lauckhardt, 2009). Civic
moral reasoning also have been shown to be more sym- engagement is a broad term for a category of activi-
pathetic and empathic (N. Eisenberg, Carlo, Murphy, & ties that reflect involvement in political and community
Van Court, 1995), to engage in more prosocial behav- affairs, including staying knowledgeable about politics
ior (N. Eisenberg, Zhou, & Koller, 2001), and to be and current affairs, participating in conventional politi-
less likely to behave violently after having witnessed cal activities (e.g., contacting a political representative
violence themselves (Brookmeyer, Henrich, & Schwab- about an issue, campaigning for a candidate, or voting in
Stone, 2005). In general, female adolescents score an election), participating in alternative political activi-
higher on measures of prosocial moral reasoning than ties (e.g., being part of a demonstration or a boycott),
do male adolescents, as do both males and females who and engaging in community service.
are relatively more feminine (Carlo, Koller, Eisenberg, Because the minimum age for voting in most coun-
Da Silva, & Frohlich, 1996; N. Eisenberg et al., 2001; tries is 18 or older, little research has been conducted on
Morris et al., 2011). adolescents’ involvement in political activities, although
Although prosocial reasoning becomes more a number of surveys have been conducted to measure
advanced over the course of adolescence, changes in students’ knowledge and attitudes on a range of political
prosocial behavior during adolescence are not as con- issues. Most of these studies have found that only a small
sistent. Some studies find that individuals become more proportion of young people are politically engaged, not
empathic, sympathetic, and helpful as they move into and just in the United States, but around the world. Nor does
through adolescence (Padilla-Walker, Dyer, Yorgason, this change once people become old enough to vote. In
Fraser, & Coyne, 2015), but many do not (N. Eisenberg the United States, election turnouts continue to be lower
et al., 2009), and some even have found that adolescents among young people than among adults, and, with the
become less helpful toward others over the high school exception of a temporary spark in interest following
years (Carlo, Crockett, Randall, & Roesch, 2007). In major political and world events (such as the 9/11 ter-
experiments in which individuals are given money and rorist attack), adolescents’ interest in, and knowledge
must choose between keeping it all for themselves or giv-
ing half to an anonymous peer, older teenagers are less
likely to share things equitably (see Figure 5) (Meuwese,
Crone, de Rooij, & Güroğlu, 2015). However, with age 1
there is an increase in adolescents’ willingness to com- 0.9
Expected probability of sharing

pensate peers who have been victimized by others (Will, 0.8

Crone, van den Bos, & Güroğlu, 2013). 0.7
More consistent are research findings indicating that
prosocial behavior is fairly stable with age (prosocial 0.6
children grow up to be prosocial teenagers) and across 0.5
different contexts (adolescents who are helpful to class- 0.4
mates in school are more likely than their less prosocial 0.3
peers to also be helpful to strangers in the mall). Also,
girls are generally more caring and prosocial than boys,
perhaps because parents emphasize prosocial develop- 0.1
ment more in raising daughters than sons (N. Eisenberg 0
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
et al., 2009). Encouraging adolescents to spend time
thinking about what’s important to them seems to
increase their tendency to act prosocially (Thomaes, Figure 5 With age, adolescence become less likely
Bushman, de Castro, & Reijntjes, 2012). And having to share equally with others, especially when doing so
prosocial friends and higher-quality friendships leads to may be costly to oneself. (Meuwese et al., 2015)
254 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

service learning
of, political issues is meager Donnelly, 2005; Schmidt, Shumow, & Kackar, 2012).
The process of learning (Sherrod & Lauckhardt, 2009). Nevertheless, studies of volunteering that follow ado-
through involvement in com- Experts attribute this in part to lescents over time indicate that engaging in community
munity service. the widespread absence of civ- service leads to short-term gains in social responsibil-
ics education in American high ity, increases in the importance individuals place on
schools and to the tendency of helping others, and increased commitment to tolerance,
adolescents to focus their civic energies on organiza- equal opportunity, and cultural diversity (N. Eisenberg
tions that they are more directly involved with, such as et al., 2009; Flanagan, Kim, Collura, & Kopish, 2014;
schools, religious institutions, and extracurricular clubs. Reinders & Youniss, 2006). There also is some evidence
Most research on civic engagement in adolescence has that volunteering in adolescence predicts volunteer-
focused on community service. Volunteering in commu- ing in adulthood (Chan, Ou, & Reynolds, 2014; Hart,
nity service activities, sometimes referred to as service Donnelly, Youniss, & Atkins, 2007). The extent to which
learning, is more common in the United States than in these effects persist over time depends, in part, on how
most other countries. Researchers have been interested long the volunteer activity lasts; the shorter the activity,
in both the antecedents of volunteering (what leads ado- the more short-lived the effects (Horn, 2012).
lescents to become involved in volunteer activities) and During the past several decades, many school dis-
its consequences (how adolescents are affected by vol- tricts began requiring, or considering requiring, commu-
unteering). Several conclusions have emerged from this nity service of all students. This suggestion has been met
work. First, apart from attending a school in which some with both praise and criticism. Proponents argue that
sort of community service is required, the best predic- service activities help develop concern for the commu-
tors of volunteerism in adolescence are being actively nity and facilitate adolescents’ prosocial development.
involved in religion (most probably because many vol- Opponents counter that forcing adolescents to do some-
unteer activities are organized through religious institu- thing they don’t want to do will make them even more
tions) and having parents who are active as volunteers negative about community service and less likely to vol-
in the community (Lenzi, Vieno, Santinello, Nation, & unteer at later ages. Some worry that turning an activity
Voight, 2014; van Goethem, van Hoof, van Aken, de that adolescents may want to do into a school require-
Castro, & Raaijmakers, 2014). Volunteers also tend to ment makes the activity less intrinsically rewarding.
be female, more socially mature, more extraverted, and Several studies have compared students who have
more altruistic (N. Eisenberg et al., 2009). volunteered for community service with those who
It has been difficult to document the effects of vol- have had it forced on them. It does not seem that requir-
unteering on adolescent development because indi- ing community service makes students develop nega-
viduals who choose to volunteer are different to begin tive attitudes about volunteering, regardless of whether
with from their peers who do not (Atkins, Hart, & they had been volunteers previously. But the evidence
is mixed with regard to whether the effects are differ-
ent between adolescents who willingly participate and
those who do it only because it is a requirement. Some
studies find that participating in community service
activities has positive effects regardless of whether the
participation is voluntary or required (Hart et al., 2007;
J. Schmidt, Shumow, & Kackar, 2007), but others do not
(Horn, 2011), and still others find that participation has
little effect regardless of whether it is mandatory or vol-
untary (Henderson, Brown, Pancer, & Ellis-Hale, 2007).
One reason for these discrepancies is that students’
volunteer experiences vary considerably in quality,
ranging from ones that engage adolescents in help-
ing others directly to those that occupy them in tedious
clerical work (Ferreira, Azevedo, & Menezes, 2012;
Henderson, Pancer, & Brown, 2014). Another is that
community service only may be beneficial if adolescents
are required to reflect on their experience (van Goethem,
van Hoof, de Castro, Van Aken, & Hart, 2014). One
Engaging in community service leads to short-term gains in important difference between students who are forced
social responsibility, increases in the importance individuals
place on helping others, and increased commitment to toler-
into community service and those who volunteer is that
ance, equal opportunity, and cultural diversity. © Hero Images/ volunteers are more likely to continue their service work
Getty Images RF after graduation. In other words, whatever the positive CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 255

effects of participation, they are not enough to turn ado- Changes in Political Thinking Political thinking
lescents who aren’t especially interested in community changes during adolescence in several important ways
work into adults who are (Planty, Bozick, & Regnier, (Flanagan, 2004). First, it becomes more abstract.
2006). Perhaps the most reasonable conclusion one can In response to the question “What is the purpose of
draw from these studies is that the potential benefits to laws?” for example, 12- and 13-year-olds are likely to
the recipients of the adolescents’ service (the children reply with concrete answers—“So people don’t kill
they tutor, the elderly they visit, or the neighborhoods or steal,” “So people don’t get hurt,” and so on. Older
whose parks they clean up) may be greater than those to adolescents are likely to respond with more abstract
the volunteers. and more general statements—“To ensure safety and
There has been much discussion about whether con- enforce the government” or “They are basically guide-
temporary generations of adolescents are more or less lines for people. I mean, like this is wrong and this
community-oriented than previous ones were. Generally is right and to help them understand” (Adelson, 1972,
speaking, there have been few significant changes over p. 108). Individuals’ understanding of various rights—
time in adolescents’ degree of concern for others, with for example, their beliefs about whether children and
no changes since the mid-1960s in the extent to which adolescents have the right to have some control over
American adolescents’ believe that it is important to their lives—also becomes more abstract with age (Ruck,
“make a contribution to society,” feel empathy for peo- Abramovitch, & Keating, 1998). With age, individuals
ple from other backgrounds, do things to help others, or are more likely to judge the appropriateness of hav-
correct inequalities. In fact, there have been significant ing certain rights (e.g., freedom of speech) in light of
increases in the proportion of youth who say that it is characteristics of the individual (e.g., whether the indi-
important to be well-off financially and have a great deal vidual is mature enough to act responsibly) and the con-
of money, and decreases in the proportion who say that it text within which the right is expressed (e.g., whether
is important to develop “a meaningful philosophy of life” the authority who is regulating speech is a parent or
(see Figure 6) (Twenge, Campbell, & Freeman, 2012). a government official) (Helwig, 1997; Tenenbaum &
Ruck, 2012). There is strong support among adoles-
cents for fundamental democratic principles such as
Political Thinking During Adolescence representation and majority rule, even in countries
Less is known about the development of political think- whose governments do not operate on these principles
ing during adolescence than about moral development, (Helwig, Arnold, Tan, & Boyd, 2007; Smetana &
but political thinking, like moral reasoning, becomes Villalobos, 2009).
more principled, more abstract, and more independent Second, political thinking during adolescence
during the adolescent years. This pattern is linked both becomes less authoritarian and less rigid (Flanagan &
to the general cognitive developments of adolescence Galay, 1995). Young adolescents are inclined toward
and to the growth of specific expertise, as the adoles- obedience, authority, and an uncritical, trusting, and
cent is exposed to more political information and ideas acquiescent stance toward government. For example,
(Flanagan, 2004). when asked what might be done in response to a law
that is not working out as planned, an older teenager may
Philosophy of life Well-off financially suggest that the law needs to be reexamined and per-
Money Being a leader haps amended. A young adolescent will “propose that it
100 be enforced more rigorously.” In contrast to older ado-
90 lescents, younger adolescents are “more likely to favor
one-man rule as [opposed to] representative democracy,”
% Saying goal is important

70 show “little sensitivity to individual or minority rights”;
and are “indifferent to the claims of personal freedom”
(Adelson, 1972, p. 108). Living under the rule of a young
adolescent would be unpleasant.
Finally, during late adolescence people often develop
30 a roughly coherent and consistent set of attitudes—a sort
20 of ideology—that does not appear before this point and
10 that is based on a set of overarching principles. These
0 principles may concern a wide range of issues, includ-
1966 1972 1978 1984 1990 1996 2002 2008
ing civil liberties, freedom of speech, and social equal-
ity (Flanagan & Galay, 1995; Helwig, 1995). As is the
Figure 6 Changes in the proportion of American ado- case among adults, adolescents’ views about political
lescents who describe various life goals as important. matters—the causes of unemployment, poverty, or home-
(Twenge et al., 2012) lessness, for example—are strongly linked to their social
256 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Why are people poor? Why are people wealthy?

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
Individual Societal Uncontrollable Multiple Individual Societal Uncontrollable Mixed
factors factors factors Factors factors factors factors factors

Low SES Medium SES High SES

Figure 7 Socioeconomic differences in adolescents’ explanations for poverty and wealth.

upbringing. Adolescents from higher social classes tend adolescents, especially those living in environments in
to attribute unemployment, poverty, and homelessness to which there are limited economic opportunities, tend to be
societal factors (“People are poor because not everyone more cynical about politics than their White counterparts.
receives the same skills or training and encouragement The importance of context can be clearly seen when
when they are young”), whereas adolescents from lower- adolescents’ civic engagement and political partici-
class backgrounds are more likely to attribute these prob- pation are tracked over time. One analysis of 30 years
lems to individual factors (“People are poor because they of data from a large, nationally representative sample
are lazy and don’t want to work hard”). Socioeconomic of American high school seniors identified several
differences in explanations of why some people are important trends (Syvertsen, Wray-Lake, Flanagan,
wealthy are not as striking, but they follow a similar Osgood, & Briddell, 2011). As you can see in Figure 8,
pattern, with adolescents from lower-class backgrounds since 1990 there has been a steady increase in the
more likely to favor individual explanations (“People are proportion of young people who report engaging in
rich because they stayed in school”) than societal ones community service (perhaps because there was an
(“Some people are rich because they inherited money increase during this time in the number of schools that
or a big business”). Adolescents’ explanations of wealth required it). The increase was especially notable among
tend to be more multifaceted than their explanations of college-bound seniors. The figure also shows that there
poverty (see Figure 7) (Flanagan et al., 2014). was a drop in participation in “conventional” civic activ-
Shifts in all three of these directions—increasing ities (e.g., voting, contacting elected officials) between
abstraction, decreasing authoritarianism, and increasing 1976 and 1990, but little change after that. Participation
use of principles—are similar to the shifts observed in in alternative political activities (e.g., boycotts, demon-
studies of moral development, and consistent with the strations) waxed and waned over the 30-year period.
idea that cognitive autonomy emerges during late adoles-
cence. The movement away from authoritarianism, obe-
dience, and unquestioning acceptance of the rulings of
Religious Beliefs During Adolescence
authority indicates that an important psychological con- Despite the fact that religion plays an important role in the
cern for older adolescents involves questioning the values lives of many adolescents, the development of religious
and beliefs emanating from parents and other authority beliefs has been very much neglected by social scientists
figures, as they begin to establish their own priorities. (Burg, Mayers, & Miller, 2011; Clardy & King, 2011).
Religious beliefs, like moral and political beliefs,
Political Thinking and Political Behavior As is become more abstract, more principled, and more inde-
the case with moral development, there often are gaps pendent during adolescence. Beliefs become more ori-
between adolescents’ political thinking in hypothetical ented toward spiritual and ideological matters and less
situations and their actual attitudes and behavior. The oriented toward rituals, practices, and the strict obser-
most important influence on the political behavior of vance of religious customs. Although more than 90% of
young people tends to be the social context in which they all American adolescents pray and 95% believe in God, a
grow up (Flanagan, 2004; Kirshner & Ginwright, 2012). substantial proportion of young people say that organized
This context includes both the immediate community and religion does not play a very important role in their lives
the larger social and historical environment. Minority (Gallup & Bezilla, 1992; Holder et al., 2000; Wallace, CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 257

45% Figure 8 Changes over time in adolescents’

Community involvement in conventional political activities
40% Conventional (e.g., voting), alternative political activities (e.g.,
Alternative demonstrations), and community service
35% (Syvertsen et al., 2011)





Forman, Caldwell, & Willis, 2003). Compared with chil- Studies of the development of religious beliefs indi-
dren, adolescents place more emphasis on the internal cate many parallels with the development of moral and
aspects of religious commitment (such as what an individ- political reasoning. During late adolescence, individuals
ual believes) and less on the external manifestations (such enter into a stage in which they begin to form a system of
as whether an individual goes to church) (Lopez, Huynh, personal religious beliefs, rather than relying solely on
& Fuligni, 2011). Adolescence is an important time for the teachings of their parents (P. King & Roeser, 2009),
“spiritual questioning, doubting, and creating” (P. King which is similar to adolescents’ transition to principled
& Roeser, 2009, p. 447). There are enormous differences moral reasoning or to the development in late adoles-
around the world in the extent to which adolescents say cence of a coherent political ideology. Developments
that God is important in their life (see Figure 9). in all three domains—moral, political, and religious—
reflect the underlying growth of cognitive abilities and
the shift from concrete to abstract reasoning that charac-
making the cultural terizes the adolescent transition. This fundamental shift
connection in cognitive ability affects adolescents’ thinking across a
wide variety of topics.
As shown in Figure 9, there is wide cultural variability
Religious development has two main components:
around the world in the significance of religion in adoles-
religiosity (the religious practices one engages in) and
cents’ lives. To what extent do you think this affects the
spirituality (one’s personal quest for answers to questions
nature of adolescence more generally? Is the experience
about God and the meaning of life) (P. King, Ramos, &
of adolescence as a developmental period likely to be dif-
Clardy, 2013). Although both can be part of the process
ferent for young people who grow up in a context where
of psychosocial development, religiosity may be more
religion is important compared to those who grow up in
important for identity development, since it involves the
one where it plays less of a role?
identification of oneself with a particular religious group

100 Figure 9 The proportion of adoles-

90 cents from different countries who
report that God is very important in their
life. (Based on Clardy & King, 2011)

Great Britain
South Korea

South Africa

258 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

and especially religiosity—declines during adolescence

(Koenig, McGue, & Iacono, 2008). Compared with
older adolescents, younger ones are more likely to attend
church regularly and to state that religion is important
to them (Wallace et al., 2003) (see Figure 10). The early
years of college are a time when many individuals reex-
amine and reevaluate the beliefs and values they grew up
with. For some, this involves a decline in regular partici-
pation in organized religious activities (perhaps because
the college environment doesn’t encourage this) but an
increase in spirituality and religious faith (Lefkowitz,
2005). The religious context of the college environment
plays an important role, though; religious commitment
often becomes stronger among students who attend a col-
lege with a religious orientation (Barry & Nelson, 2005).
Although some parents interpret the adolescent
decline in religiosity as indicating rebellion against the
family’s values, the development of religious thinking
during late adolescence is better understood as part
of the overall development of cognitive autonomy. As
adolescents develop a stronger sense of independence,
they may leave behind the unquestioning conventional-
ity of their younger years as a first step toward find-
ing a truly personal faith. Adolescents who continue
to comply with their parents’ religious beliefs without
During adolescence, religious beliefs become more oriented ever questioning them may actually be showing signs of
toward spiritual and ideological matters and less oriented toward immature conformity or identity foreclosure, not spiri-
rituals, practices, and the strict observance of religious customs. tual maturity.
© Morey Milbradt, SW Productions/Brand X Pictures/Punchstock RF

Individual Differences in Religiosity Although indi-

and its practices and beliefs (not unlike identifying one- viduals usually become less involved in formal religion
self with a particular ethnic group), whereas spiritual- during adolescence, adolescents differ in their degree of
ity may be more closely linked to the development of religiosity (Dollahite, Layton, Bahr, Walker, & Thatcher,
cognitive autonomy, since it involves the development 2009; Good, Willoughby, & Busseri, 2011). According
of a personal meaning system, self-awareness, and cer- to U.S. surveys, about 85% of American adolescents
tain values. For most religious adolescents, reli-
giosity and spirituality are deeply interconnected 50
46.8 45.8
(D. C. French, Eisenberg, Vaughan, Purwono, & 43.7
Suryanti, 2008). But there are substantial numbers 42.1 41.7 42.2
of adolescents who practice religion without giving 38.3 41.3
40 42.1
much thought to its spiritual aspects (for instance, 38.1
adolescents who attend religious services each week 36.5 33.5
or celebrate religious holidays either because their 34.9
30 31.2
parents expect them to or because they enjoy the 30.6

familiarity and routine of regular observance), as 28.2

well as many who devote
a great deal of time and 20
The degree to which one
energy to thinking about
Twelth grade Tenth grade Eighth grade
engages in religious practices, spiritual matters but who
like attending services. don’t identify with an orga- 10
nized religion or practice
The degree to which one customary religious rituals.
places importance on the 0
quest for answers to questions 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012
Patterns of Religious
about God and the meaning
Involvement The stated Figure 10 Weekly religious attendance among U.S. 8th-, 10th-,
of life.
importance of religion— and 12th-graders. (Child Trends Databank, 2014) CHAPTER 9 Autonomy 259

report an affiliation with a religious group; of the remain- peers, or adults outside the immediate family who care
ing 15%, about 10% report not being religious, 3% say about them (French, Purwono, & Triwahyuni, 2011;
they are uncertain, and another 3% describe themselves Spilman, Neppi, Donnellan, Schofield, & Conger, 2013),
as atheist or agnostic (King et al., 2013). being religious in and of itself appears to deter problem
About half of all American adolescents say that behavior and delay the onset of sexual activity (Good &
formal religious participation is important in their life Willoughby, 2011; R. K. Jones, Darroch, & Singh, 2005;
(P. King & Roeser, 2009). Approximately one-third Steinman & Zimmerman, 2004). Religious involve-
report weekly attendance at religious services, one-sixth ment may play an especially important role in buffering
attend once or twice per month, and about 45% rarely or inner-city Black adolescents against the harmful effects
never attend services; regular attendance at religious ser- of neighborhood disorganization and exposure to vio-
vices drops over the course of high school. Adolescent lence (Benhorin & McMahon, 2008; Fowler et al., 2008;
religious attendance declined gradually during the 1980s S. T. Li, Rosario et al., 2008; Rose, Joe, Shields, &
and 1990s but has changed very little since then. Caldwell, 2014), and there also is evidence that religious
About half of U.S. adolescents identify themselves as involvement may help protect against the adverse effects
Protestant (and close to half of Protestants identify them- of family conflict (K. A. Davis & Epkins, 2009). There
selves as conservative Christians), and about one-fifth is more consistent evidence for the role that religion
as Catholic. Adolescent girls are slightly more likely to plays in preventing problem behavior than for its role
be religious than adolescent boys (this sex difference is in promoting positive development. Although studies
found among adults, too). In general, Black and Latino show that religious adolescents are more involved in the
adolescents are more religious than youth from other eth- community, more altruistic, and more prosocial, other
nic backgrounds, as are adolescents who live in the South research finds that rates of identity foreclosure are higher
or Midwest (P. King & Roeser, 2009; C. Smith & Denton, among religious adolescents (P. King & Roeser, 2009).
2005; Wallace et al., 2003). Rates of adolescents’ reli- Some clues to the reasons that religious involvement
gious participation are considerably higher in the United may protect against involvement in problem behavior
States than other parts of the world. In contrast to the come from the finding that religiosity, rather than spiri-
41.9% of American youth who participate in an organiza- tuality, is the stronger predictor of staying out of trouble
tion sponsored by a religious group, the figures are 14.4% (Good & Willoughby, 2014; Jang & Franzen, 2013;
in Western Europe, 27.6% in Southern Europe, 19.9% Kim-Spoon, Farley, Holms, Longo, & McCullough,
in Asia/Pacific regions, 13.1% in Northern Europe, and 2014; Salas-Wright, Vaughn, Hodge, & Perron, 2012).
10.3% in Eastern Europe (King et al., 2013). Moreover, it does not appear to be attending religious
services that matters—it is being a part of a community
The Impact of Religious Involvement on Development of individuals who share similar values and engage in
Religious adolescents are better adjusted and less similar activities (French, Christ, Lu, & Purwono, 2014;
depressed than other adolescents, less likely to have French, Purwono, & Rodkin, 2012). In one study of
premarital sex, less likely to use drugs, and less likely churchgoing rural youth, adolescents frequently men-
to engage in delinquency (Kim-Spoon, McCullough, tioned participating in youth groups and the relation-
Bickel, Farley, & Longo, 2014; P. King, Carr, & Boiter, ships they formed with youth group leaders as important
2011; Ludden, 2011; Yonker, Schnabelrauch, & DeHaan, influences on their behavior and development (M. Good
2012). Although some of the apparent beneficial effects & Willoughby, 2007). Seen in this light, the connec-
of religious involvement are because adolescents who are tion between religious participation and lower problem
involved in religion often have other positive influences behavior is not surprising, since some of the strongest
in their life that promote positive development and pre- predictors of adolescents’ involvement in sex, drugs, and
vent problem behavior, like supportive parents, prosocial delinquency are the behavior and attitudes of their peers.
Intimacy as an Adolescent Issue

Changes in the Display of Intimacy

Theoretical Perspectives on Adolescent Sex Differences in Intimacy
Intimacy Changes in the Targets of Intimacy
Sullivan’s Theory of Interpersonal Friendships with the Other Sex
Development Dating and Romantic Relationships
Interpersonal Development During Dating and the Development of Intimacy
The Development of Dating Relationships
Attachment in Adolescence
The Impact of Dating on Adolescent
The Development of Intimacy in Development
Intimacy and Psychosocial Development
Changes in the Nature of Friendship
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Erin Melloy

260 CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 261

My boyfriend and I fell asleep together one night at my remember this is “caring,” “daring,” and “sharing.”) Two indi-
house [when I was 15]. We were curled up facing each viduals can have an intimate relationship without having a
other. I fell asleep looking at his face. I had a dream that sexual one. And, by the same token, two people can have a
night where I was falling. . . . I looked into his eyes and I sexual relationship without being especially intimate.
knew that we were having the same dream. We imme-
Although the development of intimacy during ado-
diately hugged each other and we both knew what had
lescence is almost always studied in relation to friend-
happened simply by looking in each other’s eyes.
ships and romantic relationships with peers, adolescents’
(A 21-year-old’s response when asked to recall “a vivid, intimate relationships aren’t limited to other teenagers.
highly memorable, personally important memory that
Parents often have intimate relationships with their adoles-
‘conveys powerfully how you have come to be the person
cent children, especially when the children have reached
you currently are.’”) (McLean & Thorne, 2003, p. 641).
a sufficient level of maturity. Siblings, even with many years
One of the most remarkable things about adoles- between them, are often close confidants. Sometimes,
cence is the way close relationships change during these young people form intimate relationships with adults who
years. Think about the friendships you had as a child and are not in their immediate family.
compare them with those you had as a teenager. Think Obviously, one of the central issues in the study of inti-
about the boyfriends or girlfriends that children have and macy during adolescence is the onset of dating. Although
the boyfriends or girlfriends adolescents have. And think the young person’s initiation into romantic relationships is
about relationships between parents and their children undoubtedly important, it is not the only noteworthy change
and about how these relationships change during adoles- that occurs in close relationships during adolescence.
cence. In all three cases, adolescents’ relationships are Adolescence is also an important time for changes in what
closer, more personal, more involved, and more emotion- individuals look for in friends, in their capacity to be intimate
ally charged than children’s. During adolescence, in short, with friends of both sexes, and in the way they express close-
relationships become more intimate. In this chapter, we ness to others. When college students were asked what the
examine how and why this occurs. most important criteria are for deciding when someone is
To begin with, we need to draw a distinction between inti- ready to get married, the capacity for intimacy with another
macy and sexuality. The concept of intimacy—at least as it is person is the most consistently mentioned indicator, among
used in the study of adolescence—does not have a sexual both males and females (Carroll et al., 2009) (see Table 1).
or physical connotation. Rather, an intimate relationship is an Interestingly, in this sample of nearly 800 American college
emotional attachment between two people that is character- students from around the country, who averaged 20 years in
ized by concern for each other’s well-being; a willingness age, only 9% of the men and just 5% of the women said they
to disclose private, and occasionally sensitive, topics; and a were ready for marriage, whereas 60% of men and 67% of
sharing of common interests and activities. (An easy way to women said they weren’t. The rest were ambivalent.

Table 1 When is someone ready to get married?

Percent of American college students

Criterion who say this is necessary
Be able to express feelings in close relationships 98
Be able to listen to others in an understanding way 98
Be able to discuss personal problems with others 98
Be respectful of others when dealing with differences 98
Accept responsibility for the consequencess of your actions 97
Committed to a long-term love relationship 96
Avoid aggressive and violent behavior 95
Become less self-oriented, develop greater consideration for others 95
Financially independent from parents and others 91
For a man, become capable of supporting a family financially 91
For a woman, become capable of running a household 91

Source: Carroll et al., 2009.

262 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

friends involve their relationships with actual or poten-

Intimacy as an Adolescent Issue tial romantic partners. These concerns may also prompt
Intimacy is an important concern throughout most of the the development of intimate friendships with other-sex
life span. During childhood, not having friends is associ- peers, perhaps for the first time.
ated with a wide range of psychological and social prob-
lems (Rubin, Bukowski, & Parker, 2006). And during Cognitive Change and the Development of Intimacy
adulthood, having at least one intimate friendship is ben- Advances in thinking—especially in the realm of social
eficial to an individual’s health: People who have others cognition—are also related to the development of inti-
to turn to for emotional support are less likely to suf- macy (Rote & Smetana, 2011). Compared to children,
fer from psychological and physical disorders (Myers, adolescents have more sophisticated conceptions of
Lindentthal, & Pepper, 1975). Without question, close social relationships and better communication skills.
relationships are extremely important to people of all These developments permit adolescents to establish
ages. Why, then, is the development of intimacy espe- and maintain relationships with greater empathy, self-
cially important during adolescence? disclosure, and sensitivity; they also contribute to adoles-
One reason is that it is not until adolescence that truly cents’ feelings of loneliness if they perceive themselves
intimate relationships—relationships characterized by as socially isolated (Laursen & Hartl, 2013). Limitations
openness, honesty, self-disclosure, and trust—emerge. in preadolescents’ ability to look at things from another
Although children certainly have important friendships, person’s point of view may make intimate interpersonal
their relationships are different from those formed during relationships a cognitive impossibility, because it is hard
adolescence. Children’s friendships are activity ori- to be an intimate friend to someone with whom you are
ented; they are built around games and shared activities. unable to empathize.
To a child, a friend is someone who likes to do the same
things he or she does. But teenagers’ close friendships Changes in Social Roles and the Development of
are more likely to have a strong emotional foundation; Intimacy We can also point to changes in the adoles-
they are built on the sorts of bonds that form between cent’s social roles as potentially affecting the develop-
people who care about and know and understand each ment of intimacy. The behavioral independence that often
other in a special way (Kobak & Madsen, 2011). accompanies the transition into adolescence provides
Another reason for the importance of intimacy dur- greater opportunities for adolescents to be alone with
ing adolescence concerns the changing nature of the their friends, engaged in intimate discussion. Adolescents
adolescent’s social world—during early adolescence, spend more time in conversation with their friends than in
the increasing importance of peers in general, and dur- any other activity (Dijkstra & Veenstra, 2011). Moreover,
ing middle and late adolescence, the increasing impor- the recognition of adolescents as “near adults” may
tance of other-sex peers in particular (Furman, Brown, prompt their parents and other adults to confide in them
& Feiring, 1999). In this chapter, we look at changes and turn to them for support. Shared experiences such as
in adolescent peer relations again, but in a different working, as well as the development of emotional auton-
light—as part of the development of intimacy. Although omy, may help give young people and their parents more
experiences in the family are important for the initial of a basis for friendship and communication (Youniss &
development of social skills, experiences in friendships, Smollar, 1985). Finally, changes in the structure of
especially during adolescence, contribute above and schools during early adolescence—often giving younger
beyond the benefits of good parenting to the develop- teenagers more contact with older ones—may promote
ment of social competence (Glick & Rose, 2011). new types of peer relationships (Eccles & Roeser, 2009).
During the course of preadolescence and adoles-
Puberty and the Development of Intimacy Why cence, relationships are gradually transformed from the
do such important changes take place in close relation- friendly but activity-oriented friendships of childhood
ships during adolescence? Several theorists point to to the more self-conscious, analytical, and intimate rela-
significant links between the development of intimacy tionships of adulthood. In the next section, we examine
during adolescence and the biological, cognitive, and why and how this transformation occurs.
social changes of the period (Savin-Williams & Berndt,
1990). Naturally, changes in sexual impulses at puberty
provoke interest in sex, which leads to the development Theoretical Perspectives on
of romantic relationships. With puberty and sexuality
come new issues and concerns requiring serious, inti-
Adolescent Intimacy
mate discussions. Some young people feel hesitant to The most important theoretical perspectives on the
discuss sex and dating with their parents and turn instead development of intimacy during adolescence are those
to relationships outside the family. And some of the of Harry Stack Sullivan (1953a) and various writers
most intimate conversations adolescents have with their who have studied attachment relationships in adolescence CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 263

(Kobak & Madsen, 2011; McElhaney, Allen, Stephenson, infant who has his interpersonal needs met will approach
& Hare, 2009). Let’s look at each of these views later relationships with confidence and optimism.
in turn. When important interpersonal transitions arise (for
example, during childhood, when the social world is
broadened to include significant relationships with
Sullivan’s Theory of peers), having a solid foundation of security in past
Interpersonal Development relationships aids in the successful negotiation of the
transition. An individual who is nervous about forming
Sullivan took a far less biological view of development
relationships with others is likely to have trouble form-
than other thinkers who have written about adolescence.
ing new types of relationships, because they threaten an
Instead, he emphasized the social aspects of growth,
already tentative sense of security. A child who does not
suggesting that psychological development can be best
have a strong sense of security may have many friends
understood by looking at our relationships with others.
in elementary school but be too afraid to form intimate
In his view, the challenges of adolescence (actually, of
friendships upon reaching preadolescence. She may
the entire life cycle) revolve around trying to satisfy
try to maintain friendships like those of childhood—
changing interpersonal needs (Buhrmester, 1996).
friendships that focus on playing games, for example,
rather than talking—long after friends have outgrown
Stages of Interpersonal Needs Sullivan’s perspec-
getting together to “play.” As a result, that youngster may
tive starts from the premise that, as children develop,
be rejected by peers and come to feel lonely and isolated.
different interpersonal needs surface that lead either
to feelings of security (when the needs are satisfied)
or feelings of anxiety (when the needs are frustrated). Interpersonal Development
Sullivan charted a developmental progression of needs,
beginning in infancy and continuing through adoles-
During Adolescence
cence (see Table 2) (Sullivan, 1953b). These changing Looking back at the progression of interpersonal needs
interpersonal needs define the course of interpersonal that Sullivan mapped out, we can see that he distin-
development through different phases of the life span. guished between intimacy and sexuality; perhaps more
During middle childhood, for example, youngsters need importantly, he suggested that the need for intimacy—
to be accepted into peer groups, or else they feel rejected which surfaces during preadolescence—precedes
and ostracized. the development of romantic or sexual relationships,
In Sullivan’s view, the security that is derived from which do not emerge until adolescence. In other words,
having satisfying relationships with others is the glue Sullivan believed that the capacity for intimacy first
that holds one’s sense of self together. Identity and self- develops prior to adolescence and in the context of
esteem are gradually built up through interpersonal rela- same-sex, not other-sex, relationships. This turns out to
tionships. Sullivan viewed psychosocial development as be one of the most important observations in Sullivan’s
cumulative: The frustrations and satisfactions individuals theory, because as you will read, the quality of individu-
experience during earlier periods affect their later rela- als’ same-sex friendships is predictive of the quality of
tionships and developing sense of identity. The child who their later romantic relationships. One of the main chal-
as an infant has her need for contact or tenderness frus- lenges of adolescence, according to Sullivan, is making
trated will approach interpersonal relationships at sub- the transition from the nonsexual, intimate, same-sex
sequent ages with greater anxiety, a more intense need friendships of preadolescence to the sexual, intimate,
for security, and a shakier sense of self. In contrast, the other-sex friendships of late adolescence.

Table 2 Interpersonal needs associated with different developmental eras: Sullivan’s theory

Developmental Epochs Interpersonal Needs

Infancy (0 to 2–3 yrs) Need for contact with people, need for tenderness from mothering one
Early childhood (2–3 to 6–7 yrs) Need for adult participation in child’s play
Middle childhood (6–7 to 8–10 yrs) Need for peer playmates, need for acceptance into peer society groups
Preadolescence (8–10 to 12–14 yrs) Need for intimacy and consensual validation in same-sex chumships
Early adolescence (12–14 to 17–18 yrs) Need for sexual contact, need for intimacy with other-sex partner
Late adolescence (17–18 yrs to adult) Need for integration into adult society

Source: H. S. Sullivan, 1953a.

264 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

nonsexual friendships and venture into the world of dat-

ing and sexuality. Socially anxious adolescents are less
likely to have satisfying friendships, which makes them
less able to develop satisfying cross-sex friendships and
romantic relationships (Hebert, Fales, Nangle, Papadakis,
& Grover, 2013).
The overarching challenge of adolescence, accord-
ing to Sullivan, is to integrate an established need for
intimacy with an emerging need for sexual contact in a
way that does not lead to excessive anxiety. Sullivan saw
adolescence as a time of experimentation with different
types of relationships. Some adolescents choose to date
many different people to try to find out what they are
looking for in a relationship. Others get involved very
deeply with a boyfriend or girlfriend in a relationship
that lasts throughout their entire adolescence. Others
may have a series of serious relationships. Still others
keep intimacy and sexuality separate. They may develop
As adolescents’ needs for intimacy increase, so does the emphasis
they place on intimacy as an important component of friendship.
close platonic relationships (nonsexual relationships)
© Dragon Images/ RF with other-sex peers, for example, or they may have
sexual relationships without getting very intimate with
Not all youngsters feel secure enough as preadoles- their sex partners. Sullivan viewed the adolescent’s
cents to forge these more mature, intimate friendships. experimentation with different types of relationships
Their feelings of insecurity are so strong that anxiety as a normal way of handling new feelings, new fears,
holds them back. Some youngsters never fully develop and new interpersonal needs. For many young people,
the capacity to be intimate with others, a limitation experimentation with sex and intimacy continues well
that takes its toll on relationships throughout adoles- into late adolescence. If the interpersonal tasks of ado-
cence and adulthood. Sullivan felt that forming intimate lescence have been negotiated successfully, we enter late
friendships during preadolescence is a necessary pre- adolescence able to be intimate, able to enjoy sex, and,
condition to forming close relationships as an adoles- most critically, able to experience intimacy and sexuality
cent or young adult. in the same relationship.
According to Sullivan, preadolescence comes to
an end with the onset of puberty. Early adolescence is
marked by the emergence of sexuality, in the form of a
Attachment in Adolescence
powerful, biological sex drive. As a consequence of this Today, a different theoretical perspective guides the
development, the preferred “target” of the adolescent’s study of intimate relationships in adolescence, one that
need for intimacy changes. He or she must begin to draws on theories of the development of the attachment
make the shift from intimate relationships with members relationship during infancy (Kobak & Madsen, 2011).
of the same sex to intimate relationships with members of In many ways, the basic ideas developed by Sullivan
the other sex. During the historical epoch when Sullivan (namely, that early relationships set the stage for later
was writing, homosexuality was considered abnormal, ones) were maintained, but a different perspective and
and like other writers of his era, Sullivan equated nor- vocabulary have come to dominate contemporary theory
mal sexual development with the development of hetero- and research on adolescents’ intimate relationships. In
sexual relationships. Social scientists no longer hold this order to understand how attachment theory is applied to
view, however, and most would say that the crucial inter- the study of adolescence, we need to look first at how
personal challenge for the young adolescent is not the the concept of “attachment” has been used to understand
movement from same-sex to other-sex friendships, but development in infancy.
the transition from nonromantic
platonic relationships to romantic relationships. Attachment in Infancy In writings on infant develop-
Nonsexual relationships with Like all interpersonal transi- ment, an attachment is defined as a strong and endur-
individuals who might other- tions, the movement from nonro- ing emotional bond. Virtually all infants form attachment
wise be romantic partners.
mantic to romantic relationships relationships with their mother (and most do so with
attachment can be fraught with anxiety. For their father and other caregivers as well), but not all
The strong affectional bond adolescents who do not have a infants have attachment relationships of the same qual-
that develops between an
healthy sense of security, it can ity. Psychologists differentiate among four types of infant
infant and a caregiver.
be scary to leave the safety of attachment: secure, anxious-avoidant, anxious-resistant, CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 265

and disorganized. A secure attachment between infant infancy with an insecure attach- secure attachment
and caregiver is characterized by trust; an anxious- ment are more sensitive to A healthy attachment between
avoidant attachment is characterized by indiffer- being rejected by others in later infant and caregiver, character-
ence on the part of the infant toward the caregiver; an romantic encounters, a trait ized by trust.
anxious-resistant attachment is characterized by that psychologists call rejec- anxious-avoidant
ambivalence. Children who develop a disorganized tion sensitivity (N. L. Collins attachment
attachment, which is characterized by extremely prob- & Feeney, 2004; Norona, An insecure attachment
between infant and caregiver,
lematic behavior, such as uncontrollable crying, are most Salvatore, Welsh, & Darling,
characterized by indifference
at risk for psychological problems (Kerns & Brumarlu, 2014). Individuals who are on the part of the infant toward
2014). The security of the early attachment relationship high in rejection sensitivity and the caregiver.
is important, because studies show that infants who have emotional insecurity are more
had a secure attachment are more likely to grow into psy- likely to develop symptoms of attachment
chologically healthy and socially skilled children (Matas, depression and anxiety, which An insecure attachment
Arend, & Sroufe, 1978). in turn, lead to further increases between infant and caregiver,
Attachment theory has given rise to two different, but in rejection sensitivity (Chango, characterized by distress
at separation and anger at
related, questions about adolescent development. First, McElhaney, Allen, Schad, & reunion.
is there a link between the quality of attachment formed Marston, 2012; Davies, Sturge-
in infancy and mental health or behavior in adoles- Apple, Bascoe, & Cummings, internal working model
The implicit model of interper-
cence? And, second, can the same three-category frame- 2014; Hafen, Spilker, Marston, sonal relationships that an indi-
work used to characterize interpersonal relationships in & Allen, 2014). vidual employs throughout life,
infancy—secure, anxious-avoidant, anxious-resistant— In recent years, several teams believed to be shaped by early
be used to characterize interpersonal relationships in of neuroscientists have studied attachment experiences.
adolescence? adolescents’ neural responses rejection sensitivity
to rejection by imaging their Heightened vulnerability to
Does Infant Attachment Predict Adolescent brain activity while playing an being rejected by others.
Intimacy? Many theorists who study adolescent devel- online game called “Cyberball”
opment believe that the nature of individuals’ attach- (K. Williams, Yeager, Cheung, & Choi, 2012; White,
ment to caregivers during infancy continues to have an Wu, Borelli, Mayes, & Crowley, 2013). Participants are
influence on their capacity to form satisfying intimate told that they will be playing a ball-tossing game via the
relationships during adolescence and adulthood, for two Internet with two other adolescents in other scanners (in
reasons (McElhaney et al., 2009). First, some theorists actuality, there are no other players). On a screen inside
have argued that the initial attachment relationship forms the scanner, adolescents see cartoon images representing
the basis for the model of interpersonal relationships we the other players, as well as a cartoon image of their own
employ throughout life (Bowlby, 1969). This internal “hand” (see Figure 1). The ball is thrown back and forth
working model determines to a large measure whether among the three players, with the participant choosing
people feel trusting or apprehensive in relationships which person to throw to, and the throws of the other two
with others and whether they see themselves as worthy “players” determined by the computer. At the beginning
of others’ affection. An internal working model is a set of the game, the computerized players are equally likely
of beliefs and expectations people draw on in forming to throw the ball to the participant or the other player.
close relationships with others—whether they go into However, as the task progresses, the other players stop
relationships expecting acceptance or anticipating rejec-
tion. According to the theory, individuals who enjoyed a You can throw the ball by clicking on the name or picture of another player
secure attachment relationship during infancy will have a
more positive and healthy internal working model of rela-
tionships during adolescence, whereas individuals who
were anxiously attached as infants will have a less posi-
tive one (Dykas, Woodhouse, Jones, & Cassidy, 2014; Kimberly Josh
Kobak & Madsen, 2011; McElhaney et al., 2009).
Several studies have found that adolescents’ work-
ing models for their relationships with parents are simi-
lar to their working models of relationships with friends,
and that adolescents’ working models of relationships
with friends are similar to their working models of rela- Figure 1 Using a computer game called “Cyberball,”
tionships with romantic partners (e.g., Furman, Simon, researchers scan adolescents’ brains in order to better
Shaffer, & Bouchey, 2002). In addition, a number of understand their responses to social exclusion.
writers have suggested that individuals who emerge from (K. Williams et al., 2012)
266 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Numerous studies that have done this show that

insecure infants are more likely to develop psychologi-
cal and social problems during childhood and adoles-
cence, including poor peer relationships (e.g., Weinfield,
Ogawa, & Sroufe, 1997) and poor self-regulation (Farley
& Kim-Spoon, 2014; Schwarz, Stutz, & Ledermann,
2012). It is thought that these problems in peer rela-
tions during childhood affect the development of social
competence during adolescence—in essence, form-
ing a link between early experience and later relation-
ships (Fraley, Roisman, Booth-LaForce, Owen, &
Holland, 2013; Jaffari-Bimmel, Juffer, van IJzendoorn,
Bakermans-Kranenburg, & Mooijaart, 2006). In con-
trast, secure infants are more likely to grow into socially
competent teenagers and young adults (Raby, Roisman,
Fraley, & Simpson, 2015). The benefits of positive rela-
tions with peers also extend beyond adolescence: People
who establish healthy intimate relationships with age-
Attachment theory, which has been used mainly in the study of
mates during adolescence are psychologically healthier
infancy, has influenced the study of close relationships in ado-
lescence. © JGI/Blend Images LLC RF and more satisfied with their lives as adults (Raudino,
Fergussson, & Horwood, 2013).
Of course, it is possible for interpersonal develop-
throwing to the participant. The researchers then compare ment to be cumulative without the root cause of this con-
participants’ brain activity when they are excluded to that tinuity being the individual’s internal working model.
when they are included. Adolescents high in rejection sen- Individuals who have positive peer relationships in
sitivity actually show a different pattern of brain activity in childhood may simply learn how to get along better with
response to exclusion, and those who do so are more likely others, and this may lead to more positive peer relation-
to develop symptoms of depression (Masten et al., 2011). ships in adolescence, which, in turn, may lead to better
As young adults, adolescents who spent a lot of time with relationships in adulthood (Lansford, Yu, Pettit, Bates, &
their friends in adolescence show patterns of brain activity Dodge, 2014). One study that followed individuals from
that indicate less sensitivity to rejection (Masten, Telzer, birth through midlife found a cascade of interpersonal
Fuligni, Lieberman, & Eisenberger, 2012). connections over time: low-quality parent-child rela-
tionships were linked to low-quality parent-adolescent
relationships, which predicted low-quality romantic
making the personal relationships in young adulthood and dissatisfaction
connection with life in middle age (Overbeek, Stattin, Vermulst,
Think about your own internal working model of rela- Ha, & Engels, 2007). Individuals with more nega-
tionships. Are there consistencies in the ways in which tive views of themselves disengage from peers, which
you approach close relationships with different people? may lead to poorer-quality peer relationships and peer
Would you say that you are high or low in “rejection rejection, thereby intensifying their negative self-image
sensitivity”? (M. S. Caldwell, Rudolph, Troop-Gordon, & Kim,
2004). Adolescents who have high-quality relationships
with their parents are more likely to develop high self-
A second reason for the continued importance of esteem, which in turn facilitates the development of bet-
early attachment relationships during adolescence is that ter romantic relationships in young adulthood (Johnson
interpersonal development is cumulative: What happens & Galambos, 2014).
during infancy affects what happens in early childhood, How strong is the specific link between infant attach-
which affects what happens in middle childhood, and ment and the quality of interpersonal relationships in ado-
so on (Boyer & Nelson, 2015; Kerns, 1996). In other lescence and young adulthood? Do individuals who were
words, individuals who leave infancy with a secure securely attached as infants have more positive working
attachment may be on a different interpersonal trajectory models of relationships as adolescents or young adults?
than those who leave infancy insecure. (Here’s where Studies that have followed individuals from infancy all
you can see similarities between this perspective and the way through adolescence and beyond have yielded
Sullivan’s.) The only way to examine this proposition is conflicting results. Some have shown considerable
to follow individuals over time and trace their interper- continuity from infancy through adolescence (e.g., C.
sonal development. Hamilton, 2000; Waters, Merrick, Treboux, Crowell, & CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 267

Albersheim, 2000), but others have shown no continu- preoccupied adolescents, secure adolescents interact with
ity whatsoever (M. Lewis, Feiring, & Rosenthal, 2000; their mothers with less unhealthy anger and more appropri-
Weinfield, Sroufe, & Egeland, 2000). Some researchers ate assertiveness, suggesting fewer difficulties in establish-
have suggested that individuals’ security of attachment ing emotional autonomy (Kobak et al., 1993). Individuals
remains stable only in the absence of major life events with dismissive or preoccupied attachment profiles are
that could upset the course of interpersonal development more likely to show a range of emotional and behavior
(such as the loss of a parent or parental divorce), and that problems in adolescence, including depression, mal-
the lack of continuity observed in some studies is due to the adaptive coping, anxiety, eating disorders, conduct prob-
importance of intervening events (Beckwith, Cohen, & lems, and delinquency (e.g., J. Allen, Porter, McFarland,
Hamilton, 1999; Waters et al., 2000; Weinfield et al., McElhaney, & Marsh, 2007; Kobak, Zajac, & Smith, 2009;
2000). Others, however, argue that the significance of Seiffge-Krenke & Beyers, 2005). They are more likely to
early attachment for later relationships is far outweighed recall negative aspects of their interactions with others
by the importance of the experiences the individual has (Dykas, Woodhgouse, Ehrlich, & Cassidy, 2012). Not sur-
in childhood and the context in which he or she lives as prisingly, adolescents who are judged to have had a secure
an adolescent (M. Lewis et al., 2000). infant attachment have more stable romantic relationships
than their insecure counterparts (K. Davis & Kirkpatrick,
Attachment in Adolescence In addition to employ- 1994). People’s security of attachment in infancy predicts
ing the four-way attachment classification scheme to social competence in childhood, security of attachment to
study the links among infancy, childhood, and adoles- close friends in adolescence, and positive romantic rela-
cence, attachment theorists have applied similar classifi- tionships in adulthood (Nosko, Tieu, Lawford, & Pratt,
cations to the study of adolescents’ attachments to others 2011; Simpson, Collins, Tran, & Haydon, 2007) (Figure 2).
(e.g., McElhaney et al., 2009; Obsuth, Henninghausen, Of course, it is hard to say whether social competence
Brumariu, & Lyons-Ruth, 2014), as well as to adoles- leads to healthier attachments or vice versa (most prob-
cents’ internal working models (e.g., Kobak, Cole, ably, both are true).
Ferenz-Gillies, Fleming, & Gamble, 1993). In some of Numerous studies also have looked at the quality of
these studies, adolescents’ current relationships with adolescents’ current attachments to parents and peers
parents and peers are assessed; in others, adolescents (Chango, Allen, Szwedo, & Schad, 2014; McElhaney et al.,
are asked to recount their childhood experiences through 2009; Vandevivere, Braet, & Bosmans, 2015). Individuals
the use of a procedure called the Adult Attachment who have secure attachments during adolescence are more
Interview (Main, Kaplan, & Cassidy, 1985). The inter- socially competent, more successful in school, less likely
view focuses on individuals’ recollections of their early to engage in substance use, and better adjusted than their
attachment experiences and obtains information on the insecure peers (J. Allen et al., 2007; Branstetter, Furman,
ways in which the individual recounts his or her child- & Cottrell, 2009; Çuhadaroğlu
hood history. A variety of schemes for coding responses Çetin, Tüzün, Pehlivantürk, Adult Attachment Interview
to the interview have been devised, but most categorize Ünal, & Gökler, 2010; Gorrese A structured interview used
individuals as “secure,” “dismissing,” or “preoccupied.” & Ruggieri, 2012; Granot & to assess an individual’s
Many researchers have found that adolescents in dif- Mayseless, 2012). There is also past attachment history and
“internal working model” of
ferent attachment categories differ in predictable ways some evidence that adolescents’ relationships.
(McElhaney et al., 2009). Compared with dismissing or attachment to their mother is

Peer Security at
competence age 16

Adult romantic

Figure 2 The quality of infant attachment is linked to adult romantic relationships through effects on social devel-
opment in childhood and adolescence. (Simpson et al., 2007)
268 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

typically more secure and more important, and attachment on intimacy as an important component of friendship.
to their father less so, over the entire adolescent period The findings are also consistent with what we know
(Doyle, Lawford, & Markiewicz, 2009; Markiewicz, about other cognitive changes during early adolescence.
Lawford, Doyle, & Haggart, 2006). One recent study of Compared to children, adolescents are better at thinking
the ways in which adolescents’ multiple attachments var- about abstract concepts such as intimacy and loyalty, and
ied in importance found that individuals whose attach- their judgments of others are more sophisticated, more
ment to their father ranked very low—lower even than psychological, and less tied to concrete attributes like
attachments to people outside the family—were at rela- how they look or the things they own.
tively greater risk for emotional and behavioral problems
(Rosenthal & Kobak, 2010). Security of attachment also Jealousy The importance of intimacy as a defining
predicts whether and at what age adolescents “leave the feature of close friendship continues to increase through-
nest”: Insecurely attached adolescents are more likely to out early and middle adolescence (McNelles & Connolly,
delay moving out or to return to their parents’ home than 1999; Phillipsen, 1999). But an interesting pattern of
their more securely attached peers (Seiffge-Krenke, 2006). change occurs around age 14. During middle adolescence
Although attachment security is generally very stable (between ages 13 and 15), particularly among girls, con-
over adolescence, it can change if adolescents are living cerns about loyalty and anxieties over rejection become
in dysfunctional family situations or under a lot of stress more pronounced and may temporarily overshadow con-
(J. Allen, McElhaney, Kuperminc, & Jodl, 2004). In other cerns about intimate self-disclosure (Berndt & Perry,
words, early attachment security is not an “inoculation” 1990). Adolescents who keep a lot of secrets from their
that protects individuals from psychological problems for- friends report higher levels of depression (Laird, Bridges, &
ever, but rather a psychological advantage that increases Marsee, 2013).
the probability of developing in healthy ways. In general, The sorts of conflicts adolescents have with their friends
attachments to parents become more secure over the course change during this time. Whereas older adolescents’
of adolescence (Ruhl, Dolan, & Buhrmester, 2014).
By the same token, the degree of security in an ado-
lescent’s attachment style interacts with other experi-
ences to shape mental health and behavior: Positive
experiences (like having an authoritative parent) have
even more positive effects among adolescents with a
secure style, whereas negative experiences are not as
harmful (J. Allen, Hauser, O’Connor, & Bell, 2002).
Among adolescents with an insecure attachment style,
negative experiences (like having excessively intrusive
parents) have an even worse effect than they would oth-
erwise (P. Marsh, McFarland, & Allen, 2003).

The Development of
Intimacy in Adolescence
Changes in the Nature of Friendship
Changes in Definitions of Friendship When asked
what makes someone a friend, both children and ado-
lescents mention things like sharing, helping, and com-
mon activities, but not until early adolescence do people
mention things like self-disclosure, common interests,
similar attitudes and values, or loyalty. In childhood,
friendship is defined by companionship; it is not until
adolescence that intimacy is a part of the definition
(Buhrmester & Furman, 1987).
The fact that conceptions of friendship come to place
greater weight on things like intimacy, loyalty, and
shared values and attitudes during early adolescence is During middle adolescence, concerns about jealousy often
consistent with Sullivan’s theory. As adolescents’ needs surface in adolescent girls’ friendships. © Thinkstock/Comstock
for intimacy increase, so does the emphasis they place Images/Getty Images RF CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 269

making the cultural Changes in the Display of Intimacy

connection In addition to placing greater emphasis on intimacy and
Images of jealous adolescent girls pervade American loyalty in defining friendship than children do, teenag-
movies and television shows that feature teenagers. Do ers are also more likely to display intimacy in their rela-
you think this is a common phenomenon around the tionships, in what they know about their friends, how
world? Or is it less likely to be found in cultures where responsive they are, how empathic they are, and how
dating is delayed until early adulthood? they resolve disagreements.

Knowing Who Their Friends Are As individuals

conflicts are typically over private matters, younger ado- move into and through adolescence, they gain knowl-
lescents’ conflicts are often over perceived public disre- edge about more intimate aspects of their friends’ lives.
spect (Shulman & Laursen, 2002). Adolescents who report Although preadolescents and adolescents have compa-
high levels of peer conflict and low levels of peer support rable degrees of knowledge about characteristics of their
are more likely to engage in risky behavior, perhaps as a best friends that are not especially personal (such as the
response to the stress caused by problems with their friends friend’s telephone number or birthday), adolescents know
(Telzer, Fuligni, Lieberman, Miernicki, & Galván, 2015). significantly more things about their friends that are inti-
Girls show a pronounced increase in jealousy over their mate (such as what their friends worry about or what they
friends’ friends during early adolescence (J. Parker, Low, are proud of) (Savin-Williams & Berndt, 1990). Between
Walker, & Gamm, 2005). Girls who have low self-esteem the end of elementary school and the end of high school,
and are high in rejection sensitivity are especially likely to increasingly more adolescents agree with such statements
become jealous of their friends’ relationships with other as “I know how [my friend] feels about things without
girls. In some senses, then, intimate friendship is a mixed his [or her] telling me” and “I feel free to talk to [my
blessing for young adolescent girls—they get the benefits friend] about almost everything” (Sharabany, Gershoni, &
of having confidantes with whom they can easily talk Hofman, 1981).
about their problems, but their friendships are more frag- Over the course of adolescence, adolescents’ reports
ile and more easily disrupted by feelings of betrayal. As a of friendship quality increase steadily. These improve-
consequence, girls’ friendships on average do not last as ments in friendship quality lead to gains in social com-
long as boys’ do (Benenson & Christakos, 2003). petence, which in turn lead to further improvements in
How might Sullivan have explained this pattern? Why the quality of adolescents’ friendships (Glick & Rose,
might loyalty become such a pressing concern for girls 2011). Although there are ethnic differences in average
during the middle adolescent years? One possibility is levels of friendship quality—Asian American adoles-
that at this age, girls may start to feel more nervous about cents report more dissatisfaction with their friendships
their relationships with friends because they are begin- than do other adolescents—the rate of improvement in
ning to make the transition into other-sex relationships. friendship quality over time is the same (Way & Greene,
As Sullivan noted, these transitions can make individuals 2006). And, despite fears that spending time socializing
feel insecure. Anxiety over dating and heightened feel- over the Internet will undermine adolescents’ social com-
ings of insecurity can cause adolescent girls to especially petence, the people adolescents interact with online are
value the trust and loyalty of their close friends. Indeed, mainly the same people they interact with offline (Reich,
close friends who have highly intimate and exclusive Subrahmanyam, & Espinosa, 2012) (see Figure 3).
relationships with each other often behave more aggres- Actually, adolescents who use the Internet a lot for social
sively with friends than they do toward peers who are not networking are less socially isolated than their peers
their close friends (Grotpeter & Crick, 1996). (Smahel et al., 2012).
Adolescents’ close friendships also are distinguished
from their casual friendships in the types of conflicts they Caring and Concern People also become more
have and the ways in which disagreements are resolved responsive to close friends, less controlling, and more
(Laursen, 1995, 1996; Raffaelli, 1997). Although con- tolerant of their friends’ individuality during adolescence
flicts between adolescents and their close friends are (Berndt & Perry, 1990; Keller, Edelstein, Schmid, Fang, &
less frequent than they are between adolescents and less Fang, 1998; Shulman, Laursen, Kalman, & Karpovsky,
intimate peers, arguments with close friends are more 1997). Before preadolescence, children are actually less
emotional with lots of anger and hurt feelings. Conflict likely to help and share with their friends than with
between close friends is more likely to provoke efforts to other classmates (perhaps because children are more
restore the relationship than is conflict between casual competitive with their friends than with other young-
friends. Nonetheless, some best friendships don’t sur- sters and do not want to feel inferior). By about age 9,
vive, and others are “downgraded” from best friend to children treat their friends and other classmates simi-
“good friend” (Bowker, 2011). larly when it comes to sharing and cooperation. But by
270 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

To stay in touch w/ friends I don’t see often

To fill up free time/not be bored
Because all my friends have accounts
To stay in touch w/ relatives and family
To make plans w/ friends I see often
To meet new people/make new friends
To explore interests (music, shows, etc.)
To read private entries/comment on profiles
To share my favorite music and video clips
My friend(s) made it for me
To flirt
To voice my opinions on various topics....
0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 3 Adolescents use social networking sites primarily to communicate with people they have offline
relationships with. (Reich et al., 2012)

the time they have reached early adolescence, friends frequently synchronized, or “on the same wavelength,”
are more helpful and generous toward each other than than are those of acquaintances, even when the friends
toward other classmates. Experiments in which indi- and acquaintances are engaged in the same task (Field
viduals play computer games with an anonymous part- et al., 1992). Perhaps because of this, adolescents show
ner find increases with age in both trust and reciprocity greater levels of empathy and social understanding in sit-
(see Figure 4) (van den Bos, Westenberg, van Dijk, & uations in which they are helping or comforting others.
Crone, 2010). Compared with children, adolescents are more likely to
Adolescents are also physically and physiologically understand and acknowledge how their friends feel when
responsive to their friends: Studies show that the behav- those friends are having problems. Over the course of ado-
iors and emotional states of pairs of friends are more lescence, attempts to help friends with personal problems


Proportion of decisions





9 years 12 years 16 years 22 years

Figure 4 Experiments in which individuals play computer games with an anonymous partner find increases with
age in both trust and reciprocity. (van den Bos, Westenberg, van Dijk, & Crone, 2010) CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 271

become more centered on providing support and less adolescent girls—particularly in the middle adolescent
aimed at distracting them from their troubles (Denton & years—list more friends than boys do, and girls are more
Zarbatany, 1996). likely to mention intimacy as a defining aspect of close
friendship. In interviews, adolescent girls express greater
Conflict Resolution The ways in which close friends interest in their close friendships, talk more frequently
resolve conflict also change. As individuals move from about their intimate conversations with friends, express
childhood into adolescence, and from adolescence into greater concern about their friends’ faithfulness and
young adulthood, they become more likely to end their greater anxiety over rejection, and place greater empha-
disagreements by negotiation (trying to compromise or sis on emotional closeness in their evaluation of romantic
find a solution that is acceptable to both friends) or dis- partners (Feiring, 1999; J. Parker, Low, Walker, & Gamm,
engagement (walking away from the situation) and less 2005). Girls are more likely than boys to make distinctions
likely to end them with one person coercing or over- in the way they treat intimate and nonintimate friends and
powering the other and getting his or her way; across to fight about relationships; girls prefer to keep their friend-
cultures, negotiation is the main way that adolescents ships more exclusive and are less willing to include other
cope with conflicts they have with friends (see Figure 5) classmates in their cliques’ activities (Bukowski, Sippola,
(Seiffge-Krenke et al., 2013). Negotiation is also more Gauze, Hoza, & Newcomb, 1993; Raffaelli, 1997). In con-
common between romantic partners than between friends versations, girls are more collaborative, whereas boys are
and more common between close friends than between more controlling (Strough & Berg, 2000).
acquaintances (Laursen, Finkelstein, & Betts, 2001). When self-disclosure is used as the measure of inti-
macy, boys’ friendships with other boys aren’t com-
parable to girls’ friendships with other girls until late
Sex Differences in Intimacy in adolescence, if at all (McNelles & Connolly, 1999;
How Females Are More Intimate There are strik- Radmacher & Azmitia, 2006; Shulman et al., 1997). And
ing sex differences in intimacy during adolescence. When girls are more sensitive and empathic than boys, espe-
asked to name the people who are most important to them, cially in knowing when their friends are depressed or
comforting them when they are distressed (Swenson &
Rose, 2003; Van der Graaff et al., 2014). One reason girls
Negotiating/Support-Seeking are more likely than boys to confide in friends is that
Emotional Outlet girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel bet-
Withdrawal/Denial ter, whereas boys expect it to be a waste of time that will
0.6 make them feel “weird” (Rose et al., 2012). In these very
numerous—and very important—respects, the expres-
sion of intimacy is more advanced among adolescent
0.5 girls than among boys (Buhrmester, 1996).
Although this carries many advantages for girls, it
also carries some liabilities. Girls’ mental health is more
0.4 positively affected than boys’ when things are going well
Mean coping level

with their friends, but girls suffer more when things are
going poorly (Flook, 2011). Girls also are more likely
0.3 than boys to spend excessive time discussing each other’s
problems—something called co-rumination (A. J. Rose,
2002; Rose, Schwartz-Mette, Glick, Smith, & Luebbe,
0.2 2014). Co-rumination, often done in the context of dis-
cussing problems with romantic relationships, turns out to
be a double-edged sword, especially for girls—it brings
0.1 friends closer, but it also contributes to depression and
anxiety (Dirghangi et al., 2015; Starr & Davila, 2009;
Stone & Gibb, 2015; Waller, Silk, Stone, & Dahl, 2014).
0.0 In fact, co-rumination makes anxiety and depression
Pakistan Costa Korea Turkey Czech Germany “contagious,” transmitting symptoms between the pair of
Rica Republic individuals, either because listening to someone’s prob-
Figure 5 Across countries in very different parts of the lems is itself distressing (Smith
& Rose, 2011) or through co-rumination
world, negotiation is the most common tactic adoles- Excessive talking with
cents use to resolve conflict they have with friends. “emotional mimicry,” where
another about problems.
(Seiffge-Krenke et al., 2013) one person unconsciously takes
272 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

on the feelings of another (Schwartz-Mette & Rose, 2012). 4.3

Among boys, co-rumination also improves friendships, 4.2
but does not increase depression or anxiety as much or as 4.1 Girls
consistently as it does among girls (A. J. Rose, Carlson, &

friendship quality
Closest same-sex
Waller, 2007), because girls are more likely to get upset 3.9
when they hear that their friends are having problems
(Smith & Rose, 2011). This doesn’t mean that adolescents
should avoid talking to friends about their feelings and Boys
problems—they just need to keep it in check. Adolescents
also have to be careful not to engage in too much “nega- 3.5
tive feedback seeking” (asking other people to verify their 3.4
flaws, as in, “My voice is so annoying, right?”). Too much 3.3
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
of this leads to rejection by others, which then only makes Age
people feel even worse (Borelli & Prinstein, 2006).
There also are interesting sex differences in the nature Figure 6 Changes in friendship quality over time.
of conflicts between close friends during adolescence. (Way & Greene, 2006)
Boys’ conflicts are briefer, typically over issues of power
and control (such as whose turn it is in a game), more likely
to escalate into physical aggression, and usually resolved but by age 18 these are gone (see Figure 6) (Way & Greene,
without any explicit effort to do so, often by just “letting 2006). It’s a familiar pattern: During early and middle ado-
things slide.” Girls’ conflicts, in contrast, are longer, typi- lescence, girls are more emotionally and socially mature
cally about some form of betrayal in the relationship (such than boys, but by late adolescence, boys have caught up.
as breaking a confidence or ignoring the other person), and (I know that many female readers are shaking their heads at
only resolved when one of the friends apologizes (Noakes & this, but that’s what the research says.)
Rinaldi, 2006; Raffaelli, 1997). When friendships end,
girls are more adversely affected by the loss of the rela- The Origins of Sex Differences Many theorists have
tionship (Bakker, Ormel, Verhulst, & Oldehinkel, 2010). suggested that sex differences in intimacy are the result
of different patterns of socialization. From an early age,
And How They Aren’t On some measures of friend- females are more strongly encouraged to develop and
ship, adolescent boys and girls show similar degrees express intimacy—especially verbal intimacy—than
of intimacy. Although girls are more likely to mention males. Other factors could be at work, however. Social
self-disclosure when asked to define close friendship pressures on males and females during adolescence are
and report more self-disclosure in their friendships, boys quite different and may lead to differences in expressions
and girls have equivalent degrees of intimate knowledge of intimacy. Boys are punished much more for acting in
about their best friends (McNelles & Connolly, 1999; feminine ways (like sharing feelings with others) than
Shulman et al., 1997). When boys are with their friends, girls are for acting in masculine ways (like holding strong
they are just as likely as girls to share each other’s emo- emotions in). This is especially so within ethnic groups
tional state (McNelles & Connolly, 1999). Although that stress the importance of “machismo” (a strong and
girls are generally more considerate, sex differences in sometimes exaggerated sense of masculinity), as is often
helpfulness are very small (N. Eisenberg et al., 2009). the case among Mexican Americans (Stanton-Salazar &
There’s no question that intimacy is a more conscious Spina, 2005). One reason that adolescent males may not
concern for adolescent girls than it is for adolescent boys. be as intimate in their friendships as adolescent females
But this doesn’t mean that intimacy is absent from boys’ may be that boys are nervous that expressions of inti-
relationships or unimportant for their mental health (Way, macy will be taken as a sign of their lack of masculinity.
2013). Rather, they express intimacy in different ways.
Boys’ friendships are more oriented toward shared activities
than toward the explicit satisfaction of emotional needs, as making the scientific
is often the case in girls’ friendships. The development of connection
intimacy between adolescent males may be more subtle, Some sex differences in friendship quality predate
reflected more in shared activities than in self-disclosure, adolescence—girls are more verbal than boys at an early
even in young adulthood (McNelles & Connolly, 1999; age, for example—but others, such as differences in con-
Radmacher & Azmitia, 2006) and even in online commu- flict resolution or in feelings of jealousy, do not seem to
nication (Valkenburg & Peter, 2007). Another possibility emerge until this developmental period. What aspects of
is that the development of close friendships among males the transition into adolescence differ for girls and boys
starts at a later age than it does among females. There are that might account for sex differences in intimacy?
substantial sex differences in friendship quality at age 13, CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 273

Although much research has concluded that girls

experience more intimacy in their relationships than
boys do (Buhrmester, 1996; Maccoby, 1990), these stud-
ies have been based mainly on samples of White young-
sters. Several studies of non-White youth find that there
may not be similar patterns of sex differences in inti-
macy in some ethnic groups (DuBois & Hirsch, 1990;
D. Jones, Costin, & Ricard, 1994). One study of Black,
Asian American, and Latino adolescents found no sex
differences in support between friends among African
American teenagers; slight sex differences among Latino
teenagers, with girls reporting more friendship sup-
port than boys; and large sex differences among Asian
American teenagers, but with boys reporting more sup-
port than girls (Way & Chen, 2000). Sanctions against
intimate disclosure may be stronger among White males
than among their minority counterparts.

By virtually any measure, girls display more intimacy in their

Changes in the Targets of Intimacy friendships than do boys. © Blend Images/ RF
Adolescence is a time of noteworthy changes in the “tar-
gets” of intimate behavior. During preadolescence and decline reverses as young people move toward young
early adolescence, intimacy with peers is hypothesized adulthood (see Figure 7) (Keijers & Poulin, 2013).
to replace intimacy with parents, and during late ado- Intimacy between individuals and their parents
lescence, intimacy with peers of the other sex is thought declines between the 5th and 10th grades, but increases
to take the place of intimacy with same-sex friends. between 10th grade and young adulthood. Time spent in
Actually, this view appears to be only somewhat accu- family activities declines throughout preadolescence and
rate. As we’ll see, new targets of intimacy do not replace adolescence, but the amount of time adolescents spend
old ones. Rather, new targets are added to old ones. alone with their mother or father follows a curvilinear
pattern, increasing between preadolescence and mid-
Parents and Peers as Targets of Intimacy Two dle adolescence, and then declining (Lam, McHale, &
conclusions emerge repeatedly in studies of adolescents’ Crouter, 2012). Intimacy with friends increases steadily
intimacy with parents and peers. First, from early ado- throughout adolescence, although most dramatically dur-
lescence on, teenagers describe their relationships with ing the early adolescent years. Intimacy with romantic
their best friends and romantic partners as more intimate partners also increases steadily throughout adolescence,
and less stressful than those with their mother or father but in this case, the most dramatic increase takes place
(Persike & Seiffge-Krenke, 2014). Second, although during the late high school years (Buhrmester, 1996).
there may be a slight drop in intimacy between ado- In other words, while peers become relatively more
lescents and parents sometime during adolescence, the important during adolescence as confidants and sources

3.12 3.09 3.13
3 2.87

2.5 2.33
2.02 2.09
Mean score

2 1.94

Adolescent disclosure
Adolescent secrecy

12 14 17 19

Figure 7 Intimacy between teenagers and parents declines during the early part of adolescence, but then rebounds.
(Keijers & Poulin, 2013)
274 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

of emotional support, by no means do parents become emotional support, they do not cease needing or using
unimportant (De Goede, Branje, Delsing, & Meeus, their parents for the same purpose. What seems to occur,
2009). When adolescents are asked to list the important instead, is that adolescents develop preferences for social
people in their lives—people they care about, go to for support that vary as a function of the specific issue.
advice, or do things with—the number of peers listed Adolescents typically feel freer to express anger dur-
increases over the course of adolescence. At the same ing arguments with family members than during argu-
time, however, there are no changes over adolescence ments with friends, presumably because anger may lead
in the percentage of individuals listing their mother or to the end of a friendship but not to the end of a family
father. More importantly, studies indicate that adoles- relationship (Laursen, 1993). Perhaps because of this,
cents who spend a good deal of time with their parents adolescents report more angry feelings after conflicts
also spend a good deal of time with their friends. Thus, with their parents than after conflicts with their friends
rather than drawing distinctions between parent-oriented (Adams & Laursen, 2001). And when asked to recall
and peer-oriented adolescents, it makes more sense to key events in their past that contributed to their sense
distinguish between adolescents who have a lot of social of identity, college students’ reminiscences of their rela-
contact and enjoy a great deal of support from others tionships with their parents more often emphasize con-
(both family and friends) and those who are socially flict and separation, whereas their recollections of their
isolated or lonely (Fallon & Bowles, 1997; Scholte, van relationships with their friends more often emphasize
Lieshout, & van Aken, 2001). closeness (McLean & Thorne, 2003).
One of the most consistent findings to emerge from Ethnic differences in the expression of intimacy
studies of adolescents’ peer and family relationships is between adolescents and parents are fairly mod-
that the qualities of these relationships are closely linked. est (Fuligni, Hughes, & Way, 2009). Ethnic minor-
In other words, we can see features of adolescents’ rela- ity American adolescents are more likely to say that it
tionships with their parents and their parents’ marital is important to respect, assist, and support their family
relationship—how close they are, how much they tol- than are White adolescents (Fuligni, Tseng, & Lam,
erate independence, how they deal with conflict, how 1999), but ethnic differences in adolescents’ beliefs and
much control they assert over their children’s friends, expectations appear to be more substantial than ethnic
and so forth—in their relationships with their friends and differences in how adolescents and their parents actually
romantic partners (Ackerman et al., 2013; Connolly & interact. Indeed, with the exception of families who are
McIsaac, 2009; Cook, Buehler, & Blair, 2013; Rodriguez, very recent immigrants to the United States, relations
Perez-Brena, Updegraff, & Umaña-Taylor, 2014; Trifan between American adolescents and their parents look
& Stattin, 2014). On a theoretical level, this provides surprisingly similar across ethnic groups (Fuligni, 1998).
support for both social learning and attachment-based There are important differences between adolescents’
views of adolescent intimacy, in that it suggests that the relationships with mothers versus fathers, however. In
lessons young people learn in close relationships at home general, adolescents interact much more often with, are
provide a template for the close relationships they form closer to, and argue more with their mother than with
with others. Teenagers whose relationships with parents their father, a pattern seen among males as well as females
are emotionally close but not very individuated tend to and across a variety of cultures (Fuligni, 1998). Of their
stay longer in romantic relationships, even when the rela- two parents, adolescents see their mother as being more
tionships are not very good, suggesting that difficulties in understanding, more accepting, and more willing to
establishing healthy autonomy at home may carry over negotiate, and as less judgmental, less guarded, and less
to romantic relationships (Smetana & Gettmen, 2006). defensive (see Figure 8). The difference between percep-
These findings suggest that one approach to improving tions of mothers and fathers is especially large among
the peer relationships of adolescents who are having dif- girls: As a rule, the mother-daughter relationship tends
ficulties might be to focus on improving the quality of to be the closest, and the father-daughter relationship the
their relationships at home (Updegraff, Madden-Derdich, least intimate, with mother-son and father-son relation-
Estrada, Sales, & Leonard, 2002). ships falling in between (Monck, 1991; Noller & Callan,
Studies of adolescents’ preferences for social support 1990; K. Rice & Mulkeen, 1995).
similarly show that the likelihood of turning to a peer In summary, an important transition in intimate rela-
during a time of trouble increases during adolescence, tionships takes place during early adolescence. Peers
but that the likelihood of turning to a parent remains con- become the most important source of companionship
stant. Between ages 7 and 14, the amount of support chil- and intimate self-disclosure, surpassing parents and sib-
dren receive from their immediate family remains fairly lings (Buhrmester & Furman, 1987; Larson & Richards,
constant, while the amount of support received from 1991). Peers become increasingly important targets of
friends increases (M. Levitt, Guacci-Franci, & Levitt, intimacy not simply because they are similar in age but
1993). In other words, even though adolescents begin because they grow up in a different family. As adoles-
to see their friends as increasingly important sources of cents begin the process of individuation, they often need CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 275

Conflict with mother Cohesion with mother

8 3.8
Number of angry discussions

Degree of cohesion
6 3.4
in past 2 weeks

4 3.0
2 2.6
0 2.2
Mexican Chinese Filipino European Mexican Chinese Filipino European

6th grade 8th grade 10th grade

Conflict with father Cohesion with father

8 3.8
Number of angry discussions

Degree of cohesion
6 3.4
in past 2 weeks

4 3.0
2 2.6
0 2.2
Mexican Chinese Filipino European Mexican Chinese Filipino European

Figure 8 Adolescents’ reports of conflict and cohesion with mothers and fathers in four ethnic groups. (Fuligni, 1998)

to seek intimacy outside the family as a means of estab- that both types of intimacy are important. Each influ-
lishing an identity beyond their family role. Although ences a different aspect of the adolescent’s developing
this shift in intimacy is normative, a shift in primary character in important ways. Intimacy with parents pro-
attachment figures at this age is not: Adolescents who vides opportunities to learn from those older and wiser;
report that their strongest attachment is to a friend or intimacy with friends provides opportunities to share
romantic partner are more likely to have insecure attach- experiences with individuals who have a similar per-
ments with their parents (Freeman & Brown, 2001). spective and degree of expertise. Adolescents who have
strong attachments to both parents and peers are better
The Different Roles of Parents and Peers doles- adjusted than those who have strong attachments in one
cents have very different sorts of intimate relationships type of relationship but not the other (Laible, Carlo, &
with parents and peers, and these differences point to Raffaelli, 2000). In addition, the positive impact of hav-
different ways in which mothers, fathers, and friends ing supportive friends in adolescence is greater when
contribute to social development. Even in close fami- an adolescent also has supportive parents (Helsen,
lies, parent-adolescent relations are characterized by an Vollebergh, & Meeus, 2000).
imbalance of power. Parents are nurturers, advice givers, The different functions of intimacy with parents and
and explainers whom adolescents turn to for their expe- peers are nicely illustrated in a study of social support
rience and expertise. Adolescents’ interactions with their during a transition into a new school (S. Dunn, Putallaz,
friends are more mutual, more balanced, and more likely Sheppard, & Lindstrom, 1987). Changing schools dur-
to provide them with opportunities to express alternative ing adolescence can sometimes be stressful, and social
views and engage in an equal exchange of feelings and support—emotional or instrumental assistance from
beliefs. Conflicts between adolescents and their parents others—can help buffer adoles-
are relatively more likely to end with a “winner” and a cents against the potential neg-
social support
“loser,” whereas conflicts between adolescents and their ative effects of stress (Hauser The extent to which an
friends are relatively more likely to end in compromise & Bowlds, 1990). The study individual receives emotional
or, at least, equal outcomes (Adams & Laursen, 2001). found that support from family or instrumental assistance from
Rather than viewing one type of relationship as more members was more predictive his or her social network.
or less intimate than the other, it is more accurate to say of adaptation to the demands of
276 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

the new school, as indexed by grades and attendance, but Other Individuals as Targets of Intimacy Intimacy
that support from peers was more predictive of psycho- in sibling relationships is a complicated matter and often
logical well-being, as indexed by low levels of depression includes a mix of affection and rivalry (East, 2009).
and anxiety. The absence of peer support was especially Generally, adolescents say they are less intimate with
critical for boys, perhaps because girls are more likely siblings than with their parents or friends (Buhrmester &
than boys to seek out other sources of support when their Furman, 1987). Adolescents fight more with brothers
peers do not provide it. and sisters than they do with close friends, and their
A lack of support from parents or from friends in arguments with siblings tend to be resolved less often
school is associated with low self-worth and poorer social by giving in or by letting things slide than through the
adjustment. Social support from one source (such as the intervention of parents (Raffaelli, 1997). Over the course
family) can be especially important when other sources of adolescence, conflict between siblings decreases,
of support (such as friends) are lacking (Ohannessian, but this may be due to the fact that siblings spend less
Lerner, Lerner, & von Eye, 1994). Accordingly, hav- time together in adolescence than they did in child-
ing a supportive family is more important for the hood as they become involved in romantic relationships
healthy adjustment of adolescents who do not have a and extracurricular activities. Although overt conflict
close friend, whereas support from friends is more cru- between siblings declines during adolescence, so do
cial among adolescents whose family relationships are warmth and closeness. Early adolescence is the low
strained (Gauze, Bukowski, Aquan-Assee, & Sippola, point in sibling relationships, but even college students
1996). An absence of social support may be especially report ambivalent feelings about their brothers and sis-
problematic for ethnic minority youth, who often rely ters (Stocker, Lanthier, & Furman, 1997).
on peers to provide emotional support in the face of Comparatively little is known about intimacy with
stress and other difficulties inherent in living in high- members of adolescents’ extended family or with non-
risk environments (Benner, 2011; Stanton-Salazar & familial adults like teachers or coaches. Contact with
Spina, 2005). extended family is infrequent for many adolescents,
Having support from parents, siblings, or nonschool because those family members often live outside the
friends does not fully compensate for a lack of support adolescent’s immediate area (Feiring & Lewis, 1991).
from classmates, though, and having support from sib- There is a slight increase in intimacy with extended
lings, classmates, or others does not fully compensate family members during childhood, but an especially
for a lack of support from parents (East & Rook, 1992; steep drop-off in intimacy with grandparents and other
Gore & Aseltine, 1995). In other words, optimal social extended family members between childhood and ado-
development during adolescence may require healthy lescence (Buhrmester & Furman, 1987; Creasey &
relationships with both parents and peers (Jose, Pyan, & Kaliher, 1994; M. Levitt et al., 1993). Nevertheless, ado-
Pryor, 2012; Vaughan, Foshee, & Ennett, 2010; Walters, lescents benefit from having grandparents involved in
Lester, & Cross, 2014). Family relationships and peer their life (Yorgason, Padilla-Walker, & Jackson, 2011).
relationships influence, rather than compete with, each Although a decline in intimacy with grandparents is
other (Fallon & Bowles, 1997; Gavin & Furman, 1996). often observed during adolescence, this is not as com-
Although the importance of peer relationships mon among adolescents who are living with a single,
undoubtedly increases during adolescence, the signifi- divorced mother (Dunifon, 2013). Divorce is associated
cance of family relationships does not decline so much as with increased contact between adolescents and their
it narrows in focus. Parents do not cease to be important grandparents, especially between the adolescent and his
sources of influence or targets of intimacy. Throughout or her maternal grandfather. Ties to grandmothers are
adolescence, parents and teenagers remain close, parents especially strong among Black adolescents, particularly
(especially mothers) remain important confidants, and among girls from divorced households (Hirsch, Mickus, &
both mothers and fathers continue to be significant influ- Boerger, 2002). Puberty seems to increase intimacy
ences on the adolescent’s behavior and decisions. Having between adolescent boys from divorced homes and their
a supportive relationship with one parent can compen- grandfathers (perhaps to compensate for diminished con-
sate somewhat from a less close relationship with the tact with their father), whereas it seems to distance ado-
other (Rueger, Chen, Jenkins, & Choe, 2014). Even in lescent girls from their grandfathers (perhaps because of
adolescence, being close to one’s parents has a more pos- discomfort with the girl’s sexuality).
itive impact on psychological health than being close to Researchers also have asked whether relationships
one’s friends (Greenberg, Siegel, & Leitch, 1983). That between adolescents and nonfamilial adults in schools,
said, peers take on an increasingly important role in the workplaces, or neighborhoods can play a significant role
individual’s social life over the course of adolescence in teenagers’ lives (Greenberger, Chen, & Beam, 1998;
(B. Brown & Larson, 2009). Although peers do not Munsch, Liang, & DeSecottier, 1996). Indeed, studies
replace parents, they make unique and influential contri- suggest that the development of relationships with non-
butions to the adolescent’s social development. familial adults is a normative part of adolescence, not a CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 277

sign of difficulties at home (Beam, Chen, & Greenberger, joking around, and overt discomfort that young adoles-
2002; Rhodes & Lowe, 2009), and that relationships cents so often display in situations that are a little too
with positive role models outside the family contribute close to being romantic or sexual. One reason for the
to healthy development above and beyond the contribu- mutual physical playfulness that boys and girls engage in
tion of family relationships and well into late adolescence is that it satisfies normal curiosity about sexual feelings
(Chang, Greenberger, Chen, Heckhausen, & Farruggia, while being ambiguous enough to be denied as moti-
2010; Haddad, Chen, & Greenberger, 2011). Close vated by romantic interest. Whereas rough play—play
friendships may develop naturally between adolescents fighting—between boys is typically done to show who
and their teachers or work supervisors or can be cultivated is dominant, the same behavior between boys and girls
through community organizations, such as Big Brothers/ is often semisexual in nature—what some have labeled
Big Sisters, or similar programs designed to pair young “poke and push courtship” (Pellegrini, 2003).
people—especially those under stress—with supportive These observations support the claim that intimacy
and caring adults. Linking an adolescent with a mentor between adolescent boys and girls is relatively slow to
is one of the most important components of successful develop and generally is tinged with an air of sexuality.
youth programs (Theokas & Lerner, 2006). The benefits Contrary to the idea that cross-sex intimacy comes to
of having a Big Brother or Big Sister are especially great replace intimacy with peers of the same sex, however,
among adolescents with more difficulties at home, such intimate friendships between adolescents of the same
as those living in foster care (Rhodes, Haight, & Briggs, sex are not displaced by the emergence of intimacy
1999). Not all close relationships with nonparental adults between adolescent males and females (Connolly &
benefit adolescents’ development, however: Adolescent Johnson, 1993). Although the likelihood of other-sex
boys who have close friendships with young adult men peers appearing on adolescents’ lists of people who are
are more likely to engage in antisocial behavior when they important to them increases during early and middle
perceive their older friends as likely to condone or com- adolescence, and although the amount of time ado-
mit antisocial acts themselves (Greenberger et al., 1998). lescents spend with other-sex peers increases as well,
the number of same-sex peers listed also increases or
remains constant, and time spent with same-sex peers
Friendships with the Other Sex does not decline (Richards, Crowe, Larson, & Swarr,
Not until late adolescence do intimate friendships with 1998; Zimmer-Gembeck, 1999). However, there are
other-sex peers begin to be important. Studies of pre- substantial individual differences in patterns of time
adolescents and young teenagers point to very strong sex allocation to same- and other-sex relationships. Some
segregation in adolescents’ friendships, with boys rarely adolescents shift their energy from same-sex friends to
reporting friendships with girls, and girls rarely report- other-sex relationships early and abruptly, others do so
ing friendships with boys, at least until middle adoles- gradually over the course of high school, and still others
cence (Galambos, Berenbaum, & McHale, 2009). do not shift their focus at all (Zimmer-Gembeck, 1999).

