Lesson 44

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Psychological Testing and Measurement (PSY-P631) VU

Lesson 44
Assessment and Psychological Testing in Clinical & Counseling Settings

Psychological testing is a part of psychological assessment. Assessment is more than testing. It involves
behavioral observation, interviews, and examination of case history. In the counseling and clinical settings
psychological tests may be used as independent tools or as part of a complete assessment package.

Tests used in Clinical and Counseling Psychology:

In these settings psychological tests are used for diagnosis, induction in treatment groups or hospitals, for
general assessment, and for gauging the rate of recovery. All intelligence and personality tests may be used.
For example, HTP can depict psychopathology.
Some tests are used for diagnosing specific learning disabilities e.g. Kaufman Test of Educational
Achievement (K-TEA).

The counseling or clinical psychologists commonly use tests for the following purposes:
• General assessment of ability/ IQ
• General assessment of personality
• Diagnosis of intellectual deficits
• Diagnosis of mental disorders
• Assessment of aptitude
• Neuropsychological assessment
• Assessment of learning disabilities
You are familiar with many of the tests used for the above mentioned purposes. In addition to these tests
behavioral assessment also proves to be an important tool.

Neuropsychological Testing:
In this section we will discuss areas that need special attention.
Neuropsychological testing is an area of psychological assessment that is quite complicated, particularly
when it is with reference to the diagnosis of brain damage. The assessment may involve an extensive battery
of tests. The person may be tested in a number of areas; cognitive ability, verbal ability, spatial relations etc.
A number of tests are required for making an exact diagnosis of the problem.

Some of the tests used for neuropsychological testing include the following:

Bender- Gestalt test and Benton Visual Retention Test: These two tests are quite commonly used for
neuropsychological testing. However, a single test may not prove to be an accurate instrument. Therefore,
batteries of tests are preferred for this purpose.

Halstead- Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery (HRB- Reitan &Wolfson, 1993) and the Luria-
Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Batteries like these are preferred over single tests because rather
than providing information in one particular area they can provide information in a variety of areas.

According to Anastasi & Urbina (2007) these batteries are useful tools because:
• They provide measures of all significant neuropsychological skills.
• These and similar standardized batteries can detect brain damage with a high degree of success.
• Such a battery can help identify and localize the impaired brain areas.
• Differentiation between particular syndromes associated with cerebral pathology can be made.

Behavioral Assessment:
• The behavioral assessment procedures include the following:
• Self-report by the client
• Direct observation of behavior
• Physiological measures

©copyright Virtual University of Pakistan

Psychological Testing and Measurement (PSY-P631) VU

Self-report By The Client:

• Self-reports can be made in various forms such as inventories and checklists.
• Clinical interviews can also be one of the procedures used for this purpose.
• One of the most commonly used such tools is the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).
• The BDI involves self-ratings on 21 items that help assess the severity of depression.
• Alcohol Use Inventory (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990) is another such instrument.
• Some instruments involve multiple informants.

The Social Skills Rating System (SSRS):

Gresham &Elliott, 1990
Positive and problematic behaviors of students in educational and family settings can be evaluated.
There are separate forms for parents, teachers, and students themselves.

Behavior Assessment System for Children / BASC:

• This is one of the most comprehensive instruments of its kind.
• It includes behavior rating scales for teachers as well as parents.
• The children can be given a self-report questionnaire.
• This system also contains a form that can be used for coding and recording classroom behavior.
• In order to take developmental history from parents an additional structured interview is also available.

Direct Observation Of Behavior:

It may be recorded by the psychologist, parents, teachers or any other designated person
The observation takes place in naturalistic setting. The observation may be recorded in the form of
narratives, checklists, rating scales, record forms or similar tools.

Physiological Measures:
Depending on the nature of problem a number of physiological measures may be used.
Such measures are employed in case of cases of anxiety, sleep disorders or similar cases.
These measures may include measures of cardiovascular activity, cerebral functioning, electrodermal, and
electro- ocular activity. Behavioral assessment and clinical judgment

Evaluation of Various Assessment Techniques:

All techniques have their advantages and disadvantages. The psychologists may choose any method that
best serves their purpose and has minimum limitations.

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