Bank Management System V B
Bank Management System V B
Bank Management System V B
1. Acknowledgement 2
2. Certificate 3
3 Introduction 5
4. Objective 6
5. Project Category 7
6. Tool/ Environment 15
8. Program Structure 17
9. Coding 21
10. Documentation 53
12. References 55
Bank Management System
During the past several decades personnel function has been transformed from
a relatively obscure record keeping staff to central and top level management
function. There are many factors that have influenced this transformation like
technological advances, professionalism, and general recognition of human beings as
most important resources.
A computer based management system is designed to handle all the primary
information required to calculate monthly statements of customer account which
include monthly statement of any month. Separate database is maintained to handle
all the details required for the correct statement calculation and generation.
This project intends to introduce more user friendliness in the various
activities such as record updation, maintenance, and searching. The searching of
record has been made quite simple as all the details of the customer can be obtained
by simply keying in the identification or account number of that customer. Similarly,
record maintenance and updation can also be accomplished by using the account
number with all the details being automatically generated. These details are also being
promptly automatically updated in the master file thus keeping the record absolutely
The entire information has maintained in the database or Files and whoever
wants to retrieve can’t retrieve, only authorization user can retrieve the necessary
information which can be easily be accessible from the file.
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
The entire information has maintained in the database or Files and whoever
wants to retrieve can’t retrieve, only authorization user can retrieve the necessary
information which can be easily be accessible from the file.
Inconsistent as it is, try to mimic Visual Basic's own error handling scheme as
much as possible.
When you call a Visual Basic routine that can fail, what is the standard way
that the routine signals the failure to you? It probably won't be via a return value. If it
were, procedures, for one, would have trouble signaling failure. Most (but not all)
routines raise an error (an exception) when they want to signal failure. (This applies to
procedures, functions, and methods.) For example, Create Object raises an exception
if it cannot create an object—for whatever reason; Open does the same if it cannot
open a file for you. (Not all routines raise such exceptions. For example, the Choose
function returns Null [thus, it requires a Variant to hold its return value just in case it
ever fails] if you index into it incorrectly.) In other words, if a routine works correctly,
this fact is signaled to the caller by the absence of any error condition.
Routines such as Open work like this primarily so that they can be used more
flexibly. For example, by not handling the error internally, perhaps by prompting the
user in some way, the caller is free to handle errors in the most suitable way.
Bank Management System
Components of OLE DB
Data Consumers
Data consumers are applications that use the data exposed by data providers.
ADO is the programmatic interface for using OLE DB data. Examples of consumers
include high-level data access models such as ADO, business applications written in
development tools such as Visual Basic, C++, or Java, and development tools
themselves. Any application that uses ADO is an OLE DB data consumer.
Service Components
Service components are elements that process and transport data and extend
the functionality of data providers. For example, a cursor engine is a service
component that can consume data from a sequential, forward-only data source to
produce scrollable data. Service components are designed to integrate efficiently to
help OLE DB component vendors develop high-quality OLE DB components.
Data Providers
Data providers are applications, such as Microsoft SQL Server or Exchange.
This includes operating system components, such as a file system, indexed-sequential
files, spreadsheets, document stores, and mail files that have data that other
applications may need to access. These data providers expose OLE DB interfaces that
service components or data consumers can access directly. There is also an OLE DB
Bank Management System
provider for ODBC. This provider makes any ODBC data available to OLE DB data
consumers. However, OLE DB is not dependent on ODBC.
Bank Management System
to the spreadsheet; the spreadsheet only needs to know how to expose its services for
other software components to connect.
Bank Management System
application and component objects to communicate with each other regardless of the
language or development tool in which they were created.
Once you create a COM component, other developers can use it. This enables
easy access to your component's features in other applications without
requiring developers to write extensive code.
Reduced complexity
Easier updating
Components make it easier for you to revise and update your applications. For
example, you can create a COM component that encapsulates business rules.
If the business rules change, you update just the component, not all the
applications that use the component.
When you use COM components in a Visual Basic project, you do not have to
understand all of the mechanics involved in making these components work together.
It is more important to know how to use the component that adds the functionality
Bank Management System
you need to your application. You can find detailed information about COM at
Class Modules
Class modules (.cls files) are the foundation of object-oriented programming
in Visual Basic. They are analogous to a blueprint for a house. Just as a house is built
from a blueprint, new objects are created from class modules. These new objects
include your own customized properties and methods.
A class module is similar to a standard code module (.bas file) because both
contain functionality that can be used by other modules within the application. The
difference is that a class module provides functionality in the form of an object:
Data in a standard module has program scope, which means that it exists for
the life of your program.
Class module data exists for each object that is created from the class. Each
object's data exists only for the lifetime of the object; it is created when the
object is created, and destroyed when the object is destroyed.
Variables declared as public in a standard module are visible from anywhere
in your project. Variables declared as public in a class module can only be
accessed by referencing a particular instance of a class or object.
Bank Management System
component exposes objects that can be used by other applications. Visual Basic
handles much of the complexity of creating COM .exe and .dll files. You can create
three types of COM components with Visual Basic:
ActiveX Controls
Active Documents
Active documents are COM components that must be hosted and activated
within a document container. Active document technology is an extension to
OLE documents. It enables generic shell applications, such as Microsoft
Internet Explorer, to host different types of documents.