Origins of the “Sex Cleavage” The schism between

boys and girls during early adolescence results from var-
ious factors. First, despite whatever changes may have
taken place in American society in sex-role socialization
during the past 50 years, it is still the case that preado-
lescent and early adolescent boys and girls have differ-
ent interests, engage in different sorts of peer activities,
and perceive themselves to be different from each other
(Galambos, Berenbaum, & McHale, 2009). The sex
cleavage in adolescent friendships results more from
adolescents’ preferring members of the same sex—and
the activities they engage in—than from their actually
disliking members of the other sex. Boys express more
positive feelings about their female classmates than vice
versa (Bukowski, Sippola, & Hoza, 1999).
The transitional period—between same-sex non-
sexual relationships and other-sex sexual ones—can be
a trying time for adolescents. This period usually coin-
cides with the peer group’s shift from same-sex cliques As cross-sex relationships begin to develop, adolescents may
to mixed-sex crowds. The interpersonal strains and anxi- mask their anxieties by teasing and joking around with mem-
eties inherent in the transition show up in the teasing, bers of the other sex. © Hammond HSN/Design Pics RF
278 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Although intimacy between the sexes increases dur- adolescence, age differences in other-sex friendships are
ing early adolescence (Buhrmester & Furman, 1987), similar to those seen between dating partners, with boys
many adolescents do not list a single other-sex peer as a generally older than their female friends, rather than
significant person in their lives. In middle school, only the reverse (Montgomery & Sorell, 1998). In addition,
8% of adolescents’ friendships are with members of the adolescents who have more other-sex friends than their
other sex; by high school, this figure has risen only to peers early in adolescence tend to enter into romantic
13% (Değirmencioğlu & Urberg, 1994). One exception relationships at an earlier age and tend to have longer
to this general trend is seen among gay male adoles- romantic relationships (Feiring, 1999). This could be
cents, who tend to have more female than male friends due to many factors, including the adolescent’s use of the
(Diamond & Dubé, 2002). pool of other-sex friends to “rehearse” for later roman-
When females do include other-sex peers on their list tic relationships (Kreager, Molloy, Moody, & Feinberg,
of important people, the boys they mention are often 2015) or to develop a social network that is used to meet
older and often from another school; when boys list girls potential dates later on (Connolly, Furman, & Konarski,
as important friends, they generally are of the same age 2000). In any case, even preadolescents as young as nine
or younger (Poulin & Pedersen, 2007). Consequently, differentiate between cross-sex relationships that are
the increase in time spent with other-sex peers that platonic and those that are romantic (Connolly, Craig,
occurs in adolescence takes place much earlier among Goldberg, & Pepler, 1999).
girls than boys—by the time they are in 11th grade, Not all relationships between males and females in ado-
girls are spending 10 hours each week alone with a boy, lescence are romantic, of course, and having close, other-
compared to only 5 hours per week spent by boys alone sex friendships is a common experience (Connolly &
with a girl. Young adolescents of both sexes spend a lot McIsaac, 2009; Kuttler, La Greca, & Prinstein, 1999;
of time thinking about the other sex, but relatively little Stanton-Salazar & Spina, 2005). Two very different
time with them. As adolescents get older, the time they types of adolescents appear to have close other-sex
spend thinking about the other sex tends to be increas- friends—adolescents who are socially competent and
ingly associated with negative moods, perhaps because highly popular with same-sex peers, and adolescents
the fantasies about the other sex experienced in early who are socially incompetent and highly unpopular with
adolescence come to be replaced by unrequited longings same-sex peers (Bukowski, Sippola, & Hoza, 1999).
for romantic companionship (Richards et al., 1998). Among boys, having an other-sex friend compensates
for not having same-sex friends, leading to more posi-
Some Functions of Other-Sex Friendships Al- tive mental health than is seen among boys without
though the emergence of close other-sex friendships any friends at all. Among girls, however, the results are
in early adolescence is not explicitly in the context of mixed. Although some studies have found that for girls
romance, it sets the stage for later romantic experi- “there is no advantage, or perhaps there is even a disad-
ences (Connolly & McIsaac, 2009). In early and middle vantage, to having a friendship with a boy” (Bukowski
et al., 1999, p. 457), others have found that, among
less sexually advanced girls, having platonic friend-
ships with boys is associated with a more positive body
image—perhaps because these friendships permit girls
to feel that boys like them for themselves, without the
added cost of feeling pressured to have sex (Compian,
Gowen, & Hayward, 2004). The downside is that having
male friends increases girls’ likelihood of being involved
in antisocial behavior (Arndorfer & Stormshak, 2008;
Mrug, Borch, & Cillessen, 2011; Poulin, Denalt, &
Pedersen, 2011), especially if their male friends are
antisocial (Cauffman, Farruggia, & Goldweber, 2008).
(One of the ways through which parental monitoring
deters adolescent girls’ substance use is by limiting
their friendships with boys [Poulin & Denault, 2012].)
Another potential cost is that many cross-sex friendships
draw females into traditional caregiving roles, reinforc-
ing traditional sex-role stereotypes.
All things considered, boys have more to gain from
Platonic friendships between adolescent males and females
friendships with girls than vice versa. Having an inti-
often prepare the adolescent for the transition into romantic mate relationship with an other-sex peer is more strongly
relationships. © Monkey Business Images/ RF related to boys’ general level of interpersonal intimacy CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 279

than it is to girls’ (Buhrmester & Furman, 1987). turn of the twentieth century, most individuals did not
Whereas boys report that their friendships with girls marry until their mid-20s (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009b).
are more rewarding than their friendships with other The first half of the twentieth century saw a gradual
boys, girls do not describe their friendships with boys decline in the average age of marriage, however, and as
as more rewarding than their friendships with other a result, individuals began dating more seriously at an
girls (J. Thomas & Daubman, 2001). These findings are earlier age. By the mid-1950s, the average age at first
not surprising, given that adolescents’ friendships with marriage in the United States had fallen to 20 among
girls (regardless of whether they themselves are male women and 22 among men—which means that substan-
or female) tend to be more intimate and supportive than tial numbers of individuals were in premarital relation-
their friendships with boys (Kuttler et al., 1999). ships during high school and marrying during their late
adolescent years.
The function of adolescent dating changed as individ-
Dating and Romantic uals began to marry later and later—a trend that began
in the mid-1950s and continues today (see Figure 9).
Relationships Now, the average age at which people marry is consid-
Dating plays a very different role in adolescents’ erably later than it was 50 years ago—about age 27 for
lives today than it did in previous times (Connolly & women and 29 for men, although the age at which cou-
McIsaac, 2009). In earlier eras, dating was not so much ples begin living together has not changed (Manning,
a recreational activity (as it is today) as a part of the Brown, & Payne, 2014; U.S. Census Bureau, 2014).
process of courtship and mate selection. Individuals This, of course, gives high school dating a whole new
would date in order to ready themselves for marriage, meaning, because today it is clearly divorced from its
and unmarried individuals would play the field—under function in mate selection. Adults continue to regulate
the watchful eyes of chaperones—for a relatively long and monitor adolescent dating in order to prevent rash
period before settling down (Montgomery, 1996). At the or impulsive commitments to early marriage (Laursen &







Median age at first marriage










1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Figure 9 The median age at marriage in the United States declined from 1900 through the mid-1950s but rose
markedly during the second half of the twentieth century. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014)
280 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Jensen-Campbell, 1999), but in the minds of most young The Nature and Significance of Romance The
people, high school dating has little to do with finding a capacity for intimacy, which initially develops out of
potential spouse. Nor do today’s adolescents see cohabi- same-sex friendships, eventually is brought into romantic
tation (living together) as a substitute for marriage relationships, which for the vast majority of adolescents
(Manning, Longmore, & Giordano, 2007). are with members of the other sex. In this sense, rela-
Romantic relationships during adolescence are very tionships between romantic partners are better thought
common: One-fourth of American 12-year-olds, one-half of as a context in which intimacy is expressed rather
of 15-year-olds, and more than two-thirds of 18-year- than where it is learned. Consistent with this, the qual-
olds report having had a romantic relationship in the past ity of adolescents’ friendships is predictive of the quality
18 months. The average American adolescent begins of their subsequent romantic relationships, whereas the
dating around age 13 or 14, although nearly half of all reverse is not true (Connolly et al., 2000).
adolescents have at least one date before they turn 12. Romantic relationships play a different role in the devel-
By age 16, more than 90% of adolescents of both sexes opment of intimacy for females than for males (Feiring,
have had at least one date, and during the later years 1999). In many cultures, boys are not encouraged to
of high school, more than half of all students average develop the capacity to be emotionally expressive, particu-
one or more dates weekly. Only 15% of high school stu- larly in their relationships with other males. During middle
dents date less than once a month (Feiring, 1993). By adolescence, girls are better than boys at self-disclosure and
age 18, virtually all adolescents have dated once, and interpersonal understanding, so that when adolescents first
three-fourths have had at least one steady relationship start having serious romantic relationships, girls generally
(Neemann, Hubbard, & Masten, 1995). are better at being intimate. Early sexual relationships are
As is the case with platonic friendships, girls tend to far more likely to revolve around love, emotional involve-
become romantically involved with boys who are slightly ment, and intimacy for girls than for boys (Montgomery,
older, whereas boys tend to become involved with girls 2005; Shulman & Scharf, 2000). This is very important,
who are the same age or younger. Because the average because for girls romantic relationships provide a context
duration of romantic relationships during the middle for the further expression of intimacy, whereas for boys
high school years is about 6 months, most adolescents they provide a context for the further development of
report having experienced a breakup during the last intimacy. Relationships with the other sex therefore play
year. Perhaps as a way of protecting themselves from a more important role in the development of intimacy
more pain than is necessary, most teenagers say that they among boys than among girls, who, on average, develop
were in control of the breakup (either alone or by mutual and experience intimacy earlier with same-sex friends
agreement) (Connolly & McIsaac, 2009). Nevertheless, than boys do (Buhrmester & Furman, 1987). The way a
as you will read later in this chapter, the breakup of a girl interacts with her boyfriend is more strongly related to
romantic relationship is a significant source of distress the girl’s internal working model of relationships than the
for many adolescents, and, as you read earlier, the ups boy’s, perhaps because girls’ greater prior experience with
and downs of romantic life often dominate conversations intimacy has led them to better align how they behave with
between friends. how they really feel (Furman & Simon, 2006).
Although boys’ capacity for intimacy may lag behind
Dating and the girls’, it is important not to confuse ability with aspira-
tion. In the past, much was made of the different mean-
Development of Intimacy ings of romantic relationships to adolescent males and
Contemporary discussions of adolescent romance draw females, but today it appears that the sexes are more
on Sullivan’s theory of interpersonal development, similar than different in how their romantic relationships
attachment theory, and ecological perspectives on devel- develop (Connolly & McIsaac, 2009). The stereotype of
opment (Connolly & McIsaac, 2009). From Sullivan the emotionally stunted but swaggering boy who enters
comes the idea that there is a developmental progression into a romantic relationship purely for sex and uses his
in individuals’ capacity for intimacy, with the emergence power and influence to get it no longer appears accu-
of romantic relationships occurring after individuals rate, although adolescent couples are more likely to have
have experienced emotional closeness within same-sex intercourse when the girl reports that her boyfriend holds
friendships. From attachment theory comes the idea that the power in the relationship (Giordano, Manning, &
individuals differ in the quality of their romantic rela- Longmore, 2010). Boys are often more awkward and less
tionships and that these differences are paralleled by confident than the girls they are dating and just as eager to
differences in the relationships individuals have with be emotionally close. Here’s a 17-year-old talking about
parents and peers. And from the ecological perspective his girlfriend:
comes the idea that romantic relationships, like all rela- She kept insisting I wasn’t going to work out and I kept
tionships, need to be viewed within the social context in insisting I wanted to try it and one night, and like I said
which they occur. I couldn’t sleep, and I wrote her a letter, front and back, CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 281

crying the whole time and then I handed the letter to her not want their parents to worry about their school
the next morning. . . . It was really emotional, like how she performance:
hurt me and how it wasn’t right. (Giordano, Longmore, &
Manning, 2006, p. 277) They know I have a guy that I spend a lot of time with, but
I don’t think they really know how serious it is, because I
Or how about this 18-year-old young man: really don’t want them to know, because if something ever
happened with me in school, if I failed a class, I know that
I guess she was more mature than I was and I guess I
they would blame him, even though it would probably be
wasn’t on her level you know because she wanted to do
my fault because he is really supportive and it’s not like
it [have sex] more than I did. . . . she said that I wasn’t
I am always with him, but they would think that. They
mature enough and you know all that stuff. . . . I was too
would think that he is a bad influence on me. (18-year-
young, I was scared, I didn’t know what I was doing I
old Asian female) (Lau, Markhan, Lin, Flores, & Chacko,
wasn’t ready for it. I think I felt like I was too young. . . .
2009, p. 104)
she was my girlfriend and that’s what she wanted.
(Giordano et al., 2006, p. 281) Although early maturers begin dating somewhat ear-
lier than late maturers (Lam, Shi, Ho, Stewart, & Fan,
There are also important cultural differences in how
2002; Neemann et al., 1995), age norms within the ado-
adolescents approach dating: In one study, Hispanic ado-
lescent’s school and peer group are more important in
lescents were more likely to emphasize romantic aspects
determining the age at which dating begins than is the
of the relationship and were more willing to accept tradi-
adolescent’s physical maturity. A physically immature
tional views of the roles of males and females in relation-
14-year-old who goes to school where it is expected
ships, whereas Black adolescents were more pragmatic
that 14-year-olds will date is more likely to date than
and egalitarian in their attitudes (Milbrath, Ohlson, &
is a physically mature 14-year-old who lives in a com-
Eyre, 2009). Compare, for instance, these very different
munity where dating is typically delayed until age 16.
perspectives on relationships:
Early maturers whose peers are dating are especially
. . . girls are more into the fairytale kin’ a love, you know. likely to date early (Friedlander, Connolly, Pepler, &
An’ the happy endings and . . . ROSES! They want roses Craig, 2007). Dating also begins earlier among adoles-
once-in-a-while, too. I mean . . . a red rose, one red rose, cents who have older siblings, who are less close to their
it wouldn’t hurt. And to make it like a surprise. You know, parents, and who live with single mothers, especially
like to leave it in their locker. . . . an’ the girl opens it up if the mother is sexually active herself (de Graaf, de
an’ like, “Oh My God!” (Hispanic, 18-year-old female) Schoot, Woertman, Hawk, & Meeus, 2012; Longmore,
(Milbrath et al., 2009, p. 338) Manning, & Giordano, 2001; Tyrell, Wheeler,
Well, he has . . . to tell her how much he care about
Gonzales, Dumka, & Millsap, 2014). Family instability
her an’ how much he doesn’t want to hurt her an’ how
he doesn’t care about them, an’ how he’ll lie to them, an’,
(changes in parents’ marital status through divorce or
“I’m telling’ you this an’ I’m tryin’ to let chyou know remarriage) is associated with dating, especially among
that I’m gonna cheat on you becuz I care about chyou boys, with adolescents from more unstable families
an’ I don’t wanna lie to you.” . . . he has to have a lot of more likely to date and more likely to have multiple
game. (Black, 16-year-old female) (Milbrath et al., 2009, romantic partners (Valle & Tillman, 2014). Whether
p. 341) this is due to less vigilant parental monitoring, a desire
on the part of the adolescent to escape a difficult home
The Role of Context The age at which dating begins environment, or both is not known (Cavanagh, Crissey,
is influenced by the norms and expectations in the & Raley, 2008).
adolescent’s community. Romantic relationships are
more common at a younger age in other industrialized Patterns of Dating “Dating” can mean a variety
countries than in North America, but by late adoles- of different things, from group activities that bring
cence, rates of dating are similar. Within the United males and females together (without much actual con-
States and in Canada, Asian adolescents are less likely tact between the sexes), to group dates in which a
than other adolescents to date, whereas the preva- group of boys and girls go out jointly (and spend part
lence of dating is very similar among Black, Hispanic, of the time in couples and part of the time in the larger
Native American, and White adolescents, although group), to casual dating in couples, to serious involve-
some studies find that Hispanic girls start dating at a ment with a boyfriend or girlfriend (Carlson & Rose,
later age than either Black or White girls (Connolly 2012). Generally, casual socializing with other-sex
& McIsaac, 2009). Westernization is leading many peers and experiences in a mixed-sex social network
adolescents from Asian cultures to develop interests occur before the development of romantic relationships
in dating at an earlier age than is typical within their (Connolly & McIsaac, 2009). As a consequence, more
culture (Dhariwal & Connolly, 2013). In one study, a adolescents have experience in mixed-sex group activi-
high proportion of Asian adolescents hid the fact that ties like parties or dances than in dating, and more have
they were dating from their parents, because they did dated than have had a serious boyfriend or girlfriend, or
282 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Same-gender activities only

Mixed-gender affiliative activities

Hang around with
boys and girls

Go to clubs, groups, or sports

activities with boys and girls

Go to dances or parties
with boys and girls

Dating activities
Go out with groups of
boys and girls at night

Go out with a boy (girl) and

a couple of girls (boys)

Go on dates with a
boy (girl) in a group

Girls and boys go on dates

Have a boyfriend (girlfriend) now

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 10 Participation in various romantic activities in early adolescence. (Connolly et al., 2004)

a sexual relationship (see Figure 10) (Connolly, Craig, maintaining conversations, in person (“He will think I am
Goldberg, & Pepler, 2004; O’Sullivan, Cheng, Harris, an idiot,” “Sometimes you don’t know, if you’re like sit-
& Brooks-Gunn, 2007). However, involvement in one- ting with a guy and you’re watching a basketball game or
on-one romantic relationships does not replace same- something, you don’t know if you should start talking or
sex or mixed-sex group activities—like other aspects if you should just sit there”) and on the phone (“I think it
of intimacy in adolescence, new forms of relationships is hard to call. After it’s done with, you don’t know how
are added to the adolescent’s repertoire while old ones to get off the phone”). Others mentioned problems in ask-
are retained. The sequence of transitioning into roman- ing people out (“Asking a girl out on a first date—complete
tic relationships follows similar patterns across ethnic panic!”) or in turning people down (“How about if you go
groups, although Asian American youth appear to make on a date and you’re really not interested, but he keeps call-
this transition at a somewhat later stage than their peers ing?”). Still others noted problems in making or ending
from other backgrounds, consistent with other findings romantic commitments (“You don’t know if you are going
on ethnic differences in beliefs about the appropriate age out with someone or if you are just seeing them,” “It is hard
at which adolescents should begin dating and engaging to say, ‘so, are we gonna make a commitment?’” “I avoided
in other adultlike activities (Connolly et al., 2004). [breaking up] for two weeks because I was trying to think
Even for adolescents with a history of intimate friend- of what to say”) (Grover & Nangle, 2003, pp. 133–134).
ships with same- and other-sex peers, the transition into
romantic relationships can be difficult. In one study, in The Development of Dating
which adolescents were asked to discuss social situations
they thought were difficult, themes having to do with com-
municating with the other sex were mentioned frequently. It is not until late adolescence that dating relationships
Many adolescents discussed difficulty in initiating or begin to be characterized by a level of emotional depth CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 283

and maturity that can be described as intimate, and it is

not until late adolescence that individuals develop genu-
inely deep attachments to individuals other than their
parents (Furman & Simon, 1999; Montgomery, 2005).
One study comparing the way adolescents interacted
with their mother, a close friend, and a romantic part-
ner found that interactions with romantic partners were
characterized by more conflict and fewer positive inter-
actions than with friends, and more off-task behavior
than with mothers (Furman & Shomaker, 2008). Over
the course of adolescence, the importance of a romantic
partner—relative to other relationships—increases, and
by college, individuals typically name their romantic
partner first on a list of significant others (up from fourth
in grade 7 and third in grade 10) (Buhrmester, 1996;
Furman & Wehner, 1994).
The ways in which adolescents interact with romantic
partners also changes with development, with increas-
One of the fundamental developmental tasks of adolescence is
ing willingness to acknowledge, analyze, and work
to begin to develop the capacity for intimate, romantic relation-
through disagreements. (The major sources of conflict ships. © Andrey_Popov/ RF
between boyfriends and girlfriends are issues related to
how the relationship is going, such as jealousy, neglect,
betrayal, and trust [McIsaac, Connolly, McKenney, McIsaac, 2009). The evolution of romance in the adoles-
Pepler, & Craig, 2008].) One study of age differences in cent’s life proceeds through three distinct phases. During
couples’ conflict resolution found that whereas 70% of the first phase (roughly between 11 and 13), adolescents
the adolescent couples either denied having conflicts or first discover an interest in socializing with potential
dismissed them as insignificant, only 20% of the young romantic and sexual partners. The focus of activity dur-
adults did. Interestingly, the adolescents whose con- ing this phase is primarily on learning about themselves,
versations looked more like those of the young adults as adolescents broaden their self-conceptions to include
were less likely to break up (Shulman, Tuval-Mashiach, seeing themselves as a potential romantic partner. Actual
Levran, & Anbar, 2006). romantic relationships tend to be short-lived (the aver-
age romantic relationship at this age lasts only a few
Reasons for Dating Prior to middle or late adoles- weeks), though, and are frequently based on superficial
cence, dating may be less important for the develop- infatuations. Success in socializing with the other sex
ment of intimacy than it is for other purposes, including becomes an important determinant of status in the peer
establishing emotional and behavioral autonomy from group, and high-status adolescents generally start dating
parents (Dowdy & Kliewer, 1998; Gray & Steinberg, before their lower-status peers (Connolly & McIsaac,
1999), furthering the development of gender identity 2009). The main purpose of romantic activity at this age
(Feiring, 1999), learning about oneself as a roman- involves establishing, improving, or maintaining one’s
tic partner (Furman & Simon, 1999), and establishing social status.
and maintaining status and popularity in the peer group During the second phase (from about 14 to 16), ado-
(B. Brown, 1999). Younger adolescents’ choice of dat- lescents slowly move toward more meaningful dyadic
ing partners may have more to do with how they will be relationships. Dating is very casual and often occurs in
seen by others (for example, as “grown up,” “macho,” a group context in which peer networks start to include
or “popular”) than with the actual quality of the rela- couples who have a special relationship. Although ado-
tionship itself. This explains why, between elementary lescents are still learning about themselves as romantic
school and middle school, there is an increase in girls’ and sexual partners and are still aware of the way their
attraction to aggressive boys who stand out in the peer peers view their romantic relationships, they are now
group (Bukowski, Sippola, & Newcomb, 2000). sufficiently involved in the emotional side of romance
for this to completely overshadow the personal and status
Phases of Romance The development of intimacy concerns that dominated the earlier phases of romantic
and more sophisticated social cognitive abilities is par- involvement. Relationships become a source of passion
alleled by changes in the ways adolescents think about and preoccupation—recalling the themes expressed in
and behave within romantic relationships. Several stage popular love songs that appeal to teenagers. Although
theories of romantic relationships have been proposed, relationships are more enduring at this age than they
but they make roughly the same points (Connolly & were during early adolescence, the average romance still
284 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

LGBTQ youth
lasts only about six months LGBTQ youth—adolescents who are not exclusively or
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans- (Connolly & McIsaac, 2009). conventionally heterosexual (Diamond, 2000; Diamond,
gender, and questioning youth, One reason for this is that “dat- Savin-Williams, & Dubé, 1999). Although great strides
sometimes referred to as ing the ‘wrong’ person or con- have been made in increasing the public’s tolerance
sexual-minority youth. ducting romantic relationships and understanding of sexual-minority youth, stigmas
sexual-minority youth in the ‘wrong’ way can seri- and stereotypes still make the development of intimate
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans- ously damage one’s standing relationships—whether nonsexual friendships, dating
gender, and questioning in the group. . . . This makes relationships, or sexual relationships—more compli-
(LGBTQ) youth.
it difficult to sustain rela- cated among LGBTQ youth than among their straight
tionships that are too heavily peers. For example, because LGBTQ youth don’t always
focused inward, on the quality have the freedom to publicly express their romantic and
of the interaction or needs of the couple” (B. Brown, sexual interests, they often find it difficult, if not impos-
1999, p. 297). sible, to engage in many of the social and interpersonal
Finally, toward the later years of high school (around activities that their heterosexual friends are permitted to
17 or 18), concerns about commitment begin to move enjoy. Thus, many LGBTQ youth end up pursuing sex-
to the forefront, as adolescents begin to think about ual activity outside the context of a dating relationship,
the long-term survival and growth of their romantic because the prejudices and harassment of others may
attachments. Often during this stage, there are tensions preclude any public display of romantic intimacy with
between partners’ needs for intimacy (which draw them a same-sex partner. At the same time, for LGBTQ youth
together) and their needs for autonomy (which distance who are even somewhat open about their sexual identity,
them). As conceptions of romance develop, adolescents the development of close, nonsexual friendships with
come to value commitment and caring as features of same-sex peers may be hampered by the suspicions and
relationships that are as important as passion and plea- homophobia of others. As one group of writers explains
sure, if not more so (B. Brown, 1999; Seiffge-Krenke, the special predicament faced by LGBTQ adolescents,
2003). Relationships begin to look more like those seen “A sexual-minority adolescent may already be privately
among young adults, and couples increasingly spend plagued by the sense that he or she is profoundly dif-
time by themselves, rather than in the larger peer group. ferent from other youths. To have this differentness
The average romantic relationship at age 18 lasts more acknowledged and perhaps ridiculed by peers may prove
than a year (Connolly & McIsaac, 2009). intolerable” (Diamond, Savin-Williams, & Dubé, 1999).
Although the progression through the different
phases of dating and romance may characterize the Sex Differences in Partner Preferences There are
development of most adolescents, a number of writers both age and sex differences in what adolescents look
interested in the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, for in romantic partners, and these differences parallel
transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) adolescents have what is known about age and sex differences in roman-
pointed out that this picture may be less applicable to tic relationships. During middle adolescence, boys are
more likely than girls to emphasize physical attractive-
ness and girls are more likely than boys to place more
weight on interpersonal qualities, such as support or inti-
macy, although controlled studies, in which characteris-
tics of potential dates are experimentally manipulated,
find that girls are influenced more by attractiveness than
they think they are (Ha, Overbeek, & Engels, 2010). By
late adolescence, both sexes emphasize interpersonal
qualities, and the ingredients of a satisfying relationship
are very similar for males and females (and quite simi-
lar to those mentioned by adults): passion, communica-
tion, commitment, emotional support, and togetherness
(W. A. Collins, 2003).

The Impact of Dating on

Adolescent Development
When considering the impact of dating on adolescents’
The interpersonal challenges of adolescence can be more com- development and mental health, it is important to differ-
plicated for LGBTQ youth. © Eddie linssen/Alamy entiate between group and couple activities. Participating CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 285

in mixed-sex activity in group situations—going to par- the difficulty in distinguishing between cause and effect
ties or dances, for example—has a positive impact on the (Zimmer-Gembeck, Siebenbrunner, & Collins, 2001).
psychological well-being of adolescents, because at this There are all sorts of reasons that girls with psychologi-
stage of development, participating in these activities is cal problems are more likely to get involved in dating
status enhancing. The impact of more serious dating is relationships at a younger age, and because we cannot
complicated and depends on the adolescent’s age. Early randomly assign some teenagers to date and others to
starters (those who enter into dating relationships well remain single, we cannot be sure that early dating actu-
before their peers) and late bloomers (those who do not ally causes problems. Moreover, early dating may be
have a romantic relationship until young adulthood) may part of a larger profile that includes precocious involve-
both be at risk, although for different reasons and with ment in many adultlike activities (often because girls’
different consequences. This is not to say that dating is dating partners are older), and there is a good deal of
not a valuable interpersonal experience for the adolescent, evidence that this sort of “pseudomaturity” is associated
just that its benefits may only accrue among teenagers with a range of psychological problems (Connolly &
who begin dating at a certain age (Neemann et al., 1995). McIsaac, 2009). Because this profile is itself associ-
ated with many factors known to place adolescents at
Early Starters Entering into a serious romantic rela- risk (poor parenting, early puberty, or family instabil-
tionship before it is normative (say, before age 15) is asso- ity, for example), it is hard to pinpoint early dating as
ciated with a wide range of negative correlates (Connolly, the culprit. One recent study found, for example, that
Nguyen, Craig, & Jiang, 2013; Connolly & McIsaac, individuals who had poorer-quality relationships prior
2009; Furman & Collibee, 2014; Orpinas, Horne, Song, to adolescence were more likely to be dating at age 15
Reeves, & Hsieh, 2013). This is probably true for both (Roisman, Booth-LaForce, Cauffman, Spieker, & The
sexes, but researchers have focused primarily on girls NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, 2009).
because boys are less likely to begin serious dating quite That said, it has been suggested that the link between
so early. Even so, the few studies that have looked at early early dating and poor mental health may have something to
dating among boys do not show consistent effects. do with pressures on girls to engage in sexual activity before
The links between early dating and poorer mental they are willing or psychologically ready (Marin, Kirby,
health have been reported consistently for more than Hudes, Coyle, & Gomez, 2006). Sexual coercion and date
50 years. Girls who begin serious dating early are rape are common during the high school years (B. Brown,
worse off psychologically than their peers—less mature 2004; McMaster, Connolly, & Craig, 1997; W. Patton &
socially, less imaginative, less oriented toward achieve- Mannison, 1995). Although boys may feel peer pressure to
ment, less happy with who they are and how they look, become sexually active, this may be a very different sort of
more depressed, more likely to engage in disordered pressure—with very different consequences—from what
eating, less likely to do well in school, and more likely girls feel. Because boys generally begin dating at a later age
to be involved in delinquency, substance use, and risky
behavior (Connolly & McIsaac, 2009). Early dating
seems to have particularly negative implications for
White girls (Compian et al., 2004), girls whose family
relationships are more strained (Doyle et al., 2003), girls
who date older boys (Haydon & Halpern, 2010; Loftus,
Kelly, & Mustillo, 2011), and girls who are early matur-
ers (Natsuaki, Biehl, & Ge, 2009). Adolescents who are
unpopular with same-sex peers are especially harmed by
early serious dating, perhaps because having few same-
sex friends makes the dating relationships excessively
important (Brendgen, Vitaro, Doyle, Markiewicz, &
Bukowski, 2002). Research also shows that adolescents
who begin dating early and who have multiple dating
partners experience a drop in the quality of their relation-
ships over time (W. A. Collins, 2003) and poorer qual-
ity relationships in young adulthood (Madsen & Collins,
2011). Adolescents who begin dating early are also more
likely to be victims of dating violence (Halpern, Spriggs,
Martin, & Kupper, 2009).
The impact of dating on adolescent development depends on
A variety of explanations for the link between early the age of the adolescent and the intensity of the relationship.
dating and psychological problems have been offered, Early, serious dating may have a negative impact on psycho-
but before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s keep in mind logical development. © J. Hardy/PhotoAlto RF
286 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

than girls, and date people who are younger, dating may be emotional state. According to several studies, adoles-
less anxiety-provoking for boys, who have the advantage of cents’ real and fantasized relationships trigger more
a few additional years of “maturity.” strong emotional feelings during the course of a day (one-
third of girls’ strong feelings and one-quarter of boys’)
To Date, or Not to Date? About 10% of late adoles- than do family, school, or friends. Not surprisingly, the
cents report having had no serious romantic relation- proportion of strong emotions attributed to romantic rela-
ships, and another 15% have not been in a relationship tionships increases dramatically between preadolescence
that lasted more than a few months (Connolly & McIsaac, and early adolescence, and between early and middle
2009). In looking at the effects of being a “late bloomer,” adolescence as well. And although the majority of ado-
it is important to distinguish between adolescents who lescents’ feelings about their romantic relationships are
delay dating because it is culturally normative to do so positive, a substantial minority of their feelings—more
(as is the case in many Asian American communities) than 40%, in fact—are negative, involving anxiety, anger,
and those who delay because they are shy, unattractive, jealousy, and depression (Larson, Clore, & Wood, 1999).
or unpopular (Connolly & McIsaac, 2009). Although Adolescents who have entered into a romantic relation-
one would think that it is the latter group whose develop- ship in the past year report more symptoms of depression
ment is most at risk, not enough research has been done than do those who have not (Joyner & Udry, 2000). One
on late bloomers to draw definitive conclusions. reason for this is that many adolescents who are involved
In general, adolescents who do not date at all show romantically also experience breakups during the same
signs of retarded social development and feelings of time period (Z. Chen et al., 2009b; W. A. Collins, 2003),
insecurity (Connolly & McIsaac, 2009), while ado- and the breakup of a romantic relationship is the single
lescents who date and go to parties regularly are more most common trigger of the first episode of major depres-
popular, have a stronger self-image, and report greater sion (Monroe, Rohde, Seeley, & Lewinsohn, 1999).
acceptance by their friends; they also are more skilled at Breaking up is also associated with increases in sub-
relational aggression (Houser, Mayeux, & Cross, 2015). stance use and delinquency (Hou et al., 2013; Larson &
Conversely, stopping or cutting back on dating after hav- Sweeten, 2012). As you would expect, negative emotions
ing dated heavily is associated with a drop in self-image associated with being in a relationship are more common
and an increase in symptoms of depression (Davies & among adolescents who are high in rejection sensitivity
Windle, 2000). (G. Downey et al., 1999) or who have an insecure work-
It is not clear, of course, whether age-appropriate dat- ing model, especially those who form preoccupied attach-
ing leads to better social development or whether more ments to romantic partners (because they are unable to
socially advanced adolescents are simply more likely to fully trust their partner or see themselves as worthy of
date; both are probably true. But it does seem safe to their partner’s affection) (Davila, 2008).
conclude that a moderate degree of dating—and a delay Breaking up does not have severe effects on all ado-
in serious involvement until age 15 or so—appears to be lescents. Those who are most vulnerable to the poten-
the most potentially valuable pattern. tial negative consequences of ending a relationship are
This conclusion must be tempered by the fact that
characteristics of the romantic partner play a role in
shaping the impact of dating on psychological develop-
ment. Adolescents who are not all that popular to begin
with, but who date popular peers, gain in popularity over
time, and adolescents with problems who date peers
whose mental health is good show improvements in their
psychological functioning over time (Simon, Aikins, &
Prinstein, 2008). It is also the case, just as in the selec-
tion of friends, that adolescents tend to select roman-
tic partners with whom they share certain attributes.
(Generally speaking, research suggests that “birds of a
feather flock together” is more often true than “oppo-
sites attract.”) And, as is the case with friendships,
dating a romantic partner with a history of delinquent
behavior leads to more antisocial behavior, especially
among females (Herrera, Wiersma, & Cleveland, 2011;
Monahan, Dmitrieva, & Cauffman, 2014).
Regardless of the impact that dating does or doesn’t
have on adolescents’ psychosocial development, stud- Unfortunately, a substantial number of teenagers end up in vio-
ies show that romance has a powerful impact on their lent or abusive romantic relationships. © Pixland/PunchStock RF CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 287

adolescents high in rejection sensitivity, those who have even the economy (Rothman, Miller, Terpeluk, Glauber,
experienced a series of breakups, those who have other & Randel, 2011).
sorts of problems (such as binge drinking or involvement Estimates vary from study to study, but recent national
in delinquency), and, not surprisingly, those who identify surveys find that about 40% of American adolescents have
themselves as the one who was broken up with (rather been the victim of violence within the context of a roman-
than the breaker-upper) (Connolly & McIsaac, 2009). tic relationship (Halpern et al., 2009). About 25% of dat-
ing teenagers report having been the victim of “cyber
Violence in Dating Relationships Unfortunately, many dating abuse”—abuse via technology and social media—
romantic relationships in adolescence are characterized during the past year (Zweig, Dank, Yahner, & Lachman,
by hostility, aggression, and abuse (B. Brown, 2004; 2013). As with other forms of cyberbullying, individuals
Exner-Cortens, 2014). More distressingly, a high propor- who perpetrate cyber dating abuse are more likely to be
tion of young adolescents believe that physical violence abusive toward their partners in other ways, such as sexual
in a relationship is acceptable. In a recent study of more coercion (Zweig, Lachman, Yahner, & Dank, 2014).
than 5,000 American 6th-graders, over half said that it Dating abuse increases between early adolescence and
was acceptable for a girl to hit her boyfriend if he had mid-adolescence, and then becomes somewhat less com-
made her mad or jealous, and a quarter of the students mon (Foshee et al., 2009). Male and female adolescents
thought it was fine for a boy to hit his girlfriend. Nearly a are equally likely to be the victims of violence in dating
third of the girls in the sample and more than 25% of the relationships (Halpern, Oslak, Young, Martin, & Kupper,
boys who either were in, or had been in, a romantic rela- 2001; J. Miller & White, 2003; O’Leary, Slep, Avery-
tionship had been physically aggressive toward their part- Leaf, & Cascardi, 2008), and violence is often associated
ner (Simon, Miller, Gorman-Smith, Orpinas, & Sullivan, with drinking and drug use (Reyes, Foshee, Bauer, &
2010) (see Figure 11). Although more than half of all Ennett, 2012; Schnurr & Lohman, 2013; Temple, Shorey,
parents talk to their adolescent about dating violence, Fite, Stuart, & Le, 2013) and exposure to stressful life
parents are less likely to talk about this topic than about events (Chen & Foshee, 2015). Because beliefs about
drugs, alcohol, family finances, money management, or the acceptability of violence in romantic relationships







Scratched them

Slapped them
them against a wall
Kicked them

Pushed/shoved them
Threw something at
them that could hurt
Punched/hit them with
something that could hurt

Scratched them

Slapped them
them against a wall
Kicked them

Pushed/shoved them
Threw something at
them that could hurt
Punched/hit them with
something that could hurt

Perpetration Victimization

Figure 11 Proportion of American 6th-graders reporting being victims or perpetrators of various types of
dating violence. (Simon et al., 2010)
288 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

influence adolescents’ behavior toward their partners (Manchikanti Gómez, 2011; Linder & Collins, 2005;
(Reyes, Foshee, Niolon, Reidy, & Hall, 2015), adoles- Makin-Byrd, Bierman, & Conduct Problems Prevention
cents whose friends perpetrate dating violence are them- Research Group, 2013). These studies, along with those
selves more likely to do so (Foshee et al., 2013). discussed earlier about adolescent attachments, suggest
Dating violence is more common in rural areas than that variations in adolescents’ romantic relationships
in suburban or urban communities (G. A. Spencer & may have their origins—at least in part—in adolescents’
Bryant, 2000), and among ethnic minority adolescents, family experiences.
adolescents from single-parent households, adolescents The main point to keep in mind is that the qualities
from lower socioeconomic homes, and LGBTQ youth of adolescents’ relationships with others—whether with
(Dank, Lachman, Zweig, & Yahner, 2013; Foshee et al., parents, siblings, friends, or romantic partners—are cor-
2009; Freedner, Freed, Yang, & Austin, 2002; Halpern related across different types of relationships (B. Brown,
et al., 2009; Luo, Stone, & Tharp, 2014; Martin-Storey, 2004; Shulman, Zlotnik, Shachar-Shapira, Connolly,
2014). Individuals who are aggressive in romantic rela- & Bohr, 2012). Adolescents who have supportive and
tionships are more likely to have had problems with satisfying relationships at home are more likely to have
aggression earlier in life (Foshee et al., 2014; Vagi high-quality friendships, and adolescents who have high-
et al., 2013). Being in a violent relationship also increases quality friendships are more likely to have high-quality
the chances of an adolescent girl behaving violently as romantic relationships. Thus, individuals’ early experi-
a young adult (Herrera et al., 2011). Adolescents who ences in the family, in interaction with their cumulative
have been the victims of violence within the context of experiences with peers during childhood and preado-
a romantic relationship are more likely to be depressed, lescence, affect the nature and quality of their roman-
contemplate suicide, use illegal drugs, become pregnant tic relationships in adolescence (Dhariwal, Connolly,
during adolescence, and drop out of school (Hagan & Paciello, & Caprara, 2009; Rauer, Pettit, Lansford,
Foster, 2001; Kim & Capaldi, 2004; Silverman, Raj, Bates, & Dodge, 2013), and the quality of adolescents’
Mucci, & Hathaway, 2001), with many of these prob- family relationships affect the quality of the romantic
lems persisting into young adulthood (Adam et al., relationships they have in young adulthood (R. Conger,
2010). They are also more likely to be victimized again Cui, Bryant, & Elder, 2000; Donnellan, Larsen-Rife, &
in the future (Cui, Ueno, Gordon, & Fincham, 2013; Conger, 2005).
P. H. Smith, White, & Holland, 2003).

Intimacy and Psychosocial

making the practical Development
connection Intimate relationships during adolescence—whether
What can be done to reduce the prevalence of violence with peers or adults, inside or outside the family, sexual
in adolescents’ dating relationships? Is this something that or nonsexual—play an important role in young people’s
schools should become involved in? overall psychological development. Close friends serve
as a sounding board for adolescents’ fantasies and ques-
tions about the future. Adolescents often talk to their
We also know that adolescents behave in a variety friends about the careers they hope to have, the people
of ways within dating relationships that are shaped by they hope to get involved with, and the life they expect
“scripts” for how males and females are expected to to lead after they leave home. Friends provide advice
behave—scripts that are learned at home and from the on a range of identity-related matters—from how to act
mass media (Feiring, 1999; Gray & Steinberg, 1999; in different situations to what sorts of occupational and
Larson, Clore, & Wood, 1999). In general, adolescents’ educational paths to pursue. Having an intimate friend-
ways of dealing with conflict in their romantic rela- ship is more central to adolescents’ mental health than
tionships are linked to the models they’ve had at home. it is to children’s (Buhrmester, 1990). Intimacy with
Adolescents who have witnessed a great deal of conflict same-sex friends and intimacy with romantic partners
between their parents (either physical or verbal) report make distinct contributions to adolescents’ self-esteem
higher levels of verbal aggression, physical aggres- (Connolly & Konarski, 1994).
sion, and relationship difficulties with their romantic Keep in mind, however, that the effects of having an
partners, as both perpetrators and victims (Kinsfogel & intimate friendship with someone depend on who that
Grych, 2004; Simon & Furman, 2010; Tschann et al., someone is and what takes place in the relationship.
2009). Other studies have found that adolescents who are Being popular is less important than genuinely having
either perpetrators or victims of violence in dating rela- friends, and having friends is less important than hav-
tionships are more likely to have had parents who were ing good friendships (Asher, Parker, & Walker, 1996;
abusive, harsh, or behaved inappropriately toward them Berndt, 1996; Fontaine et al., 2009; Hartup & Stevens, CHAPTER 10 Intimacy 289

1997; Hussong, 2000). Not all friendships are consis- important to remember, that not all close relationships
tently good. Some provide for positive things like self- foster positive developmental outcomes.
disclosure, intimacy, and companionship, but others Nevertheless, studies consistently show that indi-
give rise to insecurity, conflict, jealousy, and mistrust viduals with satisfying close friendships fare better
(J. Parker, Low, Walker, & Gamm, 2005). Adolescents than those without them, not only in adolescence but in
who are close to peers or romantic partners who have adulthood as well. Adolescence is an especially impor-
antisocial values or habits are themselves more likely tant time in the development of close relationships
to develop similar patterns of behavior (Cauffman et because many of the capacities and capabilities that per-
al., 2008; Haynie, Giordano, Manning, & Longmore, mit intimacy in adult relationships make their debut in
2005; Hussong & Hicks, 2003). It is easy to forget, but adolescence.
11 Sexuality

Sexuality as an Adolescent Issue Risky Sex and its Prevention

Sexual Activity During Adolescence Contraceptive Use
Stages of Sexual Activity AIDS and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexual Intercourse During Adolescence Teen Pregnancy
Changes in Sexual Activity Over Time Adolescent Parenthood
The Sexually Active Adolescent Sex Education
Psychological and Social Characteristics of
Sexually Active Adolescents
Hormonal and Contextual Influences on
Sexual Activity
Parental and Peer Influences on Sexual Activity
Sex Differences in the Meaning of Sex
Sexual Orientation
Sexual Harassment, Rape, and Sexual Abuse
During Adolescence
© J. Hardy/PhotoAlto RF

290 CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 291

American adults have an ambivalent attitude toward dominated by research on what can go wrong. Imagine if
adolescent sexuality. On the one hand, they are fasci- researchers interested in identity, autonomy, intimacy, or
nated by it—it is nearly impossible to turn on the televi- achievement studied only negative self-conceptions, angry
sion and avoid seeing sexual imagery that either depicts rebellion, failed friendships, or flunking out. As you will
or is directed at adolescents (D. Roberts et al., 2009). On read, and in contrast to adults’ concerns, most of the time,
the other hand, adults deplore it—most adults (80%, in fact) sex during adolescence is not associated with problems.
say that teenage sex is always or almost always wrong Fortunately, in recent years the last decade, there has
(Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2009). Adults look, and then been increased interest in positive sexual development
they look the other way, and then they look again. Talk (Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2009). There are four dis-
about a love–hate relationship! tinct aspects to positive sexuality in adolescence that can
This same ambivalence is reflected in the way that serve as the basis for how parents and educators discuss
social scientists have studied adolescent sexuality. Sex sex with teenagers (Brooks-Gunn & Paikoff, 1993; Zimmer-
has always been a popular subject among adolescence Gembeck, Ducat, & Boislard-Pepin, 2011). First, the ado-
researchers. But rather than try to understand it, most lescent needs to come to feel comfortable with his or her
research focuses simply on enumerating it—counting how maturing body—its shape, size, and attractiveness. Second,
many people have done which things how often, at what the adolescent should accept having feelings of sexual
age, and with whom. Until fairly recently, the problematic arousal as normal and appropriate. Third, the adolescent
aspects of adolescent sexuality—-precocious sex, promis- needs to feel comfortable about choosing to engage in—or
cuous sex, unsafe sex, unwanted sex, and so forth—have not to engage in—various sexual activities; that is, healthy
received far more attention than its normative aspects sexual development involves understanding that sex is a
(Tolman & McClelland, 2011). This is not to make light of voluntary activity for oneself and for one’s partner. Finally,
these problems, which for many adolescents are very real. the adolescent (at least, one who is sexually active) must
But it is worth pointing out that the study of other aspects understand and practice safe sex—sex that avoids preg-
of adolescent psychosocial development is not similarly nancy and sexually transmitted infections.

about their sex organs and at a very early age derive

Sexuality as an Adolescent Issue pleasure from them. And, although sexual development
Like other aspects of psychosocial development, sexual- may be more dramatic and more obvious prior to adult-
ity is not an entirely new issue that surfaces for the first hood, it by no means ceases at the end of adolescence.
time during adolescence. Young children are curious Nonetheless, most of us would agree that adolescence is
a fundamentally important time—if not the most impor-
tant time in the life cycle—for the development of sexu-
ality. There are several reasons for this.

Puberty and Adolescent Sexuality Perhaps most

obvious is the link between adolescent sexuality and
puberty (Bogin, 2011; Diamond & Savin-Williams,
2011). The substantial increase in the sex drive that
takes place in early adolescence is the result of hormonal
changes. Moreover, not until puberty do individuals
become capable of sexual reproduction. Before puberty,
children are capable of kissing, fondling, masturbating,
and even having sexual intercourse, and erotic feelings
are reported by individuals prior to adolescence. Sexual
feelings do not suddenly switch on at puberty (Herdt
& McClintock, 2000). But not until puberty can males
ejaculate semen or do females ovulate, and the fact
that pregnancy is a possible outcome of sexual activ-
ity changes the nature and meaning of sexual behavior
markedly—for the adolescent and for others. Finally, not
Most individuals’ first experiences in sexual relationships occur until puberty do individuals develop the secondary sex
during adolescence. © Patrick Sheandell/PhotoAlto/Fotosearch RF characteristics that serve as a basis for sexual attraction
292 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

how to incorporate sex successfully and appropriately

into social relationships. Much of this task is cognitive
in nature, and much of it is made possible by the expan-
sion of intellectual abilities that takes place during the

Social Roles and Adolescent Sexuality In addition

to the influence of puberty and the growth of sophisti-
cated thinking on sexuality during adolescence, the new
social meaning given to sexual and dating behavior at
this time in the life cycle makes sexuality an especially
important psychosocial concern. Adolescence is a turn-
ing point in the development of sexuality because it
marks the onset of deliberate sexually motivated behav-
ior that is recognized, both by an adolescent and by oth-
ers, as primarily and explicitly sexual in nature. Sexual
activity in adolescence is motivated by more than hor-
mones. For many adolescents (especially girls, but boys
as well), sex is motivated by love and the desire for the
sort of serious emotional relationship that begins to take
on features of adult romance. For many adolescents
(especially boys, but girls as well), sex is motivated by
a desire to enhance their status with peers (Diamond &
Savin-Williams, 2009).

Sexual Activity During

Given the field’s historical focus on problematic
aspects of adolescent sexuality, such as precocious
sex (having sex at too young an age), promiscuous sex
(having sex with too many partners), unwanted sex
(having sex against one’s will), or unsafe sex (having
Although most research on adolescent sexuality has focused sex that can result in pregnancy or a sexually transmit-
on sexual intercourse, adolescents’ initial forays into the world
ted disease), most of the research conducted into the
of sex typically begin with less intimate sexual activity and grad-
ually build toward intercourse. © Stockbyte/Punchstock RF sexual behavior of adolescents has focused on sexual
intercourse (Tolman & McClelland, 2011). With the
possible exception of oral sex, adults have tended not
and as dramatic indicators that the young person is no to worry about sexual behavior other than intercourse,
longer physically a child. and worries about oral sex have surfaced only in recent
years, in response to exaggerated media reports about
Cognitive Change and Adolescent Sexuality The teenagers reporting giving or receiving oral sex promis-
increased importance of sexuality at adolescence is not cuously. Although national surveys show that slightly
solely a result of puberty. The cognitive changes of more teenagers have had oral sex than intercourse,
adolescence play a part in the changed nature of sexu- they also indicate that the vast majority of teenagers
ality as well. One obvious difference between the sex who have oral sex also engage in sexual intercourse,
play of children and the sexual activity of adolescents and that promiscuity is not the norm for either activity
is that children are not introspective or reflective about (Hensel, Fortenberry, & Orr, 2008; L. Lindberg, Jones,
sexual behavior. In contrast, sex during adolescence is & Santelli, 2008).
the subject of sometimes painful conjecture (“Will she Although adolescents’ involvement in sexual inter-
or won’t she?”), decision making (“Should I or shouldn’t course is an important topic, it is wise to remember
I?”), hypothetical thinking (“What if he wants to do it that a good deal of the sexual activity of adolescents—
tonight?”), and self-conscious concern (“Am I good- even sexually experienced adolescents—involves
looking enough?”). One of the chief tasks of adoles- activities other than sexual intercourse, such as kiss-
cence is to figure out how to deal with sexual desires and ing and touching parts of each other’s body (broadly CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 293

referred to as “noncoital activity,” or, to use a individuals have turned 16, about 80% have engaged in
more familiar term, “fooling around”) (Tolman & some type of noncoital activity with another person. By
McClelland, 2011). Moreover, because most indi- about 18, 80% have had either vaginal or oral sex; nearly
viduals do not begin their sexual experiences with all of those who hadn’t by 18 have done so before the
intercourse but progress toward it through stages of end of their 20s (Halpern & Haydon, 2012; Haydon,
gradually increasing intimacy, it is important to view Cheng, Herring, McRee, & Halpern, 2014).
intercourse as one activity in a long progression, The developmental progression of sexual behaviors,
rather than as an isolated behavior (Diamond & Savin- from less intimate to more intimate, has not changed
Williams, 2009). very much over the past 50 years, and the sequence
in which males and females engage in various sexual
activities is remarkably similar. According to recent,
Stages of Sexual Activity large-scale studies of American adolescents, holding
Before we turn to statistics on adolescent sexual activ- hands comes first, followed (in this order) by kissing,
ity, a word of caution is in order. Reports of sexual making out (kissing for a long time), feeling breasts
behavior vary markedly as a function of the ways in through clothes, feeling breasts under clothes, feeling
which questions are worded and data are collected. a penis through clothes, feeling a penis under clothes
When former president Bill Clinton, referring to his or while naked, feeling a vagina through clothes, feel-
affair with Monica Lewinsky, infamously said, “I did ing a vagina under clothes or while naked, and inter-
not have sexual relations with that woman,” what he course or oral sex. For about half of all adolescents,
meant (we assume) is that he did not have vaginal intercourse precedes oral sex by about a year and for
intercourse with her. Whether the possibility that they another third, both types of sex are initiated around
engaged in oral sex makes his statement false depends the same time; the rest report a range of different pat-
on what one takes the expression “sexual relations” to terns (Halpern & Haydon, 2012; Haydon, Herring,
mean. Prinstein, & Halpern, 2012). One worrisome finding
Similarly, when adolescents respond to questions is that most adolescents report talking about contra-
asking whether they have “had sex,” have been “sexu- ception after they first have intercourse, rather than
ally active,” or are “still a virgin,” it is not clear how before (O’Sullivan, Cheng, Harris, & Brooks-Gunn,
they interpret the question. Is genital touching “sex”? 2007). For most adolescents, this sequence of increas-
Are you a “virgin” if you have engaged in anal sex but ingly advanced behaviors unfolds gradually over time,
not vaginal intercourse? Adolescents, like adults, don’t but for a significant minority, it is compressed into a
always agree. And to make things even more compli- shorter interval (de Graaf, Vanwesenbeeck, Meijer,
cated, adolescents distinguish between acts that cul- Woertman, & Meeus, 2009). The expected timetable
minate in orgasm (which are more likely to be viewed for progressive sexual activities is faster among adoles-
as leading to a loss of virginity) and those that don’t cents who expect a relatively
(Bersamin, Fisher, Walker, Hill, & Grube, 2007). faster timetable for achieving autoerotic behavior
Moreover, adolescents who have engaged in a spe- autonomy from parents and Sexual behavior that is experi-
cific behavior are more likely to say that the behavior experimenting with drugs and enced alone, such as masturba-
tion or sexual fantasizing.
doesn’t “count” in their definition of losing one’s vir- alcohol, suggesting that ear-
ginity, which means that adolescents’ responses to sur- lier involvement in more inti-
veys about sex are biased by their actual experience. So mate forms of sex may be part of a larger pattern of
bear in mind that all figures to follow are necessarily earlier involvement in “adult” activities (Rosenthal &
approximate. Smith, 1997).
Most adolescents’ first experience with sex falls into
the category of autoerotic behavior—sexual behavior
that is experienced alone. The most common autoerotic
Sexual Intercourse During Adolescence
activities reported by adolescents are having erotic fan- Prevalence of Sexual Intercourse Estimates of
tasies (about three-quarters of all teenagers report hav- the prevalence of sexual intercourse among contem-
ing sexual fantasies) and masturbation (different surveys porary adolescents vary from study to study, depend-
yield different estimates, depending on the age of the ing on the nature of the sample surveyed, the year and
respondents and the wording of the questions, but about region in which the study was undertaken, the reliabil-
half of all adolescent boys and about one-fourth of all ity of the data gathered, and the wording of the ques-
adolescent girls masturbate prior to age 18) (Diamond & tions (Santelli, Lindberg, Abma, McNeely, & Resnick,
Savin-Williams, 2009). 2000). Adolescents do not always report their sexual
By the time most adolescents reach high school, they activity honestly or accurately. Males tend to over-
have made the transition from autoerotic behavior to state their level of activity and females tend to under-
sexual activity that involves another person. By the time state it (Kaestle, Halpern, Miller, & Ford, 2005). The
294 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

following paragraphs summarize what social scientists for the first time by age 13, compared to 4% among
have concluded from recent surveys with these caveats White boys and 9% of Hispanic boys. One recent study
in mind. of Black children found that about 15% of boys as young
Although regional and ethnic variations make it as 9 are already thinking about sex and that one-fifth of
difficult—if not misleading—to generalize about the 12-year-old boys expect to begin having sex within the
average age at which American adolescents initiate sex- next year (Miller et al., 2012). In all ethnic groups, the
ual intercourse, national surveys indicate that more ado- average reported age of first sex is slightly older among
lescents are sexually active at an earlier age today than females than males (Centers for Disease Control and
several decades ago, although this number has declined a Prevention, 2014a). Ethnic differences in the age of
bit (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014a). sexual initiation are far smaller among females, although
However, there has been a slight decrease in the propor- Hispanic and Asian American females generally have
tion of sexually experienced teenagers since the mid- their first sexual intercourse at a later age than is the case
1990s—in other words, compared to 25 years ago, fewer among their Black and White counterparts (Grunbaum,
adolescents are having sexual intercourse, but those who Lowry, Kann, & Pateman, 2000).
are do so at a somewhat earlier age (Diamond & Savin- One reason for the relatively high rate of early sexual
Williams, 2009). activity among Black males is the higher proportion of
The best estimates we have are that, by the end of Black youth who grow up in single-parent homes and
their sophomore year in high school, more than 40% of in poor neighborhoods, both of which, as you will read
American adolescents have had heterosexual vaginal later in this chapter, are risk factors for early sexual
intercourse (these estimates, which are based on large activity. Although first-generation Mexican American
national surveys, do not include same-sex intercourse or girls are more likely to become sexually active than
other types of sex, like oral or anal sex). By age 18, this either immigrant youth or those who are second-gen-
number has risen to about 65% (see Figure 1) (Centers eration Americans (Bámaca-Colbert, Greene, Killoren,
for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014a). Whatever & Noah, 2014; Killoren & Deutsch, 2014), girls who are
we might think about these figures, one conclusion is more Americanized and who have expectations for ear-
inescapable: Sexual intercourse during high school is lier autonomy are more likely than their less accultur-
now a part of the normative experience of adolescence ated peers to have sex at a younger age, to have multiple
in America. sex partners, to contract STDs, and to become pregnant
(J. Lee & Hahm, 2010; Ma et al., 2014; McDonald,
Ethnic Differences in Age of Sexual Initiation The Manlove, & Ikramullah, 2009), and more acculturated
average age at which American teenagers have inter- Asian American girls are more likely to be sexually
course for the first time is around 17 (Guttmacher active than their less Americanized peers (Hahm, Lahiff,
Institute, 2014). There are substantial ethnic differ- & Barreto, 2006). Studies also indicate that, among all
ences in age of sexual initiation, especially among males ethnic groups, rates of sexual activity are higher among
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014a). economically disadvantaged youth, although the gap in
Nearly one-fourth of Black boys report having had sex rates of sexual activity between rich and poor is sub-
stantially narrower now than it was a decade ago, again
pointing to the increasingly normative nature of sex-
100 ual intercourse among American teenagers (Singh &
Percent who had sexual intercourse

90 Female Darroch, 1999). The average age at first intercourse var-

80 Male ies considerably across nations; one survey of European
70 adolescents found that the proportion of 15-year-olds
who ever had intercourse ranged from 15% in Poland to
75% in Greenland (Madkour, Farhat, Halpern, Godeau,
& Gabhainn, 2010a). Adolescents’ beliefs about the age
40 at which it is OK to initiate sex vary across Europe as
30 well (see Figure 2) (Madkour et al., 2014).
20 For many girls, their first sexual experience is forced
10 (Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2009). Involuntary sex
0 is especially frequent among girls who have sex for
9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade
the first time when they are 12 or younger (Finer &
Figure 1 Nearly one-third of American 9th-graders Philbin, 2013); one-fourth of younger adolescents
have had sexual intercourse. By senior year, about report that their first intercourse was against their will,
two-thirds have. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in contrast to 10% of women whose first intercourse
2014a) was after age 18. Many other young women who report CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 295


Age norms for sexual initiation timing


youth cohort mean 16









Great Britain








Figure 2 Adolescents’ beliefs about the age at which it is acceptable to begin having sex vary across countries.
(Madkour et al., 2014).

that they had sex voluntarily the first time nevertheless year than during others. There are two seasonal peaks
report that they did not really want to have sex; girls in the timing of first intercourse: June and December
in relationships where the balance of power favors the (Levin, Xu, & Bartkowski, 2002) (see Figure 3). June
boy are more likely to have sex than those whose rela- and, to a lesser extent, May and July, are common
tionship is more equal (Giordano et al., 2010). Young months for first intercourse regardless of whether the
girls whose first partner was at least 7 years older are adolescents are romantically involved; December, how-
twice as likely as others to report having had voluntary ever, is a peak time only among adolescents who are
but unwanted intercourse (Abma, Driscoll, & Moore, with a serious boyfriend or girlfriend, and particularly
1998). Young adolescents, both male and female, with so among girls. Several explanations for these seasonal
a significantly older romantic partner are far more trends have been offered, including the general tendency
likely to have sexual intercourse than those whose for people to be more sexually active when the weather
partner is the same age (Kaestle, Morisky, & Wiley, is very hot or very cold and the fact that adolescents have
2002; Leitenberg & Saltzman, 2000; Loftus & Kelly, more unsupervised time when they are on summer or
2012). winter vacation. As for what has been called “the holi-
day effect” (the rise in sexual debuts among romantic
Timing of Sexual Initiation Adolescents are more partners in December)—well, you can probably figure
likely to lose their virginity during certain times of the that out for yourself.

Figure 3 Adolescents are most likely 0.8


to have intercourse for the first time dur- Romantic

ing early summer or in December. (Levin Nonromantic
et al., 2002) 0.4
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Month of first intercourse
296 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Changes in Sexual Activity Over Time Finally, the greatest increase in the prevalence of
intercourse among adolescents, and the greatest decline
Attitudes toward premarital intercourse during adoles- in the age at first intercourse, has been among females
cence became more liberal beginning in the mid-1960s (Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2009). Before 1965, there
and, especially, during the early 1970s. Accompanying were substantial gaps between the proportions of sexu-
this shift in attitudes was an equally noteworthy shift in ally active boys and girls. Since about 1965, the pro-
sexual behavior (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1994). portion of sexually experienced high school males has
nearly tripled, but the proportion of sexually experi-
Recent Historical Trends Three trends are of special enced high school females is about 5 times higher today.
interest. First, the overall percentage of American ado- Sex differences in rates of sexual intercourse today are
lescents who had engaged in premarital sex accelerated negligible, especially by age 15 (Centers for Disease
markedly during the early 1970s and again during the Control and Prevention, 2014a).
late 1980s, and then declined between 1995 and 2001; The bottom line: Whether adults approve or not, sexual
it has remained flat, at a little less than 50%, since then activity has become a normative part of the American teen-
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014a). ager’s life. And while many parents, educators, and other
The recent decline in the proportion of adolescents who adults are alarmed by sexual activity among the young,
have had sexual intercourse has not been paralleled by for most adolescents, sexual involvement is accompanied
a decline in the proportion of adolescents who are hav- by affection, emotional involvement, and commitment to
ing other types of sex—in fact, today’s teenagers are far a relationship. Although many high school students are
more “active” sexually than were previous generations sexually active on a regular basis, promiscuity is not the
(Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2009). It is likely that the norm (Singh & Darroch, 1999). According to recent data,
threat of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases 80% of sexually active high school girls, and 67% of sexu-
has led many adolescents to substitute a safer type of sex ally active high school boys, had intercourse with only
(such as oral sex, which, although safer than vaginal or one partner during the past 3 months, and the proportion
anal intercourse, still carries some risk) for intercourse, of adolescents who have had multiple sex partners has
with what appear to be the desired results: Adolescents decreased substantially over the past decade, although it is
who engage in oral sex, but not sexual intercourse, are still substantial today—15% of contemporary high school
less likely to feel guilty or used and less likely to con- students have had intercourse with four or more persons
tract a sexually transmitted infection (Brady & Halpern- (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014a).
Felsher, 2007). Rates of promiscuity vary considerably across localities,
Second, the proportion of individuals who have however, as Figure 4 illustrates.
sexual intercourse early in adolescence is substantial. About one-third of sexually active adolescents have
Although the median age at which adolescents first had intercourse with someone they are not in a roman-
engage in intercourse has remained somewhere between tic relationship with (Manning, Longmore, & Giordano,
16 and 17 for some time, today, nearly one-third of all 2005). Although many adults have expressed concern
contemporary American adolescents have had inter- about adolescents having sex with someone outside
course by the time they are 9th-graders, and more than the context of a dating relationship, or “hooking up,”
5% have had intercourse by age 13 (Centers for Disease these encounters are usually with someone the adoles-
Control and Prevention, 2014a). Among adolescents cent knows well, like a friend or ex-partner (sometimes
who have not had sex, fears of pregnancy and disease referred to as “friends with benefits”). And in one-third of
(including HIV/AIDS) are the most common reasons these “nonromantic” encounters, one of the persons was
for abstaining (Blinn-Pike, 1999; Loewensen, Ireland, & hoping that the friendship would turn into (or return to) a
Resnick, 2004). The figures on sexual activity among romantic relationship (Manning, Giordano, & Longmore,
younger adolescents are noteworthy, because the 2006). In other words, the broad category of “casual sex”
younger individuals are when they have sex, the more includes a wide range of behavior, from one-night stands
likely they are to have unprotected sex, exposing them- to emotionally close sex with a desired (but not yet com-
selves to the risks of pregnancy and STDs (Diamond & mitted) romantic partner (Williams & Russell, 2013).
Savin-Williams, 2009; Kaestle et al., 2005). (Because
Black males initiate sex at an earlier age, they are also Sex and Drugs One particular cause for concern is that
more likely than other adolescents to engage in risky sex the percentage of adolescents who use alcohol or other
[Fergus, Zimmerman, & Caldwell, 2007].) The fact that drugs prior to having sex has increased in recent years—
a large number of adolescents are sexually active before in one national survey, about one-fourth of American ado-
high school is also an important factor in discussions of lescents said they drank or used drugs before the last time
sex education, because programs that do not begin until they had sex, a behavior that is relatively more common
students’ later years of high school are probably too late among White and Hispanic male adolescents (Centers for
for a substantial number of young people. Disease Control and Prevention, 2014a). Not surprisingly, CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 297

Proportion with four or more partners






San Los Angeles New York Houston Miami Charlotte Chicago Boston Philadelphia Memphis
Francisco City

Figure 4 The rate of sexual promiscuity varies considerably across the United States. (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2014a)

sexual risk taking, as well as casual sex, is more likely disturbance (Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2011; Tolman
when alcohol or marijuana is involved, mainly because of & McClelland, 2011). Adolescents who are sexually
impaired judgment and loss of control (Bryan, Schmiege, active earlier than their peers have levels of self-esteem
& Magnan, 2012; Kiene, Barta, Tennen, & Armeli, 2009; and life satisfaction similar to those of other adolescents
Patrick, Maggs, & Lefkowitz, 2014). One study of British (Goodson, Buhi, & Dunsmore, 2006; Vrangalova &
adolescents found that one-fourth of those interviewed Savin-Williams, 2011). Losing one’s virginity does not
were so drunk during sex that they did not even remember have negative psychological repercussions, either in the
it (something that by no means is limited to teenagers in short or long term (Bingham & Crockett, 1996; Langer,
England), as these two 16-year-olds (the first male, the Zimmerman, & Katz, 1995), even when one’s sexual
second female) describe: debut is outside the context of a romantic relationship
(Monahan & Lee, 2008). Thus, both the belief that only
I’ve actually woken up next to a girl and I didn’t have a
clue who she was. And when I woke up I was like, “What’s
“troubled” adolescents have sex and the belief that sexual
your name? Like, Who were you?” She explained herself, activity during adolescence leads to later psychological
I couldn’t remember it, man. I was thinking, “How the hell disturbance are incorrect (Goodson, Buhi, & Dunsmore,
couldn’t I remember that?” . . . I don’t remember. 2006; A. M. Meier, 2007; Spriggs & Halpern, 2008).
It is important, however, to distinguish between predic-
I’ve had previous problems with alcohol where I’ve been
tors of being sexually active and predictors of engaging in
so drunk that I can’t actually remember things that have
happened and the next morning, or the next couple of
risky sex (unprotected sex, sex with multiple partners, etc.).
weeks, I get told about things and then it [having sex with Risky sex is associated with the same sorts of psychologi-
someone] suddenly comes back and I think, oh my God, cal and behavioral factors correlated with other forms of
what have I done? (L. M. Coleman & Cater, 2005, p. 656) risk taking (Dogan, Stockdale, Widaman, & Conger,
2010; Kirby, 2011; Lansford et al., 2010; Moilanen,
Crockett, Raffaelli, & Jones, 2010a; Price & Hyde, 2011;
The Sexually Active Adolescent Van Ryzin, Johnson, Leve, & Kim, 2011). One factor that
Psychological and Social isn’t correlated with risky sexual behavior, however, is
exposure to pornography (Luder et al., 2011).
Characteristics of Sexually Active Although sexually active adolescents do not differ
Adolescents psychologically from those who are not, early sexual
For many years, researchers studied the psychologi- activity (having intercourse before age 16) is associated
cal and social characteristics of sexually active adoles- with a more general attitudinal and behavioral profile that
cents on the assumption that these teenagers were more includes more permissive attitudes toward sex, experi-
troubled than their peers (either before or as a conse- mentation with drugs and alcohol, minor delinquency,
quence of becoming sexually active). This view has been low levels of religious involvement, lower interest in
replaced as sexual activity has become more prevalent academic achievement, and a stronger orientation toward
among “normal” adolescents. independence (Armour & Haynie, 2007; Cavazos-Rehg
et al., 2010; Harden & Mendle, 2011a; Lohman &
Sexual Activity and Psychological Development Billings, 2008). One study that measured adolescents’
Numerous studies show that sexual activity during ado- likelihood of losing their virginity found that individuals
lescence is decidedly not associated with psychological who fit the profile in 7th or 8th grade were 25 times more
298 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

not find major differences between these youth and their

virginal counterparts. Less is known about characteris-
tics of individuals who do not have sex at all during ado-
lescence, but the most consistent correlate of abstaining
from sex until after age 18 is strong religious commit-
ment (Zimmer-Gembeck & Helfand, 2008). Individuals
who don’t have sex for the first time until they are in
their 20s are less likely to marry or cohabit, but among
those who do, they report greater satisfaction with their
relationship than people who start having sex during
their teen years (Harden, 2012).

making the practical

Why do you think the psychological correlates of early
sexual intercourse are different from the correlates of
sexual intercourse when it is delayed until the last years
of high school? Would you be in favor of sex education
courses whose focus was on persuading adolescents to
Many adolescents have sex after drinking or using drugs, which
increases the likelihood of sexual risk-taking. © Monkey Business wait until they were 16 before having intercourse?
Images/ RF

likely to lose their virginity within the next 2 years than Causation or Correlation? Although many stud-
those who did not (L’Engle & Jackson, 2008; L’Engle, ies have found a link between early sexual activity
Jackson, & Brown, 2006) (see Figure 5). In the United and small-scale deviance, why they are correlated is
States, but not in all countries, early sexual intercourse is not entirely clear (Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2009;
also associated with higher rates of depression (Madkour Zimmer-Gembeck, Siebenbruner, & Collins, 2004).
et al., 2010b), especially when it takes place outside the There is little support for the idea that early sex leads to
context of a romantic relationship (Mendle, Ferrero, other types of risky or antisocial activity. Just the oppo-
Moore, & Harden, 2013). In contrast, studies of adoles- site: Several studies show that involvement in deviance
cents who become sexually active at age 16 or later do (especially alcohol and drug use, but aggression and

None Low High


Peer sexual

with mother

with father













Figure 5 Characteristics that distinguish adolescents who are low, moderate, or high in their likelihood of becoming
sexually active. (L’Engle, Jackson, & Brown, 2006) CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 299

bullying as well) precedes early involvement with sex

(Boisard, Dussault, Brendgen, & Vitaro, 2013; Holt,
Matjasko, Espelage, Reid, & Koenig, 2013; Lansford,
Dodge, Fontaine, Bates, & Pettit, 2014; Parkes et al.,
2014). But some studies find that experimentation with
deviant activity and early sex are connected because they
share some common underlying factor, such as impulsiv-
ity or the propensity to take risks (Derefinko et al., 2014;
Harden, Mendle, Hill, Turkheimer, & Emery, 2008).
Many experts believe that a general inclination
toward problem behavior and lack of impulse control
is behind an overarching pattern that includes minor
delinquency, precocious or promiscuous sex, disengage-
ment from school, and drug and alcohol use (Crockett
et al., 2006; Goldenberg, Telzer, Lieberman, Fuligni, &
Galván, 2013; Khurana et al., 2012; Parkes et al., 2014).
Engaging in delinquency and in casual sex are influ-
enced by some of the same genes, but that delinquency
Adolescents who go through puberty earlier than their peers
and sex within a romantic relationship are not, consis- are more likely to start having sex earlier, too. © UpperCut
tent with other research on the genetic bases of traits like Images/Alamy images RF
sensation-seeking and impulsivity (Harden & Mendle,
2011c). It probably makes sense to view sexual risk tak- social influences in interaction testosterone
ing as a specific instance of risky behavior more gener- with each other, rather than at One of the sex hormones
ally (Huang, Murphy, & Hser, 2012; Madkour, Farhat, either set of influences alone secreted by the gonads, found
Halpern, Godeau, & Gabhainn, 2010a; Secor-Turner, (Halpern, 2003). And the story in both sexes but in higher lev-
McMorris, Sieving, & Bearinger, 2013). line is different for males than els among males than females.
Another factor that affects adolescents’ sexual activity females.
is the extent to which they are supervised by their parents
or other adults. Most sexual activity between teenagers Hormonal Influences Boys’ and girls’ initial inter-
takes place in one of the two individuals’ homes—most est in sex is influenced primarily by the surge in cer-
often, the boy’s. (The third most popular setting is at the tain hormones at puberty—testosterone, to be specific.
home of another friend.) And the most common time for Adolescents with higher levels of androgens (testosterone
adolescents to have sex is not on the weekend, but on is an androgen) are more likely than their peers to report
weekdays, after school. Adolescents who are unsuper- masturbating, thinking about sex, and planning to have
vised after school and who do not participate in after- sexual intercourse within the next year. This hormonal
school programs are more likely to be sexually active, change appears to increase adolescents’ interest in sex
more likely to have multiple sexual partners, and more as well as their arousal when exposed to sexual stimuli.
likely to contract an STD (Buhi & Goodson, 2007; This is true for both males and females, although females’
D. Cohen, Farley, Taylor, Martin, & Schuster, 2002). interest in sex is also influenced by estrogen.
Motivation to have sex is one thing; becoming sexu-
Hormonal and Contextual Influences ally active is another. How important is the rise in tes-
tosterone at puberty in triggering the onset of sexual
on Sexual Activity intercourse? The answer differs between boys and girls.
One factor that is consistently related to the age at Among boys, the increased level of androgens is directly
which adolescents initiate sex is physical maturation. related to the likelihood of being sexually active (B. C.
Adolescents who mature earlier are also likely to have Campbell, Prossinger, & Mbzivo, 2005). Younger boys
sex earlier, including both risky and non-risky sex who are more mature biologically are more likely to be
(Baams, Dubas, Overbeek, & van Aken, 2015; Diamond sexually active than older boys whose hormone levels
& Savin-Williams, 2009; Lam et al., 2002). Increased are lower. Early-maturing boys also are more likely than
interest in sex at adolescence is likely to have social their peers to download pornography off the Internet
as well as biological causes, however. Adolescents are (Skoog, Stattin, & Kerr, 2009).
thought to become interested in sex in part because of Whether boys actually have sex is not entirely depen-
increases in sex hormones at puberty and in part because dent on their hormone levels, however, because actually
sexual activity becomes accepted—even encouraged— having sex depends on how receptive girls are to them. Not
in their peer group. A fuller understanding of adolescent surprisingly, boys who are more popular with girls in their
sexual behavior necessitates looking at biological and school are more likely to initiate sex early than are boys
300 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

who are less popular with girls. Sex hormones do not just Why might this be? One explanation is that boys
contribute to increases in boys’ sex drive—they also affect develop in an environment that is more uniformly toler-
height, strength, and the development of secondary sex ant and encouraging of sexual behavior than do girls.
characteristics, like facial hair. In other words, increases All that boys need to become sexually active is the bio-
in androgens lead to boys’ increased sexual activity both logical jolt from the increase in androgens at puberty—
because they increase their sex drive (which may make there is nothing in the environment to hold them back.
boys with higher testosterone levels want to have sex For girls, however, the environment is more varied.
more) and because they change their physical appearance Some girls develop within a context that permits and
(which may make them more attractive to girls). even encourages sexual activity; others do not. Although
Hormonal influences on sexual desire and physi- the increase in androgens also provides a jolt to the sex
cal appearance are easier to separate in girls. Although drive of the adolescent girl, and although the increase
androgens also are responsible for increases in girls’ sex in estrogens makes her more attractive to boys, if she
drive, a different set of hormones—estrogens—is primar- develops within a context that places strong social con-
ily responsible for changes in their appearance, includ- trols on sexual activity, this hormonal awakening will
ing breast development. Because of this, it is possible to not be translated into sexual activity. Among the most
study whether increased sexual activity among girls after important forces in this context are parents and peers.
puberty is more influenced by increases in their sex drive
or by changes in their physical appearance (both of which, Parental and Peer Influences
presumably, influence their sexual attractiveness to boys).
It turns out that differences in adolescent girls’ sexual
on Sexual Activity
activity have little to do with differences in their androgen Many researchers have asked whether adolescents who
levels but is correlated with differences in their estrogen become sexually active earlier than their peers have dif-
levels. Estrogen influences girls’ sexual activity mainly ferent sorts of relationships with their parents or their
through its impact on their physical attractiveness to boys. peers. The answer is clear: Not surprisingly, given the
Of course, girls’ involvement in sex is not solely deter- correlation between early sexual activity and other
mined by whether boys want them as sexual partners. Girls’ forms of problem behavior, adolescents from authori-
own interest in sex and their receptivity to boys’ interest in tative homes—that is, homes where parents are warm,
them are also crucial. But in girls, it turns out, these factors are involved in their adolescent’s life, and monitor their
are much more determined by context than by biology. adolescent’s behavior—are less likely to become sexu-
ally active at an early age and less likely to engage in
The Role of Context Social factors are far more risky sexual activity, such as having unprotected sex (de
important in influencing girls’ involvement in sexual Graaf, Vanwesenbeeck, Meijer, Woertman, & Meeus,
intercourse than boys’ (Crockett, Bingham, Chopak, & 2009; Ellis, Schlomer, Tilley, & Butler, 2012; Kan,
Vicary, 1996; D. B. Henry, Schoeny, Deptula, & Slavick, Cheng, Landale, & McHale, 2010; Pingel et al., 2012;
2007). Although increases in androgens lead to increased Van Campen & Romero, 2012). Parent-adolescent
interest in sex among girls, and although increases in conflict is also associated with early sexual activity,
estrogens lead to increased attractiveness to boys, whether especially among adolescents who are relatively more
this interest and attractiveness are translated into behavior mature physically (McBride, Paikoff, & Holmbeck,
depends largely on the social environment (Diamond & 2003). These strong and consistent links between effec-
Savin-Williams, 2009). Among girls with high levels of tive parenting and safer sexual behavior have been found
androgens, for example, those who have sexually permis- across ethnic groups (Biddlecom, Awusabo-Asare, &
sive attitudes and whose friends are sexually active are Bankole, 2009; Meschke, Bartholomae, & Zentall, 2000;
more likely to engage in intercourse. But girls whose B. Miller, Benson, & Galbraith, 2001). Consistent with
social environment is less encouraging of sex—even the idea that the underpinnings of risky sexual behavior
those with high levels of androgens—are unlikely to are the underpinnings of risky behavior more generally,
be sexually active. In other words, whereas hormones one recent study of Black youth found that sexual risk tak-
seem to have a direct and powerful effect on the sexual ing was the outcome of a pathway that included subop-
behavior of boys, the impact of hormones on the sexual timal parenting, academic disengagement, and affiliation
behavior of girls seems to depend on the social context. with risk-taking peers (Kogan et al., 2011) (see Figure 6).

Positive view
Suboptimal Academic of risk-taking Risk-taking Sexual
parenting disengagement peers peers risk-taking

Figure 6 The antecedents of risky sexual behavior are similar to the antecedents of risk taking more generally.
(Kogan et al., 2011) CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 301

Parent-Adolescent Communication A great deal et al., 1999; K. Miller, Levin, Whitaker, & Xu, 1998).
of attention has been devoted by researchers to the study Adolescents are more likely to be well educated about
of parent-adolescent communication about sex, although sex when their conversations with their parents are genu-
it is quite clear from this research that any conclusions inely interactive, rather than dominated by the parents
you might draw about the nature and impact of these (Lefkowitz, Romo, Corona, Au, & Sigman, 2000). This
conversations depends on whom you ask. Many more is important because conversations between mothers and
parents report communicating with their adolescent daughters about sex tend to be more interactive than con-
about sex than vice versa. In addition, parents often say versations between mothers and sons (Lefkowitz, Boone,
that they have communicated about a particular topic Sigman, & Kit-fong Au, 2002). Perhaps because of this,
(such as AIDS) when their teenager says they have not parent-adolescent communication about sex is more pre-
(K. Miller, Kotchick, Dorsey, Forehand, & Ham, 1998). dictive of daughters’ behavior than of sons’ (McNeely et
Other discrepancies abound as well. Parents underesti- al., 2002). Conversations about sex are very infrequent in
mate their adolescents’ sexual activity and unrealistically Asian American homes (J. L. Kim & Ward, 2007).
assume that if they disapprove of it, their adolescents It is often assumed that it is beneficial for adolescents
are not likely to be sexually active. On the other hand, to discuss sex with their parents; however, the effect
sexually active adolescents underestimate their par- of parent-child communication on adolescents’ sexual
ents’ disapproval of sexual activity (Jaccard, Dittus, & behavior depends on who is doing the communicating
Gordon, 1998). Generally, teenagers are more likely to and what is being communicated. Overall, the impact of
talk about sex with mothers than fathers, and they rate parent-adolescent communication on the likelihood of an
their mothers as better sex educators (Raffaelli & Green, adolescent being sexually active is very small (B. Miller
2003). Adolescents also are likely to be more receptive et al., 2001; Paikoff et al., 1997). Parent-child commu-
to having multiple conversations over a period of time nication specifically about contraception lowers the rate
about sex than to having one “big talk” (Martino, Elliott, of risky sex (Aspy et al., 2007; Donenberg, Emerson, &
Corona, Kanouse, & Schuster, 2008). Mackesy-Amiti, 2011; Hutchinson, Jemmott, Jemmott,
Most discussions parents and teenagers have about Braverman, & Fong, 2003; K. Miller & Whitaker, 2001),
sex focus on issues of safety (AIDS, condom use) rather however, especially if the discussions take place before
than issues of sexual behavior or relationships (DiIorio the adolescent becomes sexually active (K. Miller, Levin,
Whitaker, & Xu, 1998). Communication with older sib-
lings about safe sex is also effective (Kolburn Kowal &
Blinn-Pike, 2004).
A growing body of research suggests that what is most
important are the attitudes and values communicated by
parents during discussions of sex and the ways in which
these attitudes and values are interpreted by the adoles-
cent (Bersamin, Walker, Waiters, Fisher, & Grube, 2005;
Deutsch & Crockett, 2015; Khurana & Cooksey, 2012;
Longmore, Eng, Giordano, & Manning, 2009). Among
girls with liberal parents, talking about sex is associated
with more sexual activity, but this is not true among girls
with parents who disapprove of premarital sex (Dittus &
Jaccard, 2000; Fingerson, 2005; Usher-Seriki, Bynum,
& Callands, 2008). In Hispanic families, in which paren-
tal attitudes about sex tend to be relatively more con-
servative, communication with adolescents about values
and beliefs concerning sex is associated with less sexual
activity, but the degree to which parents directly cau-
tion their teenagers against sex does not seem to make
a difference (Romo, Lefkowitz, Sigman, & Au, 2002).
In addition, adolescents who speak regularly with their
parents about sex are more likely to turn down unwanted
sex when they are pressured by others (Sionéan et al.,
2002). Studies find that it is important for parents to
maintain a close relationship with their teenager after
Talking to teenagers about sex does not increase their likeli-
hood of becoming sexually active, but may encourage adoles-
the adolescent has become sexually active and to resist
cents to practice safe sex. the temptation to pull away in anger over the teenager’s
© SW Productions/Photodisc/Getty Images RF behavior (G. Ream & Savin-Williams, 2005).
302 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

In summary, parent-adolescent communication about household has one parent or two, and as a result, boys
sex is more effective in deterring risky sexual activity than from single- and two-parent homes may be equally likely
in promoting abstinence, and even here, the effect that to be sexually active. Girls’ sexual behavior, in contrast,
parents have is small. Thus, despite some parents’ beliefs may be more subject to parental controls. Single-parent
that they can prevent their adolescent’s sexual activity by homes are typically more permissive than two-parent
talking about it, and despite other parents’ fears that talk- homes (Laursen & Collins, 2009), and this difference
ing about sex will have the unintended effect of encour- in control may be enough to make a difference in girls’
aging their teenager’s sexual behavior, parent-adolescent sexual activity.
communication about sex has surprisingly little impact A second possibility is that many single-parent moth-
on whether adolescents are sexually active, one way or ers are likely to be dating and, in so doing, may inadver-
the other. While it is possible to teach parents how to tently be role models of sexual activity to their adolescents
talk more effectively to their teenagers about sex, it is not (Ivanova, Mills, & Veenstra, 2014). To the extent that this
clear that doing so leads to dramatic changes in teenagers’ modeling effect is stronger between parents and children
knowledge, attitudes, or behavior (Lefkowitz, Sigman, of the same sex, we would expect to find a more power-
& Au, 2000). Adolescents’ opportunity to have sex (for ful effect of growing up in a single-parent home on the
example, whether they are in a steady relationship or date sexual behavior of daughters than sons.
frequently), their having sexually active friends, and their Yet a third possibility is that girls are more likely
use of alcohol and drugs are far better predictors of early than boys to respond to problems at home by going out-
sexual initiation than is parent-adolescent communica- side the family for alternative sources of warmth and
tion (M. Black, Ricardo, & Stanton, 1997; B. Miller et al., support. If their family environment is not satisfying,
1997; Whitbeck, Yoder, Hoyt, & Conger, 1999). girls (whether in divorced homes or not) may be more
likely than boys to seek the attention of a romantic part-
Sexual Activity and Household Composition One ner (Whitbeck, Hoyt, Miller, & Kao, 1992). During or
family factor that does predict adolescent sexual involve- immediately following their parents’ divorce, girls may
ment, however—especially among girls—is household seek the support of individuals with whom they become
composition. Adolescents whose parents are in the pro- sexually involved.
cess of divorcing as well as those who live in single- Finally, some researchers suggest that the link
parent households—regardless of when (or if) a divorce between growing up in a single-parent household and
took place—are more likely to be sexually active ear- earlier involvement in sex is genetic in a way that is spe-
lier than their peers (Ellis et al., 2003; Ryan, 2015). One cific to girls. They have shown that the same gene that
hypothesis is that parental divorce temporarily disrupts makes men more likely to leave their family may, when
the parent-child relationship, leading the adolescent into passed on to daughters, make adolescent girls more
early involvement with drugs, alcohol, and minor delin- likely to go through puberty early and become sexually
quency, which, according to some studies, increases the active at an earlier age (Comings, Muhleman, Johnson,
likelihood of sex. In other words, it is not family struc- & MacMurray, 2002).
ture per se, but the quality of family relationships in
divorced homes, that helps explain why girls from single- Influences Other Than Parents Additional studies
parent homes are more sexually active at an earlier age have examined the influence of forces other than parents
(E. Davis & Friel, 2001). Another possibility is that some on adolescents’ sexual behavior. Generally, adolescents
of the same personality characteristics that are associ- are more likely to be sexually active when their peers
ated with adults’ marital instability, like impulsivity and are (and more likely to engage in risky sex when their
substance abuse, are transmitted genetically from par- peers do) (D. B. Henry et al., 2007); when they believe
ents to children, making adolescents with divorced par- that their friends are sexually active, whether or not
ents more likely to engage in early sex; in other words, it their friends actually are (Babalola, 2004; DiIorio et al.,
may not only be what divorced parents do, but who they 2001; Prinstein, Meade, & Cohen, 2003); and when they
are (Mendle et al., 2009). Adolescents whose mothers have older siblings who model more sexually advanced
had been sexually active at an early age are themselves behavior (East, 2009). Although religious involvement
more likely to begin having sex early (Mott, Fondell, Hu, deters adolescents’ sexual activity, regular church atten-
Kowaleski-Jones, & Menaghan, 1996). dance is associated with delayed sexual activity only
Why should growing up in a single-parent home among adolescents whose friends attend the same church
affect girls’ sexual behavior more than boys’? At least (Mott et al., 1996). Importantly, adolescents whose par-
four possibilities exist. One, as noted earlier, is that ents discuss sex with them in an open and understanding
social influences on girls’ sexual behavior are stronger way are less influenced by having sexually active peers
and more varied than are the influences on boys’ behav- (Fasula & Miller, 2006; Whitaker & Miller, 2000).
ior. Parents simply may not attempt to exert much con- Peer influences on adolescents’ sexual activity appear
trol over sons’ sexual activity, regardless of whether the to operate in two different, but compatible, ways. First, CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 303

when an adolescent’s peers are sexually active, they

establish a normative standard that having sex is accept-
able (Kogan et al., 2011; White & Warner, 2015). One of
the reasons that minor drug use is associated with earlier
involvement in sexual activity is that drug use may lead
an adolescent to form friendships with a different group
of friends, a group that is sexually more permissive
(D. French & Dishion, 2003; Whitbeck, Conger, Simons,
& Kao, 1993). Adolescents’ initiation of sexual activity
varies from neighborhood to neighborhood, with earlier
sexual activity more likely in relatively more disorga-
nized neighborhoods, where adults have little control
over teenagers and where peer groups are relatively more
powerful (Carlson, McNulty, Bellair, & Watts, 2014;
T. Leventhal, Dupéré, & Brooks-Gunn, 2009); the effect
of living in a disadvantaged neighborhood on early
sexual initiation is exacerbated by parental hostility
(Gardner, Martin, & Brooks-Gunn, 2012). Generally, the
Over the past two decades, several million American adoles-
more individual risk factors there are in an adolescent’s cents have taken a virginity pledge, promising to abstain from
life for involvement in early sexual activity (for example, sex until they are married. Research has found, however, that
drug and alcohol use, poor parental monitoring, sexu- high school students who have pledged to remain virgins are just
ally active friends, antisocial peers, disengagement from as likely to have sex as those who haven’t made such pledges.
school, a disadvantaged neighborhood), the more likely © Johannes Kroemer/Visum/The Image Works
the adolescent is to be sexually active (Small & Luster,
1994). The factors that place adolescents at risk for early school students. Among high risk factors
sexual activity are the same across ethnic groups (D. school students, “pledgers” are Factors that increase the
Perkins, Luster, Villarruel, & Small, 1998). One study of just as likely to have sex (includ- likelihood of some behavior or
girls in nine European countries found that although the ing intercourse, oral sex, and condition.
percent of girls who became sexually active by 15 var- anal sex) as “nonpledgers.” And
ied across the countries—from 33% in Finland to 10% longitudinal studies show that
in Greece—in all locations, adolescents were especially after having sex, adolescents who had taken a virginity
likely to have sex early when their parents had little pledge frequently deny having made one (Hollander, 2006;
knowledge of their whereabouts and friends (Madkour, Rosenbaum, 2006). One study found that 82% of the ado-
Farhat, Halpern, Gabhainn, & Godeau, 2012). lescents who took a virginity pledge denied having done
Peers also influence each other’s sexual behavior so 5 years later (Rosenbaum, 2009)! Ironically, one way in
directly, either through communication among friends which those who take a virginity pledge differ from their
(“You haven’t done it yet! What’s the matter with you?” nonpledging peers is that those who take the pledge are
“You’re thinking of doing what?”) or, more commonly, less likely to use contraception, suggesting that encourag-
between potential sex partners. Several studies show that ing abstinence may actually promote unsafe sex (as you
sexual activity spreads within a community of adoles- will read later, it does) (Rosenbaum, 2009). The impact of
cents much like an epidemic, with sexually experienced pledging varies as a function of how many other adoles-
adolescents initiating their less experienced partners into cents in the same school have taken the pledge. Pledging
increasingly more advanced sex (J. Rodgers & Rowe, has little effect in schools in which few students take virgin-
1993). Once they become sexually experienced, pre- ity pledges (presumably because there is little encourage-
viously inexperienced adolescents then “infect” other ment of abstinence) or in schools in which nearly everyone
adolescents. Over time, the percentage of sexually experi- pledges (because one of the ways in which pledging works
enced adolescents within a community grows and grows. is by allowing those who pledge to make a statement about
their values). Making a promise to oneself to delay becom-
Virginity Pledges Studies of “virginity pledges” also ing sexually active is more effective than making a for-
shed light on the way in which the social context can influ- mal, public pledge (Bersamin, Walker, Waiters, Fisher, &
ence adolescent sexual activity (Bearman & Brückner, Grube, 2005).
2001; Rosenbaum, 2009). Over the past 30 years, several Finally, several studies have examined the role of the
million American adolescents have taken a virginity pledge, broader environment in influencing adolescent sexual
promising to abstain from sex until they are married. How behavior. Adolescents growing up in poor neighbor-
effective is this? Research finds that virginity pledges work hoods, for example, are more likely to engage in early
only for younger adolescents—they have no effect on high sexual activity than adolescents from more affluent
304 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

communities (Dupéré, Lacourse, Willms, Leventhal, & common immediate reactions among adolescent males
Tremblay, 2008; T. Leventhal et al., 2009). When ado- to having intercourse for the first time are excitement,
lescents grow up in poverty, they may see little hope for satisfaction, exhilaration, and happiness (Diamond &
the future, and they therefore may be more likely to risk Savin-Williams, 2009; Oswald, Bahne, & Feder, 1994).
their occupational and economic future by becoming Here’s how one 14-year-old boy described his first time,
sexually active (Raiford et al., 2014). To a young person which was outside of a romantic relationship:
who believes that the chances of getting a good job are
It was really terrific . . . the sex itself felt good, yeah, but
slim, an early pregnancy does not seem as costly as it when you come, that’s really the nicest feeling that I’ve
might to someone who hopes to complete high school, ever had. . . . The sex itself, I thought that it would have
attend college, and secure a good job. Adolescents’ sex- been better, the whole time, but coming, I hadn’t expected
ual behavior is more strongly influenced by the values that it would be that good. (Symons, Vermeersch, & Van
and attitudes of their schoolmates than the characteristics Houtte, 2014, pp. 547–548)
of their neighborhood, however (Teitler & Weiss, 2000).
Or, consider this unemotional response from a
Sex Differences in the Meaning of Sex It wasn’t the fairly tale story that I had imagined about
Any discussion of the psychosocial significance of losing virginity. I can’t even say what it was. Yeah, sex,
sexual experience during adolescence must be sensi- nothing more than that. (Symons, Vermeersch, & Van
tive to the very substantial sex differences in how early Houtte, 2014, p. 548)
sexual activity is experienced. Despite the convergence
of males’ and females’ rates of sexual activity in recent
decades, the early sexual experiences of adolescent boys making the personal
and girls are still very different and, as a consequence, are connection
imbued with very different meanings (Diamond & Savin- If you are sexually experienced, see if you can recall the
Williams, 2009). In other words, first time you had sex. What was your immediate reaction?
sexual socialization the sexual behavior of males and
The process through which females may be similar, but the
adolescents are exposed to sexual socialization of males The Way Girls Feel The typical girl’s first experience
and educated about sexuality.
and females is quite different. and feelings afterward are likely to be very different.
Masturbation is far less prevalent among girls than boys,
The Way Boys Feel The typical boy’s first sexual and it is far less regularly practiced (Diamond & Savin-
experience is masturbation in early adolescence Williams, 2009). As a consequence, the typical adoles-
(Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2009). At the outset, then, cent girl, in contrast to the typical boy, is more likely to
the sexual socialization of males typically places sex out- experience sex for the first time with another person. For
side of an interpersonal context. Before adolescent boys girls, unlike boys, the development of sexuality involves
begin dating, they have generally already experienced the integration of sexual activity into an already exist-
orgasm and know how to arouse themselves. For males, ing capacity for intimacy and emotional involvement.
the development of sexuality during adolescence revolves As a consequence, the girl’s sexual script is one that,
around efforts to integrate the capacity to form close from the outset, tinges sex with romance, love, friend-
relationships into an already existing sense of sexual ship, and intimacy. Girls are more likely than boys to
capability. engage in sex in order to enhance an emotional connec-
Perhaps because of this, at the time of first inter- tion (Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2009). Compare these
course, boys are likely to keep matters of sex and inti- 14-year-old girls’ reactions to those of the two boys who
macy separate. Boys often have as their first partner were quoted earlier:
someone they just met or describe as a casual date, and It’s a whole new experience and you love that person
it is generally the male partner of a couple who is likely and you long for him, and yeah, it’s a step further in your
to initiate sex (Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2009). The relationship . . . I think that you trust each other more, you
early sexual experiences of males are often interpreted give yourself more to that person and the bond grows.
not in terms of intimacy and emotional involvement, but You get closer to each other. (Symons, Vermeersch, &
in terms of recreation (Hendrick & Hendrick, 1994). Van Houtte, 2014, p. 547)
Consistent with this, boys are more likely than girls to It was fun, and intimate, mainly intimate actually. I mean,
mention sexual arousal (rather than emotional factors) he was really sweet. But apart from that, I can’t say that
as a reason for having sex (Eyre & Millstein, 1999). I really enjoyed it. I mean, it mainly just hurt. I thought
And males typically report that the people to whom “I just have to go through this.” I think that, even if I had
they describe their first sexual liaison—most probably, waited another year, it would have hurt just as much.
male peers—are overwhelmingly approving. The most (Symons, Vermeersch, & Van Houtte, 2014, pp. 548–549) CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 305

