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Francis Y. Fiesta Grade 12-Zeus

This document contains research questions proposed by Francis Y. Fiesta for their study on the impacts of COVID-19 on the academic motivation of senior high school students in Mabini National High School. The five questions examine how COVID-19 has affected academic motivation, the major changes in motivation, and how the transition to online learning has impacted student motivation. The document also contains an essay on the principles of social science theories and definitions of key social science disciplines like anthropology, economics, geography, linguistics, history, political science, sociology, and demography. It discusses the contributions and significance of social science disciplines in creating better social systems and helping people understand how to interact in society.
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0% found this document useful (0 votes)
17 views6 pages

Francis Y. Fiesta Grade 12-Zeus

This document contains research questions proposed by Francis Y. Fiesta for their study on the impacts of COVID-19 on the academic motivation of senior high school students in Mabini National High School. The five questions examine how COVID-19 has affected academic motivation, the major changes in motivation, and how the transition to online learning has impacted student motivation. The document also contains an essay on the principles of social science theories and definitions of key social science disciplines like anthropology, economics, geography, linguistics, history, political science, sociology, and demography. It discusses the contributions and significance of social science disciplines in creating better social systems and helping people understand how to interact in society.
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What I Can Do
State research questions
1. What are the impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic to the
academic motivation among the Senior High School
students in Mabini National High School?

2. How is COVID-19 Pandemic affecting the academic

motivation of Senior High School students in Mabini
National High School?

3. What are the major changes that arise in the academic

motivation of students in Senior High School in Mabini
National High School?

4. How is COVID-19 affects the academic motivation of

Senior High School Students in Mabini National High

5. How has the change to online learning impacted upon

academic motivation of student in Senior High School of
Mabini National High School

Learning Activity 5 ESSAY!

Principles of the Social Science Theories

The word science is based on the Latin verb scire which means “to know”. It
comes from the presence participle of that verb, sciens, thus literally means
“knowing”. Science is a way of knowing. Social science deals with knowledge of
society and the social world. Social science deals with knowledge of society and
the social world. Focuses on the study of socially constructed phenomena and how
they relate to each other, the structure of society, and the activity of its members.
Divided into a number of areas - anthropology, communication, economics,
history, political science, psychology and sociology with each of these fields
concentrating on a different aspect of the social world. The word theory comes
from the Greek theoria, which means “a looking at”. A theory is simply one’s
understanding of how something works. Theories we accept we may affectionately
refer to as common sense, common knowledge.
Science is another source of theories. In fact, science is all about theory. The
goal of science is to produce and test theories. The major difference between
science and the other way of knowing is that science constantly questions itself.
The notion of testing and revising is what separates scientific theories from the
informality that characterize informal theories. What we believe today, that our
children will not believe tomorrow.
Theory Courses explain the “why” or the big picture. The Oxford Dictionary
defines a theory as “A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain
something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to
be explained”. Social science theory is 'a systematic explanation for the observed
facts and laws that relate to a specific aspect of life'. There is a sense in which we
develop theories all the time in our everyday lives.


1. Rock can be displayed in crystal or transparent vase/jar.




ROLE OF THE DISCIPLINE Science Disciplines
Anthropology The study of human Anthropology provides the possibility to
beings and their study every aspect of human existence. it They create better
ancestors through is the window into the unknown. institutions and
time and space and in anthropology provides the answer to our systems that affect
relation to physical questions about ourselves, our past, people's lives every
character, present and future. anthropology helps to day. Thus, social
environmental and connect everyone from around the globe. sciences help people
social relations, and understand how to
culture. interact with the social
Economics Economics is a social Economics is regarded as a social science world how to
science concerned because it uses scientific methods to build influence policy,
with the production, theories that can help explain the develop networks,
distribution, and behaviour of individuals, groups and increase government
consumption of goods organisations. Economics attempts to accountability, and
and services. It studies explain economic behaviour, which arises promote democracy.
how individuals, when scarce resources are exchanged.
governments, and
nations make choices
about how to allocate
Geography Geography is the Geography is a focus within the
study of places and the curriculum for understanding and
relationships between resolving issues about the environment
people and their and sustainable development. It is also an
environments. important link between the natural and
Geographers explore social sciences. As pupils study
both the physical geography, they encounter different
properties of Earth's societies and cultures.
surface and the human
societies spread across
Linguistics the systematic study of Linguistics helps us understand our world.
human language, lies Apart from simply understanding the
at the crossroads of the intricacies of world languages, this
humanities and the knowledge can be applied to improving
social sciences. communication between people,
Linguistics is a contributing to translation activities,
theoretical discipline assisting in literacy efforts, and treating
with ties to such areas speech disorders.
as cognitive
philosophy, logic,
computer science and
History the study of man's past It is important because its study helps us
and his decisions in to gain knowledge of the society we live
order to find in.
relationships between
the events and causes
for them.

Political Science is the scientific study Its goal is to deepen human understanding
of politics. It is a of the forms and nature of political action
social science dealing and to develop theoretical tools for
with systems of interpreting politically meaningful
governance and phenomena. The discipline deals with the
power, and the traditional fields of public national life,
analysis of political such as democracy, parliaments,
activities, political politicians, elections and the government
thought, political
behavior, and
constitutions and laws.
Sociology a social science Analyses the data of social and cultural
that studies human phenomena. It has a critical role in
societies, their revealing societal dysfunctions and social
interactions, and the evils and in presenting new interpretations
processes that preserve of society and social practices. Sociology
and change them. ... offers new ways of perceiving and
Sociology also studies analysing social life
social status or
stratification, social
movements, and social
change, as well as
societal disorder in the
form of crime,
deviance, and
Demography is the branch of social Help us to know how far the growth rate
sciences concerned of the economy is keeping pace with the
with the study of growth rate of population. If population is
human populations, increasing at a faster rate, the pace of
their structure and development of the economy will be slow.
change (through
births, deaths, and
migration), and their
relationship with the
natural environment
and with social and
economic change.

What I Can Do
Indicate your scope and delimitation of the study

1. What are the variables to be included and excluded?

- This study focuses on the impacts of COVID-19
Pandemic to the academic motivation of students in
Senior high school of MNHS.

2. Why are you doing this study?

- To examine and investigate the impacts of COVID-19
pandemic to the academic motivation of students of

3. When are you going to conduct this study?

- I’m going to conduct this study when our research
teacher give a go signal.

4. Where are you going to gather your data?

- I’m going to gather my data at MNHS Senior high
school department.

5. Who will be your respondents?

- My respondents are the selected SHS students at
Mabini National High School.

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