Analog Circuits Lab Manual

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Approved by AICTE & Permanently Affiliated to JNTUA

Ayyalurmetta, Nandyal – 518503. Website:
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


II B. Tech (ECE) I Semester 2021-22

Approved by AICTE & Permanently Affiliated to JNTUA
Ayyalurmetta, Nandyal – 518503. Website:




This is to certify that the bonafide record work done by

Mr./Ms.___________________________________________ bearing

H.T.NO. _____________________ of II B. Tech I Semester in the

Analog Circuits Laboratory.

Faculty In-Charge Head of the Department

R20 Regulations
(Established by Govt. of A.P., ACT No.30 of 2008)

Electronics & Communication Engineering


20A04302P 0 0 3 1.5
Pre-requisite Electronic Devices and Circuits lab Semester III

Course Objectives:
 To review analysis & design of single stage amplifiers using BJT & MOSFETs at low and
high frequencies.
 To understand the characteristics of Differential amplifiers, feedback and power
 To examine the response of tuned amplifiers and multivibrators
 To categorize different oscillator circuits based on the application
 To design the electronic circuits for the given specifications and for a given application.
Course Outcomes (CO):
CO1: Know about the usage of equipment/components/software tools used to conduct the experiments
in analog circuits.
CO2: Conduct the experiment based on the knowledge acquired in the theory about various analog
circuits using BJT/MOSFETs to find the important parameters of the circuit (viz. Voltage gain,
Current gain, bandwidth, input and output impedances etc) experimentally.
CO3: Analyze the given analog circuit to find required important metrics of it theoretically.
CO4:Draw the relevant graphs between important metrics of the system from the observed
CO5: Compare the experimental results with that of theoretical ones and infer the conclusions.
CO6: Design the circuit for the given specifications.
List of Experiments:
1. Design and Analysis of Darlington pair.
2. Frequency response of CE – CC multistage Amplifier
3. Design and Analysis of Cascode Amplifier.
4. Frequency Response of Differential Amplifier
5. Design and Analysis of Series – Series feedback amplifier and find the frequency response of
6. Design and Analysis of Shunt – Shunt feedback amplifier and find the frequency response of
7. Design and Analysis of Class A power amplifier
8. Design and Analysis of Class AB amplifier
9. Design and Analysis of RC phase shift oscillator
10. Design and Analysis of LC Oscillator
11. Frequency Response of Single Tuned amplifier
12. Design and Analysis of Bistable Multivibrator
13. Design and Analysis of Monostable Multivibrator
14. Design and Analysis of Astable Multivibrator
Note: At least 12 experiments shall be performed. Both BJT and MOSFET based circuits shall be
Faculty members who are handling the laboratory shall see that students are given design specifications
for a given circuit appropriately and monitor the design and analysis aspects of the circuit.
Online learning resources/Virtual labs:
To produce highly skilled, creative and competitive Electronics and Communication Engineers to meet
the emerging needs of the society.

 Impart core knowledge and necessary skills in Electronics and Communication Engineering
throughinnovative teaching and learning.
 Inculcate critical thinking, ethics, lifelong learning and creativity needed for industry and society
 Cultivate the students with all-round competencies, for career, higher education and self-


PEO1: Graduates apply their knowledge of mathematics and science to identify, analyze and
solve problems in the field of Electronics and develop sophisticated communication

PEO2: Graduates embody a commitment to professional ethics, diversity and social

awareness in theirprofessional career.

PEO3: Graduates exhibit a desire for life-long learning through technical training and professional


PSO1: Apply the fundamental concepts of electronics and communication engineering to

design a variety of components and systems for applications including signal
processing, image processing, communication, networking, embedded systems, VLSI
and control system

PSO2: Select and apply cutting-edge engineering hardware and software tools to solve complex
Electronics and Communication Engineering problems.
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals,
and anengineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions
in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms
of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering
and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


 To review analysis & design of single stage amplifiers using BJT & MOSFETs
at low andhigh frequencies.
 To understand the characteristics of Differential amplifiers, feedback and poweramplifiers.
 To examine the response of tuned amplifiers and multi-vibrators
 To categorize different oscillator circuits based on the application
 To design the electronic circuits for the given specifications and for a given application.
After the completion of the course students will be able to

Course Course Outcome statements BTL

CO1 Know about the usage of equipment/components/software tools used to L1
conduct the experiments in analog circuits.
CO2 Conduct the experiment based on the knowledge acquired in the L2
theory about various analog circuits using BJT/MOSFETs to
findthe important parameters of the circuit (viz. Voltage gain,
Current gain, bandwidth, input and output impedances etc)
CO3 Analyze the given analog circuit to find required important metrics of it L3
CO4 Draw the relevant graphs between important metrics of the L4
system from the observed measurements.
CO5 Compare the experimental results with that of theoretical ones and infer L5
the conclusions and Design the circuit for the given specifications.


Course P P
Title P0 P0 P0 P0 S S
P03 P05 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 4 10 0 0
6 7 8 9 11 12
1 2
Circuits 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.6 3.0 2.4 2.6 2.4 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.6 2.4


Course P P P P P P P P P P P P
Title 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 0
1 2
CO1 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 2
CO3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3
CO4 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2
CO5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2

1. While entering the Laboratory, the students should follow the dress code. (Wear shoes and

White apron, Female Students should tie their hair back).

2. The students should bring their observation book, record, calculator, necessary stationery items

and graphsheets if any for the lab classes without which the students will not be allowed for doing

the experiment.

3. All the Equipment and components should be handled with utmost care. Any breakage or damage

will becharged.

4. If any damage or breakage is noticed, it should be reported to the concerned in charge immediately.

5. The theoretical calculations and the updated register values should be noted down in the
observation bookand should be corrected by the lab in-charge on the same day of the laboratory

6. Each experiment should be written in the record note book only after getting signature from the lab

in-charge in the observation notebook.

7. Record book must be submitted in the successive lab session after completion of experiment.

8. 100% attendance should be maintained for the laboratory classes.

1. Check the connections before giving the supply.
2. Observations should be done carefully.
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Max. Marks per each experiment : 5
Sl. Page Date of Date of Marks Signature of lab
Name of the Experiment
No. No. Performed Submitted Obtained incharge

Off the Syllabus :

1 Darlington pair Amplifier * 11

2 CE-CC Multistage Amplifier 15

3 CE-CB Cascode Amplifier 21

4 Current Series – Series Feedback

5 Current shunt – shunt Feedback
6 Class – A Power Amplifier * 37
7 Single Tuned Voltage Amplifeir 43

8 RC Phase shift Oscillator 49

9 LC Oscillator 53

10 Bistable Multivibrator 57

11 Mono stable Multivibrator 61

12 Astable Multivibrator 65

Total marks obtained :

Average marks :
Beyond the Syllabus :

13 Two stage RC coupled Amplifier 69

14 Class-B Push-Pull Power Amplifier 75

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------- Index Continued -------

Sl. Page Date of Date of Marks Signature of the

Name of the Experiment
No. No. Performed Submission Obtained Lab incharge
A. Data Sheets :
PN Diode & Zener Diodes, BJT-BC547,
UJT2N2646, JFET-BF W10, BF W11,
BF 245 and Z44N
B. Rules :
Rules to operate RPS & CRO 91
Rules to write Observation & Record
C. Syllabus Copy 93

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Experiment No. : 01 Date :

Name of the Experiment : DARLINGTON PAIR AMPLIFIER
(Using Software & Hardware)
To obtain the frequency response curve of Darlington pair amplifier using software & hardware
Software :
1. System ------------ 1 No.
2. Multisim software ------------
Hardware :
1. Transistors BC547 ------------ 1 No.
2. Resistors 47KΩ, 10KΩ, 1KΩ ------------ Each 1No.
3. Capacitors 0.22µF ------------ 3 No.
Darlington Pair amplifier circuit is a connection of two transistors which acts as a single unit with
overall current gain equal to the multiplication of the individual current gains of the transistors. Darlington
pair transistor amplifier circuit is very popular in electronics. Clearly, it is an Amplifier circuit. In this
article, we are going to discuss the theory and the applications of Darlington pair amplifier.
The current gain of Darlington pair amplifier is almost equal to the product between the current gains of
individual transistors. If _{\beta 1}β1 and _{\beta 2}β2 be the current gains of individual transistors then overall
current gain of Darlington pair amplifier = β1β2.

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1. We have picked up the components from the components bar as per above circuit.
2. Made the connections as per the above circuit diagram by using the components which we have
3. Connected the CRO across the capacitor CE2 of second stage.
4. Set the input signal as sine wave form which is having the value 20mVP-P as constant in the
5. Initially set the input signal frequency value is 1KHz in the function generator.
6. To simulate the circuit clicked on run option through execute button in tool bar.
7. We have seen the sine wave on the CRO screen as o/p signal.
8. Calculated the peak to peak voltage (VO(p-p)) and noted down in the tabular form Against the column
9. Stopped the simulation by clicked on run option through execute button in the tool bar.
10. Repeated the same procedure from points 6 to 9 for the corresponding frequency values by setting in
thefunction generator for the following steps,
20Hz, 100Hz., 200Hz., 500Hz, 1KHz, 200KHz, 400KHz,940KHz, 940KHz, 1MHz, 100MHz, 500MHz. in
the function generator.
11. Finally shut down the system safely.
12. Now calculated and noted down the values of voltage gain(AV) and gain in dB to the corresponding
valuesof output voltage(VO) & input voltage(Vi) by using the formulas given below,
Voltage gain (Av) = Vo / Vi and Gain in dB = 20log10(Av).
1. We have connected the circuit as per the circuit diagram which is shown above.
2. Initially connected the probe across the function generator as per shown in the circuit diagram to set the
input signal.
3. Switched ON the CRO and function generator.
4. Applied the input signal as sine wave form of 20mp-p, 1KHz.from the function generator by observing in
the CRO.
5. Later removed the probe from that place and connected it across the capacitor CE3 to observe the output.
6. Switched ON the RPS and kept the 12V as VCC.
7. Kept the amplitude of the input signal as constant as 20mVp-p for all frequency steps.
8. Noted down the values output voltage of output signal in terms of peak to peak voltages by varying the
different frequency steps in the function generator which are given below,
20Hz, 100Hz., 200Hz., 500Hz, 1KHz, 100KHz, 200KHz, 400KHz, 940KHz, 940KHz, 1MHz.
9. Repeated the same procedure for point 8 for corresponding frequency values.
10. Now calculated and noted down the values of voltage gain(A V) and gain in dB to the corresponding
values of output voltage(VO) & input voltage(Vi) by using the formulas given below,
Voltage gain (Av) = Vo / Vi and Gain in dB = 20log10(Av).