Boys and girls also encounter very different social exclusively heterosexual (Ott, Corliss, Wypij, Rosario,
attitudes about sex. Because of the possibility of preg- & Austin, 2011; Zhao, Montoro, Igartua, & Thombs,
nancy, the potential adverse consequences of sexual 2010).
activity are far more serious for girls than for boys. For Researchers have not found consistent predictors that
this reason, society monitors the sexual activity of girls distinguish individuals who experiment with same-sex
more carefully, and girls are more likely to be encour- relations in adolescence and who later identify them-
aged to approach sex cautiously (Rosenthal, 1994). Girls selves as gay, lesbian, or bisexual from those whose
have an easier time saying no to unwanted sex than do experimentation during adolescence is passing and who
boys (R. Zimmerman, Sprecher, Langer, & Holloway, later identify themselves as exclusively heterosexual. By
1995). the same token, the majority of gay, lesbian, and bisexual
The adolescent girl’s first sexual partner is likely to adults engaged in heterosexual activity during adoles-
be someone she says she was in love with at the time cence. As two experts noted, “contrary to the widespread
(Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2009). After losing her notion that desire, behavior, and identity coalesce neatly
virginity, she is more likely to encounter disapproval or in adolescence and young adulthood to signal an unam-
mixed feelings on the part of others in whom she con- biguously heterosexual or homosexual orientation, the
fides (generally, peers) than is the typical boy (Diamond reality is much more complicated” (Diamond & Savin-
& Savin-Williams, 2009). And although the majority of Williams, 2009, p. 505).
girls report more positive than negative feelings about It is important to distinguish between homosexual-
their first sexual experience, girls are more likely than ity as an exclusive preference and homosexuality as an
boys to report feeling afraid, guilty, and worried as well interest that may exist simultaneously with strong het-
as happy or excited about the experience (Diamond & erosexual interests (Diamond & Savin-Williams, 2009;
Savin-Williams, 2009; Oswald et al., 1994). Russell, Thompson, & Harris, 2011). Many people
Differences between males and females in the mean- mistakenly view sexual orientation as an “either-or”
ing of sex are neither inevitable nor consistent across attribute, with individuals being either exclusively het-
cultures or historical time. Nor is it the case that all ado- erosexual or exclusively homosexual. In fact, however,
lescent boys follow the male script and all adolescent of the individuals who do not develop an exclusive pref-
girls follow the female one. In fact, “girls are more sexu- erence for heterosexual relationships (about 10% of the
ally oriented and boys more romantically oriented than adult population), only one-third are exclusively homo-
previous research might suggest” (Diamond & Savin- sexual in their orientation. Twice as many describe them-
Williams, 2009, p. 514). Moreover, as they mature, selves as bisexual. Between 2% and 3% of adult men and
adolescent boys and girls become more similar in their women describe themselves as exclusively homosexual
motives to have sex (males increasingly emphasize the (IOM and NRC, 2011b).
place of sex in an emotional relationship and place less The development of sexual orientation follows differ-
importance on the role of sex in elevating their social ent patterns among sexual minority males and females
status, whereas females become less likely to justify (Saewyc, 2011). Males are more likely to have had
their interest in sex solely in terms of their intimate same-sex relations before identifying themselves as gay
relationships). or bisexual, whereas the reverse sequence is more char-
acteristic among females. And whereas more lesbian and
bisexual females had heterosexual experiences before
Sexual Orientation their first same-sex sexual activity, the opposite is true
Same-Sex Attraction It is not uncommon for young for males. In addition, females who have had same-sex
adolescents to engage in sex play with members of the contact during adolescence almost always pursue same-
same sex, to have sexual fantasies about people of the sex contact in adulthood (whereas the same is not true
same sex, or to have questions about the nature of their for males—only about 60% do) (Diamond & Savin-
feelings for same-sex peers (Diamond & Savin-Williams, Williams, 2009).
2009). According to the national (and confidential)
Add Health survey, about 6% of boys and 13% of girls The Antecedents of Homosexuality Studies of the
reported having had same-sex attractions, a homosexual antecedents of homosexuality generally have focused on
or bisexual preference, or engaging in same-sex activity two sets of factors: biological influences, such as hor-
during adolescence. A smaller number of adolescents— mones, and social influences, such as the parent-child
between 2% and 5%—identify themselves as gay, les- relationship. More is known about the development of
bian, or bisexual, and this number increases to about 10% homosexuality among men than among women, but the
among adults (IOM and NRC, 2011b). Between 2% and weight of the evidence suggests that an adolescent’s
3% of adolescents describe themselves as “unsure” of sexual orientation is likely to be shaped by a complex
their sexual orientation; when they are a bit older, about interaction of social and biological influences (Saewyc,
two-thirds of these individuals describe themselves as 2011; Savin-Williams, 2006).
306 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Support for the contention that homosexuality is

determined at least partly by biological factors comes
from two sources. The hormonal changes of puberty
activate sexual behavior, but the particular pattern of
sexual behavior that is activated may depend on the way
in which hormonal pathways in the brain were organized
early in life. There is some evidence that gay and les-
bian adults may have been exposed prenatally to certain
hormones that, in theory, could affect sexual orienta-
tion and gender-atypical behavioral preferences through
their effects on early brain organization (Saewyc, 2011).
Second, some evidence indicates that homosexuality has
a strong genetic component, since sexual orientation is
more likely to be similar among close relatives than dis-
tant relatives, and between identical twins than fraternal
twins (Savin-Williams, 2006). Although environmen-
tal explanations for this similarity cannot be ruled out,
chances are that at least some of the predisposition to
develop a homosexual orientation is inherited (Saewyc,
2011). Same-sex attraction does not spread through ado-
lescent social networks, which would be the case if its
determinants were largely environmental (Brakefield et
al., 2014).
Several studies suggest as well that a higher pro-
portion of homosexuals than heterosexuals report
having had problems in their early family relationships—
specifically, in their relationship with their father. The
stereotype of the homosexual’s father as cold and distant
once was rejected as an artifact of popular stereotype Sexual orientation is influenced by a complex interplay of bio-
and poor research designs. But more carefully designed logical and contextual factors. © Digital Vision/PunchStock RF
studies have offered at least partial confirmation of this
notion. Both bisexual and homosexual adolescents are
heterosexuals describe their parents in exceedingly nega-
more likely than heterosexuals to describe their fathers
tive terms. Similarly, although the majority of boys with
as distant and rejecting (Bos, Sandfort, de Bruyn, &
persistently feminine behavior preferences may grow up
Hakvoort, 2008; Busseri, Willoughby, Chalmers, &
to be gay, a substantial number of feminine boys do not.
Bogaert, 2008). Whereas gay men are more likely than
heterosexuals to report having had close and gener-
ally positive relationships with their mothers, lesbians
are more likely than heterosexuals to describe their making the scientific
mothers as cold and unpleasant (A. Bell, Weinberg, & connection
Hammersmith, 1981). However, gay and lesbian ado- Should social scientists be interested in the antecedents
lescents are no more likely than heterosexual youth of homosexuality? Is it important to know whether homo-
to have had gay or lesbian parents—in fact, studies of sexuality is biologically or contextually determined? Why
adolescents with same-sex parents find few differences or why not?
between them and their peers with opposite-sex parents
(Patterson, 2009).
Although these studies point to certain factors that Sexual Harassment, Rape, and Sexual
appear more often than not in the early histories of gay,
lesbian, or bisexual individuals, all homosexual individ-
Abuse During Adolescence
uals do not have identical developmental histories. For Sexual Harassment and Date Rape Although most
example, although, on average, homosexuals are more research on adolescent sexual activity has focused on
likely than heterosexuals to describe their parents in neg- voluntary sexual behavior between consenting individu-
ative terms, not all gay and lesbian individuals feel this als, there is growing public awareness that a large pro-
way. Indeed, only about half do, suggesting that a large portion of teenagers are sexually harassed and that a
number of gay and lesbian individuals had quite positive significant minority are forced to have sex against their
family relationships growing up. And, of course, many will (Chiodo, Wolfe, Crooks, Hughes, & Jaffe, 2009; CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 307

V. Lee, Croninger, Linn, & Chen, 1996). This latter group already makes them stand apart from their peers (S. M.
includes adolescents who have been the victims of forc- Lindberg, Grabe, & Hyde, 2007; Skoog & Özdemir,
ible rape by a stranger, sexual abuse within the family, or 2015). Girls who are sexually harassed are more likely to
date rape—when a young person, typically a woman, is focus on their appearance and develop eating disorders
forced by a date to have sex when she does not want to. as a consequence (Petersen & Hyde, 2013).
Sexual coercion and sex under the influence of alcohol or Because the majority of those who had been sexually
drugs are more likely to occur when there is a large age harassed had themselves harassed others, and because
difference (3 years or more) between a girl and her partner many incidents occurred within full view of teachers
(Gowen, Feldman, Diaz, & Yisrael, 2004). Adolescents and other school personnel—
who are sexually coerced are more likely to report indeed, a significant percent- date rape
depression, behavior problems, and alcohol and drug age of students report having Being forced by a date to have
use (Bucchianeri, Eisenberg, Wall, Piran, & Neumark- been sexually harassed by their sex against one’s will.
Sztainer, 2014; Young, Furman, & Jones, 2012). teachers—numerous experts
For all the concern that is expressed about the sexual have suggested the need for wholesale changes in the
harassment of teenagers over the Internet, adolescents moral and ethical climate of secondary schools (V. Lee et
are far more at risk at school than online. Recent stud- al., 1996; Timmerman, 2002; A. M. Young et al., 2009).
ies indicate that sexual harassment—both cross-sex This is easier said than done, however; one evaluation of
and between members of the same sex—is widespread a school-based program called Safe Dates found signifi-
within American public schools (Leaper & Brown, 2008; cant reductions in psychological abuse and sexual vio-
V. Lee et al., 1996; McMaster, Connolly, Pepler, & lence 1 month after the program was implemented, but
Craig, 2002; Young, Grey, & Boyd, 2009) (see Figure 7). these effects had disappeared within 1 year (Foshee et al.,
According to one study of a nationally representa- 2000). Other research, on the histories of individuals who
tive sample of middle and secondary school students, commit dating violence, indicates that perpetrators them-
more than 80% of girls and 60% of boys reported hav- selves were likely to have been exposed to physical pun-
ing received unwanted sexual attention while in school ishment and abuse at home (Basile et al., 2006; Capaldi
(V. Lee at al., 1996). Sexual harassment is especially & Clark, 1998; R. Simons, Lin, & Gordon, 1998). Given
distressing to early-maturing girls, whose physical that sexual harassment is a form of bullying, it is not sur-
maturity, which makes them the targets of harassment, prising that studies find considerable overlap between

Females Males
Middle school
High school






Kissed, hugged,

Kissed, hugged,
Any sexual

Any sexual
Stared at in a
sexual way
Sexual jokes
phone calls

Attempted rape

Oral sexb

Something else


Stared at in a
sexual way
Sexual jokes
phone calls

Attempted rape

Oral sexb

Something else



Sexual harassment Sexual assault Sexual harassment Sexual assault

Figure 7 Percentage reporting sexual victimization. Respondents could report multiple forms of victimization.
Questions about oral sex and rape were not asked of middle school students. (Young, Grey, & Boyd, 2009)
308 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

adolescents who bully others and those who harass others is celebrated” (Born This Way Foundation, 2012). The
sexually (Espelage, Basile, & Hamburger, 2012; Reyes & attitudes of teachers and other school personnel also are
Foshbee, 2012). important: Sexual-minority adolescents who feel they
have the support of at least one adult at school are less
Harassment of Sexual-Minority Youth A substantial likely to suffer from the adverse consequences of hav-
number of sexual-minority youth are harassed, physically ing been verbally abused (e.g., teased, sworn at, shamed,
abused, or verbally abused by peers or adults while grow- etc.) for their sexual orientation. Studies also find that the
ing up (Berlan, Corliss, Field, Goodman, & Bryn Austin, establishment of gay–straight alliances within schools
2010; Russell, Everett, Rosario, & Birkett, 2014; Saewyc, have had positive effects on school climate (Poteat,
2011). Abuse of this sort, as well having more distant fam- Sinclair, DiGiovanni, Koenig, & Russell, 2013; Walls,
ily relationships, contribute to the relatively higher rates Kane, & Wisneski, 2010).
of truancy, depression, suicide, substance abuse, run-
ning away from home, and school difficulties reported by Sexual Abuse Because both perpetrators and vic-
sexual-minority adolescents (Birkett, Russell, & Corliss, tims of sexual assaults are often reluctant to admit their
2014; Burton, Marshal, Chisholm, Sucato, & Friedman, experiences, it is difficult to obtain accurate estimates
2013; Needham, 2012; Pearson & Wilkinson, 2013; of the numbers of adolescents who have been sexu-
Poteat, Scheer, DiGiovanni, & Mereish, 2014; Seil, Desai, ally victimized. We do know that adolescent victims
& Smith, 2014; Shilo & Savaya, 2012) as well as mental of sexual abuse are disproportionately female and poor
health problems that persist into adulthood (Dermody et (Cappelleri, Eckenrode, & Powers, 1993). According
al., 2014; Marshal et al., 2013). Over the course of adoles- to several studies, between 7% and 18% of adolescents
cence, prejudice against both gay and lesbian individuals report having had nonvoluntary sexual intercourse
declines (see Figure 8) (Poteat and Anderson, 2012), and before age 18; reports by females are substantially
parental acceptance of their adolescents’ sexual orienta- higher than those by males, but it is not known how
tion increases (Samarova, Shilo, & Diamond, 2014). much of this is due to different prevalence rates and how
As with other types of discrimination, hostility toward much to different willingness on the part of females and
sexual-minority youth is greater in small schools, rural males to report having been raped (Diamond & Savin-
schools, schools in lower-SES communities, and schools Williams, 2009). (These figures on sexual abuse do not
with fewer explicit rules for student behavior, and less include adolescents who have been physically forced to
racially diverse schools tend to have climates that are more engage in sexual activity other than intercourse and, as
hostile toward sexual-minority youth (Hatzenbuehler, such, clearly underestimate the proportion of teenagers
Birkett, Van Waganen, & Meyer, 2014; Martin-Story, who have been sexually abused.) Women who were most
Cheadle, Skalamera, & Crosnoe, 2015; Poteat, Espelage, & likely to have been raped during adolescence were those
Koenig, 2009; Sandfort, Bos, Collier, & Metselaar, who lived apart from their parents before age 16; who
2010). This has prompted many experts to call for more were physically, emotionally, or mentally impaired; who
concerted efforts to implement school-based educa- were raised at or below the poverty level; or whose par-
tional programs designed to promote tolerance. In 2012, ents abused alcohol or used other drugs. Indeed, two-
for example, Lady Gaga founded the Born This Way thirds of all women who had three or more of these risk
Foundation, whose mission is “to foster a more accepting factors were raped as adolescents. In contrast to popular
society, where differences are embraced and individuality perception, adolescents are abused (sexually, physically,
and emotionally) and neglected at a higher rate than are
2.5 younger children (Cappelleri et al., 1993).
Several studies have examined the psychologi-
cal consequences of having been the victim of sexual
Negativity toward others

abuse during adolescence. Adolescents who have been
sexually abused have relatively lower self-esteem, more
academic difficulties, and higher rates of anxiety, fear,
eating disorders, and depression (D. Perkins, Luster, &
1 Jank, 2002; Trickett, McBride-Chang, & Putnam, 1994);
Negative attitudes toward gay men
Negative attitudes toward lesbians are more likely to engage in risky behavior (Tubman,
0.5 Montgomery, Gil, & Wagner, 2004); and are more likely
to be sexually active, have risky sex, have multiple sex-
0 ual partners, be sexually victimized, become pregnant
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
as teenagers, and engage in prostitution (Black et al.,
2009; Homma, Wang, Saewyc, & Kishor, 2012; Wilson
Figure 8 With age, adolescents become less prejudiced & Widom, 2010; Young, Deardorff, Ozer, & Lahiff,
against gay and lesbian people. (Poteat & Anderson, 2012). 2011). Girls who have been chronically sexually abused CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 309

by their biological father are at greatest risk for prob- girls (15%) are on the birth control pill. Of course, using
lems (Trickett, Noll, Reiffman, & Putnam, 2001). There the pill prevents pregnancy but provides no protection
is also some evidence that sexual abuse prior to adoles- against sexually transmitted diseases. Condom use is
cence may lead to precocious (that is, very early) puberty higher among Black adolescents than White or Hispanic
(J. Brown, Cohen, Chen, Smailes, & Johnson, 2004). adolescents, whereas proportionately more White ado-
At the same time, it is worth noting that there are lescents are on the pill (Centers for Disease Control and
substantial differences among individuals in the extent Prevention, 2014a).
to which they show problems as a result of having been Among adolescents who do use contraception, the
sexually abused and in the form those problems take most popular method by far is using a condom, the
(Bauserman & Rind, 1997). Generally, individuals who method used by close to 60% of sexually active teenage
have been both sexually and physically abused fare couples, followed by the birth control pill, which is used
worse than those who experience sexual abuse alone. by about one-fifth of couples; this is a significant change
But adolescents who have been sexually abused fare bet- from previous generations of adolescents, who were
ter psychologically when they have parents (presumably far more likely to depend on the pill than on condoms
not the perpetrators of the abuse) who are authoritative (Everett et al., 2000). (About 10% of girls who are on
(firm and supportive) and when they are successful in the pill or some other longer-acting form of birth control
school (Luster & Small, 1997). report that their partner uses a condom as well [Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014a].) Withdrawal,
a highly ineffective method of preventing pregnancy,
Risky Sex and Its Prevention and a practice that provides no protection against sexu-
ally transmitted diseases, unfortunately is still used by a
Contraceptive Use large number of teenagers. Nearly 60% of sexually active
One reason for the great concern among adults over teenagers have relied on withdrawal at least once (Horner
the sexual activity of adolescents is the failure of many et al., 2009).
sexually active young people to use contraception regu- One important recent trend has been a sharp increase
larly. Among sexually active high school students in in the number of sexually active adolescent girls who
the United States, 40% report not having used a con- use long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), such
dom the last time they had sex. Adolescents’ condom as intrauterine devices (IUDs) or contraceptive implants
use increased significantly during the 1990s (from less (Romero et al., 2015). These methods work because,
than half to close to 60%), but dropped between 2003 once installed, they don’t require any thinking on the
and 2013 (see Figure 9) (Centers for Disease Control part of teenagers, many of whom find themselves in situ-
and Prevention, 2014a). Condom use is slightly higher ations in which they want to have sex but did not plan for
among sexually active 9th-graders (63%) than sexually it in advance. Many experts believe that the increased
active 12th-graders (53%), most likely because nearly use of LARCs has contributed to the largest drop in teen
twice as many 12th-grade girls (28%) than 9th-grade pregnancies seen in many years (Boonstra, 2014). It is

All students

54.5 57.4


1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
Figure 9 Adolescent condom use over time. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014).
310 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

factors: lack of planning, lack of access, and lack of

By far the most important reason many adolescents
fail to use birth control is that their sexual activity is
unplanned (D. Kirby, 2007). This absence of planning
may reflect adolescents’ resistance to admitting that they
are choosing to be sexually active, which may explain why
adolescents who have taken virginity pledges often do not
use contraception when they break their pledge and have
sex (Brückner & Bearman, 2005; Rosenbaum, 2009) and
why conservatively religious adolescents are less likely to
be sexually active but also are less likely to consistently
use birth control if they do have sex (Burdette, Haynes,
Hill, & Bartkowski, 2014). Adolescents’ failure to use
contraceptives also may reflect the fact that adolescents
are just generally less likely to plan ahead and think about
the future consequences of their behavior than adults
(Steinberg, Cauffman, Woolard, Graham, & Banich,
2009). In either case, going on the pill or purchasing a
condom requires an adolescent to acknowledge that he
or she is having or is going to have sexual relations and
engage in some advance planning. One reason long-act-
ing reversible contraception is effective is that once the
device is in place, no further planning is required.
One of the best predictors of condom use is the
individual’s intent to use a condom and willingness to
communicate about it with his or her partner (Sheeran,
Abraham, & Orbell, 1999; Tschann & Adler, 1997;
Widman, Welsh, McNulty, & Little, 2006). Interventions
One of the reasons for adults’ concern about adolescent sexual
activity is the failure of many sexually active teenagers to use
designed to strengthen adolescents’ intentions and their
contraception regularly. The increasing popularity of long-acting ability to communicate with their partner about contra-
reversible contraceptives is a welcome sign. © BSIP SA/Alamy RF ception, and not just increase their knowledge, have been
shown to be effective in promoting condom use, even
important to note, however, that LARC does not provide within high-risk populations (DiClemente et al., 2004;
protection against STDs. Jemmott, Jemmott, Fong, & McCaffree, 1999).
Researchers estimate that the risk of teen pregnancy A second reason for adolescents’ failure to use con-
is about half due to the absence of contraceptive use and traception, although a far less important one, is that
about half due to failed contraceptive use, which is more some adolescents can’t afford birth control or don’t
frequent among adolescents than adults (Blanc, Tsui, know where to obtain it (D. Kirby, 2007). Lack of access
Croft, & Trevitt, 2010; Santelli, Morrow, Anderson, & (whether real or perceived) is an especially impor-
Lindberg, 2006). A large proportion of condom users do tant barrier among younger adolescents, who may feel
not use condoms correctly, for example (e.g., not putting uncomfortable discussing their sexual activity with
the condom on before first entry or not holding onto the parents or other adults whose help or consent may be
condom while withdrawing) (Oakley & Bogue, 1995), necessary in order to obtain birth control. Having ready
and many adolescents who might benefit from using access to a free, confidential family planning service that
emergency contraception (the “morning after pill,” or does not require parents’ consent is a strong predictor of
“Plan B”) do not know how to use it properly (Mollen et whether adolescents will use contraceptives consistently
al., 2008). The rate of adolescent pregnancy is substan- or at all (Averett, Rees, & Argys, 2002; Blake et al.,
tially higher in the United States than in other industrial- 2003; S. Ryan, Franzetta, & Manlove, 2007). Teen preg-
ized countries—despite the fact that the rate of teenage nancies and childbearing increase after states implement
sexual activity in the United States is comparable to that requirements that adolescents get their parents’ consent
in other countries (Darroch, Singh, & Frost, 2001). in order to obtain contraception (Zavodny, 2004), and
surveys of sexually active teenagers who use contracep-
Adolescents’ Reasons for Not Using Contraception tives indicate that one-fifth of them would stop using
Why do so few adolescents use contraception regularly them if they had to notify their parents in order to get
and effectively? Social scientists point to three broad them (R. K. Jones, Purcell, Singh, & Finer, 2005). CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 311

Finally, many young people are insufficiently edu- AIDS and Other Sexually
cated about sex, contraception, and pregnancy, which
may leave them misinformed about when and how
Transmitted Diseases
to use contraception (D. Kirby, 2007; S. Ryan et al., Helping youngsters understand sex, pregnancy, and
2007). For example, although it is important for adoles- contraception is an important goal of sex education pro-
cents to understand the need to use contraception every grams for adolescents. Helping them avoid the risks of
time they have sex, a very large proportion of teenag- sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) (also referred to
ers who have had sex with contraception have also had as sexually transmitted infections, or STIs) is another.
sex without contraception (Arnett & Balle-Jensen, 1993; STDs are caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites that
Gillmore, Morrison, Lowery, & Baker, 1994). That said, are transmitted through sexual contact. About 3 million
knowledge alone does not seem to be sufficient to pro- adolescents are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted
mote contraceptive use; individuals must be motivated infection each year (Ozer & Irwin, 2009). Some of the
to use contraception as well as know why they need to most common STDs among adolescents are gonorrhea
(Sheeran, Abraham, & Orbell, 1999). and chlamydia (both caused by a bacterium), herpes
Given all these reasons—lack of planning, lack of and human papillomavirus (HPV) (both caused by
access, and lack of knowledge—it is not surprising that a virus), and trichomoniasis (caused by a parasite)
one of the best predictors of contraceptive use is the ado- (Forhan et al., 2009). One-fourth of all American young
lescent’s age: Older teenagers are better at thinking ahead, women between the ages of 14 and 19, and nearly 40%
less guilty about having sex, more likely to be able to dis- of sexually active women of this age, had at least one of
cuss contraception with their partner, and better able to these five infections, with HPV by far the most prevalent
grasp the potential negative consequences of an unwanted (Forhan et al., 2009). These infections pose a significant
pregnancy (Sheeran et al., 1999). Relatively younger health risk, because they are associated with increased
women are even less likely to use contraception if their rates of cancer and infertility. Countries vary consider-
partner is older and more likely, as a result, to contract an ably in rates of STD infection,
STD (Bauermeister, Zimmerman, Xue, Gee, & Caldwell, with the United States hav-
sexually transmitted
2009; Pettifor, O’Brien, MacPhail, Miller, & Rees, 2009; ing one of the highest rates in disease (STD)
S. Ryan, Franzetta, Manlove, & Schelar, 2008). the world (Panchaud, Singh, Any of a group of infections—
Feivelson, & Darroch, 2000). including HPV, gonorrhea,
Improving Contraceptive Behavior There is a great trichomoniasis, herpes, chla-
deal that adults can do to improve the contraceptive mydia, and AIDS—passed on
HIV/AIDS Since the 1980s,
through sexual contact.
behavior of adolescents (R. K. Jones, Biddlecom, Hebert, a new and far more serious
& Mellor, 2011b). First, adults can see that contracep- STD has commanded the gonorrhea
tives are made accessible to young people who want them. A sexually transmitted infection
world’s attention: AIDS, or
caused by a bacterium.
Second, parents and schools can provide sex education at acquired immune deficiency
an early enough age to instruct young people in the fun- syndrome. The virus that chlamydia
damentals of contraceptive use before, rather than after, A sexually transmitted infection
causes AIDS, human immu-
caused by a bacterium.
they’ve become sexually active; such education should try nodeficiency virus (HIV), is
to strengthen adolescents’ intentions to use contraception transmitted through bodily flu- herpes
and not just increase their contraceptive knowledge. Third, A sexually transmitted infection
ids, especially semen, during
caused by a virus.
parents can be more open and responsive in the ways in sex, or blood when drug users
which they communicate with their teenagers about sex, share needles. AIDS itself has human papillomavirus
and about safe sex in particular, so that when adolescents no symptoms, but HIV attacks One of several viruses that
become sexually active, they find it easier to plan ahead the body’s immune system, causes a sexually transmitted
without feeling guilty. Finally, adolescents can be encour- interfering with the body’s disease.
aged to consider the potential future consequences of an ability to defend itself against trichomoniasis
unplanned pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease. life-threatening diseases like A sexually transmitted infection
One way to do this is to engage adolescents in school, pneumonia or cancer. Because caused by a parasite.
which may improve their aspirations for the future (D. there is a long period of time AIDS (acquired immune
Kirby, 2007; Manlove, Steward-Streng, Peterson, Scott, & between HIV infection and deficiency syndrome)
Wildsmith, 2013). Adolescents who do not believe that a the actual manifestation of A disease, caused by a virus
pregnancy will be an impediment to their future goals are illness—sometimes as long as transmitted by means of bodily
less likely to take steps to avoid getting pregnant (Mireless- fluids, that devastates the
10 years—infected adolescents
immune system.
Rios & Romo, 2014). However, adolescents with high are likely to be asymptomatic
educational aspirations who have a child as a result of an carriers of the HIV virus who HIV (human
immunodeficiency virus)
unwanted pregnancy are often insecure and unaffectionate may develop AIDS in young The virus associated with AIDS.
mothers (East & Barber, 2014). adulthood. In recent decades,
312 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

cases of AIDS increased by 7% among adolescents, but people about the risk factors associated with AIDS
by 47% among 20- to 24-year-olds (Ozer & Irwin, 2009). is also important, because studies show that adoles-
Although the incidence of AIDS in the United States cents who believe that they are at risk for HIV infec-
was initially concentrated within two groups, gay men tion and who are motivated to avoid the risk are more
and drug users who use needles, surveys indicate that likely to take precautions during intercourse (Hausser &
the transmission of AIDS through heterosexual activ- Michaud, 1994; Jemmott et al., 1999). Increasing ado-
ity is a clear danger to male and female adolescents and lescents’ perceptions of vulnerability to HIV infection is
is especially prevalent among inner-city ethnic minor- not sufficient to motivate them to use condoms, however
ity youngsters (Prado, Lightfoot, & Brown, 2013). Nor (Gerrard, Gibbons, & Bushman, 1996).
is HIV infection limited to poor, inner-city adolescents
(Gayle et al., 1990). Because adolescents’ condom use is
sporadic, straight, bisexual, and gay youth are all at high Teen Pregnancy
risk for HIV (Rotheram-Borus, Marelich, & Srinivasan, Given the high rate of sexual activity and poor record
1999). HIV infection is particularly high in Sub-Saharan of contraceptive use among contemporary adolescents,
Africa, where it has reached epidemic proportions it comes as little surprise to learn that many young
(Hindin & Fatusi, 2009). The chances of contracting women become pregnant before the end of adoles-
HIV are greatest among individuals who use drugs, have cence. Each year, more than 600,000 American ado-
unprotected sex, have many sexual partners, and already lescents between 15 and 19 become pregnant—giving
have another STD (such as gonorrhea) (Elkington, the United States the highest rate of teen pregnancy in
Bauermeister, & Zimmerman, 2010). Because these the industrialized world (see Table 1) (Sedgh, Finer,
risk factors are more common among young people than Bankole, Eilers, & Sinh, 2015). The rate of unintended
adults, the risk of HIV infection among adolescents is pregnancy is far greater among adolescents than adults
substantial. once age differences in sexual activity are taken into
account (Finer, 2010). Close to 90% of teen pregnan-
Protecting Against STDs Adults often forget that cies are unintended (Committee on Adolescence,
adolescents’ sexual behavior is as much, if not more, 2014). This is important, because having an unintended
influenced by their perceptions of benefits (for exam- pregnancy increases the odds that an adolescent mother
ple, the fun of having different partners or the physi- will experience difficulties in parenting (East, Chien, &
cal sensation of unprotected intercourse) as it is by their Barber, 2012).
perceptions of costs (for example, the risks of contract-
ing an STD) (R. Levinson, Jaccard, & Beamer, 1995).
Adolescents have sex because they want intimacy with
their partner, status with their peers, and, of course, making the cultural
physical pleasure (Ott, Millstein, Offner, & Halpern- connection
Felsher, 2006). Even adolescents who know they are Although rates of sexual activity are no higher in the
vulnerable to infection are less likely to protect them- United States than in many other industrialized countries,
selves when they feel negatively about using condoms, rates of STDs, teen pregnancy, and teen childbearing are.
when they are positively inclined toward risk taking, What factors do you think contribute to this?
and when their friends are actively engaged in risky
sex (Serovich & Greene, 1997; St. Lawrence, Brasfield,
Jefferson, Allyene, & Shirley, 1994). One large-scale Prevalence of Teen Pregnancy Recent statistics
evaluation of a media campaign targeted at Black youth indicate that about one-sixth of American young
(who are four times more likely than other youth to have women become pregnant at least once by age 20. This
an STD) and designed to promote the messages that rate is dramatically lower than it had been a few decades
using condoms would make sex more worry-free and ago (it peaked in the early 1990s, when it was twice as
therefore more enjoyable, that waiting to have sex was high as it is today). Teen pregnancy has become less
a way of showing respect for one’s partner, and that a common mainly because of increased contraceptive use
“steady partner is a safe partner” was shown to be effec- (and, especially, long-acting reversible contraception)
tive in changing adolescents’ attitudes and condom use but also because somewhat fewer younger teenagers
(Romer et al., 2009). are sexually active. Rates of teen pregnancy vary con-
Short of abstinence, the best way for teenagers to siderably by ethnicity: The rate is nearly three times
protect themselves against contracting HIV and many higher among Black youth, and more than twice as high
other STDs is by using condoms during sex; adolescents among Hispanic youth, than among White youth; the
who consistently use condoms are half as likely as those rate among Asian-American adolescents is lowest of
who do not to contract an STD (Crosby, DiClemente, all (National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned
Wingood, Lang, & Harrington, 2003). Educating young Pregnancy, 2015). CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 313

Table 1 Rates of adolescent pregnancies, abortions, and births in Europe and the United States. (Sedgh et al., 2015)
Country Year Rate per 1,000 females 15–19 years old Pregnancies that end
in abortion (%)
Pregnancies Abortions Births
Belgium 2009 21 8 10 38
Denmark 2011 21 14 5 67
England and Wales 2011 47 20 21 42
Estonia 2011 43 19 19 43
Finland 2011 23 13 8 55
France 2011 25 15 7 61
Hungary 2011 38 16 18 41
Iceland 2011 30 15 11 51
Israel 2011 23 8 13 32
Netherlands 2008 14 7 5 50
New Zealand 2011 51 18 26 36
Norway 2011 23 13 7 56
Portugal 2011 25 8 13 33
Scotland 2011 46 17 23 37
Singapore 2011 14 8 5 54
Slovakia 2011 33 6 22 17
Slovenia 2009 14 7 5 48
Spain 2011 26 13 10 50
Sweden 2010 29 20 6 69
Switzerland 2011 8 5 2 59
United States 2010 57 15 34 26

As rates of teen pregnancy have fallen, so have rates the United States result in the birth of an infant who will
of teen births (Office of Adolescent Health, 2015) (see be raised by his or her mother (with or without the help
Figure 10). Keep in mind that not all adolescent preg- of a partner or other family members). Among American
nancies result in childbirth. The proportion of teen preg- adolescents who carry their pregnancy full term, very
nancies that are aborted differs from country to country, few put the baby up for adoption.
from a low of about 20% in Ireland to a high of close
to 70% in Sweden (Singh & Darroch, 2000). In the Abortion Researchers have asked whether teen-
United States, about 25% of all teenage pregnancies are agers who choose to abort an unwanted pregnancy
aborted, and slightly more than 15% end in miscarriage are harmed psychologically by the experience. The
(Kost & Henshaw, 2014; Office of Adolescent Health, consensus among experts is that they are not (Adler,
2015). Thus, more than half of teenage pregnancies in Ozer, & Tschann, 2003). Several studies indicate that

Figure 10 Trends in teen births. 120

(Office of Adolescent Health, 2015) 116.2
100 100.3
1,000 females ages 15–19
Rate of teen births per

59.9 41.7
40 42.5 39.0

1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2013

314 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

pregnant teenage women who abort their pregnancy in their sexual activity and contraceptive use. As you
are significantly better off, psychologically, socially, have read, sexual activity among American young peo-
and economically, than women who give birth to ple is high, while contraceptive use is sporadic and inad-
their child, both in the United States (Zabin, Hirsch, equate. Although some evidence indicates that Black
& Emerson, 1989) and abroad (Bailey et al., 2001). and Hispanic teenagers are more likely than White teen-
Among the most important differences between preg- agers to say they intend to have a baby at an early age,
nant adolescents who abort their pregnancy and those the large racial difference in teenage childbearing is due
who do not is that young women who terminate their mainly to racial differences in unintended pregnancies
pregnancy by abortion are less likely over the next (Mosher & Bachrach, 1996; Trent & Crowder, 1997).
2 years to experience a subsequent pregnancy and more Deep down inside, do adolescents who become
likely to practice contraception. pregnant actually want to have a baby? This has been
Given the psychological and economic benefits of ter- an extremely difficult question to answer. According to
minating an unwanted adolescent pregnancy, it is easy to national surveys, 85% of births to women ages 15–19 are
understand why many social scientists have questioned unintended, so we know that the vast majority of adoles-
the wisdom of court decisions designed to restrict adoles- cent mothers did not become pregnant intentionally. Yet,
cents’ access to abortion services (Blum, Resnick, & Stark, studies that plumb the issue a bit deeper find that many
1990). While some studies show that laws requiring paren- young women who say they do not want to become
tal notification or limiting access to legal abortion do, in pregnant are actually ambivalent, and not unequivocally
fact, result in fewer terminated pregnancies among adoles- negative, about the prospect of having a child (Jaccard,
cents (Joyce & Mocan, 1990; J. Rogers, Boruch, Stoms, & Dodge, & Dittus, 2003a). For example, consider the
DeMoya, 1991), not all studies reach the same conclusion following response from a 17-year-old Australian girl,
(e.g., Henshaw, 1995). An analysis of the parental notifi- when asked about her pregnancy: “I knew it was going
cation law in Texas found that it was associated with an to happen, like I didn’t stop it from happening so if it was
overall decrease in abortion, but an increase in late-term going to happen it was going to happen and if it didn’t, it
abortion (Joyce, Kaestner, & Colman, 2006). Policies lim- didn’t” (J. L. Smith, Skinner, & Fenwick, 2011, p. 628).
iting access to abortion lead to higher rates of unintended She doesn’t explicitly say that she wanted to get preg-
childbearing, especially among Black, Hispanic, and poor nant, but she doesn’t say that she didn’t want to, either.
youth (Coles, Makino, Stanwood, Dozier, & Klein, 2010). Adolescents who are ambivalent about childbear-
ing or who believe that having a child will be a positive
Causes of Teen Pregnancy Many myths permeate experience are less likely to use contraception effec-
discussions of the causes of adolescent pregnancy and tively (Unger, Molina, & Teran, 2002; Zabin, Astone,
complicate what is actually a fairly simple matter. The & Emerson, 1993). Thus, while the vast majority of
most important differences between young women who sexually active teenagers do not actively wish to become
do and do not become pregnant during adolescence are pregnant, a significant minority feel less troubled by the
prospect of early parenthood than do their peers, and
these youngsters are more likely to risk pregnancy by
having unprotected sex. As one team of authors wrote,
“Adolescent childbearing is more an unintended result
of risky behaviors than a result of rational choice” (Trent
& Crowder, 1997, p. 532). The younger sisters of ado-
lescent mothers may be more likely to become adoles-
cent parents themselves, in part because the older sisters
may communicate some acceptance of early motherhood
(East, 2009).

The Role of the Father A number of studies have

focused on the male partners of pregnant adolescents.
In general, research indicates that these males share a
number of distinguishing characteristics that differenti-
ate them from their peers who have not gotten a teenager
pregnant. Most important is the fact that they are relatively
more likely to have problems with self-esteem, school,
work, aggression, drugs and alcohol, and the law, and
Each year, more than 600,000 American adolescents become
pregnant—giving the United States the highest rate of teen
to have fathered a child previously (Fagot, Pears,
pregnancy in the industrialized world. © harpazo_hope/Getty Capaldi, Crosby, & Leve, 1998; Miller-Johnson, Winn,
Images RF Coie, Malone, & Lochman, 2004; Thornberry, Smith, & CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 315

Howard, 1997). They are also more likely to have been the popular idea that teenage childbearing has reached
the child of an adolescent father (Sipsma, Biello, Cole- epidemic proportions in this country, relatively more
Lewis, & Kershaw, 2010). women gave birth to an infant before reaching adulthood
Much has been made in the popular media about in previous decades than do so today—and by a large
the age gap between teenage mothers and the men margin.
who have fathered their children, but the proportion of Nevertheless, the rate of teenage births in the United
teenage births fathered by adult men (that is, age 20 or States continues to be more than twice as high as in
older) has declined over the past 40 years, and the age Canada; 3 times greater than in Ireland; 5 times greater
difference between teenage mothers (most of whom are than in France; 10 times greater than in Japan; and 17
18 or 19) and their sexual partners is generally about times greater than in Korea (UNICEF, 2001). All sorts
2 or 3 years—a gap not substantially different from the of explanations for the astoundingly high rate of teen-
age gap between adolescent boyfriends and girlfriends age childbearing in the United States have been offered
in general, or between husbands and wives in the gen- (often, the finger is pointed at the mass media, which
eral population (Elo, King, & Furstenberg, 1999). are blamed for pretty much everything adolescents do
Moreover, girls who choose to get involved with older that adults disapprove of). More likely candidates are
partners have more psychological problems than girls income inequality and school attendance: The greater
who do not, well before the relationship begins (Young the gap between rich and poor, and the lower the rate
& D’Arcy, 2005). Nevertheless, adolescent girls who of school attendance among young people, the higher
have sex for the first time before 16 with a man who the rate of teen childbearing. The United States leads
is more than 3 years older are less likely to use con- the list of industrialized countries in income inequal-
traception and more likely to bear a child (Manlove, ity and comes in 25th (out of 28) in school enrollment
Terry-Humen, & Ikramullah, 2006). Regardless of the (UNICEF, 2001).
age difference between mother and father, however, Rates of teenage childbearing vary markedly across
the higher rates of problem behavior among the male ethnic and socioeconomic groups. Middle-class women
partners of pregnant adolescents help to explain why are far more likely to abort their pregnancies than are
marriage may not be the best response to pregnancy for poor women, and as a consequence, the problem of teen-
teenage women, as we’ll see shortly. age childbearing is densely concentrated among eco-
Although many of their problems precede the preg- nomically disadvantaged youth (Russell, 1994). Because
nancy, young men’s educational development and minority adolescents are more likely to grow up poor,
mental health are adversely affected by fathering a teenage childbearing is especially prevalent in non-
child early in life, even if they do not marry the child’s White communities.
mother (Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn, & Chase-Lansdale, Part of the controversy surrounding teenage child-
1989; Nock, 1998; Sigler-Rushton, 2005; Vera Institute bearing is linked to the public’s concern about the large
of Justice, 1990). Men who impregnate adolescent number of teenage mothers who spend extended periods
women are more likely to drop out of school and to of time on welfare. Among White adolescents, nearly
report feeling anxious and depressed as young adults two-thirds of all births occur outside of marriage, but
than their peers. The adverse effects of teenage father- a large proportion of these births occur within the con-
hood appear to be greater among White and Hispanic text of cohabitation; among Black adolescents, virtually
men than among Black men, however, perhaps because all childbirths are out of wedlock, and relatively few of
teenage fatherhood is more disruptive and is seen as less these occur even among cohabiting couples (Manning
acceptable within the White and Hispanic communities & Landale, 1996). The rate for Hispanic teenagers falls
(M. Buchanan & Robbins, 1990). In general, however, somewhere in between; interestingly, young Mexican
teenage fathers receive little in the way of supportive American women are more likely to bear their first
services or assistance in becoming responsible parents child within marriage, whereas young Puerto Rican
(Kiselica & Sturmer, 1993). women are more likely to bear children out of wedlock
but within the context of cohabitation. This suggests
that cultural attitudes toward marriage and cohabitation
Adolescent Parenthood influence the context of childbearing in important ways
It is important to distinguish between pregnancies and (East & Blaustein, 1995; Manning & Landale, 1996;
actual births—a distinction that often is lost in debates Milan et al., 2006).
over the consequences of teenage pregnancy. Because Because minority youth are more likely to experi-
of the many pregnant adolescents choosing abortion, ence problems such as school failure or unemployment,
the birthrate among teenage women is far lower than it early childbearing is likely to take place in the context
would otherwise be, and it may surprise you to learn that of limited social and economic resources. Indeed, the
the birthrate among adolescent women today is consid- main reason for the high rate of out-of-wedlock child-
erably lower than it was in previous eras. Contrary to bearing among Black teenagers is the higher proportion
316 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

of adolescents growing up in single-parent homes Emery, & Pollack, 2007; Pittard, Laditka, & Laditka,
(Bumpass & McLanahan, 1987), which experience more 2008). Babies born to middle-class adolescents differ
economic stress. In addition, many poor, young, Black little from their counterparts born to older middle-class
women believe that it is perfectly normal to become a mothers, and infants born to poor adolescents are similar
mother while still a teenager and to become a grand- to children born to equally poor adults.
mother before turning 40 (Perez-Febles, Allison, & One important exception to this general similarity
Burton, 1999), norms that may be handed down from between the children of adolescent and adult mothers is
one generation to the next (Hardy, Astone, Brooks- that adolescent mothers—even of similar socioeconomic
Gunn, Shapiro, & Miller, 1998). status—may perceive their babies as being especially
Because teenage childbearing tends to go hand in difficult and may interact with their infants less often in
hand with a variety of other problems—the most criti- ways that are known to be beneficial to the child’s cogni-
cal of which is poverty—it is extremely difficult to know tive and social development (Coley & Chase-Lansdale,
whether any problems of teenage mothers or their children 1998). Children born to adolescent mothers are more
result from the mother’s young age or from other, corre- likely to have school problems, to be involved in mis-
lated factors. Separating the effects of early childbearing behavior and delinquent activity, to be sexually active
from poverty is a matter of more than theoretical impor- at an early age, and to become an adolescent parent
tance: If early childbearing is, in fact, a problem in and of (Campa & Eckenrode, 2006; Coley & Chase-Lansdale,
itself, it becomes important to direct preventive programs 1998; Hofferth & Reid, 2002; Tang, Davis-Kean, Chen,
at deterring adolescent pregnancy (either by discouraging & Sexton, 2015). In general, and for reasons that are
sexual activity or by encouraging effective contraceptive not known, the cognitive and psychosocial problems of
use) and childbearing (by encouraging adoption and abor- children born to adolescent mothers grow increasingly
tion). But if poverty, not the mother’s age, is the key, an more apparent with age (that is, the differences between
entirely different set of strategies is called for, aimed not children born to teen versus adult mothers are more evi-
at youngsters’ sexual behavior but at all individuals’ eco- dent in adolescence than infancy). Again, though, stud-
nomic circumstances. It is extremely important, therefore, ies show that the adverse outcomes of being born to an
to ask whether and in what ways a mother’s age at the adolescent mother—even outcomes not visible until the
time she gives birth affects her and her child’s well-being. children have reached young adulthood—are attribut-
able both to characteristics of young women who are
Children of Teen Mothers Many of the problems likely to become teen parents (for example, the adverse
that afflict children born to adolescent mothers result effects of being raised by someone who is poorly edu-
primarily from poverty and single parenthood, and from cated) and to the circumstances that characterize the
other qualities that often characterize young women who family environments of young mothers (for example, the
become teen parents (such as poor school achievement), adverse effects of growing up in poverty) (Jaffee, Caspi,
rather than from the mother’s youth (e.g., J. A. Levine, Moffitt, Belsky, & Silva, 2001; Pogarsky, Lizotte, &
Thornberry, 2003). Adolescent mothers who were rela-
tively more intelligent and better adjusted before the
birth of their infant have greater parenting skills later
(Mylod, Whitman, & Borkowski, 1997; O’Callaghan,
Borkowski, Whitman, Maxwell, & Keogh, 1999), and
children whose adolescent mothers are better edu-
cated, married, and better off financially do better in
school than those whose mothers are less accomplished
and single (Luster, Bates, Fitzgerald, Vandenbelt, &
Key, 2000).
Because adolescent mothers are more likely than adult
mothers to be both unmarried and poor, their children
are at greater risk of developing a variety of psychologi-
cal and social problems. Many of the problem behaviors
seen among children of adolescent mothers are prevalent
among poor children growing up in single-parent homes
generally. In other words, the greater incidence of prob-
lems among offspring of adolescent mothers may reflect
the overall environment in which the children grow up,
Because adolescent mothers are more likely than adult mothers
to be both unmarried and poor, their children are at greater risk
rather than the ways in which they are raised. Although
of developing a variety of psychological and social problems. in theory we can separate the effects of poverty on chil-
© moodboard/Alamy dren from the effects of adolescent childbearing, in CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 317

reality, the two usually go together, and the end result Upchurch & McCarthy, 1990). Remaining in school and
is that children born to adolescent mothers are more living at home with one’s parents significantly dimin-
likely than other children to suffer the effects both of ishes the chances of a second unwanted pregnancy
malnutrition—in the womb as well as in the world—and (Manlove, Mariner, & Papillo, 2000). Marriage, in con-
of environmental deprivation. trast, is a high-risk strategy (Furstenberg, Morgan, &
Allison, 1987b). In some cases, when a stable relation-
Consequences for Teen Mothers Studies of the ship is formed and economic resources are available,
long-term consequences of adolescent parenthood indi- marriage improves the mother’s and the child’s chances
cate that the problems associated with it may actually be for life success; this seems to be especially true for
greater for the mothers than for their children. In gen- women who marry somewhat later. In other cases, how-
eral, women who bear children early suffer disruptions ever, a hasty decision to marry in the absence of a stable
in their educational and occupational careers (Gibb, relationship and economic security actually exacerbates
Fergusson, Horwood, & Boden, 2014; Hofferth, Reid, & many other problems (Teti & Lamb, 1989).
Mott, 2001), the consequences of which often continue
into midlife (Lounds Taylor, 2009). Not only are ado- After the Baby Is Born Many of the negative effects
lescent mothers more likely to come from a poor back- of having children as a teenager can be prevented or at
ground and to have a history of academic difficulties, least minimized by lessening the disruptive economic
but they are also more likely to remain poor than their impact of teenage parenthood on young women’s lives
equally disadvantaged peers who delay childbearing (Sandfort & Hill, 1996). What do we know about the
until after their schooling is completed (Mollborn, 2007; factors that work? First, marrying the father of the child
K. Moore et al., 1993; R. Richardson, 1996). Remember, may place the adolescent mother at greater risk if the
however, that many adolescent mothers were low- father is not capable of supporting himself economically,
achieving students before becoming pregnant, and the much less his family. If the father is able to find a good
limited educational attainment of teenage mothers is at job and remain employed, he can be an important source
least partly due to factors that were in play long before of psychological and economic support and a healthy
the pregnancy, perhaps even during early childhood influence on the mother and child. Given the character-
(Fergusson & Woodward, 2000; Frisco, 2008; Russell, istic problems of male partners of adolescent mothers
2002; Shearer et al., 2002). In short, poverty and low that we discussed earlier, however, it is all too likely that
achievement are both causes and consequences of early marriage may diminish, rather than enhance, an ado-
childbearing. lescent mother’s economic circumstances. In addition,
Having a child early in life does not inevitably cast in marriage places the adolescent mother at greater risk of
concrete a life of poverty and misery for the mother and having another child relatively soon, which further jeop-
her youngster, however. There is considerable diversity ardizes her already precarious economic situation; hav-
among teenage mothers in the routes that their adult lives ing another child soon is one of the factors most likely
take (Coley & Chase-Lansdale, 1998; Oxford, Gilchrist, to worsen her other problems (Apfel & Seitz, 1997;
Gillmore, & Lohr, 2006). One study identified three dis- Kalmuss & Namerow, 1994). Moreover, teenage mar-
tinct groups: a problem-prone group (15% of the sam- riage is very likely to end in divorce, which itself is an
ple), who had chronic problems in many areas of life, additional stressor on the mother and child.
including antisocial behavior; a psychologically vulner- Adolescent mothers therefore cannot always look to
able group (42%), who had relatively high rates of men- the father of the child to help break the cycle of poverty.
tal health problems but who were able to transition into However, in many cases they can look to their own par-
adult roles with some degree of success; and a normative ents for support, and this may be an effective strategy
group (43%), who defied common stereotypes of adoles- (J. Stevens, 1988). Teenage mothers who move in with
cent mothers as doomed to failure and poverty and who their own family for a short time—a practice far more
were able to make a successful transition to adulthood common among Black than among Hispanic or White
(Oxford et al., 2005). The long-term consequences of adolescents—are more likely to enjoy educational and
early childbearing may not be as negative among Black occupational success than their counterparts who live on
adolescents as among Whites or Hispanics, especially their own, because the family’s help allows the young
among Black youth living in communities in which early mother to return to school or find employment (Roye &
childbearing is accepted as normative (K. Moore et al., Balk, 1996; Trent & Harlan, 1994). Without this help,
1993; E. Smith & Zabin, 1993). many young mothers drop out of school and have to
In general, young mothers who remain in, or return find and pay for child care, which often is more costly
to, high school and delay subsequent childbearing than the income their low-paying jobs generate. Without
fare a great deal better over the long run—as do their a high school diploma, these women have little chance
children—than those who drop out of school or have of improving their economic situation or their child’s
more children relatively early (Leadbeater, 1996; opportunities.
318 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Although having the support of her own family is childbearing, the successes are young women who have
important for the adolescent mother’s well-being, liv- avoided poverty, rather than achieving great economic
ing with her family of origin for an extended period success. Although the picture of adolescent parenthood
after having a baby is not uniformly beneficial, as sev- is less uniformly dire than typically painted in the media,
eral studies of three-generational Black families show. there is still consensus among experts that it is important
When the adolescent mother lives with her own mother, to try to prevent teenage pregnancy and childbearing.
the living arrangement may undermine the development
of her own parenting skills and increase her risk of get-
ting pregnant again (Chase-Lansdale, Brooks-Gunn,
Sex Education
& Zamsky, 1994; Gillmore, Lewis, Lohr, Spencer, & Each year, millions of dollars are spent attempting to
White, 1997), and problems in the relationship between prevent teen pregnancy and the spread of sexually trans-
the adolescent and her mother can adversely affect mitted diseases. Many adolescents receive some sort
the teen parent’s mental health (A. Davis & Rhodes, of classroom instruction about sex—whether through
1994; East & Felice, 1996; Musick, 1994). However, high school health classes, biology classes, classes des-
living with one’s mother is associated with continued ignated exclusively for the purpose of sex education,
schooling, which confers long-term economic advan- or educational programs administered through youth
tages (Spieker & Bensley, 1994). Several studies have or religious organizations. Do these programs do any
found that support from the adolescent’s father, in addi- good?
tion to that of her mother, may be especially beneficial The answer to this question is complicated and
(A. Davis, Rhodes, & Hamilton-Leaks, 1997; Oyserman, depends on the nature of the program and the outcome
Radin, & Benn, 1993). it is trying to achieve. A recent comprehensive review
One fact is certain: Adolescent mothers who receive of more than 50 curriculum-based programs concluded
social support fare better, are better parents, and have that carefully constructed educational interventions
healthier children than do adolescent mothers who lack can delay the initiation of sex and reduce rates of risky
support (Riggs, Holmbeck, Paikoff, & Bryant, 2004; sexual activity among adolescents (D. Kirby & Laris,
Turner, Sorenson, & Turner, 2000). The best arrange- 2009), although the long-term effectiveness of these
ment for a teenage mother may be to live independently programs has not been adequately studied (Kågesten,
from her own parents but rely on them for emotional Parekh, Tuncalp, Turke, & Blum, 2014). Generally
support and child care (Coley & Chase-Lansdale, 1998). speaking, programs are more effective in reducing risky
Because it is so important for young mothers to have sex than in reducing sexual activity more generally.
an adequate income and a chance for adequate employ- But experts agree that successful interventions must
ment, many policy makers have called for changes in do more than provide information about contraception,
the ways that schools and other social institutions treat STDs, and pregnancy. They must also teach adolescents
pregnant students and changes in the provision of day how to refuse unwanted sex and avoid unintended sex,
care. Among the most important are adaptations in increase adolescents’ motivation to engage in safe sex,
school schedules and the development of school-based and change perceptions about peer norms and attitudes
child care centers so that pregnant students can remain (Anderman et al., 2011). These approaches, collec-
in school after the birth of their child; the expansion of tively, are referred to as comprehensive sex education.
subsidized child care for young mothers who are out Although many adults are concerned that teaching ado-
of school so that the economic benefits of having a job lescents how to engage in safe sex sends a message
are not outweighed by the costs of child care; and the encouraging more teenagers to become sexually active,
expansion of family planning services to adolescent evaluations of effective comprehensive sex education
mothers so that they can prevent yet another pregnancy. programs (even those that distribute condoms to teen-
Unfortunately, evaluations of programs aimed at enhanc- agers) show that this is not the case (D. Kirby & Laris,
ing teen mothers’ employabil- 2009; Minguez, Santelli, Gibson, Orr, & Samant, 2015).
ity, decreasing their reliance Expanding access to family planning services and con-
comprehensive sex
education on welfare, or preventing their traceptives is more effective than sex education in deter-
Programs that not only provide subsequent pregnancies have ring teen childbearing (Beltz, Sacks, Moore, & Terzian,
information about contracep- been largely disappointing 2015). This is consistent with evaluations of other health
tion, STDs, and pregnancy but (Coley & Chase-Lansdale, education interventions, which find that they are good at
also teach adolescents how
1998), although occasional suc- changing what teenagers know but not at changing how
to refuse unwanted sex and
avoid unintended sex, increase cesses have been reported (e.g., they behave (Steinberg, 2015).
their motivation to engage in Solomon & Liefeld, 1998). We also know a fair amount about what doesn’t work.
safe sex, and change percep- Although there are stories Programs designed to increase safe sex (which includes
tions about peer norms and of young women whose lives both abstinence as well as condom use) are far more
are not devastated by early effective than those that emphasize abstinence alone. CHAPTER 11 Sexuality 319

Careful evaluations of abstinence-only sex education not effective, consistent with

abstinence-only sex
programs have shown unequivocally that they are not the notion that sexual risk education
successful, either in changing adolescents’ sexual behav- taking, while correlated with Programs that encourage ado-
ior or in reducing rates of pregnancy or STDs (D. Kirby, other types of risk taking, lescents to avoid sexual activity
2007; P. K. Kohler, Manhart, & Lafferty, 2008; Lindberg may have some unique causes but that do not provide infor-
mation about safe sex.
& Maddow-Zimet, 2012). In fact, abstinence-only edu- (Santelli, Carter, Orr, & Dittus,
cation programs cause an increase in teen pregnancy 2009). The evidence on other
and childbearing (Stanger-Hall & Hall, 2011; Yang & types of programs designed to reduce unsafe sex, such
Gaydos, 2010). Programs that attempt to reduce sexual as those designed to encourage safe sex indirectly, by
risk taking by reducing other forms of risky behav- facilitating positive youth development, is inconclusive
ior (such as delinquency or substance use) also are (D. Kirby, 2007).
12 Achievement

Achievement as an Adolescent Issue

The Importance of Noncognitive Factors
Achievement Motivation
Beliefs about Success and Failure
Environmental Influences On Achievement
The Influence of the Home Environment
The Influence of Friends
Educational Achievement
The Importance of Socioeconomic Status
Ethnic Differences in Educational
Changes in Educational Achievement
Over Time
Dropping Out of High School
Occupational Achievement
The Development of Occupational Plans
Influences on Occupational Choices
© focal point/ RF

320 CHAPTER 12 Achievement 321

Because adolescence is typically a time of preparation For the college student contemplating a career as a
for the roles of adulthood, considerable attention has been therapist who works with teenagers, is it better to major in
paid to the development and expression of achievement some sort of counseling or to follow a more general, liberal
during these years. Broadly defined, achievement con- arts course of study? How early do you have to decide
cerns the development of motives, capabilities, interests, which specific profession to specialize in (e.g., counsel-
and behavior that have to do with performance in evalua- ing, social work, psychology, psychiatry)? Is it necessary
tive situations. More specifically, the study of achievement to go to graduate school right away, or is it better to get
during adolescence has focused on young people’s per- some work experience before applying? These are all dif-
formance in educational settings and on their hopes and ficult questions to answer. And they are made more dif-
plans for future scholastic and occupational careers. Since ficult because the nature of work, and the preparation one
most young people form their first realistic educational and needs for specific careers, changes so rapidly. What might
vocational plans during adolescence, researchers have have been good advice 10 years ago might be terrible
long been interested in the factors that play the greatest advice today.
role in influencing individuals’ futures. Finally, achievement is a particularly important issue
Achievement is a particularly important consideration in the study of adolescence in contemporary society
in the study of adolescence in contemporary society. because individuals vary so widely in levels of educa-
Industrialized societies place an extraordinary emphasis tional and occupational success (Byrnes, 2011). By the
on achievement, competition, and success. During child- end of high school, many adolescents demonstrate a high
hood and adolescence, youngsters are continually tested enough level of academic achievement to enter selec-
to determine how they stand in relation to their peers. In tive colleges and universities; at the other extreme are
most industrialized societies, the amount of education a their peers who enter adulthood unable even to read a
person has completed and the job he or she holds—two newspaper or understand a bus schedule. Although three-
of the most important indicators of achievement—provide quarters of adolescents in the United States today com-
a basis for the individual’s self-conceptions and image in plete high school and go on to college, nearly 10% leave
the eyes of others. high school before graduating (the figure is even higher in
A second reason for the importance of achievement in many inner-city school districts).
the study of adolescence concerns the range and rapidly Similar disparities exist in the world of work: Most youth
changing nature of the choices faced by today’s young peo- make the transition from school to work without a great
ple. Adolescents in modern societies are confronted with deal of difficulty, but a significant number experience
an array of difficult occupational and educational decisions frustrating unemployment. Even within the population of
before they turn 25. Beyond such fundamental questions young people who enter the labor force, there is consider-
as what type of career to follow and whether to continue able variation in earnings and in occupational status. Many
with schooling after high school, adolescents must think important questions in the study of adolescent achieve-
about what specific sorts of jobs should be pursued within a ment concern factors that distinguish between young peo-
particular career path, what kind of educational preparation ple who are successful—however success is defined—and
would be most appropriate, and how to get a decent job. those who are not.

Achievement as an Achievement during the adolescent years, though,

merits special attention for several reasons. First, the
Adolescent Issue fact that adolescence is a time of preparation for adult
Development in the realm of achievement neither begins work roles raises questions about the nature of the
nor ends during adolescence. Educational institutions— preparation young people receive and the processes
even for young children—stress performance, compe- through which they sort themselves (or are sorted)
tition, and success on tests of knowledge and ability, into the jobs that may influence the remainder of their
perhaps even more so today than in the past. Concerns lives. Individuals’ options for later school and work are
over achievement continue throughout adulthood as well. often influenced by decisions they make during high
Like their younger counterparts, adults often place a pre- school and college, and it is important to ask how such
mium on success, and in American society, what one options are perceived and defined and how decisions
does for a living is an important part of one’s identity. are made.
322 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Second, although differences in school performance adolescents’ interest in risky behavior (like experiment-
and achievement are apparent as early as the 1st grade, ing with drugs), which may conflict or interfere with
not until adolescence do individuals begin to fully what’s expected of them in school. In addition, puberty
appreciate the implications of these differences for intensifies differences between males and females, and
immediate and future success. Children’s occupational one impact of this is to make individuals think about
plans are often the product of fantasy and passing inter- what is “appropriate” achievement-related behavior for
ests, without any realistic assessment of their practical- each of the sexes.
ity or feasibility. Not until adolescence do individuals
begin to evaluate their occupational choices in light Cognitive Change and Achievement The intel-
of their actual talents, abilities, and opportunities, and lectual changes of the period obviously are important
by comparing their own performance to that of those influences on achievement. Certain subjects, like alge-
around them. bra, demand the use of the sorts of higher-order cognitive
Third, the educational and occupational decisions skills that don’t fully mature until adolescence. Perhaps
made during adolescence are more numerous, and the more important, not until adolescence are individuals
consequences of such decisions more serious, than the cognitively capable of seeing the long-term consequences
decisions made during childhood. In most elementary of their educational and occupational choices or of real-
schools, although children may be grouped by ability, istically considering the range of scholastic and work
they generally are all exposed to fairly similar curricula possibilities open to them. Thus, a second reason for the
and have few opportunities to veer from the educational prominence of achievement-related issues during adoles-
program established by their school system. In high cence is related to the advent of more sophisticated forms
school, however, students can select how much science of thinking. The ability to think in hypothetical terms, for
and math they want to take, whether they wish to study example, raises new achievement concerns for the indi-
a foreign language, whether they want to pursue an aca- vidual (“Should I go to college after I graduate, or should
demic or vocational track—even whether they want to I work for a while?”); it also permits the young person to
remain in school once they have reached the legal age think through such questions in a logical and systematic
for leaving school. (In most parts of the United States, fashion (“If I decide to go to college, then . . .”).
students can leave school before turning 18, but only if Social Roles and Achievement The main reason
they have their parents’ permission to do so.) Moreover, that many achievement-related issues take on new sig-
it is during adolescence that most individuals decide nificance during adolescence involves the social transi-
whether they want to go to college or enter a full-time tion of the period. In virtually all societies, adolescence
job directly from high school. All these decisions have is the age when important educational and occupa-
important implications for the sort of choices and plans tional decisions are made, and society has structured
the adolescent will make in the future, which, in turn, its educational and work institutions around this. In
will influence his or her earnings, lifestyle, identity, and most industrialized societies, it is not until adolescence
subsequent psychosocial development. that individuals attain the status necessary to decide
How might the biological, cognitive, and social whether they will continue or end their formal educa-
changes of adolescence affect the ways in which indi- tion (i.e., stop at high school or continue on to college).
viduals respond in achievement-related situations? Similarly, it is not until adolescence that individuals are
allowed to enter the labor force in an official capacity,
Puberty and Achievement Although the biologi- since child labor regulations typically prohibit the for-
cal changes of puberty are less obvious influences on mal employment of youngsters under the age of 14 or so.
achievement than are the cognitive and social transi- In other words, the transition from school to work—one
tions of the period, they may nevertheless affect the of the central issues in the study of achievement during
development of achievement in important ways. As you adolescence—is a socially defined passage that society
will read, the transition into secondary school is usually has determined will be negotiated during adolescence.
marked by a temporary drop in individuals’ motivation In this chapter, we look at the nature of achievement
to achieve, and some of this may be related to puberty, during the adolescent years. As you’ll see, the extent to
because it introduces new issues (like dating and sex) which an adolescent is successful in school and in pre-
into the adolescent’s mix of concerns. To the extent that paring for work is influenced by a complex array of per-
puberty changes what’s important for maintaining status sonal and environmental factors. We begin with a look at
in the peer group, it may lead one set of factors that reliably differentiates adolescents
Noncognitive factors some adolescents to worry who are successful from their peers who are not. It turns
Influences on achievement that about whether trying too hard out that noncognitive factors, such as how motivated
do not have to do with intellec- to do well will make them someone is to achieve, or what the person believes about
tual ability, such as determina- less attractive to their class- the causes of successes and failure, are far more impor-
tion, perseverance, and grit.
mates. Puberty also increases tant than had been thought. CHAPTER 12 Achievement 323

The Importance of Noncognitive

Achievement Motivation
There is no question that success is partly determined
by sheer ability (Bornstein, Hahn, & Wolke, 2013). But
as many writers have pointed out, it takes more than tal-
ent to succeed—it also takes desire and determination—
what some experts have referred to as “grit” (Duckworth,
Peterson, Matthews, & Kelly, 2007). Individuals differ in
the extent to which they strive for success, and this dif-
ferential striving—which can be measured independently
of ability—helps to account for different degrees of actual
achievement (Casilas et al., 2012; Mega, Ronconi, &
De Beni, 2014; Wigfield et al., 2011). Two students
may both score equally on an intelligence or aptitude
test, but if one student simply tries much harder than the
other, their actual grades will probably differ. As some-
one who has been advising undergraduate and graduate
students for more than three decades, I can assure you
that the difference between those who are successful
and those who are not usually has much more to do with
their drive and capacity for self-direction than with their
Individuals who are intrinsically motivated strive to achieve
intelligence—an observation that is borne out by scien-
because of the pleasure they get out of learning and mastering
tific study (Andersson & Bergman, 2011; Duckworth & the material. Generally speaking, they perform better in school
Seligman, 2005; Murayama, Pekrun, Lichtenfeld, & vom than students who are extrinsically motivated. © Bananastock/
Hofe, 2013). As far as success in school or work is con- Age Fotostock RF
cerned, a certain amount of intelligence is necessary, but
it’s more important to be hard-working than to be bril- Fear of Failure Being moti- delay of gratification
liant. Adolescents with greater mental toughness even vated to achieve is only part The capacity to wait longer to
sleep better than their peers, most probably because get- of the story. Even students get a larger, better, or more
ting a good night’s sleep helps us stay focused (Brand who are determined to suc- valuable reward instead of a
et al., 2014). ceed are sometimes so afraid smaller, less attractive, or less
valuable one that is available
In recent years, there has been growing interest in of failing that their strong immediately.
understanding the social and personality factors that pre- achievement motivation is
dict success in school and work, especially things like self- undermined. Fear of failure,
control and persistence (Padilla-Walker, Day, Dyer, & which often creates feelings of anxiety during tests or in
Black, 2013; Valiente, Swanson, & Eisenberg, 2012; other evaluative situations, can interfere with successful
Veronneau, Racer, Fosco, & Dishion, 2014). In a clas- performance. When the achievement situation involves
sic study conducted nearly 50 years ago, researchers pre- an easy task, and when a little anxiety helps to focus
sented preschoolers with the choice between receiving a attention (if, for example, the task is boring), a moderate
single marshmallow immediately or waiting 15 minutes amount of anxiety may improve performance by increas-
to get two of them. This test measured what psycholo- ing one’s concentration. But the anxiety generated by a
gists call delay of gratification, the ability to wait longer strong fear of failure interferes with successful perfor-
to get a larger, better, or more valuable reward instead mance. This often happens when the task involves learn-
of a less attractive one available immediately. In the ing something new or solving a complex problem—like
marshmallow study, children who had a stronger ability many tasks faced by adolescents in school settings.
to delay gratification when they were just preschoolers Studies of adolescents from affluent backgrounds who
were far more likely than the others to be successful in are under strong pressure to do well in school find that
school throughout childhood and adolescence, and, as it isn’t so much parents’ pressure to do well that creates
adults, at work (Mischel, 2014). Motivation becomes a mental health problems, but rather, parents’ criticism
more and more important determinant of success during when expectations are not achieved (Luthar, Shoum, &
adolescence, as individuals increasingly are expected to Brown, 2006).
take charge of their own educational careers. By the time An adolescent’s achievement motivation and her or his
one enters college, doing well is influenced as much by fear of failure work together to pull the individual toward
conscientiousness as it is by intelligence (Poropat, 2009). (or repel the individual from) achievement situations.
324 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Individuals with a relatively strong need for achievement Achievement Goal Orientation Two individuals
and a relatively weak fear of failure are more likely to can be equally motivated to achieve, but for very differ-
actively approach challenging achievement situations— ent reasons. Psychologists draw a distinction between
by taking more difficult classes, for example—and to mastery motivation (similar to intrinsic motivation)
look forward to them. In contrast, those whose fear of and performance motivation (similar to extrinsic moti-
failure is relatively intense and whose need for achieve- vation). Individuals who have a strong mastery orienta-
ment is relatively weak will dread challenging situations tion strive to achieve because of the pleasure they get
and do what they can to avoid them. Many students who out of learning and mastering the material. Individuals
have trouble persisting at tasks and who fear failure who are mainly performance oriented strive to achieve
become underachievers—students whose grades are because of the rewards they get for performing well (typ-
far lower than one would expect based on their intellec- ically, good grades) and the punishments they receive for
tual ability. performing poorly (like parental disapproval).
Individuals with a strong mastery orientation perform
Self-Handicapping Distinguishing between students better in school than those whose motivation is mainly
whose underachievement is due mainly to anxiety and driven by performance goals, because intrinsically moti-
those who underperform for other reasons is important vated individuals are more confident about their ability
(Klassen et al., 2009; Midgley, Arunkumar, & Urdan, and more likely to persist in the face of failure (Eccles
1996; Midgley & Urdan, 1995). Some students actu- & Roeser, 2011; Yeager et al., 2014). There is a drop
ally want to appear uninterested in school because in in students’ mastery motivation as they transition from
some contexts this presentation may garner more respect elementary into secondary school (Bong, 2009; Wang
and admiration from peers than academic success. & Pomerantz, 2009), in part because teachers them-
Others want to make sure that they have an excuse for selves become more performance-oriented and less
poor performance other than a lack of ability (Nurmi, mastery-oriented during this time (Eccles & Roeser,
Onatsu, & Haavisto, 1995). Still others may downplay 2011). Students who believe that their teachers value and
the importance of academics as a response to their poor encourage autonomy are less likely to show this decline
performance (Loose, Regner, Morin, & Dumas, 2012). in motivation (Hafen et al., 2012).
These students may use various self-handicapping Important adults in the adolescent’s life affect the
strategies—such as joking around in class, procrasti- extent to which an adolescent’s achievement motives
nation, turning in incomplete homework, or partying are more aimed at mastery or more targeted toward per-
excessively the night before a big exam—as a way of formance (Kim, Schallert, & Kim, 2010; Murayama &
self-protection (“I failed the test because I didn’t try Elliot, 2009). It’s valuable for students to have perfec-
hard, not because I’m stupid”) or as a means of enhanc- tionistic tendencies, but it’s essential that this drive to do
ing their self-presentation (“I’m too cool to care about well comes from inside, and not from the demands of
doing well in school”). others (Bong, Hwang, Noh, & Kim, 2014). When adults
Although self-handicapping is common among both attempt to control an adolescent’s achievement behavior
males and females, there are sex differences in the ways by rewarding good grades (e.g., giving prizes or money),
in which adolescent girls and punishing bad grades (e.g., restricting privileges), or
underachievers boys undermine their own suc- excessively supervising their performance (e.g., con-
Individuals whose actual cess in school: Boys who self- stantly checking up on their homework), adolescents are
school performance is lower handicap tend to attribute their more likely to develop a performance orientation and, as
than what would be expected poor performance to a lack of a result, are less likely to do well in school. In contrast,
on the basis of objective
measures of their aptitude or
effort, whereas girls are more adolescents whose parents and teachers encourage their
intelligence. likely to mention emotional autonomy, provide a cognitively stimulating home envi-
problems (Warner & Moore, ronment, and are supportive of school success (without
Deliberately behaving in ways
2004). A number of writers rewarding it concretely) are more likely to develop a
that will likely interfere with have drawn special attention strong mastery orientation and tend to perform better in
doing well, in order to have an to the use of self-handicap- school as a consequence (Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, &
excuse for failing. ping strategies among ethnic Nagengast, 2014; Gottfried, Marcoulides, Gottfried, &
mastery motivation minority youth, who may dis- Oliver, 2009; Kim et al., 2010; Mouratidis, Vansteenkiste,
Motivation to succeed based engage from school because Lens, Michou, & Soenens, 2013).
on the pleasure one will experi- they perceive their long-term
ence from mastering a task. prospects as being limited by
performance motivation discrimination and prejudice
Beliefs About Success and Failure
Motivation to succeed based (Mickelson, 1990; R. Taylor, How we behave in achievement situations is also influ-
on the rewards one will receive Casten, Flickinger, Roberts, & enced by our beliefs about our abilities and our chances
for successful performance.
Fulmore, 1994). for success and failure. You may have a very strong need CHAPTER 12 Achievement 325

for achievement, but if you are put into a situation in

which you see little likelihood of succeeding, you will
behave very differently than if you are in a situation in
which you think your odds of doing well are good. For
this reason, researchers have studied adolescents’ beliefs
about achievement, and not simply their motives.
Adolescents make judgments about their likelihood of
succeeding or failing and exert different degrees of effort
accordingly (Dweck, 2002). For example, choices of
what classes to take in school are influenced by students’
beliefs about their abilities. Students who believe that
they are good at math will take more, and more difficult,
math courses than their peers (Wang, 2012). This poten-
tially has ramifications for the future: Because course
selection influences achievement (students who take
more challenging math classes perform better on math
tests), and achievement, in turn, influences students’
beliefs about their abilities (students who do well on math
Students who are good at math take more, and more difficult,
tests come to see themselves as better math students). math courses, which enhances their academic self-conceptions.
A cycle is set in motion in which students’ beliefs, abili- This leads them to take more challenging math courses in the
ties, classroom engagement, and actual achievement have future. © Pixtal/AGE Fotostock RF
a reciprocal influence on each other (Chow, Eccles, &
Salmela-Aro, 2012; Poorthuis et al., 2014). One of the intellectual deficiencies have stereotype threat
most interesting applications of this idea involves what been successful (Hanselman, The harmful effect that expo-
psychologists call stereotype threat. Bruch, Gamoran, & Borman, sure to stereotypes about eth-
2014). nic or sex differences in ability
Stereotype Threat Students’ beliefs about their abil- has on student performance.
Changing views of male
ities and, as a consequence, their performance can also and female intellectual abil-
be affected by situational factors operating when they ity have affected adolescent girls’ test performance. For
are being evaluated. When students are told that mem- many years, experts were concerned about the achieve-
bers of their ethnic group usually perform poorly on a ment motives and beliefs of adolescent girls, particularly
particular test (for example, before the test is adminis- with regard to performance in math and science, but
tered, students are told that previous studies have shown more studies have shown that many previously observed
that members of their ethnic group do not score as well sex differences have gotten much smaller, at least in
as other students), their performance actually suffers, the United States (Watt et al., 2012). One possible rea-
whereas the reverse is true when students are told that son for this is that stereotypes about sex differences in
members of their ethnic group usually perform better cognitive ability have weakened considerably. Many
than others (Steele, 1997), a phenomenon referred to as decades ago, raters in experiments judged successful
stereotype threat. To the extent that adolescents believe females as less likable, less attractive, and less likely to
widely held stereotypes about ethnic or sex differences be happy. Today, similar experiments show the opposite
in ability (for example, that boys are just better at math effect, perhaps because we have become that much more
than girls or that Asians are more intelligent than indi- accustomed to seeing successful girls and women in a
viduals from other ethnic groups), their achievement variety of settings and endeavors (Quatman, Sokolik, &
may be enhanced or depressed, depending on how Smith, 2000).
they think they are expected to perform (Woodcock, It is striking how much things have changed. As a
Hernandez, Estrada, & Schultz, 2012). For instance, result of improvements in girls’ achievement—across
biracial students who identify themselves as Black or all subject areas—the achievement gap between males
Hispanic (groups often stereotyped as poor achievers) and females in math and science is very small (Reilly,
achieve lower grades in school than those with identi- Neumann, & Andrews, 2014). Today, people tend to
cal backgrounds who identify themselves as White or be worried about the poor achievement of boys, not
Asian (groups often stereotyped as high achievers) girls (Sommers, 2000). On average, boys do not do as
(Herman, 2009). Certain stereotypes about ethnic differ- well in school, are less invested in doing well, are dis-
ences in intelligence (e.g., that Asians are better at math) ciplined more often by their teachers, and are more
are present even before adolescence (Cvencek, Nasir, likely to perceive their schools and teachers as unfair
O’Connor, Wischnia, & Meltzoff, 2014). Interventions (Kiang, Supple, Stein, & Gonzalez, 2012; Pomerantz,
designed to counter students’ beliefs about their group’s Altermatt, & Saxon, 2002). Sex differences in educational
326 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

attainment have grown in recent years, with females now performance (Bassi, Steca, Delle Fave, & Caprara, 2007;
far outnumbering males on American college campuses Legault, Green-Demers, & Pelletier, 2006; Simpkins,
(T. Lewin, 2006). Sex differences in educational attain- Davis-Kean, & Eccles, 2006). Their performance, in
ment, favoring females, are especially great among Black turn, influences their beliefs about their competence (T.
adolescents (J. King, 2006; Saunders, Davis, Williams, & Williams & Williams, 2010) (Figure 1). Understanding
Williams, 2004), in part because Black parents are more how these forces work together has important implica-
likely to practice authoritative parenting with daughters tions for teachers, because, as you will read, adolescents’
than with sons (Dotterer, Loew, & McHale, 2014; Varner motives and beliefs are influenced by the context in
& Mabdara, 2014) which they are educated. In other words, there are spe-
cific steps teachers can take that will help bring out the
The Nature of Intelligence The way adolescents best in their students.
think about intelligence in general (in addition to how
they view their own capability) also enters into the The Importance of Context Although students’
achievement equation. What’s especially crucial is orientation toward mastery versus performance is
whether intelligence is thought of as something that determined in part by psychological factors, the edu-
is fixed or as something that is changeable (Stipek & cational context matters as well. When classroom
Gralinski, 1996). Studies show that three factors inter- conditions change so that performance becomes more
act to predict students’ behavior in school: whether they important than learning, students’ motives and beliefs
believe that intelligence is fixed or malleable, whether change as a result. You’ve probably experienced this
they are oriented more toward performance or mastery, when you enrolled in a course in which the instruc-
and whether they are confident about their abilities, or, tor stressed grades rather than mastery of the material.
as some theorists have put it, have a strong sense of self- This sort of emphasis brings out the worst in students—
efficacy (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, literally. Under some circumstances, performance goals
1996). But it’s how these qualities are combined that make students more extrinsically motivated, more
really matters (De Castella, Byrne, & Covington, 2013; insecure about their abilities, more hesitant to chal-
Martin, Nejad, Colmar, & Liem, 2013). lenge themselves, and less likely to ask for help (R.
Students who believe that intelligence is fixed tend to Newman & Schwager, 1995). This is especially likely
be oriented toward their performance and to be greatly when students are motivated mainly by trying to avoid
affected by their degree of self-efficacy (Stipek & looking stupid (which diminishes their performance)
Gralinski, 1996). If they are confident about their abili- rather than by trying to compete with and outperform
ties, this is fine; they tend to work hard and to seek out their classmates (which enhances their performance)
challenges. If they are insecure, though, they tend to give (Pintrich, 2000). In classrooms in which teachers
up easily and feel helpless. In other words, if you believe are very performance-oriented (rather than mastery-
that intelligence is fixed, you’d better have confidence in oriented), students feel more alienated from school,
your own abilities. have lower feelings of self-efficacy, and are more
Students who believe that intelligence is malleable likely to engage in self-handicapping behavior (Kalil
approach achievement situations from a different per- & Ziol-Guest, 2008; Patall, Cooper, & Wynn, 2010;
spective. They are more likely to be intrinsically than Urdan, 2004).
extrinsically motivated; for them, satisfaction comes Students’ feelings of self-efficacy influence, and
from mastering the material, not simply from getting a are influenced by, their experiences, the messages
good grade. They are also far less affected by their level they receive from teachers and parents, and the ways
of confidence, because they are less concerned about in which they compare themselves to their classmates
their performance. Whether assured or insecure, these (Gniewosz, Eccles, & Noack, 2014; Simpkins, 2015;
students exert extra effort and seek out challenges, Simpkins & Eccles, 2012). Around the world, adoles-
because they are motivated by learning rather than by cents also use peers as a basis of social comparison,
performing (Purdie, Hattie, & Douglas, 1996). Beliefs and develop beliefs about their academic competence
in the capacity of people to change are especially by comparing their grades to the grades their friends
helpful during times of stressful transition (Yeager
et al., 2014).
These newer models of the noncognitive aspects of
achievement during adolescence illustrate how students’ Beliefs about Academic
beliefs (about the nature of self-efficacy performance
self-efficacy ability in general and the nature
The sense that an individual of their own ability in particu- Figure 1 Individuals’ sense of self-efficacy influences
has some control over his or
lar) influence their motivation, their academic performance, which further shapes their
her life.
which, in turn, influences their sense of self-efficacy. (T. Wllliams & Williams, 2010) CHAPTER 12 Achievement 327

get (Bissell-Havran, 2014; Marsh et al., 2014). Here is

how Jamaal, an 8th-grade student who is high in self-
efficacy, described his reaction to the performance of a
high-achieving classmate:
I was real mad when Stacey had got a 100. I wasn’t really
mad, but I was kind of jealous. Like I envied it. Like I
wished I was that one that got 100. I mean sometimes, now
that, that’s one of the things that give me the extra drive.
That gives me the extra determination to work harder in
math to get good grades like everyone else. (Usher, 2009,
p. 295)

When he felt challenged by a math problem, Jamaal

would give himself pep talks:
I’ll be like, “Come on.” I’ll be thinking about different
ways to solve problems and stuff like that. I’ll be saying,
“Come on, Jamaal, you can do this,” and stuff like that. . . .
I don’t know what it does, but it’s just like extra comfort to
me. (p. 295)
When teachers emphasize performance, rather than mastery,
Compare this sentiment to that expressed by Tanisha, students are more likely to disengage from class. ©Photodisc/
a classmate of Jamaal’s who is low in self-efficacy: PunchStock RF

Some of my friends tell me about [algebra], and, you

How adolescents interpret their failures is also impor-
know, some of their tests that they told me about, they said
tant. Some youngsters try harder in the face of failure,
it was hard. But, you know, that’s kind of what makes me
feel like I’m not going to do good in it. Because, like, if whereas others withdraw and exert less effort. When
they can’t do it, then I probably can’t do it. (p. 297) students attribute their failures to a lack of effort, they
are more likely to try harder on future tasks (Dweck,
2002). Adolescents who attribute their failure to factors
Attributions for Success and Failure How students that they feel cannot be changed (such as bad luck, lack
interpret their successes and failures is also impor- of intelligence, or task difficulty) are more likely to feel
tant. Researchers who are interested in achievement helpless and to exert less effort in subsequent situations.
attributions have studied how the explanations that Suppose, for instance, a student takes the SAT and
people give for their success or failure influence their receives a mediocre score. He then is told by his guidance
performance (Dweck, 2002). According to these theo- counselor that the SAT is a measure of intelligence, that
rists, individuals attribute their performance to a combi- intelligence is fixed, and that his score reflects how smart
nation of four factors: ability, effort, task difficulty, and he is. The counselor tells the student that he can retake the
luck. When people succeed and attribute their success test if he wants to but that he should not expect to score
to internal causes, such as their ability or effort, they much higher the next time. Now imagine a different stu-
are more likely to approach future tasks confidently and dent, who has the same score on the test. She is told by her
with self-assurance. If, however, they attribute their suc- guidance counselor that effort has a great deal to do with
cess to external factors outside their control, such as luck scores on the SAT and that she can raise her score by try-
or an easy task, they are more likely to remain unsure of ing harder. In all likelihood, the next time these students
their abilities. Successful students, who tend to be high in take the test, the first student will not try as hard as the
achievement motivation, are likely to attribute their suc- second student, because he is more likely to feel helpless.
cesses to internal causes (Durik, Vida, & Eccles, 2006; Students who are led to believe that their efforts do
Randel, Stevenson, & Witruk, 2000; Swinton, Kurtz- not make a difference—by being told, for example, that
Costes, Rowley, & Okeke-Adeyanju, 2011). they are stupid or that the work
is too difficult for them— achievement attributions
develop what psychologists The beliefs an individual holds
making the personal call learned helplessness: the about the causes of her or his
successes and failures.
connection belief that failure is inevitable
When you succeed in school, to what do you attribute (Dweck, 2002). As a result of learned helplessness
your success? When you fail, how do you explain your fail- learned helplessness, some stu- The acquired belief that an
dents try less hard than their individual is not able to influ-
ure? Have you had teachers who influenced your beliefs ence events through his or her
about your own abilities? peers, and they don’t do as own efforts or actions.
well as they might. Students
328 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

who suffer from learned helplessness and who use a lot Several experiments have demonstrated that this
of self-handicapping strategies tend not only to perform decline does not have to be inevitable. In one, research-
worse in school but also to have more overall adjustment ers randomly assigned students enrolled in 7th-grade
problems than their peers (Määta, Nurmi, & Stattin, math classes to one of two groups: an experimental
2007; Määta, Stattin, & Nurmi, 2002). Instead of dis- group, which received two class sessions on how it is
missing low-achieving students as having “low needs for possible to “grow your intelligence” and on how experi-
achievement” or “low intelligence,” teachers and other ence can actually affect brain development, and a control
school personnel can help students achieve more by help- group, which was taught strategies to improve memory
ing them learn to attribute their performance to factors (Blackwell et al., 2007). While both groups showed a
that are under their control (Blackwell, Trzesniewski, & comparable drop in math grades initially, after the inter-
Dweck, 2007; Hudley, 1997; Usher, 2009). vention, the group that was taught that intelligence is
malleable improved, whereas the control group contin-
The Drop in Motivation during the Transition ued to decline. Another study found that having students
into Secondary School One of the most interest- write essays about the potential benefits of the transi-
ing applications of research on achievement-related tion into high school helped maintain positive academic
beliefs has been in studies of changes in adolescents’ self-conceptions during this time (Facchin, Margola, &
academic motivation during the transition from elemen- Revenson, 2014).
tary school to junior high school (Eccles & Roeser,
2011). Studies find that students’ motivation and school
performance decline when they move into secondary Environmental Influences
school (see Figure 2) (Eccles & Rosser, 2009; Wang &
Eccles, 2012). Why might this be? on Achievement
Among the other important changes that take place Ability, beliefs, and motivation play a large role in
during this school transition is a shift on the part of teach- influencing academic performance, but opportunity
ers toward a more performance-oriented style of instruc- and situational factors also have a great deal to do with
tion and evaluation (Fine, 2014). Elementary school achievement (Eccles & Roeser, 2011). Many differences
teachers tend to stress the importance of mastering the in achievement observed among adolescents result not
material. During secondary school, however, more of an from differences in their abilities, motives, or beliefs but
emphasis is placed on grades. This shift undermines many from differences in the schools and classrooms where
students’ intrinsic motivation and their self-confidence, their abilities and motives are expressed.
which, in turn, diminishes their performance. Indeed, School environments differ markedly—in physi-
during the early years of high school, there is a general cal facilities, in opportunities for pursuing academi-
decline in adolescents’ feelings of self-efficacy and their cally enriched programs, and in classroom atmospheres.
mastery motivation, and an increase in their use of self- Students are more engaged and successful in schools that
handicapping strategies (Gottfried, Fleming, & Gottfried, are more personal, less departmentalized, and less rig-
2001; Pintrich, 2000). In addition, beliefs about intelli- idly tracked, and in which team teaching is used more
gence change as students move into and through adoles- frequently (V. Lee & Smith, 1993). Unfortunately, many
cence, with older students more likely to view intelligence school districts, plagued with shrinking tax bases, have
as stable (Ablard & Mills, 1996) and to endorse dysfunc- decaying school buildings, outdated equipment, and
tional attributions (e.g., attributing failure to a lack of abil- shortages of textbooks and teachers. In some schools,
ity, rather than a lack of effort) (Swinton et al., 2011). disciplinary problems and crime have become so over-
whelming that dealing with them has taken precedence
over learning and instruction. Many young people who
5 genuinely want to succeed are impeded not by a lack
of talent or motivation but by a school environment
4 that makes their academic success virtually impossible.
Students who attend schools with a high concentration

of poor, minority students are especially disadvantaged,
Behavioral participation as are students who attend schools with a high propor-
2 School belonging tion of students from single-parent families (Bankston &
Self-regulated learning
Caldas, 1998; Pong, 1998). The decline in school engage-
7 9 11 ment seen during the transition from elementary to sec-
Grade ondary school is especially pronounced among students
Figure 2 As students move through adolescence, they in low-income neighborhoods (Benner & Wang, 2014a)
become increasingly disengaged from school. (Wang & and among disadvantaged students in schools in which
Eccles, 2012) they are a small minority (Benner & Wang, 2014b). CHAPTER 12 Achievement 329