AcitveX Code components (COM executable programs and DLLs) are groups,
called libraries, of classes. Client applications use COM objects by creating
instances of classes provided by the COM .exe or .dll file. Client applications
call the properties, methods, and events provided by each COM object. In
Visual Basic, the project templates you use to create a COM components are
referred to as ActiveX EXEs and ActiveX DLLs.
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
The platform is the hardware and software combination that the Client/Server
runs on. While hardware systems vary widely in features and capabilities, certain
common features are needed for the operating system software.
Hardware Specifications
Hardware is a set of physical components, which performs the functions of
applying appropriate, predefined instructions. In other words, one can say that
electronic and mechanical parts of computer constitute hardware.
This package is designed on a powerful programming language Visual Basic.
It is a powerful Graphical User Interface. The backend is ACCESS, which is used to
maintain database. It can run on almost all the popular microcomputers. The
Hardware requirement:
Personal Computer: -
It minimum contains P-III
processor with 128 MB RAM.
Software Requirements:
Bank Management System
To develop software which maintains all the record of day to day -Open Account,
Close or Edit Account, Monthly Statement, Bank summary and Transaction detail
etc. All the record and information is going to be store in Microsoft Access
1. Open Account: -
It consists of new bank account form. A consist new enquiry
information who come to the bank for enquiry about new account (saving, current).
Then he or she fill up the new account form according to their account number
generated automatically and also generate cheui no automatically.
3. Monthly Statement: -
It consists of two sided form monthly statement of bank employee and
monthly statement of saving and current account employee.
4. Bank Summary: -
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Program Structure
1. Account: -
Field size Constraint
Fieldname Field Type
Actno Number Long int Primary
Name Text 50
Address Text 50
Phone Number Double
Act type Text 20
City Text 50
Date Date/time Medium
Chequebook Yes/no
This table is used to maintain open account details. Where employee come
from new account. Which keep all information about employee. Here act no define
primary key.
Bank Management System
Account type
Fieldname Field type Field size Constraint
Type code Text 50
This table is used for which type of account opens a employee, type of account –
saving or current account and also give a account type code.
Balance table
Field Field type Field size Constraint
Actno Number Defaul
Balance Number Long
This table the balance of all type of account, saving or current account.
Bank Management System
Cheque table
Field name Field type Field size Constraint
Actno Number Default
No _from Number Default
No _to Number Default
This table content all account detail and if you open new account and chose
cheque option so give cheque no of your account.
v. Pass table: -
Pass table
Field name Field type Field size Constraint
Name Text 50
Pswd Text 50
Tamp table
Field name Field type Field size Constraint
Actno Number Long int
Temp type Text 50
Ckequeno Number Long int
Amount Number Long int
Date Date/time
This table show the tamp let of all account information and transaction of per day of bank.
Bank Management System
Transaction table
Field name Field type Field size Constraint
Actno Number Long int Primary
Tran type Text 50
Amount Number Long int
act Type Text 50
Chequeno Number Long int
Date Date/time Default
Time Date/time Default
This table contains all per day transaction of bank and also summarized all
money transaction updating and editing.
Bank Management System
Data structure
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Account Details
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Login Form:--
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rs.Open "select * from Pass"
While Not rs.EOF = True
Combo1.AddItem rs(0)
Combo1.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
End Sub
Bank Management System
Form1.AcButton.Enabled = False
Form1.BnkButton.Enabled = False
Form1.TrButton.Enabled = False
Form1.AcClButton.Enabled = False
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Manager" Then
Unload Me
Permission = 1 'For Account Permission Clos account
End If
End Sub
Main Form:--
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
End Sub
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
End Sub
Bank Management System
Call AddDeposite
StatusBar1.Panels(1).Text = "Hello " & s & " " & a
Call ClearField
End If
End Sub
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Coding :-
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Code :-
Bank Management System
Text2.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
'This procedure is to check that the cheque number
'Which is entered is correct or not
Bank Management System
End If
CheqTest = True
End If
CheqTest = True
End If
End Function
'This is the submit button command button that is
'To submit the transaction in the transaction table
'After checking the appropriate field
Bank Management System
End If
End Sub
'This is to Update the balance in database
Bank Management System
End Sub
Private Sub ClearField()
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Combo1.ListIndex = 0
Combo2.ListIndex = 0
Combo3.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
Bank Management System
Combo2.ListIndex = 0
Combo1.ListIndex = 0
Combo3.AddItem "Cheque"
Combo3.AddItem "Withdrawl"
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Label3.Caption = Time
End Sub
Bank Management System
Code :-
Bank Management System
End Sub
End Sub
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Account Statement: User can take the account statement by displaying all the
customers records.
List of all account holders: User can view the consolidated list of all the account
Opening new account: User can open new customer account by adding new record
from customer form.
Bank Management System
This project can be used in the bank after adding some more useful modules in
the project for which banks are providing services, like – opening saving or current
account, giving loans, providing credit or debit card services, ATM services, services
like payment of electricity bills, telephone bills.
Utmost care and back-up procedures must be established to ensure 100%
successful implementation of the computerized banking system. In case of system
failure, the organization should be in a position to process the transaction with another
organization or if the worst comes to the worst, it should be in a position to complete
it manually
This project is designed to meet the requirements of a Banking System. It has been
developed in Visual Basic, keeping in mind the specifications of the system.
For designing the system we have used simple data flow diagrams.
Overall the project teaches us the essential skills like:
Using system analysis and design techniques like data flow diagram in designing
the system.
Understanding the database handling
Bank Management System
Reference: ----