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Input Voltage (Vi) = 20 mVP-P (0.02V) is constant for all readings (For Software & Hardware)
For Software : For Hardware :
Sl.No. Frequ- Output Voltage Gain in Frequ- Output Voltage Gain in
ency Voltage gain dB = ency Voltage Gain AV= dB =
In (VO) In AV = 20log10 In (VO)In Vo/Vi 20log10
Hz/KHz. mVolts. Vo/Vi (AV) Hz/KHz. mVolts. (AV)

1 20 Hz.
2 100 Hz.
3 200 Hz.
4 1 KHz.
5 200KHz.
6 400KHz.
7 940KHz.
8 940KHz.
9 1 MHz.
10 100 MHz ------- ------- ------- -------
11 500MHz. ------- ------- ------- -------


Note : We can’t draw the graph and could not find the band width for this experiment, because there isno
We have formed the circuit of Darlington pair amplifier by connected two common collector amplifiers in
two stages. The input impedance of two stage common collector amplifier i.e. Darlington pair amplifier is
very high as compared to single stage common collector amplifier. Due to this reason only the voltage gain of
Darlington pair amplifier is less than as compared to single stage common collector amplifier.
I have obtained the voltage gain and gain in db at different frequencies of a Darlington pair

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1. Applications of Darlington pair Amplifier.

2. Applications of Multi stage amplifiers?

3. Mention Advantages of Multistage Amplifiers.

4. What is Band Width?

5. What is Frequency Response?

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog circuits lab Dec-2021 CE-CC Multistage Amplifier Page : 15 off 94

Experiment No. : 02 Date :

Name of the Experiment : CE - CC MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIER

1). To obtain the frequency response of CE – CC multistage amplifier.
1). Function generator(FG)------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
2). Cathode Ray Oscilloscope(CRO) -------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
3). Regulated Power Supply (RPS) : (0-30)V, 1A Dual channel ---------- 1 No.
4). Probes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
5). Bread board -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
6). Connecting wires : -------------------------------------------------------------------------A few Nos.
1). Transistor BC 547 / 100A/A------------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
2). Carbon Fixed Resistors 250Ω, 2.2KΩ, 10KΩ ------------------ Each 1 No.
47KΩ, 3.3KΩ -------------------------- Each 2 No.
3). Capacitors 10µF -------------------------- 3 No.
1µF -------------------------- 1 No.
THEORY : Note : Student should leave half of the page to prepare theory by himself
In practical applications, the output of a single state amplifier is usually insufficient, though it is a
voltage or power amplifier. Hence they are replaced by Multi-stage transistor amplifiers.
In Multi-stage amplifiers, the output of first stage is coupled to the input of next stage using a coupling device.
These coupling devices can usually be a capacitor or a transformer. This process of joining two amplifier
stages using a coupling device can be called as Cascading.
But in this CE-CB multistage amplifier is used to match the impedance matching.

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1. We have connected the circuit as per the circuit diagram which is shown above.
2. Initially connected the probe across the function generator as per shown in the circuit diagram to set the
input signal.
3. Switched ON the CRO and function generator.
4. Applied the input signal as sine wave form having the values of 5mVp-p, 1KHz.from the function
generator by observing in the CRO.
5. Removed the probe from that place and connected it across the C2 to observe the output of CE amplifier .
6. Switched ON the RPS and kept the +5V as VCC.
7. Kept the amplitude of the input signal as constant as 5mVp-p for all frequency steps.
8. Noted down the values of output voltage in terms of peak to peak voltages by varying the different
frequency steps in the function generator which are given below,
20Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz., 500Hz, 1KHz, 100KHz, 200KHz, 400KHz, 940KHz, 940KHz, 1MHz.
9. The above readings noted in the tabular form of CE amplifier .
10.Disconnected the probe from C2 and reconnected it across C4 to observe the output of second stage.
11. Repeated the same procedure from the step 6 to 8 for tabular form of CE-CC multistage Amplifier.
12. Now calculated and noted down the values in the tabular form of CE Amplifier asper given below,

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a). Voltage gain (Av) = Vo / Vi and Gain in dB = 20log10(Av).
b). Plotted the graph between frequency on X- axis and gain in dB on Yaxis.
c). Band width from the graph by using the formula- Band width = f2 – f1
13. Now calculated and noted down the values in the tabular form of CE-CC multistage Amplifier as per
given below,
a). Voltage gain (Av) = Vo / Vi and Gain in dB = 20log10(Av).
b). Plotted the graph between frequency on X- axis and gain in dB on Y- axis.
c). Band width from the graph by using the formula- Band width = f4 – f3
Note : The O/P of multistage amplifier is same as O/P of CE amplifier, because the voltage gain of CC
amplifier is 1. As there is no amplification at O/P of multistage So, it is not possible to draw the graph
and band width also.

Input Voltage (Vi) = 5 mVP-P (0.005V) is constant for all readings (For CE & CE Amplifiers)
For CE Single stage Amplifier For CE-CC Multistage Amplifier
Sl. Frequ- Voltage Gain in Frequ- Output Gain in
Voltage Voltage
No. ency Gain dB= ency Voltage dB =
In (VO) In AV= 20log10 In (VO) In gain 20log10
Hz/KHz. mVolts. Vo/Vi (AV) Hz/KHz. mVolts. AV=Vo/Vi (AV)
1 20 Hz.
2 100 Hz.
3 200 Hz.
4 500 Hz.
5 1 KHz.
6 200KHz.
7 400KHz.
8 600KHz.
9 800KHz.
10 1 MHz.

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I got the Sine wave form on the CRO as output signal for single stage as well as for CE-CC multistage
amplifier which is shown below,


1). Band width of frequency response curve for frequency verses gain in dB. = f2 – f1 =

2). Band width of frequency response curve for frequency verses voltage gain = f2 – f1 =

RESULT : I have obtained the frequency response curves of CE-CC Multistage Amplifiers for frequency
verses gain in dB & frequency verses voltage gain and calculated the band width of both of them.

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1. What is the need of Need for multi stage amplifiers?

2. What are the different coupling schemes?

3. Applications of CE-CC Amplifiers?

4. Mention the Characteristics of CE-CC Amplifiers.

5. What is Band Width?

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Experiment No. : 03 Date :

Name of the Experiment : CE - CB CASCODE AMPLIFIER

1). To obtain the frequency response of CE – CB cascade amplifier using Hardware and Software
2). To calculate the band width of this amplifier.
1). Function generator(FG) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
2). Cathode Ray Oscilloscope(CRO) --------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
3). Regulated Power Supply (RPS) : (0-30)V, 1A Dual channel ---------- 1 No.
4). Probes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
5). Bread board ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
6). Connecting wires : --------------------------------------------------------------------------A few Nos.
1). Transistors : BC 547 -------------------- 1No.
2). Carbon fixed Resistors 47KΩ, 40.2KΩ, 10KΩ, 6.8KΩ 4.7KΩ, 1KΩ - 1/2W - Each 1 No.
Capacitors : 0.22µF ------------------- 3 No.
33µF ------------------- 1 No.
While the C-B (common-base) amplifier is known for wider bandwidth than the C-E (common-emitter)
configuration, the low input impedance (10s of Ω) of C-B is a limitation for many applications. The solution is
to precede the C-B stage by a low gain C-E stage which has moderately high input impedance (kΩs).
The stages are in a cascode configuration stacked in series, as opposed to cascaded for a standard amplifier
The key to understanding the wide bandwidth of the cascode configuration is the Miller effect. The
Miller effect is the multiplication of the bandwidth robbing collector-base capacitance by voltage gain Av.

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1). Connected the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2). Then switched ON the function generator and CRO; but don’t switched ON the RPS.
3). Now Kept the AC/GND/DC switch is at AC position.
4). Initially kept the 1KHz. frequency by varying the frequency control in the function generator.
5). Now applied the peak to peak amplitude of a sine wave is of 20mVp-p by varying the amplitude control
inthe function generator through observing in the CRO.
6). Kept this input value as 20mV p-p constant up to the completion of the experiment Otherwise the wrong
output would occurred.
7). Now switched ON the RPS and set the 10V in it i.e. VCC = 12V.
8). Varied the different frequency steps of 20Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz, 200KHz, 400KHz, 940KHz,
940KHz,1MHz. by adjusted the frequency control in the function generator and noted down the
corresponding values of output signal i.e. peak to peak amplitude of sine wave by observing in the CRO.
9). Now switched OFF the RPS, function generator and CRO.
10). Then calculated the voltage gain AV = VO/Vi & gain in dB = 20log10(AV) and noted down the values in
thespecified columns of the tabular column.
11). Plotted the graphs (frequency response curves) as per below,
a). frequency on X-axis & gain in dB on Y-axis.
b). frequency on X-axis & voltage gain on Y-axis.

12) Calculated the band width from the above two (frequency response curves) graphs byusing the formula
f2 – f1 which is given under the heading of parameters.

Input Voltage (Vi)= 20 mVP-P (0.02V) is constant for all readings.

Sl. Frequency Output Voltage (VO) Voltage Gain Gain in dB
No. In Hz/KHz. In Volts. AV= Vo/Vi = 20log10(AV)
1 20 Hz.
2 100 Hz.
3 200 Hz.
4 500 Hz.
5 1 KHz.
6 200KHz.
7 400KHz.
8 600KHz.
9 800KHz.
10 1 MHz.