Schools in the United States vary considerably in the resources their students have access to. © Thomas Trutschel/Getty Images

The Influence of The Home expect a lot come to expect a lot of themselves (Y. Zhang,
Haddad, Torres, & Chen, 2011b), whereas low parental
Environment expectations can contribute to a self-fulfilling prophecy,
The school, of course, is not the only environment that
makes a difference in adolescents’ achievement, and few
would argue that schools should accept full responsibil-
ity for adolescents who do not succeed at a level conso- Parents’
values and
nant with their abilities. If anything, important aspects expectations
of the home environment are better predictors of ado-
lescents’ academic achievement than are features of the
school environment (Azmitia, Cooper, & Brown, 2009;
Steinberg, 1996). Researchers have studied three ways
in which the adolescent’s home may influence his or her
level of achievement (see Figure 3). Adolescent
Parental Values and Expectations Adolescents’
achievement is directly related to their parents’ values
and expectations (Jodl, Michael, Malanchuk, Eccles, &
Sameroff, 2001). Parental encouragement of academic
success are manifested in a number of ways, all of which Quality
of home
benefit adolescents’ school performance. First, parents parenting
who encourage school success set higher standards for
their child’s school performance and homework; they
have higher aspirations for their child, which, in turn, Figure 3 Parents influence adolescent achievement
contribute to school success (Luthar et al., 2006). Parents’ through three processes: their values and expecta-
and adolescents’ expectations influence each other over tions, the way they parent, and the quality of the home
time, so that adolescents who grow up with parents who environment.
330 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

leading to poor achievement (Wood, Kurtz-Costes, likely to attend school programs, help in course
Rowley, & Okeke-Adeyanju, 2010). The relation between selection, maintain interest in school activities and
parents’ and adolescents’ expectations is complicated, assignments, and the like—all of which contribute
though: In the long run, adolescents achieve more when to students’ success (Benner et al., 2008; N. E. Hill
their parents’ expectations for them actually exceed their et al., 2004; Shumow & Miller, 2001). Parental involve-
own (perhaps because parents then provide encourage- ment in schooling may make academic success seem
ment that bolsters adolescents’ school performance), but both more important and more attainable to the ado-
in the short term they achieve less when they believe that lescent, which may enhance the young person’s aca-
their parents expect more of them than they are capable demic self-conceptions (Grolnick & Slowiaczek, 1994;
of (perhaps because this creates stress) (Bowen, Hopson, Ibañez, Kuperminc, Jurkovic, & Perilla, 2004); it also
Rose, & Glennie, 2012; Randall, Bohnert, & Travers, sends an important message to teachers (Kuperminc,
2015; Wang & Benner, 2014). One arena in which Darnell, & Alvarez-Jiminez, 2008). In contrast, parental
parental expectations play an especially important role disengagement from school makes students themselves
is mathematics, where traditional views of gender roles more likely to disengage and do poorly (Roeser, Lord, &
may lead adolescent boys and girls to develop very dif- Eccles, 1994). Parental involvement seems to be an espe-
ferent sorts of self-conceptions that inspire male students cially strong influence on the achievement of Mexican
to develop relatively stronger interests in math from an American youth, perhaps because of the importance of
early age (Frenzel, Goetz, Pekrun, & Watt, 2010; Nagy the family in Mexican culture (Trusty, Plata, & Salazar,
et al., 2010). When parents are told how useful it is 2003; Woolley, Kol, & Bowen, 2009). The way in which
for students to take math and science, girls’ enroll- parents are involved matters, however: Encouraging and
ment in these classes increases (Rozek, Hyde, Svoboda, expecting achievement in school and being involved in
Hulleman, & Harackiewicz, 2014). school-based activities are both effective forms of paren-
Second, parents who encourage school success also tal involvement, whereas helping with homework is not
have values that are consistent with doing well in school. (N. E. Hill & Tyson, 2009). Parental involvement in
They structure the home environment to support aca- schooling has a more substantial effect when the ado-
demic pursuits, so that the messages children receive from lescent attends a school in which a large proportion of
their teachers are echoed at home (Benner, Graham, & other students’ parents are involved as well (Darling &
Mistry, 2008; Grolnick, Raftery-Helmer, Flamm, Steinberg, 1997; Pong, 1998) and in higher-income
Marbell, & Cardemil, 2014; Roche & Ghazarian, 2012). communities (Gordon & Cui, 2014).
Even high school students profit from having parents
who help them learn more effective time management Authoritative Parenting A second way in which
strategies and healthier work habits (Xu, 2004). parents influence student achievement is through their
Finally, parents who encourage success are likely general approach to parenting. Authoritative parenting—
to be more involved in their child’s education—more parenting that is warm, firm, and fair—is linked to school
success during adolescence, as indexed by better grades,
better attendance, higher expectations, more positive aca-
demic self-conceptions, and stronger engagement in the
classroom (Cheung, Pomerantz, & Dong, 2013; Hill &
Wang, 2015; Lowe & Dotterer, 2013; Wang, Hill, &
Hofkens, 2014). In contrast, parenting that is especially
punitive, harsh, overcontrolling, or inept is associated
with lower school engagement and diminished achieve-
ment (Blondal & Adalbjamardottir, 2014; Q. Wang,
Pomerantz, & Chen, 2007). Interestingly, extreme paren-
tal permissiveness, not authoritarianism, is associated
with higher rates of dropping out of school (Rumberger,
Ghatak, Poulos, Ritter, & Dornbusch, 1990).
Why do adolescents achieve more in school when
they come from authoritative homes? Authoritative
parenting promotes the development of a healthy
achievement orientation—including an emphasis on
mastery and a healthier attributional style—which,
in turn, enhances adolescent school performance
Adolescents whose parents are involved in their schooling per-
form better than adolescents whose parents are not. One reason
(Duchesne & Ratelle, 2010; Suizzo et al., 2012). This
that students from higher social classes do better in school is that is in part because authoritative parents are more likely
their parents tend to be more involved. © sturti/Getty Images RF themselves to hold healthier beliefs about their child’s CHAPTER 12 Achievement 331

achievement and less likely to be overly controlling— environment. Stress at home, in turn, spills over into the
two factors that strengthen adolescents’ work ethic adolescent’s school life, leading to academic problems
and intrinsic motivation (Arbeton, Eccles, & Harold, and lower achievement (Flook & Fuligni, 2008). One
1994; Grolnick & Slowiaczek, 1994). Having a strong recent study found, for example, that adolescents from
work orientation enhances achievement both directly, homes in which there had been a lot of family instability
as we saw earlier, and indirectly, through the positive did not do as well as other students when they attended
impression it makes on teachers (Farkas, Grobe, & schools that had a large proportion of high-achieving
Shuan, 1990). students; in schools with fewer high achievers, coming
In general, these findings are in line with a good from an unstable family environment mattered much less
deal of research suggesting that consistent, authoritative (Cavanagh & Fomby, 2012).
parenting is associated with a wide array of benefits to Put succinctly, many American youngsters do not
the adolescent, including higher achievement motiva- grow up in an atmosphere that is conducive to academic
tion, greater self-esteem, and enhanced competence achievement. Many communities lack social capital—
(Steinberg, 2001). Authoritative parents also tend to be the support, encouragement, and involvement of adults
more involved in school activities, which is associated necessary to facilitate youngsters’ success (J. Coleman
with scholastic success, although parents’ involvement & Hoffer, 1987). Social capital, which is strengthened
both affects and is affected by adolescents’ achievement when families have strong ties to other families in the
(Cheung & Pomerantz, 2012; Juang & Silbereisen, 2002; community, is an important contributor to success in
Wang & Sheikh-Khalil, 2014). Students also perform school, above and beyond the contribution of adoles-
better when the values and expectations they encoun- cents’ family income, their parents’ education, or their
ter at home are consistent with those they encounter in household composition (Waithaka, 2014). In contrast,
school (Arunkumar, Midgley, & Urdan, 1999). students who can draw on resources provided not only by
the family, but by friends, mentors, and teachers, stand
The Quality of the Home Environment A third a far better chance of succeeding in school (Fruiht &
mechanism of familial influence is through the quality Wray-Lake, 2013; Maulana,
of the home environment, as measured by the presence Opdenakker, Stroet, & Bosker, cultural capital
of such items as a television, dictionary, encyclopedia, 2013; Rice et al., 2013; Song, The resources provided within
newspaper, vacuum cleaner, and other indicators of fam- Bong, Lee, & Kim, 2014). One a family through the exposure
ily income. The quality of the home environment is more recent study of undocumented of the adolescent to art, music,
strongly correlated with academic achievement than is immigrant Latino college stu- literature, and other elements
of “high culture.”
the quality of the physical facility of the school students dents described the way that
attend, the background and training of their teachers, these individuals created “fam- social capital
or their teachers’ salaries (Armor, 1972). The extent to ilies” of support that extended The interpersonal resources
available to an adolescent or
which parents provide cultural capital—by exposing well beyond their immediate family.
the adolescent to art, music, literature, and so forth— family (Enriquez, 2011).
exerts a positive impact on achievement above and
beyond the effects of the parents’ own level of educa-
tion (Waithaka, 2014). Access to the Internet at home
The Influence of Friends
is important, too (Chen, Hsaio, Chern, & Chen, 2014; Friends also influence adolescents’ achievement.
Hofferth & Moon, 2012). Friends, not parents, are the most salient influences on
Several researchers have asked whether adoles- adolescents’ day-to-day school behaviors, such as doing
cents’ school achievement is affected by genetic factors. homework and exerting effort in class (Steinberg, 1996;
Whereas intelligence and cognitive achievement both Wang & Eccles, 2012). That is, although parents are
have strong genetic components (and influence grades stronger influences on long-range educational plans,
through this mechanism), school performance is highly what adolescents do in school on a daily basis is more
influenced by environmental factors, both inside and affected by their friends. One of the main reasons that
outside the family (W. Johnson, McGue, & Iacono, 2006; adolescents growing up in poor neighborhoods achieve
Teachman, 1997). With this in mind, it is important to less is that they are often surrounded by peers who are
point out that a disheartening number of young people disengaged from school (South, Baumer, & Lutz, 2003).
in this country live in overcrowded, inadequate housing When most of us think about the influence of ado-
and come from families that are under severe economic lescents’ peers on achievement, we tend to think of the
and social stress—so much so that parental encourage- ways in which peers undermine academic success. But
ment and involvement are often undermined by neigh- the impact of friends on adolescents’ school perfor-
borhood conditions (Gonzales, Cauce, Friedman, & mance depends on the academic orientation of the peer
Mason, 1996). It is extremely difficult for a parent under group. Having friends who earn high grades and aspire
severe economic stress to provide a supportive home to further education enhances adolescents’ achievement,
332 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

whereas having friends who earn low grades or dispar- a stronger academic orientation than relatively more
age school success interferes with it (Steinberg, 1996). popular students (Luthar & McMahon, 1996; Wentzel &
Students whose friends are more engaged in school are Asher, 1995). As they move into middle school, adoles-
themselves more engaged and less likely to drop out cents become increasingly worried about their friends’
(R. Ream & Rumberger, 2008). Friends also influence reactions to success in school. By 8th grade, students do
course selection and play an important role in deci- not want their classmates to know that they worked hard
sions to take math and science classes, which may be an in school, even though they knew that it would be helpful
especially powerful influence on girls’ choice of classes to convey this impression to their teachers (Juvonen &
(Leaper, Farkas, & Brown, 2012; Robnet & Leaper, Murdock, 1995). High-achieving, popular students
2013). believe that it is important to hide their grades from their
Students’ grades change in parallel to the grades friends (Zook & Russotti, 2013), which may make sense
their friends get (Shin & Ryan, 2014). Students with in many schools, in which high-achieving students are
best friends who achieve high grades in school are more ostracized (Schwartz, Kelly, & Duong, 2013).
likely to show improvements in their own grades than Doing well in school does not have to come at the cost
are students who begin at similar levels of achievement of having a decent social life, however. A study in which
but whose friends are not high achievers. Peers also adolescents maintained daily diaries of their time use
exert a small but significant influence on each other’s sheds interesting light on the differences between high-
future plans (Kiuru et al., 2012). Among low-achieving and low-achieving students in how they spend their time
adolescents, those with high-achieving friends are more (Witkow, 2009). Not surprisingly, students who earn
likely to plan to continue their education than are those higher grades than their peers spend more time study-
with low-achieving friends. The causal direction works ing, both on weekdays and on weekends. But as Figure 4
the other way, too: When adolescents’ grades go up, they shows, a key difference between the groups is in how
tend to befriend more high-achieving classmates, but much—and when—they spend time with their friends.
when their grades drop, they tend to become friends with As you can see, high-achieving students spend less time
lower-achieving peers (Flashman, 2012; Véronneau, with their friends than do low-achieving students on
Vitaro, Brendgen, Dishion, & Tremblay, 2010). weekdays, but not on weekends. In other words, high-
Although peers can influence achievement for better achieving students are able to maintain an active social
or for worse, many observers have noted that in the con- life by allocating their time more judiciously during the
temporary United States, the influence of the peer culture week. In all likelihood, one reason that high-achieving
on academic achievement is far more negative than posi- students spend less time with friends on weekdays is that
tive (Bishop, Bishop, Gelbwasser, Green, & Zuckerman, their friends are also busy studying.
2003). Perhaps because of this, adolescents with an A number of researchers have studied how the influ-
extremely high orientation toward peers tend to perform ences of parents and peers operate together to affect
worse in school (Fuligni & Eccles, 1993). Conversely, adolescents’ achievement. These studies show that the
adolescents who are neglected by their peers often have family environment has an effect on adolescents’ choice
of friends, which in turn influences school achievement
(B. Brown, Mounts, Lamborn, & Steinberg, 1993).
Having academically oriented peers is especially ben-
eficial to adolescents from single-parent homes, where
parental involvement in schooling is typically lower
(Garg, Melanson, & Levin, 2007). By the same token,
having friends who disparage school success may offset
the benefits of authoritative parenting (Steinberg, 1996);
having friends who are disengaged from school is espe-
cially detrimental to the achievement of students with
more distant relationships at home (Espinoza, Gillen-
O’Neel, Gonzales, & Fuligni, 2014; Marion, Laursen,
Kiuru, Nurmi, & Salmela-Aro, 2014). Rather than ask-
ing whether family or friends influence adolescents’
school performance, it may make more sense to ask how
these two forces—along with the influence of the school
itself—work together.
The broader context in which schooling takes place
affects the degree to which peers and parents influ-
Peers influence how much effort adolescents devote to school, ence adolescents’ achievement. Peers and parents more
for better and for worse. © Hero/Corbis/Glow Images RF strongly influence student achievement in countries CHAPTER 12 Achievement 333

1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6

Average time with friends (hours)

Average study time (hours)
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend
Time spent studying Time spent socializing

Low GPA Mid GPA High GPA

Figure 4 High- and low-achieving students allocate their time spent studying and socializing differently. (Witkow, 2009)

where schools serve more heterogeneous groups of stu- These different measures of educational achievement are
dents, as in the United States. In countries where stu- interrelated, but they are less tied to each other than you
dents with different long-term educational aspirations might expect.
attend different schools (e.g., in countries like Germany, No single factor adequately accounts for differences in
where there are separate schools for adolescents who are educational achievement. Intellectual ability as assessed
planning to go to college and those who are not), peers by IQ tests is highly correlated with performance on
and parents are less influential (Buchmann & Dalton, achievement tests (hardly a surprise, since IQ tests and
2002). achievement tests are designed to tap similar abilities).
In summary, although psychological factors play a But grades in school—and to an even greater extent, edu-
key role in determining scholastic success, it is important cational attainment—are influenced by a wider range of
to take into account the broader environment in which factors than intellectual abilities. Grades are influenced by
individuals pursue their education (Gonzales, Cauce, teachers’ judgments of students’ mastery of the material,
Friedman, & Mason, 1996; Li, Lerner, & Lerner, 2010; and these judgments are influenced by teachers’ evalua-
Steinberg, 1996). Distinguishing between psychologi- tions of students’ efforts and behaviors in the classroom
cal and environmental factors is hard, though, because (Farkas, Grobe, & Shuan, 1990). How many years of
they typically go hand in hand. Living in an environment school an adolescent completes
that offers few opportunities for success induces feelings is likely to be influenced by his school performance
of learned helplessness, which, in turn, leads individu- or her family background and A measure of achievement
als to feel that exerting any effort to succeed is futile. living circumstances, as well based on an individual’s grades
Attending school in an environment in which achieve- as by school performance. Two in school.
ment is not encouraged engenders attitudes and beliefs adolescents may have similar academic achievement
inconsistent with striving to do well. Rather than being grade point averages, but if one Achievement that is measured
determined by one single factor, such as ability or moti- comes from a poor family and by standardized tests of scho-
lastic ability or knowledge.
vation, patterns of achievement are the result of a cumu- cannot afford to go to college,
lative process that includes a long history of experience the two will have different lev- educational attainment
and socialization in school, at home, in the peer group, els of educational attainment. The number of years of school-
ing completed by an individual.
and in the community. Even as early as elementary
school many inner-city youth
have very limited occupational expectations, and these
Educational Achievement low expectations affect their educational achievement
Educational achievement is usually defined in one of and attainment (T. Cook et al., 1996).
three ways: school performance (the grades students Regardless of what influences it, educational attain-
earn in school), academic achievement (their perfor- ment has important implications for subsequent earn-
mance on standardized tests), or educational attain- ings (Ceci & Williams, 1999). The gap in earnings
ment (the number of years of schooling they complete). between high school graduates and college graduates
334 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

is considerable, and this is true across all ethnic groups. and achievement, earn higher grades, and complete more
When they enter the labor force, individuals with a college years of schooling than their less affluent peers (Sackett,
degree earn twice as much per year as do individuals with Kuncel, Arneson, Cooper, & Waters, 2009; Sackett
only a high school diploma (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014). et al., 2012). Socioeconomic status also influences ado-
This state of affairs has led many to call for educational lescent achievement through neighborhood processes.
policies that encourage all students to “shoot for the stars.” Poor Black students who live in neighborhoods with a
Although some experts had speculated that encouraging relatively higher proportion of middle-class neighbors
all students to strive to go to college would ultimately have place more value on education and try harder in school
negative effects on the mental health of students whose than comparably poor students who live in disadvan-
expectations are unrealistic, this has not proven to be true taged neighborhoods (Ceballo, McLoyd, & Toyokawa,
(Domina, Conley, & Farkas, 2011; Reynolds & Baird, 2004; E. B. Stewart, Stewart, & Simons, 2007).
2010). It is important, however, that adolescents who are One big reason that family background is related to
encouraged to go to college be given the information and educational achievement is that children from lower
skills they need in order to fulfill their plans and succeed socioeconomic levels are more likely to enter elemen-
(Roderick, Coca, & Nagaoka, 2011; Rosenbaum, 2011). tary school scoring low on tests of basic academic com-
petence (Rouse, Brooks-Gunn, & McLanahan, 2005).
These initial differences reflect both genetic and environ-
The Importance of Socioeconomic Status mental factors. Middle-class adults generally have higher
One of the most powerful influences on educational IQs than lower-class adults, and this advantage is passed
achievement is the socioeconomic status of the ado- on to their children—both through genetics and through
lescent’s family. Although some of the socioeconomic the benefit that middle-class youngsters receive from
gaps in school achievement have narrowed, disparities growing up under more favorable environmental condi-
in achievement between the social classes remain strong, tions (C. S. Chen, Lee, & Stevenson, 1996; Teachman,
and the importance of socioeconomic status in determin- 1996). Affluent youngsters receive better health care
ing educational achievement remains substantial across and better nutrition, for example, both of which contrib-
all ethnic groups and in different countries (Goza & ute to their higher performance on IQ tests. The disad-
Ryabov, 2009; Parker et al., 2012; Tynkkyen, Tolvanen, & vantages of poorer youngsters in achievement test scores
Salmela-Aro, 2012). One recent study found that adoles- persist—and may even increase—throughout elemen-
cents from higher income groups had more gray matter tary and secondary school (Rouse, Brooks-Gunn, &
in brain regions important to performance on achieve- McLanahan, 2005). Because progress in high school
ment tests (Mackey et al., 2015). depends so heavily on having a solid foundation of basic
academic competence, adolescents who enter secondary
A Head Start for the More Affluent Five decades of school without having mastered basic academic skills
studies have shown over and over that middle-class ado- quickly fall behind, and some leave high school before
lescents score higher on basic tests of academic skills graduating.

Early Intervention One bit of encouraging news

comes from long-term evaluations of interventions
designed to improve the academic achievement of very
poor youngsters who, by virtue of their poverty, are at
high risk for academic failure (F. Campbell & Ramey,
1995; A. Reynolds & Temple, 1998). In these evalua-
tions, researchers compared groups of adolescents who
had participated in an intensive educational program
during their preschool and elementary school years with
matched samples of adolescents who had had the pre-
school intervention only, the elementary school inter-
vention only, or no educational intervention at all. The
interventions were targeted at improving the children’s
school skills and at strengthening the links between par-
ents and their child’s school.
Children who participated in preschool interven-
tions (with or without participation in elementary school
interventions) perform significantly better in school dur-
Intervening in early childhood can help close the achievement gap ing adolescence than those who did not (F. Campbell &
between disadvantaged and affluent children. © Jim West/PhotoEdit Ramey, 1995). In one study, participating in both the CHAPTER 12 Achievement 335

preschool and the elementary school programs provided & Oetting, 2011; V. Lee & Croninger, 1994). In addi-
additional advantages over the preschool program alone tion, parents with greater economic resources are able
(A. Reynolds, Temple, Robertson, & Mann, 2001). to provide their children with more cultural capital,
Interestingly, however, adolescents who had been in the which is an important contributor to school success
elementary school program but not the preschool pro- (Waithaka, 2014).
gram had no advantages over those who had been in no Socioeconomic differences in school achieve-
intervention at all (F. Campbell & Ramey, 1995). These ment obviously reflect the cumulative and combined
findings suggest that intervening prior to entering first effects of a variety of influences, and it is simplistic
grade is extremely important in preventing long-term to explain social class differences in achievement with-
academic problems among impoverished adolescents, out considering these factors simultaneously. What is
and that extended participation in educational programs perhaps more interesting—and more worthy of sci-
may be better than short-term participation. Consistent entific study—is the question of what it is about the
with this, school difficulties as early as kindergarten are many youngsters from economically disadvantaged
predictive of poor school performance in adolescence backgrounds who are successful that accounts for their
(Hamre & Pianta, 2001). overcoming the tremendous odds against them. The
One reason for the relatively poorer school perfor- successful college student who comes from an envi-
mance of disadvantaged youth, therefore, is that these ronment of severe economic disadvantage has had to
youngsters begin school at a distinct academic disad- overcome incredible barriers. Researchers have been
vantage. A second reason for the disparity is stress, both studying various types of interventions designed to
before and during adolescence. Adolescents who come encourage such students, many of whom are the first
from lower-class backgrounds experience more stressful in their family to aspire to college, to make a success-
life events, report more daily hassles, and attend schools ful transition into postsecondary education (Stephens,
with more negative climates (DuBois, Felner, Meares, & Hamedani, & Destin, 2014).
Krier, 1994; Felner et al., 1995; Gillock & Reyes, 1999; Although more research on successful students from
Pungello, Kupersmidt, Burchinal, & Patterson, 1996). poor backgrounds is sorely needed, what might be most
Stress adversely affects adolescents’ mental health, well- important is the presence of warm and encouraging
being, and school performance (DuBois, Felner, Brand, parents who raise their children authoritatively, take an
Adan, & Evans, 1992; Felner et al., 1995). interest in their children’s academic progress, and hold
high aspirations for their children’s educational attain-
ment, as well as the availability of peers who support
and encourage academic success (Goza & Ryabov, 2009;
making the scientific Melby, Conger, Fang, Wickrama, & Conger, 2008). In
connection other words, positive relations at home and the encour-
In light of the profound impact that socioeconomic status agement of significant others can in some circumstances
has on student achievement, what would you suggest overcome the negative influence of socioeconomic
as policies or practices to raise the achievement of poor disadvantage.
youth? Think about people you know who overcame eco-
nomic disadvantage and were highly successful in school Ethnic Differences In Educational
(perhaps you are in this category). To what would you
attribute this success?
Among the most controversial and intriguing findings
in research on adolescents’ achievement concern ethnic
Parental Involvement Parents from higher social differences in school success. On average, the educa-
classes are more likely to be involved in their adolescent’s tional achievement of Black and Hispanic students—
education, especially through formal parent-teacher virtually however indexed—lags behind that of White
organizations, like the PTA or PTO (Shumow & Miller, students, and all three groups achieve less in school than
2001). Middle- and upper-middle-class parents are Asian students. Although some of these differences can
also more likely to have information about their child’s be attributed to socioeconomic differences among these
school, to be responsive to their child’s school problems, ethnic groups, the group disparities persist even after
and to help select more rigorous courses for their child socioeconomic factors are taken into account (Fuligni,
to take (Crosnoe & Huston, 2007). Because adolescents Hughes, & Way, 2009).
whose parents are involved in their schooling perform The academic superiority of Asian students tends to
better than those whose parents are not involved, young- emerge during the transition into junior high school—
sters from higher social classes achieve more in school when most other students’ grades typically decline—and
than their less advantaged peers in part because of their it persists through high school and into college (Fuligni,
parents’ more active involvement (Henry, Cavanagh, 1994; Fuligni & Witkow, 2004). What has been most
336 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

intriguing to social scientists is that Black and Hispanic school success but also are very anxious about the pos-
students have educational aspirations and attitudes that sible negative repercussions of not doing well in school,
are similar to those of Asian and White students but in terms of both occupational success and their par-
significantly poorer academic skills, habits, and behav- ents’ disappointment (Eaton & Dembo, 1997; Herman,
ior (Ainsworth-Darnell & Downey, 1998). If Black and 2009; Steinberg, 1996). Moreover, many Asian youth
Hispanic students have the same long-term goals as believe that the only way they can succeed in mainstream
other students, why don’t they behave in similar ways? American society is through educational achievement
(Sue & Okazaki, 1990). Asian students’ sense of obliga-
False Optimism Rather Than Realistic Pessimism tion to their parents—a factor frequently suggested as a
Several theories have been advanced to explain this find- reason for their high rates of school success—does not
ing. One set of theories involves the perceptions that seem to play a very important role in predicting school
adolescents have about the likely payoff of hard work achievement. If anything, being expected to assist the
in school. Some writers have argued that even though family by performing household chores and other family
they have high aspirations in the abstract, many minority work—something that is especially salient in Asian and
youth do not believe that educational success will have Hispanic households—has a negative impact on school
a substantial occupational payoff for them, because dis- performance (Fuligni, Tseng, & Lam, 1999; Telzer &
crimination and prejudice will limit their actual opportu- Fuligni, 2009).
nities (Mickelson, 1990). Although intuitively appealing,
this theory has not received convincing empirical sup- The Burden of “Acting White” Another popular
port (Fuligni et al., 2009; Herman, 2009). It is true that explanation for ethnic differences in achievement is that
adolescents who believe they have been victims of dis- ethnic minority students underperform in school because
crimination, or who believe that their opportunities for they are stigmatized for “acting White” if they try to do
occupational success are unfairly constrained, achieve well and, as a consequence, develop an “oppositional”
less in school and report more emotional distress than identity that is hostile to doing well in school (Fordham &
their peers who do not hold these beliefs (C. Fisher, Ogbu, 1986). This view has not held up, however, per-
Wallace, & Fenton, 2000; P. Wood & Clay, 1996). It haps because the extent of this negative peer pressure
is also true that students who are more confident about varies from school to school and from peer group to peer
and oriented to the future do better in school (Beal & group (Lynch, Lerner, & Leventhal, 2013). Black peer
Crockett, 2010; W. T. Brown & Jones, 2004; Oyserman, groups are not all the same, and while some may dispar-
Bybee, & Terry, 2006). age academic achievement, many admire it. Here’s how
But it is not true that Black or Hispanic youngsters one academically successful Black student replied when
are more likely than other adolescents to believe that asked if students from different peer groups treated her
their opportunities for success are blocked (Ainsworth- differently:
Darnell & Downey, 1998; D. Downey & Ainsworth- I think, yes. The black people who, say, aren’t as smart as
Darnell, 2002; Kao & Tienda, 1998). Indeed, several me or Renée or whoever else they say, “Oh, you act white”
studies indicate that Black and Hispanic youth have more because we’re in high classes or whatever, and that really
optimistic beliefs and positive feelings about school than upsets me. They say we talk white. I don’t even have like
other students (e.g., Ainsworth-Darnell & Downey, proper English or whatever, but they say we talk white
1998; D. Downey, Ainsworth, & Qian, 2009; Shernoff & because we use all these big words and everything. To me,
that’s total ignorance.
Schmidt, 2008; Voelkl, 1997). Plus, some research sug-
gests that beliefs about the likelihood of future discrimi- When asked to describe her own friends, however,
nation may motivate adolescents to perform better in she said:
school (perhaps because they feel that they will need to
They’re always, “I’m so proud of you. You have a job,
be even better prepared than others to overcome preju-
you’re still in school, and you’re not pregnant.” All this
dicial treatment), although feeling discriminated against
other good stuff. But it makes me feel good. (Horvat &
in the present, by classmates or teachers, hinders aca- Lewis, 2003, pp. 270–272)
demic achievement (perhaps by causing psychological
distress or hopelessness) (Benner, Crosnoe, & Eccles, Another successful student from the same school
2014; Mattison & Aber, 2007). All in all, however, ado- noted that even her friends who had dropped out of
lescents’ hopes and aspirations for the future are very school in the 8th or 9th grade were supportive of her
similar across ethnic groups (Chang, Chen, Greenberger, achievement:
Dooley, & Heckhausen, 2006). They just treat me as one of them. School’s not a sub-
If anything, it may be adolescents’ fear of failure, ject that really comes up as far as my neighborhood is
rather than their desire (or lack of desire) to succeed, concerned. They’ll say, “How was your day at school?”
that matters most (Steinberg, Dornbusch, & Brown, “Fine.” They accept me for what I am and what I do. If I
1992). Asian youngsters not only believe in the value of am smart, I am smart. It seems they really congratulated CHAPTER 12 Achievement 337

me, if anything, especially now. So many of my friends

have told me, “I’m so proud of you.” Basically pushing me
on. (Horvat & Lewis, 2003, p. 272)

Ethnic Differences in Beliefs A third account of

ethnic differences in achievement stresses differences in
beliefs about ability. We noted earlier that adolescents
who believe that intelligence is malleable are more likely
to be intrinsically motivated and, as a consequence, aca-
demically successful. It is therefore interesting that Asian
cultures tend to place more emphasis on effort than on
ability in explaining school success and are more likely
to believe that all students have the capacity to succeed
(H. Stevenson & Stigler, 1992). By and large, students
from Asian backgrounds tend to be more invested in mas-
tering the material than in simply performing well—an
orientation that, as we saw earlier, contributes to school
success (J. Li, 2006). It is also important to note that
One reason Asian students outperform adolescents from other
Asian students—both in the United States and in Asia— ethnic groups is the belief that success in school is a function of
spend significantly more time each week than their peers how hard one works. © Gary Conner/PhotoEdit
on homework and other school-related activities, and
significantly less time socializing and watching televi-
sion (Asakawa & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000; Fuligni & engaged (although less socially engaged) and achieve
Stevenson, 1995; Steinberg, 1996). more in school than do minority youngsters who are sec-
Contrary to popular belief, Asian students do not pay a ond- or third-generation Americans, a finding that has now
price for their superior achievement in terms of increased emerged in many studies of Asian, Latino, and Caribbean
anxiety, depression, stress, or social awkwardness; the youth (Chiu, Pong, Mori, & Chow, 2012; Fuligni et al.,
suicide rate among American teenagers is higher than it 2009; Lansford, 2011). One explanation for the so-called
is among Asian youth, for example (Wasserman, Cheng, “immigrant paradox” has been that part of becom-
& Jiang, 2005). During regular periods of school in the ing acculturated to American society—at least among
United States, Asian students’ moods while studying are teenagers—may be learning to devalue academic success
significantly more positive than those of other students (Santiago, Gudiño, Baweja, & Nadeem, 2014). There is
(Asakawa & Csikszentmihalyi, 1998), and the links also some evidence that the higher school achievement of
between academic motivation and various indices of immigrant youth—at least among adolescents who have
happiness and adjustment are stronger among Asian ado- immigrated from Mexico—may be due to the higher qual-
lescents than other youth (Asakawa & Csikszentmihalyi, ity of the schooling they receive before coming to the
2000). Among Asian students more than their peers United States (Padilla & Gonzalez, 2001). The exceptional
from other ethnic groups, then, engagement in academ- achievement of immigrant youth is all the more remark-
ics is linked to positive emotion and well-being. able in light of the fact that these adolescents typically have
much greater family obligations—providing financial sup-
The Success of Immigrants There are large and port to their parents, for instance—than their American-
important variations in achievement within as well as born peers (Fuligni & Witkow, 2004). A stronger sense
between ethnic groups. First, there are differences in of family obligation contributes to, rather than interferes
educational achievement among youngsters from differ- with, school success (Chang, 2013; Roche, Ghazarian, &
ent countries of origin who may be classified together by Fernandez-Esquer, 2012; van Geel & Vedder, 2011).
researchers into the same larger ethnic group for purposes
of statistical comparison. For example, although both
groups are classified as Asian, Chinese American ado- making the cultural
lescents have much higher academic achievement than connection
Filipino Americans; similarly, there are large differences Many immigrant adolescents in the United States achieve
in academic achievement among Puerto Rican, Cuban more in school than their counterparts from the same
American, and Mexican American adolescents, all of ethnic group who were born in America—despite the fact
whom are classified as Hispanic (Fuligni et al., 2009). that adolescents who are immigrants often arrive without
Second, studies of ethnic minority youngsters show proficiency in English or familiarity with American culture.
that foreign-born adolescents, as well as those who are How do you account for this?
children of immigrants, tend to be more cognitively
338 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Third, and most important, within all ethnic groups, have (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014). In light of the rapidly
students achieve more when they feel a sense of belong- increasing size of the Latino population in the United
ing to their school, when they see the connection between States, the gap in educational attainment between Latinos
academic accomplishment and future success, when and non-Latinos is one of the most important challenges
their friends and parents value and support educational facing American educational institutions.
achievement, and when their parents are effective moni-
tors of their children’s behavior and schooling (Chun
More Schooling, But Less Learning Trends in
& Dickson, 2011; Hernández, Robins, Widaman, &
academic achievement (what students know) have not
Conger, 2014). The especially close and supportive
paralleled trends in educational attainment (how many
relationships characteristic of immigrant families likely
years of schooling they have completed). In other words,
contribute to school success (Suárez-Orozco, Rhodes, &
although more students are staying in school longer, they
Milburn, 2009).
are not necessarily learning more. For example, as Figure
5 indicates, between 1970 and 1980, average scores on
Changes in Educational Achievement the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) declined by about
35 points on the verbal portion and 20 points on the
Over Time math. Scores remained more or less flat between 1980
Today, three-fourths of high school graduates enroll in and 1990, when math (but not verbal) scores began to
college, two-thirds of them immediately after graduation rise. Verbal, math, and writing scores all dropped slightly
(National Center for Education Statistics, 2015). Although from 2005 on. (The one exception to this general trend is
ethnic differences in educational attainment have nar- among Asian students, whose scores on both subscales
rowed over the past 40 years, there remain substantial gaps have risen substantially in the last 10 years.) Moreover,
in attainment between White and non-White individuals, the gap in SAT scores between Black and Hispanic stu-
and especially between White and Hispanic individuals. dents on the one hand, and Asian and White students on
Thus, whereas 35% of all non-Hispanic White adults ages the other, remains substantial and virtually unchanged
25 and over, and more than 50% of all Asian adults of this over the past two decades (College Board, 2014).
age, are college graduates, slightly more than 20% of Black The relatively poor showing of American adoles-
adults and only 15% of Hispanic adults are (U.S. Census cents on standardized tests of achievement has been
Bureau, 2014). Discrepancies in rates of high school carefully documented in a series of reports based on
graduation between Hispanic the National Assessment of Educational Progress
and non-Hispanic Americans (NAEP). This national assessment of student achieve-
National Assessment of
Educational Progress are also substantial—90% of ment is conducted by the federal government in order
(NAEP) non-Hispanic White adults have to track trends in educational achievement over time.
A periodic testing of American completed high school, com- Because the NAEP tests have been administered regu-
4th-, 8th-, and 12th-graders by
pared with 82% of Blacks and larly for more than 40 years, it is possible to compare
the federal government, used
to track achievement.
89% of Asian Americans, but the achievement levels of today’s adolescents with their
only 64% of Hispanic adults counterparts 4 decades ago.

Figure 5 Changes in SAT scores over 560

time. (College Board, 2014)

520 Math
Mean score

480 Writing




19 8
19 0
19 2
19 4
19 8
19 2
19 6
19 0
19 2
19 6
20 0
20 2
20 6
20 0
20 2









High school graduation year of examinee CHAPTER 12 Achievement 339

According to recent NAEP reports, over the past

45 years adolescent achievement in reading, writing,
math, and science has improved only slightly among
13-year-olds and not at all among 17-year-olds, despite
massive national efforts at education reform. This is
consistent with other trends in achievement data, which
show that American elementary and middle school
students have been making gains, but that high school
student achievement has not improved at all (Steinberg,
2014). Contemporary 17-year-olds, for example, score
no better than their counterparts did in the early 1970s
in reading or math, and worse than their counterparts
did in science. Perhaps more importantly, most analy-
ses of the NAEP data indicate that the modest gains in
achievement that have occurred during recent years have
been in relatively simple skills. Only a handful of stu-
dents, at any age, or in any subject area, score at a level
that is designated “advanced” or “superior,” whereas
large proportions of students score in the lowest cate-
gory, “below basic.” When gains have been made (and
they are generally very small), they tend to be in the pro-
portion of students who have moved from the basic into
the “proficient” range, rather than from “proficient” to
As is the case in rates of high school graduation and
SAT scores, the gap in achievement test performance
among ethnic groups narrowed during the 1970s, but
a wide disparity still exists. The achievement gap did
not shrink at all during the 1980s, widened a bit dur-
On tests of achievement, American high school students lag
ing the 1990s, and has not changed since then (National behind those from many European countries. © Martin Thomas
Center for Education Statistics, 2013). About three times Photography/Alamy
as many White and Asian middle school students score
in the proficient range in reading, for example, as do from most industrialized Asian countries, but at a level
Black students, and more than twice as many White comparable to young adolescents from most western
and Asian students score in the proficient range as do European countries, and considerably better than ado-
Hispanic students. The gaps are even larger in math. lescents from less developed nations (National Center
Obviously, the achievement gap has important implica- for Education Statistics, 2009). But when the compari-
tions for the labor market success of adolescents from son focuses on high school students, the gap between
different ethnic groups. the United States and other countries is substantial
(J. Schmidt, 2003). According to recent international
International Competitions Although the poor comparisons, 15-year-olds in the United States ranked
achievement test performance of Black and Latino stu- slightly above average in reading, well below average in
dents is certainly cause for concern, there is no reason to science, and near the bottom of the list in math (OECD,
be sanguine about the performance of White high school 2014a) (see Table 1).
students. Since the 1970s, their achievement test scores The relatively poor performance of American high
have remained more or less stagnant, and U.S. scores school students in international competitions persists
on standardized tests of math and science are mediocre despite the fact that spending on education in the United
in comparison with scores of other industrialized coun- States is among the world’s highest (OECD, 2014b).
tries. More interestingly, the gap between American Despite how much is spent, at 4-year American col-
students’ performance and that of students from other leges and universities, 20% of entering college freshmen
countries widens as they move from elementary to mid- require some sort of remedial education in order to do
dle to high school. That is, when elementary school stu- college-level work; at community colleges, half of all
dents from around the world are compared, American entering students do. As a result, employers and post-
students fare just about as well as students from other secondary educational institutions alike today devote
countries. When middle school students are compared, vast amounts of money to remedial education—colleges
Americans perform more poorly than their counterparts and universities spend an estimated $3 billion annually
340 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Table 1 An International Education Test: Results of 2012 PISA (Program for International Student Assessment)
of 15-year-old students in selected countries. (OECD, 2014a)

Mathematics Reading Science

Mean score in PISA 2012 Mean score in PISA 2012 Mean score in PISA 2012
China 613 570 580
Korea 554 536 538
Japan 536 538 547
Netherlands 523 511 522
Finland 519 524 545
Canada 518 523 525
Germany 514 508 524
Australia 504 512 521
Denmark 500 496 498
France 495 505 499
United Kingdom 494 499 514
Norway 489 504 495
Italy 485 490 494
Russian Federation 482 475 486
United States 481 498 497
Sweden 478 483 485
Israel 466 486 470
Turkey 448 475 463
United Arab Emirates 434 442 448
Chile 423 441 445
Mexico 413 424 415
Costa Rica 407 441 429
Brazil 391 410 405
Jordan 386 399 409
Colombia 376 403 399

covering subject matter that students should have mas- and that students know that, thanks to “grade inflation,”
tered before graduating from high school (Complete they can earn good grades without working very hard
College, 2012). And, as astounding as it may sound, (Steinberg, 2014).
more than 80% of college students enrolled in remedial
education graduated from high school with a GPA of 3.0
or better (Strong American Schools, 2008).
Dropping Out of High School
If more American students are remaining in high There was a time when leaving high school before
school, and so many are going on to college, why are graduating did not have the dire consequences that it
their achievement test scores so low according to abso- does today. With changes in the labor force, however,
lute, historical, and international standards? Experts have come changes in the educational requirements
suggest several reasons: that teachers are not challenging for entry into the world of work. Today, educational
students to work hard; that very little time is spent on attainment is a powerful predictor of adult occupa-
writing; that there has been a pervasive decline in the tional success and earnings. High school dropouts are
difficulty of textbooks; that parents are not encouraging far more likely than graduates to live at or near the
academic pursuits at home; that students are not spend- poverty level, to experience unemployment, to depend
ing sufficient time on their studies outside of school; that on government-subsidized income maintenance pro-
students are permitted to choose what courses they take; grams, to become pregnant while still a teenager, and CHAPTER 12 Achievement 341

100 Figure 6 High school graduation rates

of American adolescents (based on data
Graduation rate
from EDfacts). (National Center for Education
80 Statistics, 2015)


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to be involved in delinquent and criminal activity Economic capital Social capital

(Rumberger, 2012).
Because there are different ways of counting drop-
outs, different studies often report very different fig-
ures. For example, many students drop out of school
temporarily but return in their early 20s and obtain a
diploma or GED—so while these students would be
classified as dropouts at the age of 17, they would be
classified as graduates if they were surveyed just a few
years later. A few years ago, the U.S. Department of Family capital
Education began measuring high school graduation
rates using a new metric, which is the proportion of
students who graduate high school on time (i.e., in 4
years). As you can see from Figure 6, although more
than 80% of American adolescents graduate from high
school on time, there are wide variations in gradu-
ation rates as a function of ethnicity and other back-
ground characteristics (National Center for Education
Statistics, 2015).

Correlates of Dropping Out Given the findings on

educational achievement discussed earlier, the other cor- Cultural capital
relates of dropping out come as no surprise. Adolescents Figure 7 Families provide three kinds of capital: economic,
who leave high school before graduating are more likely social, and cultural. (adapted from Waithaka, 2014)
to come from lower socioeconomic levels, poor commu-
nities, large families, single-parent families, permissive
or disengaged families, and households where little read- more grades in elementary school; indeed, having been
ing material is available. In short, adolescents who drop held back is one of the strongest predictors of dropping
out of school are more likely to come from backgrounds out (Qiroga, Janosz, Bisset, & Morin, 2013; Rumberger,
with limited family capital, which has three components: 2012; Wang & Fredricks, 2014).
economic capital, social capital, and cultural capital In other words, dropping out of high school is not
(see Figure 7) (Waithaka, 2014). so much a discrete decision made during the adoles-
Coupled with this disadvantage in background, ado- cent years as it is the culmination of a long process
lescents who drop out of high school also are more (Rumberger, 2012; Sweeten, Bushway, & Paternoster,
likely to have a history of poor school performance, low 2009). Specific factors may instigate a student’s final
school involvement, multiple changes of schools, poor decision to leave school—a suspension for misbehavior,
performance on standardized tests of achievement and a failed course, an unintended
intelligence, negative school experiences, and a variety pregnancy, the lure of a job— family capital
of emotional and behavioral problems, some of which but by and large, dropping out The economic, social, and
cultural resources provided by
contribute to academic failure and some of which result is a process characterized by a the family.
from it. Many high school dropouts had to repeat one or history of repeated academic
342 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

social promotion
failure and increasing alien- focused on the schools that dropouts leave (Rumberger,
The practice of promoting ation from school (Henry et 2012). In general, dropping out is less likely from
students from one grade to the al., 2012). While programs schools where the environment is orderly, where aca-
next automatically, regardless designed to enhance adoles- demic pursuits are emphasized, and where the faculty
of their school performance. cents’ academic skills have is supportive and committed (V. Lee & Burkam, 2003).
been largely unsuccessful in Students who are at particularly high risk of dropping
preventing dropping out, one approach that has met with out (low-achieving, economically disadvantaged, and
success has focused on involving at-risk adolescents in foreign-born Hispanic youth) are helped especially by
service learning and in guided discussions of their life having teachers who are sources of social support and
options, which may help them see how important it is to guidance (Enriquez, 2011). Although some educators
graduate from high school (J. Allen, Philliber, Herrling, & have expressed concern about the recent trend toward
Kuperminc, 1997). toughening graduation requirements and ending social
Although adolescents who drop out of school often promotion—the practice of promoting students from
share certain characteristics in common (for example, a one grade to the next on the basis of age rather than
history of poor school performance), there is neverthe- actual achievement—evaluations of policies such as
less diversity within this population. According to one the use of high school exit examinations to determine
extensive study of Canadian students (Janosz, LeBlanc, whether students can graduate show that they do not
Boulerice, & Tremblay, 2000), there are at least four dis- increase the rate of dropping out or differentially affect
tinct groups of dropouts: (1) quiet dropouts (whose histo- minority and White students (Warren, Grodsky, & Lee,
ries and personal characteristics actually look very similar 2008; Warren & Jenkins, 2005).
to those of students who do not drop out of school, but
who appear somewhat withdrawn—they almost seem
to “fade out” rather than drop out, perhaps as a result of Occupational Achievement
depression), (2) disengaged dropouts (whose dropping School, rather than work, is the setting in which achieve-
out appears mainly to be the result of low commitment to ment is most often studied by contemporary scholars
school and poor academic motivation), (3) low-achiever interested in adolescence. Although many individuals
dropouts (whose dropping out is primarily the result of in previous generations began their occupational careers
very poor school performance), and (4) maladjusted drop- during adolescence, this is very rare today in most indus-
outs (whose dropping out is part of a larger constellation trialized societies, where the majority of individuals
of behavioral and psychological problems). The idea that pursue some form of postsecondary education before
different developmental histories lead to dropping out entering into full-time work. With the exception of
is important to the design of preventive interventions, apprenticeships, which are popular in only a handful of
because it suggests that different sorts of programs may European countries, the work individuals perform during
work for different sorts of students. For instance, drop- adolescence is rarely relevant to their future careers; it is
ping out early in high school is more likely to be the result mainly a means of earning spending money. Work expe-
of disciplinary problems at school, whereas dropping out riences in adolescence, in general, have little or no impact
later in high school is more likely to be driven by the desire on adolescents’ plans or aspirations for adult work, espe-
to work (Stearns & Glennie, 2006). Other studies indicate cially among students from nonpoor families (Entwisle,
that it is important to distinguish between students who Alexander, & Olson, 2005; M. Johnson, 2002), although
temporarily drop out of school but return at some later it is possible that the small minority of adolescents who
point and obtain their GED—as do between one-third and hold “good” jobs may learn something about their career
one-half of all dropouts—and those who leave and never interests from them. Fast food, restaurant, and retail jobs
return (Entwisle, Alexander, & Olson, 2004). provide the fewest opportunities to build career-related
skills, whereas office and clerical jobs are among the
best (Staff, Messersmith, & Schulenberg, 2009).
Researchers who are interested in occupational achieve-
making the practical ment during adolescence have examined several issues,
connection including the ways in which young people make decisions
Based on what we know about the causes and conse- about their careers and the influences on their occupa-
quences of dropping out, what steps should be taken to tional aspirations and expectations. We begin with a look
reduce the dropout rate? at the development of adolescents’ occupational plans.

School Factors Although most research on the causes

The Development of Occupational Plans
of dropping out has focused on characteristics of adoles- In many respects, the development of occupational plans
cents who leave school prematurely, some studies have during adolescence parallels the identity development CHAPTER 12 Achievement 343

process (Skorikov & Vondracek, 2007; Staff et al., Over the course of young work values
2009). Occupational development follows a sequence adulthood, one of the most The particular sorts of rewards
that involves an examination of one’s traits, abilities, important changes that occurs an individual looks for in a job
and interests; a period of experimentation with different in the domain of occupational (extrinsic, intrinsic, social, altru-
work roles; and an integration of influences from one’s development is that individu- istic, security, influence, leisure).
past (primarily, identification with familial role models) als become both somewhat
with one’s hopes for the future. And as is also the case disillusioned and more focused on what they want from
with identity development, the development of an occu- a job, abandoning the unrealistic notion that one can
pational identity is profoundly influenced by the social “have it all” (B. Roberts, O’Donnell, & Robins, 2004).
environment in which it takes place. As adolescents move into young adulthood, the degrees
Changes in the broader environment in which adoles- to which they value the extrinsic, altruistic, and social
cents develop—in this case, changes in the need for and rewards of jobs, which are all strongly valued when indi-
accessibility of higher education—have exerted a pow- viduals are seniors in high school, decline most dramati-
erful influence on the developmental course of occupa- cally, whereas the values they place on intrinsic rewards
tional planning. For many individuals, the development and job security, which are also strong at the end of high
of occupational plans may not take place until the final school, remain strong (M. Johnson, 2002) (see Figure 8).
years of college, and deciding on a specific career may
not even begin until well after college graduation. Table 2 People look for different things in a job. Which
types of rewards are most important to you?
Influences on Occupational Choices
Type of Reward Example
What makes one individual choose to become an attor-
ney and another decide to be a teacher? Why do some Extrinsic Earning a good income
students pursue careers in psychology while others Security Enjoying job stability
major in engineering? Researchers have long been inter-
Intrinsic Having opportunities for
ested in the reasons that individuals end up in certain creativity
careers (Neuenschwander & Kracke, 2011).
Influence Wielding power over others
Work Values When you think about your future work, Altruistic Helping others
what will you look for in a job? Work values refer to the
Social Enjoying one’s coworkers
sorts of rewards individuals seek from their jobs (e.g.,
M. Johnson, 2002). For example, are you most inter- Leisure Having opportunities for
vacation or time off
ested in making a lot of money, in having a secure job,
or in having a job that permits you to have a lot of vaca-
tion time? According to most theories of work values, 4.0
seven basic types of work rewards define individuals’
work values: extrinsic rewards (earning a high income),
security (enjoying job stability), intrinsic rewards (being 3.5
able to be creative or to learn things from work), influ-
ence (having authority over others or power over deci-

sion making), altruistic rewards (helping others), social 3.0

rewards (working with people you like), and leisure (hav-
ing an opportunity for free time or vacation). Individuals
choose jobs based on the relative importance of these 2.5
various work rewards to them (see Table 2).
Many contemporary adolescents have unrealistic and
overly ambitious ideas about the rewards they will derive 2.0
from their future work. A very large proportion of adoles- 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
cents aspire to levels of work rewards that they are highly Age (years)
unlikely to attain (Schneider & Stevenson, 1999). One prob- Intrinsic Altruistic Extrinsic
lem is that adolescents tend to rate almost all work rewards Security Social Influence
very highly, optimistically believing that they can find jobs Leisure
that satisfy multiple rewards simultaneously. When they Figure 8 As adolescents move into young adulthood,
actually enter their first full-time adult jobs, though, they the value they place on the extrinsic, altruistic, and social
soon discover that it is difficult, if not impossible, to have a rewards of a job declines, whereas the value they place
career in which one makes a lot of money, is creative, helps on intrinsic job rewards and job security remains strong.
other people, enjoys job security, and has a lot of free time. (Johnson, 2002)
344 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

occupational attainment
There are important limi- ambitions and achievements are highly correlated with
A measure of achievement tations to theories of career the ambitions and achievements of those around them
based on the status or prestige choice that are based solely on (Ashby & Schoon, 2012). Youngsters from middle-
of the job an individual holds. reward preferences assessed class families are more likely than their less advantaged
in adolescence. First, interests peers to aspire to and enter middle-class occupations.
and abilities are not fixed dur- Socioeconomic status also influences work values, with
ing adolescence, but continue to develop and change individuals from higher classes more likely to value
during the adult years, and one of the most important intrinsic rewards and influence and less likely to value
influences on personality development during adult- extrinsic rewards and security. The importance of social
hood is work itself (M. Johnson, 2002). Through class as a determinant of what people look for in their
working in a job that emphasizes certain personality jobs is strong and constant throughout adolescence and
characteristics, requires certain abilities, or provides young adulthood (M. Johnson, 2002).
certain types of rewards, individuals begin to change A variety of explanations have been offered for the
their personality, skills, and values. A job that seems fit between adolescents’ ambitions and the socioeco-
like a bad match during early adulthood may over time nomic status of those around them. First, and perhaps
become a good match. For example, someone may not most important, occupational attainment—the prestige
be especially interested in a job that involves a lot of or status an individual achieves in the world of work—
social interaction but may, because of a tight job mar- depends strongly on educational attainment (Elmore,
ket, end up in a teaching position after graduating from 2009). As we saw earlier, educational attainment is
college. Over time, the more he interacts with students, greatly influenced by socioeconomic status. Because
the more appealing the interpersonal aspects of the job middle-class adolescents are likely to complete more
may become. Eventually, he may come to feel that hav- years of schooling than their lower-class peers, economi-
ing opportunities for social interaction on the job is very cally advantaged adolescents are more likely to seek and
important. enter higher-status occupations.
A second problem with theories of career choice that Second, middle-class parents, as noted earlier, are
emphasize adolescents’ work values is that they may more likely to raise their children in ways that foster
underestimate the importance of other factors that influ- the development of strong achievement orientation and
ence and shape vocational decisions, most importantly, career exploration (Kracke, 2002). The development of
the social context in which adolescents make career achievement motivation, which has an impact on school
decisions (Staff et al., 2009). Many career decisions are performance, also has an impact on youngsters’ occupa-
influenced more by individuals’ beliefs about what sorts tional ambitions—both directly (in that individuals with
of jobs are accessible or “appropriate” for them than by strong needs for achievement will express these needs
their interests and preferences (M. Johnson, 2002). It is by aspiring to occupations that provide opportunities
all well and good for an adolescent to discover that he is to achieve status or wealth) and indirectly, through the
well suited for a career in medicine, but the realization effects of achievement motivation on academic achieve-
is of little value if his family cannot afford the cost of ment (in that youngsters who are successful in school
college or medical school. An adolescent girl may dis- are likely to be encouraged to seek higher-status occu-
cover through taking a vocational preference test that pations and engage in identity exploration). Parents
she is well suited for work in the area of construction influence their adolescents’ career aspirations mainly
or building, but find that her parents, peers, teachers, by influencing their educational achievement (Jodl
and potential employers all discourage her from follow- et al., 2001).
ing this avenue of employment because they think it is Third, the same opportunities that favor economically
not appropriate for women. Early adolescent Mexican advantaged youngsters in the world of education—
American girls, in particular, are likely to have stereo- better facilities, more opportunities for enrichment,
typically female career goals (N. E. Hill, Ramirez, & greater accessibility of higher education—also favor
Dumka, 2003). middle-class youngsters in the world of work. Because
Put most simply, career choices are not made solely their parents are more likely to work in positions of
on the basis of individual preference; they are the result power and leadership, middle-class youngsters often
of an interaction among individual preferences, social have important family connections and sources of infor-
influences, and important forces in the broader social mation about the world of work that are less available
environment. It is to these influences and forces that we to youngsters from poorer families. In addition, coming
now turn. from a family that is economically well off may provide
an adolescent with more time to explore career options
The Influence of Parents and Peers No influ- and to wait for an especially desirable position, rather
ence on occupational choice is stronger than socioeco- than having to take the first job that becomes available
nomic status, and as a result, adolescents’ occupational out of economic necessity. This advantage is particularly CHAPTER 12 Achievement 345

within a broader social context that profoundly influ-

ences the nature of their plans (Staff et al., 2009).
Today’s young people see work as a less central part of
life than their counterparts did in the past. Contemporary
young people, for example, are more likely than past
generations to say that if they had enough money, they
would not work; that they are less willing to work over-
time to make sure their job was done well; and that it is
important to have a job that allows sufficient time for
leisure (Wray-Lake, Syvertsen, Briddell, Osgood, &
Flanagan, 2009).
At different times, different employment opportuni-
ties arise, and young people—particularly by the time
An individual’s choice of occupation is influenced by many fac-
they reach the end of their formal schooling—are often
tors, including the work values he or she has. Contextual fac-
tors, such as job opportunities, are important as well. very aware of the prospects for employment in differ-
© Lars A. Niki RF ent fields. One study of inner-city youngsters found
that many had developed ideas about their future job
prospects by the time they were in 2nd grade (T. Cook
important during economic downturns, when it is rela- et al., 1996). Young people often tailor their plans in
tively more difficult to find employment. response to what they perceive as the future needs and
Fourth, parents, siblings, and other important sources demands of the labor market and the acceptability of
of influence serve as models for adolescents’ occupa- given occupational choices within their community. In
tional choices. Although some young people establish addition, whether an adolescent’s occupational expec-
career choices through the explicit rejection of their tations are actually realized depends on many factors
parents’ careers, adolescents’ and parents’ vocations are that are not in his or her control (as anyone graduating
more similar than different, particularly when the ado- during the economic downturn of the last decade could
lescent's family relationships have been warm and close certainly attest).
and when strong identifications have formed between Unfortunately, adolescents also tailor their plans
the adolescent and his or her parents. based on their beliefs regarding which jobs society says
Finally, parents—and, to a lesser extent, peers— are “acceptable” for individuals of particular social
influence adolescents’ occupational plans by creat- class, ethnicity, or sex (M. Johnson, 2002). One mani-
ing a context in which certain occupational choices are festation of this is seen in the disproportionate numbers
encouraged and others are discouraged (Kohn, 1977). of males in jobs in the sciences. (see Figure 9). Although
Middle-class families and middle-class schools encour- sex differences in the value adolescents place on extrin-
age children to value autonomy, self-direction, and sic rewards are small, there are significant sex differ-
independence—three features that are more likely to be ences in the extent to which individuals value power
found in middle-class than in working-class jobs. Middle- (associated with masculine jobs, and more valued by
class children are told, implicitly and explicitly, how males) and altruism (associated with feminine jobs, and
important it is to have freedom, power, and status. more valued by females) (M. Johnson, 2002; Weisgram,
Adolescents who have been raised to value attributes that Bigler, & Liben, 2010). Moreover, many more adoles-
are characteristic of middle-class jobs will seek those cent girls than boys express concern about having to bal-
attributes when they plan their careers. ance family and work demands in adulthood, and this
In working-class families, children are more likely further affects their occupational decision making, since
to be raised to value obedience and conformity—two they may be reluctant to pursue careers that they believe
characteristics that are highly valued in most working- will interfere with family life (Cinamon & Rich, 2002).
class jobs. For people from this socioeconomic back- Perhaps because of this, adolescent boys' occupational
ground, jobs that appeal to these values will be relatively expectations are predictive of what they actually end up
more attractive. They will have been raised to value doing as adults, whereas this is not the case for adoles-
such things as job security and not having to worry too cent girls (Mello, 2008).
much about making high-pressured decisions. Indeed, to One problem faced by all young people in making
many working-class youngsters, the high-stress world of career plans is obtaining accurate information about
the business executive is not at all an attractive career the labor market needs of the future and the appropri-
possibility. ate means of pursuing positions in various fields. The
majority of young people do not have educational plans
The Broader Context of Occupational Choice that are consistent with the educational requirements
Adolescents’ occupational choices are made, of course, of the jobs they hope to enter, and many adolescents
346 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

3,846 Earth, atmospheric, and
2,399 ocean sciences
Chemical engineering
14,894 Mechanical engineering
Electrical engineering
Civil engineering
16,438 Chemistry
Mathematics and statistics
8,819 Computer sciences
Number of degrees

1,678 1,024 5,636

Agricultural sciences
Biological sciences
2,499 8,724

60,000 7,944



Women Men

Figure 9 Bachelor’s degrees earned in selected science and engineering fields, by gender, 2007. Although gender
roles have changed considerably in recent decades, there remain large sex differences in occupational choices.
(Hill, Corbett, & Rose, 2010)

are overly optimistic about their chances for success on college campuses, have come to play an increasingly
(Chang et al., 2006; Schneider & Stevenson, 1999). important role in individuals' career decision mak-
One goal of career educators is to help adolescents ing, because the rapid pace at which the labor market
make more informed and more realistic choices about changes has made it less likely that adolescents will be
their careers and to free them from stereotypes that able to obtain accurate information from their family
constrain their choices. Career counselors, especially (Staff et al., 2009).
Psychosocial Problems
in Adolescence

Some General Principles about

Substance Use and Abuse
Problems in Adolescence Prevalence of Substance Use and Abuse
Psychosocial Problems: Their Nature Causes and Consequences of Substance
and Covariation Use and Abuse
Comorbidity of Externalizing Problems Drugs and the Adolescent Brain
Comorbidity of Internalizing Problems Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use
and Abuse
Externalizing Problems
Categories of Externalizing Problems
Developmental Progression of Antisocial
Changes in Juvenile Offending Over Time
Causes of Antisocial Behavior
Prevention and Treatment of Externalizing
Internalizing Problems
The Nature and Prevalence of Depression
Sex Differences in Depression
Suicide and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury
Causes of Depression and Internalizing
Treatment and Prevention of Internalizing
Stress and Coping
© Comstock/PunchStock RF

348 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Although the majority of young people move through us, either directly, through the personal contact we may
the adolescent years without major difficulty, some experi- have with a troubled young person, or indirectly, through
ence serious psychological and behavioral problems, such increased taxes for community services or heightened anx-
as substance abuse, delinquency, and depression, that dis- iety about the safety of our neighborhoods. In this chapter,
rupt not only their lives but also the lives of those around we look at some of the more serious psychological prob-
them. These problems indirectly touch the lives of all of lems we typically associate with adolescence.

Similarly, although the vast majority of teenag-

Some General Principles about ers do something during adolescence that is against
Problems in Adolescence the law, very few of these young people go on to have
The mass media like nothing more than to paint extreme criminal careers. In a period of development during
pictures of the world in which we live. This exaggerated which it is normal—maybe even expected—that indi-
view is obvious in the presentation of teenage problem viduals will seek independence and explore themselves
behavior. Rarely are popular portrayals of adolescents’ and their relationships with others, it is hardly surpris-
behavioral disorders, psychological distress, or drug use ing that some of the experimentation in which indi-
accurate: A breakup with a boyfriend is followed that viduals engage is risky (Hayden et al., 2011; Steinberg,
evening by a suicide attempt. An after-school prank 2008). In fact, adolescents who experiment occasion-
develops into a life of crime. A weekend of heavy drink- ally with risky behavior report a quality of life that
ing fades into a commercial, and when the program is more similar to that reported by adolescents who
returns, the adolescent is on his way to a life of addic- abstain from risk taking entirely than it is to the qual-
tion, delinquency, and school failure. Those of you for ity of life reported by frequent risk takers (Topolski
whom adolescence was not that long ago know that et al., 2001).
these “facts” about adolescent problem behavior are
rarely true. But we are so often bombarded with images
of young people in trouble that it is easy to be fooled into
believing that “adolescence” equals “problems.”
We should not gloss over the fact that many healthy
adolescents at one time or another experience self-doubt,
family squabbles, academic setbacks, or broken hearts, of
course. But it is important to keep in mind as we look at
psychosocial problems during adolescence that there is an
important distinction between the normative, and usually
transitory, difficulties encountered by many young people
and the serious psychosocial problems experienced by a
minority of youth. One of the purposes of this chapter is
to put these problems in perspective. It’s helpful, before
we look at several specific categories of problems in
detail, to lay out some general principles about adolescent
psychosocial problems that apply to all of them.

Most Problems Reflect Transitory Experimentation

First, let’s distinguish between occasional experimen-
tation and enduring patterns of dangerous or trouble-
some behavior. Rates of occasional, usually harmless,
experimentation far exceed rates of enduring problems.
The majority of adolescents experiment with alcohol
sometime before high school graduation, and the major-
ity will have been drunk at least once. But, as we’ll see,
relatively few teenagers develop drinking problems or
permit alcohol to adversely affect their schooling or per-
sonal relationships, and as they move into adulthood, get It is important to differentiate between occasional experimenta-
married, and change their patterns of socializing, their tion with risky or unhealthful activities and enduring patterns of
drinking declines (Staff, Schulenberg et al., 2010). troublesome behavior. © BananaStock/PunchStock RF CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 349

Not All Problems Begin in Adolescence Second, and are resolved by the beginning of adulthood, with few
let’s distinguish between problems that have their origins long-term repercussions. Substance abuse, delinquency,
and onset during adolescence, and those that have their and eating disorders are three good examples: Rates of
roots during earlier periods of development (Drabick & drug and alcohol use, delinquency, and disordered eating
Steinberg, 2011). Some teenagers fall into patterns of are all higher within the adolescent population than in
criminal or delinquent behavior during adolescence, the adult population, but most individuals who abused
and we tend to associate delinquency with the adoles- drugs and alcohol, committed delinquent acts, or were
cent years. But most teenagers who have recurrent prob- bulimic as teenagers grow up to be sober, law-abiding
lems with the law had problems at home and at school adults without eating disorders. Nevertheless, we should
from an early age; in some samples of delinquents, the not lose sight of the fact that adolescence is the most
problems were evident as early as preschool (Farrington, common age for the onset of a serious mental illness, or
2009; Hartung, Lefner, & Fedele, 2011). Many indi- that 20% of adolescents have a mental illness that will
viduals who develop depression during adolescence suf- persist into adulthood (Lee et al., 2014). Individuals
fered from other types of psychological distress, such for whom problem behavior persists into adulthood are
as excessive anxiety, as children (Flynn & Rudolph, likely to have had a problematic childhood as well as a
2011; Graber & Sontag, 2009; Puelo, Settipani, Crawley, problematic adolescence.
Beidas, & Kendall, 2011). According to a study of more
than 10,000 American adolescents, although one-third Problems During Adolescence Are Not Caused by
of all teenagers report having had an anxiety disorder by Adolescence Finally, problem behavior during ado-
age 18, almost all of these individuals had developed an lescence is virtually never a direct consequence of the
anxiety disorder before turning 12. Similarly, of the 20% normative changes of adolescence itself. Popular theo-
of adolescents who reported having had a behavioral ries about “raging hormones” causing oppositional or
disorder at some point in time, two-thirds had the first deviant behavior have no scientific support whatsoever,
occurrence before entering adolescence (Merikangas nor do the widely held beliefs that problem behaviors
et al., 2010) (see Figure 1). In other words, simply are manifestations of an inherent need to rebel against
because a problem may be displayed during adolescence authority or that bizarre behavior results from an iden-
does not mean that it is a problem of adolescence. tity crisis. The hormonal changes of puberty have only
a modest direct effect on adolescent behavior; rebellion
Most Problems Do Not Persist into Adulthood during adolescence is atypical, not normal; and few ado-
Third, it is important to remember that many of the behav- lescents experience a tumultuous identity crisis. When a
ioral problems experienced by adolescents are transitory young person exhibits a serious psychosocial problem,

Cumulative percent





4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Age in years

Figure 1 Anxiety disorders and behavioral disorders typically begin during childhood, whereas mood disorders and
substance abuse first appear during adolescence. (Merikangas et al., 2010)
350 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

such as depression, the worst possible interpretation is While the distinction between internalizing disorders
that it is a normal part of growing up. It is more likely a and externalizing disorders is useful for organizing infor-
sign that something is wrong. mation about psychosocial problems during adolescence, it
is important to bear in mind that some adolescents experi-
ence problems in both domains simultaneously (Cosgrove,
Psychosocial Problems: Their Rhee, Gelhorn, Boeldt, & Hewitt, 2011). Some adoles-
cents who engage in delinquency or show other behav-
Nature and Covariation ior problems also suffer from depression (Lee & Stone,
Clinical practitioners (psychologists, psychiatrists, social 2012; Loeber & Burke, 2011; Reinke, Eddy, Dishion, &
workers, and counselors) and other experts on the devel- Reid, 2012). Many depressed or anxious adolescents,
opment and treatment of psychosocial problems during as well as many antisocial adolescents, also abuse
adolescence distinguish among three broad categories of drugs and alcohol (Coker, Smith, Westphal, Zonana, &
problems: substance abuse, externalizing disorders, and McKee, 2014; Maslowsky, Schulenberg, & Zucker, 2014;
internalizing disorders (Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1987). Monahan, Rhew, Hawkins, & Brown, 2014).
Substance abuse refers to the maladaptive use of drugs, It is important to distinguish among adolescents who
including legal drugs like alcohol or nicotine; illegal exhibit one specific problem without any others (for
drugs like marijuana (even in states that have legalized example, depressed adolescents who do not have other
marijuana, it is still illegal for adolescents to use it with- internalizing or externalizing problems), adolescents who
out a prescription), cocaine, or ecstasy; and prescription exhibit more than one problem within the same general
drugs such as stimulants or sedatives. Externalizing category (for example, violent delinquent youth or anx-
disorders are those in which the young person’s prob- ious-depressed youth), and adolescents who exhibit both
lems are turned outward and are manifested in behav- internalizing and externalizing problems (for example,
ioral problems (some writers use the expression “acting depressed delinquents). Multiproblem adolescents tend
out” to refer to this set of problems). Common exter- not only to have more problems, but more serious prob-
nalizing problems during adolescence are delinquency, lems (Kessler et al., 2012). These adolescents may have
antisocial aggression, and truancy. Internalizing disor- followed very different developmental pathways and may
ders are those in which the young person’s problems are require very different types of treatment. Multiproblem
turned inward and are manifested in emotional and cog- teenagers typically have had far worse family experi-
nitive distress, such as depression or anxiety. ences than those with one problem (R. Chen & Simons-
Although we often think of adolescent substance Morton, 2009; Yong, Fleming, McCarty, & Catalano,
abuse as an externalizing disorder, research indicates 2014).
that it is just as likely to accompany depression and other The links between co-occurring internalizing and
internalizing disorders as it is to be a part of “acting out” externalizing problems are different among females than
behavior (Kleinjan, Rozing, Engels, & Verhagen, 2014; among males (Klostermann, Connell, & Stormshak,
Scholes-Balog, Hemphill, Patton, & Toumbourou, 2015; 2015; Kofler et al., 2011). In girls, more often than not,
Verona & Javdani, 2011; White, Fite, Pardini, Mun, & internalizing problems, like depression, usually precede
Loeber, 2013). We are simply more likely to be aware conduct problems. Girls who are depressed often experi-
of substance abuse problems when they are seen among ence problems with their peers, which may lead them
adolescents who are antiso- into antisocial peer groups, where their chances of devel-
substance abuse cial (such as a rowdy group of oping conduct problems increase. Boys, on the other
The misuse of alcohol or other
drugs to a degree that causes
drunk delinquent youth) than hand, are more likely to have conduct problems that lead
problems in the individual’s life. when they occur along with to depression, often because their conduct problems lead
internalizing problems (such to academic difficulties, which cause emotional distress.
externalizing disorders
Psychosocial problems that
as a depressed teenager who One important implication of research on comorbidity
are manifested in a turning of drinks herself to sleep each is that successfully treating one sort of problem (e.g.,
the symptoms outward, as in night). Because substance antisocial behavior) may also help reduce other sorts of
aggression or delinquency. abuse problems co-occur, problems as well (e.g., depression) (Monahan, Oesterle,
internalizing disorders or are comorbid, with both Rhew, & Hawkins, 2014).
Psychosocial problems that are externalizing and internal-
manifested in a turning of the izing problems, and because
symptoms inward, as in depres- many adolescents who experi-
Comorbidity of Externalizing Problems
sion or anxiety.
ment with drugs have neither One of the reasons it is helpful to differentiate between
comorbid internalizing nor externalizing internalizing and externalizing disorders is that the spe-
Co-occurring, as when an problems, we look at substance cific problems within each broad category are often
individual has more than one
problem at the same time.
abuse as a separate category of highly intercorrelated. Delinquency is often associ-
problem behavior. ated with problems such as truancy, defiance, sexual CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 351

promiscuity, academic difficulties, and violence Problem Clusters An alte- problem behavior syndrome
(Farrington, 2009; Savolainen et al., 2012). All these rnative to the view that an The covariation among
problems are different sorts of manifestations of a lack underlying trait drives all prob- various types of externalizing
of impulse control, and adolescents who engage in these lem behavior is that different disorders believed to result
behaviors are often described as “undercontrolled” types of deviance have different from an underlying trait of
(Martel et al., 2009; Robins, John, Caspi, Moffitt, & origins, but that involvement in
Stouthamer-Loeber, 1996; S. E. Young et al., 2009). a given problem behavior may social control theory
lead to involvement in a second A theory of delinquency
that links deviance with the
Problem Behavior Syndrome Researchers have one. Thus, problem behaviors absence of bonds to society’s
devoted a great deal of attention to studying the covaria- cluster together not because of main institutions.
tion among externalizing problems, and a number of a common underlying trait like
theories about the origins of what some experts call prob- unconventionality, but because
lem behavior syndrome have been proposed (Jessor & engaging in some problematic activities (such as drug
Jessor, 1977). According to many writers, the underly- and alcohol use) leads to others (such as delinquency)
ing cause of externalizing problems during adolescence (Bingham & Shope, 2004; Glaser, Shelton, & van den
is unconventionality in both the adolescent’s personality Bree, 2010; Hussong, Curran, & Moffitt, 2004; Malone,
and the social environment. Unconventional individuals Taylor, & Marmorstein, 2004). Some writers have talked
are tolerant of deviance, not highly connected to educa- about “cascading” effects, where one sort of problem
tional or religious institutions, and very liberal in their causes another, which triggers a third (Bornstein, Hahn, &
views. Unconventional environments are those in which Haynes, 2010; Burt & Roisman, 2010; Lynne-Landsman,
a large number of individuals share these same attitudes. Bradshaw, & Ialongo, 2010; Rogosch, Oshri, & Cicchetti,
Unconventional individuals in unconventional environ- 2010). One study of individuals followed from preadoles-
ments are more likely to engage in a wide variety of cence into adulthood found that externalizing problems
risk-taking behavior, including experimentation with ille- in childhood led to academic difficulties in adolescence,
gal drugs, risky sex, delinquent activity, and risky driv- which, in turn, led to internalizing problems in adult-
ing (Brack, Brack, & Orr, 1996; M. L. Cooper, Wood, hood (see Figure 2) (A. Masten et al., 2005). Studies of
Orcutt, & Albino, 2003; Monshouwer et al., 2012). A the relationship between drug use and depression, and
comparison of adolescents in the United States and China between drug use and conduct problems, have found simi-
found that the same factors heighten or diminish adoles- lar sorts of cascades (Felton, Kofler, Lopez, Saunders, &
cents’ risk for problem behavior in both countries (Jessor Kilpatrick, 2015; Sitnick, Shaw, & Hyde, 2014).
et al., 2003).
A number of possibilities have been proposed about Social Control Theory According to a third view,
the origins of unconventionality. One set of theories social control theory (Gottfredson & Hirschi, 1990),
emphasizes the biological underpinnings of the trait and individuals who do not have strong bonds to society’s
argues that a predisposition toward deviance may actually institutions—such as the family, school, or workplace—
be inherited (McAdams, Rowe, Rijsdijk, Maughan, & will be likely to behave unconventionally in a variety of
Eley, 2012). A second view stresses biologically based ways. Thus, the clustering of different problem behav-
differences (either inherited or acquired through experi- iors may stem not from a problem “in” the person (such
ence) among individuals in arousal, sensation seeking, as a biological predisposition toward risky behavior), but
and fearlessness (e.g., Dunlop & Romer, 2010; Ortiz from an underlying weakness in the individual’s attach-
& Raine, 2004). Yet a third view emphasizes the early ment to society. This underlying problem leads to the
family context in which deviance-prone children are development of an unconventional attitude, to member-
reared and frames problem behavior as a sort of adaptive ship in an unconventional peer group, or to involvement
response to a hostile environment (Belsky, Steinberg, & in one or several problem behaviors that may set a chain
Draper, 1991). Indeed, many writers have argued that of problem activities in motion. Social control theory
some types of antisocial behavior, especially those that helps to explain why behavior problems are not just clus-
involve risk taking, actually make a lot of evolutionary tered together but are far more prevalent among poor,
sense (Ellis et al., 2012). inner-city, minority youngsters.

Externalizing Academic Internalizing

problems in problems in problems in
childhood adolescence adulthood

Figure 2 One explanation for comorbidity is that problems in one domain can create problems in another.
(Masten et al., 2005)
352 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Overstating the Case? Finally, a number of research- are individuals who are anhedonic, or low in positive
ers stress that we should be careful about overstating the emotionality, who are especially prone to depression.
case for a single problem behavior “syndrome” (Farrell, Like externalizing problems, the underpinnings of
Sullivan, Esposito, Meyer, & Valois, 2005; Willoughby, internalizing problems are believed to have both bio-
Chalmers, & Busseri, 2004). They note that although logical and environmental origins, including high lev-
engaging in one type of problem behavior increases the els of biological reactivity to stress (Bardone, Moffitt,
likelihood of engaging in another, the overlap among Caspi, Dickson, & Silva, 1996; Susman, Dorn, Inoff-
behavior problems is far from perfect. Indeed, the Germain, Nottelmann, & Chrousos, 1997).
majority of delinquents are not serious drug users In this chapter, we examine the nature, prevalence,
(D. Elliott, Huizinga, & Menard, 1989). Other studies consequences, and amelioration of the three sets of prob-
suggest that it is important to differentiate between lems often seen during adolescence: substance abuse,
problem behavior that adults disapprove of but that antisocial behavior and other externalizing problems,
many adolescents consider normative (such as smok- and depression and other internalizing problems. In
ing, drinking, or having sex) versus problem behavior each case, we ask four central questions: (1) What is the
that both adults and adolescents view as serious (such nature of this sort of problem in adolescence? (2) How
as violent crime) (Dong & Ding, 2012; Sullivan, Childs, many, and which, young people have these problems?
& O’Connell, 2010; Zweig, Lindberg, & McGinley, (3) What do we know about factors that contribute to
2001). Context matters, too: One international compari- these problems?, and (4) What approaches to prevention
son found that adolescent alcohol use was predictive of and intervention appear to have the most promise?
violence in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, but not in
Mediterranean countries, in part because adolescents in
Mediterranean countries are less likely to drink to intox-
ication and more likely to drink in settings where adults
Substance Use and Abuse
are present (Felson, Savolainen, Bjarnason, Anderson, & Society sends young people mixed messages about
Zohra, 2011). drugs and alcohol. Television programs aimed at pre-
adolescents urge viewers to “Just Say No!” but the
football games and sitcoms that many of these same
Comorbidity of Internalizing Problems viewers watch tell them, no less subtly, that having a
There is also a good deal of comorbidity in internalizing good time with friends is virtually impossible without
disorders, which tend to have in common the subjective something alcoholic to drink. Many celebrities who
state of distress. For example, depressed adolescents are are idolized by teenagers speak out against cocaine
more likely than their peers to experience anxiety, panic, and marijuana, but many equally famous stars admit to
phobia, obsessional thinking, suicidal ideation, eat- using these same drugs. Tobacco and alcohol use are
ing disorders, and various psychosomatic disturbances common in music videos and often linked to sex, and
(physical problems that have psychological causes) more often than not, the lead performer is the individual
(Ferreiro, Seoane, & Senra, 2012; Graber & Sontag, doing the drinking, smoking, and lovemaking (DuRant
2009; Kouros, Quasem, & Garber, 2013). Some experts et al., 1997). Tobacco and alcohol companies label
question whether it even makes sense to consider some their products as causing health problems, but they
of these problems as separate entities when speaking spend enormous amounts of money marketing their
about children or adolescents (for example, to draw a dis- cigarettes and beverages to teenagers (Arnett, 2001;
tinction between anxiety and depression) because rates Biener & Siegel, 2000).
of comorbidity are so high (Graber & Sontag, 2009). The mixed signals sent to young people about drugs
Just as different externalizing problems are hypothe- reflect the inconsistent way that we view these substances
sized to reflect an underlying antisocial syndrome, vari- as a society: Some drugs (like alcohol or Adderall) are
ous indicators of internalizing problems may be thought fine, as long as they are not abused, but others (like
of as different manifestations of a common underlying cocaine or meth) are not; some drinking (enough to
factor. This factor is referred relax at a party) is socially appropriate, but too much
negative emotionality to as negative emotionality (enough to impair an automobile driver) is not; some
The presumed underlying (Barrocas & Hankin, 2011; people (those over 21) are old enough to handle drugs,
cause of internalizing disor- Wetter & Hankin, 2009). but others (those under 21) are not. It is easy to see why
ders, characterized by high Individuals who are high in teenagers do not follow the dictates of their elders when
levels of subjective distress.
negative emotionality—who it comes to alcohol and other drugs. How, then, should
anhedonic become distressed easily—are we view substance use and abuse among teenagers, when
Having difficulty experiencing at greater risk for depression, our backdrop is a society that much of the time tolerates,
positive emotions, a risk factor
for depression.
anxiety disorders, and a range if not actively encourages, adults who use these same
of internalizing problems, as substances? CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 353

the size and representativeness Monitoring the Future

of the sample of respondents, An annual survey of a nation-
this survey, called Monitoring wide sample of American 8th-,
the Future (L. D. Johnston, 10th-, and 12th-graders, mainly
O’Malley, Miech, Bachman, known for its data on adoles-
cent substance use.
& Schulenberg, 2015), is an
excellent source of informa- binge drinking
tion about patterns of ado- Consuming five or more drinks
in a row on one occasion, an
lescent drug and alcohol use, indicator of alcohol abuse.
at least among young people
who have not dropped out of
school. (The latest survey results can be accessed at www

Drugs of Choice The surveys consistently indicate

that alcohol is by far the most commonly used and
abused substance, in terms of both prevalence (the per-
centage of teenagers who have ever used the drug) and
Alcohol and marijuana remain the main drugs of choice among
American adolescents. © Janine Wiedel Photolibrary/Alamy recency of use (the percentage of teenagers who have
used the drug within the last month), followed by mari-
juana and tobacco. By the time they are seniors in high
As with most of the problem behaviors that are com- school, 66% of teenagers have tried alcohol, 44% have
mon during adolescence, discussions of teenage sub- smoked marijuana, and 34% have smoked cigarettes.
stance use are often filled more with rhetoric than reality. After marijuana and tobacco, however, the percentage
The popular stereotype of contemporary young people is of young people who have tried various other drugs
that they use and abuse a wide range of drugs more than drops precipitously, and only about 8% of teenagers
their counterparts did previously, that the main reason have used an illicit drug other than marijuana within the
adolescents use drugs is peer pressure, and that the “epi- last month (L. D. Johnston et al., 2015) (see Figure 3).
demic” level of substance use among American teenag- Although alcohol and tobacco use among adolescents in
ers is behind many of the other problems associated with most European countries is substantially higher than it
this age group—including academic underachievement, is in the United States, twice as many American than
early pregnancy, suicide, and crime. The simplicity of European adolescents regularly use illicit drugs (mainly
these assertions is undeniably tempting—after all, what marijuana) (Wadley, 2012).
could be more reassuring than to identify the “real” cul- Prevalence statistics, especially those that tap
prit (drugs) and the “real” causes (peers and mass media) whether an individual has ever tried the substance in
of all the maladies of young people? And what could be question, tell us little about the nature and extent of
even more comforting than the belief that, if we simply drug use from the standpoint of adolescents’ health
teach young people to “just say no,” these problems will and well-being. It is one thing to have tried alcohol or
disappear? marijuana; it is something else to use either of these
Unfortunately, what we might like to believe about substances so often that one’s life and behavior are
adolescent substance use is not necessarily correct. As markedly affected.
we shall see, there are grains of truth to many of the pop- One of the best ways to examine this issue is to look
ular claims about the causes, nature, and consequences at the percentage of young people who report using
of teenage substance use and abuse, but there are many various substances daily or nearly daily. Daily use is
widely held misconceptions about the subject, too. infrequent, even among older teens. About 10% of high
school seniors smoke daily, marijuana is used daily by
Prevalence of Substance 7% of teenagers, and daily use of alcohol is rare (only
2% of seniors drink daily). However, about 20% of all
Use and Abuse seniors, 13% of all 10th-graders, and 4% of all 8th-
Each year since 1975, a group of researchers from the graders report having abused alcohol (had more than
University of Michigan has surveyed a nationally repre- five drinks in a row, sometimes called binge drinking)
sentative sample of about 15,000 American high school at least once during the previous 2 weeks (L. D. Johnston
seniors on several aspects of their lifestyle and values, et al., 2015). Also worrisome is that 13% of high school
including their use and abuse of a variety of drugs. seniors report having driven a car after drinking at least
Beginning in 1991, comparable samples of 8th- and once in the past month (Centers for Disease Control and
10th-graders were added to the annual survey. Because of Prevention, 2014).
354 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Figure 3 Percentages
of American high school Alcohol
seniors who have ever used
various drugs. Marijuana
(L. D. Johnston et al., 2015)
Amphetamines without a prescription
(e.g., Ritalin or Adderall)
Opiods (painkillers) without a prescription
(e.g., Vicodin, Oxycontin)
Tranquilizers without a prescription
(e.g., Xanax, Valium)
Sedatives without a prescription
(e.g., Seconal)


(e.g., LSD)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Percent ever used

have used painkillers (like Vicodin), amphetamines (like

making the cultural Adderall), tranquilizers (like Xanax), and sedatives (like
connection Seconal) that they have obtained without a prescription, a
The use of illicit drugs is more common among American pattern that also is seen on college campuses (McCabe &
teenagers than their European counterparts, but adoles- West, 2013; Young, Glover, & Havens, 2012).
cent smoking and drinking are more common in Europe.
Why do you think this is? Changes in Substance Use Over Time The
Monitoring the Future study has also been used to chart
changes over time in adolescent substance use. Recent
Taken together, the findings from these surveys cast administrations of the survey have given experts both
doubt on some of the most fervently held stereotypes cause for relief and cause for concern (L. D. Johnston
about adolescent drug use in the United States. Many et al., 2015) (see Figure 4). Things haven’t gotten worse,
adolescents who drink do so to excess—a quarter of all but for the most part, they haven’t gotten better, either.
seniors and more than 10% of all sophomores have been Marijuana use, which had been on a steady decline
drunk at least once in the last month (L. D. Johnston et al., since the late 1970s, rose quite sharply during the mid-
2015). But only a very small proportion of young people 1990s, has not declined to its former levels, and has not
have serious drug dependency problems (which would changed appreciably in recent years. Alcohol use, which
lead to daily use) or use hard drugs at all. Moreover, it is declined steadily during the 1980s (from more than 70%
very unlikely that drug and alcohol use lurks behind the of seniors drinking monthly to about 50%), has declined
wide assortment of adolescent problems for which it is more slowly since then, and not at all in recent years.
so frequently blamed. Rather, the pattern suggests that One bit of very good news is that teen smoking, which
most adolescents have experimented with alcohol, mari- increased during the 1990s, has declined dramatically
juana, and tobacco; that many have used one or more and continues to fall—probably because there has been
of these drugs regularly; that alcohol is clearly the drug a gargantuan increase in the price of cigarettes during
of choice among teenagers (a substantial proportion of the past two decades. The high price of cigarettes is a
whom drink to excess); and that most teenagers have not far more powerful deterrent to teen smoking (Gruber &
experimented with other drugs. One point worth not- Zinman, 2001; Pampel & Aguilar, 2008). In fact, expo-
ing is that a substantial number of high school students sure to some antismoking and antidrug ads may increase CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 355

90 Cigarettes
Any illicit drug other than marijuana







1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Figure 4 Over-time trends in the proportion of high school seniors who report having used various drugs in the
30 days preceding the survey. (L. D. Johnston et al., 2015)

adolescents’ drug use (Hornik, Jacobsohn, Orwin, less common among younger teens than it had been in
Piesse, & Kalton, 2008; Wakefield et al., 2006). the past (Brooks-Russell, Farhat, Haynie, & Simons-
Although pundits and political commentators fre- Morton, 2014; L. D. Johnston et al., 2015). In the mid-
quently claim to have discovered the “real” reason for 1990s, about 25% of all 8th-graders reported drinking at
changes in rates of adolescent substance use, no one least once a month; by 2011, fewer than 10% of young
really knows why rates of adolescent substance use fluc- adolescents did. Four times as many 8th-graders were
tuate over time, except, perhaps, because of fluctuations regular smokers in the 1990s than is the case today.
in price and availability. Many historical patterns are Nevertheless, more than one-fourth of all 8th-graders
puzzling and hard to make sense of. For instance, during have tried alcohol, one in six has tried marijuana, and
the same time period that heavy drinking among high one in ten has been drunk at least once. Curiously,
school seniors declined dramatically (between 1976 and while young adolescents’ attitudes toward drinking and
2004), it increased just as significantly among college smoking have gotten progressively more negative over
students who were just a few years older. And during the years, their views of marijuana have not changed.
this very same era, rates of marijuana use were far more Neither have their rates of marijuana use, at least not in
stable at both ages (Jager, Schulenberg, O’Malley, & the past decade.
Bachman, 2013). Rates of substance use among 8th-graders are impor-
We know that adolescents’ drug use fluctuates with tant to watch, because the chances of becoming addicted
changes in their perceptions of how normative, harmful, to alcohol or nicotine are dramatically increased when
and disapproved of drug use is (Farhat et al., 2012; Keyes substance use begins prior to age 15 (G. C. Patton,
et al., 2012), but scientists have not been able to deter- Coffey, Carlin, Sawyer, & Wakefield, 2006). Because
mine what influences these perceptions, although it is the typical adolescent who smokes cigarettes begins
likely that the messages teenagers receive about drugs— around the 7th or 8th grade, looking at changes in the
from parents, teachers, and mass media—are important. number of 8th-graders who smoke is a good way of
Sex differences in drug use are very small among 8th- forecasting rates of smoking among adults in the future.
graders (for some drugs, use is more prevalent among Unfortunately, although smoking among 8th-graders has
females than males, for others, the reverse is true) but declined markedly since the 1990s, when close to half of
grow a little bit over the course of high school, so that by all 8th-graders had tried cigarettes, the rate has leveled
senior year, rates are slightly higher among males than off, at a little less than 15% (L. D. Johnston et al., 2015).
females (Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman, Schulenberg, &
Miech, 2014). Even among older adolescents, though, Ethnic Differences in Substance Use Several
sex differences in alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use national surveys have examined ethnic differences in
are so small that they are unimportant. rates of adolescent substance use and abuse. In gen-
Perhaps the most encouraging finding to emerge in eral, White adolescents are more likely to use drugs
recent surveys is that experimentation with drugs is and alcohol than minority youngsters, especially
356 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

gateway drugs
Black and Asian youth, beyond his or her previous patterns of drug use, includ-
Drugs that, when used over although differences between ing the era in which he or she grows up. Progression
time, lead to the use of other, White and Black adolescents from tobacco and alcohol to marijuana and other illegal
more dangerous substances. have been getting smaller drugs was far more common among people who were
developmental trajectories (L. D. Johnston et al., 2014). born around 1960 than among people born before 1950
Patterns of change over time. Although rates of drug use or after 1970 (Golub & Johnson, 2001).
among Hispanic adoles- On average, smoking and drinking (and problematic
cents had been comparable to drinking in particular) increase during adolescence, peak
those of White youngsters, rates have increased among in the early 20s, and then decline (Brodbeck, Bachmann,
Hispanic youth in recent years (L.D. Johnston et al., Croudace, & Brown, 2013), but not all individuals follow
2014). Use among Native American adolescents is this pattern. Researchers have identified several distinct
the highest of any ethnic group (Chassin, Hussong, & developmental trajectories of alcohol, tobacco, and
Beltran, 2009; L. D. Johnston et al., 2012b; Whitbeck, drug use (Chassin et al., 2009; Jackson & Schulenberg,
Yu, Johnson, Hoyt, & Walls, 2008). Foreign-born and 2013; Patrick & Schulenberg, 2011). In one study, six
less Americanized minority youngsters—whether distinct groups were identified. Nonusers (one-third of
Asian or Hispanic in background—use alcohol, drugs, the sample) rarely experimented with substances at any
and tobacco at a lower rate than do American-born and point in adolescence. Alcohol experimenters (25% of the
more acculturated immigrant youth; part of becom- sample) first tried alcohol early in adolescence and con-
ing an “American” teenager means experimenting with tinued to drink occasionally, but did not try other drugs
drugs (Delva et al., 2005; Georgiades, Boyle, Duku, & and did not increase their drinking over time. Low esca-
Racine, 2006; Nagoshi, Marsiglia, Parsai, & Castro, lators (5%) began using substances early in adolescence
2011). The rate of drug use among immigrant adoles- and increased their use slowly but steadily over time.
cents is half the rate of use among adolescents from the Early starters (6%) showed very high substance use in
same ethnic group who were born in the United States early adolescence and escalated gradually over time, so
(K. Harris, 1999). that by the end of high school they were smoking and
drinking frequently and experimenting with drugs. Late
Does Substance Use Follow a Particular Progression? starters (20%) used substances infrequently during early
Young people experiment with beer and wine before adolescence but increased their use rapidly during high
trying cigarettes or hard liquor, which precedes mari- school—so much so that by the end of high school their
juana use, which, in turn, precedes the use of other substance use was similar to that of the early starters.
illicit drugs. However, although experimentation may Finally, high escalators (8%) showed moderate use in
follow this sequence, this does not mean that alcohol early adolescence, escalated rapidly between early and
use or smoking invariably lead to marijuana use, or that middle adolescence, and continued to increase their use
marijuana use necessarily leads to experimentation with throughout high school (Zapert, Snow, & Tebes, 2002).
harder drugs (van Leeuwen et al., 2011). In fact, there
is little evidence to support the idea that marijuana is an
inevitable stepping-stone to hard-drug use (it depends on
how frequently marijuana is used) (Treaster, 1994).
The fact that there is a fairly standard sequence of
drug use suggests that virtually all users of hard drugs
have also tried alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana and,
moreover, that one way to prevent adolescents from
experimenting with more serious drugs might be to
stop them from drinking, smoking, and using mari-
juana. Adolescents who have not experimented with
alcohol or marijuana by the time they are in their
20s are unlikely ever to use these or any other drugs
(K. Chen & Kandel, 1996). For this reason, tobacco,
alcohol, and marijuana are considered gateway drugs,
in the sense that they represent a gate through which
individuals pass on the way to using harder drugs.
(Nicotine exposure, whether through cigarettes or
e-cigarettes, may sensitize the adolescent brain to other
drugs and make future abuse more likely [Yuan, Cross, Exposure to nicotine, whether through tobacco or e-cigarettes, may
Loughlin, & Leslie, 2015]). Whether an individual sensitize the adolescent brain to other substances, increasing the
passes through the gate is influenced by many factors likelihood of future substance abuse. © ppi09/ RF CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 357

Adolescents whose substance use begins early or esca- order to understand the relation between substance use
lates rapidly, as well as those with a history of solitary and psychological adjustment, it is important to differ-
use, are most at risk for substance use problems as adults entiate among four groups of adolescents: frequent drug
(D. Belsky et al., 2013; Nelson, Van Ryzin, & Dishion. users (for example, at least once a week); hard-drug users
2014; Tucker et al., 2014). (that is, drugs other than alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana);
those who experiment with marijuana and alcohol but
who do not use them frequently (that is, no more than
Causes and Consequences of once a month); and those who abstain (Connell, Gilreath,
Substance Use and Abuse Aklin, & Brex, 2010; Hughes, Power, & Francis, 1992;
In looking at the causes and consequences of substance C. Mitchell et al., 1996; Wills, McNamara, Vaccaro, &
use and abuse in adolescence, it is especially impor- Hirky, 1996). Experimenters and abstainers score higher
tant to keep in mind the distinction between occasional on measures of psychological adjustment than frequent
experimentation and problematic use. users. Relative to experimenters, though, abstainers tend
to be overcontrolled, narrow in their interests, anxious,
Users, Abusers, and Abstainers Because the and inhibited (Shedler & Block, 1990). The age at which
majority of adolescents have experimented with alco- adolescents experiment with substances is also impor-
hol and marijuana, there are plenty of normal, healthy tant. One study of people in their mid-20s found that
young people who have used these drugs at least once. those who had experimented with substance use at age
Adolescents who experiment with alcohol and marijuana 17 (when experimentation is normative, at least in the
are no worse adjusted than their peers who abstain from United States) generally were better adjusted than those
them (Alex Mason & Spoth, 2011; Scheier & Botvin, who had been abstainers, abusers, or problematic users
1998; J. S. Tucker, Ellickson, Collins, & Klein, 2006). In (see Figure 5) (Englund et al., 2013).