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I have got the Sine wave form on the CRO as output signal for single stage as well as for CE-CB
multistage amplifier which is shown beow


1). Band width of frequency response curve for frequency verses gain in dB. = f2 – f1 =
2). Band width of frequency response curve for frequency verses voltage gain = f2 – f1 =
I have obtained the frequency response curves of CE-CB cascade Amplifier as per follows,
1). Band width of frequency response curve for frequency verses gain in dB. =
2) Band width of frequency response curve for frequency verses voltage gain =

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1. Applications of CE-CC Amplifiers?

2. Mention the Characteristics of CE-CB Amplifiers.

3. What is Band Width?

4. What is cascade Amplifier?

5. What is voltage gain of cascade amplifier ?

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog circuits lab Dec-2021 Current S-S F/B Amplifier Page : 25 off 94

Experiment No. : 04 Date :


i). To obtain the frequency response of Current Series – Series feedback amplifier
ii). To calculate the bandwidth of this amplifier.
1). Function Generator -------- 1 No.
2). Cathode Ray Oscilloscope -------- 1 No.
3). Regulated Power Supply -------- 1 No.
4). Bread Board -------- 1 No.
5). Probes -------- 2 No.
6). Connecting wires -------- A Few Nos.
1). Transisitor BC547 NPN -------- 2 No.
2). Resistors a). 47KΩ, 10KΩ, 2 . 2KΩ, 1KΩ -------- Each 1 No.
b). 100KΩ, 100Ω -------- Each 1 No.
3). Capacitors a). 22µF -------- 3 No.
b). 10µF -------- 1 No.
c). 0.22µF / 10 µF -------- 3 No.


Description :
Although while amplifying, the input signal strength can be increased whether it includes information
otherwise information with some noise. This noise can be introduced in the amplifiers due to their strong
tendency otherwise stray magnetic as well as electric fields. Thus, each high gain amplifier is liable in its
output to provide noise along with the signal, which is very required. In amplifier circuits, the noise level
will be significantly decreased with the help of negative feedback by introducing an output fraction within
phase opposition toward the input signal.
What is a Feedback Amplifier?
The feedback-amplifier can be defined as an amplifier which has feedback lane that exists between o/p to
input. In this type of amplifier, feedback is the limitation which calculates the sum of feedback given in the
following amplifier. The feedback factor is the ratio of the feedback signal and the input signal.

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Feedback Amplifier Topologies

There are four basic amplifier topologies for connecting the feedback signal. Both the current as well as
voltage can be feedback toward the input in series otherwise in parallel.

1. Voltage Series Feedback Amplifier

2. Voltage Shunt Feedback Amplifier
3. Current Series Feedback Amplifier
4. Current Shunt Feedback Amplifier
Out of four now we can do the experiment on
Current Shunt Feedback Amplifier
In this type of circuit, a portion of the o/p voltage is applied to the i/p voltage in shunt through the
feedback circuit. The block diagram of the current shunt feedback-amplifier is shown below, by which it is
apparent that the feedback circuit is located in shunt by means of the output as well as the input.
When the feedback circuit is allied in series through the o/p however in parallel with the input, then the o/p
impedance will be increased & because of the parallel connection with the i/p, the i/p impedance will be

Current series-Series feed back amplifier – With feed back :

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Current series-Series feed back amplifier – Without feed back :

1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.
2. Initially connected the CRO across the Function generator.
3. Switched ON the Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) and Function generator.
4. Applied the 20 mVpp , 1Khz sine wave signal to the circuit from Function generator by observing in the
5. We have kept this 20 mVpp input voltage (Which has been applied from function generator) as constant
for all steps of frequency while taking the readings for both with fee back & without feedback .
6. Disconnected the CRO from the function generator .
7. Now Connected the CRO at output side to measure the peak to peak output voltage.
8. Applied the +VCC as 10V to the circuit from the Regulated power supply (RPS).
9. Later we have noted down the readings for output voltage in the tabular form of with feedback. from the
CRO, by varying the different steps of frequency (i.e. 20Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz, 200KHz,
400KHz, 940KHz, 940KHz, 1MHz.) in function generator.
10. After this we removed the feed back capacitor (Cf ) & resistor (Rf) from the circuit completely.
11. Now the circuit is became as the without feed back amplifier.
12. Again we have noted down the readings for output voltage in the tabular form of without feed back
.from the CRO, by varying the different steps of frequency (i.e. 20Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz,
200KHz, 400KHz, 940KHz, 940KHz, 1MHz.) in function generator.
13. I have observed that the readings of without feed back amplifier’s output
voltage is greater than the with feed back amplifier.
13. Finally we switched OFF the function generator, cathode ray oscilloscope and regulated power supply.

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14. Calculated the Voltage gain by using the formula of Vo / Vi and Gain in dB by
using the formula of 20log10(AV) in both tabular forms of with feed back and without feed back
15. Drawn the graphs of both amplifiers in single graph sheet.
16. While drawing the graph taken the frequency on X-axis and Gain in dB on Y-axis.
18. Finally calculated the bandwidth of both amplifiers from this graph sheet as per the following formulas,
i). For Current series- series feed back amplifier (With feed back ) (BW) = f2 – f1
ii). For Current series – series (Without feed back ) (BW) = f4 – f 3
19. We have noted down that the band width of with feed back amplifier is high as compared to the without
feed back amplifier.

Input Voltage (Vi) = 20mVP-P (0.02V) is constant for all readings (For With F/B & Without F/B )
For With Feed back Amplifier For Without Feed back Amplifier
Sl. Frequ- Voltage Gain in Frequ- Output Gain in
Voltage Voltage
No. ency Gain dB= ency Voltage dB =
In (VO) In AV= 20log10 In (VO) In gain 20log10
Hz/KHz. mVolts. Vo/Vi (AV) Hz/KHz. mVolts. AV=Vo/Vi (AV)
1 20 Hz.
2 100 Hz.
3 200 Hz.
4 500 Hz.
5 1 KHz.
6 200KHz.
7 400KHz.
8 600KHz.
9 800KHz.
10 1 MHz.

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The following graph shows for Current Series-Series feedback amplifier for both with feedback and
without feedback.


1). Band width of frequency response curve for

frequency verses gain in dB. (With feed back) = f2 – f1 =

2). Band width of frequency response curve for

frequency verses gain in dB. (Without feed back) = f4 – f3 =

I have drawn the graph for frequency response of a Current series-series feedback amplifier for both with
feedback and without feedback.

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1. What is feedback?

2. What are the advantages of negative feedback?

3. What are the feedback topologies?

4. Example for Current series feedback amplifier.

5. What are the different types of feed back amplifiers ?

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog circuits lab Dec-2021 C.Shnt - Shnt F/B- Amplifier Page : 31 off 94

Experiment No. : 05 Date :


To plot the frequency response curve of a Current shunt - shunt feedback Amplifier for both with feedback &
without feedback.
1. Regulated power supply ( RPS ) ----- 1 No.
2. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope ( CRO) ----- 1 No.
3. Function generator ----- 1 No.
4. Probes ----- 1 No.
3. Bread board ----- 1 No.
4. Connecting wires ----- A few Nos.
1. Transistor BC 547 ----- 2 No.
2. Resistors : i). 100Ω, 100KΩ ----- Each 1 No.
ii). 1 KΩ, 2.2 KΩ, 10 KΩ, 47 KΩ ----- Each 2 No.
3. Capacitors :
i). 0.22 µF / 10 µF ----- 3 No.
ii). 10µF ----- 1 No.
iii). 22 µF ----- 3 No.
In the current shunt feedback circuit, a fraction of the output voltage is applied in series with the input
voltage through the feedback circuit. This is also known as series-driven shunt-fed feedback i.e., a series-
parallel circuit.
As the feedback circuit is connected in series with the output, the output impedance is increased and due
to the parallel connection with the input, the input impedance is decreased.

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Current shunt – shunt feed back amplifier – With feed back :

Current series-Series feed back amplifier – Without feed back :

1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.
2. Initially connected the CRO across the Function generator.
3. Switched ON the Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) and Function generator.
4. Applied the 20 mVpp , 1Khz sine wave signal to the circuit from Function generator by observing in the

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5. We have kept this 20 mVpp input voltage (Which has been applied from function generator) as constant
for all steps of frequency while taking the readings for Current shunt feedback amplifier for both with
feedback & without feedback .
6. Disconnected the CRO from the function generator .
7. Now Connected the CRO at output side to measure the peak to peak output voltage.
8. Applied the +VCC as 10V to the circuit from the Regulated power supply (RPS).
9. Later we have noted down the readings for output voltage in the tabular form of with feedback. from the
CRO, by varying the different steps of frequency (i.e. 20Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz, 200KHz,
400KHz, 940KHz, 940KHz, 1MHz.) in the function generator.
10. After this we removed the feedback capacitor (Cf ) & resistor (Rf) from the circuit completely.
11. Now the circuit is became as the without feedback amplifier.
12. Again we have noted down the readings for output voltage in the tabular form of without feedback .from
the CRO, by varying the different steps of frequency (i.e. 20Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz, 200KHz,
400KHz, 940KHz, 940KHz, 1MHz.) in the function generator.
13. We have observed that the readings of without feedback amplifier’s output voltage is greater than the
with feedback amplifier.
14. Finally we switched OFF the function generator, cathode ray oscilloscope and regulated power supply.
15. Calculated the Voltage gain by using the formula of Vo / Vi and Gain in dB by
using the formula of 20log10(AV) in both tabular forms of with feedback and without feedback amplifiers.
16. Drawn the graphs of both amplifiers in single graph sheet.
17. While drawing the graph taken the frequency on X-axis and Gain in dB on Y-axis.
18. Finally calculated the bandwidth of both amplifiers from this graph sheet as per the following formulas,
i). For Current shunt feedback amplifier (With feedback ) (BW) = f2 – f1
ii). For Current shunt feedback amplifier (Without feedback ) (BW) = f4 – f3
19. I have noted down that the band width of with feedback amplifier is high as compared to the without
feedback amplifier.