Educational attainment Work ethic

Did not complete High school graduate Poor to moderate Good to excellent
high school
100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0




















Romantic relationships Global adaptation

None to less than Regular involvement Poor to fair Good or better
regular involvement in long-term
100 100
80 80


60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0




















Figure 5 Experimentation with substances later in adolescence is associated with better adjustment in young
adulthood. (Englund et al., 2013)
358 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Longer-term follow-up studies also show that mod- during adolescence is often a symptom of prior psycho-
erate alcohol use during adolescence does not have logical disturbance.
negative long-term effects (Haller, Handley, Chassin, & Substance abuse during adolescence, whatever its
Bountress, 2010; Paschall, Freisthler, & Lipton, 2005). antecedents, is associated with a host of other prob-
In contrast, cigarette use during adolescence has more lems. Young people who abuse alcohol, tobacco, and
harmful long-term health consequences because nico- other drugs are more likely to experience problems at
tine is a more addictive drug, and its use is more likely school; suffer from psychological distress and depres-
to persist into middle adulthood (K. Chen & Kandel, sion; become involved in dangerous or deviant activities,
1996; Elders, Perry, Eriksen, & Giovino, 1994; Pierce & including crime, delinquency, and truancy; and engage
Gilpin, 1996). in unprotected sexual activity. As adults, they are more
This does not mean that occasional experimentation likely to have physical health problems, experience
with drugs during adolescence leads to better adjust- unemployment and out-of-wedlock childbearing, and
ment, of course. In fact, the psychological advantages continue to have substance abuse problems (Aseltine,
observed among adolescents who experiment with alco- Schilling, James, Glanovsky, & Jacobs, 2009; Chassin et
hol and marijuana were evident well before they began al., 2009; Green & Ensminger, 2006; Holmen, Barrett-
experimenting, even when they were young children Connor, Holmen, & Bjermer, 2000; Stuart & Green,
(Shedler & Block, 1990). Well-adjusted adolescents are 2008). Alcohol and other drugs are often implicated
more socially competent and are more likely to be in in adolescent automobile crashes, the leading cause
social situations in which other teenagers are drinking of death and disability among American teenagers
and smoking marijuana (Ludden & Eccles, 2007). In this (O’Malley & Johnston, 1999), and in other fatal and
sense, psychological adjustment increases the likelihood nonfatal accidents, such as drownings, falls, and burns
of alcohol and marijuana use, rather than the reverse. (Hingson & Zha, 2009). Adolescent substance abusers
Taken together, research indicates that moderate alco- also expose themselves to the long-term physical health
hol and marijuana use has become normative among risks of excessive drug use. In the case of cigarettes,
adolescents in contemporary society (however trouble- alcohol, and marijuana, these risks are substantial and
some some adults may find this), that these substances well documented—among them, cancer, heart disease,
are typically used in social situations, and that better- and kidney and liver damage. It is also now well estab-
adjusted and more interpersonally competent young lished that heavy cigarette smoking during adolescence
people are likely to participate in social activities in can exacerbate feelings of emotional distress and lead to
which alcohol and other drugs are present. depression and anxiety disorders (Chassin et al., 2009).

Predictors and Consequences of Substance Abuse Risk Factors for Substance Abuse Which ado-
Substance abuse (using drugs in a way that causes sig- lescents are most likely to become substance abusers?
nificant problems at home, school, work, or with the Generally, four sets of risk factors—psychological,
law) is a different matter (see Table 1). Adolescents who familial, social, and contextual—have been identified,
are frequent users of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and the more risk factors that are present for an indi-
score lower on measures of psychological adjustment as vidual, the more likely she or he is to use and abuse
teenagers and were more likely to have been maladjusted drugs (O’Loughlin, Karp, Koulis, Paradis, & DiFranza,
as children (Hicks et al., 2014). Drug and alcohol abuse 2009; Ostaszewski & Zimmerman, 2006). These same

Table 1 DSM–5 diagnostic criteria for Substance Use Disorder

The DSM-5 defines a Substance Use Disorder as the presence of at least 2 of 11 criteria, which are clustered in four
1. Impaired control: (1) taking more or for longer than intended, (2) unsuccessful efforts to stop or cut down use,
(3) spending a great deal of time obtaining, using, or recovering from use, (4) craving for substance.
2. Social impairment: (5) failure to fulfill major obligations due to use, (6) continued use despite problems caused or
exacerbated by use, (7) important activities given up or reduced because of substance use.
3. Risky use: (8) recurrent use in hazardous situations, (9) continued use despite physical or psychological problems that
are caused or exacerbated by substance use.
4. Pharmacologic dependence: (10) tolerance to effects of the substance, (11) withdrawal symptoms when not using or
using less.*

* Persons who are prescribed medications such as opioids may exhibit these two criteria, but would not necessarily be considered to have a
substance use disorder.
Source: American Psychiatric Association, 2013. CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 359

risk factors have been found across a variety of stud- Third, individuals with substance abuse problems
ies and in samples of adolescents from a wide range of are more likely to have friends who use and tolerate the
ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, although there use of drugs (Alli, Amialchuk, & Dwyer, 2011; Cruz,
is evidence that family factors may be more influential Emery, & Turkheimer, 2012; Parsai, Voisine, Marsiglia,
in early adolescence and peer factors more so in middle Kulis, & Nieri, 2009). Whether and how often adoles-
adolescence (M. J. Cleveland, Feinberg, Bontempo, & cents use drugs is an important defining characteristic
Greenberg, 2008). In other words, the factors that place of peer groups—abstainers tend to have other abstainers
an adolescent at risk for substance abuse are more or less as friends, and users tend to be friends with other users.
the same regardless of the adolescent’s sex, social class, Drug-using adolescents seek drug-using peers, and
or ethnicity (Aspy, Tolma, Oman, & Vesely, 2014; Choi, drug-using peers encourage even more drug use among
Harachi, Gillmore, & Catalano, 2005). This is good their friends (Chassin, Presson, Todd, Rose, & Sherman,
news, because it suggests that preventive interventions 1998; Schulenberg et al., 1999). Substance-using adoles-
do not need to be specifically tailored to different sub- cents who have many substance-using friends may also
groups of adolescents (Hu, Davies, & Kandel, 2006). overestimate how common substance use is because they
The first set of risk factors is psychological. Individuals are so much more likely to see other people engaged in it
with certain personality characteristics—which typi- (Unger & Rohrbach, 2002).
cally are present prior to adolescence—are more likely Finally, adolescents who become substance abusers
to develop drug and alcohol problems than their peers. are more likely to live in a social context that makes drug
These characteristics include anger, impulsivity, inat- use easier (Chassin et al., 2009; Stanley, Henry, & Swaim,
tentiveness, and sensation seeking (Chassin et al., 2011). Important factors are the availability of drugs,
2009; Colder et al., 2013; Malone, Van Eck, Flory, & the community’s norms regarding drug use, the degree
Lamis, 2010; Wilens et al., 2011). The combination to which drug laws are enforced, and the ways in which
of poor impulse control and heightened sensation seek- drug use is presented via the mass media (Bendtsen,
ing is especially problematic (Khurana et al., 2014; Damsgaard, Tolstrup, Ersbøll, & Holstein, 2013;
Willoughby & Fortner, 2014). Many of these traits have X. Li, Stanton, & Feigelman, 2000; Thrul, Lipperman-
a strong genetic component, although the effects of hav- Kreda, Grube, & Friend, 2014). Lowering the minimum
ing a genetic propensity toward substance use can be purchasing age for alcohol (as was done in New Zealand)
diminished by a context that discourages smoking or significantly increases the rate of alcohol-related car
drinking (Brody et al. 2009; D. Li et al., 2011; Park, crashes among younger drivers, whereas raising it (as
Sher, Todorov, & Heath, 2011). In addition, individu- was done in the United States) decreases crashes (Kypri
als who have more tolerant attitudes about drug use (and et al., 2006). Binge drinking and drinking while driv-
about deviance in general) are at greater risk for drug ing are higher among adolescents who live in neigh-
abuse (Schulenberg, Wadsworth, O’Malley, Bachman, & borhoods with relatively more retail outlets for alcohol
Johnston, 1996; Petraitis et al., 1995), as are those who (M.-J. Chen, Gruenewald, & Remer, 2009a; Resko
expect alcohol or other drugs to improve their social et al., 2010; Truong & Sturm, 2009), and smoking is more
relationships (Griffin, Epstein, Botvin, & Spoth, 2001). common among adolescents who live in neighborhoods
Children who expect alcohol to have positive effects on with relatively more stores that sell cigarettes (McCarthy
them are more likely to become heavy drinkers in ado- et al., 2009; Novak et al., 2006) or attend schools where
lescence (M. Dunn & Goldman, 1998). a high proportion of other students smoke (Sabiston
Second, individuals with distant, hostile, or conflicted et al., 2009). Adolescent marijuana use is not higher in
family relationships are more likely to develop substance states that have legalized the drug for medical use, how-
abuse problems than are their peers who grow up in close, ever (Choo et al., 2014; Lynne-Landsman, Livingston, &
nurturing families (J. A. Ford, 2009; King, Molina, & Wagenaar, 2013).
Chassin, 2009; Sale et al., 2005). Drug-abusing young- Researchers have also identified important
sters are also more likely than their peers to have parents protective factors that decrease the likelihood of ado-
who are excessively permissive, uninvolved, neglectful, lescents’ engaging in substance abuse (Jessor & Turbin,
or rejecting (Abar, Jackson, & Wood, 2014; Chassin 2014). Among the most important are positive mental
et al., 2009; Tobler & Komro, 2010). In addition, they health (including high self-esteem and the absence of
are more likely to come from homes where one or more depression), high academic achievement, engagement
other family members (parents or siblings) smoke, drink, in school, close family relationships, and involvement in
or use drugs (as a result of both genetics and the environ- religious activities (C. Jordan & Lewis, 2005; Sanchez,
ment) (Chassin et al., 2009; Gilman et al., 2009; Mays Opaleye, Chaves, Noto, & Nappo, 2011). These pro-
et al., 2014). One explanation for especially high rates tective factors appear to
of substance use among affluent suburban teenagers operate over and above the protective factors
Factors that limit individual
is that their parents often are tolerant of this behavior effects of the risk factors dis- vulnerability to harm.
(Botticello, 2009; Luthar & Goldstein, 2008). cussed previously. As with
360 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

the factors that place adoles- when the limbic system is changing naturally, can per-
A neurotransmitter especially cents at risk for substance manently affect the way the brain functions (Spear &
important in the brain circuits abuse, the protective factors Swartzwelder, 2014). (Various brain systems and regions
that regulate the experience identified operate similarly are malleable, or “plastic,” during different periods of
of reward. among adolescents from dif- development, and it is during periods of heightened
ferent ethnic groups and plasticity that these brain systems are most easily and
explain why some groups of adolescents use drugs more irreversibly affected by outside influences.) Repeated
than others do (G. Barnes & Farrell, 1992; Ennett et exposure to drugs during this period of heightened mal-
al., 2008; Flannery, Vazsonyi, & Rowe, 1996). One of leability in the limbic system can affect the brain in ways
the reasons for the lower rate of drinking among Black that make it necessary to use drugs in order to experi-
youth is that their parents are less likely to drink or toler- ence normal amounts of pleasure.
ate adolescent drinking (Peterson, Hawkins, Abbott, & How many exposures to a drug does it take to perma-
Catalano, 1994). nently alter the adolescent brain’s dopamine system? No
one knows for sure, and the answer varies from person
to person, largely because of genetic factors (this is why
Drugs and the Adolescent Brain some people are more likely to develop addictions than
Scientists have long speculated that, because the brain others) (Laucht et al., 2008). This permanent alteration
is still very malleable early in adolescence, experimen- in the dopamine system is more likely to happen in ado-
tation with drugs is more harmful then than later in lescence, when the limbic system is still malleable, than
development. Experimental research in which scientists in adulthood, when it is less changeable.
have compared the brains of animals exposed to drugs, Exposure to drugs during adolescence is more likely
either close to the time of puberty or after reaching full to lead to addiction than is the same amount of exposure
maturity, has illuminated some of the specific neuro- during adulthood (Swendsen et al., 2012). Compared
biological pathways that explain why the potential for with people who delay drinking until they are 21, peo-
addiction is much greater in adolescence than adulthood ple who begin in early adolescence (before age 14) are
(Brenhouse, Sonntag, & Andersen, 2008; Hardin & 7 times more likely to binge drink as teenagers and 5
Ernst, 2009; Lydon, Wilson, Child, & Geier, 2014). In times more likely to develop a substance abuse or depen-
order to understand what these studies say, we need to dence disorder at some point in life (Hingson, Heeren,
digress slightly and look at certain aspects of adolescent & Winter, 2006). Similarly, people who begin smoking
brain development. regularly before age 14 are at much greater risk for nico-
Changes in the limbic system during adolescence, a tine dependence as adults than are those who start in late
region of the brain that is important for the experience of adolescence (Orlando, Tucker, Ellickson, & Klein, 2004).
reward and punishment, affect receptors for dopamine,
one of the neurotransmitters that influence our experi-
ence of pleasure. We experience things like great sex or
fabulous food as enjoyable because they result in higher
levels of dopamine in the brain; these higher levels per-
mit more electrical activity through the synapses that
connect the circuits in the brain that regulate feelings
of pleasure.
Certain drugs make users feel good primarily because
they affect the same receptors that are sensitive to the
dopamine that is in the brain naturally. The molecules
of addictive drugs are so similar to dopamine molecules
that dopamine receptors act in the same way in their pres-
ence as they do in the presence of natural dopamine. As
a result, when drugs enter the brain (which is where they
go whether they enter the body through the mouth, nose,
or blood vessels), they are “read” by dopamine recep-
tors as the real thing. On the positive side, this makes
the user feel good (the same way that natural dopamine
does)—which, of course, is why people use drugs. The
problem, though, is that frequent drug use during ado-
lescence interferes with the normal maturation of the Studies of juvenile mice have furthered our understanding of
brain’s dopamine system. The animal studies referred to the impact of drinking on adolescent brain development.
earlier have shown that experiences in early adolescence, © Adam Gault/OJO Images/Getty Images RF CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 361

It’s not simply that people who start using drugs early Prevention and Treatment of
are different from those who wait in ways that make
them more prone to addiction. Experimental studies with
Substance Use and Abuse
animals, in which some are randomly assigned to drug Efforts to prevent substance use and abuse among teen-
exposure shortly after puberty and others to exposure in agers focus on one of three factors: the supply of drugs,
adulthood, have proven that it is easier to become addicted the environment in which teenagers may be exposed
during adolescence than during adulthood (Wong, Ford, to drugs, and characteristics of the potential drug user
Pagels, McCutcheon, & Marinelli, 2013). (Newcomb & Bentler, 1988). One huge problem is
The increased vulnerability of the adolescent brain that two of the three most commonly used and abused
to the addicting effects of alcohol is compounded by drugs—cigarettes and alcohol—are both legal and
the fact that adolescents don’t feel the negative con- widely available, and laws prohibiting the sale of these
sequences of drinking as profoundly as adults do (this substances to minors are not well enforced (Centers for
can only be studied experimentally in animals, because Disease Control and Prevention, 2006). Research does
researchers are not allowed to give teenagers alcohol). show, however, that raising the price of alcohol and
Studies comparing juvenile rodents with adult rodents cigarettes reduces adolescents’ use of them (Bishai,
find that juveniles can drink more than adults before Mercer, & Tapales, 2005; Lovato et al., 2013), that rais-
they become tired or have their reflexes slow, and the ing the minimum legal drinking age leads to a decline in
unpleasant consequences of drinking too much (oth- binge drinking among teenagers (but not young adults)
erwise known as a hangover) are less intense among (Andersen, Rasmussen, Bendtsen, Due, & Holstein,
juveniles than adults. To make matters worse, juveniles 2014; Grucza, Norberg, & Bierut, 2009), and that rais-
feel the positive effects of alcohol more intensely than ing the minimum purchase age for tobacco products low-
adults—alcohol makes juvenile rodents want to social- ers rates of teen smoking (Institute of Medicine, 2015).
ize but it makes adults want to be left alone (Spear, Attempts to enforce laws governing the purchase of
2013). And whereas the presence of “peers” increases cigarettes are less effective than those governing alco-
alcohol consumption among juvenile rodents, it has no hol, in part, because many adolescents obtain cigarettes
such effect among adult animals (Logue, Chein, Gould, through means other than purchasing them from stores
Holliday, & Steinberg, 2014). (for example, bumming them from older friends or steal-
Although the short-term effects of alcohol are less ing them from parents) (Fichtenberg & Glantz, 2002;
severe in adolescents than adults, the lasting effects of Pokorny, Jason, & Schoeny, 2006).
alcohol on brain functioning are worse in adolescence Many different types of drug abuse prevention
than in adulthood—again, because the brain is more vul- interventions have been tried, either alone or in com-
nerable to influences during periods of plasticity. One bination. In programs designed to change some charac-
area of the adolescent brain that is especially vulner- teristic of the adolescent, drug use is targeted indirectly
able to the harmful effects of alcohol is the hippocam- either by attempting to enhance adolescents’ psycho-
pus, which is important for memory and, along with the logical development in general or by helping adoles-
prefrontal cortex, for “putting the brakes” on impulsive cents develop other interests and participate in other
behavior (Squeglia, Jacobus, & Tapert, 2009; Sturmhöfel activities that will make drug use less likely. The idea
& Swartzwelder, 2004; E. Walker et al., 2004). Alcohol behind these sorts of efforts is that adolescents who
also has harmful effects on the development of regions have high self-esteem, for example, or who are gain-
of the brain involved in higher-order cognitive abili- fully employed will be less likely to use drugs. In other
ties, such as planning and decision making, and in programs, the intervention is directly focused on pre-
self-regulation (Butler, 2006; Nasrallah et al., 2011; venting drug use. These programs include information-
Nasrallah, Yang, & Bernstein, 2009). Although some of based efforts (in which adolescents are educated about
the harmful neurobiological consequences of drinking the dangers of drugs), social skills training (in which
in early adolescence can be reversed, the fact that early adolescents are taught how to turn down drugs), and
exposure is more likely to lead to addiction and long- some combination of informational and general psycho-
term use indicates that interventions designed to prevent logical intervention (in which adolescents are educated
substance abuse should begin prior to adolescence. Less about drug abuse and exposed to a program designed to
is known about the impact of marijuana use on adoles- enhance their self-esteem or social skills) (Newcomb &
cent brain development (DuPont & Lieberman, 2014), Bentler, 1988).
although chronic use may be associated with brain abnor- The results of research designed to evaluate these
malities in many of the same areas that are also affected sorts of individual-focused approaches have not been
by drinking, including the hippocampus and prefrontal encouraging (Dielman, 1994; H. Leventhal & Keeshan,
cortex (Abush & Akirav, 2012; Batalla et al., 2013). Not 1993). Careful evaluations of Project DARE—the
all studies have reached this conclusion, though (Weiland most widely implemented drug education program in
et al., 2015). the United States—show that the program is largely
362 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

ineffective (Ennett, Tobler, Ringwall, & Flewelling, to the adolescent’s normative and probably harmless
1994). Experts are now fairly confident that drug edu- experimentation with drugs) may end up more alien-
cation alone, whether based on rational information ated and more distressed—and more likely to become
or scare tactics, does not prevent drug use (Steinberg, drug abusers—as a result of the “treatment.” Evaluations
2015). This is reminiscent of research on sex education, of treatment programs for adolescents who are genuine
which has shown that informational programs are sim- drug abusers suggest that efforts that involve the adoles-
ply not effective on their own. As a rule, educational cent’s family, and not just the teenager, are more likely to
programs may change individuals’ knowledge, but they be successful (Liddle et al., 2009). Unfortunately, many
rarely affect their behavior. Research on the effectiveness adolescents who would benefit from substance abuse
of drug testing in schools has yielded inconsistent find- treatment, especially those from ethnic minority groups,
ings (James-Burdumy, Goesling, Deke, & Einspruch, do not receive it, often because they can’t afford it or
2012; Yamaguchi, Johnston, & O’Malley, 2003). have inadequate health insurance (Cummings, Wen, &
The most encouraging results have been found in Druss, 2011).
programs that do not focus only on the individual ado-
lescent but rather combine some sort of social compe-
tence training with a communitywide intervention aimed Externalizing Problems
not only at adolescents but also at their peers, parents, Experts distinguish among three main categories of
and teachers (Fletcher, Bonell, & Hargreaves, 2008; externalizing problems in adolescence: conduct disor-
J. Hawkins et al., 2008; Liddle, Rowe, Dakoff, Henderson, der, aggression, and delinquency. Although these three
& Greenbaum, 2009; M. Siegel & Biener, 2000). These classes of problems are highly interrelated, their defini-
multifaceted efforts have been shown to be effective in tions differ.
reducing adolescents’ use of alcohol, cigarettes, and other
drugs, especially if the programs begin when youngsters
are preadolescents and continue well into high school
Categories of Externalizing Problems
(Bruvold, 1993; Dielman, 1994; Ellickson, Bell, & Conduct Disorder The first category of externaliz-
McGuigan, 1993; Flynn et al., 1994; Perry et al., 1996). ing problems is conduct disorder, which is a clinical
Overall, most experts agree diagnosis that refers to a repetitive and persistent pattern
conduct disorder that efforts designed simply to of antisocial behavior in which the rights of others or
A repetitive and persistent pat-
change the potential adolescent age-appropriate societal norms are violated and where,
tern of antisocial behavior that
results in problems at school drug user without transform- as a result of this behavior, the individual has problems
or work, or in relationships with ing the environment in which in social relationships, school, or the workplace (see
others. the adolescent lives are not Table 2) (Farrington, 2009). (A related, but less seri-
oppositional-defiant likely to succeed. Despite their ous, diagnosis is oppositional-defiant disorder, which
disorder intuitive appeal, efforts to help refers to behavior that is spiteful, angry, and argumen-
A disorder of childhood and adolescents “Just Say No” have tative, but not necessarily aggressive.) An estimated
adolescence characterized been remarkably unsuccessful. 6%–16% of adolescent males and 2%–9% of adoles-
by excessive anger, spite, and
One of the problems with cent females have conduct disorder (Farrington, 2009).
all prevention programs is that Conduct disorder is very stable between childhood and
antisocial personality they often do not distinguish adolescence—about half of all individuals who are diag-
A disorder of adulthood char- between drug use and drug nosed with it as children are also diagnosed with it as
acterized by antisocial behav- abuse. Trying to stop teenag- teenagers, and many had oppositional-defiant disorder
ior and persistent disregard ers from ever using alcohol, when they were younger. One reason for this is that the
for the rules of society and the for instance, is both unlikely risk factors for these two disorders are pretty much the
rights of others.
to succeed and probably not same (Boden, Fergusson, & Horwood, 2010).
psychopaths a very wise allocation of Individuals who have been diagnosed with conduct
Individuals who are not only resources, whereas preventing disorder and who persist in their antisocial behavior after
antisocial but also manipula-
binge drinking and drunk driv- age 18 may subsequently be diagnosed with antisocial
tive, superficially charming,
impulsive, and indifferent to ing are far more important— personality disorder, which is characterized by a lack of
the feelings of others. and attainable—goals. regard for the moral or legal standards of the community
Distinguishing between use and a marked inability to get along with others or abide by
traits (CU) and abuse is also important societal rules. Some individuals with antisocial person-
A cluster of traits characteristic in treatment. Some experts ality disorder are psychopaths—individuals who are not
of psychopathic individuals, worry that adolescents who only antisocial in their behavior but manipulative, super-
which includes a lack of empa- are mistakenly enrolled in ficially charming, impulsive, and indifferent to the feel-
thy and indifference toward
the feelings of others.
treatment programs (because ings of others, a cluster of characteristics referred to as
their parents have overreacted callous-unemotional (CU) traits (Frick & White, 2008; CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 363

Table 2 DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for Conduct Disorder

In Conduct Disorder, a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior occurs in which the basic rights of others or major age-
appropriate societal norms or rules are violated. This manifests as the presence of at least 3 of the following 15 criteria in
the past 12 months from any of the categories below, with at least one criterion present in the past 6 months:
Aggression to people and animals: • Often bullies, threatens, or intimidates others
• Often initiates physical fights
• Has used a weapon that can cause serious physical harm to others (e.g., a bat,
brick, broken bottle, knife, gun)
• Has been physically cruel to people
• Has been physically cruel to animals
• Has stolen while confronting a victim (e.g., mugging, purse snatching, extortion,
armed robbery)
• Has forced someone into sexual activity
Destruction of property: • Has deliberately engaged in fire setting with the intention of causing serious
• Has deliberately destroyed others’ property (other than by fire setting)
Deceitfulness or theft: • Has broken into someone else’s house, building, or car
• Often lies to obtain goods or favors or to avoid obligations (i.e., “cons” others)
• Has stolen items of nontrivial value without confronting a victim (e.g., shoplifting,
but without breaking and entering; forgery)
Serious violations of rules: • Often stays out at night despite parental prohibitions, beginning before age
13 years
• Has run away from home overnight at least twice while living in the parental or
parental surrogate home, or once without returning for a lengthy period
• Is often truant from school, beginning before age 13 years
The disturbance in behavior causes clinically significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning.

Source: American Psychiatric Association, 2013.

Shirtcliff et al., 2009). Because the terms “antisocial per- not all adolescents who score aggression
sonality disorder” and “psychopath” imply a deep-seated high on measures of CU traits Acts done to be intentionally
personality problem that is unlikely to change, experts grow up to be adult psycho- harmful.
advise against applying them to people younger than 18, paths, they are more likely to
because, as you will read, most individuals who engage commit crimes, as adolescents
in antisocial behavior as teenagers do not continue to do and as adults (McMahon, Witkiewitz, Kotler, & Conduct
so after their mid-20s. Problems Prevention Research Group, 2010; Moran et
Social scientists disagree about whether it is pos- al., 2009; Stickle, Kirkpatrick, & Brush, 2009). For this
sible to identify “juvenile psychopaths” or “fledgling reason, when making a diagnosis of conduct disorder,
psychopaths”—individuals who, despite their youth, practitioners distinguish between conduct-disordered
exhibit many of the same characteristics as adult psycho- adolescents with CU traits and those without them.
paths and are likely to grow into them. Some contend that it
is possible to do so (e.g., M. A. Campbell, Porter, & Santor, Aggression A second category of externalizing prob-
2004; Frick, Kotov, Loney, & Vasey, 2005; Lynam et al., lems is aggression, which is behavior that is done to
2009; Salekin, 2008), while others note that some of the intentionally hurt someone. “Aggression” is a very broad
distinguishing features of adult psychopaths that are consid- term that includes physical fighting, relational aggres-
ered pathological (impulsivity, irresponsibility, instability sion, and intimidation, and it can be either instrumental
in romantic relationships) may be transient characteristics (planned) or reactive (unplanned).
that reflect immaturity, not pathology (Hawes, Mulvey, It is very difficult to estimate the prevalence of
Schubert, & Pardini, 2014; Skeem & Cauffman, 2003; aggression during adolescence, because the category
Vincent, Vitacco, Grisso, & Corrado, 2003). Nevertheless, is so far-reaching. Virtually everyone has done some-
some adolescents have stronger psychopathic tendencies thing aggressive at one time or another, and about one-
than others (Edens, Marcus, & Vaughn, 2011), and while fourth of high school students report having been in a
364 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

fight during the past year (Centers for Disease Control truancy or running away from home (Woolard & Scott,
and Prevention, 2014). Most psychologists are con- 2009). Unlike conduct disorder or aggression, which are
cerned with adolescents whose aggression is persistent defined in terms of behavior, juvenile offending is defined
and causes serious injury to others. Aggressive behavior legally. A large proportion of juvenile offenders have con-
actually declines over the course of childhood and ado- duct disorder, and most are aggressive, but not all adoles-
lescence—in sheer quantity, cents who have conduct disorder or who are aggressive
juvenile offending the most aggressive period of are juvenile offenders, because that depends entirely on
An externalizing problem that development is the preschool whether they have broken the law.
includes delinquency and years, when children frequently
criminal behavior. hit, kick, or bite each other—
delinquency although aggression commit-
making the scientific
Juvenile offending that is ted by adolescents is usually connection
processed within the juvenile more serious than that commit- The age-crime curve is found all over the world. How do
justice system. you account for this, in light of the fact that the contexts in
ted by children (Bongers, Koot,
criminal behavior van der Ende, & Verhulst, which adolescents develop vary so much?
Crimes that are dealt with in 2004). Like conduct disorder,
the criminal justice system,
aggression is also very stable,
regardless of the age of the Both violent crimes (such as assault, rape, robbery,
offender. although much more so in boys and murder) and property crimes (such as burglary,
than girls (Broidy et al., 2003).
status offenses theft, and arson) increase in frequency between the pre-
One likely reason for this sex
Violations of the law that per- adolescent and adolescent years, peak during the late
tain to minors but not adults. difference is that aggressive lit- high school years, and decline during young adulthood
tle girls are more often forced
age–crime curve (Sweeten, Piquero, & Steinberg, 2013), a pattern seen for
to curtail their bad behavior
The relationship between externalizing problems more generally (Petersen, Bates,
chronological age and than aggressive little boys are. Dodge, Lansford, & Pettit, 2014). The so-called age–
offending, showing that the
Juvenile Offending The third crime curve has been remarkably stable over time and is
prevalence of offending peaks
in late adolescence. main category of externalizing consistently seen around the world (Piquero, Farrington,
problems is juvenile offending, & Blumstein, 2003). In the United States, almost one-
authority conflicts
which includes delinquency third of arrests for serious crimes involve a suspect under
A type of antisocial behavior
characterized by stubbornness (crimes committed by minors 18, and individuals under 18 account for one-sixth of all
and rebelliousness. that are dealt with in the juvenile violent crimes (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2010) (see
justice system) and criminal Figure 6). The onset of serious delinquency generally
covert antisocial behavior
A type of antisocial behavior behavior (crimes that are dealt begins between the ages of 13 and 16 (Farrington, 2009).
characterized by misdeeds with in the criminal justice sys-
that are not always detected tem, regardless of the age of the Developmental Progression of
by others, such as lying or offender), and status offenses,
a special category of delinquent
Antisocial Behavior
overt antisocial behavior acts that are not against the law Antisocial behavior can take different forms: authority
A type of antisocial behavior for adults but that neverthe- conflicts (such as truancy or running away from home),
characterized by aggression
toward others.
less violate established codes covert antisocial behavior (such as stealing), and overt
of conduct for juveniles, like antisocial behavior (such as attacking someone with a

700 3000 Figure 6 Age differences in criminal

activity. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2010)
Rate per 100,000 persons

Rate per 100,000 persons

500 Property Crime 2000
Violent Crime
100 500

0 0













Age CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 365

Some juveniles commit all three types of acts.

Generally, the more serious an adolescent’s behavior
is in one category, the more likely he or she is to have
displayed the others. That is, most adolescents who
commit violent crimes have also engaged in covert and
authority-related antisocial behavior, but not all adoles-
cents who have conflicts with authority or who engage
in covert antisocial behavior are necessarily aggressive
(Van Lier, Vitaro, Barker, Koot, & Tremblay, 2009). The
authority conflict pathway almost always starts in child-
hood (contrary to the stereotype, few people suddenly
develop serious authority problems for the first time as
teenagers). The covert and overt pathways, in contrast,
can begin either in childhood or in adolescence—and,
as you will read, individuals whose antisocial behav-
ior begins in childhood are very different from those
whose antisocial behavior doesn’t start until adolescence
(Moffitt, 2006).
Arrests for both violent and nonviolent crime peak in late
adolescence. © AP Images/Carline Jean
Changes in Juvenile Offending
weapon). With-in these broad categories, there are some
fairly predictable progressions (Farrington, 2009; Loeber
Over Time
& Burke, 2011). Authority conflicts usually first appear When social scientists track changes in antisocial behav-
as stubborn behavior, which escalates into defiance and ior over time, they generally look at juvenile offending,
disobedience, and then progresses to more serious signs because statistics are kept on the numbers of juveniles
of problems with authority, such as truancy and running arrested each year and the crimes with which they
away from home. Covert antisocial behavior typically have been charged. Between 1965 and 1988, and espe-
begins with acts like lying and shoplifting; progresses to cially after 1984, arrests for the most serious violent
property damage, such as vandalism; and then to more crimes—murder, rape, armed robbery, and aggravated
serious property crimes, such as burglary. Overt anti- assault—increased substantially among young people.
social behavior generally first presents itself as fighting After 1993, violent crime among young people declined
or bullying, which escalates to things like gang fighting dramatically; it began to rise very slightly in the mid-
and, ultimately, to violent criminal activity. dle of the first decade of the new century, but started to
This is not to say that all bullies grow up to be vio- decline again in 2006. As of 2013, violent crime among
lent criminals or that all stubborn preschoolers run away adolescents was at its lowest level since 1980 (Office of
from home as teenagers. But the reverse is almost always Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2011) (see
true. Virtually all violent juveniles have a history of Figure 7). Property crime among adolescents is also less
escalating aggressive behavior, most adolescents who prevalent today than in 1980.
commit serious property crimes started with less serious
forms of overt behavior, and most chronically rebellious Bad Girls Much attention has been devoted to what
teenagers were oppositional children. appears to be a substantial reduction in the gender gap

Figure 7 Rates of juvenile crime in the United Arrests per 100,000 juveniles ages 10–17, 1980–2012
States are lower than they have been at any 600
time in the past 30 years. (Office of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention, 2013) 500
Violent crime index




1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010
366 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

in serious offenses over the past several decades (Federal adolescents, including posttraumatic stress disorder,
Bureau of Investigation, 2009). Although antisocial depressed mood, sleep deprivation, and academic dif-
behavior is still far more common among males than ficulties, and they are more likely themselves to engage
females, the male-to-female ratio in juvenile arrests in aggression and antisocial behavior (Boney-McCoy &
today (for violent crime, it is about 4 to 1) is about half Finkelhor, 1995; Cooley-Quille & Lorion, 1999; Moses,
of what it was in 1980 (Office of Juvenile Justice and 1999). Adolescents living in single-parent homes in the
Delinquency Prevention, 2011). inner city are disproportionately likely to be the victims
It is not clear whether this change is mainly due to of violent crime; although Black and Hispanic adoles-
changes in actual offending or to changes in arrest prac- cents are more likely to be victimized than White adoles-
tices. Changes in arrest rates can occur without there cents, this is due to the higher proportion of non-White
being any changes in actual offending (if, for example, adolescents living in single-parent homes in poor neigh-
the police crack down on crime, more people will be borhoods (Snyder & Sickmund, 2006; Wright & Younts,
arrested, even if more people are not offending), and 2009). For many adolescents growing up in the inner
studies that rely on official statistics often reach conclu- city, gang violence and victimization are chronic prob-
sions different from those that rely on police or court lems. Among 15- to 19-year-olds, homicide accounts for
records (Farrington, Loeber, & Stouthamer-Loeber, 44% of all deaths among Blacks and 25% of all deaths
2003). In fact, an analysis of data on actual offending among Hispanic Americans, but about 10% of deaths
found that there has not been an increase in violent acts among Asian Americans, Native Americans, and Whites
committed by adolescent girls; rather, girls are simply (National Center for Health Statistics, 2008).
being arrested more frequently for the same things they Violence and aggression among youth are strongly
did in the past but were not arrested for (Steffensmeier, linked to poverty for a number of reasons (Stoddard
Schwartz, Zhong, & Ackerman, 2005). Analyses of et al., 2013; Stoddard, Zimmerman, & Bauermeister,
underage drinking among girls have reached a similar 2012). First, when families live in impoverished neigh-
conclusion: Although the proportion of girls who drink borhoods, parents are less effective in nurturing and
illegally has not increased in recent years, there has been monitoring their children, and this diminished effective-
a disproportionate increase in girls who are arrested for ness leads to increased aggression and crime (Snyder &
underage drinking (Zhong & Schwartz, 2010). Sickmund, 2006). Second, concentrated poverty upsets
The ratio of males to females who have been arrested the social fabric of a neighborhood, making it more diffi-
has changed not so much because of an increase in cult for adults and social institutions to provide the guid-
female offending, but because the drop in juvenile ance and supervision that adolescents need (Sampson,
offending since 1993 was much steeper for males than 1992). Third, in many inner-city communities devas-
females (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency tated by unemployment, aggression is used by males to
Prevention, 2011). If female offending remained rela- demonstrate their standing and power—characteristics
tively flat, but male offending dropped by more than that are typically demonstrated in middle-class com-
50%, the ratio of male-to-female offending would be cut munities through occupational success (M. Wilson &
in half. Regardless of the size or causes of the gender gap Daly, 1985). Finally, the widespread prevalence of guns
in arrests, violent females have significantly more mental in inner-city neighborhoods changes the sorts of interac-
health problems than do violent males, consistent with the tions that take place when adolescents fight, transform-
notion that gender-inappropriate displays of aggression ing what might have been aggressive disputes into lethal
may be indicative of greater maladjustment (Cauffman, exchanges (P. J. Cook & Ludwig, 2004; D. Wilkinson &
2008; Grande et al., 2012). Girls’ antisocial behavior Fagan, 1996). The significance of neighborhood influ-
may be especially influenced by the boys who are their ences on violence was confirmed in an experiment in
friends and boyfriends (Arndorfer & Stormshak, 2008; which poor families with adolescents were randomly
Cauffman, Farruggia, & Goldweber, 2008; Lonardo, selected to be relocated into better neighborhoods: After
Giordano, Longmore, & Manning, 2009). their relocation, rates of violent behavior among the
juveniles dropped significantly (J. R. Kling, Ludwig, &
Adolescents as Crime Victims Violent crime Katz, 2005).
among young people is a significant and understand-
able source of worry to adults. But crime is also a Official Statistics Versus Adolescents’ Reports
major source of worry to adolescents themselves, who Official figures about adolescent crime both under-
are the age group most likely to be victims of crimes report and selectively report rates of juvenile offend-
such as theft, robbery, rape, and assault. Adolescents ing (Farrington, Loeber, & Stouthamer-Loeber, 2003).
are 2.5 times more likely than adults to be the vic- Underreporting results from the fact that many adoles-
tim of a nonfatal violent crime (Snyder & Sickmund, cents commit offenses that are undetected by authorities
2006). Adolescent victims of violent crimes are more or that are handled outside official reporting procedures,
likely to report a wide range of problems than are other as when an adolescent who is caught shoplifting is CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 367

reprimanded by the storekeeper instead of being referred majority of teenagers who life-course-persistent
to the police. Selective reporting results from the fact violate the law do so only offenders
that poor and minority youngsters are more likely to be once, and not violently. In Individuals who begin demon-
arrested and, if convicted, to be treated more harshly fact, a relatively small num- strating antisocial or aggres-
sive behavior during childhood
than other youngsters who commit similar offenses, so ber of adolescents—between
and continue their antisocial
that official statistics may artificially inflate the pro- 5% and 10%, depending on behavior throughout adoles-
portion of crimes committed by poor, minority youth the study—account for most cence and into adulthood.
(Chauhan, Reppucci, Burnette, & Reiner, 2010; Kakade serious criminal activity
et al., 2012; Rodriguez, 2010). People hold such strong (Piquero et al., 2003). It is offenders
negative stereotypes about Black males that when pro- important, therefore, in think- Antisocial adolescents whose
vided with information about a crime and asked to evalu- ing about the causes of delin- delinquent or violent behav-
ate the perpetrator, individuals who were unconsciously quent behavior, to distinguish ior begins and ends during
led to believe that the offender was Black were signifi- between delinquent behavior
cantly more likely than those who were not to rate him that is serious and chronic and
as likely to reoffend in the future and as deserving of delinquent behavior that is less worrisome. As you will
harsh punishment, an effect that was consistent regard- see, these two sets of delinquent behavior have very dif-
less of the race of the rater (S. Graham & Lowery, 2004). ferent antecedents (Moffitt, 2006).
Racial bias is especially strong in the processing of rela-
tively more minor crimes, like drug possession. When
a very serious crime like armed robbery is committed,
Causes of Antisocial Behavior
juveniles of different ethnic backgrounds are likely to The earlier an adolescent’s “criminal career” begins—
receive similar treatment (Cauffman, Piquero, Kimonis, in particular, if it begins before adolescence—the more
Steinberg, & Chassin, 2007). likely he or she is to become a chronic offender, to com-
An alternative to relying on official records is to go mit serious and violent crimes, and to continue commit-
to adolescents directly and ask them about their involve- ting crimes as an adult (Farrington, 2009). Conversely,
ment in various criminal or status offenses. Several the older an adolescent is when the delinquent activity
researchers have done this, promising the respondents first appears, the less worrisome his or her behavior is
anonymity and confidentiality. The results of these sur- likely to become. For purposes of discussion, therefore,
veys do not necessarily provide a more accurate picture it is helpful to distinguish between youngsters who begin
of juvenile crime, but they certainly paint a different misbehaving before adolescence and those whose delin-
one. Two conclusions are especially interesting. quent activity first appears during adolescence.
First, a very large proportion of adolescents—between
60% and 80%, depending on the survey sample—report Two Types of Offenders One of the most influential
having engaged in delinquent behavior at one time or ways of characterizing these two groups of delinquents
another; nearly one-third of American 17-year-old boys distinguishes between life-course-persistent offenders
have committed a violent crime in the past year, and and adolescence-limited offenders (Moffitt, 2006).
nearly half of all males report being responsible for an The first group demonstrates antisocial behavior before
assault sometime during adolescence (Farrington, 2009). adolescence, is involved in delinquency during adoles-
Second, ethnic differences in the prevalence of offending cence, and is at great risk for continuing criminal activ-
derived from surveys of teenagers are smaller than those ity in adulthood. The second group engages in antisocial
derived from official records (Farrington et al., 2003). behavior only during adolescence; some adolescence-
More minority than White youth admit to having commit- limited offenders become involved in crime relatively
ted a serious crime, but ethnic differences in self-reported early in adolescence, whereas others begin during mid-
offending are far smaller than ethnic differences in rates of adolescence (Fergusson & Horwood, 2002). Some
arrest. There also are social class and neighborhood dif- researchers have suggested that there are other groups of
ferences in rates of serious criminal activity, and because offenders as well (for example, individuals who do not
minority youth are overrepresented among the poor, start offending until adolescence but who continue on
they are also overrepresented among those who commit into adulthood, and those who display antisocial behav-
crimes (McNulty & Bellair, 2003). Delinquency is by no ior as children but desist before adulthood) (Piquero et
means limited to poor adolescents, however. One-third of al., 2003; Veenstra, Lindenberg, Verhulst, & Ormel,
adolescents in affluent neighborhoods report involvement 2009), and others have pointed out that virtually every-
in violent and serious delinquency (J. M. Beyers, Loeber, body desists from crime by midlife, so that there really
Wikström, & Stouthamer-Loeber, 2001). is no such thing as “life-course-persistent” offending
Although studies indicate that most adolescents— (Sampson & Laub, 2003). Nevertheless, experts agree
regardless of their social backgrounds—do something that the causes and consequences of delinquent behav-
that violates the law at one time or another, the vast ior that begins during childhood or preadolescence are
368 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

quite different from those of delinquency that begins—

and typically ends—during adolescence or young adult-
hood (e.g., Dandreaux & Frick, 2009; Moffitt, 2006;
van der Geest, Blokland, & Bijleveld, 2009). Although
many more males than females are life-course-persis-
tent offenders, the risk factors for early-onset antisocial
behavior are similar for the sexes (Fergusson & Horwood,
2002; Storvoll & Wichstrøm, 2002).
What this means is that it is extremely difficult to
predict which antisocial adolescents will persist in their
bad behavior solely on the basis of their behavior dur-
ing adolescence. Social scientists who have attempted
to assess juvenile offenders’ risk for future reoffending
based solely on their adolescent characteristics have a
remarkably poor track record (Mulvey et al., 2004). It’s
necessary to have information on the juvenile’s behav-
ior and history before adolescence in order to predict
whether her or his offending is likely to be adolescence-
limited or life-course-persistent, because the best predic-
tor of continued offending in adulthood isn’t whether It is important to distinguish between adolescents whose “crimi-
someone is antisocial in adolescence. It’s the presence of nal careers” begin early and those who do not engage in delin-
serious antisocial behavior in childhood. quency until they are teenagers. Early-onset offending is a risk
factor for chronic criminality. © Chet Gordon/The Image Works

Life-Course-Persistent Offenders Youngsters whose

problems with the law begin before adolescence are to peer rejection and academic failure in elementary school
often psychologically troubled. Most of these delin- and, over time, a reduction in parental supervision and
quents are male, many are poor, and a disproportionate monitoring (Ettekal & Ladd, 2015). Once poorly moni-
number come from homes in which divorce has occurred tored, adolescents tend to drift into antisocial peer groups,
(Farrington, 2009). More importantly, chronic delin- which heightens their involvement in violence.
quents typically come from disorganized families with The idea that family factors may underlie chronic
hostile, inept, or neglectful parents who have mistreated delinquency—because of genetic factors, environmen-
their children and failed to instill in them proper stan- tal influences, or both—is supported by observations
dards of behavior or the psychological foundations of that preadolescent delinquency tends to run in fami-
self-control (Compton, Snyder, & Schrepferman, 2003; lies (Farrington, 2009; Thornberry, Freeman-Gallant,
Dogan, Conger, Kim, & Masyn, 2007). There is some Lizotte, Krohn, & Smith, 2003). Many adolescents who
evidence that exposure to harsh parenting may adversely have been in trouble with the law from an early age have
affect the developing child’s brain chemistry—in par- siblings and parents who have had similar problems
ticular, the activity of serotonin receptors—which may (Farrington, 2009; Tzoumakis, Lussier, & Corrado,
increase the risk of antisocial behavior (Pine et al., 1996). 2012). Although studies have identified genetic influ-
As Figure 8 illustrates, serious adolescent violence ences on all types of antisocial behavior (Newsome &
is typically the result of a cascade that begins early in Sullivan, 2014), aggression is especially heritable
life (Dodge, Greenberg, Malone, & Conduct Problems (Deater-Deckard & Plomin, 1999; Eley, Lichtenstein, &
Prevention Research Group, 2008). Early economic disad- Stevenson, 1999).
vantage in the home leads to harsh and inconsistent par- In addition to family factors, certain characteristics
enting, which leads to cognitive and social deficits. These distinguish persistently delinquent youngsters from their
deficits, in turn, lead to conduct problems, which contribute peers at a relatively early age. First and most importantly,

Adverse Early harsh Poor school Conduct School Low parent Deviant Adolescent
context parenting readiness problems failure monitoring peers violence

Birth 0–5 Grade K Post–Grade K Grade 1 Grades 1–4 Post–Grade 4 Post–Grade 7 Grades 10–11

Figure 8 Adolescent violence is often the long-term consequence of a process that begins early in life.
(Dodge et al., 2008) CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 369

children who become delinquent—especially those who 2013). In addition, CU adoles- hostile attributional bias
engage in violence—have histories of aggressive and cents show a blunted biological The tendency to interpret
antisocial behavior that are identifiable as early as age 8 response to emotional and pain- ambiguous interactions with
(Broidy et al., 2003; Farrington, 2009; Kokko, Pulkkinen, ful stimuli, as evidenced both in others as deliberately hostile.
Huesmann, Dubow, & Boxer, 2009; Patterson, Forgatch, neuroimaging studies (Blair,
Yoerger, & Stoolmiller, 1998). Although this has been Leibenluft, & Pine, 2014), and
confirmed in hundreds of studies, it is important to keep in studies of stress reactivity (Haltigan, Roisman, Susman,
in mind that the majority of children who have histories Barnett-Walker, & Monahan, 2011; Susman, 2006).
of aggressive behavior problems do not grow up to be Because individuals high in CU traits don’t experience
delinquent. (If this seems confusing, think about it this distress as easily or often as others, they are less likely
way: The majority of delinquents probably have eaten to empathize with others or behave prosocially (Shirtcliff
in fast-food restaurants at some point in their childhood, et al., 2009). Some antisocial adolescents, especially
but the majority of children who eat in fast-food restau- those who have CU traits, show abnormal brain devel-
rants don’t grow up to be delinquent.) opment in regions that govern how we process emotion-
Second, studies show that many children who become ally arousing stimuli (Ermer, Cope, Nyalakanti, Calhoun,
persistent offenders have problems in self-regulation & Kiehl, 2013; Herpers, Scheepers, Bons, Buitelaar, &
(Monahan, Steinberg, Cauffman, & Mulvey, 2013). They Rommelse, 2014; Hyde, Shaw, & Hariri, 2013; Wallace
are more impulsive, less able to control their anger, and et al., 2014). All CU adolescents do not become delin-
more likely than their peers to suffer from attention defi- quents, however; it also takes a willingness to engage in
cit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Calkins & Keane, antisocial activity, sometimes referred to as “moral dis-
2009; A. Carroll et al., 2006; Sourander et al., 2006). engagement” (Hyde, Shaw, & Moilanen, 2010; Shulman,
ADHD is primarily biological in origin, strongly influ- Cauffman, Piquero, & Fagan, 2011). The identification
enced by genes, and characterized by impulsivity, inat- of the biological underpinnings of problematic function-
tentiveness, restlessness, and inappropriately high levels ing does not necessarily mean that they are inborn or
of activity, especially in learning situations (Greven, hard-wired. Child maltreatment, for example, has been
Rijsdijk, & Plomin, 2011). Although ADHD does not shown to affect children’s stress reactivity, which may
directly cause antisocial behavior, it does elevate the be one reason that abused and neglected children are at
risk for other family and academic problems, which, in greater risk for developing subsequent behavior problems
turn, increase the likelihood of an adolescent developing (Trickett, Negriff, Ji, & Peckins, 2011).
externalizing problems (Bussing, Mason, Bell, Porter, & Third, and probably as a result of these biological
Garvan, 2010; Sibley et al., 2014; von Polier & Herpetz- inclinations, children who become chronically delin-
Dahlmann, 2012). quent are more likely than their peers to score low on
Current thinking is that chronically conduct- standardized tests of intelligence and neuropsycho-
disordered adolescents are born with strong biologi- logical functioning and to perform poorly in school
cal predispositions toward antisocial behavior, some (Cauffman, Steinberg, & Piquero, 2005; Pajer et al.,
of which are genetic in origin, including low levels of 2008; Raine et al., 2005). Some of this is due to genetic
serotonin (which diminish their ability to delay gratifi- factors, but some is also due to conditions surrounding
cation), an emotional system that is easily aroused and their birth and prenatal care. A disproportionate number
difficult to regulate, and a temperament that makes them of persistently violent adolescents were born to moth-
hard to control (Dodge & Pettit, 2003; Guo, Roettger, & ers who abused drugs during pregnancy and had medical
Cai, 2008; Vloet, Konrad, Huebner, Herpetz, & Herpetz- complications during delivery that likely affected their
Dahlmann, 2008). One recent brain imaging study found baby’s neuropsychological and intellectual development
that the connections between brain regions that are (J. Liu, Raine, Wuerker, Venables, & Mednick, 2009).
important for impulse control are less well developed Especially aggressive youngsters are likely to suffer
among juvenile offenders (Shannon et al., 2011). Poor from a tendency toward what has been called a hostile
self-regulation is an especially potent risk factor for con- attributional bias (Dodge & Pettit, 2003; Fontaine,
tinued problem behavior (P. Chen & Vazsonyi, 2011; Yang, Dodge, Bates, & Pettit, 2008; Lansford et al.,
T. W. Gardner, Dishion, & Connell, 2008; Monahan, 2006). Individuals with this predisposition are likely to
Steinberg, Cauffman, & Mulvey, 2009). interpret ambiguous interactions with other children as
Many researchers have examined the biological under- deliberately hostile and to react aggressively. What might
pinnings of chronic antisocial behavior. There is consider- be viewed by the average adolescent as an innocent and
able evidence that antisocial adolescents, especially those accidental bump on the basketball court may be inter-
who are callous and unemotional, have a significantly preted as an intentional shove by someone with a biased
lower resting heart rate than other youth, which may indi- viewpoint, and it may lead to a fight. Adolescents with
cate a biologically inherited tendency toward fearlessness a hostile attributional bias are more likely to believe that
(Syngelaki, Fairchild, Moore, Savage, & van Goozen, people’s personalities are unlikely to change (Yeager,
370 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Miu, Powers, & Dweck, 2013). In addition, some ado- Harrington, & Milne, 2002). In contrast to the greatly
lescents have more positive views about using aggres- disproportionate number of males who make up the life-
sion as a means to solve problems, and this inclination, course-persistent population (10 times more of these
in combination with a hostile attributional bias, leads to offenders are males than females), the ratio of males
aggressive behavior that is almost automatic (Griffith to females whose delinquency begins in adolescence is
Fontaine, Salzer Burks, & Dodge, 2002). This research much smaller (about 1.5 to 1) (Moffitt & Caspi, 2001).
has led to the development of interventions designed Although adolescence-limited offenders do not show
to change the way aggressive adolescents think about the same degree of pathology as life-course-persistent
their interactions with others. Evaluations of Fast Track, offenders, they do have more problems during adoles-
a program designed to prevent disruptive behavior by cence and early adulthood than youth who are not at
improving individuals’ social skills, found that reduc- all delinquent (Aguilar, Sroufe, Egeland, & Carlson,
ing individuals’ hostile attributional biases, as well as 2000; X. Chen & Adams, 2010; Roisman et al., 2010);
the extent to which they value aggression as a response although studies have found that many antisocial ado-
to problems, led to a modest reduction in antisocial lescents are nevertheless popular with their peers, there
behavior (Dodge, Godwin, & The Conduct Problems is no evidence that abstaining from antisocial behavior
Prevention Research Group, 2013). leads to peer rejection (Rulison, Kreager, & Osgood,
Because aggressiveness, impulsivity, hyperactivity, 2014). One long-term follow-up of individuals who had
and intelligence are relatively stable, there is a great deal earlier been classified as life-course-persistent offenders,
of continuity in problem behaviors over time. Studies that adolescence-limited offenders, or neither found that the
have followed individuals from childhood through ado- adolescence-limited offenders had more mental health,
lescence and into adulthood find very high correlations substance abuse, and financial problems as young adults
between behavior problems at one point in time and anti- than individuals who had not been delinquent as teen-
social behavior later in life (Farrington, 2009; Lussier, agers (Moffitt et al., 2002). It is incorrect, therefore, to
Farrington, & Moffitt, 2009). This does not mean that all assume that just because an adolescent’s antisocial behav-
individuals who show antisocial behavior early invariably ior is limited to adolescence that he or she is not troubled.
show it later—in fact, the majority do not. Nevertheless, Their serious offending may be limited to adolescence,
many chronically antisocial adolescents grow up to be but other problems may persist into early adulthood.
adults who persist in their antisocial behavior and who The main risk factors for adolescence-limited offend-
are at increased risk for other problems as well, such ing are well established: poor parenting (especially
as substance abuse and depression (Wiesner, Kim, & poor monitoring) and affiliation with antisocial peers
Capaldi, 2005; Wiesner & Windle, 2006). (Burt, McGue, & Iacono, 2009; Goodnight, Bates,
Newman, Dodge, & Pettit, 2006; Monahan, Steinberg, &
Adolescence-Limited Offenders In contrast to Cauffman, 2009; Wiesner, Capaldi, & Kim, 2012;
youngsters who begin their delinquent activity prior to
adolescence (and who often continue their antisocial
behavior into adulthood), those who begin during ado-
lescence do not ordinarily show signs of serious psycho-
logical abnormality or severe family pathology (Moffitt,
2006; Van Lier, Wanner, & Vitaro, 2007). However,
some individuals are genetically inclined to experience a
greater-than-average increase in sensation-seeking dur-
ing early adolescence, and this contributes to increased
delinquency as well (Harden, Quinn, & Tucker-Drob,
2012). Typically, the offenses committed by these
youngsters do not develop into serious criminality, and
these individuals do not commit serious violations of the
law after adolescence, although they may be more likely
to have subsequent problems with drugs and alcohol
(Nagin, Farrington, & Moffitt, 1995). In general, indi-
viduals who are involved in adolescence-limited anti-
social activities have learned the norms and standards
of society and are far better socialized than life-course-
persistent antisocial individuals. Nor do adolescence-
Some aggressive adolescents are prone to having a “hostile
limited offenders show the sorts of temperamental attributional bias”—they are more likely to interpret ambiguous
difficulties and neuropsychological problems seen interactions with others as intentionally hostile. © Ken Karp/
among life-course-persistent offenders (Moffitt, Caspi, McGraw-Hill Companies CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 371

Wissink, Deković, & Meijer, 2009). The first of these (programs that have a proven evidence-based practices
(poor parenting) usually leads to the second (hang- track record) have been encour- Programs and practices that
ing around with antisocial peers) (Laird, Criss, Pettit, aging (Lipsey, 2009). This is the have a proven scientific basis.
Dodge, & Bates, 2008), often through the impact of case for approaches that employ multisystemic family
poor parenting on school problems. Adolescents who individual psychotherapy, fam- therapy
have problems in school start spending time with ily-based interventions, and An intervention designed to
antisocial peers, which leads to violence and other diversion programs designed reduce antisocial behavior
that has been proven to be
types of antisocial behavior (Dishion, Véronneau, & to remove delinquents from
Myers, 2010). Influences on adolescence-limited offend- the juvenile justice system and
ing are virtually identical for males and females and provide them with alternative
among adolescents from different ethnic groups (Fite, opportunities for productive behavior. One analysis found
Wynn, & Pardini, 2009; Malsonado-Molina, Piquero, that every dollar spent on multisystemic family therapy,
Jennings, Bird, & Canino, 2009; S. Miller, Malone, & a proven intervention for antisocial youth (Weiss et al.,
Dodge, 2010). 2013), saved taxpayers five times that amount (Dopp,
One of the strongest predictors of delinquency and Bourdin, Wagner, & Sawyer, 2014). In contrast, interven-
other forms of problem behavior is the extent to which tions that group antisocial youth together tend to be less
the adolescent spends unsupervised time in unstruc- effective, because they may inadvertently foster friend-
tured activities with peers—activities like hanging out, ships among delinquent peers, and more antisocial adoles-
driving around, and going to parties (Osgood, Wilson, cents may teach less antisocial ones some of the “tricks of
O’Malley, Bachman, & Johnston, 1996). Most delin- the trade” (Mager, Milich, Harris, & Howard, 2005).
quent activity occurs in situations in which adolescents The prognosis for delinquents whose antisocial
are pressured by their friends to go along with the group behavior is adolescence-limited is considerably better.
(Zimring, 1998). It is not coincidental that the peak years Many juvenile offenders “age out” of crime; as they
of susceptibility to peer pressure overlap with the peak settle into adult roles, a criminal lifestyle becomes more
years for this sort of delinquency. Indeed, adolescence- difficult and less attractive (Massoglia & Uggen, 2010).
limited offending is largely done in an effort to impress Because they have internalized a basic foundation of
other teenagers with one’s bravado and independence norms and moral standards, it is easier to help these
from adult authority; nondelinquent youth often mimic youngsters control their own behavior and stop misbe-
antisocial peers to increase their status and popularity having. Four types of strategies have been proposed.
(Moffitt, 2006; Rebellon, 2006). First, we can teach delinquent adolescents how to learn
to resist peer pressure and to settle conflicts without
Prevention and Treatment of resorting to aggression (Conduct Problems Prevention
Research Group, 1999). Second, we can train parents
Externalizing Problems to monitor their children more effectively, thereby
Given the important differences between the causes of minimizing opportunities adolescents have to engage
life-course-persistent and adolescence-limited antisocial in peer-oriented misbehavior (Forgatch, Patterson,
behavior, it makes sense that these two groups of adoles- Degarmo, & Beldavs, 2009). Third, by intervening
cents would be best served by different sorts of preventive within classrooms, schools, and neighborhoods, we may
and after-the-fact interventions. In order to lower the rate be able to alter the broader climate to discourage antiso-
of chronic antisocial behavior, experts argue that we need cial behavior and encourage prosocial behavior (Beets
mainly to prevent disruption in early family relationships et al., 2009). Finally, by treating delinquency seriously
and head off early academic problems through a combina- when it occurs—by making sure that an adolescent
tion of family support and preschool intervention (Loeber & knows that misbehavior has definite consequences—we
Farrington, 2000; Tolan & Gorman-Smith, 2002). can deter her or him from doing the same thing again
There is also some evidence that interventions designed in the future (E. Scott & Steinberg, 2008). Treating
to improve the transition into school and work roles in juvenile offending seriously does not require that we
young adulthood may prove helpful (Roisman, Aguilar, incarcerate juveniles for long periods, however; this has
& Egeland, 2004; Stouthamer-Loeber, Wei, & Loeber, been shown to be ineffective in deterring future crime
2004). These sorts of preventive strategies are easier pro- (Loughran et al., 2009).
posed than done, however. Society is hesitant to intervene
to prevent family problems, and we typically wait until we
see a sign of trouble in a family before acting.
Internalizing Problems
Unfortunately, research shows that the outlook for Most individuals emerge from adolescence confident, with
delinquents who have begun criminal careers early is a healthy sense of who they are and where they are headed.
not very good, although recent evaluations of a variety But for some, the changes and demands of adolescence
of interventions that follow evidence-based practices create feelings of helplessness, confusion, and pessimism.
372 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

Although minor fluctuations in Mood, Syndromes, and Disorder Psychologists
A psychological disturbance self-esteem during early ado- believe that it is important to distinguish among
characterized by low self- lescence are commonplace, it is depressed mood (feeling sad), depressive syndromes
esteem, decreased motivation, not normal for adolescents (or (having multiple symptoms of depression), and depres-
sadness, and difficulty in find-
adults, for that matter) to feel sive disorder (having enough symptoms to be diag-
ing pleasure in formerly plea-
surable activities.
a prolonged or intense sense nosed with the illness) (Graber & Sontag, 2009).
of hopelessness or frustration. According to one large-scale survey, 30% of all high
Such young people are likely to school students feel so sad and hopeless so often that
be psychologically depressed and in need of professional they stop engaging in their usual activities, and each
help. Depression is by far the most significant internaliz- year, 17% of this age group seriously contemplate com-
ing problem that has its onset in adolescence. Many ado- mitting suicide (Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
lescents have experienced bouts of severe anxiety as well, vention, 2014).
but these generally make their first appearance in child- Fewer individuals report a pattern of depressive
hood (Merikangas et al., 2010). symptoms that includes a wider range of symptoms
than sadness alone. About 8% of American teenagers
The Nature and Prevalence between the ages of 13 and 18 meet the DSM diagnos-
tic criteria for a depressive disorder during the past year
of Depression (Avenevoli, Swendsen, He, Burstein, & Merikangas,
In its mild form, depression is the most common psycho- 2015) (see Table 3). As many as 15% of individuals
logical disturbance among adolescents (Graber & Sontag, will experience at least one bout of depression by the
2009). Although we associate depression with feelings of age of 18 (Merikangas et al., 2010). Some studies also
sadness, there are other symptoms that are important signs indicate that there have been increases over time in the
of the disorder, and sadness alone without any other symp- prevalence of depression and other signs of internal-
toms may not indicate depression, at least in the clinical ized distress, especially among adolescents, with the
sense of the term. Depression has emotional symptoms, rates increasing in each generation (Lewinsohn, Rohde,
including dejection, decreased enjoyment of pleasurable Seeley, & Fischer, 1993). Visits to psychiatrists by ado-
activities, and low self-esteem. It has cognitive symptoms, lescents have increased at a much faster rate in recent
such as pessimism and hopelessness. It has motivational decades among adolescents than adults (Olfson, Blanco,
symptoms, including apathy and boredom. Finally, it often Wang, Laje, & Correll, 2014).
has physical symptoms, such as a loss of appetite, diffi- Depressed mood, depressive syndrome, and
culty sleeping, and loss of energy. The symptoms of major depressive disorder all become more common
depression are the same in adolescence as in adulthood over adolescence, in part because of the increas-
and among males and females, although, as you’ll read, ing prevalence of stressful events during the ado-
there are large sex differences in the prevalence of the ill- lescent years (Graber & Sontag, 2009) and in part
ness (Lewinsohn, Pettit, Joiner, & Seeley, 2003). because the cognitive changes of adolescence permit

Table 3 DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for Persistent Depressive Disorder

The essential feature of Persistent Depressive Disorder is a depressed mood that occurs for most of the day, for more days
than not, for at least 2 years (at least 1 year for children and adolescents). Individuals with persistent depressive disorder
describe their mood as sad or “down in the dumps.” During periods of depressed mood (in children and adolescents, the
mood can be irritable), at least two of the following six symptoms are present:
• Poor appetite or overeating
• Insomnia or hypersomnia
• Low energy or fatigue
• Low self-esteem
• Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions
• Feelings of hopelessness
Because these symptoms have become a part of the individual’s day-to-day experience, particularly in the case of early
onset (e.g., “I’ve always been this way”), they may not be reported unless the individual is directly prompted. During the
2-year period (1 year for children or adolescents), any symptom-free intervals last no longer than 2 months. The symptoms
may not be due to the direct physiological effects of the use or abuse of a substance (for instance, alcohol, drugs, or
medications) or a general medical condition (e.g., cancer or a stroke). The symptoms must also cause significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, educational or other important areas of functioning.

Source: American Psychiatric Association, 2013. CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 373

the introspection and rumination that often accompany in prevalence of depression reverses. From early ado-
depression (Avenevoli & Steinberg, 2001). There is also lescence until very late in adulthood, twice as many
a significant decline in positive mood over the adoles- females as males suffer from depressive disorder, and
cent years (Weinstein, Mermelstein, Hankin, Hedeker, & females are somewhat more likely than males to report
Flay, 2007). depressed mood (Avenevoli et al., 2015). The increased
There is an especially dramatic increase in the preva- risk for depression among girls emerges during puberty,
lence of depressive feelings around the time of puberty; rather than at a particular age or grade in school (Angold,
depression is one-third as common during childhood Costello, & Worthman, 1998; G. C. Patton et al., 2008).
as it is during adolescence (Graber & Sontag, 2009). Although sex differences in major depression persist
Depressive symptoms increase between 14 and 17, and beyond adolescence, reports of depressive symptoms
then begin to decline (see Figure 9) (Rawana & Morgan, tend to diminish in early adulthood, but the decline is
2014). One intriguing idea links the increase in depres- steeper among females, perhaps because they experience
sion to the same changes in the brain’s dopamine system a greater drop in stress as they leave adolescence behind
that increase the vulnerability to alcohol and other drugs (Galambos, Barker, & Krahn, 2006; Ge, Natsuaki, &
(Davey, Yücel, & Allen, 2008). According to this view, Conger, 2006; Meadows, Brown, & Elder, Jr., 2006;
the coincidence of increased reward seeking caused by Stoolmiller, Kim, & Capaldi, 2005).
this brain change with changes in the adolescent’s social Psychologists do not have a definitive explanation for
world leads to an intensification in adolescents’ desire the emergence of sex differences in depressive disorder
for the rewards of intimate friendships and romantic rela- at adolescence. Some evidence indicates that females
tionships. When these rewards don’t materialize, adoles- are more susceptible than males to genetic influences
cents may become frustrated and depressed. Symptoms on depression, such that even when males and females
of depression increase steadily throughout adolescence inherit the same genetic predisposition toward depres-
and then start to decline—making late adolescence the sion from their parents, that predisposition is more
period of the life span with the highest risk for the dis- likely to be manifested among girls (Jacobson & Rowe,
order (Wight, Sepúlveda, & Aneshensel, 2004). One rea- 1999), but it is not known why this is the case. More
son that depression declines after late adolescence is that likely, changes in social relationships around the time
individuals report a significant decline in stress during of puberty may leave girls more vulnerable than boys to
this period (J. S. Brown, Meadows, & Elder, Jr., 2007; some forms of psychological distress (with some indi-
Seiffge-Krenke, Aunola, & Nurmi, 2009). viduals inheriting a stronger predisposition than others),
and depression may be a stereotypically feminine way of
manifesting it.
Sex Differences in Depression
One of the most consistent findings in the study of ado- Gender Roles It is well-known that rates of depression
lescent depression involves the emergence of a very are about twice as high among adult women than men;
large sex difference in rates of depression in early ado- it is less well-known that this sex difference is entirely
lescence (Avenevoli et al., 2015). Before adolescence, due to the higher prevalence of depression among girls
boys are somewhat more likely to exhibit depressive than boys, which persists into adulthood. Sex differences
symptoms than girls, but after puberty, the sex difference in the appearance of depression for the first time after
adolescence (which is rare) are very small.
Social scientists speculate that the emergence of sex
differences in depression has something to do with the
social role that the adolescent girl may find herself in
Depressive symptoms score

Females as she enters the world of boy–girl relationships, which
9 may bring heightened self-consciousness over her physi-
cal appearance and increased concern over popularity
8 with peers (Wichstrøm, 1999). Because many of these
feelings may provoke helplessness, hopelessness, and
anxiety, adolescent girls may be more susceptible to
Males depressive feelings. To make matters worse, pressures
on young women to behave in sex-stereotyped ways may
5 lead girls to adopt some behaviors and dispositions—
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
passivity, dependency, and fragility, for example—that
Age (year)
they have been socialized to believe are part of the
Figure 9 Depressive symptoms increase during feminine role and that may contribute to their depressed
adolescence, peak in middle adolescence, and then mood. Depression in girls is significantly correlated with
decline. (Rawana & Morgan, 2014) having a poor body image and being low in masculinity
374 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

One reason the incidence of depression is greater among adolescent girls than boys is that girls are more likely to react to stress
by ruminating about the problem and feeling helpless. © Jetta Productions/Walter Hodges/Tetra Images/Getty Images RF

(Bearman & Stice, 2008; Eberhart, Shih, Hammen, & Second, there is evidence that girls are more likely than
Brennan, 2006). boys to react to stress by turning their feelings inward—
The gender-role hypothesis is only one explanation for instance, by ruminating about the problem (sometimes
for sex differences in the prevalence of depression dur- with a friend) and feeling helpless—whereas boys are
ing adolescence. Three other accounts focus on sex dif- more likely to respond either by distracting themselves
ferences in the degree to which adolescence is stressful, or by turning their feelings outward, in aggressive behav-
in how people cope with stress, and in vulnerability to ior or in drug and alcohol abuse (Cox, Mezulis, & Hyde,
different types of stressors. 2010; Daughters, Gorka, Matusiewicz, & Anderson,
2013; Jose & Weir, 2013). Girls’ greater tendency to
Stress, Rumination, and Sensitivity to Others The ruminate, especially with their friends, likely contrib-
link between stress and depression during adolescence utes to their greater risk for depression (Stone, Hankin,
is well documented among both males and females; Gibb, & Abela, 2011). As a result, even when exposed
individuals who experience more stress are more vul- to the same degree of stress, girls are more likely to
nerable to depression and other internalizing problems respond to the stressors by becoming depressed (Kiang &
(Ge, Natsuaki, Neiderhiser, & Reiss, 2009). But there Buchanan, 2014; Rood, Roelofs, Bögels, & Meesters,
is evidence that early adolescence is generally a more 2012). This difference in the ways that boys and girls
stressful time for girls than boys (Charbonneau, Mezulis, react to stress helps explain why the prevalence of exter-
& Hyde, 2009; Rudolph & Hammen, 1999). This is nalizing disorders is higher in boys, while the prevalence
because the bodily changes of puberty, especially when of internalizing disorders is higher in girls. Girls who are
they occur early in adolescence, are more likely to be more able to tolerate conflicts in their relationships are
stressful for girls than boys; because girls are more likely less likely to develop internalizing symptoms (Gunlicks-
than boys to experience multiple stressors at the same Stoessel & Powers, 2008).
time (for example, going through puberty while making The third explanation emphasizes girls’ generally
the transition into junior high school); and because girls greater orientation toward and sensitivity to interper-
are likely to experience more stressful life events than sonal relations (Cyranowski & Frank, 2000; Guyer,
boys, including sexual abuse and harassment (Graber & McClure-Tone, Shiffrin, Pine, & Nelson, 2009; Hankin,
Sontag, 2009; Vaughan & Halpern, 2010). Stone, & Wright, 2010). Sex differences in levels of the CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 375

hormone oxytocin may both encourage females to invest They report feeling trapped, oxytocin
more in their close relationships and make them more lonely, worthless, and hopeless A hormone known to influence
vulnerable to the adverse consequences of relational dis- (Kidd, 2004). emotional bonding to others.
ruptions and interpersonal difficulties (Bakker, Ormel, The adolescent suicide rate suicidal ideation
Verhulst, & Oldehinkel, 2010). Girls are much more among 15- to 19-year-olds Thinking about ending one’s life.
likely than boys to develop emotional problems as a increased alarmingly between
non-suicidal self-injury
result of family discord or problems with peers (Conley, 1950 and 1990, fueled by the (NSSI)
Rudolph, & Bryant, 2012; St. Clair et al., 2014; Telzer & increased use of drugs and Deliberate attempts to hurt
Fuligni, 2013). Because adolescence is a time of many alcohol and the increased oneself in nonlethal ways,
changes in relationships—in the family, with friends, availability of firearms (Judge including cutting or burning
one’s skin.
and with romantic partners—the capacity of females to & Billick, 2004). The rate
invest heavily in their relationships with others may be peaked and declined some-
both a strength and a source of vulnerability. what during the 1990s. But the adolescent suicide rate
began increasing again in 2007 and is higher now than
it was 10 years ago (see Figure 10) (Centers for Disease
making the practical Control and Prevention, 2014).
You may have read that suicide is a leading cause of
connection death among young people, but this is primarily because
In light of what we know about the likely causes of sex very few young people die from other causes, such as dis-
differences in depression, what preventive interventions ease. Although the rate of suicide rises rapidly during the
should be targeted at young adolescent girls? middle adolescent years, it continues to rise throughout
adulthood, and suicide is a much more common cause
Suicide and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury of death among adults than it is among young people,
largely because very few suicide attempts by adolescents
Prevalence of Suicide According to recent national
are successful. The most common method of suicide
surveys, in any given year, more than 10% of American
among adolescents is with a firearm, followed by hang-
female high school students and about 5% of males
ing. Drug overdoses and carbon monoxide poisoning are
attempt suicide; nearly one-third of these attempts are
also common (Judge & Billick, 2004). The suicide rate
serious enough to require treatment by a physician or
is highest among American Indian and Alaskan Native
nurse. More than twice as many adolescents think about
adolescents and lowest among Black and White adoles-
killing themselves than actually attempt suicide—referred
cents; rates among Hispanic and Asian adolescents fall in
to as suicidal ideation—but the majority of these have
between these extremes (Goldston et al., 2008).
gone so far as to make a plan (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 2014). Suicidal ideation increases during Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Many adolescents do not
early adolescence, peaks around age 15, and then declines contemplate suicide, but commit acts of non-suicidal
(Nock et al., 2013). Adolescents who attempt to kill them- self-injury (NSSI), such as deliberately burning or
selves usually have made appeals for help and have tried cutting themselves (Nock, Prinstein, & Sterba, 2009).
but failed to get emotional support from family or friends. Some studies estimate that nearly 25% of adolescents

Thought seriously about attempting suicide
40 Attempted suicide
Suicide attempt needed medical attention




1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

Figure 10 Suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts among U.S. adolescents, which had been declining, are
on the rise. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014)
376 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

suicide contagion
have engaged in NSSI at least abuse; having a history of suicide in the family; being
The process through which once, and that the prevalence under stress, especially in the areas of achievement and
learning about another’s sui- has been rising in recent years sexuality; and, especially, experiencing parental rejection,
cide can lead people to try to (Jacobson & Gould, 2007). family disruption, or extensive family conflict (Boeninger,
take their own lives. The most common reasons Masyn, & Conger, 2013; Karch, Logan, McDaniel, Floyd,
given for NSSI are to reduce & Vagi, 2013; Miller, Esposito-Smythers, & Leichtweis,
feelings of tension, anger, anxiety, or depression or to 2015). Adolescents who have one of these risk factors
prompt feelings when none exist. Less is known about are significantly more likely to attempt suicide than their
this group of adolescents than about those who attempt peers, and adolescents who have more than one risk fac-
suicide, but at least one study found that levels of depres- tor are dramatically more likely to try to kill themselves.
sive symptomatology among adolescents who attempt Adolescents who have attempted suicide once are at risk
to harm themselves, as well as risk factors for depres- for attempting it again (Lewinsohn, Rohde, & Seely,
sion, fall somewhere between non-suicidal and suicidal 1994).
adolescents (Brausch & Gutierrez, 2010; Guan, Fox, &
Prinstein, 2012). Adolescents who engage in NSSI often Suicide Contagion Adolescents are also more likely
have the same cognitive vulnerabilities associated with to attempt suicide if one of their friends or someone
depression (Tatnell, Kelada, Hasking, & Martin, 2014; else in their community has committed suicide, which
Voon, Hasking, & Martin, 2014). They are also more is referred to as suicide contagion (Abrutyn & Mueller,
likely than other adolescents to have a friend who has 2014; Institute of Medicine, 2013). Teenagers are more
attempted NSSI (Hasking, Andrews, & Martin, 2013) susceptible to suicide contagion than adults. Studies of
media reports show that adolescents are susceptible to
Risk Factors for Suicide There are four established both fictionalized (e.g., television dramas) and nonfic-
sets of risk factors for attempting suicide during adoles- tionalized reports of suicide, especially those involving
cence, and they are similar for males and females and celebrities. The way in which a suicide victim is por-
among Black, Hispanic, and White adolescents: having trayed in the media has a significant impact on the likeli-
a psychiatric problem, especially depression or substance hood that adolescents will copy the behavior. When the