Input Voltage (Vi) = 20mVP-P (0.02V) is constant for all readings (For With F/B & Without F/B )
For With Feed back Amplifier For Without Feed back Amplifier
Sl. Frequ- Voltage Gain in Frequ- Output Gain in
Voltage Voltage
No. ency Gain dB= ency Voltage dB =
In (VO) In AV= 20log10 In (VO) In gain 20log10
Hz/KHz. mVolts. Vo/Vi (AV) Hz/KHz. mVolts. AV=Vo/Vi (AV)
1 20 Hz. 0 0 0 20 Hz. 0 0 0
2 100 Hz. 100 5 13.97 100 Hz. 1900 95 39.55
3 200 Hz. 200 10 20 200 Hz. 2000 100 40
4 500 Hz. 400 20 26.02 500 Hz. 2200 110 40.82
5 1 KHz. 800 40 32.04 1 KHz. 4800 240 47.60
Continued in next page

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Input Voltage (Vi) = 20mVP-P (0.02V) is constant for all readings (For With F/B & Without F/B )
For With Feed back Amplifier For Without Feed back Amplifier
Sl. Frequ- Voltage Gain in Frequ- Output Gain in
Voltage Voltage
No. ency Gain dB= ency Voltage dB =
In (VO) In AV= 20log10 In (VO) In gain 20log10
Hz/KHz. mVolts. Vo/Vi (AV) Hz/KHz. mVolts. AV=Vo/Vi (AV)
6 200KHz. 1200 60 35.56 200KHz. 1000 50 33.97
7 400KHz. 700 35 30.88 400KHz. 600 30 29.54
8 600KHz. 200 10 20 600KHz. 300 15 23.52
9 800KHz. 200 10 20 800KHz. 300 15 23.52
10 1 MHz. 200 10 20 1 MHz. 200 10 20

The following graph shows for Current shunt-shunt feedback amplifier for both with feedback and without


1). Band width of frequency response curve for

frequency verses gain in dB. (With feed back) = f2 – f1 = 550KHz. – 0.700KHz. = 549.30KHz.

2). Band width of frequency response curve for

frequency verses gain in dB. (Without feed back) = f4 – f3 = 60KHz. – 0.800KHz. = 59.20KHz.

RESULT : I have obtained the frequency response curve for Current shunt feed back amplifier.

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1. What is feedback?

2. What are the input and output impedances for current shunt feedback Amplifier.

3. Applications of current shunt feedback Amplifier.

4. What are the feedback topologies?

5. What is Band Width?

6. What is Frequency Response?

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog circuits lab Dec-2021 Class A Power Amplifier Page : 37 off 94

Experiment No. : 06 Date :

Name of the Experiment : CLASS A POWER AMPLIFIER

1. To verify / plot the output signal (sine wave form) of a given Class-A Series-fed Power
Aamplifier byusing software & hardware .
2. To calculate the conversion efficiency of a given amplifier.
Software :
1. System ------------------ 1 No.
Multisim software
Hardware :
1. Regulated power supply ( RPS ) ----------------------- 1 No.
2. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope ( CRO) ---------------------------- 1 No.
3. Function generator --------------------------------------- 1 No.
4. Probes ------------------------- 1 No.
5. Ammeters : (0-10)mA Digital /Analog DC Type ----------- 1 No.
6. Bread board ------------------------- 1 No.
7. Connecting wires ------------------------- A few Nos.
1. Transistor BC 547 ------------------------- 1 No.
2. Resistors : 1KΩ, 10 KΩ, 47KΩ ------------------------- Each 1 No.
3. Capacitors : 0.22 µF ------------------------- 2 No.
33 µF -------------------------- 1 No.
Class A power amplifier is a type of power amplifier where the output transistor is ON full time and
the output current flows for the entire cycle of the input wave form. Class A power amplifier is the simplest
of all power amplifier configurations. They have high fidelity and are totally immune to crossover distortion.
Even though the class A power amplifier have a handful of good feature, they are not the prime choice
because of their poor efficiency. Since the active elements (transistors) are forward biased full time, some
current will flow through them even though there is no input signal and this is the main reason for the
The theoretical maximum efficiency of a Class A power amplifier is 50%. In practical scenario, with
capacitive coupling and inductive loads (loud speakers), the efficiency can come down as low as 25%. This
means 75% of power drawn by the amplifier from the supply line is wasted. Majority of the power wasted is
lost as heat on the active elements (transistor).As a result, even a moderately powered Class A power
amplifier require a large power supply and a large heatsink.

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1. Picked up the components from components bar in multisim software as per the circuit diagram.
2. Made the connections as per the circuit diagram.
3. Set the 300 mVp-p (as input voltage) , 10 Khz (as input frequency) sine wave signal to the circuit from
theFunction generator .
4. Noted down the Input voltage(Vi) , Input frequency against the corresponding columns of the
t a bu la r form of practical calculations.
5. Set the supply voltage 12V as VCC to the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.
6. To simulate this circuit click on Run button in tool bar.
7. Observed the sine wave signal in CRO and drawn this signal on the graph sheet.
8. Calculated the output voltage (Vop-p) , time period (T), frequency (f) from the graph, and noted down
these values against the corresponding columns in the tabular form of practical calculations.
9. Noted down the supply voltage (VCC) and collector dc current I(dc) at Quiescent condition i.e. when no
signal is applied i.e. by disconnected the function generator from the circuit against the corresponding
columns of the tabular form of practical calculations.
10. Stop the simulation by click on Run button in tool bar.
11 Shut down the system safely.
12. Later calculated and noted the input dc power Pi(dc), output ac power Po(ac) and % of efficiency
(η)by using the formulas which are mentioned in the corresponding columns of the tabular form of
practical calculations.
13. Noted that the practical value should be less than the Typical Max. efficiency value i.e. 25.4%.
1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.
2. Initially connected the CRO across the Function generator.

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3. Switched ON the Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) and Function generator.

4. Applied the 300 mVp-p , 10 Khz sine wave signal to the circuit from the Function generator
byobserving on the crt of the CRO.
5. Later connected the CRO across RL i.e at output side.
6. Now switched ON the Regulated Power Supply (RPS) and apply the supply voltage 12V as VCC
to thecircuit as per shown in the figure.
7. Observed the sine wave signal on the CRT of the CRO and draw this signal on the graph sheet.
8. Now noted down the collector dc current I(dc) at Quiescent condition i.e. when no signal is applied
and supply voltage (VCC) by disconnected the function generator from the circuit against the
corresponding columns in the tabular form of practical calculations.
9. Switched OFF the function generator, RPS, CRO.
10. Noted down the Input voltage(Vi) , Input frequency against the corresponding columns in the
tabular form.
11. Calculated the output voltage (Vop-p) , time period (T), frequency (f) from the graph, and noted
downthese values against the corresponding columns in the tabular form.
12. Later calculated the Input dc power Pi(dc), output ac power Po(ac) and % of efficiency (η) by
using The formulas which are mentioned in the corresponding columns in the tabular form.
13. Noted that The practical value should be less than the Typical Max. efficiency value i.e. 25.4%.

Sl.No. Name of the parameter Value for Value For

Software Hardware
01. Input Voltage (Vi) p-p ( In mV). 300
02 Input frequency (In Khz.). 10
03 Supply DC Voltage ( VCC) (in Volts.) 10
04 Output voltage VO(p-p) (In volts.).
05 Time period (T) for output signal (In ms)
06 Fequency for output signal = 1/ T (In Khz.)
07 Collector dc current (Idc) (At quesient condition
When no input signal is applied) (In mA.).
08 Collector DC current when sine wave (AC)
signal is applied as input signal ( Iac )
09 Input DC power Pi(dc) = Idc × VCC (In Watts).


11 % of efficiency (η) = [ PO(ac) / Pi (dc) ] ×100 =

12 Typical Max. efficiency (η) = 25.40%

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The following waveform shows the output signal of Class A Series-fed Power Amplifier .


I have verified / drawn the output signal and calculated the conversion efficiency of given
Class-ASeries-fed Power amplifier.

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VIVA VOCE Questions:

1. What is Power Amplifier?

2. Classifications of power Amplifiers.

3. Efficiency of class A power Amplifier.

4. What is the amplitude (Harmonic) Distortion?

5. Where is the Q point in class A power Amplifier?

6. Applications of class A power Amplifier.

7. What are the disadvantages of class A power Amplifier.

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog circuits lab Dec-2021 Single Tuned Voltage Amplr. Page : 43 off 94

Experiment No. : 7 Date :


To obtain the frequency response curve of Single tuned voltage amplifier.
1. Regulated power supply ( RPS ) ------------------------------ 1 No.
2. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope ( CRO) ------------------------------ 1 No.
3. Function generator -------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
4. Decade Inductance box (DIB) ------------------------------------- 1 No.
5. Decade capacitance box (DCB) ------------------------------------ 1 No.
6. Probes ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 No.
7. Bread board ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
8. Connecting wires ----------------------------------------------------- A few Nos.
1. Transistor BC 547 ---------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
2. Capacitors :
i). 10 µF ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 No.
ii). 22 µF ----------------------------------------------------------- 2 No.
3. Resistors :
i). 100 KΩ , 10KΩ, 100 Ω -------------------------------------------- Each 1 No.
Tuned amplifiers are mainly preferred to amplify the high-frequency signals in wireless communication.
The tuned amplification works based on the tuning circuit implied as load. The range of the frequencies defined
for a particular amplification circuit can be fixed or dynamic based on applications. The tuning circuit present at
the load consists of an inductor and capacitor. For dynamic frequencies, the values of capacitance should be
varied. These amplifiers are very advantageous due to its appealing large bandwidths. The increment in
bandwidth is based on the number of tuning circuits present at the load. There are three types of most frequently
used tuned amplifiers they are single tuned amplifier, double-tuned amplifier and stagger tuned amplifier.
Definition: A tuned amplifier consists of a single tuning circuit at the load can be defined as a single
tuned amplifier. It is a multi-stage amplifier, where each stage of this amplifier must be tuned with the same
frequencies. For example, tuning a radio station. If the desired carrier wave is passed and matches the defined
range of passband frequency, then the radio station is tuned otherwise it is blocked.

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1. I have connected the circuit as per the circuit diagram which is shown above. Initially connected the
CRO across the function generator as per shown in the circuit diagram to set the input signal.
2. Switched ON the CRO and function generator.
3. Applied the input signal as sine wave form having the values of 20mp-p, 1KHz.from the function
generator by observing in the CRO.
4. Kept the amplitude of the input signal as constant as 20mVp-p for all frequency steps until the experiment
would completed.
5. Later removed the CRO and connected it across the capacitor CC to observe the peak to peak output
6. Now set the C=54Kpf and L=4.7mH to take readings in tabular form-1
7. Switched ON the RPS and kept the 10V as VCC.

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8. Initially varied the frequency of input signal until the maximum output voltage could obtained, and
noted this to the corresponding frequency value in the tabular form -1 .
9. Later calculated and noted the peak to peak output voltage to the remaining corresponding frequency
values which are available in the tabular form-1.
10. Later set the C=2.16Kpf and L=4.7mH to take readings in tabular form-2
11. Repeat the same procedure from point 8 to 9.
12. Now calculated and noted down the values of voltage gain(AV) and gain in dB to the corresponding
values of output voltage(VO) & input voltage(Vi) by using the formulas given below,
Voltage gain (Av) = Vo / Vi and Gain in dB = 20log10(Av).
These values has been noted in the both tabular forms.
13. Plotted the graphs for both tabular forms (frequency response curves) as per given below,
a). frequency on X-axis & gain in dB on Y-axis.
b). frequency on X-axis & voltage gain on Y-axis.
14. Calculated and noted the band width & resonant frequency from both frequency response curves by
using the following formula,
Band width = f2 – f1.
Input Voltage (Vi) = 20mVP-P (0.02V) is constant for all Input Voltage (Vi) = 20mVP-P (0.02V) is
readings. constant for all readings.
When fr = 10Khz. , C = 54Kpf, L = 4.7mH When fr = 50 Khz., C = 2.16 Kpf, L=4.7mH
Sl. Freque- Output Voltage Gain in dB Output Voltage Gain in dB
No ncy in Voltage gain =20log10(Av) Voltage Gain =20log10(Av)
Hz / KHz. (Vo) in V (Av) = Vo /Vi (Vo) In V (Av) = Vo /Vi
1 10 Hz.
2 500 Hz.
3 1 KHz.
4 5 KHz.
6 20KHz.
7 50KHz.
8 100 KHz.
9 200 KHz.
10 500 KHz.
11 1 MHz.

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The following graphs shows the frequency response curve for single tuned voltage amplifie
A). When fr = 10 Khz. , C = 54 Kpf, L = 4.7mH B). When fr = 50 Khz. , C = 2.16 Kpf, L = 4.7mH

When fr = 10 Khz. , C = 54 Kpf, L = 4.7mH When fr = 50 Khz. , C = 2.16 Kpf, L = 4.7mH
1). Band width = f 2 – f1 = 1). Band width = f 2 – f1 =
2). Resonant frequency ( f r ) = 2). Resonant frequency ( f r ) =
The following tabular form shows the comparison between the theoretical and practical resonant
frequency values.
Sl.No. Inductor (L) Capacitor (C) Theoretical Practical Resonant Max. voltage gain in
(Note down (Note down Resonant frequency ( f r ) dB at resonant
from the from the frequency (f r ) (Note down frequency .
theoretical theoretical (Note down from the graph) (Note down from
calculations) calculations) from the the graph)
1. 4.7mH 54Kpf 10KHz.
2. 4.7mH 2.16Kpf 50KHz.

If I observed in the tabular form-3 the voltage gain of the output signal is maximum when the practical
resonant frequency value is approximately equal to the theoretical resonant frequency value.
Mainly uses in the radio receivers to tuned the appropriate signal / station which is transmitted in relay
I have drawn the frequency response curve and calculated the values of band width, and resonant
frequency of a single tuned voltage amplifier.
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VIVA VOCE Questions:

1. What is single Tuned Amplifier?

2. What is Q factor?

3. What is tank circuit?

4. Mention Applications of single Tuned Amplifier.

5. What is the resonant frequency of single tuned Amplifier?

6. Difference between single tuned and double tuned Amplifier?

7. What is frequency response?

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog circuits lab Dec-2021 RC Phase shift Osc. Page : 49 off 94

Experiment No. : 8 Date :

Name of the Experiment : RC PHASE SHIFT OSCILLATOR
To draw the sine wave form and to calculate its frequency values of a given RC Phase shift Oscillator.
1. Regulated power supply ( RPS ) ------------------------ 1 No.
2. Cathode ray oscilloscope -------------------------------- 1 No.
3. Decade Resistance Box ( DRB ) ----------------------- 1 No.
4. Decade Capacitance Box ( DCB ) ---------------------- 3 No.
5. Bread board ----------------------------------------------- 1 No.
6. Probes ----------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
7. Connecting wires ----------------------------------------- 1 No.
1. Resistors : 1KΩ, 4.7 KΩ, 47 KΩ, 10 KΩ ------------- Each 1 No.
10 KΩ --------------------------------------- 3 No.
2. Capacitors : 0.047µF, 1000 µF -------------------------- 1 No.
3. Transistor : BC547 -------------------------------------- 1 No.
A phase shift oscillator can be defined as; it is one kind of linear oscillator which is used to generate a
sine wave output. It comprises of an inverting amplifier component like operational amplifier otherwise a
transistor. The output of this amplifier can be given as input with the help of the phase shifting network. This
network can be built with resistors as well as capacitors in the form of a ladder network. The phase of the
amplifier can be shifted to 1940 at the oscillation frequency by using a feedback network to provide a positive
response. These types of oscillators are frequently used as audio oscillators on audio frequency. This article
discusses an overview of RC phase shift oscillator.
RC phase-shift oscillator circuit can be built with a resistor as well as a capacitor. This circuit offers the
required phase shift with the feedback signal. They have outstanding frequency strength and can give a clean
sine wave for an extensive range of loads. Preferably an easy RC network can be expected to include an o/p
which directs the input with 94o.

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1. Made the connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. Kept the VCC value as 12V.
3. Kept the Capacitor C values as 1nF (0.001µF or 1Kpf) in DCB.
4. Varied the RC (i.e. Appx. 4.3KΩ) until we get sine wave form which is consist the VO(p-p) is
approximately 6V because this circuit is designed to get the output
voltage as 6V(p- p) in the CRO.
5. Now noted the value of RC to the corresponding C value in tabular form.
6.. We observed the Sine wave form as a output signal in the CRO.
7. Now calculated and noted the theoretical frequency value (fO) to the corresponding C value in the
tabular form by using the formula given below,

8. Drawn the sine wave form on the graph by taking the time period on X-axis and amplitude(VO(p-p)) on Y-
9. Calculated the frequency and output voltage (VO (p-p) ) values from the graph then noted in the Columns
of practical frequency and output voltage in the tabular form respectively.
10. Repeat the same procedure from points 4 to 9 for corresponding C values which
are given below,
a). 2.2 nF ( 0.0022 µF or 2.2Kpf ).
b). 3.3 nF ( 0.0033 µF or 3.3Kpf ).
c). 10.0 nF (0.01 µF or 10Kpf ).
11. Switch OFF the RPS and CRO.
12. We compared that theoretical frequency value (fO) and practical frequency values
are approximately same.

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Sl. Capa- RC = Rs e l e c t e d Practical Pract-
Rei -
Theoretical frequency Output
citor Time Ical Fre
sto ( fO) Voltage
No. Period quency
r ( VO(p-p))
In (In In
In In In
Kpf In Hz/KHz. µS) Hz/KHz.
KΩ KΩ Volts

1 10 1
2 10 2.2
3 10 3.3
4 10 10
Note: If I observed in the tabular form, for which the C value of 10nF the peak to peak output voltage (VO(p-p))
is 4V approximately, but this circuit is designed to get the (VO(p-p)) value as 6V approximately. So for this C
value we can’t considered. If we observed regarding to frequency value, when the C value is increases then
the frequency value is decreases.
The following waveform shows the output signal for RC phase shift Oscillator,

I have drawn the output signal and calculated the frequency values of a given RC phase shift oscillator.

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1. What is positive feedback Amplifier?