Shortly after the actor and comedian Robin Williams committed suicide, the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts
and Sciences posted this image on Twitter, with the text, “Genie, you’re free.” This was sharply criticized by suicide
experts, because the message that suicide is a liberating act encourages others who are depressed to try to take
their own lives. CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 377

victim is portrayed as someone who is suffering from who are prone to intense acti- diathesis–stress model
some sort of abnormality or psychopathology, there is vation of the hypothalamic- A perspective on psychological
far less chance that the suicide will be “contagious.” pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) disorder that posits that prob-
When the victim is portrayed in a positive light, though, axis, in particular, are more lems are the result of an inter-
it increases the odds that adolescents who learn about it biologically reactive to stress action between a preexisting
condition (the diathesis) and
will attempt to take their own lives. This is especially than others, and they are exposure to a stressful event
the case when coverage of the death presents a celebrity more prone to depression or condition.
suicide as having been a means of liberating himself or and other internalizing disor-
herself from a painful situation. Suicide experts prefer ders (Diamond, Fagundes, & Referring to activity in the
that media coverage of celebrity suicides (which is inev- Cribbet, 2012). Abnormalities brain and nervous system.
itable) emphasize the fact that individuals who are under in one of several genes, in
duress or hopeless seek treatment for their mental health. particular, may make some
individuals more likely to develop depression in the
Causes of Depression and face of stress (Caspi et al., 2003; Cicchetti, Rogosch, &
Sturge-Apple, 2007; Petersen et al., 2012). Not surpris-
Internalizing Disorders ingly, given the role that genes play in the development
A variety of theories have been proposed to account for of depression, vulnerability to depression tends to run
the onset of depression and other types of internalizing in families—adolescents with a depressed parent are
problems during adolescence. The current consensus 3 times as likely to develop depression as are other youth
is that internalizing problems are likely to result from (Graber & Sontag, 2009).
interacting environmental conditions and individual Other researchers have focused more on the cognitive
predispositions rather than either set of factors alone. style of depressed individuals, suggesting that people
Today, most experts endorse a diathesis–stress model with tendencies toward hopelessness, pessimism, and
of depression, which suggests that depression may occur self-blame are more likely to interpret events in their
when individuals who are predisposed toward internal- lives in ways that lead to the development of depression
izing problems (the term “diathesis” refers to this predis- (Alloy et al., 2012; Auerbach, Ho, & Kim, 2014; Calvete,
position) are exposed to chronic or acute stressors that Orue, & Hankin, 2013; Nicolai, Laney, & Mezulis,
precipitate a depressive reaction (Auerbach, Eberhart, & 2013). These sorts of cognitive sets, which may be linked
Abela, 2010; Lewinsohn, Joiner, & Rohde, 2001). to the ways in which children think they are viewed first
Individuals without the diathesis—who are not predis- by parents and later by peers, develop during childhood
posed toward depression—are able to withstand a great and are thought to play a role in the onset of depression
deal of stress, for instance, without developing any psy- during adolescence (Abela & Hankin, 2011). Individuals
chological problems. In contrast, individuals who have who tend to ruminate in the face of stress are especially
strong predispositions toward the disorder may become at risk for the development of depression and anxiety
depressed in the face of mildly stressful circumstances (Michl, McLaughlin, Shepherd, & Nolen-Hoeksema,
that most of us would consider to be normal. Research 2013). As with the case of stress-reactivity, there is some
has focused on both the diathesis and the stress—on evidence that individuals’ cognitive style is stable and
identifying individual predispositions toward depres- moderately heritable (Rudolph & Klein, 2009).
sion and on identifying the environmental circumstances
likely to precipitate the disorder. The Stress Researchers who have been more con-
cerned with the stress component of the diathesis–
The Diathesis Two categories of predispositions have stress model—that is, with environmental influences on
received the most attention. First, because depression depression—have focused on three broad sets of stress-
has been found to have a strong genetic component, it ors. First, depression is more common among adoles-
is believed that at least some of the diathesis is biologi- cents from families characterized by high conflict and
cal in origin and may be related to problematic patterns low cohesion, and rates are higher among adolescents
of neuroendocrine functioning (neuroendocrine refers from divorced homes (Graber & Sontag, 2009; Hamza &
to hormonal activity in the brain and nervous system). Willoughby, 2011; Karevold, Røysamb, Ystrom, &
In particular, researchers have focused on the predisposi- Mathiesen, 2009). Second, depression is more prevalent
tion toward intense problems in the regulation of neu- among adolescents who are unpopular, have poor peer
ral activity in the hypothalamus, a brain structure that relations, or have friends who are depressed (Agoston
plays a crucial role in how we respond to stress (Paten, & Rudolph, 2011; Conley & Rudolph, 2009; Mendle,
2013). This biological predisposition may make it dif- Harden, Brooks-Gunn, & Graber, 2012; Sontag &
ficult for individuals to regulate their emotions, which, in Graber, 2010; Van Zalk, Kerr, Branje, Stattin, & Meeus,
turn, may make them susceptible to depression and other 2010). Third, depressed adolescents report more chronic
psychological problems (Silk et al., 2007). Individuals and acute adversity than nondepressed adolescents do,
378 PART 3 Psychosocial Development During Adolescence

selective serotonin
such as the loss of a parent, Clinicians use a wide range of approaches, including
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) maltreatment, and poverty biological therapies employing antidepressant medica-
A class of antidepressant medi- (Garber & Cole, 2010; Graber tion (these address the neuroendocrine problem, if one
cations that has proven to be & Sontag, 2009; McLaughlin exists); psychotherapies designed to help depressed
effective with adolescents suf-
et al., 2012). There is also adolescents understand the roots of their depression, to
fering from internalizing prob-
lems, such as depression. evidence that academic dif- increase the degree to which they experience pleasure
ficulties are correlated with in their daily activities, or to change the nature of their
depression, especially among cognitive set; and family therapy, which focuses on
adolescents from Asian cultures, in which relatively changing patterns of family relationships that may be
more stress may be placed on achievement (Greenberger, contributing to the adolescent’s symptoms. A compre-
Chen, Tally, & Dong, 2000). Similar findings on the hensive review found that psychotherapy with depressed
connection between academic pressure and depression and anxious adolescents has a significant, but modest,
have emerged from studies of affluent suburban youth effect; although most of the treatment studies employed
in the United States (Luthar & Becker, 2002). Although cognitive-behavioral therapy, the review found that
all sorts of stressors have been linked to the onset of psy- other evidence-based practices (e.g., interpersonal
chological problems, the single most common trigger of therapy) were equally effective (Weisz, McCarty, &
the first episode of major depression in adolescence is Valeri, 2006). Importantly, evidence-based approaches
the breakup of a romantic relationship (Monroe, Rohde, are superior to approaches that do not have a scientific
Seeley, & Lewinsohn, 1999). basis, which, unfortunately, are widely used (Beardslee
You read earlier that the prevalence of depression et al., 2013; Weisz et al., 2009). With regard to antide-
rises during adolescence. Can diathesis–stress models of pressants, research has confirmed the effectiveness of
depression account for this increase? For the most part, a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake
they can. Biological theorists can point to the hormonal inhibitors (SSRIs) in the treatment of depression in
changes of puberty, because one of the effects of puber- adolescence (Graber & Sontag, 2009). These medica-
tal hormones is to make individuals more sensitive to tions are also effective in treating other types of inter-
stress (Edwards, Rose, Kaprio, & Dick, 2011; E. Walker, nalizing problems, such as anxiety disorders and social
Sabuwalla, & Huot, 2004). Depression and negative affect phobias, especially when used in conjunction with cog-
among both boys and girls are correlated with various nitive-behavioral therapy (Brent et al., 2008; Kennard
hormones known to change at puberty (Graber & Sontag, et al., 2009; Walkup et al., 2008). The use of antidepres-
2009). Many studies show that the increase in depression sant medications among adolescents has nearly doubled
in adolescence is more closely linked to puberty than age since the 1990s (Olfson, Druss, & Marcus, 2015).
(Conley & Rudolph, 2009), although it is difficult to pin-
point puberty as the cause of the problem, since many
other changes typically occur around the same time (such
Stress and Coping
as the transition out of elementary school). Cognitive Many adolescents report difficulty in coping with stress-
theorists can point to the onset of hypothetical thinking at ful situations at home or at school. These stressors
adolescence, which may result in new (and perhaps poten- include major life changes (such as a parental divorce,
tially more depressing) ways of viewing the world (Kuhn, changing schools, or having someone in the family sud-
2009). And theorists who emphasize environmental fac- denly become seriously ill), chronically stressful condi-
tors draw attention to the new environmental demands of tions (such as poverty, a disabling illness, or constant
adolescence, such as changing schools, beginning to date, family conflict), and day-to-day hassles (such as school
or coping with transformations in family relationships— exams, fights with friends, and arguments with siblings
all of which may be stressful (Graber & Sontag, 2009; and parents) (Compas & Reeslund, 2009).
Morris, Ciesla, & Garber, 2010). Thus, there are many Stress can affect individuals in different ways
good reasons to expect that the prevalence of depression (Steinberg & Avenevoli, 2000). For some teenagers,
would increase as individuals pass from childhood into it can lead to internalized disorders, such as anxiety,
adolescence. Individuals who develop internalizing dis- depression, headaches, and indigestion—even com-
orders such as depression and anxiety in adolescence are promised immune system functioning (Birmaher et al.,
at elevated risk to suffer from these problems as adults 1994). For others, the consequences of stress are exter-
(Lewinsohn, Rohde, Seeley, Klein, & Gotlib, 2003). nalized, in behavior and conduct problems. For still oth-
ers, the impact of stress is manifested in drug and alcohol
Treatment and Prevention of abuse. These links between stress and psychosocial
problems have been documented in studies of young-
Internalizing Problems sters from all ethnic groups and family backgrounds and
The treatment of depression during adolescence is very among youth exposed to both relatively common stress-
similar to its treatment at other points in the life span. ors (such as breaking up with a romantic partner) and CHAPTER 13 Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 379

relatively severe ones (such as exposure to war trauma, strategies distinguish between
terrorism, or natural disasters) (Gershoff, Aber, Ware, & strategies that involve taking The ability of an individual to
Kotler, 2010; La Greca & Silverman, 2009). steps to change the source of continue to function compe-
Yet, for some adolescents, the very same sources and the stress, called primary tently in the face of adversity
levels of stress do not seem to be associated with psy- control strategies, and those or stress.
chological or physical upset at all. Thus, although we that involve efforts to adapt to primary control strategies
tend to think of stress as having negative effects on our the problem, called secondary Coping strategies in which an
well-being, the connection between stress and dysfunc- control strategies (Compas & individual attempts to change
the stressor.
tion is not clear-cut. Some adolescents show enormous Reeslund, 2009). For instance,
resilience in the face of enormous adversity (Compas & if you are very worried about secondary control
Reeslund, 2009). What makes some adolescents an upcoming exam, a primary strategies
Coping strategies that involve
more vulnerable to the effects of stress than others? control strategy might be to attempts by the individual to
Psychologists point to three sets of factors. form a study group with other adapt to the stressor.
First, the effect of any one stressor is exacerbated if students in order to review the
it is accompanied by other stressors. Stress tends to have material, whereas a secondary
a multiplicative effect: An adolescent who faces two control strategy might be to go out to a movie or for a
stressors at the same time (parental divorce and a change run in order to relax yourself. Individuals who use pri-
of schools, for example) is more than twice as likely to mary or secondary control strategies are better adjusted,
experience psychological problems as someone who has less depressed, and less likely to have behavioral prob-
experienced only one of the two stressors (Compas & lems than those who react to stress through disengage-
Reeslund, 2009; Forehand, Biggar, & Kotchick, 1998). ment or avoidance (Compas & Reeslund, 2009; L. D.
Second, adolescents who have other resources—either Scott & House, 2005; Seiffge-Krenke & Klessinger,
internal resources, such as high self-esteem, healthy iden- 2000; Tolan, Gorman-Smith, Henry, Chung, & Hunt,
tity development, high intelligence, or strong feelings of 2002; Weisz, Francis, & Bearman, 2010).
competence, or external resources, such as social sup-
port from others—are less likely to be adversely affected
by stress than their peers (Compas & Reeslund, 2009;
Luthar, 1991; Masten et al., 1999; Monahan, Guyer, making the personal
Silk, Fitzwater, & Steinberg, L., 2016). Adolescents with connection
close friends and good social skills seem to be better How do you cope with stress? Are you more likely to use
able to handle stressors such as parental divorce or start- primary or secondary control strategies?
ing junior high school than are teenagers who lack close
friendships or have fewer interpersonal resources. Most
importantly, teenagers who have warm and close family In some situations, secondary control strategies are
relationships are less likely to be distressed by a stressful quite effective. These tend to be stressful situations
experience than are teenagers without such familial sup- that are clearly uncontrollable, such as being diagnosed
port (Weist, Freedman, Paskewitz, Proescher, & Flaherty, with a serious illness or learning that one’s parents are
1995). Indeed, studies consistently show that the pres- getting a divorce (Hall, Chipperfield, Perry, Ruthig,
ence of a close parent-adolescent relationship is probably & Goetz, 2006). In these instances, trying to distract
the single most important factor in protecting adoles- and calm oneself may help alleviate some of the stress,
cents from psychological harm (Raffaelli et al., 2013). and trying to exert control over an uncontrollable situ-
The importance of social support as a buffer against the ation may only make matters worse (Jaser et al., 2007).
adverse effects of stress has been documented in studies But, adolescents who employ primary control strate-
of adolescents around the world. gies when the source of the stress is controllable are
Finally, some adolescents use more effective coping less vulnerable to its detrimental health consequences
strategies than do others. Specialists who study coping (Clarke, 2006).
A attachment The strong affectional bond that develops between
an infant and a caregiver.
abstinence-only sex education Programs that encourage adoles-
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) A biologi-
cents to avoid sexual activity but that do not provide information
cally based psychological disorder characterized by impulsivity,
about safe sex.
inattentiveness, and restlessness, often in school situations.
academic achievement Achievement that is measured by stan-
authoritarian parents Parents who use punitive, absolute, and
dardized tests of scholastic ability or knowledge.
forceful discipline, and who place a premium on obedience and
achievement The psychosocial domain concerning behaviors conformity.
and feelings in evaluative situations.
authoritative parents Parents who use warmth, firm control,
achievement attributions The beliefs an individual holds about and rational, issue-oriented discipline, in which emphasis is placed
the causes of her or his successes and failures. on the development of self-direction.
adolescence The second decade of life. authority conflicts A type of antisocial behavior characterized
adolescence-limited offenders Antisocial adolescents whose by stubbornness and rebelliousness.
delinquent or violent behavior begins and ends during adolescence. autobiographical memory The recall of personally meaningful
adolescent growth spurt The dramatic increase in height and past events.
weight that occurs during puberty. autoerotic behavior Sexual behavior that is experienced alone,
adolescent health care A field of study and health care devoted such as masturbation or sexual fantasizing.
to understanding the health care needs of individuals during the autonomy The psychosocial domain concerning the develop-
second decade of life. ment and expression of independence.
adrenarche The maturation of the adrenal glands that takes
place during adolescence.
Adult Attachment Interview A structured interview used to B
assess an individual’s past attachment history and “internal working baby boom The period following World War II, during which
model” of relationships. the number of infants born was extremely large.
adult plasticity Relatively minor changes in brain circuits as a Bar (Bas) Mitzvah In Judaism, the religious ceremony marking
result of experiences during adulthood, after the brain has matured. the young person’s transition to adulthood.
age grading The process of grouping individuals within social basal metabolism rate The minimal amount of energy used by
institutions on the basis of age. the body during a resting state.
age of majority The designated age at which an individual is rec- behavioral autonomy The capacity to make independent deci-
ognized as an adult. sions and to follow through with them.
age–crime curve The relationship between chronological age behavioral decision theory An approach to understanding ado-
and offending, showing that the prevalence of offending peaks in lescent risk taking, in which behaviors are seen as the outcome of
late adolescence. systematic decision-making processes.
agency The sense that one has an impact on one’s world. behavioral genetics The scientific study of genetic influences on
aggression Acts done to be intentionally harmful. behavior.
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) A disease, big fish–little pond effect The reason that individuals who
caused by a virus transmitted by means of bodily fluids, that devas- attend high school with high-achieving peers feel worse about
tates the immune system. themselves than comparably successful individuals with lower-
achieving peers.
androgens A class of sex hormones secreted by the gonads,
found in both sexes, but in higher levels among males than females binge drinking Consuming five or more drinks in a row on one
following puberty. occasion, an indicator of alcohol abuse.
anhedonic Having difficulty experiencing positive emotions, a binge eating disorder An eating disorder characterized by a pat-
risk factor for depression. tern of binge eating that is not accompanied by drastic attempts to
lose weight.
anorexia nervosa An eating disorder found chiefly among young
women, characterized by dramatic and severe self-induced weight body mass index (BMI) A measure of an individual’s body
loss. fat, the ratio of weight to height; used to gauge overweight and
anxious-avoidant attachment An insecure attachment between
infant and caregiver, characterized by indifference on the part of brain function Patterns of brain activity.
the infant toward the caregiver. brain structure The physical form and organization of the brain.
anxious-resistant attachment An insecure attachment between bulimia An eating disorder found primarily among young
infant and caregiver, characterized by distress at separation and women, characterized by a pattern of binge eating and extreme
anger at reunion. weight loss measures, including self-induced vomiting.
G-2 Glossary

C criminal behavior Crimes that are dealt with in the criminal jus-
tice system, regardless of the age of the offender.
causation The correlation between two things attributable to the
criminal justice system The system of courts and related institu-
effect one thing has on the other.
tions developed to handle adult crime.
charter schools Public schools that have been given the auton-
critical thinking Thinking that involves analyzing, evaluating,
omy to establish their own curricula and teaching practices.
and interpreting information, rather than simply memorizing it.
child protectionists Individuals who argued, early in the 20th
cross-sectional study A study that compares two or more groups
century, that adolescents needed to be kept out of the labor force in
of individuals at one point in time.
order to protect them from the hazards of the workplace.
crowds Large, loosely organized groups of young people, com-
chlamydia A sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacterium.
posed of several cliques and typically organized around a common
circumcision A procedure in which some part of the genitals is shared activity.
cut and permanently altered.
cultivation theory A perspective on media use that emphasizes
civic engagement Involvement in political and community the impact media exposure has on individuals.
affairs, as reflected in knowledge about politics and current affairs,
cultural capital The resources provided within a family through
participation in conventional and alternative political activities,
the exposure of the adolescent to art, music, literature, and other
and engaging in community service.
elements of “high culture.”
cliques Small, tightly knit groups of between 2 and 12 friends,
generally of the same sex and age.
cognitive autonomy The establishment of an independent set of
values, opinions, and beliefs.
cognitive-developmental view A perspective on development, date rape Being forced by a date to have sex against one’s will.
based on the work of Piaget, that takes a qualitative, stage-theory deductive reasoning A type of logical reasoning in which one
approach. draws logically necessary conclusions from a general set of prem-
cohort A group of individuals born during the same general his- ises, or givens.
torical era. delayed phase preference A pattern of sleep characterized by
collective efficacy A community’s social capital, derived from later sleep and wake times, which usually emerges during puberty.
its members’ common values and goals. delay of gratification The capacity to wait longer to get a larger,
comorbid Co-occurring, as when an individual has more than better, or more valuable reward instead of a smaller, less attractive,
one problem at the same time. or less valuable one that is available immediately.
delinquency Juvenile offending that is processed within the
Common Core A proposed set of standards in language arts and
juvenile justice system.
mathematics that all American schools would be expected to use.
depression A psychological disturbance characterized by low
comprehensive high school An educational institution that
self-esteem, decreased motivation, sadness, and difficulty in find-
evolved during the first half of the 20th century, offering a varied
ing pleasure in formerly pleasurable activities.
curriculum and designed to meet the needs of a diverse population
of adolescents. detachment In psychoanalytic theory, the process through which
adolescents sever emotional attachments to their parents or other
comprehensive sex education Programs that not only provide
authority figures.
information about contraception, STDs, and pregnancy but also
teach adolescents how to refuse unwanted sex and avoid unin- developmental plasticity Extensive remodeling of the brain’s
tended sex, increase their motivation to engage in safe sex, and circuitry in response to experiences during childhood and adoles-
change perceptions about peer norms and attitudes. cence, while the brain is still maturing.
concrete operations The third stage of cognitive development, developmental trajectories Patterns of change over time.
according to Piaget, spanning the period roughly between age 6 diathesis–stress model A perspective on disorder that posits that
and early adolescence. problems are the result of an interaction between a preexisting con-
continuous transitions Passages into adulthood in which adult dition (the diathesis) and exposure to a stressful event or condition.
roles and statuses are entered into gradually. diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) A technique used to pro-
conventional moral reasoning The second level of moral duce images of the brain that shows connections among different
development, which occurs during late childhood and early ado- regions.
lescence and is characterized by reasoning that is based on the discontinuous transitions Passages into adulthood in which
rules and conventions of society. adult roles and statuses are entered into abruptly.
correlation The extent to which two things vary systematically disordered eating Mild, moderate, or severe disturbance in eat-
with each other. ing habits and attitudes.
cortisol A hormone produced when a person is exposed to stress. divided attention The process of paying attention to two or more
covert antisocial behavior A type of antisocial behavior charac- stimuli at the same time.
terized by misdeeds that are not always detected by others, such as dopamine A neurotransmitter especially important in the brain
lying or stealing. circuits that regulate the experience of reward. Glossary G-3

dyscalculia Impaired ability in arithmetic. feedback loop A cycle through which two or more bodily func-
dysgraphia Impaired ability in handwriting. tions respond to and regulate each other, such as that formed by the
hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the gonads.
dyslexia Impaired ability in reading or spelling.
female genital mutilation The cutting or removal of the clitoris, per-
formed in some cultures as part of the initiation of female adolescents.
E five-factor model The theory that there are five basic dimen-
early adolescence The period spanning roughly ages 10–13, cor- sions to personality: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientious-
responding roughly to the junior high or middle school years. ness, neuroticism, and openness to experience.
ecological perspective on human development A perspective flow experience The experience of high levels of both concen-
on development that emphasizes the broad context in which devel- tration and interest at the same time.
opment occurs.
formal operations The fourth stage of cognitive development,
educational attainment The number of years of schooling com- according to Piaget, spanning the period from early adolescence
pleted by an individual. through adulthood.
electroencephalography (EEG) A technique for measuring foster care A placement in a temporary living arrangement when
electrical activity at different locations on the scalp. a child’s parents are not able to provide care, nurturance, or safety.
emotional autonomy The establishment of more adultlike and functional connectivity The extent to which multiple brain regions
less childish close relationships with family members and peers. function at the same time, which improves during adolescence.
endocrine system The system of the body that produces, circu- functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) A technique
lates, and regulates hormones. used to produce images of the brain, often while the subject is per-
epiphysis The closing of the ends of the bones, which terminates forming some sort of mental task.
growth after the adolescent growth spurt has been completed. future orientation The extent to which an individual is able and
estrogens A class of sex hormones secreted by the gonads, found inclined to think about the potential consequences of decisions and
in both sexes, but in higher levels among females than males fol- choices.
lowing puberty.
ethnic identity The aspect of individuals’ sense of identity con- G
cerning ancestry or racial group membership.
gangs Organized peer groups of antisocial individuals.
ethnic socialization The process through which individuals
gateway drugs Drugs that, when used over time, lead to the use
develop an understanding of their ethnic or racial background, also
of other, more dangerous substances.
referred to as racial socialization.
gender identity One’s sense of oneself as male, female, or transgender.
ethnography A type of research in which individuals are
observed in their natural settings. gender intensification hypothesis The idea that pressures to
behave in sex-appropriate ways intensify during adolescence.
event-related potentials (ERP) Changes in electrical activity in
areas of the brain in response to specific stimuli or events. gender-role behavior The extent to which an individual behaves
in traditionally “masculine” or “feminine” ways.
evidence-based practices Programs and practices that have a
proven scientific basis. generational dissonance Divergence of views between adoles-
cents and parents that is common in families of immigrant parents
executive function More advanced thinking abilities, enabled
and American-born adolescents.
chiefly by the maturation of the prefrontal cortex, especially in
early adolescence. gifted students Students who are unusually talented in some
aspect of intellectual performance.
experience sampling method (ESM) A method of collecting
data about adolescents’ emotional states, in which individuals are glands Organs that stimulate particular parts of the body to
paged and asked to report on their mood and activity. respond in specific ways to particular hormones.
externalizing disorders Psychosocial problems that are manifested gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons Specialized
in a turning of the symptoms outward, as in aggression or delinquency. neurons that are activated by certain pubertal hormones.
gonads The glands that secrete sex hormones: in males, the tes-
F tes; in females, the ovaries.
gonorrhea A sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacterium.
false-self behavior Behavior that intentionally presents a false
impression to others. graduated driver licensing A licensing system in which full
adult driving privileges are not granted all at once to teen drivers,
familism An orientation toward life in which the needs of one’s
but phased in over time.
family take precedence over the needs of the individual.
family capital The economic, social, and cultural resources pro-
vided by the family. H
family systems theory A perspective on family functioning that herpes A sexually transmitted infection caused by a virus.
emphasizes interconnections among different family relationships HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) The virus associated
(such as marital, parent–child, sibling). with AIDS.
G-4 Glossary

hormones Highly specialized substances secreted by one or intimacy The psychosocial domain concerning the formation,
more endocrine glands. maintenance, and termination of close relationships.
hostile attributional bias The tendency to interpret ambiguous inventionists Theorists who argue that the period of adolescence
interactions with others as deliberately hostile. is mainly a social invention.
HPG (hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal) axis The neurophysi-
ological pathway that involves the hypothalamus, the pituitary
gland, and the gonads. J
human papillomavirus (HPV) One of several viruses that junior high school An educational institution designed during
causes a sexually transmitted disease. the early era of public secondary education, in which young ado-
lescents are schooled separately from older adolescents.
hypothalamus A part of the brain that controls the functioning
of the pituitary gland. juvenile justice system A separate system of courts and related
institutions developed to handle juvenile crime and delinquency.
juvenile offending An externalizing problem that includes delin-
I quency and criminal behavior.
iatrogenic effects Unintended adverse consequences of a treat-
ment or intervention.
identity The domain of psychosocial development involving K
self-conceptions, self-esteem, and the sense of who one is. kisspeptin A brain chemical believed to trigger the onset of
identity diffusion The incoherent, disjointed, incomplete sense puberty.
of self characteristic of not having resolved the crisis of identity.
identity foreclosure The premature establishment of a sense of
identity, before sufficient role experimentation has occurred.
identity versus identity diffusion According to Erikson, the late adolescence The period spanning roughly ages 18–21, cor-
normative crisis characteristic of the fifth stage of psychosocial responding approximately to the college years.
development, predominant during adolescence. learned helplessness The acquired belief that an individual is not
imaginary audience The belief, often brought on by the height- able to influence events through his or her own efforts or actions.
ened self-consciousness of early adolescence, that everyone is watch- learning disability A difficulty with academic tasks that cannot
ing and evaluating one’s behavior. be traced to an emotional problem or sensory dysfunction.
immigrant paradox The fact that on many measures of psycho- leptin A protein produced by the fat cells that may play a role in
logical functioning and mental health, adolescents who have immi- the onset of puberty through its impact on kisspeptin.
grated more recently to the United States score higher on measures LGBTQ youth Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender and
of adjustment than adolescents from the same ethnic group whose questioning youth, sometimes referred to as sexual-minority youth.
family has lived in the United States for several generations.
life-course-persistent offenders Individuals who begin dem-
indifferent parents Parents who are characterized by low levels onstrating antisocial or aggressive behavior during childhood and
of both responsiveness and demandingness. continue their antisocial behavior throughout adolescence and into
individuation The progressive sharpening of an individual’s adulthood.
sense of being an autonomous, independent person. limbic system An area of the brain that plays an important role
indulgent parents Parents who are characterized by responsive- in the processing of emotional experience, social information, and
ness but low demandingness, and who are mainly concerned with reward and punishment.
the child’s happiness. long-term memory The ability to recall something from a long
information-processing perspective A perspective on cognition time ago.
that derives from the study of artificial intelligence and attempts to longitudinal study A study that follows the same group of indi-
explain cognitive development in terms of the growth of specific viduals over time.
components of the thinking process (such as memory).
initiation ceremony The formal induction of a young person
into adulthood. M
instrumental aggression Aggressive behavior that is deliberate mainstreaming The integration of adolescents who have educa-
and planned. tional handicaps into regular classrooms.
internal working model The implicit model of interpersonal mastery motivation Motivation to succeed based on the plea-
relationships that an individual employs throughout life, believed sure one will experience from mastering a task.
to be shaped by early attachment experiences. media practice model A perspective on media use that emphasizes
internalizing disorders Psychosocial problems that are manifested the fact that adolescents not only choose what media they are exposed
in a turning of the symptoms inward, as in depression or anxiety. to but also interpret the media in ways that shape their impact.
Internet addiction A disorder in which an individual’s use of the melatonin A hormone secreted by the brain that contributes to
Internet is pathological, defined by six symptoms: salience, mood sleepiness and that triggers the onset of puberty through its impact
change, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict, and relapse and reinstatement. on kisspeptin. Glossary G-5

menarche The time of first menstruation, one of the most impor- non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) Deliberate attempts to hurt
tant changes to occur among females during puberty. oneself in nonlethal ways, including cutting or burning one’s skin.
mentalizing The ability to understand someone else’s mental
metacognition The process of thinking about thinking itself. O
middle adolescence The period spanning roughly ages 14–17, occupational attainment A measure of achievement based on
corresponding to the high school years. the status or prestige of the job an individual holds.
middle school An educational institution housing 7th- and ovaries The female gonads.
8th-grade students along with adolescents who are 1 or 2 years overt antisocial behavior A type of antisocial behavior charac-
younger. terized by aggression toward others.
midlife crisis A psychological crisis over identity believed to oxytocin A hormone known to influence emotional bonding to
occur between the ages of 35 and 45, the age range of most adoles- others.
cents’ parents.
Monitoring the Future An annual survey of a nationwide sam-
ple of American 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders, mainly known for P
its data on adolescent substance use.
parental demandingness One of two important dimensions
moral disengagement Rationalizing immoral behavior as legiti- of parenting; demandingness refers to the degree to which the
mate, as a way of justifying one’s own bad acts. parent expects and insists on mature, responsible behavior from
multidimensional model of racial identity A perspective on the child.
ethnic identity, that emphasizes three different phenomena: racial parental responsiveness One of the two important dimensions
centrality (how important race is in defining individuals’ identity), of parenting; responsiveness refers to the degree to which the
private regard (how individuals feel about being a member of their parent responds to the child’s needs in an accepting, supportive
race), and public regard (how individuals think others feel about manner.
their race).
peak height velocity The point at which the adolescent is grow-
multisystemic family therapy An intervention designed to ing most rapidly.
reduce antisocial behavior that has been proven to be effective.
peer groups Groups of individuals of approximately the same
multiethnic Having two parents of different ethnic or racial age.
perceived popularity How much status or prestige an individual
myelination The process through which brain circuits are insu- has.
lated with myelin, which improves the efficiency of information
processing. performance motivation Motivation to succeed based on the
rewards one will receive for successful performance.
personal fable An adolescent’s belief that he or she is unique
N and therefore not subject to the rules that govern other people’s
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) A peri- behavior.
odic testing of American 4th-, 8th-, and 12th-graders by the federal pheromones A class of chemicals secreted by animals that stim-
government, used to track achievement. ulate certain behaviors in other members of the species.
negative emotionality The presumed underlying cause of pituitary gland One of the chief glands responsible for regulat-
internalizing disorders, characterized by high levels of subjec- ing levels of hormones in the body.
tive distress.
plasticity The capacity of the brain to change in response to
negative identity The selection of an identity that is obvi- experience.
ously undesirable in the eyes of significant others and the
platonic relationships Nonsexual relationships with individuals
broader community.
who might otherwise be romantic partners.
neuroendocrine Referring to activity in the brain and nervous
positive youth development The goal of programs designed to
facilitate healthy psychosocial development and not simply to deter
neurons Nerve cells. problematic development.
neurotransmitters Specialized chemicals that carry electrical possible selves The various identities an adolescent might imag-
impulses between neurons. ine for him- or herself.
new media Digital media typically accessed via computers, postconventional moral reasoning The level of moral reasoning
smartphones, or other Internet-based devices. during which society’s rules and conventions are seen as relative
Noncognitive factors Influences on achievement that do not and subjective rather than as authoritative; also called principled
have to do with intellectual ability, such as determination, persever- moral reasoning.
ance, and grit. preconventional moral reasoning The first level of moral rea-
nonshared environmental influences The nongenetic influ- soning, which is typical of children and is characterized by rea-
ences in individuals’ lives that make them different from people they soning that is based on rewards and punishments associated with
live with. different courses of action.
G-6 Glossary

prefrontal cortex The region of the brain most important for rite of passage A ceremony or ritual marking an individual’s
sophisticated thinking abilities, such as planning, thinking ahead, transition from one social status to another, especially marking the
weighing risks and rewards, and controlling impulses. young person’s transition to adulthood.
premature affluence Having more income than one can manage routine activity theory A perspective on adolescence that
maturely, especially during adolescence. views unstructured, unsupervised time with peers as a main cause
preoperational period The second stage of cognitive develop- of misbehavior.
ment, according to Piaget, spanning roughly ages 2–5.
primary control strategies Coping strategies in which an indi-
vidual attempts to change the stressor. S
problem behavior syndrome The covariation among various scaffolding Structuring a learning situation so that it is just
types of externalizing disorders believed to result from an underly- within the reach of the student.
ing trait of unconventionality. scarification The intentional creation of scars on some part or
prosocial behavior Behaviors intended to help others. parts of the body, often done as part of an initiation ceremony.
protective factors Factors that limit individual vulnerability to harm. school performance A measure of achievement based on an
psychological control Parenting that attempts to control the ado- individual’s grades in school.
lescent’s emotions and opinions. school vouchers Government-subsidized vouchers that can be
psychosocial Referring to aspects of development that are both used for private school tuition.
psychological and social in nature, such as developing a sense of schools within schools Subdivisions of the student body within
identity or sexuality. large schools created to foster feelings of belongingness.
psychosocial moratorium A period during which individuals secondary control strategies Coping strategies that involve
are free from excessive obligations and responsibilities and can attempts by the individual to adapt to the stressor.
therefore experiment with different roles and personalities.
secondary educational system The system of middle schools,
puberty The biological changes of adolescence. junior high schools, and high schools.
secondary sex characteristics The manifestations of sexual
Q maturity at puberty, including the development of breasts, the
growth of facial and body hair, and changes in the voice.
quinceañera An elaborate sort of “coming-out” celebration for
secular trend The tendency, over the past two centuries, for indi-
adolescent girls that is practiced in many Latino communities.
viduals to be larger in stature and to reach puberty earlier, primarily
because of improvements in health and nutrition.
R secure attachment A healthy attachment between infant and
caregiver, characterized by trust.
reactive aggression Aggressive behavior that is unplanned and
impulsive. selective attention The process by which we focus on one stimu-
lus while tuning out another.
reference groups A group against which an individual compares
him- or herself. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) A class of
rejection sensitivity Heightened vulnerability to being rejected antidepressant medications that has proven to be effective with ado-
by others. lescents suffering from internalizing problems, such as depression.

relational aggression Acts intended to harm another through the self-conceptions The collection of traits and attributes that indi-
manipulation of his or her relationships with others, as in malicious viduals use to describe or characterize themselves.
gossip. self-consciousness The degree to which an individual is preoc-
religiosity The degree to which one engages in religious prac- cupied with his or her self-image.
tices, like attending services. self-efficacy The sense that an individual has some control over
reminiscence bump The fact that experiences from adolescence his or her life.
are generally recalled more than experiences from other stages of life. self-esteem The degree to which individuals feel positively or
resilience The ability of an individual to continue to function negatively about themselves.
competently in the face of adversity or stress. self-fulfilling prophecy The idea that individuals’ behavior is
response inhibition The suppression of a behavior that is inap- influenced by others’ expectations for them.
propriate or no longer required. self-handicapping Deliberately behaving in ways that will likely
reverse causation Relationship in which the correlation between interfere with doing well, in order to have an excuse for failing.
two things is due not to the first thing causing the second, but to the self-image stability The degree to which an individual feels that
second causing the first. his or her self-image changes from day to day.
risk factors Factors that increase the likelihood of some behav- sensation seeking The pursuit of experiences that are novel or
ior or condition. exciting. Glossary G-7

sense of identity The extent to which individuals feel secure status offense A violation of the law that pertains to minors but
about who they are and who they are becoming. not adults.
sensorimotor period The first stage of cognitive development, statutory rape Sex between two individuals, even when it is
according to Piaget, spanning the period roughly between birth and consensual, when at least one of the persons is below the legal age
age 2. of consent; in the United States, the specific age of consent varies
serotonin A neurotransmitter that is especially important for the from state to state.
experience of different moods. stereotype threat The harmful effect that exposure to stereo-
types about ethnic or sex differences in ability has on student
service learning The process of learning through involvement in
community service.
student engagement The extent to which students are psycho-
set point A physiological level or setting (e.g., of a specific hor-
logically committed to learning and mastering the material rather
mone) that the body attempts to maintain through a self-regulating
than simply completing the assigned work.
substance abuse The misuse of alcohol or other drugs to a
sexual orientation Whether one is sexually attracted to individu-
degree that causes problems in the individual’s life.
als of the same sex, other sex, or both.
suicide contagion The process through which learning about
sexual socialization The process through which adolescents are
another’s suicide can lead people to try to take their own lives.
exposed to and educated about sexuality.
synapse The gap in space between neurons, across which neu-
sexuality The psychosocial domain concerning the development rotransmitters carry electrical impulses.
and expression of sexual feelings. synaptic pruning The process through which unnecessary con-
sexually transmitted disease (STD) Any of a group of infections— nections between neurons are eliminated, improving the efficiency
including HPV, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes, chlamydia, and of information processing.
AIDS—passed on through sexual contact.
shared environmental influences Nongenetic influences that
make individuals living in the same family similar to each other. T
sibling deidentification The process through which siblings Tanner stages A widely used system that describes the five
deliberately try to be different from each other. stages of pubertal development.
sibling rivalry Competition between siblings, often for parental teenager A term popularized about 50 years ago to refer to
attention. young people; it connoted a more frivolous and lighthearted image
than did “adolescent.”
social capital The interpersonal resources available to an adoles-
cent or family. testes The male gonads.
social cognition The aspect of cognition that concerns thinking testosterone One of the sex hormones secreted by the
about other people, about interpersonal relations, and about social gonads, found in both sexes but in higher levels among males than
institutions. females.
social control theory A theory of delinquency that links devi- theory of mind The ability to understand that others have
ance with the absence of bonds to society’s main institutions. beliefs, intentions, and knowledge that may be different from
one’s own.
social conventions The norms that govern everyday behavior in
social situations. tracking The practice of separating students into ability groups,
so that they take classes with peers at the same skill level.
social promotion The practice of promoting students from
one grade to the next automatically, regardless of their school trichomoniasis A sexually transmitted infection caused caused
performance. by a parasite.

social redefinition The process through which an individual’s

position or status is redefined by society.
social support The extent to which an individual receives
underachievers Individuals whose actual school performance is
emotional or instrumental assistance from his or her social network.
lower than what would be expected on the basis of objective mea-
sociometric popularity How well-liked an individual is. sures of their aptitude or intelligence.
spirituality The degree to which one places importance on the uses and gratification approach A perspective on media use
quest for answers to questions about God and the meaning of life. that emphasizes the active role users play in selecting the media to
spurious causation Relationship in which the correlation which they are exposed.
between two things is due to the fact that each of them is correlated
with some third factor.
standards-based reform Policies designed to improve achieve-
ment by holding schools and students to a predetermined set of viral marketing A way of promoting products or services by
standards measured by achievement tests. encouraging individuals to pass information on to others.
G-8 Glossary

work values The particular sorts of rewards an individual looks zero tolerance A get-tough approach to adolescent misbehavior
for in a job (extrinsic, intrinsic, social, altruistic, security, influ- that responds seriously or excessively to the first infraction.
ence, leisure). zone of proximal development In Vygotsky’s theory, the level
working memory That aspect of memory in which information of challenge that is still within the individual’s reach but that forces
is held for a short time while a problem is being solved. an individual to develop more advanced skills.

youth Today, a term used to refer to individuals ages 18–22; it
once referred to individuals ages 12–24.
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Name Index
Allan, A. C., 29 Apel, R., 114 Bachman, J., 187, 188, 193, 353,
A Allen, J., 7, 109, 143, 169, 170, Apfel, N., 317 355, 359, 371
Abar, C. C., 359 198, 205, 236, 240, 246, Apperly, I., 62 Bachman, J. G., 188–189, 355
Abbott, R., 360 262–263, 267, 268, 342 Aquan-Assee, J., 276 Bachmann, M. S., 356
Abecassis, M., 148 Allen, J. P., 108, 138, 143, 144, 204, Aquilino, W., 118 Bachrach, C., 314
Abela, J.R.Z., 374, 377 239, 242, 247, 265, 267, 268 Araki, N., 240 Badre, D., 49
Abelmann, N., 225 Allen, L., 161, 227 Arbess, G., 37 Bae, D., 36
Aber, J. L., 41, 89, 119, 161, 227, Allen, M. L., 35 Arbeton, A., 330–331 Baer, J., 103
378–379 Allen, N., 100 Arbona, C., 246 Baeyens, D., 166
Aber, L., 138 Allen, N. B., 373 Archibald, A., 37 Bagwell, C., 141
Aber, M. S., 336 Allen, R., 29 Ardekani, B. A., 52 Bahne, J., 304
Ablard, K., 328 Alli, M. M., 359 Arel, S., 6 Bahr, H., 258
Abma, J., 293, 295 Allison, K., 316 Arend, R., 265 Bailey, P. E., 313–314
Abraham, C., 310, 311 Allison, P., 317 Arens, A., 215 Baird, A., 68
Abrahamson, A., 110 Alloy, L., 377 Argys, L. M., 310 Baird, C. L., 334
Abramovitch, R., 64, 255 Allyene, E., 312 Arım, R. G., 24 Bakan, D., 11, 154
Abrams, D., 64 Altermatt, E., 325 Armeli, S., 297 Baker, C. N., 143
Abrutyn, S., 376 Althaus, F., 83 Armistead, L., 115 Baker, L. A., 110
Acebo, C., 28 Altheimer, I., 93 Armor, D., 331 Baker, S., 311
Aceves, M. J., 150 Alvarado, R., 121 Armour, S., 297 Baker, T., 176
Achenbach, T., 350 Alvarez, A., 230 Armstrong, D., 29 Bakermans-Kranenburg, M., 266
Ackard, D., 215 Alvarez, R., 228 Arndorfer, C. L., 278, 366 Baker-Smith, E., 159, 160
Ackerman, J., 366 Alvarez-Jimenez, A., 171, 330 Arndt, S., 92 Bakes, M., 193
Ackerman, R. A., 274 Alvaro, P. K., 29 Arneson, J. J., 334 Bakken, J., 98, 139
Acock, A., 114 Amato, P., 115, 116 Arnett, J., 4, 74, 75, 82, 129, 311, 352 Bakken, N., 160–161
Adachi, P. J., 198, 201, 205 Amato, P. R., 114, 117 Arnett, J. J., 81, 223, 240 Bakker, M. P., 272, 374–375
Adalbjarnardottir, S., 106–107, 330 Ambridge, B., 51 Arnold, M. L., 255 Baldelomar, O., 226, 227
Adams, G., 212 Ames, A., 146 Arthur, M., 92 Balk, S., 317
Adams, M., 370 Amialchuk, A., 359 Arunkumar, R., 324, 331 Ballard, E. L., 107–108
Adams, R., 102, 274, 275 Amiot, C. E., 192 Asakawa, K., 337 Balle-Jensen, L., 311
Adams, R. E., 96, 141, 149 Ammon, N. Y., 19 Asante, K., 203 Balsa, A., 143
Adams, S. H., 38 Amso, D., 49 Aseltine, R., 179, 276, 358 Balsano, A., 90
Adan, A., 335 Analitis, F., 148 Asendorpf, J. B., 227 Baltes, B., 93–94
Adcock, R., 49 Anbar, S., 283 Ashby, J. S., 344 Balu, S., 28
Adelson, J., 255 Anderman, E., 158, 159, 167, 318 Asher, S., 144, 288–289, 332 Balzer, B.W.R., 27
Adiele, I., 204 Andersen, A., 361 Ashikali, E. M., 206 Bámaca, M. Y., 227, 246
Adler, N., 310, 313 Andersen, S. L., 360 Åslund, C., 198 Bámaca-Colbert, M. Y., 249, 294
Adler-Baeder, F., 118 Anderson, A. L., 193, 352 Asmussen, L., 114 Bámaca-Gómez, M. Y., 246
Agans, J. P., 191 Anderson, C., 230 Aspy, C. B., 301, 359 Bandura, A., 8, 10, 326
Agliata, D., 206 Anderson, C. A., 201 Asquith, P., 242 Banich, M., 56, 60, 310
Agoston, A. M., 377 Anderson, C. J., 308 Asscher, J., 212 Banister, E., 99
Aguilar, B., 370, 371 Anderson, J., 52, 310 Astone, N., 314, 316 Bank, L., 110
Aguilar, J., 354 Anderson, K., 374 Astor, R. A., 174 Bankole, A., 300, 312
Ahmad, I., 240 Anderson, M., 176 Atkins, R., 254 Bankston, C. L., III, 328
Ahn, H. J., 143 Anderson, S. E., 23 Attie, I., 30 Banny, A. M., 146
Aikins, J. W., 141, 142, 146, 286 Anderson R. E., 227 Au, T., 301, 302 Bao, W., 120
Ainsworth, A. T., 227 Andersson, H., 323 Audrain-McGovern, J., 29 Barak, A., 204
Ainsworth, J. W., 336 Andrews, D., 218–219 Auerbach, R. P., 377 Barbaranelli, C., 326
Ainsworth-Darnell, J., 336 Andrews, G., 325 Augustyn, M. B., 139 Barber, B., 4, 108, 114, 121, 134,
Aiyer, S. M., 230 Andrews, J. A., 32 Austin, E., 215 248
Aklin, W. M., 357 Andrews, K., 100 Austin, L., 64–65 Barber, B. K., 106–107, 116
Alabi, B. O., 230 Andrews, R. K., 145 Austin, S., 288 Barber, B. L., 192
Alarcon, O, 216 Andrews, T., 376 Austin, S. B., 38, 234, 305 Barber, J. S., 311, 312
Albersheim, L., 266–267 Andrews-Hanna, J., 56 Avenevoli, S., 372–373, 378 Barch, D. M., 50
Albert, D., 50, 51, 56, 67, 244, Aneshensel, C., 26–27 Averett, S. L., 310 Bardone, A., 352
246, 247 Aneshensel, C. S., 373 Avery-Leaf, S., 287 Baril, M. E., 110
Albino, A., 351 Angeleri, R., 16 Avigad-Spitz, L., 110 Barker, E., 30, 373
Albrecht, A. K., 108 Angeletti, J., 242 Awusabo-Asare, K., 300 Barker, E. D., 145, 365
Alexander, C., 205 Angold, A., 149, 373 Ayers, S., 206 Barkin, S. H., 91, 191
Alexander, K., 164, 179, 189, 342 Angus, R., 196 Azevedo, C. N., 254 Barkley, R., 166
Alexandersson, A., 87 Antheunis, M. L., 204 Azmitia, M., 271, 272, 329 Barnes, A. R., 115
Alex Mason, W., 357 Anthony, C. J., 114 Barnes, G., 359–360
Alfaro, E. C., 227 Anticevic, A., 60 Barnes, J., 230
Ali, M. M., 19 Antonishak, J., 144
B Barnes, J. C., 29
Alicea, S., 227 Antonucci, T., 33–34 Baams, L., 31, 33, 231, 299 Barnes, R., 167
Alink, L., 146 Antshel, K., 166 Babalola, S., 302 Barnett, T., 118

I-2 Name Index

Barnett-Walker, K., 369 Becker, J., 27 Best, K., 32 Blomfield, C. J., 192
Bar-On, Z., 104, 109 Becker, M., 165 Beyers, J. M., 367 Blondal, K. S., 330
Barr, A., 101 Beckwith, L., 267 Beyers, W., 98, 224, 239, 242, 267 Blos, P., 9, 239
Barr, S., 36 Becnel, J. N., 192 Beyth-Marom, R., 64–65 Blozis, S. A., 119
Barrera, M. Jr., 101 Beelman, A., 135, 137 Bezilla, R., 256 Blum, R., 40, 41, 121, 314
Barreto, R. M., 294 Beets, M., 203 Bezold, C. P., 35 Blum, R. W., 318
Barrett-Connor, E., 358 Beets, M. W., 371 Bianchi, S. M., 89 Blumenthal, H., 32
Barrett-Singer, A. T., 112 Behrmann, M., 59 Bibbins-Domingo, K., 34 Blumler, J., 198
Barrocas, A. L., 352 Beidas, R., 349 Bickel, W. K., 259 Blumstein, A., 364
Barry, C., 162 Beldavs, Z. G., 371 Biddle, B., 158 Blunden, S., 28
Barry, C. M., 224, 253, 258 Bell, A., 306 Biddlecom, A. E., 300, 311 Blyth, D., 32
Barry, H., 80 Bell, K., 268 Biehl, M. C., 31, 285 Bobek, D., 90
Barta, W. D., 297 Bell, L., 369 Biello, K. B., 315 Bobkowski, P., 6, 197, 198, 200,
Bartholomae, S., 300 Bell, M. R., 58 Biely, E., 200 201, 206
Bartkowski, J., 295 Bell, R., 362 Biener, L., 352, 362 Boden, J., 33
Bartkowski, J. P., 310 Bellair, P., 367 Bierman, K., 145, 150 Boden, J. M., 317, 362
Bartle-Haring, S., 241 Bellair, P. E., 91, 303 Bierman, K. L., 145, 288 Bodison, P., 228
Barton, E., 146 Belliston, L. M., 108 Bierut, L. J., 361 Boeninger, D. K., 376
Barton, M. S., 175, 176 Bellmore, A., 143, 145–147, Biggar, H., 379 Boerger, R., 276
Barton, P., 158 227, 242 Biglan A., 149 Bogaert, A. F., 306
Bascoe, S., 6, 97, 98, 105–107 Bellmore, A. D., 19 Bigler, R. S., 234, 346 Bogart, L. M., 229
Bascoe, S. M., 110, 265 Belsky, D. W., 357 Bijleveld, C., 367–368 Bogdan, R., 93
Basile, K. C., 307–308 Belsky, J., 24, 29, 316, 351 Bijvank, M., 202 Bögels, S. M., 374
Basilio, C. D., 252 Beltran, I., 8, 356 Billick, S. B., 375 Bogin, B., 4, 14, 19–21, 23, 24, 291
Basinger, K. S., 249 Beltz, M. A., 318 Billings, A., 297 Bogue, E., 310
Bassett Greer, K., 241 BeLue, R., 35 Bills, D., 188 Bohnert, A. M., 191, 330
Bassi, M., 326 Benbensihty, R., 174 Bingenheimer, J. B., 93 Bohr, Y., 116, 288
Bastaits, K., 117 Bender, H., 109 Bingham, C., 297, 300, 351 Boislard, M. A., 298–299
Batalla, A., 361 Bender, K. A., 148 Birch, L., 234 Boislard-Pepin, M.-A., 291
Bates, J., 62, 108, 146, 194, 242, Bendtsen, P., 359, 361 Bird, G., 59 Boiter, C., 259
266, 288, 298–299, 369–371 Benedict, R., 8, 11, 77 Bird, H., 371 Bokhorst, C. L., 58
Bates, L., 316 Benedit, R., 8 Birkeland, M. S., 133, 207, 213, Bolling, D., 145
Batterink, L., 34 Benenson, J. F., 269 215, 218 Bomar, J., 241
Baucom, B. R., 115 Benhorin, S., 259 Birkett, M., 308 Bonanno, R. A., 149
Bauer, D. J., 75, 287 Benish-Weisman, M., 242 Birmaher, B., 378 Bonell, C., 362
Bauer, K., 39 Benjet, C., 30 Birnbaum, A. S., 203 Boney-McCoy, S., 366
Bauer, R., 36 Benn, R., 318 Biro, F., 14, 216 Bong, M., 324, 331
Bauermeister, J. A., 93, 311, Benner, A. D., 119, 162, 171, 229, Bishai, D., 361 Bongers, I. L., 364
312, 366 230, 276, 330, 336 Bishop, A., 228 Bonneau, K., 137
Bault, N., 64 Bennett, C., 68 Bishop, D., 52 Bons, D. M., 369
Bauman, K., 128–129, 135 Bennett, P. R., 191 Bishop, J., 332 Bontempo, D. E., 359
Baumer, E. P., 92, 331 Benoit, A., 33 Bishop, M., 332 Bookheimer, S. Y., 51–52
Baumert, J., 165 Bensley, L., 318 Bishop, N. J., 141 Boone, L., 38
Baumrind, D., 105 Benson, B., 300 Bissell-Havran, J. M., 326–327 Boone, T. L., 301, 301
Bauserman, R., 309 Benson, L., 195 Bisset, S., 341 Boonstra, H., 309
Baweja, S., 337 Benson, M., 116 Bitz, B., 63 Bootcheck, J., 125
Bayer, P., 138 Benson, M. J., 140 Bjarnason, T., 352 Booth, A., 27, 115, 116, 233, 234
Bayram Özdemir, S., 228, 229 Benson, P., 111, 192 Bjermer, L., 358 Booth, J. M., 228
Beal, S. J., 336 Bentler, P., 361 Bjork, J. M., 57 Booth, M. Z., 161, 180
Beam, C., 112 Ben-Zur, H., 66 Black, B. C., 323 Booth-LaForce, C., 145, 242, 253,
Beam, M. R., 276–277 Berenbaum, S., 120, 135, 232, 233, Black, M., 302, 308 266, 285
Beamer, L., 312 253, 277 Black, S. J., 106–107 Borch, C., 141, 143, 278
Bean, J. A., 216 Berends, M., 164 Blackwell, L., 40 Borduin, C. M., 371
Bean, R. A., 106–107 Berenson, G., 35 Blackwell, L. S., 328 Borelli, J. L., 265, 272
Beardsall, L., 110 Berg, C., 271 Blair, B. L., 274 Borge, A. I. H., 145
Beardslee, w. r., 378 Berge, J., 36, 39 Blair, R.J.R., 369 Borkowski, J., 156, 316
Beardslee, W. R., 41, 89, 119 Berger, C., 143 Blake, S. M., 310 Borman, G. D., 325
Bearinger, L. H., 299 Bergman, L. R., 151, 323 Blakemore, S., 59, 62, 210 Bornstein, M, 104, 110–111
Bearman, P., 310 Berk, M. S., 111 Blakemore, S-J., 45, 52, 55, 57–59, Bornstein, M. H., 240, 323, 351
Bearman, P. S., 303 Berkel, C., 230 62, 64, 101, 210 Borofsky, L. A., 45
Bearman, S., 38 Berlan, E. D., 308 Blanc, A. K., 310 Boruch, R., 314
Bearman, S. K., 373–374, 379 Berliner, D., 158 Blanco, C., 372, 373 Borzekowski, D., 203
Beaumont Bacher, K., 227 Berman, E., 161 Blankson, A. N., 24 Bos, H., 116, 306, 308
Beaver, K. M., 108, 111 Berndt, T., 262, 268–269, 288–289 Blanton, H., 141 Bos, H. M., 120
Bechara, A., 66 Berninger, V., 165, 166 Blaustein, E., 315 Bose, K., 108
Becht, A., 98 Berns, G., 145 Bleakley, A., 200, 201 Bosick, S. J., 118
Bechtold, J., 77, 175 Bernstein, I. L., 361 Blinka, L., 204 Bosker, R., 170, 331
Beck, S. R., 43 Bersamin, M., 293, 301, 303 Blinn-Pike, L., 110, 296, 301 Bosmans, G., 267
Becker, B., 378 Berzonsky, M., 223, 224 Block, J., 357, 358 Botticello, A. L., 359
Becker, B. E., 143 Best, A. L., 236 Blokland, A., 367–368 Botvin, G., 357 Name Index I-3

Botvin, G. J., 219, 359 Brent, D., 378 Bucchianeri, M. M., 307
Botvin, M., 141 Brenzel, B., 158 Buchanan, C., 27, 116, 118–119
Bouchey, H. A., 112, 265 Breslau, N., 29 Buchanan, C. M., 104, 108–109, Cadoret, R., 92
Boulerice, B., 342 Brex, R. A., 357 374 Cai, T., 369
Bountress, K., 358 Bricker, J., 120, 253 Buchanan, M., 315 Cairns, R., 41, 192
Bourne, S., 252 Brickman, A. M., 55 Buchmann, C., 137, 333 Cajochen, C., 28
Boutelle, K., 34–35 Briddell, L., 185, 256, 346 Buck, K. A., 247 Caldas, S., 328
Bowen, G. L., 330 Bridges, B. J., 268 Buehler, C., 116, 140, 218, 274 Caldwell, C., 229, 230
Bowers, E., 195 Bridges, M., 114 Buelow, M. T., 205 Caldwell, C. H., 33–34, 90, 93,
Bowers, E. P., 195 Briggs, E., 277 Buhi, E. R., 297, 299 229, 257, 259, 296, 311
Bowker, A., 141 Bright, D., 29 Buhrmester, D., 109, 263, 268, Caldwell, K., 162
Bowker, J. C., 135 Briley, D. A., 111 271, 273, 274, 276–279, 280, Caldwell, L., 194
Bowker, J. C., 269 Brinch, C., 179 283, 288 Caldwell, M. S., 266
Bowlby, J., 265 Brindis, C. D., 38, 92 Buitelaar, J. K., 369 Calhoun, V. D., 369
Bowlds, M., 275 Brinkley, D. Y., 204 Buka, S. L., 41, 94 Calkins, S. D., 110, 369
Bowles, T. V., 274, 276 Brinkworth, M., 161 Bukobza, G., 205 Callahan, R., 164
Boxer, P., 368–369 Brisson, D., 148 Bukowski, W., 138, 262, 271, Callan, V., 274
Boyce, C. A., 57 Brodbeck, J., 356 276–278, 283, 285 Callands, T. A., 301
Boyce, W., 24 Brody, G., 31, 106–107, 109, Bukowski, W. M., 141, 148 Calvete, E., 377
Boyd, C. J., 307 120, 359 Bullen, P., 90 Calzo, J. P., 19, 38, 234
Boyd, D., 203, 255 Brody, G. H., 111, 229 Bullock, B., 108, 140 Cameron, R. P., 38
Boyd-Zaharias, J., 159–160 Broidy, L., 364, 368–369 Bumpass, L., 315–316 Campa, M. I., 316
Boyer, B. P., 266 Bronfenbrenner, U., 6 Bumpus, M., 104 Campbell, B., 15, 38
Boyer, T. W., 66 Bronstein, P, 163 Bumpus, M. F., 248 Campbell, B. C., 299
Boyle, M. H., 90, 167, 356 Brooker, R. J., 120, 253 Bunge, S., 50 Campbell, F., 334, 335
Boynton-Jarrett, R., 24 Brookmeyer, K., 143 Bunney, W. E., 29 Campbell, I., 52
Bozick, R., 254–255 Brookmeyer, K. A., 253 Burchinal, M., 335 Campbell, M. A., 363
Braams, B. R., 57 Brooks-Gunn, J., 27, 30–34, 36, Burdette, A., 34–35 Campbell, M. E., 136, 137
Braciszewski, J., 93–94 37, 90–94, 115, 191, 192–193, Burdette, A. M., 310 Campbell, W. K., 255
Brack, C., 351 281–282, 291, 293, 303, 315, Burg, S., 256 Campione-Barr, N., 98, 101, 103,
Brack, G., 351 316, 318, 334, 377 Burger, K., 34 109, 241
Brackett, M. A., 169 Brooks-Russell, A., 149, 355 Burgess, G., 56 Canino, G., 371
Bradford, K., 116 Brown, A., 356 Burk, W., 141 Cannon, M., 87
Bradley, R. H., 35, 203 Brown, A. M., 249 Burk, W. J., 107, 139, 141, 142 Cansler, E., 193
Bradshaw, C., 150 Brown, B., 7, 98, 123–125, Burkam, D., 118, 342 Capaldi, D., 104, 287, 307,
Bradshaw, C. P., 149, 171 127–134, 136–139, 141, 142, Burk-Braxton, C., 215–218 314–315
Brady, S., 296 204, 226, 227, 262, 275, 276, Burke, J. D., 108, 350, 364 Capaldi, D. M., 370–371, 373
Braeges, J., 114 283–287, 288, 332, 336 Burnett, S., 45, 59, 62, Cappelleri, J., 308
Braet, C., 267 Brown, C. H., 312 64, 210 Capra, C., 145
Braga, A., 176 Brown, C. P., 332 Burnette, M., 367 Caprara, G., 326
Brahmbhatt, S. B., 50 Brown, C. S., 141, 230, 307 Burraston, B., 110 Caprara, G. V., 252, 288, 326
Brainerd, C., 67 Brown, E. C., 350 Burrell, G., 119 Caravita, S. C., 141
Braithwaite, I., 34, 35, 203 Brown, J., 6, 104, 192, 197–201, Burrington, L., 188 Carbonaro, W., 164, 168
Brakefield, T. A., 306 206, 309 Burrow, A. L., 219 Card, N., 142
Bramen, J. E., 52 Brown, J. D., 200, 297–298 Burstein, M., 372 Card, N. A., 145, 146, 232
Brammer, M., 56 Brown, J. L., 138 Burt, C., 92 Cardemil, E. V., 330
Brand, S., 191, 218, 335 Brown, J. R., 238, 329 Burt, K., 75 Carlo, G., 32, 119, 252, 253, 275
Branje, S., 98, 133, 213, 220, 224 Brown, J. S., 231, 373 Burt, K. B., 90, 351 Carlson, D. L., 91, 303
Branje, S.J.T., 102, 103, Brown, K., 216 Burt, S., 102 Carlson, E., 370
273–274, 377 Brown, P. J., 323 Burt, S. A., 111, 115, 370–371 Carlson, S. M., 54, 56
Branstetter, S. A., 267 Brown, S., 118 Burton, C. M., 308 Carlson, W., 272, 281
Brasfield, T., 312 Brown, S. D., 254 Burton, L., 236, 316 Carnagey, N. L., 201
Braun, H., 168 Brown, S. L., 279 Busching, R., 201 Carolan, B. V., 159
Brausch, A. M., 376 Brown, W. T., 336 Bush, G. W., 155 Carr, A., 259
Braveman, P., 92 Browning, C., 92, 191, 193 Bushman, B., 202, 312 Carrion, V. G., 16
Braver, T. S., 60 Browning, C. R., 92, 93 Bushman, B. J., 253 Carroll, A., 369
Braverman, P., 301 Brubacher, J., 176, 177 Bushway, S. D., 341 Carroll, J. S., 75, 261
Brechwald, W., 133, 134, 140, 247 Bruch, S. K., 325 Busseri, M. A., 258, 306, 352 Carroll, M. D., 34
Brechwald, W. A., 247 Brückner, H., 303, 310 Bussey, K., 150 Carskadon, M., 27–29
Bredman, J. C., 244 Brumariu, L. E., 265, 267 Bussing, R., 369 Carson, D., 106–107
Breen, A., 225 Brush, L. N., 363 Butler, E. A., 111, 300 Carstensen, L., 99
Brehl, B. A., 63 Bruvold, W., 362 Butler, K., 361 Carter, C. S., 50
Breivik, K., 133, 218 Bryan, A. D., 297 Bybee, D., 336 Carter, M., 319
Brendgen, M., 138, 141, 147, 151, Bryant, A., 90 Bynner, J., 4 Carter, R., 33–34
285, 298–299, 332 Bryant, A. L., 75 Bynum, M. S., 301 Carter, S., 88
Brenhouse, H. C., 360 Bryant, C. M., 34–35, 288 Byrd, C., 228 Cascardi, M., 287
Brenick, A., 63 Bryant, F., 318 Byrne, B., 210 Casella, R., 175
Brennan, P. A., 373–374 Bryant, F. B., 31, 375 Byrne, D., 326 Casey, B. J., 9, 44, 48, 55, 58,
Brennan, R. T., 33 Bryant, S. A., 288 Byrne, M., 100 236, 237
Brenner, A. B., 93 Bryn Austin, S., 308 Byrnes, J., 66, 321 Cash, T. F., 38–39
I-4 Name Index

Cashman, S. Y., 121 Chen, C., 102, 106–107, 276–277, Chung, G. H., 102 Collins, N. L., 265
Casilas, A., 323 329, 336 Chung, H. L., 88, 93 Collins, P. F., 57
Casper, D., 142 Chen, C. C., 161 Chung, I., 107 Collins, R. L., 200, 357
Caspi, A., 33, 110, 115, 212, 213, Chen, C. S., 334 Chung, J. M., 214, 218 Collins, W. A., 7, 29, 96, 102,
316, 351, 352, 370, 377 Chen, E., 93 Chung, K., 379 104, 106, 109, 110–111, 190,
Cassidy, J., 102, 218, 265, 267 Chen, H., 39, 84, 248, 309, 330 Church, R., 154, 155, 176 236–241, 245, 247, 249, 267,
Castellanos-Ryan, N., 17 Chen, K., 356, 358 Chyi-In, W., 119 284–286, 288, 298, 302
Castellino, D. R., 134 Chen, L., 136, 273 Ciarrochi, J., 218 Collura, J., 254
Casten, R., 324 Chen, M., 316 Cicchetti, D., 116, 351, 377 Colman, S., 314
Castillo, M., 39 Chen, M. S., 286 Ciesla, J. A., 378 Colmar, S., 326
Castro, F. G., 103, 356 Chen, M.-J., 359 Cillessen, A., 143, 144 Colpin, H., 165
Castro, G. F., 228 Chen, P., 276, 369 Cillessen, A. H., 141, 143, 144, 148 Comer, J., 240
Catalano, R., 360 Chen, R., 174, 350 Cillessen, A.H.N., 66, 134, 141, Comings, D. E., 302
Catalano, R. F., 87, 350, 359 Chen, W-I., 94 142–144, 243, 278 Compas, B., 378, 379
Catanese, D., 36 Chen, X., 128, 137, 147, 306–307, Cinamon, R. G., 346 Compian, L., 30, 278, 285
Cater, S. M., 297 370 Ciofu, A., 101 Compton, K., 368
Catsambis, S., 164 Chen, Y. F., 229 Claes, M., 33 Conant, J., 155
Cauce, A., 139, 331, 333 Chen, Z., 286 Clampet-Lundquist, S., 91 Conger, K., 109, 119
Caudle, K., 44, 48 Cheng, M. M., 281–282, 293 Clancy, S., 223 Conger, K. J., 119, 335
Cauffman, E., 29, 39, 60, 64, 66, Cheng, Q., 337 Clardy, C., 256–257 Conger, R., 31, 32, 106, 115, 116,
77, 78, 93, 141, 176, 188, Cheng, T. L., 104 Clark, J., 114 119, 139, 161, 288, 302, 303,
240, 244–247, 278, 285, 286, Cheng, Y.-H. A., 300 Clark, S., 307 335, 368, 373
289, 310, 363, 366, 367, 369, Chen-Gaddini, M., 97, 248 Clarke, A. T., 379 Conger, R. D., 218, 227, 259, 297,
370–371 Cheong, P., 198 Clarke-Pearson, K., 204 338, 376
Caughy, M. O., 92 Cherlin, A., 116 Clasen, D., 133 Conklin, H. M., 49–51, 55
Cavanagh, S., 115, 118 Cherlin, A. J., 93 Clasen, L. S., 45, 57, 58 Conley, A., 334
Cavanagh, S. E., 281, 331 Cherney, I. D., 64 Claus, E., 56 Conley, C. S., 31, 375, 377, 378
Cavanagh, T. M., 335 Chessor, D., 164 Clay, W., 336 Connell, A., 350
Cavazos-Rehg, P. A., 297 Chester, J., 207 Clemans, K. H., 32, 149 Connell, A. M., 107, 369
Ceballo, R., 334 Cheung, C., 265 Clements, P., 248 Connell, C. M., 357
Ceci, S., 61, 333 Cheung, C. S., 241, 330 Clentifanti, L.C.M., 67 Conner, B. T., 36
Cerda, M., 94 Cheung, C.S.S., 331 Cleveland, H. H., 286 Conner, J. O., 173
Cervantes, R., 101, 228 Cheung, R. Y., 116 Cleveland, M. J., 93, 106–107, 359 Connolly, J., 7, 116, 130, 137, 215,
Chacko, M. R., 281 Chien, N. C., 312 Clinton, B., 293 239, 268, 271, 272, 274, 277,
Chalmers, H., 306, 352 Chilcoat, H. D., 188 Clore, G., 286, 287 279, 280–287, 288, 307
Chaloupka, F., 68 Child, A., 360 Clotfelter, C. T., 228 Connolly, J. A., 281
Chamberlain, P., 121 Childs, K., 148 Coatsworth, J. D., 59, 196, 207, 237 Conrad, J., 145
Chan, A., 141, 142 Childs, K. K., 352 Cobbs, G., 212 Conroy, D. E., 59, 196, 237
Chan, C. S., 90 Chin, C. S., 96 Coca, V., 334 Cooc, N., 136
Chan, K. W., 247 Chiodo, D., 306–307 Cogburn, C., 230 Cook, E., 116
Chan, S. M., 247 Chiorri, C., 188 Cohen, D., 194, 299 Cook, E. C., 274
Chan, W. Y., 254 Chipperfield, J. G., 379 Cohen, G., 302 Cook, L. J., 40
Chandra, A., 200 Chisholm, L., 86 Cohen, G. L., 143, 247 Cook, P. J., 366
Chang, C., 183 Chisolm, D. J., 308 Cohen, M., 236 Cook, T., 138, 333, 346
Chang, E. S., 276–277, 336, 337, Chiu, M. M., 337 Cohen, P., 309 Cooksey, E. C., 131, 301
346–347 Choate, V. R., 58 Cohen, P. K., 84 Cooley-Quille, M., 366
Chang, Z., 166 Choe, D. E., 116 Cohen, S., 267 Cooper, A. B., 205
Chango, J., 143, 247 Choe, H. J., 276 Cohen-Gilbert, J. E., 59 Cooper, C. R., 329
Chango, J. M., 265, 267 Choi, W., 265 Cohn, E. S., 98 Cooper, H., 180, 326
Chango J., 138 Choi, W. S., 29 Coie, J., 62, 145 Cooper, M. L., 351
Chao, R., 108, 225, 227, 228, 230 Choi, Y., 359 Coie, J. D., 314–315 Cooper, S., 41
Chao, R. K., 101 Choo, E. K., 359 Coiro, M., 117 Cooper, S. R., 334
Chao, W., 139 Chopak, J., 300 Coker, K. L., 350 Cope, L. M., 369
Charbonneau, A. M., 374 Choudhury, S., 62 Colaco, B., 35 Copeland, W. E., 149
Charlton, K., 180 Choukas-Bradley, S., 142–143, 247 Colby, J. B., 55 Copeland-Linder, N., 229, 230
Charman, T., 62 Chow, A., 325 Colder, C. R., 92, 359 Coplan, R. J., 145
Charmaraman, L., 225 Chow, B.W., 337 Cole, D. A., 149, 218, 377–378 Corbett, C., 347
Chase-Lansdale, P., 116, 315–318 Chowdhury, A., 106–107 Cole, H., 267 Corbin, W. R., 86
Chassin, L., 8, 29, 92, 93, 356, 358, Christ, S., 259 Cole, M. W., 60 Cordova, D., 101, 228
359, 367 Christakopu, A., 243 Cole-Lewis, H., 315 Corenblum, B., 227
Chatham, C. H., 244 Christakos, A., 269 Coleman, J., 11, 125, 169, 331 Coricelli, G., 64
Chauhan, P., 90, 367 Christakou, A., 56 Coleman, L. M., 297 Corley, R. P., 120, 253
Chaves, T. V., 359 Christensen, K. J., 252 Coles, M. S., 314 Corliss, H. L., 305, 308
Chavez, R. S., 214 Christopher, F. S., 33 Coley, R., 104, 158 Corneal, D., 234
Chavous, T., 228, 230 Chrousos, G., 352 Coley, R. L., 93, 107, 108, 117, Cornelius, M. D., 119
Chavous, T. M., 229 Chua, A., 108 194, 316–318 Cornell, D., 147, 159, 170
Cheadle, J., 115 Chuang, S., 97, 108 Colich, N. L., 17 Corona, R., 301
Cheadle, J. E., 308 Chumlea, W., 23 Coll, C. G., 228, 230 Corrado, R., 368
Chein, J., 51, 52, 55, 67, Chun, H., 338 Collaer, M., 17 Corrado, R. R., 363
246–247, 361 Chun, Y.-J., 115 Collibee, C., 285 Correll, C. U., 372, 373
Chein, J. M., 66, 243 Chung, C. Y., 165 Collier, K. L., 308 Cortina, K., 6 Name Index I-5

Coskunpinar, A., 205 Crowell, J., 266–267 Davis, K., 104, 219–220, Dennison, M., 52
Costa, M., 239 Crowley, M. J., 265 226–227, 267 Dennison, R., 117
Costanzo, P. R., 143 Cruz, I., 40 Davis, K. A., 259 Dennison, R. P., 82
Costello, E. J., 149, 373 Cruz, J. E., 359 Davis, L., 187, 326 Dent, C. W., 202
Costin, S., 273 Csikszentmihalyi, M., 27, 151, Davis, M., 144 Denton, K., 270–271
Côté, J., 4, 75, 77, 210, 214, 215, 191, 337 Davis, W., 46 Denton, M., 259
221, 223, 225 Cubbin, C., 92 Davis-Kean, P., 210, 248, 326 Deptula, D. P., 300
Côté, J. E., 223 Çuhadaroğlu Çetin F., 267 Davis-Kean, P. E., 316 Derefinko, K. J., 299
Cotter, K. L., 227 Cui, M., 115, 116, 287, 288, 330 Davison, K.K., 35 Derlan, C. L., 228
Cottrell, L., 267 Cumberland, A., 252 Davison, T., 36 Dermody, S. S., 308
Couperus, J. W., 53 Cummings, E. M., 110, 116, 265 Dawes, M., 146 de Rooij, M., 58, 253
Covay, E., 168 Cummings, J. R., 362 Dawes, N. P., 195 DeRose, L. M., 33–34
Covington, M., 326 Cumsille, P., 63, 97, 98, 112, 240 Day, D. M., 241 Desai, M. M., 308
Covington, V. E., 59 Cunningham, M., 94, 234 Day, R., 119, 201 Deschenes, E., 139
Cox, M., 6 Curran, P. J., 351 Day, R. D., 204, 323 DeSecottier, L., 276
Cox, S. J., 374 Currie, C., 25 Dean, J. M., 40 de Silveira, C., 224
Coxson, P., 34 Cuthbertson, C., 83 Deardoff, J., 24 Desjardins, T. L., 146
Coy, K., 29 Cvencek, D., 325 Deardorff, J., 16, 25, 31, 33, D’Esposito, M., 50
Coyl, D. D., 29 Cvijanovich, N. Z., 40 101, 308 Destin, M., 335
Coyle, K. K., 285 Cyders, M. A., 205 Dearing, E., 91 Deutsch, A., 29
Coyne, S., 201 Cyranowski, J., 374 Deater-Deckard, K., 104, 105, 368 Deutsch, A. R., 93, 294, 301
Coyne, S. M., 201, 204 De Bellis, M. D., 51–52 Devine, D., 115
Craig, A., 24 De Beni, R., 323 de Water, E., 66, 243
Debnam, K. J., 171
Craig, W., 239, 278, 281–285, 307
Craig, W. M., 281
D de Boer, H., 170
Dhariwal, A., 281, 288
Diamond, G. M., 308
Crane, D. R., 106–107 Daddis, C., 97, 98, 107, 249 De Bolle, M., 213 Diamond, L., 7, 135, 231, 278,
Crapanzano, A., 148 Daha, M., 228 de Bruin, W. B., 65 284, 291–294, 296–300, 304,
Craven, R., 164, 165, 215 Dahl, A., 230 de Bruyn, E., 143, 306 305, 308
Crawley, S., 349 Dahl, R., 3, 9, 17, 59, 66 De Castella, K., 326 Diamond, L. M., 377
Crean, H. F., 107, 192 Dahl, R. E., 27, 50, 55, 57, de Castro, B. O., 253, 254 Dias, J. J., 35
Creasey, G., 276 59, 271 Deck, A., 116 Diaz, M., 57
Crespo, C., 171 Dakof, G. A., 362 De Dreu, C. K., 51 Diaz, R., 307
Cribbet, M. R., 377 Dallago, L., 92 Dee, T., 40 Diaz, R. M., 232
Crick, M., 145 Dallal, G. E., 23 Defoe, I. N., 64 Diaz, T., 219
Crick, N., 146, 147, 269 Dalton, B., 333 De Fraine, B., 165 Dick, D., 33, 111
Crick, N. C., 147 Dalton, M., 247 DeFries, J., 115 Dick, D. M., 378
Crick, N. R., 166 Daluga, N., 202 DeGarmo, D., 100, 118 Dickson, G., 338
Criss, M., 371 Daly, B. P., 36 Degarmo, D. S., 371 Dickson, N., 352
Criss, M. M., 110 Daly, M., 92, 366 Değirmencioğlu, S., 130, 141, 278 DiClemente, R., 202, 310
Crissey, S. R., 281 Damhorst, M. L., 37 De Goede, I.H.A., 102, 273–274 DiClemente, R. J., 312
Crocetti, E., 223, 225 Damsgaard, M. T., 359 de Graaf, H., 281, 293, 300 Diehl, L., 215
Crocker, J., 216, 217 Dandreaux, D. M., 367–368 DeHaan, L. G., 259 Dielman, T., 361, 362
Crockett, L., 104, 105, 297, Daniel, D. B., 44 de Haan A. D., 108 DiFranza, J., 358
299, 300 Daniels, E., 233 Deke, J., 362 DiGiovanni, C. D., 308
Crockett, L. J., 32, 68, 93, 253, 297, Danielsen, A. G., 207 Deković, M., 108, 212, 370–371 DiIorio, C., 301, 302
301, 336 Dank, M., 287 Dekovic´, M., 242 Dijkstra, J., 6, 123, 127–128, 131,
Croft, T. N., 310 Dapretto, M., 45, 59 de la Haye, K., 36, 141 133, 143, 144, 262
Croll, J., 38 D’Arcy, H., 315 DeLay, D., 96–98, 100–103, 141 Dijkstra, J. K., 143
Crone, E., 50, 60 Darity, W., 134 Delevi, R., 205 Dilks, R. J., 36
Crone, E. A., 49–52, 55, 57, 65, Darling, N., 63, 97, 107, 194, 240, Delgado, M. Y., 230 Ding, C., 352
243, 244, 251–253, 270 265, 330 Del Giudice, M., 16 Dinh, K. T., 228
Croninger, R., 159, 306–307, 335 Darling-Hammond, L., 156, 157, DeLisi, M., 111 Dinkes, R., 174
Crooks, C., 306–307 163, 164 Delle Fave, A., 326 DiPietro, S., 159
Crosby, A. E., 121 Darnell, A., 171, 330 De Lorme, K., 58 Dir, A .L., 205
Crosby, L., 218–219, 314–315 Darroch, J., 294, 296 Delsing, M.J.M.H., 129, 273–274 Dirghangi, S., 271
Crosby, R. A., 312 Darroch, J. E., 259, 310, 311, 313 Delva, J., 39, 356 Dishion, T., 108, 140, 169–170,
Crosnoe, R., 35, 115, 118, 120, Darwin, C., 8 DelVecchio, W. F., 212 218–219, 303
137, 140, 141, 164, 167, 246, Da Silva, M., 253 DeMaris, A., 118 Dishion, T. J., 92, 104, 107, 108,
247, 308, 335, 336 Dauber, S., 164 DeMaster, D., 50 140, 323, 332, 350, 369, 371
Cross, C., 286 Daubman, K. A., 279 Dembo, M. H., 336 Dishion, T. K., 98
Cross, D., 276 Daughters, S. B., 374 Demo, D., 114, 214 Dittmar, H., 206
Crossman, E. J., 91 Davey, C. G., 373 DeMoya, D., 314 Dittus, P., 301, 314, 319
Croudace, T. J., 356 Davidson, A., 167 Demurie, E., 166 Dittus, P. J., 301
Crouter, A., 100, 103, 104, 109, Davidson, J., 90 Denault, A. S., 278 Dixon, L., 36
111, 136, 174, 191, 192, 233, Davies, M., 359 Denault, A.S., 108 Dmitrieva, J., 106–107, 139, 286
234, 248 Davies, P., 6, 97, 98, 105–107, 286 Denault, A.-S., 130–131, 278 Dobbins, I. G., 57
Crouter, A. C., 110, 123, 127, 161, Davies, P. L., 52 Deng, C., 46, 108 Dobkin, P., 105
193, 232, 248 Davies, P. T., 110, 116, 265 Deng, S., 228, 230 Dodge, K., 62, 108, 146, 147, 194,
Crow, S., 39 Davila, J., 116, 271, 286 Deng, Y., 138 368–371
Crowder, K., 314 Davis, A., 318 Denissen, J., 213 Dodge, K. A., 147, 242, 266, 288,
Crowe, P., 277 Davis, E., 302 Denissen, J.J.A., 108 298–299, 370–371
I-6 Name Index

Dodge, T., 141, 314 Duku, E., 356 Eilers, M. A., 312 Espelage, D., 174, 298–299
Dogan, S., 368 Dumas, T. M., 224 Einspruch, E., 362 Espelage, D. L., 138, 141, 180,
Dogan, S. J., 297 Dumka, L., 100–101, 281 Eisenberg, M., 36, 39, 215 307–308
Dolan, E. A., 268 Dumka, L. E., 230, 344 Eisenberg, M. E., 35, 39, 307 Espenshade, T. J., 165
Dolev-Cohen, M., 204 Dumont, H., 324 Eisenberg, N., 7, 64, 107, 237, 249, Espinosa, G., 269
Dollahite, D., 258 Dumontheil, I., 62 252–254, 258, 272, 323 Espinosa-Hernández, G., 249
Dollinger, S., 223 Duncan, G., 91 Eisenberger, N. I., 59, 266 Espinoza, G., 6, 147, 149, 332
Dolliver, M., 206 Duncan Cance, J., 29 Ejesi, K., 228 Esposito, L. E., 352
Domina, T., 334 Dunifon, R., 115, 276 Elder, G. H., Jr., 11, 81, 120, 139, Esposito-Smythers, C., 376
Donahue, K. L., 116 Dunlap, K. G., 109 161, 167, 288, 373 Essex, M., 24
Donenberg, G. R., 301 Dunlop, S. M., 351 Elder, G., Jr., 119 Estrada, A., 274
Dong, W., 241, 330 Dunn, J., 110 Elder, G.H.J., 231, 373 Estrada, M., 325
Dong, Y., 352 Dunn, M., 359 Elders, M., 358 Estrada, S., 65
Donnellan, M., 213, 288 Dunn, S., 275 Eley, T., 368 Ettekal, I., 145, 368
Donnellan, M. B., 115, 259 Dunsmore, S. C., 297 Eley, T. C., 351 Eubanks, J., 201
Donnelly, T. M., 254 Duong, H. T., 29 Elkind, D., 45 Evans, A. B., 227
Donnerstein, E., 198, 200, 202 Duong, M. T., 134 Elkington, K. S., 312 Evans, A. D., 62
D’Onofrio, B. M., 115 Duong, M.T., 332 Elkins, I., 110 Evans, C. B., 227
Doogan, N. J., 141 Dupéré, V., 90–92, 303–304 Ellickson, P., 360, 362 Evans, E., 335
Dooley, D., 336 DuPont, R. L., 361 Ellickson, P. L., 357 Evans, G. W., 243
Doornwaard, S. M., 133–134 DuRant, R., 352 Elliot, A. J., 324 Evans, W., 40
Dopp, A. R., 371 Durbin, D., 241 Elliot, D., 92, 189 Eveleth, P., 24, 25
Dorfman, L., 207 Duriez, B., 107 Elliott, D., 352 Everett, B. G., 308
Dorius, C., 118 Durik, A. M., 327 Elliott, M. N., 200, 301 Everett, S. A., 309
Dorn, L., 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 26, 352 Durkee, M. I., 227, 230 Ellis, B., 24, 302 Exner-Cortens, D., 287
Durston, S., 55 Ellis, B. J., 111, 300, 351 Eyal, E., 200
Dornbusch, S., 121, 188, 247,
330, 336 Dussault, F., 298–299 Ellis, C., 60 Eyre, S., 304
Dornbusch, S. M., 140, 246 Dweck, C., 147 Ellis, N., 175 Eyre, S. L., 281
Dorsey, S., 301 Dweck, C. S., 147, 325, 327, 328, Ellis-Hale, K., 254
Dosenbach, N., 51–52, 57 369–370 Ellwanger, P., 241
Dosenbach, N.U.F., 57 Dwyer, D. B., 55 Elmore, R., 153, 154, 156, 160, 344
Elo, I., 315
Dotterer, A., 161, 174, 192, 234 Dwyer, D. S., 359
Dwyer, K. M., 242 Elwert, F., 91 Facchin, F., 328
Dotterer, A. M., 169, 326
Dyer, W. J., 323 Emerson, E., 301 Faes, J., 264
Dotterer, A.M., 330
Dykas, M. J., 265, 267 Emerson, M., 313–314 Fagan, J., 139, 366, 369
Douglas, G., 326
Emery, C. R., 316 Fagot, B., 314–315
Douglass, S., 227
Emery, R., 112, 113, 117 Fagundes, C. P., 377
Douglas Willms, J., 24
Emery, R. E., 299, 359 Fair, D., 57
Dowdy, B. B., 283 E Eng, A. L., 301 Fairchild, G., 369
Downey, D., 170, 336
Earls, F., 33, 41, 92 Engels, R., 198, 204, 266 Falk, E. B., 138, 147, 247
Downey, G., 286
East, P., 109, 110, 111, 276, 302, Engels, R. C., 218 Falk, R., 46
Doyle, A., 267–268, 285 Fallon, B. J., 274, 276
314, 315, 318 Engels, R.C.M.E., 129, 284
Doyle, A. B., 267–268 Fan, S., 281
East, P. L., 311, 312 Engle, R., 5, 51
Dozier, A., 314 English, D., 229 Fan, X., 147, 170
Eaton, D. K., 197
Drabick, D., 349 Englund, M. M., 357 Fang, F., 269
Eaton, M. J., 336
Drapela, L. A., 31 Ennett, S., 128–129, 135, Fang, G., 269
Eberhart, N. K., 373–374, 377
Draper, P., 351 140–141, 359–362 Fang, J., 241
Eberly, M., 241
Dregan, A., 29 Ennett, S. T., 92, 145, 276, 287 Fang, S., 335
Eccles, J., 4, 27, 102, 103, 108,
Dreyfuss, M., 57 Enright, R., 12 Fang, X., 106–107
119, 120, 134, 153, 161–163,
Driscoll, A., 295 169, 170, 179, 190, 192, Enriquez, L. E., 331, 342 Fanti, K., 143, 148
Drumm, P., 50 213–214, 216, 216, 248, 262, Ensminger, M., 163 Farb, A., 191
Drummond, A., 205 324, 326–332, 358 Ensminger, M. E., 93, 358 Farhat, T., 294, 299, 303, 355
Druss, B., 8, 378 Eccles, J. S., 112, 174, 191, 325, Entwisle, B., 136 Farkas, G., 331, 333, 334
Druss, B. G., 362 326, 328, 331, 336 Entwisle, D., 164, 167, 189, 342 Farkas, T., 332
Dryfoos, J., 155 Echeverria, S. E., 35 Epkins, C., 259 Farley, F., 65
Dubas, J. S., 31, 64, 108, 299 Eckenrode, J., 308 Epstein, J. A., 359 Farley, J. P., 259, 266
Dubé, E., 231, 284 Eckenrode, J. J., 316 Epstein, L., 34 Farley, T., 194, 299
Dubé, E. M., 135, 278 Eddy, J. M., 350 Epstein, R., 11 Farmer, T., 143
Dube, S. R., 107 Edelbrock, C., 350 Erath, S., 118 Farmer, T. W., 92, 160–161
Dubner, S., 156 Edelstein, W., 213, 269 Erath, S. A., 145, 150 Farrell, A. D., 140, 146, 147, 158,
Dubocovich, M. L., 29 Edens, J. F., 363 Erickson, K., 121, 140, 246 352
DuBois, D., 90, 215–218, 273, 335 Eder, D., 144 Eriksen, M., 358 Farrell, M., 359–360
Dubow, E. F., 368–369 Edin, K., 91 Erikson, E., 8, 9, 219–221, 223 Farrington, D., 8, 246, 349, 350–
Ducat, W., 7, 236–239, 291 Edwards, A. C., 378 Erisir, A., 54 351, 362, 364, 366–371
Duchesne, S., 330 Egan, E., 92 Erkut, S., 216 Farruggia, S. P., 90, 276–278, 366
Duckett, E., 98 Egan, S., 234 Ermer, E., 369 Fasick, F., 72–74
Duckworth, A., 323 Egeland, B., 266–267, 370, 371 Ernst, M., 360 Fasula, A. M., 302
Duckworth, A. L., 156, 323 Eggermont, S., 149, 200, 204 Erol, R. Y., 213, 217 Fatusi, A. O., 312
Due, P., 148, 361 Ehrenreich, S. E., 204 Ersbøll, A. K., 359 Fauber, R. L., 36
Duhoux, S., 236 Ehrlich, K. B., 102, 267 Esbensen, F., 138, 139 Fauth, R. C., 91
Duke, S. A., 27 Eichen, D. M., 36 Escalante, K. A., 117 Fedele, D., 349 Name Index I-7

Feder, M., 304 Fisher, C., 336 Fortenberry, J., 292 Frohlich, C., 253
Feeney, B. C., 218, 265 Fisher, D., 293, 301, 303 Fortner, M., 100 Fröjd, S., 31
Fegley, S., 253 Fisher, M., 36 Fortson, E. N., 93 Fromme, K., 86
Feigelman, S., 359 Fisher, P., 121 Fortuin, J., 141 Frost, J. J., 310
Feinberg, I., 52 Fisher, S., 230 Fosco, G. M., 116, 323 Fruiht, V. M., 90, 331
Feinberg, M., 112 Fite, P., 287, 350 Foshee, V., 287, 307–308 Fugelsang, J., 68
Feinberg, M. E., 93, 98, 131, Fite, P. J., 371 Foshee, V. A., 92, 145, 276, Fujimoto, K., 140–141
278, 359 Fitzgerald, H., 316 286–287 Fuligini, A., 299
Feiring, C., 240, 262, 266–267, Fitzgerald-Yau, N., 40 Foss, R. D., 67 Fuligni, A., 45, 87, 89, 100–103,
271, 276, 278–280, 283, 287 Fitzwater, T., 16, 379 Foster, D. L., 15, 17 138, 147, 171, 176, 225–229,
Feivelson, D., 311 Flaherty, B., 63 Foster, H., 33–34, 287 240, 248, 257, 266, 269, 274,
Feldlaufer, H., 162 Flaherty, B. P., 182–183, 188 Fournier, M., 225 275, 331–332, 335–337, 375
Feldman, A., 232 Flaherty, L., 379 Fowler, P., 93–94, 121, 259 Fulker, D., 105
Feldman, A. F., 183, 184 Flamm, E. S., 107, 330 Fox, K. R., 376 Fulkerson, J. A., 36, 38
Feldman, R., 93 Flanagan, C., 176, 185, 253, 255, Frabutt, J. M., 227 Fuller-Rowell, T. E., 243
Feldman, S., 248 256, 346 Fraley, R. C., 266 Fulmore, C., 324
Feldman, S. S., 240, 307 Flanagan, C. A., 252, 254, 256 Francis, D., 357 Furbey, M., 65
Felice, M., 318 Flanagan, K. S., 145, 150 Francis, L. A., 35 Furman, W., 109, 130, 150, 262,
Felix, E., 174 Flanders, W., 35 Francis, S. E., 379 265, 267, 268, 274, 276–279,
Fellows, K., 204 Flannery, D., 29, 174, 212, Francisco, R., 38, 39 280, 282–285, 288, 307
Felner, R., 218, 335 359–360 Franck, K., 116 Furr-Holden, C., 93
Felson, R. B., 352 Flashman, J., 137, 332 Francois, A. G., 227 Furstenberg, F., Jr., 72, 86, 88, 114,
Felton, J. W., 351 Flavell, E., 45 120, 315, 317
Francois, S., 94
Fenton, R. E., 336 Flavell, J., 45 Furstenberg, F.F.J., 77
Frank, E., 374
Fenwick, J., 314 Flay, B. R., 373 Fussell, M., 41
Frank, K., 115
Fenzel, L., 162 Flegal, K. M., 34 Frank, K. A., 138
Ferenz-Gillies, R., 267 Fleischli, J., 138 Frank, S., 39
Fergus, S., 296
Ferguson, C., 202
Fleming, C. B., 87, 350
Fleming, J. S., 328
Frankenberger, K. D., 46 G
Franko, D. L., 216
Ferguson, C. J., 201, 202 Fleming, W., 267 Gabhainn, N. S., 303
Franzen, A. B., 259
Ferguson, D., 227 Fletcher, A., 149, 362 Gabhainn, S., 294, 299
Franzetta, K., 310, 311
Ferguson, M., 52 Fletcher, J. M., 166 Gadino, B., 227
Franzoi, S., 144
Ferguson, Y., 241, 242 Flewelling, R., 361–362 Gage, J. C., 193
Fraser, A. M., 107, 204
Fergusson, D., 33, 151, 317, Flickinger, S., 324 Galambos, N., 3, 30, 75, 76,
Fredricks, J., 191
367, 368 Flom, J., 23 82, 135, 194, 232, 233,
Fredricks, J. A., 172, 191, 216, 341 277, 373
Fergusson, D. M., 266, 317, 362 Flook, L., 102, 271, 331
Fredstrom, B. K., 149 Galambos, N. L., 108, 266
Fernandez-Esquer, M. E., 227, 337 Flor, D., 120
Freed, L. H., 288 Galay, L., 255
Ferrar, K., 183 Flores, G., 281
Ferreira, P. D., 254 Freedman, A., 379 Galbraith, K. A., 300
Flory, J., 24
Ferreiro, F., 39, 352 Freedman-Doan, C., 162 Galliher, R. V., 225, 230
Flory, K., 359
Ferrell, R., 24 Freedman-Doan, P., 188 Gallimore, R., 139
Floyd, C. F., 376
Ferrer, E., 50, 55 Freedner, N., 288 Galloway, T., 179
Flynn, B., 362
Ferrero, J., 25, 31, 298 Flynn, M., 349 Freeman, & E. C.?, 255 Gallup, G., 256
Ferris, J., 23 Fobil, J., 203 Freeman, H., 275 Galvan, A., 58
Fichtenberg, C. M., 361 Foeher, U., 197 Freeman-Gallant, A., 368 Galván, A., 57, 244, 269, 299
Fida, R., 252 Foehr, U., 198 Freisthler, B., 358 Gamble, W., 267
Field, A. E., 308 Fomby, P., 118, 331 French, D., 145, 303 Gamm, B. K., 269, 271, 289
Field, T., 270 Fondell, M., 302 French, D. C., 258, 259 Gamoran, A., 164, 325
Fields, J., 113 Fong, G., 310 French, J., 202 Gao, M., 137
Fiese, B., 36 Fong, G. T., 301 French, M., 143 Garber, J., 162, 241, 352, 377–378
Fife, K. A., 167 Fontaine, R., 62, 369 French, S. A., 38 Garcia, C., 226
Figarsky, K., 52 Fontaine, R. G., 288–289, 298–299 French, S. E., 227 Garcia, N. V., 59
Figner, B., 64, 66 Foran, W., 55 Frenn, K., 16 Garcia Coll, C., 216
Filardo, E., 135 Forbes, E., 17, 57 Frenzel, A. C., 330 García Coll, C., 228
Fincham, F., 116 Forbes, E. E., 27, 57 Freud, A., 9, 238–239 Gardner, H., 61
Fincham, F. D., 287 Forbes, G. B., 19 Freud, S., 9 Gardner, M., 67, 92, 94,
Fine, M., 118 Ford, C. A., 293 Frey, S., 28 191–193, 303
Fine, S. M., 173, 328 Ford, J. A., 359 Frey, W., 230 Gardner, T. W., 369
Finer, L. B., 294, 310, 312 Ford, K., 227 Frick, P., 148, 362–363 Garg, R., 332
Fingerson, L., 301 Ford, K. A., 361 Frick, P. J., 93, 367–368 Gargiulo, J., 30
Finkelhor, D., 150, 205, 366 Ford, K. R., 227 Fried, M., 80 Garner, R., 125
Finkelstein, B. D., 271 Fordham, C., 134, 336 Friedenberg, E., 10, 180 Gartner, M., 227
Finken, L., 245 Forehand, R., 115, 301, 379 Friedlander, L. J., 281 Gartrell, N., 116
Finn, A., 50 Forest, A. L., 204 Friedman, M. S., 308 Gartrell, N. K., 120
Finn, A. S., 179 Forgatch, M., 100, 118, Friedman, R., 331, 333 Gartstein, M., 92, 108
Finn, J., 159–160 368–369, 371 Friel, L. V., 302 Garvan, C., 369
Finnerty, K., 200 Forhan, S., 311 Friend, K. B., 359 Gaskin, A., 88
Fischer, S., 372 Forman, T. A., 257 Friend, S., 39 Gasser, L., 63
Fischhoff, B., 46, 64–65 Formoso, D., 101 Friendly, R. W., 242 Gastic, B., 183
Fischoff, B., 65 Forrest-Bank, S., 148 Frisco, M. L., 115, 317 Gathercole, S. E., 51
Fishbein, M., 200 Forrester, K. K., 149 Frison, E., 204 Gatherum, A., 242
I-8 Name Index