2. State Barkhausen condition for oscillation.

3. What are the classifications of oscillators?

4. What are the types of RC oscillators?

5. What is the frequency of RC phase shift oscillator?

6. Applications of RC oscillators?

7. In RC phase shift oscillator, each RC section gives how much phase shift?

8. In AF oscillators which oscillators are used?

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog circuits lab Dec-2021 LC Oscillator Page : 53 off 94

Experiment No. : 9 Date :

Name of the Experiment : LC OSCILLATOR

To draw the sine wave form and to calculate its frequency values of a given LC
1. Regulated power supply ( RPS ) ------------------------- 1 No.
2. Cathode ray oscilloscope --------------------------------- 1 No.
3. Decade Inductance Box ( DIB ) ------------------------- 1 No.
4. Decade Capacitance Box ( DCB ) ----------------------- 1 No.
5. Bread board ------------------------------------------------ 1 No.
6. Probes ------------------------------------------------------ 1 No.
7. Connecting wires ------------------------------------------ 1 No.
1. Resistors : 1KΩ, 1.5 KΩ, 10 KΩ, 47 KΩ ----------- Each 1 No.
2. Capacitors : 0.1µF, 0.01µF ------------------------------ Each 1 No.
3. Transistor : BC547 ------------------------------------- 1 No.
Oscillator :
An amplifier that converts DC signal as input to AC signal as output like a square wave or sine wave etc.
and variable frequency drive by using positive feedback is known as an oscillator. Oscillators that use capacitor
C and inductor L in the circuit are termed as an LC circuit which falls into the category of a linear oscillator.
There are various methods to design this LC oscillator. The most familiar oscillators among those LC oscillators
are Colpitts oscillator and Hartley oscillator.
In these two types of oscillators, the Colpitts oscillator is the most used oscillator. Edwin Colpitts
invented this Colpitts oscillator in 1918. Now here we can do the Colpitts oscillator experiment .
Colpitts Oscillator :
This oscillator forms a tank circuit by using two center-tapped capacitors in series with a parallel
inductor and produces sinusoidal oscillations. The frequency of oscillations can be obtained by taking the values
of the capacitors and inductors into consideration. In some ways, this oscillator is similar to the Hartley
oscillator and in some ways, it varies.
The tank circuit connected between the collector and base of a transistor amplifier for obtaining
sinusoidal output

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1. Made the connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. Switched ON the RPS and CRO.
3. Set the VCC value as 12V in RPS.
4. Set the inductance(L) value as 5mH in DIB .
5. Set the Capacitor C2 value as 1nF (0.001µF or 1Kpf) in DCB.
6.. We observed Sine wave form as a output signal in the CRO.
7. Drawn the sine wave form on the graph by taking the time period on X-axis and amplitude(VO(p-p)) on Y-
8. Calculated the frequency and output voltage (VO (p-p) ) values from the graph then noted in the columns
of practical frequency and output voltage in the tabular form respectively.
9. Repeat the same procedure from points 5 to 7 for corresponding C 2 values which are given below,
a). 2.2 nF ( 0.0022 µF or 2.2Kpf ).
b). 3.3 nF ( 0.0033 µF or 3.3Kpf ).
10. Switch OFF the RPS and CRO.
11. Finally calculated and noted down the theoretical frequency value (FO) by using the formula,

1 / (2∏√(LCT) ) in the tabular form.

12. I compared that theoretical frequency value (FO) and practical frequency values are approximately same.

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Colpitt’s oscillator :
Sl Capa Capa Indu- Total Theoretical Practical Pract- Output
Citor Citor ctor. Capaci- Frequency (fo) = Time Ical voltage
No. tance (CT) Period. frequency
(C1) (C2) (L) (VO p-p)
In In In KHz. In
In KHz µS Volts.
mH In nF
1. 10Kpf 1Kpf 5
2. 10Kpf 2.2Kpf 5
3. 10Kpf 3.3Kpf 5

The following waveform shows the output signal for Colpitt’s Oscillator,

I have drawn the output signal and calculated the frequency values of a given Colpitt’s oscillator.

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VIVA VOCE Questions:

1. What is positive feedback Amplifier?

2. What are the conditions for oscillations?

3. What are the classifications of oscillators?

4. What are the types of LC oscillators?

5. What is the frequency of Hartley oscillator?

6. What is the frequency of Colpitts oscillator?

7. Applications of LC oscillators?

8. In Colpitts oscillator, feedback circuit consists of how many Inductors and capacitors?

9. In RF oscillators which oscillators are used?

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Bistable Multivibrator Page : 57 off 94

Experiment No. : 10 Date :

Name of the Experiment : BISTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR

To conduct and verify the Bi stable multi vibrator and draw the waveforms.
1. Regulated power supply ( RPS ) ------------------------- 1 No.
2. Cathode ray oscilloscope --------------------------------- 1 No.
3. Function Generator ------------------------ 1 No.
4. Bread board ------------------------------------------------ 1 No.
5. Probes ------------------------------------------------------ 1 No.
6. Connecting wires ------------------------------------------ 1 No.
1. Resistors : 694 Ω, 1KΩ, 10KΩ, 100 KΩ ----------- 2 No.
2. Capacitors : 0.1µF / 100nF ------------------------------ 2 No.
0.33 / 330nF ------------------------------------- 1 No.
3. Transistor : BC547 --------------------------------------------- 2 No.
4. Diodes 1N4007 --------------------------------------- 3 Nos.
Multivibrator :
Multivibrator is an electronic circuit which will work as two stage amplifier operating in both stable and astable
mode.In the multivibrator the output of first stage is given to the second stage and the second stage output is
again feed back to the first stage by this the cutoff state will become saturate and saturate
Bistable Multivibrator :
Bistable multivibrator, in which the circuit is stable in either state. It can be flipped from one state to the
other by an external trigger pulse. This circuit is also known as a flip-flop. It can store one bit of information,
and is widely used in digital logic and computer memory.
In other words a multivibrator which has both the state stable is called a bistable multivibrator. It is also
called flip-flop, trigger circuit or binary.
When the input is below a different (lower) chosen threshold the output is low, and when the input is
between the two levels the output retains its value. This dual threshold action is called hysteresis and implies
that the Schmitt trigger possesses memory and can act as a bistable multivibrator (latch or flip-flop).

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1. I Made the connections as per the circuit diagram
2. Applied the trigger pulse of 1KHz, 5VP-P from function generator
3. Obtained waveforms at different points such as VB1, VB2, VC1 and VC2
4. Traced the waveform at collector and base of each transistor with the help of dual trace CRO.
5. Noted the time relation waveforms.

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I have conducted and verified the Bistable multivibrator.

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VIVA VOCE Questions:

1. What is Multi-vibrator?

2. Mention the Applications of Bi-stable Multi-vibrator.

3. Schmitt Trigger is basically which Multi- vibrator?

4. Bi-stable Multi-vibrator is having how many stable states?

5. What are the types of Multi-vibrators?

6. Mention advantages & disadvantages of Bi-stable Multi-vibrator.

7. Bi-stable Multi vibrator can be used for storing information. (True or False).

8. Compare Mono-stable, Bi-stable and Astable multi-vibrators.

9. Which Multi vibrator is Triggered oscillator?

10. Bi-stable circuit is also known as . ( Latch / Gate / Flip-Flop/ Bi directional


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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Monostable Multivibrator Page : 61 off 94

Experiment No. : 11 Date :

Name of the Experiment : MONO STABLE MULTIVIBRATOR
To conduct and verify the Mono stable multi vibrator and draw the waveforms.
1. Regulated power supply ( RPS ) ------------------------- 1 No.
2. Cathode ray oscilloscope --------------------------------- 1 No.
3. Function Generator ------------------------ 1 No.
4. Bread board ------------------------------------------------ 1 No.
5. Probes ------------------------------------------------------ 1 No.
6. Connecting wires ------------------------------------------ 1 No.
1. Resistors : 694 Ω, 1KΩ, 10 KΩ, 100 KΩ --------- Each 2 No
2. Capacitors : 0.1µF / 100nF ---------------------------- 2 No.
0.33 / 330nF ----------------------------- 1 No.
3. Transistor : BC547 ------------------------------------- 2 No.
4. Diodes 1N4007 ------------------------------- 3 Nos.
A monostable multivibrator, also called a one shot or a monoflop, is a sequential logic electronic circuit
that generates an output pulse. When triggered, a pulse of pre-defined duration is produced. The circuit then
returns to its stable state and produces no more output until triggered again.
Monostable Multivibrators have only ONE stable state (hence their name: “Mono”), and produce a
single output pulse when it is triggered externally. Monostable Multivibrators only return back to their first
original and stable state after a period of time determined by the time constant of the RC coupled circuit.
Multivibrator is an electronic circuit which will work as two stage amplifier operating in both stable and
astable mode.In the multivibrator the output of first stage is given to the second stage and the second stage
output is again feed back to the first stage by this the cutoff state will become saturate and saturate.

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To design a monostable multivibrator for the Pulse width of 0.3 mSec.
Let ICmax = 15mA, VCC = 15V, VBB = 15V, R1 = 10K%u2126.
T =0.69RC
Choose C = 10nf(0.01µF) T = 0.69 RC
0.3 x 10 Sec = 0.69 x R x 10 x 10-9

R = 43.47 Kohms ≈ 47Kohms

RC = (VCC- VCESAT) / ICMAX = (15 − 0.3) / 15 X 10-3
= 1 Kohms
Minimum requirement of | VB1| ≤ 0.1
For more margin, given VB1 = -1.185
Theoretical calculations : TON = 0.69 RC
R= 47K%u2126 and C = 10nF or 0.01µF
Note : Normally Monostable Multivibrator generates single pulse output whenever a trigger is given. To
observe this output storage oscilloscope is required.
1. I made the connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. Selected the triggering pulse such that the frequency is less than 1/T

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3. Applied the triggering input to the circuit and to the CRO’s channel and connected the CRO channel-2 to the
collector and base of the Transistor Q1 & Q2.
4. Adjusted the triggering pulse frequency to get stable pulse on the CRO and now measure the pulse width.
5. Obtained wave forms at different points like VB1, VB2, VC1 and VC2 and plotted the graph.