Gau, S. S., 166 Ginwright, S., 256 Gottfredson, M., 351 Grogan-Kaylor, A., 39
Gaudreau, P., 192 Giordano, P., 280, 296 Gottfried, A., 328 Grolnick, W., 109, 330–331
Gauze, C., 271, 276 Giordano, P. C., 280, 281, 289, 295, Gottfried, A. E., 324 Grolnick, W. S., 107, 242, 330
Gavin, L., 276 296, 301, 366 Gottfried, A. W., 324, 328 Grosbras, M., 247
Gawlik, A., 21 Giovino, G., 358 Gould, M., 205, 375–376 Gross, E. F., 149
Gaydos, L. M., 319 Glanovsky, J. L., 358 Gould, T., 246–247, 361 Gross, L., 198
Gayle, H., 312 Glantz, S. A., 361 Gowen, L., 30, 37, 278 Grossman, A. H., 231
Gaylord-Harden, N., 217 Glaser, B., 351 Gowen, L. K., 307 Grossman, J. B., 90
Ge, X., 23, 31, 32, 119, 285, Glauber, A., 287 Gowling, H., 67 Grossman, J. M., 225
373, 374 Glennie, E. J., 330, 343 Goza, F., 334, 335 Grotevant, H., 101
Gebelt, J. L., 31 Glenwright, M., 46 Grabe, S., 307 Grotevant, H. D., 120
Gecas, V., 100 Glick, G. C., 262, 269, 271 Graber, J., 8, 27, 31, 34, 37, 349, Grotpeter, J., 269
Gee, G. C., 311 Glover, N., 354 352, 372–374, 377–378 Grover, R. L., 264, 282
Gee, K. A., 136 Gniewosz, B., 326 Graber, J. A., 31, 32, 36, 149, 377 Grube, J., 293, 301, 303
Geier, C., 44, 58, 244 Goddings, A., 59 Graham, C., 24 Grube, J. W., 359
Geier, C. F., 56, 360 Goddings, A. L., 55, 57 Graham, J. W., 98 Gruber, J., 41, 354
Geiser, C., 213 Godeau, E., 294, 299, 303 Graham, S., 19, 31, 60, 136, 145, Grucza, R. A., 361
Gelbwasser, L., 332 Godwin, J., 147, 370 147, 162, 167, 229, 243, 244, Gruen, J., 165
Geldhof, G. J., 195 Goeke-Morey, M. C., 116 310, 330, 367 Gruenewald, P. J., 359
Gentile, D., 198 Goesling, B., 362 Gralen, S., 39 Grumbach, M., 15
Gentile, D. A., 201 Goetz, T., 330, 379 Gralinski, J., 326 Grunbaum, J., 294
George, G., 218 Gökler, B., 267 Granberg, E., 19 Grych, J. H., 116, 288
George, M.R.W., 63, 116 Goldberg, A., 278, 281–282 Grande, T. L., 366 Guacci-Franci, N., 274
Georgiades, K., 90, 167, 356 Goldenberg, D., 299 Granic, I., 98 Guan, K., 376
Gerard, J., 116 Goldfield, G., 203 Granillo, M., 39 Guarini, T. E., 228
Gerard, J. M., 161, 218 Golding, J., 233 Granot, D., 267 Gudiño, O., 90
Gerber, S. B., 159–160 Goldman, M., 359 Gravelle, M., 160–161 Gudiño, O. G., 337
Gerbner, G., 198 Goldsmith, P. A., 167 Gray, M., 283, 287 Guerino, P., 174
Germán, M., 100–101 Goldstein, A. S., 359 Gray-Little, B., 216, 217, 228 Guerra, N. G., 149, 150
Gerrard, M., 106–107, 200, 312 Goldstein, B., 20 Green, F., 45 Guest, A., 192
Gerris, J. M., 103 Goldstein, S., 248 Green, H. D. Jr., 141 Guillen, E., 36
Gershoff, E. T., 378–379 Goldston, D., 375 Green, K., 225 Guimond, A. B., 227
Gershoni, R., 269 Goldweber, A., 278, 366 Green, K. M., 358 Guion, K., 109
Gest, S., 212, 213 Goleman, D., 61 Green, S., 301, 332 Guldi, M., 89
Gest, S. D., 131, 143, 214 Golombok, S., 233 Greenan, C. C., 141 Gummerum, M., 251
Gestsdóttir, S., 247 Golub, A., 356 Greenbaum, P. E., 362 Gunlicks-Stoessel, M., 374
Gettman, D., 103 Gomez, C. A., 285 Greenberg, M., 150, 161, Gunnar, M., 16
Gettman, D. C., 274 Gomez-Garibello, C., 149 276, 368 Gunnoe, M., 118
Ghatak, R., 330 Gondoli, D., 39, 100 Greenberg, M. T., 93, 98, 359 Gunter, W., 160–161
Ghazarian, S., 104 Gondoli, D. M., 242 Greenberger, E., 102, 106–107, Guo, G., 34, 369
Ghazarian, S. R., 227, 330, 337 Gonzales, L.M., 100, 325 186, 276–277, 336 Gupta, T., 234
Ghement, I. R., 36 Gonzales, N., 100–101, 108, 139, Green-Demers, I., 326 Güre, A., 119
Ghetti, S., 50 331, 333 Greene, K., 312 Gurevitch, M., 198
Gibb, B. E., 271, 374 Gonzales, N. A., 33, 101, 147, 227, Greene, K. M., 294 Gurin, G., 139
Gibb, S. J., 317 230, 281, 332 Greene, M., 41 Güroğlu, B., 60, 148, 253
Gibbons, F., 106–107, 312 Gonzales, R., 228 Greene, M. L., 136, 217, 269, 272 Gustafson, P., 251
Gibbons, F. X., 200 Gonzales-Backen, M. A., 227 Greenfield, P., 6 Gustafsson, H., 6
Gibbs, J., 249 Gonzalez, R., 337 Green-Hennessy, S., 168 Guterman, N., 93
Gibson, E., 318 Good, M., 198, 258 Greenhoot, A. F., 219 Guthrie, H., 19
Gibson, L., 139 Goodman, E., 308 Greenley, R. N., 40 Guthrie, I. K., 252
Giedd, J., 58 Goodman, M., 73, 74, 86 Greenspan, L., 16, 25, 31 Gutierrez, P. M., 376
Giedd, J. N., 2, 45, 57, 58, 111 Goodnight, J. A., 370–371 Greenstein, D., 60 Gutierrez, R., 169
Gierut, K., 36 Goodson, P., 297, 299 Gregory, A., 147, 169–170, 174 Gutman, L., 102, 103, 163
Gil, A. G., 308 Goodwin, A. H., 67 Gregory, E., 100 Guyer, A., 16, 58, 120, 247, 374,
Gilbert, A., 225, 230 Goodwin, N. P., 141 Gregory, W., 218 379
Gilchrist, L. D., 317 Goossens, L., 45, 218, 223, 224 Grenard, J. L., 202 Guyer, A. E., 58
Giletta, M., 141, 142–143, 247 Gordon, K., 84 Greusing, S., 28 Guyll, M., 12
Gillen-O’Neel, C., 171, 332 Gordon, L., 307 Greven, C. U., 369
Gillin, C. J., 29 Gordon, M., 287, 330 Grey, M., 307
Gillman, S., 114 Gordon, R. A., 139 Grier, S., 207
Gillmore, M., 311, 318 Gordon, V., 301 Grieve, S. M., 55
Gillmore, M. R., 317, 359 Gore, S., 179, 276 Griffin, K. W., 219, 359 Ha, T., 266, 284
Gillock, K., 335 Gorka, S. M., 374 Griffin, T., 230 Haas, S., 49
Gilman, A. B., 138, 139 Gorman, S., 205 Griffith Fontaine, R., 370 Haas, S. A., 141
Gilman, R., 149 Gorman-Smith, D., 139, 287, Griffiths, M. D., 204 Haavisto, T., 324
Gilman, S. E., 359 371, 379 Grigg, W., 168 Habermas, T., 224
Gilpin, E., 358 Gorrese, A., 267 Griggs, C., 16 Haddad, A.D.M., 39, 247
Gilreath, T. D., 357 Gortmaker, S. L., 38 Grime, R., 249 Haddad, E., 276–277, 329
Gil-Rivas, V., 106–107 Gotlib, I., 378 Grisso, T., 78, 244, 363 Hafdahl, A., 216, 217, 228
Gingras, I., 241 Gotlib, I. H., 17 Grobe, R., 331, 333 Hafen, C. A., 138, 324
Gini, G., 141, 150 Gottfredson, D., 159 Grodsky, E., 342 Hafsteinsson, L. G., 106–107 Name Index I-9

Hagan, J., 287 Hao, L., 228 Hatzenbuehler, M. L., 149, 308 Henry, K. L., 335, 342, 359
Hagewen, K. J., 183 Hara, R. E., 51–52 Hau, K., 165, 215 Hensel, D., 292
Haggart, N., 267–268 Harachi, T. W., 359 Hau, K.-T., 188 Henshaw, S., 314
Hahm, H., 294 Harackiewicz, J. M., 174, 330 Hauser, S., 268, 275 Henshaw S., 313
Hahm, H. C., 294 Harbaugh, A. G., 149 Hausser, D., 312 Henson, J. M., 212
Hahn, C. S., 323 Harber, K. D., 170 Havens, J. R., 354 Herbers, J. E., 161
Hahn, C.-S., 351 Harcourt, T. H., 118 Hawes, S. W., 363 Herdt, G., 15, 291
Haight, W., 277 Hardaway, C. R., 94, 119 Hawk, L. W., 92 Herman, M., 136, 216, 227,
Haines, J., 39, 206 Harden, K., 111 Hawk, S. T., 98, 281 325, 336
Haj-Yahia, M. M., 93 Harden, K. P., 30, 33, 66, 111, 243, Hawkins, D., 92 Herman-Giddens, M., 23, 25
Hakvoort, E., 306 247, 297–299, 370, 377 Hawkins, D. N., 114, 117 Hernandez, D., 194
Halder, I., 24 Harden, P., 31 Hawkins, J., 360, 362 Hernandez, D. C., 118
Hale, D. R., 40 Hardesty, J., 215 Hawkins, J. D., 102, 107, 138, Hernández, M. M., 227, 338
Hale, L. E., 165 Hardesty, J. L., 217 139, 350 Hernandez, P., 121
Hale, W., 213, 224 Hardie, J. H., 100, 134, 175 Hawkins, K., 206 Hernandez, P. R., 325
Hale, W. W., 225 Hardiman, M., 52 Hay, C., 29, 93 Hernandez-Guzman, L., 30
Hale, W. W. 3rd., 223 Hardin, M., 360 Hayden, A., 348 Herpers, P. C., 369
Halgunseth, L., 108–109 Harding, D., 91 Hayden, H., 39 Herpertz, S., 369
Hall, D. M., 121 Hardway, C., 100 Haydon, A. A., 285, 293 Herpertz-Dahlmann, B., 369
Hall, D. W., 319 Hardy, D., 316 Haydon, K. C., 267 Herrenkohl, T. I., 102, 107
Hall, G. S., 8, 9, 11, 72 Hardy, K. K., 203 Hayes, R., 105 Herrera, C., 90
Hall, J. E., 288 Hardy, S. A., 253 Hayford, S. R., 77 Herrera, D., 161
Hall, N. C., 379 Hare, A., 7, 109, 236, 262–263 Haynes, O. M., 351 Herrera, V. M., 286, 287
Haller, M., 358 Hare, A. L., 108, 242 Haynes, S. H., 310 Herring, A. H., 293
Halliday-Scher, K., 130 Harenski, C. L., 62 Haynie, D., 141, 355 Herrling, S., 342
Halligan, S. L., 147 Harenski, K. A., 62 Haynie, D. L., 33, 93, 104, 108, Hershberg, T., 86
Hallinan, M., 136, 164, 168, 169 Hargis, P., 184 129, 141, 148, 289, 297 Herting, M. M., 52, 55
Hallquist, M. N., 57 Hargreaves, J., 362 Hayslip, B., 115 Herts, K. L., 149
Hallquist, S., 83 Hariri, A., 3, 9 Hayward, C., 30, 37, 38, 278 Hertzman, C., 41
Halpem, C.T., 293 Hariri, A. R., 93, 369 Hazel, N. A., 107 Herz, D., 121
Halpern, C., 26, 38, 83, 287 Harlan, S., 317 He, J., 372 Hessel, E. T., 239
Halpern, C. T., 285, 286, 293, 294, Harold, G., 116 Heard, H. E., 115 Hetherington, E., 112
297, 299, 303, 374 Harold, R., 330–331 Heath, A. C., 359 Hetherington, E. M., 104, 110–112,
Halpern, D. F., 52 Harper, B. D., 147 Heatherton, T. F., 202, 214 114–116, 118
Halpern-Felsher, B., 24, 65, 237, Harper, G., 139 Heaven, P.C.L., 218 Hevey, C., 109
245, 296, 312 Harper, J. M., 107, 110 Hebert, K. R., 264 Heyes, S. B., 59
Halpern-Meekin, S., 114 Harré, N., 40 Hebert, L., 311 Heyvaert, M., 241
Haltigan, J. D., 150, 369 Harrington, H., 370 Hechinger, F., 160 Hibbert, J. R., 106–107
Ham, A., 301 Harrington, K. F., 312 Heck, D., 136, 227 Hicks, B. M., 358
Hamburger, M. E., 307–308 Harris, D., 12 Heck, R. H., 164 Hicks, L., 161
Hamby, S. L., 150 Harris, J., 125 Heckhausen, J., 276–277, 336 Hicks, R. E., 289
Hamedani, M. G., 335 Harris, J. R., 139–140 Hedeker, D., 373 Hill, C., 347
Hamilton, A., 29 Harris, J.K.A., 29 Heeren, T., 360 Hill, D., 293
Hamilton, C., 266–267 Harris, K., 34, 83, 356 Heffner, V., 206 Hill, J. E., 299
Hamilton, H. A., 118–119 Harris, K. M., 281–282, 293 Heiland, F. W., 19 Hill, J. P., 4
Hamilton, J. L., 32 Harris, M., 139 Heilbron, N., 146 Hill, K. G., 107, 138, 139
Hamilton, J. P., 17 Harris, M. A., 218 Hektner, J. M., 150 Hill, L., 215
Hamilton-Leaks, J., 318 Harris, M. J., 371 Helfand, M., 298 Hill, M., 317
Hamlat, E. J, 32 Harris, R., 305 Hellström, C., 198 Hill, N. E., 174, 330, 344
Hamm, J., 136, 137 Harrison, F., 39, 247 Helmond, P., 165 Hill, P. L., 219
Hamm, J. V., 136, 160–161, 227 Harrison, H. M., 146 Helms, L., 188 Hill, T. D., 310
Hamm, M., 61 Harrison, K., 206 Helms, S. W., 143 Hindin, M. J., 312
Hammen, C., 374 Hart, D., 213, 253, 254 Helsen, M., 275 Hinduja, S., 149
Hammen, C. L., 373–374 Harter, S., 7, 209–212, 215, Helwig, C., 63, 255 Hine, T., 11, 74, 182
Hammersmith, S., 306 218, 241 Helwig, C. C., 63 Hines, M., 17, 233
Hammond, W., 230 Hartl, A. C., 262 Hemphill, S. A., 350 Hingson, R., 358, 360
Hammons, A., 36 Hartmark, C., 84 Henderson, A., 254 Hinshaw, S., 50
Hamre, B. K., 335 Hartney, C., 81 Henderson, C., 115 Hinshaw, S. P., 150
Hamza, C. A., 104, 377 Hartos, J., 40 Henderson, C. E., 362 Hiraga, Y., 139
Han, W., 66 Hartung, C., 349 Hendrick, C., 304 Hirky, A., 357
Han, W. J., 107–108 Hartup, W., 288–289 Hendrick, S., 304 Hirsch, B., 273, 276
Hancox, R. J., 202 Hartup, W. W., 148 Hendricks, C., 240 Hirsch, M., 313–314
Handley, E., 358 Hasebe, Y., 98 Hendry, L. B., 4 Hirschi, T., 351
Hankin, B. L., 107, 352, 373, Haselager, G. J., 148 Henkel, R. R., 138 Hitlin, S., 231
374, 377 Haselager, G. T., 148 Hennessy, M., 200 Hitti, A., 64
Hannan, P. J., 39, 206 Haselager, G.J.T., 148 Hennig, K. H., 251 Hjalmarsson, R., 138
Hansbrough, E., 200 Hasking, P., 376 Hennighausen, K., 267 Ho, A., 8
Hanselman, P., 325 Hasselhorn, M., 215 Henrich, C., 143 Ho, A. Y., 143
Hansen, D. M., 29, 193 Hastings, J. S., 98, 168 Henry, B., 213 Ho, L., 281
Hanson, J. L., 36, 49–50 Hathaway, J. E., 287 Henry, D., 139, 379 Ho, M. H., 377
Hanson, T., 118 Hattie, J., 326 Henry, D. B., 300, 302 Hochberg, Z., 21, 25
I-10 Name Index

Hock, E., 241 Hu, M., 359 Iselin, A. M., 88 Jennings, W. G., 371
Hodge, D. R., 259 Hu, P., 302 Ispa, J., 108–109 Jensen, A. C., 110
Hodges, E.V.E., 146 Huang, D., 299 Israelashvili, M., 205 Jensen, L. A., 240
Hoeve, M., 107 Huang, F., 147 Ivanova, K., 115, 302 Jensen-Campbell, L., 280
Hofer, C., 252 Hubbard, J., 280 Ivers, R., 65 Jenson, J. M., 148
Hoffer, T., 169, 331 Hudes, E. S., 285 Ivory, J., 201, 205 Jenssen, B., 202
Hofferth, S. L., 205, 316, 317, 331 Hudley, C., 328 Jeong, Y.-J., 115
Hoffman, J. P., 114 Huebner, T., 369 Jessor, R., 351, 359
Hofkens, T., 330 Huesmann, L. R., 202, 368–369 J Jessor, S., 351
Hofman, J., 269 Huettel, S., 51–52 Jewell, J., 141
Hofmann, V., 138, 213 Hughes, D., 89, 225, 227, 228, 230, Jaccard, J., 141, 301, 312, 314 Jewett, R., 191
Hogue, A., 141 274, 335 Jack, F., 49 Jeynes, W., 114–115, 168
Holas, I., 160 Hughes, D. L., 216 Jackson, C., 97, 297–298 Ji, J., 369
Holcombe, R., 161 Hughes, L. A., 193 Jackson, D., 50 Jia, Y., 169
Holder, D. W., 256 Hughes, R., 306–307 Jackson, J., 229, 230, 276 Jiang, D., 285
Holderness, C., 30 Hughes, S., 357 Jackson, J. S., 33–34 Jiang, G., 337
Holland, A. S., 266 Huguley, J. P., 230 Jackson, K. M., 162, 356, 359 Jing, W., 149
Holland, L. J., 287 Huh, D., 34–35 Jackson, L., 203, 205 Jodl, K., 119, 268
Holland, M. M., 167 Huizenga, H. M., 66, 244 Jackson, S., 39 Jodl, K. M., 112, 329, 344
Hollander, D., 303 Huizinga, D., 66, 92, 352 Jackson, T., 39 Joe, S., 259
Hollenstein, T., 9, 26, 98 Hulleman, C. S., 174, 330 Jackson-Newsom, J., 104, 108–109 John, O., 212, 351
Holliday, E., 246–247, 361 Hunt, M., 379 Jacobi, C., 37 Johnson, A., 277
Hollist, D. R., 93 Hunter, S., 108 Jacobs, D., 358 Johnson, A. B., 297
Holloway, C., 305 Huot, R., 378 Jacobs, J., 4, 245 Johnson, B., 77
Holmbeck, G., 29, 98, 240, Hurd, N. M., 90, 92, 227, 229 Jacobs, J. E., 96, 192, 213–214, 232 Johnson, B. D., 356
241, 318 Hurdle, D., 234 Jacobs, S., 117 Johnson, C., 120
Holmbeck, G. N., 40, 300 Hurley, D., 112 Jacobsohn, L., 354–355 Johnson, C. A., 66
Holmen, J., 358 Hurrelmann, K., 86 Jacobson, C., 375–376 Johnson, D., 19
Holmen, T., 358 Hussong, A., 8, 356 Jacobson, K., 111, 373 Johnson, D. W., 169
Holmes, C., 259 Hussong, A. M., 288–289, 351 Jacobson, L., 111 Johnson, E., 29
Holsen, I., 213 Huston, A. C., 92, 164, 335 Jacobson, R. P., 252 Johnson, J., 309
Holstein, B. E., 359, 361 Huston, A.C., 160 Jacobs-Quadrel, M., 64–65 Johnson, J. P., 302
Holt, M. K., 138, 298–299 Hutchinson, D., 39 Jacobus, J., 361 Johnson, K., 356
Homer, J., 143 Hutchinson, D. M., 141 Jacques-Tiura, A., 93–94 Johnson, M., 187, 342–346
Homma, Y., 308 Hutchinson, M. K., 301 Jaeger, A., 57 Johnson, M. D., 266
Hooley, J. M., 59 Hutteman, R., 213 Jaffari-Bimmel, N., 266 Johnson, R., 19
Hooper, C. J., 49–51, 55 Huynh, V., 227, 229 Jaffe, P., 306–307 Johnson, R. T., 169
Hope, M. O., 32 Huynh, V. W., 229, 230, 257 Jaffee, S., 316 Johnson, S. K., 195
Hopson, L. M., 330 Hwang, A., 324 Jager, J., 240, 355 Johnson, S. L., 171
Horan, P., 184 Hwang, K., 57 Jagers, R. J., 227 Johnson, W., 111, 331
Horn, A. S., 254 Hyde, J., 232–233 Jahng, S., 241, 242 Johnston, L., 193, 355, 358, 359,
Horn, E. J., 110 Hyde, J. S., 297, 307, 330, 374 James, A., 358 362, 371
Horn, S. S., 131, 132, 146, 232, 254 Hyde, L. W., 351, 369 James, L., 61 Johnston, L. D., 353–356
Horne, A. M., 285 Hyman, C., 145 James-Burdumy, S., 362 Johnston, M., 167
Horner, J., 206, 309 Hymel, S., 147, 149 Jamieson, P., 206 Joiner, T. E., Jr., 377
Hornik, R., 354–355 Jamieson, P. E., 201 Joiner, T., Jr., 372
Horton, K. D., 169 Janevic, T., 35 Jolles, D., 49–50
Jang, S. J., 259 Jolles, D. D., 51
Horvat, E. M., 134, 336
Horwood, J., 33
I Jank, W., 308 Jones, B. L., 297
Horwood, L., 367, 368 Iacono, W., 102 Janosz, M., 147, 215, 341, 342 Jones, D., 19, 273
Horwood, L. J., 266, 317, 362 Iacono, W. G., 110, 111, 115, 258, Jansen, B., 66 Jones, D. C., 39
Hotton, A. L., 93 331, 370–371 Jansen, B.R.J., 244 Jones, J., 163
Hou, J., 286 Ialongo, N. S., 188, 229 Janssen, I., 29 Jones, J. D., 265
Houltberg, B., 7 Iannotti, R. J., 34, 35–36, 149 Jansson, S. M., 108 Jones, J. M., 336
House, L. E., 379 Ibañez, G. E., 330 Jarcho, J. M., 246 Jones, L., 205
Houser, J.J ., 286 Ichien, N. T., 66–67, 246 Jarrett, R., 196 Jones, L. M., 205
Houston, S. M., 51–52 Iedema, J., 224 Jarvis, P., 163 Jones, M., 203
Houts, R. M., 24, 35, 203 Igartua, K., 305 Jaser, S. S., 379 Jones, M. C., 307
Howard, A., 3, 371 Iglowstein, I., 29 Javdani, S., 350 Jones, M. D., 225, 230
Howard, A. L., 93 Ikramullah, E., 315 Jayaram, L., 191 Jones, R., 292
Howard, D. E., 104 Ikramullah, E. N., 294 Jefferson, K., 312 Jones, R. K., 259, 310, 311
Howard, G., 314–315 Impett, E. A., 212 Jemal, A., 35 Jones, R. M., 29
Howard Caldwell, C., 118 Inhelder, B., 9 Jemmott, J. B., III, 301 Jones, S. M., 107, 138
Howell, J. C., 138 Inoff-Germain, G., 352 Jemmott, J., III, 310, 312 Jones Harden, B., 120
Hoyt, D., 120, 302, 356 Insabella, G., 114 Jemmott, L., 310 Jonkman, K., 142, 143
Hoyt, L. T., 36 Ireland, M., 38, 296 Jemmott, L. S., 301 Jordan, A., 198, 200
Hoza, B., 271, 277, 278 Irvine, C., 52 Jenkins, F., 168 Jordan-Conde, Z., 219–220
Hrabosky, J. I., 38–39 Irwin, C., 40, 41, 311–312 Jenkins, K. N., 342 Jose, P. E., 149, 171, 276, 374
Hser, Y-H., 299 Irwin, C. E., Jr., 38 Jenkins, L. N., 276 Joshi, S. P., 200
Hsieh, H. L., 285 Irwin, K., 174 Jenni, O., 28, 29 Josse, G., 60
Hsu, W. W., 230 Isakson, K., 163 Jennings, J., 166 Joyce T., 314 Name Index I-11

Joyner, K., 231, 286 Keane, S. P., 110, 369 Kim, J. L., 301 Knibbe, R. A., 31
Ju, D., 115 Keating, D., 4–5, 41, 43, 47–48, Kim, J.-I., 324 Knifsend, C. A., 134
Juang, L., 230, 248, 331 64, 255 Kim, J.-Y., 193 Knight, G. P., 252
Judge, B., 375 Keel, P. K., 36, 38, 39 Kim, K., 368 Knighton-Wisor, S., 242
Juffer, F., 266 Keeshan, P., 41, 361 Kim, M., 324 Knoester, C., 93, 108
Jung, J., 19, 198 Keijsers, L., 98, 139, 220, 224, Kim, M. J., 87 Knoors, H., 144
Junkin, R., 187 225, 273 Kim, S., 228 Knutson, B., 49
Juonala, M., 35 Kelada, L., 376 Kim, S. Y., 119, 230 Knutson, N., 100, 118
Jurkovic, G., 330 Kelch, R., 15 Kim, S.-B., 188 Ko, L., 226
Jussim, L., 170 Keller, M., 213, 251, 269 Kim, S-i., 324 Kobak, R., 262–265, 267, 268
Jutengren, G., 147 Kelley, M., 94 Kim, S-il, 331 Kochel, K., 147
Juvonen, J., 30, 32, 134, 136, 147, Kelly, A., 36 Kim, T., 205, 254 Kochel, K. P., 147, 233–234
149, 167, 174, 332 Kelly, B. C., 285, 295 Kim, Y., 198 Kochenderfer-Ladd, B., 145,
Kelly, B. M., 134, 332 Kimberg, C., 40 233–234
Kelly, D., 323 Kimonis, E., 367 Koenig, B., 180, 298–299
K Kelly, F. D., 104 Kimonis, E. R., 93, 148 Koenig, B. W., 308
Kelly, S., 163–164 Kim-Prieto, C., 225 Koenig, L., 258
Kackar, H., 254 Kendall, P., 349 Kim-Spoon, J., 259, 266 Koerner, S., 117–118
Kackar, H. Z., 254 Kendig, S. M., 89 King, J., 326 Koerner, S. S., 82
Kadosh, K., 45 Kendrick, K., 147 King, K. M., 93, 359 Koestner, R., 241
Kaestle, C. E., 293, 295, 296 Keniston, K., 74 King, M. D., 166 Koff, E., 30
Kaestner, R., 314 Kennard, B. D., 378 King, P., 256–259 Kofler, M. J., 350, 351
Kågesten, A., 318 Kenneavy, K., 200 King, R., 38, 315 Kogan, M. D., 193
Kahneman, D., 48, 64, 67 Kennedy, D. P., 141 King, V., 114, 116, 119 Kogan, S. M., 229, 300, 302–303
Kail, R. V., 50 Kenny, S., 104 Kingston, B., 92 Koh, S., 246
Kakade, M., 367 Kenyon, D. B., 82 Kinney, D., 128 Kohen, D. E., 115
Kakihara, F., 242 Keogh, D., 316 Kinsfogel, K. M., 288 Kohler, J. K., 120
Kalakoski, V., 225 Kern, M., 195 Kipke, M., 120 Kohler, P. K., 319
Kaliher, G., 276 Kerns, K., 266 Kipp, K. H., 49 Kohn, M., 346
Kalil, A., 120, 169, 326 Kerns, K. A., 265 Kirby, D., 297, 310, 311, 318, 319 Kohn-Wood, L. P., 229
Kalman, Z., 269 Kerr, D., 104 Kirby, D. B., 285 Koivisto, A.-M., 31
Kalmuss, D., 317 Kerr, M., 33, 107, 138, 139, 191, Kirk, D., 92
Kaltiala-Heino, R., 31 Kokko, K., 368–369
242, 299, 377 Kirkpatrick, L., 267
Kalton, G., 354–355 Kol, K. L., 330
Kershaw, T., 315 Kirkpatrick, N. M., 363
Kam, C., 50 Kolaric, G., 30, 82
Keshavan, B., 58 Kirschenbaum, D. S., 36
Kam, J. A., 246 Kolburn Kowal, A., 110, 301
Kessler, R., 8 Kirshner, B., 256
Kambam, P., 244 Köller, O., 165, 171
Kessler, R. C., 350 Kiselica, M., 315
Kamenetz, A., 86 Koller, S., 253
Kett, J., 11, 79, 84, 86, 184 Kishor, N., 308
Kaminski, J. W., 121 Kolobe, T. H., 36
Key, J., 316 Kistler, M., 215
Kan, M. L., 300 Keyes, K. M., 29, 355 Komro, K. A., 359
Kit-fong Au, T., 301, 301
Kandel, D., 356, 358, 359 Keyes, M., 110 Konarski, R., 130, 215, 278, 288
Kiuru, N., 137, 141, 332
Kandler, C., 212 Keys, K. M., 29 Konijn, E., 202
Klaczynski, P. A., 44
Kane, S. B., 308 Khalife, N., 166 Klahr, A., 102 Konijn, E. A., 149
Kang, H., 225 Khoo, A., 201 Klasen, L., 60 Konrad, K., 369
Kann, L., 294 Khoo, S., 110 Klassen, R. M., 324 Koolschijn, P. C., 51, 52
Kanouse, D. E., 301 Khoury-Kassibri, M., 174 Klaver, J., 78 Koot, H., 151
Kantor, H., 158 Khurana, A., 299, 301 Kleibeuker, S., 49–50 Koot, H. M., 223, 364, 365
Kao, G., 228, 336 Kiang, L., 100, 136, 218, 226, 227, Kleibeuker, S. W., 51 Kopish, M. A., 254
Kao, M., 302, 303 230, 325, 374 Klein, D., 360, 377, 378 Korgaonkar, M. S., 55
Kaplan, N., 267 Kidd, S. A., 375 Klein, D. J., 357 Korn, M., 117
Kaplan, R., 92 Kiehl, K. A., 62, 369 Klein, H. W., 34 Kort-Butler, L. A., 183
Kaplan, S., 15 Kielpikowski, M., 171 Klein, J., 159, 202 Koss, K., 116
Kaprio, J., 23, 378 Kiene, S. M., 297 Klein, J. D., 314 Kosterman, R., 102, 138
Karch, D. L., 376 Kiesner, J., 138, 145 Kleinman, M., 205 Kost K., 313
Karevold, E., 377 Kilburn, J., 202 Kleitman, S., 188 Kotchick, B., 301, 379
Karp, I., 358 Kilgore, S., 169 Klessinger, N., 379 Kotler, J. A., 378–379
Karpovsky, S., 269 Killen, J., 37, 38 Kliewer, W., 146, 283 Kotler, J. S., 363
Karre, J., 137 Killen, M., 63, 64, 234 Klimes-Dougan, B., 147 Kotov, R., 363
Karre, J. K., 117 Killeya-Jones, L., 83 Klimstra, T., 213, 223, 225, 240 Koulis, T., 358
Karremans, J. C., 134, 144 Killeya-Jones, L. A., 143 Klimstra, T. A., 223 Kouros, C. D., 241, 352
Karriker-Jaffe, K., 92, 145 Killoren, S., 139 Kling, J., 91 Kowal, A., 112
Kasser, T., 241, 242 Killoren, S. E., 294 Kling, J. R., 91, 366 Kowal, A. K., 110
Kataoka, S., 90, 150 Kilmstra, T. A., 224 Klingberg, T., 52 Kowaleski-Jones, L., 115
Katz, E., 198 Kilpatrick, D. G., 351 Kljakovic, M., 149 Kowaleski-Jones, P., 302
Katz, J., 297 Kim, B., 92 Klodnick, V. V., 93 Kracke, B., 344
Katz, L. F., 91, 366 Kim, D. Y., 266 Kloep, M., 4 Kragel, P. A., 59
Katz, M., 84, 86 Kim, H., 287 Klostermann, S., 350 Krahé, B., 201
Kaufman, C., 217 Kim, H. K., 297, 370–371, 373 Klump, K. L., 36, 38, 39 Krahmer, E., 204
Kaufman, K., 218 Kim, H. S., 137 Knack, J. M., 147 Krahn, H., 373
Kaukinen, C., 114 Kim, J., 110, 139, 200, 232, 234 Knafo, A., 96, 242 Kramer, L., 109, 110, 112
Kawabata, Y., 146, 166 Kim, J. C., 377 Knecht, A., 141 Kreager, D., 141
I-12 Name Index

Kreager, D. A., 66, 142, 144, 192, Lam, M., 274, 336 Lee, B., 138 Levine, J. A., 316
278, 370 Lam, T., 281, 299 Lee, C., 186 Levine, L., 206
Krei, M., 178 Lamar, K., 199 Lee, D., 34, 88 Levine, M., 39
Kretsch, N., 30, 66, 247 Lamarche, V., 141 Lee, E. J., 350 Levine, P., 66
Kretschmer, T., 31, 33 Lamb, M., 317 Lee, H., 34 Levinson, R., 312
Krier, M., 335 Lambert, K., 160–161 Lee, H. J., 37 Levitt, J., 274
Kroger, J., 220, 225 Lambert, L. E., 161 Lee, J., 30, 187, 294, 297 Levitt, M., 274, 276
Krohn, M. D., 139, 368 Lambert, S. F., 32, 229 Lee, J. C., 342 Levitt, S., 156
Krueger, R. F., 111 Lamborn, S., 115, 139, 227, 332 Lee, K., 62, 331 Levran, E., 283
Kruse, A., 241 Lamis, D. A., 359 Lee, K. H., 59, 349 Levy, S., 242
Kruse, M. I., 86 Lampard, A. M., 35 Lee, S., 117 Levy, V., 12
Kubitschek, W., 168 Lan, S., 225 Lee, S. S., 111 Lewin, K., 10
Kuczynski, L., 63 Landale, N., 315 Lee, S. Y., 334 Lewin, T., 325–326
Kuhn, D., 43, 46–50, 60, 378 Landale, N. S., 300 Lee, S.-Y., 165 Lewin-Bizan, S., 195
Kuhn, E. S., 98, 240 Laney, T., 377 Lee, V., 118, 159, 161, 179, Lewinsky, M., 293
Kulis, S., 234, 359 Lang, D., 312 306–307, 328, 335, 343 Lewinsohn, P., 34, 372, 376–378
Kull, M., 93 Lang, F., 99 Lee, Y., 39 Lewinsohn, P. M., 286, 378
Kumpfer, K. L., 121 Langer, D. A., 93 Leech, T.G.J., 35 Lewis, K. S., 134, 336
Kuncel, N. R., 334 Langer, L., 297, 305 Leets, L., 63 Lewis, M., 8, 27, 38, 240, 266–267,
Kung, E., 241 Lansford, J., 89, 108, 143, 297, Leff, S. S., 143 276
Kunkel, D., 200 337, 369 Leffert, N., 150 Lewis, R., 229, 230
Kunnen, S. E., 98 Lansford, J. E., 242, 266, 288, Lefkowitz, E., 239, 258, 301, 301, Lewis, S., 318
Kuntsche, E., 31 298–299 302 Li, D., 359
Kupanoff, K., 104 Lansu, T.A.M., 134, 143, 144 Lefkowitz, E. S., 301 Li, J., 226, 228, 230, 337
Kupchik, A., 175 Lanthier, R. P., 276 Lefner, E., 349 Li, J. L., 111
Kuperminc, G., 143, 171, 268, Lanz, M., 103 Legault, L., 326 Li, M., 183
330, 342 Lanza, S., 213–214 Lehman, S. J., 117 Li, X., 359
Kuperminc, G. P., 330 Lapsley, D., 12 Leibenluft, E., 101, 369 Li, Y., 115, 162, 169, 333
Kupersmidt, J., 335 Largo, R., 29 Leichtweis, R. N., 376 Li, Z., 200
Kuppens, S., 242 Laris, B. A., 318 Leitch, C., 276 Liang, S., 276
Kupper, L., 287 Larsen, R., 215 Leitenberg, H., 295 Liben, L. S., 346
Kupper, L. L., 285 Larsen-Rife, D., 288 Lejuez, C., 93 Lichenstein, P., 368
Kurdek, L., 118 Larson, J., 7, 123, 125, 127, 128, Lejuez, C. W., 102 Lichtenfeld, S., 323
Kurlychek, M., 77 130, 132, 133, 138, 142, 276 Lekes, N., 241 Lichtenstein, P., 166
Kurowski, C. O., 109 Larson, M., 286 LeMare, L., 146 Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., 98
Kurtz-Costes, B., 327, 329–330 Larson, R., 3, 6, 27, 73, 74, 80, 85, LeMoult, J., 17 Liddle, H. A., 362
Kusche, C., 150 88, 98, 114, 123, 124, 151, L’Engle, K., 200 Lieberman, J. A., 361
Kuss, D., 204 153, 173, 184, 185, 190, 192, L’Engle, K. L., 200, 297–298 Lieberman, M. D., 266, 269, 299
Kuttler, A. F., 130, 131, 279 193, 195, 196, 207, 213, 214, Lengua, L. J., 92 Liefeld, C., 318
Kypri, K., 359 274, 277, 286, 287 Lenhart, A., 197, 204 Liem, G.A.D., 326
Larson, R. W., 238 Lenox, K., 145 Light, J. M., 141
Larsson, H., 166 Lenroot, R., 60 Light, R., 159–160
L Latendresse, S., 106–107
Latendresse, S. J., 111
Lenroot, R. K., 111 Lightfoot, M., 312
Lightwood, J., 34
Lens, W., 324
LaBar, K. S., 59 Latimer, L. A., 29 Lenzi, M., 92, 94, 191, 254 Lillard, A., 54
Lachman, M., 99 Lau, A., 90 Leon, G., 36 Lim, C. G., 201
Lachman, P., 287 Lau, J.Y.F., 39, 246, 247 Leonard, S., 274 Lin, H., 281
Lacono, W. G., 110 Lau, M., 281 Leopold, T., 87 Lin, J., 230
Lacourse, E., 33, 91, 303–304 Laub, J. 2003, 367 Leppert, J., 198 Lin, K., 307
Lacourse, É., 92 Laucht, M., 360 Lerch, J., 60 Lin, W., 198
Ladd, G., 147 Lauckhardt, J., 90, 253–254 Lereya, T., 150 Lindberg, L., 292, 293, 310, 352
Ladd, G. W., 145, 233–234, 368 Laughlin, J., 246 Lereya, T. S., 149 Lindberg, L. D., 319
Ladd, H. F., 228 Laurent, L., 242 Lerner, J., 195, 248, 276 Lindberg, S., 232–233
Ladewski, B., 118 Laursen, B., 29, 96–98, 100–103, Lerner, J. V., 195, 333 Lindberg, S. M., 307
Laditka, J., 316 138, 141, 151, 190, 236, 237, Lerner, R., 3, 195, 276, 277 Lindenberg, S., 143, 144, 367
Laditka, S., 316 239, 240, 262, 269–271, 274, Lerner, R. M., 162, 169, 195, 247, Lindenberger, U., 50
Ladouceur, C. D., 50, 55 275, 279, 302, 332 333, 336 Lindentthal, J., 262
Lafferty, W. E., 319 LaVoie, J., 225 Leshem, B., 93 Linder, J. R., 288
La Greca, A., 87, 378–379 Lawford, H., 224, 267–268 Lesko, N., 12 Lindstrom, R., 275
La Greca, A. M., 39, 130, 131, Lawler, M., 38 Leslie, F., 206 Linn, E., 306–307
133–134, 146, 278 Layton, E., 258 Lester, L., 276 Linver, M. R., 115, 192
Lahat, A., 63 Le, V. D., 287 Leung, M.-C., 160–161 Lipperman-Kreda, S., 359
Lahiff, M., 294, 308 Leadbeater, B., 317 Leve, C., 314–315 Lippold, M., 161
Laible, D., 275 Leadbeater, B. J., 146 Leve, L., 297 Lippold, M. A., 98
Laird, J., 121, 247 Leaf, W., 40 Leve, L. D., 24 Lipsey, M., 371
Laird, R., 98, 108, 146, 240, 371 Leaper, C., 231–234, 307, 332 Leventhal, H., 41, 361 Lipton, R. I., 358
Laird, R. D., 98, 240, 242, 268 Leatherdale, S. T., 36 Leventhal, T., 90–94, 104, Liston, C., 55
Laje, G., 372, 373 LeBlanc, L., 175 303–304, 336 Litrownik, A., 121
Lalonde, F., 45, 58 LeBlanc, M., 94, 342 Leversen, I., 207 Litt, I. F., 203
Lam, C. B., 123, 127, 128 Ledermann, T., 116, 266 Levin, E., 332 Little, K. C., 310
Lam, C. B., 193 Lee, A. M., 30 Levin, M., 295, 301 Little, S. A., 162 Name Index I-13

Little, T., 104 Lubell, K., 205 Magnusson, D., 34 Marsh, P., 143, 240, 267, 268
Little, T. D., 145 Lubienski, C., 168 Maharaj, S., 137 Marshal, M. P., 308
Litwack, S. D., 142 Lubienski, S. T., 168 Mahoney, J., 6, 140, 174, 190–195 Marshall, J., 121
Liu, C., 63 Lucas, S., 164, 231 Mahoney, J. L., 191 Marshall, S. L., 218
Liu, D., 214 Luciana, M., 49–51, 55, 57 Maïano, C., 215 Marshall, W., 18, 22
Liu, J., 369 Ludden, A. B., 259, 358 Maimon, D., 92, 193 Marsiglia, F., 234
Liu, Y., 93, 119 Luder, M. T., 297 Main, M., 267 Marsiglia, F. F., 103, 228, 356, 359
Livingston, M., 68 Lüdtke, O., 142, 165 Makel, M. C., 165 Marston, E., 138, 265
Livingston, M. D., 359 Ludwig, J., 91, 366 Makin-Byrd, K., 288 Marston, E. G., 108
Lizotte, A. J., 316, 368 Luebbe, A. M., 271 Makino, K. K., 314 Martel, M. M., 351
Lobel, O., 232 Luhmann, M., 213 Malanchuk, O., 216, 329 Marti, C. N., 36
Lobel, T. E., 232 Lukowski, A. F., 29 Maldonado-Molina, M. M., 371 Martin, A., 303
Lochman, J., 145, 314–315 Lumeng, J. C., 36 Malone, P., 368 Martin, A. J., 326
Lodder, G.M.A., 141 Lun, J., 169 Malone, P. S., 314–315, 359, 371 Martin, D., 194, 299
Loeber, R., 108, 139, 350, 364, Luna, B., 44, 55–58, 244 Malone, S. M., 351 Martin, G., 376
366, 367, 371 Lund, T. J., 91 Malti, T., 63 Martin, J., 105
Loehlin, J. C., 111 Lundberg, S., 247 Manchikanti Gómez, A., 288 Martin, M., 6, 97, 98, 105–107, 229
Loewenson, P. R., 296 Luo, F., 288 Mandara, J., 108, 114, 217, 227, Martin, M. J., 116
Loftus, J., 285, 295 Luo, Q., 106–107, 141 326 Martin, P., 229, 230
Logan, J., 376 Lupinetti, C., 252 Manera, V., 16 Martin, S., 287
Logis, H. A., 143 Lussier, P., 368, 370 Manhart, L. E., 319 Martin, S. L., 285
Logue, S., 246–247, 361 Luster, T., 303, 308, 309, 316 Manlove, J., 294, 310, 311, 315, Martinez, A., 218
Lohman, B. J., 287, 297 Luthar, S., 106–107, 323, 329, 332, 317 Martinez, C. R., Jr., 101
Lohr, M., 318 359, 378, 379 Mann, E. A., 334–335 Martinez, M., 63
Lohr, M. J., 317 Luthar, S. S., 91, 143, 191 Mann, N. C., 40 Martínez, M., 240
Loken, E., 143 Lutz, A., 331 Mannering, A., 121 Martínez, M. L., 97
Lollis, S., 146 Lutz, A. C., 191 Mannes, M., 192 Martino, S. C., 200, 301
Lomniczi, A., 16 Luyckx, K., 218, 223 Mannheim, K., 8, 11 Martin-Storey, A., 288, 308
Lonardo, R. A., 366 Luyten, P., 38 Manning, W., 315 Marttunen, M., 31
Loney, B., 363 Lydon, D. M., 360 Manning, W. D., 279–281, 289, Maslowsky, J., 28, 29, 350
Long, J., 16, 75 Lynam, D., 33, 62 296, 301, 366 Mason, C., 139, 331, 333
Long, J. D., 131 Lynam, D. R., 363 Mannison, M., 285 Mason, C. A., 140
Longest, K. C., 189 Lynch, A. D., 93, 336 Manuck, S., 24 Mason, D. M., 369
Longmore, M. A., 280–281, 289, Lyndon, S. T., 149 Marbell, K. N., 330 Mason, W., 218–219
296, 301, 366 Lynne-Landsman, S. D., 32, Marceau, K., 102 Mason, W. A., 102, 140
Longo, G. S., 259 57, 359 Marcia, J., 223 Mason-Singh, A., 8
Lopez, A. B., 257 Lyons-Ruth, K., 267 Marcoen, A., 45 Massoglia, M., 371
Lopez, C., 214 Lytle, L. A., 29, 203 Marcoulides, G. A., 324 Masten, A., 75, 280, 351, 379
Lopez, C. M., 351 Marcus, D. K., 363 Masten, A. S., 213
Lopez, E. M., 139 Marcus, S., 8, 378 Masten, C., 247
Lopez, S., 196
Lopez-Larson, M., 52
M Marczak, M., 100
Marecek, J., 135
Masten, C. L., 27, 45, 59, 230, 266
Masyn, K., 368
Lopez-Tello, G., 248 Ma, H.-M., 25 Marelich, W., 312 Masyn, K. E., 376
Lord, H., 140, 190, 193 Ma, J., 35 Margola, D., 328 Mata, J., 251
Lord, S., 120, 330 Ma, M., 294 Margolin, G., 102, 115 Matas, L., 265
Lord, S. E., 161 Ma, T. L., 242 Marin, B. V., 285 Mathiesen, K. S., 377
Lorenz, F., 119 Määttä, S., 327–328 Marinelli, M., 361 Mathieson, L. C., 147
Lorenz, F. O., 116 Maccoby, E., 104, 105, 110–111, Mariner, C., 317 Matjasko, J., 191
Lorion, R., 366 118–119, 135, 273 Marino, R., 87 Matjasko, J. L., 183, 184, 298–299
Lorr, M., 125 MacDonald, W., 118 Marion, D., 151, 332 Matricciani, L., 28
Losoya, S. H., 92 Maciejewski, D. F., 214 Markey, C., 202 Matsuba, M. K., 253
Loth, K., 36 Mackesy-Amiti, M. E., 301 Markey, C. N., 206 Matsueda, R. L., 66
Louden, L., 115 Mackey, A. P., 334 Markey, P., 202 Matsui, M., 54
Lougheed, J.P., 9, 26 Mackey, E. R., 39 Markey, P. M., 206 Matthews, K., 93
Loughlin, S., 206 MacKinnon-Lewis, C., 227 Markham, C., 281 Matthews, M., 323
Loughran, T. A., 88, 371 MacLehose, R. F., 35 Markiewicz, D., 267–268, 285 Mattingly, M. J., 89
Louis, K., 162 MacLellan, S., 67 Marks, A. K., 228, 230 Mattison, E., 336
Loukas, A., 98, 161, 169, 171 MacMurray, J. P., 302 Marks, H. M., 174 Matusiewicz, A., 374
Lounds Taylor, J., 317 MacPherson, L., 93 Markstrom, C., 5, 77, 79, 80, 82, Matusko, N., 33–34
Lovato, C., 361 Madan, A., 138 225, 228–229 Maughan, B., 31, 351
Lövdén, M., 50 Madden-Derdich, D., 274 Markstrom-Adams, C., 212 Maulana, R., 331
Loveless, T., 168 Maddow-Zimet, I., 319 Markus, H., 210, 211 Mauras, C. P., 242
Low, C., 269, 271, 289 Madkour, A. S., 294, 295, 298, Mark Viner, R., 40 Maxwell, E. C., 52
Low, S., 110, 141 299, 303 Marmorstein, N. R., 351 Maxwell, S., 316
Lowe, K., 169, 326, 330 Madon, S., 12, 170 Marold, D., 212 Maxwell K., 162
Lowe, S., 90, 276–277 Madsen, S., 262–265 Marrero, M., 108, 240 Mayberry, M. L., 180
Lowery, B., 367 Madsen, S. D., 285 Marrero, M. D., 240 Mayers, R., 256
Lowery, C., 311 Mager, W., 371 Marsee, M. A., 268 Mayes, L. C., 265
Lowry, R., 294 Maggs, J., 30, 82, 194 Marsh, H., 164, 165, 188, 215 Mayeux, L., 143, 144, 286
Lu, L. H., 51–52 Magnan, R. E., 297 Marsh, H. W., 165, 188, 215, Mays, D., 192, 359
Lu, T., 259 Magnussen, C., 35 326–327 Mayseless, O., 106–107, 267
I-14 Name Index

Mbzivo, M., 299 McLaughlin, K., 87 Menon, M., 233–234 Millstein, S., 65, 304
McAdams, T., 351 McLaughlin, K. A., 149, 377–378 Menzer, M. M., 148 Millstein, S. G., 312
McAloney, K., 93 McLean, K., 219, 225, 261, 274 Menzies, L., 55 Milne, B. J., 370
McAnally, H. M., 202 McLean, K. C., 219 Mercer, D., 361 Milnitsky-Sapiro, C., 98
McAuley, E., 203 McLean, S. A., 37 Mercy, J., 41 Minchin, J., 149
McAuley, T., 50 McLellan, J. A., 90 Mereish, E. H., 308 Minguez, M., 318
McBride, C. K., 300 McLoyd, V., 88, 89, 92, 93, 119 Merikangas, K., 372 Mirabell, J., 29
McBride-Chang, C., 308 McLoyd, V. C., 94, 189, 334 Merikangas, K. R., 349, 372 Mireles-Rios, R., 248, 311
McCabe, M., 36 McMahon, R. J., 363 Mermelstein, R. J., 373 Mistry, R. S., 120, 171, 330
McCabe, M. P., 37, 39 McMahon, S., 259 Merrick, S., 266–267 Mitchell, C., 217, 357
McCabe, S. E., 354 McMahon, S. D., 94 Merskin, D., 30 Mitchell, J., 203
McCaffree, K., 310 McMahon, T., 332 Merten, D., 144 Mitchell, J. A., 29
McCartan, C., 93 McMaster, L., 285, 307 Mesch, G. S., 135 Mitchell, K., 117, 205
McCarthy, J., 317 McMorris, B., 299 Meschke, L. L., 300 Mitchell, K. J., 203–205, 229–230
McCarthy, K., 120 McMorris, B. J., 87 Messersmith, E., 174, 188, 342 Mitchell, K. S., 118
McCarthy, W. J., 359 McNamara, G., 357 Metselaar, M., 308 Miu, A., 200
McCarty, C. A., 350, 378 McNeely, C., 108, 121, 293, 301 Metzger, A., 103 Miu, A. S., 147, 369–370
McClelland, S. I., 291, 292–293, 297 McNelles, L., 268, 271, 272 Metzler, C. W., 149 Miyawaki, T., 54
McClintock, M., 15, 24, 291 McNulty, J. K., 310 Meuwese, R., 253 Mizuno, K., 48
McClure, E., 101 McNulty, T., 367 Meyer, A. L., 352 Mocan, N., 314
McClure, S., 244 McNulty, T. L., 91, 303 Meyer, I.H., 308 Modecki, K. L., 67, 149, 245
McClure-Tone, E., 58, 374 McPhie, M. L., 35 Meyer, J. R., 245 Modell, J., 73, 74, 86
McCord, J., 140 McRae, C., 116 Mezulis, A. H., 374, 377 Moe, S. G., 29
McCormick, S., 29 McRee, A. L., 293 Mheen, D., 204 Moffitt, T., 33, 212, 351, 352, 365,
McCoy, J., 109 McRee, N., 31 Michael, A., 329 367–368, 370, 371
McCoy, K. P., 116 McRitchie, S. L., 35, 203 Michaud, P., 312 Moffitt, T. E., 213, 316, 351, 370
McCrae, R., 212, 213 McRoy, R. G., 120 Michl, L. C., 377 Mohr, P., 36
McCrystal, P., 93 McShane, L., 49 Michou, A., 324 Moilanen, K., 162, 297
McCullough, M. E., 259 Mead, M., 11, 85 Mickelson, R., 324, 336 Moilanen, K. L., 369
McCutcheon, J. E., 361 Meade, C., 302 Mickus, M., 276 Molano, A., 138
McDaniel, B., 64, 107 Meadows, S. O., 373 Midgley, C., 161–163, 324, 331 Molgora, S., 328
McDaniel, D. D., 376 Meares, H., 335 Miech, R., 353, 355 Molina, B., 29
McDonald, J. A., 294 Mecklinger, A., 49 Miech, R. A., 34–35 Molina, B.S.G., 359
McDonald, R. M., 108–109 Medeiros, B. L., 107, 117 Miernicki, M. E., 269 Molina G., 314
McDougall, P., 147 Mednick, S., 369 Miers, A. C., 58 Molinari, L., 29
McElhaney, K., 7, 109, 143, 144, Meece, D., 194 Miguel, S. S., 246 Mollen, C. J., 310
236–241, 262–263, 265, Mihalic, S., 189
Meerkerk, G., 204 Möller, I., 201
267, 268
Meesters, C., 374 Mikami, A., 169, 198, 205 Molloy, L. E., 131, 214, 239, 278
McElhaney, K. B., 240, 265, 267
Meeus, W., 213, 220, 223, 224–225, Mikami, A. Y., 204 Molnar, B. E., 94
McFarland, C., 240, 267
275, 281, 293, 300 Miklikowska, M., 107 Monahan, K., 16, 66, 92, 132, 141,
McFarland, F., 143
Meeus, W. H., 133 Milam, A., 93 162, 187, 188–189, 198, 200,
McFarland, F. C., 246, 268
Meeus, W.H.J., 102, 103, 129, Milan, S., 315 246, 247, 297, 369, 370–371,
McGee, R. O., 213
273–274, 377 Milbrath, C., 281 379
McGill, R. K., 227
Mega, C., 323 Milburn, M., 338 Monahan, K. C., 29, 93, 145, 175,
McGinley, K., 352
Mehari, K. R., 147 Miles, B., 121 189, 253, 286, 350, 369
McGloin, J., 141
Mehta, C., 127–128, 135 Milich, R., 371 Monck, E., 274
McGloin, J. M., 138, 141, 246
Mehta, T. G., 218 Millar, R., 16 Mond, J., 215
McGrady, P. B., 170
Meier, A., 107–108 Miller, A. B., 376 Moneta, G., 98, 193, 213
McGue, M., 102, 110, 111, 115,
Meier, A. M., 297 Miller, B., 165, 166, 300–302 Monroe, S. M., 286, 378
258, 331, 370–371
McGuigan, K., 362 Meier, M., 92 Miller, C. F., 233–234 Monshouwer, K., 351, 376
McGuire, S., 111 Meijer, A. M., 370–371 Miller, D., 66 Monsour, A., 211
McHale, J. P., 228 Meijer, S., 293, 300 Miller, D. I., 52 Montgomery, K., 207
McHale, S., 100, 103, 104, 109, Mekos, D., 112 Miller, D. P., 52, 107–108, 294 Montgomery, M., 279
111, 135, 161, 174, 192, 232, Melanson, S., 332 Miller, E., 287 Montgomery, M. J., 279, 280,
233, 248, 277 Melby, J., 335 Miller, J., 193, 287 282–283, 308
McHale, S. M., 110, 123, 127, 191, Melching, J. A., 240 Miller, J. D., 330, 335 Montgomery, S., 120
193, 227–230, 232, 234, 248, Melde, C., 138, 139 Miller, K., 120, 247, 301, 302 Montoro, R., 305
300, 326 Meldrum, R. C., 29 Miller, K. S., 302 Moody, J., 136, 278
McIsaac, C., 274, 279, 280, 281, Melkevik, O., 213 Miller, L., 256 Mooijaart, A., 266
283–287 Mello, Z. R., 346 Miller, M., 302 Moon, U. J., 205, 331
McIssac, C., 7 Mellor, R., 311 Miller, N., 80, 85 Moore, K., 295, 317
McKee, S. A., 350 Meltzoff, A., 325 Miller, S., 143, 287, 371 Moore, K. A., 191, 318
McKenney, K., 283 Memmert, D., 48 Miller, W. C., 293 Moore, M., 176
McKenney, S. J., 234 Menaghan, E., 302 Miller, X., 316 Moore, M. R., 116
McKinney, C., 106 Menard, S., 352 Miller-Johnson, S., 314–315 Moore, S., 30, 145, 324
McKinney, J., 248 Mendle, J., 22, 24, 25, 30, 33, Mills, B., 65, 66 Moore, S. C., 369
McKinney, K., 32 297–299, 302, 377 Mills, C., 328 Moore, S. R., 30, 298
McKone, K. M., 24 Mendoza-Denton, R., 150 Mills, K. L., 45, 57, 58, 205 Moore, W., 59
McLachlan, K., 78 Menezes, I., 254 Mills, M., 115, 302 Moore, W., III, 247
McLanahan, S., 118, 315–316, 334 Mennecke, B., 219–220 Millsap, R., 281 Moos, R., 169
McLaughlin, B., 176 Menning, C. L., 117 Millsap, R. E., 33 Moran, P., 363 Name Index I-15

More, D., 204 Mustanski, B. S., 23 Newmann, F., 174 O’Connor, K., 325
Morgan, A. S., 373 Mustard, C., 90 Newsome, J., 368 O’Connor, T., 105, 115, 268
Morgan, M., 198 Mustillo, S. A., 285 Ng-Mak, D., 93 Odgers, C. L., 93
Morgan, S. P., 317 Myers, J., 262 Nguyen, D. T., 115 O’Donnell, M., 344
Morgano, E., 138 Myers, M. W., 371 Nguyen, H., 246 Oelsner, J., 161
Mori, I., 337 Mylod, D., 316 Nguyên, H., 227 Oesterle, S., 350
Morin, A.J.S., 215, 341 Nguyen, H.N.T., 285 Oetting, E. R., 335
Morisi, T., 184 Nguyen, J., 226 Oettinger, G., 188
Morisky, D. E., 295 N Nicolai, K. A., 377 Offer, S., 108
Morris, A., 7, 64, 107, 237, 249, Nicotra, E., 145 Ofner, S., 312
252, 253 Nadeem, E., 31, 90, 337 Nieri, T., 359 Ogawa, J. R., 266
Morris, A. K., 44, 48 Nader, P., 203 Nies, K. M., 141 Ogbu, J., 134, 336
Morris, J. E., 194 Nader, P. R., 35, 203 Nilsson, K. W., 198 Ogden, C., 34
Morris, M. C., 378 Nagaoka, J., 334 Niolon, P. H., 288 Ogle, J. P., 37
Morris, N., 21 Nagel, B. J., 52, 55 Nishina, A., 19, 145, 147, 149, 167, Ogletree, M. D., 29
Morrison, D., 311 Nagengast, B., 165, 188, 215, 324 174, 227 Ohannessian, C., 276
Morrison, G. M., 246 Nagin, D., 107, 370 Niwa, E. Y., 216, 229 O’Hara, R. E., 200
Morrison Gutman, L., 108 Nagoshi, J. L., 103, 228, 356 Nixon, C. L., 146 O’Hare, E. D., 51–52
Morrow, B., 310 Nagy, G., 324, 330 Nixon, E., 38 Ohlson, B., 281
Morrow, J., 38–39 Nair, R. L., 93, 119 Noack, P., 326 Ojanen, T., 218
Mortelmans, D., 117, 119 Nakaue, M., 240 Noah, A. J., 294 Okazaki, S., 225, 336
Mortimer, J., 88, 186, 187 Namerow, P., 317 Noakes, M. A., 272 Okdie, B. M., 205
Mory, M., 128 Nangle, D. W., 264, 282 Noble, K. G., 55 O’Keefe, G., 204
Moses, A., 366 Nansel, T. R., 148, 193 Nock, M. K., 375 Okeke-Adeyanju, N., 327, 329–330
Mosher, W., 314 Nappo, S. A., 359 Nock, S., 315 Olatokun, W., 204
Mosteller, F., 159–160 Nash, K., 186 Noguchi, K., 54 Olatunji, A. N., 189
Motl, R. W., 203 Nasir, N. S., 325 Noguera, P., 174 Oldehinkel, A. J., 272, 374–375
Mott, F., 302 Nasrallah, N. A., 361 Noh, A., 324 Olds, T., 28
Mott, F. L., 131, 317 Nation, M., 41, 254 Nolen-Hoeksema, S., 377 Olds, T. S., 183
Motti-Stefanidi, F., 227 Natriello, G., 179 Nolle, K., 174 O’Leary, K. D., 287
Moua, M., 227 Natsuaki, M., 373, 374 Noller, P., 274 Olfson, M., 372, 373
Mounts, N., 134, 139, 248, 332 Natsuaki, M. N., 23, 24, 31, 32, 285 Norberg, K. E., 361 Olfson M., 8, 378
Mounts, N. S., 117, 137 Neal, J., 143 Norman, T., 247 Olino, T. M., 57
Mouratidis, A., 324 Neblett, E., 230 Norona, J. C., 265 Oliva, A., 240
Mouw, T., 136 Neblett, E. W., 142–143 Norton, E., 143 Oliver, B. R., 31
Mowen, T. J., 139 Neblett, E., Jr., 88, 227 Nosko, A., 267 Oliver, P. H., 324
Mrug, S., 109, 138, 141, 278 Needham, B., 34–35, 137, 141 Noto, A. R., 359 O’Loughlin, J., 358
Mucci, L. A., 287 Needham, B. L., 308 Nottelmann, E., 352 Olsen, E.O., 197
Mueller, A.S., 376 Neemann, J., 280, 281, 285 Notter, O., 149 Olsen, J., 108
Muhleman, D., 302 Negriff, S., 24, 31–34, 369 Noussair, C., 145 Olson, C. K., 201
Muhlenbruck, L, 180 Neiderhiser, J., 112, 374 Novaira, H., 14 Olson, L., 189, 342
Muise, A. M., 37 Neiderhiser, J. M., 23, 110, 111 Novak, S. P., 41, 359 Olszewki-Kubilius, P., 165
Mukherjee, P., 136 Neighbors, B., 115 Nov-Krispin, N., 232 Olvera, N., 37
Mulgrew, K. E., 206 Neilands, T.B., 93 Ntoumanis, N., 192 Olweus, D., 147
Mulhall, P., 169 Nejad, H. G., 326 Nucci, L., 98, 240 O’Malley, P. M., 355
Mulkeen, P., 274 Nelemans, S., 7, 214 Nucci, M. S., 98 O’Malley, P., 75, 193, 353, 355,
Muller, C., 115 Nelson, C., 58 Nuñez, A., 177 358, 359, 362, 371
Müller, C. M., 138 Nelson, C. A., 53 Nurius, P., 210 O’Malley, P. M., 188
Mulvey, E., 176, 246, 247, 368, 369 Nelson, E., 58, 82, 101, 374 Nurmi, J., 210, 224, 324, 327–328 Oman, R. F., 359
Mulvey, E. P., 88, 363, 369 Nelson, E. E., 58, 246 Nurmi, J. E., 141, 327–328, 332 Onatsu, T., 324
Mulvey, K. L., 64, 234 Nelson, I. A., 183 Nurmi, J.-E., 225 O’Neal, C. W., 36
Mun, E. Y., 350 Nelson, J. A., 266 Nyalakanti, P. K., 369 Onghena, P., 242
Munakata, Y., 244 Nelson, L. J., 224, 258 Nygård, C., 28 Opaleye, E. S., 359
Munfakh, J., 205 Nelson, S., 108, 140 Nylund, K., 145 Op de Macks, Z., 17
Munniksma, A., 136 Nelson-Mmari, K., 40 Nylund-Gibson, K., 227 Opdenakker, M. C., 331
Muñoz, L. C., 93 Neppl, T. K., 259 Oppenheimer, C. W., 107
Munsch, J., 276 Nesbit, K. C., 36 Oransky, M., 135
Munson, S., 34
Murayama, K., 323, 324
Neubauer, S. A., 131 O Orbell, S., 310, 311
Orcutt, H. K., 351, 376
Neuenschwander, M., 344
Murdock, K. K., 205 Neumann, D. L., 325 Oakes, J., 163, 164 Ordaz, S., 58
Murdock, T., 162, 332 Neumark-Sztainer, D., 35, 36, 38, Oakley, D., 310 Ordaz, S. J., 55
Murphy, B., 253 39, 206, 215, 307 Obama, B., 156–157 Orlando, M., 360
Murphy, B. C., 252 Newcomb, A., 271 Obeidallah, D., 33 Ormel, J., 144, 272, 367, 374–375
Murphy, D. A., 299 Newcomb, A. F., 283 Obradović, J., 75 Ormrod, R. K., 150
Murray, C. B., 114 Newcomb, M., 361 O’Brien, L., 67, 246 Orobio de Castro, B., 254
Murray, D., 36 Newman, B., 8, 132 O’Brien, M., 35, 110, 203 Orpinas, P., 285, 287
Murray, K. W., 104, 242 Newman, D., 30 Obsuth, I., 267 Orr, D., 292, 351
Murry, V., 31 Newman, D. L., 225 O’Callaghan, M., 316 Orr, M., 318, 319
Musick, J., 318 Newman, J. P., 370–371 Ochner, C., 37 Ortega, F. B., 35
Musick, K., 107–108 Newman, P., 8, 132 O’Connell, D., 352 Orth, U., 213–214, 217, 218
Must, A., 23 Newman, R., 326 O’Connor, A. R., 57 Ortiz, J., 351
I-16 Name Index

Orue, I., 377 Pardini, D. A., 108, 139, 363, 371 Penner, E., 78 Pimentel, E., 186
Orwin, R., 354–355 Parekh, J., 318 Peper, J. S., 55, 244 Pinderhughes, E., 120
Oser, F., 45 Parent, S., 17 Pepler, D., 239, 278, 281–283, 307 Pine, D., 58, 101, 368, 374
Osgerby, B., 74, 182, 206 Parente, M., 194 Pepler, D. J., 281 Pine, D. S., 58, 369
Osgood, D. W., 4, 103, 112, 131, Park, A., 359 Pepper, J. S., 57 Pingel, E. S., 300
141, 144, 185, 188, 194, Park, M. J., 38, 40 Pepper, M., 262 Pinquart, M., 240–241
213–214, 233, 256, 346, Parker, A., 65 Percy, A., 93 Pintrich, P., 326, 328
370, 371 Parker, J., 144, 262, 269, 271, Perez-Brena, N. J., 228, 274 Piquero, A., 139, 364, 367
Oshri, A., 351 288–289 Perez-Febles, A., 316 Piquero, A. P., 364
Oslak, S., 38, 287 Parker, K., 84, 87 Perilla, J., 330 Piquero, A. R., 92, 369, 371
Ostaszewski, K., 358 Parker, K. F., 90 Perius, J. G., 149 Piran, N., 307
O’Sullivan, L. F., 281–282, 293 Parker, P. D., 141, 218, 334 Perkins, D., 192, 303, 308 Pittard, W., 316
Oswald, H., 304, 305 Parker, S., 205 Perkins, D. D., 92, 169 Plaisier, X. S., 149
Oswald, T., 36, 247 Parkes, A., 298–299 Perkins, S. A., 98, 240, 249 Planty, M., 254–255
Osypuk, T. L., 91 Parkin, C. M., 63 Perreira, K., 226 Plata, M., 330
Otsuki-Clutter, M., 108, 225, 227, Parra, A., 240 Perron, B.E., 259 Plomin, R., 105, 115, 368, 369
228, 230 Parsai, M., 103, 228, 356, 359 Perry, A. A., 38–39 Pogarsky, G., 316
Ott, M. A., 312 Pascarella, E., 225 Perry, B., 141 Polanin, J. R., 141
Ott, M. Q., 305 Pasch, K. E., 29, 171 Perry, C., 106–107, 358, 362 Pollack, C., 29
Ou, S. R., 254 Paschall, M. J., 358 Perry, C. L., 36 Pollack, H., 316
Oudekerk, B., 143 Paskewitz, D., 379 Perry, D., 232, 234 Pollack, S., 56
Oudekerk, B. A., 239 Paskwich, B. S., 143 Perry, D. G., 218 Pollak, S. D., 56
Overbeek, G., 266, 284, 299 Pasley, K., 100 Perry, R. P., 379 Pollard, M. S., 141
Overpeck, M. D., 31, 193 Pastore, M., 138 Perry, T., 268, 269 Pomerantz, E., 241, 248, 324,
Overstreet, S., 94 Pastorelli, C., 326 Persike, M., 273 325, 330
Owen, L., 104 Pasupathi, M., 110, 252 Persson, A., 191 Pomerantz, E. M., 46, 108, 241,
Owen, M. T., 266 Patall, E. A., 326 Peter, J., 200, 204, 272 248, 330
Owen-Kostelnik, J., 245 Patchin, J. W., 149 Petersen, A., 32 Pomerantz, E.M., 331
Owens, A., 167 Pate, R., 203 Petersen, A. C., 217 Pomery, E., 106–107
Oxford, M. L., 317 Pateman, B., 294 Petersen, I. T., 377 Pong, S., 115, 328, 330
Oyserman, D., 211, 318, 336 Paten, S., 377 Petersen, J. L., 307 Pong, S. L., 337
Ozcan, M., 188 Paternoster, R., 246, 341 Petersen, S., 57 Ponnet, K., 117, 119
Özdemir, S. B., 307 Pati, C., 106–107 Peterson, C., 323 Poorthuis, A., 7, 214
Ozer, E., 40, 41, 308, 311–312 Patrick, M. E., 356 Peterson, J., 41 Poorthuis, A.M.G., 325
Ozer, E. J., 28, 313 Patten, C. A., 29 Peterson, J. L., 136, 230 Poper, D. C., 173
Patterson, C., 335 Peterson, K., 311 Poropat, A. E., 323
P Patterson, C. J., 120, 306
Patterson, G., 368–369
Peterson, P., 360 Porter, M., 143, 240, 267
Peterson-Badali, M., 241 Porter, M. R., 246
Pabian, S., 149 Patterson, G. R., 98, 371 Petraitis, J., 359 Porter, P., 369
Pabon, E., 139 Patton, D. U., 149 Petrie, C., 176 Porter, S., 363
Paciello, M., 252, 288 Patton, F., 228, 230 Pettit, G., 62, 108, 146, 194, Poteat, P. V., 308
Padgett, J., 216 Patton, G. C., 171, 350, 373 369, 371 Poteat, V. P., 308
Padilla, A. M., 337 Patton, W., 285 Pettit, G. S., 118, 242, 266, 288, Potkin, K. T., 29
Padilla, B., 218 Pauletti, R., 232 298–299, 370–371 Poulin, F., 108, 130–131, 135,
Padilla-Walker, L., 98, 201, 276 Paulsen, D. J., 44, 244 Pettit, J., 372 140–142, 145, 183, 192,
Padilla-Walker, L. M., 81, 107, 110, Paus, T., 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60 Pexman, P., 46 273, 278
201, 204, 252, 323 Paus T., 247 Peyser, H., 116 Poulos, G., 330
Padilla-Walker, L. P., 119 Paxton, S., 38 Pfeifer, J., 45, 59, 101, 210, 211, 247 Power, J., 57
Padmanabhan, A., 44, 58, 244 Paxton, S. J., 37 Pfeifer, J. H., 59, 62, 214 Power, T., 215, 246, 357
Page, M., 89 Payne, A., 171 Phares, V, 36 Powers, J., 147, 308, 369–370
Page-Gould, E., 150 Payne, K. K., 279 Phelan, P., 167 Powers, S. I., 374
Pagels, N. E., 360 Payne, P. A., 29 Philbin, J. M., 294 Pozen, D., 138
Pahl, K., 136, 227 Paysnick, A. A., 90 Philippe, F. L., 241 Pozzoli, T., 150
Paikoff, R., 27, 29, 291, 301, 318 Pea, R., 198 Philips, K. J., 147 Pradhan, A. K., 67
Paikoff, R. L., 300 Peake, S. J., 62, 214 Philliber, S., 342 Prado, G., 228, 312
Pajer, K., 369 Pearce, M. J., 107 Phillips, M. L., 27 Pratt, M. W., 224, 267
Palardy, G., 179 Pearce, N., 196 Phillipsen, L. C., 268 Presnell, K., 36
Palladino, G., 74 Pearl, R., 143 Phinney, J., 227 Pressler, E., 118
Pallas, A., 179 Pears, K., 104, 314–315 Piaget, J., 8, 9, 47–48, 249 Presson, C., 359
Pallock, L., 115 Pearson, J., 308 Pianta, R., 169 Preusser, D., 40
Palmgren, C., 64–65 Pechmann, C., 206 Pianta, R. C., 335 Pribesh, S., 170
Pampel, F. C., 354 Peck, S. C., 172 Pickering, S. J., 51 Price, C. D., 36, 192
Pancer, S. M., 254 Peckins, M., 369 Piehler, T., 127 Price, C. L., 164
Panchaud, C., 311 Pedersen, S., 87, 130–131, 135, Piehler, T. F., 140 Price, M. N., 297
Papadakis, A. A., 264 145, 146, 183, 278 Pierce, J., 358 Priebe, G., 203–2004
Papadakis, S., 36 Peebles, R., 203 Pierce, J. P., 29 Priess, H., 232–233
Papillo, A., 317 Pehlivantürk, B., 267 Piesse, A., 354–355 Prindiville, S., 214
Papillo, A. R., 191 Pekrun, R., 323, 330 Pieters, S., 29 Prinstein, M., 133, 134, 141, 247
Papp, L. M., 116 Pellegrini, A. D., 131, 277 Pietiläinen, K. H., 23 Prinstein, M. J., 133–134, 141,
Paradis, G., 358 Pellerin, L. A., 169 Pike, A., 111 142–144, 146, 247, 272, 278,
Pardini, D., 350 Pelletier, L., 326 Pilgrim, C., 106–107 286, 293, 302, 375, 376 Name Index I-17

Prinzie, P., 108, 212, 242 Randall, G. K., 140 Restrepo, A., 114 Roberts, D., 120, 182, 196–198,
Proctor, L., 121 Randel, B., 327 Reuman, D., 164 200–202, 206, 291, 324
Proescher, E., 379 Randel, J., 287 Revenson, T. A., 328 Roberts, M., 229
Pronk, R., 146 Rankin, L. A., 82 Reyes, B., 218 Roberts, R., 225
Prossinger, H., 299 Ranney, J. D., 204–205 Reyes, B. T., 110 Roberts, R. E., 29
Prot, S., 198 Rao, P., 141 Reyes, H. L., 288, 307–308 Roberts, R. M., 29
Pruessner, J., 56 Rapee, R., 39 Reyes, M. R., 169 Robertson, A., 87
Pryor, J., 171, 276 Rapee, R. M., 141 Reyes, O., 335 Robertson, D. L., 334–335
Prystowsky, A., 35 Raphaelson, Y. E., 93 Reyna, V., 65–67 Robertson, L. A., 202
Puddy, R. W., 121 Rasmussen, M., 361 Reynolds, A., 334–335 Robins, G., 36
Puelo, C., 349 Rassart, J., 223 Reynolds, A. J., 161, 254 Robins, R., 212, 213, 344, 351
Pulkkinen, L., 23, 368–369 Ratelle, C., 330 Reynolds, B., 244 Robins, R. W., 213–214, 218, 227,
Punamäki, R., 28, 106–107 Rauch, K., 125 Reynolds, B. M., 30, 32 338
Pungello, E., 335 Raudenbusch, S., 92 Reynolds, E., 93 Robinson, M. G., 169
Purcell, A., 310 Raudenbush, S. W., 41 Reynolds, J. L., 230 Robinson, N., 218
Purdie, N., 326 Raudino, A., 266 Reynolds, J. R., 170, 334 Robinson, T., 37
Purtell, K. M., 92, 189 Rauer, A. J., 288 Rhew, I., 350 Robinson, W. L., 139
Purwono, U., 258, 259 Rauscher, K. J., 187 Rhew, I. C., 350 Robnett, R.D., 332
Putallaz, M., 165, 275 Ravitch, D., 155, 179 Rhodes, J., 90, 161, 276–277, Roche, K., 104, 108
Putnam, F., 308 Rawana, J. S., 35, 373 318, 338 Roche, K. M., 93, 227, 248, 330,
Putnick, D. L., 240 Raymond, M., 117 Rhodes, J. E., 90, 169 337
Pyrooz, D. C., 139 Rayner, K. E., 141 Ricard, R., 273 Roche, L., 164
Raynor, S. R., 116 Ricardo, I., 302 Rocheleau, G. C., 189
Raznahan, A., 52 Ricciardelli, L. A., 37, 39 Rodas, C., 116
Q Ready, D. D., 159, 160
Ream, G., 231, 301
Rice, K., 274 Roderick, M., 334
Rodgers, J., 303
Rice, L., 331
Qian, Z., 336 Ream, R., 332 Rodgers, K., 215
Rich, L. M., 188
Qin, D., 101, 136, 226 Reardon, S. F., 41 Rodgers, R. F., 37
Rich, Y., 346
Qin, L., 241, 248 Rebellon, C. J., 98, 371 Rodkin, P., 143
Richard, P., 141
Qouta, S., 106–107 Recchia, H., 110 Rodkin, P. C., 143, 259
Richards, J. M., 102
Qu, Y., 46, 66–67, 108, 246 Recchia, H. E., 63, 252 Rodriguez, C., 244
Richards, M., 39, 98, 123, 173, 190,
Quadrel, M., 46 Reckdenwald, A., 90 Rodriguez, D., 29
274, 277, 278
Quasem, S., 352 Reddy, R., 161, 169 Rodriguez, N., 367
Richards, M. H., 213, 217
Quatman, T., 325 Redlich, A., 78 Rodriguez, O., 139
Richardson, B., 41
Quillian, L., 136, 137 Reed, J., 228 Rodriguez, S. A., 274
Richardson, F., 60
Quinn, P. D., 66, 156 Rees, D. I., 310 Roe, K., 198
Richardson, J., 115
Quinn, T., 370 Reese, E., 49 Roelofs, J., 374
Richardson, R., 317
Quiroga, C. V., 341 Reeslund, K., 378, 379 Roelofsma, P., 202
Richman, S. B., 108
Quittner, A., 40 Reeves, P. M., 285 Roenneberg, T., 28
Rickman, A., 3
Regnier, M., 254–255 Roesch, R., 78
Rideout, V., 197, 198, 203
Reich, K., 45 Roesch, S., 121
Rieffe, C., 253
R Reich, S., 204, 269
Rieger, G., 231
Roesch, S. C., 253
Reichhardt, T., 202 Roeser, R., 153, 161–163, 169,
Raabe, T., 135, 137 Rierdan, J., 30
Reid, G., 298–299 170, 179, 257, 259, 262, 324,
Raaijmakers, Q., 213, 224, 254 Reid, J. B., 350 Riggs, K. J., 43 328, 330
Raby, K. L., 266 Reid, L., 316, 317 Riggs, L., 318 Roettger, M. E., 369
Racer, K. H., 323 Reidy, D. E., 288 Rigney, G., 28 Roeyers, H., 166
Racine, Y., 90, 356 Reijneveld, S., 92 Riina, E. M., 229–230 Rogers, J., 314
Radin, N., 318 Reijntjes, A., 253 Rijsdijk, F., 351 Rogers, L. O., 230
Radmacher, K., 271, 272 Reilly, D., 325 Rijsdijk, F. V., 369 Rogers, R., 78
Raffaelli, M., 269, 271, 272, 275, Reinders, H., 254 Rimpelä, A., 28 Rogosch, F. A., 351, 377
276, 297, 301, 379 Reiner, S., 367 Rinaldi, C. M., 272 Rohde, P., 36, 286, 372, 376–378
Raftery-Helmer, J. N., 330 Reinke, W. M., 350 Rind, B., 309 Rohrbach, L., 359
Ragsdale, B. L., 217 Reiser, L., 30 Rinehart, P., 121 Roisman, G., 370
Raiford, J. L., 304 Reiss, D., 23, 111, 374 Rinelli, L., 118 Roisman, G. I., 189, 266, 285, 351,
Raine, A., 351, 369 Reiter, E., 30 Ringwalt, C., 361–362 369, 371
Raj, A., 287 Reitz, A. K., 227 Ripperger-Suhler, K. G., 169 Rombouts, S.A.R.B., 49–50
Raley, R. K., 281 Remer, L. G., 359 Risch, S., 119 Romeo, R. S., 16, 55
Ralston, E., 140 Renaud, O., 210 Ritter, P., 330 Romer, D., 60, 201, 206, 351
Ram, N., 102, 214 Rendell, P. G., 206 Rivas-Drake, D., 227, 228, 230 Romero, A. J., 300
Ramanan, J., 194 Renk, K., 106 Rivera, W., 139 Romero, L., 309
Rambaran, J. A., 141 Repetti, R., 108 Rivers, S., 66 Romero, S., 40
Ramchand, R., 188 Repinski, D., 150 Rivers, S. E., 169 Romich, J., 247
Ramey, C., 334, 335 Repovš, G., 60 Rizzo, J. A., 19 Rommelse, N. N., 369
Ramey, H. L., 195 Reppucci, N., 90 Roalson, L., 161 Romo, L., 301
Ramirez, C., 344 Reppucci, N. D., 244, 245, 367 Robbins, C., 315 Romo, L. F., 248, 301, 311
Ramos, D., 92 Reshef-Kfir, Y., 66 Robbins, M., 205 Ronconi, L., 323
Ramos, J., 257 Resko, S. M., 359 Robbins, T. W, 57 Rood, L., 374
Ramsden, S., 60 Resnick, M., 293, 314 Roberts, A. L., 94, 234 Rook, K., 276
Randall, B. A., 253 Resnick, M. D., 296 Roberts, B., 212, 344 Roosa, M., 108, 119
Randall, E. T., 191, 330 Rest, J., 251 Roberts, C. R., 29 Roosa, M. W., 33, 93, 101, 230
I-18 Name Index

Roper, Z. J., 243 Rust, J., 233 Saporito, S., 168 Scholte, R.H.J., 141, 148
Rosario, M., 93, 234, 305, 308 Ruth, G., 4 Sarent, J. D., 200 Schooler, D., 200, 212
Rose, A., 271–272, 281, 347 Ruthig, J. C., 379 Sargent, J., 247 Schoon, I., 344
Rose, A. J., 146, 262, 269, 271, 272 Rutland, A., 64 Sargent, J. D., 202 Schouten, A. P., 204
Rose, C., 230 Rutter, M., 105 Sarraj, E., 106–107 Schrepferman, L., 368
Rose, J., 359 Ruzic, L., 56 Sarwer, D. B., 36 Schroeder, R. D., 139
Rose, R. A., 330 Ryabov, I., 334, 335 Sauer, J. D., 205 Schubert, C. A., 88, 363
Rose, R. J., 23, 378 Ryan, A. M., 129, 138, 332 Saunders, B. E., 351 Schulenberg, J., 29, 75, 76, 174,
Rose, T., 259 Ryan, C., 232 Saunders, J., 326 188, 342, 353, 355, 359
Rose-Krasnor, L., 195 Ryan, J., 121 Savage, J. C., 369 Schulenberg, J. E., 162, 348, 350,
Rosen, L. D., 203 Ryan, N., 276 Savaya, R., 308 355, 356
Rosenbaum, J. E., 178, 303, 310 Ryan, N. D., 27 Savin-Williams, R., 7, 214, 231, Schuler, R., 26–27
Rosenberg, F., 214 Ryan, R. M., 24, 302 262, 269, 284, 291–294, Schultz, L., 29
Rosenberg, M., 214, 217–218 Ryan, S., 310, 311 296–301, 304–306, 308 Schultz, P. W., 325
Rosenbloom, S. R., 171, 175 Ryu, S., 186 Savin-Williams, R. C., 231, 232, Schuster, M., 194, 299
Rosenblum, G., 27, 38 297 Schuster, M. A., 301
Rosenthal, D., 248, 293, 305 Savolainen, J., 350–352 Schütte, K., 171
Rosenthal, N. L., 268 S Sawalani, G. M., 145
Sawyer, A. M., 371
Schutz, R., 19
Schwab-Stone, M., 253
Rosenthal, S., 266–267
Roseth, C. J., 169 Saarni, L., 28 Saxbe, D. E., 115 Schwab-Stone, M. E., 107
Roseweir, A., 16 Sabatelli, R., 241 Saxon, J. L., 325 Schwager, M., 326
Rossa, K. R., 29 Sabiston, C. M., 359 Scabini, E., 103 Schwartz, D., 134, 228, 332
Rote, W., 62, 262 Sabuwalla, Z., 378 Scales, P., 192 Schwartz, J., 366
Rote, W. M., 98 Sacchitelle, C., 105 Scanlan, L., 193 Schwartz, O., 100
Roth, J., 15, 94, 192 Sachs, J., 159–160 Scanlan, T., 193 Schwartz, S., 90, 223
Roth, J. L., 192 Sackett, P. R., 334 Schad, M., 138 Schwartz, S. H., 96
Roth, T., 29 Sacks, V. H., 318 Schad, M. M., 143, 242, 265, 267 Schwartz, S. J., 223
Rothen, N., 28 Sadek, S., 150 Schaefer, D. R., 36, 141, 192 Schwartz, S.E.O., 90
Rotheram-Borus, M., 312 Saewyc, E., 308 Schaefer-Rohleder, L., 87 Schwartz-Mette, R., 271–272
Rothman, E. F., 287 Saewyc, E. M., 231, 305, 306, 308 Schaible, L. M., 93 Schwartz-Mette, R. A., 271
Rouse, C. E., 334 Safron, J., 188 Schallert, D. L., 324 Schwarz, B., 116, 121, 266
Rowe, C., 87 Sagrestano, L., 29 Scharf, M., 106–107, 110, 280 Schweder, R., 76–77
Rowe, C. L., 362 Salafia, E., 39 Scheepers, F. E., 369 Schweitzer, J., 244
Rowe, D., 111, 212, 218, 303, Salas-Wright, C. P., 259 Scheer, J. R., 308 Scott, E., 70, 71, 78, 79, 245, 364,
359–360, 373 Salazar, C. F., 330 Scheib, E., 149 371
Rowe, R., 351 Salazar, L., 202 Scheier, L., 219, 357 Scott, J. T., 38
Rowen, J., 112 Sale, E., 359 Schelar, E., 311 Scott, L. D., 379
Rowland, B., 68 Salekin, R. T., 363 Schelleman-Offermans, K., 31 Scott, M., 116, 311
Rowley, S., 118, 329–330 Sales, L., 274 Scheres, A., 66, 243 Scott, M. A., 230
Rowley, S. J., 327 Salinger, J. D., 222 Scherf, K., 59 Scottham, K., 227
Roye, C., 317 Salmela-Aro, K., 141, 325, 332, Scherf, K. S., 59 Scovill, L. C., 12
Røysamb, E., 377 334 Schiff, A., 29 Seamon, E., 92, 108
Rozek, C. S., 330 Salmivalli, C., 141, 147 Schiller, D., 232 Sears, H., 30, 82
Rozin, P., 36 Salovey, P., 169 Schiller, K., 162, 164 Seaton, E., 167, 225, 227, 229, 230
Rubia, K., 56 Saltzman, H., 295 Schilling, E. A., 358 Seaton, E. K., 230
Rubin, D., 49 Salusky, I., 195, 196 Schindler, H. S., 104, 107, 108 Sebastian, C., 45, 210, 247
Rubin, K., 146, 147, 262 Salvatore, J. F., 265 Schlaggar, B., 57 Secor-Turner, M., 299
Rubin, K. H., 242 Salzer Burks, V., 370 Schlegel, A., 3, 71, 80 Sedgh, G., 312
Ruchkin, V., 107 Salzinger, S., 93 Schlomer, G. L., 111, 300 Seeley, J., 34, 372, 376, 378
Ruck, M., 64, 241, 255 Samant, S., 318 Schmeelk-Cone, K. H., 229 Seeley, J. R., 286, 378
Ruck, M. D., 255 Samarova, V., 308 Schmid, C., 269 Seepersad, S., 184
Rudolph, K., 147, 349, 374, 377 Samdal, O., 207 Schmidt, J., 218, 254 Seff, M., 100
Rudolph, K. D., 31, 32, 145, 149, Samek, D. R., 110 Schmidt, J. A., 254, 336 Segalowitz, S. J., 52, 247
150, 266, 375, 377, 378 Samela-Aro, K., 4 Schmidt, M. G., 244 Seghete, K., 56
Rudy, D., 108–109 Sameroff, A., 329 Schmiedek, F., 50 Séguin, R., 17
Rudy, W., 176, 177 Sameroff, A. J., 108 Schmiege, S. J., 297 Seidl-de-Moura, M. L., 92
Rueger, S. Y., 276 Sampson, R., 91, 92, 366, 367 Schmitz, K. H., 29 Seidman, E., 161, 227
Rueter, M., 102 Sánchez, B., 90 Schmitz, M. F., 103 Seiffge-Krenke, I., 45, 212–213,
Ruggieri, R., 267 Sanchez, Z. M., 359 Schnabelrauch, C. A., 259 267, 268, 271, 273, 284, 379
Ruhl, H., 268 Sánchez-Queija, I., 240 Schneider, B., 164, 192, 344, Seil, K. S., 308
Ruiz, S., 108 Sanders, L., 115 346–347 Seitz, V., 317
Rulison, K. L., 143, 144, 370 Sandfort, J., 317 Schneiders, J., 27 Selemon, L., 54
Rumbaut, R., 72 Sandfort, T., 306 Schniering, C. A., 141 Self-Brown, S., 94
Rumberger, R., 179, 330, 332, Sandfort, T. G., 308 Schnurr, M. P., 287 Seligman, M.E.P., 323
341–342 Sandstrom, M. J., 143 Schoenmakers, T., 198 Sellers, R., 227, 229, 230
Runions, K. C., 149 Santelli, J., 92, 292, 293, 310, 319 Schoeny, M. E., 300 Sellers, R. M., 227
Rusby, J. C., 141, 149 Santelli, J. S., 318 Schofield, T. J., 116, 259 Sells, C., 41
Russell, S., 161, 305, 315, 317 Santiago, D. C., 337 Scholes-Balog, K. E., 350 Selman, R., 169–170
Russell, S. T., 93, 104, 231, 232, Santinello, M., 92, 169, 254 Scholte, R., 274 Selmeczy, D., 57
296, 308 Santo, J. B., 217 Scholte, R. H., 218 Senra, C., 39, 352
Russotti, J. M., 332 Santor, D., 363 Scholte, R. J., 148 Sentse, M., 108, 141 Name Index I-19

Seoane, G., 39, 352 Shoum, K. A., 323 Skalamera, J., 308 Somerville, L. H., 45, 50, 58, 246
Sepúlveda, J. E., 373 Shuan, Y., 331, 333 Skeem, J., 363 Sommers, C., 325
Serna, I., 1634 Shulman, E., 77 Skeer, M. R., 107–108 Somsen, R., 50
Serovich, J., 312 Shulman, E. P., 64, 66, 67, 93, Skinner, B. F., 10 Song, J., 331
Settersten, R., 3, 72 243, 369 Skinner, S. R., 314 Song, X., 285
Settipani, C., 349 Shulman, S., 7, 109, 110, 116, 269, Skoog, T., 14, 33, 299, 307 Sonneville, K. R., 39
Sexton, H. R., 316 270–272, 280, 283, 288 Skorikov, V. B., 343 Sonntag, K. C., 360
Shachar-Shapira, L., 116, 288 Shults, R. A., 197 Skriner, L., 121 Sontag, L., 8, 349, 352, 372–374,
Shaffer, L., 265 Shumow, L., 194, 254, 330, 335 Slater, A., 206 377–378
Shanahan, L., 103, 110, 112, 233 Sibley, M. H., 166, 369 Slavick, J. T., 300 Sontag, L. M., 32, 149, 377
Shanahan, M. J., 75, 182–183, 188, Sickmund, M., 366 Slep, A.M.S., 287 Sonuga-Barke, E., 166
189 Sidtis, J. J., 52 Slomkowski, C., 110 Sorell, G. T., 278
Shane, M. S., 62 Siebenbruner, J., 285, 298 Slopen, N., 234 Sorensen, S., 41
Shannon, B. J., 369 Siegel, A., 12 Sloutsky, V., 44, 48 Sorenson, A. M., 318
Shao, T., 63 Siegel, J., 26–27, 276 Slowiaczek, M., 330–331 Sorhagen, N. S., 170
Shapiro, X., 316 Siegel, M., 352, 362 Slutske, W., 92 Sorsoli, C., 200
Shapka, J. D., 24 Siegel, R. S., 146, 147 Smahel, D., 204, 269 Sorsoli, L., 212
Sharabany, R., 269 Siegle, G. J., 59 Šmahel, D., 6 Sourander, A., 369
Shariff, S., 149 Siegler, R., 50 Smailes, E., 309 South, S. J., 92, 129, 331
Sharkey, P., 91 Siennick, S. E., 193 Small, D., 34 Sowell, E. R., 51–52, 55
Sharma, A., 111 Sieving, R., 299 Small, S., 303, 309 Sparks, S, 158
Shattuck, A., 150 Sigler-Rushton, W., 315 Smalls, C., 227, 230 Spear, L., 51, 52, 54–55, 361
Shavelson, R., 210 Sigman, M., 301, 302 Smetana, J., 44, 62–64, 97–98, 103, Spear, L. P., 360
Shaver, K., 96 Signorelli, N., 198 107, 108, 114, 237, 240–242, Specht, J., 213
Shaw, D., 110, 162 Sijtsema, J. J., 141 248, 249, 251, 255, 262, 274 Spencer, G. A., 288
Shaw, D. S., 351, 369 Silbereisen, R., 31, 33, 85, 87, 88, Smetana, J. G., 98, 101, 109, 240 Spencer, M., 318
Shaw, H., 34–38 240–241, 331 Smiciklas-Wright, H., 19 Spencer, M. B., 170
Shaw, P., 60, 166 Silk, J., 16, 103, 377, 379 Smith, A., 247, 293 Spencer, R., 90
Shaywitz, B., 165 Silk, J. S., 27, 58, 59, 271 Smith, A. R., 52, 55, 67, 68, 246, Spencer, S. V., 135
Shaywitz, S., 165 Silva, P., 23, 33, 316, 352 247 Spicer, P., 217
Shearer, D. L., 317 Silva, P. A., 213 Smith, B., 162 Spieker, S., 285, 318
Shedler, J., 357, 358 Silver, E., 188 Smith, C., 259, 267, 314–315, 368 Spielberg, J. M., 17, 57
Sheehan, H. C., 180 Silverberg, S., 100, 239–240 Smith, D. C., 246 Spies Shapiro, L. A., 115
Sheeran, P., 310, 311 Silverman, A., 78 Smith, D. G., 66 Spijkerman, R., 198, 204
Sheikh-Khalil, S., 331 Silverman, J., 287 Smith, E., 317 Spilman, S. K., 259
Shek, D., 104 Silverman, W. K., 378–379 Smith, J., 159, 161, 179, 328 Spina, S., 272, 276, 278
Shelton, J. N., 227 Silvers, J. A., 36 Smith, J. L., 314 Spinrad, T., 64, 107
Shelton, K. H., 351 Silverthorn, N., 90 Smith, K., 325 Spoth, R., 12, 140
Shen, Y., 104 Sim, T., 246 Smith, M., 194 Spoth, R. L., 357, 359
Shen, Y. L., 252 Sim, T. N., 129 Smith, M. V., 308 Sprecher, S., 305
Shepard, D., 94 Simmens, S., 112 Smith, P. H., 287, 350 Spriggs, A. L., 285, 297
Shepard, S. A., 252 Simmons, J., 100 Smith, R., 271–272 Sprondel, V., 49
Shepherd, K., 377 Simmons, R., 32, 146, 214 Smith, R. L., 271 Spruijt-Metz, D. S., 34, 36
Sheppard, B., 275 Simon, T., 120 Smith, S. S., 29 Squeglia, L. M., 361
Sher, K. J., 359 Simon, T. R., 287 Smith, T., 194 Srinivasan, S., 312
Sherdell, L., 17 Simon, V., 265, 280, 282–283 Smith, T. E., 231–234 Sroufe, A., 266–267
Sheridan, M., 50 Simon, V. A., 141, 286, 288 Smith, T. M., 169 Sroufe, L., 265
Sherman, L. E., 57 Simons, L., 19, 106 Smith-Bynum, M. A., 229 Sroufe, L. A., 266, 370
Sherman, S., 359 Simons, L. G., 116 Smokowski, P., 230 St. George, I., 23
Shernoff, D. J., 191, 336 Simons, R., 19, 31, 32, 92, 119, Smokowski, P. R., 227 St. Lawrence, J., 312
Sherrod, L., 90, 253–254 139, 303, 307 Smolak, L., 19, 39 Stacy, A. W., 202
Shi, H., 281 Simons, R. L., 116, 334 Smoll, F., 19 Staff, J., 174, 182, 184, 186–189,
Shields, J., 259 Simons-Morton, B., 40, 66–67, Smollar, J., 240, 262 342, 344–347, 348
Shiffrin, N., 58, 374 104, 174, 350, 355 Snarney, J., 249 Stams, G. J., 251
Shih, J. H., 373–374 Simpkins, S., 106–107, 174, 192, Sneed, M., 156 Standish, A. R., 36
Shilo, G., 308 326 Snell, E. K., 27, 91 Stanger-Hall, K. F., 319
Shin, H., 138, 332 Simpkins, S. D., 36, 141, 191, 192, Snijders, T.A.B., 141 Stanley, L. R., 359
Shiner, R. L., 213 326 Snow, D. L., 356 Stanton, B., 302, 359
Shing, Y. L., 64 Simpson, J. A., 266, 267 Snyder, H., 366 Stanton-Salazar, R., 272, 276, 278
Shipman, K., 240 Sinclair, K. O., 308 Snyder, H. R., 244 Stanwood, N. L., 314
Shirley, A., 312 Singer, M., 174 Snyder, J., 110, 368 Stark, T., 314
Shirtcliff, E., 24 Singh, P., 150 Sobesky, W., 252 Starr, L. R., 271
Shirtcliff, E. A., 362–363, 369 Singh, S., 259, 294, 296, 310–313 Sobolewski, J. M., 115, 116 Stattin, H., 14, 33, 107, 138–140,
Shiyko, M. P., 33–34 Sionéan, C., 301 Soenens, B., 38, 98, 107, 223, 239, 147, 191, 193, 228, 229, 242,
Sholt, M., 106–107 Sippola, L., 271, 276–278, 283 242, 324 266, 299, 327–328, 377
Shomaker, L. B., 283 Sipsma, H., 315 Sohoni, D., 168 Stearns, E., 136, 343
Shope, J. T., 351 Sirin, S. R., 228 Sokolik, E., 325 Steca, P., 326
Shorey, R. C., 287 Sirocco, K., 57 Solis, J. S., 204 Stedman, L., 158
Shorter, G. W., 204 Sisk, C. L., 15, 17, 58 Soller, B., 141 Steeger, C. M., 242
Shortt, J. W., 110 Sisson, S. B., 36 Solmeyer, A. R., 110 Steele, C. M., 325
Shoulberg, E. K., 112 Sitnick, S. L., 351 Solomon, R., 318 Steele, J., 199
I-20 Name Index

Steffensmeier, D., 366 Strang, N. M., 56 Thomas, J., 279

Steglich, C., 141 Strasburger, V., 198, 201, 202
T Thomas, K. J., 138, 141, 246
Stein, D. G., 37 Straus, M., 119 Tabak, I., 96–97 Thomas, K. M., 59
Stein, G. L., 100, 325 Strenziok, M., 202 Tach, L., 114 Thomas, L., 56
Stein, J., 30, 87 Striegel-Moore, R., 216 Taiarol, J., 146 Thomas, M., 60
Steinbeck, K. S., 27 Stroet, K., 331 Takahashi, A., 121 Thomas, O., 230
Steinberg, E., 195 Stroud, L., 16, 145 Takezawa, M., 251 Thomas, S. L., 164
Steinberg, L., 2–4, 7, 9, 12, 16, Strough, J., 127–128, 135, Talmud, I., 135 Thomason, M. E., 93
24, 25, 29, 39, 40, 44, 50–52, 271 Talwar, V., 149 Thombs, B. D., 305
55, 56, 58, 60, 64–68, 72, Stuart, E. A., 358 Tamnes, C., 56 Thompson, C., 244
74, 77–79, 81, 86, 88, 93, Stuart, G. L., 287 Tan, D., 63, 255 Thompson, E., 305
96, 99–103, 106, 107, 109, Stucky, B. D., 145 Tanaka, C., 54 Thompson, J. K., 36
110–111, 121, 130, 132–134, Studer, F., 138 Tang, C. S., 30 Thompson, N., 192
139, 141, 150, 156–158, 162, Sturge-Apple, M., 265, 377 Tang, S., 316 Thompson, R., 138
171–173, 176, 177, 186–188, Sturm, R., 359 Tanner, D., 154, 155 Thompson, T. L., 136, 230
195, 198, 200, 210, 236, 237, Sturmer, P., 315 Tanner, J., 17, 20, 22–25 Thomson, E., 118
239–249, 283, 287, 310, 318, Sturmhöfel, S., 361 Tanner-Smith, E. E., 31 Thornberry, T., 314–315, 368
329–333, 336, 337, 339, 340, Stutz, M., 116, 266 Thornberry, T. P., 139, 316
Tantleff-Dunn, 206
348, 349, 351, 361, 362, 364,
Su, X., 116 Tapales, A., 361 Thorne, A., 225, 261, 274
367, 369–373, 378, 379
Suárez-Orozco, C., 338 Tapert, S. F., 361 Thrul, J., 359
Steinberg, S. J., 116
Subrahmanyam, K., 6, 269 Taradash, A., 239 Tienda, M., 336
Steinberg, W., 99, 100
Sucato, G. S., 308 Tartakovsky, E., 228 Tieu, T.-T., 224, 267
Steiner, 78
Suchindran, C., 26, 38, 92, 145 Taskinen, P., 171 Tiggemann, M., 206
Steinman, K. J., 259
Sue, S., 336 Tate, J., 227 Tilley, E. H., 111, 300
Stephan, W., 218
Suizzo, M. A., 330 Tatnell, R., 376 Tillman, K. H., 281
Stephens, C. M., 108
Sullivan, C. J., 141, 352, 368 Tavernier, R., 225 Tilton-Weaver, L., 30, 82, 242
Stephens, L., 117
Sullivan, H. S., 262–264, 266, 268, Taylor, A., 39, 141 Tilton-Weaver, L. C., 107, 139
Stephens, N. M., 335 271, 280 Taylor, C., 37, 38 Timmerman, G., 307
Stephenson, J., 7, 109, 236, Sullivan, K. A., 29 Timmons, A. C., 102
Taylor, D., 28
Sullivan, P., 196 Taylor, I. M., 192 Titzmann, P. F., 136
Sterba, S. K., 375
Sullivan, T., 287 Taylor, J., 351 Tobian, A., 83
Sternberg, R., 61 Sullivan, T. N., 146, 352 Taylor, L., 87 Tobler, A. L., 359
Stevens, A., 89 Sumner, R., 219 Taylor, R., 120, 324 Tobler, N., 361–362
Stevens, J., 317 Sun, Y., 115 Todd, M., 359
Taylor, S., 194, 299
Stevens, N., 288–289 Sunwolf., 63 Taylor, T., 139 Todorov, A. A., 359
Stevenson, D., 164, 344, 346–347 Supple, A., 227 Teachman, J., 169, 331, 334 Tolan, P., 139, 371, 379
Stevenson, H., 337 Supple, A. J., 100, 325 Tebes, J. K., 356 Tolan, P. H., 215, 227
Stevenson, H. W., 327, 334 Suryanti, T. A., 258 Technow, J. R., 107 Tolan, P.H, 230
Stevenson, H., Jr., 228 Susan Dahinten, V., 24 Tehranifar, P., 23 Tolma, E. L., 359
Stevenson, J., 368 Susman, E., 14, 15, 18, 23, 26, Tein, J. Y., 93, 119 Tolman, D., 200
Steward-Streng, N., 311 352, 369 Teitler, J. O., 304 Tolman, D. L., 212, 291, 292–293,
Stewart, E. A., 334 Susman, E. J., 31–34, 102, 369 Tellegen, A., 213 297
Stewart, E. B., 334 Svoboda, R. C., 330 Telzer, E. H., 66–67, 101, 102, 227, Tolson, J., 130, 141
Stewart, S. M., 281 Swaim, R. C., 359 246, 266, 269, 299, 336, 375 Tolstrup, J. S., 359
Stice, E., 34–39, 373–374 Swanson, J., 323 Temple, J., 334–335 Tolvanen, A., 334
Stickle, T. R., 363 Swarr, A., 39, 277 Temple, J. R., 205, 287 Tomasi, D., 52
Stigler, J., 337 Swartzwelder, H., 361 Tenenbaum, H. R., 255 Tomasik, M., 85, 88
Stipek, D., 326 Swartzwelder, H. S., 360 Tennen, H., 297 Tomasik, M. J., 87
Stockdale, G. D., 297 Sweeten, G., 341, 364 Teppers, E., 223 Tompsett, C., 93–94
Stockdale, L., 201 Sweeten., G., 286 Teran, L., 314 Toomey, R. B., 229–230, 232
Stocker, C., 218 Swendsen, J., 360, 372 ter Bogt, T. F., 129, 133 Topitzes, D., 94
Stocker, C. M., 276 Swenson, C. A., 150 Terenzini, P., 225 Topolski, T. D., 348
Stoddard, S. A., 92, 366 Swenson, L., 215 Terpeluk, A., 287 Torney-Purta, J., 148
Stoms, G., 314 Swenson, L. P., 146, 217, 271 Terranova, A., 148 Toro, P., 121
Stone, D. M., 288 Swing, E. L., 201 Terry, K, 336 Torres, B., 329
Stone, J., 6, 184, 185, 188 Swinton, A. D., 327, 328 Terry, M., 23 Tottenham, N., 55
Stone, L., 374 Swisher, R., 175 Terry, R., 145, 231 Tough, P., 158
Stone, L. B., 271, 374 Swisher, R. R., 93, 189 Terry-Humen, E., 315 Toumbourou, J. W., 68, 350
Stone, M., 134 Sy, S., 188 Terzian, M., 318 Townsedn, A., 219–220
Stone, S. I., 350 Syed, M., 212–213 Teslovich, T., 56, 58 Townsend Betts, N., 271
Stoneman, Z., 109, 120 Syed M., 219 Teti, D., 317 Toyokawa, T., 334
Stoolmiller, M., 121, 368–369, Symons, K., 304 Tevendale, H., 214, 215 Tram, J. M., 218
373 Syngelaki, E. M., 369 Tevendale, H. D., 217 Tramontano, C., 252
Stormshak, E., 104, 169–170 Syvertsen, A., 176, 185, 256, 257, Tharp, A. T., 288 Tramonte, L., 24
Stormshak, E. A., 278, 350, 366 346 Thatcher, J., 258 Tran, S., 267
Storvoll, E. E., 368 Szalacha, L. A., 216 Thayer, S., 136, 139 Trautwein, U., 142, 165, 324
Story, M., 36, 38, 39 Szeszulski, P., 218 Theokas, C., 90, 191, 277 Travers, L. V., 191, 330
Stout, M., 176 Szklo-Coxe, M., 29 Thijs, J., 165 Treaster, J., 356
Stouthamer-Loeber, M., 139, 212, Szwedo, D., 138, 198, 205, 247, Thøgersen-Ntoumanis, C., 192 Treboux, D., 266–267
351, 366, 367, 371 267 Thomaes, S., 7, 214, 215, 253 Trejos-Castillo, E., 3
Strang, N., 52, 56, 67, 246 Szwedo, D. E., 204, 242 Thomas, A. G., 29 Tremblay, R., 91, 105, 303–304 Name Index I-21

Tremblay, R. E., 17, 92, 175, 332, Umaña-Taylor, A., 230 van de Schoot, R., 220, 281 Verkuyten, M., 165
342, 365 Umaña-Taylor, A. J., 227–230, 246, Van de Schoot, R., 213, 224 Verma, S., 123, 124, 153, 184, 185
Trent, K., 314, 317 249, 274 Vandevivere, E., 267 Vermeersch, H., 304
Trentacosta, C. J., 98 Ünal, F., 267 van Dijk, E., 253, 270 Vermulst, A., 198, 266
Trépanier, L., 16 Underwood, M. K., 204 Van Dijk, M. P., 211 Vermulst, A. A., 103, 204
Trevitt, J. L., 310 Unger, J., 120, 359 Van Doorn, M. D., 103 Verona, E., 350
Trickett, P., 308, 369 Unger, J. B., 140–141, 227 van Duijvenvoorde, A., 66, 244 Véronneau, M., 138
Trickett, P. K., 24, 33 Unger J., 314 van Duijvenvoorde, A.C.K., 57 Véronneau, M. H., 323, 332, 371
Trinkner, R., 98 Upchurch, D., 317 Van Eck, K., 359 Verschueren, K., 165
Triwahyuni, A., 259 Updegraff, K., 104, 136, 139, 274 VanEseltine, M., 188 Vesely, S. K., 359
Trommsdorff, G., 243 Updegraff, K. A., 110, 193, 228, Vanfossen, B., 163 Vest, A. E., 36, 191, 192
Troop-Gordon, W., 32, 204–205, 230, 233–234, 274 van Geel, M., 141, 337 Viau, A., 183, 192
266 Upton, R., 230 van Geert, P.L.C., 98 Vicary, J., 300
Trucco, E. M., 92 Urberg, K., 130, 141, 278 van Goethem, A., 254 Victor, T., 92
Trudeau, L., 12, 140 Urberg, K. A., 106–107 Van Goethem, A. A., 254 Vida, M., 327
Truong, K. D., 359 Urdan, T., 324, 326, 331 Van Goozen, S.H.M., 369 Viene, A., 150
Trusty, J., 330 Usher, E. L., 327, 328 Van Gundy, K., 98 Vieno, A., 92, 169, 254
Trzesniewski, K., 213, 218 Usher-Seriki, K., 301 Vanhalst, J., 218 Vigdor, J. L., 228
Trzesniewski, K. H., 147, 328 Uwer, R., 52 van Holst, R., 198 Vigfusdottir, T. H., 39
Tsai, K. M., 101, 102, 227 van Hoof, A., 254 Viken, R. J., 23
Tsang, K., 247 van Hoorn, J., 253 Viljoen, J., 78
Tsar, V., 147 V Van Horn, M., 92 Viljoen, J. L., 78
Tsarnaev, D., 2 Van Houtte, M., 304 Villalobos, M., 62–64, 97–98, 237,
Tschann, J., 288, 310, 313 Vaccaro, D., 357 van IJzendoorn, M., 146 249, 251, 255
Tseng, V., 103, 274, 336 Vagi, K. J., 286–288, 376 van IJzendoorn, M. H., 266 Villarreal, V. M., 143
Tseng, W., 146 Vaidya, J. G., 243 van Leeuwen, A. P., 356 Villarruel, F., 303
Tseng, W. L., 166 Vaillancourt, T., 147, 150 Van Leeuwen, K., 119 Vincent, G. M., 363
Tsui, A. O., 310 Valente, T. W., 140–141 Van Leijenhorst, L., 58, 65, Viner, R. M., 55, 59
Tsukayama E., 156 Valentin, P., 45 244 Visser, I., 66
Tsur, A., 109 Valentine, J., 180 Van Lier, P., 151, 370 Vitacco, M. J., 363
Tu, K. M., 150 Valeri, S. M., 378 Van Lier, P.A.C., 365 Vitaro, F., 17, 92, 138, 141, 145,
Tubman, J. G., 308 Valiente, C., 323 van Lieshout, C., 148, 274 151, 175, 285, 298–299, 332,
Tucker, C., 103, 109, 110, 111, 191 Valkenburg, P., 204 Van Noorden, T. H., 148 364, 370
Tucker, J. S., 141, 357, 360 Valkenburg, P. M., 200, 272 Van Petegem, S., 98, 239, 242 Vloet, T. D., 369
Tucker-Drob, E., 111, 370 Valle, G., 281 van Rijn-van Gelderen, L., 120 Voelkl, K., 336
Tucker-Drob, E. M., 66, 111 Vallerand, R. J., 192 van Rooij, A., 198, 204 Vogel, M., 175, 176
Tunçalp, Ö., 318 Valois, R. F., 352 Van Rooij, T., 198 Voight, A., 254
Turbin, M. S., 359 Valsiner, J., 228 Van Ryzin, M., 24, 297 Voisin, D. R., 93
Turiel, E., 98, 240, 249 Van Acker, R., 143 Vansadia, P., 118 Voisine, S., 359
Turke, S., 318 van Aken, C., 274 VanSchyndel, S. K., 252 Vo-Jutabha, E. D., 228
Turkheimer, E., 90, 111, 299, 359 van Aken, M., 213, 254 Vansteenkiste, M., 98, 239, 242, Volcevski-Kostas, D., 206
Turner, H. A., 150 Van Aken, M., 254 324 Volkow, N. D., 52
Turner, J., 318 van Aken, M. A., 64 Van Wagenen, A., 308 Vollebergh, W., 224, 275
Turner, P., 82 van Aken, M.A.G., 31, 108, 299 Vanwesenbeeck, I., 293, 300 Volpe, V., 230
Turner, R., 318 Van Campen, K. S., 300 van Workum, N., 141 vom Hofe, R., 323
Turner, T., 145 Van Court, P., 253 Van Zalk, M.H.W., 377 Von Bank, H., 130, 133, 134
Tuval-Mashiach, R., 283 Van Damme, J., 165 Vaquera, E., 228 Vondracek, F. W., 343
Tüzün, Z., 267 Vandebosch, H., 149 Varner, F., 227, 229, 326 von Eye, A., 195, 248, 276
Twenge, J., 216, 217 van de Eijnden, R., 198 Vasey, M., 363 von Suchodoletz, W., 52
Twenge, J. M., 255 Vandell, D., 174, 194 Vasquez-Suson, K., 144 Voon, D., 376
Tyler, K., 230 Vandell, D. L., 191 Vaughan, C. A., 276, 374 Vorona, R. D., 29
Tynes, B., 204, 226–227, 230 van de Mheen, D., 198 Vaughan, J., 258 Votruba-Drzal, E., 104, 108
Tynes, B. M., 229–230 van den Akker, A., 242 Vaughan, P. W., 230 Vrangalova, Z., 232, 297
Tynkkynen, L., 334 Van den Akker, A. L., 212, 213 Vaughan, R., 174 Vuchinich, S., 242
Tyrell, F. A., 281 Vandenbelt, M., 316 Vaughn, L. B., 116 Vygotsky, L., 61
Tyrka, A. R., 36 van den Berg, P., 206, 215 Vaughn, M. G., 111, 259, 363
Tyson, D., 174, 330 van den Berg, Y.H.M., 142, 215 Vazsonyi, A., 3, 106–108, 212,
Tyson, K., 100, 134, 175 van den Bos, E., 58
van den Bos, W., 244, 253, 270
359–360, 369 W
Tzoumakis, S., 368 Vecera, S. P., 243
Vandenbosch, L., 200 Vedder, P., 141, 337 Waasdorp, T., 150
van den Bos W., 60 Veenstra, R., 6, 115, 123, 127–128, Waasdorp, T. E., 143, 149, 171
van den Bree, M.B.M., 351 Wadley, J., 353
U van den Eijnden, R., 198, 204
131, 133, 141, 143, 144, 262,
302, 367 Wadsworth, K., 359
Uçanok, Z., 119 van der Aa, N., 204 Velanova, K., 55 Wadsworth, S. A., 120, 253
Uckert, K., 246 van der Ende, J., 364 Velez, W., 176 Wagenaar, A. C., 359
Udry, J., 21, 26, 38 van der Geest, V., 367–368 Vélez-Valle, E., 35 Wagner, D. V., 371
Udry, J. R., 286 Vanderhei, S., 175 Venables, P. H., 369 Wagner, E. F., 308
Uematsu, A., 54 van der Lely, S., 29 Verhoeven, L., 144 Wainryb, C., 63, 110, 252
Ueno, K., 287 Van der Molen, M., 50 Verhulst, F., 144 Waite, E. B., 110
Uggen, C., 371 van der Molen, M. W., 243 Verhulst, F. C., 272, 364, 367, Waiters, E., 301, 303
Uhls, Y., 6, 196 van der Werf, M., 170 374–375 Waithaka, E. N., 331, 335, 341
I-22 Name Index

Waizenhofer, R., 104 Weesie, J., 141 Wigfield, A., 8, 213–214, 323 Wolfe, D. A., 306–307
Wakefield, M., 354–355 Wegge, D., 149 Wight, R. G., 373 Wolff, J. M., 32, 68, 93
Wald, M., 178 Wegman, D. H., 187 Wikström, P. H., 367 Wolfson, A., 29
Walden, B., 110 Wehner, E., 283 Wildsmith, E., 311 Wolke, D., 149, 323
Waldfogel, J., 66, 107–108 Wei, E., 371 Wilens, T. E., 359 Wolters, N., 144
Waldron, M., 111 Wei, Y., 23 Wiley, D. J., 295 Wong, C., 121, 247
Walker, A., 258 Weigard, A., 247 Wilkening, F., 46 Wong, J. J., 230
Walker, A. M., 227 Weiland, B. J., 361 Wilkinson, D., 366 Wong, S. S., 16
Walker, A. R., 269, 271, 288 Weinberg, M., 306 Wilkinson, L., 308 Wong, W. C., 361
Walker, D., 144, 288–289 Weinfield, N., 266–267 Will, G. J., 253 Woo, H. S., 228
Walker, E., 200, 361, 378 Weinstein, J. M., 98, 168 Willard, J., 12 Wood, D., 94, 238, 329–330
Walker, L., 251 Weinstein, R. S., 112, 174 Willett, J. B., 104 Wood, G., 286, 287
Walker, L. J., 253 Weinstein, S. M., 373 Williams, D. R., 229–230 Wood, J. J., 171
Walker, R. S., 21 Weir, K. F., 374 Williams, J. H., 326 Wood, J. V., 204
Walker, S., 293, 301, 303 Weiser, J., 244 Williams, J. L., 227, 230 Wood, M., 359
Walker-Barnes, C. J., 140 Weisgram, E. S., 346 Williams, K., 265, 266, 326 Wood, P., 336
Walkup, J. T., 378 Weiss, C., 159, 160 Williams, K. R., 150 Wood, P. K., 351
Wall, J., 246 Weiss, C. C., 304 Williams, L. R., 105, 296 Woodcock, A., 325
Wall, M., 36, 39 Weiss B., 371 Williams, M., 28 Woodhouse, S. S., 265, 267
Wall, M. M., 307 Weisskirch, R., 205 Williams, P., 40, 41 Wooding, J., 187
Wallace, G. K., 369 Weisskirch, R. S., 242 Williams, R., 136 Woodward, L., 151, 317
Wallace, J. M., 256–259 Weist, M., 379 Williams, S., 23, 191 Woolard, J., 60, 70, 71, 244, 310,
Wallace, S. A., 336 Weisz, J. R., 378, 379 Williams, S. K., 104 365
Wallace, S. R., 117 Wells, A., 1634 Williams, S. T., 119 Woolley, M. E., 330
Wallenius, M., 28 Wells, M., 203–2004 Williams, T., 326 Woolnough, A., 188
Waller, E. M., 146, 272 Welner, K. G., 159 Williams, W., 45, 61, 333 Worthman, C., 16, 373
Waller, J. M., 271 Welsh, D. P., 265, 310 Williford, A. P., 148 Wouters, E., 119
Walls, M., 356 Wen, H., 362 Willis, D. S., 257 Wouters, S., 165
Walls, N. E., 308 Wentzel, K., 162, 169, 332 Willms, D., 91, 303–304 Wray-Lake, L., 90, 185, 248, 252,
Walsh, B., 39 Wentzel, K. R., 253 Willms, J. D., 92 253, 256, 331, 346
Walsh, S., 109 Werchon, D., 206 Willoughby, T., 104, 198, 201, 205, Wright, B.R.E., 366
Walters, R., 10 Werner, N., 146 225, 258, 306, 352, 377 Wright, J. P., 108, 111
Wang, F., 6 Weseter, K., 174 Wills, T., 357 Wright, K. A., 92
Wang, J., 34, 35–36 West, B. T., 354 Wilson, C., 36 Wright, P. A., 374
Wang, L., 51–52 Westenberg, M., 270 Wilson, H. W., 308 Wu, C., 101
Wang, M., 19, 104, 161, 169–170 Westenberg, P. M., 58, 65, 244 Wilson, J., 193, 371 Wu, J., 265
Wang, M. T., 104, 172, 174, 230, Westphal, A., 350 Wilson, J. L., 203 Wuerker, A., 369
325, 328, 330, 331, 341 Wetter, E. K., 352 Wilson, M., 366 Wynn, P., 371
Wang, N., 246, 308 Wewerka, S., 16 Wilson, S., 3, 213 Wynn, S. R., 326
Wang, Q., 248, 324, 330 Wheeler, L. A., 228, 281 Wilson, S. J., 360 Wypij, D., 305
Wang, S., 372, 373 Whitaker, D., 247, 301, 302 Wilson-Ahlstrom, A., 195
Wang, Y., 34, 149, 228, 330 Whitaker, K. J., 55 Windle, M., 109, 138, 286, 370
Winfree, L., Jr., 139
Wanner, B., 141, 370
Ward, E., 35
Whitbeck, L., 119, 120, 302, 303,
356 Wingood, G. M., 312
Ward, L. M., 200, 301 White, C. N., 302–303 Wingrove, T., 78 Xiao, L., 66
Ware, A., 378–379 White, G., 113 Winn, D. C., 314–315 Xie, H., 146
Wargo, J., 145 White, H. R., 87, 93, 119, 350 Winsler, A., 29 Xin, Z., 214
Warneke, C., 41 White, J. W., 287 Winsper, C., 150 Xu, J., 330
Warner, L. A., 302–303 White, L. O., 265 Winston, C., 231 Xu, X., 295, 301
Warner, S., 324 White, M., 169 Winter, C., 140 Xue, Y., 311
Warner, T. D., 93 White, N., 49, 287 Winter, M., 360
Warren, J. R., 342 White, R., 318 Wischnia, S., 325
Warren, M., 30–32
Wasserman, D., 337
White, R. M., 93, 119
White, R.M.B., 93
Wiseman, R., 146
Wishard, A., 139
Waters, E., 266–267 White, S. F., 362–363 Wisneski, H., 308 Yahner, J., 287
Waters, P., 215 Whitehead, K. A., 227 Wissink, I., 143 Yamaguchi, R., 362
Waters, S., 276 Whiteman, S., 110, 136, 232, 233 Wissink, I. B., 370–371 Yancey, A., 26–27
Waters, S. D., 334 Whiteman, S. D., 110 Witherspoon, D., 230 Yang, C., 62, 369
Watt, H. M., 325 Whitesell, N., 212, 215, 217 Witkiewitz, K., 363 Yang, S., 63
Watt, H.M.G., 330 Whitman, T., 316 Witkow, M., 138, 176, 183, 226, Yang, T.W.H., 361
Watt, T. T., 159 Wichstrøm, L., 39, 368, 373 227, 332, 333, 335, 337 Yang, Y., 288
Watts, S., 91, 303 Wickrama, K.A.S., 34–36, 335 Witkow, M. R., 227 Yang, Z., 319
Way, N., 89, 136, 161, 169, 171, Wickrama, K.A.T., 34–35 Witruk, E., 327 Yap, M., 100
175, 216, 217, 225, 227, 228, Widaman, K., 246 Witthoft, S., 117 Yarger, R. S., 49–51, 55
230, 269, 272–274, 335 Widaman, K. F., 218, 227, 241, Wittig, M. A., 227 Yarkoni, T., 60
Wearing, H., 51 297, 338 Witvliet, M., 151 Yates, M., 253
Webb, H. J., 19 Widman, L., 247, 310 Wodtke, G., 91 Yau, J., 97, 114
Webber, K. C., 227 Widom, C. S., 308 Woertman, L., 281, 293, 300 Ybarra, M. L., 203–2004
Weber, E., 66 Wieczorek, W. F., 92 Wolak, J., 205 Yeager, D., 265
Weems, C., 87 Wiersma, J. D., 286 Wold, B., 133, 213, 218 Yeager, D. S., 147, 324, 326,
Weerman, F., 141 Wiesner, M., 370–371 Wolf, A., 41 369–370 Name Index I-23

Yeo, G. H., 129 Young, S. E., 351 Zanolie, K., 50, 244 Zimmer-Gembeck, M., 7, 19,
Yeung, A., 215 Youniss, J., 90, 240, 253, Zapert, K., 356 146, 147, 236–239, 277, 285,
Yeung, D. Y., 30 254, 262 Zarbatany, L., 270–271 291, 298
Yip, T., 167, 226, 227 Younts, C. W., 366 Zarrett, N., 6, 174, 192 Zimmerman, M., 90, 118, 311
Yisrael, D. S., 307 Ystrom, E., 377 Zavodny, M., 310 Zimmerman, M. A., 90, 92, 93,
Yodanis, C., 119 Yu, H., 167 Zee, P. C., 29 116, 229, 259, 296, 312,
Yoder, A., 219 Yu, J. J., 239 Zeira, A., 174 358, 366
Yoder, K., 302 Yu, M., 356 Zelazo, P. D., 54, 56, 63 Zimmerman, R., 297, 305
Yoerger, K., 368–369 Yu, T., 266 Zeldin, S., 94 Zimmermann, F., 171
Yohalem, N., 195 Yuan, A.S.V., 118–119 Zeman, J., 240 Zimring, F., 79, 371
Yokum, S., 34 Yücel, M., 373 Zentall, S. R., 300 Zinman, J., 41, 354
Yonelinas, A., 50 Yuen, C. X., 240 Zentner, M., 210 Ziol-Guest, K., 169, 326
Yong, M., 350 Yurkelun-Todd, D. A., 52 Zervoulis, K., 233 Ziv, Y., 218
Yonker, J. E., 259 Zettergren, P., 151 Zlotnik, A., 116, 288
Yoon, J. S., 146 Zha, W., 358 Zohra, I. T., 352
Yorgason, J. B., 252, 276 Zhang, J., 36 Zollo, P., 207
Yoshikawa, H., 41, 89, 119
Z Zhang, W., 240 Zonana, H. V., 350
You, S., 174 Zabin, L., 313–314, 317 Zhang, Y., 329 Zook, J. M., 332
Young, A. M., 307, 315, 354 Zaff, J. F., 191 Zhao, X., 137 Zoon, C. K., 34
Young, B. J., 307 Zajac, K., 267 Zhao, Y., 305 Zucker, N. L., 59
Young, J. F., 107 Zakin, D., 32 Zhong, H., 366 Zucker, R. A., 350
Young, J. T., 143 Zametkin, A. J., 34, 35 Zhou, Q., 253 Zuckerman, A., 332
Young, M., 287 Zamsky, E., 318 Zick C., 183, 185 Zweig, J. M., 287, 352
Young, M.E.D., 308 Zanarini, M., 150 Zimiles, H., 118 Zwierzynska, K., 149
Subject Index
as consumers, 206–207 adolescent growth spurt, 18–19 developmental progression of,
A contexts of, 5–6 adolescent marginality, 10–11 364–365
ability grouping. See tracking as crime victims, 366 adolescent parents early maturation and, 31
abortion, 313–315 as criminal defendants, 78 consequences for, 317 friendship and, 138–139
abstinence, 312, 318 egocentrism in, 45–46 girls and, 316–317 life-course-persistent offenders
abstinence-only sex education, 319 elongation of, 71–72 negative effects of, 317–318 and, 367–370
abstract thinking, 45–46 emerging adulthood and, 74–77 overview of, 315–316 parents and, 139–140
academic achievement. See also explanation of, 3 adolescent population, 124–126 prevention and treatment of, 371
achievement; education; health care for, 36, 40, 41 adolescent pregnancy rejection and, 143–144
schools health of, 40–41 abortion and, 313–314 antisocial personality disorder, 362
changes over time in, 338–341 historical perspective on, 72–74 causes of, 314 anxiety
cross-cultural variations in, identity in, 209–232 poverty and, 92 affluent backgrounds and, 91
339–341 interpersonal development dur- prevalence of, 312–313 victimization and, 147–148
dropping out and, 341–343 ing, 263–264 role of father and, 314–315 anxious-avoidant attachment, 265
early interventions to improve, legal status and, 77–79 statistics related to, 312 anxious-resistant attachment, 265
334–335 multiethnic, 230 adoption, 120 Asian youth. See also cultural dif-
employment and, 188 non-college-bound, 178–179, 190 adrenarche, 15–16 ferences; ethnicity; minority
ethnic differences in, 335–339 obesity and eating disorders in, youth
Adult Attachment Interview, 267
explanation of, 333–334 34–39 academic achievement and, 158,
adulthood. See emerging adulthood
extracurricular activities and, 174 as parents, 315–318 335–337, 339
adult plasticity, 54
friendship and, 138 personality development in, adolescent pregnancy and, 312
Advanced Placement (AP) pro-
genetic factors and, 111 212–213 clique membership and, 136, 137
grams, 185
home environment and, 329–331 phases of, 4 crowd membership and, 134
affluent neighborhoods, 91
importance of context in, physical health and health care dating relationships and, 281
African American youth. See Black
326–327 in, 40–41 enrolled in higher education,
parenting and, 171, 329–331, psychological and social impact 176, 177
age-crime curve, 364
335 of puberty in, 26–34 ethnic identity and, 229, 230
age grading, 124
peer groups and, 331–333 psychosocial development in, expectations for autonomy
agency, 223 in, 248
pubertal maturation and, 34 7–8
age of majority, 71 exposure to violence and, 94
socioeconomic status and, puberty and, 14–18
age segregation, in cliques, 135 home leaving and, 87
334–335 self-care and, 193–194
aggression. See also violence identity development in, 228
teacher expectations and, sexually active, 297–303
170–171 in dating relationships, 286–287 individuation and, 241
social cognition in, 62–64
tracking and, 164 explanation of, 363–364 self-esteem in, 216, 217
as social invention, 72–74
in urban schools, 158 genetic factors and, 111 sexual initiation and, 294
social redefinition in, 70–71,
victimization and, 147 79–80 instrumental, 144 susceptibility to peer influence,
achievement. See also academic social transitions in, 5, 69–94 media use and, 199 248
achievement (See also social transitions) popularity and, 143–145 transition to adulthood, 88, 89
as adolescent issue, 321–322 somatic development in, 18–21 reactive, 144 as victims of violence, 175
cognitive change and, 322 status changes in, 77–79 relational, 145–146 attachment
environmental influences on, stereotypes of, 11–12, 162 AIDS/HIV, 311–312 in adolescence, 264, 267–268
328–333 theoretical perspectives on, 8–11 Alaska Native youth. See American adolescent intimacy and infant,
expectations and, 170–171 timing and tempo of puberty and, Indian/Alaska Native youth 265–267
explanation of, 7–8 21–25 alcohol use. See also substance use/ explanation of, 264
motivation for, 323–324 transitory experimentation in, abuse in family relationships, 109
occupational, 343–347 348–350 binge drinking and, 353 in infancy, 264–265
overview of, 321 view of self, 81–82 brain development and, 360–361 to parents, 267–268
parenting and, 171, 329–331, adolescence-limited offenders, 367, employment and, 189 types of, 265
335 368, 370–371 media exposure and, 202 attention, in information-processing
puberty and, 322 adolescent development. See also prevalence of, 353 perspective, 48
social roles and, 322 psychosocial development American Indian/Alaska Native attention deficit/hyperactivity disor-
socioeconomic status and, biological transitions in, 4, 14–39 youth. See also ethnicity; der (ADHD), 166, 369
334–335 dating and, 284–288 minority youth authoritarian parents
stereotype threat and, 325–326 employment and, 186–190 dating relationships and, 281 behavioral autonomy and, 247
achievement attributions, 327 extracurricular activities and, initiation ceremonies for, 77 emotional autonomy and, 242
adolescence/adolescents 191–193 self-esteem in, 216 ethnicity in, 108–109
achievement in, 321–322 family relationships and, 104– transition to adulthood, 88–89 explanation of, 105, 106
attachment in, 264, 267–268 105, 121 androgens, 15, 299, 300 authoritative parents
autonomy expectations of, 103 genetic and environmental influ- anhedonic, 352 achievement and, 330–331
biological transitions in, 4, ences on, 111 anorexia nervosa, 37–39 behavioral autonomy and,
13–41 (See also biological hormonal influences in, 17 anthropological theories, 11 247–248
transitions) leisure activities and, 195–196 antidepressants, 166 benefits of, 107–108
birth rate among, 313 media use and, 198–199, antisocial behavior. See also emotional autonomy and, 242
boundaries of, 3–4 203–205 delinquency ethnicity in, 108
cognitive transitions in, 4–5, poverty and, 91–92 adolescence-limited offenders explanation of, 105
42–68 (See also cognitive religious beliefs and, 256–259 and, 367, 368, 370–371 moral reasoning and, 252
transitions) schools and, 179–180 causes of, 367–372 power of, 106–107
I-24 Subject Index I-25

authority, beliefs about, 63 birth order, 248 substance use and, 360–361 cognitive change
authority conflicts, 364 Black youth. See also ethnicity; susceptibility to peer influence achievement and, 322
autobiographical memory, 49 minority youth and, 247 adolescent relativism and, 47
autoerotic behavior, 293 academic achievement and, brain function adolescent sexuality and, 292
autonomy 335–337, 339 change in adolescence, 55–57 autonomy and, 237–238
adolescent expectations for, 103 adolescent parenthood and, 315, explanation of, 51–52 identity development and,
behavioral autonomy, 243–248 318 grey matter and, 53–54 209–210
cognitive, 237–238, 248–259 adolescent pregnancy and, 312, limbic system and, 57–58 Internet and, 205
emotional, 238–243 314–316 overview of, 52–53 intimacy and, 262
explanation of, 7 clique membership and, 136, 137 white matter and, 54 thinking about abstract concepts
in family relationships, 109 crowd membership and, 134 brain structure as, 45–46
overview of, 236, 237 dating relationships and, change in adolescence, 55 thinking about possibilities as,
puberty and, 237 280–281 correlation between behavior 43–45
social roles and, 238 dropout rate among, 158 changes and, 60 thinking about thinking as,
types of, 238 enrolled in higher education, explanation of, 51 45–46
176, 177 Brown v. Board of Education of thinking in multiple dimensions
ethnic identity in, 229, 230 Topeka, 167 as, 46–47
ethnic socialization and, 227 bulimia, 37–39 cognitive-developmental view,
B innercity schools and, 158 bullies/bullying 47–48
baby boom, 83, 124 obesity among, 35 cyberbullying and, 149–150 cognitive transitions, 4–5
bad girls, 365–366 pubertal maturation and, 23, 34 outside of schools, 150 cohorts, 79
Bar (Bas) Mitzvah, 80, 81 school transitions and, 162, 163 selection versus socialization collective efficacy, 92
basal metabolism rate, 34 self-esteem in, 216–218 and, 141 college education. See postsecond-
behavioral autonomy sexual initiation and, 294 victimization and, 148–150 ary education
decision-making abilities and, in single-parent families, 113 Columbine High School shooting,
243–245 teacher expectations and, 175
ethnic and cultural differences in 170–171 comic books, 196, 197
expectations for, 248 tracking and, 163–164 C Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead),
explanation of, 238 transition to adulthood, 88–89 callous-unemotional (CU) traits, 85
susceptibility to influence and, violence against Asian students, 362–363 Common Core, 157
245–248 175 caring/compassion, in positive communities
behavioral decision theory, 64–65 Board of Education v. Mergens, 78 youth development, 195 girls from wealthy, 91
behavioral genetics body dissatisfaction The Catcher in the Rye (Salinger), violence in, 174–176
adolescent development and, 111 in boys, 39 221–222 community service, 192, 253, 254
explanation of, 110–111 eating disorders and, 37–38 Catholic schools, 168–169 comorbidity
sibling differences and, 111–112 in girls, 19, 32, 36–39 causation, 60, 199 explanation of, 350
behaviorism, 10 mass media and, 36–37 character, in positive youth devel- of externalizing problems,
behavior problems obesity and, 35, 36 opment, 195 350–352
in children of adolescent moth- body fat, sex differences in, 19 charter schools, 157, 158, 168 of internalizing problems, 350
ers, 316–317 body mass index (BMI), 34 childbearing, premarital, 92 competence, in positive youth
self-esteem and, 218–219 Boston Marathon bombing case, 2 child protectionists, 73 development, 195
beliefs boys. See also gender differences; children, of adolescent mothers, comprehensive high school, 155
about ability, 337 gender-role development; sex 316–317 comprehensive sex education,
about intelligence, 326 differences chlamydia, 311 318–319
about occupations, 346 body dissatisfaction in, 39 circumcision, 82–83 concrete operations period, 47
about success, 324–328 brain development in, 52 civic engagement condoms, 309–312
religious, 259 early vs. late maturation in, 20, explanation of, 253–254 conduct disorder, 362–363
Big Brothers/Big Sisters, 277 31–33 research on, 254–255 confidence, in positive youth devel-
big fish-little pond effect, 165 intimacy and, 271, 272 civil liberties, 64 opment, 195
binge drinking, 353 meaning of sex and, 304 classroom climate conflict
binge eating disorder, 37 other-sex friends and, 278 characteristics of good, 168–170 among friends, 271
biological transitions. See also pubertal maturation in, 25 student engagement and, 171–174 divorce and, 115
puberty romantic relationships and, teacher expectations and student intergenerational, 11
adolescent health and health care 279–280 performance and, 170–171 marital, 115–116
and, 40–41 self-esteem in, 216 classroom size, 159–160. See also parent-adolescent, 97–98,
body stature and dimensions and, separation of girls from, 80 schools 102–103
18–19 sexual initiation in, 294, 295 cliques connection, in positive youth devel-
eating disorders and, 36–39 susceptibility to peer influence antisocial activities in, 140 opment, 195
endocrine system and, 14–16 in, 248 crowds vs., 130 consumers, adolescent, 206–207
explanation of, 4 from wealthy communities, 91 explanation of, 128 continuity of social redefinition
hormonal influences and, 17 brain development member similarity in, 135–137 in contemporary society, 84–85
obesity in, 34–36 adolescent behavior and, 60 stability of, 141 current trends in, 87
psychological impact of puberty biosocial theories and, 9 structure of, 128–129, 132 in previous eras, 86–87
and, 26–34 brain plasticity and, 54–55 cognitive autonomy in traditional cultures, 85–86
puberty triggers and, 16–17 gender and, 52 civic engagement and, 253–255 continuous transitions, 84
sexual maturation and, 19–21 implications for adolescent explanation of, 238, 248–249 contraceptive use
somatic development in, 18–25 behavior, 2–3 moral development and, 249–252 adolescent pregnancy and, 314
timing of puberty and, 21–25 plasticity and, 54–55 political thinking and, 255–256 background of, 309–310
biosocial theories, 8–9 pubertal maturation and, 25 prosocial reasoning and, decisions concerning, 310–311
biracial youth, self-esteem in, 217 research on, 51–52 252–253 right to, 79
birth control. See contraceptive use social brain and, 58–59 religious beliefs and, 256–259 strategies to increase, 311
I-26 Subject Index

conventional moral reasoning, 250 partner preferences and, 284 divided attention, 48 impact of, 198–199
coping, stress and, 378–379 patterns of, 281–282 divorce media saturation and, 197–198
correlation, 60, 199, 298–299 phases of romance in, 283–284 adaptation to, 114–115 patterns of, 196–197
cortisol, 16 relationship development and, conflict and stress in, 115 role of, 6
co-rumination, 271–272 282–284 custody following, 116 sexual content and, 198, 199,
covert antisocial behavior, 364 role of, 278–279 effects of, 114 201–202
criminal behavior. See also delin- statistics related to, 279 genetic influences on, 115 sleep patterns and, 28
quency; legal perspective violence and, 286–288 individual differences in effects substance use and, 202
adolescents and, 78 decision making of, 115 violence and, 198, 201–202
adolescents as victims of, 366 behavioral autonomy and, longer-term effects of, 116 work trends and, 185
age and, 365 243–245 quality of family relationships elementary schools. See also
explanation of, 364 behavioral decision theory and, and, 114 schools
morbidity and mortality rates 64–65 remarriage following, 113, academic achievement in, 339
and, 41 deductive reasoning, 44 118–119 explanation of, 160
office statistics vs. adolescents’ de-idealization, 240 sleeper effects of, 116 intervention programs in, 335
reports on, 366–367 delayed phase preference, 27 statistics related to, 112 teachers in, 162
poverty and, 91, 92 delay of gratification, 323 dopamine, 57, 360 transition to secondary schools
criminal justice system, 77 delinquency. See also antisocial dropout rate. See school dropout from, 161–162
critical thinking, 156 behavior; risk taking rate emerging adulthood
cross-sectional studies, 26 adolescence-limited offenders drugs. See substance use/abuse cultural variations in view of,
crowds and, 367, 368, 370–371 dual systems theories, 9 74, 75
adolescent identity and, 133–134 biological predisposition for, 369 dyscalculia, 165 explanation of, 4
changes in structure of, 131–132 early maturation and, 33 dysgraphia, 165 features of, 74–75
cliques vs., 130 explanation of, 364 dyslexia, 165 poverty and, 72, 88–89
ethnicity and, 134–135 life-course-persistent offenders psychological development in,
explanation of, 129 and, 367–370 75–77
nature of, 129–130 poverty and, 92, 93 E transitional issues in, 87–90
as reference groups, 133–135 susceptibility to influence transition to, 87–90
and, 246 early adolescence, 4
social norms and, 134 eating disorders. See also obesity emotional autonomy
depressed mood, 372
waxing and waning of, 132 anorexia nervosa as, 38–39 detachment and, 238–239
cultural capital, 331 binge eating disorder as, 37 explanation of, 238
affluent backgrounds and, 91
cultural differences. See also eth- body dissatisfaction and, 37–38 individuation and, 239
causes of, 377–378
nicity; minority youth; specific parenting styles and, 241–243,
early maturation and, 33 bulimia as, 38–39
groups 252
electronic media and, 204 gender and, 36–39
in academic achievement, research on, 239–241
in ethnic minority youth, 229 mass media influences on, 36–37
339–341 emotional perspective, risk-taking
explanation of, 372 overview of, 36–37
adolescent pregnancy and, behavior in, 66–67
family experiences and, 112 treatment of, 39
312–313 employment
gender roles and, 373–374 ecological perspective on human
of adolescent work, 185 adolescent development and,
genetic factors in, 111 development, 6
in attitude toward pubertal 186–189
mood, syndrome, and disorder economic inequality. See also
events, 30 cross-cultural variations in, 185
and, 372–373 poverty
bullying rates and, 148 drop out rate and, 188
rejection and, 146 bullying and, 149–150
continuity of adolescent passage impact on education, 188
rumination and, 374 effects of, 119
and, 85–86 impact on poor youth, 189
sensitivity and, 374–375 education. See also elementary
in dating, 280–281 influence of, 6
sex differences in, 373–374 schools; middle schools; post-
in expression of intimacy, 274 poor youth and, 189
stress and, 374 secondary education; schools;
family functions and, 100–101 problem behavior and,
suicide and, 376 secondary schools
of leisure, 183–184 188–189
treatment and prevention of, 378 friendship and attitude toward,
parenting styles and, 106–107 138 responsibility and, 187–188
depressive disorder, 372
in physical punishment, 104 homeschooling and, 168 transition to, 88
depressive symptoms, 372
in pubertal maturation, 24, 25 impact of employment on, 188 trends in adolescent, 184–185
desegregation, effects of, 167
separation of sexes and, 80 in innercities, 158 types of, 186
detachment. See also attachment
sexual initiation and, 294–295 reform in, 154–156, 158 unemployment and, 189–190
emotional autonomy and,
social redefinition in, 82–84 sex, 318–319 work environment and, 186
in use of leisure time, 183–184 educational achievement. See aca- “empty nest” stage, 100
explanation of, 238, 239
in view of emerging adulthood, demic achievement endocrine system. See also
psychoanalytic theory and,
75 educational attainment hormones
culture academic achievement and, adrenarche and, 15–16
developmental plasticity, 54
friendship and teen, 138 338–339 explanation of, 14
developmental trajectories, 356
intelligence and, 61–62 explanation of, 333 hormonal feedback loop and,
diathesis-stress model, 377–378
custody arrangements, 117 diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), egocentrism, 45–46 14–15
cyberbullying, 149–150 51, 52 ejaculation, 30 engagement. See student
discontinuous transitions, 84, 85 electroencephalography (EEG), 52 engagement
discrimination electronic media/electronic media environmental factors
D ethnic identity and, 228–229 use in achievement, 328–343
date rape, 306–308 toward sexual-minority youth, adolescent consumer and, in adolescent development, 111
dating. See also romantic 308 206–207 in homosexuality, 306
relationships disengagement. See student adolescent development and, in personality development, 212
adolescent development and, engagement 198–199, 203–205 epiphysis, 18
284–288 disordered eating, 36–37. See also body image and, 36–37, 206 Eriksonian theory, 9, 219, 221
intimacy in, 280–281 eating disorders cyberbullying and, 149–150 estrogens, 15, 52, 299, 300 Subject Index I-27

ethnic identity. See also identity chances within, 6 common interests among, in cliques, 129
in Black youth, 217 changing needs and functions in, 138–140 early vs. late maturation in,
development of, 226–228 100–101 conflict resolution and, 271 31–34
effects of discrimination on, in changing society, 112–119 cross-cultural, 137 eating disorders in, 36–39
228–230 delinquency and, 368 cross-ethnic, 167 educational attainment of, 326
explanation of, 225 divorce and, 112–118 ethnic segregation and, 135–136 intimacy and, 271, 272
in immigrants, 226, 228 ethnicity and, 108–109 intimacy in, 269–271 jealousy and, 268
in multiethnic adolescents, 231 family systems theory and, jealousy in, 268–269 meaning of sex and, 304–305
ethnicity. See also cultural differ- 98–99 knowledge about, 269 other-sex friends and, 278
ences; minority youth; specific foster care children and, other-sex, 278 popularity among, 144
groups 120–121 popularity and, 144–145 relational aggression and, 146
academic achievement and, generation gap and, 96–97 sex cleavage and, 277–278 romantic relationships and,
335–339 intimacy and, 267–268, 273–275 similarity between, 140–142 279–280
adolescent pregnancy and, lesbian and gay, 120 stability of adolescent, 141–142 rumination and, 374–375
312, 315 marital conflict in, 115–116 teen culture and, 138 self-esteem in, 216
beliefs about abilities and, 337 mental health of parents and, 100 functional connectivity, 57 sensitivity and, 374–375
clique membership and, 136–137 midlife stage for parents and, functional magnetic resonance separation of boys from, 80
crowd membership and, 134–135 99–100 imaging (fMRI), 51 sexual initiation in, 294–296
effects of desegregation and, 167 parenting styles and, 105–108 future orientation, 210 sexual maturation in, 20–21
in expectations for autonomy, 248 poverty and, 113–114, 119–120 in single-parent households, 302
expression of intimacy and, 274 puberty and, 29–30, 101–103 susceptibility to peer influence
in home leaving, 87 remarriage and, 113, 118–119 in, 248
parenting styles and, 106–109 roles within, 82 G from wealthy communities, 91
self-esteem and, 216–218 sex differences in, 103–104 gangs, 139 glands, 14
sexual initiation and, 294–295 sibling relationships in, 109–110 gateway drugs, 356. See also sub- globalization, transition to adult-
single-parent families and, 113 single parenthood and, 112–113 stance use/abuse hood and, 85–86
substance use and, 355–356 transformations in, 101–103 gay and lesbian parents, 120 goal orientation, 324
teacher expectations and, familism, 101 gender differences. See also sex gonadotropin-releasing hormone
170–171 family capital, 341 differences (GnRH) neurons, 14
in timing and tempo of family relationships in brain development, 52 gonads, 15
puberty, 23 LGBT youth and, 306 in eating disorders, 36–39 gonorrhea, 311
in transition to adulthood, 88–89 obesity and, 36 expectations for autonomy, 248 Google, 203
ethnic socialization, 227 puberty and, 24, 29–30 identity and, 231–234 graduated driver licensing, 40
ethnography, 131 family systems theory, 98 gender identity, 231 grandparents, 115, 276
event-related potentials (ERPs), 52 fathers. See also families/fam- gender intensification hypothesis, gratification delay, 323
evidence-based practices, 371 ily relationships; mothers; 232 Great Recession, 87, 185
executive function, 56 parents/parenting gender-role behavior grey matter, 53–54
experience sampling method adolescent pregnancy and, explanation of, 231 guns, 93
(ESM), 190–191 313–315, 317 as fluid, 232
experimentation, transitory, adolescent relationships gender-role development. See also
348–349 with, 104 sex differences
externalizing problems. See divorce and contact with, 116 depression and, 373–374 H
also antisocial behavior; intimacy and, 274 masculinity and femininity and,
delinquency harassment. See also victims/
LGBT youth and relationship 233–234 victimization
categories of, 362–365 with, 306 nature of, 232 bullying and, 141, 148–150
comorbidity of, 350–352 sexual abuse by, 308–309 socialization and, 232–233 sexual, 306–308
explanation of, 350 fear of failure, 323–324 generational dissonance, 101 victimization and, 147, 148
prevention and treatment of, 371 feedback loop, 15 generation gap, 96–97 Harlem Children’s Zone, 158
extracurricular activities female genital mutilation, 83 genetic factors Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, 78
adolescent development and, females. see girls in achievement, 111, 331
191–193 health care, 36, 40–41
femininity, 233–234 behavioral genetics and, 110–111 height, adolescent growth spurt
neighborhood stressors and, 94
financial issues. See also poverty; in divorced families, 115 and, 18–19
participation in, 184, 191 socioeconomic status (SES) in homosexuality, 306 herpes, 311
role of, 6 financial strain as, 119 in intelligence, 111, 331 higher education. see postsecond-
student engagement and, 174 for non-college-bound students, in obesity, 35 ary education
178–179, 190 in personality development, 212 high school. See secondary schools
firearms, 93 in pubertal maturation, 23 Hispanic youth. See also ethnicity;
F five-factor model, 212 siblings and, 111–112 minority youth
failure, fear of, 323–324 flow experience, 191 Gen X, 125 academic achievement and,
false-self behavior, 211–212 formal operations period, 47, 48 Gen Y, 125 335–336, 338, 339
families/family relationships. See foster care, 120–121 Gen Z, 125 adolescent parenthood and, 315
also fathers; mothers; parents/ free time. See leisure/leisure gifted students, 164–165 adolescent pregnancy and, 312,
parenting activities girls. See also gender differences; 314, 315
adolescent development and, Freudian theory, 9 gender-role development; sex clique membership and, 136, 137
104–105, 121 friends/friendship. See also cliques; differences crowd membership and, 134
adoption and, 120 crowds; intimacy; peer groups aggression in, 146 dating relationships and, 281
autonomy and attachment in, 109 achievement and, 331–333 attitude to menarche, 30 drinking among, 143
balance of power in, 101 brain functions and presence bad, 365–366 dropout rate among, 158
behavioral genetics and, 110–112 of, 246 body dissatisfaction in, 19, 32, enrolled in higher education,
causes of conflict in, 97–98, caring and concern in, 270–271 36–39 176, 177
102–103 changes in nature of, 268 brain development in, 52 ethnic identity in, 229, 230
I-28 Subject Index

Hispanic youth—Cont. negative, 222 organization in, 50

family conflict and, 101 personality dimensions and, speed in, 50
home leaving and, 87 212–213 initiation ceremonies, 77 jealousy, 268–269
innercity schools and, 158 self-conceptions and, 210 inner-city areas. See urban areas Jewish youth
obesity among, 35 self-esteem and, 213–219 Instagram, 207 Bar (Bas) Mitzvah ceremonies
quinceañera and, 79 sense of, 210 instrumental aggression, 144 and, 80, 81
school transitions and, 162 identity crisis intelligence circumcision and, 82–83
self-esteem in, 216–218 Erikson’s theoretical framework academic achievement and, 333 self-esteem in, 218
sexual initiation and, 294 and, 219 beliefs about, 326 junior high schools. See also
in single-parent familes, 113 explanation of, 219 culture and, 61–62 middle schools; secondary
teacher expectations and, 170 identity vs. diffusion and, Gardner’s theory of multiple, 61 schools
timing and tempo of puberty 219–220 gender differences and, 325 explanation of, 160
in, 23 resolution of, 221 genetic factors in, 111, 331 teachers in, 162
transition to adulthood, 88–89 strategy to resolve, 223–224 individual differences in, 60 transition to, 161–162
violence against Asian identity development IQ and, 60–61 juvenile justice system, 77
students, 175 cognitive change and, 209–210 Sternberg’s “triarchic” theory juvenile offending
historical perspective over time, 224–225 of, 61 changes over time in, 365–367
on adolescence, 72–74 problems related to, 221–222 types of, 61 explanation of, 364
on adolescent passage to adult- puberty and, 209 intelligence quotient (IQ), 60–61, 333
hood, 86–87 research on, 223–225 intergenerational conflict, 11
historical theories, 11 social context of, 220–221
HIV/AIDS, 311–312 social roles and, 210
internalizing problems
comorbidity of, 352
Hodgson v. Minnesota, 78 identity diffusion, 219, 221–222 depression and, 372–375, KIPP, 158
home environment. See also identity foreclosure, 222 377–378 kisspeptin, 16
parents/parenting identity status, approach to deter- explanation of, 350
achievement and, 329, 332 mine, 223–234 overview of, 371–372
parental style and, 330–331 identity vs. identity diffusion prevention and treatment of, 378
parental values and expectations (Erikson), 219–220 suicide and, 375–377 L
and, 329–330 imaginary audience, 45 internal working model, 265 late adolescence, 4
quality of, 331 immigrant paradox, 228 Internet. See also electronic media/ Latino youth. See Hispanic youth
home leaving, current trends in, 87 immigrants. See also Asian youth; electronic media use laws, 64
homeschooling, 168 Hispanic youth adolescent development and, learned helplessness, 327–328
homosexuality. See also lesbian, academic achievement and, 203–205 learning disabilities
gay, bisexual and transgen- 337–338 cognitive change and, 205 explanation of, 164–165
der (LGBT) youth; sexual crown membership and, 136 cyberbullying and, 149–150
orientation strategies for students with,
ethnic identity in, 226, 228 pornography and, 200 165–166
antecedents of, 305–306 expectations for autonomy product marketing on, 206–207 learning theories, 9–10
lesbian and gay parents and, 120 and, 248 sexual content and, 205 Leave It to Beaver (TV program), 83
hormonal feedback loop, 14–16 family functions and, 101 sexual harassment over, 307 legal perspective
hormones indifferent parents time spent on, 198 adolescents as criminal
brain development and, 52 emotional autonomy and, Internet addiction, 204 defendants and, 78
explanation of, 14 242–243 intimacy. See also sexual activity inconsistent legal status and,
hormonal feedback loop and, explanation of, 106, 107 as adolescent issue, 262 78–79
14–16 individual differences changes in display of, 269–271 legal boundaries of adolescence
HPG axis, 14, 15 in effects of divorce, 115 cognitive change and, 262 and, 77–78
as influence on adolescent devel- in intelligence, 60 dating and romantic relationships legal status of adolescents and,
opment, 17 in pubertal maturation, 23 and, 278–280 77–79
sexual activity and, 299–300 in religiosity, 259 explanation of, 7 leisure/leisure activities. See also
hostile attributional bias, 147, in school transitions, 162–163 electronic media/electronic
family members as targets of,
369–370 in susceptibility to peer influ- media use
HPG (hypothalamic-pituitary- ence, 247 adolescent development and,
in friendship, 268–269
gonadal) axis, 15, 16 individuation 195–196, 207
infant attachment and, 264–266
human development cultural differences and, 241 global variations in, 183–184
other-sex friendships and, 278
ecological perspective on, 6 emotional autonomy and, 239 moods and, 190–191
overview of, 262
psychosocial aspect of, 6–7 explanation of, 239 overview of, 182
parents and peers as targets of,
human papillomavirus (HPV), 311 triggers of, 240–241 role of, 6
Hurricane Katrina, 87 indulgent parents statistics related to, 182–183
psychosocial development and,
hypothalamus, 15 emotional autonomy and, 288–289 structured, 191–193
hypothetical thinking, 44–45 242–243 unstructured, 193–195
puberty and, 262
explanation of, 105–106 sex cleavage and, 277–278 leptin, 16, 25
industrialization, 73, 154 sex differences in, 271–273, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgen-
I Industrial Revolution, 73 280, 304 der (LGBT) youth
iatrogenic effects, 140 infant attachment, 264–266 sexual behavior and, 293 antecedents of homosexuality
identity influence. See susceptibility to social roles and, 262 and, 305–306
as adolescent issue, 209–210 influence Sullivan’s theory of interpersonal dating and, 284
crowd membership and, 133–134 information-processing perspective development and, 263 explanation of, 284
ethnicity and, 225–231 (See also attention in, 49 theoretical perspectives on, harassment of, 308
ethnic identity) explanation of, 49 262–268 identity development and,
explanation of, 7 memory in, 49–50 intuition, risk taking and, 67–68 231–232
gender and, 232–234 (See also metacognition in, 50–51 inventionists, 72, 73 same-sex attraction and, 305
gender identity) nature of, 48–49 invulnerability, 65 lesbian and gay parents, 120 Subject Index I-29

LGBT youth. See lesbian, gay, mentalizing, 62 LGBT youth and relationship pubertal maturation and, 25
bisexual and transgender mentoring programs, 90 with, 306 statistics related to, 34
(LGBT) youth; sexual metacognition single-parent, 302 occupational achievement
orientation explanation of, 45 motivation occupational choice and,
life-course-persistent offenders, in information-processing per- achievement, 323–324 346–347
367, 368–370 spective, 50–51 mastery, 324 overview of, 343
limbic system methylphenidate (Ritalin), 166 performance, 324 parental and peer influences and,
explanation of, 55 middle adolescence, 4 transition to secondary school 345–346
neurotransmitters and, 57–58 middle schools. See also junior and, 328 plans for, 343–344
logical thinking, risk taking and, high schools; schools; second- motor vehicle accidents, 40 work values and, 344–345
67–68 ary schools multidimensional model of racial occupational plans, 343–344
long-acting reversible contraception academic achievement in, identity (MMRI), 230 Odd Girl Out (Simmons), 146
(LARC), 309–310 332, 339 multidimensional thinking, 46–47 online gaming, 198
longitudinal studies, 26 explanation of, 160 multiethnic, 231 operant conditioning, 10
long-term memory, 49 transition to, 161–162 multiethnic youth, identity develop- opposite-sex friendships, 278
violence in, 174 ment in, 231 oppositional-defiant disorder, 362
midlife crisis, 99 multiple intelligences theory organismic theories, 9
midlife stage, 99–100 (Gardner), 61 organization, in information-pro-
M minority youth. See also American multisystemic family therapy, 371 cessing perspective, 50
Indian/Alaska Native youth; muscle, sex differences in, 19 ovaries, 15
mainstreaming, 165
Asian youth; Black youth; music, violent, 201–202 overt antisocial behavior, 364
marginality, adolescent, 10–11
marijuana, 353. See also substance ethnicity; Hispanic youth oxytocin, 375
use/abuse academic achievement and,
marriage age, 278–279. See also
adolescent pregnancy and, 312,
divorce; parents/parenting
masculinity, 233–234 315–316 National Assessment of P
mass media. See electronic media/ as distinct minority in schools, Educational Progress (NAEP),
167 parental demandingness, 105
electronic media use; media/ 338–339
effects of discrimination on, parental responsiveness, 105
media use Native Americans. See American
228–230 parenting styles
mastery motivation, 324 Indian/Alaska Native youth
enrolled in higher education, achievement and, 171, 329–331
masturbation, 293, 304 negative emotionality, 352
176, 177 authoritarian, 105, 106, 108–109,
mathematic achievement, in urban negative feedback seeking, 327
expression of intimacy and, 274 242, 247
schools, 158 negative identity, 222
innercity schools and, 158 authoritative, 105–108, 242,
Mean Girls (movie), 146 neighborhood conditions
parenting styles and, 108–109 247–248, 252, 253,
media/media use. See also electronic access to resourses and, 94 330–331
media/electronic media use school disengagement in, 162 adolescent development and, behavioral autonomy and,
adolescent consumer and, self-esteem in, 216–218 90–94 247–248
206–207 in single-parent families, 113 affluent, 91 emotional autonomy and,
adolescent development and, teacher expectations and, collective efficacy and, 92 241–243, 252
198–199, 203–205 170–171 stress and, 92–94 ethnicity in, 106–109
adolescent pregnancy and, 315 tracking and, 163–164 “nerds,” 131–132 indifferent, 106, 107, 242–243
availability of, 197–198 transition to adulthood and, neuroendocrine, 377 indulgent, 105–106, 242–243
body dissatisfaction and, 36–37 88–89 neurons, 52–53 moral and prosocial reasoning
body image and, 36–37, 206 Monitoring the Future study, 353 neuroscientific theories, 9 and, 252
drugs and, 202 moods/moodiness. See also anxi- neurotransmitters, 53, 57–58, 360 overview of, 105
impact of, 198–199 ety; depression new media, 196. See also electronic parents/parenting, 93. See also
patterns of, 196–197 leisure activities and, 190–191 media/electronic media use families/family relationships;
sexual messages and, 198–201 puberty and, 27 No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) fathers; mothers; single-parent
sleep patterns and, 28 student engagement and, 173 (2002), 155–156 families
substance use and, 202 moral behavior, moral reasoning noncognitive factors academic achievement and, 171,
violence and, 198, 201–202 and, 251–252 achievement motivation and, 329–331, 335
media practice model, 199 moral development 323–324 adolescent, 315–318
melatonin, 16, 28, 29 explanation of, 249 beliefs about success and failure of adopted youth, 120
memory moral behavior and, 251–252 and, 324–328 antisocial peer groups and,
autobiographical, 49 moral reasoning and, 249–251 explanation of, 322 139–140
in information-processing per- moral disengagement, 252 nonshared environmental influ- attachment to, 267–268
spective, 49–50 moral reasoning ences, 111 changes in influence of, 245–246
long-term memory, 49 assessment of, 249–250 non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), delinquency and, 368
working memory, 40 moral behavior and, 251–252 375–376 extracurricular participation and,
menarche, 21, 30, 71, 72 parenting styles and, 252 nutrition 191, 192
menstruation. See menarche prosocial behavior and, 253 obesity and, 35, 36 of foster children, 120–121
mental health. See also depression stages of, 250–251 pubertal maturation and, 23, 25 generational gap and, 96–97
adolescent parenthood and, mortality, in adolescents, 40–41 nuturance rights, 64 identity status and, 224
316, 317 mothers. See also families/family immigrant, 101
early maturation in girls and, 31–32 relationships; fathers; parents/ intimacy and, 273–276
eating disorders and, 39 parenting lesbian and gay, 120
in emerging adulthood, 75–77 adolescent relationships with,
O mental health of, 100
ethnic identity and, 227, 229, 230 29, 104 obesity. See also eating disorders midlife crisis and, 99–100
genetic factors and, 111 communication between adoles- correlates and consequences of, occupational achievement and,
of parents, 100 cents and divorced, 117–118 34–36 345–346
poverty and, 91, 119–120 intimacy and, 274 prevention and treatment of, 36 poverty and, 93
I-30 Subject Index

parents/parenting—Cont. platonic relationships, 264 psychological control, 242

puberty and relationship with, political behavior, 256 psychopaths, 362
29–30 political thinking, 255–256 psychosocial, 6 Queen Bees and Wannabees
real or symbolic separation from, popularity. See also rejection psychosocial development (Wiseman), 146
79–80 aggression and, 143–144 in adolescence, 6–8 quinceañera, 79
school transitions and, 163 determinants of, 142–143 autonomy and, 237
on sexual activity, 300–302 dynamics of, 144–145 in emerging adulthood, 75–77
as targets of intimacy, 273–275 friendship and, 144–145 intimacy and, 288–289 R
parochial schools, 167, 168 helping unpopular teens and, peer group and, 151 rape
PATHS (Promoting Alternative 150–151 schools and, 153, 180 date, 306–308
Thinking Strategies), 151 perceived, 142, 143 sexual activity and, 297–298 statutory, 71
peak height velocity, 18 rejection and, 145 social redefinition and, 70–71 reactive aggression, 144
peer groups. See also friends/ sociometric, 142–143 psychosocial moratorium, reading achievement, 158
friendship pornography, 200, 205 220–221 reasoning, prosocial, 252
academic achievement and, positive youth development, psychosocial problems recapitulation theory, 8–9
331–333 195–196 age of onset, 8 reference groups, 133
achievement and, 322 possibilities, thinking about, 43–45 aggression and, 363–364
antisocial, 138–140 rejection. See also popularity
possible selves, 210 antisocial behavior and, 364– consequences of, 146–147
change in structure of, 130–132 postconventional moral reasoning, 365, 367–371
cliques and, 128–129, 135–137 determinants of, 142–143
250–251 comorbidity of externalizing, interventions for, 150–151
common interests and, 138–140 postsecondary education 350–352
in contemporary society, reasons for, 145
characteristics of, 177 conduct disorder and, 362–363 relational aggression and,
124–125 emerging adulthood and, 77 depression and, 372–375,
crowds and, 129–130, 133–135 145–146
enrollment growth in, 176 377–378 rejection sensitivity, 265
ethnic segregation in, 134–137 historical background of, 176 externalizing, 362–371
explanation of, 123 relational aggression, 145–146
occupational choice and, general principles related to, relativism, 47
extracurricular activities and, 192 346, 347 348–350
family functions and, 100 religiosity, 258
students that do not go on to, internalizing, 371–378 religious beliefs
gangs as, 139 178–179 juvenile offending and, 364,
harassment and, 147 development of, 257–258
transition from high school to, 365–367 impact on adolescent develop-
importance of, 6 177–178 nature of, 350
nature of adolescent, 127–128 ment of, 259
poverty non-suicidal self-injury and, individual differences and, 259
popularity and rejection in, access to resources and, 94 375–376
142–145 overview of, 256–257
adolescent childbearing and, 316 stress and coping and, 378–379 patterns of involvement and,
psychosocial development and, adolescent employment and, 189 substance use and, 352–362
151 258–259
adolescent parenthood and, 315 suicide and, 375–377 religious schools, 167
pubertal maturation and, 30 delinquency and, 92, 93 puberty
relational aggression and, remarriage, 113, 118–119
in families, 113–114, 119–120 achievement and, 322 reminiscence bump, 49
impact of chronic, 119–120 adolescent sexuality and, resilience, 379
risk taking and, 67
impact on adolescent develop- 291–292 response inhibition, 56
romance and, 130–131 ment, 91–92 autonomy and, 237 responsibility, employment and,
selection vs. socialization and, parenting and, 93 as beginning of adolescence, 71 187–188
school reform and, 154–155 body dissatisfaction in, 37–38 reverse causation, 199
sexual behavior and, 302–303
statistics related to, 113 change in stature and body rights, 64
susceptibility to pressure by,
stress and, 92–94 dimensions in, 18–19 risk factors
tracking and, 163 early and late maturation and, explanation of, 303
transformation of “nerds” and,
transition to adulthood and, 72, 30–34 poverty as, 113–114
88–89 eating disorders in, 36–39 for substance use, 358–359
unstructured leisure activities
and, 193 urban schools and, 158 endocrine system in, 14–16 for suicide, 376
victimization and harassment power, family relations and, 101 explanation of, 4 risk taking. See also adolescent
and, 147–151 preconventional moral reasoning, family relationships and, 29–30, pregnancy; substance use/
youth culture and, 125–127 250 101–103 abuse; tobacco use
peers prefrontal cortex, 55, 57, 58 first ejaculation in, 30 behavioral decision theory and,
attachment to, 267–268 pregnancy hormonal influences in, 17 64–65
occupational achievement and, adolescent, 312–315 identity development in, 209 emotional and contextual influ-
345–346 contraception and, 79, 309–311 immediate impact of, 26–30 ences on, 66–67
as targets of intimacy, 273–275 meaning of sex and, 305 impact of specific pubertal gangs and, 139
perceived popularity, 142, 143 unintended, 312–314 events and, 30 invulnerability and, 65
performance motivation, 324 premature affluence, 187 intimacy and, 262 logic and intuition and, 67–68
personal fable, 45–46 preoperational period, 47 moodiness in, 27 moral reasoning and, 251–252
personality dimensions, in adoles- preschool intervention programs, obesity and, 25 puberty and, 322
cence, 212–213 334–335 overview of, 14 risky sex and, 309–318
pheromones, 24 primary control strategies, 379 peer relationships in, 30 by sexually abused youth,
physical activity, obesity and, priorities, age differences in, 65–67 physical manifestations of, 14 308–309
35–36 private schools, 167, 168 psychological and social impact strategies to reduce, 68
physical punishment, cultural dif- problem behavior syndrome, 351 of, 26–34 values and priorities and, 65–67
ferences in, 104 Project DARE, 361–362 self-esteem in, 26–27, 31 risky sex
Piagetian theory of cognitive prosocial behavior, 249 sexual maturation in, 19–21 adolescent parenthood as conse-
change, 9, 47–48, 249 prosocial reasoning, 252, 253 sleep patterns in, 27–29 quence of, 315–318
pituitary gland, 15 protective factors, 359–360 timing and tempo of, 21–25 adolescent pregnancy and,
plasticity, 54–55 psychoanalytic theory, 238–239 triggers of, 16–17 312–315 Subject Index I-31

contraceptive use and, 309–311 non-college-bound students and, consequences of high or low, timing of sexual initiation
sex education to prevent, 178–179, 190 218–219 and, 295
318–319 overcrowding in, 160 ethnic differences in, 216–218 sexuality
sexually transmitted diseases parochial, 167, 168 explanation of, 210 as adolescent issue, 291
and, 311–312 private, 167, 168 group differences in, 216–218 cognitive change and, 292
Ritalin (methylphenidate), 166 psychosocial development and, influences on, 218 electronic media and, 198, 199,
rite of passage, 5 153, 180 puberty and, 26–27, 31 201–202
romantic relationships. See also role of, 6 school transitions and, 161 explanation of, 7
dating; intimacy within schools, 159 sex differences in, 216 parent-adolescent communica-
in adolescence, 279 secondary education and, sexual abuse and, 308 tion and, 301–302
nature and significance of, 153–158 stability and changes in, 213–215 puberty and, 291–292
280–281 size of, 158–159 victimization and, 147 social roles and, 292
peer groups and, 130–131 start time of, 28–29 self-fulfilling prophecies, 170 sexually transmitted diseases
phases of, 283–284 student engagement in, 171–174 self-handicapping, 324 (STDs)
Roper v. Simmons, 78 students with ADHD in, 166 self-image, 32, 214–215 condom use and, 309
routine activity theory, 193 teacher expectations and student self-image stabillity, 214 explanation of, 311
rumination, 374 performance in, 170–171 self-regulation, 369 protections against, 312
rural areas, dating violence tracking in, 163–166 sensation seeking, 66 sexual maturation
and, 286 transition from high school to in boys, 20
sense of identity, 210. See also
postsecondary, 177–178 identity in girls, 20–21
transition to secondary, 161–163, sensitivity, 374–375 overview of, 19–20
S 328
sensorimotor period, 47 sexual-minority youth. See also les-
urban, 158 bian, gay, bisexual and trans-
safe sex, 318–319 serotonin, 57
schools within schools, 159 gender (LGBT) youth
same-sex attraction, 305. See also service learning, 254
school violence dating and, 284
sexual orientation set point, 15
lethal, 175–176 harassment of, 308
Sandy Hook Elementary School sex differences. See also gender
overview of, 174 differences identity development and,
shooting, 175
strategies to reduce, 175 231–232
sarcasm, 46–47 in achievement motivation, 325
school vouchers, 157, 168 sexual orientation
SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) in adjustment to remarriage, 118
scores, 339 science achievement, in urban antecedents of homosexuality
in brain development, 52
schools, 158 and, 305–306
scaffolding, 62 in depression, 373–374
secondary control strategies, 379 explanation of, 231
scarification, 80 in educational attainment, 326
secondary education system, 153 fluid nature of, 232
school dropout rate in family relationships, 103–104
secondary schools identity development and,
adolescent pregnancy and, 315 in intimacy, 271–273, 280, 304
academic achievement in, 339 231–232
correlates of, 342–343 in meaning of sex, 304–305
drop rate in, 158, 188, 190, 315, same-sex attraction and, 305
employment and, 188 in muscle and fat, 19
342–343 sexual preditors, 205
historical background of, in partner preferences, 284
341–342 elementary schools vs., 161–162 sexual socialization, 304
explanation of, 153 in self-esteem, 216 shared environmental influences, 111
minority youth and, 158 sex education, 318–319
school factors in, 343 historical background of, sibling deidentification, 112
154–155 sex segregation, in cliques, sibling rivalry, 112
strategies to lower, 342–343 135–136
unemployment and, 190 motivation and, 328 siblings
non-college-bound students, sexual abuse behavioral genetics and, 110–111
school performance, 333. See also in adolescence, 294–295
academic achievement 178–179, 190 differences in, 111–112
origins of, 154–155 date rape and, 306–308 environmental influences and, 111
school reform studies of, 308–309
historical background of, overcrowding and, 160 intimacy and, 276
transition to, 161–163, 328 sexual activity relationships between, 109–110
transition to postsecondary edu- during adolescence, 292–293 single-parent families. See also
innercity students and, 158
cation from, 177–178 contextual influences on, 300 divorce
No Child Left Behind and,
violence in, 174, 175 historical trends in, 296 adolescent employment and, 189
secondary sex characteristics hormonal influences on, adolescent sexual activity and,
standards-based, 157
explanation of, 20 299–300 302
schools. See also academic achieve-
pubertal maturation and, 30 household composition and, 302 adolescent sexual initiation and,
ment; education; postsecond-
ary education; secondary secular trend, 25 media exposure and, 198–201 294
schools secure attachment, 265 parental influences on, 300–302 nature of, 112–113
adolescent development and, selective attention, 48 peer influences on, 302–303 social support and, 115
179–180 selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- poverty and, 91, 92 “sleeper” effects of divorce, 116
age grouping in, 160–161 tors (SSRIs), 378 psychological development and, sleep patterns
alternatives to public, 167–169 self-care, 193–194 297–299 electronic media and, 28
background on, 153–154 self-conceptions stages of, 293 obesity and, 36
bullying outside of, 150 differentiation of, 210–211 start of, 7 puberty and, 27–29
characteristics of good, 179 explanation of, 210 substance use and, 297–298 smoking. See tobacco use
charter, 157, 158, 168 false-self behavior and, 211–212 virginity pledges and, 303–304 social brain, 58–59
classroom climate in, 169–170 organization and integration of, sexual harassment social capital, 169, 331
class size and, 159–160 211 date rape and, 306–308 social cognition
elementary vs. secondary, self-consciousness, 45, 50, 212, 214 friendship and, 141 explanation of, 62
161–162 self-control, 93 sexual-minority youth and, 308 laws, civil liberties, and rights
environment in, 328–329 self-efficacy, 326–327 sexual intercourse and, 64
ethnic composition of, 167 self-esteem ethnicity in age of initiation for, social conventions and, 63–64
historical background of, body dissatisfaction and, 32, 33 294–295 social relationships and, 63
154–155 components of, 215–216 prevalence of, 293–294 theory of mind and, 62–63
I-32 Subject Index

social control theory, 351 stereotype threat, 325 extracurricular activities

social conventions, 63–64 stimulant medications, 166 and, 192
socialization “storm and stress” period, 102 in good schools, 179 values
ethnic, 227 stress junior high vs. elementary, 162 age differences in, 65–67
from family and citizenship roles coping and, 378–379 performance and expectations of parental, 329–330
in previous eras, 86–87 depression and, 374, 377–378 students, 170–171 victims/victimization. See also
gender-role, 232–234 diathesis-stress model and, secondary-school, 328 harassment
intimacy and, 272–273 377–378 sexual harassment by, 307 bullying and, 148–150
social learning theory, 10 divorce and, 115 student engagement and, crime, 366
social networks immigrants and, 101 171–174 effects of, 147–148
cliques and structure of, 128–129 neighborhood conditions and, violence against, 174 interventions for, 150–151
communication through, 269 92–94 teenagers, 73–74. See also sexual, 306–309
social promotion, 156 poverty and, 92–94, 120 adolescence/adolescents video games
social redefinition rejection and, 145 television, 201. See also electronic effects of, 196
emphasis on differences between student engagement media/electronic media use right to obtain, 79
sexes and, 80 explanation of, 171 testes, 15 violent, 201–202
explanation of, 70 importance of, 171–172 testosterone, 52, 299 violence
passage of information from out-of-school influences on, 172 theoretical perspectives dating and, 286–288
older generation and, 80 school environment and, 328–329 on adolescent thinking, 47 media exposure and, 198,
process of, 79 strategies to enhance, 172–174 anthropological theories 201–202
psychosocial development and, topology of, 172 and, 11 poverty and, 93–94
70–71 substance use/abuse biosocial theories and, 8–9 school, 174–176
separation from parents and, 79 adolescent brain and, 360–361 historical theories and, 11 sports participation and, 192
in traditional cultures, 82–84 behavioral decision theory and, information-processing perspec- viral marketing, 207
social roles 64–65 tive and, 48–51 virginity pledges, 303–304
achievement and, 322 causes and consequences of, on intimacy, 262–268 volunteerism, 253, 254
identity development and, 210 357–360 learning theories and, 9–10
intimacy and, 262 changes over time, 354–355 nature vs. nurture and, 8
sexuality and, 292 distinguishing between use and organismic theories and, 9
Piagetian theory and, 9,
social skills, rejection and, 146–147 abuse, 362
social support employment and, 188–189 47–48 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
adolescent parenthood and, 318 ethnic differences in, 355–356 sociological theories and, (WAIS-III), 60
explanation of, 275–276 explanation of, 350 10–11 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
grandparents and, 115 media exposure and, 202 theory of mind, 62–63 Children (WISC-IV), 60
single parenthood and, 115 overview of, 352–353 tobacco use. See also substance weight, 18–19. See also obesity
social transitions peer groups and, 140–141 use/abuse white matter, 54
into adulthood, 87–90 predictors and consequences of, 358 employment and, 189 White youth. See also ethnicity
clarity variations in, 81–84 prevalence of, 353–354 media exposure and, 202 academic achievement and, 158
continuity variations in, 84–87 prevention and treatment of, methods to reduce, 41 adolescent pregnancy and, 312
361–362 peer groups and, 140 crowd membership and, 134
dimensions of, 80–81
progression of, 356–357 tracking dating relationships and, 281
explanation of, 5
protective factors and, 359–360 explanation of, 163 drinking among, 142–143
neighborhood influences on,
90–94 risk factors for, 358–359 impact of lower, 164 enrolled in higher education,
socioeconomic status (SES). See sexual activity and, 296–297 pros and cons of, 163–164 176, 177
also poverty statistics related to, 354, 355, 357 student achievement and, 164 expectations for autonomy in, 248
academic achievement and, success students at the extremes and, obesity among, 35
334–335 attributions for, 327–328 164–166 self-esteem in, 216
occupational achievement and, 345 beliefs about, 324–328 transgender youth, 232 sexual initiation and, 294
political thinking and, 256 suicidal ideation, 375 transitory experimentation, timing and tempo of puberty
sociological theories, 10, 11 suicide 348–349 in, 23
sociometric popularity, 142–143 prevalence of, 375–376 triarchic theory of intelligence tracking and, 164
risk factors for, 376 (Sternberg), 61 transition to adulthood, 88, 89
somatic development
suicide contagion and, 376–377 trichomoniasis, 311 working memory, 49–50
adolescent growth spurt and, 18–19
body dissatisfaction and, 19 suicide contagion, 376–377 work values, 344–345
sex differences in muscle and fat suicide risk, genetic factors in, 111
and, 19 Sullivan’s theory of interpersonal
South Park (TV program), 47 development, 263, 268 underachievers, 324 Y
speed, in information-processing susceptibility to influence unemployment youth, 74
perspective, 50 explanation of, 245 adolescent, 189–190 youth culture
spirituality, 258 individual differences in, 247 educational attainment and, effects of, 127
sports, 191–193. See also extracur- parenting and behavioral auton- 178–179 nature of, 127
ricular activities omy and, 247–248 unpopularity. See rejection views related to, 125
spurious causation, 199 parents and peers and, 245–247 urban areas Youth Internet Safety Survey, 205
standards-based reform, 157–158 synapse, 53–54 adolescent employment in, 189 YouTube, 203, 206–207
Stanford-Binet test, 60 synaptic pruning, 53, 56 dating violence and, 286
status offense, 77 education in, 158
statutory rape, 71 T
stepparents, 118–119
U.S. Supreme Court
legal status of adolescents and,
stereotypes Tanner stages, 20 78 zero tolerance, 175
of adolescents, 11–12, 162 teachers school desegregation and, 167 zone of proximal development
scientific study vs., 11–12 classroom climate and, 169–170 violent video games and, 202 (Vygotsky), 61

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