I have conducted and verified the Mono stable Multi vibrator

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VIVA VOCE Questions:

1. What is Multi-vibrator?

2. Mention the Applications of Mono stable Multi-vibrator.

3. Why mono-stable multi-vibrator is also called as delay circuit?

4. Mono-stable Multi-vibrator is having how many stable states?

5. What are the types of Multi-vibrators?

6. Which one is one shot Multi- vibrator?

7. What is Quasi stable?

8. Circuit which consists of a quasi -stable state is called Multi vibrator.

9. Mono stable Multi-vibrator is also referred as .

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Astable Multivibrator Page : 65 off 94

Experiment No. : 12 Date :

Name of the Experiment : ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR
To conduct and verify the Astable multi vibrator and draw the waveforms.
1. Regulated power supply ( RPS ) ------------------------- 1 No.
2. Cathode ray oscilloscope --------------------------------- 1 No.
3. Function Generator ------------------------ 1 No.
4. Bread board ------------------------------------------------ 1 No.
5. Probes ------------------------------------------------------ 1 No.
6. Connecting wires ------------------------------------------ 1 No.
1. Resistors : 1KΩ, 10 KΩ, 100 KΩ ---------------------------- Each 2 No.
2. Capacitors : 0.1µF / 100nF ---------------------------- 2 No.
3. Transistor : BC547 ------------------------------------- 2 No.
Astable Multivibrator is a two stage switching circuit in which the output of the first stage is fed to the
input of the second stage and vice versa. The outputs of both the stages are complementary. This free running
multivibrator generates square wave without any external triggering pulse.
It is also called free-running relaxation oscillator. It has no stable state but only two quasi-stable states
between which it keeps oscillating continuously of its own accord without any external excitation. When one
transistor is in ON state and other remains in OFF state.
As a timing oscillator or clock of a computer system. It is also used for a flashing lights, switching and
power supply circuits.
Advantages :
1. They work consistently and are not influenced by any outside forces or events.
2. They are inexpensive.
3. They are simple in design.
4. They can remain functional for an extraordinary length of time.
Disadvantages :
They do not transfer the entire output signal to the input due to several reasons like:
1. There is resistance within the circuit.
2. Absence of a completely closed loop at the output terminals.
3. One capacitor or transistor has a tendency to absorb energy at a slightly different rate than the other.
4. Even though the amplifier restores the lost energy when it amplifies the signal, the signal is too small.

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Design Procedure:
The period T is given by
T = T1 + T2 = 0.69 (R1C1 + R2C2)
For symmetrical circuit, with R1 = R2 = R & C1 = C2 = C
T = 1.38 RC
Let VCC = 12V; hfe = 51 (for BC107), VBESat = 0.7V; VCESat = 0.3V Let C = 0.1 F & T = 1mSec.
10-3 = 1.38 x R X 0.1 X 10-6
R = 7.24K (Practically choose 10K ) i.e., R1 and R2 resistors.
Let ICmax=10mA

RC = = 1.17K ( 1K is selected for Rc1 and Rc2)

Theoretical calculations : F = 1/ T = (1/1.38RC)
R = 10K C = 0.1 F
1. I have made the connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. Observed the Base Voltage and Collector Voltages of Q1 & Q2 on CRO in DC mode
and measured the frequency (f = 1/T).
3. Traced the waveforms at collector and base as each transistor with the help of dual trace CRO and
plot the waveforms.
4. Verified the practical output frequency with theoretical values f = 1/T, where T =

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I have conducted and verified the Astable Multivibrator.

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VIVA VOCE Questions:

11. What is Multi-vibrator?

12. What are the types of Multi-vibrators?

13. What is Astable Multi-vibrator?

14. Mention the Applications of Astable Multi-vibrator.

15. Astable Multi-vibrator is having how many stable states?

16. Which one is Square wave oscillator?

17. Which of the multi-vibrator used in Relaxation oscillators?

18. Compare Mono-stable, Bi-stable and Astable multi-vibrators.

19. What is Quasi stable?

20. Free running Multi vibrator generates Square wave. ( True or False)

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Two Stg. RC Cpld Amplifier Page : 69 off 94

Experiment No. : 13 Date :


i). To obtain the frequency response of Two stage RC Coupled Amplifier.
ii). To calculate the bandwidth of this amplifier.
1). Function Generator ----- 1 No.
2). Cathode Ray Oscilloscope ----- 1 No.
3). Regulated Power Supply ----- 1 No.
4). Bread Board ----- 1 No.
5). Probes ----- 2 No.
6). Connecting wires ----- A Few Nos.
1). Transisitor a). BC547 NPN ----- 2No.
2). Resistors a). 1K Ω, 2.2 K Ω, 10 K Ω, 47 K Ω ------ Each 2 No.
b). 100 K Ω ----- 1 No.
3). Capacitors 10 µF, 22 µF ----- Each 3 No.
RC coupling is the most widely used method of coupling in multistage amplifiers. ... In this case the
resistance R is the resistor connected at the collector terminal and the capacitor C is connected in between the
amplifiers. It is also called a blocking capacitor, since it will block DC voltage.
In RC coupling, a capacitor is used as the coupling device. The capacitor connects the output of one
stage to the input of the next stage in order to pass the a.c. signal on while blocking the d.c. bias voltages.
In this way overall voltage gain can be increased, when number of amplifier stage is used in succession,
it is called a multistage amplifier. The load of first amplifier is the input resistance of the second amplifier. Thus
overall gain is reduced. The output of one stage is connected to the input of next stage through the coupling
capacitor.It increases the overall gain of the amplifier and decreases the overall bandwidth of the amplifier.
The applications are : Optical Fiber Communications. Public address systems as pre-
amplifiers. Controllers. Radio or TV Receivers as small signal amplifiers.

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1. We have connected the circuit as per the circuit diagram which is shown above.
2. Initially connected the probe across the function generator as per shown in the circuit diagram to set the
input signal.
1. Switched ON the CRO and function generator.
2. Applied the input signal as sine wave form having the values of 20mp-p , 1KHz.from the function
generator by observing in the CRO.
3. Removed the probe from that place and connected it across the CC2 to observe the output of single stage.
4. Switched ON the RPS and kept the 10V as VCC.
5. Kept the amplitude of the input signal as constant as 20mVp-p for all frequency steps.
6. Noted down the values of output voltage in terms of peak to peak voltages by varying the different
frequency steps in the function generator which are given below,
20Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz, 200KHz, 400KHz, 940KHz, 940KHz, 1MHz.
7. The above readings noted in the tabular form of single stage RC coupled amplifier.
8. Disconnect the probe from CC2 and reconnected it across CC4 to observe the output of second stage.
9. Repeated the same procedure as per point 8 for tabular form of Two stage RC Coupled Amplifier.
10. Now calculated and noted down the values in the tabular form of single stage RC Coupled Amplifier as
per given below,
a). Voltage gain (Av) = Vo / Vi and Gain in dB = 20log10(Av).
b). Plotted the graph between frequency on X- axis and gain in dB on Y- axis.
c). Band width from the graph by using the formula- Band width = f2 – f1
11. Now calculated and noted down the values in the tabular form of Two stage RC Coupled Amplifier as
per given below,
a). Voltage gain (Av) = Vo / Vi and Gain in dB = 20log10(Av).
b). Plotted the graph between frequency on X- axis and gain in dB on Y- axis.
c). Band width from the graph by using the formula- Band width = f4 – f3

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Input Voltage (Vi) = 20mVP-P (0.02V) is constant for all readings

(For Single stage & Two stage RC coupled Amplifier)
For Single stage RC coupled Amplifier For Two stage RC coupled Amplifier
Sl. Frequ- Voltage Gain in Frequ- Output Gain in
Voltage Voltage
No. ency Gain dB= ency Voltage dB =
In (VO) In AV= 20log10 In (VO) In gain 20log10
Hz/KHz. mVolts. Vo/Vi (AV) Hz/KHz. mVolts. AV=Vo/Vi (AV)
1 20 Hz.
2 100 Hz.
3 200 Hz.
4 500 Hz.
5 1 KHz.
6 200KHz.
7 400KHz.
8 940KHz.
9 940KHz.
10 1 MHz.

I got the Sine wave form on the CRO as output signal for both RC Coupled Amplifiers which is shown below,

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The following graph shows the frequency response curves of both Single stage & Two stage RC coupled

1). Band width “single stage RC coupled amplifier = f2 – f1
2). Band width “two stage RC coupled amplifier = f4 – f3
1. I have observed that
a). The bandwidth of Two stage RC coupled amplifier is less as compared to Single stage RC coupled
amplifier and
b). The gain of Two stage RC coupled amplifier is more as compared to Single stage RC coupled amplifier
I verified / drawn the frequency response curve and found the bandwidth values of a single stage & two
stage RC coupled amplifiers. The band width values are,
1). Band width of single stage RC coupled amplifier =
2). Band width of two stage RC coupled amplifier =

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1. Need for multi stage amplifier?

2. What are the different coupling schemes?

3. Applications of Multi stage amplifiers?

4. Mention Advantages of Multistage Amplifiers.

5. What is Band Width?

6. What is cascade Amplifier?

7. What is the gain in Two stage RC coupled amplifier ?

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Class-B Power Amplifier Page : 75 off 94

Experiment No. : 14 Date :


1. To draw the output signal (sine wave form) on the graph of a given complementary symmetry push-pull
class-Bpush-pull power amplifier.
2. To study the operation of this amplifier.
3. To calculate the conversion efficiency of a given power amplifier.
1. Regulated power supply ( RPS ) ------------------------ 1 No.
2. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope ( CRO) ------------------------ 1 No.
3. Function generator -------------------------------------------- 1 No.
4. Probes ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
5. Ammeters :
i). (0-10) mA Digital / Analog DC Type --------- 1 No.
3. Bread board ---------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
4. Connecting wires ---------------------------------------------- A few Nos.
1. Transistors : BC 547, BC 557 -------------------------------- Each 1No.
2. Resistors :
i). 220 KΩ, 18 KΩ --------------------------------------------- Each 2 No.
ii). 1 KΩ ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 No.
iii). 10Ω ---------------------------------------------------------- 3 No.
3. Capacitors : 10 µF -------------------------------------- 2 No.
Class B amplifier is a type of power amplifier where the active device (transistor) conducts only for one
half cycle of the input signal. That means the conduction angle is 194° for a Class B amplifier. Since the active
device is switched off for half the input cycle, the active device dissipates less power and hence the efficiency is
improved. Theoretical maximum efficiency of Class B power amplifier is 78.5%.
Class-B or Push-pull amplifiers use two “complementary” or matching transistors, one being an NPN-
type and the other being a PNP-type with both power transistors receiving the same input signal together that is
equal in magnitude, but in opposite phase to each other. This results in one transistor only amplifying one half
or 194o of the input waveform cycle while the other transistor amplifies the other half or remaining 194o of the
input waveform cycle with the resulting “two-halves” being put back together again at the output terminal.
Then the conduction angle for this type of amplifier circuit is only 194o or 50% of the input signal. This pushing
and pulling effect of the alternating half cycles by the transistors gives this type of circuit its amusing “push-
pull” name, but are more generally known as the Class B Amplifier

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The basic class B amplifiers are used in two complementary transistors which are FET and bipolar.
Power amplifiers are used in broadcast transmitters, wireless transmitters and high audio systems. Bipolar
transistors are used for these applications. Power output and efficiency are mostly considered in power

Advantages Disadvantages

Very low standing bias current. Negligible power

Creates Crossover distortion.
consumption without signal.

Can be used for much more powerful outputs than Supply current changes with signal, stabilised supply
class A may be needed.

More efficient than Class A. More distortion than Class A.


1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.
2. Initially connected the CRO across the Function generator.
3. Switched ON the Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) and Function generator.
4. Applied the 4Vp-p , 10 KHz sine wave signal to the circuit from the Function generator by observing
on the crt of the CRO.
5. Later connected the CRO across RL i.e. at output side.
6. Now switched ON the Regulated Power Supply (RPS) and apply the supply voltage +10V from one
channel (+VCC) and -10V from another (-VCC) to the circuit as per shown in the figure.

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7. Observed the sine wave signal on the CRT of the CRO and draw this signal on the graph sheet.
8. Now noted down the collector dc current I(dc) at Quiescent condition i.e. when no signal is applied by
disconnected the function generator from the circuit and supply voltage (VCC) against the corresponding
columns of the tabular form of practical calculations.
9. Noted down the Input voltage(Vi) , Input frequency against the corresponding columns of the tabular
form of practical calculations.
10. Switched OFF the function generator, RPS, CRO.
11. Calculated the peak to peak voltage (Vop-p) , peak voltage (Vm), time period (T), frequency (f) from the
graph, and noted down these values against the corresponding columns of the tabular form of practical
12. Later calculated the Input dc power Pi(dc), output ac power Po(ac) and % of efficiency (η) by using the
formulas which are mentioned in the corresponding columns of the tabular form of practical
13. Noted that The practical value should be less than the Typical Max. efficiency value i.e. 78.5%.
The practical calculations for the parameters are shown in the following tabular form,
SlNo. Name of the parameter Value
01. Input peak to peak voltage (Vi) ( In Volts). 4
02 Input frequency (In Khz.). 10
03 Positive supply DC Voltage ( +VCC) (in Volts.) 10
Negative supply DC Voltage ( -VCC) (in Volts.) 10
04 Peak to peak voltage of output VO(p-p) (In volts.).
05 Peak voltage of output (Vm) = VO(p-p) / 2 (In volts).
06 Time period (T) for output signal (In ms)
07 Fequency for output signal = 1/ T (In Khz.)
Collector dc current (Idc) (At quesient condition i.e. When no input signal
is applied) (In mA.).
Collector DC current when sine wave (AC) signal is applied as input
signal ( Iac )
10 Input DC power Pi(dc) = Idc × VCC (In mWatts).

Output ac power Po (ac) = (In mWatts) =


13 Typical Max. efficiency (η) = 78.50 %

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Class-B Power Amplifier Page : 78 off 94

The following graph shows for Class B complementary symmetry power amplifier.

I have drawn the graph for output signal and calculated the conversion efficiency of given
complementary symmetry Class-B push-pull power amplifier.

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Class-B Power Amplifier Page : 79 off 94

VIVA VOCE Questions:

1. What is Power Amplifier?

2. Classifications of power Amplifiers.

3. Efficiency of class B power Amplifier.

4. Difference between Transformer coupled and Complementary symmetry class B power Amplifier ?

5. What is the Crossover Distortion?

6. Where is the Q point in class B power Amplifier?

7. Applications of class B power Amplifier.

8. What are the disadvantages of class B power Amplifier.

9. Mention the conduction angle of class B power Amplifier.

10. What are the disadvantages of class B power Amplifier.

Dept. of ECE SVR Engineering College Nandyal

II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Data sheet – PN & Zener diode Page : 81 off 94

Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics (@TA = +25°C unless otherwise specified.) Single phase, half wave,
For capacitive load, derate current by 20%.

Characteristic Symbol 1N4001 1N4002 1N4003 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N4007 Unit
Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage VRRM
Working Peak Reverse Voltage DC VRW 50 100 200 400 940 940 1000 V
Blocking Voltage M VR

RMS Reverse Voltage VR(RMS) 35 70 140 294 420 594 700 V

Average Rectified Output Current (Note 1) @ TA =+75C IO 1.0 A

Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3ms

Single Half Sine-Wave Superimposed on Rated Load IFSM 30 A

Forward Voltage @ IF = 1.0A VFM 1.0 V

Peak Reverse Current @TA = +25C 5.0

at Rated DC Blocking Voltage @ TA = +100C IRM 50 A

Typical Junction Capacitance (Note 2) Cj 15 8 pF

Typical Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient RJA 100 K/W

Maximum DC Blocking Voltage Temperature TA +150 C

Operating and Storage Temperature Range TJ, TSTG -65 to +150 C

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Data sheet – PN & Zener diode Page : 82 off 94


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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Data sheet – BJT & UJT Page : 83 off 94



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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Data sheet – BJT & UJT Page : 84 off 94

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Data sheet – BJT & UJT Page : 85 off 94


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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Data sheet – FET&MOSFET Page : 86 off 94


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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Data sheets-JFET&MOSFET Page : 87 off 94

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II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Data sheets-JFET&MOSFET Page : 90 off 94

Dept. of ECE SVR Engineering College Nandyal

II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Rules to operate the RPS&CRO Page : 91 off 94


The flowing rules should be followed before switch ON the Regulated Power Supply,
1. Initially Keep the voltage Course & Voltage fine controls of RPS at minimum position. Later (After
switch ON the RPS) can vary these controls slowly to get the required voltage.
2. Always keep the Current Limit control at maximum position, Otherwise the display can shows the
constant voltage instead of varying.
Trouble shooting while operating the rps :
The following trouble shooting can done while operating the RPS,
During connecting the RPS to the circuit and varying the Voltage Course & Voltage Fine Controls, If it
displays the voltage as constant or above 30V then it can said that either the circuit is shorted OR the Current
Limit control is not kept at maximum position. This problem can solve to prevent the circuit from shorted and
by keeping the Current Limit control at maximum.
The following rules should be follows before operate the CRO.
1. Keep the following controls at middle position or vary until the electron beam is generated.
a) INTENSITY b) FOCUS c) (Horizontal position)
(Horizontal position common for both channels)
d) Vertical Position (Vertical position individual per each channel) e) LEVEL (Trigger Level)
1. Keep the following controls at maximum position.
(a). VARIABLE controls of VOLTS/DIV switch in both channels.
(b). SWP.VAR (Sweep Variation)
2. Keep the following switches at releasing mode.
a) ×10 MAG b) TRIG.ALT c) SLOPE d) ALT/CHOP e) CH2 INV
3. Initially should keep the TIME/DIV control at 1mS position, later can change this switch
depending upon our requirement , i.e. if we can’t get the signal clearly on the CRT, then we can
vary this switch until to get the signal.
4. Set the channel selector control MODE at the appropriate position i.e. if we want to seethe
signal in channel1, set this control at CH1, in channel2 set at CH2, in both channels
set at DUAL. To add the signals (algebraically sum or difference) available in both channels set atADD.
5. AC/GND/DC: Before setting the signals on CRT, first we should keep the electron beam on reference line.
To set this beam on reference line, keep this control at GND positio and then vary vertical position control
until to get the beam on the reference line. After that to see the applied signals, keep this control at AC or
DC positions.
6. Always keep the TRIGGER MODE control at AUTO position.
7. Keep the SOURCE control at approximate channel. It means if MODE control is selectedto
CH1, then the SORCE control should select to CH1. If MODE control at CH2, set the
SOURCE control at CH2. If MODE control at DUAL or ADD, set the SOURCE control
either at CH1 or CH2.

Dept. of ECE SVR Engineering College Nandyal

II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Rules to write Observation & Record Page : 92 off 94

Rules for how to write the observation and records:

1. Make the top & right margins in each page of right side.
2. In top margin make the headings as Experiment No., date and name of the experiment.
3. Circuit diagrams, tabular columns, expected graphs and parameters/calculations should write
on leftside page (even No. page) .
4. Aim, apparatus, components, theory, procedure, applications, conclusion and result should
write onright side page (Odd No. Page) .
5. Headings should underline with any other ink except red, orange and green.
6. The every new experiment should start with right side page.
7. leave the half of the page under the heading of theory.

Dept. of ECE SVR Engineering College Nandyal

II-1 B.Tech-ECE-R20-Analog Circuits lab Dec-2021 Syllabus Copy Page : 93 off 94



1. Design and Analysis of Darlington pair.
2. Frequency response of CE – CC multistage Amplifier
3. Design and Analysis of Cascode Amplifier.
4. Frequency Response of Differential Amplifier
5. Design and Analysis of Series – Series feedback amplifier and find the frequency
response of it.
6. Design and Analysis of Shunt – Shunt feedback amplifier and find the frequency
response of it.
7. Design and Analysis of Class A power amplifier
8. Design and Analysis of Class AB amplifier
9. Design and Analysis of RC phase shift oscillator
10. Design and Analysis of LC Oscillator
11. Frequency Response of Single Tuned amplifier
12. Design and Analysis of Bistable Multivibrator
13. Design and Analysis of Monostable Multivibrator
14. Design and Analysis of Astable Multivibrator

Note : 1. At least 12 experiments shall be performed.

2. Both BJT and MOSFET based circuits shall be implemented.
3. Faculty members who are handling the laboratory shall see that students are given design
specifications for a given circuit appropriately and monitor the design and analysis aspects of
the circuit.
4. Know about the usage of equipment/components/software tools used to conduct the
Experiments in analog circuit.

Dept. of ECE SVR Engineering College Nandyal

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